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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-09-03

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:02 kahrl well... I died and now I'm at x=0 z=0 again
00:02 kahrl apparently these things can hit you when they're on a ledge below you
00:03 jojoa1997 bbl
00:06 kahrl being resistant to knockback makes them extremely tough especially if they're a group
00:10 Peacock what things?
00:17 PilzAdam they can hit you if you can hit them
00:23 mrtux joined #minetest
00:23 TheUniversalBuil What are battery boxes used for?
00:25 VanessaE temporary storage of power
00:25 VanessaE for charging tools, running machines when a "real" source is inactive, etc.
00:26 VanessaE you can charge a battery box from solar panels, for example
00:26 VanessaE then use the battery to charge tools like mining lasers and drills with it
00:26 TheUniversalBuil Oh
00:27 VanessaE or it can provide a small amount of power at night when the solar panel is dead
00:27 TheUniversalBuil Thanks
00:27 VanessaE basically, the same things you'd use a battery for in real life
00:28 TheUniversalBuil what provide sources of electricity besides solar panels, water mills, and geothermal generators?
00:29 TheUniversalBuil *what machines provide electricity
00:29 VanessaE there are coal-driven generators and nuke reactors also
00:34 TheUniversalBuil Oh
00:34 TheUniversalBuil tand thats all
00:34 TheUniversalBuil *and thats all?
00:34 VanessaE I think so
00:34 VanessaE I'm sure there will be other methods later
00:36 Miner_48er joined #minetest
00:37 TheUniversalBuil since mesecons dont require power and just a switch, will it work with th etechnic mod?
00:40 ShadowNinja TheUniversalBuil: Yes, in fact it is a dependency.
00:42 Fresh_m__ joined #minetest
00:44 TheUniversalBuil So It would be more efficient to make switch and mesecon than make copper wire and solar panels, right?
00:44 kaeza uhh no
00:44 kaeza there are two kinds of solar panels: technic and mesecons
00:45 kaeza mesecons ones just detect if sunlight reaches them, and send a 1 signal in this case
00:46 kaeza technic ones gather energy
00:46 TheUniversalBuil Oh
00:46 TheUniversalBuil t:s
00:46 TheUniversalBuil so they are like solar panels?
00:46 TheUniversalBuil :s
00:47 kaeza if it makes more sense, you could think of mesecons wires as 3.5V, while technic would be in the range 110V+/220V+
00:47 TheUniversalBuil Ohhhh
00:47 TheUniversalBuil tthanks
00:48 TheUniversalBuil so technic is better?
00:48 TheUniversalBuil I mean
00:48 PilzAdam mesecons sends logic signals
00:48 kaeza not "better", just different
00:48 TheUniversalBuil Wait
00:48 PilzAdam there are 2 states, 1 and 0, or "on" and "off"
00:48 TheUniversalBuil Copper wires or mesecons>
00:48 kaeza you wouldn't plug a CPU directly to 220V would you?
00:48 VanessaE kaeza: s/3.5/3.3/
00:48 TheUniversalBuil ?
00:48 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
00:49 kaeza VanessaE, ah yes :P
01:00 * Jordach_ has Huey Lewis & The News; The Power of Love Playing
01:00 * Jordach_ also thinks Back to the Future movies
01:01 VanessaE you're ruined
01:01 VanessaE :)
01:01 * Jordach_ doesn't need more than LV in technic
01:02 Jordach_ tool repair and water mills = infinite diamond tools
01:02 Jordach_ i also don't care about machines + pipeworks
01:05 * Jordach_ heads off to bed in a Blaze of Glory
01:12 babyface1031 joined #minetest
01:13 babyface1031 can anyone help me with the technic mod i download it and the depends adn i open single player adn do /mods and it isnt there
01:14 VanessaE technic depends on a number of other mods also
01:14 VanessaE you have to download and install all of them, make sure each has exactly the folder name it should, and then configure your world to use them
01:15 babyface1031 i got the 5 of them pipe plant calou moretrees and mesecons
01:15 VanessaE did you make sure all of those worked first?
01:15 babyface1031 how do i configure
01:15 babyface1031 no:(
01:15 VanessaE just click your world in the world list and hit the Configure button
01:15 babyface1031 i will go do that real quick
01:15 VanessaE select your mods and hit 'enable'
01:16 babyface1031 ok let me do that too
01:16 hmmmm joined #minetest
01:17 babyface1031 Thank you VanessaE it worked Tytytytytytytyty
01:17 VanessaE yw :)
01:19 diemartin joined #minetest
01:28 bas080 VanessaE. you have my attention
01:29 VanessaE bas080: problem with vines rope - the ropes are not diggable, yet they can be placed if obtained
01:29 VanessaE for example, a technic mining laser can dig them
01:29 VanessaE you should make them non-placeable
01:30 VanessaE (maybe hook into the node's on_place callback or so)
01:30 VanessaE also, vines don't seem to rot?
01:30 bas080 only the plantlike rot
01:31 VanessaE oh ok
01:31 bas080 but ok. The rope is something to be looked at!
01:31 bas080 What if the rope is cuttoff the bottom part dissapears and the top stays alive.
01:31 bas080 and it re-descend to the bottom
01:31 VanessaE that sounds fine to me
01:32 bas080 It won't be diggable still.
01:33 bas080 Roting version for other vine types is just for looks. Although i do see players over use it to escend rapidly to the caves.
01:34 bas080 any thoughts on that VanessaE?
01:34 VanessaE all vines should rot over time, imho
01:35 VanessaE rotten ones should just disappear when dug
01:35 VanessaE and not be climbable
01:36 VanessaE bbl
01:37 Renoki joined #minetest
01:39 bas080 VanessaE, i agree with your idea of not dig-able and climbable. It's on the to-do list for the next version of vines
01:44 babyface1031 joined #minetest
01:45 OldCoder babyface1031, Hi
01:45 babyface1031 hi OldCoder
01:45 ShadowNinja bas080: Not digable? If so make them degrade very fast, or even instantly.
01:45 babyface1031 how are you
01:46 bas080 not diggable.... i meant does not drop anything
01:47 bas080 ShadowNinja, my mistake.
01:47 ShadowNinja Ah, ok.
01:48 bas080
01:49 bas080 !title
01:49 MinetestBot bas080: Document isn't HTML
01:50 ShadowNinja Neat. sfan5: Disable title, or make it admin only, it is overused.
01:50 FreeFull Spanish nyan
01:52 Miner_48er what's the best strategy to make a spawn cmd?
01:53 ShadowNinja Miner_48er: Look at /spawnentity?
01:54 bas080 FreeFull, Si, jajajaja
01:54 bas080 :P
02:05 PilzAdam bye
02:09 bas080 joined #minetest
02:09 VargaD joined #minetest
02:40 hoodedice joined #minetest
03:04 hoodedice So...
03:04 hoodedice ...quiet
03:09 Miner_48er joined #minetest
03:22 OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest
03:24 pknothing joined #minetest
03:57 hoodedice yo
04:02 kaeza tu?
04:06 ShadowNinja Heh.
04:08 hoodedice So
04:08 VanessaE la
04:08 hoodedice Someone said they had a workin g v7
04:09 hoodedice Where working implies stuff apart from only stone generating
04:09 hoodedice any idea?
04:10 kaeza hoodedice, see PilzTest; it works with v7
04:10 hoodedice checking out
04:17 hoodedice It's just too good
04:18 hoodedice 0.4.8 will be the version of the Open source voxel game that is minetest
04:18 hoodedice the version that will finally beat mineurgh
04:18 hoodedice A ferw clunks here though
04:18 hoodedice *few.
04:19 kaeza The Versionâ„¢ will be when somebody finally fixes entity dups :P
04:20 hoodedice entity dups?
04:21 kaeza entity duplication
04:21 kaeza aww I killed him :(
04:21 VanessaE G*d damn it this video has me spoiled now.
04:21 VanessaE (muppets dancing to "Java")
04:22 hoodedice what does that do?
04:24 VanessaE mobs, signs text, dropped items, anything that moves basically.
04:24 VanessaE they replicate for no apparent reason
04:24 VanessaE slowing down servers and especially clients
04:24 VanessaE killing fps when it gets bad enough
04:24 kaeza lol I +1'd that video
04:25 VanessaE kaeza: and here is the other one that always follows it in our "silly list" --
04:25 VanessaE (muppets dancing to "Mana Mana")
04:27 hmmmm joined #minetest
04:28 VanessaE
04:28 VanessaE LOL!
04:30 hoodedice replicate? Spawn in different places, or is replicating a hacky way of actually moving stuff?
