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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-08-26

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 PilzAdam lol
00:01 VanessaE theinvsblman: I've pitched your idea to the development channel.  let's see if it garners any interest.
00:02 theinvsblman btw, is the world infinitely tall?
00:02 VanessaE 62kb from top to bottom
00:02 VanessaE er 62 km
00:02 VanessaE water is at the 31km mark from the bottom, y=1
00:03 theinvsblman how about the horizontal size?
00:03 VanessaE same.
00:03 VanessaE the whole map is roughly 62 x 62 x 62 km.
00:03 VanessaE (if you were to generate the entire thing, of course)
00:04 theinvsblman well in practice that's infinite
00:04 VanessaE nearly so yeah :)
00:04 VanessaE but some people have dug down to -31k without much trouble
00:04 theinvsblman even on crowded minecraft servers i've never seen anyone go further than 10-20 km
00:04 sapier1 left #minetest
00:05 theinvsblman also, is the game logic (blocks, items, etc) written in lua or run natively?
00:05 VanessaE most game logic is Lua
00:05 VanessaE we have LuaJIT support, so well-written mods perform almost as fast as C++
00:06 VanessaE (if you have compiled against that lib)
00:06 theinvsblman nice, i've always wanted to write a minecraft mod but
00:06 theinvsblman minecraft is really a programmer's worst nightmare
00:06 VanessaE lol
00:06 VanessaE so I've heard :)
00:06 theinvsblman also, what about the networking?
00:07 VanessaE what about it? :)
00:07 theinvsblman for example minecraft is so advanced it implements relativistic physics
00:07 theinvsblman two events dont have to be simultaneous
00:07 VanessaE oh
00:07 theinvsblman for different observers
00:07 theinvsblman that's how crappy the networking is there
00:07 acerspyro Wow, I have no sound and textures are all messed up
00:07 VanessaE I'm not sure.  there's some prediction in minetest but there's room for improvement
00:10 theinvsblman i see that the mods are downloaded automatically from the server
00:10 VanessaE no
00:10 VanessaE mods run on the server
00:10 PilzAdam theinvsblman, it deosnt exactly download the whole mod
00:10 VanessaE only the media, models, etc. are downloaded
00:10 PilzAdam for security reasons
00:10 VanessaE the code runs on the server.
00:10 theinvsblman that's still good
00:14 theinvsblman well it seems that minetest has much more potential that minecraft
00:15 theinvsblman the only thing that bugs me is the simple gui, but i guess it will be done in future
00:15 theinvsblman where can i find a wiki or a manual?
00:16 theinvsblman i'm interested in learning the game
00:16 theinvsblman nvm, didn't notice the link in the topic
00:16 VanessaE simple GUI?
00:17 theinvsblman well it looks really simple
00:17 theinvsblman basically just colored rectangles
00:18 VanessaE I'm not sure I understand.  can you post a screenshot?
00:18 PilzAdam VanessaE, I guess he means the default inventory
00:18 VanessaE oh that
00:18 VanessaE yeah
00:18 VanessaE there ain't much to it :P
00:18 VanessaE get the X-GUI mod :)
00:19 VanessaE
00:19 VanessaE assuming it still works
00:19 VanessaE it's kinda old
00:21 theinvsblman seems like it doesn't
00:21 theinvsblman or requires some configuration i'm unaware of
00:21 VanessaE bummer
00:26 acerspyro left #minetest
00:26 Exio4 VanessaE: seems legit i "just get" +4~7fps with it commented
00:27 Exio4 but the FPS meter in the profiler isn't that "exact" as the one in the window
00:27 Evergreen theinvsblman: I could make you better hotbar textures, but I can't do anything about the inventory
00:27 Evergreen How old is you build of minetest?
00:27 Evergreen *yuor
00:27 Evergreen *Your
00:27 theinvsblman a few hours old
00:28 kaeza joined #minetest
00:28 Exio4 probably a xfce4-user-problem
00:29 PilzAdam Exio4, with which DE have you tested it?
00:29 Exio4 not a DE
00:29 Exio4 dwm
00:29 Exio4
00:29 Evergreen Then I think your version supports hotbar textures then
00:30 theinvsblman is it possible to change the game's fov?
00:30 VanessaE Exio4: either way it's a clear performance improvement for no appreciable loss, since fps could be easily moved into the F5 display.
00:30 Evergreen In mods?   How exactly?
00:31 PilzAdam theinvsblman, yes, in minetest.conf you can change the fov setting
00:31 theinvsblman do i have to restart the game for the change to take effect?
00:31 Evergreen Oh, that fov.  :P
00:31 Exio4 you could use /set fov <number>
00:32 theinvsblman thanks, i'm used to playing on fov 120
00:32 Exio4 "Quake Pro"? :P
00:32 theinvsblman yes
00:32 theinvsblman i also play quake 3 with that fov :P
00:32 Exio4 i use 110 in MT
00:33 PilzAdam fun fact: increasing FOV doesnt make you a better player
00:33 Exio4 lol
00:33 theinvsblman depends on the person
00:33 Exio4 it does in a FPS because you can see moar stuff around! :P
00:34 theinvsblman btw. what are the plans for future releases? are you going to clone minecraft or create an original gameplay?
00:34 PilzAdam Minetest is mainly an engine for games
00:34 Exio4
00:35 PilzAdam the games consist basically of a bunch of mods
00:35 PilzAdam so its up to the games to define the actual gameplay
00:36 theinvsblman interesting
00:38 theinvsblman hm, i don't see anything about collision detection in the todo
00:38 Exio4 what collision detection "improvement"?
00:39 PilzAdam that TODO list is kinda arbitrary
00:39 theinvsblman movements gets glitchy when i collide with a low ceiling
00:39 theinvsblman it's also glitchy when i collide with block edges
00:39 theinvsblman horizontally
00:41 Exio4
00:41 Exio4 :D
00:41 PilzAdam if people have good ideas or pull requests then we do that
00:42 Exio4 ^
00:42 Exio4 minetest doesn't have a "very well defined plan" :/
01:20 FreeFull joined #minetest
01:20 PilzAdam bye
01:25 NekoGloop joined #minetest
01:26 LinuxGuy2020 joined #minetest
01:26 NekoGloop mew
01:27 LinuxGuy2020 I have a few newbie questions. How do you find your house after you die and end up in timbucktu? After you create a sign, is it possible to edit the text on it yet or is that still being developed or something?
01:29 ShadowNinja LinuxGuy2020: You can edit signs. And you can use a mod like sethome tofind your house.
01:31 LinuxGuy2020 ok cool thanks
01:41 LinuxGuy2020 left #minetest
01:48 NekoGloop Meow
01:49 LinuxGuy2020 joined #minetest
01:49 LinuxGuy2020 One thing I really wish I could change is to reverse the function of the mouse wheel. Is this possible?
01:53 Peacock ? it rolls both ways :P
01:53 Peacock or do you mean change the function of the mousewheel?
01:54 LinuxGuy2020 Yeah like mouse wheel forward makes the selected item go to the right and wheel backward goes left.
01:54 LinuxGuy2020 Seems logical
01:54 LinuxGuy2020 up=forward down=back
01:55 Peacock if they made a change like that they might as well do invert y axis and invert mouse buttons too
01:55 Peacock seems to be different from one voxel game to the next anyhow
01:55 Peacock options i mean
01:56 LinuxGuy2020 yeah
01:56 * NekoGloop bites Peacock
01:57 Peacock dont do that, you'll get a potent mix of caffeine, nicotine and alcohol :P
01:57 Peacock you'll be climbing the homedecor curtains :P
01:58 LinuxGuy2020 How long do torches burn for? Forever?
01:58 Peacock yep
01:58 LinuxGuy2020 sweet
01:58 Peacock i would hope so, theyre not too bright
01:59 Peacock rather the range is limited so you need manies
02:00 LinuxGuy2020 I kind of came up with my own "trick" to remeber where my house is. Build it at x=0 y=0. Cant forget it.
02:01 Peacock well you can still end up walking 30K before finding it :P
02:02 LinuxGuy2020 true but at least Ill know exactly where it is.
02:09 Morrolan joined #minetest
02:12 Peacock cmon breaking bad, upload already lol
02:16 ShadowNinja x=0, z=0 you mean?
02:16 Peacock that's spawn
02:16 Peacock he's prolly sticking to x=0, y=0 and only remembering Z
02:17 Peacock unless he's on a personal map then i assume spawn is open
02:18 ShadowNinja But the y is determined by the terrain, unless you dig or build a flying platfork.
02:18 ShadowNinja -k+m
02:19 Peacock if it's under you can always dig nearby dirt and pile it there
02:19 Peacock if its over, dig it lol
02:22 Peacock ugh, some reviewer claims CSI miami is better than under the dome
02:23 Peacock david caruso had his own little picard maneuver with those glasses lol
02:39 Leoneof joined #minetest
02:48 sdzen joined #minetest
02:54 andersje hello hello hello
02:54 andersje VanessaE, are you still up?
