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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-12-11

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:04 Megaf VanessaE, ShadowNinja, sfan5, kaeza!!
00:04 Megaf fixed!
00:04 Megaf im not crashing anymore
00:04 ShadowNinja Megaf: Great!
00:04 Megaf using the irrlich 1.8.1 done the trick
00:05 VanessaE yay!
00:13 Megaf does that means that minetest has nothing to do with that bug?
00:14 VanessaE hrd to say for sure
00:14 Megaf VanessaE, actually, Im using the stable branch too now
00:14 VanessaE it's possible irrlicht is returning something from the chat window calls that minetest can't deal with
00:37 jin_xi joined #minetest
00:46 werwerwer_ joined #minetest
00:49 djdduty joined #minetest
01:18 Megaf Good night
01:18 Megaf thanks VanessaE ShadowNinja kaeza
01:18 VanessaE sure thing
01:35 Renoki joined #minetest
01:51 RavonTUS joined #minetest
01:53 RavonTUS Greeting
02:02 harrison
02:05 VanessaE local backdir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(node.param2)
02:06 VanessaE what's facedir_to_dir() supposed to return if you feed it a nil?
02:25 ShadowNinja ^ [Solved]
02:27 q66_ joined #minetest
02:32 VanessaE ShadowNinja: see link in -dev
02:32 VanessaE how is it possible that a nil is getting through that code to line 37?
02:32 VanessaE ...t/games/vanessae_game/mods/pipeworks/autoplace_tubes.lua:37: attempt to index local 'backdir'
02:32 VanessaE ' (a nil value)
02:32 VanessaE facedir_to_dir() is returning nil even when fed non-nil inpu
02:33 ShadowNinja VanessaE: Your indentation is messed up.
02:33 VanessaE input
02:33 VanessaE it's 4-space indentation in my editor, github is just making a mess of it.
02:34 VanessaE except...someone sisn't use tabs here.
02:34 VanessaE didn't*
02:34 VanessaE I'll fix it later
02:34 ShadowNinja if not (type(node.param2) == "nmber" and node.param2 > 0 and node.param2 < 16<or whatever the max is>)
02:34 ShadowNinja number*
02:35 VanessaE 23.
02:35 VanessaE ok
02:35 VanessaE I'll do that
02:37 VanessaE
02:37 VanessaE like so?
02:37 ShadowNinja VanessaE: Yep.
02:38 * VanessaE commits it.
02:38 ShadowNinja VanessaE: Wait.
02:38 * VanessaE DOESN'T commit it :P
02:38 VanessaE it must be some non-pipeworks node using the api badly maybe
02:38 ShadowNinja VanessaE: You don't need to check if node.param2 exists if you do the type check.
02:38 VanessaE true
02:38 VanessaE good point
02:39 VanessaE fixed.
02:39 Renoki joined #minetest
02:48 VanessaE ShadowNinja:  that last fix seems to have done it.
02:49 ShadowNinja Good. Odd that someone was passing a non-number value.
02:50 VanessaE maybe someone's trying to pass a table or something *shrug*
03:10 lordcirth What is moreblocks:trap_glass supposed to do?  All I see is mese-coloured glass.  Where's the "trap" part?
03:18 VanessaE you can pass through it
03:18 VanessaE the idea is that it can be used to make traps in floors but it's hardly hidden
03:21 Nomeneiste joined #minetest
03:23 Nomeneiste Good evening, do we have any kind of ETA (hard or soft) on the Vanessa Survival server outage? I am sure that a significant amount of work is being done (thank you!), and am just looking for a reasonable estimation. :-)
03:23 VanessaE Nomeneiste: mods crashing a lot today
03:23 VanessaE I'm trying to sort it now
03:25 Nomeneiste Very good, VanessaE. Thank you for the update.
03:26 Nomeneiste left #minetest
03:33 OldCoder joined #minetest
03:45 phantombeta joined #minetest
03:45 phantombeta Hi!
03:45 VanessaE hi
03:47 phantombeta It has been such a long time since I last played minetest...
03:47 Exio4 same here!
03:48 phantombeta I don't even remember when I last played minetest...
03:48 phantombeta IIRC it was last year
03:49 VanessaE well we're still here
03:49 VanessaE and still somewhat healthy :)
03:58 phantombeta Halp
03:58 phantombeta In the "new world" window there's 5 mapgens to choose from...
03:58 phantombeta what should I use?
04:01 phantombeta Oh well, nevermind
04:02 VanessaE use v6
04:03 VanessaE it's the standard one
04:04 phantombeta What's the difference between the mapgens?
04:05 phantombeta e-e
04:05 phantombeta I made a world some seconds ago, I think I used v7...
04:05 phantombeta I spawned in a island made out of stone.
04:06 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
04:06 VanessaE just different algorithms
04:06 VanessaE indev is where a lot of development is done
04:06 VanessaE v7 is a sort of next gen map generator
04:07 VanessaE flat should be obvious
04:07 VanessaE singlenode is for when you want lua to do all the work
04:07 VanessaE v6 is the standard one
04:07 VanessaE and I think there's a math-based one that's for fractal-based landscapes
04:10 phantombeta heh, math generates some crazy shapes...
04:20 VanessaE yup
04:20 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest
04:20 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest
04:23 christoffer__ joined #minetest
04:27 Vadtec joined #minetest
04:40 ruskie joined #minetest
04:52 Nomeneiste joined #minetest
04:57 Nomeneiste Good evening, how goes the epic struggle for the fate of the VanessaE Survival World? Are the valient developers winning in this mighty battle?
04:58 * NekoGloop hibernates on the couch
05:01 VanessaE my world is back up now
05:01 VanessaE it was a transitional bug, seems to be fixed now
05:12 Nomeneiste left #minetest
05:14 Exio4 someone should make mods that make the math mapgen somewhat "survival playable"
05:14 Exio4 that would be fun to play
05:16 xiong Okay, I ran a server successfully with no minetest.conf file at all. Worked surprisingly well, considering. Now I have a very small file and when I join with a client, my player is unable to punch a tree or dig dirt with a bare hand. The action on left-click is rather like that of a hoe: one movement then nothing, even if the mouse button is held. What does this smell like?
05:17 xiong This seems to me to be a lack of interact.
05:21 Miner_48er joined #minetest
05:22 NekoGloop Exio4, get glooptest, use treasure chests
05:23 xiong Yes, that was it.
05:24 xiong Exio4, you're touching on an interesting point. What is it that you find unplayable?
05:25 Alex_Mercer joined #minetest
05:29 Alex_Mercer joined #minetest
05:31 newbie joined #minetest
05:34 phantombeta joined #minetest
05:34 Alex_Mercer joined #minetest
05:35 phantombeta| joined #minetest
05:35 Alex_Mercer joined #minetest
05:36 kizeren joined #minetest
05:44 xiong Okay, the thing is up and publicly available. Testing-only server, no guarantees. mt103
05:53 khor joined #minetest
06:22 meldrian joined #minetest
06:27 phantombeta ummm
06:28 phantombeta How do I activate fly? it says I don't have fly privilege...
06:30 phantombeta nvm
06:40 phantombeta How many blocks is a node length?
06:41 VanessaE a "node" is a single cube
06:41 VanessaE and is generally taken to be 1m in size
06:41 VanessaE a "block" or "map block" is 16x16x16 nodes/meters
06:41 VanessaE a "chunk" unofficially means 5x5x5 mapblocks or 80x80x80 nodes.
06:42 phantombeta Hmmmm
06:42 VanessaE at least in minetest
06:42 VanessaE in minecraft these terms may have a different meaning
06:43 phantombeta So mese ore starts spawning 64 blocks below sea level?
06:43 VanessaE 64 meters yeah (but I thought it was 128 meters?)
06:44 phantombeta the wiki says "Mese ore starts appearing from below 64 node lengths below sea level and the clusters will become larger from below 256 node lengths below sea level.".
06:45 VanessaE *checks*
06:45 VanessaE yep, you're right
06:45 VanessaE starts at -64, goes down to -255
06:45 VanessaE well the initial layer does
06:46 VanessaE the amounts change as you get deeper
06:46 VanessaE whole blocks start showing up at -1024
06:47 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest
06:49 phantombeta Since I'm kinda dumb, where sea level starts? the bottom of the sea? the surface?
06:49 VanessaE the surface I think
06:49 VanessaE or rather, half a meter below it
06:49 VanessaE the dead center of a node is the zero position for that node
06:49 phantombeta Uhhh
06:50 phantombeta one meter is one block,right?
06:50 VanessaE one node, yes
06:53 hoodedice joined #minetest
06:53 hoodedice joined #minetest
06:53 hoodedice joined #minetest
06:53 phantombeta the wiki page for ores says "found at Y", shouldn't it be Z?
06:53 VanessaE nope.
06:53 phantombeta e-e
06:54 VanessaE X and Z are the horizontal coords, Y is vertical
06:54 hoodedice z is horz
06:54 hoodedice Damn. ninja'd
06:54 VanessaE too slow :)
06:54 phantombeta e-e e-e e-e
06:54 hoodedice crappy keyboard. Should be using my android to type...
06:54 hoodedice Anyway
06:55 hoodedice 3+ questions. RAPID FIRE!
06:55 phantombeta People on the zandronum IRC network have been telling me that Z is always vertical
06:55 hoodedice Dafuq is nodeboxes?