04:30 VanessaE no one's sure
04:31 hoodedice Maybe that's what people refer to 'lag caused by moving objects'
04:31 VanessaE to some degree yes
04:31 VanessaE though a lot of that is just server->client events
04:31 VanessaE to move the objects, generally, I'm sure
04:31 hoodedice I always used to ask around for it, and the reply I got was that my PC was not fast enough =/
04:31 kaeza I could watch this over and over and over:
04:31 hoodedice hmm
04:32 hoodedice This new gen Pink Panther show came out
04:32 hoodedice I hate it. -.-
04:32 VanessaE new?
04:32 VanessaE ANOTHER new one?
04:32 hoodedice What was the name again?
04:33 hoodedice PP and pals
04:33 VanessaE to me, the one that featured a number of panther children of normal speaking voice
04:33 VanessaE is the "new" one, and that was in the 90's
04:33 hoodedice This is 2013 one
04:33 hoodedice my younger sibligs love it
04:34 hoodedice *siblings
04:34 hoodedice Here it is
04:34 hoodedice The opening sequence is enough for you to decide the rest of the cartoon
04:34 hoodedice
04:36 VanessaE *watches*
04:37 khor joined #minetest
04:37 VanessaE er
04:37 VanessaE passs.
04:37 hoodedice =D
04:37 kaeza joined #minetest
04:37 hoodedice They don't make the good stuff anymore
04:38 VanessaE of course not
04:38 VanessaE if it's ostensibly "for kids", it's been sanitized, homogenized, filtered, and wrung completely out of what it would have been
04:39 VanessaE (with some exceptions)
04:39 VanessaE looney tunes as we knew them from the early-to-mid 20th century (and reruns thereof of course) would never stand a chance today
04:40 kaeza that's because cartoons of olde cost an assload of moneu to make
04:40 VanessaE well sure, but that's no excuse for the pale stories and humor of most of today's cartoons
04:40 kaeza and required artistic skills
04:40 VanessaE the majority of cost is the animation, not the acting
04:41 hoodedice "and required artistic skills" That's the main difference between the old and the new
04:41 kaeza now it's grab flash/blender/<insert your favorite animation program here>, put up a few lines, and BAM!
04:41 hoodedice Tom and Jerry vs TaJ Tales
04:41 hoodedice What's new? Better drawings, more voice acting
04:41 VanessaE kaeza: pretty much, right?
04:42 hoodedice And HORRIBLE storylines that even kids can't laugh at
04:42 VanessaE hoodedice: to be fair, there WAS an era of T&J that was shit.  that, oh what was it, some Polish or Russian art company that stepped in for a dozen or so episodes?
04:42 hoodedice I don't know about that =/
04:43 VanessaE the set of episodes with the heavy echo, no words, barely recognizeable sound effects, and a drawing style that looked more like dried water color than what T&J was normally done with
04:43 hoodedice Hanna Barbera ones were good
04:43 kaeza ah yes
04:43 kaeza I remember about those
04:43 hoodedice As well as some MGM
04:43 kaeza indeed was ugly as shit
04:43 VanessaE Gene Deitch era.
04:44 VanessaE Rembrandt Films
04:44 VanessaE those 13 were the shitty ones
04:46 kaeza to be fair, the 80's was also a shitty era in the cartoon area
04:46 VanessaE hey now
04:46 hoodedice Some of GENE Deitch were okay
04:46 VanessaE there were some good cartoons in the 80's
04:46 kaeza "Go Planet!" WTF
04:47 hoodedice MEGAS XLR was the last good cartoon I ever saw.
04:47 hoodedice (And it was cancelled, thank you Cartoon Network)
04:47 kaeza only cartool I remember from the 80's that I really liked as a kid is TMNT
04:47 VanessaE kaeza: transformers, of course.
04:48 kaeza VanessaE, never actually seen those
04:48 VanessaE most were okay
04:48 VanessaE some were ...meh
04:48 VanessaE but it was the 80's
04:48 VanessaE everything was cyber-this and tech-that and so on
04:49 kaeza most of what got here on that era (and early 90's) are the cheap shitty ones
04:49 kaeza Captain Planet, Biker Mice from Mars, etc
04:49 VanessaE oh come on, captain planet was good
04:49 hoodedice Yeah, that's what I heard
04:50 hoodedice (But of course, I never saw it)
04:50 VanessaE of course, I'm the same sort of person who liked Powerpuff Girls, and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends :P
04:50 hoodedice Looks like Sailor Moon =P
04:50 hoodedice Hey those were good cartoons
04:50 kaeza even that "Bucky O'Hare"
04:50 VanessaE and of course,  Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy :)
04:51 hoodedice Nope, not that
04:51 kaeza that's a bit more recent :)
04:51 neko259 joined #minetest
04:51 hoodedice Man 1990-2004 was awesomeness
04:51 kaeza (mid-/late 90's)
04:51 kaeza can't recall
04:51 hoodedice Ever since Ben 10 came out, it's all downhill from there
04:54 VanessaE the sad part is the really GOOD ones just don't hang around for that long :-/
04:55 VanessaE (usually)
04:55 VanessaE the first Ben10 series was actually good
04:55 VanessaE I haven't seen any of the later stuff
04:55 hoodedice "the sad part is the really GOOD ones just don't hang around for that long" +infinity
04:55 hoodedice This was the one that came up before Ben 10
04:56 VanessaE which was what, I can't remember?
04:57 hoodedice
04:57 VanessaE oh yeah
04:57 hoodedice When Ben 10 came out, this was cancelled
04:57 VanessaE (you mentioned it, I just forgot)
04:57 VanessaE looks like anime
04:58 hoodedice And this made an impression on me that Megas was cancelled to make way for Ben 10
04:58 hoodedice So I was always biased on Ben 10, and never really watched it properly
04:58 hoodedice Plus mainstream.
04:58 ungali joined #minetest
04:59 ungali joined #minetest
04:59 ungali joined #minetest
05:00 ungali sandwich of the day... that's new
05:00 VanessaE cheese salad?  interesting.
05:01 VanessaE today'
05:02 hoodedice *I said shawarma*
05:02 VanessaE today's for me was a Burger King whopper (I was too lazy to make my usual chicken salad)
05:05 ungali chicken,
05:05 ungali *peppers
05:08 ungali joined #minetest
05:10 rsiska joined #minetest
05:32 OldCoder Hi
05:32 OldCoder Who rang?
06:01 * NekoGloop puts a kitten in OldCoder's lap
06:02 OldCoder Hi
06:02 * OldCoder pets the kitten
06:02 NekoGloop :3
06:13 TheLastProject joined #minetest
06:24 MinetestBot GIT: TTChangeTheWorld commited to minetest/minetest: Server::ProcessData(): call getBanName once instead of twice (#639) e61b1773c9 2013-09-02T22:34:43-07:00
07:18 sfan5 hello everyone
07:34 pitriss Hi sfan.
07:35 djdduty joined #minetest
07:35 djdduty joined #minetest
07:59 Ritchie joined #minetest
08:09 whirm joined #minetest
08:23 sfan5 what is this?
08:23 VanessaE a candidate for the trash?
08:23 VanessaE (nice pics though)
08:25 khonkhortisan trash test trash test trash tes
08:25 khonkhortisan t
08:27 VanessaE spam spam spam spam? ;)
08:38 OldCoder joined #minetest
08:38 VargaD joined #minetest
08:49 JamesTait Good morning all, happy Welsh Rarebit Day! :-D
08:53 e1z0 joined #minetest
08:53 e1z0 joined #minetest
08:54 VanessaE Welsh rarebit?
08:55 VanessaE ooooookay
09:01 sfan5 umm... wat?
09:03 VanessaE ?
09:03 VanessaE wtf?
09:04 JamesTait VanessaE, you've never had the pleasure?
09:05 JamesTait "Posh cheese on toast". ;)  It's delicious!
09:05 VanessaE heh
09:06 Calinou joined #minetest
09:07 kahrl sfan5: closed
09:08 sfan5 33 pull requests need a rebase
09:09 * sfan5 checked every pull
09:13 kahrl at least that's less than half ;)
09:13 kahrl which ones would be worthwhile to rebase ourselves before 0.4.8?
09:14 * VanessaE looks at the issue list, just for shits and grins
09:15 VanessaE #856 for sure
09:16 VanessaE #795
09:18 VanessaE #326 absolutely
09:18 kahrl I guess #795 technically needs rebase but is actually just the one line change in
09:18 VanessaE heh, didn't look at the code :P
09:19 VanessaE the rest, eh, I leave up to you
09:25 sfan5 should we maybe start using the Milestone feature of GitHub?
09:25 VanessaE I dunno, that's tantamount to setting deadlines - do we really want to see them whooshing past? ;)
09:27 whirm oooh, there where two stap processes hanging around in gorilla1
09:27 VanessaE ?
09:28 whirm stapio
09:28 whirm oops sorry wrong window
09:28 sfan5 :D
09:28 VanessaE obviously heh
09:28 whirm lol
09:28 VanessaE (i'm looking at that and going..."huh"?)
