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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-10-12

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:26 JesseH ShadowNinja, You host any servers?
00:38 roboman2444 joined #minetest
01:20 OldCoder joined #minetest
01:37 Miner_48er joined #minetest
01:52 djdduty joined #minetest
01:52 djdduty joined #minetest
02:41 Peacock joined #minetest
02:52 dsfsgslsl joined #minetest
03:05 zat Miner_48er... are you the miner that joined my server using the nickname miner?
03:05 zat I kind of recognize that nickname.
03:05 Miner_48er no
03:06 Miner_48er joined #minetest
03:19 zsoltisawesome joined #minetest
03:21 zsoltisawesome The fox says geding-ding-ding ding-ding
03:21 NekoGloop the fox says trololololol
03:22 zsoltisawesome Lol
03:22 zsoltisawesome Anyone here of Hungarian origin?
03:25 zsoltisawesome Derp
03:27 zsoltisawesome joined #minetest
03:29 zsoltisawesome Derp
03:50 dante123 cjicken paprikash
03:50 dante123 chicken
03:50 dante123 that is
03:51 dante123 Derpa Dero
03:51 dante123 Derp that is
04:08 zat Peacock, ShadowNinja, thexyz, Sokomine, SQLite Rollback is done.
04:25 zat joined #minetest
04:36 hmmmm joined #minetest
04:42 zat DAmn it must sleep kisses to all
05:07 OWNSyouAll joined #minetest
06:04 jak1139 joined #minetest
06:04 jak1139 hi
06:05 jak1139 is anyone on?
06:05 jak1139 I have a qustion
06:05 jak1139 *question
06:07 Menche hmm?
06:07 GNADev|zRokh joined #minetest
06:07 GNADev|zRokh -clear
06:07 jak1139 I am just wondering if my computer can run minetest... the only thing that is terrible about my computer is the fact that I have a 128 mb integrated graphics card and a 2.8 ghz intel p4
06:07 GNADev|zRokh hi JesseH
06:08 jak1139 I have * GB of ram though
06:08 jak1139 *8
06:09 Menche i have an old p4 machine; on the lowest graphics settings it runs minetest at a barely playable framerate. yours seems like it might be a bit better, so it wouldn't hurt to try
06:09 Menche like 8-15 fps
06:10 jak1139 I'm gueessing it will have 0 playability on servers
06:10 Menche as long as your internet is fine, if anything it will be better on servers.
06:11 Menche because it will only have to handle the client end of things.
06:11 jak1139 oh well I get like 50 mb/s download and 15 up
06:11 jak1139 true true
06:12 Menche my old p4 has a higher clock speed but half the graphics memory and a fraction of the memory of yours
06:12 Menche it'll probably run better
06:12 jak1139 lol yah I had two extra ram slots and put another 4 gb in it so it's way op for the comp
06:12 jak1139 I hate my processor and graphics though -_-
06:13 jak1139 crappy old computer can't run Minecraft >_>
06:13 Menche lol
06:13 jak1139 well thanks for the help... I ain't gonna leave till I download it though
06:13 Menche i've tried both minetest and minecraft on my netbook; minetest ran playably, but minecraft had low fps on the menu screen
06:13 Menche before i started a game it was lagging
06:14 jak1139 oh man I used to have a netbook
06:15 jak1139 it could play doom and that was about it and that was at like 20 fps
06:15 jak1139 lol
06:15 jak1139 any reccomend for the build, should I just go default?
06:15 Menche which build to download?
06:16 jak1139 yah
06:16 jak1139 I'll just go official
06:17 Menche hmm, 5 different windows builds
06:18 Menche idk which to recommend as i don't use windows. but the official is the stable version, and most (?) of the 3rd party ones are of the dev
06:18 GNADev|zRokh go for default! :D
06:18 jak1139 are you on a server
06:19 jak1139 I went default
06:19 jak1139 I will need stability with my specs lol
06:19 Menche BlockMen's build has DirectX support
06:19 Menche which may help performance on windows, in some cases.
06:20 Menche stability? i've been using the latest git all the time without problems
06:20 jak1139 hmm well so far the entry screen runs, better than minecrafts lol
06:21 jak1139 ok well Ima try a server, any reccomendations for which server?
06:21 Menche if it's slow, try turning off shaders, 3d clouds, fancy leaves, and smooth lighting (in about that order)
06:21 jak1139 already turned all that off before even going in the game lol
06:24 jak1139 are you guys playing on a server?
06:28 jak1139 well something went wrong
06:28 jak1139 the game just crashed
06:28 Menche what exactly happened?
06:29 jak1139 idk I tried to get on the server and switched to check the irc and it stopped responding
06:29 jak1139 Do I need to get mods for the servers?
06:30 Menche no
06:30 Menche you don't have to have any game content of any kind installed to connect to a server; all content is sent from the server to the client
06:30 jak1139 hmmm
06:32 jak1139 well I just played single player for a couple minutes and I was getting around 20 fps
06:34 jak1139 and it did it again
06:34 Menche did the client crash?
06:34 jak1139 so basically it blackscreened but in the bottom left corner it flashed different images rapidly
06:34 Menche ah, it does that sometimes while connecting
06:35 jak1139 it just stopped responding
06:35 Menche if there's a lot of textures used on the server
06:35 Menche are the images still changing?
