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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-04-11

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:52 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
00:54 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
00:55 EvergreenTree If you were wondering why I was asking questions, this is why:
00:56 EvergreenTree just an Idea I had a while ago when VanessaE used "ban hammer" to refer to banning someone
00:57 PilzAdam why do you need punched_player_privs?
00:57 PilzAdam and have you copied the tool caps of the hand?
00:58 EvergreenTree PilzAdam: I will change it to a craftitem probably
00:58 EvergreenTree also, because I might include a check for privileges of the punched player
00:58 ShadowNinja sfan5: 1) That is the wrong command. 2) I removed that alias and ShadowBot ignores invalid commands.
00:59 EvergreenTree because the server admin might not want to ban a moderator
00:59 ShadowNinja Reverted back to ~ only.
00:59 EvergreenTree It's just a fun thing, nothing special
01:00 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
01:00 EvergreenTree I might add different functions to it like kick and take the voice priv
01:01 stormchaser3000 ?
01:04 EvergreenTree stormchaser3000: just developing a mod
01:04 stormchaser3000 oh ok
01:04 EvergreenTree don't "?" if someone says something out of the blue
01:05 EvergreenTree You just missed the context
01:05 PilzAdam of course everyone here is alwys talking only to stormchaser3000
01:06 stormchaser3000 PilzAdam not even close everyone seems to ignore me
01:09 EvergreenTree stormchaser3000: You need a sarcasm detector upgrade
01:09 EvergreenTree :P
01:09 stormchaser3000 hmmm
01:09 stormchaser3000 you mean i need to get a sarcasm dedector
01:09 stormchaser3000 :P
01:23 us`0gb Does anyone know where the Minetest APK can be found? I just got my mobile running last night.
01:25 stormchaser3000 lol i want to know the same
01:27 EvergreenTree try stu's android build
01:27 EvergreenTree
01:43 Sokomine or try this:  (that's where sapier hosts his versions)
01:47 specing joined #minetest
01:48 stormchaser3000 i think you made a typo Sokomine
01:48 stormchaser3000 the page gives a 404 error
01:49 us`0gb stormchaser3000: Odd. That page loads for me.
01:50 us`0gb EvergreenTree: Thank you!
02:04 Pest joined #minetest
03:10 Megaf joined #minetest
03:11 Megaf }(^o^){
03:11 Megaf }[-_-]{
03:11 Megaf (O_o)
03:12 Megaf {o.o}
03:12 Megaf \o/ ¬o\
03:12 Megaf o/\o
03:13 ShadowNinja Hello Megaf.
03:13 Megaf Hi, good evening
03:13 Megaf yesterday my computer was set to 110 Volts and I plugged it on 220 Vols =/
03:13 Megaf volts*
03:14 Megaf Got a new power supply already
03:14 Megaf One that regulates the voltage itself, from 90 Volts to 267 Volts
03:37 roboman2444 joined #minetest
03:41 Hunterz joined #minetest
04:35 Guest92251 joined #minetest
05:02 blaise wow, lol
05:10 jacky joined #minetest
05:34 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
05:39 Hunterz joined #minetest
05:49 OldCoder joined #minetest
05:59 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
06:16 proller joined #minetest
06:21 Mikerhinos joined #minetest
06:21 Mikerhinos hi
07:08 jackyalcine joined #minetest
07:11 khor joined #minetest
07:18 jacky joined #minetest
07:52 Krock joined #minetest
07:52 Krock |-|3110
07:53 Mikerhinos hi Krock
08:03 kaeza joined #minetest
08:04 kaeza mornings
08:04 CraigyDavi Hi kaeza
08:04 kaeza o/
08:06 Krock hi
08:13 * Krock makes ready forthe desert cobble and edits the cobbleimage from his texture pack
08:24 CraigyDavi You have made a texture pack?
08:26 restcoser joined #minetest
08:27 Krock nope but the creator of it seems to be inactive
08:30 CraigyDavi Ah I see. I better start on the tools for my SimplePixels texture pack. I have done the dimaond shovel:
08:46 Krock would anyone want to come on a server with this mapgen?
08:47 CraigyDavi Definitly that look amazing!
08:47 Krock a bit rocky
08:48 CraigyDavi Meh but people could build on the flat parts on the top of the mountains.
08:48 Krock ok...that are 200m mountains
08:48 Krock *hills
08:49 CraigyDavi Maybe you could change the jump height? So that people can jump 2-3 blocks. Would make climbing them easier.
08:49 Krock moon gravity
08:49 CraigyDavi Or maybe just have a series of bridges going from one hill to the next and the bottom could be like *no mans land*
08:50 Krock hmm and the landrush mod would be deinitely at the wrong place there
08:52 CraigyDavi Maybe areas mod? Or zeg's protection mod?
08:53 Amaz joined #minetest
08:54 Krock hmm is the dungeons feature not implented yet?
08:54 Amaz Which mapgen is that, Krock? The one you posted an image to.
08:55 Krock Amaz, v6
08:55 CraigyDavi Well dungeons is definitly i n v6.
08:55 Krock hmm
08:55 Krock they don't seem to generate anyway
08:56 * Krock found a dungeon now
08:56 CraigyDavi Good
08:57 Krock even stairs generate in dungeons...amazing
08:58 Amaz Just default v6?
08:58 CraigyDavi And torches I belive
08:58 Krock Amaz, yes with some changes in the generation
08:59 Krock craig, no torches
08:59 CraigyDavi Oh. Well torches and chests with random items would be a nice idea. Maybe some abandoned ladders too.
09:00 Krock a mod by blockmen did that if i'm right
09:01 CraigyDavi That was just generating mineshafts with wooden support and chests with random stuff. It would be cool if someone could edit it so that the stuff appeared in dougeons instead.
