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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-09-17

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 Inocudom I didn't know that cisoun was still here. Too bad he left.
00:01 [0gb_us] That would be interesting to know. Most probably just look up the license online though.
00:01 kaeza
00:02 AWTom
00:03 kaeza more is a bit more in-depth :P
00:04 kaeza (and linked from the tutorials page)
00:05 ShadowNinja kaeza: Not anymore. Add your tutorial to the texture packs page (And remove the shell code?)
00:10 kaeza ShadowNinja, feel free to improve it :)
00:10 frogcrush joined #minetest
00:10 frogcrush joined #minetest
00:24 ShadowNinja kaeza: Anything to add?
00:26 kaeza looks good
00:27 AWTom Wouldn't this be a better link to default textures?
00:28 AWTom also, is not where the software is hosted
00:28 kaeza
00:29 * kaeza uses ASEprite :P
00:29 VanessaE ShadowNinja: you forgot to mention how texture packs can be placed in ~/.minetest/textures  and just referenced with the in-game selection screen
00:30 [0gb_us] That's not quite available officially yet.
00:30 [0gb_us] I'd hold off on adding that until the stable version to avoid confusion.
00:33 VanessaE I suppose
00:34 kaeza as if there weren't enough confusion yet :P
00:34 * kaeza pokes the Ubuntu people to update from 0.3.1 to 0.4.7
00:35 Pelayo kaeza, you can always add the ppa
00:35 kaeza Pelayo, still, some people only know about software center
00:35 [0gb_us] I know, right? Though I think it's the Debian people that need to update, Ubuntu updates off of Debian.
00:37 AWTom I think that there should be a separation between the game engine features and the default game features in the wiki
00:37 [0gb_us] Yes, definitely.
00:38 Pelayo well, I've been playing with it for two days and touching some things.. and I'm still confused
00:38 AWTom This page might be confusing to a newcomer
00:38 [0gb_us] Great, I broke my package manager.
00:40 OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest
00:40 Evergreen kaeza: I can't seem to get ASEprite to compile for me.   :S
00:41 kaeza huh
00:42 AWTom this seems ridiculous
00:48 Evergreen kaeza, I'm trying to get it to compile again, and it is working so far
00:51 Evergreen Wait, I think I remember what the problem was.   I tried to run the executable, but it wouldn't work.   (IIRC)
00:51 Exio4 [0gb_us]: debian sid is updated
00:51 OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest
00:52 [0gb_us] Exio4, I'm the one trying to migrate to Trisquel, not the one trying to migrate to Debian.
00:52 Exio4 [21:35:34] <[0gb_us]> I know, right? Though I think it's the Debian people that need to update, Ubuntu updates off of Debian.
00:52 OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest
00:52 Evergreen I was wondering, could you build a preatty good computer for ~600$?
00:53 Evergreen (excluding mouse, keyboard, etc
00:53 Exio4 Evergreen: depends, where do you live
00:53 Evergreen US
00:53 Exio4 you could build a better PC than mine with 500USD :P
00:54 Exio4 and mine was 800USD (here) without the screen!
00:54 [0gb_us] OH! Sorry, I was on the wrong topic then. That's great that Debian updated its copy of Minetest!
00:55 Evergreen I'm pretty sure I could build a better computer than the one I have already.   I got it for 190 dollars, and it has 3GB of ram, an 80gb hard drive (plus a 1TB external drive), and an intel centrino duo
00:56 Evergreen I'm not sure what it is clocked at
00:57 AWTom If you're making a new build, try the AMD A10, best on-die graphics out there afaik
01:00 Evergreen Yay, it works, thanks kaeza
01:00 kaeza nice :)
01:00 Evergreen (aseprite that is
01:01 Exio4 AWTom: or my IGP, the worse dedicated gpu!
01:01 Exio4 err
01:01 Exio4 my GT610
01:01 Pelayo hell yeah
01:02 Pelayo this is me doing a script:
01:02 Pelayo but it works! finally!
01:02 Pelayo :P
01:03 OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest
01:05 thomasfuston joined #minetest
01:11 Element joined #minetest
01:11 Guest80972 hello everyone
01:11 kaeza hai
01:12 Guest80972 how do i change my username here
01:12 Chinchow joined #minetest
01:13 VanessaE Guest80972: /nick something
01:14 Guest80972 is there a program i can use that will make a minetest map into rock and water
01:14 VanessaE not directly, but soon minetest will natively have that ability
01:14 VanessaE (it already does in development builds but there are as yet no mods I know of that will do this)
01:15 Chinchow My Mapgen v7 does that as it's not finished
01:15 VanessaE you could just alias dirt, grass, etc. into stone
01:15 Guest80972 than can i change something in the minetest program
01:15 Guest80972 how do i do that
01:15 VanessaE you don't change anything in the engine - you write a mod instead.  a mod is a piece of Lua code, perhaps some textures, that tells the engine to do stuff
01:16 Guest80972 yea i dont know how to write a mod
01:17 VanessaE it's not hard to learn
01:17 VanessaE google for "lua tutorial" and learn this:
01:17 VanessaE lua_api.txt describes how to interface with the engine
01:18 Guest80972 ok
01:18 Pelayo mmm, btw, the texture pack selector says "no information available".. what files does it search for?
01:18 VanessaE Pelayo: it looks for info.txt
01:18 VanessaE in the texture pack's folder
01:19 VanessaE and screenshot.png
01:19 Pelayo ah, really intuitive :P
01:19 Pelayo thansk
01:19 Pelayo thanks
01:19 VanessaE sure
01:24 AWTom Is string useless in the default mod?
01:24 Exio4 you can craft wool, iirc
01:25 AWTom where in the minetest directory do I run make?
01:27 VanessaE at the top level
01:27 VanessaE be sure you do the cmake step first of course
01:27 VanessaE cmake . -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1 ; make -j4
01:28 [0gb_us] I'm'a reboot and see what happens to my laptop. See you in a bit!
01:28 VanessaE (or =0 )
01:28 VanessaE (if you want a system-wide install)
01:28 AWTom Thanks. What does -j4 do?
01:28 VanessaE uses 4 threads while compiling
01:29 AWTom interesting
01:29 VanessaE makes it compile faster
01:29 AWTom CMake Error at src/CMakeLists.txt:80 (message):   Sound enabled, but cannot be used.
01:29 VanessaE (I assume you have multiple cores)
01:29 AWTom I have exactly 4
01:30 VanessaE ok, you need to install openal and/or vorbis
01:30 VanessaE sudo apt-get install build-essential libirrlicht-dev cmake libbz2-dev libpng12-dev libjpeg8-dev libxxf86vm-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libsqlite3-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libopenal-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libfreetype6-dev
01:30 VanessaE (that'll grab everything you need)
01:30 PilzAdam no! dont get Element in IRC...
01:31 AWTom Just a question... is everything you're telling me in a list somewhere?
01:31 VanessaE AWTom:
01:31 VanessaE there. :)
01:32 VanessaE haha
01:32 VanessaE rtfm? :)
01:33 AWTom ;_;
01:34 VanessaE PilzAdam: you don't have to talk to him you know.
01:35 PilzAdam but its hard to read actual useful messages between all the wall of spam that these people tend to produce
01:35 Pelayo there is a nice command... /ignore
01:36 VargaD joined #minetest
01:36 kaeza PilzAdam, quit being a dickhead maybe?
01:36 VanessaE /kick PilzAdam don't be a dick
01:36 VanessaE :P
01:39 [0gb_us] joined #minetest
01:39 Guest99339 It seems I killed my system now. It won't load past the splash screen, ha ha.
01:40 VanessaE heh, oops :)
01:40 _0gb_us I don't even have my NickServ password on this other system, as you see.
01:41 VanessaE wait, you b0rk3d your OS?  ouch
01:41 _0gb_us I seem to have, yes.
01:41 _0gb_us Ha ha.
01:41 _0gb_us I knew it was a risky operation. I knew what I was possibly getting into.
01:42 AWTom Element is a genius
01:42 _0gb_us How so?
01:42 VanessaE time to grab your handy ubuntu install thumdrive :)
01:42 VanessaE thumb*
01:43 AWTom his profile points to a facebook address linked to an AOL e-mail
01:43 _0gb_us I have it on a DVD, but yeah. Easy fix. Then install KeePassX, grab my backup from yesterday, and I should be back in business.
01:43 VanessaE DVD?  what'
01:44 _0gb_us I don't get how that's genius ....
01:44 VanessaE DVD?  what's that?  Oh right.  those little plastic discs....
01:44 VanessaE :D
01:44 _0gb_us A live DVD. It wouldn't fit on a CD, and I couldn't lose the files on my flash drive.
01:45 AWTom so... get more flash drives?
01:45 _0gb_us Hmm. Now that's a though.
