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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-01-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:18 NekoGloop
00:19 kaeza NekoGloop, FF9?
00:19 NekoGloop FF9.
00:20 kaeza been ages since I played that one
00:20 kaeza BTW, cheater ;)
00:20 NekoGloop HAMMER TIME
00:25 NekoGloop also 255 ultima weapons
00:25 NekoGloop all the moneys
00:42 EvergreenTree Good grief is it winter outside
00:43 EvergreenTree It's about 0 degrees farenheit outside
00:43 kaeza no, it's summer
00:43 EvergreenTree plus wind chill
00:43 EvergreenTree kaeza, :P
00:43 kaeza :D
00:51 bas080 joined #minetest
01:04 bas080 joined #minetest
01:09 VanessaE NekoGloop:
01:10 NekoGloop nyan rainbows are expensive?
01:12 VanessaE yes
01:12 VanessaE but I was...pointing at the last message.
01:13 NekoGloop why are nyan rainbows expensive?
01:13 VanessaE um...
01:14 VanessaE oh nevermind :P
01:14 Enke joined #minetest
01:14 VanessaE because they can be used to craft nyan cats, which should be expensive as fuck? :)
01:14 NekoGloop so what's the recipe
01:15 VanessaE "* Nyan cats/rainbows can be crafted as well, but are extremely expensive by design.  In any positions in the crafting grid, place one of the above rainbow blocks along with one each of default diamond, steel, copper, bronze, gold, and Mese blocks, and one each of silver and Mithril blocks from the Moreores mod.   Yields exactly one Nyan cat rainbow.
01:15 VanessaE * Craft nine Nyan cat rainbows to get one Nyan cat itself."
01:16 VanessaE ("above rainbow block" = the usual cheap gloopblocks rainbow made with dyes, mese crystal, and stone))
01:17 * VanessaE wonders why her scale-everything script didn't catch those larger recipe images...
01:19 NekoGloop scaffolding :3
01:19 NekoGloop sexeh scaffolds
01:19 VanessaE yeah but..well...the scaffolds turned out to be of little use in practice, because you can't place anything on top of them :P
01:20 VanessaE you can only expand them from the bottom apparently.
01:21 NekoGloop I'm going to have to call bullshit
01:21 NekoGloop mmm....
01:22 NekoGloop call of bullshit failed.
01:22 VanessaE lol
01:23 VanessaE there we go, fixed the images that needed resized.
01:26 OldCoder joined #minetest
01:40 * EvergreenTree is going to attempt to compile rigs of rods
01:40 EvergreenTree and install the dependencies
01:40 NakedFury joined #minetest
01:45 deltib joined #minetest
01:53 deltib joined #minetest
02:02 Enke joined #minetest
02:05 bas080 joined #minetest
02:57 ShadowNinja sfan5: So people can't do things like ,,(echo !rainbow test)
02:57 ShadowBot !rainbow test
02:57 MinetestBot 4t4e4s7t
03:01 Peacock joined #minetest
03:01 VanessaE this by you is a rainbow? :P
03:05 Peacock who's buying who a rainbow? i'd rather have a mercedes
03:05 VanessaE bbl
03:08 Enke !rainbow rainbows
03:08 MinetestBot 4r4a4i7n7b7o8w8s
03:08 Peacock red, brown and yellow lol
03:08 Peacock reminds me of a food recall i read about recently
03:12 Enke !rainbow A message long enough to get the entire spectrum
03:12 MinetestBot 4A4 4m7e7s7s8a8g8e3 3l3ong 6e6n6ough4 4t4o7 7g7e8t8 8t3h3e3 ent6i6r6e sp4e4c4t7r7u7m
03:12 Enke That's better.
03:14 jojoa1997
03:14 jojoa1997 !rainbow Rrraaaiiinnnbbbooowww
03:14 MinetestBot 4R4r4r7a7a7a8i8i8i3n3n3nbbb6o6o6owww
03:15 jojoa1997 yay it works
03:56 OldCoder joined #minetest
04:14 VargaD joined #minetest
04:23 reactor joined #minetest
04:23 reactor Who throws a cupcake. Honestly?
04:24 Peacock better than a flaming bag of dog feces i suppose :/
04:28 reactor A lot.
04:29 reactor Besides, cupcakes are exploitable: you can eat them afterwards.
04:29 reactor Got to shave your head to be able to do that. I should have thought about it.
04:51 BrandonReese joined #minetest
05:01 kaeza joined #minetest
05:07 us_0gb joined #minetest
05:33 BrandonReese joined #minetest
05:47 xiong Okay, it's time to find an identifier. I've knocked my head against this for some time.
05:48 xiong The referent is the entire configuration of a Minetest server *except* the world map.
05:49 us_0gb "conf", maybe?
05:49 us_0gb Or "config"?
05:49 xiong Therefore if you copied it from, say, Alfie, you could start a new, virgin world but it would work the same as Alfie's -- same mods, same configuration of them.
05:49 Peacock in the hareem, there are hundreds of virgin worlds :P
05:50 xiong Um, yeh... but "conf*" is heavily overloaded as it is; and generally has a much narrower meaning.
05:50 xiong 'star', perhaps; or 'religion'.
05:51 xiong 'star' in that a star system is a collection of worlds; 'religion' in that it is a set of laws that govern any world.
05:51 us_0gb I found a nice virgin world I like with a small isle in the center. Bigger land is very close.
05:51 xiong -- ha ha, according to that religion.
05:51 Peacock naw what you want is a nice pair of big isles :P
05:51 xiong However both of those are likely poor choices because they require explanation.
05:52 khor joined #minetest
05:52 xiong Come come, guys; you are all supposed to be bright, creative people. Show a dull old man how it's done.
05:52 Peacock creative perhaps, the jury's still out on bright
05:52 us_0gb No, the small isle is nice. It makes a great spawn area.
05:55 us_0gb xiong: I'm not sure exactly what you are after. A couple sentences in, and I realized I needed more context. What are you doing and why?
05:56 xiong Don't get excited, nothing here but the README, which is provisional:
05:57 xiong The basic idea is that you should be able to place as much of your server under version control that you can push, and another person pull, and instantly deploy your world on his server -- minus the gigantic map and perhaps the player files.
05:58 xiong I suppose both are a matter of discretion.
05:59 xiong The *other* basic idea is that when you start fooling with your server, you can push any edited mods by themselves and submit a pull req; so upstream can benefit.
05:59 xiong Therefore submodules.
05:59 us_0gb That sounds like it could be done in Git with a few files left out. I forget what file you have to edit in the repo to do that, but it's already coded.
05:59 Peacock like hell lol i dont want to be responsible for the changes i make, a lot of people would find them offensive :P
05:59 xiong Yes, all the heavy lifting is done with git.
06:00 xiong Peacock, you may be the equivalent of a lurker. You may (or may not) want to pull somebody else's FOO; you won't want to push. Fine.
06:00 xiong -- The current task is to name FOO.