06:55 hoodedice Z may be vert for that game engine
06:57 phantombeta I'll slap everyone who told me that Z is always vertical and that anything that doesn't use Z as vertical is wrong e-e
06:57 hoodedice Go ahead,
06:58 hoodedice Get some of them on this channel
06:58 hoodedice We'll have an IRC war =D
06:58 phantombeta most of them probably don't even know freenode
06:58 hoodedice So. Much. Spam.
06:59 hoodedice VanessaE: there?
06:59 phantombeta and I can't actually do that, or they will keep bitching that Z is always vertical in everything...
07:03 hoodedice brb
07:14 ibloat joined #minetest
07:22 VanessaE I am now
07:22 VanessaE had to argue with husband's box
07:22 VanessaE linux at its finest...not
07:23 nore joined #minetest
07:35 us{0gb joined #minetest
07:35 thexyz weren't you migrating to fm?
07:35 VanessaE not yet
07:36 VanessaE soon though
07:36 VanessaE if I ever find a moment free and am not too tired to avoid boneheaded mistakes :-/
07:39 VanessaE I did however clone and build it on the VPS just to have it ready
07:39 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
08:02 hoodedice back. FINALLY!
08:02 hoodedice VanessaE: You migrating to FM too?
08:02 VanessaE soon yes
08:02 hoodedice =/
08:02 hoodedice Anyway
08:02 hoodedice 1. Dafuq are nodeboxes?
08:03 VanessaE unless the MT devs get their heads out of their asses and fix the lag and performance issues :)
08:03 VanessaE nodeboxes are very simple boxy models
08:03 us{0gb What is "FM"?
08:03 hoodedice Freeminer
08:03 VanessaE Freeminer
08:03 hoodedice Ninja'd XD
08:03 VanessaE you specify two sets of coordinates to create a little rectilinear box
08:04 hoodedice Are nodeboxes those black outlines outside nodes?
08:05 VanessaE multiple such boxes cna be strung together to create simple shapes, like what pipeworks uses
08:05 VanessaE naw, that's a selection box
08:05 VanessaE though the format of those is similar
08:06 hoodedice Do we have any examples of what exactly a nodebox is?
08:07 VanessaE look at some of Homedecor's objects
08:07 VanessaE like the signs, tables, nightstands
08:07 us{0gb Also look at stairs and slabs.
08:07 hoodedice Ok, lets take the sofa
08:07 VanessaE those all use nodeboxes
08:07 VanessaE yes, stairs and slabs too
08:07 hoodedice Ok stairs
08:07 us{0gb And doors.
08:07 VanessaE yep
08:07 hoodedice So how exactly did you go about making stairs?
08:08 VanessaE how do you mean?
08:08 us{0gb Look at the source code. It's a list of box coordinates.
08:08 hoodedice Did you start with a blender mesh?
08:08 rsiska joined #minetest
08:08 hoodedice That code, you wrote it by hand?
08:08 VanessaE oh, no
08:08 VanessaE purely text
08:09 VanessaE node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = {{ x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 }, { x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 }, { x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 }, ...} }
08:09 VanessaE for as many { x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 } as you want to include
08:09 VanessaE each { x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 } specifies one box
08:10 VanessaE once you assemble your model, you texture by projecting up to six textures onto the model as if the whole thing were just a simple cube
08:10 hoodedice 'by hand' I meant 'from scratch'
08:10 VanessaE yep
08:10 aheinecke joined #minetest
08:10 VanessaE the "oh no" was directed at the "blender" comment
08:12 hoodedice OK, stopping the bush beating,
08:12 VanessaE rubenwardy wrote a nodebox editor/designer that makes it much easier, btw
08:13 VanessaE but most nodeboxes are coded by hand
08:13 hoodedice 'coded by hand'? You guys are LEGENDS!
08:13 VanessaE
08:13 VanessaE yep.
08:13 VanessaE ^^^ this will make it much easier, it'll export a nodebox to text that you can then directly include in a node def
08:14 hoodedice But I want to make something complex, like the car thing
08:15 VanessaE youcan't.
08:15 VanessaE nodeboxes can't be textured that finely.
08:15 VanessaE you can only design the raw 3d model and then project the textures onto it from the outside once it's complete
08:15 VanessaE individual boxes can't be textured
08:17 Taoki joined #minetest
08:17 VanessaE hey taoki
08:19 Leoneof joined #minetest
08:20 hoodedice Testures can be done with later
08:20 VanessaE yes
08:20 hoodedice Like what Melkor did.
08:20 hoodedice So blending first
08:21 VanessaE well if you're gonna make entities yeah
08:21 hoodedice Then exporting to nodeboxes
08:21 hoodedice Then writing (copying) the init.lua
08:21 VanessaE no
08:21 VanessaE don't use blender for that
08:21 VanessaE that's way overkill
08:21 hoodedice Ok.
08:21 VanessaE use rubenwardy's nodebox editor
08:21 hoodedice That's too underkill... or something.
08:22 hoodedice I'll give it a shot though.
08:22 VanessaE heh
08:22 VanessaE no, underkill would be using vi to make them :D
08:22 hoodedice vi?
08:22 hoodedice That thing where keyboard commands are used
08:22 * us{0gb shutters at the thought of vi
08:22 VanessaE a text editor that pretends to be a command line
08:22 hoodedice in place of arrow keys?
08:23 VanessaE could be worse....could be emacs (a text editor that pretends to be an OS)
08:23 hoodedice Ooookay. This thing looks weird.
08:23 us{0gb I have no experience with emacs, but I know vi could be worse. Have you tried ed?
08:23 hoodedice Why am I limited to a space of one normal node?
08:24 VanessaE you aren't.
08:24 VanessaE at least not in practice
08:24 VanessaE but the issue is that textures will be repeated.
08:24 VanessaE they'll tile
08:24 VanessaE and then not always reliably
08:24 VanessaE they'll tile fine vertically, but on some machines they won't tile properly horizontally
08:24 VanessaE and they won't stretch, period.
08:24 us{0gb Interesting.
08:25 VanessaE so it's better to stay within one node, and make multiple separate nodes if you need something bigger
08:26 hoodedice_ joined #minetest
08:27 hoodedice_ CURSE EXTENSION CABLES!
08:28 VanessaE ?
08:28 hoodedice_ Sister stepped on the power cable.
08:28 VanessaE oops
08:28 VanessaE time to buy a UPS.
08:28 hoodedice_ Switched off PC.
08:28 hoodedice_ UPS? That thing is like, so 1880
08:29 VanessaE Uninterruptable Power Supply
08:29 VanessaE a battery back-up about the size of a briefcase.
08:29 hoodedice_ I use that
08:29 VanessaE oh ok
08:29 hoodedice_ In india.
08:29 hoodedice_ Not in modern countries
08:29 VanessaE eh?
08:30 hoodedice joined #minetest
08:30 hoodedice joined #minetest
08:30 hoodedice Where we have Uninterrupted Power Supply XD
08:30 hoodedice (UAE)
08:31 hoodedice What does this guy mean:
08:34 hoodedice *Silence*
08:37 VanessaE sorry, had to step away
08:38 VanessaE yeah,
08:38 VanessaE see, I don't know sproxel
08:38 VanessaE but ruben's program chooses the simplest way to make a nodebox because you design the actual shapes in the editor
08:39 VanessaE whereas I guess sproxel you are converting from some foreign format
08:39 hoodedice But we do have a plugin for that
08:39 hoodedice My model might be complex
08:39 VanessaE where he speaks of 2x2x2, 16x16x16, etc he means measures of pixels
08:39 hoodedice Wait.
08:40 VanessaE what plugin?
08:40 hoodedice The one in the link
08:40 hoodedice python code to change the model into a nodebox
08:40 VanessaE no, that's just a converter.
08:40 hoodedice hmm
08:40 VanessaE don't use it, it clearly produces inferior results
08:41 hoodedice OK. Now why I dislike ruben's thing is:
08:41 hoodedice 1. It limits me to size = 1 nodebox
08:41 VanessaE you want that.
08:42 VanessaE nodeboxes larger than a whole node are glitchy.
08:42 hoodedice 2. I have to make at least 10+ nodeboxes to get a 'part' of what I want
08:42 hoodedice That glitch wasn't fixed yet?
08:42 VanessaE nope.
08:42 VanessaE and it never will be
08:42 hoodedice (lol)
08:42 VanessaE for 2., you'll have to draw a lot more than that with sproxel/whatever it uses for the editor
08:43 hoodedice But webdesigner's car is not 'THAT' glitchy
08:43 VanessaE webdesigner's car is an entity
08:43 VanessaE not a nodebox
08:43 VanessaE it was done with blender or something similar
08:43 hoodedice But he has all that nodebox code in it
08:43 hoodedice I was gonna make an entity all along
08:44 hoodedice And I feel stupid
08:44 VanessaE he has nodebox code in the streets mod for things like stairs, slabs, signs, and the like
08:44 VanessaE the car is an entity
08:44 rubenwardy joined #minetest
08:44 VanessaE hey rubem
08:44 VanessaE ruben*
08:44 hoodedice So enities...
08:44 rubenwardy !up
08:44 VanessaE we were just talking about you ;)
08:44 MinetestBot seems to be down
08:44 rubenwardy Hi!
08:44 hoodedice They don't need no nodeboxes?
08:44 hoodedice Yo rubenwardy
08:44 VanessaE nope.
08:45 VanessaE they do not.
08:45 VanessaE they use native model files
08:45 hoodedice And how do I get these 'native model files'?
08:45 VanessaE you create them in blender
08:46 rubenwardy The new nodebox editor I am working on supports unlimited nodeboxes (it uses a linked list rather than an array)
08:46 VanessaE save as .b3d, .obj, .x, etc.