01:45 _0gb_us I probably should ....
01:45 AWTom _that_ is genius
01:45 PilzAdam bye
01:45 Chinchow @AWTom sarcasm?
01:45 _0gb_us *thought
01:46 AWTom Chinchow: I'm not sure
01:46 _0gb_us The other system still says it's loading ... I'd love to know what it's doing.
01:46 _0gb_us And why it's failing.
01:46 Chinchow I mean are you being sarcastic?
01:47 AWTom <AWTom> so... get more flash drives?      that was sarcastic
01:47 VanessaE _0gb_us: probably kernel-panicked, or sitting at a singleuser prompt hidden behind a broken console driver
01:47 Chinchow No the aol,Element comment.
01:47 AWTom try operating it headless
01:48 _0gb_us I don't have a way to log in headleass, but I'll see what I can do from tty1.
01:48 VanessaE ssh in?
01:49 _0gb_us There's no ssh server set up on the machine though.
01:49 VanessaE damn.
01:49 _0gb_us Login sucessful, and quick, from tty1.
01:49 VanessaE oh good
01:49 _0gb_us Yeah, my server has ssh access, but not so much on the laptop.
01:49 _0gb_us I
01:50 _0gb_us I'm in, but I have no idea what to do from here.
01:50 AWTom_ joined #minetest
01:50 _0gb_us sudo killall x-server?
01:50 Pelayo dmesg for example
01:50 VanessaE run off a quick backup and re-install :P
01:50 AWTom_ I wonder what happened
01:50 _0gb_us I already have my backup, I took it before I started, ha ha.
01:51 AWTom_ Chinchow:
01:51 Pelayo ugh..
01:51 _0gb_us dmesg has way too much output for me to use.
01:52 Pelayo I rotated MC's torch texture
01:52 Pelayo it looks awful..
01:52 VanessaE mine are better :P
01:52 kaeza ^ SPAM
01:53 Pelayo
01:53 * VanessaE looks at kaeza
01:53 Pelayo at least the grass looks a little better.. but torches are really bad
01:53 VanessaE Pelayo: ew.
01:53 ShadowNinja _0gb_us: killall X && startx?
01:53 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
01:54 Pelayo might need manual editing after all :/
01:54 _0gb_us It says no x or x-server processes can be found.
01:54 Pelayo tried rotating them in different angles and all of them look pretty bad
01:54 ShadowNinja (Or your your login manager, like gdm, as root)
01:54 VanessaE Pelayo: just use a really high resolution texture instead
01:54 Pelayo nah, I'm trying to make a generic script for converting resource packs
01:54 kaeza _0gb_us, capital X?
01:54 _0gb_us Yeah, I was using sudo. I'll try gdm.
01:54 VanessaE since MC's torches are meant to look smooth along the diagonals, you have to use a high rez texture for the rotated ones.
01:54 ShadowNinja _0gb_us: Make sure it is capital, and if it isn't running just start it.
01:54 ShadowNinja _0gb_us: Distro?
01:55 VanessaE s/ones/one/
01:55 _0gb_us I tried lower case x, but capital X isn't found either.
01:55 _0gb_us It is running, I can see it in "tty7".
01:55 * ShadowNinja has it on tty1. :-)
01:55 _0gb_us No gdm found either.
01:56 ShadowNinja _0gb_us: Distro? It might be lightdm, or lxdm, or kdm...
01:56 Pelayo gdm? if you are on a recent ubuntu or mint it's lightdm or mdm
01:56 _0gb_us tty7 seems to be the default, it always ends up there for me.
01:56 VanessaE Pelayo: using imagemagick in your script, you could scale the on-floor texture up to say, 256px, rotate it, scale and crop the result back to 256, and save that one image out
01:56 _0gb_us Lightdm sounds right ... I'll try that.
01:56 Pelayo I was using imagemagick so I'll try that
01:56 _0gb_us No process found.
01:57 kaeza _0gb_us, ps -A | grep X
01:57 ShadowNinja _0gb_us: Distro? KDE? Unity? Gnome2? 3?
01:57 VanessaE Pelayo: just be sure for the initial 16->256px scale step, you use nearest neighbor or 'none' or whatever IM calls it.
01:58 Pelayo thanks, I'm a newbie with imagemagick
01:59 _0gb_us ShadowNinja: Xubuntu / Trisquel / somewhere in between.
02:00 _0gb_us kaeza: No output.
02:00 AWTom For minetest.conf on the wiki, should I link to or
02:00 VanessaE _0gb_us: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log
02:01 VanessaE see if there's an error there near the end
02:01 VanessaE e.g. no screens found or so
02:01 VanessaE AWTom: the second one.
02:02 VanessaE just be sure you indicate very clearly that the file must be named minetest.conf (without the .example part).
02:02 VanessaE lots of people miss that.
02:03 OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest
02:03 _0gb_us VanessaE: At the end, no errors. "Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file."
02:03 VanessaE hrm, well scan back upwards a bit
02:05 _0gb_us I don't see anything that looks like an error.
02:05 Pelayo -_- I hate biomes, I don't understand how the color is applied...
02:05 _0gb_us What color?
02:05 AWTom is there a way to search the wiki for red links?
02:05 VanessaE _0gb_us: I think he means things like wild grass
02:06 Pelayo grass and some vegetation in MC
02:06 VanessaE which can change color depending on the biome its in
02:06 VanessaE Pelayo: in those cases, just pick a good color and apply that always
02:06 VanessaE MT doesn't have color-changing textures of that nature
02:07 OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest
02:08 Chinchow joined #minetest
02:08 Pelayo it's a problem, I thought I had choosen the right color (it's taken from MC's or the resource pack's biome gradient, from the exact pixel I read, 128,128) and then reducing gamma to 0,4
02:08 Pelayo that works mostly fine for mc's default textures but not for others..
02:09 Pelayo maybe I should ignore that gradient and use grass block top side border as color reference, so it at least fits
02:10 VanessaE that should work
02:10 OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest
02:15 Pelayo nah, but I'll do it tomorrow, I did enough today :P
02:15 AWTom what is the difference between the wiki and the wiki?
02:18 VanessaE the .com one is outdated and not official, I guess
02:18 VanessaE the .net one is the 'real' one.
02:18 AWTom ;_;
02:18 AWTom I might possibly have been linking to the .com one
02:24 AWTom I undid that
02:38 AWTom Does anyone know how to fix ?
02:45 VanessaE change {{Heart | 0.5}} into a proper link
02:45 VanessaE [[xxxx|0.5]]  for whatever pacge xxxx it needs to point to
02:45 VanessaE page*
02:46 VanessaE or just write 0.5 without linking anywhere since there is no "heart" or "health" page.
02:47 AWTom How does {{Heart | 0.5}} work? Where is the code making that happen?
02:47 VanessaE nono, not {{ }}, but [[ ]]
02:47 VanessaE {{ }} normally point to special Wiki functions
02:47 AWTom how does it display a half_heart.png?
02:47 VanessaE [[ ]] point to other pages
02:47 VanessaE idk
02:47 AWTom hm
02:48 VanessaE oh I see what you mean
02:49 AWTom it looks like it's working, but not correctly
02:49 VanessaE seems to be doing that on all pages
02:49 VanessaE so it's a Wiki bug then
02:49 AWTom found the template
02:50 * VanessaE reads the template
03:02 VanessaE I just don't see anything wrong with the template.  must be a bug in the wiki code somewhere.
03:08 AWTom Why sleep if clouds are disabled?:       if (m_clouds_enabled){ cloudPostProcess(); } else { sleep_ms(25); }
03:09 VanessaE that's probably for the main menu
03:10 VanessaE no point in rendering something that isn't there :P
03:11 AWTom Why not just nop>
03:13 * VanessaE shrugs
03:16 AWTom I found a comment about not using something because of wine, and another sleep_ms(25) related to menu cloud rendering
03:17 VanessaE the delay is there to limit the fps of the main menu clouds
03:17 VanessaE but idk how the OS/CPU actually handle sleep() calls
03:17 AWTom seems odd to have a hardcoded delay
03:18 Peacock wheres the old give initial stuff mod?
03:18 VanessaE in minetest_game/mods
03:19 AWTom I'm finding a lot of repeated code
03:21 kaeza joined #minetest
03:21 Peacock thanks V
03:21 * VanessaE pokes kahrl
03:21 VanessaE er
03:21 * VanessaE pokes kaeza too
03:21 kaeza hai
03:25 diemartin joined #minetest
03:28 AWTom I played with the source, and make failed with nothing but "Error 2"
03:29 VanessaE oops :)
03:29 AWTom I was expecting an error, but with some sort of information ;_;
03:30 _0gb_us Two is information. It's the number of mistakes you made. Now go find them!
03:31 AWTom Is the Minetest source a good one to learn from, in terms of formatting and structure?