09:02 * Krock might enable dungeons in his server...could be pretty cool
09:03 Amaz I love dungeons. They're awesome.
09:04 CraigyDavi Yeah you should enable them. Got them on my server:
09:05 Krock I always wondered what the mossy cobble is good for, now I know it.
09:05 Krock :3
09:06 CraigyDavi yeah very usefull. Someone redesigned a dungeon on my server and made it thier house. Looks supprisingly good.
09:09 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Barbershop Quartet Day! :-D
09:09 phantombeta joined #minetest
09:09 CraigyDavi Mornin
09:10 Krock hi
09:10 Krock what's this number in env_meta.txt? game_time?
09:11 CraigyDavi There should be the game time and the time of day.
09:13 Krock game total uptime of world or..huh?
09:15 CraigyDavi not sure. I think game_time is the time the world has been up and the time_of_day is the time of day in-game.
09:15 Krock ok
09:15 Krock thx
09:17 CraigyDavi Oh and btw, Krock... I found how a noob managed to get a diamond block house. It was not because I disabled anticheat. It is because there is a bug with the circular saw whcih allows duplicating.
09:17 Krock but the chainsaw only drops stair?!?
09:18 Jordach_ trollin time
09:18 Jordach_ (they won't let me linux, let me virtualise)
09:18 CraigyDavi I'm talking about the circular saw from moreblocks. It drops slabs and stairs and stuff, yes but you can easily duplicate blocks using it.
09:19 Krock uh..srsly?
09:19 Krock needs a hotfix then
09:19 CraigyDavi Yes, do you use the cirular saw on your server?
09:19 Krock yup
09:19 Krock it's a very useful tool
09:19 Jordach_ i don't know the duplication bug
09:20 CraigyDavi You can only duplicate blocks which can be used for making slabs and stuff. E.g. leaves you cannot duplicate.
09:20 CraigyDavi But diamond blocks you can.
09:20 Krock hmm
09:20 Krock can you reproduce this bug?
09:21 CraigyDavi Well yes after I found out I could do it multiple times. I tried it on my server with about 2 secs max_lag.
09:21 CraigyDavi So reproduceable, yes.
09:21 Krock could you descripe how to do it? I'll try to fix that
09:22 CraigyDavi private chat? I'd rather not let the bug spread...
09:38 OldCoder joined #minetest
09:50 crazyR joined #minetest
09:51 Jordach_ Amaz, commented
09:52 CraigyDavi Do you think people would enjoy playing on a server like this?
09:52 CraigyDavi meru + indev floatlands.
09:53 CraigyDavi Seems to be some weird dirt towers though.
10:02 Mikerhinos anyone has a cloud backup solution on Linux to suggest ? Ubuntu One is closing its servers soon :s
10:03 specing Mikerhinos: git-annex to amazon glacier
10:05 Mikerhinos well as it's just for personnal files I'm searching for a free solution, maybe I'll switch to Google Drive
10:06 specing I think git-annex supports that, too
10:07 Mikerhinos Glacier doesn't seem to be free ?
10:08 CraigyDavi What about bitcasa?
10:08 specing Mikerhinos: glacier is the cheapest of the nonfree afaik
10:09 CraigyDavi And crashplan is good also.
10:11 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
10:24 proller joined #minetest
10:33 Jordach_ hoorah
10:33 Jordach_ finally broke 3,800 posts
10:34 CraigyDavi Congrats!
10:36 Jordach_ fun fact: 4 sticks from 1 set of planks is not realistic
10:36 Jordach_ this, however, is
10:44 sfan5 meow
10:44 sfan5 hi everyone
10:45 CraigyDavi hello
10:45 sfan5 Jordach_: the planks are too purple
10:45 Jordach_ fuck the polic
10:45 Jordach_ police*
10:45 sfan5 no
10:46 sfan5 that does not look nice
10:46 sfan5 make it a bit darker and less purple
10:46 sfan5 please
10:46 sfan5 also disable shaders
10:46 sfan5 the textures of the trees are way too bright
10:47 sfan5 that is because RBA broke the shaders
10:48 Jordach_ sfan5, shaders are off
10:48 sfan5 then the texture is just too bright
10:49 sfan5 just a small bit darker
10:49 Jordach_ so i'm bound by the shittiness of the default color scheme eh
10:50 Jordach_ sfan5,
10:51 sfan5 did you make them darker or is it just me?
10:52 Jordach_ it's you
10:52 Jordach_ the top half of the trunk is brighter
10:52 Jordach_ (there's a large difference between saturation and brightness)
10:53 sfan5 ok then
10:53 sfan5 but still please make the bright green leaves a bit darker
10:57 Jordach_ Amaz, feel free to PM me a player skin :P
11:06 Amaz Jordan_,
11:06 Amaz Jordach, okay.
11:13 Shardvex joined #minetest
11:14 Jordach_ autocorrection fuck up i see?
11:17 anunakki joined #minetest
11:19 Amaz joined #minetest
11:23 Jousway joined #minetest
11:34 Jordach_ ohai CraigyDavi
11:34 CraigyDavi hello
11:35 Jordach_ feel like at some point testing a prototype BFD
11:36 CraigyDavi prototype BFD?
