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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-07-29

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Time Nick Message
00:06 bulletrulz joined #minetest
00:07 LemonLake im trying to work out why the heck firewall keeps disabling itself
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00:40 bitsflashing hello
00:41 Exio http://oreilly.com/bookstores/international/south_america.html apparently i can buy o'reilly books in two places
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00:51 WindHero nyaa, my shoulder hurts
00:55 WindHero two hours of weedwhacking straight does wonders...
01:10 GTRsdk joined #minetest
01:11 GTRsdk Is there any difference between the MinGW and MSVC builds?
01:12 khonkhortisan One is cross-compiled, idk other than that.
01:14 WindHero MSVC stands for MicroSoft Virtual Machine, doesn't it?
01:15 FreeFull joined #minetest
01:18 fling |
01:18 GTRsdk I thought it was MicroSoft Visual Compiler
01:18 GTRsdk since they like Visual stuff... Visual Studio, Visual Basic, etc
01:19 Exio khonkhortisan, you could compile a mingw version under windows I think
01:20 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
01:20 khonkhortisan and probably msvc under linux if you really hack up wine
01:21 WindHero A Visual Compiler would make little sense, imho
01:21 WindHero oh wait
01:21 * WindHero hits head on desk
01:22 WindHero if it was virtual machine, it'd be VM, not VC....
01:22 * WindHero is a baka
01:23 Vazon joined #minetest
01:30 GTRsdk How does fog get disabled again?
01:34 WindHero I think it was.... F4?
01:34 WindHero I know it was a Function key
01:35 VanessaE f3.
01:35 VanessaE f4 disables camera/mesh updates
01:36 WindHero :x
01:36 WindHero so close
01:36 WindHero there, added saplings for pine, acacia, and golden trees
01:39 LemonLake goodnight all
01:39 Exio WindHero, i know it is a function key, so i press them until one of them does what i want
01:39 Exio night LemonLake!
01:39 WindHero sayonara, LemonLake
01:39 WindHero too late
01:40 Robby joined #minetest
01:40 GTRsdk thanks VanessaE
01:40 WindHero lol, yup
01:40 WindHero Press 'em until they work
01:41 WindHero And when I use F12 anymore, it creates what looks like a lightly colored alpha map...
01:41 WindHero so I've been Snipping Tool'ing my screenshots
01:46 Akagi201 joined #minetest
02:03 fling how to kill a player?
02:04 fling are not mods provided by games useable as dependencies for mods from other games?
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02:09 WindHero hmm
02:09 WindHero fling: left click another player until they die.  Just don't expect them to take kindly to it
02:09 WindHero also, not sure what you mean by the other question
02:10 fling WindHero: the problem is I'm falling down
02:10 fling WindHero: and server gets out of memory :D
02:10 fling so I want to respawn somehow
02:11 WindHero that's.... unusual
02:11 * fling is installing playertools
02:11 WindHero type /grant singleplayer all
02:11 fling WindHero: delete sqlite files, restart the server, connect
02:11 fling WindHero: you will be falling :P
02:11 WindHero grant yourself all privs, then press 'K' to enable fly and stop falling
02:11 WindHero and don't use singlenode mapgen, lol
02:12 fling WindHero: tried, does not help
02:12 WindHero unless you have SkyTest B)
02:12 fling I'm not using singlenode
02:12 WindHero or use playertools and type /killme
02:12 fling ^ this is what I'm about to do
02:12 fling btw how to check which mapgen is used?
02:13 fling I don't see anything related in world.mt
02:13 WindHero hmm
02:14 Vazon_ joined #minetest
02:15 WindHero open map_meta.txt
02:16 WindHero 3rd line: "mg_name = v6"
02:16 fling thanks
02:17 WindHero if you can't repair your world, you can install some mod that alters terrain in new chunks
02:17 WindHero skylands, experimental_mg, watershed, forests......
02:17 WindHero although with the first you'd have to change the lower limit to -31000
02:18 fling hmm hmmmm
02:19 fling I'm not repairing but destroying
02:19 fling because I removed sqlite files
02:22 WindHero mmk
02:26 WindHero alright, updated SkyTest-game
02:26 WindHero buckets, default, and bone all have some SkyLands-specific enhancements now
02:26 WindHero ...still so much to do
02:29 fling don't you know about nether mod?
02:29 fling webpage says it is located under -5000
02:29 WindHero which one? PilzAdam's version?
02:29 WindHero that would be it
02:29 fling but what is under the nether? :P
02:29 WindHero CAVEREALMS
02:29 WindHero jk
02:30 fling are there different versions?
02:30 WindHero (but they can be :3 )
02:30 WindHero There's one older nether mod
02:30 WindHero but it's kinda broken and abandoned
02:30 fling give me the link to the new one please
02:31 WindHero https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5790
02:31 fling I'm not using mods for upper terrain generation like mg or watershed anymore
02:31 fling because of the issues with oom and trees
02:31 fling WindHero: thanks :> I'm now looking for underground mods…
02:32 WindHero also, https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=9522
02:32 WindHero if you like underground mods... you might like it. :)
02:36 fling WindHero: thanks ;P
02:36 WindHero np
02:36 fling WindHero: I have intersecting and subterrain mods installed
02:37 fling WindHero: will they work together with caverealms and nether? :P
02:37 WindHero Ah
02:37 WindHero Intersecting will
02:37 WindHero but CaveRealms is based on Subterrain
02:37 WindHero so I haven't tested the two together
02:38 WindHero In my past experience, I would say that choosing one or the other is the best idea
02:39 WindHero Maybe I'll go test the two to see what the results are
02:39 WindHero if you used both, add caverealms to subterrain's depends.txt
02:39 WindHero that usually solves most mapgen-mod conflicts
02:39 fling umm why
02:42 WindHero Sometimes two will run in parallel
02:43 WindHero and so one will think there's ground where it can place a plant, but then the other mod gets rid of the ground and leaves the plant hanging
02:43 WindHero brb
02:44 fling WindHero: right this is why I stopped using mg
02:46 Exio http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/An-Odd-Way-to-Find-Even-Numbers.aspx
02:47 VanessaE oh G*d.
02:48 VanessaE come on.  for G*d sakes, if (i AND 1).  or do, if i/2 = math.floor(i/2)
02:48 VanessaE talk about braindead.
02:49 Exio if i % 2 == 0
02:49 Exio er
02:49 Exio yeah, even
02:50 VanessaE that works too
02:50 * fling is exploring huge underground caves
02:50 VanessaE depends on the features of your available language
02:50 fling I don't like to see sky where chunks are not loaded yet
02:50 Exio a modulo operator or function is available in most languages
02:51 Exio i'd say all
02:51 VanessaE but at least they all can do "if i/2 = some_kind_of_integer_function(i/2)"  :P
02:51 fling is it possible to change lightblue to black underground?