08:46 VanessaE minetest can use any format irrlicht supports
08:46 rubenwardy Also, the old version has a setting under edit to make nodeboxes bigger than a node ("limiting")
08:47 hoodedice All this discussion.
08:47 hoodedice Is a result of my stupidity. I humbly apologize
08:47 rubenwardy It's fine
08:47 VanessaE ignorance.
08:47 rubenwardy I like feed back
08:47 VanessaE not stupidity.
08:47 hoodedice Of course darn entities are different than nodes XD
08:47 VanessaE ignorance is forgivable by way of simply learning.
08:47 VanessaE which is what you are attempting to do.
08:48 VanessaE stupidity isn't :)
08:48 hoodedice hmm
08:49 hoodedice Since rubenwardy's app is used to only make nodeboxes, I guess it is a good app for that
08:49 VanessaE yepo
08:49 hoodedice Entities would obviously be more complex blah blah blah
08:49 VanessaE use it for nodeboxes, blender for models for entities, and gimp for textures.
08:49 VanessaE perfect combination :)
08:49 rubenwardy A future feature of the nodebox editor will be that you can link nodes together, and code is automatically generated generated to make them spawn together.
08:49 hoodedice What if I say.... Paint Dot Net?
08:49 VanessaE I like that, ruben, that's a good idea
08:50 VanessaE hoodedice: I'd say "bite your tongue, heretic"
08:50 VanessaE :)
08:50 rubenwardy Or make a node bigger than a node size, and it splits it up into multiple nodes and links them together
08:52 hoodedice I'm done here. Thanks a lot peeps. Later.
08:52 VanessaE ight
08:52 VanessaE night
08:52 VanessaE missed.
08:55 rubenwardy I am currently working on UI code :P
08:55 rubenwardy NOT fun with irrlicht
08:55 VanessaE cool
09:07 VanessaE ok, I'm off for the night.
09:13 Taoki[mobile] joined #minetest
09:20 Gethiox joined #minetest
09:28 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Mountain Day! :-D
09:29 reactor joined #minetest
09:38 Megaf joined #minetest
09:39 Megaf VanessaE, Hi, how do I stop my server now?
09:45 Megaf If I started my server with "while true; do sleep 5; ./minetestserver ; done", then, how do I stop it?
09:48 JamesTait Megaf, I guess you'd need to interrupt that loop; either Ctrl-C if it's running in your current console, or kill the shell process that's running the loop.
09:48 Megaf ctrl c did not work
09:49 JamesTait Megaf, you could set it up to run via init or upstart, which handles this stuff more nicely.
09:49 zash Kill the shell under running the loop?
09:49 Megaf JamesTait, How?
09:50 JamesTait Megaf, what distro are you running this on?
09:50 Megaf !up 30003
09:50 MinetestBot seems to be down
09:50 Megaf cool
09:50 Megaf JamesTait, Debian
09:53 zash Megaf: There's usually an example init script in /etc/init.d/skeleton
09:53 JamesTait Megaf, do you know if that's using upstart?  I have a minetestserver config for upstart, but not for sysvinit or whatever the other one is (systemd?)
09:54 Megaf JamesTait, I think zash said what I need
09:54 Megaf thank you both
10:10 Jousway joined #minetest
10:19 bas080 joined #minetest
10:20 dhbiker joined #minetest
10:20 proller joined #minetest
10:51 rsiska joined #minetest
10:51 proller
10:53 VanessaE "We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server"
10:53 proller
10:55 VanessaE *shakes head*
10:58 Gethiox2 joined #minetest
11:10 rsiska joined #minetest
11:11 Megaf
11:11 Megaf at least in GMT -2
11:12 VanessaE you missed a golden opportunity an hour before.
11:12 VanessaE 08:09:10 11/12/13.
11:13 VanessaE :)
11:13 Matrixiumn joined #minetest
11:14 proller joined #minetest
11:19 rsiska joined #minetest
11:21 Megaf nah
11:21 Megaf difficult to sync seconds
11:21 Megaf ShadowNinja, ping
11:21 VanessaE heh
11:22 VanessaE eBayers seem to be pretty good at it :P
11:22 Megaf heh
11:22 thexyz ebay?
11:22 Megaf folks, I need a good way to protect land
11:22 whirm joined #minetest
11:22 thexyz it raises your bid automatically, doesn't it?
11:23 Megaf it would be cool something like I punch two corners in diagonal and it protect that area
11:23 VanessaE it does, but some people still prefer the snipe method too
11:23 Megaf Something like /protect1 PlayerName punch and then /protect2 PlayerName punch
11:24 Megaf or, //pos1 then //pos2 (as in World Edit) and then //set_owner PlayerName
11:24 VanessaE Megaf: /area_pos set
11:24 VanessaE in the areas mod.
11:24 thexyz what sucks is that goods can't teleport to russia instantly
11:24 Megaf VanessaE, yesm this one?
11:24 VanessaE yup
11:24 thexyz and instead they shall be processed by a monster russian post is
11:24 Megaf VanessaE, but it says
11:25 Megaf To protect an area you must first set the corner positions of the area. In order to set the corner positions you run: 1. "/area_pos set" punch the two border nodes. 2. "/area_pos set1/2" punch only the first or second border node. 3. "/area_pos1/2" set position one or two to your current position. 4. "/area_pos1/2 X Y Z" set position one or two to the specified coordinates.
11:25 Megaf 4 steps
11:25 VanessaE Megaf: no.
11:25 Megaf aint nobody got time fo dat
11:25 VanessaE /area_pos set -- punch the corners.  /protect <description>
11:25 thexyz which used to route everything through moscow, ignoring shortest paths and hard shit like this
11:26 VanessaE shadow's text sorta makes it sound more complicated
11:26 VanessaE thexyz: sounds like the post here, too
11:26 VanessaE stuff might route through new york, taking it 200-300 km out of the way of a direct route from wherever to here
11:27 VanessaE or it might just come here
11:27 VanessaE it seems random, but if you ask the powers that be, they'll say they have a system, reasons.
11:27 VanessaE bleh
11:28 Megaf VanessaE, You mean punching like in World Edit?
11:28 vsoftoiletpaper joined #minetest
11:28 VanessaE yup
11:29 VanessaE I use that method occasionally
11:29 VanessaE /area_pos set ---- punch ---- punch ---- /set_owner ---- done.
11:29 VanessaE (for you, /protect for the last step if you aren't the admin)
11:29 reactor o/
11:29 thexyz VanessaE: well the problem with russia is that it's big
11:30 VanessaE I'll grant you that, it IS quite huge
11:30 Megaf VanessaE, ok
11:30 jin_xi joined #minetest
11:30 VanessaE but it's also quite empty, surely most of the population is gathered near the larger cities?
11:30 VanessaE hi reactor
11:31 reactor Russia is sparse, yes.
11:31 reactor If you're going to conquer it, you should count its size and sparsity.
11:31 VanessaE hm, mostly toward the western end, about as I figured
11:32 reactor Yes. If you conquer the European part, the rest is easy-peasy.
11:32 VanessaE still, fucking huge country
11:33 Megaf VanessaE, does ShadowNinja has a website or something?
11:33 VanessaE idk if he does or not
11:33 VanessaE no doubt if he does, he's already shown it to me once before and I've just forgotten :)
11:33 Megaf I'm adding hist github page hten
11:33 Megaf then
11:33 Megaf (to a blog post about areas)
11:35 VanessaE ok, I'm gonna give sleep another try
11:36 VanessaE Sleep, thou dost evade me as the darkness evades the morning sun.
11:36 EdB joined #minetest
11:36 VanessaE or something.
11:36 VanessaE ok, enough waxing poetic...I'm gonna start sounding like OldCoder soon :D
11:36 VanessaE night all
11:38 reactor Waxing?
11:39 reactor Poetic is quite hairy, yes.
11:42 vsoftoiletpaper joined #minetest
11:43 EdB joined #minetest
11:58 troller joined #minetest
12:03 Megaf VanessaE, do you still here?
12:07 Leoneof joined #minetest
12:09 Leoneof joined #minetest
12:09 Leoneof joined #minetest
12:21 Krock joined #minetest
12:21 Krock hi
12:23 Leoneof joined #minetest
12:25 Megaf can anyone join my server to help me test the areas mod please?
12:25 Megaf !up 30003
12:25 MinetestBot seems to be down
12:25 Megaf That's a lie
12:25 Megaf !up 30003
12:25 troller joined #minetest
12:25 MinetestBot is up (5295ms)
12:27 * Krock joins
12:28 Megaf Krock, Thanks, what name are you using?
12:28 Krock Nobody
12:28 reactor Nogroup
12:31 Megaf Krock, I shut the server down
12:31 Megaf thanks
12:31 Krock i saw
12:31 Megaf folks, how can I revoke the interact priv from everyone?
12:32 reactor Look at the config.
12:32 reactor default_privs
12:32 reactor or privs_default
12:32 reactor Or you mean, from everyone registered?
12:32 Megaf yep
12:32 reactor Well, this might require some sed.
12:32 Megaf oh dear
12:32 troller ANDROID rush on servers
12:34 Megaf reactor, I have a lot of land actually protected with node_ownersip mod, but it seem like the areas mod will disable those protections
12:34 reactor hmm
12:35 Megaf even if I keep the node_ownership mod on
12:35 Megaf they do share some commands, but use a different database file
12:36 ibloat joined #minetest
12:38 Krock then hange their command names
12:45 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
12:46 Megaf hm, node_ownership and areas store stuff in a different way, so I can't reuse the node_ownerships database
12:46 proller__ joined #minetest
12:47 reactor joined #minetest
12:49 Megaf Krock, reactor proller__ Hi
12:49 Megaf
12:49 Megaf any idea?