06:35 jak1139 so just relaunch
06:35 Menche yeah
06:35 jak1139 no it stopped responding
06:36 Menche did a cmd window come up with minetest? if so did you see any useful messages there?
06:36 jak1139 yah a cmd is up I'll see what it says this time around
06:36 jak1139 tanks for helpin a noob out btw
06:40 jak1139 okay so it did it again and the cmd basically said things like cannot load 1.png,2.png or something similar and said something about not loading shaders
06:40 jak1139 I'll try another server
06:46 Ritchie joined #minetest
07:00 khor joined #minetest
07:21 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
07:26 Hunterz joined #minetest
07:30 Krock joined #minetest
07:37 rsiska joined #minetest
07:44 khor joined #minetest
08:20 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
08:34 rsiska joined #minetest
08:53 jin_xi joined #minetest
08:53 Gethiox joined #minetest
08:58 ImQ009 joined #minetest
09:05 q66 joined #minetest
09:11 NekoGloop joined #minetest
09:20 anunakki joined #minetest
09:27 webdesigner97 joined #minetest
09:27 webdesigner97 hi
09:27 webdesigner97 anyone here who can help me with moving entities?
09:41 john_minetest joined #minetest
09:42 VanessaE hi
09:42 IceCraft joined #minetest
09:43 VanessaE nope
09:51 VanessaE define "proper"
09:52 VanessaE ah
09:52 VanessaE tried using a virtual machine?
09:57 ImQ009 joined #minetest
10:08 reactor joined #minetest
10:08 rotcaer o/
10:12 rotcaer
10:17 VanessaE nice
10:18 rotcaer ty
10:19 rotcaer vertical slabs and wallstairs are fab
10:20 rotcaer john_minetest: Pripyat.
10:20 FreeFull It'd be nice if smooth lighting worked for nodeboxes
10:20 rotcaer john_minetest: I'm porting a map, and making more correct buildings models
10:20 rotcaer FreeFull: as in, slabs and such?
10:21 rotcaer It would.
10:21 rotcaer I recall minecraft ving slab lighting bug.
10:21 rotcaer s/ving/having/
10:29 webdesigner97 gtg, bye :)
10:29 webdesigner97 left #minetest
10:29 nore joined #minetest
10:31 whirm joined #minetest
10:40 rotcaer So eh.
10:40 rotcaer Is there a way to generate structural decay automatically?
10:41 rotcaer As in, randomly replace stone nodes to cobble/mossy cobble/dirt and place grass over dirt
10:41 rotcaer s/to/tiem/
10:41 rotcaer s/tiem/with/
10:41 VanessaE john_minetest: gloopblocks.
10:42 JesseH rotcaer, perhaps by giving the nodes of each building "likelyhood to rot" numbers, which hook up to a random generator. So some may have chance to "decay" more often than others.
10:42 VanessaE (it does stone -> mossy stone; cobble -> mossy cobble)
10:42 JesseH Then change the nodes, and then eventually just take them away
10:42 JesseH (Delete them)
10:42 rotcaer hmm
10:43 JesseH How does Minetest handle the Lua side of things? Like does it load a lua state for each script?
10:46 JesseH john_minetest, You on a server?
10:46 JesseH I want to build :P
10:46 JesseH I think I'm going to join as well. VanessaE What's the ip? ;D
10:47 VanessaE port 30000 (creative) or 30001 (survival)
10:47 JesseH Wonder which one i should join
10:48 rotcaer How come MT doesn't accept X primary selection?
10:48 rotcaer Can't paste anything.
10:48 VanessaE rotcaer: old bug, allegedly irrlicht's fault
10:48 rotcaer mk
10:48 VanessaE supposedly KDE's clipboard manager works though
10:49 rotcaer Uh. Stuck on "item definitions".
10:50 VanessaE you running latest git?
10:51 rotcaer I am.
10:51 VanessaE ok
10:51 rotcaer Well, some days old.
10:51 VanessaE I guess just wait it out
10:51 VanessaE I did just run some updates
10:51 rotcaer Yes, it's loading
10:51 VanessaE ok
10:51 rotcaer Slowly, though. It might be my line.
10:53 rotcaer So, do servers currently support only onw world?
10:54 VanessaE one world per server, ues
10:54 VanessaE yes*
10:54 VanessaE but of course you can run as many servers as you have the resources to handle
10:54 rotcaer yep
10:55 rotcaer Are there conditions servers could max out the CPU?
10:55 rotcaer Or memory?
10:55 VanessaE mostly if a server uses a lot of mapgen-based mods will it max out CPU
10:56 VanessaE memory, really not so mucj
10:56 VanessaE much*
10:56 rotcaer Oh, so if singlenode mapgen it shouldn't?
10:56 VanessaE that should be fine, yeah
10:56 rotcaer Also, hmm.
10:56 VanessaE as long as you're not running some heavy mod on top of that
10:56 * NekoGloop pokes VanessaE with a evil sword
10:56 VanessaE ow.
10:56 VanessaE good thing those don't do any damage anymore
10:57 rotcaer Say, you have a map with nothing but air underground. Is there a way to generate proper underground structure for it?
10:57 NekoGloop Are they broken AGAIN
10:57 VanessaE NekoGloop: well I don't recall having updated them when that new damage system went into effect some months ago
10:57 NekoGloop I did that.