03:32 _0gb_us I'm told it's messy code, Minetest.
03:32 VanessaE well both are rather well-enforced these days
03:32 VanessaE though I suppose old parts of the code is not
03:32 VanessaE are not*
03:32 _0gb_us "Both"? Both what?
03:33 VanessaE the formatting and the overall structure
03:33 _0gb_us Okay, got it.
03:37 MinetestBot GIT: kwolekr commited to minetest/minetest: Weather: Clean up getHeat/getHumidity somewhat 9bccd75e34 2013-09-16T20:33:53-07:00
03:37 OldCoder joined #minetest
03:53 MinetestBot GIT: kwolekr commited to minetest/minetest: Fix some warnings and other minor details c0398224ef 2013-09-16T20:52:42-07:00
03:59 OldCoder joined #minetest
04:15 thefamilygrog66 joined #minetest
04:15 thefamilygrog66 howdy
04:15 VanessaE hi
04:16 AWTom Does anyone know of a small, well-formed and written project that I can read for learning purposes?
04:16 thefamilygrog66 99x99 all-cloud maze:
04:17 VanessaE nice
04:17 thefamilygrog66 thanks! another angle:
04:18 AWTom I followed that with my cursor, keeping to the right. It didn't take as long as I thought to get out
04:18 thefamilygrog66 yep, some are easier than others - all randomly generated
04:20 thefamilygrog66 3-storey 67x67 maze building: 1st floor sandstonebrick walls/desert stone floor, 2nd floor glass walls/obsidian floor, 3rd floor tree walls, junglewood floor
04:20 thefamilygrog66
04:20 thefamilygrog66 roof shot:
04:21 VanessaE wow
04:22 thefamilygrog66 it generates them really quickly, and I made an interface so the player can just type in wall and floor materials and side length and bam, hit it and instant custom hedge maze
04:22 thefamilygrog66 any size from 3 - 99
04:30 ch98 joined #minetest
04:32 khor joined #minetest
04:33 AWTom What do you guys think about Irrlicht?
04:35 VanessaE careful with that question
04:35 VanessaE you're apt to get rather...explosive results :)
04:35 VanessaE some here think irrlicht is good, others have advocated for a move to OGRE, some suggest going with pure OpenGL..
04:36 AWTom pure OpenGL sounds like a big move to me
04:41 AWTom good night, all
04:44 VanessaE night
04:44 Smelly joined #minetest
04:45 Smelly Hello all, is anyone having trouble loging into servers right now?
04:45 VanessaE nope
04:45 Smelly Odd, I cant seem to join any
04:46 Smelly just says connecting
04:46 Smelly Oh wait, I was able to get into one
04:46 Smelly Now to just get back in my main one I play on
04:48 Smelly Is anyone on here from landrush server?
04:49 VanessaE nope :)
04:49 kaeza I'm from Uruguay if that matters :P
04:49 VanessaE actually, it's quite busy...
04:49 Smelly Well I know your not VanessaE lol yea I see some names in here who where on
04:49 Smelly Must be to focused on their game to look at IRC
04:49 Smelly happens to the best of us
04:50 VanessaE most of the names you see right now are people who are either asleep, at work, or just busy
04:51 Smelly Yeap :)
04:51 Smelly So what are you up two these days?
04:51 kaeza welcome to IRC: the realtime chat where nothing happens :)
04:51 Smelly Indeed
04:51 Smelly lol
04:52 VanessaE just reading random stuff
04:52 Smelly Exciting lol
04:55 Pelayo meh, some support channels are awful... :/
04:55 Smelly Ever go into minecraft IRC
04:55 Smelly I feel like we are two teams against each other in world series
04:56 VanessaE don't waste your time there.
04:56 Pelayo well, that's common when there are forked or somewhat related projects
04:56 VanessaE apparently they have a high incidence of banning people who are associated with minetest, without reason
04:57 Smelly Because their dumb
04:57 VanessaE they're*
04:57 Pelayo that happens too in the ubuntu channel if you mention you need help with mint (that's basically ubuntu with another default desktop)
04:57 VanessaE and I doubt "dumb" is the right word.
04:57 Smelly Oh a grammer Nazi lol
04:57 Pelayo or with ubuntu users asking in the debian channel..
04:57 Pelayo etc
04:57 Smelly I think dumb is universal term
04:58 Smelly What word would you use?
04:58 VanessaE not sure
04:58 VanessaE immature perhaps
04:59 Smelly Maybe
04:59 Smelly I just hate when people ban anywhere for no reason.
04:59 Smelly Then you have the ones who abuse the power lol
05:00 Pelayo well, I got yelled by a programmer for just a question...
05:00 kaeza Minetest is a free alternative (speaking of "free as in gratis, $0" here)
05:00 kaeza that's not good for business in their terms
05:00 Pelayo not banned, but felt worse because it was completely out of place
05:00 VanessaE Pelayo: likely something they feel you should have looked up via a search engine
05:00 Smelly Don't sweat it someone people just don't know how to be human.
05:01 Smelly some*
05:02 Smelly Gah, I'm so cold
05:02 Smelly Vanessa Hold me
05:02 Smelly lol
05:02 VanessaE no.
05:02 Smelly But what if I die
05:02 Smelly lol
05:02 kaeza Pelayo, this is interesting reading on that topic:
05:03 Pelayo VanessaE, I don't think that was the case, I read later that programmer has a serious fixation with that topic on his program
05:03 VanessaE ohh
05:03 Smelly In other words you hit a nerve
05:03 Pelayo yup
05:03 Smelly Smooth
05:03 Smelly lol
05:04 neko259 joined #minetest
05:04 Smelly Okay this is insane I am freezeing brb I need a blanket
05:04 ImQ009 joined #minetest
05:04 Pelayo I tried to ask that politely, but it looks like lots of people weren't, so he might have thought I was going to bitch about that
05:05 VanessaE ah
05:05 Smelly back
05:05 VanessaE well sometimes you just can't approach a person without pissing them off
05:06 VanessaE I've known people whose very proximity was enough to piss them off.
05:06 Pelayo specially if that person is Phil Fish :P
05:06 VanessaE *checks wikipedia*
05:06 Smelly Where do I no that name
05:06 VanessaE hm, not familiar.
05:06 VanessaE Smelly: know*
05:06 Pelayo Fez designer (the game, not the hats)
05:07 Smelly Wait
05:07 Smelly Vanessa
05:07 VanessaE please use at least somewhat-proper english
05:07 Smelly Really
05:07 Smelly lol
05:07 Smelly I am
05:07 Smelly It's a chat box
05:07 Smelly No one types perfect
05:07 Smelly its all emoticons and what not
05:07 VanessaE there's a big difference between your/you're, and especially no/know
05:08 VanessaE :)
05:08 VanessaE sorry, that's a pet-peeve of mine.
05:08 Smelly I know that
05:08 Smelly Ah
05:08 Smelly I understand
05:08 VanessaE were/where/we're, your/you're, there/their/they're, know/no, etc.
05:09 VanessaE so there. :P
05:09 Pelayo well, my english is just average (I'm from Spain) but some of those "typos" make my eyes bleed
05:09 VanessaE lol
05:10 Smelly I understand, I just believe something else
05:10 Smelly That's what makes us all different
05:10 Smelly lol
05:10 VanessaE there's nothing to believe - this is basic English 101 stuff here :)
05:10 VanessaE ok, the grammar lesson is over for now :P
05:10 diemartin joined #minetest
05:10 Smelly Good
05:10 Smelly lol
05:11 Smelly Anyhoo
05:11 VanessaE meanwhile, poor martin here keeps being told to die because kaeza hates him :D
05:11 kaeza D:
05:11 Smelly D:
05:11 Smelly I still cant seem to log in
05:11 Smelly This is insane
05:11 Pelayo I don't get this...
05:12 VanessaE Smelly: probably a poor internet connection?  minetest isn't very tolerant of bad connections.
05:13 Smelly Thats the thing, I can get into other servers
05:13 Smelly and I am running full bars
05:13 VanessaE I mean upstream from your modem
05:13 VanessaE though kaeza can sure attest to the problems of glitchy wireless :)
05:14 Pelayo if I set "my" as $INPUTFILE in my script, and unzip "$INPUTFILE"
05:14 kaeza hrm
05:14 Pelayo unzip gets my, so it fails because it doesn't like filenames with spaces
05:14 Smelly Oh it runs very fast about 70 when I last checked
05:14 Pelayo it tries to unzip "my"
05:14 VanessaE Pelayo: unzip "$INPUTFILE"
05:14 VanessaE with the quotes around the variable.
05:15 Smelly Ah
05:15 VanessaE oh wait
05:15 Pelayo yep, did that :/
05:15 Smelly Its loading
05:15 VanessaE I'm blind, I swear.