12:50 Krock you could modify 1 mod to get it working with the old database
12:50 Krock never have been worked with those but it should be possible
12:53 phantombeta Hey guys, this is unrelated to what's being talked about, but, can you guys recomend me some mods?
12:53 Megaf phantombeta, for a server or for singleplayer?
12:54 phantombeta singleplayer
12:54 troller joined #minetest
12:55 Megaf hm
12:55 Megaf phantombeta, for, plantlife, moretrees, moreores, moreblocks, mesecons, technic, pipeworks
12:55 Megaf homedecor
12:55 Megaf for is not a mod :P
12:56 Megaf boats, carts
12:57 phantombeta Uhhh, would the ones that generate stuff generate their stuff in existing worlds?
12:57 Krock old generated chunks will not contain the nely added ores
12:57 Krock *newly
12:58 phantombeta ummm, how much blocks is a chunk?
12:59 Megaf 5x5x5?
12:59 Krock 16*16+16
12:59 Krock * *16
13:02 phantombeta Those mods should be in the mod database, right?
13:02 hmmmm joined #minetest
13:04 proller__ joined #minetest
13:07 Krock not all mods are in the mmdb
13:15 Megaf Krock, I found the areas topic
13:15 Megaf
13:15 Megaf it says, Areas made with node_ownership can be converted with one simple command.
13:16 Krock okay
13:16 Krock the find it ;)
13:16 Krock *then
13:17 Megaf Ok, lets try it out
13:17 Megaf To convert the area data from a node_ownership installation run /legacy_load_areas 0
13:19 Krock omg
13:19 Megaf Krock, could you please log in again and do the same test?
13:19 Krock holy shit, it just was the: 11.12.2013 14:15
13:20 Krock okay
13:24 anunakki joined #minetest
13:25 ImQ009 joined #minetest
13:28 phantombeta Uhhh
13:28 phantombeta is there any mod that adds mobs?
13:30 Megaf can any of you suggests a mod or something to /respawn?
13:34 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
13:35 stormchaser3000 hi
13:37 Exio4 a mapblock is 16x16x16 nodes, and a chunk is (by default) 5x5x5 mapblocks
13:37 pitriss Megaf: you can look into sources of my multispawn mod.
13:38 Exio4 the "chunk" definition is just something used internally for the mapgen
13:38 pitriss phantombeta: mobf or simple mobs
13:38 phantombeta I just found mobf xD
13:43 ibloat Megaf, the mods you listed earlier for single player, will the also work on a multi player server?
13:44 Megaf ibloat, yep, I use them in my server
13:44 rsiska joined #minetest
13:45 Megaf Krock, my server is segfaulting when I try to create a hollowcylinder with Wolrd Edit
13:46 werwerwer joined #minetest
13:46 Krock hmm
13:46 Krock maybe it has a incompatible mod there
13:46 Krock else, no idea, never used worldedit
13:48 zat joined #minetest
13:57 phantombeta uhhh
13:58 phantombeta is there any way to clear the ingame console
14:05 Krock no, why?
14:06 Megaf Kray, did the server crash?
14:06 Megaf Krock, *
14:06 Krock yup
14:06 Krock !up 30003
14:06 MinetestBot is up (398ms)
14:07 Megaf nevermind, its back again, its was just a hickup
14:07 Krock !up 30003
14:07 MinetestBot is up (118ms)
14:07 Krock can't connect
14:07 Megaf 6125 minetest  20   0  348m 133m 5828 S 103.2 13.5  13:48.30 minetestserver
14:08 Megaf its using a lot of cpu
14:08 Megaf I bet is that areas mod
14:09 proller__ no, its minetest
14:09 Megaf proller__, well, it begun doing this with the areas mod
14:14 Megaf such a good game with a lot of problems
14:14 Megaf I just cant play it well
14:15 Megaf how on Earth is it using so much CPU?
14:16 Megaf Krock, Its behaving well now
14:16 Krock I'll join later
14:21 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
14:25 Renoki joined #minetest
14:26 Ritchie joined #minetest
14:35 ImQ009 joined #minetest
14:41 iqualfragile joined #minetest
14:43 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
14:47 cisoun joined #minetest
14:57 FreeFull joined #minetest
15:01 Megaf joined #minetest
15:18 OldCoder VanessaE, do I "wax poetic" ? I think I mostly need to wax the car.
15:18 OldCoder :P
15:22 BlockMen joined #minetest
15:26 sfan5 hi everyone
15:27 Krock hi
15:34 hoodedice joined #minetest
15:35 hoodedice joined #minetest
15:35 hoodedice joined #minetest
15:37 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
15:37 hoodedice I'll just leave this here:
15:37 hoodedice *sneak preview*
15:39 stormchaser3000 hi
15:42 hoodedice Yo, But am not here
15:42 nore joined #minetest
15:47 PilzAdam joined #minetest
15:47 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
15:51 john_minetest joined #minetest
15:56 Guest96125 hi there
15:56 Guest96125 oops
16:01 Jordach joined #minetest
16:06 troller joined #minetest
16:07 hoodedice joined #minetest
16:07 hoodedice joined #minetest
16:07 hoodedice joined #minetest
16:07 hoodedice Jordach!
16:08 hoodedice I decided to take up modelling too!
16:09 sfan5 oh nice... someone one the forum finds it rude to explain things with examples..
16:10 PilzAdam sfan5, you are so mean please go away
16:10 sfan5 and then he reports my post.. (for people who don't know: mods handle all the reports)
16:10 sfan5 no, really.. how is that mean?
16:10 hoodedice Who?
16:11 hoodedice That. guy
16:12 sfan5 I should probably link to this smart questions page..
16:12 sfan5 !questions
16:12 MinetestBot someone thinks that your question is inaccurate or doesn't follow the guidelines. Read here how to make it right:
16:12 sfan5 ah right.. there is it
16:13 hoodedice Yaay! we blasted him XD
16:13 * hoodedice High fives PilzAdam
16:13 PilzAdam o/\o
16:16 sfan5 ''Seriously overusing smileys and color and fonts will make you come off like a giggly teenage girl, which is not generally a good idea unless you are more interested in sex than answers.''
16:16 sfan5 wat
16:16 sfan5 >interested in sex
16:16 hoodedice where?
16:16 hoodedice lol
16:16 sfan5 last one
16:16 sfan5 !rainbow Am I doing this right?
16:16 MinetestBot 3A9m5 6I 4doi8n6g th3i2s r9ig5h3t3?
16:16 hoodedice XDXDXDX <3<3 dat wus awsum! XD
16:17 hoodedice lololol
16:17 hoodedice 101010101
16:17 sfan5 I wonder if somebody is interested in sex with MinetestBot now..
16:17 q66_ joined #minetest
16:17 hoodedice I found a new quote!
16:17 Calinou joined #minetest
16:17 sfan5 :D
16:18 Megaf_ joined #minetest
16:18 sfan5 *bed stuff* lol
16:18 PilzAdam hoodedice, lol
16:18 sfan5 hoodedice: do your think everyone will get that?
16:19 PilzAdam !bedstuff hoodedice
16:19 hoodedice I think everyone who is supposed to, will
16:19 PilzAdam ^ sfan5 implement!
16:19 hoodedice I'm pretty aserious about there being kds on this site
16:19 hoodedice "aserious" lol *serious
16:19 sfan5 ^ PilzAdam DIY and pull request
16:20 sfan5 hoodedice: sex is not a swearing word
16:20 PilzAdam Im  not doing bed stuff myself
16:20 * sfan5 giggles
16:20 hoodedice Yeah, but a quick google stuff will take you places.
16:20 hoodedice My 13 yr old bro found out about reproductive stuff by a search of 'rape'
16:21 FreeFull Probably not the best way to find out
16:21 Megaf_ oh dear. I wish I could be playing right now, but I can't
16:21 hoodedice Indeed
16:21 hoodedice I was taught about it by peers in middle school
16:22 sfan5 '' She was shocked as her computer suddenly showed porn, she never saw something like that. She did not regret it. ''
16:22 sfan5 is that what happens when you search for bed stuff?
16:22 * PilzAdam waits for someone to !g bed stuff
16:22 sfan5 Megaf_: at work?
16:23 hoodedice More like
16:23 sfan5 !gc bed stuff
16:23 MinetestBot bed stuff: 481,000,000
16:23 hoodedice 481m!
16:23 hoodedice lol
16:23 sfan5 dawww... I was hoping for 69,000,000
16:23 Megaf_ sfan5. yep
16:23 hoodedice MT is getting too close to #porn, if there is one
16:23 sfan5 your manager does not allow employes to play minetest?
16:23 sfan5 what a shitty job /s
16:24 PilzAdam Megaf_, are you sure this channel is save for work?
16:24 hoodedice *safe
16:24 sfan5 PilzAdam: #minetest is not SFW ATM
16:24 PilzAdam s/not SFW/NSFW/
16:25 sfan5 (that sentence woul dconfuse the fuck out of someone who does not know what NSFW and ATM mean)
16:25 sfan5 s/woul dc/would c/
16:25 hoodedice Need For Speed, Automatic Teller Machine
16:25 sfan5 hm...