09:29 sfan5 using github's milestones makes people know better whats planned for 0.4.8
09:29 VanessaE well I suppose
09:29 VanessaE there's nothing wrong with doing that
09:29 sfan5 I think I'm going to rebase my SHA1 scriptapi interface now
09:29 Mati^1 joined #minetest
09:30 VanessaE it's just that it also gives a sense of "fuck, 0.4.325 is on the block and THIS HAS to be done first!"...  even if it is something that will delay 0.4.325 significantly.
09:31 kahrl well that's happening almost every release anyway
09:31 VanessaE true
09:31 VanessaE so nothing to see here, move along :P
09:31 sfan5 its not like we can't deassign pulls/issues to milestones
09:31 kahrl maintaining a list of it would make it more transparent what are the showstoppers
09:31 VanessaE fair enough
09:31 e1z0_ joined #minetest
09:31 VanessaE I guess do it then
09:32 VanessaE ok, my brain is crashing
09:32 kahrl well it should only be done with consensus of (almost) all devs
09:33 VanessaE time to let my body do the same.  Good night :)
09:33 kahrl to make sure at least everyone knows it is going to be used
09:33 kahrl night!
09:34 Calinou night VanessaE
09:35 kahrl I'd say lets make the milestone now and assign a few things to it, then discuss it when the other devs are awake
09:36 kahrl if they don't like it it can be deleted again
09:37 * sfan5 agrees with kahrl
09:38 kahrl created it
09:38 sfan5 "Current branch sha1_scriptapi is up to date." umm...
09:38 sfan5 GitHub disagrees with my git
09:39 sfan5 shall we have milestone labels?
09:40 sfan5 wait..
09:40 kahrl dunno
09:40 proller joined #minetest
09:41 sfan5 maybe labels that state whether it can be delayed until the next release
09:42 sfan5 kahrl: is #891 merged?
09:42 kahrl that might be too many labels
09:43 kahrl I don't think it is
09:44 kahrl there shouldn't be too many issues in any given milestone so I'm not sure labels to break them down further are needed
09:44 kahrl according to git log #891 isn't merged
09:48 VanessaE ok brain crash averted.  storms in the area so now I have to come back downstairs and babysit the PC for a bit
09:50 devnull__ joined #minetest
09:51 e1z0 joined #minetest
09:52 q66 joined #minetest
09:52 kahrl I disagree that #326 is milestone material
09:53 VanessaE no?
09:53 VanessaE Oldcoder's been waiting on that like, forever
09:53 kahrl leveldb is only used by a handful of people and they know how to use git versions
09:53 VanessaE he's still stuck at something like 0.4.4 or a bit later, can't update
09:54 kahrl should we delay the release because of that?
09:54 sfan5 no
09:54 VanessaE of course not
09:54 VanessaE but seeing as how 0.4.8 is already considerably delayed...
09:54 kahrl so not milestone
09:55 kahrl this isn't meant as something to throw everything in
09:55 VanessaE fair enough
09:55 VanessaE slate it for 0.4.9 then?
09:56 kahrl it's not my territory and I don't want to tell the other devs what to do
10:00 sfan5 sha1 for scriptapi rebased
10:00 sfan5 could potentially be useful for seed selection in world create menu
10:02 kahrl true
10:03 kahrl wouldn't it be simpler to have a single function that computes string -> sha1?
10:05 sfan5 maybe
10:43 Mati^1 joined #minetest
10:46 Exio4
10:47 Exio4 "lets fuck up it and then buy it"
10:47 ruskie considering elop did the same to macromedia
10:48 ruskie atleast they're not getting the patents and the trademarks
10:48 ruskie and nokia is left with the network side of things for the operators
10:48 ruskie and mapping(navteq)
10:48 VanessaE Exio4: nononono - "lets buy it, fuck it up, and abandon it"
10:48 VanessaE remember, "embrace, extend, extinguish"
10:49 Exio4 VanessaE: the n900, n9
10:49 Exio4 and the debian-based phones
10:49 ruskie both of those were pre-elop
10:49 Exio4 ^
10:49 ruskie and there are no other debian based devices
10:49 ruskie after those
10:49 Exio4 wasn't there a n950?
10:49 ruskie developer only for the n9
10:49 Exio4 ah
10:50 Kray you had to sign a developer agreement to get n950
10:50 Kray and you didn't own it
10:50 Exio4 i see, didn't know about it
10:51 ruskie well atleast there are alternatives in the form of sailfish(old maemo guys), firefoxos(my browser is now an OS ;)) and tizien(what weego was supposed to be for nokia really - but thanks to intel got fucked up)
10:53 Exio4 ".. Nokia will sell substantially all of its Devices & Services business and licence its patents to Microsoft for EUR 5.44 billion in cash .."
10:53 Exio4 5.44billion in cash?
10:53 Exio4 i would like it!
10:54 ruskie yup mostly offshore cash at that
10:54 ruskie but yeah license the patents
10:54 ruskie along with nokia/asha/lumia trademarks(until 2015)
10:54 ruskie after that tehy can decide what to do with the trademarks(make new phones, brand them from others or relicense again)
10:55 PilzAdam joined #minetest
10:55 Zeg9 joined #minetest
11:00 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
11:01 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
11:02 jojoa1997 PilzAdam. Thanks you helped me fix the mod.
11:07 PilzAdam lol,
11:07 VanessaE hey PA.
11:07 VanessaE bbl.  bed time (trying again)
11:08 Gethiox joined #minetest
11:09 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
11:18 Jordach joined #minetest
11:23 Jordach|MT i change my nick to shut VE-Survival up
11:25 MinetestBot GIT: kahrl commited to minetest/minetest: Fix enable_fog = false not having any effect when shaders are enabled 1ad9365d34 2013-09-03T04:23:30-07:00
11:27 JamesTait joined #minetest
11:35 e1z0_ joined #minetest
11:35 e1z0_ hi
11:35 sfan5 h
11:35 sfan5 *hi
11:35 e1z0_ i always get error "-- Sound enabled, but Vorbis libraries not found!" when try to compile minetest under windows
11:35 e1z0_ :|
11:35 e1z0_ all librarys path'es ar configured correctly
11:37 sfan5 libvorbisfile and libvorbisfile present?
11:40 e1z0_ fixed
11:41 e1z0_ CMake Error at src/CMakeLists.txt:551 (install):   install FILES given directory "libs/irrlicht-1.7.3/bin/Win32-VisualStudio" to install.
11:41 e1z0_ hmmm
11:45 GNADev|zRokh joined #minetest
11:45 GNADev|zRokh hi
12:04 Zeitgeist_ joined #minetest
12:11 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
12:23 hoodedice joined #minetest
12:23 hoodedice PilzAdam : PilzTest is awesome
12:24 hoodedice But
12:24 sfan5 hoodedice: there are spoilers for a reason
12:24 hoodedice ?
12:24 sfan5
12:24 hoodedice oh wow
12:24 hoodedice But not as annoying as scrolling down, is it
12:26 GNADev|zRokh nice, hood... :D
12:27 Wuzzy joined #minetest
12:30 hoodedice What?
12:31 hoodedice Tek Fighterken is a good name for a game
12:33 GNADev|zRokh yeah, it is actually
12:33 GNADev|zRokh or...
12:33 GNADev|zRokh Fightrogen
12:33 GNADev|zRokh idk yet...
12:34 hoodedice Post the post, we'll see about it
12:34 hoodedice How are you making the game anyway?
12:34 hoodedice *blog, not post
12:34 GNADev|zRokh well, i google'd Fighterken and i got Fighter Ken
12:34 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
12:34 GNADev|zRokh well im starting the blog...
12:34 hoodedice Lol, I never played street fighter
12:34 GNADev|zRokh i have an idea...
12:35 GNADev|zRokh gotta write it there
12:35 hoodedice How are you making the game? From scratch? Unity? Irrlicht?
12:35 hoodedice minetest?
12:35 hoodedice (lol)
12:35 GNADev|zRokh from scratch
12:35 GNADev|zRokh practically
12:35 hoodedice cool. cya later
12:36 GNADev|zRokh all images and code (except for the Java Built-in Libraries) will be from scratch
12:36 GNADev|zRokh crap... :D
12:37 meldrian joined #minetest
12:43 babyface1031 joined #minetest
12:43 rmilan joined #minetest
12:45 FreeFull If I ever wrote a blog I would do it in Haskell
12:50 GNADev|zRokh Haskell?
12:50 GNADev|zRokh idk that language...
12:50 GNADev|zRokh btw, im making it in Blogger
12:56 GNADev|zRokh ok, done!
12:56 GNADev|zRokh not the whole story... but some of it :D
12:58 whirm joined #minetest
13:12 Jordach > java
13:12 Jordach > pc game
13:12 Jordach welcome to your lag
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13:30 VargaD joined #minetest
13:31 e1z0 what could be wrong with this ?
