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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-05-09

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:01 EvergreenTree hey Sokomine, what was this about a bug with the animated fire in the furnace?
00:01 EvergreenTree I was the one who added it
00:02 EvergreenTree </poorly phrased sentance>
00:05 ShadowNinja blipp: You can use C(++) via moadable modules (see the IRC mod).
00:05 ShadowNinja loadable*
00:06 ShadowNinja And, of course, you can use the Minetest API and os.execute.
00:07 ShadowNinja Lua loads the modules though.  There corrently isn't an API for any language other than Lua.
00:20 blaise is there a list of features to come in minetest-0.10.0 ?
00:20 blaise ACK!
00:20 blaise I mean minetest-0.5.0
00:21 blaise I recall some conversations reguarding the version to switch from 0.x.x to x.x.x
00:21 blaise so will it be minetest-5.x.x ?
00:21 blaise or minetest-1.x.x ?
00:23 EvergreenTree blaise: it will be 0.4.10
00:24 EvergreenTree 0.x only changes when a HUGE change is made to the engine
00:24 EvergreenTree eg. 0.4.x focuses on the modding api
00:24 EvergreenTree for al ist of features, look at the commit history on the github repository
00:29 blaise cool
00:30 blaise where do I put server_announce = true
00:30 blaise ?
00:30 blaise or minetest.conf ?
00:30 EvergreenTree idk
00:31 blaise lol
00:32 blaise thanks
00:32 BrandonReese minetest.conf
00:33 BrandonReese all of the announce stuff is in the example config file
00:44 arsdragonfly1 joined #minetest
00:46 Megaf compiling redis on my raspberry pi
00:50 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
00:56 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
01:13 Megaf 13 minutes
01:37 Taoki joined #minetest
02:37 OldCoder joined #minetest
02:59 khor joined #minetest
03:25 OldCoder joined #minetest
03:38 werwerwer joined #minetest
03:47 Exio4 joined #minetest
04:40 Miner_48er joined #minetest
04:41 DMackey joined #minetest
05:25 Mobilechip joined #minetest
05:28 Mobile Hello
05:29 Mobile left #minetest
05:43 Hunterz joined #minetest
05:51 arsdragonfly1 joined #minetest
05:53 asie joined #minetest
06:03 Vohveli joined #minetest
06:05 rsiska joined #minetest
06:34 Eater4 joined #minetest
06:40 VargaD_ joined #minetest
06:47 Vohveli joined #minetest
06:50 blipp joined #minetest
06:54 crazyR__ joined #minetest
06:58 blaze joined #minetest
07:02 Garmine joined #minetest
07:22 Mimilus joined #minetest
07:54 ImQ009 joined #minetest
08:02 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Lost Sock Memorial Day! :-D
08:02 Lunatrius joined #minetest
08:08 Mati^1 joined #minetest
08:10 Lunatrius` joined #minetest
08:15 Lunatrius` joined #minetest
08:23 Lunatrius joined #minetest
08:24 asie joined #minetest
08:38 Lunatrius joined #minetest
08:45 jin_xi joined #minetest
08:50 asie joined #minetest
08:53 john_minetest joined #minetest
09:08 khor joined #minetest
09:09 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
09:26 kahrl joined #minetest
09:45 mati1 joined #minetest
09:46 anunakki joined #minetest
10:05 PilzAdam joined #minetest
10:05 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
10:25 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
10:52 Garmine joined #minetest
11:10 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
11:21 kaeza joined #minetest
11:23 kaeza mornings
11:26 asie joined #minetest
11:30 Garmine joined #minetest
11:39 Wuzzy joined #minetest
11:39 Krock joined #minetest
11:43 MichaelRpdx joined #minetest
11:45 Krock Hello elpoeP
12:01 Krock HELLO?
12:01 crazyR__ HELOOOOO
12:01 crazyR__ lol
12:06 Ritchie joined #minetest
12:18 Megaf Hello everyone
12:18 Megaf good morning kaeza
12:19 Megaf Hi john_minetest
12:19 Megaf Hello PilzAdam
12:19 Megaf Hi Krock crazyR__
12:19 Megaf Morning JamesTait
12:19 Krock Hi Yougaf
12:19 Megaf =)
12:19 Krock or TInyf
12:19 crazyR__ :)
12:20 Megaf Folks, I couldn't manage to start a server to test redis
12:20 Krock too bad.
12:21 Krock We're all depressed now
12:22 Krock Folks, I won't get linux and can't compile leveldb to get a working, new minetest version.