16:25 hoodedice *Need For Speed: World
16:25 PilzAdam hoodedice, yep, makes totally sense
16:26 sfan5 PA: #MT is NSFW ATM
16:26 sfan5 is that better?
16:26 hoodedice +op
16:26 hoodedice U NO HAS VOICE, HOODEDICE
16:26 sfan5 !op
16:26 sfan5 like that
16:26 PilzAdam op party?
16:27 hoodedice oooh
16:27 hoodedice !op
16:27 PilzAdam !op
16:27 sfan5 nah.. we can only do an op party when freenode netsplits again
16:27 PilzAdam :-/
16:27 Topic for #minetest is now 0.4.8 is released! | Website: | Rules: be patient, respect other users, here and in other channels | Core Devs: #minetest-dev | Servers: | IRC logs: | IRC stats: | NekoGloopは猫です。Evergreenは木です。| I haz cut3 kitt3n
16:27 sfan5 !deop
16:27 sfan5 !op
16:27 Topic for #minetest is now 0.4.8 is released! | Website: | Rules: be patient, respect other users, here and in other channels | Core Devs: #minetest-dev | Servers: | IRC logs: | IRC stats: | NekoGloopは猫です。Evergreenは木です。 | I haz cut3 kitt3n
16:27 hoodedice Wut about NSFW ATM?
16:27 sfan5 !deop
16:28 * sfan5 is now away: Need to learn Latin :-(
16:28 Megaf_ we are in a meeting right now
16:28 hoodedice Buh bye
16:28 sfan5 Megaf_: lol
16:28 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
16:29 hoodedice PilzAdam: This guy has gone overboard.
16:29 hoodedice
16:29 hoodedice My bad
16:31 PilzAdam sfan5, *Nelson haha* you have to learn Latin!
16:31 hoodedice PilzAdam:
16:32 PilzAdam seems legit
16:32 Megaf_ world edit is really easy to use
16:32 hoodedice XD We are lunatics after all
16:32 Megaf_ and install
16:32 hoodedice Megaf_: Indeed.
16:33 Megaf_ well. perhaps he's not having a good time
16:33 PilzAdam glad he didnt speak to me first.... :-p
16:33 Megaf_ I would have some patience with him. just like you have with me
16:34 hoodedice Posting in 5 different places is what bugged us
16:35 Megaf_ newcomers. they are just like to that
16:35 PilzAdam its funny how posted it in "Bugs and problems"
16:35 Megaf_ perhaps a first time forum user
16:35 sfan5 PilzAdam: D-:
16:35 hoodedice no
16:40 MegafAndroid Hi?
16:42 hoodedice Hi.
16:48 hoodedice PilzAdam
16:49 hoodedice Inoducom's post
16:51 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
16:52 Wuzzy joined #minetest
16:52 rsiska joined #minetest
16:54 hoodedice Mods? Should be in Modding General
16:58 proller__ joined #minetest
16:59 Jordach hoodedice, better
16:59 hoodedice Dat lag, Jordach
16:59 Jordach hoodedice, was playing the new Saints Row 4 DLC
16:59 hoodedice Argh, Another Rockstar game?
17:00 hoodedice darn you Jordach
17:00 qwebirc6268 joined #minetest
17:00 Megaf joined #minetest
17:00 Megaf joined #minetest
17:01 Jordach hoodedice, GTA is Rockstar
17:01 Jordach Saints Row is Violition
17:01 hoodedice oh
17:01 hoodedice didn't know that
17:01 hoodedice What's the ERSB?
17:01 Jordach 18
17:02 Jordach it has almost all the boxes ticked on the back, except fear
17:02 hoodedice Not for me then
17:02 Calinou there is no 18 in ESRB
17:02 hoodedice I don't play games with explicit sexual themes
17:02 Calinou you mean 17+
17:02 Calinou and it is PEGI 18
17:02 Calinou "Fear" is only for PEGI 7 games
17:03 Jordach hoodedice, the point of Saints Row is a joke now
17:03 hoodedice ?
17:05 hoodedice Dafuq is this rectifer?
17:05 hoodedice XD
17:05 hoodedice Man, this game aint for me
17:05 hoodedice Later anyway peeps. Enough drama for one day
17:10 phantombeta Hi
17:12 MegafAtWork hi
17:13 phantombeta 'sup guys?
17:13 Leoneof joined #minetest
17:14 MegafAtWork can someone give me voice in #Minetest-Dev? I cant talk there
17:15 MegafAtWork Or I will ask just here
17:15 ShadowNinja MegafAtWork: You need to use a real client.
17:15 proller__ about your laggy server? ;)
17:16 MegafAtWork !up 30003
17:16 MinetestBot is up (308ms)
17:16 MegafAtWork actually ping is 150
17:16 MegafAtWork and its not laggy
17:19 hoodedice joined #minetest
17:20 hoodedice PilzAdam:
17:20 hoodedice
17:20 MegafAtWork ShadowNinja: Thanks for your areas mod, it works fine
17:20 ShadowNinja MegafAtWork: YW, thanks. :-)
17:20 MegafAtWork ShadowNinja: could it be possible to use MySQL to store it's data?
17:20 MegafAtWork I'd like to make my server a distribuited server system
17:21 MegafAtWork put various instances of the server in different servers, sharing a single db
17:22 ShadowNinja Ehm, that would add a luasql dependency, which would require compiling.
17:22 ShadowNinja And I'd prefer SQLite.
17:23 proller__ ShadowNinja can you make protected default sinn_wall ?
17:24 ShadowNinja proller__: What do you mean? You can protect the whole world and grant sub-areas.
17:24 Leoneof joined #minetest
17:25 proller__ but everybody can write to signs in protected area
17:25 proller__ i use your areas mod
17:25 MegafAtWork lunatics, yes, we all are
17:26 MegafAtWork [15:26] <proller__> but everybody can write to signs in protected area
17:26 MegafAtWork +1
17:26 ShadowNinja proller__: That's intentional I guess. If you want them protected add a minetest.is_protected check to the signs mod.
17:26 ShadowNinja (Or install locked_sign)
17:29 ShadowNinja Should they be protected?
17:34 markveidemanis joined #minetest
17:34 markveidemanis joined #minetest
17:35 MegafAtWork I gave my vote
17:37 ShadowNinja ^ Open to anyone.
17:38 MegafAtWork ShadowNinja: I published it on my servers site
17:38 ShadowNinja MegafAtWork: What site?
17:39 Calinou voted no
17:39 MegafAtWork ShadowNinja:
17:39 MegafAtWork Calinou: I voted no too
17:40 khor joined #minetest
17:40 MegafAtWork because if it's protected, is protected and shouldnt be changed by one who can't change
17:40 specing MegafAtWork: Aren't there locked signs, too?
17:40 MegafAtWork Not buy default I think
17:40 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
17:40 specing if so, enable public editing and make people use locked signs
17:41 MegafAtWork ShadowNinja: Another good thing could be to have locked signs by default
17:44 MegafAtWork nah what?
17:44 Calinou sign + iron = locked sign
17:44 MegafAtWork is it?
17:44 Calinou why does it take so long to have locked sign/furnace in default game?
17:45 MegafAtWork Heh, my girlfriend complains a lot about people stealing stuff from furnaces
17:46 MegafAtWork I need someone to join my server and ask Gronx to come here on IRC
17:47 ShadowNinja MegafAtWork: The legacy mods convert, eg, moreblocks:gold_block to default:gold_block.  You will probably wnt to keep them installed.
17:47 Calinou john_minetest, we have locked chests and doors already...
17:47 Calinou we need some decent base, please don't act like Debian does
17:48 ShadowNinja MegafAtWork: And the creative mod does nothing if creative mode is disabled, so you can leave it.
17:48 rubenwardy joined #minetest
17:48 MegafAtWork ShadowNinja: hm, ok, I will leave legacy on on the next compilation, thanks
17:49 Calinou yes, it really should :/
17:49 MegafAtWork locked doors are pretty useless, just a stronger reason for a griefer to grief
17:49 Calinou yeah
17:50 Calinou you are supposed to respect them, MegafAtWork
17:50 MegafAtWork I like locked door just to identify who built something
17:50 Calinou it means, "don't enter" to respectful people
17:50 MegafAtWork Calinou: yep, But I'm talking about griefers
17:50 Calinou don't be so negative, not everyone is a griefer :)
17:50 MegafAtWork not respectful kind of people
17:50 ShadowNinja MegafAtWork: If you give your mods fly they can just fly up and use /area_pos2 rather than stacking.
17:52 MegafAtWork ShadowNinja: I said staking just to make things easier to understand. Theres some persons on out staff that have a little diffcult with some stuff sometimes
17:53 ShadowNinja Heh, ok.
17:53 MegafAtWork ShadowNinja: That's what I really like with the areas mod, I works like the World Edit, I mean, it's really practical to use
17:53 MegafAtWork just fly and set position to where you are
17:53 MegafAtWork or punch the place
17:53 MegafAtWork pretty neat
17:54 rubenwardy Does minetest only support player Y axis rotation (ie: left/right) from lua, or can you do X/Z rotation?
17:54 Calinou only Y axis I guess
17:54 Calinou :(
17:54 ShadowNinja ^
17:54 Calinou too bad we can't see pitch of a player
17:54 rubenwardy ie1z0, for , can you make coasters go upside down
17:54 rubenwardy ah
17:54 MegafAtWork also it would be cool head movement
17:54 rubenwardy for gods sake
17:55 Calinou head movement?
