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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-07-21

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
13:56 loggingbot_ joined #minetest
13:56 Topic for #minetest is now Latest stable version is 0.4.10 | Please be patient, responses may take a while | Rules: | Development: #minetest-dev | Server list: | Logs:
13:56 PenguinDad wut this wasn't logged
13:57 LemonLake ø.ø
13:57 PenguinDad LemonLake:
14:05 Matsetes joined #minetest
14:05 Matsetes Hi! =)
14:05 PilzAdam joined #minetest
14:05 LemonLake PenguinDad: wow
14:05 Matsetes Can please someone tell me a mod that adds boats?
14:06 LemonLake Matsetes: minetest_game
14:07 Matsetes There are already in?
14:08 LemonLake Correct.
14:08 LemonLake What version of the game are you running?
14:08 PenguinDad Matsetes: since 0.4.10 they're in
14:08 Matsetes Ok, I run 0.4.9 Lol
14:08 LemonLake That would be why :P
14:09 LemonLake This is coming along nicely. JS is probably gonna be a pain, though
14:09 LemonLake
14:10 Matsetes Do you think that 0.4.9 mods can work with 0.4.10?
14:10 LemonLake Matsetes: The modding API is designed to be backwards compatible.
14:10 LemonLake MOST mods will work no matter the version.
14:11 LemonLake However, if a mod is more recent, it may want to use features in 0.4.10, which are not available in previous versions.
14:11 LemonLake Yet a 0.4.9 mod will usually work with 0.4.10. This isn't Minecraft ;)
14:12 Matsetes Ok, cause when it changed to 0.4.6 I think, some mods not worked when I updated
14:13 Matsetes What's OpenAL32.dll?
14:14 PenguinDad Matsetes: the library you need for sound on windows
14:14 Matsetes Where can I get it?
14:15 LemonLake Matsetes: that's because 0.4.6 was a weird version :p
14:15 LemonLake Are you self-compiling or getting a pre-built binary?
14:15 fling joined #minetest
14:15 domtron joined #minetest
14:15 Krock Matsetes, 64 or 32 bit?
14:16 Matsetes 64, prebuilt
14:17 Matsetes On windows... When I play it on Linux, I compile it
14:17 PenguinDad LemonLake: 0.4.6 really was a weird version because they added diamonds
14:17 Matsetes But I think I'll do not need that stuff on Linux
14:17 PenguinDad Matsetes: try the MinGW 64bit build for windows
14:18 LemonLake Matsetes: wise choice. compiling is a pain in the ass on windows
14:20 fling LemonLake: btw I just noticed that drilling machine is self building :P
14:20 LemonLake fling: correct!
14:20 fling LemonLake: if you will implement it somehow I want it to be very expensive so it will not ruin gameplay
14:20 LemonLake the frame is just decoration
14:21 LemonLake I'm not going to implement that exact machine
14:21 LemonLake since: 1. technic already has one
14:21 fling LemonLake: I want a player to spend hours first for getting mese or other expensive materials needed for crafting that machine
14:21 LemonLake and 2. i don't like copying other games
14:21 LemonLake and my mod is already really expensive :P
14:22 fling LemonLake: I don't want she to just get few blocks and start the machine and stop mining with a pick at early start ;>
14:22 fling ok, good
14:22 Krock LemonLake, but once you get it, it's very nice :)
14:22 Krock (compiling)
14:22 LemonLake Krock: indeed
14:23 Matsetes Lemonlake, what mod are you talking about?
14:23 fling LemonLake: which game is better to choose if I want to use factory + mesecons + pipeworks + technic? is it Carbone?
14:24 LemonLake Matsetes: we're talking about my mod
14:24 LemonLake but what fling want's me to implement is the quarry from MC's technic
14:24 fling Matsetes: I'm talking about paying $5 to LemonLake if he will implement digging machine similar to this one at 2:10 ->
14:24 LemonLake fling: honestly, I don't know
14:24 LemonLake fling: i will not accept payment to do anything
14:24 LemonLake i do everything upon free will/hobby
14:25 LemonLake as i said, technic already has one
14:25 LemonLake although it doesn't look as cool
14:25 * fling just wanted to support :>
14:25 fling yay not so cool…
14:25 Matsetes Ok, like a quarry
14:25 Matsetes And which is your mod?
14:25 LemonLake but yes, I may re-implement it to look like the MC's one
14:25 LemonLake Matsetes:
14:27 Matsetes Nice mod!
14:27 Matsetes I didn't know about it
14:27 Krock
14:27 LemonLake v0.5 has a looot of new features
14:27 Matsetes I'm actually using technic
14:28 meldrian joined #minetest
14:29 LemonLake :/
14:29 LemonLake my file dump went down again
14:30 Amaz Krock, I really like it! Nice style, not too modern.