12:22 Krock I better migrate to sqlite again
12:23 Mimilus joined #minetest
12:25 Megaf here it will complain it could not find a
12:26 Megaf ./minetestserver: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
12:26 Krock msbuild hiredis.sln </win32user>
12:27 Krock </noob at comiling>
12:27 Krock </noob at grammar>
12:31 restcoser joined #minetest
12:37 CraigyDavi_ joined #minetest
12:40 Megaf heh
12:45 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
12:48 jin_xi joined #minetest
12:49 hmmmm joined #minetest
12:50 phantombeta joined #minetest
13:07 PenguinDad joined #minetest
13:34 Jousway joined #minetest
13:39 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
13:40 sfan5 Megaf: make sure hiredis is installed system-wide
13:40 sfan5 meow
13:40 sfan5 hi everyone
13:42 Exio4 joined #minetest
13:42 domtron joined #minetest
13:43 Exio4 joined #minetest
13:43 asie joined #minetest
13:44 * Krock meows at sfan5
13:44 * sfan5 purrs at Krock
13:48 Megaf Hi sfan5
13:49 cups joined #minetest
13:49 Megaf sfan5: I used cmake options to tell where hiredis is
13:49 sfan5 that is not enough
13:49 sfan5 the executable needs the library at runtime too
13:49 Megaf I see
13:49 sfan5 similar how .exes need .dlls
13:49 Megaf I will create a dynamic link then
13:50 Megaf as soon as it finishis compiling again...
13:50 PenguinDad I compiled minetest with static hiredis :3
13:50 Megaf PenguinDad: how?
13:51 sfan5 tell cmake to link to the .a instead of the .so
13:51 sfan5 ^
13:51 sfan5 Megaf ^
13:51 Megaf Is that simple? Why didnt you say that vefore?
13:51 Megaf before*
13:52 sfan5 because dynamic linking is the way to go
13:53 PenguinDad The redis options I use "-DREDIS_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/penguindad/Software/redis-2.8.9/deps/hiredis/ -DREDIS_LIBRARY=/home/penguindad/Software/redis-2.8.9/deps/hiredis/libhiredis.a"
13:53 cups joined #minetest
13:54 cups joined #minetest
13:58 Pest joined #minetest
13:59 PenguinDad joined #minetest
14:00 Megaf PenguinDad: I dont have that .a file
14:00 Megaf how did you compile your redis?
14:03 PenguinDad Megaf: I just compiled like in the README
14:10 Krock wow... mapgens are very easy to make :)
14:10 PenguinDad Mgv7 isn't that hard to use
14:11 Krock yes. trying now with lua mapgen
14:11 IceCream joined #minetest
14:16 PenguinDad is there any 3D simplex noise Mapgen for minetest?
14:20 Megaf PenguinDad: I got my redis from here
14:21 Megaf hm, I see what you did there
14:21 blipp joined #minetest
14:26 DMackey joined #minetest
14:31 dzho joined #minetest
14:41 PaulHarrisJr_ joined #minetest
14:47 Krock why does "minetest.get_voxel_manip()" cause black generated area but not "minetest.get_mapgen_object("voxelmanip")"?
14:48 Krock hmmmm!
14:55 Jordach joined #minetest
14:56 domtron joined #minetest
15:00 * Jordach waits for twitter to start
15:01 * sfan5 purrs at Jordach
15:02 Jordach sfan5, living in Munich i see (or somewhere close?)
15:02 sfan5 no
15:02 Jordach damn :P
15:02 sfan5 much further north
15:03 Jordach !tw @Coding2Learn
15:03 MinetestBot Sorry, couldn't get a tweet from (@Coding2Learn)
15:03 Jordach fuck
15:03 Jordach fix yer broken shit :P
15:03 sfan5 !tw
15:03 MinetestBot Awesome - Munich switched to Linux (@Coding2Learn)
15:03 sfan5 ^ Ji
15:03 sfan5 Jordach
15:04 Jordach sfan5, not my fault the Win client doesn't do that :)
15:05 NekoGloop joined #minetest
15:06 Krock joined #minetest
15:07 cups joined #minetest
15:10 Krock ~ping
15:10 ShadowBot pong
15:10 Jordach hey Krock
15:10 crazyR__ hey guys tried to run the mapper like so and got the following error message, anyone care to help? minetestmapper/minetestmapper -i .minetest/worlds/world -o .minetest/publichtml/maps/map.png --backend leveldb
15:10 crazyR__ GD Warning: product of memory allocation multiplication would exceed INT_MAX, failing operation gracefully
15:12 Krock2 joined #minetest
15:12 Krock_ WtfInternetPrivider
15:12 Krock_ WtfTypos
15:12 Jordach where's the space bar
15:13 crazyR__ anyone?
15:13 Krock_ what?
15:13 Krock_ ~ping
15:13 ShadowBot pong
15:14 sfan5 crazyR__: try updating your libgd
15:15 * Jordach is rendering again
15:20 crazyR__ sfan5: just did that with the same error. is there anyway i can get it to give me a more specific error?