10:58 NekoGloop Remember?
10:58 VanessaE oh, right
10:58 VanessaE in that case, they do damage.
10:58 * VanessaE bleeds profusely.
10:58 NekoGloop
10:59 VanessaE oh yeah
10:59 * rotcaer spawns some band-aids.
10:59 NekoGloop 4 hearts
10:59 rotcaer john_minetest: mk
10:59 rotcaer john_minetest: idk eh.
10:59 VanessaE john_minetest: aww :(
10:59 rotcaer john_minetest: would you like to help me with the map?
11:00 rotcaer It mainly has to do with looking at the photos and yandsx maps.
11:00 rotcaer yandex*
11:00 NekoGloop Speaking of breaking, do weapons have the ability to break yet?
11:00 rotcaer and yandex panoramae
11:00 VanessaE heh ok
11:00 rotcaer NekoGloop: idk, but screwdriver does, and that's annoying :D
11:01 rotcaer john_minetest: mkay, I'll try and make a server in a second
11:01 NekoGloop screwdriver isn't a weapon
11:02 VanessaE and there's no way to set the wear level of a tool when it's used in a craft recipe either :-
11:02 rotcaer Hmm.
11:02 VanessaE :-/
11:02 rotcaer Is weather server-wide?
11:03 NekoGloop Well that much was a given, VE.
11:03 anunakki joined #minetest
11:03 rotcaer Also, hmm.
11:04 rotcaer onlycreativemobs
11:04 rotcaer But there are no mobs yet!
11:04 * NekoGloop thinks minetest is going to pretty much turn into terraria; not getting updates for years at a time
11:04 rotcaer s/creative/peaceful/
11:05 ImQ009_ joined #minetest
11:05 ImNotQ009 joined #minetest
11:11 rotcaer hmm
11:11 rotcaer static_spawnpoint defiled, still spawn at 0,0,0
11:11 rotcaer john_minetest: yes
11:11 rotcaer I can show you the building it was taken from :D
11:12 rotcaer ...or not... if I haven't yet pasted it
11:15 Gethiox joined #minetest
11:15 rotcaer ...wikipedia says oranges are edible unpeeled.
11:16 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
11:16 NekoGloop They technically are
11:16 NekoGloop probably tastes like shit
11:16 NekoGloop But they're -edible-
11:17 nore hi everyone...
11:17 VanessaE hey nore
11:17 * NekoGloop puts a kitten on nore's head
11:17 nore so, what happened this week?
11:17 NekoGloop I afk'd eternally
11:18 NekoGloop And paid no attention to #minetest
11:18 NekoGloop Like usual.
11:18 VanessaE nre:  big disaster today.   everything exploded.
11:18 VanessaE :P
11:19 NekoGloop Pokemon X and Y come out today yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
11:19 VanessaE heh
11:23 VanessaE bbl
11:39 chlue joined #minetest
11:42 blaze joined #minetest
11:45 twoelk joined #minetest
11:57 cornernote joined #minetest
12:11 thomasfuston joined #minetest
12:17 Jordach joined #minetest
12:20 Jordach wtf am i reading from last nights scrollback
12:20 * Jordach got 14 hours sleep
12:20 Jordach thatsarecord.jpg
12:21 markveidemanis joined #minetest
12:21 markveidemanis joined #minetest
12:21 markveidemanis joined #minetest
12:27 Jordach spppammmmm
12:27 ImQ009 joined #minetest
12:27 Jordach if it takes you five lines to enter a channel; you suck
12:39 hmmmm joined #minetest
12:42 zat joined #minetest
12:42 rotcaer How come the server is ignoring my default privs and spawnpoint setting?
12:43 hmmmm joined #minetest
12:45 rotcaer never mind, I ran it from the wrong dir
12:47 * arsdragonfly 's client hasn't disconnected since last night
12:47 arsdragonfly record-setting
12:51 rotcaer "Microsoft Works" is an oxymoron
12:52 Jordach HA
12:53 zat what is the procedure to get a feature I just incorporated to Minetest to be tried by someone?
12:53 zat hopefully being able to commit it through git
12:54 Jordach zat, create github account, fork minetest repo, git pull minetest repo, make changes, git push, pull request, ???, profit
12:54 zat Jordach: ...repeat
12:55 Jordach haha
12:55 pitriss hi, please, can anybody help me with moreblocks mod? How i make stairs plus recipes visible in unified inventory?
12:55 prestotron55 joined #minetest
12:55 zat I have an own git server, should work if it is not github I guess
12:55 pitriss (stairsplus is part of moreblocks)
12:55 Jordach we know
12:55 * prestotron55 is back and has Edubuntu
12:56 Jordach OUT. NOW.
12:56 Jordach also - verizon sucks
12:56 prestotron55 [deleted]
12:56 prestotron55 [deleted]
12:57 hmmmm joined #minetest
12:57 Jordach >Edu...
12:58 prestotron55 [deleted]
12:58 prestotron55 [deleted]
12:58 Jordach never mix education and gaming
12:58 Jordach you're up the creek with no paddle
13:03 hmmmm joined #minetest
13:03 hmmmm joined #minetest
13:05 nore hi
13:06 nore is there another core dev around?
