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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-04-29

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:02 twoelk !up 35000
00:02 MinetestBot seems to be down
00:02 twoelk :-(
00:03 Sokomine twoelk: seems so :-(
00:03 VanessaE_ which is that one?
00:03 Sokomine twoelk: it's only a testing server so far. brandon said he plans to run a real server on that basis once it's working satisfactory
00:03 Sokomine hi vanessa. you have an underscore :-)
00:04 VanessaE_ too lazy to change it :P
00:04 twoelk my interact just stoped, no freeze like on others
00:04 Sokomine vanessa: basicly nores mapgen. what you're running as well. but with inhabitants for the villages and an rpg-like skill system where you gain points from killing mobs and can invest those in increasing your skill
00:04 VanessaE_ ah
00:05 Sokomine vanessa: what i like a lot are the villagers :-) they still need to improve
00:05 twoelk that adventuretest one does have pretty steep hills
00:05 Sokomine perhaps random? ought to be the same mapgen...
00:06 twoelk and sand bottom ravines it seems
00:06 Sokomine some villages there have aggressive babarians which attack on sight. the villages in the peaceful villages just stand around and wander around a bit
00:06 Sokomine they need to learn more...
00:06 Sokomine i want to talk to them :-) some could be traders....
00:07 twoelk Sokomine seems to be a trader at heart
00:09 WindHero is there a particular framework the NPCs operate on?
00:09 Sokomine only to a degree :-)
00:09 twoelk I did experiment with a farmer villager, but they just wandered off in search for wheat and my mind wandered off to other things ...
00:09 Sokomine windhero: hmmm. depends
00:10 twoelk there are sort of several frameworks if they deserve the name
00:10 Sokomine twoelk: my traders don't wander around. thus, they don't cost ressources on the server end (besides, a trader far away from his trade goods won't be such a good idea)
00:10 Sokomine mobf is very advanced. then there's npcf. and also simple mobs. and my traders are in a way a framework as well
00:11 Sokomine so it really depends. do you have somethinig particular in mind?
00:12 twoelk well the farmers shouldnt wander off but to their random generated fields and to player added fields but they got lost searching for wheat
00:13 Sokomine oh
00:13 Sokomine might happen...
00:13 Sokomine simple mobs solves the moving around problem by moving randomly and by defining "sinks" - water and lava kill them
00:14 Sokomine mobf and npcf have more intelligent behaviour. try your farmers with npcf
00:14 WindHero I was primarily curious if these npcs were based on simple mobs
00:16 twoelk maybe I should have added a "homesick" factor that adds up with time ... actually I wonder where I left that code ... my mind seems to have wandered of more than I thought
00:16 crazyR is there a way i can list nodes that i dont want shown in the craft guide with unified_inventory without having to override all the nodes
00:17 WindHero do they have any special nodegroups?
00:19 crazyR not really, there from all diffrent mods
00:20 WindHero I did some light searching for something like that several days ago
00:20 WindHero Didn't find anything topically
00:20 WindHero oh!
00:20 WindHero you could have a sort of blacklist of names
00:21 crazyR yeah? you know how?
00:21 WindHero loops :P
00:21 WindHero and if blocks
00:22 WindHero I'm working on a lockpick mod, and I just overrode all the locked chests to add a nodegroup :P
00:22 WindHero so I don't really know....
00:25 WindHero if you're working on the craft guide itself, the blacklist method will work
00:27 crazyR thats what im attempting, im looking near the formspec for some form of loop where the craft list is stored. if i find it il run a if command checking for a list of names from a table that will be stetup at the top of the file. or atleast thats the plan lol
00:27 WindHero just have in the function that collects recipes if == "exclude:name" then (code for not including) end
00:27 WindHero yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking
00:29 anunakki joined #minetest
00:29 anunakki joined #minetest
00:29 WindHero if it doesn't work, can always pastebin or post the code and see if someone else can solve it
00:36 crazyR using tables as an array t = {"a", "b", "c"}   is there some way to check the array for a word. example being something like php's in_array() function
00:37 WindHero somewhat
00:37 WindHero you have to loop over it
00:37 WindHero for _,v in pairs(items) do   if v == "orange" then     -- do something     break   end end
00:38 WindHero wait
00:38 WindHero that's for a list though....
00:38 WindHero in other words, that loop goes over keys, not values
00:41 WindHero I really gotta study Lua better.... I'm a C# kind of guy
00:41 crazyR lol, i know the feeling, im a php guy
00:41 crazyR just found a online lua demo, where i can try little things like this :D
00:41 WindHero doing some more searches, I found this: function setContains(set, key)     return set[key] ~= nil end
00:42 WindHero although I guess the previous idea DOES work
00:42 WindHero upon further investigation
00:42 WindHero and probably is more readable
00:42 WindHero (something so many modders ignore
00:43 WindHero *)
00:44 WindHero this is the link I found, perhaps reading it yourself will suit you better:
00:46 crazyR solution found you were right
00:46 Gambit joined #minetest
00:49 WindHero |\o/
00:50 WindHero Alright, now for my own problem: how to destroy the player's wielded item
00:50 WindHero I find ItemStacks so ambiguous
00:50 crazyR lol
00:51 jap_ joined #minetest
00:51 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
00:55 WindHero maybe this will work: inv = digger.get_inventory()  stk = digger.get_wield_index()  inv:set_stack("main", stk, nil)
00:57 jap_ hi how is eveone
00:57 WindHero alright, suppose. Thinking.
00:58 jap_ it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00:59 jap_ this my first time doing this
00:59 WindHero 39 extra exclamation points, lol
00:59 jap_ # minetest is awsome
00:59 jap_ LOL
01:01 jap_ gtg
01:01 jap_ bye
01:06 jap_ joined #minetest
01:06 jap_ Hi
01:06 jap_ I am back
01:07 jap_ What is everyone doing
01:09 jap_ Who is on
01:09 WindHero welp, that didn't work
01:10 WindHero crashed with no error code
01:10 WindHero @jap_ -------------->
01:10 WindHero user list to the right
01:11 jap_ How did it not work
01:11 WindHero what?
01:12 WindHero oh
01:12 WindHero I was talking about a mod I'm coding
01:12 jap_ No error cod
01:12 * jap_ said code
01:13 WindHero I tried using nil instead of ItemStack(nil) in the code, and it crashed before the engine could generate an error report
01:13 WindHero ...and apparently that wasn't it either.
01:14 * jap_ oh ok !!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01:16 jap_ CRAIGYDAVI someone hacked my account this liljnc3
01:21 jap_ So dose anyone want to talk about
01:22 * jap_ what
01:23 WindHero considering it's a minetest channel, I'd assume people would talk about minetest
01:24 jap_ It is fun
01:24 jap_ Gtg
01:27 lordcirth Well that was an interesting visit
01:27 WindHero ikr?
01:27 WindHero feel like I just got trolled
01:30 ShadowNinja WindHero: Lua makes variables global by default.  Use the local keyword before local variables.  Local variables are also a lot faster BTW.
01:31 WindHero I do
01:32 ShadowNinja <WindHero> maybe this will work: inv = digger.get_inventory()  stk = digger.get_wield_index()  inv:set_stack("main", stk, nil)
01:33 ShadowNinja BTW, I think that will work.  Don't set inventoried to nil though, it completely removes them.
01:34 ShadowNinja Also, print(this_does_not_exist) -> "nil".  So watch out for that.  I'm working on a builtin module to warn you about that.
01:35 WindHero that line was just shortened
01:35 psedlak joined #minetest
01:35 WindHero in the actual code, I'm using local variables
01:36 WindHero also, it did not work, but now it works calling get_wielded_item(), then calling clear() on the generated stack, then passing that to set_wielded_item()
01:36 WindHero I ran into that print error long ago and avoided it like the plague since
01:36 Exio4 it is a real game, ender!
01:37 WindHero lol
01:38 WindHero that section of the movie made me think of that older movie, War Games, where the computer was asked "is this real or a game", and replied "What is the difference?"
01:39 Exio4 yeah
01:40 Exio4 i just watched it cuz it was on netflix and didn't have anything better to do
01:41 WindHero blast, that solution didn't work either....
01:41 Enke joined #minetest
01:42 enricom_ joined #minetest
01:43 WindHero time to use the line by line debug logging method that always works for me.
01:44 Exio4 WindHero: is there any better way to debug anything?! :P
01:44 Exio4 actually, i should tell you, unless you can make a small testcase for the problem, you can't do it that way
01:44 WindHero lol
01:44 WindHero it's not foolproof, ik
01:44 Exio4 (reducing it to something <15-20 lines without initializing stuff and closing it)
01:45 WindHero but at least it tells me which line is causing the problem
01:45 WindHero I only use it on single functions though
01:45 WindHero when I know the general area it is in
01:45 Exio4 i mean, isolate that function
01:45 Exio4 in a closed enviroment
01:45 Exio4 with known values for EVERYTHING
01:46 WindHero I'm much better at debugging C# and js :P
01:46 WindHero but you would have cried at how bad my lua was last year, lol
01:47 Exio4 omg C#
01:48 Exio4 JS has nice things but a hell lot of bad things
01:48 WindHero ^
01:48 WindHero I code stuff in Unity3d exclusively with C#
01:48 Exio4 it is like, 10% good things, 80% bad things, 10% things you don't want to know
01:48 Exio4 the 10% good things are really nice though
01:48 WindHero xD
01:49 WindHero alright, found my problem
01:49 * WindHero mumbles "wrong syntax for minetest.chat_send_player()"
01:50 WindHero I was sending a chat to instead of digger:get_player_name()
01:55 WindHero yay, solve the problem just to accidentally generate a new one
02:00 WindHero easy fix, but now I have a lot more edits to make to the rest of my code :/
02:06 WindHero here's another question
02:06 WindHero would it be unfair to have a 66% chance of breaking a mithril lockpick while picking a mithril locked chest from technic?
02:06 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
02:06 WindHero (considering the rarity of mithril)
02:06 Megaf LazyJ: ping
02:07 LazyJ I have no idea how to do that, Megaf. :)-
02:07 LazyJ My network savvy is very poor.
02:07 Megaf heh
02:08 Megaf Hi LazyJ
02:08 Megaf did you see the changes I made to your underground thing?
02:08 LazyJ Not yet. I've been dealing with our server's player issues. :/
02:09 Megaf what issues?
02:10 LazyJ One of our players is making land grabs and has been getting in the way by staying in one spot were other's are building.
02:10 LazyJ PvP is disabled so they can't "kill" her to get her out of the way.
02:10 Megaf OMG, Trees grow underwather!!!
02:10 WindHero highlandpools mod?
02:10 LazyJ She's a long-time player that is suddenly becoming very possessive of places.
02:11 Megaf LazyJ: Thats why I only use areas mod as protection
02:11 Megaf WindHero: nope
02:11 WindHero !
02:11 Megaf pretty much a vanilla server with mesecons and homedecor
02:11 WindHero interesting....