02:51 Exio VanessaE, the modulo one seems easier to understand
02:51 Exio but why not just calling "even"?
02:51 Exio > even 2
02:51 Exio True
02:51 Exio > even 3
02:51 Exio False
02:51 VanessaE in the old days I used "if i AND 1"
02:51 Exio :D
02:52 Exio old days?
02:52 VanessaE yeah
02:52 VanessaE like, the stone age of computing :)
02:52 Exio btw, in what arch did you learn assembly?
02:52 VanessaE 6502.
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02:53 VanessaE oops
02:53 VanessaE ctrl-W on the wrong window :P
02:53 fling http://cs.nyu.edu/courses/fall98/V22.0201-002/evenodd.html
02:53 WindHero back
02:53 fling VanessaE: or even older days? ^
02:54 VanessaE looks like z80?
02:54 fling DOH! I do even see sun in the cavern :<
02:54 fling deeep underground
02:54 fling how to fix?
02:54 VanessaE fling: not fixable right now.
02:55 Exio wait why can i understand that ASM
02:55 WindHero the only way to do that is to use a custom skybox with no sun
02:55 WindHero and that evenOrOdd method @.@
02:56 WindHero I've always used the modulus method
02:58 VanessaE comparison in 6502 is very short:  LDA input : BIT #$01 ;  the Z flag is set if the input was even.
02:58 Exio VanessaE, that is a x86 tweaked for learning purposes apparently
02:58 VanessaE Exio: ah.  wow, messy
03:00 Exio i was thinking what the "jc" did
03:00 Exio got this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4447857/how-to-handle-x86-asm-jc
03:00 VanessaE I don't envy folks who actually code in x86 asm.  that looks cryptic compared to the old 8-bit stuff.
03:01 not^v joined #minetest
03:02 Exio that is what people says, that is why i want to learn some "easy ASM"
03:02 Vazon_ VanessaE: any idea why my port forward would stop working all of a sudden?? i have even tried a reset
03:02 hmmmm VanessaE:  really?  I feel like it's the exact opposite, x86 assembly is much more expressive and dense because the instruction set is almost orthogonal
03:02 WindHero fling: I just finished testing subterrain and caverealms together with no modification
03:02 WindHero Surprisingly, they work together seamlessly
03:02 hmmmm in any case, the BIT instruction is present in x86 as well.  and you can specify a certain register as an operand, so it's a single instruction in most cases
03:03 WindHero although when they both intersect, you basically get a supercave that goes on for ages
03:04 hmmmm for example look at this:  https://github.com/kwolekr/nespd/blob/master/src/nespd.asm#L218
03:05 hmmmm I need to do lsr 6 times in order to accomplish the equivalent of "shr eax, 6"
03:05 ^v joined #minetest
03:10 WindHero Over the next 4 years I'm gonna have to learn all this stuff about architecture...
03:11 WindHero at least I have x64 OSes on whatever computers I use...
03:14 VanessaE hmmmm: I could have also done that operation in reverse, e.g. LDA #$01 : BIT input
03:14 VanessaE nice instruction set though I'm sure
03:14 VanessaE just never learned it
03:15 VanessaE I quit programming assembly regularly a long time ago anyway :)
03:15 Miner_48er joined #minetest
03:15 Exio The full x86 instruction set is large and complex (Intel's x86 instruction set manuals comprise over 2900 pages), and we do not cover it all in this guide.
03:16 VanessaE Vazon_: no idea at all.
03:16 Vazon_ i cant run my server with out it
03:17 VanessaE hmmmm: also, ordinarily in 6502 we wouldn't do an LSR more than once - we'd use a table.
03:19 VanessaE (well more than once or twice, depends on the perceived tradeoff)
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03:41 WindHero So I finally dug back
03:41 WindHero and found that the Sky server runs indev mapgen's floatlands
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05:32 donat_b There is no command-line interface to minetestserver, am I right?
05:48 us`0gb donat_b: There is.
05:49 us`0gb Use the "minetestserver" command.
06:11 fling is it possible to become invisible to mobs?
06:13 Vazon you can set a invisable mesh
06:13 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
06:14 fling Vazon: how to do so?
06:14 Vazon just like a regualar one, just blank
06:15 fling ummm
06:17 Vazon you know the default skin? just clear that texture ( do not delete just open and clear the content) and you will be invisable ( you name will still show although)
06:18 PenguinDad mobs will still see you with an invisible skin
06:19 bulletrulz joined #minetest
06:22 donat_b How exactly can I use minetestserver to send a command to server (e.g a /shutdown)?
06:23 Vazon o i miss understood, im half a sleep i thought i ment how to mobs invisable lol
06:23 * PenguinDad gives Vazon a coffee
06:27 * Vazon takes PenguinDad's coffee, downs it and begs for more
06:35 PenguinDad http://xkcd.com/1400/ plol
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06:42 Zeno` Hi. Anyone got any ideas regarding: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1526  ?
06:47 asie joined #minetest
06:48 Zeno` updated git hash
06:55 Krock joined #minetest
06:55 Krock moin
06:56 Zeno` hi
06:57 donat_b Hi Krock
07:00 Krock aha! GitHub got a new style
07:02 aheinecke joined #minetest
07:05 PenguinDad I don't see a new style :/
07:05 donat_b me neither
07:05 Krock hmm... I mean the Issues and Pull requests page
07:06 PenguinDad oh that isn't new for me anymore
07:06 Krock ah. added yesterday
07:09 donat_b guys, like my new tomato texture? http://i.imgur.com/dgAQiYy.png
07:09 Krock add sugar to the recipe and rename the stuff to Ketchup
07:10 donat_b How would I craft sugar?
07:10 donat_b papyrus?
07:10 Krock hmm.. no idea what adds sugar
07:10 Krock there was a mod which added sugar already
07:11 Krock but the texture looks nice
07:12 donat_b glad you liked
07:12 donat_b this mod? https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=729
07:13 PenguinDad here are some nice looking textures :P http://www.unvanquished.net/images/20140601-spacetracks.jpg
07:13 Krock exactly, that mod I meant
07:14 Krock PenguinDad, that's not a square
07:14 donat_b Krock, then I'll just the sugar recipe to farming_plus
07:15 Krock +add
07:15 donat_b yeah (:
07:17 sfan5 !tell LemonLake o, a cat! \o/
07:17 MinetestBot sfan5: I'll pass that on when LemonLake is around
07:18 sfan5 meow
07:18 sfan5 hi everyone
07:18 nman3600 Krock!!!!!!