11:38 Jordach_ my own game; usually availible at : 30000
11:40 proller joined #minetest
11:41 CraigyDavi sure
11:45 PilzAdam joined #minetest
11:45 Jordach_ ello PilzAdam
11:45 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
11:45 CraigyDavi hi
11:58 Wuzzy joined #minetest
12:04 PenguinDad joined #minetest
12:24 robmyers_ joined #minetest
12:24 Mikerhinos joined #minetest
12:25 crazyR joined #minetest
12:32 Eater4 joined #minetest
12:33 Mikerhinos minetest window is buggy on Gnome Shell when changing active app :s
12:34 Mikerhinos maybe it's Gnome Shell that bugs with OpenGL apps though lol
12:36 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
12:40 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
12:46 hmmmm joined #minetest
12:47 Taoki Jordach_: Any chance you could send me the blend for that corrected model again? I can't find it anywhere >.<
12:52 Renoki joined #minetest
13:12 ImQ009 joined #minetest
13:14 arsdragonfly1 joined #minetest
13:21 crazyR joined #minetest
13:22 Jordach_
13:33 BlockMen joined #minetest
13:35 Jordach_ ello BlockMen
13:36 Taoki Thanks
13:36 * Jordach_ adds crafting for stone tools
13:36 Taoki Also, I finally found a good server I like! Clip's Public Server seems to be the only one which has survival / damage AND hostile mobs on. Nothing's fun without mobs... even with them it's still somewhat boring
13:36 BlockMen hi Jordach
13:37 Taoki hi
13:37 BlockMen is your server up?
13:37 Jordach_ BlockMen, in a sec
13:38 Jordach_ just finishing stone tool crafts
13:38 Jordach_ Taoki, eventually mobs will be in BFD
13:38 Taoki BFD?
13:39 BlockMen Jordach, k
13:41 Jordach_ BlockMen, : 30000
13:52 nore joined #minetest
14:33 sfan5 goes to a weird post
14:33 sfan5 said post was apparently made yesterday by [deleted]
14:33 sfan5 it is in the /r/ParadoxPlaza subreddit
14:34 sfan5 the comments say they're confused about comments being about marriage when the current subreddit is /r/PSH
14:34 sfan5 also the comments were made 2 years before the post
14:34 sfan5 reddit is a scary place :O
14:35 sfan5 contains comments about marriage again
14:41 werwerwer_ joined #minetest
14:47 proller joined #minetest
14:54 jackyalcine joined #minetest
14:55 jackyalcine joined #minetest
14:55 jackyalcine joined #minetest
14:55 jacky joined #minetest
14:55 jacky joined #minetest
14:55 jacky joined #minetest
14:56 jackyalc- joined #minetest
15:01 joepie91 joined #minetest
15:02 jackyalc- joined #minetest
15:03 jackyalc- joined #minetest
15:03 troller joined #minetest
15:06 jackyalc- joined #minetest
15:06 jackyalc- joined #minetest
15:08 jackyalc- joined #minetest
15:11 jackyalc- joined #minetest
15:11 meldrian joined #minetest
15:12 tomreyn joined #minetest
15:12 rubenwardy joined #minetest
15:16 nore joined #minetest
15:16 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
15:18 rubenwardy Hi all!
15:19 CraigyDavi ello
15:23 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
15:26 Hunterz joined #minetest
15:30 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
15:31 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
15:32 MinetestBot joined #minetest
15:33 blaze joined #minetest
15:34 crazyR guys, this is a really daft queation, and has probably been spoken about before. but the map is probably the biggest file in the game.. why is it just 1 file. we have chunks, why dont we have "sectors" that are made up of xx chunks, then instead of loading one bigass world file we load sector files. that would also mean that the whole map being to big issue would be gone :/
15:34 proller joined #minetest
15:34 sfan5 crazyR: 1) more complicated 2) the map is not an issue at all
15:36 crazyR 1) kinda figured that 2) oh. i thought people were always complaining about map sizes, and thought that also had an impact on what storage mechanism was available
15:36 sfan5 wat
15:36 sfan5 if we split the map into serveral files it will not get smaller
15:36 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
15:37 crazyR no but an db is limited by size, so by having lots of smaller files. the map could actually be bigger and loading should be slighly faster, becuase we would only load the secotrs that players are in, similar to the way chunks are loaded
15:38 crazyR im no expert sfan5. just observations and ideas
15:39 zat joined #minetest
15:39 sfan5 crazyR: sqlite3 files have a limit of 4GB, but if you use leveldb you can make the file as big as 2TB
15:40 sfan5 but getting to 4GB map size is hard
15:40 sfan5 only big servers normally get to that limit
15:40 sfan5 also only chunks that are used are loaded
15:40 CraigyDavi What happens if it goes over 4GB?
15:40 NekoGloop joined #minetest
15:40 sfan5 it would use too much RAM to always read the entire DB
15:40 sfan5 CraigyDavi: it won't
15:41 sfan5 I dunno what happens
15:41 crazyR i presumeit would crash the server
15:41 sfan5 but sqlite3 will probably just refuse to save thing
15:41 sfan5 +s
15:41 CraigyDavi Ok. Mine is at 2.5GB at the moment. Lets hope it does not yet too large!
15:42 sfan5 you can always migrate to LevelDB
15:42 crazyR migration is a nightmare
15:42 CraigyDavi How would you go about doing that?
15:42 sfan5 crazyR: why?
15:42 crazyR i tried it spent a day trying it and that was with a small 5 day old world, everything i tryed it corrupt the map
15:43 sfan5 CraigyDavi: minetestserver --migrate leveldb --world <path to world>
15:43 sfan5 crazyR: what did you try?
15:44 CraigyDavi That works with windows too?
15:44 crazyR ^ same as above, if i remember right, i think you and PilzAdam were guiding me with it about a week or 2 ago
15:44 sfan5 CraigyDavi: provided the build is compiled with leveldb support, yes
15:45 sfan5 crazyR: minetest should've given you an error message then
15:45 CraigyDavi Hmmph Fess's builds don't have LevelDb support.
15:46 sfan5 they don't?