02:54 VanessaE yeah
02:55 andersje just pushed v1.5 of stained glass...added non-luminescent stained_glass, made with default:glass, and low-glow stained_glass, made with moreblocks:glow_glass
02:55 VanessaE nice
02:55 VanessaE that's a shitton of nodes :)
02:55 VanessaE Sokomine: ^^^^^^^^
02:55 andersje Metric shitton.
02:56 andersje the code is ghetto, but my oldest son really wanted non-luminescent stained glass, so....
02:56 Peacock what is it in imperial shittons? :P
02:56 andersje to convert imperial shittons to metric, multiply it by 3, add four, and divide by 2.
02:57 andersje so 1 imperial shitton = ((1 * 3 ) + 4) /2) == 3.5 metric shittons.
02:57 Peacock lol
02:58 Peacock is texture_alpha still glitchy for you?
02:58 VanessaE yes, it is but not so much as to make it unuseable.
02:58 Peacock like different sections turning dark or not appearing in/under water?
02:58 Peacock ahh, pooh :(
02:58 Peacock i made glass roads that hang one node above the water, and still the glitchyness :/
03:01 sdzen better then my alpha glitches :) my minetest client insists on flickering anything with an alpha value ridiculously
03:03 Peacock sounds like even more fun :p
03:04 Peacock is 0.4.8 out yet? been gone a few days
03:04 VanessaE notyet
03:04 sdzen I am very surprised it isnt 0.4.9 by now
03:05 andersje massive numbers of potential nodes slow the game down a lot?
03:05 sdzen we should have had a new release quite a while ago
03:05 Peacock has RBA returned from the Isle of Elba?
03:23 LinuxGuy2020 left #minetest
03:25 VanessaE isle of elba?
03:25 VanessaE what?
03:25 Peacock napolean referrence :P
03:28 kaeza nah RBA is not napoleon, PA is :P
03:30 Peacock PulseAudio was defeated at waterloo? :p
03:40 sdzen explains why pavucontrol isnt working
03:40 sdzen at least its better then me blaming celtic dancing for it
03:46 Vargos joined #minetest
03:48 Peacock i dont mind pavucontrol i just wish i had a sound icon (tray) lol
04:18 pehjota joined #minetest
04:36 OldCoder VanessaE, Sokomine My worlds are back as of tomorrow night. Actually they are up now but may need to be restarted and checked for damage.
04:36 OldCoder If they work for a while, time to look into merging LevelDB. Kaeza said a few people would help. Or deciding to wait for official upstream.
04:39 khor joined #minetest
04:40 Pest joined #minetest
04:41 VanessaE cool
05:47 Ritchie joined #minetest
05:57 youlysses joined #minetest
06:12 meldrian joined #minetest
06:25 nore joined #minetest
06:43 TheLastProject joined #minetest
06:44 dhbiker joined #minetest
06:50 rsiska joined #minetest
07:12 aheinecke joined #minetest
07:20 dhbiker joined #minetest
07:27 OldCoder joined #minetest
07:27 OldCoder joined #minetest
07:27 neko259 joined #minetest
07:33 Calinou joined #minetest
07:40 jin_xi joined #minetest
08:09 sfan5 hi everyone
08:10 Calinou hi
08:14 kaeza joined #minetest
08:34 john_minetest joined #minetest
08:35 Calinou anypony*
08:50 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
08:51 q66 joined #minetest
09:14 whirm joined #minetest
09:15 ungali joined #minetest
09:31 DanDuncombe joined #minetest
09:31 DanDuncombe VanessaE, you wanted to talk?
09:32 VanessaE there we go
09:32 VanessaE yeah, just didn't wanna clutter the server chaty
09:32 DanDuncombe Private chat?
09:32 VanessaE chat*
09:32 Calinou hi VanessaE, can I have interact on your survival server please? (if I don't have it)
09:33 Calinou thanks in advance
09:33 VanessaE you already have it :P
09:33 Calinou ah
09:33 Calinou you're sharing the auth.txt file between servers, right?
09:34 VanessaE nope
09:35 VanessaE I copied it over, removed fly and noclip
09:35 VanessaE (since survival shoudn't have those :) )
09:37 meldrian Is there a working version of skyblock für minetest?
09:38 meldrian i checked out some of the forums topic
09:38 Calinou lots of them
09:38 Calinou look at the Maps section
09:42 meldrian sometimes to good stuff is simply to easy to find
09:42 meldrian thx
09:43 DanDuncombe left #minetest
09:53 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
09:58 PenguinDad joined #minetest
10:06 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
10:20 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
10:26 theinvsblman joined #minetest
10:27 iqualfragile joined #minetest
10:31 MinetestBot GIT: xyzz commited to minetest/minetest: Remove "po/du". "du" is invalid language code (fixes #881). d470842e8e 2013-08-26T03:30:17-07:00
10:36 Mossmanikin joined #minetest
10:37 Mossmanikin Hi, just wanted to check this channel out :)
10:39 proller joined #minetest
10:43 Zeg9 joined #minetest
10:43 Zeg9 Hi there
10:43 Zeg9 is it a wanted behavior that the attachment pos is ignored, at least for players?
10:43 PenguinDad hi Zeg9
10:44 Mossmanikin Hi Zeg & Penguin
10:46 Mossmanikin @ Zeg9: what do you mean?
10:46 Zeg9
10:46 Zeg9 When I attach a player to an entity, it seems to ignore the "position" argument
10:46 Aki__ joined #minetest
10:47 * Zeg9 is making an issue on gh
10:47 Mossmanikin Ok, can't answer that question :D
10:48 Aki__ Hiya.  Is there a working version of Mob Frameworld (mobf) out there?  I'm using minetest 0.4.7 on Ubuntu 12.04.
10:48 Aki__ The versions I have tried have all resulted in crashes
10:49 Mossmanikin Hi Aki
10:49 sfan5 !g mobf minetest
10:49 MinetestBot sfan5:
10:49 sfan5 Aki__: you've tries 2.1.2?
10:49 sfan5 also: what minetest version?
10:49 sfan5 *which
10:49 sfan5 *tried
10:49 PenguinDad At the moment there isn't a good version 0.4.7
10:50 Aki__ Thanks sfan5.  I've been to that link before and I tried 2.1.2.  2.1.2 causes a crash when I go anywhere near a vombie.  I then tried 2.1.83 (which I found on GIThub) and that crashed the entire game when trying to generate a new world
10:50 Aki__ sfan5: I'm using minetest 0.4.7
10:51 sfan5 0.4.7 stable or git?
10:51 sfan5 -> have you used the official 0.4.7 download?
10:51 Aki__ sfan5: I'm using 0.4.7 which is located here:
10:52 sfan5 oh.. you're not using windows..
10:52 Aki__ I found that link via the Download page on the minetest website
10:52 Aki__ I'm using Ubuntu
10:52 Aki__ ( <3 Ubuntu! )
10:53 PenguinDad the vombie problem has to do with #887
10:53 Aki__ I really like minetest, but I only want to play it if there are monsters like in minecraft.
10:53 theinvsblman do mods work in singleplayer (latest build)?
10:53 sfan5 theinvsblman: yes
10:53 PenguinDad at the moment it's better to use simple mobs
10:54 sfan5 Aki__: could you pastebin the error message?
10:54 theinvsblman hm, looks like i'm doing something wrong
10:54 Mossmanikin @ Aki: you know the command "/mobf_settings"?
10:54 theinvsblman i put them in ~/.minetest/mods, they are listed in the mod menu but nothing changes in-game
10:54 PenguinDad theinvsblman: RUN_IN_PLACE?
10:54 Aki__ sfan5: I can pastebin the message I get with 2.1.2 (the vombie crash), but I can't for 2.1.83 because it crashes the entire game to desktop.
10:55 theinvsblman RUN_IN_PLACE=0
10:55 Aki__ Mossmanikin: I'm not aware of that command.
10:55 sfan5 Aki__: pastebin the error from 2.1.2
10:55 Mossmanikin You can use it ingame
10:56 Zeg9 Aki__: "it crashes the entire game to desktop" <- see ~/.minetest/debug.txt
10:56 PenguinDad I run minetest everytime from a terminal :)
10:57 Zeg9 bbl
10:58 Calinou joined #minetest
10:58 Mossmanikin Hi Calinou
10:58 Calinou hi
10:59 Aki__ Zeg9: thanks
11:02 Aki__ sfan5:
11:02 neko259 joined #minetest
11:03 sfan5 Aki__: you should report that bug in the mobf thread
11:04 Mossmanikin Hi neko
11:04 sfan5 Aki__: could you paste the 2.1.2 error too?