07:18 Zeno` hmm. Voxel stuff is leaking mem :(
07:18 * Krock throws "ONLINE OMG SO CRAZY" at nman3600
07:18 nman3600 I missed your server alot
07:19 Krock I see
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09:55 nman3600 Krock?
09:56 Krock nman?
09:56 nman3600 Can I buy a plot at spawn on your server?
09:56 Krock meh. later
09:59 Krock GIT: SmallJoker commited "updates" to SmallJoker/boost_cart
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10:37 fling are you guys using serverextended?
10:37 fling is not this one obsolete? -> https://github.com/Traxie21/ServerExtended--Unstable-/
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10:51 * Krock doesn't use "serverextended"
10:51 * PenguinDad doesn't have a server at all
10:52 * Krock gives PenguinDad a cookie
10:52 * PenguinDad clicks it
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11:08 MinetestBot LemonLake: 07-29 12:17 UTC <sfan5> o, a cat! \o/
11:13 dhbiker joined #minetest
11:25 * Krock wonders if there's something like <PerlinNoise>:get3d(x, y, z) and which returns a number
11:26 * PenguinDad still wonders what srollbars are
11:32 Zeno` Krock, why?
11:32 nman3600 LemonLake?
11:32 Krock Zeno`, cuz of use
11:33 Zeno` Is there a use for that that is not covered by the current API?
11:35 Zeno` I suppose there might be, but it would be a horribly inefficient way to do things
11:35 Zeno` It's bad enough as it is
11:37 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
11:37 nman3600 Krock, can I buy that plot at spawn now?
11:37 Krock meh. later
11:38 nman3600 I want it now.
11:38 Exio Krock, actually, there?
11:38 Exio https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L1978
11:38 Exio there is*
11:39 Exio you create a perlinnoise gen and then you use it?
11:40 Krock you didn't get what I mean
11:40 Krock nvm..not important
11:40 Exio define at top-level, local perlinnoise = PerlinNoise(<get_world_seed>, some-default-values)
11:41 Exio then you use "perlinnoise.get3d"?
11:42 Exio what does it return though?
11:42 Krock I know how to use perlin noise stuff but I miss a command to get a perlin noise from any position
11:42 Exio er, what?
11:42 Krock *perlin noise value
11:43 Krock like: noise:get_noise_at_some_weird_point(x, y, z) -> number
11:44 Exio with what octave?
11:44 Exio what seed?
11:44 * sfan5 no longer afk
11:44 * Exio sells sfan5's kidney in the black market
11:44 sfan5 :c
11:44 Krock "noise" in this case is minetest.get_perlin_map(blah, blah)
11:44 * sfan5 noms Exio
11:44 Zeno` To do that the point x,y,z would have to be in an array of already generated noise values. Should every call to get_noise_at_some_weird_point() generate that entire array?
11:45 Krock It shouldn't. that's my point
11:45 Krock just a single value
11:45 Zeno` But perlin/simplex noise doesn't work that way
11:45 Krock hahaha, you can get noise from everywhere
11:46 Zeno` you can get noise from anywhere, sure. "Smoothed" (aka perlin or simplex) noise you can't though.
11:47 Exio https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/script/lua_api/l_noise.cpp#L43
11:47 Zeno` Maybe I don't understand what you're asking
11:48 Exio Krock, use get3d ...?
11:48 ImQ009 joined #minetest
11:48 Krock Exio, hmm.. the wiki shows up, it returns an array of values
11:48 Krock but there...
11:48 Zeno` I think he wants to do it without fetting the 3d array
11:49 Zeno` getting*
11:49 Exio he won't be doing that
11:49 Zeno` well, it's actually a 1-d array, but anyway
11:49 Exio Zeno`, https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L1978
11:50 Zeno` Exio, that does not return a single value
11:50 Krock Exio, seems like I misunderstood that stuff in the dev wiki. thanks
11:50 Zeno` as in a single number
11:50 Exio Zeno`, it doesn't?
11:50 Exio i read the code, only
11:50 Exio i only read the code***
11:50 Zeno` https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/script/lua_api/l_noise.cpp#L43
11:50 Exio lua_Number val = noise3d_perlin(pos3d.X/o->scale, pos3d.Y/o->scale, pos3d.Z/o->scale, o->seed, o->octaves, o->persistence);
11:50 Exio lua_pushnumber(L, val);
11:51 Zeno` you still need the underlying array to get the value from (i.e. the object)
11:51 Krock local test = minetest.get_perlin_map(<snip>, chulens):get3d({x=x,y=y,z=z})  returned nil :<
11:51 Exio you don't use get_perlin_map :P
11:52 Exio - Can be created via PerlinNoise(seed, octaves, persistence, scale)
11:52 Exio - Also minetest.get_perlin(seeddiff, octaves, persistence, scale)
11:52 Krock meh. I want to use get_perlin_map
11:52 Krock the ther onse uses wrlds seeds
11:52 Krock *other
11:52 Krock *one
11:52 Krock *world
11:52 Krock *damn those typos
11:52 Exio use PerlinNoise then?
11:52 Zeno` and it's horribly inefficient
11:53 Exio yeah
11:53 Zeno` (getting single values from random locations)
11:53 Exio but it is what he wants isn't it?
11:53 Krock it's what my target was
11:53 Zeno` ok, I concede. If that's what he wants, then *shrug*
11:53 Zeno` it's the main point I raised at the start of the discussion though
11:54 Exio if you're going to take the perlin noise of a single point it is going to be inefficient anyway
11:54 Exio and if not, then it isn't that hard to use a table
11:55 Zeno` Actually, going back to my original question: why would you want or need to do this?
11:56 Zeno` There may be a very good reason to do it, I just can't think of it and I'm interested
11:56 fishyWET joined #minetest
11:59 Zeno` To be clear, I'm not "having a go" at you, Krock.
11:59 Zeno` I just don't understand
12:03 PenguinDad ^ Krock's needs were too much for him
12:04 Exio lol
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12:52 VanessaE does anyone know who owns http://technic.kosyak.info/
12:55 Krock good queston
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13:38 Krock hay john_minetest
13:39 PenguinDad straw Krock
13:40 * Jordach meows
13:40 PenguinDad plol
13:43 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
13:44 Krock !?
13:44 * x4 throws a Windows Vista DVD to john_minetest
13:44 * PenguinDad squawks at john_minetest
13:46 x4 but linux is a lot of distros
13:46 x4 and windows vista, all the people knows how much it sucks and they're right
13:46 x4 and about linux, all the people think it sucks more than windows, but it suck less!