13:32 FreeFull e1z0: You might have the wrong version of irrlicht
13:32 e1z0 1.7.3
13:32 FreeFull Or the linking might not be going right
13:33 e1z0 maybe someone can share all build tools they have bundled ?
13:35 Jordach e1z0, are you using msvc to build minetest
13:35 e1z0 no
13:35 e1z0 i'm using gcc
13:36 e1z0 mingw32
13:36 Jordach look in the util folder of minetest
13:36 Jordach if you're on linux, providing windows builds can be done with the buildbot
13:37 e1z0 i'm on windows
13:42 e1z0 but i  have microsoft visual studio too
13:42 e1z0 Jordach: should i use it ?
13:43 Jordach e1z0, can make builds for windows
13:43 e1z0 hmm
13:43 Jordach but there are other people who make windows builds on the forum
13:43 e1z0 oh, ok i will read the forum first
13:44 Jordach they're in general discussion at the top
13:47 * Jordach has started rendering 481 frames
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14:02 troller joined #minetest
14:02 PilzAdam for some reason I dont believe this...
14:02 PilzAdam maybe because every single mod that was announced like this was never finished?
14:03 Vadtec joined #minetest
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14:03 VadtecWk joined #minetest
14:04 TheLastProject joined #minetest
14:14 Peacock joined #minetest
14:15 DanDuncombe joined #minetest
14:16 DanDuncombe I am in the process of making a conveyor-belt type node, and all I want it to do is move entities in the correct direction specified by it's facedit. How do I do it?
14:17 Bob_____ joined #minetest
14:19 sfan5 DanDuncombe: minetest.facedir_to_dir()
14:19 sfan5 will give you the direction from the _____back of the node_____
14:19 DanDuncombe I only want it to move dropped item entities. How do I do this?
14:19 sfan5 if you want the facing direction you need to do * {x=-1, y=1, z=-1}
14:20 DanDuncombe , Well, item moving code first
14:20 Peacock mod idea: something that uses vman do dig large amounts of air (re, fix shadows over great distances)
14:20 sfan5 entities don't have a facedir
14:20 DanDuncombe No, but the facedir node should move entities in it's facedir
14:21 DanDuncombe Like a conveyor belt
14:22 Jordach they call it pipeworks
14:22 DanDuncombe I am not going to re-write pipeworks, I want a simple node that can transport entities
14:22 DanDuncombe EG, drop an item on it, and it moves along.
14:23 DanDuncombe afk for a moment
14:24 Peacock doesnt tubes do that?
14:25 * Jordach goes fuck
14:25 DanDuncombe I have a better idea. I want it to simply be a node that transports entities from -x +x
14:25 Mati^1 joined #minetest
14:25 DanDuncombe Pipeworks makes it'sown entities
14:25 DanDuncombe This will be a conveyor that moves dropped items,players, whatever really.
14:26 Jousway joined #minetest
14:26 Peacock sounds like the same thing, might as well grab the tubes code and change the tube nodebox for a conveyor one
14:26 DanDuncombe NO NO NO
14:26 DanDuncombe This is nothing like.
14:26 DanDuncombe If you stand on a tube,do you get pulled along?No, you don't
14:26 Peacock well have fun rewriting it from scratch :p
14:27 Peacock yeah thats like a one line fix
14:27 DanDuncombe I am not. All it needs to do is give entities a velocity in a certain direction.
14:27 Jordach DanDuncombe, you won't
14:27 Peacock tubes look for non player entities, remove that condition and ittl move all entities
14:27 DanDuncombe And pipeworks creates it's own entities to move stuff, this won';t.
14:27 Jordach the entities are controlled by their definitions
14:27 DanDuncombe Man, all I want is a node that pulls any entity along
14:28 OldCoder <kahrl> leveldb is only used by a handful of people and they know how to use git versions
14:28 DanDuncombe Anyone??
14:28 DanDuncombe Helloooooo?
14:29 OldCoder Whenever LevelDB may be possible is fine. But the fact it is used by a "handful" is not the key issue. It is important to the future of the project that LevelDB be included or even default. SQLite3 should be retained, of course.
14:29 OldCoder kahrl, VanessaE, thexyz and others who may be interested in this point ^
14:29 DanDuncombe Can anyone help?
14:29 DanDuncombe It would move dropped item entities only
14:29 OldCoder DanDuncombe, I would but I have forgotten most of this.
14:30 DanDuncombe Ok
14:30 DanDuncombe Does anyone know? All it needs to do is set the velocity...
14:31 DanDuncombe And lua api.txt is as unhelpful as ever.
14:31 DanDuncombe Anyone here who can help?
14:32 john_minetest joined #minetest
14:32 DanDuncombe Hi
14:33 DanDuncombe Do you know how to make a node move dropped items on it along from -x to +x?
14:34 PilzAdam DanDuncombe, have you read the channel rules?
14:34 DanDuncombe No
14:34 DanDuncombe IDK where they are
14:34 PilzAdam /topic
14:34 Peacock apparently not lol
14:36 ShadowNinja DanDuncombe: Use an ABM, in it check for objects within a range of one and set their velocity/acceleration. You should use a nodebox so that they enter the node, or you can check above.
14:36 DanDuncombe THANKS! FINALLY!
14:37 DanDuncombe Does anyone know the name of the dropped item, if it has one?
14:37 ShadowNinja __builtin:irem
14:37 ShadowNinja item*
14:37 DanDuncombe Thanks!!!!!
14:38 ShadowNinja You're welcome.
14:38 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, ... now he thinks that being impatient brings him what he wants
14:39 Peacock meh, theres always flood-kicking :P
14:41 ShadowNinja Well sometimes "what he wants" may be a kick or ban. ;-)
14:41 Peacock lol true enough
14:43 Peacock dammit, is there anyway to disable shadow forming (light update?) when spawning large structures?
14:44 ShadowNinja Peacock: Try using the mapgen VM without update_lighting().
14:44 PilzAdam if you use vmanip
14:44 Peacock not sure that would be compatible with the mesh spawner  thingy
14:45 Peacock is add_node defined in builtin? i could disable update_lighting there
14:45 PilzAdam no, its done in the engine
14:45 Peacock crap :(
14:46 Peacock whats the default param1 value when there's no shadow? im running an abm on air but its pretty slow since its removing all of them
14:46 DanDuncombe Ok, I'll try to not be impatient in the future.
14:47 DanDuncombe Also, what is wrong with this?
14:47 hoodedice joined #minetest
14:47 PilzAdam Peacock, you cant manually change param1 of nodes
14:47 Peacock why not? thats how WE's fix shadows used to work
14:47 PilzAdam WE's shadow fixes just calls node_dig() on the nodes
14:47 hoodedice Peacock, you got the reason for my ban?
14:47 PilzAdam so it forces recalculation
14:48 Peacock yeah but before that it used to just change the param1 value
14:48 Peacock when i print out the param1 now, i get values as high as 159
14:49 DanDuncombe I am admittedly not the best at abms...
14:50 Peacock one weird thing i noticed is i still get odd spots of high lighting when i spawn structures
14:50 hoodedice (...)
14:50 proller__ joined #minetest
14:52 hmmmm joined #minetest
14:52 hoodedice Ah PilzAdam, I was saying this morning that
14:52 hoodedice While your PilzTest is nice
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14:53 DanDuncombe ShadowNinja, do you have any idea what is wrong with the abm? Debug said setvelocity was a nil value, but I don't know what to change to make it work
14:53 hoodedice In the forest biome, some of the tree leaves should spread out as they grow taller.
14:53 hoodedice And some should be as they are, but with a little more leaf cover
14:55 NekoGloop joined #minetest
15:00 Peacock for some reason i have these odd patches of shadow that don't go away by diggin air :/
15:02 Peacock if i wanted to patch to disable shadows in it's entirety, which source file do i need to look at?
15:07 proller joined #minetest
15:08 DanDuncombe Can anyone fix the abm?
15:10 mahomet joined #minetest
15:10 mahomet where is he
15:10 andersje VanessaE: I pushed new code that fixes that light/pastel/faint aliasing issue in stained_glass.  Once you've verified its working on your server, I'll close the issue.
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15:30 hoodedice Wow.
15:30 jojoa1997 Hi
15:31 hoodedice Yo
15:31 hoodedice Peacock for the odd shadow thing
15:31 DanDuncombe Can anyone help withthe abm?
15:31 hoodedice Build over it completely then remove built blocks
15:31 hoodedice abm?
15:32 ShadowNinja Peacock: You can disable shadows in light.h/cpp.
15:32 hoodedice And then rebuild the game?
15:32 jojoa1997 Yeah but that means compileing
15:32 hoodedice Wow.