11:04 Aki__ sfan5: this is the crash from mobf 2.1.2:
11:04 Aki__ I just made it happen again
11:04 Aki__ I'm pretty sure it occurs from looking at a vombie
11:05 Aki__ With the 2.1.2 crashyou can actually play during the day, but then during the night if you go outside and look at a vombie it causes that crash.  If you stay inside away from the vombies then you can make it through the night.  Are my vombies trying to escape from the gameworld? :O
11:06 kahrl Aki__, open builtin/deprecated.lua and make this change:
11:06 sfan5 hm
11:07 Aki__ kahrl: which mobf is this a fix for? 2.1.2?
11:07 kahrl I don't know about mobf versions
11:08 kahrl any that still use the old "minetest.env:" syntax
11:09 sfan5 maybe we should release 0.4.8 now?
11:09 sfan5 then we don't have to tell anyone to apply this change to get it working
11:11 iqualfragile joined #minetest
11:12 Mossmanikin Hi iqualfragile
11:12 sfan5 Mossmanikin: he just quit and instantly rejoined, thats not a reason to say hello
11:13 Aki__ sfan5: I only tried minetest for the first time yesterday.  It's a really impressive game, but the lack of mobs and then the crashing that occurs when I install mobf (which is linked from the home page as a "popular" mod) taints the experience.  I'm geeky so I've persisted with this, but I imagine you loose a lot of novice users through this.
11:13 Mossmanikin Allright then :D Just wanted to be nice...
11:13 Aki__ ... I'm not putting the project down though.  It's awesome!
11:14 sfan5 Aki__: 0.4.8 is supposed to be released soon(tm), the bug is already fixed in the unstable/git version
11:15 Mossmanikin @ Aki: did you try
11:15 Calinou lol, I got a Minegeld by cutting a tree
11:16 Mossmanikin gz :D
11:16 sapier joined #minetest
11:17 Mossmanikin Hi sapier
11:17 sapier hello
11:17 Aki__ Mossmanikin: nope but it looks good ^-^
11:18 theinvsblman what is RUN_IN_PLACE for?
11:19 Calinou theinvsblman: it puts user data in the directory where you compiled minetest, instead of ~/.minetest
11:19 theinvsblman ok, thanks
11:19 Mossmanikin Aki: if you want to get rid of some mobs, type "/mobf_settings" and there will appear a window where you can disable them
11:19 theinvsblman how do i make the server load mods from ~/.minetest?
11:20 theinvsblman or is it not supposed to happen?
11:20 PilzAdam joined #minetest
11:20 theinvsblman (local server)
11:20 Mossmanikin Hi Adam
11:20 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
11:20 Calinou ._.
11:21 Calinou axes are useless
11:21 Mossmanikin I guess one can tell I'm new to the IRC thing by my saying "Hi" to everyone :D
11:21 Calinou and shovel barely useful
11:22 sfan5 sapier: Aki__ was having a problem with mobf 2.1.83
11:29 Mossmanikin Calinou: your stoneage mod at least partially solves this
11:30 Calinou I didn't make it
11:30 krofek_ joined #minetest
11:30 Mossmanikin Calinou: damn, sorry, the stoneage mod
11:31 Evergreen joined #minetest
11:31 Mossmanikin Hi 2 the 2 of U
11:32 Evergreen Hello Mossmanikin
11:33 Mossmanikin Evergreen: felt like checking this channel out
11:35 Semilevel joined #minetest
11:35 iqualfragile hi Mossmanikin
11:36 Mossmanikin Hi Semilevel
11:36 Semilevel Hello
11:38 Jordach joined #minetest
11:38 Evergreen Hi Jordach
11:38 Jordach Evergreen: i just got out of bed, it's 12:38 PM here
11:38 Zeg9 Hey Evergreen, Jordach
11:39 Evergreen It's been a while Zeg9.   :P
11:39 Jordach hey Zeg9
11:39 * Jordach thinks we should all eat our Zeggies
11:39 * Jordach also thinks Zeggie as a short name for Zeg9
11:40 Zeg9 wut?
11:40 Mossmanikin Hi Jordach :D
11:40 Jordach huh
11:40 Jordach don't scare me, i haven't hada  chance to check the nick's yet
11:41 Jordach +<0x20> -<0x20>
11:41 Jordach just moving the spaces about
11:42 Aki__ kahrl: that fix you linked me has worked.
11:42 damir__ joined #minetest
11:42 Mossmanikin Hi damir
11:42 Aki__ kahrl: good news: mobf 2.1.2 is no longer crashing when I see vombies.  Bad news: I just got chased around the map by a vombie ^-^
11:43 Mossmanikin Aki: :D
11:43 damir__ hello Mossmanikin
11:43 Evergreen Jordach: I just call him Zeg.   :P
11:43 Jordach haha
11:44 Mossmanikin Jordach: Whattaf...? :D
11:44 * Evergreen is going to go get some breakfast, afk
11:45 Zeg9 Hey
11:46 * Zeg9 understands why nobody made an elevator mod yet...
11:47 Jordach Zeg9: travelnet has elevators
11:47 Zeg9 Yep but I was trying to make one that actually moves
11:48 Jordach you place the elevator nodes in-line with each other and choose the floor you go to
11:53 Mossmanikin Zeg9: I'd love to see some elevators like in Unreal I
11:53 sapier sfan5 thanks
11:55 Calinou elevator is possible downwards only
11:55 Calinou if you want to use an entity
11:55 Calinou err, nevermind
11:55 Calinou just attach player to entity
11:55 Calinou but then you can't move freely on elevator
11:55 Aki__ what's the coolest new features coming up in 0.4.8?  Other than that bug fix I was just given?
11:55 Calinou
11:55 PenguinDad Drowning
11:55 Calinou quite a lot of stuff
11:56 Aki__ PenguinDad: I didn't know you couldn't drown.
11:57 * Evergreen is back
11:57 Evergreen No, you couldn't drown previously
11:57 sapier I guess modstore is coolest new  feature ;-)
11:57 sapier but shaders are close
11:57 Jordach holy shit
11:57 Aki__ " Added support for bumpmapping (RealBadAngel)"  Thanks realbadangel!
11:57 Calinou texture pack selection is great too
11:57 Calinou Aki__: fake bumpmapping, but still
11:57 * Jordach just found the original source to the Sam I skin
11:57 Calinou parallax mapping is planned
11:58 Aki__ sapier: what's a modstore?
11:58 sapier yes but the one adding texture pack selection forgot to add a download button
11:58 Evergreen Also, luavoxelmanipulator was added
11:58 Zeg9 Calinou, that would work if the attachment position argument was *not* ignored
11:58 sapier you will be able to search and install mods from within minetest as of 0.4.8
11:58 Evergreen Which allows for much faster setting of large amunts of nodes
11:58 Evergreen like in worldedit
12:00 Zeg9 where is gone that texture pack selection thing
12:00 Zeg9 was it merged?
12:00 sapier yes
12:00 theinvsblman left #minetest
12:00 Zeg9 can't find it in the menu
12:00 Jordach
12:01 Calinou -1 for hiding extensions
12:01 * Calinou doesn't see Jordach's porn folder there
12:01 Aki__ I think I'm going to wait for 0.4.8 before getting into this game.  Will the Ubuntu repository linked to from the minetest download page be updated with the new version?
12:01 Zeg9 "New Folder (2)"
12:01 Jordach Calinou: from every OS install i kept the last stuff i kept
12:02 sapier zeg9 no idea whats wrong for you I can see it even without any texture pack installed
12:02 Jordach JESUS FUCK
12:03 * Jordach found 2x 1.3.1 MC server worlds
12:03 PilzAdam \o/ "DVD RW Drive (F:) Install Linux"
12:03 Zeg9 sapier, forget this, the git was messed up again
12:03 milleja46 joined #minetest
12:03 Mossmanikin k, folks, I really need some sleep, have fun ;)
12:04 Zeg9 Bye
12:04 * Jordach found MinetestBot's first skin
12:04 Jordach fun fact: it doesn't have the bow
12:05 Jordach fun fact: i once wrote bash to convert texture pacs
12:05 Jordach packs*
12:05 sapier jordach you too?
12:05 Jordach sapier: yes,
12:05 Jordach OMFG
12:05 sapier I guess almost everyone did this ;-)
12:05 Jordach i even found the Red Eclipse Map i made
12:06 Jordach fun fact: you know my MC4MT was accidentially binned on my PC?
12:07 Jordach i found it, hidden away from xubuntu -> vista transfer
12:08 Calinou sapier: I converted packs by hand
12:10 sapier you poor one ;-)
12:11 * Jordach has dug back to March 2012
12:12 * Jordach found snow mod 1.2
12:13 Jordach brb
12:15 * Jordach is cleaning the Sam I texture
12:16 theinvsblman joined #minetest
12:18 Jordach cleaned:
12:18 Jordach built from it's true source file
12:19 Calinou its*
12:20 PenguinDad The rules of writing are like magic spells.