06:01 xiong The point being that it is not a single world but a... set of parallel worlds. All such worlds have the same initial conditions.
06:01 Peacock well automatically sending data isn't that different from the proprietary apps who phone home which people in the these circles claim to abhor :p
06:01 Peacock *-the
06:02 us_0gb I don't think this is automatic, and if it is, it's surely opt-in. I hope.
06:02 xiong Semi-auto, then. That's irrelevant. You're free to criticize the device once I build it. Just now I'm trying to decide what to call the object it manages.
06:02 xiong Is git push automatic?
06:02 xiong I mean, you don't have to do that.
06:02 us_0gb But yeah, there's a reason I don't have a cell phone.
06:03 xiong Fewer than eight letters, if I had my druthers.
06:04 Peacock meh, if the gov't has money to waste to track my cellphone, than my taxes are obviously too high
06:04 us_0gb It's not only the government, but everyone else as well.
06:05 Peacock who else tracks cellphones?
06:06 xiong 'cow'? 'basket'? 'galaxy'? 'pantheon'?
06:06 us_0gb Mostly the government, as you said, as well as the service providers.
06:06 xiong Or just 'gods'?
06:07 xiong Should probably avoid plural. 'god'?
06:07 Peacock well i'd expect that from service providers, the whole idea of the free market is you don't have to do business with people you don't trust
06:07 Peacock phone, cable and electrical companies know where you live too :P
06:08 us_0gb I don't trust anyone that won't show me the code of the device they expect me to carry around with me.
06:09 us_0gb I don't trust the electrical company with my data. You have a point on cable and phone though.
06:09 Peacock doesnt that include almost everything though?
06:09 us_0gb No word I can come up with sems to be a good fit, xiong.
06:09 Peacock cars, computers at work, all those automated helplines, etc.
06:09 Peacock will you ask to see the code to the parking meters before paying? lol
06:10 Peacock hell you're not even safe shopping at target, but you have to get on with your life
06:10 us_0gb Cars don't have my data. I'm not sure what sort of helpline would have my data. I certainly don't give the computer at work my data, the thing runs Windows, I know I can't trust it.
06:10 xiong Well, I like the system here in Oakland; you put your money in and it prints a paper receipt you stick on your dash. At least you see what you got for your money; once you walk away from your car, no 'computer error' can steal your time.
06:10 Peacock cars have all sorts of sensors and computers
06:11 us_0gb THe parking meters and Target don't have my data.
06:11 Peacock they do if you pay with cards lol
06:12 Peacock come to think of it, you can't go anywhere with cameras either because of biometrics
06:12 us_0gb Cars have sensors and computers, but they don't have my sensitive data the way cell phones are expected to these days.
06:12 Peacock well i'd think knowing everywhere you've been (in your  car) would be sensitive data...
06:12 us_0gb Peopl eput their lives in their cell phones. This involves a high level of trust.
06:13 Peacock those chipped transit passes
06:13 us_0gb I don't care if people know where I've been.
06:13 Peacock well what makes you think you can trust your PC more?
06:13 reactor joined #minetest
06:14 Peacock one of the last snowden articles i read spoke about usb cables with antennas built-in
06:14 Peacock you can't ask to see the code to that if you don't know it's there
06:15 us_0gb I can see every line of code that is run on the computer. Or at least I will once the one I ordered arrives. It has been audited countless times. While I can't trust people will look out for me, I can trust they will look out for themselves by bringing these issues to light and having them fixed.
06:15 us_0gb I didn't know about the USB cables thing. THat's scary.
06:15 Peacock well then the next obvious vector for someone wanting to snoop is to compromise one of the auditors
06:16 us_0gb Anyone anywhere can audit this thing. You'd have to compromise a lot of auditors.
06:16 Peacock i read some article a long while back about some suspicious attempt to insert code in the linux kernel or some other core component
06:17 Peacock yeah but the point is, if you're going to worry about these things all the time, then you have to audit the whole thing yourself
06:17 us_0gb Yeah. Linux is full of issues, particularly in the proprietary parts, as they cannot be audited.
06:17 Peacock naw im talking about someone trying to insert some innocuous looking code into the kernel itself, not one of the blobs
06:18 us_0gb I don't trust my skills at auditing. I do trust the collective skills and paranoia of thousands though.
06:18 Peacock wish i had a link but this wasn't a recent read
06:18 us_0gb It happens. Then it get caught and removed.
06:18 Peacock well anyone who's paranoid knows if someone wants to get to you, they'll go through the people you trust :P
06:19 us_0gb But yeah. Even the BIOS on this thing is free. It's a lot harder to keep back doors secret on this thing.
06:19 Peacock usually friends or family (see stasi)
06:19 Peacock you're not talking about that fsf approved laptop from 2006?
06:19 us_0gb Good luck. I trust no one. Not even my friends and family. THough I could be gotten through them, most like.
06:20 us_0gb Yeah, that thing.
06:20 us_0gb THe processor will be a downgrade from what I have now, but the rest of the laptop will be an upgrade. My current machine sucks.
06:21 xiong Yes. High electronic security is pointless unless you also defend against physical attack. Certainly a bit of prudence is wise; but before the NSA spends a year cracking your hard drive, the CIA will put fire to your feet.
06:21 us_0gb More RAM, more disk space, hardware that functions, plus a microphone.
06:21 xiong "'Forgot' your password, eh?" *zzsst* "Remember it now?"
06:21 Peacock you'd think with the enormous price tag you could have put it together yourself for cheaper though
06:22 us_0gb I don't know how to flash the BIOS correctly. I hope one day to learn, but not yet.
06:23 us_0gb Plus, you're paying for the convenience.
06:23 us_0gb When getting something convenient, you always pay one way or another.
06:24 Peacock i wouldn't pay for an 8 year old laptop though, unless it was like 50$
06:25 Peacock + the hd firmware is proprietary
06:25 Peacock (looking up specs now)
06:25 reactor You better stop worrying about crappy firmware and start worrying about x86.
06:25 reactor It's made of kludges.
06:27 reactor With monoculture of x86 in commonly available consumer hardware, we're out of options in both questions.
06:27 Peacock "320 dollars for single core with 1GB of RAM 60GB HDD 1024x768?" please tell me those aren't your specs :/
06:27 us_0gb Peacock: THe firmware in a hard drive cannot be replaced though, to the best of my knowledge. It's basically just a part of the hardware.
06:28 reactor And meh. Personally, I'd better buy an older, but reliable machine.
06:28 us_0gb 3GB RAM, 120GB disk space.
06:28 Peacock my netbook is an atom n450 with a gig of ram and 250gb hdd, better resolution on a smaller LED screen, and i paid half that
06:28 reactor That's the price you pay for reliability.
06:28 us_0gb If you know a more reliable free machine, let me know and I'll look into switching.
06:28 reactor Either that, or pay more money for both modern and reliable hardware, which is unaffordable.
06:29 us_0gb THe more modern hardware is less free though.
06:29 reactor Idk.