15:46 sfan5 leveldb is pretty easy to compile for windows
15:46 CraigyDavi Hmm i'm not sure actually
15:47 crazyR i may try again on thursday when i get my broadband back. just moved house so im relying on my mobile as a modem atm lol
15:48 sfan5 try backend = leveldb in
15:50 CraigyDavi So if you add that it should do the same thing?
15:52 Taoki Jordach_: To help me remind the devs every few days to merge it... usually a hard work :P
15:52 rubenwardy sfan5, CraigyDavi, Redcrab's server went over 4GB.
15:52 rubenwardy Weird things happened
15:52 cisoun joined #minetest
15:53 CraigyDavi Corruption and stuff?
15:55 Jordach_ CraigyDavi, the mapgen itself destroyed spawn
15:56 CraigyDavi Ah I see. I better upgrade to LevelDB sometime then. My server is gonna get to 4GB sooner rather than later.
15:57 sfan5 wat
15:57 sfan5 [obviously NSFW]
15:58 sfan5 CraigyDavi: better right now than later
15:59 Krock joined #minetest
16:09 * Jordach_ grumbles about telling Inocudom to stop thinking he controls the devs on features
16:16 Jordach Krock, it is possible to have minetest_game ported for MGV7
16:17 Jordach fake saplings with their generation abm at 100% chance
16:17 rubenwardy I lost about 50 stacks of mese worth of stuff in the summer of '12, CraigyDavi, Sfan5, Jordarh.
16:17 rubenwardy *Jordach
16:17 sfan5 rubenwardy: lost in what
16:18 CraigyDavi Eeek thats not good.
16:18 rubenwardy <Jordach_> CraigyDavi, the mapgen itself destroyed spawn
16:18 rubenwardy My shop was at spawn
16:23 Jordach dayum bro
16:26 Guest43518 joined #minetest
16:26 CraigyDavi So if I put  backend = leveldb in it should convert to LevelDB when I start it?
16:26 Jordach no
16:26 Jordach [16:43:10] <sfan5> CraigyDavi: minetestserver --migrate leveldb --world <path to world>
16:26 * rubenwardy has a massive long list of pixel art to make
16:27 CraigyDavi So I can use that in the server launcher instead of what it has already?
16:27 Jordach CraigyDavi, probably
16:27 sfan5 CraigyDavi: do it just once to migrate
16:27 sfan5 after that start normally
16:27 Jordach run once, forget about it
16:28 jacky joined #minetest
16:29 CraigyDavi 17:29:31: ERROR[main]: Migration to leveldb is not supported
16:30 Jordach CraigyDavi, you don't have a LevelDB client
16:30 Jordach (it's not compiled with it, use one of sfan5's builds)
16:31 CraigyDavi Can I migrate it using sfan's builds and then if i move the world over to a build with no LevelDb capapbilites will the world still work?
16:32 rubenwardy no
16:32 rubenwardy You need to have a LevelDB build to run a leveldb world
16:33 Jordach it's not difficult to build Minetest on windows, even I've done it...
16:33 rubenwardy but clients connecting to a leveldb server don't care
16:34 zsoltisawesome joined #minetest
16:34 CraigyDavi Hmmm. I use Fess's builds and they work quite nicely on on 64x windows. Someone should do 64x LevelDB builds...
16:35 zsoltisawesome CraigyDavi: +1
16:35 rubenwardy I use 32bit builds on a 64bit computer. Am I evil?
16:35 specing x32 anyone?
16:35 Jordach i've already bugged BlockMen on that
16:36 Jordach sfan5, ^
16:36 CraigyDavi Nah not evil. I just find 64bit builds work much better on 64bit computer.
16:36 Krock 32-bit builds just take the double damount of memory than needed --^
16:36 BlockMen Jordach, wut?
16:36 CraigyDavi I'd try compiling myself...but the tonnes of downloads really put me off.
16:36 sfan5 CraigyDavi: tell fess to support leveldb
16:37 specing Krock: you mean the other way around?
16:37 sfan5 Jordach: maybe
16:37 Krock specing? huh?
16:37 specing 64-bit programs are more memory hungry than 32-bit ones
16:38 Krock but the programs use the memory, instead of 32bit builds on x64
16:38 CraigyDavi Fess: "No, its have no. I have tried to compile LevelDB from sfan5 link … but it has no *.sln or *.vcxproj file, so provided instruction in .md file doesn't affect. Also i've tried to make sln for visual studio from sources, following instructions provided for windows on its sourceforge page but that solution leads to many errors while compiling,
16:38 CraigyDavi some of them was fixed but after i recieved errors at linking stage."
16:38 sfan5 well
16:38 sfan5 I'll compile leveldb using mingw-64 for fess then
16:38 CraigyDavi Really? :D
16:39 sfan5 yes
16:39 CraigyDavi Yey!
16:39 zsoltisawesome Yay!
16:40 rubenwardy Why am I putting myself through the tortue of drawing food? I am so hungry!
16:40 Krock :sadface: no win builds of c++mapper
16:40 sfan5 CraigyDavi: could you link the post where I described how I built it?
16:40 rubenwardy Krock: I have a build of the c++ mapper
16:40 Jordach rubenwardy, go running you lazy lump of ore
16:40 Krock rubenwardy, but not with leveldb
16:40 CraigyDavi
16:40 rubenwardy oh
16:41 Krock CraigyDavi, please keep in mind about the missing mapping tool for leveldb
16:41 sfan5 lol
16:41 CraigyDavi Ah. is it not supported by any minetest mapper?