02:11 Megaf !up 30003
02:11 MinetestBot is up (504ms)
02:11 LazyJ More pleasant(?) troubles are accomplished builders concerned about an unfinished road that their statues may eventually be in the way of.
02:12 LazyJ At least they are considerate enough to be concerned and to want to discuss options.
02:12 WindHero so it's not just my implementation of highlandpools into skylands 2.0 causing aquatic trees...
02:13 ShadowNinja WindHero: It isn't a print error, it's how Lua works.  Global variables are looked up in the _G table, and unresolved keys alvays return nil as a value.
02:13 WindHero ik it isn't a print error, I'm referring to the coding error on my end
02:13 WindHero not catching that something would turn nil
02:14 WindHero I got my mod working now
02:14 WindHero just needs work before I can post the beta
02:15 WindHero having a 66% chance of losing three mithril ingot's worth of material should be a sufficient detriment to thieves, right? Or is that a bit TOO harsh?
02:17 ShadowNinja WindHero: That seems fine.
02:17 WindHero sweet
02:18 WindHero how I have it set up, the chance of breaking the pick is .66 to the power of (pick_level - chest_level)     (With different variables that actually pertain to the code)
02:19 lordcirth WindHero, I like this idea of allowing lockpicking :)  I'm a firm believer in traps and locks over boring server protection
02:19 WindHero *(pick_level - chest_level + 1)
02:19 WindHero thanks xD
02:19 WindHero I'm even gonna implement traps for thieves who are a little too ready to steal ;)
02:20 lordcirth WindHero, have you seen my wireless mod?
02:20 WindHero no, I'll go look it up
02:20 WindHero is it under releases or general?
02:20 lordcirth WindHero,
02:21 lordcirth WindHero, I'm not sure if I ever announced it - I was wanting to merge it into digilines
02:22 WindHero this looks like it could be useful :3
02:22 WindHero thanks for telling me about it!
02:22 lordcirth WindHero, I like it :)  My main use is a digipad (Pin entry) hooked to a transmitter, so there's no wire leading to the hidden door :)
02:23 WindHero priceless
02:23 WindHero maybe I'll see if I can get my friend to stick this on his server
02:23 lordcirth Also, since the digipad allows sending on 3 channels, you can have the same pad open multiple doors
02:24 WindHero also useful
02:24 WindHero ik!
02:24 Megaf WindHero: actually, the trees grows and then venishes
02:24 lordcirth WindHero, as the readme says, it's craftable, but only if you can craft digilines, which you can't normally
02:24 Megaf leaving a single node of tree
02:24 lordcirth I forked digilines to add recipes, but that repo is way behind
02:25 WindHero I'll have one activate three rows of removestone to drop gravel in a hallway and block it off
02:25 WindHero Megaf, ah, I see
02:25 WindHero lordcirth: got it, I'll install digilines too
02:26 lordcirth WindHero, you should see one world I have, a staircase down into a steel room with only a digipad.  If you enter correct passwd, a hidden door opens
02:27 WindHero sweet
02:27 lordcirth If you enter wrong pass, hidden steel door closes behind u, and room floods with lava :)
02:27 WindHero :O
02:27 WindHero me likes
02:27 Megaf hm
02:27 Megaf im not sure if I have digipads
02:28 WindHero that is, if it's not me who enters the wrong code xD
02:28 lordcirth WindHero, well, I made it so if you enter the right code, it will disarm and open.
02:28 Megaf whats a digipad
02:28 Megaf ?
02:28 WindHero on one server, I'm building a tall dungeon tower
02:29 WindHero digipad is the digicode mod, right?
02:29 lordcirth Megaf, Pin entry node that sends number entered over digiline
02:29 lordcirth WindHero, digicode let you set pass, and if correct pass, powers mesecons.  Useless without node protection
02:29 WindHero I'm having each floor present a different challenge
02:30 lordcirth I borrowed textures and made it into digipad (creative name, I know :P ) Which just transmits your number over digiline
02:30 WindHero my friend died at the very first trap >:D
02:30 Megaf WindHero: you should build in my server...
02:30 Megaf it would be cool
02:30 lordcirth So you can have multiple passwords, and people can't just pull it off and power the wire
02:30 WindHero the reward for clearing the tower is access to the ore-rich skylands
02:30 lordcirth WindHero, sounds cool
02:31 WindHero what is your server's address, megaf?
02:31 WindHero I might pop on once in a while
02:31 WindHero the first floor has my own custom mesecons node, the incinerator, which creates a fire above it when powered
02:32 lordcirth WindHero, nice
02:32 WindHero pressure plate -> delayer -> incinerator -> pit to jump across before you're burnt
02:32 Megaf WindHero: 30003
02:32 Megaf a little lag there but its fun, nice people
02:33 Megaf WindHero: there is mesecons, digilines and pipeworks
02:33 WindHero cool, my favorites
02:33 Megaf we built some automated farms and wood makers
02:33 WindHero I know a bit of technic too, but the resource needs are ridiculous if you ask me
02:33 Megaf it plants a sapling, wait till it grows, then take the trunk and leaves
02:33 Megaf and then plants another sapling, loop
02:34 WindHero niiice
02:34 WindHero I built an eight-furnace auto-smelter on the other server
02:35 WindHero that sends lumps from a central chest to the furnaces, and then from the furnaces to a locked chest
02:35 WindHero huh, it's stuck at "connecting to server"
02:36 WindHero crashed/down? :s
02:36 Megaf so, I have two working machines machines built by myself, that wood maker and one farm that grows cactus, then cut it and use as fuel, and it grows and take wheat, all to make bread, all on its own
02:36 Megaf WindHero: I will restart it, one sec
02:37 WindHero np
02:37 lordcirth WindHero, well, RBA lowered the switching station cost to a more reasonable level
02:37 WindHero I noticed that much, at least
02:38 Megaf WindHero: done
02:38 WindHero but HV battery boxes.... help....
02:39 lordcirth WindHero, of course, once frames are finished, there will be automated strip mining like MC
02:39 WindHero I'm in the middle of building a pipeworks machine to automatically craft one
02:39 WindHero :/ it still isn't connecting
02:39 WindHero I'll try later
02:39 WindHero or tomorrow, one or the other
02:40 WindHero it's in my server history now
02:41 Eater4 joined #minetest
02:41 WindHero what is a pain is having to edit the code for every locked node individually for my lockpick mod :P
02:43 Megaf WindHero: you comming?
02:43 Megaf coming
02:43 WindHero I just found the error
02:43 WindHero you said port 30003
02:43 lordcirth WindHero, so I dug up my steel/lava room.  I think it needs improvement :)
02:43 WindHero when on the public server list, it's 30002
02:44 Megaf WindHero: there are 3 servers on
02:44 WindHero now connecting
02:44 WindHero :x
02:44 Megaf ports 30001 30002 and 30003
02:44 Megaf 30003 is the main one, the Megaf Server V4.0
02:45 Megaf its better to disable the preload item visuals options
02:45 WindHero whoops, too late xP
02:47 Megaf well, so its going to take a long time to join
02:47 lordcirth WindHero, so I misremembered a bit, there is a lever for whether the trap is on, if you turn it on, and the door is safely closed, it floods the chamber
02:48 lordcirth I made it mostly for chase scenarios rather than a booby trap
02:48 WindHero ah
02:49 lordcirth WindHero, it has the advantage that if you open the door from the inside, with the button, the safety stops the lava, although it does flood 1 block into the room
02:53 WindHero useful
02:54 werwerwer joined #minetest
03:01 lordcirth WindHero, I'm rewiring it now so the trap is run by the luacontroller.  I want it to trigger the trap on wrong password, but reset after a while.  otherwise the escape-blocking door and the lava locks out the room :)
03:01 WindHero good idea, hope it works
03:12 lordcirth WindHero, isn't the lock code unified in one function?
03:12 WindHero not sure, I haven't ever looked at the code for it yet
03:15 lordcirth WindHero, then how/why are you modifying every locked node?
03:15 WindHero because I just started, and still have to find every one out there
03:16 WindHero I won't be letting digital locks be picked though
03:16 lordcirth WindHero, no craftable bruteforcer? :P
03:16 WindHero not yet
03:16 lordcirth that would overload the server probs
03:16 WindHero I only have traditional lockpicks atm
03:16 WindHero and yeah, that's a concern too
03:17 lordcirth WindHero, actually, the weakness of my wireless is that you could pull off an evil maid variant
03:18 WindHero wha?
03:18 lordcirth plant a receiver and luacontroller to record wireless signals
03:18 lordcirth wait for the guy to open his secret door and leave.  then you go back, and there's a record of the password :)
03:18 WindHero lol
03:19 WindHero why are you telling this on a public, logged chat then?
03:20 lordcirth WindHero, because disclosure is the best policy :) Also I may fix soon
03:20 * WindHero nods in approval
03:21 lordcirth I need to add a hash function to luacontroller, then with that + the Real Time Clock in digiline, I can salt+hash passwords :)
03:21 lordcirth At which point, my authentication protocol will be more secure than ~30% of websites. :P
03:22 WindHero rofl
03:22 WindHero the sad part of it.
03:28 WindHero I guess I'll be going now
03:29 WindHero cya, thanks for talking and helping with my mod!
04:34 kaeza joined #minetest
04:35 diemartin joined #minetest
04:38 Exio4 joined #minetest
05:09 lemon joined #minetest
05:11 lemon Is there a way to set on_rightclick for a player?
05:18 BrandonReese joined #minetest
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05:30 nore joined #minetest
05:35 Josie joined #minetest
05:37 Kray joined #minetest
05:38 Guest44085 Uh,
05:38 Guest44085 Some of you would know me.
05:38 Guest44085 Im on the wrong port aren
05:39 Hunterz joined #minetest
05:39 Guest44085 Hunter?
05:43 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
06:03 blaze joined #minetest
06:51 khor joined #minetest
07:06 restcoser joined #minetest
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08:10 rsiska joined #minetest
08:15 ImQ009 joined #minetest
08:47 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
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09:15 diemartin lemon, not ATM
09:38 jin_xi joined #minetest
09:46 proller joined #minetest
09:48 blaise joined #minetest
09:50 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
10:00 Mikerhinos joined #minetest
10:01 Mikerhinos hi
10:02 Jousway joined #minetest
10:49 Mikerhinos VanessaE: trying your dreambuilder game, I miss a lot of item textures in my inventory :s
10:55 phantombeta Hey guys
10:56 phantombeta Is there any mod that shows the recipes for stuff?
11:02 pitriss unified inventory
11:03 pitriss for example.. but there is many more mods doing what you need
11:08 Greylocks joined #minetest
11:14 Virusdunil joined #minetest
11:24 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
11:40 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
11:48 PenguinDad joined #minetest
11:49 CheapSeth joined #minetest
11:52 Taoki Hi. I have a question about set_sky: Is it possible to use 6 textures for cubemap, but without bgcolor? I want to use 6 transparent textures, but still have the sun / moon / stars / etc show behind them. Is this possible so far?