15:20 Jordach CraigyDavi, i've noticed that BlockMen's x64 builds seldom crash (you should try that sometime)
15:20 sfan5 crazyR__: no
15:22 blaze joined #minetest
15:22 crazyR__ sfan5: ok thanks. does your personal branch still work?
15:23 sfan5 IT'S OUTDATED!
15:23 Jordach !!kick sfan5 no caps lock
15:23 sfan5 meow, I'm a kitten, I'm allowed to do this
15:23 crazyR__ ok sorry, just trying to find a solution that works
15:23 Jordach kittens can't shout ;)
15:24 PenguinDad <me> ~give Jordach kittens can shout!
15:24 ShadowBot me@PenguinDad: Jordach: <kittens can shout!>
15:25 * Jordach is just letting a render finish
15:29 crazyR__ any ideas guys, server is down whilst i try to fix this. mapper worked fine before i migrated to leveldb not it fails everytime. i need to get it fixed as everyone is mithering for it :/
15:29 crazyR__ *now
15:29 * Jordach meows at sfan5
15:30 * sfan5 kittens
15:30 * Jordach has a hidden thing that is ingenious
15:31 CraigyDavi Jordach, I may try that sometime. But my server seems to crash more frequently recently. Maybe due to more crappy mobile clients or something new in minetest
15:31 Jordach CraigyDavi, mods?
15:31 Jordach (i've actually never seen BFD fail under load, which is insane)
15:32 CraigyDavi The main problems I have is the server lagging out or "Minetest core application has stopped responding". But here are the mods:
15:33 sfan5 !c (3840*2*10, 2160*2*10)
15:33 MinetestBot (76800, 43200)
15:33 sfan5 wow
15:33 sfan5 80K is insane
15:33 MinetestBot 10
15:33 sfan5 !c 2**8
15:33 MinetestBot 256
15:33 MinetestBot 256
15:34 Jordach 256*
15:34 Jordach -ABOUT
15:34 Jordach derp :P
15:35 Jordach subconscious trolling
15:35 * Jordach has implied that for a while in his renders
15:35 sfan5 meow
15:36 * Jordach pats MinetestBot
15:36 * MinetestBot purrs
15:36 Jordach john_minetest, ah yes, military robots
15:36 Jordach with fucking machine guns
15:36 sfan5 john_minetest: ,
15:36 Jordach and long ass vision
15:37 Jordach even apple isn't that innovative ;)
15:38 * sfan5 throws at Jordach
15:40 Jordach <Blu_Engineer> Buildin' a sentry!
15:40 * whiskers75 meows at sfan5
15:40 * sfan5 purrs at whiskers75
15:40 whiskers75 :D
15:41 PilzAdam <- thats how you do 3D perlin noise
15:41 whiskers75 PilzAdam: why do you not like being called pilz, btw?
15:43 Jordach hey PulseAudio :D
15:43 crazyR__ sfan5: just used a diffrent fork and got a more specific error:   any ideas on what i can do
15:44 PenguinDad looks nice
15:44 sfan5 PilzAdam: >jpg >2014
15:44 PilzAdam the mapgen only needs about 3 lines to produce that
15:44 sfan5 pls
15:45 PilzAdam sfan5, I uploaded a .png ...
15:45 PenguinDad crazyR__: 32bit?
15:45 crazyR__ 64bit
15:46 sfan5 PilzAdam: imgur compresses images, heavily; use
15:46 PilzAdam does it work without JS and flash?
15:46 Jordach afaik, yes
15:46 PilzAdam (and cookies disabled)
15:47 PilzAdam (and user agent hidden)
15:47 Jordach
15:51 sfan5 PilzAdam: not without js IIRC
15:53 sfan5 did you even hover over it?
15:53 sfan5 if you think this is a bug, off you go to #mediacrush
15:59 crazyR__ so does the mapper not work on 64bit then?
16:00 sfan5 it does
16:00 sfan5 should*
16:01 sfan5 *irc stats updated*
16:03 sfan5 yes it is
16:04 sfan5 it's html5 technology
16:04 sfan5 videos are way smaller than gifs and have a better quality
16:05 crazyR__ sfan5:   thats the details of my GD library. does that look right?
16:05 sfan5 yes
16:07 crazyR__ thanks. do yo know if there's anyway to make it handle more pixels. or is it hardcoded into the lib?
16:08 sfan5 probably hardcoded
16:09 Jordach (boom, update)
16:10 Hunterz joined #minetest
16:11 crazyR__ thanks sfan: dos this seem like a normal size for a mapped image 4294967296 pixels <--- or does it look like some from of bad calcultion
16:12 Pest joined #minetest
16:16 sfan5 crazyR__: could be bad calculation
16:19 sfan5 meow
16:22 * john_minetest gives sfan5 a <'((((-<
16:46 * sfan5 noms it
16:46 sfan5 ^ john_minetest
16:47 Krock_ joined #minetest
16:49 sfan5 ooh
16:49 sfan5 a thunderbold!