17:55 rubenwardy *ie
17:55 ShadowNinja Minetest's colision system doesn't support that anyway.
17:55 Calinou nvm
17:55 Calinou ShadowNinja, what does that have to do with collision?
17:55 Calinou hitboxes could never rotate
17:55 ShadowNinja Calinou: The hitbox should rotate with the player. The camera is anso hardcoded.
17:56 Calinou the hitbox doesn't rotate with player
17:56 Calinou both "selection" and "collision" boxes
17:56 Calinou same applies to mobs
17:58 rubenwardy PilzAdam:
18:02 MegafAtWork Heh
18:02 MegafAtWork He seems to be a good man
18:02 hoodedice OMG rubenwardy Didn't know you liked it so much!
18:02 MegafAtWork Just a frustrated man
18:03 rubenwardy For a full good mod we need: stations, start levers, loop the loop, pillars, track (duh), crank track (speeds up player), cameras (decorative)
18:05 hoodedice I did think of some stuff that could be implemented now
18:05 hoodedice rails with gears, that pull the cart up
18:06 hoodedice e do have power rails and brake rails
18:06 hoodedice But diagonals need to be implemented (Will be buggy)
18:06 MegafAtWork That's a long TODO list
18:07 MegafAtWork :P
18:07 hoodedice rails with gears?
18:07 hoodedice New texture withe gears, copy paste the code from power rails
18:07 hoodedice With some values changed
18:07 MegafAtWork I sent Tx_RushFan a PM, I think it worked, hes much calm now
18:07 hoodedice Indeed.
18:08 rubenwardy Gears dont increase speed, they set speed kind of
18:08 rubenwardy For going up hill
18:08 hoodedice "with some values changed"
18:09 Vargos joined #minetest
18:09 hoodedice Lter, g2g in a hurry
18:10 lordawe joined #minetest
18:11 MinetestBot GIT: xyzz commited to minetest/minetest: Add Lithuanian translation. dfd1f87762 2013-12-11T10:10:56-08:00
18:16 Warr1024 joined #minetest
18:16 thexyz people are so mean :(
18:17 PilzAdam ponies arent mean
18:18 rubenwardy Ponies are fantasy creatures
18:20 MegafAtWork VanessaE: kaeza: today I got a new build from github of homedecor, no crashes yet
18:21 MegafAtWork perhaps land poneys rubenwardy
18:21 rubenwardy Of course they are, they come in rainbow colours, no real animal does that
18:22 Jordach !
18:22 Jordach you nearly made me shit myself
18:23 Jordach my notification was turned up and my headphones are on
18:24 Jordach mhm
18:24 MegafAtWork rubenwardy: narwhals are like poneys of the sea, and they do exist
18:24 Jordach for debian based systems with clang
18:26 proller joined #minetest
18:26 troller joined #minetest
18:31 Jordach john_minetest, my binary is debian based
18:31 MegafAtWork [16:19] <rubenwardy> Ponies are fantasy creatures
18:31 MegafAtWork [16:24] <MegafAtWork> rubenwardy: narwhals are like poneys of the sea, and they do exist
18:31 MegafAtWork s/pony/unicorn
18:31 MegafAtWork lol
18:33 rubenwardy Of course they dont, they come in rainbow colours, no real animal does that
18:34 MegafAtWork Adorable creature
18:34 rubenwardy left #minetest
18:34 rubenwardy joined #minetest
18:35 * Jordach us UV unwrapping ANGULAR ARMS
18:35 Jordach got 'em working :D
18:35 Jordach within 52 triangles (that's 1000 less than the smooth bends!)
18:37 Jordach i fuckin' hate making drivers + attaching to bones
18:43 Jordach gen 5 prototype coming along smoothly :P
18:44 begone joined #minetest
18:44 thexyz wow the /topic gets worse and worse every day
18:47 Calinou fix it, really
18:48 PilzAdam ^
18:48 Jordach
18:48 Jordach !op
18:48 Topic for #minetest is now 0.4.8 is released! | Website: | Rules: be patient, respect other users, here and in other channels | Core Devs: #minetest-dev | Servers: | IRC logs: | IRC stats:
18:48 MegafAtWork rubenwardy: sorry, but what does this do?
18:48 thexyz Calinou: I can't
18:48 Calinou thanks :P
18:48 thexyz I only haz +v
18:49 Jordach you can always ask me :P
18:49 Jordach and yes, i'm still working on my damn model :D
18:49 PilzAdam thexyz, really?
18:49 thexyz nice hope sfan5 stops with that weeaboo shit some day <3
18:49 thexyz PilzAdam: really what?
18:50 PilzAdam <thexyz> I only haz +v
18:50 thexyz you can ask ChanServ in case you don't believe me
18:50 sfan5 Jordach: :-(
18:50 sfan5 atleast keep the kitten
18:50 Jordach no
18:50 sfan5 but I wantz kitten
18:50 PilzAdam sfan5, ##kittens
18:50 Jordach i the only sane person left here
18:50 PilzAdam Jordach, no
18:51 PilzAdam you are not sane
18:51 sfan5 lol
18:51 thexyz regarding shitty community
18:51 rubenwardy MegafAtWork, you can use it to make node boxes for mods
18:56 sfan5 wat
18:56 sfan5 19:56:16: ACTION[ServerThread]: CHAT: <Guest8754> I am a beautiful person.
18:57 thefamilygrog66 joined #minetest
18:58 thefamilygrog66 bonjour
18:58 sfan5 hi
18:58 Calinou hi
19:00 thexyz sfan5: is this another buildcraft player?
19:00 sfan5 dunno
19:00 sfan5 I can't detect that
19:01 thexyz buildcraft still uses Guest*** names
19:03 Leoneof joined #minetest
19:05 thefamilygrog66 had to uninstall xchat, and replace it with hexchat - stupid 30 day trials...
19:06 Jordach why not quassel?
19:07 sfan5 WTF
19:07 sfan5 why the fuck does Inocudom always talk about these RBA's shader
19:07 sfan5 +s
19:07 sfan5 I mean they are nice, but dude!
19:07 thexyz thefamilygrog66: there's another option of, well, buying it
19:07 sfan5 >most of its members are more interested in talking about where they place their torches than talking about RealBadAngel's new shaders for Minetest
19:08 Jordach we've seen shaders before
19:08 sfan5 also pretty ironic that this tx_rushfan guy sweared in the forum and now he says he's glad his daughter didn't go to the (unfriendly) minetest forums
19:10 sfan5 >At least minetest sucks for free, your average street corner only has proprietary hoes.
19:10 sfan5 plol
19:10 thexyz ^ completely ignoring the fact of minetest forums unfriendliness, cherry-picking stuff
19:11 sfan5 fffuuuu! Signatures cannot be longer than 400 characters. Please reduce your signature by 13 characters.
19:12 thexyz john_minetest: nice joke
19:13 thexyz nice joke still
19:13 thexyz > who is on the forums?
19:13 thexyz like, everyone?
19:13 thexyz I mean, for you it's probably hard to believe that the majority of Minetest players use Windows, is that right?
19:13 ShadowNinja Should this and the folowing post be removed?
19:14 thexyz indeed, but that doesn't mean that the majority of players use windows
19:15 thexyz yes
19:15 thexyz ShadowNinja: this topic definitely says something about the community
19:16 thexyz I don't remember those times
19:17 Exio4 "he forums have been less active than normal ever since the end of last summer"
19:17 Exio4 does this mean the community has been busy because the summer ended?
19:17 Exio4 the forums have been less active..*
19:18 sfan5 I may be able to provide a num. of new posts a day statistic soon (based on )
19:18 sfan5 that will show whether the community becomes inactive
19:19 thexyz > php
19:20 Warr1024 it doesn't seem fair that the forums are treated like the "official" community.
19:21 Warr1024 in MC, players had stable account usernames, while in MT it seems like the forum username has been used as a substitute...
19:21 thexyz uhh? what do you mean?
19:21 Warr1024 For instance, I heard a bunch of discussion around the idea of per-player skins.
19:22 thefamilygrog66 thexyz, I suppose, if I felt like purchasing an IRC client - hexchat is a FOSS fork of it, anyway
19:22 thexyz alright
19:23 Warr1024 one of the more popular ideas was to tie skins to forum accounts, e.g. through the avatar system...
19:24 Renoki joined #minetest
19:24 Warr1024 I suppose if you're on Windows, signing up for the forums is probably easier than getting on IRC since web access generally doesn't require installing software, while IRC access generally does.
19:24 Exio4 haha
19:24 Exio4 it is funny
19:25 Exio4 the two scanners we have on my house
19:25 Exio4 work "somewhat easy" under linux
19:25 Exio4 but noone was able to get them working under windows
19:26 Warr1024 I've had plenty of experiences like that.
19:26 Warr1024 I had a DVD drive that slowly started crapping out, started refusing to read random DVD's.  After I wiped my machine and installed *n*x (might have been FreeBSD at the time) it worked perfectly ever since.
19:27 Warr1024 Scanners usually either work or don't work under unix.  They almost always *sort of* work under Windows, i.e. technically you can get images from them, but it usually involves jumping through all the hoops in the manufacturer's software.
19:28 thefamilygrog66 peripherals always work better on linux than on windows. fact.
19:28 thefamilygrog66 oh wait, I meant the opposite of that.
19:28 thefamilygrog66 haha
19:30 Esteban_ joined #minetest
19:30 Jordach ello Esteban_
19:30 Esteban_ Hello :D
19:32 Warr1024 so I ran into a weird issue with MT.  When I tried to connect to one particular server, one particular client would get hung up on the "node definitions" phase of connection.  It happens about 80% of the time, but with enough retries, I can often make it past.