16:41 Krock it is, just no build so far
16:42 crazyR was just bout to say, i always build my own, and sfan5's form of the mapper workls with leveldb. or atleast so ive heard
16:43 Krock "No one released a leveldb supporting c++ mapper for windows"
16:44 sfan5 CraigyDavi: in case you do not know: the mapper src moved to
16:44 CraigyDavi Yup I know
16:44 sfan5 oh not you
16:44 sfan5 ^ crazyR
16:46 crazyR_ joined #minetest
16:50 crazyR joined #minetest
16:52 zsoltisawesome OMFG I hate java
16:53 CraigyDavi Why?
16:53 zsoltisawesome its like "Oh, lets open Blackboard 20 times! YAY!"
16:54 zsoltisawesome i almost BSOD'd
16:55 Krock BSoD are nice
16:55 Krock gives a warm aah-I've-got-windows-feeling
16:55 zsoltisawesome lol
16:55 CraigyDavi I've never got the bsod
16:55 Krock bad windows then
16:56 CraigyDavi Actually wait...I have...a few times
16:56 zsoltisawesome i think i'm going to change ntoskrnl.exe so its not blue
16:56 zsoltisawesome so its red, like death
16:56 CraigyDavi You gotta love the windows 8 bsod though:
16:56 zsoltisawesome XD
16:56 Krock 0%, that's motivating
16:57 zsoltisawesome OMG thats so much cooler
16:57 CraigyDavi yes very
16:57 Krock classic ftw
16:59 crazyR is there anyway to make the api play a OGG stream rather thana file?
17:00 zsoltisawesome probably, cause ogg stream is .ogg
17:00 q66 joined #minetest
17:01 Jordach apparently
17:01 crazyR yep, but from what ive ready about that function, you dont provide the file extention. so i gues that it auto adds the path and extention. meaning using a url wouldnt work
17:02 Jordach minetest will try and buffer an ogg stream until it hits it's limit
17:02 Jordach (memory wise)
17:02 naccall joined #minetest
17:04 zsoltisawesome "n the new Finder sidebar, all Windows PCs connected to the same local network of a Mac running Leopard are shown with an icon representing an Old CRT monitor displaying the blue screen of death." how mean...
17:04 zsoltisawesome such mean
17:06 crazyR thats copyright infringment, imitating microsofts fuckups
17:06 crazyR :D
17:06 CraigyDavi haha
17:07 rubenwardy !c 'poo' > 'mac'
17:07 MinetestBot True
17:07 rubenwardy ^ MinetestBot never lies
17:07 crazyR i cnt say anything, im currently using windows haha. but only because photoshop is rubbish on linux and and im to much of a cheapscate to get a mac
17:08 CraigyDavi nah don't get a mac.
17:08 Krock !c 'rubenwardy:lies' > 'true'
17:08 MinetestBot False
17:08 Krock wut
17:08 Krock okay he told the truth
17:08 rubenwardy idiot
17:09 zsoltisawesome crazyR: LOL
17:09 zsoltisawesome since when do they have PS on Linux
17:10 iqualfragile joined #minetest
17:10 * zsoltisawesome thought Adobe hated Linux
17:11 crazyR they dont, but it can be made to work on linux at a cost. like jittery graphics etc
17:11 zsoltisawesome !c 1000 + 300 + 30 + 7 = 1337
17:11 MinetestBot SyntaxError: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
17:11 zsoltisawesome lol
17:11 Krock !c 1000 + 300 + 30 + 7 == 1337
17:11 MinetestBot True
17:12 zsoltisawesome fucking python
17:12 crazyR !up 31000
17:12 MinetestBot is up (101ms)
17:12 zsoltisawesome it doesnt like me :(
17:12 crazyR woooow
17:12 Krock == is in every language used to compare 2 values
17:12 crazyR thats high compared to usual
17:12 Krock (or near to)
17:12 crazyR ~up 31000
17:12 ShadowBot crazyR: port 31000 is up (270ms)
17:13 Krock :P --^
17:13 zsoltisawesome woah
17:13 zsoltisawesome many ms
17:13 Krock !up
17:13 MinetestBot is up (110ms)
17:13 Krock nuu..can't beat it
17:13 crazyR mines normally at like 2-15 ms
17:13 zsoltisawesome ~up
17:13 ShadowBot zsoltisawesome: port 30000 is up (219ms)
17:14 zsoltisawesome close
17:14 crazyR !up 31000
17:14 MinetestBot is up (11ms)
17:14 crazyR ahh better
17:14 Krock wut?
17:14 CraigyDavi !up 30000
17:14 MinetestBot is up (369ms)
17:14 Krock !up
17:14 MinetestBot seems to be down
17:15 zsoltisawesome CraigyDavi: BTW, shows the Fedora Apache test page :P
17:15 sfan5 CraigyDavi: tell Fess to try the .dll or .a from this file:
17:16 CraigyDavi Yep I know about the test page.
17:16 CraigyDavi sfan5: In a forum PM?
17:16 sfan5 I don't care whether PM or normal post
17:16 zsoltisawesome its amusing, having a test page open to the web :D
17:17 zsoltisawesome
17:17 zsoltisawesome you have got to be fucking with me
17:17 zsoltisawesome that isnt a captcha...
17:17 zsoltisawesome thats an i
17:18 CraigyDavi A website with numbers in its name is never to be trusted
17:18 zsoltisawesome lol
17:18 zat
17:18 sfan5 !tw
17:18 MinetestBot @Terasology @luizrpgluiz I am not saying C++ > Java, I am saying, low/mid level > high-level interpreted/bitcode-jit-compiled for games. (@JulianHuenculeo)
17:18 CraigyDavi Dammit that means that is not to be trusted haha
17:19 Krock isn't thrusted too
17:19 Krock *-h
17:19 zsoltisawesome thrusted LOL
17:19 zsoltisawesome
17:20 zsoltisawesome thats not a fucking captcha
17:20 Krock zsoltisawesome, hmm is that a upside down excalmation mark or a i?