11:54 nore joined #minetest
12:14 Megaf Hi everyone
12:15 Taoki hi
12:18 Megaf Taoki: I didnt even know about set_sky
12:18 Taoki It exists for a while :)
12:21 Megaf Taoki: and where do I set it?
12:21 Taoki See the lua API. player:set_sky(...)
12:21 Megaf And about your question, I would just try
12:23 Taoki Megaf: If you have a cube sky texture set available, which is in png format and with transparent areas, sure
12:25 Megaf Taoki: so you need 6 textures?
12:26 Megaf or one textures with 6 areas?
12:26 Taoki Megaf: Yes. It's a cube sky... or inside-out cube. Common system for textured skies
12:26 Taoki The textured sky is a cube, 6 textures mean the 6 faces
12:26 Megaf yep
12:26 Megaf and it needs to be transparent
12:26 Megaf hold on
12:26 Taoki Yes. I wanna know if the normal / current sky is visible behind transparent areas
12:27 Megaf Taoki: what about the resolution?
12:27 Megaf 512x512?
12:28 Taoki Megaf: I think any works. But 512 x 512 makes most sense
12:39 Megaf hm
12:39 Megaf I have the sky textures
12:40 Megaf adding transparency now
12:44 Megaf Taoki: uploading textures right now
12:46 Wuzzy joined #minetest
12:46 Megaf Taoki:
12:47 Megaf Taoki: replace Sky0 with Sky1, 2, 3, 4, 5
12:47 Taoki Not sure that's what we're looking for
12:48 Megaf
12:48 Megaf no?
12:49 Megaf those are 6 transparent sky textures
12:49 Megaf MAYBE it works
12:49 Taoki Ah, I see them now
12:49 Taoki Where's the transparency tho
12:50 Megaf Taoki: you will se only if theres something behind
12:56 restcoser joined #minetest
12:59 Taoki Megaf: Might not get to it right away. Do you feel like trying the function yourself too? In any of the lua files, add a minetest.after(0), a player loop in it (I assume), and player:det_sky(the_texture_list_here)
13:00 PenguinDad *set_sky
13:00 Megaf Taoki:  I can't do much now, I'm at my workplace
13:00 Taoki ok
13:00 Megaf perhaps someone else could try my textures as skybox?
13:01 anunakki joined #minetest
13:01 anunakki joined #minetest
13:03 hmmmm joined #minetest
13:11 phantombeta joined #minetest
13:19 Megaf I'm think in buying this video card Radeon - R7 240 Asus
13:23 diemartin lamefun again?;t=9212
13:30 Exio4 lamefum 2.0
13:31 Exio4 fun*
13:31 Exio4 lol
13:34 jin_xi why not guile? i wanna mod in elisp too, it already does js and lua support is coming!
13:35 Megaf isnt there a way to translate lua to java script?
13:35 Megaf I mean, we can translate C++ to java script, so why not lua?
13:35 jin_xi it involves a lot of banging your head against the wall.
13:35 jin_xi for lua being js done right translating between the two is really hard
13:37 jin_xi i think most mt modders have learned lua just for that... i know my mods codes suck ass...
13:39 diemartin translate the Lua script to a Java file which outputs a Python script which writes a C++ program that outputs a JavaScript to stdout
13:39 diemartin problem solved
13:39 * diemartin runs
13:41 Megaf I wonder why kind of text you will get on the stdout
13:41 Megaf If it will make any sense
13:41 kaeza but srsly "u should change teh language coz it doesn't undertand !=" is the argument?
13:42 sfan5 meow
13:42 * kaeza pets sfan5
13:42 PenguinDad hi sfan5
13:42 jin_xi i dont think that the lack of operators is a valid point
13:42 Megaf kaeza: nope, you should change because of this
13:42 kaeza Megaf, that's not what OP said
13:42 * sfan5 purrs at kaeza
13:43 PenguinDad and != is ~= in lua IIRC
13:45 Megaf PenguinDad: so you should tell him that
13:45 * Megaf knows nothing about lua and javascript
13:46 * Megaf knows very little about C++
13:46 * Megaf know enough of shell script
13:47 * PenguinDad knows a little bit of Ruby and enough of Lua
13:48 * kaeza slaps Megaf with Python
13:48 kaeza <3
13:49 jin_xi my hovercraft is full of eels
13:49 Exio4 add haskell and guile
13:50 PenguinDad add a racket api :p
13:51 jin_xi idk, lets make it so we build mods with mesecons
13:55 Megaf I'd like to see a performance benchmark like so, Lua vs JavaScript vs Python vs C# vs Objective C
13:57 Megaf
13:58 jin_xi ?
13:59 PenguinDad "Makes you angry" "No" :D
14:00 Megaf yep, I like that
14:09 Exio4 PenguinDad: true
14:11 Exio4 Megaf: wtf is that
14:12 Megaf Exio4: user made vs thing
14:12 Exio4 two things, languages preferences aren't so easy to do
14:12 Exio4 the other thing is, you need objetive things
14:13 Exio4 Reliability, how did you measure that? Performance?
14:16 PenguinDad lol lua has a higher performance than C++
14:24 Hiradur joined #minetest
14:25 Hiradur joined #minetest
14:40 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
14:51 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
15:02 V0id joined #minetest
15:09 BlockMen joined #minetest
15:14 raffahacks joined #minetest
15:15 raffahacks Megaf are you here?
15:16 raffahacks MegAFK are you megaf with a differwnt nick?
15:16 * sfan5 curls up to Exio4's lap
15:17 raffahacks Why does the mod store work not?
15:17 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
15:17 raffahacks In mt 0.9
15:17 raffahacks Just see an empty window
15:18 raffahacks Can anyone help?
15:20 sfan5 I dunno why it is broken but it will probably get fixed in the next 2 or 3 days
15:20 reactor joined #minetest
15:21 raffahacks Sfan5 doesn't it also work with you?
15:21 Jordach joined #minetest
15:21 sfan5 yes it does not work for me too
15:21 sfan5 o/ Jordach
15:21 reactor щ/
15:21 raffahacks Thanks
15:22 Jordach o/
15:22 raffahacks Sorry for my stupid ans in that thread sfan5
15:22 raffahacks But she asked for the simplest way
15:23 sfan5 in that thread?
15:23 sfan5 what? where?
15:23 raffahacks The simplest way to get mt working on mac
15:23 raffahacks Wasn't you there?
15:23 Krock joined #minetest
15:24 Jordach raffahacks, it's extract and go now
15:24 Krock Hello.
15:24 Jordach not install homebrew, black magic, bullshit then wine
15:25 sfan5 Jordach: care to test the win64 build?
15:26 * Jordach is more interested in fixing a Automatic crash without a Lua Debugger message
15:26 sfan5 what do you mean?
15:27 Jordach minetest dies with this in mind
15:28 Jordach
15:28 Krock Jordach: try: minetest.chat_send_player(nil)
15:28 reactor joined #minetest
15:29 Jordach ha
15:29 Jordach aha
15:29 Jordach doesn't crash here, but dies on my flash drive
15:29 Jordach same build too :P
15:29 sfan5 Jordach: suggestion, use a function that auto-determines which node is there and which node name the next fill level has
15:30 Jordach sfan5, pure binary trees are much fastwer
15:30 sfan5 you should also register the different fill levels with a function
15:30 Jordach sfan5, i'd use fill level nodeboxes, except, you know, it doesn't like more than one box
15:30 sfan5 or better, register the lava, oil & water tanks with one function
15:30 sfan5 no
15:30 sfan5 I mean just compacting your code
15:30 sfan5 not touching the nodedef
15:34 sfan5 >tank_water_level_1.png >tank_water_level_2.png >tank_water_level_3.png
15:34 sfan5 this sounds inefficient
15:34 sfan5 (assuming the texture is just the water texture capped at a specific level)
15:34 Jordach sfan5, it is
15:34 Jordach eventually i'll get around to animating it.
15:35 sfan5 ah, ok then
15:35 Jordach kinda thought of Buildcraft (MC) pipes
15:35 Jordach i also managed to make buckets use RMB for everything
15:37 markveidemanis_ joined #minetest
15:38 Jordach wat
15:38 Jordach this is odd
15:38 Jordach glasslike doesn't like different faces
15:39 Jordach
15:39 markveidemanis Hi
15:40 Jordach yarp, appears to work fine with normal drawtypes
15:41 markveidemanis I need some help choosing an OS for a server
15:41 Jordach Debian b00b
15:41 markveidemanis Needs to be usable as a normal OS,
15:41 Jordach if you're using a consumer OS as a server, OUT
15:41 markveidemanis Work well on a 1.6GHz machine
15:41 Jordach they don't even deserve it
15:42 markveidemanis How about Tiny Core Linux?
15:42 Jordach [16:41:22] <markveidemanis> Needs to be usable as a normal OS,
15:42 Jordach already missed the mark by a light year
15:42 markveidemanis Well
15:42 markveidemanis Yes
15:42 markveidemanis Okay then , a graphical OS with an option to boot to only command line mode
15:42 markveidemanis Does lubuntu have that?
15:43 proller joined #minetest
15:44 Krock </offtopic>
15:45 sfan5 markveidemanis: you can boot every linux os to command line only
15:48 FreeFull joined #minetest
15:48 markveidemanis okay, done at command line
15:49 Calinou joined #minetest
15:50 sfan5 Jordach: this is what I call efficient & extendable:
15:51 Jordach sfan5, meh
15:51 sfan5 D:
15:51 sfan5 use my code
15:51 sfan5 it's better
15:51 sfan5 pls
15:51 Jordach i'd perfer having something i wrote :P
15:51 sfan5 or at least try it
15:52 Jordach the only exception is paramat's oil gen
15:52 sfan5 i don't even know whether it works
15:55 sfan5 Jordach: can you try my code please?
15:55 Jordach !g define mimicry
15:55 MinetestBot Jordach:
15:56 Jordach now stfu ;)
15:56 sfan5 :-(
15:58 sfan5 Jordach: please...
15:58 Jordach and if only we could have separately textured nodeboxes
15:59 Jordach that would solve my problem with tanks instantly
15:59 Jordach or even node meshes provided by blender or something
16:00 * sfan5 points to a "Pull requests are always appreciated!" sign
16:02 Jordach yay
16:02 Jordach water tanks are basically done :)
16:03 sfan5 can you test my code please?
16:03 sfan5 I want to know whether it works
16:03 Jordach oh god readjusting to RMB buckets is a pain]#
16:04 Jordach i'm like, left click to place
16:05 sfan5 you can do that too
16:07 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
16:07 Jordach sfan5, the bucket would place water by default
16:08 Krock Just me or is hitting the key P causing an error log?
16:08 Jordach >printing debug stacks
16:08 Jordach i NEVER KNEW THAT
16:10 PilzAdam joined #minetest
16:11 Jordach hey PilzAdam
16:11 Jordach Hello everyone!
16:11 Jordach :>
16:11 MinetestBot wait for it....
16:11 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
16:12 raffahacks joined #minetest
16:13 raffahacks MegAFK?