19:32 cisoun joined #minetest
19:32 Warr1024 The main thing that's special about that connection is that both nodes are on wifi, and get a lot of packet loss between the two of them, probably due to timing collisions and the like.
19:33 Warr1024 I wonder if there are points in the handshake where if a UDP packet gets lost, there's no retry/resume, and both sides just end up waiting for a hard timeout?
19:34 Miner_48er joined #minetest
19:37 JackGruff joined #minetest
19:40 kahrl sounds like a job for wireshark
19:41 kahrl there is actually a (very outdated, but the basic things still work) dissector for the minetest protocol
19:42 twoelk joined #minetest
19:44 Warr1024 hm, good point.  I should see if I can confirm the packet loss.  Thanks.
19:45 Warr1024 I was digging around in the protocol a while back and trying to figure out if it would be possible to patch the server with an API call that would let me push new/updated textures to the client at arbitrary points in the connection.
19:45 Warr1024 It looked feasible, aside from having to flush the appropriate caches on each end.
19:45 kaeza greetings
19:46 Warr1024 hi kaeza
19:46 kaeza Warr1024, such a patch would be awesome
19:46 Warr1024 kaeza, I had a lot of stability issues with your irc mod, until I installed LuaJIT...
19:47 kaeza stability issues?
19:47 Warr1024 crashes.  Pilz helped me get backtraces, then mentioned that almost everyone running that mod runs luajit, which led me to try that.
19:47 Warr1024 I'll see if I can find the logs...
19:48 kaeza that is weird, as it worked perfectly vefore on stock Lua
19:48 kaeza -v+b
19:48 Warr1024 I'm on OpenBSD, so it could be (1) old or very date-mismatched ports, or (2) platform quirks...
19:49 Warr1024 I recently updated my OS and recompiled MT, only to find it wouldn't read my leveldb database anymore.
19:49 kaeza ah that could be the reason too
19:49 Warr1024 Eventually, I figured out that I had installed leveldb 1.5.0 from ports, then updated to 1.15.0 over top of it.
19:49 kaeza you see, it has only been reliably tested under Linux
19:50 Warr1024 upgrading apparently re-replaced it with the old one.
19:50 Warr1024 it seems weird that JIT, which is mainly a performance thing, would improve the stability, though.
19:51 Calinou joined #minetest
19:51 kaeza Warr1024, it does not seem to work at all on Windows, due to some quirks with the dynamic loader
19:51 kaeza maybe there's some quirk on *BSD too with respect to that
19:51 kaeza but yes, that seems weird
19:51 Warr1024 here's the crash: it's a double-free
19:51 Warr1024
19:52 Warr1024 another possibility is that most OS's may simply silently ignore double-free's.  OpenBSD likes to kill processes for the slightest memory management violation.
19:52 Warr1024 original discussion between Pilz and I at
19:53 john_minetest joined #minetest
19:53 thexyz can't see double free there
19:53 Warr1024 oh, there's another paste later..
19:53 thexyz this is an ordinary invalid block error
19:53 Warr1024
19:54 Warr1024 it looks like it's a bug in the embedded copy of luasocket that's included with the ircmod.
19:54 vfs joined #minetest
19:54 vfs the future of minetest?
19:54 thexyz it's odd anyway
19:55 thexyz why wouldn't it crash on linux? why wouldn't it crash with luajit
19:55 Warr1024 yeah, really.
19:55 vfs minetest in cryengine is very strange...
19:55 Warr1024 linux could be explained by a more liberal policy towards double-frees.
19:56 Warr1024 but the jit thing is totally weird.
19:56 thexyz glibc detects double-free, doesn't it?
19:56 Warr1024 I don't run enough linux stuff to know for sure.
19:56 Warr1024 or at least I've never seen a process crash out completely because of one.  No telling whether that's due to a lack of double-free's in the software, or due to silently ignoring them.
19:57 thexyz I had errors like "*** glibc detected *** XXX: double free or corruption"
19:57 thexyz but I haven't tested luasocket
19:57 thexyz I'm not sure why would anything ignore it
19:58 Warr1024 well, double-free's usually point to poor tracking of pointer use, so it's good policy to crash on double-frees and force the developer to fix them.
19:59 Warr1024 however, technically you could safely ignore them, since the dev is really just signalling intent to no longer use a pointer he/she should already not have been using, and let the program see if it can continue (at least until it's next sloppy-pointer-use crash).
20:00 Warr1024 it depends on whether you expect your target users to be developers or innocent users :-)
20:03 Warr1024 iirc, a copy of luasocket is embedded in ircmod, but a copy of lua is not (though it is embedded in MT).  a copy of libc is not embedded in either.  I imagine it wouldn't be too hard for them to get out of sync.
20:04 Warr1024 My particular setup can be extra-messy since I run MT out of a repo that embeds a copy of MT, ircmod, some other mods, and leveldb, and wraps them all in a build process...
20:05 OldCoder joined #minetest
20:05 thexyz what could go wrong
20:06 thexyz oh
20:06 thexyz jetbrains better release their c++ ide until christmas
20:07 Calinou better make it cost $500 and make it require an EULA
20:08 thexyz you haven't used any of their IDEs, have you?
20:08 Calinou no
20:09 rubenwardy Bye all!
20:09 thexyz they cost reasonable prices (100$ personal python ide license), often have free open source "community editions" and generally are The Best Thing(s) Ever
20:10 thexyz and they're free for open source projects of course
20:10 Calinou $100 isn't really reasonable
20:10 thexyz what is then?
20:10 Calinou less than $40
20:10 Calinou (and I'm being nice)
20:10 thexyz we're talking about commercial usage
20:11 thexyz no, you're being stupid <3
20:11 EdB joined #minetest
20:11 thexyz this tool helps you make monies
20:11 thexyz 100$/year is perfectly reasonable
20:11 Calinou what if you don't manage to make monies?
20:11 thexyz your fault
20:11 thexyz don't buy it then? dunno
20:11 Calinou that's my point
20:12 Calinou there are free as in beer and as in freedom IDEs.
20:12 thexyz but they suck
20:12 thexyz the only problem
20:12 Calinou they really don't, learn how to use them
20:12 thexyz lol
20:12 thexyz Calinou: do you use any of them?
20:12 thexyz Calinou: any good python ide you can suggest me?
20:12 Calinou no
20:12 thexyz meh
20:13 Calinou I use geany, but as a text editor
20:13 thexyz then it looks like trolling, sorry
20:13 kaeza IDLE
20:13 Calinou not trolling
20:13 thexyz because you really have no idea of the subject you're talking about
20:13 Calinou I do
20:13 kaeza oh wait, you said "good", then no
20:13 thexyz no, you don't since you've never used pycharm
20:13 thexyz kaeza: yeah, yeah, i did, it's easy to miss
20:14 thexyz Calinou: so any good truly free python IDEs (hint: pycharm has open source edition)
20:14 thefamilygrog66 geany, ftw
20:14 Calinou is that version of pycharm open source?
20:15 thexyz
20:15 Megaf joined #minetest
20:15 thexyz yes, community edition is free and open source
20:15 thexyz but say I need Django support to, well, develop sites or something? are there any open source alternatives?
20:15 Jordach notepad++ doesn't suck
20:15 Calinou ah ok
20:16 NakedFury joined #minetest
20:16 thexyz Jordach: lol
20:16 thexyz meh, it's boring to talk with people who haven't used those editors/ides but have the most rightest opinion ever
20:17 Calinou rightest isn't a word :P
20:17 thexyz still luv you <3
20:18 Calinou better love your anime
20:18 thexyz no, because anime makes you stupid
20:22 Warr1024 I always tried to avoid using IDE's because often I'll find myself needing to develop for or debug on different platforms that can't run an IDE...
20:23 Warr1024 it might sound pathological, but if you're used to doing all your development using plain vi, tmux, and a borne-compatible shell, it's hard to be disappointed by what any platform has to offer.
20:23 Jordach vi
20:23 Jordach really
20:23 Jordach GNU Nano ftw
20:24 Jordach i use it for all of my work at college
20:24 Warr1024 I used to use pico back in the day.
20:24 Calinou I use nano if I edit in a terminal
20:24 Warr1024 vi has a steeper learning curve, but the automation is nice once you learn it.
20:24 Calinou I never tried to learn vim
20:24 Warr1024 I never learned vim either.
20:25 Calinou vi or vim
20:25 Warr1024 it's not intuitive.
20:26 Warr1024 vi is basically the kind of software that Larry Tesler crusaded against.
20:26 Warr1024 but it has the advantage of being nearly uniquitous on unix-likes.
20:27 Warr1024 gedit?  isn't that x11?
20:27 kaeza butterflies!
20:27 Calinou gedit is GNOME's text editor
20:27 Warr1024 ah.
20:28 zash vim is very powerful but one needs to learn it first
20:30 Warr1024 I don't really use vi because I *like* it per se.  I've had issues with key mappings getting messed up, and I'd never get used to the hjkl navigation, and vi is pretty hard to use with bad ESC key bindings.
20:30 Sokomine kaeza: aspiremints animals contain butterflies :-)
20:30 Warr1024 it's just that there have been times in the past where I had to edit config files on a machine running off a 100MB flash drive, and learning vi is pretty much the only option...