14:30 Krock thanks! most is built by me in the last 2 weeks
14:30 fling Matsetes: which game is better to choose if I want to use factory + mesecons + pipeworks + technic? is it Carbone?
14:31 fling Krock: tell me please ^
14:31 LemonLake guys, you're all smart right?
14:31 Krock BASE, because it has not muh additional things
14:31 LemonLake and fling: factory doesn't have miners, yet
14:31 LemonLake "CDN origin. The content will be pulled down from this domain. Example:"
14:31 fling LemonLake: I understand this.
14:31 LemonLake What does this mean?
14:32 fling LemonLake:
14:32 Amaz fling: You could use the Technic game...
14:32 LemonLake fling: i know how to use google
14:32 LemonLake but I'm not quite understanding it
14:34 fling Amaz: it's page says it only has 7 mods in it, are not minetest_game mods included?
14:34 LemonLake Krock: it seems nman is godly at pvp
14:34 Krock seems like I need to make some free CPU time
14:34 Amaz Not sure... Never used it. I would imagine so.
14:35 Amaz Maybe it counts the mods other than minetest game?
14:36 Jordach joined #minetest
14:38 LemonLake おはよお Jordach
14:38 LemonLake おはよう*
14:38 * Amaz has made a lua mapgen 7! (Just stone!)
14:43 Calinou joined #minetest
14:43 fling LemonLake: do I need to try this
14:43 fling LemonLake: or do I need master?
14:43 LemonLake I don't use git.
14:43 LemonLake So that link is the way to get it, yes
14:44 fling LemonLake: use gitorious
14:44 LemonLake fling: I'm fine.
14:44 fling LemonLake: they are running free software on the servers
14:44 LemonLake What I mean is, I'm world renowned for being the worst at using git.
14:44 LemonLake I also dislike it.
14:44 Calinou hi
14:44 Calinou +1 for Gitorious :D
14:44 LemonLake With a passionfruit.
14:45 Jordach there, the fucking 8.1 Pro testing 500gb drive nuked
14:45 PenguinDad -1 for Gitorious
14:45 fling Calinou: but there is some non-free js on their site :< something related to google I don't remember for sure
14:45 Amaz +1 for PenguinDad!
14:45 fling Calinou: savannah should be better :>
14:46 fling LemonLake: is it factory or factories? :P
14:46 LemonLake fling: factory
14:47 Matsetes What's the recipe for the boat?
14:47 fling Amaz: ok I have tecknic game + irc + factory mods.
14:47 fling Amaz: what else might I like?
14:47 Matsetes Nope, I solved
14:47 Amaz Not sure.
14:48 Amaz I don't generally play with that sort of things.
14:48 fling ok, thanks for the info :>
14:48 Amaz I'm more for the old fashioned things :P
14:48 fling Amaz: what things do you like to play with?
14:48 fling ohh
14:49 Amaz Lord of the Test... Skylands. Exploration and things like that. Middle ages buildings as well...
14:49 Amaz Noisetest!
14:49 fling Middle ages buildings? is it a mod? or what you buld?
14:49 Amaz Mods that let me build in the style of the middle ages.
14:50 PenguinDad I'd like to see some chemistry mod in minetest
14:50 Amaz That woul;d be nice.
14:51 PenguinDad would fit the test theme better
14:54 Amaz fling: Middle age buildings may become a mod soon!
14:57 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
14:58 domtron joined #minetest
14:58 Enke joined #minetest
14:58 Calinou <fling> Calinou: savannah should be better :>
14:59 Calinou savannah is terrible, terrible crap, looks ugly, almost used by nobody
14:59 Calinou the only good thing is the occasional translation support
14:59 Calinou other than that, it's total trash
14:59 Calinou like many GNU software
14:59 Calinou <fling> Calinou: but there is some non-free js on their site :< something related to google I don't remember for sure
14:59 Calinou <Amaz> +1 for PenguinDad!
14:59 Calinou /etc/hosts to the rescue
15:02 fling How to remove creative by the default?
15:06 domtron_ joined #minetest
15:06 fling do I need to disable unified invertory?
15:09 phantombeta joined #minetest
15:09 LemonLake If it's a server, and you're the first user on it, you will always be creative
15:09 fling is not it possible to disable mods of a game?
15:09 LemonLake you can't really disable it
15:10 fling umm
15:10 Amaz You can delete the folder, or put a . in front of it.
15:10 fling I can delete the world
15:10 fling do I need to put something in a config before creating a world?
15:11 LemonLake fling: to do what?