05:15 kaeza Pelayo, if a zip program does not like spaces in names, get a better one
05:15 kaeza no spaces in filenames are so DOS-era :P
05:15 Pelayo kaeza, it's a script I plan to redistribute when it's finished and working fine, so I have to use the standard unzip command included in all distros
05:15 Smelly Okay I am in
05:15 kaeza (actually before, but whatever)
05:16 Smelly I am going finish my home
05:16 Smelly Thanks for the chat
05:16 VanessaE Pelayo: in that case you'll have to rename the file first..
05:16 VanessaE (odd, I could swear I've used `unzip` on filenames with spaces before)
05:16 VanessaE night, Smelly
05:16 kaeza Pelayo, any chance of pastebinning (yes, it's a verb) the code?
05:17 Pelayo nah, it's really ugly and embarrassing, with lots of commented lines
05:18 VanessaE can't be any worse than some of the q&d stuff I've made
05:18 kaeza q&d?
05:18 Pelayo I think I'll make a copy with no spaces in the temp dir and work with that, that's a good idea, and simple
05:19 VanessaE quick & dirty
05:19 kaeza maybe the shell/interpreter is splitting the arguments wrongly then
05:19 kaeza VanessaE, ah :P
05:19 VanessaE export IFS="<press enter>" then
05:19 VanessaE that'll stop the word splitting
05:20 VanessaE I use that when I wanna force-read a file with a list of unquoted filenames
05:20 VanessaE (such as is returned by `find`)
05:21 VanessaE ifstmp=$IFS; export IFS="<enter>" ; for i in `cat somefile.txt`; do some crap here; done; export IFS=$ifxtmp
05:21 VanessaE $ifstmp
05:27 Pelayo brb
05:29 Pelayo joined #minetest
05:32 Pelayo it's strange, I get about the same fps in minecraft and minetest in my netbook
05:32 Pelayo but minecraft's framerate feels more choppy and minetest one feels more or less balanced
05:33 Semilevel joined #minetest
05:51 Semilevel joined #minetest
05:53 TheLastProject joined #minetest
06:00 krofek____ joined #minetest
06:01 djdduty_ joined #minetest
06:03 sfan5 !op
06:03 V0id_ joined #minetest
06:03 Topic for #minetest is now | NEWS: Minetest 0.4.7 released; 0.4.8 will be released soonâ„¢ | RULES: be patient, respect other users, here and in other channels | CORE DEVS: #minetest-dev | SERVERS: | IRC LOGS: | WIKI: | Task of the Day: Meow louder than NekoGloop! | Don't ask to ask.
06:03 sfan5 !deop
06:03 * sfan5 meows
06:04 kahrl_ joined #minetest
06:11 Fresh_m__ joined #minetest
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06:14 kaeza mornings sfan
06:16 harrison___ joined #minetest
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06:20 Vargos joined #minetest
06:20 VanessaE good morning sfa
06:20 VanessaE oops
06:21 VanessaE note to self:  if tab-complete fails, the person probably signed off.  try checking for this *before* pressing enter.
06:21 sfan5 joined #minetest
06:21 VanessaE good morning, sfan5.
06:21 sfan5 good morning
06:22 thexyz joined #minetest
06:22 Tesseract joined #minetest
06:23 vals_ joined #minetest
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06:23 VanessaE sfan5: did you ever get any further with your experiments in getting mt to run on Android?
06:24 VanessaE (what I last saw was of the nature, "everything compiles, but it doesn't work")
06:25 e1z0 joined #minetest
06:26 away joined #minetest
06:27 sfan5 VanessaE: no
06:27 sfan5 it compiled but doesn't work
06:27 sfan5 compiles*
06:27 VanessaE too bad.  well, just thought I'd ask.  I got as far as "it runs on my PC and I can view it through VNC, but I can't do diddly shit with it". :)
06:28 sfan5 heh
06:28 sfan5 the problem is that you probably _need_ to involve java if you want to get Irrlicht running
06:29 VanessaE that's what I gathered.
06:29 sfan5 it may be possible though
06:30 VanessaE what chance is there of an .apk for it?  what I last saw suggested that would be Hard (with a capital H)
06:30 sfan5 small chance
06:30 whirm joined #minetest
06:30 sfan5 but well
06:30 VanessaE small is better than zero :)
06:31 sfan5 I currently have an android version of minetest compiled
06:31 sfan5 but i didn't test it yet because it (probably) requires a launcher app
06:31 VanessaE I'd be happy to give it a shot sometime.
06:32 sfan5 let me see if I still have the compiled version somewhere
06:32 VanessaE (Xelio A1001-BK, or something like that.  512MB/4GB, Runs Jellybean.  decent tablet as long as the browser doesn't hog all the RAM)
06:32 sfan5 yep
06:32 sfan5 wow
06:32 sfan5 install linux on that tablet and then you can play MT :P
06:32 VanessaE yeah right
06:33 VanessaE I still haven't figured out how to root it yet :)
06:33 sfan5 !g root Xelio A1001-BK
06:33 MinetestBot sfan5: No results found for 'root Xelio A1001-BK'.
06:33 VanessaE (it's too new, no one's done it yet)
06:33 sfan5 no,no
06:33 VanessaE excuse me, P1001A-BK
06:34 sfan5 hm
06:35 Semilevel joined #minetest
06:35 VanessaE hm, it's described as "easily rooted" in one of the reviews, "rk29 root tool kit" is the effective solution...
06:35 sfan5 !g rk29 root toolkit
06:35 MinetestBot sfan5:
06:36 VanessaE cheater.  I'd have googled it myself :)
06:36 sfan5 that seems trustable
06:37 VanessaE hm, mine came with busybox already (either that or the terminal I installed came with it)
06:37 sfan5 you mean you have "adb shell"'d into it?
06:37 VanessaE nope.
06:37 VanessaE command-line terminal app found in the google play store.
06:37 sfan5 oh ok
06:38 VanessaE I haven't used the ADB yet.
06:38 sfan5 s/the//
06:38 sfan5 well
06:38 sfan5 s//the/
06:38 sfan5 whatever you want
06:38 VanessaE *looks at box* the USB cable therein...wonder if that'll work for the purpose.
06:38 sfan5 adb shell only requires an usb connection and usb debugging enabled
06:39 VanessaE reading about it now
06:39 VanessaE this stuff is new territory to me.
06:39 sfan5 then you are free to install apk over usb, up&dl files and have a shell
06:39 VanessaE lemme go grab I'm curious :)
06:40 sfan5 you can also make backups and restores (oh.. it may be rootable with that ) and syncs, forward tcp connections over USB
06:43 VanessaE "You've connected your computer via USB.  Touch the button below if you want to copy files between your computer and your Android's SD card"
06:43 VanessaE well that's a good start :P
06:44 VanessaE *clicks*
06:44 sfan5 if you enable file system over USB you can't use adb features
06:45 VanessaE ok then *turns off USB storage*
06:46 VanessaE hm, seems I already have busybox and su on this (but su of course is blocked.  "su:  uid 10059 not allowed to su")
06:47 sfan5 lawl
06:47 sfan5 try "adb remount"
06:48 VanessaE lol
06:48 VanessaE "daemon not running.  starting it now on port 5038"  --  "daemon started successfully"  --  "error:  device not found"
06:48 sfan5 haha
06:49 sfan5 what about you try "adb devices" first?
06:49 sfan5 (also make sure you enable usb debugging)
06:49 VanessaE oh right, didn't do that yet
06:50 VanessaE "USB debugging"?
06:50 sfan5 ...
06:50 VanessaE right.
06:50 VanessaE sorry, again all new territory :_)
06:50 VanessaE :)
06:51 sfan5 its under Applications->Developing->USB-Debugging for me
06:51 sfan5 but I have 2.3.6
06:51 VanessaE that's the one.
06:51 VanessaE adb devices lists ...nothing :)
06:51 sfan5 what about lsusb
06:52 VanessaE lol
06:52 VanessaE tab doesn't have that one
06:53 sfan5 this may help:
06:54 sfan5 (step 3 only)
06:55 kaeza joined #minetest
06:55 sfan5 bye everyone
06:56 VanessaE cya
07:06 aheinecke joined #minetest
07:14 hmmmm hey guys
07:14 hmmmm how can i make the formspec area larger in a menu dialog, such as the create world area?
07:17 VanessaE no clue, I suck at formspecs
07:19 hmmmm i'm stuck with this until someone can tell me how because there is pretty much no indication anywhere
07:19 hmmmm
07:21 xrosnight joined #minetest
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07:23 theTroy joined #minetest
07:23 kahrl_ hmmmm: looks like that has the same problem as I mentioned in
07:26 monkeycoder joined #minetest
07:27 hmmmm oh... that's a problem?  how does Minecraft handle this situation exactly?