13:47 Zeno` fewer*
13:48 rubenwardy joined #minetest
13:48 rubenwardy Hi all!
13:48 jojoa1997 john_minetest same with windows
13:48 Krock Hay
13:49 jojoa1997 >.>
13:49 Krock Windows XP ftw!
13:49 jojoa1997 Krock NO
13:49 jojoa1997 Windows 7 ftw!
13:49 Krock jojoa1997 YES
13:49 Krock Windows [7,XP] ftw!
13:49 PenguinDad Arch ftw!
13:49 Krock nah.
13:49 jojoa1997 Windows [7,XP] + Linux ftw!
13:50 jojoa1997 Computers ftw!
13:50 jojoa1997 there better
13:50 Krock omg. such idea
13:50 Amaz Linux ftw
13:50 Krock plastic ftw!
13:50 jojoa1997 My mom ftw!
13:50 Krock -1
13:50 jojoa1997 jk nvm
13:50 PenguinDad ReactOS FIDK!
13:50 jojoa1997 i never said that
13:50 Krock ReactOS ftw!
13:50 Calinou joined #minetest
13:51 jojoa1997 Calinou ftw!
13:51 Krock "<jojoa1997>Calinou" ftw!
13:51 Krock +1
13:51 jojoa1997 :3
13:52 Calinou :o
13:52 Calinou hi
13:52 PenguinDad Never look up to someone unless you're helping them down. :P
13:52 Krock !
13:52 Calinou —Evropi
13:52 ecutruin joined #minetest
13:53 Calinou 555.71 KB/s download according to ifstat :o
13:54 VanessaE Calinou: *poke*
13:54 VanessaE Calinou: your input is needed in #minetest-technic please.
13:57 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
13:58 Zeno` where?
14:00 Zeno` oops, ignore my comment
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14:03 PenguinDad I really need to get this one https://github.com/Swordifish90/cool-old-term
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14:51 * sfan5 licks Exio4
14:51 * john_minetest gives sfan5 a cup of milk
14:52 * sfan5 noms the milk
14:55 donat can I tell mapgen to make the world more flat (not totally flat, just less stone mountains)?
14:56 donat or I should use a mod for that?
14:57 VanessaE you can configure the mapgen for that
14:57 Krock look at mgv6 params in mientest.example
14:57 PenguinDad yay I just fixed https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/1b4908b
14:57 VanessaE in map_meta.txt in your world folder
14:58 VanessaE PenguinDad: how?
14:58 donat thank you, VanessaE
15:00 Exio4 VanessaE, aren't there minetest.conf settings?
15:00 VanessaE Exio4: maybe, but I only know of the ones in the above file.
15:00 PenguinDad VanessaE: if (true) { return true; } :P
15:01 VanessaE PenguinDad: oh.  I assumed a more proper fix :)
15:01 Exio4 return true directly?
15:03 nman3600 Krock, Can you make a newest version of the minimap for your server?
15:03 Krock okay.
15:03 nman3600 Thanks?
15:04 nman3600 Thanks!*
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15:08 VanessaE PenguinDad: I seem to have no issue at all with that?  Just updated the engine and minetest_game both to git HEAD and I can pillar-up just fine.  dreambuilder too.
15:08 VanessaE and I can place where I stand
15:08 Jordach nerdpole*
15:08 VanessaE so this must have already been fixed.
15:09 VanessaE Jordach: only when a noob builds one and leaves it behind.
15:11 PenguinDad VanessaE: I still have this problem
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15:13 VanessaE works for me with current git HEAD, current minetest_game, and current dreambuilder_game
15:13 VanessaE git HEAD of the engine that is
15:13 VanessaE I can pillar-up and just simply place where I stand. no problem at all.
15:14 donat I experience some strange problem with wheat and cotton seeds: they are not planting but just placing on top of the dirt block. Am I the only one?
15:14 nman3600 nerdpole*
15:14 VanessaE of course, take note of the dates on those commits and comments.
15:14 pehjota_ joined #minetest
15:14 PenguinDad Then I'm probably too dumb to place a node :D
15:14 VanessaE February.
15:14 VanessaE how old is your build?
15:15 donat Mine? Newest from git
15:15 PenguinDad my build is ~4 days old
15:16 VanessaE I meant PenguinDad's build.
15:17 nman3600 Krock, Is it done?
15:18 Krock nman3600, it requires a server shutdown
15:18 nman3600 A restart?
15:18 Krock no. shutdown. to get the sqlite database free from any changes
15:19 nman3600 Last one was done on the 18th
15:19 nman3600 I need one to find some land that's not been used within the last 10-11 days
15:24 nman3600 How long would the shutdown be?
15:24 nman3600 Krock ^
15:24 Krock depends on the mapper speed
15:24 Krock possibly 2 or 3 minute
15:25 nman3600 Could you do it please?
15:25 Calinou daily mapping should be good enough
15:25 Calinou you can also backup map while server is down
15:25 Krock already backed up earlier today, therefore I'm not very motivated
15:25 Calinou a daily restart doesn't hurt
15:26 Calinou even bi-daily
15:26 zash joined #minetest
15:26 Krock depends on crashes,mostly :P
15:27 Calinou have an auto-restart-after-crash script
15:27 * Krock has that
15:27 Krock https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=149718#p149718
15:28 Krock scale is 0.25 on them
15:28 nman3600 Krock I'll pay you 5 minecoin blocks to do it :P
15:28 Krock omg..i'm not corrupt
15:29 nman3600 So you want 5 minecoin blocks?
15:29 PenguinDad why not mesecoin :>
15:30 Krock cuz mese = overpowered
15:30 nman3600 ^
15:30 Krock v
15:31 nman3600 >
15:31 nman3600 <
15:31 nman3600
15:33 PenguinDad ↕↙↓↘←↔→↖↑↗⇕⇙⇓⇘⇐⇔⇒⇖⇑⇗↕
15:33 Krock 80% squares
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15:34 PenguinDad Krock: not my fault
15:34 LemonLake Krock: go on linux
15:34 LemonLake they appear there
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15:36 nman3600 Hi
15:37 * sfan5 licks LemonLake
15:39 Exio4 LemonLake, using windoze
15:39 Exio4 i can see the shit
15:40 PenguinDad Exio4: but you aren't using a outdated version of windows
15:40 * john_minetest gives sfan5 a <'((((-<
15:40 Exio4 it is still shit
15:40 Exio4 not worth anyone's time
15:40 VanessaE Krock: works fine here.