13:18 fairiestoy joined #minetest
13:24 Jordach hmmmm is
13:27 Jordach sfan5, where the fuck is your upload server when i need it
13:27 Jordach (in fact apache2 appears to have crashed)
13:31 OldCoder nore, Hi
13:31 OldCoder I am not a core dev. But they will be here.
13:37 harrison john_minetest: come back -- all is forgiven
13:55 sfan5 Jordach: I'm at my cousin now..
13:55 VanessaE hi all.
13:55 * Jordach screams fuck
13:56 Jordach <darkrose> windows builds? no... that takes sdzen turning up at random to do it usually
13:56 Jordach and now that plan is dashed
13:59 Zeitgeist_ joined #minetest
14:04 NakedFury joined #minetest
14:11 ecube_ joined #minetest
14:11 ecube_ joined #minetest
14:14 rotcaer ?
14:14 VanessaE !
14:15 Jordach ??
14:15 VanessaE ¿
14:15 Jordach !!
14:17 troller Ы
14:18 zat Ы!
14:24 rotcaer Щ
14:24 rotcaer щ_Щ
14:26 rotcaer hmm
14:26 VanessaE שׁ
14:27 rotcaer max_users=4 and still denying more than 2 users to join
14:30 rotcaer Also, does anyone have a rc script for MT handy?
14:35 VanessaE rotcaer:
14:35 VanessaE this is how I start my servers
14:35 rotcaer rc.local -_-
14:35 VanessaE (I have two separate scripts, both run from /etc/rc.local (
14:35 rotcaer Mk, I'll fiddle with it.
14:52 * Jordach pokes VanessaE
14:52 VanessaE wot?
14:53 dante123 joined #minetest
14:53 rotcaer pawkes
14:54 rotcaer how do I write to the chat from the server?
14:54 Jordach you cant
14:55 rotcaer oh
14:55 rotcaer mk
14:55 rotcaer Is there such a thing as server console?
14:55 Jordach no
14:55 Jordach you can read output from the server, but not input
14:56 Jordach hello dante123
14:56 rotcaer mk
14:56 rotcaer So, no way to control it without loggin in via minetest?
14:56 rotcaer s/gin/ging/
14:57 Jordach exactly
14:57 rotcaer :(
15:08 nicknamenottaken Jordach: I had the idea, a week ago, of making a mod that would read from a socket
15:08 nicknamenottaken so you can pipe commands to the world
15:12 dante123 hello Jordach
15:13 rotcaer nicknamenottaken: that would be nice
15:13 zat Yes rotcaer, if someone does not make it I hopefully would develop it soon.
15:14 zat though I am not so good with lua.
15:26 dante123 its been so long, i forgot how to look up and see if server is running with command from in here?
15:26 dante123 what is the command?
15:26 Pest joined #minetest
15:26 dante123 !up or something like that
15:26 MinetestBot dante123: Invalid Address
15:27 dante123 !up
15:27 MinetestBot seems to be down
15:28 dante123 okay, so I have a script to update the dns....but when I execute it on this new linux pc....i don't get any indication that it updated
15:28 dante123 here it pastebin of script
15:29 dante123
15:30 dante123 do you see anything wrong with this script and shouldn't it return a message in terminal?
15:31 Calinou joined #minetest
15:32 NekoGloop joined #minetest
15:32 dante123 !up
15:33 MinetestBot seems to be down
15:33 dante123 !up
15:33 MinetestBot seems to be down
15:37 rotcaer !up
15:37 MinetestBot is up (103ms)
15:38 rotcaer 103 ms while pinging self!
15:38 rotcaer Must be a calculator.
15:41 dante123 !up
15:41 MinetestBot seems to be down
15:46 pitriss Calinou: hi, please i want to ask.. How i can force stairsplus from moreblocks to appear in unified inventory, in craft guide?
15:47 Calinou you'll have to change some code: in stairsplus.lua
15:47 Calinou remove "not_in_creative_inventory=1" from all definitions
15:48 rotcaer Creative inventory is inconvenient -_-.
15:49 ImQ009 joined #minetest
15:49 Calinou it's a GUI, yes
15:49 Calinou you can use /giveme if you have privs :3
15:50 rotcaer Oh.
15:50 dante123 !up
15:50 MinetestBot seems to be down
15:50 rotcaer I didn't know about the command.
15:50 rotcaer Thank you.
15:50 Calinou :o
15:50 pitriss Calinou: okay i will try that..
15:51 Calinou :)
15:53 pitriss Calinou: yes it is working.. please is possible to make this configurable from some file, to be able use your moreblocks as submodule in my game?
15:53 dante123 !up
15:53 MinetestBot ...
15:54 Calinou maybe it's possible, I'll try
15:54 pitriss Calinou: oh thank you
15:55 dante123 !up
15:55 MinetestBot ...
15:56 dante123 !up
15:56 MinetestBot ...
15:56 pitriss dante123: please use PM
15:56 dante123 what do the three dots mean from minetestbot???
15:56 dante123 ok sorry
15:56 pitriss erm query
15:56 dante123 forgot
15:56 MinetestBot seems to be down
15:56 rotcaer !up
15:57 MinetestBot seems to be down
15:57 rotcaer I KNEW it.