17:20 zsoltisawesome its an i
17:20 zsoltisawesome lol
17:20 zsoltisawesome shitty captchas FTW
17:20 sfan5 captchas do not solve any problems at all
17:20 sfan5 they just create more
17:20 zsoltisawesome indeed
17:21 CraigyDavi I hate captchas
17:21 sfan5 computers are better at reading many captchas than humans
17:21 sfan5 that is the exact opposite of what captchas are supposed to achieve
17:21 zat Any machine can read better than an human a CAPTCHA made by Google.
17:22 Krock sfan5, would be a good thing if the picture-to-document would work instead of solving captchas
17:22 Krock (speaking of a scanned document to convert to text)
17:22 sfan5 yeah
17:24 basxto joined #minetest
17:25 CraigyDavi sfan5:
17:27 rubenwardy PilzAdam is one of the only MT Githubers I have seen whose followers is > than following.
17:28 sfan5 !tell Calinou where are you?
17:28 MinetestBot sfan5: I'll pass that on when Calinou is around
17:28 sfan5 <3 MinetestBot
17:28 MinetestBot <3 sfan5
17:28 sfan5 rubenwardy: what about me?
17:28 rubenwardy ok, another one
17:29 CraigyDavi I might be following the most people.
17:29 * rubenwardy is following 34, followed by 9
17:29 PilzAdam rubenwardy, every Minetest core dev except proller has more followers than following
17:29 rubenwardy oh yeah
17:29 rubenwardy Not surprising
17:29 sfan5 lol
17:30 rubenwardy I always follow people who follow me.
17:30 PilzAdam sub4sub ?
17:31 rubenwardy It's only polite.
17:31 rubenwardy I don't do it on twitter or g+, as half the people who follow you are weirdos.
17:32 rubenwardy ie one is a stripper
17:32 rubenwardy weird
17:32 sfan5 wat
17:33 rubenwardy
17:33 rubenwardy !tw
17:33 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Give me a link, a @username, or a tweet id
17:35 rubenwardy !tw
17:35 MinetestBot "So your boobs raelly fell out?" "More like my bra fell and my boobs just sat there." "Oh right, I fogrot they're small." (@TessaEspinoza8)
17:35 q66 joined #minetest
17:35 rubenwardy And now your eyes are damaged
17:36 sfan5 boobs cause eye damage?
17:36 rubenwardy If you get hit by one at high velocity, then yes.
17:36 Calinou joined #minetest
17:37 sfan5 Calinou: have you come up with a name?
17:37 anunakki joined #minetest
17:38 Calinou why would I have to say it before I release my thing, I haven't even started
17:38 MinetestBot Calinou: 04-11 17:28 UTC <sfan5> where are you?
17:38 Calinou this isn't an obligation
17:38 Jordach ooh arr
17:38 MinetestBot Jordach: 04-10 18:44 UTC <Krock> please make a v7 mapgen with default desert, grass, and snow. thx
17:38 Jordach wtf
17:38 Jordach MinetestBot, ?
17:39 sfan5 I think I should fix
17:39 Krock lol
17:39 Jordach sfan5, it's always been fucked
17:39 sfan5 Calinou: I thought it would be a fork of minetest_game and I want to contribute too
17:39 sfan5 Jordach: it has been a lot better lately
17:40 Calinou it will be a fork of minetest_game
17:41 Jordach Calinou, not_minetest_game
17:41 sfan5 then you can start by pushing a button on github right away!
17:42 rubenwardy minetest_game_with_benefits
17:43 rubenwardy especially for MinetestBot
17:43 rubenwardy yeah, no
17:44 Jordach calinou_game?
17:44 Jordach noveau_game?
17:44 rubenwardy fair_game?
17:44 Jordach except it has dynamic reclocking support ;)
17:45 Calinou it's Nouveau (French for "new"), not noveau
17:47 Jordach feck
17:47 Jordach how am i supposed to remember an inferior language
17:47 sfan5 lel
17:48 sfan5 the minetest forum looks nice without CSS
17:49 Calinou it looks even better without C55
17:50 rubenwardy Ha!
17:53 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
17:53 crazyR joined #minetest
17:54 Calinou sfan5, I would rather start with new repo creation?
17:54 Calinou or not?
17:54 Calinou instead of forking
17:55 sfan5 you can do that too
17:55 sfan5 you can import the history of minetest_game into that one
17:55 sfan5 or do you want an entirely new game?
17:55 CWz joined #minetest
17:55 CWz left #minetest
17:55 BlockMen a good base is mt+ :P
17:59 ambolt joined #minetest
18:03 Mikerhinos joined #minetest
18:03 Garmine joined #minetest
18:05 nore joined #minetest
18:09 NakedFury joined #minetest
18:16 Renoki joined #minetest
18:22 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
18:26 Calinou my game.conf is not read?
18:26 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
18:27 Jordach i don't use a game.conf
18:28 sfan5 does your game use a valid name?
18:28 rubenwardy Holy crap
18:29 PilzAdam rubenwardy, apparently the forum is a live chat
18:29 MinetestBot PilzAdam: 04-09 09:58 UTC <Jordach> bitch here -
18:29 rubenwardy yeah
18:30 rubenwardy MinetestBot does not know privacy
18:30 PilzAdam MinetestBot, go home, you are drunk
18:30 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
18:31 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
18:32 phantom4 joined #minetest
18:32 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
18:35 rubenwardy !title
18:35 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Cupcakes and Muffins · 9c204b5 · rubenwardy/food_sweet · GitHub
18:35 rubenwardy Woohoo!