07:27 hmmmm the only 'solution' i can come up with for that is to have the lua menu create map_meta.txt and write the seed right away
07:28 kahrl_ that would solve it, yes
07:28 kahrl_ dunno what minecraft does
08:09 Morrolan joined #minetest
08:10 JamesTait joined #minetest
08:23 JamesTait Good morning all, happy US Constitution Day! :-D
08:27 VanessaE hi
08:27 proller joined #minetest
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09:10 Yepoleb joined #minetest
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09:39 Pest joined #minetest
09:41 deltib hah, constitution
09:42 VanessaE joined #minetest
09:47 VanessaE sfan5: well that was a colossal waste of time :(
09:52 deltib you can't turn on USB debugging?
09:52 VanessaE already did that.
09:53 VanessaE of COURSE because I use linux on my desktop, every damn tool out there turns out to be for windows
09:53 VanessaE and the SDK is useless
09:53 VanessaE (or the instructions suck, anyway)
09:54 deltib only thing I had trouble with with the SDK was graphics acceleration, which always just produced a black screen
09:54 deltib which as far as I could figure out, was cause I use linux
09:54 VanessaE the adb tool included with the sdk just refuses to list the tablet (which, by the way, clearly says on the screen that it's in uSB-debug mode)
09:56 deltib wow, these instructions make it look complicated
09:56 deltib maybe I got lucky
09:56 VanessaE uh huh.
10:00 VanessaE oh wait!
10:00 VanessaE "In some cases you also have to add vendor id to this file: ~/.android/adb_usb.ini"
10:00 VanessaE did that....restarted adb
10:00 VanessaE now the device shows in the list
10:00 VanessaE what moron decided on that?
10:00 Mossmanikin joined #minetest
10:01 Mossmanikin Hi folks
10:01 VanessaE hi Mossmanikin
10:01 VanessaE woot!  I have root! :)
10:02 deltib the same moron that decided on all the things I hate about computers, or so I've decided to believe
10:02 VanessaE lol
10:07 Someguy123 joined #minetest
10:09 Mossmanikin Does anybody know why "visual_scale" works that weird? I mean: if one wants a plantlike node to be eight times as large as a normal node, one has to write "visual_scale = math.sqrt(8)"...
10:09 VanessaE weird
10:09 Mossmanikin Aye
10:14 jin_xi joined #minetest
10:15 jin_xi Mossmanikin: its because its 2d
10:15 iqualfragile joined #minetest
10:16 jin_xi do double the size of a square you multiply it by sqrt(2)
10:16 jin_xi if you mult by 2 youll get a square 4 times as big
10:17 Mossmanikin jin_xi: Ah... the reason makes sense... still very strange
10:17 VanessaE yay!  my tablet has been rooted :)
10:18 Mossmanikin Congratulations! :)
10:18 VanessaE not that I'm gonna DO anything with it just yet
10:19 VanessaE (other than create multiple user accounts)
10:21 Mossmanikin it's the small successes that keep us going ;)
10:31 john_minetest joined #minetest
10:31 john_minetest joined #minetest
10:31 Mossmanikin Hi john_minetest
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11:04 Evergreen joined #minetest
11:04 Semilevel joined #minetest
11:04 Evergreen Hey everyone
11:06 Mossmanikin Hi Evergreen
11:19 Evergreen Btw Mossmanikin, I incorporated you stalactite code into mine and it works great.    I am figuring out how to use ongen to put stalactites in caves.
11:23 Gethiox joined #minetest
11:24 Mossmanikin Evergreen: nice, wasn't sure if you would find use for it. I'm also trying to figure out how to use "minetest.register_on_generated" for the smooth transition of forest soils. Kind of stuck...
11:26 Evergreen The way for checking would be if there is a grass node and a dry leaves node next to each other, then spawn a pieceo of the transition node in the either the grass, or the dry leaves node
11:29 Mossmanikin Makes sense. For your explenation is human readable :D
11:29 Evergreen The problem is, that I don't know how to do it in code.   :P
11:30 Evergreen I'll have toe experiment with it
11:30 Evergreen *to
11:31 Mossmanikin Yeah, guess I know what you mean :D
11:31 Evergreen By the way, does anyone know what Splizard's snow biome mod uses to make the biomes?
11:32 Evergreen ongen, abms, voxelmanip?
11:32 Mossmanikin Have been experimenting for quite(!) some hours without a satisfying result....
11:32 VanessaE both ongen and abms
11:32 VanessaE (abms for later-snowfall, ongen for the majority of it)
11:35 bas080 joined #minetest
11:35 Mossmanikin Sounds like this mod could be helpful as an example for forest soil
11:36 PilzAdam joined #minetest
11:37 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
11:38 Mossmanikin Hi PilzAdam
11:40 EdB joined #minetest
11:45 Mossmanikin Need some sleep, bye, later
11:56 deltib Whatever happened to that popup blocking that web browsers used to have
11:57 VanessaE_[T] joined #minetest
12:00 ImQ009 joined #minetest
12:06 rubenwardy joined #minetest
12:06 deltib firefox
12:10 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
12:14 Semilevel joined #minetest
12:15 Pelayo joined #minetest
12:15 Pelayo hi... about popup blocking, try installing adblock plus extension... but even adblock might not help with some popups that use flash
12:23 troller joined #minetest
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14:14 sfan5 hi everyone
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14:20 AWTom-Laptop- joined #minetest
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14:36 book` joined #minetest
14:37 AWTom-Laptop *test
14:37 * AWTom-Laptop test
14:47 harrison joined #minetest
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15:00 Pelayo I hate bash and Bool..
15:03 hoodedice joined #minetest
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15:03 hoodedice joined #minetest
15:04 hoodedice MEOW !!!
15:04 hoodedice (Achievement Unlocked)
15:09 hoodedice Bash.
15:09 hoodedice .sh?
15:12 Semilevel joined #minetest
15:13 FreeFull joined #minetest
15:13 hoodedice Sup FreeFull ?
15:14 FreeFull Just came home
15:14 hoodedice =)
15:14 hoodedice Uninstalling stuff
15:16 hoodedice (WINDOWS)
15:16 hoodedice l8r
15:22 DanDuncombe joined #minetest
15:22 DanDuncombe Is there anyone on the forums right now? If so, can they tell me whether my Avatar looks like the green troll or a grey dwarf?
15:28 Jordach joined #minetest
15:28 DanDuncombe Jordach, can you tell me whether my Avatar looks like the green troll or a grey dwarf? On the forum I mean
15:29 Jordach reload browser cache = new avatar image
15:29 Jordach <- feels like shit
15:31 thefamilygrog66 joined #minetest
15:31 thefamilygrog66 howdy folks
15:31 DanDuncombe How do I 'reload browser cache'
15:32 DanDuncombe Oh right
15:32 DanDuncombe Never mind
15:34 DanDuncombe left #minetest
15:38 thefamilygrog66 Can I ask a question?
15:38 thefamilygrog66 Bahaha
15:42 krofek__ joined #minetest
15:44 NekoGloop joined #minetest
15:46 kTorpedoS joined #minetest
15:52 * Jordach considers trolling this thread
15:54 * Jordach meows at NekoGloop
15:54 * NekoGloop sits on Jordach's lap
15:54 * Jordach pets NekoGloop
15:54 * NekoGloop purrs >w<
15:54 Jordach
15:55 Jordach 9 Centigrade where I am
15:58 Jordach
16:00 Jordach it gives me an excuse to overclock my cpu to warm the room up
16:01 krofek___ joined #minetest
16:05 krofek____ joined #minetest
16:09 Jordach hey!
16:09 Jordach bullshitr
16:09 Jordach -r
16:09 Jordach that's my fucking wallpaper
16:10 Jordach my ass
16:10 Jordach fun fact: same image size
16:10 Jordach 176x80
16:11 Jordach my ass
16:12 Evergeen joined #minetest
16:14 Evergeen Ikr, why does everyone say photoshopped?    Gimp'd is the way to go
16:15 Jordach hey Evergeen
16:15 Evergeen Hi
16:15 * Jordach doesnt feel well
16:16 thefamilygrog66 Wow, it's 14C here - a bit chilly for this time of year
16:16 Jordach thefamilygrog66, <Jordach>
16:17 Jordach you think CDN is cold?!
16:17 thefamilygrog66 Yeah, I saw that
16:17 thefamilygrog66 Let's compare mid January, okay Jordach?
16:17 Jordach haha
16:17 thefamilygrog66 We'll also measure snowfall depth, hahaha
16:18 Jordach no contest
16:18 thefamilygrog66 Does it even snow there, Jordach?