16:00 djdduty joined #minetest
16:00 MinetestBot blackhaw.k:30000 seems to be down
16:01 rotcaer heh
16:01 dante123 hi all, having troubles getting server visible from internet....using freedns
16:02 Calinou did you forward port 30000 in UDP?
16:03 dante123 ok will check that
16:03 dante123 here is my script
16:04 dante123 from like 6 months ago....I did change password on freedns recently....could that mean I need to change script?
16:04 Calinou not recent ones
16:05 JesseH left #minetest
16:07 rotcaer Compile it?
16:11 Calinou my Minetest seems to ignore all mods...
16:11 Calinou I don't have any more nodes
16:11 Wuzzy joined #minetest
16:12 Calinou are symlinks broken?
16:12 Calinou hi Wuzzy :)
16:19 Calinou this doesn't work :'( can't use a variable in a group definition
16:25 Dan_D joined #minetest
16:25 Dan_D left #minetest
16:26 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
16:42 dante123 joined #minetest
16:43 dante123 hi all, i seem to be having trouble getting my server to be seen...can anyone help
16:48 zat I have eyes
16:48 dante123 !up
16:48 fairiestoy Hey guys, i have a question. I tried to develop a furnace which should work even if the chunk is not loading and should be lag-resistand due to missing abms. But i ran into a problem. It says in line 168 that the temp_stack called is nil even if it shouldn't be. Heres the file
16:48 pitriss Calinou: So i should create some mod to redefine your definitions or just fork your moreblocks if variables doesn't work?
16:49 Calinou I tried doing them but this doesn't work. maybe you could help me :P
16:49 Calinou in config.txt I have a variable: not_in_creative_inventory=show_stairsplus_creative_inv
16:49 Calinou set to 0 by default and can be set to 1
16:49 Calinou err, the var is show_stairsplus_creative_inv
16:49 Calinou but the group definition is not_in_creative_inventory=show_stairsplus_creative_inv
16:50 Calinou regardless of the setting the stairs never show in creative inventory :(
16:50 pitriss Calinou: i'm newb at modding:D so i'm learning from others work atm
16:50 Calinou it's not like I'm too good at programming either
16:51 Calinou not for 0.4.7
16:52 Calinou I'll try concatenating
16:52 rotcaer What happens if a node falls into the abyss?
16:53 Calinou nope
16:53 Calinou rotcaer: a node can't
16:53 Calinou oh, nevermind
16:53 rotcaer an entity
16:53 rotcaer falling sand
16:53 Calinou I'll try :P
16:54 Calinou it falls indefinitely apparently
16:54 Calinou more or less...
16:54 Calinou like a dropped item
16:54 Calinou that's sad. :(
16:54 rotcaer but that would lead to overflows!
16:55 rotcaer could*
16:55 Calinou ye
16:55 Calinou yes
16:55 Calinou should be fixed :/
16:55 Calinou also only wya to get rid of it is /clearobjects
16:55 Calinou you can't punch falling sand
16:56 dante123 joined #minetest
16:57 Jordach dante123, i think your domain name might have run out - are you sure that has refreshed
16:57 Jordach or has the VPS expired
16:58 dante123 i've logged into freedns and everything looks good....
16:58 Jordach ssh into the vps, make sure it's alive
16:58 Jordach or at least check if it is still blocking LAN
16:58 Jordach WAN*
16:58 dante123 is there somewhere else I have to go to get the refreshed
16:59 dante123 can you try it.....server is up and running on original pc where I had it
16:59 dante123 Jordach, I can't remember how I did all this.....where do I go to setup/register the domain?
17:00 dante123 on router i have dmz setup for this pc
17:01 Jordach hold it
17:01 Jordach
17:01 Jordach the machine is actively alive, and is responding to my pings
17:02 Jordach the minetestserver instance may have died
17:02 dante123 just restarted it
17:02 Jordach that's why MinetestBot cannot check
17:02 Calinou O_o I'm on linux and my build is Minetest 0.4.7-MSVC-321-something
17:02 Jordach !up
17:02 Jordach MinetestBot!
17:02 MinetestBot Jordach!
17:02 markveidemanis joined #minetest
17:02 Jordach nuuu
17:03 Jordach dante123, did the port change? is the host machine displaying anything unusual
17:03 dante123 no, port 30000
17:03 Jordach hm
17:03 Kray joined #minetest
17:04 Jordach just sitting at connecting to server...
17:04 Jordach brb - ~15 mins
17:13 zat who wants to test the new rollback?
17:23 prestotron22 joined #minetest
17:23 prestotron22 Herro
17:24 pitriss Calinou: I was also scared by that MSVC something.. PA told me that is just normal..
17:25 rotcaer But UNIX doesn ot have Visual C!
17:25 rotcaer You're dropping UNIX support? :(
17:30 Peacock joined #minetest
17:33 us^0gb joined #minetest
17:33 Peacock lol this guy getting DOS'd over a stupid game ->
17:44 Kray joined #minetest
17:49 pitriss Calinou: hmm hmm, maybe i made it configurable..
17:50 pitriss Calinou: but IMO those settings in _config.txt should be default and _config.txt shouldn't be part of git..
17:51 pitriss so when someone do git pull then it will be not overwritten..