15:32 hoodedice That's what I meant
15:33 hoodedice (Well at least there is a way)
15:34 Vohveli joined #minetest
15:34 Peacock where can i find add_node? i want to disable update_lighthing (if that makes sense)
15:34 DanDuncombe hoddedice:   This crashes Minetest
15:35 Peacock i found diminish light in light.h, but simply commenting that out will likely break shit lol
15:35 hoodedice Did you run it throught the debugger?
15:37 DanDuncombe Apparently the stevelocity is a nil value
15:37 ShadowNinja Peacock: You can change the client's decode_light (or something like that) function to make all light levels resolve to, eg, 150
15:37 Calinou joined #minetest
15:37 Peacock im guessing 150 is the default?
15:37 andersje stevelocity?  is our singleplayer guy really named "steve" ?
15:37 DanDuncombe setvelocity
15:38 DanDuncombe Is what I meant
15:38 andersje ah, that makes more sense.
15:38 * andersje does like the idea of a variable called "Stevelocity"
15:38 ShadowNinja Peacock: That function converts light levels 1-15 to 0-255.
15:38 Peacock no wonder setting param1 to 13 does nothing lol
15:39 troller joined #minetest
15:39 Peacock u8 light_decode_table[LIGHT_MAX+1] does the conversion?
15:40 andersje why not give blocks direct access to all 255 light lightlevels?
15:40 hoodedice That will lag like hell (I guess)
15:40 Peacock hm, so for every key under 13, i'd have to return 157 (according to table)
15:41 jojoa1997 Would it make a difference if I put the light level of a node to 30
15:41 e1z0 joined #minetest
15:42 Calinou you can't
15:42 Calinou hoodedice: lag != slow performance
15:42 jojoa1997 Why not
15:42 Calinou there are 16 light levels because more would cause light updates to be much slower
15:42 hoodedice Okay, *slow performance
15:42 Calinou even 32 light levels would be much slower already ;)
15:43 jojoa1997 I mean just for testing
15:43 jojoa1997 I really was interested in setting the light level to 16-20
15:43 hoodedice DanDucombe, I'm guessing that y pos and z pos at line 9 don't change
15:43 hoodedice at all
15:43 DanDuncombe hoodedice, no they don't
15:44 hoodedice Then why did you include that?
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15:44 DanDuncombe I was copying from an existing bm
15:44 hoodedice (sorry for n00b)
15:44 DanDuncombe *abm
15:44 hoodedice Why don't you test it without those things?
15:45 DanDuncombe How would it move the entity then?
15:46 hoodedice If they don't change how does the entity move?
15:46 hoodedice Are those variables?
15:46 DanDuncombe I think so
15:46 mahomet joined #minetest
15:46 hoodedice Question 1.
15:46 DanDuncombe The idea is to send any entity withing range of 1 node in a certain direction
15:47 hoodedice ya, got that part
15:47 DanDuncombe And that is it
15:47 hoodedice The 'conveyor' name was enough.
15:47 hoodedice So why do you store y pos and z pos when the entity moves along the x pos?
15:48 DanDuncombe IDK, I was trying to convert an old abm
15:48 troller joined #minetest
15:48 hoodedice So why don't you try removing the extra pos?
15:49 hoodedice (Pro modders, please help here)
15:49 hoodedice Can you pass the old abm?
15:49 DanDuncombe The whole old abm?Sure
15:50 mahomet CALINOU
15:50 DanDuncombe This is the old abm:
15:51 e1z0_ Jordach: everythings seems to be compiled ok, but it says that zlib1.dll not found
15:51 e1z0_ then it try to run minetest.exe
15:51 hoodedice Dan better thing
15:51 hoodedice This new abm is a part of a mod right?
15:51 DanDuncombe Yeas?
15:52 DanDuncombe Yes it is
15:52 hoodedice Pass me the mod this is a part of
15:53 DanDuncombe I have removed the abm for now, but here it is:
15:53 DanDuncombe I am converting and improving the old industry_pack mod]
15:53 hoodedice I should paste said code into an init.lua right?
15:53 DanDuncombe Yes
15:54 DanDuncombe In a mod called 'conveyor'
15:54 hoodedice cool brb
15:55 DanDuncombe I will change it so it has no facedir, then have four conveyor node, one for each direction, each with it's own abm, that switch between each other when right-clicked
15:56 hoodedice Hmm, does the crash report say "failed to run and load"?
15:56 hoodedice *load and run
15:57 DanDuncombe Nope
15:57 DanDuncombe Only the abm crashed it
15:58 hoodedice The game does start?
15:58 DanDuncombe Yes
15:58 DanDuncombe Crafting it needs another mod, but that shouldn't crash it
15:58 Calinou mahomet: what
15:58 hoodedice ok started.
15:58 octobot joined #minetest
15:59 mahomet Calinou: do not harass BSD
16:00 hoodedice ok...
16:00 hoodedice Now how do I activate said abm ingame?
16:00 DanDuncombe My one ? The crashy one?
16:00 hoodedice ya
16:01 DanDuncombe If so, simply drop an item on it
16:01 Calinou mhm
16:01 Calinou I'm not
16:01 hoodedice I don't see stuff in the inventory
16:01 hoodedice (n00b!!!)
16:01 hoodedice give singleplayer conveyor? lol
16:02 DanDuncombe This: /giveme conveyor:conveyor
16:02 hoodedice okay, so I am not that nooby =P
16:03 hoodedice (Some exception: Access violation)
16:03 DanDuncombe Err? Nothing to do with the mod I would think.
16:03 hoodedice indeed
16:07 hoodedice I'm getting the error on even slash grant singleplayer all lol
16:07 hoodedice No not lol
16:08 hoodedice Wow, some bunch of errors
16:08 hoodedice "Unary operation not folded into constant"
16:09 DanDuncombe Lol
16:10 mahomet make sure you don't, Calinou
16:11 hoodedice There are a few more but I cant find the damn debug.txt in windoze
16:11 PilzAdam mahomet, whats wrong with harassing BSD?
16:11 mahomet it's babyish
16:11 hoodedice eureka
16:11 Calinou I'm not doing that
16:11 PilzAdam mahomet, and why do you say Calinou to not do it then?
16:11 Calinou this is the 2nd person that says that :/
16:11 PilzAdam people are free to behave babyish
16:12 mahomet PilzAdam: not without the consequences of their actions
16:12 Calinou I'm probably being impersonated
16:12 mahomet I'll accept Calinou's innocence
16:12 Calinou (or you're reading something wrongly)
16:12 mahomet Calinou: you wouldn't be the first to be impersonated, to be honest
16:12 Peacock shadowninja your idea didn't fix shadows, it created a perma-day lol
16:12 Calinou there are long time trolls on phoronix, deal with it
16:13 mahomet there's a gang of ridiculous fools on the rampage
16:13 PilzAdam mahomet, I dont see any consequenses in harassing BSD
16:14 PilzAdam (besides being called "babyish" by others)
16:14 mahomet the consequences are spread of disinformation
16:14 DanDuncombe Can I make a node have an infotext without a formspec?
16:15 PilzAdam mahomet, why dont you say "stop spreading disinformation about BSD" then?
16:15 Calinou john_minetest: vorbis is way better but few people use it
16:15 Calinou because lack of marketing...
16:15 mahomet PilzAdam: because it appears Calinou was the victim of another vicious impersonation
16:16 e1z0__ joined #minetest
16:16 Jordach|MT mahomet, quit whining, do what you were going to do
16:16 Peacock which source file is add_node in?
16:17 DanDuncombe afk for a bit
16:17 mahomet Jordach|MT: i am not whining
16:17 mahomet and you don't know what I was going to do
16:17 mahomet or, indeed, if I was going to do anything at all
16:18 Zeg9 john_minetest, MP3 is LAME
16:18 Zeg9 Sorry, had to say it.
16:18 PilzAdam <mahomet> PilzAdam: because it appears Calinou was the victim of another vicious impersonation <- I dont understand how that is related to my point
16:19 mahomet in some countries, puns like those are punishable by death
16:19 Calinou Zeg9: I said it on the MT forums lol
16:19 Zeg9 Yeah...
16:19 mahomet in that case PilzAdam I'm not sure what your point was
16:20 PilzAdam mahomet, the situation we talked about was that someone was harassing BSD, and while doing that he spread disinformation
16:20 PilzAdam then you said "stop harassing BSD", but it turned out the only thing that you dont like is the spreading of the disinformation
16:21 mahomet it is implicit, generally. most people qualified to speak on BSD will not be harassing its users
16:21 PilzAdam so my point is, that you should make yourself more clear, by saying "stop spreading disinformation about BSD"
16:22 mahomet I never was one for preciseness, to be honest
16:22 DanDuncombe Is there a simple abm that detects builtin items above a node, and adds them to a chest beneath it?