18:35 rubenwardy Next mod to make cupcake_cannons
18:35 rubenwardy s/make/make:
18:38 us{0gb joined #minetest
18:39 Calinou findtext.lua is executable, updatetext.lua isn't executable, kaeza
18:39 Calinou in intllib mod
18:40 Calinou rubenwardy, muffin_cannons, for Derpy Hooves
18:40 rubenwardy yeah
18:40 rubenwardy I have chocolate chip muffins and blueberry muffins
18:42 proller joined #minetest
18:45 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
18:47 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
18:51 Frogcrush joined #minetest
19:01 zat Do I sense kind of a rivalry between Minetest devels and Terasology devels?
19:02 nore joined #minetest
19:06 Krock Would someone be so nice and program me a entity which is 10x10x10 nodes big and gentered at position 0? :3
19:07 Krock *centred
19:11 frecel_ joined #minetest
19:18 frecel joined #minetest
19:23 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
19:23 zsoltisawesome
19:27 Calinou zat, I doubt it
19:27 Calinou different goals and mentalities anyway
19:27 Calinou different programming language
19:27 zat different goals... you sure?
19:28 restcoser joined #minetest
19:28 zsoltisawesome Terasology is pretty cool...
19:29 CraigyDavi Yeah it is
19:30 CraigyDavi Just trying it out now actually
19:30 Shardvex joined #minetest
19:30 zsoltisawesome it was cool 2 years ago, it must be cool now
19:32 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
19:32 * Krock can't play terasology
19:40 PilzAdam joined #minetest
19:41 Mikerhinos watched a few seconds of video on youtube, yeah terasology looks real good, have to try it out
19:43 Erenzie joined #minetest
19:43 MinetestBot GIT: BlockMen commited to minetest/minetest: Fix crash when teleporting near unknown node fefec8cdc4 2014-04-11T21:38:16+02:00
19:43 Erenzie joined #minetest
19:43 whiskers75 joined #minetest
19:44 nore joined #minetest
19:48 MinetestBot GIT: Sapier at GMX dot net commited to minetest/minetest: Fix broken win32+bsd build 8bb8602c25 2014-04-11T21:45:30+02:00
19:51 frecel_ joined #minetest
19:51 Mikerhinos zsoltisawesome: trying it right now, looks insane, but man i've put all settings to the max and it's unplayable :s have to reboot and overclock system in BIOS i guess lol
19:55 blaze joined #minetest
19:59 Krock !?
20:02 Jordach there
20:02 Jordach massive commit done for BFD
20:05 * sfan5 meows at Jordach
20:05 zsoltisawesome Me: "nothing is free" -Wise Dude
20:08 us`0gb Hmm. I got some racist channel invites from this channel to my mobile, but not my laptop. Did anyone else here get them?
20:09 us`0gb zsoltisawesome: The catch is that you have to use CDMA, which is a bit locked down.
20:09 PilzAdam wat?
20:10 Calinou <zat> different goals... you sure?
20:10 Calinou they focus more on looks, definitely ;)
20:10 Calinou and less on gameplay and modding
20:12 zsoltisawesome yes
20:12 zsoltisawesome pretty > function
20:13 zsoltisawesome CryENGINE 3: Pretty = Function
20:13 us`0gb What? Personally, I like function better.
20:13 blaze joined #minetest
20:13 us`0gb Then again, pretty gets users ...
20:13 rdococ joined #minetest
20:14 us`0gb So the question is, do you want more users or do you want more fun?
20:14 zat Calinou: yes lol
20:14 Calinou us`0gb, how about both? ;)
20:15 zat Personally, I got tired of Terasology for its visuals were too tiring to look at.
20:15 zsoltisawesome Calinou, us`0gb:
20:15 zat Illumination was excessive, I didnt feel comfy.
20:15 zsoltisawesome zat 1+
20:15 PilzAdam add a lot of blur and remove all colors and you got modern graphics
20:15 PilzAdam the goal is that users cant see anything
20:15 zsoltisawesome lol
20:15 zat so they dont realize the bad parts of the game
20:16 zat oh yes
20:16 PilzAdam Calinou,
20:16 us`0gb zsoltisawesome: Okay, I admit that looks pretty cool.
20:16 zat Some said... The game looks that good because of Java. I dont think it has anything to do.
20:16 zat or I might be wrong...
20:16 us`0gb Calinou: Yeah, both is good when possible.
20:16 BlockMen PilzAdam, awesome commit msg :P
20:16 PilzAdam :D
20:17 zsoltisawesome us`0gb: See? its pretty and functional
20:17 Mikerhinos joined #minetest
20:17 us`0gb zsoltisawesome: Is it functional though, or does it eat resources like crazy?
20:17 zsoltisawesome
20:18 Mikerhinos ok played terasology a few minutes, totally beautiful, but even with overclocked settings on my pc and game on average, it's too slow to be fun to play :s
20:19 zsoltisawesome us`0gb: is 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended) eating resources like crazy?
20:19 us`0gb All I got on my machine was black silhouettes. Not fun and not usable.
20:19 us`0gb zsoltisawesome: Probably.
20:20 zsoltisawesome not really, considering that laptops theses days have 8GB of RAM
20:20 us`0gb I have three GB RAM total. I don't have a ton to spare on something that wants to take it all.
20:20 zsoltisawesome well, thats the editor ram usage the enduser needs 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended).
20:21 us`0gb The fact that modern machines can accommodate resource hogs doesn't make them not resource hogs.
20:21 zsoltisawesome lol
20:21 us`0gb One to two is maybe okay.
20:21 zsoltisawesome ya
20:22 zsoltisawesome yay for PS3s and such
20:22 us`0gb By the way, anyone here know how to tab complete in YAAIC?