15:11 fling to make it to be survival :P
15:11 LemonLake Untick creative mode when starting the server.
15:12 fling untick?
15:12 LemonLake Ask someone who knows.
15:12 jp___ joined #minetest
15:12 Amaz Are you using the command line?
15:12 fling Amaz: yes
15:13 fling I'm running the server with an initscript
15:13 Amaz Okay.
15:13 Calinou load_mod_modname = false
15:13 Calinou in
15:13 fling /etc/init.d/minetest-server
15:13 * VanessaE peeks in.
15:13 fling Calinou: tried
15:13 Calinou for game mods, just put a . at the beginning of the mod name
15:13 Calinou same for world mods
15:13 * PenguinDad pokes in
15:13 fling
15:13 Amaz Add the line creative_mode = false to minetest.conf
15:14 Amaz That will set creative mode off.
15:14 * Calinou throws a pillow at PenguinDad
15:14 * PenguinDad catches the pillow and rests on it
15:14 fling Amaz: doh! creative mode is disabled but I still have all the blocks in the invertory
15:15 fling because unified_invertory is not disabled
15:15 fling looks like I need to tune this mod
15:15 Amaz That would just be a craft guide.
15:15 fling hmm hmm
15:15 PenguinDad fling: the admin always has creative with unified inventory
15:17 Calinou “name” player has all privileges, can't be revoked
15:17 Calinou this is to avoid takeovers
15:17 fling PenguinDad: yay! removed 'name = fling' and creative gone
15:17 Calinou if you don't want that to happen, put something else (or nothing) as name
15:17 fling Calinou: thanks :>
15:17 fling I will not use 'name = …' aymore
15:18 Calinou it's a better security practice if you have moderators around
15:18 Calinou administrators*
15:18 Calinou moderators shouldn't have “privs”, but admins should
15:18 fling I have one offline :|
15:19 * Krock removed creative
15:20 * PenguinDad added uncreative
15:21 * Exio rewrites a pseudo-creative mode
15:24 VanessaE just get Unified Inventory :)
15:24 CraigyDavi` joined #minetest
15:24 VanessaE imho it does creative mode the RIGHT way.
15:25 Calinou the UGLY way.
15:25 Jordach_ joined #minetest
15:25 Calinou the SMALL way.
15:25 VanessaE (tools behave like tools should, not instant-dig, stacks aren't infinite, etc)
15:25 Calinou infinite stacks are a good thing to me
15:25 VanessaE infinite stacks make it hard to test crafting recipes.
15:25 VanessaE terrible for coding.
15:26 VanessaE
15:26 VanessaE versus click-drag-drop..drop..drop..drop
15:26 jp___ VanessaE : in the 'beds' code, you have just to remove the sleeping function.
15:26 VanessaE jp___: I'm gonna just write my own.
15:27 VanessaE jp___: or maybe borrow from Sokomine's cottages mod, but with multiple colors of beds
15:27 VanessaE BlockMen's mod sucks anyway
15:27 jp___ Good idea.
15:27 PenguinDad most of BlockMen's mods suck imo
15:28 werwerwer joined #minetest
15:29 Amaz Boats keep on sinking. :(
15:29 VanessaE Amaz: stop poking holes in the hull? :)
15:30 Amaz Nope, I've not done that :P
15:30 Amaz Maybe it's the plunging down waterfalls!
15:31 VanessaE heh
15:32 Amaz They do add a lot to Paramat's mapgens.
15:32 PenguinDad only 30 topics left
15:33 Amaz Especially with gsmapper
15:49 raffahacks joined #minetest
15:51 asie joined #minetest
15:58 raffahacks Hi
15:59 LemonLake
15:59 LemonLake whadya think?
15:59 LemonLake entirely html/css/js
16:00 Kalista neat, thought it was an img for a sec hehe
16:00 raffahacks Still chatting from old phone, sorry
16:00 PenguinDad LemonLake: wrong textures
16:00 LemonLake PenguinDad: this is a public project, but it will have a minetest skin.
16:04 domtron joined #minetest
16:04 Amaz LemonLake, What is it meant to do?
16:05 LemonLake Amaz: It's a small script that allows you to show crafting recipes without having to take an in-game image.
16:05 Amaz Nice!
16:06 Exio we need haskell mods!
16:06 Exio >:D
16:10 kaeza joined #minetest
16:13 * Jordach considers testing BFD under VBox
16:15 Amaz Why?
16:15 Jordach IRC mod extensions ;)
16:15 Krock Jordach, why developing something with this amount of work?
16:16 Krock (using VBox to test something...)