16:13 Calinou new build/teleport arrow sounds on the way
16:14 PenguinDad PilzAdam: o/
16:14 markveidemanis Hmm
16:14 markveidemanis Would I be possible to connect 2 computers together without a router
16:15 markveidemanis and without an ethernet cable
16:15 markveidemanis Like, direct WiFi comunication
16:15 crazyR yeah you would have to share  the internet on one of them and it would then act as router
16:15 Jordach markveidemanis, Android has this
16:16 raffahacks but there's a router
16:16 raffahacks still
16:16 Jordach (see 4.x.x with tethering)
16:16 raffahacks 2.x+ has got tethering
16:16 markveidemanis I'l just go out and buy an ethernet cable
16:16 markveidemanis Do I need a crossover one for UNIX and Windows
16:16 Jordach NO0
16:17 Jordach HELL NO
16:17 markveidemanis Okay den
16:17 Jordach RJ45 leads all use the same protocol
16:17 Jordach CAT5*
16:17 markveidemanis You mean windows and linux
16:17 markveidemanis You might also have meant modern computers
16:17 Jordach different leads for different protocols
16:17 Jordach see Modems
16:18 Jordach which funnily enough, turned a phone line into CAT5
16:18 Jordach and in future, you're going to start paying me in dogecoins for IT support
16:18 markveidemanis :P
16:18 * markveidemanis will ask Calinou now
16:19 markveidemanis Or I could just check the log again...
16:19 * markveidemanis remembers google
16:19 raffahacks it isn't clear what do you want to do
16:19 raffahacks markveidemanis
16:19 markveidemanis yup
16:20 markveidemanis I'll use my netbook as a backup/server with a good fast wired connection between it and my pc
16:20 raffahacks you need to share network not internet for that
16:20 markveidemanis I'l just directly wire them
16:21 markveidemanis Best way
16:21 raffahacks of course
16:21 raffahacks or if you need wifi
16:21 raffahacks ...
16:21 raffahacks which os r u using
16:23 markveidemanis Lubuntu + Windows 8
16:23 markveidemanis Separate computers
16:23 raffahacks which one is the server
16:24 rsiska joined #minetest
16:24 markveidemanis Erm...
16:24 markveidemanis Oh, Lubuntu
16:24 markveidemanis Will be
16:25 markveidemanis But that's different
16:25 raffahacks do u have usb wifi card
16:25 raffahacks or builtin
16:25 [PavelS] joined #minetest
16:25 markveidemanis Win8 has external dongle thing
16:26 raffahacks i need to know about the server
16:26 raffahacks lubuntu here
16:27 markveidemanis ok...
16:27 raffahacks type iwconfig
16:27 markveidemanis when compiling finishes
16:28 markveidemanis 71%
16:28 raffahacks on different tty?
16:28 markveidemanis Hm?
16:28 raffahacks r u in command line or in X
16:29 markveidemanis I'd say command line (Basically full screen terminal)
16:29 markveidemanis in X then
16:29 markveidemanis was kicked by ShadowBot: Message flood detected.
16:29 PenguinDad wut?
16:29 markveidemanis joined #minetest
16:29 markveidemanis Erm...
16:30 raffahacks Bot fault!!!
16:30 raffahacks new tab?
16:31 markveidemanis wlan0 connected
16:31 raffahacks type lsusb
16:31 raffahacks plz paste result
16:32 _sean joined #minetest
16:32 markveidemanis be back in a bit
16:35 diemartin joined #minetest
16:36 raffahacks wait a moment, changing client...
16:36 raffahacks left #minetest
16:37 raffahacks joined #minetest
16:38 raffahacks markveidemanis: are you here?
16:39 markveidemanis I have such a reliable network
16:40 markveidemanis Luckily, ZNC has it covered
16:40 Jordach BT =/= reliable
16:40 blaze joined #minetest
16:40 Jordach trust me.
16:40 Jordach when you need speed, you get fuck all (esp. when playing TF2 with servers only ~5 mi. away)
16:41 raffahacks What about lsusb
16:42 markveidemanis Okay, il  enable SSH
16:43 raffahacks joined #minetest
16:43 MegAFK raffahacks: hey
16:43 raffahacks Hello megaf!
16:43 MegAFK finally you stayed online for long enough
16:43 Megaf raffahacks: so, you finally got minetest running on OS X uh?
16:43 raffahacks I ran minetest on a mac
16:43 markveidemanis raffahacks,
16:43 Megaf What did you do?
16:46 Jordach
16:50 markveidemanis !up
16:50 MinetestBot seems to be down
16:50 markveidemanis well fuck
16:50 markveidemanis !up 30010
16:50 MinetestBot seems to be down
16:50 PenguinDad !up well.fuck
16:50 MinetestBot well.fuck:30000 seems to be down
16:51 markveidemanis !up 30015
16:51 MinetestBot seems to be down
16:51 markveidemanis oh wait
16:51 markveidemanis im hosting on 30000 and 30010 is opened
16:51 markveidemanis !up 30010
16:51 MinetestBot seems to be down
16:51 markveidemanis Grr
16:52 Krock markveidemanis, seems like to be a hamachi IP
16:52 markveidemanis No, im forwarding it now
16:53 PenguinDad markveidemanis: ping -c4 "100% packet loss"
16:53 markveidemanis !up 30010
16:53 MinetestBot is up (392ms)
16:53 markveidemanis WOHOOO
16:54 Krock CONGRATS
16:54 markveidemanis Why thank you
16:54 Krock Why not?
16:55 Megaf I was flying around on my server when I notice a pretty good house someone build, so I landed and proceeded to investigate who built it and perhaps protect it, when suddenly I notice something, that's my own house!
16:56 proller joined #minetest
16:57 raffahacks joined #minetest
16:57 Krock before = someone else's house || after = your house or: before = your house || after = your house?
16:57 raffahacks Hello?
16:57 Krock hai
16:57 CraigyDavi hi
16:57 PenguinDad Krock: pseudocode?
16:58 Jordach
16:58 Krock PenguinDad, pseudoquestion
16:58 Megaf Krock: I was always my house, but I could not recognize it at first
16:58 Krock Jordach, very nice
16:58 Krock ok.
16:59 raffahacks Megaf?
16:59 MegAFK yes?
16:59 MegAFK brb
16:59 raffahacks Did my prevuous messages arrive?
17:00 Krock raffahacks,
17:00 Krock check it self
17:01 raffahacks Thank you krock
17:02 Krock np
17:02 raffahacks My messages didn't come
17:02 Krock too bad
17:02 raffahacks Coz my mobile net is an unstable edge
17:03 raffahacks Ok megaf i simply ran the exe in wine
17:03 raffahacks Do u know wine?
17:03 Jordach yeah
17:03 Jordach getting wasted every weekend
17:03 raffahacks But an user, morn76; built an indipendent mac binary
17:05 Hunterz joined #minetest
17:06 Calinou [master 45bb438] New golden arrows (5 HP damage), normal arrows do 3 HP damage now, added new arrow sounds, fixed some sounds, added player falling damage sounds.
17:06 raffahacks It's a very simple way to run it, but it perfectly works ;)
17:06 john_minetest joined #minetest
17:06 Calinou I spend quite a lot of time working on Carbone these days :S
17:07 raffahacks Megaf?
17:09 raffahacks Must go to study now bye
17:09 Jordach Calinou, i've spent more time working on BFD :)
17:09 Jordach (i spent all day trying to fix the fucking tanks)
17:11 Krock My (paramat's work mostly) got no attraction :((((
17:12 proller joined #minetest
17:12 diemartin your wat
17:12 Krock *mine
17:12 [PavelS] joined #minetest
17:13 Calinou my work on Carbone doesn't get much attraction too :<
17:13 Calinou or maybe that's because no one hates it :-D
17:13 Krock yup -------------^
17:14 Megaf back
17:15 Krock Wb, we missed you. Totally. Really.
17:15 Megaf now, lets do a rm guest* Guest*
17:16 Megaf Good to know Krock, I missed you too, a lot, so much my hearth bled
17:17 diemartin Megaf, no_guests pls ;)
17:17 Krock -^
17:17 Jordach of couse
17:17 Jordach hearts pump blood :P
17:17 Calinou Heartbleed
17:17 Krock no_guests is enough good, no more needed
17:19 Megaf 865 players named Guest, guest or admin
17:19 Krock Hmm, there's something missing like a list of mods...
17:20 Krock I could add a simple database with "click&add" but that could bet bombed with spambots
17:20 Krock *get
17:21 Calinou <Krock> yup -------------^
17:21 Calinou did you try it? ;)
17:21 Krock I won't lie to you
17:22 * Jordach did ;)
17:22 * Jordach nodeboxes his tanks:
17:23 Krock ( ( ( ( ( ,01Would mean no</$01,01>  ) ) ) ) )
17:23 khonkhortisan You typed in the color code yourself?
17:23 Calinou my bones look fairly similar, Jordach
17:23 Krock khonkhortisan, tried to add the end of a color syntax
17:24 Krock failed.
17:24 BlockMen Jordach, looks good
17:25 sfan5 Jordach: adjusted for each bucket ofc
17:28 * Calinou made a Thunar action to convert a image to .jpg
17:28 Calinou useful
17:28 Calinou ← bones
17:28 sfan5 >thunar
17:28 sfan5 \o/
17:28 sfan5 also ewww
17:28 sfan5 jpg
17:28 Calinou climbable, non-walkable, you drown in them, some dark post-process when inside
17:28 Calinou sfan5, much faster upload
17:28 Calinou and loading
17:29 diemartin >thunar
17:29 diemartin /o\
17:29 sfan5 n ou
17:29 Calinou you don't need detail for such an image
17:31 Megaf How do I migrate from sqlite to leveldb again?
17:31 Krock Megaf, minetestserver --help
17:32 PenguinDad minetestserver --migrate leveldb --world <worldpath>
17:32 PenguinDad ^ Megaf
17:32 Megaf Krock: I did that, not dummy proof help
17:32 Megaf dummie
17:33 Megaf or whatever
17:33 Megaf Thanks a million PenguinDad
17:33 * PenguinDad is waiting for million to come
17:34 sfan5
17:34 sfan5 john_minetest:
17:34 PenguinDad D:
17:40 Krock Is minetest using vsync too?
17:40 PenguinDad Krock: vsync setting in minetest.conf
17:41 Krock PenguinDad, thx
17:41 Calinou server eats lots of CPU when not doing much stuff... 10% with 2 players
17:41 Krock on a RPi or which CPU?
17:42 Calinou i7-2600K
17:42 Calinou 8-15% of one thread used by server only
17:42 Calinou players not moving
17:42 PenguinDad Krock: cubietruck :p
17:42 Krock Calinou, hmm that's weird..maybe too much abm's on AIR?