16:49 sfan5 D:
16:50 alexxss joined #minetest
16:52 zat joined #minetest
16:55 sfan5 thunderbolt*
16:55 sfan5 no
16:55 sfan5 thunderbold cables are usually not in the sky
16:58 blipp joined #minetest
16:59 * sfan5 purrs at john_minetest
17:00 CraigyDavi And they look good
17:05 asie joined #minetest
17:16 * sfan5 meows at john_minetest
17:23 q66 joined #minetest
17:23 q66 joined #minetest
17:24 Calinou joined #minetest
17:27 ImQ009 joined #minetest
17:33 FreeFull joined #minetest
17:37 Mikerhinos joined #minetest
17:37 Mikerhinos hi
17:39 Krock_ hi
17:41 Calinou hi
17:43 Krock test.
17:45 Jordach LAY
17:45 Jordach derp
17:45 Jordach okay, Nintendo is awesome with the Ninty Account settings: automatically set to opt-out of marketing mail
17:46 Jordach i'm not even mad :)
17:46 sfan5 meow :3
17:46 Krock roar
17:47 Jordach :3
17:47 ImQ009 joined #minetest
17:48 Jordach all i wanna do is make a Minetest for 3DS
17:48 Jordach considering we have polarized screen support
17:51 iqualfragile joined #minetest
17:55 Calinou do we have eye insurance support?
18:05 Mikerhinos Minetest on Facebook with an Occulus Rift with all your geek friends, lol
18:06 Megaf_ joined #minetest
18:07 Calinou Oculus*
18:07 Mikerhinos each achievement is posted on your profile, and all of your personnal infos sold to any spam merchandising business
18:07 Calinou “Calinou likes moreblocks:trap_stone. 10% Additional Traps at WeSellTraps!”
18:07 Mikerhinos Yeah Oculus whatever lol
18:08 Megaf_ ~up 30003
18:08 ShadowBot Megaf_: port 30003 is up (631ms)
18:08 Megaf_ weird
18:08 Megaf_ !up 30002
18:08 MinetestBot is up (747ms)
18:09 Megaf_ Nah, nothings weird here
18:15 proller joined #minetest
18:20 sfan5 ooh
18:20 sfan5 thunderbolts outside again
18:22 Jordach soory
18:22 Jordach that was my gut
18:24 tomreyn joined #minetest
18:27 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
18:35 whiskers75 sfan5: yay capere
18:35 * whiskers75 meows at sfan5
18:35 whiskers75 ~up
18:35 ShadowBot whiskers75: port 30000 is up (385ms)
18:35 whiskers75 !up
18:35 MinetestBot is up (293ms)
18:35 whiskers75 ha
18:35 sfan5 meow
18:35 sfan5 ping from germany is better
18:35 whiskers75 ShadowBot has crappier ping
18:36 sfan5 *launched minetest+
18:36 sfan5 s/+/*/
18:36 Mati^1 joined #minetest
18:36 whiskers75 lol
18:36 Krock whiskers75, better a pong after 1 second than none
18:37 whiskers75 lol
18:39 sfan5 whiskers75: I'm on the server, u coming?
18:39 whiskers75 sfan5: don't have time :(
18:39 sfan5 :-(
18:39 whiskers75 sfan5: we need to attract more people
18:40 sfan5 step 1: create webpage with instructions on how to join step 2: create qr code and place it everywhere
18:40 sfan5 ^ whiskers75
18:40 whiskers75 sfan5: lol
18:41 sfan5 was diamond drop fixed yet?
18:41 sfan5 I'm afraid to dig it and get nothing
18:41 Krock Jordach!
18:42 Krock no
18:42 sfan5 yay
18:42 sfan5 it has been fixed
18:42 Krock sry.. wrong chat
18:44 rubenwardy joined #minetest
18:45 rubenwardy Hi all!
18:45 rubenwardy
18:45 Calinou tool tweaks comitted to Carbone
18:46 rubenwardy and
18:46 rubenwardy !title
18:46 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Physics - YouTube
18:46 Calinou <sfan5> was diamond drop fixed yet?
18:46 Calinou yes, since long time ago
18:46 Krock Hi rubenwardy
18:46 rubenwardy !title
18:46 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Physics Simulation Kit - YouTube
18:46 rubenwardy Hi Krock
18:46 Calinou sfan5, you should update Carbone, tools are faster, more consistent and wooden tools are more durable :p
18:46 Calinou swords dig leaves and such fast now
18:46 kaeza Megaf, re: heightmaps, have you looked at imageloader?