16:19 thefamilygrog66 haha, little chili
16:19 thefamilygrog66 Similar to here
16:19 daswort joined #minetest
16:19 thefamilygrog66 I'm not sure what you're implying there, john_minetest, hehe
16:20 thefamilygrog66 gotcha
16:24 thefamilygrog66 good times
16:25 thefamilygrog66 Yeah, I gave up - too many protection blocks/griefers
16:29 thefamilygrog66 Right on
16:29 thefamilygrog66 I've been messing around with my own server
16:31 thefamilygrog66 Recently added giant Herobrines (4x size) roaming around in the deserts
16:31 thefamilygrog66 Nice looking server
16:33 thefamilygrog66 Just finishing tweaking my newest mod: Hedge Maze [maze]
16:34 thefamilygrog66 Here's an aerial shot of a 23x23 ice maze with dirt_with_snow floor:
16:34 thefamilygrog66 and a treetop maze with leaf walls and tree floor:
16:35 Peacock joined #minetest
16:36 thefamilygrog66 KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!
16:39 thefamilygrog66 Haha
16:39 Calinou joined #minetest
16:39 thefamilygrog66 You looking for an ice maze, by any chance?
16:39 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan ill have  to try it out (the mod)
16:39 thefamilygrog66
16:39 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan could use a hedge maze for the mall were building
16:39 thefamilygrog66 Just about ready to upload the new version
16:40 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan hm, nice
16:40 proller thefamilygrog66, enable weather and it will melt 8)
16:40 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan the game's ice texture is shit, but the maze is nice lol
16:40 thefamilygrog66 It's gonna have text fields until 0.4.8 is released, when I can change them to dropdowns
16:40 * thefamilygrog66 just might make a shit texture, you know, for shit mazes and such.
16:40 hmmmm
16:40 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan you'd populate a dropdown with *all* the registered nodenames?
16:41 thefamilygrog66 No, just the ones I want in there - some of them are problematic, e.g. lava_source, water_source, torch, etc.
16:42 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan thank god, that'd be one helluva drop down otherwise lol
16:42 thefamilygrog66 Yes it would, hehe. Text fields are also tough for newbies to figure out.
16:43 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan everything is tough for newbies lol
16:43 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan though the more they try to simplify things, the more complicated it ends up being lol
16:43 thefamilygrog66 True enough
16:43 thefamilygrog66 It's the minetest paradox, man.
16:43 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan old mod mgr/ new mod mgr, old liquids / new liquids, etc. lol cant keep up
16:45 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan though i think i came up with a decent compromise for dealing with douchebags - i removed the creative inventory only for non-whitelisted players, they have to use shops now
16:45 frogcrush joined #minetest
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16:46 DanDuncombe joined #minetest
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16:47 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan with 100 credits that's not a ton of shit you can buy and drop all over the place
16:47 thefamilygrog66 Which server, Peacock?
16:47 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan WaterWorld
16:47 thefamilygrog66 Oh yeah. Were you the one who added ottomans to my lrfurn mod?
16:48 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan yes sir-ee
16:48 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan i would have sent it to you, but im missing a few colors :/
16:48 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan or rather trimmed it down to just black, blue, green red and white
16:48 thefamilygrog66 You should send me the additional code/textures when you get a chance - I can work on the other colours.
16:49 thefamilygrog66 I need to do another release of that one sometime, clean up a few things.
16:50 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan PM'd
16:51 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan i know zippyshare sucks, but its a helluvalot easier to figure out than github lol
16:52 thefamilygrog66 Haha, not too many porno popups
16:52 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan lol "find girls near you"
16:52 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan then people wonder why some geeks are such creepy stalkers lol
16:53 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan (that story about the wikipedia editor showing up at this girl's work, forget the names)
16:56 Calinou thanks for calling me a creepy stalker
16:57 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan you're the guy? lol
16:58 ShadowNinja Calinou: Some MoreOres tools are missing images.
16:58 Calinou I added them recently
16:59 ShadowNinja Calinou: I also got annother "Attempt to index global 'uses'" error.
16:59 Calinou I removed uses
17:00 kaeza joined #minetest
17:00 ShadowNinja Alright, pulled.
17:01 kaeza Meow! :P
17:01 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan hey hey its super kaeza
17:01 jemadux joined #minetest
17:01 thefamilygrog66 howdy kaeza
17:01 kaeza hai grog, mauvebic(?)
17:01 Jordach hey kaeza; where you've been
17:02 jemadux hey there .. one question minetest is minecraft for linux or smthing like that ?
17:02 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan if its a star trek reference then yes, its mauvebic :P
17:02 Jordach jemadux, YES
17:02 kaeza sup Jordach
17:02 Jordach except open source with better modding
17:02 kaeza jemadux, NO
17:02 jemadux Jordach: thanks !
17:02 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan nothing like opensauce
17:03 thefamilygrog66 Speaking of which, I could use a cup of tea. Earl Grey. Hot.
17:03 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan open source is quite liberating, rather like the first time i wore a european bathing suit
17:03 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan :P
17:03 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
17:03 ShadowNinja jemadux: No, MineCraft runs on Linux...
17:03 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan (that's a frasier reference)
17:03 kaeza :|
17:03 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan lol
17:03 thefamilygrog66 I picture Borat in a swimsuit
17:04 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan dude im cracker-white lol
17:04 ShadowNinja jemadux: It has advantages over MineCraft, most notable the moding API and speed.
17:04 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan though i tan quite quikly, unlike my wife who's irish in her complexion
17:05 * Jordach throws $5 that his W7 is cracked:
17:06 Jordach it's brazil, full of criminals
17:06 Jordach and the cheaters and hackers and the aimbotters and the laggers
17:06 Pelayo yep, the lack of a proper modding API in minecraft means lots of mods have to be rewritten almost from scratch in each release
17:08 * kaeza throws $10 to Jordach that more than 50% of the Windows installations in the world are cracked :P
17:09 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan jordach i found a way to trip up my brazilian griefers, i introduced money/economy into the game :P
17:09 kaeza "by outside parties" :P
17:09 Jordach Khaaaaaaaaaaaan, /nick Peacock
17:10 * Jordach throws a brick through a window; oh look, cracked windows
17:11 Jordach PilzAdam, $5 that prestotron just gives you a mod and says: merge this
17:12 * Jordach also bets $5 that he might use a git repo...
17:12 PilzAdam do I get $5 when merging the mod? ;-)
17:12 Jordach nope.avi
17:12 Jordach PilzAdam, i still doubt anything good will come of this
17:13 * Jordach smells another crevis in the works
17:14 thefamilygrog66 haha, nice bazook action
17:14 thefamilygrog66 *bazooka
17:15 neko259 joined #minetest
17:15 ImQ009 joined #minetest
17:15 thefamilygrog66 Hey, it's hellmaze: obsidian/lava:
17:16 Pelayo niiice
17:16 Pelayo this is working better now :P
17:23 NekoGloop Oh, is the maze mod still a thing?
17:23 thefamilygrog66 Was there an earlier one, NekoGloop, or are you referring to mine?
17:23 NekoGloop there was an earlier one
17:24 thefamilygrog66 Oh boy, a long time ago, or recently?
17:24 NekoGloop long time ago
17:24 thefamilygrog66 I'll look for it in old mods...
17:25 thefamilygrog66 I just wrote one recently, hope it's not too similar!
17:28 khor joined #minetest
17:30 thefamilygrog66 Shitsnacks -
17:30 thefamilygrog66 It's definitely a different algorithm, but I'm gonna have to change the folder name at least
17:32 ShadowBot joined #minetest
17:34 thefamilygrog66 Is Echo still active within the minetest community?
17:35 thefamilygrog66 Looks like at least two of Echo's mods have been taken over by other people.
17:36 thefamilygrog66 Their last forum post was 2013-04-19
17:38 thefamilygrog66 What should I do in this situation? The old maze mod is a year old, and though similar, a completely different mod. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks.
17:39 NekoGloop It's WTFPL
17:39 NekoGloop Tear it apart and learn from it, if you like.
17:39 NekoGloop make a betterer version!
17:39 NekoGloop ... one that functions on mapgen!
17:42 ShadowNinja thefamilygrog66: Use the VM and make a maze mapgen!
17:43 thefamilygrog66 Haha, that sounds a bit ambitious for me.
17:43 monkeycoder joined #minetest
17:44 thefamilygrog66 In your opinion, do you think I could still call my mod [maze] since the old one with the same name has been abandoned for a year?
17:44 krofek___ joined #minetest
17:44 thefamilygrog66 Or should I rename it?
17:44 NekoGloop if it's betterer, then likely people won't want to use the two in tandem
17:45 thefamilygrog66 Hmm, I'll keep it the same for now, I guess. We'll see how it does once it's been moved to the mod releases forum.
17:48 thefamilygrog66 back in a bit
17:51 ShadowNinja thefamilygone66: Please don't use away nicks.