17:53 Calinou yeah but people have to write their own then
17:53 Calinou or I should make an example file but then the code would attempt doing a dofile on an unknown file if user doesn't have config file
17:55 Calinou works! thanks! :)
17:56 pitriss Calinou: Yw.. btw there can be check if file exists.. and when not, just let script set defaults..
17:57 pitriss and if exists, then check which ones are set up and other set as default:)
18:01 rsiska joined #minetest
18:10 dante123 okay, about 6 months ago I setup on port 30000 for freedns, now it is not working, could the "" have expired?  I can't remember how I set that all up and need some help doing it again...the domain name part
18:16 pitriss dante123: that domain is pointing at is this IP of your server?
18:19 Evergreen joined #minetest
18:20 dante123 yes
18:20 dante123 and server is up
18:20 dante123 can you try connecting (port 30000)
18:21 pitriss dante123: then it is not expired and problem is somewhere else
18:21 pitriss no atm.. I'm busy now..
18:21 Evergreen Lol, I just got a PM fro saikoe that is titled "Noob Head"  that says "You are such a noob"
18:21 us^0gb Is there a good way to be sure an ore that generates is exceedingly rare and not that it just never generates?
18:22 VanessaE generate it in air
18:22 VanessaE observe the result
18:22 us^0gb I did generate it in air, actually. It's an in-air ore.
18:23 VanessaE heh ok
18:23 us^0gb I see nothing .... but it's also supposed to be hard to find.
18:23 VanessaE well in that case, play with one of the parameters, see if it starts to show up
18:23 us^0gb I also set up an ABM to alert me if that ore loads.
18:23 VanessaE unless you're flirting with some internal precision limit, it's probably working fine, and is just simply THAT rare.
18:24 us^0gb Yeah, that's what I fear.
18:24 us^0gb I always seem to hit limits.
18:28 PilzAdam joined #minetest
18:28 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
18:30 us^0gb Hello!
18:31 us^0gb Hmm. Maybe I need a team to help me search.
18:32 us^0gb I need to find some sort of reward for finding it.
18:40 werwerwer joined #minetest
18:44 chlue us^0gb: You are aware that (at least if you have not changed it) ore will only spawn when the maparea is generated as as such you either need a new world or at least go somewhere where you never where before?
18:46 us^0gb chlue, yeah, I keep deleting map.sqlite to regenerate it. Good catch though, a lot of people don't realize that it only effects new areas.
18:47 chlue ok then happy hunting
18:48 dante123 can someone try connecting to server at
18:48 us^0gb I'm going to turn the rarity down a bit. I don't want it to be easy to find, but I have to be able to verify it exists myself.
18:48 dante123 please
18:48 us^0gb Doing ...
18:49 rotcaer Dong?
18:49 PilzAdam dangit! found a game that is less bloated than Pilztest:
18:49 us^0gb No, doing.
18:49 PilzAdam ^ Jordach
18:49 rotcaer Boing?
18:49 rotcaer Boioioioioing!
18:50 us^0gb PilzAdam, that's awesome. I'm going to try that game when I get home from work.
18:50 us{0gb joined #minetest
18:51 us{0gb XChat crashed.
18:51 us{0gb Probably a delayed reaction to me trying to paste what I copied from XChat into Minetest.
18:51 us{0gb I cannot connect to that server, dante123.
18:53 rotcaer XChat sucks.
18:53 rotcaer Its developers should be denied human rights.
18:53 us{0gb Okay, what would you recommend? I only use it for legacy reasons.
18:53 us{0gb I disagree that they should be denied human rights.
18:56 rotcaer us{0gb: there are a lot of nice IRC clients
18:56 rotcaer that have ebtter interface
18:56 rotcaer better*
18:57 us{0gb And I think XChat is nice, so if it isn't, I don't know what I'm looking for. What would YOU recommend?
18:57 chlue I use quassel but have not really tried anything else
18:59 pitriss us{0gb: depend on your preferences, os etc.. but I like Konversation from KDE
19:08 rsiska joined #minetest
19:12 us{0gb Where is register_ore defined? grep can't find it.
19:13 Jordach PilzAdam, lol
19:14 Jordach PilzAdam, i was actually going to do something with it :D
19:17 Calinou joined #minetest
19:18 Jordach PilzAdam, yeah, i'll go make a really lightweight game
19:19 Jordach maybe a re-visit to the times when things we're simple
19:19 chlue us{0gb: Mayee you mean the /mods/default/mapgen.lua the minetest.register_ore({... functions?
19:20 us{0gb Those functions, yes, but not those function calls. Those function definitions.
19:20 chlue they are in the c-source I guess
19:21 us{0gb I greped the C-source. THey didn't show up.
19:22 chlue what about l_mapgen.cpp line 405?
19:23 us{0gb I seem to be missing that file for some reason ...
19:24 chlue /src/script/lua_api/
19:25 us{0gb Okay, I got it. I was searching in src/* .
19:25 us{0gb Thank you!
19:26 us{0gb Is it just me, or is GitHub slow today?
19:27 Peacock joined #minetest
19:28 zat Done: you can clone the test implementation from: git://
19:31 us{0gb For which system? I lack the skill to compile for Windows, but I can compile for GNU/Linux.
19:31 ImQ009 joined #minetest
19:32 us{0gb Yeah, I don't know how to do that.
19:32 us{0gb If you want to walk me through it, I could try.