18:46 sfan5 I asked because I was about to dig some, better safe than sorry
18:47 Calinou you can use /give
18:47 Calinou and toss the bad drop
18:47 sfan5 also such things go to whiskers75, he runs the server
18:47 Calinou if it really glitched
18:47 Calinou it's perfectly fine to use it in case of a bug :P
18:47 Megaf kaeza: nope
18:47 whiskers75 sfan5: wh-huh?
18:47 theTroy joined #minetest
18:47 * whiskers75 has been awoken by a highlight
18:48 sfan5 whiskers75: <Calinou> sfan5, you should update Carbone, tools are faster, more consistent and wooden tools are more durable :p
18:48 Calinou dropped items are a bit larger (to match the items held in hand)
18:49 topcyde joined #minetest
18:49 kaeza Megaf,;t=6751
18:49 sfan5 !itle
18:49 sfan5 !title
18:49 MinetestBot sfan5: [Mod] Image Loader [0.1.0] [imageloader] - Minetest Forums
18:50 kaeza (P.S: I miss old "show your topics" button)
18:50 sfan5 kaeza: how 'bout png?
18:51 Jordach Krock!
18:51 kaeza sfan5, SOON(tm)
18:51 kaeza woo
18:52 Calinou kaeza, you can find your own in your profile page
18:52 Calinou click on your name :)
18:52 Calinou you can also use forum search
18:52 Krock Jordach! How's BFD going on?
18:53 kaeza Calinou, "Search user’s posts"?
18:53 Jordach Krock, nothing - trying to get rid of burnout
18:53 kaeza it's not quite the same
18:53 Jordach (serious, i need a break from Lua)
18:53 Krock Jordach, oh ok
18:54 Jordach Krock, you can always start a testing server
18:54 kaeza aww... libpng.lua requires ffi :(
18:55 Jordach daw
18:55 * Jordach pets kaeza
18:55 Krock Jordach, currently working on a program to center X images and give them an even size, so all images will be cut down/up to ex. 600x400 px
18:55 kaeza would be kinda hard to make a pure-lua implementation without bitop anyway
18:56 sfan5 meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
18:56 Megaf kaeza: That looks good
18:57 Calinou heh, I realized I created almost no topic
18:57 Calinou kaeza, search with Author = kaeza, Topic title only
18:57 kaeza Megaf, adapt, take one or two channels as node type (sand, dirt, etc) and other as height
18:57 Calinou :)
18:57 Calinou in advanced search
18:57 kaeza Calinou, yep
19:05 * Megaf just learned about the watchdog software for Linux
19:05 Megaf pretty cool stuff
19:05 Megaf The Raspberry Pi has hardware watchdog
19:08 sfan5 Megaf: I suggest you to try monitorix
19:10 Megaf bah, I installed watchdog on a testing machine and set it to watch for the ping of another machine
19:10 Megaf I thing the watchdog is starting before the NIC and now the system keeps restarting
19:15 Megaf Yep, that computer is lost forever :)
19:19 Calinou for monitoring/theft recovery, there's
19:19 Calinou can be useful sometimes ;)
19:24 rubenwardy XD
19:25 sfan5 Jordach: are you using linux right now?
19:29 Megaf Calinou: that’s really cool
19:31 ShadowNinja crazyR__: Use the --geometry flag.  It tries to render the whole map by default, which is often too big.
19:32 ShadowNinja sfan5: You should probably change it back to avoid those errors.
19:32 sfan5 nah
19:32 crazyR__ thanks shadow, figured it out via pitriss before...
19:32 sfan5 or
19:32 crazyR__ sfan5: should probably atleast warn people on the readme
19:32 sfan5 maybe limit the default rendered map to 0xFFFF * 0xFFFF pixels
19:33 sfan5 or even better
19:33 sfan5 use a different library
19:33 sfan5 (switch from libgd to ?)
19:40 jin_xi
19:40 Calinou <john_minetest> Calinou: A thieve who doesn't wipe a disk? Unlikely.
19:40 ShadowNinja sfan5: Why a different library?  How would that help?
19:40 Calinou it's not like most thieves are computer-savvy
19:41 sfan5 ShadowNinja: libgd does not work with width > 0xfff || height > 0xffff IIRC
19:42 ShadowNinja sfan5: It takes a lot of memory to store an image of that size.
19:43 sfan5 !c (0xfff * 0xfff * 3) / 1024.0 / 1024.0
19:43 MinetestBot 47.97656536102295
19:43 sfan5 47MB
19:43 sfan5 >much
19:43 sfan5 john_minetest: theives steal for themselves too, not everything is sold
19:44 ShadowNinja sfan5: 805MB for a 0xFFF x 0xFFFF image.
19:44 Calinou john_minetest, not in reality ;)
19:45 sfan5 ShadowNinja: no, it's 47MB
19:45 sfan5 how did you calculate that?