16:16 PenguinDad run a windows build in wine in a vm and you will receive much performance
16:16 Krock yeah. cuz windows runs better than linux
16:16 * Amaz once ran a dos emulator in a windows vm
16:17 Amaz It was bad.
16:17 Exio windows doesn't run better
16:18 Exio any compiler takes A HELL LOT more to compile anything vs linux, probably because windows sucks at caching app properly
16:19 * Krock looks at last build time of 34 minutes
16:20 PenguinDad I'm not sure if it's really faster than a linux build with "-march=native -O3"
16:20 * Amaz looks at the last build time of ~4 minutes
16:21 * Krock slaps Amaz with a trout
16:21 * Jordach waits for Debian-7.6.0-amd64-DVD-2.iso
16:22 * Amaz cooks and eats the trout
16:22 * Krock waits for *ReactOS*0?4?0*.*
16:22 * PenguinDad looks at his ~2 minute build time
16:23 * PenguinDad slaps Krock with linux
16:23 * Krock takes 2 trouts and slaps PenguinDad
16:23 * Amaz is happy with ~4 minutes
16:23 * Krock doesn't get hurt - linux went trough the firewall and flew over everything
16:23 * Amaz throws at Krock
16:24 * Krock throws Wine Libs at Amaz
16:24 Krock but I like peppermint tasty things
16:24 * Amaz throws the Wine Libs out of the window
16:25 * Krock runs runs runs
16:25 * Amaz slaps Krock for breaking the /me chain
16:25 * Krock catches them
16:25 * Krock doges
16:25 Krock +d
16:25 * Amaz pushes Krock off a cliff
16:25 * Krock opens parachute
16:25 Krock weeee
16:26 * Amaz thought Krock would do that
16:26 PenguinDad windows is so badly programmed Tux needs to drink wine to understand it
16:26 Amaz :P
16:26 Tuxedo[Qyou] yes
16:26 Krock AaGH
16:28 Exio PenguinDad, -O3 is shit system-wide
16:28 Exio -march=native is nice, yeah, but -O3 isn't that nice
16:28 PenguinDad Exio: I was only talking about minetest
16:28 jp___ joined #minetest
16:28 Exio ahm
16:29 Exio -Ofast then!
16:29 Exio anyway
16:30 PenguinDad I always forget aout -Ofast
16:30 PenguinDad *about
16:30 Exio system-wide, linux is way nicer to use than windows
16:32 swaaws joined #minetest
16:39 Vazon joined #minetest
16:43 domtron joined #minetest
16:43 LemonLake does someone have a tool that generates an image using a nodebox + textures?
16:43 PilzAdam Minetest?
16:44 * Jordach purrs at sfan5
16:44 LemonLake PilzAdam: more practical
16:44 kaeza M-x generate-nodebox-image
16:44 kaeza greetings
16:44 LemonLake something faster to use than going into game, screenshoting, cropping, resizing and saving
16:44 LemonLake kaeza: hm?
16:45 LemonLake how would i use that?
16:47 LemonLake oh come on
16:47 PenguinDad LemonLake: get the one and only OS emacs
16:47 PenguinDad :P
16:47 LemonLake don't just tell me something and then disappear
16:47 LemonLake okay
16:48 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
16:49 swaaws joined #minetest
16:50 Calinou
16:50 Calinou I'll try this
16:51 * Jordach meows at sfan5
16:52 PenguinDad just teleport to {x = math.inf, y = math.inf, z = math.inf} and you'll see if the map is infinite :P
16:53 Tom-s joined #minetest
16:54 Robby joined #minetest
16:54 Calinou crap, Freetype is disabled by default…
16:55 Krock why crap?
16:55 PenguinDad why's that a problem?
16:56 Krock Calinou, do a indows build too, plz :P
16:56 Krock +w
16:56 LemonLake I'm not quite sure how to use emacs.
16:56 LemonLake How do I use the package manager?
16:56 Tom-s joined #minetest
16:59 Jordach LemonLake, sudo apt-get install emacs
17:00 LemonLake I have emacs.
17:00 Jordach (IF Mint)
17:00 Jordach oh
17:00 * Jordach doesn't know
17:00 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
17:00 kaeza LemonLake, short of following PilzAdam's suggestion, there's no other way
17:00 LemonLake >.<
17:00 LemonLake tonight is gonna be an all-nighter then
17:01 Calinou I tried that patch, doesn't work, even with newly created worlds…
17:01 Krock VanessaE, congrats
17:01 Calinou PenguinDad, Krock, default Irrlicht font is tiny
17:01 Calinou my Minetest will always fall back on it
17:02 Krock Calinou, i know but theingame names won't change if you get freetype
17:02 Krock *the ingame
17:02 PenguinDad Calinou: broken libpng?