12:24 Jordach completely bollocks
12:34 theinvsblman does hud_change work on all types of hud elements?
12:35 PilzAdam theinvsblman, on all elements that are added via Lua, yes
12:37 theinvsblman weird, for me it works only on statbars
12:37 theinvsblman i'm trying to change the text property of an image
12:40 Zeg9 Is mauvebic's teleporters mod available somewhere?
12:41 Jordach Zeg9: ask Peacock
12:43 Evergreen Does anyone like my Github avatar?   I made it myself (like every other banner/avatar I have ever used)
12:44 Calinou what's your account name
12:44 Evergreen 4Evergreen4
12:44 Evergreen Because Evergreen was taken
12:44 PenguinDad Evergreen: it's better than the old one
12:44 Evergreen The pixel art one?
12:44 Calinou heh
12:45 Evergreen It wasn't that hard to make, the tree was actually the hardest part
12:46 Evergreen Well, I'm gonna be gone for a couple hours, so cya guys later
12:47 * Jordach looks at the template human model again
12:47 Jordach jesus fuck; how did that HAPPEN.
12:47 * Jordach sees a ton of z-fightinh
12:50 Jordach
12:53 Zeg9 john_minetest: ServerExtented is ok anyway, modules can be disabled
12:56 Zeitgeist_ joined #minetest
12:58 PenguinDad !tw 371979417276661760
12:58 MinetestBot Site Maintenance August 31st 2013: (@github)
12:59 Jordach !tw github
12:59 MinetestBot Site Maintenance August 31st 2013: (@github)
12:59 Jordach just use github :P
13:00 PenguinDad Jordach: i like to use the IDs :P
13:00 * Jordach puts a kitten on PenguinDad's head
13:06 andersje zeg9:  are you going to update the teleporters mod?
13:12 * Jordach isn't a fan of repairing UV
13:21 * Jordach pokes Calinou
13:22 krofek_ joined #minetest
13:23 Zeg9 joined #minetest
13:26 Vadtec joined #minetest
13:27 VadtecWk joined #minetest
13:32 Semilevel joined #minetest
13:33 proller joined #minetest
13:35 krofek__ joined #minetest
13:35 * Jordach finally fixed the annoying z-fighting
13:35 Calinou ?
13:35 Jordach [13:50:57] <Jordach>
13:38 john_minetest joined #minetest
13:38 Calinou offset the arms a bit?
13:38 Calinou z-fighting happens for a reason
13:38 Jordach Calinou: it was the elbow's uv being wrong, it also started face tearing
13:39 Jordach (where the UV gets stretched by deform too far)
13:40 TheLastProject joined #minetest
13:44 theinvsblman is it possible to  change player physics using lua only?
13:44 PenguinDad yes
13:44 theinvsblman to what extent?
13:44 Jordach every last bit
13:45 andersje VanessaE: I wasn't trying to make work for you with the dyes thing -- I'd have been happy to rewrite that.
13:45 theinvsblman i'm interested in implementing the CPMA physics in minetest
13:45 theinvsblman because just walking is boring :P
13:45 andersje feel free, in the future, to just tell me:  "rewrite it to use a loop."
13:46 Calinou theinvsblman: requires C++ changes
13:46 Calinou also, that'd be fun, lol
13:46 theinvsblman hm, too bad
13:46 theinvsblman but still, going to try doing that
13:47 andersje is there an easy way to rebase my git repo to the one I originally forked it from?
13:53 hmmmm joined #minetest
13:56 ShadowNinja andersje: git remote add upstream <upstream url> && git pull --rebase upstream master
13:58 theinvsblman is there a dot product operator defined for v3f?
13:58 hmmmm
14:00 theinvsblman ok, thanks
14:02 andersje thanks :)
14:02 alex_____ joined #minetest
14:10 proller joined #minetest
14:13 john_minetest joined #minetest
14:13 troller joined #minetest
14:23 troller joined #minetest
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14:43 diemartin joined #minetest
15:05 proller joined #minetest
15:23 LazyJ joined #minetest
15:25 Jousway joined #minetest
15:26 Jousway joined #minetest
15:28 Evergreen Wait, pumpkins aren't sandwiches
15:28 Evergreen :P
15:42 alex_____ joined #minetest
15:44 john_minetest joined #minetest
15:47 VanessaE andersje: oh it's no big deal at all.  I just noticed a bug, figured I'd tackle it.
15:47 VanessaE also, hi :)
15:48 Miner_48er joined #minetest
15:49 john_minetest joined #minetest
15:52 Calinou joined #minetest
15:52 andersje np.  I'm working on shortening this more, too
15:53 andersje i've got some ideas, using your loop approach, to how to get it shorter yet.
15:53 Evergreen Hey, does anyone know how to convert a continuous mesecons signal into a 1 tick pulse?
15:55 VanessaE sweet
15:55 VanessaE evergreen:
15:55 VanessaE pastebin coming
15:55 Evergreen k
15:55 PilzAdam VanessaE, could you draw a backpack texture for pilztest? its a whole node
15:56 Evergreen PilzAdam: Could you link me to the pilztest repository again?
15:57 PilzAdam
15:57 VanessaE Evergreen:
15:57 VanessaE set the delayer to its lowest setting
15:58 Jordach PilzAdam: suggestion: add thirst and hunger
15:58 PilzAdam Jordach, hunger is already done
15:59 Jordach (you might want to add temparature, too hot = slow death, too cold = you freeze when not doing anything)
15:59 VanessaE a backpack?  eh..
15:59 PilzAdam and I already though about thirs, Ill probably add that
15:59 * Jordach wants death by freezing
15:59 * Jordach pokes sfan5
16:00 * sfan5 throws a kitten at Jordach
16:00 Jordach sfan5: technic server :P
16:00 PilzAdam VanessaE, maybe look at the ugly texture I currently have to get an idea
16:00 sfan5 VanessaE: wouldn't that circuit ouput a pulse if the input gets switched off?
16:00 Jordach save the logoskyblock server
16:00 sfan5 ..
16:01 VanessaE sfan5: actually yeah it would, wrong gate on the end
16:01 VanessaE guess it needs a NAND
16:01 VanessaE not an XOR.
16:01 VanessaE it's been forever since I had to make an edge detector. :)
16:02 sfan5 Jordach: and now?
16:03 Jordach make a technic_game server
16:03 sfan5 link?
16:03 Jordach (perhaps combine technic with pilztest)
16:03 PenguinDad how do i make a node with an equivalent to the creative inventory?
16:03 PilzAdam Pilztest is not ready yet, dont use it in a stable server
16:04 VanessaE *sigh* I suck
16:04 PenguinDad VanessaE: why?
16:04 sfan5 Jordach: link?
16:04 PenguinDad you mean at formspec?
16:05 nore VanessaE: even better: an AND and a NOT (no delayer)
16:05 Jordach
16:05 VanessaE PenguinDad: because i can't remember how to fricken build one now.
16:05 VanessaE THAT'S WHY
16:05 VanessaE damn it I knew I had it wrong
16:06 VanessaE Evergreen:
16:06 Jordach sfan5: it uses git submodules :(
16:09 Jordach Evergreen: wanna play minetest with the technic_game?
16:09 Evergreen Sure, I can't do it now though
16:09 * nore wants to try a technic_game server
16:10 sfan5 Jordach: heard of "git clone --recursive" ?
16:13 Jordach nope.avi
16:13 Jordach sfan5: github for windows does that normally
16:13 sfan5 any more mods?
16:13 Jordach travelnet
16:14 sfan5 !g travelnet minetest
16:14 MinetestBot sfan5:
16:14 sfan5 others?
16:15 andersje is it legit to define a table key with the value "" ?
16:15 Jordach and no, we don't need the autodiggers / tree miners / grinders :P
16:15 sfan5 andersje: generally? yes
16:15 sfan5 Jordach: I was not about to do that :P
16:15 Jordach sfan5: blockmen's mines
16:15 sfan5 !g mines mod minetest
16:15 MinetestBot sfan5:
16:16 * sfan5 pets MinetestBot
16:16 Jordach PilzAdam's beds mod
16:16 Jordach and *MAYBE* simple mobs
16:16 diemartin andersje, AFAIK only value that may not be used as a table key is nil
16:17 sfan5 !g minetest mod beds
16:17 MinetestBot sfan5:
16:17 andersje thx.
16:17 Jordach sfan5: carts too
16:17 sfan5 !g minetest mod carts
16:17 MinetestBot sfan5:
16:17 kaeza any other value is perfectly valid
16:17 andersje if not defined with "local" are all variables considered to be global?
16:17 kaeza yep
16:17 andersje cool
16:17 Jordach carts: beds:
16:18 sfan5 I hate renaming these folders
16:18 ShadowNinja Now I know how MinetestBot got so high on those stats. sfan5 searches for every mod with it.