17:42 Krock :3
17:43 Jordach Calinou, minetest for me with several players has no cpu usage
17:44 Calinou I presume it's mob stuff :( I'll try without mobs
17:45 Calinou 3-5% with one player not moving
17:45 Krock OMG, fov = 1 results in a Nitendo DS resolution
17:45 Calinou mobs or not doesn't change CPU usage much, actually
17:46 Calinou so, nevermind, but I'd expect lower usage when not doing much
17:49 Calinou BrandonReese, nice changes to Simple Mobs, I may get some into Carbone (the sounds)
17:50 Calinou only male NPCs attacks monsters... that's sexist :p
17:50 BrandonReese Maybe a little
17:50 Jordach females should throw shoes :>
17:50 BrandonReese Males are also faster
17:50 BrandonReese by a little bit
17:50 Jordach </properly_sexist>
17:50 Krock <Jordach>females should throw shoes :>
17:50 Krock lol
17:53 * Jordach considers adding a secret command to BFD to grant a secret model under genders.lua
17:56 Calinou play as a dungeon master! grief people's houses with fireballs!
17:56 Calinou (it's possible, it's even possible to have higher eye height in Git)
17:56 Jordach Hint: think my animatic models
17:57 Jordach and it checks if the player is me, and only me
17:59 Taoki Hi. Why are area temperatures no longer visible when pressing F5?
17:59 Taoki And humidity
17:59 w_laenger joined #minetest
18:00 Megaf Taoki: is there any use for that?
18:00 w_laenger hi
18:00 Megaf Hi w_laenger
18:00 Taoki Megaf: Sure, several mods use that I think, and seeing it is useful
18:00 PenguinDad Taoki: finite liquid got removed
18:01 Taoki PenguinDad: What's temperature got to do with finite liquid?
18:02 Taoki It's used by the mapgen and biomes, so on.
18:02 Vargos joined #minetest
18:03 Taoki Can you still get area temperature via Lua at least?
18:04 Krock no --^
18:04 Krock and yes, there's someworkaround
18:04 Taoki heatmap is still in the Lua API
18:04 Calinou Taoki, they were removed
18:05 Calinou “proller's a troller”.
18:05 * Calinou runs
18:05 Taoki It makes no sense to remove a feature so basic now
18:05 Calinou ask in -dev?
18:05 Taoki That will likely break numerous mods
18:06 Calinou I agree temperature and humidity were useful, but proller decided to remove them, in addition to the removal of finite_liquid
18:06 Jordach revert said commit
18:06 Jordach and manually re-remove finite water
18:06 w_laenger left #minetest
18:08 Taoki Lua API seems to say you can still get the heatmap of biomes. So getting temperature should remain possible
18:08 Taoki At least with mapgen V7
18:10 anunakki joined #minetest
18:10 anunakki joined #minetest
18:12 Megaf I like redis already
18:12 Megaf \o/ All tests passed without errors!
18:12 Megaf VanessaE: do you like redis?
18:14 Megaf !up 30004
18:14 MinetestBot seems to be down
18:14 Megaf what?
18:14 Megaf You better be kidding MinetestBot
18:14 Megaf I will try once again
18:14 Megaf and you better show my server up and running
18:14 Megaf got it?
18:14 Megaf !up 30004
18:14 MinetestBot is up (257ms)
18:15 Megaf hmf
18:15 Megaf good bot
18:15 w_laenger joined #minetest
18:15 * w_laenger is back
18:16 w_laenger I think minetest should save information about the worlds' mapchunks where the player did something
18:17 w_laenger so these chunks can be removed and regenerated if the player wants this for example if he/she added a mod which changes the mapgen, eg. by adding ores
18:17 Megaf !up 30004
18:17 MinetestBot is up (472ms)
18:18 Megaf Please, anyone join that server and tell me about lag and performance,
18:18 Megaf I cant join because I'm at my workplace
18:18 lordcirth Megaf, sure
18:19 lordcirth Megaf, woot, low grav :)
18:19 Megaf lordcirth: thanks a lot! move around quickly to check mapgen performance
18:19 Megaf lordcirth: you are on the moon :)
18:21 Megaf That server is using a game based on my RPi minetest game by the way
18:21 Taoki Ok... minetest.get_mapgen_object should be able to retreive humidity and temperature of a biome. Can anyone confirm?
18:21 lordcirth Megaf, I'm at a glass wall, it's generating slowly
18:22 ShadowNinja ~up 30000-30008
18:22 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: port 30001 is up (601ms) | port 30002 is up (775ms) | port 30003 is up (774ms) | port 30004 is up (723ms) | port 30007 is down | port 30008 is down | port 30006 is down | port 30000 is down | port 30005 is down
18:22 lordcirth Megaf, but ghostDoge is here too, it's generating over near him
18:22 Megaf I see
18:22 ShadowNinja Better bot. ;-)
18:22 Megaf mapgen should be faster
18:22 Megaf I'm testing a dummy database
18:23 Megaf ~up 30001-30004
18:23 ShadowBot Megaf: port 30003 is up (506ms) | port 30002 is up (564ms) | port 30004 is up (726ms) | port 30001 is up (773ms)
18:23 PenguinDad Megaf: I don't experience more lag than on every other server
18:24 ShadowNinja Megaf: It's parralelized for speed, and combined into one message.  MTB can only do one at a time in seperate messaages.
18:25 Megaf I will change some settings on its conf lordcirth PenguinDad,
18:25 Krock ~up
18:25 ShadowBot Krock: port 30000 is up (216ms)
18:25 w_laenger left #minetest
18:25 PenguinDad ~up 30000-30005
18:25 ShadowBot PenguinDad: port 30005 is up (328ms) | port 30000 is up (420ms) | port 30003 is up (332ms) | port 30001 is up (468ms) | port 30002 is up (518ms) | port 30004 is up (665ms)
18:26 Krock and 4.9 maxlag with 11 player
18:26 VanessaE Megaf: I don't know what redis is.
18:27 Megaf ok, server restarted
18:27 Megaf can you test once again please?
18:27 sylvieL joined #minetest
18:27 PenguinDad I'll try redis when I get my new machine ;)
18:27 Megaf VanessaE: a very sympathetic database server
18:28 VanessaE oh.  meh.
18:28 Megaf 15:27:56: ACTION[ServerThread]: Player GhostDoge moved too fast; resetting position
18:28 Megaf Segmentation fault
18:28 Megaf lol
18:28 PenguinDad Megaf: don't use anticheat
18:29 VanessaE I disabled anticheat on my servers.
18:29 VanessaE everyone hates that "feature"
18:29 lordcirth Megaf, hanging on connect to server
18:29 VanessaE it's too sensitive to lag
18:29 VanessaE lordcirth: pay attention, his server crashed.
18:29 Megaf ok, restarted
18:30 Megaf crashed again
18:31 PenguinDad it crashed when I was at item definition
18:31 PenguinDad +s
18:31 Megaf
18:31 Megaf let me try to fix that
18:33 sfan5 Megaf: which minetest version?
18:33 Jordach protip: don't fuck up when dealing with lava and tanks
18:33 Jordach wrong button = burned down base
18:33 Calinou bye
18:34 Megaf server not ready yet
18:34 Megaf sfan5: git from a couple of seconds ago
18:34 Miner_48er joined #minetest
18:34 sfan5 hm
18:35 Megaf ok, server up and running again
18:35 Megaf sfan5: don't worry, those crashes were my fault
18:36 sfan5 Megaf: the server should have unhandled exception occurred somewhere in the log
18:36 Megaf crashed again
18:43 Megaf_ joined #minetest
18:43 Megaf_ joined #minetest
18:43 Megaf_ back
18:43 Megaf_ crashed again
18:43 Megaf_
18:44 Megaf_ sfan5: so there might be some bug
18:44 Megaf_ sfan5: using mapgen v7 and dummy backend
18:44 sfan5 std::bad_alloc means there is not enough RAM
18:44 Megaf_ I see
18:45 Megaf_ so 1814 MB of free RAM is not enough to start a fresh world using dummy backend
18:46 cisoun joined #minetest
18:48 Krock Megaf_, wut? 160 MB using here
18:48 Megaf_ Krock: I know, but sfan5 said that theres not enough RAM, and theres actually 1800 MB free
18:48 PenguinDad > fresh world using dummy backend
18:49 sfan5 hm
18:49 sfan5 try leveldb backend
18:49 Krock maybe a typo in dummy backend
18:49 sfan5 I don't think 1814 MB is not enouh for dummy
18:49 Megaf_ Krock: that could be
18:49 Krock while(true) { do nothing }
18:49 Krock :3
18:49 Megaf_ recompiling with leveldb support
18:49 sfan5 Krock: that would consume exactly 0 bytes RAM
18:50 PenguinDad while(true) { sleep(10) }
18:50 Krock sfan5, true. my brain thought wrong way
18:50 Amaz_ joined #minetest
18:50 Krock could cause CPU usage
18:51 Krock while(true) { char* test = new char[99999]; } or however c++ works
18:52 crazyR who can recomend the best vps provider(affordable)
18:52 sfan5 digitalocean
18:52 crazyR not good, the way they limit there hardware causes all sorts of segmentation faults
18:53 crazyR i moved form them to ovh not so long ago,
18:54 Megaf_ crazyR: Linode
18:54 sfan5 you tested them?
18:54 sfan5 did you contact support about your issue?
18:54 Megaf_ They are not the chespest, but they are the best
18:54 Megaf_ and theres a good community
18:55 Krock Btw, that's the maximal data transfer of a minetest to clients in a second?
18:55 Krock maybe helpful to calculate the traffic
18:56 sfan5 minetest does not use that much traffic
18:56 Krock less than a TB/month? I have no idea how nuch :3
18:56 Krock *much
18:57 sfan5 yes ofc
18:57 Krock ok
18:57 sfan5 would be insane if MT would use more than 1TB a month
18:57 Megaf_ ok, 30004 up again, still using dummy
18:57 sfan5 !up
18:57 sfan5 !up 30004
18:57 MinetestBot seems to be down
18:57 MinetestBot is up (488ms)
18:57 Krock ~up 30004
18:57 ShadowBot Krock: port 30004 is up (2703ms)
18:57 Krock uh
18:58 lordcirth ouch
18:58 Krock 2.7s, bad. very bad.
18:58 sfan5 >488ms
18:58 lordcirth Krock, I got in tho
18:58 Megaf_ crashed
18:58 Jordach !up
18:58 MinetestBot is up (309ms)
18:58 Megaf_ 15:58:01: ACTION[ServerThread]: lordcirth joins game. List of players: Amaz
18:58 Megaf_ Segmentation fault
18:58 sfan5 gdb please
18:58 Krock Megaf_, corruped build.
18:58 Amaz_ Is there supposed to be anything there?
18:59 lordcirth Megaf_, what is running this server?
18:59 MinetestBot seems to be down
18:59 Megaf_ sfan5: should I build in debug release?
19:00 Krock a BlackBerry Pi on a cobblewire connection
19:00 sfan5 Megaf_: yep
19:00 Megaf_ lordcirth: another server, port 30003
19:00 PenguinDad Krock: Strawberry e is better :p
19:01 Krock PenguinDad, ah yes. How dumb from me, using Pi *headdesks*
19:01 Megaf_ sfan5: heres my cmake bty
19:01 Krock spammer, kick him
19:01 Krock </not successful>
19:01 Megaf_ building again
19:01 sfan5 you can omit all that :BOOL :STRING stuff
19:01 lordcirth Megaf_, yeah, pastebin that kinda thing, next time
19:01 sfan5 -DWARN_ALL:BOOL=1 is default and can be omitted
19:02 Megaf_ sfan5: just in case someone decides to change the defaults...