16:24 PilzAdam mahomet, maybe the disinformation happened because of the same reason
16:25 PilzAdam some people are not very precise in their statements (like you)
16:25 Jordach|MT Linux runs the world, BSD is in the scientist's basement doing fuck all; we clear
16:26 mahomet that was rather not the case PilzAdam; my ambiguity was of no consequence because only a pedant would notice the difference between what I said and meant. whereas these phoronix trolls are operating with hostile intent
16:26 mahomet Jordach|MT: we are most certainly not clear
16:26 PilzAdam sure, thats possible too
16:26 DanDuncombe And Windows slobs in an armchair, mac hangs around outside
16:26 Jordach|MT mahomet, BSD is almost impossible to install
16:26 mahomet Jordach|MT: which BSD?
16:27 PilzAdam mahomet, though its not good to always think in predefined schematics
16:27 mahomet I assume you don't mean OS X, which is a 2gb download from the Apple App Store
16:27 Jordach|MT mahomet, PC-BSD
16:27 Jordach|MT and netBSD
16:27 Jordach|MT and yet Linux Mint takes one attempt
16:27 mahomet well, it's all a matter of who's installing it, isn't it
16:28 mahomet *BSD (excluding Apple OS X) isn't exactly targetted at the same people as Linux Mint
16:29 mahomet with regards to your installation difficulties, I can't imagine what went wrong, but I'm sure it would be constructive to raise it with the developers
16:29 DanDuncombe Can someone quickly write a (working) hopper mod to replace the one it industry_pack? All it needs to do is suck up items dropped on it and put them in a chest.
16:29 Jordach|MT mahomet, boot loader failed to find partition (four of them on MBR)
16:30 hoodedice I think we have a fanboyh here
16:30 mahomet you already had 4 partitions? or
16:30 hoodedice And we all know how to deal with them
16:30 mahomet hoodedice: we have a pragmatist here.
16:30 hoodedice MORE FANBOYISM !!!!
16:30 Jordach|MT I put PC-BSD on the fourth, /sda3/
16:30 Calinou to be honest, I find BSD to be a duplicate effort to Linux
16:30 hoodedice !g Pragmatist
16:30 MinetestBot hoodedice:
16:30 Calinou look at it, it does nearly the same things Linux does :P
16:31 mahomet Calinou: BSD predated linux quite substantially :) linux was, after all, an attempt to recreate UNIX SysV
16:31 Jordach|MT ^ fanboi
16:32 hoodedice "Calinou : Do not harrass BSD" does not seem a " practical, matter-of-fact way of approaching or assessing situations or of solving problems"
16:32 mahomet Jordach|MT: if you will offer nothing but ad-hominems, you are in no position to speak on the merits of anything
16:32 mahomet hoodedice: more ad-hominems
16:32 mahomet now, back to the point
16:32 Jordach|MT mahomet, i speak of the general purpose user
16:32 hoodedice !g ad-hominems
16:32 MinetestBot hoodedice:
16:32 Jordach|MT who don't develop, just use it as an end user
16:32 mahomet Jordach|MT: if you want something for general purpose users, OS X is up your street. PC-BSD is using ZFS now which doesn't play very well with multi-boot systems (although if you're devoted it can be done)
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16:33 MinetestBot john_minetest:
16:33 hoodedice OK. We adressed your argument : Calinou did not disrespect BSD. Plus Linux is better.
16:33 mahomet I wouldn't advocate for a minute that someone who is happy on Linux or Windows moves to a BSD. that would be stupid. if something works for you, no point switching
16:33 Jordach|MT mahomet, i'm not truly happy with any kernel arch.
16:33 mahomet hoodedice: 'better' is a subjective matter
16:34 Peacock os-wars, the geek version of pissing contests lol
16:34 Jordach|MT i have blender on windows to animate my stuff, then OpenShot on Mint for processing video
16:34 Jordach|MT back to blender for frames that OS might have dropped
16:34 hoodedice better* *There are more android phones than iOS phones in circulation. There are more Linux based servers and supercomputers than BSD
16:34 mahomet really, I don't believe BSD is superior to Linux, nor do I believe that Linux is superior to BSD. different use cases. Jordach|MT, i can relate to that. unfortunately with technology you never get perfect
16:35 hoodedice In any case, you are an apologist
16:35 hoodedice !g apologist
16:35 MinetestBot hoodedice:
16:35 mahomet you only get closer to what you want, never perfection
16:35 Jordach|MT mahomet, until OpenShot comes to windows, i'm never happy
16:35 mahomet hoodedice: i wouldn't say so, I'm not advocating people changing from what they're happy with
16:36 * Peacock hands everyone a ruler
16:36 Peacock settle this like men :P
16:36 mahomet as such, there's little apologetics to be done. i say if you want to try a BSD, go for it. I'll even help you along the way. but if you're happy with *whatever*, no need
16:36 DanDuncombe Can someone do an 'hopper' abm that puts droppeditems into chests?
16:36 mahomet hoodedice: I've never really been one to follow usage numbers as gospel
16:37 PilzAdam DanDuncombe, you are repeating yourself
16:37 hoodedice Therefore your arguments are invalid.
16:37 DanDuncombe But no-one answered
16:37 Peacock an hero
16:37 hoodedice And. We are going off-topic
16:37 hoodedice And we should all help DanDucombe
16:37 Peacock repeating the same question over and over wont force a reply
16:38 mahomet hoodedice: that does not invalidate any of my arguments; to argue so is fallacial. but you raise a good point, let's forget about operating systems :)
16:38 hoodedice Peacock, did you find out the reason for my ban
16:38 DanDuncombe I asked it twice
16:38 hoodedice XP
16:38 Peacock wife said you were screwing with new players at freebuild and she found you complained more than you build
16:38 hoodedice ok.
16:39 hoodedice wait. Freebuild?
16:39 LazyJ joined #minetest
16:39 Peacock something about digging nodes others were placing
16:40 Peacock since she handles people, she doesn't have to put up with what she doesn't want to put up with
16:40 hoodedice Okay I did 'argue' more than I built (With that guy who pressed the prison button) , but I never went to freebuild, did not remove any nodes except my own did a place a few nodes out of nation for getting back to dry land but it doesn't matter I know the rules and so on forth I will stay quiet about it
16:41 FreeFull Peacock: Is the server down right now?
16:41 PilzAdam Zeg9, would be nice if you could update your pull request to farming_plus
16:41 PilzAdam (i.e. make grass drop seeds, see forum)
16:41 hoodedice Thank you very much for asking the reason. I'll keep my mouth shut (In a good way) on other servers (If any)
16:41 Peacock freefull yeah im compiling a test build that disables update_lighting
16:41 FreeFull Peacock: So placing lights won't do anything anymore?
16:42 Peacock well im testing to see if it doesn't do shaows when i place nodes
16:42 hoodedice He's finding a way to disable shadows
16:42 Peacock *shadows
16:42 test_ joined #minetest
16:42 hoodedice DanDucombe got your mod finally
16:42 DanDuncombe It works now???
16:42 Calinou there is a mapgen setting for disabling light, as far as I know
16:42 Calinou but it lets you see in caves easily :P
16:43 Calinou isn't it "nolight"?
16:43 DanDuncombe Could you please pastebin it hoodedice?
16:43 PilzAdam Calinou, only nolight, but thats pitch black
16:43 Calinou (mg_flags)
16:43 Calinou oh
16:43 Calinou thought it was full brightness everywhere
16:43 Peacock light is fine, nighttime is fine, huge-ass shadows under spawned structures is what i want to get rid of
16:43 hoodedice Blocks appear on top of it, but they don't move
16:43 hoodedice Game doesn't crash now
16:43 Peacock
16:43 PilzAdam Peacock, have you tried the "post-processing" with vmanip I suggested in the forum?
16:44 DanDuncombe Oh
16:44 DanDuncombe Ok
16:44 Peacock well the structure is already there :/
16:44 PilzAdam yes
16:44 PilzAdam thats what the method aims at
16:44 hoodedice You have to do something to the node on top?
16:44 Peacock so moving forward, how do i remove shadows with vman after the fact?
16:44 PilzAdam lemme write some pseudo code
16:45 hoodedice pastebin what?
16:45 Peacock im guessing it involves using vman to cycle through all the air and removing it (so new air gets placed?)
16:45 DanDuncombe hoodedice, the entity on top is meant to move along
16:45 hoodedice hmm
16:45 DanDuncombe pastebin the working abm
16:45 hoodedice Put up conveyors along x first
16:45 hoodedice I didnt change anything
16:45 hoodedice =/
16:45 DanDuncombe Yes, there will be conveyor1, 2, 3 and 4 for the four directions
16:46 hoodedice Wait...
16:46 DanDuncombe Also, the abm crashes on me
16:46 hoodedice There are changes here
16:46 hoodedice lolwut?
16:46 hoodedice Crap. I used the fixed abm (old one)
16:46 PilzAdam Peacock,
16:46 DanDuncombe It will stay as it is for now I guess
16:46 hoodedice *Facepalm*
16:47 DanDuncombe Hoodedice, could you do the hopper code?