16:19 sfan5 The mod releases rules say the download should contains the mod folder with the right name
16:19 nore make a script that renames them automatically ;)
16:19 sfan5 ShadowNinja: I don't, I'm just lazy ATM
16:19 sfan5 nore: too much work
16:19 sfan5 contain*
16:19 kaeza sfan5, blame github for appending "-master" :P
16:19 nore I have a file with git repos and modnames on my computer
16:20 nore and one can update/install a mod with it easily
16:20 sfan5 kaeza: github does it like <Owner>-<Name>-<Githash>
16:20 sfan5 Jordach: are that all mods we need?
16:23 Jordach yup
16:23 kahrl it's kind of fun to see the viewing range adjuster in action when you hook the output of an inverter to its input
16:24 ShadowNinja LOL
16:24 PenguinDad plol
16:25 Jordach sfan5: address:port?
16:25 nore 1 toggle each server step -> slow...
16:26 PenguinDad nore: not if you change dedicated_server_step
16:27 nore yes, so you have choice between fast mesecons circuits or slowing the server when you do things like that
16:28 sfan5 Jordach: as usual
16:29 Jordach opkay
16:29 Jordach -p
16:29 nore sfan5, is that
16:29 sfan5 yes
16:29 * Jordach waits for media as usual
16:29 sfan5 maybe I should setup and remote_media server
16:29 sfan5 I'll do that now
16:30 sfan5 minetestserver uses a ton of RAM
16:30 nore sfan5, it looks like it does not want to connect
16:31 Jordach !up 30000
16:31 MinetestBot is up (386ms)
16:31 sfan5 nore: try
16:31 Jordach ninja'd
16:31 sfan5 grr
16:31 nore much better ;)
16:32 sfan5 I know that you don't have interact
16:32 sfan5 I'll resolve that problem in a moment
16:32 * Jordach is almost there
16:33 * nore too
16:34 Jordach is there n amounts of ore in the room?
16:37 nore !up
16:37 MinetestBot nore: Note: Syntax changed please use ' 1337' instead of ''
16:37 sfan5 reconnect!
16:37 nore !up 30000
16:37 MinetestBot is up (315ms)
16:37 sfan5 with remote_media now too
16:39 nore Error: Client disconnected again :(
16:40 Jordach whoever suggested adding MORETREES was a MORON
16:42 sfan5 my computer died :'(
16:42 Jordach and that's moretrees
16:43 sfan5 not enough ram
16:43 nore !up 30000
16:43 MinetestBot seems to be down
16:43 nore sfan5: disable every tree except rubber
16:44 sfan5 how
16:45 nore
16:45 nore
16:46 sfan5 you can join the server again
16:46 sfan5 brb
16:47 Jordach you can remove moretrees
16:48 nore not if the server is survival
16:48 nore because we can't get rubber else
16:48 Jordach and who's idea was it to add moretrees
16:48 Jordach also:
16:48 nore RealBadAngel's, I reckon
16:49 Jordach moretrees isnt needed
16:49 nore Jordach, old code
16:49 nore not executed
16:49 Jordach moretrees doesnt even work on older Pentium 4's
16:50 nore what do you mean, doesn't work?
16:50 Jordach the client just crashes and locks up
16:50 nore even with fancy_leaves=false?
16:51 Jordach sometimes
16:52 Jordach im getting close to lock ups
16:52 Jordach just by looking at a few moretrees
16:52 nore and what happens if you replace trees with dirt?
16:53 Jordach (and why aren't you using the inbuilt rubber trees, moretrees is just too big for small computers)
16:53 ShadowNinja Running two servers and two clients on the same machine == very bad idea.
16:53 ShadowNinja It desconnected me from my bouncer...
16:53 nore if fancy_leaves=false, there should be no differences
16:58 nore is the server survival?
17:11 Jordach ShadowNinja: moretrees needs to leave technic_game
17:12 Jordach my computer case is VERY WARM
17:13 ShadowNinja Jordach: It should be removed from the depencencies for technic, not sure about technic_game. But you can just rm it if the dependency is removed.
17:13 Jordach ShadowNinja: there is code in master -- that spawns a rubber tree
17:13 Jordach <- that is it
17:13 ShadowNinja Jordach: Yes, I know.
17:16 sfan5 Jordach: "if technic.config:getBool("enable_rubber_tree_generation") then"
17:16 nore sfan5, the code is not even executed, IIRC
17:16 Jordach but there's no mention of said config
17:17 sfan5 I'll just add a dofile for rubber.lua and replace the if with "if true then"
17:17 sfan5 luaerror :/
17:18 sfan5 derp
17:18 sfan5 forgot you comment in lua using -- not #
17:18 nore sfan5, you should create a new world instead of using the old one
17:18 sfan5 it works!
17:18 sfan5 also that
17:18 sfan5 done
17:19 nore sfan5, did you see a rubber tree?
17:19 sfan5 not yet
17:20 sfan5 the server is up BTW
17:24 iqualfragile joined #minetest
17:27 thexyz sfan5:
17:28 sfan5 mhm
17:29 Miner_48er joined #minetest
17:40 Calinou what does it do?
17:43 iqualfragile joined #minetest
17:44 khor joined #minetest
17:45 andersje I'm trying to wrap my head around tables in lua...when I do this, I expect the first value of 'k' to be "first" rather than 1:
17:45 andersje so...can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
17:46 sfan5 andersje: you have a table that contains a table that contains "first" and "firstval"
17:46 andersje I wanted a table of tables...
17:46 andersje an associate array as it were
17:47 andersje :s/associate/associative/
17:47 andersje do I have to define it like:
17:47 andersje faketable.first="blah" ?
17:48 sfan5 andersje: this should work
17:48 andersje awesome, thank you
17:50 andersje first line in that example didn't work for me, but enclosing keynames with brackets did, thanks!
18:03 Mati^1 joined #minetest
18:11 VanessaE joined #minetest
18:16 thefamilygrog66 joined #minetest
18:17 thefamilygrog66 howdy folks
18:18 Calinou hi
18:19 Jordach sfan5: im connecting with a directx client (for some reason ambiance really wants to drop my fps)
18:19 Calinou Direct3D, not DirectX
18:19 alex_____ joined #minetest
18:19 PenguinDad hi thefamilygrog66
18:19 thefamilygrog66 hello PenguinDad
18:20 thefamilygrog66 Can anyone answer this question?
18:20 thefamilygrog66
18:21 Final joined #minetest
18:21 sfan5 !title
18:21 MinetestBot sfan5: [Mod] Head of Steve [1.0] [stevehead] (Page 1) — Modding General — Minetest Forums
18:24 sfan5 thefamilygrog66: you may not use their textures
18:24 andersje hola, thefamilygrog66
18:24 sfan5
18:24 * Jordach screams FUCK as Jordach joins a server with HDX enabled
18:25 andersje rough day?
18:28 andersje is light a linear progression from 0 -> 15 ?
18:28 sfan5 Jordach: I found 4 uranium
18:28 alex_____ joined #minetest
18:28 * andersje thinks a bit
18:29 andersje what's the light level for moonlight?
18:31 thefamilygrog66 sfan5: I didn't take the textures from Minecraft though, but from an online skin creator (Skincraft). Does that still count?
18:31 sfan5 8 uranium now
18:31 sfan5 thefamilygrog66: the texture you used is the "old" steve head texture
18:32 sfan5 I don't know if you can use it
18:32 thefamilygrog66 Not sure how Skincraft get around that.
18:39 Wuzzy joined #minetest
18:40 kaeza andersje, small note: when dealing with non-numeric keys, you cannot depend on the order of the key-value pairs
18:46 * john_minetest is messsing around with his system
18:58 hmmmm everyone, download and seed this:
18:58 hmmmm magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f8a942ccff260f7b9035bbf3b8af5c3013e21097&dn=Paraborn+Leaks&
18:59 kaeza :I
19:00 PenguinDad my provider doesn't allow p2p :P
19:00 hmmmm leaked super secret NSA software for cracking SSL.  oh, by the way, SSL is completely useless.  i recommend using TLS 1.0 with RC4, or TLS 1.1, 1.2 with AES
19:00 thexyz will I get in jail for that?
19:00 PenguinDad
19:00 hmmmm thexyz, no.  not only is downloading files not illegal, but you're from russia
19:01 hmmmm for an overview of what this is (well part of it, anyway) check out this (official company literature):
19:02 sfan5 hmmmm: you recommend RC4? isn't that broken?
19:02 thexyz everything is broken
19:02 thexyz more or less
19:02 hmmmm yeah, ^
19:02 sfan5 heh
19:02 thexyz rc4 is less broken and more widely supported
19:03 andersje kaeza:  thanks, I'm used to perl %hashes, so I don't need things to show up in a specific order
19:03 hmmmm there's a problem with other ciphers in TLS 1.0
19:03 hmmmm so it's commonly recommended to use RC4 with that specific protocol version
19:05 NekoGloop joined #minetest
19:07 sapier joined #minetest
19:07 thexyz hmmmm: okay, what does this software do?