17:02 Jordach >default irrlicht font is tiny
17:02 Calinou no
17:02 Jordach it's like twice the size of freetype on win64
17:02 Calinou Krock, yes, but at least most text is nice and readable
17:03 kaeza set the inventory list background color to some special color such as magenta with a mod, put all the items you want to screenshot in screen at the same time, take the screenshot using your favorite program, import into GIMP and change magenta to fully transparent
17:03 Krock Calinou, also fontlucida(.png) is god readable..
17:03 Krock +o
17:03 kaeza LemonLake, ^
17:03 Calinou no outline, no shadow, looks bad
17:03 Calinou too small for me
17:03 LemonLake kaeza: i know
17:03 Krock k
17:03 LemonLake that was my backup plan
17:03 LemonLake but i'm gonna be spending a veeery long time doing this.
17:04 crazyR someone sent me some really good config settings to improve mapgen lag a couple of weeks ago but cnt remember who it was, ive lost the settings and need to get hold of them again :/
17:04 PenguinDad eew font shadows
17:04 Krock num_emerge_threads = cores
17:04 Calinou
17:04 Calinou tweak mapgen + better performance
17:04 kaeza ^ can break maps AFAIK
17:04 Calinou (the mapgen tweak only takes effects on new worlds)
17:04 kaeza (num_emerge_threads)
17:05 Calinou don't increase num_emerge_threads, it wastes power and is inefficient (tons of concurrency)
17:05 Calinou decrease generation and sending distance of blocks, as well as active block range
17:05 Krock Calinou, and how do you get that knowlege?
17:05 Krock " it wastes power and is inefficient"
17:05 Calinou because using 8 threads isn't even 3 times faster than using 1
17:05 Krock better set map save interval to 240
17:05 Calinou it should be at least 4 times faster
17:06 Calinou huge map save intervals means you save huge amounts of data every time
17:06 Calinou it also means in case of a crash, you can lose up to 4 minutes of work
17:06 Calinou I already tripled the default delay, good enough
17:06 Krock small means, you save every door open/close
17:07 * PenguinDad sets server_map_save_interval to (32^2)-1
17:07 LemonLake PenguinDad: why so specific?
17:07 Calinou
17:07 Jordach !c (32^2)-1
17:07 MinetestBot 33
17:07 Calinou proper Git usage ^
17:08 Jordach :)
17:08 PenguinDad !c (32**2)-1
17:08 MinetestBot 1023
17:08 PenguinDad s/32^2/2^32/
17:08 Jordach >Calinou bitching about GiHub, still uses it either way
17:08 PenguinDad !c (2**32)-1
17:08 MinetestBot 4294967295
17:08 Calinou you can bitch at something and still use it
17:09 Calinou I don't host repositories on it
17:09 PenguinDad now it's correct
17:09 Calinou that's all
17:09 PenguinDad Calinou: you still do
17:09 Calinou oh, unlimited map is a branch
17:09 Calinou that's why
17:10 Calinou TIL you can run “make” from Minetest directory, not only from src/
17:10 Calinou PenguinDad, I don't update the repositores hosted on it and won't add new ones
17:10 Jordach Calinou, been doing that for a while now
17:10 Jordach you're doing it wrong :p
17:12 Calinou the unlimited map works
17:12 PenguinDad > unlimited
17:12 Calinou world flickers are frequent
17:13 Calinou lol collision doesn't work at 240000
17:14 Calinou craptons of precision errors
17:14 Calinou even 100000 doesn't
17:15 Calinou it works when sneaking only
17:15 rubenwardy joined #minetest
17:15 rubenwardy Hi all!
17:15 Jordach ello
17:15 rubenwardy Segfaults are not fun :(
17:15 rubenwardy Working up a new record for segfaults per line of code in NBE
17:15 PenguinDad Calinou: go to very low Z coordinate
17:15 Jordach
17:16 Calinou caves are generated in “layers”
17:16 PenguinDad farlanes for minetest!
17:16 q66 joined #minetest
17:17 Calinou collision works properly up to 32768
17:18 Calinou so only a few blocks are really available
17:18 zat joined #minetest
17:19 Calinou still adds 1856 blocks, which is 6 % more, in each direction!
17:19 Calinou I got a freeze of the game, the game rapidly took RAM, had to kill it
17:20 Calinou happens when you mine under you, when falling
17:21 Vazon joined #minetest
17:23 Krock hi rubenwardy
17:24 kaeza oh dog the spam
17:26 Calinou PenguinDad,;t=9793&amp;p=149041#p149041 → I again read your post in Fluttershy's voice
17:29 Pest joined #minetest
17:30 Amaz Calinou: /teleport 1000000, 10, 1000000
17:30 Amaz :P
17:30 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
17:30 Amaz Crashed it for me!