06:29 Peacock intel?
06:29 reactor There must be options, we need to find them.
06:29 us_0gb I wanted a THinkPenguin, but the BIOS is nonfree, unlike the x60.
06:30 Peacock i dont really care about free machines, mine need to powerful, both minetest and bluray movies are resource guzzlers lol
06:30 Peacock well an intel cpu is nonfree either with that microcode
06:30 reactor I wonder... are there any SPARC laptops still made?
06:30 Peacock good question
06:30 us_0gb THat's understandable. You need power. But I need freedom. Different machines for different needs.
06:31 reactor Heh. I need both. Because computations.
06:31 reactor Crappy hardware is jammed down our throats.
06:32 reactor That's because every idiot can use computers nowadays.
06:32 Peacock apparently coreboot applies microcode binary blobs from cpu vendors
06:32 Peacock though the FSF might have stripped out the bugfixes
06:33 us_0gb Power would be nice. I'm not sure if this thing will run Minetest well. But I know what I have now no longer runs Minetest playably anyway.
06:33 reactor It's more profittable to produce crap that fully supports Windows or other garbage that is "accessible by 2 years old".
06:33 us_0gb Peacock: The FSF didn't strip that out, but the laptop seller did.
06:33 reactor Minetest works fine on a 3 years old machine.
06:33 reactor And that X60 has similar specs.
06:34 reactor I would say, it's an acceptable option.
06:35 us_0gb It would be nice to be able to join the game again.
06:35 us_0gb I don;t know when it will arrive though.
06:37 reactor What happened to your system?
06:38 us_0gb I removed the proprietary firmware.
06:38 reactor ANd broke it?
06:38 reactor s/N/n/
06:39 reactor That thins is not worth the effort. It's gambling on your machine's brickability.
06:39 reactor s/ns/ng/
06:39 us_0gb It's not "broken" per se, but it doesn't function well graphically any more.
06:39 reactor And no firmware packages are available for download to roll back?
06:40 Peacock lol, this religion needs to die
06:40 us_0gb The firmware stored in the hard drive as part of the operating system, not other firmware built into the components.
06:40 reactor Ask someone who owns the same machine to dump their ROM?
06:40 reactor s/the //
06:40 us_0gb I could put it back with no trouble, I just refuse to.
06:40 reactor Oh.
06:40 reactor Well, in your case I would use what works better.
06:41 reactor That's how I ended up accepting NVIDIA binary blob.
06:41 us_0gb Yeah. I know, I'm nuts.
06:41 us_0gb That might be the one I need.
06:41 reactor It wither works reliably with binary blob, or works mediocrely with open driver.
06:41 reactor s/wit/eit/
06:42 reactor If you don't like the idea of such machines spying on you, you can encrypt disks and memory.
06:42 reactor But it's better just not to let any of sensitive data there.
06:43 reactor Removes all trouble.
06:43 us_0gb Still, I'd rather replace the machine. Once I have the new machine to use as my main one, I might put the blob on the nonfunctioning machine just to it isn't garbage, but it won't really hold anything important.
06:44 us_0gb The machine decrypts the data to use it though. YOu can't encrypt a machine to protect it from itself. Or at least, I don't understand how you could.
06:44 reactor Oh.
06:44 reactor Yes. I didn't think about it.
06:44 reactor Well, you can greatly reduce risks, never eliminate.
06:44 us_0gb Plus, there's more than just spying. Antifeatures, freedom, knowledge, lock in ...
06:44 Peacock i have a hard time understanding where a lot of this paranoia comes from, for what possible reason would anyone want to spy on you?
06:45 reactor How is working video an antiefature, us_0gb?
06:45 us_0gb Spying isn't even the main issue for me personally, Peacock.
06:45 Peacock okay so it's more the lock-in?
06:45 reactor Also, we don't usually deal with anything top secret, do we?
06:46 us_0gb reactor: AMD says their blob has DRM, which *is* an antifeature.
06:46 reactor And how is it lock-in if you can still use a free OS on it?
06:46 reactor Have you encountered it?
06:46 us_0gb You're locked into using their version of the firmware.
06:46 Peacock DVD players have encryption and region locking, cable providers scramble their channels, what do you do for entertainment?
06:46 reactor You sure you're talking about Digital Rights Management, not Direct Rendering M(something?)?
06:46 us_0gb I've encountered the lock in. Not the DRM though.
06:47 us_0gb Yes, the former.
06:47 us_0gb Peacock: Games, music, usually not movies, though just because I don't like movies.
06:48 Peacock well there are foreign films :P
06:48 Peacock something tells me you'd like The Lives of Others (Das Leben der Anderen)
06:49 us_0gb I haven't seen a whole lot of films that were worth my time, so I don't seek out films.
06:49 us_0gb I'll look into that one though.
06:49 us_0gb re specifically brought to my attention.
06:49 Peacock well half of movie watching is either to pass the time or as a social thing
06:50 Peacock in my case you can chalk it up to insomnia lol
06:50 BrandonReese joined #minetest
06:50 Peacock especially when the seasons change, i get pretty much caught up lol
06:50 reactor People still want to pass time?
06:50 us_0gb Like I have time to pass ... I waste too much of my time either playing games or talking on IRC.
06:51 Peacock reactor hell yeah, i once worked in a store that opened a month before the street closed, for a year and a half all i had to do was watch movies lol
06:51 reactor Depressed?
06:52 Peacock a store with no customers? yeah lol
06:52 ImQ009 joined #minetest
06:52 us_0gb I also wasted a lot of time trying to get Aptitude to function. As soon as I find a solution to clean up the messes Aptitude likes to leave on my system, it stopped leaving messes. So much time lost.
06:52 Peacock try pacman for a few months, you'll love apt
06:53 us_0gb Pacman ... was that one Arch?
06:53 reactor apt != aptitude
06:53 reactor aptitude is some frontend
06:53 Peacock well whatever the fark synaptic uses lol
06:53 Peacock pacman is arch's woefully inadequate package manager
06:53 us_0gb I know, Aptitude has better dependency handling than APT.
06:54 reactor Arch Linux has gone completely mad, I heard.
06:54 Peacock pacman installs shit in any order it likes, usually breaking system upgrades, and half the apps you really want are on aur, so you need something else on top :P
06:54 us_0gb Arch seems a bit unfriendly to me.
06:54 Peacock i switched away from arch 6-9 months ago
06:55 Peacock bleeding edge sounds cool in the beginning, until you realize you're the first to file bug reports, and are frequently left with broken installs :P
06:56 us_0gb I might try the free version of Arch when I have time to kill. But that does not happen often. My live USB creating software doesn't like the ISO, and I don't want to burn a CD. SO I probably first need to learn to use dd or something.
06:56 reactor They jammed systemd down their users' throats.
06:56 Peacock and no one takes your bug reports seriously until the ubuntu/debian/redhat crowd get the latest version and start filing them too lol
06:56 Peacock ogb well you might like arch hurd (or hurd arch?)