16:47 DanDuncombe Or abm
16:47 hoodedice I don't know crap
16:47 Peacock that was easy
16:47 hoodedice *code
16:47 Peacock minp and maxp would be the bounding box of my structure?
16:47 PilzAdam yes
16:47 PilzAdam that isnt valid code, though
16:47 Peacock whats missing?
16:48 PilzAdam thats just pseudo-code to show my idea
16:48 hoodedice Weird
16:48 DanDuncombe Also, can I make one inventory shared by certain nodes as long as they are vertically above each other?
16:48 hoodedice The old conveyor mod turned to unknown nodes
16:48 hoodedice And the new conveyor doesnt load on giveme
16:49 DanDuncombe You  must have changed the nodename then
16:49 hoodedice Nope nothing
16:49 DanDuncombe I will leave it as useless for now then
16:49 test_ At this time I plan to make  game on base of the minetest engine and so i have the question, Can i use all mods they are in the vanilla installation of minetest as base for my mod(game) for minetest
16:49 hoodedice haha
16:50 Peacock crevis 2.0 lol
16:50 hoodedice test_ yes you can
16:50 hoodedice Just make sure everything has the same lisence
16:50 hoodedice *licence
16:50 e1z0__ anyone have successfully builded minetest under windows with mingw ?
16:50 hoodedice *license
16:50 DanDuncombe Okay, now I am gonna try and make a node, that functions like furnace, but instead of cooking ores, it turnes them to cookable dusts, 2 each.
16:51 test_ thanks and i have a 2th question to pilzadam can i use your workbench mod, too
16:51 DanDuncombe How would I do this? Make 1 iron lump turn to 2 iron dusts?
16:51 hoodedice Workbench mod is by darkrose I think...
16:51 john_minetest left #minetest
16:52 DanDuncombe Actually, the factory can do thia
16:52 DanDuncombe Never mind
16:52 test_ in the readme stand PilzAdam
16:52 hoodedice test_ Can you link to that mod?
16:52 test_ which mod
16:53 hoodedice workbench mod
16:53 hoodedice "can i use your workbench mod,"
16:53 test_ it is in the minitest mod pack(game)
16:54 hoodedice See this
16:54 hoodedice
16:54 hoodedice License WTFPL
16:54 hoodedice Do whatever you like with it
16:55 test_ hoodedice here is the link from the mod
16:55 hoodedice See the license
16:55 hoodedice YOu can do whatever you want
16:55 hoodedice Posted link
16:56 PilzAdam test_, the mod is under WTFPL, which means you can do What The Fuck you want do
16:56 test_ ah thanks this license is new for me i never heard from it before thanks
16:57 PilzAdam though some of the default mods are LGPL; this license says that you have to reshare it as LGPL too
16:57 test_ ah ok
16:57 DanDuncombe All the metals in default minetest are gold,iron and copper right?
16:57 PilzAdam so I guess it would be best if you use LGPL as the licesne for your new game
16:58 test_ when i make it on base fom your modpack or from the vanilla
17:00 thexyz that's why you don't do drugs
17:01 dachary joined #minetest
17:01 PilzAdam thexyz, have you linked a deleted post?
17:01 thexyz yeah
17:02 thexyz such as minecraft and is still cheating on you from there you write only the names and threw the Shema it lends itself to not write here again and again XD and password VanessaE you got linux so you might want minecraft so if you want him to let go of this http://www / watch? v = GrzhwfXhv_k
17:02 dachary left #minetest
17:07 rmilan joined #minetest
17:08 e1z0 damn windows building!!!1
17:14 neko259 joined #minetest
17:18 e1z0_ joined #minetest
17:20 Mati^1 joined #minetest
17:26 e1z0 joined #minetest
17:28 DanDuncombe left #minetest
17:31 DanDuncombe joined #minetest
17:31 DanDuncombe Very much WIP, but what do you think?
17:34 troller joined #minetest
17:36 e1z0_ joined #minetest
17:39 khor joined #minetest
17:41 * Jordach|MT drops some more bass
17:43 Jordach|MT wub wub
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17:49 e1z0 joined #minetest
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17:51 e1z0 joined #minetest
17:51 e1z0 joined #minetest
17:51 ShadowNinja DanDuncombe: Use a public git repository, preferably hosted on github.
17:51 OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest
17:53 e1z0 joined #minetest
17:53 e1z0 joined #minetest
17:54 e1z0 joined #minetest
17:54 e1z0 joined #minetest
18:02 rsiska joined #minetest
18:06 babyface1031 joined #minetest
18:20 GNADev|zRokh joined #minetest
18:20 GNADev|zRokh hi
18:22 mahomet joined #minetest
18:23 DanDuncombe joined #minetest
18:23 DanDuncombe How do I register new stairs and slabs with default stairs mod?
18:25 DanDuncombe Ah, nevermind
18:28 e1z0 where is located version number in source code ?
18:32 Jordach|MT e1z0, it's in the cmake files
18:32 Jordach|MT the cmake files compile the version number into it
18:35 GNADev|zRokh hi Jordach, is the |MT in the end the meaning that your using the MT IRC Mod?
18:37 ShadowNinja GNADev|zRokh: Sort of, he did that to avoid hilights from the IRC mod when he is in-game.
18:37 Jordach|MT nope nope nope
18:37 Jordach|MT but yes to ShadowNinja
18:37 ShadowNinja Jordach|MT: Not /nope?
18:37 ShadowNinja ;-)
18:37 Jordach|MT ShadowNinja, quassel doesn't have user commands
18:38 GNADev|zRokh :D
18:38 ShadowNinja Right.
18:38 GNADev|zRokh <<== ShadowNinja
18:38 GNADev|zRokh what do you think?
18:42 GNADev|zRokh_ joined #minetest
18:43 DanDuncombe How do you add  stairs as a mod dependency? adding stairs to depends.txt didn't work.
18:43 GNADev|zRokh im back :D
18:44 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
18:45 DanDuncombe How do you add it?
18:47 djdduty joined #minetest
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18:47 DanDuncombe Helloooooo?
18:49 PilzAdam DanDuncombe, thats very patient
18:49 DanDuncombe I know.
18:49 GNADev|zRokh please dont start bullying again, PilzAdam, he has been asking that for a VERY long time now
18:49 GNADev|zRokh i would help but idk why doesnt depends.txt work...
18:50 Exio4 PilzAdam vs GNADev|zRokh
18:50 DanDuncombe It says: mod "concrete" has unsatisified dpendencies: "stairs   default"
18:50 Mati^1
18:50 Exio4 how are you adding them?
18:50 DanDuncombe They are on seperate lines of depends.txt
18:50 Exio4 what is the separator? a newline?
18:50 Exio4 k
18:50 Jordach|MT DanDuncombe, put default \n stairs
18:51 DanDuncombe Ok
18:51 Jordach|MT (\n being newline)
18:51 Exio4 \n means newline eh
18:51 Exio4 default\nstairs\n morelike
18:52 DanDuncombe mod "concrete" has unsatisfied dependencies: "default \n stairs"
18:52 Exio4 k
18:52 Jordach|MT the \n was a newline DanDuncombe
18:52 Jordach|MT eg, hit enter
18:52 DanDuncombe They were already on seperatelojnes
18:54 DanDuncombe The relevant bit of debug:
18:54 DanDuncombe I really dunno why it won't work
18:55 GNADev|zRokh bye
18:56 DanDuncombe Can a tool be used in a craft, and take durability with each craft, without being lost?
18:57 PilzAdam no
18:57 cisoun joined #minetest
18:57 e1z0 :O~
18:58 PilzAdam the only craft recipe that allows changing the wear is toolrepair
18:58 DanDuncombe Oh
18:58 DanDuncombe Can I make the tool not be used up by the craft though?
18:59 DanDuncombe Ah, I see now. Not to worry.
19:08 LazyJ Does anyone here know which to use to enable shaders -> enable_shaders = 2  or  enable_shaders = true?  minetest.conf.example says "2" but the defaultsettings.cpp says "true". Which is it?
19:11 Miner_48er joined #minetest
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19:27 PilzAdam LazyJ, true
19:27 PilzAdam the old way was 2, seems like .example wasnt updated
19:28 LazyJ Ah, thanks. :)
19:37 e1z0 if i'm translating the game, why it does not show UTF-8 on the menu text ?
19:37 e1z0 shows only english letters
19:41 Calinou e1z0: do you use freetype?