19:07 hmmmm i'm still downloading it myself so i'm not completely sure on all the details, but it allows you to MITM all SSL traffic, create bogus certificates, and so on
19:08 sfan5 derp
19:08 sfan5 I set Readme.txt file dl priority to high
19:08 sfan5 other files are already at 8% but...
19:08 thexyz well it obviously can only create self signed certificates so what's the problem?
19:09 * thexyz switches back to downloading chinese cartoons
19:09 hmmmm well, okay :p
19:09 hmmmm like i said, we'll see the full details soon hopefully
19:09 * sfan5 should really use ktorrent instead of transmission
19:10 thexyz I think this tool can do more
19:10 thexyz SSH MiTM <3
19:10 bas080 joined #minetest
19:10 sfan5 "Works on Windows NT(2K\XP\2k3\Vista\7\8)." no linux?
19:11 thexyz yeah, I think it's closed source
19:12 Calinou joined #minetest
19:12 hoodedice joined #minetest
19:13 hoodedice So...
19:13 thexyz sfan5: no, wait, there is linux support, read blog
19:13 thexyz john_minetest: how do you compile movies?
19:14 hoodedice The last time I tried to make a game
19:14 sfan5 haha
19:14 hoodedice
19:14 Calinou illegal moviesù
19:14 Calinou ^
19:14 Calinou same
19:14 hoodedice cmake movie
19:14 hoodedice Sorry
19:14 hoodedice sudo cmake movie
19:14 sfan5 cmake . -DMOVIE=1
19:15 PenguinDad and then make movie -j6
19:15 svuorela urgh.
19:15 svuorela do not build in source dir with cmake.
19:15 svuorela mkdir build; cd build ; cmake .. -DMOVIE=1
19:15 sfan5 ../configure --enable-movie
19:16 sfan5 john_minetest: nah, we don't want to clutter the source directory with compiled things
19:16 Calinou hacker conferences aka. people with tinted hair conferences
19:16 hmmmm in order for that 'interceptor' SSL MITM to work, you need to first do an ARP poisoning, DNS or over ICMP or DHCP attack
19:17 hoodedice Can i aske stupid question? hw do i leanr c+=
19:17 hoodedice ?
19:17 hmmmm dunno, maybe Locksmith does something similar
19:17 Calinou hoodedice: if that isn't sarcasm, usually you don't learn C++ as first language
19:17 sfan5 arp poisioning is easy with Scapy
19:17 Calinou there are tons of guides or books
19:17 sfan5 hoodedice: try C first
19:17 Calinou most C++ guides require to know C anyway
19:17 hoodedice okay
19:18 * andersje nods.
19:18 thexyz hmmmm: dunno, I'm not really good with that stuff
19:18 andersje yeah, start with lua or python for now.
19:18 andersje once you're coding stuff in that, you can break into the hairy stuff like C/C++
19:18 hoodedice hmm k
19:19 kahrl I'd recommend starting with assembly
19:19 sfan5 ^
19:19 PenguinDad :D
19:19 sfan5 hello world is easy (on linux)
19:19 hoodedice Indeed
19:20 hoodedice 01010100010101110
19:20 kahrl if you start with the high level languages you don't really get an idea what's going on
19:20 hoodedice hmm
19:21 andersje o_O
19:21 andersje the problem with assembly is that it takes you a damn long time to get anything done
19:21 andersje a lot of people lose interest before they've figured out how to get anything going.
19:21 andersje I've typically used perl/shell as a gateway drug to programming
19:22 andersje low-level stuff becomes more interesting when it solves a specific need.
19:22 kahrl it'll make you appreciate the syntactic sugar of high level languages
19:23 andersje i'm starting my kids programming with python and lua
19:23 hoodedice I don't think I can do this
19:23 hoodedice
19:23 hoodedice I'll start with lua
19:23 hoodedice I had a head-start anyway
19:23 andersje yeah, find a mod you like, add something to it.
19:23 hoodedice
19:23 hoodedice Modding right
19:23 hoodedice The art part gets me down
19:24 andersje there's all sorts of stuff you can do w/o art skills
19:24 andersje code different behaviors for stuff.  like a block that moves on its own ;)
19:24 hoodedice =)
19:26 Peacock joined #minetest
19:26 andersje you can start with little altering existing recipes to work with different items
19:27 andersje or give different quantities
19:27 Peacock ugh, just tried to watch a norwegian horror "Cold Prey" (english) - best nap ever
19:27 otak joined #minetest
19:32 proller joined #minetest
19:33 hoodedice cool
19:33 hoodedice later
19:34 thexyz start with learning algorithms
19:34 thexyz learn the difference between o() and O()
19:35 thexyz and other fun stuff
19:35 thexyz then it won't matter what language you're writing in
19:37 Peacock there was a pull for that stuff, no need to get into again though :p
19:40 thefamilygrog66 Have you seen "Trollhunter" yet, Peacock?
19:40 Peacock !g Trollhunter
19:40 MinetestBot Peacock:
19:40 Peacock poop i wanted the imdb link lol
19:40 Peacock checking out
19:41 thefamilygrog66
19:41 thefamilygrog66 It's the only Norwegian flick I've watched recently
19:41 PenguinDad there should be !imdb
19:41 Peacock aside i saw (the) Emperor recently and loved that
19:42 Peacock trollhunter looks pretty bad (from the trailer) too much like a bad remake of cloverfield, which wasn't that good either :p
19:43 Calinou cloverfield: tripods are too mainstream
19:43 PenguinDad wow Currently online: 38 guests, 11 registered users
19:43 Peacock online on what?
19:44 PenguinDad Minetest Forum
19:44 PilzAdam sfan5, thanks! I was searching for a black image for weeks now!
19:44 marcusb joined #minetest
19:44 NekoGloop joined #minetest
19:44 Peacock 4:1 unregistered users, not bad :p
19:45 thexyz PilzAdam: it's not exactly black
19:46 Peacock even on LED screen i cant see jack in that pic lol
19:46 thefamilygrog66 Peacock, it's a bit campy, but better than I thought it was going to be. Also, huge TROLLS!
19:46 sfan5 PilzAdam: its not block
19:46 sfan5 *black
19:46 Peacock well yeah thats why i say bad remake of cloverfield (or godzilla, even that sucked)
19:47 Peacock sfan's gots blocks on the brains :p
19:47 sfan5 you can even see the stone texture in the dark
19:47 Peacock sfan gimp up the brightness/contrast :-)
19:48 thefamilygrog66 Aside from being found footage involving huge monsters, it isn't like Cloverfield at all. But I understand if that's not your thing, too.
19:49 * Calinou can't see anything in light level 0 on his desktop
19:49 Calinou and I barely see at night :(
19:49 Peacock i am a bit picky with horrors yeah :p
19:49 PilzAdam sfan5, you used moreores in that screenshot
19:49 PilzAdam there is tin
19:50 thefamilygrog66 What are some of your faves, recent or otherwise, Peacock?
19:50 sfan5 s/moreores/technic_game/
19:50 * Calinou dislikes horror movies
19:50 Peacock hmm, off the top of my head, favorite is Shining
19:50 thefamilygrog66 Tis a great one.
19:51 Peacock though it would probably suck without jack Nicholson
19:51 Peacock same goes for Batman (89)
19:51 thefamilygrog66 Yep.
19:52 PilzAdam sfan5,
19:52 Peacock oddly enough, i always found the villains in batman more interesting than batman himself lol
19:52 thefamilygrog66 Maybe because they always have cardboard actors playing the batman?
19:52 Peacock probably because too many actors played batman over the years
19:53 Peacock val kilmer was really bad lol
19:53 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
19:53 Peacock though nicholson's joker was way better than ledger's (the part killed him lol)
19:53 thefamilygrog66 Yeah, I find it funny people complaining about Affleck, given who's played him previously...
19:54 jojoa1997 is it possible to make an entity that has an animated texture
19:55 Peacock jojoa try splicing code from water textures to entities see if it works
19:55 PilzAdam Peacock, that doesnt work
19:55 Peacock maybe nodebox + animated texture use that for entity
19:55 PilzAdam jojoa1997, try changing the texture in on_step()
19:55 jojoa1997 thing is the water code uses special_textures while the entity uses texture
19:56 jojoa1997 oh ok
19:56 jojoa1997 wait no
19:56 jojoa1997 i want to use the texture setup like it is with regualr nodes(like water_animated.png)
19:57 kaeza [16:15:16] <svuorela> do not build in source dir with cmake. <--- +1
19:57 Peacock with entities you can do: textures = {"mod:nodename"},
19:57 jojoa1997 but will it animate it
19:57 Peacock try it out, then youll know :P
19:58 dhbiker john_minetest: kernel ?