17:51 iqualfragile joined #minetest
17:52 NekoGloop Why? :P
17:52 OldCoder joined #minetest
17:54 ShadowNinja NekoGloop: I have seen a few pages with reasons, this one looks pretty good:
18:07 Kray joined #minetest
18:09 krofek__ joined #minetest
18:22 Zeg9 joined #minetest
18:24 morlin joined #minetest
18:26 twoelk joined #minetest
18:31 Jordach they should fix the ragdoll physics:
18:31 Jordach he's hanging there in the breeze :P
18:34 morlin hi. i am learning minetest with my son. i run vanilla minetest 0.4.7 on debian, and i am scratching my head about how to apply dyes
18:34 morlin i seem to find a lot of mods, but how do i find out which dye mod, if any, are installed on my server?
18:34 hax404 joined #minetest
18:35 sfan5 yep, perfect, the usb 3.0 driver fucked up
18:35 sfan5 morlin: try /mods maybe
18:35 Jordach morlin, you can only apply dye to wool at the minute
18:35 sfan5 the default dye mod is probably installed
18:35 ShadowNinja morlin: There is one default one, I am not sure if the dyes are actually craftable...
18:35 Jordach put white wool + a colour dye into the crafting grid
18:35 kaeza joined #minetest
18:35 morlin oh. very many thanks to all of you!
18:36 morlin then ... how do i craft wool? i haven't seen any sheep around. ... :-) need a mod for that?
18:36 morlin hmmm ... i do have wool mod ...
18:37 PilzAdam dig junglegrass, it gives you cottong seeds
18:37 ShadowNinja morlin: You can farm cottom for string and craft that into wool.
18:37 ShadowNinja cotton*
18:38 morlin ok .. the white "flowers". i suppose?
18:38 morlin are there mods around for making paint?
18:38 Evergeen There are colored bricks, unified dyes, and other mods that have colored stuff
18:38 ShadowNinja morlin: Yes, Unified Dyes is one I beleive, and homedecor has wall paint.
18:39 PilzAdam in pure default game you can make dye from flowers
18:39 PilzAdam no need for any mods
18:39 morlin PilzAdam: how do i use the dye for my house?
18:40 PilzAdam oh, you want wall paint
18:40 PilzAdam the dye is only used to dye wool....
18:40 morlin PilzAdam: i just was informed, that i can only dye wool for now
18:40 morlin btw ... on the wiki under crafting, i do not see any recipes for using wool. are they on a wool mod page?
18:41 ShadowNinja morlin:
18:42 PilzAdam that page is outdated
18:42 ShadowNinja morlin: By default I don't think wool has any use other than building.
18:42 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: It was just created a few days ago.
18:43 morlin ok. thanks all for clarifying!!!
18:43 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, seems like someone cant read the 0.4.7 changelog then
18:44 TheLastProject joined #minetest
18:44 Evergeen PilzAdam: Don't be a jerk, it took me a while to find the changelog.
18:45 morlin PilzAdam: i have read the changelog. but it's not exactly a loosers guide ...
18:45 PilzAdam morlin, I didnt mean you, I meant the one that wrote the
18:45 morlin PilzAdam: ah, ok :-9
18:47 morlin PilzAdam: so, what is wrong on that wiki page? are there in fact sheep?
18:47 PilzAdam you can get wool in survival mode; just plant some cotton seeds and craft the strings into wool
18:48 morlin PilzAdam: right. will try that
18:50 Vargos joined #minetest
18:54 Evergeen I think this is a good example of why we need top update the wiki more often.   :P
18:54 Evergeen *to
18:56 morlin Evergeen: that would be fantastic. it's my source of info
18:56 Jordach fuck - was gonna get Evergeen, but he got there before me
18:56 Evergeen Ninja'd   X)
18:57 Jordach heh
18:57 morlin i haven't got a clue how to look for cotton seeds, for instance
18:58 morlin of course, i will find them eventually :-)
18:59 Evergeen Okay, if you dig junglegrass, there is a chance it will give you cotton seeds
18:59 morlin Evergeen: thanks
18:59 Evergeen If you dig regular grass, there is a chance it will give you wheat seeds
18:59 morlin will look for jungle grass
19:00 Evergeen Do you have jungles enabled?
19:00 morlin let's see ...
19:00 morlin no. no jungle in /mods
19:01 Evergeen No, it isn't a mod, it is something that has to be enabled in minetest.conf
19:01 morlin ok. thanks. sorry  for my ignorance!
19:01 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan wow, under the dome's finale really blowed lol
19:02 Evergeen No problem, you are one of those rare people who are pleasant about asking questions.   :
19:05 Calinou joined #minetest
19:08 Evergeen Has nyone seen what mossmanikin did with the dry leaves?    It's in Modding General in the "undergrowth topic.    It looks amazing
19:08 Evergeen *anyone
19:08 morlin Evergeen: so i can guess so far by searching, that it has to do with mg_flags in my minetest.conf or in map_meta.txt on the server side
19:09 morlin Evergeen: are those flags documented or listed somewhere?
19:09 ShadowNinja morlin: Feel free to update the wiki as you find necessary. :-)
19:09 Evergeen Yes, it has to do with mg flags.    look in minetest.conf.example for all the possible settings in minetest.conf
19:09 morlin ShadowNinja: ok. will do
19:09 Evergeen Remember to take out the "#" before each setting of course
19:10 morlin Evergeen: :-)
19:11 Evergeen No probelm.   :_)
19:11 Evergeen *:-)
19:11 Jordach problem*
19:12 Jordach probelm is wrong
19:16 Evergeen Sorry, typing errors
19:16 Evergeen :P
19:18 Calinou joined #minetest
19:19 thefamilygrog66 joined #minetest
19:19 thefamilygrog66 howdy folks
19:22 thefamilygrog66 <crickets>
19:22 * Calinou , the cricket, says: hi
19:23 thefamilygrog66 chirp
19:24 cisoun joined #minetest
19:26 thefamilygrog66 Hey Calinou, if you're not busy, could you please move my Hedge Maze mod to the mod releases forum?
19:27 Calinou ok
19:27 thefamilygrog66
19:27 thefamilygrog66 Thanks!
19:27 Calinou woah that's cool
19:28 Calinou moved
19:31 PilzAdam !tw githubstatus
19:31 MinetestBot We are currently experiencing major service outages. (@githubstatus)
19:31 ShadowNinja :-( GitHub died.
19:32 ShadowNinja I saw their 500 page... It is similar to the 404 page.
19:33 thefamilygrog66 Thanks Calinou - there's already an older (year old) mod called maze, but it looks like it's been abandoned, it uses a different generating algorithm, etc.
19:33 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
19:34 * thefamilygrog66 thinks he broke GitHub
19:34 krofek__ joined #minetest
19:34 jojoa1997 what is a 16*16*16 area in minetest. cant remember
19:35 sfan5 MapBlock
19:35 jojoa1997 thanks
19:40 krofek___ joined #minetest
19:40 TheLastProject joined #minetest
19:42 VanessaE hi all
19:43 Calinou hi
19:46 thefamilygrog66_ joined #minetest
19:46 thefamilygrog66_ hey, I'm a clone!
19:49 VanessaE thefamilygrog66:
19:49 VanessaE :)
19:49 thefamilygrog66 haha, nice
19:52 roboman2444 joined #minetest
20:02 VanessaE heh
20:02 VanessaE figures.
20:03 VanessaE (it was "I Think I'm a Clone Now", Weird Al)
20:04 Ritchie joined #minetest
20:05 Evergreen joined #minetest
20:12 Evergreen Jordach: I can't seem to get the configure script in the openspade source to recognice that I have install glew
20:12 thefamilygrog66
20:13 Jordach Evergreen, sfan5 managed to get it working on ubuntu
20:13 rsiska joined #minetest
20:13 Jordach esc = app close
20:13 Evergreen In that case, sfan5 ^
20:13 Jordach i keep thinking esc will pause it D:
20:13 sfan5 Evergreen: use cmake
20:14 sfan5 ^ me does too
20:14 Evergreen Okay, I'll try that
20:14 sfan5 esc asks before it closes it in the dev version
20:14 Jordach windows user problems :P
20:14 sfan5 Evergreen: oh, you need to use /usr/bin/clang for C and /usr/bin/clang++ as C++ compiler to secessfully compile things
20:14 Evergreen How would I do that?
20:15 sfan5 (need to install clang & clang++ package oviously)
20:15 sfan5 apt-get install clang clang++
20:15 Evergreen duh
20:15 Jordach sfan5, im in
20:15 sfan5 Jordach: I'll be there in a sec
20:16 Jordach also: if you have either AoS 0.75 or OpenSpades: I'm open:
20:16 sfan5 Evergreen: also this
20:16 Evergreen So replace the files with the text in that pastie?