19:45 sfan5 Calinou:;t=1523&amp;p=141151#p141151
19:46 Calinou sfan5, nice
19:46 Calinou the “Hooray” is Carbone-colored :P
19:46 sfan5 that was unintentional
19:46 Calinou nice anyway ;)
19:47 ShadowNinja sfan5: 0xFFF x 3 x 0xFFFF
19:47 sfan5 oh wait
19:47 sfan5 I missed on f
19:47 sfan5 !c (0xffff * 0xffff * 3) / 1024.0 / 1024.0
19:47 MinetestBot 12287.625002861023
19:47 sfan5 uhh no
19:47 sfan5 that's 12 287 MB
19:47 ShadowNinja Yep.
19:48 sfan5 what if someone has 12 GB of memory?
19:48 sfan5 that is not uncommon among servers
19:48 ShadowNinja sfan5: Then it should work.  Does libgd use shorts for image size?
19:48 sfan5 I think it does
19:49 sfan5 I can not come with another reason for it not supporting bigger images
19:49 Wuzzy2 joined #minetest
19:49 ShadowNinja Well simply s/short/int/g should fix it.  Unless it's a limitation of the PNG format.
19:50 * Krock made a make-image-sizes-equal-to-all-other-program for gif animations
19:50 * Krock made it with C# :D
19:50 Calinou :'(
19:50 * ShadowNinja stabs Krock.
19:50 sfan5 C# :(
19:50 * sfan5 slaps Krock
19:50 Calinou hope it runs with Mono then
19:51 * Krock makes roundhouse kick, slaps sfan5 and ShadowNinja
19:51 * ShadowNinja makes an inside cresent kick.
19:51 * Calinou hoofslaps Krock.
19:52 * Krock pokes at Calinou
19:52 Krock In what a violent world do we live in??
19:52 sfan5 ShadowNinja: png uses 4 bytes for w & h, it supports 0xFFFFFFFF * 0xFFFFFFFF
19:53 sfan5 ( )
19:53 ShadowNinja sfan5: Alright, and GIF?
19:53 Calinou Krock,
19:53 Calinou Nyan Cats in Carbone explained
19:54 Krock Calinou, zoomed in to 400%, "Damn interest....."
19:54 Calinou it's “Internet” obviously
19:55 Krock o.0
19:56 sfan5 ShadowNinja: 0xFFFF * 0xFFFF "Die maximale Größe von GIF-Bildern beträgt 65.535 × 65.535 Pixel"
19:56 Krock ^- ehm, when do you need more than a minetest-map-sized image?
19:57 sfan5 a minetest map might get bigger than 65535 x 65535
19:58 Krock but not with regular maps
19:58 CraigyDavi_ joined #minetest
19:58 sfan5 regular?
19:58 sfan5 what is "regular"?
19:58 Krock 30k + 30k at one side
19:58 sfan5 wat
19:58 sfan5 did you drink?
19:58 sfan5 1 node = 1 pixel
19:58 Krock 30k ^3 is normal
19:59 ShadowNinja sfan5: Ah.  GD was designed with GIF in mind, so that would be why.
19:59 sfan5 30k nodes = 30k pixels
19:59 sfan5 ShadowNinja: I am also not able to find any good docs on libgd anywhere
19:59 Krock *60k ^3
19:59 ShadowNinja sfan5: A minetest map is still < 0xFFFF x 0xFFFF at the biggest though.
19:59 sfan5 hm
20:00 sfan5 there is a bug in the mapper then
20:00 Jordach sfan5, hell no
20:00 sfan5 ShadowNinja: any suggestions for a new library?
20:00 * sfan5 purrs at Jordach
20:00 ShadowNinja sfan5: Nope.  Imagemagik?
20:00 Jordach and to be frank, i let off a few rounds with my rifle
20:00 sfan5 imagemagick is the only thing that comes to my mind
20:00 ShadowNinja I've heard of that, but have no idea if it's any good.
20:04 Krock Krock.Test("MT-9e8bbea");
20:06 SaXx_ joined #minetest
20:07 SaXx_ left #minetest
20:08 PenguinDad minetest.hash_node_position in rust
20:08 Jordach ohai inferior language
20:09 Exio4 what about >> PenguinDad
20:09 lordcirth why would one want to hash a node position?
20:09 Krock lordcirth, default leafdecay
20:09 lordcirth Krock, what, using the hash as PRNG?
20:10 sfan5 PenguinDad: +1 for rust
20:10 Krock lordcirth, PRNG = ?
20:10 sfan5 reminds me of updating rust
20:10 ShadowNinja PenguinDad: Use & 0xFFFF to keep to from using the most significant bytes.
20:10 sfan5 Kray: PRNG = google
20:10 Kray wat
20:11 Krock xD
20:11 lordcirth Kray, he meant Krock
20:11 Krock tab plz
20:11 ShadowNinja Also: Lua 5.3 has binary operators and 64 bit integers.