19:58 * Calinou never compiled a kernel
19:58 Calinou linux kernel, dhbiker
19:58 dhbiker i know
19:58 jojoa1997 animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=0.8}
19:58 dhbiker i compile it too Calinou ... using gentoo
19:58 jojoa1997 oh wait nvm forget that question
19:58 Peacock simple experiment, make an entity using textures = {"default:water_source"}, see if its animated
19:59 PenguinDad PilzAdam: which texture pack?
19:59 dhbiker ah.
19:59 dhbiker what distro john_minetest ?
19:59 dhbiker meh
19:59 PilzAdam PenguinDad, hm?
20:00 Peacock more i read about gentoo the more i stayed away :P sounds like a pain
20:00 dhbiker john_minetest: it happens. don't give up.
20:00 * Calinou failed so hard installing arch linux
20:00 Peacock calinou try archbang, much simpler
20:00 dhbiker Peacock: it's not... it's nice actueally
20:00 Calinou noone uses that
20:00 dhbiker -e
20:00 Calinou I don't want to join an empty IRC channel for help
20:00 Calinou or not
20:00 Peacock archbang is arch with packages on top, like ubuntu is debian with more shit
20:00 Calinou else I would be able to install it
20:01 Calinou Peacock: ubuntu isn't supported in #debian, but they are big enough
20:01 PenguinDad PilzAdam:
20:01 Peacock its relative
20:01 Peacock if you dont mind using a debian deriv, then an arch deriv shouldn't be much different :p
20:01 PilzAdam PenguinDad, I think thats default, ask sfan5, its his screenshot
20:01 Evergreen andersje: Thank you for starring my trash can mod.  :P
20:02 Calinou john_minetest: people there are quited bad iirc
20:02 Calinou -d
20:02 Peacock i prefer archbang cuz i get a working desktop/DE out of the box, though i dont use it anymore
20:02 Peacock switched to #1
20:02 Calinou but still, it's not stable and too hard for me
20:02 Peacock *#!
20:02 Calinou when I can install xubuntu in ~20 minutes by clicking a few buttons, why not do it
20:02 sfan5 umm
20:02 Peacock archbang takes about as long :P if not less
20:02 sfan5 where did the hentai gifs on come from?
20:03 Peacock ab has a graphical installer, cant vouch for arch tho
20:03 jojoa1997 doesn work
20:04 PenguinDad sfan5: only nyan cat knows it
20:04 Peacock then go with pilzadam's idea
20:04 Calinou sfan5: ;-;
20:05 Peacock john_minetest i can get by with the terminal, but don't ask me to install a whole system with it lol
20:05 sfan5 Calinou: exactly
20:05 Calinou john_minetest> They hide that it is so easy to do it without one.
20:05 Calinou it isn't
20:05 Peacock if you have a free weekend
20:06 Calinou you need a free weekend to read the manual throughly
20:06 Calinou :P
20:06 Peacock well yeah i got other shit to do, like my wife, the job, etc.
20:06 Peacock :P
20:07 Peacock ive never had a problem with dualboot
20:07 Calinou I don't dualboot
20:07 Peacock i had to do some manual editing under arch, but thats the only exception
20:07 Calinou john_minetest: it is pretty tricky to do withhout X
20:08 Calinou if you're in virtualbox then it is easy of course
20:08 Calinou or have another PC at hand
20:08 Calinou cfdisk is insanely hard to use compared to gparted
20:08 Calinou on top of that it's MBR only
20:08 Calinou and they make you use a separate program for GPT
20:08 Peacock i'd think ubuntu would be the easiest for setting up dualboot, how does one screw that up?
20:09 Peacock AB's GUI installer isn't in a full desktop, its rather small resolution vga thing, but still, you find your way around
20:09 Peacock ext2?
20:09 PenguinDad ext2?
20:09 * Peacock looks shiftily
20:09 Calinou ext5
20:10 PenguinDad Btrfs :P
20:10 Peacock i can understand ext3, even though i use ext4 lol
20:10 Calinou it's 2013, not using an hardware driver is not acceptable, Peacock
20:10 Calinou console looks uglier
20:10 Calinou it doens't look like that when you install, sadly :P
20:10 Peacock "my wife left me for a man running proprietary software, so i permabanned her from IRL" - Hans Reiser :p
20:12 Peacock well if the guy couldn't be bothered to get rid of books detailing how to commit murder, i wouldn't trust his filesystem either :p
20:12 jojoa1997 how woul;d i change the texture on_step
20:13 Calinou ext4 is standard
20:13 Peacock cd /home/princess/pron *wrong keyboard* :P
20:13 thexyz john_minetest: w-w-wait, you're not using GPT in 2013?
20:14 thexyz Calinou: sadly, ntfs is standard
20:14 thexyz or what do they have now
20:14 dhbiker thexyz: MBR
20:14 thexyz john_minetest: partition table
20:14 thexyz dhbiker: GPT
20:15 dhbiker don't they use MBR still in windows 8 =
20:15 dhbiker ?
20:15 thexyz I have no idea
20:15 dhbiker i *think* they still do
20:15 thexyz also, why did you reply to me with MBR?
20:15 Calinou they use GPT on preinstalls
20:15 Calinou you need to use GPT for UEFI
20:15 dhbiker ah.
20:15 Calinou MBR only allows 4 primary partitions ,can't align
20:15 PenguinDad I think UEFI requires GPT
20:15 Calinou have fun using it on a SSD
20:15 dhbiker haha
20:16 Peacock thank god i havent had to put up with uefi yet, slashdot articles and all lol
20:16 Peacock sounds like a pita
20:17 thexyz Calinou: wait, what's the problem with ssd and mbr?
20:18 Peacock 40gb?
20:18 Peacock where was it made, Mesopotamia? :p
20:18 Peacock im just kidding :P ive had much worse
20:18 Calinou well, gparted doesn't propose aligning with MBR
20:19 Calinou still, MBR is a 20 year old thing
20:19 Peacock very 1st computer:
20:19 Calinou GPT is much more modern, so why not use it
20:19 FreeFull john_minetest: I thought reiserfs wasn't maintained much since the whole thing that happened with reiser
20:19 FreeFull Also, I read that it was prone to fragmentation and corruption, although I might be misremembering
20:19 Calinou it's modern
20:20 FreeFull August 25th 1991 was when Linus talked about it on Usenet
20:20 thexyz john_minetest: I have 7 partitions
20:20 FreeFull john_minetest: So it's more of a 22 year old thing now
20:20 * Calinou has 3 partitions
20:20 Calinou 22 years old now, yes
20:20 Peacock 22 yrs, the computer or the user?
20:20 andersje 7 partitions?  are you using LVM?
20:21 * andersje nods.
20:21 thexyz required-by-uefi-7mb-dummy partition, /boot, swap, /var, /usr/portage, /tmp, /home
20:21 andersje back when I was running RS/6000s with 300mb disks...I needed to partition to keep bad things from happening.
20:21 andersje now I get by with simpler schemes
20:21 thexyz (/ is on SSD)
20:21 andersje separate /var is always good for servers
20:22 sfan5 this looks surprisingly good!
20:22 FreeFull I have everything on a single /
20:22 thexyz it's just good in general
20:22 Calinou 7MB? wasn't it 250MB?
20:22 thexyz since my root is on ssd, I don't want /var and /usr/portage to be here
20:22 Calinou I don't boot on UEFI mode anyhway
20:22 Calinou FreeFull: having a separate /home makes it way easier to reinstall a distro
20:23 thexyz Calinou: I think it can be any size down to 1MB or something
20:23 FreeFull thexyz: Or the swap partition
20:23 Calinou sfan5: brace yourselves, flat design!
20:23 thexyz that's just for grub
20:23 FreeFull Calinou: I managed to reinstall without a separate /home
20:23 thexyz I think I don't need it now
20:23 FreeFull What I did is delete everything but /home and then install normally
20:23 andersje though, tbh, my primary server doesn't have a separate /var anymore
20:23 sfan5 :D
20:23 andersje
20:23 Calinou how did you draw it?
20:23 andersje that's because it runs VMs which run all the services.
20:24 andersje so the SMTP server will only ever crash itself.  ditto with the webserver
20:25 Peacock i only partition for /, /home and /tmp lol
20:26 sfan5 Calinou: I used inkscape and set the border colors of the individual objects to their main color
20:26 andersje who, me?
20:26 andersje nah, didn't need it.
20:26 sfan5 Calinou:
20:27 Peacock boot doesnt really need a seperate partition?