19:41 Calinou you should, it has support for more characters
19:51 roboman2444 joined #minetest
19:54 Jordach|MT [02:00:24] -*- Jordach_ has Huey Lewis & The News; The Power of Love Playing <- it's playing again! :D
19:58 Jordach|MT Sokomine, how far do you plan on going :P
20:00 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
20:00 sfan5 good night everyone
20:00 jojoa1997 night
20:05 e1z0 Calinou: i crosscompile it in linux for windows
20:10 Renoki joined #minetest
20:14 Jordach|MT sfan5, u jelly
20:15 mahomet "Ughh people are so disgusting and they destroy things" go smoke a bowl you hippie, and take your postmodern humanhatred with you
20:15 e1z0 :O
20:16 iqualfragile joined #minetest
20:21 Vargos joined #minetest
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20:28 * jojoa1997 so quiet
20:28 * Calinou puts a pony on jojoa1997's head
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20:30 * jojoa1997 puts a kitten on Calinou's head
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21:34 kahrl PilzAdam, although there is a getS32("enable_shaders") in mapblock_mesh.cpp still
21:34 kahrl I don't know what its implications are
21:34 VanessaE andersje: fix confirmed.  seems okay now.
21:34 PilzAdam that needs to be fixed
21:35 Peacock normally the shipyard comes first but what the hell lol
21:35 VanessaE isn't that station orbiting a MIGHT close to the ground? ;-)
21:35 kahrl I would have waited to fix it until RBA completes his shader redesign
21:35 Peacock there are ground based shipyards :P
21:36 kahrl but I don't know if that'll happen before 0.4.8
21:36 Peacock and technically, its a floating one :p
21:36 VanessaE Peacock: yeah but that ain't Utopia Planetia. :)
21:37 VanessaE looks good though
21:37 Peacock thats orbital too :P (
21:37 Peacock thanks, not done yet, but getting there lol
21:38 VanessaE uh, no.. UP is on the surface of Mars
21:38 VanessaE wait a minute here
21:38 VanessaE what?
21:38 Peacock check out the link
21:38 VanessaE huh
21:38 VanessaE I could have sworn it was on the ground
21:38 Peacock its got some surface facilities, but the docks/yards themselves are in orbit
21:39 Peacock they do the basic assembly on the ground
21:39 VanessaE my Star Trek-fu is rusty.
21:39 Peacock as for the jj-prise, that one was built on the ground :P
21:40 VanessaE true, true
21:40 VanessaE but of course, alternate timeline, etc.
21:41 Peacock im glad the mesh i used has smaller engines, the movie model is ridiculous in that regard lol
21:41 VanessaE the movie model is what, 500m long or something, versus 300-odd for the original?
21:41 Peacock at first they said 760~
21:41 Peacock but that would make it bigger than all other enterprises
21:42 Peacock so they revised it to 366 which is the dimension i went with
21:43 VanessaE I still have to wonder why he felt the need to change that
21:43 VanessaE 289 versus 366 is hardly an engineering-friendly error
21:43 Peacock well in the first movie theres only 1 scene where they scaled up the model to 760~
21:43 Peacock 760 vs 360
21:44 Peacock what i found more confusing is between the first and second movies, the enterprise went from having multiple cores to just one
21:45 VanessaE yeah I wondered about that
21:45 Peacock who downgrades a ship like that? lol
21:45 VanessaE maybe the result of a refit
21:45 Peacock yeah they installed windows 8
21:45 VanessaE one core is enough now?
21:45 Peacock also lost the start button on the bridge :P
21:45 VanessaE to be fair, didn't the original also have one core, technically?
21:45 Peacock yeah but its a weird sort of retcon
21:45 VanessaE yeah
21:45 Peacock shoulda either gotten it right the first time or stick with the multiple cores thing
21:45 jojoa1997 i am lost what are you all talkiing about
21:46 Peacock your mother
21:46 VanessaE jojoa1997: star trek
21:46 VanessaE namely the enterprise
21:46 * jojoa1997 = star wars
21:46 * jojoa1997 age < star trek age
21:46 VanessaE of course, again to be fair, that one "core" of the original was more like an energy chamber rather than a matter-antimatter reactor the way we know it
21:46 Peacock the last two movies are newer than the last sw movie lol
21:46 VanessaE jojoa1997: NOT star wars!
21:46 VanessaE BLASPHEMER
21:46 * jojoa1997 age < star trek age
21:47 * jojoa1997 age = star wars age
21:47 VanessaE jojoa1997: there was at least one series playing when you were born (1997 I guess?)
21:47 Peacock still disapointing though is that engineering was basically a brewery in 2nd movie
21:47 VanessaE Peacock: yeah
21:47 Peacock Voyager yeah, but it was mostly a rehash of tng/ds9 stories
21:47 VanessaE but I DO like how the modeled the inside of the warp reactor in the second movie
21:47 jojoa1997 nope i was born in 1997 B.C.
21:48 VanessaE that was done right
21:48 Peacock before christ?
21:48 VanessaE and following voyager was enterprise
21:48 Peacock enterprise was not bad until the xindi thing
21:48 VanessaE so you've been exposed to two series' and two movies
21:48 Miner_48er joined #minetest
21:49 Peacock they couldn't have picked a more ridiculous set of species for that arc
21:49 VanessaE Peacock: even the xindi arc was okay - it was that whole temporal cold war background behind it all that I didn't like
21:49 VanessaE and now I've heard talk of a new series
21:49 VanessaE based on JJ's timeline I thinkl
21:49 VanessaE -l
21:49 Peacock i like how berman and braga went back to their strengths even in ent: using the borg lol </sarcasm>
21:49 * jojoa1997 pirates star trek movies to figure out what is being said
21:50 Peacock another weird thing from the new movies: society is clearly capitalist though their uniforms look more communist lol
21:50 VanessaE jojoa1997: start with Star Trek: The Original Series (three seasons, some 70 episodes, starting with The Man Trap, or The Cage if you wanna consider that, ending with Turnabout Intruder)
21:50 Peacock (ridiculously oversized hats, grey dress uniforms, etc.)
21:51 * jojoa1997 pirates minetest
21:51 Peacock and its amazing that all these cities and companies survived ww3 lol
21:51 VanessaE jojoa1997: watch the movies (skip Star Trek: The Motion Picture), skip the rest, watch Star Trek: The Next Generation (7 seasons from Encounter at Farpoint to All Good Things).
21:51 VanessaE the rest is fluff :)
21:51 Peacock first season of tng was pretty bad lol
21:52 jojoa1997 VanessaE i dont think i have the time or persistance to watch them all
21:52 * VanessaE hands jojoa1997 a towel so he can clean up after his exploded head.
21:52 Peacock tng: Justice had the gayest planet of the series (
21:53 * jojoa1997 looks down at his exploded body
21:53 VanessaE jojoa1997: you have to be a trekkie from the start, really
21:53 VanessaE you can't just jump in I guess
21:53 Peacock well its pretty hard to watch TOS now
21:53 jojoa1997 well also i have to have been there whne they started
21:54 * jojoa1997 doesnt want to see bad graphics
21:54 VanessaE Peacock: seems pretty easy to me... insert disc, fuddle through the menus, watch episodes :)
21:54 Peacock styrofoam rocks, awful alien costumes, awful fight scenes
21:54 Peacock and kirk doing strange new whores
21:54 VanessaE haha
21:55 TorpedoSkyline joined #minetest
21:55 Peacock the stories are good, it should just be redone with modern fx
21:56 Peacock i like the whole visiting of replica earths, thats where you find out that in an infinite universe, there are probably many earths
21:56 VanessaE *nod*
21:56 Peacock so we may not in fact be, the dumbest species in the universe (we may have been bested by another earth)
21:57 VanessaE at least some stuff got improved with the remastered version with the CG models
21:57 Peacock one thing that was overdone in tng/voy = autodestruct threats lol
21:57 VanessaE yeah
21:57 Peacock after the 10th or 11th time, you just kinda wish they'd do it
21:58 VanessaE but when your back's against the wall, what have you got left?
21:58 Peacock well, i think berman and bragga were just a little too tired to come up with something more original
21:58 VanessaE heard it so many times I almost remember the sequence.
21:58 Peacock and of course, Seven of Nine of subjunction double-D
21:59 Peacock ie, the virgin ex-borg (and all the trekkies complain about the underwear scene in the new movie lol)
21:59 VanessaE codes 1-1A, 1-1A-2B, 1A-2B-3, 0-0-0-destruct-0
21:59 Peacock not a hard code to crack lol
21:59 VanessaE Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero
21:59 VanessaE I forget the first part of her designation though
21:59 Peacock i like how data was able to pwn all those code by faking the voice though lol
22:00 Peacock they never heard of voice recorders/synths aparently lol
22:00 VanessaE heh
22:00 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
22:03 Peacock someone over at minecraft built a borg cube, very complex stuff XD
22:04 Peacock id like to build this city (from Reboot)
22:04 Peacock though its hard finding good shots of it
22:18 MinetestBot GIT: kahrl commited to minetest/minetest: Fix remnants of s32 enable_shaders af490330e7 2013-09-03T15:16:33-07:00
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