06:57 Peacock last i read systemd was all over the place
06:57 Peacock but hell, that's no different from pulseaudio which nobody wanted either
06:57 reactor pulseaudio... don't remind me of that headache
06:57 us_0gb Maybe, if there's a free version of that as well. WHat I really look forward to though is Guix.
06:57 Peacock with alsa my onboard intel sound just works, with pulse it doesn't, and they blame my hardware lol
06:57 reactor Its name is appropriate. Some people got it giving only a short piece of audio and dying!
06:58 reactor I never understood the underlying stuff of alsa.
06:58 Peacock pulse as is pulsating screeches and blow subwoofers lol
06:58 reactor Why don't Linux folks like OSS?
06:58 Peacock i hear it's dead
06:58 reactor It lives and prospers.
06:58 Peacock oss, oss4, and jackd
06:58 reactor On all BSD.
06:59 Peacock if BSD had a live image that booted up into a desktop, i would seriously consider it
06:59 reactor jack is for realtime audio.
06:59 reactor It has live image. No desktop, though.
06:59 us_0gb I don't know anything about sound. I'll take whatever is free and works.
06:59 reactor You don't need desktop when restoring your machine after a crash.
06:59 reactor Why bother?
06:59 Peacock sound: ill take whatever works, and that's rare enough :P
07:00 reactor The only thing that worked out of the box for me was OSS. In some cases, ALSA.
07:00 Peacock i still have fond memories of pre-win 3 days :P id rather boot into a desktop, even if it's minimal like openbox
07:00 reactor Pulse always caused problems.
07:00 us_0gb You don't need a desktop to restore your system if you're tech savy ... but what if you're not?
07:01 reactor Why care about those who aren't?
07:01 reactor Because of those people we have crappy hardware and crappy software.
07:01 us_0gb I'm one who's not, for one thing. So I need to find something that works for me.
07:01 Peacock well you can know your way around a computer without necessarily wanting to remember all the terminal kung-fu to get shit back to working condition :P
07:02 us_0gb Peacock: For the record, I do not recommend this, but in the spirit of knowledge ... there are versions of BSD with preinstalled desktops. Such as PC-BSD.
07:02 Peacock computers are supposed to help you get work done, they're not supposed to be the subject of work itself, unless you're in IT
07:02 reactor It's not kung-fu. It's basics.
07:02 reactor Everyone using UNIX should know it.
07:03 reactor It's essential to know at least how to operate fsck.
07:03 reactor I am not a computer specialist, either. But those things never got in my way.
07:03 reactor They just work.
07:03 us_0gb See, I don't know how to operate fsck. Nor am I sure why I should have to.
07:03 Peacock i knew how to operate the windows version of chkdsk before they evolved beyond the shell, having to relearn this shit for unix seems like a step back
07:04 reactor All those GUI gimmicks only work in good conditions. When something breaks, it becomes a nightmare.
07:04 Peacock well obviously in opensource GUI experience is terrible because it's all balkanized
07:04 Peacock i set a theme and some apps decide "fuck that" and draw with their own set of ugly colors and fonts lol
07:04 reactor Because frontends to fsck are not available in single-user mode.
07:05 us_0gb When it becomes a nightmare, you pay your tech-savvy friend to help you fix it, reactor.
07:05 reactor And if your file system is not clean, you can't go multiuser.
07:05 reactor When it becomes a nightmare, it's better to go "fuck this shit" and learn the proper way.
07:05 reactor More profittable in the long term.
07:05 us_0gb Another option is to back up your data and reinstall. THat usually fixes my problems, though is inconvenient.
07:06 Peacock i did once rescue an old laptop by mapping out the bad sectors, but i dont remember how to do that know... thats the thing, you can learn all these things, but if you dont use them often enough you forget
07:06 Peacock *know = now
07:06 Peacock and if you're doing it often, then you obviously have a shit OS lol
07:07 us_0gb Or you're the tech-savvy friend everyone calls. Or you're an actual repair guy.
07:16 reactor us_0gb: that is lame
07:16 reactor Not meaning to offend. I used to do that back in the day.
07:16 reactor I don't like the idea of outsouring repair of my systems.
07:17 reactor Every time I did that I wasn't satisfied. They either screwed up my data or my electronics.
07:17 reactor Most IT repairmen here are idiots with crooked hands.
07:18 us_0gb No offense taken. I don't outsource my repairs either, I just use my biggest hammer: the OS reinstallation media. It fixes almost any problem.
07:18 reactor Peacock: growing number of bad sectors is an indication of imminent disk failure.
07:18 Peacock well it did die a year later :P
07:18 reactor Exactly, but knowing proper utils saves time in that.
07:19 us_0gb But I also don't think everyone can be good at everything. Learning fsck isn't a task everyone wants to take on.
07:19 monkeycoder joined #minetest
07:20 reactor Gotta scramble. o/
07:22 us_0gb I keep trying to use a light theme for my desktop as they have better applications support ... but they're so ugly! I wish applications had better support for dark themes.
07:31 Peacock well 95% of xfce works with dark themes
07:32 JamesTait joined #minetest
07:33 us_0gb True. I shouldn't complain about the part that doesn't.
07:34 Peacock well i think it's only qt apps that dont behave but there's a fix somewhere on the net
07:35 us_0gb Qt ... I'll look into that. If it's as simple as not using Qt applications, that's a simple fix.
07:36 Peacock unless you like vlc like me lol
07:36 Peacock or you run razor-qt (the QT de)
07:38 us_0gb VLC has issues when I try to use it. It looks nice, but isn't worth the hassle of dealing with an application that refuses to shut down even with killall.
07:38 Peacock i think you have to use kill -9 pid
07:40 us_0gb The [X] should close it though. It doesn't do that on my system. And VLC isn't even frozen, it still reacts and plays media.
07:41 Peacock well alot of apps do that, used to have a forcekill applet for gnome 2
07:43 us_0gb Yeah, well. I'd rather have a media player that does as I ask it to. I should use Parole, the Xfce media player, but I can't get it working, so I use gnome-mplayer.
07:43 us_0gb I hardly ever have media to play anyway.
07:43 Peacock i cant stand the performance or quality of mplayer
07:44 us_0gb I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to media. It figgures that I'd choose a poor media player.
07:45 Peacock they all suck one way or another lol
07:46 us_0gb THat sounds like music players. I've yet to find a good one of those.
07:48 Peacock music players, they all have good features, but no one player has all the good features
07:48 Peacock or they try to sort my collection into a different folder structure then what i setup lol
07:55 us_0gb I find it difficult to find music players that don't try to play everything on my hard drive when I tell them to play one song but also incorporate a music manager.
07:56 Peacock yeah because nothing beats a mix of classical, jazz, old rock and house lol
07:57 us_0gb Many things on my drive aren't even music. I'm listening to music, then BAM, now it's my alarm clock buzzer.