17:32 Amaz Just saw the post...
17:32 CraigyDavi`` joined #minetest
17:32 Amaz :/
17:33 Jordach Amaz, 5 minutes until IRC prototyping (at
17:33 rubenwardy Is it acceptable for NBE to only support PNG files?
17:33 Jordach rubenwardy, yes
17:33 LemonLake rubenwardy: what?
17:33 rubenwardy (for texturing)
17:33 rubenwardy NodeBoxEditor
17:33 LemonLake yeah, that's fine
17:33 Jordach (except i can use the same bug that VE uses to auto apply the jpg version)
17:34 PilzAdam rubenwardy, how hard would it be to support others?
17:34 Amaz Jordach: ?
17:34 rubenwardy Not too hard actually. It would probably be best to add support, anyway
17:35 Jordach Amaz, working on a probable new IRC mod features (as an addon)
17:37 Amaz Okay.
17:37 Calinou joined #minetest
17:40 jp___ joined #minetest
17:45 lemonlake2 joined #minetest
17:45 lemonlake2 Quick question
17:45 lemonlake2 How can I decrease a tool's wear upon use in crafting?
17:52 Calinou I don't think you can
17:53 Krock LemonLake vs lemonlake2
17:53 lemonlake2 Calinou: crap
17:53 lemonlake2 Krock: well, i might just kill the other one
17:54 domtron joined #minetest
17:54 lemonlake2 >:)
17:54 LemonLake joined #minetest
17:55 lemonlake2 what
17:55 lemonlake2 what the actual
17:55 Krock xD
17:55 lemonlake2 darn hexchat user
17:56 LemonLake joined #minetest
17:56 lemonlake2 i give up
17:56 PenguinDad lemonlake2: use regain
17:56 lemonlake2 i don't know the password
17:56 Amaz rubenwardy: What branch of NBE should I get? (Apart from master.)
17:56 Jordach facking silly kitty
17:56 rubenwardy Master
17:57 LemonLake oka
17:57 VanessaE Krock: congrats? for what
17:57 Amaz :P
17:57 Guest41832 joined #minetest
17:57 Krock VanessaE, 3000
17:57 rubenwardy 'TextureTool' branch contains a 0.7 prototype, but it is unusable. You can't save files.
17:57 LemonLake oh god
17:57 VanessaE oh
17:57 Amaz Okay.
17:57 LemonLake it rejoined
17:57 VanessaE wasn't even paying attention to my post count
17:57 Krock :P
17:57 Amaz What about bugs2?
17:58 Amaz Or minetest_interface?
17:58 * PenguinDad slaps Guest41832
17:59 * Krock_slaps PenguinDad
17:59 rubenwardy bugs2 shouldn't exist. minetest_interface is a 0.9 prototype.
17:59 Amaz Okay!
17:59 VanessaE rubenwardy: I miss the old export-to-paste feature
18:00 Amaz No 0.8 prototype? ;)
18:00 VanessaE rubenwardy: where you got a dialog box you could copy the node text directly out of without having to save/export the node first.
18:00 rubenwardy Well,minetest_interface contains code which will go in 0.9
18:00 Amaz Okay.
18:00 rubenwardy Yeah, VanessaE. That is on the to do list for 0.7
18:00 VanessaE ok
18:00 * GhostDoge_licks Krock
18:00 rubenwardy As part of the file save dialog
18:01 Krock :D
18:01 Amaz What changes are planed for 0.7?
18:01 VanessaE cheers :)
18:01 rubenwardy
18:02 Amaz Right!
18:04 Guest41832 i was abused
18:04 Exio >2gb of ram
18:04 VanessaE ookay...
18:04 Exio how can this be enough
18:04 paramat joined #minetest
18:04 Exio i'm dying
18:04 Amaz Something I made with NBE. (It's meant to be a tomb, like you see in old cathedrals.) <- rubenwardy
18:05 PenguinDad 4gb would be barely enough for me
18:05 Exio i can't live with less than 8gb of ram since i use my FX
18:05 Exio and 12gb is still not enough with it
18:05 LemonLake Amaz: are they separate textures, or just texture trickery?
18:05 VanessaE use HDX512 and you'll need 8 GB :)
18:05 Exio but atm i'm desktop-less
18:05 rubenwardy Oh, I see. Very good, Amaz.
18:06 * Krock is happy with 128 MB memory usage of minetest
18:06 Amaz :)
18:06 Amaz LemonLake, what do you mean?
18:06 LemonLake did you have separate textures per nodebox, or did you just very cleverly place them in accordance to the nodebox positions?