19:34 Jordach PilzAdam,
19:34 us{0gb Jordach, nice!
19:34 Jordach us{0gb, we're going old school with the new school
19:35 Jordach renewable lava
19:35 us{0gb I wish I had thought of that.
19:35 Jordach im also removing the animated textures; eg, a stripped down variant of the minetest_game
19:36 Jordach but i will throw in some extras
19:36 us{0gb My water sources don't animate, but I think everything else similar to a minetest_game animated node in my game animates.
19:36 Calinou :o your checkboxes look different, Jordach
19:37 Calinou mine have white background
19:37 us{0gb I might rethink that though, and only animate flowing liquids.
19:37 PilzAdam Calinou, that is Irrlicht 1.8
19:37 Calinou I thought of that yeah
19:37 PilzAdam it allows changing that color, and for some reason c55 decided that it looks better like this
19:38 * Jordach wants white
19:38 Jordach im also using a blockmen build
19:39 us{0gb Does Minetest use the same integer range for noise seeds as map seeds?
19:40 Calinou no idea, look in source :P
19:40 us{0gb Yeah, I can't see what I'm doing in the source. I suck at this.
19:42 Calinou me too
19:42 us{0gb And ... GItHub won't let me use the drop-down menu to reach other branches. *sigh*
19:42 Jordach btw, i've removed gold, copper and diamonds
19:42 Jordach all of them are useless, as is gold
19:42 Jordach s/gold/bronze
19:42 us{0gb Copper sucks.
19:43 us{0gb Gold and diamonds I could live with or without.
19:44 Jordach gold is just for building
19:44 PilzAdam Jordach, Id like if you create a new game instead of yet another minetest_game fork
19:44 Jordach PilzAdam, i'm basing it off of minetest-0.4-dev20120112
19:44 Jordach but with some 0.4.x features
19:44 Jordach i want a skeleton before i go anywhere
19:45 us{0gb PilzAdam, I'm building a not-fork. I'm bound to some similarities due to the mapgen aliases ans will have some other similarities to make it easy to pick up, but will otherwise be different. That said, my game will also be incredibly bloated like VanessaE_game.
19:46 us{0gb *and
19:48 us{0gb I'm not seeing RealBadAngel's skydome branch. I only see master, stable-0.3, and stable-0.2.
19:48 PilzAdam I guess its in master, RBA hasnt really figured out branches in git yet AFAIK
19:53 RedBlade7 joined #minetest
19:53 RedBlade7 hi
19:53 RedBlade7 i'm new to minetest, just got it yesterday
19:54 RedBlade7 is there any way to stop the pitch black nighttime?
19:54 RedBlade7 hurts my eyes trying to see with it, annoying to wait until the light comes back
19:54 PilzAdam the night isnt pitch black, just very dark
19:54 PilzAdam I suggest using torches
19:55 RedBlade7 yes i know there's stuff there but it's hard to see anyway
19:55 RedBlade7 where do you find the torches?
19:56 PilzAdam you craft them with coal and sticks
19:56 RedBlade7 how do you "craft" something lol
19:56 PilzAdam in your inventory you have a 3x3 grid
19:56 us{0gb THere's a setting in minetest.conf to make time stop. So it will always be day. I forget what setting, hold on.
19:56 PilzAdam you craft something by arranging items in there
19:57 PilzAdam e.g. when you place a tree trunk you get 4 wood blocks
19:57 RedBlade7 ok didnt see the "I" button
19:57 PilzAdam a wood block gives you 4 sticks
19:57 rotcaer 4 hardons
19:57 PilzAdam 3 wood blocks in the top row, and 2 sticks in the middle under it gives you a wodden pick, which allows to mine stone and coal
19:58 PilzAdam one stick and coal above gives you a torch
19:58 us{0gb RedBlade7, type "/set -n time_speed 72" when in the game and hit enter.
19:58 rotcaer enough to build a hardon collider
19:58 us{0gb Oops, I meant "/set -n time_speed 0".
19:58 us{0gb john_minetest, it sounds like you have no intention to take me up on my offer, and now I have to leave anyway. Later!
19:59 RedBlade7 after it turns daylight you mean?
20:01 RedBlade7 i set to "900" and tried to catch it at "0" but i keep missing it
20:01 PilzAdam use /time 12000  and then set time_speed to 0
20:02 PilzAdam or first set it to 0 and then /time 12000
20:02 RedBlade7 thank you so much PilzAdam and us{0gb
20:02 PilzAdam anyway, that is considered cheating
20:02 RedBlade7 my computer faces from a window where the sun sets
20:02 PilzAdam you should learn to play the game how its meant, that is using crafting
20:02 RedBlade7 so depending on the time of day i cant play games
20:03 RedBlade7 ok i was just building stuff with the blocks
20:03 RedBlade7 will learn stuff
20:03 RedBlade7 it's not cheating, it's eye health
20:03 RedBlade7 i need to go to the doctor, it's been over a year
20:03 PilzAdam you are always free to play creative without a day night cycle, though
20:03 Jordach woot
20:03 Jordach
20:04 Jordach i used the terminal to push it
20:04 RedBlade7 i installed the 256kb hgx tiles
20:04 PilzAdam Achievement get: Average git user
20:05 Jordach
20:06 Jordach instead of having to create a folder with the unzipper, i leave a folder, so people can just drag the folder already in there and not having to rename shit
20:07 Jordach hey Evergreen
20:07 Evergreen 'Ello
20:07 Jordach
20:07 Jordach that repo has been silent for 4 months
20:08 Jordach i've also corrected some bugs: you get 4 stone bricks (either variant) instead of the one
20:08 RedBlade7 is there any way to plant new trees in this game?