08:00 Peacock imagine those players that mixes audio with video lol
08:12 werwerwer joined #minetest
08:26 ImQ009 joined #minetest
09:20 OldCoder Hi
09:20 OldCoder Does anybody have contacts with Minerealms? If I remember the name correctly. I was asked to host the project and said yes. But I didn't hear back.
09:21 OldCoder RealBadAngel, VanessaE, ShadowNinja, Taoki, sfan5 ^
09:26 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
09:35 Leoneof joined #minetest
09:45 Leoneof joined #minetest
09:46 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
09:57 dhbiker joined #minetest
10:05 whirm1 joined #minetest
10:08 dhbiker joined #minetest
10:13 john_minetest joined #minetest
10:37 proller joined #minetest
10:55 Leoneof joined #minetest
10:57 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
10:59 Leoneof joined #minetest
11:00 Leoneof joined #minetest
11:15 proller joined #minetest
11:29 ImQ009 joined #minetest
11:30 monkeycoder joined #minetest
12:13 reactor joined #minetest
12:23 ImQ009 joined #minetest
12:26 PilzAdam joined #minetest
12:26 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
12:27 sfan5 hi everyone
12:27 sfan5 hi everyone
12:27 sfan5 s/.+//
12:34 PilzAdam are my headphones broken?
12:38 VanessaE good morning
12:41 reactor 200 "3DPABCTBYNTE"
12:45 reactor 200 "If you don't know Russian, time to learn it."
12:45 PilzAdam 199 GOTO 201
12:46 reactor Same as Latin D.
12:46 reactor English*
12:46 reactor ZD
12:46 reactor Д = D
12:47 reactor I hate how inventors of Russian script used hipster characters.
12:47 reactor They could have used ASCII.
12:47 reactor Yeah.
12:48 reactor The most worthless of them all.
12:48 PilzAdam they were hipster before it was hipster to be hipster
12:48 reactor Heheh.
12:48 reactor yeah
12:49 reactor zdravstvujte
12:49 reactor ^that's simpler, isn't it?
12:49 reactor also, s/и/й/
12:49 reactor Йййййй Ййййй.
12:49 reactor i = и, j = й
12:50 reactor i j i j i j; и й и й
12:50 reactor a = a
12:50 reactor щ = sch
12:50 reactor ш = sh
12:51 reactor ч = ch
12:51 reactor etc.
12:51 reactor чёлка болельщик?
12:51 reactor Can you translate it to English?
12:51 reactor Because I can't.
12:51 reactor It doesn't make sense in Russian
12:52 PilzAdam I knew it; reactor is a brony
12:53 reactor чёлка is the hair on person's forehead
12:53 reactor болельщик is rather a sport fan
12:53 reactor like football
12:54 reactor we call bronies брони
12:54 reactor okay?
12:54 PilzAdam in germany the hair on person's forehead is called "pony"
12:54 reactor I see.
12:54 reactor PilzAdam: I am not a brony. How did we get in this line of work?
12:54 reactor no
12:54 reactor брони
12:54 reactor broni
12:55 reactor not bronj
12:55 reactor In English, it's brony
12:55 reactor in Russian, broni
12:55 reactor though... hmm
12:55 reactor hmm
12:55 reactor wait a sec
12:55 reactor actually, it's brony
12:55 reactor because that's what y is for
12:56 reactor no... no no no wait
12:56 reactor in transliterated Russian, y is typically used for Ñ‹
12:56 reactor so broni
12:56 reactor й is j in transliterated Russian.
12:56 reactor Ñ‹ is y
12:57 reactor by some
12:58 reactor A B W G D Ee E" Zh Z I J K L M N O P R S T U F H C Ch Sh Sch E U Ja
12:59 reactor Well, idk
12:59 reactor they could have used same set of characters
12:59 reactor one
12:59 reactor so they we wouldn't have to invent those weird charsets to fit them all
13:00 reactor лФЫГШВТШ ЩЦФРГТШАТ!
13:00 reactor as V or W
13:00 reactor depends
13:00 reactor On phonetic keyboard, V is mapped to Ж
13:00 reactor and Q то Я
13:02 reactor I've always seen пиво as pivo.
13:02 reactor probably
13:03 MinetestBot 4♪4♪4♪7♪7♪7♪8♪8♪8♪3♪3♪3♪♪♪♪6♪6♪6♪♪♪♪4♪4♪4♪7♪
13:05 reactor !rainbow I am pointless.
13:05 MinetestBot 4I4 4a7m7 7p8o8i8n3t3l3ess.
13:05 reactor Yes you are.
13:05 reactor john_minetest: желатиновый медведь
13:06 reactor Oh, the sort of marmalade? мармеладные мишки
13:06 reactor у вас в учебнике есть наверное
13:10 reactor they're made of gelatine
13:10 reactor marmalade
13:12 reactor yes
13:13 reactor hence marmelade
13:13 reactor yes
13:13 reactor but gelatine makes the most
13:15 reactor interesting
13:15 reactor Well, that means they're junk food then.
13:25 Leoneof joined #minetest
13:35 aphirst joined #minetest
13:37 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
13:47 hmmmm joined #minetest
14:12 OldCoder joined #minetest
14:21 twoelk joined #minetest
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14:43 zat joined #minetest
14:49 proller joined #minetest
14:50 iqualfragile joined #minetest
15:01 proller joined #minetest
15:02 rsiska joined #minetest
15:04 pandaro joined #minetest
15:13 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
15:16 Yepoleb joined #minetest
15:20 cisoun joined #minetest
15:22 rsiska joined #minetest
15:28 ruskie joined #minetest
15:29 Lunatrius joined #minetest
15:30 Pest joined #minetest
15:42 puhfa VanessaE: do you have specs for your servers' hardware somewhere? i have found them pretty lag-free (perhaps ive just been lucky), and theres this one very laggy server where we are trying to solve the lag problem
15:43 VanessaE um
15:43 VanessaE yeah
15:43 VanessaE one sec.
15:44 VanessaE lemme find the page
15:46 VanessaE looks like they aren't offering the package I have, anymore
15:47 VanessaE but it's a dual-core/4-thread Xeon 3.4 GHz, 8GB RAM, 2TB storage, 5TB/mo bandwidth, costs me USD $29/mo
15:50 puhfa okay, thanks
15:50 puhfa seems that we are running on even more powerful setup, so i guess its not the hardware to blame
15:51 puhfa or same cpu but more ram, not that it would matter much with the scripts
15:51 VanessaE maybe just some laggy mod?
15:52 VanessaE this server's on a 100 Mbps network connection also
15:54 kahrl perhaps try these settings:
15:54 puhfa yeah, probably a mod that lags
15:54 puhfa or too many mods :P
15:55 puhfa kahrl: ty, the admins have already fiddled with the config but to no avail :(
15:59 blaze joined #minetest
16:00 bas080 joined #minetest
16:00 proller there is 2 problems:
16:00 proller 1 - mods
16:00 proller 2 - minetest
16:03 puhfa yes, that about sums it up, thank you
16:08 proller or try freeminer, it can be faster
16:11 puhfa we have tried that too
16:11 puhfa now we are disabling or rolling back mods one by one, seems to help a little
16:12 puhfa because the lag is a recent issue
16:12 puhfa well, at its current magnitude at least
16:14 aphirst left #minetest
16:17 Jordach joined #minetest
16:28 Calinou joined #minetest
16:40 kaeza joined #minetest
16:48 monkeycoder joined #minetest
16:54 GatesKeeper joined #minetest
16:54 GatesKeeper VanessaE
16:54 VanessaE hm?