15:41 Krock nman3600, https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&amp;t=8599&amp;p=149720#p149720
15:41 nman3600 Thanks Krock
15:42 Krock Lol, linux... That  UI... Those kernel faults... Those incompatibility... Those troubles...
15:42 VanessaE I never have kernel faults.
15:42 * sfan5 noms john_minetest's fishy
15:43 VanessaE my UI is xfce which works nicely for me
15:43 Amaz What kernal faults?
15:43 VanessaE incompatibility..with what>?
15:43 VanessaE troubles?  no more than people have with windows.
15:43 Krock with drivers
15:43 Exio4 i've had more BSODs than kernel panic
15:43 Amaz ^
15:43 Exio4 s
15:43 Exio4 Krock, the only driver that doesn't work nicely under linux, in my case
15:43 PenguinDad I haven't had a kernel panic since over 3 years
15:43 Exio4 is the one that sucks worse under windows.
15:44 Exio4 (intel gma 3600)
15:44 * Amaz has never had a kernal panic
15:44 Exio4 had a few BSOD thanks to that shit
15:44 Calinou had some, but only a few time
15:44 * Krock never had driver problems
15:44 Calinou due to graphics driver
15:44 VanessaE I haven't had a kernel panic in years either that wasn't due to a hardware fault.
15:44 Calinou but never had BSOD on recent Windows
15:44 rubenwardy joined #minetest
15:44 Krock ..linux user
15:45 VanessaE I'm sure recent windows is stable enough but I will never trust it.
15:45 PenguinDad TIL my tv is running linux
15:45 Exio4 john_minetest, VM*
15:46 Exio4 i'm using windows because i fucked up the shitty linux that comes with the laptop and can't format
15:46 Exio4 own distro
15:47 Exio4 glibc eww
15:47 Exio4 use uclibc
15:47 Exio4 it is nice! :P
15:47 * Jordach meows at john_minetest
15:47 Jordach no blu screens here
15:48 Krock Eh.
15:49 * Krock had about 50 screws in front oh him yesterday while replacing the CMOS battery of his laptop
15:49 Krock *of
15:49 SylvieLorxu I had a similar story with a dying power supply
15:49 SylvieLorxu BSoD vs. No issues at all
15:49 Krock BSoD wins
15:49 Krock cuz no reason
15:50 Exio4 john_minetest, you can try that without being so insane, with just a liveusb key nad removing it
15:50 Exio4 and*
15:51 asie joined #minetest
15:52 nman3600 On addis skin database, What license should I use.
15:52 Krock TFPL
15:52 Krock +W
15:52 nman3600 That's not an option
15:53 PenguinDad I would prefer the Rainbow Screen of Death
15:53 nman3600 What license on http://minetest.fensta.bplaced.net/
15:53 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
15:54 SylvieLorxu nman3600: What licenses do they allow?
15:54 Krock there's a tool to change the color
15:55 Krock ask them. but I tihnk, they're dog-guys
15:55 nman3600 SylvieLorxu, http://minetest.fensta.bplaced.net/
15:56 nman3600 It has the licenses on there
15:56 SylvieLorxu nman3600: I'm asking because I can't see a list of accepted licenses on that page
15:56 nman3600 CC BY-SA 4.0
15:56 nman3600 Should I do that one?
15:57 SylvieLorxu nman3600: It's a decent license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
15:57 Krock https://github.com/SmallJoker/yappy
15:57 nman3600 Most people are doing CC BY-SA 3.0 on all the newest skins
15:58 SylvieLorxu The license is mostly the same
15:58 nman3600 I'll go with 3.0
16:07 rubenwardy Yes! http://minetest.fensta.bplaced.net/#!page:1,filtertype:Name,filter:C55
16:08 Krock No!
16:09 Jordach sfan5, https://i.imgur.com/xJmlSWz.jpg
16:09 PenguinDad mAYBE!
16:10 Krock fAIL!
16:11 * PenguinDad stares at Krock
16:12 * Krock wonders if PenguinDad already found the newest nyan cat on the MT forums
16:12 PenguinDad Krock: I think so https://github.com/klange/nyancat :P
16:13 Krock Err. Incomaptible
16:14 Krock fastest pull evaah: 7672 ms
16:14 * Krock gives Amaz "yappy" mapgen
16:15 PenguinDad Krock: you have to try that out on PonyOS :P
16:15 Krock :/
16:15 PenguinDad Krock: http://www.ponyos.org
16:16 Krock "My little Unix"
16:16 Exio4 My Little Unix: C is magic
16:17 zat joined #minetest
16:18 * Amaz takes 'yappy' mapgen
16:19 rubenwardy MLP Map gen :P
16:19 Exio4 does it generate a Equestria-copy in MT?
16:19 Exio4 with some randomness
16:19 Exio4 (or how was the city called?)
16:19 Exio4 calinou would be helpful, he is the MLP fan here
16:20 nman3600 I am here!
16:20 nman3600 I am an MLP Fan!
16:20 PenguinDad Ponyville in Minetest :D
16:20 Krock holy holy
16:20 nman3600 I WOULD LOVE THAT!
16:20 Jordach https://imgur.com/gallery/VGuGMa6/comment/260861662
16:21 Amaz rubenwardy: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=144957#p144957 This comes close :P
16:21 rubenwardy THAT IS HORRIBLE
16:21 Amaz Yep!
16:22 rubenwardy The tearing on those screenshots
16:23 Amaz Yeah.
16:23 Amaz Krock: http://pastebin.com/fDg0E6Xu
16:24 PenguinDad !tell nman3600 http://mastertdrakkhen.deviantart.com/art/Golden-Oaks-Library-Minecraft-Replica-458257212
16:24 MinetestBot PenguinDad: I'll pass that on when nman3600 is around
16:26 Krock Amaz, fixed
16:26 Amaz Okay!
16:27 Krock weird.. I never got such an error
16:28 Amaz Krock, seems nice!
16:28 Krock thanks
16:30 Amaz Nice rivers!
16:45 Jordach https://i.imgur.com/47tNYei.jpg
16:45 pehjota_ joined #minetest
16:50 ^v Jordach, late much
16:53 Krock !tell rubenwardy how about a simple model creator for mobs in minetest? </brainstorm>
16:53 MinetestBot Krock: I'll pass that on when rubenwardy is around
17:02 Krock sfan5, https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=149724#p149724
17:02 Krock Why not merge it with minetest? There was already a request for this
17:05 sfan5 maybe
17:05 sfan5 PenguinDad: http://i.imgur.com/B0X1w.jpg
17:05 q66 joined #minetest
17:05 PenguinDad nice cat :D
17:07 * sfan5 meows at PenguinDad
17:08 PenguinDad You have nyaned for 3500 seconds!