19:02 Megaf_ as happens pretty often in minetest
19:02 Megaf_ like sometime decided to not have temperature showing anymore
19:02 ShadowNinja lordcirth, Krock: It's one message, no nead for a pastebin.
19:02 ShadowNinja need*
19:02 FreeFull joined #minetest
19:03 * Megaf_ thins is ok to paste up to 3 lines
19:03 * Megaf_ thinks is ok to paste up to 3 lines
19:03 lordcirth ShadowBot, but it's 8 lines on my screen
19:03 lordcirth ShadowNinja, *
19:03 ShadowNinja Megaf_: WARN_ALL does nothing BTW.  -Wall is always set.
19:03 Krock ShadowBot, what's the string length limit?
19:03 MinetestBot GIT: Sapier at GMX dot net commited to minetest/minetest: Add download rate to media progress bar (non http mode only!) c03d7dc8a7 2014-04-29T20:45:16+02:00
19:04 ShadowNinja lordcirth: s/line/message/
19:04 Krock link broken?
19:04 PenguinDad lol
19:04 ShadowNinja And your screen is far too narrow.  ;-)
19:04 Krock s/ShadowBot/ShadowNinja
19:05 ShadowNinja ~give Krock source
19:05 ShadowBot Krock: My source is at -- Custom plugins are at
19:05 Krock crazyR, WHY? Just don't post afterme!
19:05 crazyR ?
19:05 Krock @minetest github issue
19:05 Krock ~take source
19:06 crazyR i posted after PilzAdam
19:06 Krock crazyR, refresh page? :3
19:06 Krock wtf
19:06 crazyR oh yeah haha nm i added some additional points
19:06 Krock whatever..
19:07 crazyR put your knickers back on  :D lol
19:07 ShadowNinja sfan5: s/GIT/Git/
19:07 Megaf_ I wonder why my moon test still showing up there >
19:07 sfan5 ShadowNinja: maybe..
19:07 ShadowNinja Megaf_: It only updates every fixe minutes.
19:07 ShadowNinja five*
19:07 sfan5 Megaf_: because it did not de-annouce because of the segfault
19:08 Megaf_ sfan5: ok
19:08 Megaf_ that makes sense
19:08 Krock Players/Max   Avg/Top   10/22   6/26
19:08 lordcirth Megaf_, wow, this a big server
19:08 Krock more top than max :D
19:09 Megaf_ Krock: max players used to be a much higher vakue
19:09 Megaf_ value
19:09 Megaf_ then I limited it more
19:09 tomreyn joined #minetest
19:09 Krock ikr
19:10 Krock crazy physics..
19:10 crazyR ?
19:10 Megaf_ sfan5: still compiling here... I used make -j 1
19:11 Megaf_ and seems like debug build takes longer
19:11 Megaf_ 57%
19:11 sfan5 yes it does
19:11 lordcirth Megaf_, do you have luaJIT?
19:11 Megaf_ sfan5: later on, $ gdp minetesetserver ?
19:12 Megaf_ lordcirth: yep
19:12 Megaf_ all my servers run with LuaJIT
19:12 Krock ~calc "crazyR" == "crazy"
19:12 ShadowBot Krock: Error: 'crazyr' is not a defined function.
19:12 crazyR lol
19:12 sfan5 Megaf_: partly... do gdb --args minetestserver <all other arguments>
19:12 sfan5 then do "run" and "bt full" when it crashes
19:13 Megaf_ sfan5: should I use any argument in special?
19:13 sfan5 nope
19:13 sfan5 just the normal ones you use
19:13 * Megaf_ uses none
19:14 sfan5 the none at all
19:14 Salvakiya joined #minetest
19:14 Salvakiya hello all
19:14 sfan5 hello
19:14 Salvakiya question... does minetest have survival multiplayer?
19:14 Krock sure
19:14 sfan5 yes
19:14 Krock most servers are survival
19:15 Salvakiya how does it compare to minecraft/
19:15 Salvakiya ?
19:15 * Krock ruins away
19:15 sfan5 depends on the mods you install
19:15 sfan5 and the subgame you use
19:15 * PenguinDad gallops away
19:15 Salvakiya what ones would you reccomend?
19:15 Krock
19:15 Krock those
19:15 sfan5 mods: see
19:15 Salvakiya and what language is MineTest written in?
19:15 sfan5 subgames: Minetest NeXt
19:16 sfan5 C++ and the actual content in Lua
19:16 * Megaf_ runs away
19:16 Salvakiya so Minetest > Minecraft?
19:17 Salvakiya I just stumbled on it
19:17 Salvakiya =P
19:17 Megaf_ we think so
19:17 sfan5 depends on your view
19:17 Salvakiya in which ways would you guys say it is better? aside from the monies =P
19:17 PenguinDad !c 'Minetest' > 'Minecraft'
19:17 MinetestBot True
19:17 Megaf_ Salvakiya: well, Open Source, Open Community, Open Mods, Freedom
19:17 sfan5 simple modding api
19:18 sfan5 mods even work between many versions
19:18 sfan5 you do NOT need to update a mod every version
19:18 Megaf_ if you want creepers and theres no creepers, then you can make your very own creepers
19:18 sfan5 the client automatically downloads the mod data
19:18 sfan5 (= textures, sounds, models)
19:18 Salvakiya thats nice =)
19:19 Salvakiya I shall quest it then!
19:19 * Megaf_ want creepers, zombies, chickens, ocelots and pigs
19:19 Megaf_ and wolfs!
19:20 Megaf_ sfan5: compiled
19:20 * PenguinDad wants Doges and Kittehs
19:20 Jordach Megaf_, we've technically got villagers in BFD
19:20 Jordach random NPC EvergreenTrees rarely spawn from evergreen saplings
19:21 Megaf_ weird,
19:21 PenguinDad Jordach: stop your genetic experiments!
19:21 Megaf_ 9: Bind failed: Address already in use
19:21 Megaf_ terminate called after throwing an instance of 'SocketException'
19:21 Megaf_ what():  Failed to bind socket
19:22 sfan5 try another port
19:22 Megaf_ sfan5: but theres nothing using that port
19:22 sfan5 there seems to be
19:22 sfan5 just try
19:23 Megaf_ sfan5: same message for 30005, somethings wrong
19:23 sfan5 hm
19:25 Megaf_ I will recompile it in Release
19:27 harrison joined #minetest
19:28 Megaf_ Jordach: make catss
19:28 Megaf_ it will be a first
19:29 Megaf_ minetest, the only voxel games that comes with cats
19:29 PenguinDad and Doges
19:29 Megaf_ s/games/game
19:33 Jordach !tell Krock i, too, used to be like you:;t=156&amp;start=275
19:33 MinetestBot Jordach: yeah, sure, whatever
19:35 Megaf_ sfan5: using Release build it works
19:35 Megaf_ Im gdbing right now
19:35 Megaf_ folks, everyone, lets debug my server! 30004
19:36 Hiradur joined #minetest
19:36 Salvakiya hmm
19:36 Salvakiya it seems my world is made of rocks and coal?
19:36 Salvakiya where are the trees?
19:37 proller joined #minetest
19:37 Jordach Salvakiya, using magpen v7, use mapgen v6 in the world creation options
19:37 Salvakiya oh ic
19:37 PenguinDad Salvakiya: are you on Megaf's server?
19:37 Salvakiya I am doing singleplayer
19:37 Jordach there are games that use mgv7, like mine, but there aren't many that DO
19:38 Megaf_ yep, crashed already
19:38 Salvakiya -_-
19:38 PenguinDad or PilzAdam's Nodetopia
19:38 Megaf_ PenguinDad: you are a crasher
19:38 Salvakiya its still shutting down stuff
19:38 Salvakiya did it crash?
19:38 Salvakiya yup
19:38 Salvakiya it died
19:39 PenguinDad Fuck my connection -.-
19:39 Megaf_ sfan5: gdb of that crash
19:40 Megaf_ lets try again, now using leveldb
19:40 Megaf_ PenguinDad: server is up
19:40 Salvakiya hmm
19:41 Salvakiya how do I make a crafting table?
19:41 Salvakiya oh wiat
19:41 Megaf_ Salvakiya: you dont
19:41 Salvakiya wait*
19:41 Salvakiya no need?
19:41 Megaf_ you already have
19:41 Megaf_ its built in
19:42 Megaf_ server still up, but theres no one online...
19:42 Megaf_ bow there is
19:42 Megaf_ not crashing yet
19:42 Salvakiya what server?
19:43 Megaf_ Salvakiya: my test server, we are trying to find a bug
19:43 DMackey joined #minetest
19:43 Megaf_ Salvakiya: address port 30004
19:43 Megaf_ feeel free to join the party
19:43 Megaf_ fee
19:43 Megaf_ feel*
19:43 Megaf_ Salvakiya: Its a moon server :)
19:44 Salvakiya well what is the best server for me to join in order to see Minetest>minecraft?
19:44 PenguinDad hmmm after doing git reset --hard origin/master it worked
19:44 Megaf_ PenguinDad: I switched the database backend too
19:44 Megaf_ its leveldb now, and no longer dummy
19:45 Megaf_ Salvakiya: hm, Im not sure, I will suggest always my own server, 30003
19:45 Megaf_ we are building cool stuff there
19:45 Megaf_ but there are other good servers around
19:45 Salvakiya wait... do I need to make an account somewhere?
19:45 Megaf_ Salvakiya: nope
19:46 Megaf_ just put an user name and a password
19:46 Megaf_ that will be your account
19:46 Salvakiya oh i c
19:46 Salvakiya so there is no master server
19:46 Salvakiya its based on each server
19:46 Salvakiya nice
19:46 Megaf_ nope
19:46 Salvakiya i like that
19:46 Megaf_ yep
19:47 Megaf_ Salvakiya: well, on some server, like mine own, you need to get the interact priv in order to build or craft things or mine
19:47 Salvakiya what mods and such are installed on your server?
19:47 Megaf_ we do that to prevent griefing
19:47 Salvakiya right
19:47 Salvakiya makes sense
19:48 Salvakiya I presume I am downloading mods right now =P its taking forever to join
19:48 Megaf_ Salvakiya: my server is pretty much a vanilla server, with not a lot of mods, I added the homedecor mod, it gives a lot of very good furniture and decoration items, VanessaE made that mod
19:48 Salvakiya ahh gocha
19:48 Megaf_ using mesecons, thats like the things you do with redstone in minetest
19:48 Megaf_ and pipeworks, the name explain itself
19:48 Megaf_ I also added some new ores and mods
19:49 Megaf_ nodes8
19:49 Megaf_ but, all pretty basic stuff, a lot of servers have those mods
19:49 Megaf_ Salvakiya: connection time will be much better if you disable the Preload Item Visuals in settings
19:49 Salvakiya oh...