18:07 Amaz I used one texture per side of the node.
18:07 LemonLake yes, that's what i meant
18:07 Amaz So, 12 textures for the two nodes.
18:07 LemonLake good work
18:08 Amaz Thanks :)
18:10 phantombeta joined #minetest
18:11 Krock PenguinDad, is that a serious meant message at #1427?
18:12 Jordach brb
18:12 Jordach rebooting
18:13 PenguinDad ofc it is
18:27 LemonLake this is taking so long
18:27 Amaz What is?
18:27 LemonLake i have to screenshot the entire inventory
18:27 LemonLake and crop out every individual item
18:27 LemonLake remove the background
18:27 LemonLake resize it
18:27 LemonLake save it
18:27 LemonLake sort it into the correct folder
18:27 LemonLake upload it
18:27 LemonLake code it in
18:28 Krock Do we need more sub-titles in the MT forums?
18:28 Krock currently, there's only "Member" for normal users
18:28 PenguinDad we have subtitles?
18:28 Amaz Could you just use the texture?
18:28 Krock no. therefre I ask
18:28 LemonLake Amaz: nodeboxes
18:28 Amaz Right.
18:29 Amaz Krock: Yes, we do.
18:29 PenguinDad Krock: you mean something like ranking based on post count?
18:29 Krock I mean, more sub-titles
18:29 LemonLake Krock: that would be good
18:29 LemonLake PenguinDad: correct
18:29 Krock PenguinDad, yes. like that. Idk if everybody likes that
18:29 PenguinDad s/sub-titles/ranks/
18:29 LemonLake Krock: there's no reason not to
18:29 LemonLake but also no reason to do so
18:29 LemonLake it's just vanity ^.^
18:29 Krock yes
18:30 Amaz Idiot, modding master, texture wisard, mapping mastermind, ect.
18:30 Amaz :P
18:30 Krock ehm
18:30 Krock erase the 1st
18:30 Amaz That was a joke :P
18:30 Amaz Darkrose did something like that to a user on the Minetest classic forums.
18:30 Krock well, you couldn't callusers with 5000 posts "modding master"
18:30 Calinou Jordach used to call himself “Blender Master (Moderator”, was ugly
18:31 * Krock ignores Jordach
18:31 Amaz No, I was thing of each of those for people who did a lot of good mods.
18:31 Amaz PlizAdam, Calinou, ect.
18:32 Krock they'realreadymods
18:32 Calinou we already have moderator/developer
18:32 Krock anymyspacekeyisbrokenagain
18:32 Calinou I don't feel like giving random titles around
18:32 Amaz :(
18:35 BlockMen joined #minetest
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20:06 Jordach joined #minetest
20:06 * Jordach is busy fighting VirtualBox to work correctly
20:08 Jp-e71 joined #minetest
20:09 * sfan5 meows at Jordach
20:09 LemonLake hmph
20:10 LemonLake would anyone know why an apache server continually gets slower as more ftp uploads are made?
20:10 Jordach Result Code: E_FAIL (0x80004005)
20:10 Jordach Interface: IMachine {22781af3-1c96-4126-9edf-67a020e0e858}
20:11 Jordach does the goddamn same with Windows 7 Ultimate iso, Ubuntu, Arch
20:14 Jp-e71 Test
20:17 Krock anti-test
20:19 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest
20:19 luizrpgluiz hi
20:22 luizrpgluiz lol, that silence here on chat
20:23 UukGoblin everybody's mining
20:23 LemonLake i'm not
20:24 Krock mining mese or dogecoins?
20:25 Gregor3000 joined #minetest
20:27 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
20:32 * Krock has a new signature (soon TM)
20:33 Amaz :P
20:33 * Amaz likes
20:33 Krock *new quote in the signature
20:39 LemonLake this is getting on my nervese
20:43 LemonLake what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
20:43 VanessaE ?
20:43 LemonLake there's no error
20:43 LemonLake nothing at all
20:43 LemonLake why does it not work
20:43 LemonLake why has it broken all of a sudden
20:43 VanessaE what doesn't work?
20:44 LemonLake
20:44 LemonLake by default the crafting recipe shouldn't be showing
20:44 LemonLake and clicking 'information' should toggle it
20:44 LemonLake the factory_drop div is invincible or something
20:44 LemonLake anything you do to it is just ignored
20:45 VanessaE no clue :)
20:45 VanessaE over my head; I use Wikia to maintain my crafting guide e.g. for homedecor
20:46 LemonLake it's not that
20:46 LemonLake animations can't be invoked on factory_drop
20:46 LemonLake anything else works fine
20:46 LemonLake and it worked before, too
20:46 LemonLake it just suddenly broke
20:47 * sfan5 meows at VanessaE
20:47 VanessaE meow.