20:11 sfan5 ^
20:11 Krock lordcirth, yeah like  PRNG
20:11 lordcirth Krock, pseudorandom number generator
20:11 sfan5 but I tested with scimark
20:11 sfan5 it does not make it faster
20:11 Krock lordcirth, it gives every node a number
20:12 Exio4 5.3 ShadowNinja?
20:12 sfan5 Exio4:
20:12 ShadowNinja Exio4: Yes.  Still unstable, but it should be released soon.
20:13 sfan5 soon(tm)*
20:13 Jordach ShadowNinja, quassel remembers
20:13 Jordach that's why it's for that record :P
20:14 Exio4 ShadowNinja: thought you mean the latest stable
20:14 ShadowNinja Heh.  Being selective I see.
20:14 ShadowNinja Exio4: Nope, stable is 5.2.3, which only has the bit32 lib.
20:15 ShadowNinja ~issue 1282
20:15 ShadowBot
20:16 Jordach #1216
20:18 Jordach sometimes i love the germans and hate em (except the ones usually in this channel :D )
20:18 Jordach [on] yes, yes we can
20:27 Jordach welp, rendering again
20:27 Jordach finally can get this over and done with
20:28 john_minetest joined #minetest
20:29 CraigyDavi hi
20:35 PenguinDad ShadowNinja: should I add & 0xFFFF at the end of ((a << 24) + (b << 12) + c) and ((a * 0x1000000) + (b * 0x1000) + c)?
20:36 TenPlus1 joined #minetest
20:36 ShadowNinja PenguinDad: Remove the branch, no that, and change the shifts to 32 and 16.  (24 and 12 are for block positions, not node positions.
20:37 TenPlus1 hi folks...  does anyone know the 3rd person frontal view settings for player:set_eye_offset ???
20:37 ShadowNinja I don't like how function is (apparently) abreviated as fn.
20:40 dynamodan joined #minetest
20:40 Exio4 why not?
20:41 dynamodan does anyone know if it's possible to prevent the MT server from crashing upon lua errors?
20:42 dynamodan maybe it's impossible.  It could simply send a "Server encountered a lua error" and not say anything else
20:42 TenPlus1 if you're having a lua error then there's a bug in a mod needing fixed
20:42 sfan5 dynamodan: you could simply fix the lua error in the mod
20:42 dynamodan of course
20:42 dynamodan that's not the point
20:43 ShadowNinja dynamodan: It's doable, but it can lead to more errors and corruption.  Freminer does that.
20:43 TenPlus1 it's bad programming to leave a bug in a mod and skip the error...
20:44 ShadowNinja LuaError ignoring will not be implemented in Minetest.  Use Freeminer if you don't care about more errors, corruption, and unfixed bugs.
20:44 dynamodan sometimes there's bugs that are "failed to index foo..." when the variable wasn't indexable for perhaps innocent reasons
20:44 ShadowNinja dynamodan: That is always a serious error.
20:45 NekoGloop joined #minetest
20:45 dynamodan or, trying to perform a regex on a number
20:45 dynamodan is that a serious error?
20:45 sfan5 yes
20:45 ShadowNinja ^
20:45 TenPlus1 Q. trying to add set_eye_offset into my simple skins mod, but dunno the 3rd person frontal view coords to set... plus the player flickers and disappears if it's set from behind
20:45 TenPlus1 any ideas
20:45 dynamodan ok, I won't laugh about it then mmmph mmmmph
20:46 ShadowNinja BlockMen should know about that TenPlus1.
20:46 TenPlus1 any idea when he's on next ?
20:47 dynamodan WorldEdit has some serious errors
20:47 TenPlus1 no worries, will nab him in the forums... thx
20:48 ShadowNinja dynamodan: Then report them.
20:48 asie joined #minetest
20:51 phantombeta joined #minetest
20:51 * Jordach starts the 4K version
20:53 * sfan5 meows at Jordach
20:53 Jordach meow
20:56 Jordach 7 mins to generate the fucking Subsurface stuff
20:57 Jordach 'dis gun be a while
21:12 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
21:18 * Jordach has done about 1/4 of the 4K render
21:23 roboman2444 joined #minetest
21:27 * john_minetest has fast graphics but never using it.
21:40 Jordach yay
21:40 Jordach 2/4 done :D
21:43 dynamodan Jordach using Blender / Cycles?
21:43 Jordach Cycles is shit
21:43 Jordach for what i'm doing
21:43 dynamodan Lux?
21:43 Jordach Blender Internals
21:45 dynamodan Blender is lots of fun for many things, I've used it to design canoe hulls, love the new freestyle render option too
21:48 dynamodan
21:48 dynamodan my son did this with Lux
21:49 Jordach NOISE!