19:49 Salvakiya ya I am still on Media...
19:50 Salvakiya any chance the devs will add global illumination?
19:50 Salvakiya that would be sick
19:50 Megaf_ !tell sapier Please, lets remove the "preload item visuals" from settings and set it to off, it makes connection time much higher and it doesnt change a thing on the actual gameplay.
19:50 MinetestBot Megaf_: yeah, yeah
19:51 Salvakiya ^ agreed
19:51 Salvakiya still on media
19:51 Salvakiya but I am 3/4 of the way there
19:51 Megaf_ Salvakiya: you can close minetest and open it again, disabling that option
19:52 Megaf_ it will be faster than wating
19:52 Salvakiya lol kk
19:52 lordcirth Salvakiya, what do you mean by "global illumination"?  everything always lit, no need for torches?
19:52 Salvakiya no
19:52 Salvakiya global illumination means that light will bounce off surfaces
19:52 Salvakiya it simulates real light
19:53 Salvakiya usually they only simulate 2 bounces
19:53 PenguinDad Global Illumination in tesseract is quite nice
19:53 Megaf_ Salvakiya: PenguinDad is working on things like that
19:53 Salvakiya OpenSpades has global illumination
19:53 Salvakiya =)
19:53 lordcirth Salvakiya, that would be quite nice.  different materials would have different reflection ratios, I imagine?
19:54 Salvakiya ya
19:54 Salvakiya so if you shined a light on a red block
19:54 Salvakiya there would be color bleed
19:54 Megaf_ imagine the amount of CPU needed for that
19:54 Salvakiya not much
19:54 Megaf_ we better implement that using the GPU
19:54 Salvakiya if you do it rigt
19:54 Salvakiya right*
19:54 Salvakiya I have never done it but I watched a video about it
19:54 Salvakiya they said that voxel cones are a great way to do so
19:55 Salvakiya idk what OpenSpades is written in.. might be C++ but I dont think it uses irrlicht
19:55 Salvakiya however the devs could maybe collaborate
19:56 PenguinDad Salvakiya: we don't have colored lights in minetest atm
19:56 Megaf_ Salvakiya: but now you wont be able to do much on my server, I will be home in a couple of hours, then I will grant you interact, or ask sin if he passes by
19:56 PenguinDad Megaf_: on which things am I working
19:56 Menche joined #minetest
19:56 Salvakiya PenguinDad global illuminations color bleed is just one feature. you dont need colored lights for it to be a valid feature
19:57 Salvakiya for global illumination to be a valid feature
19:57 Salvakiya *
19:57 Salvakiya Megaf_ just got in!
19:59 Megaf_ cool
20:00 Jordach aww
20:00 * Jordach was hoping his bank account would have cash in
20:00 Megaf_ Salvakiya: there are some free empty houses, I can show you later on
20:00 Salvakiya aight
20:00 Megaf_ Jordach: mine has cache!
20:00 Megaf_ I got like, 80 cents
20:00 Jordach Megaf_, i have like, £213]#
20:00 PenguinDad has anyone tried running a server on a cubietruck yet?
20:00 Megaf_ you are rich!
20:01 Megaf_ never heard of it PenguinDad
20:01 Megaf_ PenguinDad: expensivel
20:03 Megaf_ PenguinDad: Megaf Server V4.0 (port 30003) runs on this
20:04 Megaf_ credit card size board
20:05 * Jordach should get one
20:05 Salvakiya wait what does finite liquids do?
20:05 lordcirth A hint for all trap-makers: when making lava traps, use water instead during testing :)
20:05 Jordach Salvakiya, ignore it, the next version it's removed
20:06 Megaf_ PenguinDad: cool thing about the cubie is it has a SATA port
20:06 Salvakiya so what mobs are in vanilla minetest?
20:06 Megaf_ none
20:07 Salvakiya dang
20:10 PenguinDad another cool thing is you can buy it much easier in germany than the odroid
20:10 Megaf_ PenguinDad: I had to pay a lot of taxes here
20:10 Megaf_ I paid 110% the original value
20:11 Megaf_ Im not importing anything else to this shitty country
20:11 * Megaf_ wonders if minetest developers have jobs
20:12 PenguinDad In germany you often get problems with the Bundeszollverwaltung
20:12 Megaf_ Salvakiya: soon you will get used to minetest textures
20:16 Megaf_ PenguinDad: I really like those cubietruck products
20:20 Exio4 joined #minetest
20:28 Jordach MegafK
20:28 * sfan5 meows at Jordach
20:28 PenguinDad Mega FK
20:28 Jordach Mega Fuck ^
20:30 john_minetest left #minetest
20:31 markveidemanis hi
20:31 markveidemanis Do i need to recompile minetest to use node_ownership?
20:31 markveidemanis
20:31 Jordach markveidemanis, areas
20:31 Jordach that's an ancient fucking mod there
20:31 markveidemanis I want to use it
20:32 markveidemanis areas is a bit too complex
20:32 Jordach ask ShadowNinja about it at
20:32 Jordach bullshirt
20:32 markveidemanis Too many commands
20:32 markveidemanis ownership
20:32 markveidemanis set_owner player start end is logical
20:32 ShadowNinja markveidemanis: Look at the code.  It works but has issues.
20:32 Jordach markveidemanis, and its outdated
20:33 Jordach nothing supports it
20:33 markveidemanis Well, that's not the question
20:33 markveidemanis Will it work [better] if i recompile?
20:33 ShadowNinja I think I'm the only one to work on it recently (if you could call areas that)
20:33 Jordach markveidemanis, recompiling won't do shit
20:33 Jordach it's a fucking mod
20:34 ShadowNinja markveidemanis: No, no mods touch compilation of Minetest.
20:34 markveidemanis There's two diff files
20:34 Jordach for an ancient version
20:34 markveidemanis one for builtin.lua and one for server.cpp
20:36 ShadowNinja markveidemanis: lol I don't think those are needed anymore.
20:37 ShadowNinja I forgot about those engine patches.
20:39 markveidemanis Always used it, always will
20:40 sfan5 that does not work
20:40 sfan5 (with most things)
20:41 sfan5 you will not be able to always use IE5 or Windows 2000 or ...
20:43 ShadowNinja markveidemanis: Because of the ancient way it handles chat commands it doesn't show up in /help.  I'll leave you to figure out why.  :-)
20:44 markveidemanis It gets the job done :)
20:44 markveidemanis And I know how to use it
20:51 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
20:58 markveidemanis !up
20:58 MinetestBot seems to be down
20:58 markveidemanis !up 30010
20:58 MinetestBot is up (344ms)
21:01 sapier joined #minetest
21:02 lordcirth is there a mod that adds a tougher glass?
21:02 MinetestBot GIT: Sapier at GMX dot net commited to minetest/minetest: Add proper lua api deprecated handling b5acec0a3c 2014-04-29T22:49:04+02:00
21:03 lordcirth moreblocks has ironglass, but it's just a different color, it's not any tougher.  We need plexiglass :)
21:04 markveidemanis Useful link there, minetestbot
21:04 Salvakiya so...
21:04 Salvakiya is there a mod for cutting down trees
21:04 Salvakiya realistically
21:04 Salvakiya like...
21:04 Salvakiya chop the block in the center and the rest will fall?
21:04 lordcirth Salvakiya, well, technic's chainsaw lets you click the bottom block and the rest break
21:05 lordcirth Salvakiya, problem is, if we gave default:tree physics, people couldn't build overhangs with them
21:06 Salvakiya well idk how bukkit does it
21:07 Salvakiya but they have it to where if you destroy a tree block... the rest of the tree will break... but not if it was placed by a player
21:08 lordcirth Salvakiya, interesting.  that probably involves overwriting the default:tree definition, which is kinda hacky.  Then again, if it was implemented in default, then it wouldn't be so hacky
21:08 markveidemanis that'd be nice
21:09 Salvakiya well bukkit is a server mod for vanilla minecraft
21:09 Salvakiya actually bukkit does not do it itself there is a mod for it
21:09 Salvakiya but it would be nice to see a mod like that for Minetest
21:09 markveidemanis There must me, do a search
21:09 markveidemanis *be
21:10 lordcirth Salvakiya, I could probably write such a mod easily, but it might break other things, not sure
21:10 markveidemanis There just has to be
21:12 markveidemanis How do i save the world?
21:12 markveidemanis via commmand?
21:12 Salvakiya what is the best RPG ish game mode?
21:12 lordcirth How hard would it be to make a tool that made light while in the player's hand?
21:13 PenguinDad lordcirth: it would be laggy very laggy
21:14 lordcirth PenguinDad, because it would have to update lightmaps really often?
21:16 BlockMen left #minetest
21:16 PenguinDad yes and it would have to check the players position every globalstep
21:20 ShadowNinja sfan5:<nothing> twice ^.
21:24 Salvakiya so...
21:24 Salvakiya none of my mods are loading
21:24 Salvakiya says failed to load and run
21:25 Salvakiya why can I not run mods in SP?
21:25 PenguinDad how are the mod folders named?
21:25 Salvakiya just their default name
21:26 Salvakiya like animals_modpack-2.3.6
21:27 PenguinDad Salvakiya: could you please pastebin the error message
21:27 Salvakiya any idea as to why it wont work?
21:28 Salvakiya uuu
21:28 Salvakiya it just says it cant run the lua
21:28 Salvakiya or whatev
21:28 Salvakiya its not a crash
21:29 Salvakiya tho
21:29 Salvakiya wth
21:29 Salvakiya why is there no \ in the filename?
21:29 markveidemanis ...
21:29 markveidemanis Write longer and less often
21:29 markveidemanis Look for debug.txt
21:30 markveidemanis Usually in the same folder as the minetest.exe
21:30 Salvakiya it says ERROR: ModErrorminetest-0.4.9minetest-0.4.9bin..modsPilzAdam-carts-70cc4f4init.lua
21:31 Salvakiya wait
21:31 markveidemanis no it doesn't
21:31 Salvakiya the file says ModError: ModError: Failed to load and run F:\minetest-0.4.9\minetest-0.4.9\bin\..\mods\PilzAdam-carts-70cc4f4\init.lua
21:31 markveidemanis rename PilzAdam-carts-70cc4f4 to carts
21:31 Salvakiya kk
21:31 markveidemanis wait no
21:31 markveidemanis wait
21:31 PilzAdam Salvakiya, it's quite funny
21:32 markveidemanis make a new file called modpack.txt inside
21:32 PilzAdam it's exactly the example of the wiki
21:32 PilzAdam markveidemanis, no, renaming is the correct way
21:32 markveidemanis For your mod?
21:32 markveidemanis I thought it had the actual mod inside
21:32 markveidemanis as well as all the readme stuff
21:33 Salvakiya what is the illigal character in the name?
21:33 Salvakiya the .?
21:33 markveidemanis READ THE LINK!!!