16:55 GatesKeeper how do i get to the public irc XD?
16:55 VanessaE #minetest
16:55 VanessaE if you mean the one for the servers.
16:55 GatesKeeper yeah
16:55 VanessaE the channel you're in now is for general Minetest chit-chat
16:56 VanessaE this is the main Minetest channel for everything related to the game and its engine
16:57 Leoneof joined #minetest
16:57 puhfa and cats
16:57 GatesKeeper oh
16:57 puhfa mostly cats
16:57 GatesKeeper left #minetest
16:58 * VanessaE puts a kitten on puhfa's head
16:58 puhfa :3
16:59 Leoneof joined #minetest
17:01 Leoneof joined #minetest
17:02 * Sokomine inspects the kitten
17:02 * Sokomine puts a bowl of milk on the channel
17:06 VanessaE hey soko,
17:06 * puhfa loses his new fuzzy hat
17:07 puhfa well, it was warm as long as it lasted
17:07 Sokomine hi
17:07 Sokomine perhaps the kitten will come back after it got the milk :-)
17:07 VanessaE heh
17:07 puhfa let us hope
17:08 twoelk hi Sokomine, any servers with the new anvil installed allready?
17:10 VanessaE twoelk: my creative and survival should have it.
17:13 twoelk will retry then
17:15 puhfa how laggy is the survival server?
17:16 puhfa because it seems to have both technic and mesecons which we suspected to be the main cause of our lag
17:16 Gateskeeper joined #minetest
17:16 Gateskeeper VanessaE
17:19 Jordach just give the kittens some jeans
17:20 Sokomine thanks for installing it, vanessa :-) hope the repair function is ok
17:21 Sokomine perhaps i can find someone who does sounds for some of the items from cottages. especially the machines/tools could use them i think
17:21 Sokomine i myshelf play with sounds off, but lots of players seem to like sounds
17:22 twoelk nope it does not work, two conflicting anvils
17:22 twoelk at least on VE-S
17:24 VanessaE two anvils?
17:24 VanessaE puhfa: well mesecons has code in hit that limits how much CPU it can take
17:25 VanessaE oh I see
17:25 VanessaE Dan's castles mod has an anvil also
17:25 VanessaE Sokomine: can you provide a recipe in your mod to cross-convert between yours and "castle:anvil"  ?
17:28 Leoneof joined #minetest
17:29 Leoneof joined #minetest
17:29 Sokomine noticed it now...i didn't think of the castles-anvil. that one does not seem to do anything?
17:30 Sokomine hm. what do you suggest? another receipe might be an option., yes, might be another option. but then it would become difficult to get the anvil from castles...
17:30 twoelk at the moment the recipe defaults to castle-anvil, could this be switched?
17:31 Sokomine not really. it is more or less random which receipe will "win". it used to be alphabetically
17:31 Leoneof joined #minetest
17:31 Sokomine that cross-converting might really be a good idea. there are not that many anvils around....
17:32 twoelk I think we could do without castle-anvil, but the rest of castle should be kept
17:32 Sokomine can't disable an existing receipe. vanessa could only disable it locally
17:32 Sokomine but i can provide the conversion receipe. what's the correct name of the castle-anvil?
17:33 twoelk no aliasing?
17:33 VanessaE [01-23 12:25] <VanessaE> Sokomine: can you provide a recipe in your mod to cross-convert between yours and "castle:anvil"  ?
17:33 VanessaE :)
17:33 VanessaE so, yeah.  "castle:anvil"
17:33 twoelk bending triggers? whatever?
17:33 puhfa VanessaE: it has? thanks, that could be useful and worth taking a look at :o
17:33 VanessaE I'm not sure what the castles mod's anvil does, if anything, though
17:34 Sokomine it didn't do anything upon rightclick. probably it's just decorative
17:35 VanessaE probably so
17:36 Leoneof joined #minetest
17:39 Leoneof joined #minetest
17:41 Leoneof joined #minetest
17:43 VargaD joined #minetest
17:43 Sokomine ok. update pushed. ought to work now
17:44 twoelk nothing the anvil does in my version (20140115) of Dan's code
17:45 VanessaE ok, pulled and staged.
17:45 VanessaE I'll deploy it when the server is idle enough.
17:45 twoelk the recipe is in town_item.lua
17:52 rubenwardy joined #minetest
17:56 Sokomine ok. i used giveme to get the cottages anvil, set up a shop and thrashed the same amount of castle-anvils
17:59 Deep9 joined #minetest
18:01 monkeycoder joined #minetest
18:02 rubenwardy Hi all
18:05 rubenwardy Grrrr. Java's security settings are annoying
18:07 daswort joined #minetest
18:07 daswort joined #minetest
18:07 monkeycoder joined #minetest
18:08 exoplanet joined #minetest
18:12 yano joined #minetest
18:20 rubenwardy_ joined #minetest
18:21 twoelk Sokomine, the anvil works as intended. Now we only have two lookalike hamers, one mends tools and one destroys anvils ;-)
18:28 zat joined #minetest
18:31 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
18:41 Sokomine oh :-) hm
18:41 Sokomine perhaps the original hammer is too strong :)
18:41 * Sokomine puts some rubber around it
18:42 Sokomine getting textures is difficult. vanessa pointed this one out to me, and so i took it gladly
18:46 rubenwardy Haggis... and mash?!
18:48 Calinou Sokomine, there is duplication bug in circular saw :( no idea how to fix
18:48 Calinou you got a PM about it on the forum, I think
18:50 khor joined #minetest
18:58 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
18:58 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
18:58 EvergreenTree o/
18:59 * EvergreenTree has been on an adventure attempting to compile all the dependencies of rigsofrods
19:03 EvergreenTree It's not easy
19:03 EvergreenTree to say the least
19:03 EvergreenTree I'm stuck on compiling Caelum
19:03 EvergreenTree did you ever manage to do it?
19:05 EvergreenTree hm
19:05 Leoneof joined #minetest
19:06 EvergreenTree How long ago exactly?
19:07 EvergreenTree oh, apparently caelum isn't completely necessary
19:12 FreeFull joined #minetest
19:29 EvergreenTree mkay
19:29 EvergreenTree Ogre3d is a pain to install correctly
19:30 EvergreenTree I wonder if there's a rigsofrods irc channel
19:30 proller joined #minetest
19:31 fwilson proller: hi, out of curiousity, are you a human?
19:32 proller no
19:32 fwilson ah ok, what are you?