17:09 Krock 1 hour - 100s
17:12 PenguinDad http://nyanit.com/minetest.net :P
17:18 reactor joined #minetest
17:18 reactor Evening!
17:18 reactor Anyone else hosting Minetest in Russia? How is the law?
17:19 reactor Some newspapers say there is a list of exceptions for the law that comes into effect on Aug, 1, but I can not fid the source!
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17:37 MinetestBot rubenwardy: 07-29 21:53 UTC <Krock> how about a simple model creator for mobs in minetest? </brainstorm>
17:38 rubenwardy Hi all!
17:38 Amaz Hello!
17:38 Amaz And well done on v0.7 of NBE!
17:38 rubenwardy Yay!
17:38 Krock hi
17:40 * GhostDoge barks happily at rubenwardy
17:40 rubenwardy XD
17:40 rubenwardy Here come the tide of bug reports...
17:42 EvergreenTree Hey rubenwardy, is there some way of selecting wich vesrion of libpng to use?
17:42 EvergreenTree I still have that issue with any program which uses it
17:42 rubenwardy I don't know. It is just cmake
17:45 EvergreenTree I just tried it, compiler error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7896845
17:45 EvergreenTree I don't think that has anything to do with libpng (not sure about that though)
17:46 rubenwardy That's a stupid error
17:46 EvergreenTree Is it a facepalm grade error?
17:46 rubenwardy Are you using strict mode on your compiler?
17:47 Calinou joined #minetest
17:47 EvergreenTree rubenwardy: Not sure
17:47 EvergreenTree I don't think so
17:48 rubenwardy fixed
17:49 EvergreenTree good, fixed it
17:49 EvergreenTree hm, the textures still don't work.  I really don't know how I will fix this issue with libpng
17:50 rubenwardy Is it running, but everything is grey?
17:51 EvergreenTree yes, it fails to load any of the pngs
17:51 EvergreenTree everything else works fine
17:51 rubenwardy You could replace all the images in media/ with .jpg versions, and then run s/.png/.jpg on the program.
17:51 rubenwardy * program's source
17:51 EvergreenTree so technically, I can still use it, it just won't be very nice
17:52 EvergreenTree I'd rather have a better fix then that
17:52 rubenwardy Why do you have multiple versions of png?
17:52 EvergreenTree one that allows me to fix every program that does that (including minetest)
17:52 EvergreenTree Because something else depended on libpng16
17:52 Enke joined #minetest
17:52 EvergreenTree and everything else depends on libpng12
17:52 rubenwardy That sucks :P
17:52 EvergreenTree I can't remove either
17:53 EvergreenTree version 16 I compiled manually
17:56 Amaz Is there a channel for minetest_game?
17:57 sfan5 no
17:57 rubenwardy #minetest-dev is probably where you talk about it.
17:57 Amaz Okay.
18:02 rubenwardy Maybe the CMake GUI can handle this, EvergreenTree.
18:03 MinetestBot GIT: sfan5 commited to minetest/minetest: Add ZLIBWAPI_DLL and LEVELDB_DLL CMake options Remove legacy MINGWM10_DLL CMake option Update 32-bit buildbot (OpenAL updated, zlib updated) Change build directory for buildbots to '_build' to prevent removal of Android build files Use -win64 suffix for 64-bit Windows builds Fixes #1476 1734540 2014-07-29T20:03:18+02:00 http://git.io/4KLgkQ
18:03 MinetestBot GIT: sfan5 commited to minetest/minetest: Rework texture generating code, add texture grouping via ( ... ) 5884236 2014-07-29T20:02:56+02:00 http://git.io/ald1Uw
18:03 proller joined #minetest
18:05 EvergreenTree rubenwardy: how would cmake-gui help with that
18:06 rubenwardy the cmake gui allows you to change stuff, like the libraries. It may allow you to set a custom library location
18:06 sfan5 the command line allows that too
18:06 sfan5 but with cmake gui it's a bit easier
18:07 EvergreenTree How would I set a custom library path?
18:07 sfan5 your problem is with libpng?
18:07 EvergreenTree yes
18:07 EvergreenTree I have multiple versions
18:07 EvergreenTree 16 and 12
18:07 EvergreenTree things depend on both of them
18:08 EvergreenTree I also have the same issue with minetest
18:08 EvergreenTree (not being able to load pngs)
18:08 sfan5 you probably need to recompile irrlicht to depends on the right one
18:08 EvergreenTree I installed irrlicht via apt
18:09 EvergreenTree should I uninstall it and reinstall it?
18:09 rubenwardy It still uses a version of png, and won't work with the other version
18:09 rubenwardy You need 1.8 or later inorder to use all of NBE's features
18:09 rubenwardy see misc/install_irrlicht.sh
18:10 EvergreenTree I have 1.8
18:10 rubenwardy Good
18:10 Taoki[mobile] joined #minetest
18:10 EvergreenTree it's the one which is in the apt repos
18:12 rubenwardy If it is only Irrlicht derived apps that use 12, then you could uninstall 12 and build irrlicht with 16.
18:13 rubenwardy But I doubt that it is only irrlicht apps
18:15 rubenwardy I have asked in #cmake
18:18 EvergreenTree I can't uninstall 12
18:18 rubenwardy ok
18:18 EvergreenTree If I do (via apt-get remove) it will uninstall everything which depends on it
18:19 rubenwardy What is the error message you get when trying to build / run?
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18:40 Krock http://i.imgur.com/7j7BbB2.png
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18:47 * DogePony neighs desperately
18:48 Enke joined #minetest
18:48 * sfan5 licks DogePony
18:49 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
18:52 EvergreenTree Yay, it works now
18:53 EvergreenTree NBE is amazing
18:53 EvergreenTree too bad ruben left
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19:09 Krock Jordach!
19:10 Krock Could someone please move https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=149738 to "Mod Releases"?
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19:12 MinetestBot nman3600: 07-29 21:24 UTC <PenguinDad> http://mastertdrakkhen.deviantart.com/art/Golden-Oaks-Library-Minecraft-Replica-458257212
19:13 nman3600 PenguinDad?
19:13 nman3600 Ugh he's not here
19:14 Exio4 bad penguin
19:14 nman3600 Krock?
19:14 nman3600 Can I buy that plot now?
19:14 Krock Ugh he's not here
19:15 nman3600 Krock Please, Or I'll have to take a random plot myself
19:15 Krock ehm. hold on
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19:17 * PenguinDad hopes that his connection stays stable now
19:18 * Exio4 throws a wild nman3600 at PenguinDad
19:18 nman3600 PENGUIN!