21:49 Jordach ...ugh
21:50 Jordach
21:50 Jordach try and find noise :>
21:50 dynamodan he left it render for 16 hours on 4 threads on my work pc... wasnt amused :)
21:51 dynamodan no  noise there... not much AO either, really flat.  But it is very nice
21:51 Jordach oh trust me
21:51 Jordach AO is my friend and enemy
21:51 Jordach and no, my wallpaper didn'tn use any
21:52 dynamodan it's a great depiction of MT
21:52 dynamodan AO = ambient occlusion
21:53 Jordach if nobody noticed that in the render, i'm rendering the render
21:53 dynamodan Jordach great work, you should submit it to an andrew price contest
21:53 Jordach dynamodan, i want to go even further
21:53 Jordach I want to hit breaking blender
21:54 Jordach (hint, a massive 400x400 MC world imported)
21:54 lordcirth You can import MC chunks into blender?
21:54 Jordach yeah
21:55 dynamodan there are 3d printing companies that will print a MC map, that has software. But I dunno about exporting Minetest worlds
21:55 dynamodan someone know?
21:55 lordcirth dynamodan, it's open source, go ahead :)
21:56 Jordach lordcirth,
21:56 Jordach and that's 8K
21:56 Jordach john_minetest, interesting fact, there are TWO G6 models within my current render
21:57 Jordach go and find them
21:57 dynamodan haha sweet, even has depth of field
21:57 Jordach see that download button?
21:57 Jordach PUSH
21:57 Jordach IT.
21:59 Jordach oh for fuck sakes, by playing with the media keys, i'm DJ'ing a DJ Hero mix
22:00 Miner_48er joined #minetest
22:00 Jordach by using Winamps lower volume to nothing and regain, i can DJ :O
22:01 * Jordach is 3/4 way through the render
22:03 Jordach !tw
22:03 MinetestBot No opinion on whether he's innocent or guilty, but I'd like to see Rolf Harris die in jail for his TV work (@frankieboyle)
22:03 PilzAdam Jordach, OMG!!! I care so much!!! thanks for posting this here!!!!
22:04 Jordach psh
22:34 meldrian joined #minetest
22:41 Eater4 joined #minetest
22:43 Vazon joined #minetest
22:44 Vazon Hello
22:44 Vazon VanessaE you there
22:44 Eater4 Hey
22:45 VanessaE no
22:45 Eater4 :)
22:45 * VanessaE hides
22:45 Vazon lol Vanessa i need some help
22:45 * Eater4 I hates the notifications from kik
22:46 Eater4 With what?
22:47 Eater4 Vazon?
22:50 Jordach wtf is kik
22:51 Vazon yes Eater?
22:51 Vazon Jordach kik is like a msging system
22:52 PenguinDad Jordach: :P
22:59 Jordach and clearly sucking the people up from whatsapp
22:59 Jordach and then either google or fb buys em
23:01 Hirato joined #minetest
23:04 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
23:04 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
23:15 WindHero joined #minetest
23:16 Jordach hey WindHero
23:16 WindHero hey
23:16 WindHero howzit?
23:16 Jordach good
23:16 Jordach i also uploaded a new wallpaper :P
23:16 WindHero I saw you're new render
23:16 WindHero *your
23:17 WindHero the computer monitor changed
23:17 Jordach i needed a 1080p placeholder
23:17 Jordach it just turned out i had a spare render at the exact size
23:18 WindHero xD
23:18 WindHero I gotta make myself a custom skin...
23:18 Jordach protip: base it off of sam II
23:19 WindHero that's what I intended
23:19 Jordach eg minetest_next/mods/default/models/character.png
23:19 WindHero oh, minetest_next version
23:19 WindHero thanks for the heads up
23:19 Jordach if it's MTG based, look in default/models/character.png
23:20 Jordach you might also want this;
23:20 Jordach VERY. handy for skinning and such
23:21 Jordach btw, at 4K, my recursive render is obvious
23:21 Jordach
23:22 WindHero I saw that even without magnifying ;)
23:22 diemartin joined #minetest
23:24 WindHero I did that with the render of a laptop I did
23:25 WindHero although I made a special C# application to create a terminal window overlay
23:27 WindHero that minecraft app IS useful.... thank you!
23:27 Jordach you can also drag and drop files within it and out again
23:27 Jordach with the left sidebar
23:28 Jordach eg, drag from folder -> skinner -> edit -> save -> out to folder
23:29 Jordach WindHero, consider getting a proper IRC client such as HexChat or Quassel
23:30 * Jordach should go to bed
23:30 Jordach (i'm tired for once :P )
23:36 NekoGloop joined #minetest
23:38 cisoun joined #minetest
23:45 HeroOfTheWinds joined #minetest

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