19:32 specing proller: did you check out the dungeons?
19:32 fwilson oh good he's a person :)
19:32 specing fwilson: hes a troll
19:32 fwilson k
19:32 proller yes
19:33 specing though he seems to be in relatively normal form right now, for a troll
19:33 * specing takes that back
19:33 troller specing, someone reach 8000
19:34 specing well whatever
19:34 troller and 2000 high
19:34 specing I'm buildign a road to there
19:34 specing Im at 1300 now
19:34 troller goood
19:34 specing I got tired of running on ice and water and climbing falling dirt
19:34 troller build 1x2 for first
19:34 troller its faster
19:35 specing k
19:35 troller dirt now not falling
19:35 specing tunnels are 3x2 for now, some even 3x4
19:35 specing since I need cobbles
19:35 specing for bridges
19:35 troller and i think need to get giveme privs and make mese picks for faster
19:35 specing mese pickaxes help
19:35 specing john_minetest: come help on Road
19:36 troller you can minimize bridges
19:36 troller heigtht increasing after every mountain
19:37 troller and you can find mese on high mountains
19:38 troller Road
19:38 specing john_minetest: Road
19:39 EvergreenTree hm, apparently caelum is needed
19:39 EvergreenTree grrr
19:39 specing troller: err, torch doesen't light up surroundings when it is selected?
19:39 specing troller: I just updated
19:39 troller yes
19:40 troller but only for you
19:42 specing 0.0
19:42 specing :(
19:42 specing I hate you
19:43 troller why
19:55 specing because no torch flashlight
19:55 specing john_minetest: where are you?
19:55 specing troller: also you refuse to apply my TNT patch
19:55 troller now i have no time
19:56 troller and resend link to me
20:01 sfan5 !c bin(0x7f)
20:01 MinetestBot '0b1111111'
20:01 puhfa :o does it know decimal too?
20:01 puhfa !c bin(666)
20:01 MinetestBot '0b1010011010'
20:01 puhfa well this thing is useful
20:01 rubenwardy huh. Do they really use 0b like 0x?
20:01 puhfa hex still goes but cant convert dec->bin in my head
20:02 sfan5 puhfa: + all math lib functions
20:02 rubenwardy !c dec(0x11111111)
20:02 MinetestBot Exception: Function not known: 'dec'
20:02 puhfa ty <3
20:02 rubenwardy !c decimal(0x11111111)
20:02 MinetestBot Exception: Function not known: 'decimal'
20:02 sfan5 !c 0x11111111
20:02 MinetestBot 286331153
20:02 sfan5 like thaat
20:02 sfan5 -a
20:02 rubenwardy ah
20:02 rubenwardy !c 0b11111111
20:02 MinetestBot 255
20:03 rubenwardy !c 0b11111111 & 0x11
20:03 MinetestBot Exception: <class '_ast.BitAnd'>
20:03 sfan5 how useful..
20:03 rubenwardy !c 0b11111111 & 0b11
20:03 MinetestBot Exception: <class '_ast.BitAnd'>
20:03 specing troller: you are trolling me, aren't you?
20:04 sfan5 rubenwardy: I'll fix that now
20:04 rubenwardy Is troller proller?
20:04 rubenwardy !c 0b10 >> 1
20:04 MinetestBot Exception: <class '_ast.RShift'>
20:04 rubenwardy :D
20:04 rubenwardy Lets write a program in MinetestBot!
20:05 rubenwardy Make minetestbot like an ALU, and thus make a computer.
20:05 rubenwardy *use
20:06 sfan5 rubenwardy: you could probably do that with map() and other funtions
20:06 sfan5 +c7
20:06 sfan5 s/7/
20:06 sfan5 /
20:06 sfan5 damnit
20:08 puhfa could we implement a minetest server in minetestbot
20:08 puhfa then it could run a mesecon ircbot...
20:08 sfan5 lol
20:09 rubenwardy Ha
20:09 puhfa i seriously hope i wont live to see the day when socket blocks or something similar is added to mesecons
20:09 puhfa because that would mean somebody actually plans to use them
20:09 puhfa hmm actually it could be a good idea :o
20:10 sfan5 !c 1 > 5
20:10 MinetestBot Exception: AST node type not allowed: 'Compare'
20:12 troller !c а > b
20:12 MinetestBot Exception: invalid syntax (<unknown>, line 1)
20:12 troller !c 'а' > 'b'
20:12 MinetestBot Exception: AST node type not allowed: 'Compare'
20:12 sfan5 I wish I could just throw stuff into eval()
20:13 specing troller
20:13 rubenwardy !c random
20:13 MinetestBot Exception: AST node type not allowed: 'Name'
20:14 rubenwardy !c random()
20:14 MinetestBot 0.8233937288312766
20:14 rubenwardy !c 5*"Kittens, "
20:14 MinetestBot 'Kittens, Kittens, Kittens, Kittens, Kittens, '
20:14 MinetestBot Stop abusing me!
20:14 rubenwardy !c "Ok sorry!"
20:14 MinetestBot 'Ok sorry!'
20:14 rubenwardy Mw ha ha ha!
20:15 specing john_minetest: where are you?
20:16 jojoa1997 !c 5*"rubenwardy"
20:16 MinetestBot 'rubenwardyrubenwardyrubenwardyrubenwardyrubenwardy'
20:16 jojoa1997 MinetestBot, spams ^^^
20:17 sfan5 oh god whatz
20:17 sfan5 -z
20:17 puhfa !c (int)(5 * random())
20:17 MinetestBot 4
20:17 puhfa neat
20:17 sfan5 TIL c-like type casting works in python
20:17 sfan5 well..
20:17 rubenwardy !c random()*10*"jojoa1997 "
20:17 MinetestBot Exception: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'
20:17 rubenwardy lol
20:18 puhfa :D
20:18 jojoa1997 !c 5*"NOPE! "
20:18 MinetestBot 'NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! '
20:18 rubenwardy !c round(random())*10*"jojoa1997 "
20:18 MinetestBot Exception: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'
20:18 sfan5 essentially (int)(5 * random()) just resolves to int(5 * random())
20:18 sfan5 !c int((random())*10*"jojoa1997 "
20:18 MinetestBot Exception: unexpected EOF while parsing (<unknown>, line 1)
20:18 MinetestBot left #minetest
20:18 sfan5 damnit PilzAdam
20:18 PilzAdam we should stop this now
20:18 jojoa1997 haha i am unspammable >:D
20:18 puhfa aw
20:18 rubenwardy !c int(random())*10*"jojoa1997 "
20:18 MinetestBot joined #minetest
20:18 PilzAdam ##minetestbot
20:18 rubenwardy !c int(random())*10*"jojoa1997 "
20:18 MinetestBot ''
20:18 rubenwardy ok
20:18 puhfa !rainbow ohai i'm back
20:18 MinetestBot 4o4h4a7i7 7i8'8m8 3b3a3ck
20:19 MinetestBot 4m4e4o7w
20:19 * puhfa puts MinetestBot on a kittens head
20:20 rubenwardy !c 'puts a kitten on PilzAdam's head'
20:20 MinetestBot Exception: invalid syntax (<unknown>, line 1)
20:20 rubenwardy oh#
20:20 rubenwardy !c 'puts a kitten on PilzAdams head'
20:20 MinetestBot 'puts a kitten on PilzAdams head'
20:20 * EvergreenTree is sick of tring to compile ror
20:21 EvergreenTree *trying
20:21 EvergreenTree If only I could figure out how to get caelum to work...