19:18 nman3600 I loved that picture
19:18 nman3600 Made me smile
19:18 nman3600 It looks alike
19:19 nman3600 PenguinDad ^
19:20 PenguinDad nman3600: This was one of these random things I found while searching for wallpapers
19:21 nman3600 :D
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19:53 WindHero Zeno`: ping!
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19:58 luizrpgluiz hi
19:58 PenguinDad WindHero: ping ping! ;)
19:58 WindHero Hi
19:59 WindHero how goes it?
20:02 Krock dingdong
20:02 GhostDoge joined #minetest
20:03 Jordach Krock, dongding
20:03 Krock Jordach, no. it _must_ be dingdong
20:03 * Jordach is peeling
20:04 WindHero ouhc, still got that sunburn, eh?
20:04 WindHero *ouch
20:05 WindHero I'm thinking of adding *proper* waterfalls to CaveRealms
20:05 Jordach WindHero, i did consider removing the crap off my shoulders with a motorised buffer pad with sandpaper
20:05 WindHero D:
20:05 WindHero you'll regret it :P
20:06 WindHero Coming soon to a cave near you: https://mediacru.sh/oLkjRa-fDziL
20:06 WindHero (my first nodebox ever D:  )
20:07 GhostDoge I really need to make these cacti more common
20:08 Jordach bit of a prick eh
20:12 WindHero maybe this is a closer resemblence: https://mediacru.sh/pR0pfqSKQtrK
20:12 luizrpgluiz is a pity that the minetest not generate caves
20:13 WindHero Zeno` ^
20:13 WindHero hmm?
20:13 Jordach give that fucker a full node sized selection box
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20:13 Jordach that looks like shit ;)
20:13 Jordach (poke at homedecor)
20:13 WindHero :o
20:13 e1z0 joined #minetest
20:17 WindHero Jordach: fixed
20:17 WindHero I need to find a unique texture though
20:18 WindHero Maybe I'll use the granite texture from technic
20:19 Jordach peh
20:19 Jordach i won't
20:19 Jordach technic textures are usually scaled down PoS
20:22 CheCkm8TT joined #minetest
20:23 CheCkm8TT hi
20:23 init joined #minetest
20:24 CheCkm8TT yo
20:24 Jordach WindHero, https://cdn.mediacru.sh/LPq2I387VwIW.png
20:25 DogePony Jordach: that looks a bit like an alien :D
20:26 WindHero Whoa, putting lots of detail in the face
20:26 CheCkm8TT Im looking for a server
20:27 WindHero which one?
20:27 Jordach WindHero, now that my mesh is streamlined by 1600%, i am able to do even MORE
20:27 WindHero :D
20:27 DogePony !server
20:27 MinetestBot DogePony: VanessaE's Creative Server | digitalaudioconcepts.com | Clients: 0/50, 0/2 | Version: 0.4.10-dev / dreambuilder_game | Ping: 114ms
20:27 CheCkm8TT doesnt matter
20:27 WindHero I recently got a boost to my animation ability in Unity3D
20:28 * Jordach continues raving
20:29 Jordach <3 Steam Music Beta
20:34 * Jordach gives sfan5 a tophat
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20:37 * sfan5 meows at Jordach
20:38 WindHero nyan!
20:45 luizrpgluiz left #minetest
20:49 * Jordach plays the BS card
20:51 NakedFury joined #minetest
20:53 EvergreenTree https://soundcloud.com/monstercat/pegboard-nerds-gunpoint-vip
20:53 EvergreenTree :3
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20:54 * Jordach has considered making lawn chairs for homedecor
20:55 Alex_Mercer joined #minetest
20:55 Jordach pls, i can out nodebox anyone
20:55 Jordach https://cdn.mediacru.sh/faSzALmBaA56.png
20:56 Jordach and espcially fuck animated textures ;)
20:56 alket_ joined #minetest
20:57 PenguinDad <3 Pegboard Nerds
21:09 Jordach now teaching an old dog new tricks: https://cdn.mediacru.sh/8gzDMJJUrcDo.png
21:14 Akagi201 joined #minetest
21:16 Krock Jordach, it has shadows!
21:16 VanessaE Jordach: nice bench in the first case.  nice model in the second.
21:17 Jordach VanessaE, notice the fucking title
21:17 VanessaE Jordach: now render it with HDX and RealBadAngel's latest water surface shader patch ;)
21:23 GhostDoge joined #minetest
21:24 GhostDoge Krock: your "base_game" is a really nice base for the game I'm making
21:24 Krock good. it should be that way. Penguin
21:27 EvergreenTree I'm saving up for a core i5 and a new mobo
21:27 EvergreenTree :3
21:29 cheapie joined #minetest
21:30 Exio4 while you're at it, buy a little cheaper mobo and buy a Tesla S
21:31 GTRsdk +1
21:31 VanessaE or wait 3 years and get a model 3 :)
21:31 Jordach zing
21:32 FreeFull joined #minetest
21:33 Exio4 VanessaE, i mean, because intel stuff tends to be so expensive, a "little cheaper" mobo different to an "high-end" mobo is just "a tesla S" price
21:33 Exio4 :D?
21:33 VanessaE heh
21:33 VanessaE I was kidding :P
21:39 EvergreenTree Exio4: I was planning on a ~70$ mobo
21:39 RealBadAngel Jordach, how do you find new water?
21:39 EvergreenTree :P
21:39 Jordach wat
21:39 Exio4 too much
21:39 Exio4 my mobo is a M5A99X
21:39 * Jordach needs a new MSVC build
21:39 Exio4 can't say much :P
21:39 Exio4 was expensive
21:39 RealBadAngel Jordach, havent tried it yet? shame :P
21:40 RealBadAngel btw, another teaser: http://i.imgur.com/mDO59Gs.png
21:42 Jordach eh
21:42 Jordach what water
21:42 RealBadAngel https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/1521
21:42 RealBadAngel that one
21:43 Jordach that's BS water
21:43 Jordach not even real
21:43 Jordach how hard is it to use noise as a normal scale
21:44 Jordach that's the same fakey-ness as the water from HDX
21:44 Jordach go look at some actual fucking water
21:44 RealBadAngel lol
21:44 RealBadAngel try that ingame :P
21:44 Jordach i hate tiling
21:44 RealBadAngel what tiling?
21:45 RealBadAngel shut up and compile that :P
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21:48 Jordach shut up and look at some real fucking shaders
21:48 Jordach https://imgur.com/a/tsiKf
21:49 RealBadAngel that is supposed to be impressive or what?