20:09 PilzAdam RedBlade7, yes
20:09 PilzAdam !wik sapling
20:09 MinetestBot "Saplings can be gathered from leaves, when you mine leaves (1 in 20 chance), or cut down a tree there is a 1 in 20 chance for each leaf block to drop a sapling." -
20:09 Calinou hi Evergreen :)
20:09 PilzAdam ^ sfan5 update to
20:09 RedBlade7 PilzAdam: that makes sense. i did get apples once but never again
20:09 sfan5 hm?
20:09 zat Guys would someone please compile a fork I just uploaded to see if it works fine somewhere else
20:10 RedBlade7 i know they disappear
20:10 PilzAdam RedBlade7, may I just point you to
20:10 RedBlade7 the bushes
20:10 RedBlade7 if the tree is gone
20:10 RedBlade7 ok
20:10 RedBlade7 ok going the PilzAdam
20:12 Jordach
20:12 Jordach !title
20:12 MinetestBot Jordach: add Sam II woo mother fucker · 7a9c57d · Jordach/jordach_game · GitHub
20:12 Jordach :D
20:14 mahomet joined #minetest
20:14 mahomet joined #minetest
20:15 RedBlade7 if you pause time like i did, do the saplings not grow?
20:15 PilzAdam they still grow
20:15 PilzAdam you only stop the day-night cycle
20:18 pitriss I have question about day night cycle.. setting it to 24 makes one ingame day last for one hour?
20:19 Wuzzy joined #minetest
20:19 RedBlade7 hey one of the saplings grew! :)
20:26 Jordach say hello to the quad stair:
20:26 PilzAdam hi
20:26 Wuzzy hello!
20:27 anunakki joined #minetest
20:27 * Jordach thinks it looks better than normal stairs, but will keep the normal stairs
20:27 anubiz joined #minetest
20:30 Jordach any ideas for a nodebox?
20:31 Calinou didn't you make that "quad stair" thing a long time ago? :P
20:31 Jordach Calinou, but it wasnt perfect 1/4
20:31 Calinou also it's not hard to make, don't need a nodebox editor for that :P
20:31 * Jordach thinks wall mounted radiators
20:39 * Jordach adds the all powerful air sword into his game
20:49 * Jordach looks at Calinou's reddit
20:50 Calinou u jelly of my 445 comment karma
20:50 Calinou and 27 link karma
20:50 Jordach
20:50 Jordach way better.
20:51 Jordach 404's on PilzAdam
20:52 RedBlade7 is it possible to get out of mining and back to the surface if your pickaxe runs out?
20:52 Calinou that's what she said
20:52 RedBlade7 or do i have to delete
20:52 ImQ009 joined #minetest
20:52 Calinou using building nodes you can
20:52 Jordach nope
20:52 Calinou also, you could make staircases and ladders
20:52 Jordach you cant dig stone with fists
20:53 sfan5 lol
20:54 RedBlade7 made another so i got out now
20:56 Evergreen_ joined #minetest
20:59 Wuzzy joined #minetest
21:03 VanessaE hi
21:03 Evergreen_ joined #minetest
21:04 Evergreen Lol, let me log out of webchat
21:04 Evergreen That's better
21:07 RedBlade7 thanks for showing me how to play
21:07 RedBlade7 gotta go
21:07 RedBlade7 bye
21:09 VanessaE webchat indeed.  for shame :)
21:12 Wuzzy joined #minetest
21:14 Calinou gtg night
21:16 VanessaE night
21:16 Menche joined #minetest
21:17 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
21:17 jojoa1997 hi
21:17 VanessaE hi
21:27 NakedFury joined #minetest
21:30 Evergreen Hi NakedFury
21:34 NakedFury hi
21:34 ImQ009_ joined #minetest
21:34 PilzAdam joined #minetest
21:49 * VanessaE just had a bowl of beef ramen with shredded cheddar cheese melted and blended into it......  Mmmmm ramen noodle heaven
21:54 NakedFury nice
21:54 NakedFury might try that some time
21:59 ImNotQ009 joined #minetest
22:11 PilzAdam bye
22:31 Evergreen joined #minetest
22:31 Evergreen left #minetest
22:32 Evergreen joined #minetest
22:41 pitriss please, can anybody tell me what is bobblocks:btm ?
22:42 VanessaE I think it was originally supposed to be a currency device
22:42 VanessaE but I guess he never finished it
22:43 pitriss ahh okay, thanks.. so when i remove it out of source then nothing will be hurt..
22:44 VanessaE probably not, but why remove it?
22:45 pitriss and why should I have some not functional device on server?:)
22:45 VanessaE decoration? :)
22:46 pitriss hmm hmm it needs rat to craft and we don't have rats:D
22:46 VanessaE heh
23:19 Miner_48er joined #minetest
23:42 Pelayo joined #minetest
23:43 Miner_48er joined #minetest

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