20:26 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
20:27 zat joined #minetest
20:28 specing john_minetest: do you have the freeminer client?
20:28 specing john_minetest: latest?
20:32 rubenwardy :O
20:33 PilzAdam bye
20:36 rubenwardy lol PilzAdam.shutdown()
20:38 reactor joined #minetest
20:41 roboman2444 joined #minetest
20:57 Jordach wait a sec, MinetestBot interprets python right
20:58 Jordach !c print('bleep bloop')
20:58 MinetestBot SyntaxError: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
20:58 Jordach dammit
20:59 sfan5 !c int('bacon'm, base=36)
20:59 MinetestBot SyntaxError: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
20:59 sfan5 !c int('bacon', 36)
20:59 MinetestBot 18958775
20:59 sfan5 ^ Jordach: bacon is an integer
20:59 reactor Bacon is not even tasty.
20:59 Jordach !c int('bacon'm, base=2)
20:59 MinetestBot SyntaxError: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
20:59 Jordach !c int('bacon', base=2)
20:59 MinetestBot ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 2: 'bacon'
21:00 Jordach oh hello
21:00 sfan5 base 2 is only 0 and 1
21:00 Jordach sfan5, i've made some Lua to do numeric conversions
21:00 Jordach even then i could patch it to support text
21:00 VanessaE bacon isn't tasty!?  blasphemer!  BURN THE HERETIC!
21:01 kahrl joined #minetest
21:02 fwilson !c int('10', base=2)
21:02 MinetestBot 2
21:02 fwilson :P
21:02 fwilson wait...
21:02 sfan5 !c bin(2)
21:02 MinetestBot '0b10'
21:02 fwilson oh good :)
21:04 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
21:24 ShadowNinja *Ahem* as nice as fancy bot tricks are, take it to a testing channel.
21:26 Gethiox3 joined #minetest
21:28 jojoa1997 left #minetest
21:28 MinetestBot GIT: sfan5 commited to minetest/minetest: Include system info in the HTTP user agent on Windows cd7e8372f3 2014-01-23T13:27:13-08:00
21:35 Jordach ShadowNinja, and, your bot has alot (a lot) of features ;)
21:36 Jordach afaik alot + a lot doesn't trigger it
21:36 ShadowNinja ~give Jordach alot
21:36 ShadowBot Jordach:
21:36 Jordach !title
21:36 MinetestBot Jordach: Hyperbole and a Half: The Alot is Better Than You at Everything
21:37 Jordach ShadowNinja, that's aliased to minetest:diamond
21:37 ShadowNinja I removed the message parser a few minutes ago.
21:37 ShadowNinja Huh?
21:37 Jordach [21:36:29] <ShadowNinja> ~give Jordach alot <- aliased ;)
21:37 MinetestBot 4m4u4c7h7 7a8l8o8t3 3v3ery 6e6n6gris4h
21:38 ShadowNinja Jordach: Well, they're called Akas now, they were switched from registry format to SQLite3.
21:39 ShadowNinja MinetestBot: -> ##doge ;-)
21:40 MinetestBot 4I4'4m7 7n7o8t8 8d3o3g3e, I6'6m6 kit4t4e4n
21:40 ShadowNinja ~kitten MinetestBot
21:40 * ShadowBot hands MinetestBot a kitten
21:40 ShadowNinja :-D
21:40 MinetestBot meow
21:40 * sfan5 puts a kitten on ShadowNinja's head
21:41 * ShadowNinja pets it and adds it to ShadowBot's pile.
21:41 * ShadowBot hands kittens to everyone.
21:41 Jordach wtf
21:42 Jordach there's a light blue message from Calinou in PM
21:42 Jordach and it's a quit message :(
21:43 ShadowNinja I've changed my colors.  I think that shows up as gray for me (barely distinguishable from the regular text)
21:44 Jordach dark blue = chat, light blue = quit / part / other, green = hl
21:44 Jordach i copied the HexChat theme on purpose
21:44 Jordach ShadowNinja, i'd also like to have a quassel core somewhere else ;)
21:45 ShadowNinja Jordach: Poke some people in quassel to add a proper client-side account management system.
21:46 ShadowNinja +#
21:48 rsiska joined #minetest
21:51 VanessaE interesting.  I use red for chat, green for quit/part (green/maroon respectively, in channel), and blue for hl (yellow in-channel)
21:53 ShadowNinja Gray activity, blue chat, and red hilight here.  With orange hilight lines.
22:04 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
22:04 Hirato joined #minetest
22:09 cisoun joined #minetest
22:09 SirDigby joined #minetest
22:17 whirm joined #minetest
22:22 proller joined #minetest
22:24 Miner_48er joined #minetest
22:26 Jordach ...
22:32 ShadowNinja Looks good.
22:46 cisoun Man... I suck at managing the G+ page...
22:47 cisoun I just posted the 0.4.9 news... meh.
22:47 cisoun Because I can't play to Minetest anymore, I don't follow the latest news.
22:48 ShadowNinja cisoun: You manage the Minetest-c55 G+ page?
22:48 cisoun Yes.
22:49 ShadowNinja \o/ I found him! :-)
22:49 ShadowNinja You should rename it to "Minetest" and give control over it to celeron55/the core team.
22:49 cisoun But I'm thinking about looking for someone to help me. I missed to post the 0.4.7/8 news.
22:50 cisoun Oh right the name.
22:50 cisoun There.
22:50 ShadowNinja We don't have someone assigned to community yet (but it's TODO), so I guess documentation is the closest. (My department)
22:50 cisoun Which in the core team is on G+ ?
22:51 cisoun I mean *Who
22:51 ShadowNinja Does it have a ACL so that you can grant owner-level access to it?
22:51 cisoun I can grant someone else to manage the page.
22:51 cisoun Or at least post in it I think
22:52 ShadowNinja Well, the core team should have full controll over it...
22:53 cisoun I talked about helping me to someone else. I think it was Calinou or something... I don't remember.
22:57 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
23:14 VanessaE holy crap, 33 users on my almost-vanilla server!!
23:14 VanessaE someone please tell me what I did right!? :D
23:19 katyusha joined #minetest
23:27 Tiktalik joined #minetest
23:37 cisoun1 joined #minetest
23:39 kaeza joined #minetest
23:57 * cisoun1 is trying Craft (
23:57 cisoun1 Not bad so far.
23:58 cisoun1 I prefer its ambient occlusion.

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