21:33 markveidemanis
21:34 markveidemanis PilzAdam, Theres a bad link on the wiki page
21:34 markveidemanis The first one in the main content in fast
21:34 markveidemanis *fact
21:34 PilzAdam ^ ShadowNinja
21:35 Salvakiya wow that is crap. Why not package mods with a filder nammed what they should be?
21:35 Salvakiya folder*
21:35 PenguinDad Salvakiya: this is caused by GitHub
21:36 Gambit joined #minetest
21:36 markveidemanis Could someone test
21:37 PenguinDad !g hardstyle soundcloud
21:37 MinetestBot PenguinDad:
21:44 markveidemanis !up
21:44 MinetestBot is up (226ms)
21:56 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
21:56 EvergreenTree Hello everyone
22:01 Hirato joined #minetest
22:02 CraigyDavi hi EvergreenTree
22:02 Megaf Salvakiya: still there?
22:06 MinetestBot GIT: Sapier at GMX dot net commited to minetest/minetest: Fix usage of deprecated functions in builtin 4b44d359f5 2014-04-29T23:57:07+02:00
22:10 crazyR Intel Xeon E3 1225v2 - 4 cores/ 4 threads - 3.2 GHz+    32GB ddr3 ram    2 x 2TB SATA harddrives   1 Gbps up/down <--- this looks sexy :D might get it this week
22:12 VanessaE sfan5: um, shouldn't Minetestbot give an *actual* url to the commit?
22:12 VanessaE pointing to here is ...useless :P
22:15 VanessaE crazyR: nice.  but, no SSD?  FAIL :P
22:15 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
22:17 sapier left #minetest
22:18 EvergreenTree My computer is always WIP
22:18 EvergreenTree next stuff in order is ssd, 4gb more ram, better mobo, and a better heat sync for the cpu
22:20 crazyR for an extra £10 i could get this one: Intel Xeon E3 1245v2 4 cores/ 8 threads 3.4 GHz+ 32 GB DDR3 2 x 120 GB SSD 1Gbps
22:20 Taoki;t=156&amp;p=139975#p140000 The power of Minetest with proper biomes. How did we not have something like this before and on more servers!
22:27 FreeFull When the custom worldgen in minecraft was announced, I thought of minetest
22:27 lemon cool
22:29 lordcirth EvergreenTree, do you have a heatsink picked out?
22:29 EvergreenTree yeah
22:29 lordcirth EvergreenTree, which one?
22:29 EvergreenTree let me check
22:30 EvergreenTree cooler master hyper 212 evo
22:30 Exio4 plus
22:30 lordcirth EvergreenTree, good4u. that's exactly what I was going to recommend
22:31 EvergreenTree well, it was the most highly recommended one out there
22:31 EvergreenTree do you have it>
22:31 EvergreenTree *?
22:31 lordcirth EvergreenTree, remember it comes with brackets to mount a 2nd fan, as well.  so if you have a spare 120mm, you can make it more OP
22:31 EvergreenTree ah
22:31 EvergreenTree also, a fan controller
22:31 EvergreenTree my current mobo has only one place for fans
22:32 EvergreenTree case fans that is
22:32 EvergreenTree so one fan which came with the case isn't doing anything
22:32 lordcirth EvergreenTree, you can run case fans off the power supply too
22:32 lordcirth EvergreenTree, you can get a set of Molex > 3pin adapter cables really cheap
22:33 EvergreenTree ah
22:33 EvergreenTree I'll bookmark it
22:33 lordcirth like 4 for $5 iirc
22:33 lordcirth EvergreenTree, my original rig had a Hyper 212 Plus, iirc.  it's amazing, and the Evo has better ratings.
22:34 EvergreenTree good to know
22:34 EvergreenTree probably what I'll get next
22:34 lordcirth That cooler is in a friend's office PC now, it's working great still, 3+ yo
22:36 EvergreenTree do you have a recomendation as to the molex to 3 pin adapter?
22:36 lordcirth EvergreenTree, I'll look, my case actually came with 2 bc it has so many fans :)
22:36 EvergreenTree ah
22:37 EvergreenTree was kicked by ShadowBot: Message flood detected.
22:37 lordcirth was kicked by ShadowBot: Paste flood detected. Use a pastebin like or
22:37 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
22:37 lordcirth joined #minetest
22:37 EvergreenTree what the heck ShadowBot?
22:37 lordcirth EvergreenTree, looks like we should PM lol
22:37 EvergreenTree :P
22:38 Megaf Salvakiya: I just granted you interact
22:39 diemartin ShadowNinja, ^
22:56 Enke joined #minetest
22:57 VanessaE joined #minetest
22:59 q66 joined #minetest
22:59 q66 joined #minetest
23:03 caneves joined #minetest
23:07 CraigyDavi I now make windows builds for freeminer:
23:10 Inocudom joined #minetest
23:11 Inocudom VanessaE, I wish to have the interact priviledge on your Nore's Mapgen server.
23:11 VanessaE sure
23:11 VanessaE done
23:12 rsiska joined #minetest
23:12 Inocudom It looks like that server doesn't have the homedecor mod. I wonder if it could be added to it. Server doesn't seem to have a topic for it either.
23:12 Inocudom Thank you.
23:13 VanessaE naw it's really more of a testing grounds for nore/sfan5's mg mapgen mod
23:13 VanessaE so I didn't add anything that mg didn't need
23:13 VanessaE save for some admin tools
23:14 Broam joined #minetest
23:14 Broam joined #minetest
23:15 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
23:33 Megaf ok
23:33 Megaf lets discuss that here
23:33 Megaf HD6450 is another option I have VanessaE
23:33 Broam left #minetest
23:34 Megaf its worse than r7 240 too
23:36 VanessaE HD6450 rates a 289
23:37 VanessaE can't you just buy online?>
23:38 VanessaE Megaf: HD7990 is good
23:38 Megaf This one would be the best one
23:38 VanessaE 5542 on the benchmark
23:38 VanessaE heh, but I doubt you're gonna pay those prices.
23:39 VanessaE;c=pw&amp;hash=1218X1G%2B6VOMLjVE2VfFTplUSLg4kFkRCRS6PyaREBWBI037FoBUv8YfuQfSaAoPNMusUPeXDCRhGhIWJ9%2Bjxgl7P6IGfmUFn14Y3OyyfUmx%2FjLL3j6qOWDmAVI
23:39 VanessaE I buy from SuperBiiz from time to time.
23:39 VanessaE this one here should be quite good.
23:39 Megaf in Brazil we cant import anything
23:39 VanessaE horseshit
23:39 Megaf they will chage 110% AT LEAST
23:39 VanessaE you can buy online and have it shipped in, I'm sure of that
23:39 Megaf charge*
23:40 VanessaE so?
23:40 VanessaE you're saying they'll double the price?
23:40 VanessaE prove it.
23:40 Megaf so? If I buy something that costs 100 USD I will gave to pay 210 USD
23:40 Megaf at least
23:41 VanessaE when was the last time you did that, and what was it for?
23:41 Megaf VanessaE: a couple of months ago
23:41 Megaf to run my server
23:41 VanessaE no, what was the product
23:42 VanessaE and who did you buy it from?
23:42 Megaf + some accessories
23:43 Megaf ODROID-U3 Community Edition + 5V/2A Adaptor + HDMI Cable + U3 Case
23:43 lisacvuk joined #minetest
23:44 Megaf ODROID-U3 Community Edition $59.00 + 5V/2A Adaptor $5.50 + HDMI Cable $5.70 + U3 Case $4.00, VanessaE
23:45 lisacvuk any news about android minetest edition?
23:45 Megaf VanessaE: so instead paying $99.20 I paid 110% of that
23:46 Megaf ODROID-U3 Community Edition $59.00 + 5V/2A Adaptor $5.50 + HDMI Cable $5.70 + U3 Case $4.00+ $25.00 (shipping) = $99.20, VanessaE
23:48 VanessaE lisacvuk:
23:49 VanessaE Megaf: and what was their justification?
23:49 Megaf none
23:49 VanessaE exactly what point in the transaction did you have to pay the extra price?
23:49 Megaf its taxes over taxes that we are obligated to pay to import
23:50 Megaf only thin we can import without taxes are books
23:50 VanessaE you didn't answer my question
23:50 Megaf VanessaE: the extra price is tax over importation
23:50 VanessaE and you paid this at what point in the transaction?
23:51 Megaf It's just the law here
23:51 Megaf when I got the product at home
23:51 VanessaE so you paid the taxes after the fact.
23:51 VanessaE not in the transaction.
23:51 Megaf I paid 99,20 USD online,
23:51 Megaf at taxes at home
23:51 crazyR what if you got a freind out of the country to but it and then sent it to you as a gift :D
23:52 VanessaE and how were your tax authorities informed that you had taxes to pay?
23:52 crazyR they you send your freind a gift of money
23:52 VanessaE and why did you not hire a tax professional?
23:52 Megaf VanessaE: there's no such a thing here... to hire someone it would be really expensive
23:53 VanessaE Megaf: have you asked?
23:53 Megaf I paid using credit card, and hardkernel have to declare the product value
23:53 VanessaE and there IS such a thing
23:53 VanessaE *facepalm*
23:53 VanessaE you paid it because they told you you had to?
23:53 Megaf VanessaE: no, because it's the law...
23:53 VanessaE every country that has a tax system has tax collectors and something equivalent to the IRS.
23:54 Megaf there is a tax of x% over electronic imports
23:54 VanessaE and something equivalent to what we call CPAs - certified public accountant.
23:54 Megaf over
23:54 VanessaE yeah and there's probably a loophole in your law that says it only applies if you can't get that equipment from a local store
23:54 VanessaE or if no equivalent exists
23:54 Megaf yep, there should be, I researched for
23:54 VanessaE don't just pay the taxes because the law "says you have to"
23:54 VanessaE go hire a CPA
23:55 VanessaE they aren't THAT expensive.
23:55 Megaf VanessaE: I don't care, I moving from this shitty country
23:55 crazyR carefull megaf there watching you :D
23:56 Megaf I don't care...
23:56 Megaf I pay my taxes.. a lot of, and I get nothing
23:56 Megaf we don't have education, don't have health, no transport
23:56 VanessaE Megaf: it looks like that import tax only applies to COMPANIES importing for sale
23:56 Megaf nothing
23:57 VanessaE not to individuals
23:57 VanessaE and it is expected to be repealed as unconstitutional.
23:57 Megaf nope, I read some documents
23:57 Megaf once sec, I will show you a link
23:57 Megaf if I find it
23:57 Megaf from out "tax colector"
23:57 crazyR VanessaE:
23:57 crazyR hes right
23:57 VanessaE says here it went into effect in 1998 and that it is a fixed cost of ~US $90
23:58 VanessaE brb
23:59 Megaf VanessaE: yep, take a look at the list of taxes we have to pay
23:59 Megaf maybe I can get free of some
23:59 Megaf but not all
23:59 VanessaE "Duty rates in Brazil vary from 0% to 35%,"
23:59 VanessaE so there ARE loopholes.

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