20:53 Enke joined #minetest
21:01 domtron joined #minetest
21:07 domtron joined #minetest
21:07 LemonLake well, by commenting out the liquidslider code it works
21:07 LemonLake so it has to be a setting i changed in the liquidslider
21:09 zoz joined #minetest
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21:15 domtron joined #minetest
21:17 Jordach LemonLake, want me to produce a OSS bg for you
21:18 domtron joined #minetest
21:22 LemonLake Jordach: oss bg?
21:22 Jordach you're using non free images :)
21:23 LemonLake whadya mean?
21:23 Jordach MC inventory and tooltip hover aren't free
21:23 LemonLake i'm aware.
21:23 LemonLake it's just temporary ^.^
21:23 domtron joined #minetest
21:23 LemonLake but lemme say one thing
21:24 LemonLake they're so simple that it doesn't actually make a difference
21:24 LemonLake also, it's fine to use them
21:24 LemonLake it's not commercial
21:25 VanessaE not-commercial is not an excuse, but you could argue "Fair Use" easily here.
21:25 VanessaE "for education or commentary"
21:26 LemonLake hold up
21:26 LemonLake im reading legal shit
21:26 domtron joined #minetest
21:27 VanessaE LemonLake: US copyright law does not distinguish commercial and non-commercial use of someone else's work, as far as whether it is or isn't infringement, but it DOES make the distinction about whether you were trying to make a so-called "fair use" claim
21:27 LemonLake VanessaE: hold up im reading legal shit
21:27 VanessaE but the terms of the fair use law are vague.
21:27 VanessaE LemonLake: nothing to "hold up".  been there, done that, got the legal threats to prove it.
21:28 VanessaE :)
21:28 LemonLake
21:28 LemonLake say what you think of this.
21:30 VanessaE branding is a trademark issue.
21:30 VanessaE trademark law is different from copyright laws.
21:30 domtron joined #minetest
21:31 VanessaE "which means don‘t ..... let other people get access to anything we‘ve made in a way that is unfair or unreasonable;"
21:31 VanessaE there's your answer.
21:31 VanessaE they get to define what is "fair" and "reasonable".
21:31 LemonLake okay then
21:31 LemonLake im fine with that
21:31 VanessaE "NOT be unlawful, deceptive, obscene, harmful or disparaging"
21:32 LemonLake this is simply a crafting menu background and tooltip
21:32 VanessaE unfortunately, what you've done is unlawful unless you make a fair use claim.
21:32 LemonLake if that's the case, i'm surprised most mc fansites haven't been taken down.
21:32 LemonLake the majority of them consist of a theme entirely using their textures
21:32 VanessaE yep I know
21:32 VanessaE but that's why in MT we're careful with licenses and such crap
21:33 LemonLake either way
21:33 LemonLake [22:23:34] <LemonLake> i'm aware.
21:33 LemonLake [22:23:37] <LemonLake> it's just temporary ^.^
21:33 VanessaE just put a fair use claim at the bottom until you finish with it and you'll be covered.
21:44 Jordach does math.random only provide 2 and 3 by using (1,4) as the limits?
21:46 VanessaE no, 1-4.
21:46 VanessaE in fact you can leave off the 1.
21:46 VanessaE math.random(4) will give values of 1-4 if I remember right.
21:47 Jordach okay
21:47 Jordach doesn't seem to work
21:47 VanessaE "math.random(upper) generates integer numbers between 1 and upper."
21:48 VanessaE yep, I was right.
21:48 Jordach hm
21:48 Jordach TIL
21:49 Jordach it does seem to be random, just got a case of bad luck
21:49 Jordach
21:52 VanessaE "local non-randomness".
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22:06 LemonLake Jordach: why ar eyou using a vm?
22:06 VanessaE you missed.
22:06 LemonLake no
22:06 LemonLake i didn't miss
22:07 LemonLake but why not just install it on your machine?
22:07 VanessaE [07-21 18:03] * Jordach has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
22:07 VanessaE [07-21 18:06] <LemonLake> Jordach: why ar eyou using a vm?
22:07 LemonLake oh
22:07 LemonLake wasn't scrolled to see that :P
22:09 LemonLake shame, though
22:09 LemonLake spent all that time making the css for nothin
22:11 QwertyDragon joined #minetest
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22:32 MinetestBot AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'urlencode' (file "/home/user/mtbot/modules/", line 85, in rsscheck)
22:36 VanessaE (yeah, because github went and changed around their page formatting again)
22:36 VanessaE Add rotation for plantlike drawtype. -
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