20:17 Evergreen *file
20:18 Jordach i get 60fps with shaders disabled in OpenSpades
20:18 Jordach suck it minetest.
20:18 Evergreen heh
20:18 Jordach you will need opengl version 2.1.x
20:19 sfan5 Evergreen: ...
20:19 Evergreen I'm sorry, I don't know too much about how compiling works
20:21 sfan5 Evergreen: put that into compile.patch and do "git am compile.patch"
20:21 Jordach provided Evergreen git cloned
20:27 ShadowNinja sfan5: Patch format detection failed.
20:27 Evergreen Where do I put the patch?
20:31 Evergreen kaeza: Sadly, aseprite runs REALLY slowly on my computer.   :S
20:32 kaeza Evergreen, Unity?
20:32 Evergreen Yep
20:32 kaeza it runs awfully slow under unity for some reason, yes
20:33 kaeza runs OK under other WMs
20:33 Evergreen Huh, odd
20:33 Evergreen Oh well
20:35 iqualfragile joined #minetest
20:36 Evergreen sfan5: I get this error when I run "make"
20:37 Jordach final kill!
20:37 VanessaE ?
20:37 sfan5 I didnt have any ammo left
20:37 * Jordach just killed sfan5
20:37 sfan5 that was not fair
20:37 * sfan5 just almost killed Jordach
20:37 Jordach all is fair in warfare
20:38 Jordach anyways, we can pick this up tomorrow
20:38 sfan5 Evergreen: it doesn't look like you use clang
20:38 sfan5 yeah
20:38 Jordach we should do practice runs
20:38 Jordach structures, etc
20:38 Jordach we'll probably use IRC
20:38 sfan5 Evergreen: use cmake-gui and use "Specify native compilers" and use "/usr/bin/clang" and "/usr/bin/clang++"
20:38 Evergreen Okay, thanks
20:39 thefamilygrog66 what are you guys playing?
20:39 Jordach OpenSpades
20:39 sfan5 s/use/select/ s/use/fill in/
20:39 Jordach !g "github openspades"
20:39 MinetestBot Jordach: No results found for '"github openspades"'.
20:39 * sfan5 goes to bed now
20:39 Jordach !g github openspades
20:39 MinetestBot Jordach:
20:39 Jordach ^ that
20:39 * Jordach too
20:39 sfan5 !g openspades
20:39 MinetestBot sfan5:;t=5683
20:39 sfan5 "stie" well, der
20:39 sfan5 *derp
20:39 sfan5 good night
20:39 thefamilygrog66 can I join?
20:39 sfan5 thefamilygrog66: we are already done
20:39 thefamilygrog66 d'oh
20:39 sfan5 there are other public servers however
20:40 sfan5 good night Everyone
20:40 thefamilygrog66 night sfan5
20:41 VanessaE play on mine :)
20:43 Evergreen sfan5: I'm not seeing the option for specify native compilers
20:43 thefamilygrog66 what's the server name VanessaE?
20:43 Calinou VanessaE's Creative|Survival server
20:43 Calinou of course
20:43 VanessaE ports 30000 (creative) and 30001 (survival)
20:44 thefamilygrog66 Oh, different game, haha - openspades
20:44 VanessaE oh heh
20:44 VanessaE missed that part :P
20:44 Evergreen sfan5:   Can't find the option for specifying native compilers
20:44 thefamilygrog66 doesn't matter - my laptop can't play it
20:46 OldCoder joined #minetest
20:47 Evergreen I'm sorry that I keep repeating the question, but how do I change compilers for cmake?
20:56 * Khaaaaaaaaaaaan makes coffee
20:59 kaeza Evergreen, lmgtfy
21:01 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan with my mall going on 3+ floors, there'll be room enough for this:
21:14 thefamilygrog66 Yay, a Master Bait shop!
21:15 thefamilygrog66 Also, coffee sounds good
21:17 OldCoder joined #minetest
21:27 proller joined #minetest
21:29 JamesTait joined #minetest
21:40 MinetestBot GIT: commited to minetest/minetest: Fix null dereference in weather update functions f7ee5da4c1 2013-09-17T14:37:47-07:00
21:40 Fresh_me_ joined #minetest
21:45 dhbiker joined #minetest
21:47 werwerwer joined #minetest
21:49 Vadtec joined #minetest
21:51 VadtecWk joined #minetest
22:01 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan the coffee, it does nothing!
22:02 OldCoder joined #minetest
22:02 OldCoder joined #minetest
22:17 DMackey joined #minetest
22:21 Megaf joined #minetest
22:21 dhbiker joined #minetest
22:24 johnDC joined #minetest
22:26 johnDC hello
22:27 PilzAdam johnDC, for info about the compile flags for freetype etc. see the output of  cmake . -LH
22:30 johnDC I see, but I don't know where to find leveldb lib and includes
22:31 PilzAdam what OS/distro do you use?
22:31 johnDC Win
22:32 PilzAdam win builds of leveldb are very rare
22:32 PilzAdam maybe ask sfan5
22:33 johnDC and maybe the basic question - what is it for?
22:33 johnDC I mean leveldb
22:33 ShadowNinja johnDC: It is a faster database backend than sqlite3, it is optional.
22:34 PilzAdam leveldb is a different database backend; sqlite has problems with maps that grow > 4 GiB
22:34 johnDC I see
22:34 PilzAdam you will never reach that size in singleplayer
22:34 PilzAdam its mostly relevant for big servers
22:35 VanessaE PilzAdam: the weird thing is now the sqlite page doesn't say anything about that 4GB issue, but it did at one time.
22:35 VanessaE maybe the one bundled with MT is too old or something.
22:39 Pelayo joined #minetest
22:40 kaeza Khaaaaaaaaaaaan, ping
22:41 Evergreen joined #minetest
22:42 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan kaeza pong
22:45 harrison joined #minetest
22:46 twoelk joined #minetest
22:47 * Sokomine wants a goat model
22:48 Sokomine those sheep are so jumpy they need to be changed into goats
22:48 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan dont make the sheep too sexy
22:48 PilzAdam VanessaE, no fixes since (the bundled version)
22:48 VanessaE someone recently asked for a pig model...
22:49 VanessaE huh
22:49 VanessaE oh well, who knows why it happens :P
22:50 Sokomine, don't want wild pigs to roam around the world. goats would be fine. they fit into that hilly/mountainlike world
22:51 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan what about them lady goats?
22:51 VanessaE what about chickens?  someone, sooner or later, will ask for them :D
22:51 VanessaE (and MOBF already has the models ......... )
22:52 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan or a mousse?
22:52 Sokomine mobf has chickens, so that's ok
22:52 Sokomine vanessaes server does not yet have mobf. something to work on :)
22:52 * Sokomine hides behind a sheep
22:52 VanessaE a mousse?  a blob of chocolate-flavored whipped dessert? ;)
22:52 PilzAdam TODO:
22:52 VanessaE Sokomine: oh no, I ain't installing MOBF.
22:53 VanessaE heh
22:54 Sokomine the animal models have to be rotated for usage in mobf, but apart from that, they ought to work fine in both mods
22:54 jemadux is there some tutorial for minetest ?
22:54 Sokomine tutorial? in which way? how to install or how to play or how to craft?
22:55 jemadux play and craft .. i dont know that
22:55 PilzAdam there is a wiki
22:56 jemadux PilzAdam: thanks i'check it
22:56 Sokomine have you played minecraft before? if so, much is at least similar
22:57 Sokomine you do have an inventory with a crafting grid of 3x3 fields above the inventory. if you put items there in the right pattern, you can create new ones
23:03 kahrl there are some tutorial maps but they seem to all be hosted on ompldr which is dead
23:04 johnDC another newbie question - what i'm doing wrong?  I've received this message "minetest\libvorbis-1.3.3\bin\libvorbisfile.dll : fatal error LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at 0x2B8"
23:05 kaeza and turtles! all the way down!
23:09 kahrl johnDC: that error usually means you need to link with the .lib instead of the .dll
23:10 Sokomine WHERE? give me those turtles :-) (as animals!)
23:16 johnDC kahrl: thnx, but it looks there is no libvorbisfile.dll avail., it is also not mentioned in guide, can it be issue with 32/64 version, or with different version of SDK and dll?
23:23 kahrl johnDC: sorry I have no clue, I haven't actually compiled minetest on windows ever
23:25 johnDC kahrl: no problem, thank you for your involvement
23:29 Evergreen sfan5:  I used clang in cmake, and I still got the same error
23:29 Evergreen (for openspades)
23:35 AndrewPH joined #minetest
23:41 Evergreen sfan5, I tried applying the patch, but it says "Patch format detection failed."
23:48 Fresh_m__ joined #minetest
23:50 Fresh_me_ joined #minetest

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