21:49 Jordach here's a picture of real water
21:49 Jordach https://i.imgur.com/I4RoX0j.jpg
21:49 Jordach you're doing it wrong
21:49 Jordach as usual
21:50 RealBadAngel ofc, as usual :P
21:50 RealBadAngel what i done is procedural water without reflections and refractions
21:50 RealBadAngel and without specular effects
21:50 RealBadAngel which are not possible yet
21:50 RealBadAngel but the code is the very same as for this final effect:
21:51 Jordach bullshit
21:51 Jordach it's all passed to OpenGL and GLSL
21:51 RealBadAngel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkdBGe8tfNw
21:52 RealBadAngel i just dont have enough input to achieve this atm
21:53 RealBadAngel so reflection is just plain colour, same for refraction
21:54 RealBadAngel Jordach, and bout tiling you think that is here
21:54 RealBadAngel youre all bullshit sir
21:54 RealBadAngel theres no texture for water :P
21:54 Jordach i dont see the tiling as it's basically a noise texture overlaid with magic stuff
21:54 Jordach https://github.com/RealBadAngel/minetest/blob/8d6bfbf709bd575cb2c0e2dfcbb689aab81061fa/textures/base/pack/water_surface_normal.png
21:55 Jordach ^ good try
21:55 RealBadAngel this is not texture :P
21:55 RealBadAngel if you think that it is one, another bullshit crown for ya
21:58 RealBadAngel only textures this shader will be using are reflection and (propably) refraction ones
21:58 RealBadAngel each made by separate rendering pass
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22:16 RealBadAngel Jordach, here you have a shader with some textures https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sD0gL0GYgCs
22:18 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, that actually looks quite bad in the context of Minetest
22:21 fu-fu joined #minetest
22:31 RealBadAngel good that he left with the context
22:34 Vazon can someone help me i get this error http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7898986/ when i run this code http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7898997/ but if i remove the barter part, it runs fine
22:47 Megaf joined #minetest
22:47 Vazon Ello Megaf
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22:49 Megaf Hi
22:49 Megaf !up minetest.megaf.info 30003
22:49 MinetestBot minetest.megaf.info:30003 is up (717ms)
22:49 Megaf bot?
22:49 WindHero heya
22:51 WindHero sorry I haven't gotten on your server lately, Megaf
22:51 WindHero been busy moderating a friend's server
22:52 WindHero or rather, trying to recruit people so I have someone to moderate :P
22:52 WindHero I should be getting on sometime soon though, since that server went down for a couple months now....
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23:40 WindHero hmm....
23:40 WindHero If I want SkyLands to support TenPlus1's new farming mod, I'd have to encorporate it directly into SkyLands...
23:44 Zeno` heya Wind
23:44 WindHero hey Zeno`!
23:45 Zeno` I ported caverealms to C roflol
23:45 WindHero https://mediacru.sh/pR0pfqSKQtrK
23:45 WindHero lol wut?
23:45 WindHero sweet
23:45 Zeno` Well, just the inner loop
23:45 WindHero sounds like it must have been a challenge
23:45 Zeno` all the rest is still Lua
23:45 WindHero does it work much faster now?
23:46 Zeno` it was actually not that difficult... about 3 times faster
23:46 WindHero :o
23:46 WindHero Also, screenshot of the future
23:46 Zeno` most of the time, though, is taken up by vm:get_data() and the related functions
23:46 WindHero suggestions welcome
23:46 Zeno` what's that screenshot?
23:46 Zeno` it's a... what is it? lol
23:47 WindHero Dungeon Master statue
23:47 Zeno` nice :)
23:47 WindHero liar.
23:47 Zeno` lol
23:47 WindHero xD
23:47 Zeno` I was referring to the green mushrooms
23:47 Zeno` xD
23:47 WindHero if it's unrecognizable............
23:47 Zeno` It's recognisable now that I know what it is :3
23:48 * WindHero pensively ponders problems
23:48 Zeno` but you have to remember, I hardly ever play with mobs enabled
23:48 WindHero true...
23:48 Zeno` so I'm not a good litmus test for recognisability
23:48 WindHero although you've never said that xD
23:48 WindHero if I could make it show the original 2D texture....
23:49 WindHero !!
23:49 WindHero d'oh
23:49 Zeno` cavrealms (the full Lua version) causes out of memory errors a lot on my server now :(
23:49 WindHero I should make it shaped like that instead of like the simple mobs version
23:49 Zeno` people are addicted to it
23:49 WindHero :/
23:49 WindHero oh no...
23:49 Zeno` I may have to go back to the manual mapgen when I walk around and then disable it
23:49 Zeno` it's because of this: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1527
23:50 WindHero so people are still addicted, lol?
23:50 Zeno` nothing to do with caverealms itself
23:50 Zeno` they are re-addicted
23:50 Zeno` they're building a city down there now heh
23:50 WindHero heheh
23:50 WindHero hmm, hope that issue gets fixed soon
23:50 Zeno` a village at least... pretty fun to watch
23:51 WindHero after I get some more work done on SkyTest
23:51 WindHero I'll probably return to caverealms to make the Dungeon Master's Keep
23:53 WindHero Using an idea similar to the heaven islands in SkyLands, I'll have sporatic "layers" of the dungeon master biome
23:53 WindHero I'm also fiddling with waterfalls springing naturally from the walls ;)
23:53 Zeno` cool :)
23:53 Zeno` I also wondered... are the different sized gems actually supposed to drop different sized gems?
23:54 WindHero seems like it would make more sense...
23:54 Zeno` for example: https://github.com/Zeno-/minetest_mtz/blob/master/flora/init.lua#21
23:54 WindHero especially as I've seen some people using riesenpilz (the mushroom mod) to collect giant shrooms for decor
23:55 Zeno` I resize the mycena but always drop the same size
23:55 Zeno` yeah they do
23:55 Zeno` they also collect the giant gems for decor
23:55 Zeno` will leave it
23:55 Zeno` seems to be a feature now :)
23:55 Zeno` it's kind of annoying only in that you end up with an inventory full of 5 different sized gems lol
23:57 Zeno` maybe they could drop 2 sizes... the <x normal; and >=x drop giant
23:57 WindHero yeah, that is problematic
23:57 WindHero hmm
23:57 Zeno` it's not a big deal
23:58 WindHero Yeah, my head is full of SkyLands atm, lol
23:58 Zeno` I gathered that, based on your forum activity heh
23:59 WindHero when I get into a certain project, I tend to power out on it until I either reach a certain benchmark or tire out

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