20:24 zsoltisawesome us`0gb: "TAB is not recognized for autocomplete (when entering someone's nick)"
20:24 us`0gb zsoltisawesome: So no autocomplete, or it's done a different way?
20:24 zsoltisawesome no
20:25 zsoltisawesome sad huh
20:25 zsoltisawesome iphone cant autocomplete either
20:25 us`0gb A shame. I saw one other client in the repository. I'll try it.
20:25 us`0gb AiCiA, it seems.
20:27 zsoltisawesome execute.force(hug, all)
20:27 zsoltisawesome Hugs for everyone!
20:28 kaeza joined #minetest
20:28 zsoltisawesome kaeza!
20:29 us`0gb Bluh. I'm too lazy to carefully type my 25 character random password again right now. I'll stick with YAAIC for now. If you need me, I'm us{0gb.
20:31 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
20:31 restcoser joined #minetest
20:32 Mikerhinos any ETA for the 5.0 with android client ?
20:33 sfan5 you mean 0.5.0?
20:33 Mikerhinos yeah sorry forgot an important 0 lol
20:33 sfan5 1) we aren't sure when the android client will be available
20:33 sfan5 2) it will take a long time until 0.5.0, next version will be 0.4.10
20:34 zsoltisawesome sfan5: lies.gif
20:34 sfan5 zsoltisawesome: doesn'tknowanything.png
20:34 zsoltisawesome sfan5: you or me? XD
20:34 sfan5 you
20:34 Mikerhinos ok thought that 0.5.0 was next and that android client was in the same release
20:36 zsoltisawesome Mikerhinos: apparently, you were wrong
20:37 Mikerhinos seems to, but well, as we say, the longer the better ! lol
20:37 zsoltisawesome lol: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe"
20:37 zsoltisawesome such funny
20:37 zsoltisawesome
20:42 Gambit joined #minetest
20:47 Mikerhinos zsoltisawesome: future Crysis ?
20:48 ShadowBot joined #minetest
20:49 specing joined #minetest
20:49 zsoltisawesome Mikerhinos: nope CryENGINE 3, the thing that runs Crysis 3
20:52 MinetestBot GIT: Sapier at GMX dot net commited to minetest/minetest: Fix broken Ipv4 serialization on win32 960d731587 2014-04-11T22:51:10+02:00
20:55 Calinou
20:56 zsoltisawesome a bone thats shaped like a car?
20:57 kahrl joined #minetest
20:57 zsoltisawesome Calinou: if I think I know what you mean, learn to spell
20:58 kaeza sPUNtacular
21:03 cheapie joined #minetest
21:17 OldCoder joined #minetest
21:19 kaeza Taoki,
21:19 roboman2444 joined #minetest
21:20 Taoki kaeza: Nice :)
21:20 Taoki My code from last night is likely useless though... BlockMen's version will be better
21:20 kaeza try that one with your branch... the effect is quite nice and dramatic <.<
21:23 frecel joined #minetest
21:24 zsoltisawesome bye all!
21:24 zsoltisawesome :(
21:25 zsoltisawesome !tell us{0gb Hey, I had to go...
21:25 MinetestBot zsoltisawesome: yeah, sure, whatever
21:25 zsoltisawesome LOL givin' me an attitude eh?
21:26 zsoltisawesome MinetestBot.age == 16?
21:26 zsoltisawesome lol
21:37 CraigyDavi left #minetest
21:38 Mikerhinos I already asked the question but really, why do we mine steel (steel=iron+carbon(like coal)), and why do we make bronze with steel+copper ? (bronze is tin+copper). We have all elements needed already, and my sons, like many kids, are playing the game, and learn wrong things ? :s
21:48 frecel joined #minetest
21:49 PilzAdam Mikerhinos, mainly because it makes sense in a gameplay perspective
21:50 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
21:50 PilzAdam adding tin just to craft bronze isnt good
21:51 PilzAdam the idea was to add an alloy that can upgrade your steel's durability
21:55 Mikerhinos better than steel in durability is titanium :s bronze is a "soft" metal
21:56 kaeza just don't bother requesting features to minetest_game; it's essentially dead
21:58 Mikerhinos kaeza: so you mean I should count on mods ?
21:59 PilzAdam Mikerhinos, or games:
21:59 PilzAdam maybe look at "realtest" if you want "realism"
21:59 kaeza consider making your own game or supporting an alternative game
22:00 kaeza (with a reasonable maintainer)
22:01 Exio4 you don't know, you have no idea ~
22:02 Exio4 !google life's too short
22:02 Exio4 !g life's too short
22:02 MinetestBot Exio4:'s_Too_Short
22:02 * kaeza hugs Exio4
22:03 Exio4
22:03 Exio4 !title
22:03 MinetestBot Exio4: Frozen - Life&#39;s Too Short (OUTTAKE) - Lyrics - YouTube
22:05 Mikerhinos [00:01:49] <Exio4> you don't know, you have no idea ~ You're talking to me ?
22:06 Exio4 check that song
22:07 Mikerhinos listening to Nero - Doomsday, is it worth it ?
22:07 Exio4 for the first time in forever, nothing is my waaaaaaaay ~
22:17 frecel joined #minetest
22:18 BrandonReese joined #minetest
22:21 monkeycoder joined #minetest
22:23 frecel joined #minetest
22:23 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest
22:23 luizrpgluiz hi guys
22:29 frecel joined #minetest
22:31 luizrpgluiz left #minetest
22:35 frecel joined #minetest
22:49 frecel joined #minetest
22:54 gre-_ left #minetest
22:59 topcyde joined #minetest
23:01 Hirato joined #minetest
23:01 arsdragonfly1 joined #minetest
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23:40 frecel joined #minetest
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