20:31 Sokomine it's also pretty efficient to navigate once you've learned the basics of vi. no long paths for the fingers, no need to catch a mouse
20:32 Warr1024 Haha, I just remembered back when I was in college and getting annoyed at learning the key sequences for either vi or pico: I ended up writing a windows app in VB that downloaded a text file off the unix server, edited it in a notepad-like interface, then "saved" it by re-uploading.  Man that was such a hack.
20:34 Warr1024 well, syntax highlighting could be nice.  I'd make a lot fewer unterminated string constant errors that way.
20:35 Calinou there is syntax highlighting in nano
20:35 Calinou I don't know how to enable it though :/
20:35 Warr1024 one nice thing about vi is that I can do a "72i-[ESC]" to insert a nice 72-char ascii horizontal rule.
20:35 Calinou <john_minetest> I also wonder why people need more than nano
20:36 Calinou that's like saying "I also wonder why people need more than ioquake3" when talking about game engines :/
20:38 Warr1024 Being able to comfortably do real work using primitive tools is a useful skill to have.
20:38 roboman2444 joined #minetest
20:39 kizeren joined #minetest
20:40 ibloat itellij/pycharm with the vim plugin works quite okay
20:40 Warr1024 performing well on modest hardware is really nice too.
20:40 EdB left #minetest
20:43 Calinou you should still advance
20:43 Calinou eg. ioquake3 has a CPU bottleneck on map rendering that modern engines do not have
20:43 ibloat thexyz, maybe i'm blind, but i didn't see eclipse mentioned. works okay for django projects
20:46 thexyz ibloat: I heard eclipse is bloated and slow
20:46 thexyz is that no longer true?
20:47 thexyz typical open source project docs
20:47 Calinou not funny
20:48 thexyz what is?
20:48 Calinou since you're going to complain about everything in the docs...
20:48 thexyz why?
20:48 thexyz I'm not
20:49 thexyz I just thought it's funny
20:49 thexyz am I not allowed to joke about open source projects documentation from now on?
20:49 kaeza very drama, such wow
20:50 Warr1024 though given the choice between improving the docs and improving the code...
20:50 Calinou it is not funny, because it is not the reality
20:50 Calinou Warr1024, improving docs can be done by non-coders ;)
20:50 Calinou it is very time consuming too :/
20:50 Warr1024 for those projects lucky enough to have non-coders willing to donate time and energy.
20:51 thexyz but it is
20:51 thexyz look at this page?
20:51 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
20:51 thexyz Calinou is being overly serious
20:51 Calinou it sounds like you are serious
20:52 Jordach ...for once
20:52 EvergreenTree 'ello
20:52 thexyz by the way, looks like this is a nice gdb interface after all
20:52 thexyz eh
20:52 thexyz whatever
20:52 Warr1024 sadly, I have a lot of software projects that I'm planning on open-sourcing, but don't want to share because I'm embarrassed about the almost-complete nonexistence of documentation of any kind...
20:52 Jordach \o/
20:54 Calinou Warr1024, don't be embarrassed: the community can help and we really don't shame people for that.
20:54 Warr1024 :-)
20:55 Calinou which kind of software projects do you make?
20:55 Warr1024 but documentation serves an aesthetic purpose as well, as a way of displaying pride in your work... and that serves a functional purpose as well in letting your users know how confident they should be in the code.
20:56 Warr1024 I write a lot of little automation scripts, some trivial, some significant.
20:56 Warr1024 a lot of integration work.
20:56 Calinou some projects need little or no documentation
20:57 Warr1024 like for instance
20:58 Calinou gitorious has a new UI :o
20:58 Warr1024 it's the inventor's paradox: sometimes solving a particular problem is most easily done by creating a general-purpose tool that solves all similar problems.  After a while, you accumulate a lot of neat reusable bits and pieces that maybe someone else could use...
20:58 EvergreenTree <offtopic>One thing I'd just like to just throw out there, conky is awesome</offtopic>
20:58 thexyz yeah, they switched to bootstrap it seems
20:58 sfan5 !g conky
20:58 MinetestBot sfan5:
20:58 Warr1024 yeah, gitorious' new UI messed with me a bit, as one of the OTHER scripts I have automatically scrapes their UI for repos owned by a particular user (in my case, me) and downloads them all, to keep local mirrors of all my projects... :-)
20:59 sfan5 yay,yay,yay
20:59 MinetestBot GIT: Uberi commited to Uberi/MineTest-WorldEdit: Better installation instructions. https://gi 2013-12-11T12:58:58-08:00
20:59 sfan5 I finally found what I was searching for
20:59 Calinou woah, the gitorious UI looks like github
20:59 sfan5 ..
20:59 Calinou according to the homepage
20:59 thexyz Calinou: no, github ui actually looks good
21:00 Calinou it seems to look simpler, that's all
21:00 Warr1024 Their new UI just looks different to me, not necessarily better or worse.
21:00 Uberi joined #minetest
21:00 EvergreenTree Hey Uberi!
21:00 Jordach anyone want to mest my prototype gen 5 model?
21:00 Uberi hey EvergreenTree :)
21:00 Jordach test*
21:01 Calinou hi EvergreenTree and Uberi
21:01 Uberi o/
21:01 Calinou (\
21:02 EvergreenTree /)
21:02 Jordach \o/\o/\o/\o/
21:03 ibloat thexyz, compared to pydev eclipse feels slow and bloated. it does work though
21:03 EvergreenTree (*.*)/
21:04 EvergreenTree sfan5, what were you searching for?
21:04 sfan5 conky
21:04 EvergreenTree It is configured via an html-like file
21:04 EvergreenTree inthe home directory
21:04 EvergreenTree You can use lua and python scripts with it as well
21:06 Calinou ibloat, see your nick
21:07 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
21:07 Calinou EvergreenTree, I prefer having CPU/RAM/network usage/battery bars in panel, instead of using conky
21:07 Calinou less time spent configuring stuff, less CPU used for displaying the stuff
21:08 john_minetest left #minetest
21:08 EvergreenTree Calinou, nicer looking though
21:08 Calinou but not very efficient :P
21:09 Calinou the stuff I use looks fine for me, it's just a simple 24px high bar
21:09 Calinou accurate enough
21:10 Leoneof joined #minetest
21:12 thexyz ibloat: I see, thanks
21:12 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
21:16 Jordach obligatory desktop
21:16 Microchip joined #minetest
21:20 rsiska joined #minetest
21:22 sfan5 Jordach: the home icon is cute <3
21:23 thexyz nice, i like how this vim plugin doesn't work and tells me it's my fault and kindly says i should go read the docs
21:24 EvergreenTree obligatory desktop screeny #2
21:24 EvergreenTree panels auto-hide
21:26 thexyz
21:30 MinetestBot GIT: ShadowNinja commited to minetest/minetest_game: Rework screwdriver and add protection support 64fdb49a32 2013-12-11T13:10:17-08:00
21:30 thexyz meeh
21:33 Calinou EvergreenTree, try using hexchat instead of xchat, it has security updates and new features ;)
21:33 Calinou there's a PPA for *buntus
21:33 Calinou
21:34 EvergreenTree mkay
21:34 EvergreenTree I might switch
21:34 thexyz oh that windows screenshot with #gentoo
21:36 Calinou how I IRC on netbook:'%C3%A9cran%20-%2011122013%20-%2022%3A35%3A06.png
21:38 Jordach Calinou, not bad
21:39 Jordach you actually got the weather widget working
21:39 Jordach didn't work for me :(
21:39 Calinou it's not hard, just add it, right click, properties, set your city
21:39 Calinou there is even up to 10 day forecast if you click (not very accurate :P)
21:39 Jordach tried, couldn't find mine
21:39 Calinou put a city that is near yours
21:40 Calinou my exact city is in it, I'm lucky :p
21:40 thexyz > 2014
21:40 thexyz > not getting colorhug
21:40 thexyz > not getting perfect colors
21:40 thexyz > not helping open hardware
21:40 Calinou colorhug? perfect colors? open hardware?
21:41 thexyz all those strange words, eh?
21:41 Calinou what do you mean? I know what's open hardware, but why?
21:41 thexyz why what?
21:46 PilzAdam bye
21:57 LazyJ joined #minetest
22:08 MinetestBot GIT: Sapier at GMX dot net commited to minetest/minetest: Implement search tab and version picker 4ccaa6d0af 2013-12-11T14:07:38-08:00
22:09 Renoki joined #minetest
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22:20 djdduty joined #minetest
22:33 BlockMen night everyone
22:33 BlockMen left #minetest
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22:44 V0id joined #minetest
22:51 john_minetest left #minetest
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23:09 IceCraft joined #minetest
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23:11 IceCraft joined #minetest
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23:14 paramat joined #minetest
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23:22 Exio4 and since it's coded in C, it's quite slow. Not really worth the download.
23:22 Exio4 because fuck logic!
23:23 OldCoder Logic is bad! :P
23:26 iqualfragile Exio4: what are you talking about?
23:27 Exio4
23:27 Exio4 errr
23:27 Exio4 sorry XD\
23:27 Exio4 not that
23:27 Exio4
23:27 MrBeNNy joined #minetest
23:27 Exio4 don't open the link btw
23:27 Exio4 it posted in some other channel for trolling and didn't remember i had it my clipboard
23:28 kaeza O_o
23:28 OldCoder ?
23:29 Exio4 the image
23:29 kaeza Exio4, it would be faster if it was written in Javascript! </lamefun>
23:29 Exio4 ha
23:30 paramat I have a wieldhand texture to contribute but should this be as a pull request from a topic branch of my own fork?
23:48 Warr1024 left #minetest

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