20:27 Peacock i mean i keep the boot flag on /
20:27 Peacock and boot is in /
20:28 Peacock i read somewhere that i needed a seperate boot partition for some case, but i dont remember either of the details :/
20:28 Calinou /boot is in a separate partition for the same reason people put 1 water source for 1 farmland block on Minecraft
20:29 Calinou while you can have 1 water source for 80 farmland blocks
20:30 * sfan5 never had a seperate /boot
20:30 andersje nah, /boot does not need to be separate.
20:30 andersje for the most part
20:30 Peacock i think it had something to do with either windows or uefi
20:30 andersje Peacock: giant disks is one of those reasons
20:30 Peacock or grub2?
20:30 andersje there used to be limitations to lilo, that it couldn't see certain huge drives
20:31 Calinou GPT is needed for 3 or 4TB disks if you want to use a partition larger than 2.2TB
20:31 andersje long ago, it couldn't see raid'd drives
20:31 Peacock well the p4 with 1tb disk runs fine without /boot partition
20:31 Calinou lol, I always used grub 2
20:31 * andersje nods
20:31 Calinou but I hide it anyway
20:31 Calinou faster boot
20:31 andersje the machine I posted the link to is an i7-2600, with > 4tb of disk attached.
20:31 andersje but / is < 150gb
20:31 Peacock grub2 is faster, but i was so used to configuring grub1 that i never bothered lol
20:33 Calinou probably faster
20:33 Peacock wouldn't know, i try to avoid the more obscure stuff since the mainstream stuff is buggy enough at times lol
20:33 Calinou it's not like 0.5 seconds matter to you
20:33 * Calinou boots in 21s POST included
20:33 dhbiker that slow ? :P
20:34 Peacock i boot in less than 10 seconds on both new and old p4
20:34 Calinou slow?
20:34 Calinou that's because I have an actual mobo
20:34 Calinou not a castrated laptop mobo
20:35 Calinou dhbiker: 21s is the moment I press button to login screen
20:35 dhbiker my post is long ffs
20:35 iqualfragile my post is fucking long
20:35 ShadowNinja Calinou: I know someone who has a server that boots in 1.5s.
20:35 iqualfragile but afterwards i need 6 secs
20:35 dhbiker Calinou: i was joking :D
20:35 Calinou some server mobos take 15 minutes to boot
20:35 dhbiker iqualfragile: same here :|
20:35 iqualfragile from grub to login-screen
20:35 Calinou or, well, several minutes
20:35 Calinou john_minetest: lightdm is great
20:35 bas080 is it possible to confine a nodbox texture to one nodebox?
20:35 Calinou simple and pretty
20:35 iqualfragile kdm :D
20:35 ShadowNinja bas080: No.
20:35 dhbiker ligtdm!
20:35 bas080 :(
20:35 Calinou another reason why I don't use arch
20:35 Calinou I have to set up such stuff _by hand_
20:35 bas080 thnx ShadowNinja!
20:36 ShadowNinja YW.
20:36 dhbiker what do you use Calinou ?
20:36 Peacock one reason i dont use ubuntu: i have to remove so much crap by hand, see, relative :p
20:36 iqualfragile Calinou: wtf? no, you dont
20:36 iqualfragile it quite much works out of the box most times
20:36 ShadowNinja Although RBA said it would be easy to add after 6d facedir.
20:37 Calinou xubuntu 13.04
20:37 dhbiker john_minetest: gentoo setup is easy as pie... it just needs time :P
20:37 Calinou I do remove a decent amount of software, yes
20:37 dhbiker which you can get easily john_minetest
20:37 Calinou ristretto, gmusicbrowser, abiword, gnumeric all go away for clementine/eog/libreoffice
20:37 Peacock well id rather add a few bits of software than remove a metric shitton of it :P
20:38 Calinou it takes like 1 minute to remove them
20:38 dhbiker you still have all the crap compiled in packages Calinou
20:38 Calinou cool story
20:38 Calinou I'm saving poweer
20:38 Calinou -e
20:39 dhbiker john_minetest: Gentoo is not for beginners xD
20:39 Peacock either way i prefer #! to ubu.
20:39 dhbiker yeah
20:40 dhbiker and they are moving to systemd
20:40 dhbiker ew.
20:40 dhbiker and it's buggy at times
20:41 andersje yeah, I like init, too
20:41 andersje beats the old /etc/rc.local method
20:41 sfan5 apparently ray8888 decided to blank out some of his topics
20:41 Peacock my main beef with arch is they push too many changes without checking, and dont update docs enough lately
20:42 kaeza joined #minetest
20:42 Calinou systemd is more modern
20:42 andersje tbh, these days, I run debian or ubuntu LTS.  Then I just throw more hardware at it if it's not fast enough
20:42 Calinou so is upstart :P
20:43 Calinou LTS, meh
20:43 Calinou you end up with 2 year old software
20:43 Calinou john_minetest: vista IS better than xp
20:43 Calinou xp is full of security flaws
20:43 Calinou it's just general hatred for half of the microsoft OSes
20:43 Calinou like, windows 8
20:43 Calinou and was ugly
20:44 andersje XP was better than 9x.
20:44 andersje Vista was only launched because they couldn't make Longhorn work right
20:44 Peacock XP, 7 > vista, 8
20:44 andersje so they had to reimplement a ton of shit.
20:44 andersje win8 is win7.1
20:44 andersje with a tablet interface
20:45 Calinou use classicshell
20:45 Peacock its the rule of microsoft, every other version has the suck the sweat of a dead man's balls
20:45 Peacock *has to
20:45 Calinou dead people don't sweat...
20:45 Peacock exactly, its gotta suck pretty hard
20:46 Peacock for gaming i quite like win7, even wolfenstein plays better than it does on linux now
20:47 Peacock on linux : no sound
20:47 Peacock and if i get sound to work, punkbuster kicks me
20:48 Peacock as opposed to apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies ?
20:48 Calinou yes, and pacman -S xfce lacks pavucontrol and that stuff
20:48 Calinou and lightdm
20:48 Calinou and... X
20:48 Calinou Peacock: WET sucks on linux
20:48 Peacock pacman lacks alot of shit without an aur helper
20:48 Calinou punkbuster sucks even more
20:49 Calinou it can send screenshots of your game by request of admins
20:49 Calinou it's very privacy invading :P
20:49 Peacock meh, for playing wolfenstein i dont mind
20:49 Peacock by now its only old-timers like me who still play it
20:49 Calinou yeah, it's dead
20:49 Peacock much better than the annoying kids that hang on newer games
20:50 Peacock heck id rather play against bots than kids
20:50 Calinou heh
20:50 Peacock bots are more dynamic
20:50 dhbiker WOLFENSTEIN !!! :D
20:50 PenguinDad Not in Germany!!!
20:50 dhbiker Your Problem!!!
20:51 Peacock meh, that was 60 years ago
20:51 marcusb joined #minetest
20:51 Peacock most war games are based off *some* history
20:51 Peacock or they're based on predicted future conflicts
20:52 Peacock in one of the battlefields they have you fighting the chinese i think
20:52 Peacock or the a-rabs
20:52 PilzAdam the Chinese army is in Battlefield 2 and will be in 4
20:53 Peacock yeah so i dont see why games based on historical wars should be any different, so long as you keep in mind the game itself is fiction
20:53 Peacock the only trouble comes when dumbass kids start getting overly patriotic over a stupid game lol
20:54 Peacock (usually because they got their asses handed to them)
20:55 PenguinDad I found this game, called Minetest. It's based on Minecraft but has one thing that I like: an easy mod-system! So here's the plan: let's build a mod for Minetest!;list=PLOPOrFGdo6wi9bH9b9N5FBjO0JvRrb3jC
20:55 PenguinDad ^ lol
20:55 Calinou plol*
20:57 Peacock there are a shitton of games and movies based on a soviet/american war lol
20:58 Peacock the latest Red Dawned had to be edited so the "other guy" was the NK rather than chienese lol
20:58 Peacock *Red Dawn
20:58 VanessaE ShadowNinja: is there some particular reason all of technic's branches, except master, are remote-only and untracked?
21:01 ShadowNinja VanessaE: Hmmm? I don't know much about those parts of git.
21:02 VanessaE vanessa@rainbird:~/Minetest-related/mods/RBAs_mods/technic$ git branch --list --all
21:02 VanessaE * master
21:02 VanessaE [...]
21:02 VanessaE remotes/origin/rewrite
21:02 Jordach back
21:02 VanessaE wb.
21:02 VanessaE was kicked by ShadowBot: Message flood detected.
21:02 * Jordach has been playing Saints Row 4
21:02 VanessaE joined #minetest
21:02 Peacock lol
21:02 kaeza lel
21:02 VanessaE thy bot ist a might slow :)
21:02 PenguinDad xD
21:03 Peacock youd think the bot would be smart enough bot to kick ops
21:03 PilzAdam VanessaE, checkout the branches, then git creates a local branch (bascially a "copy" of the remote branch)
21:03 Peacock *not to
21:03 Jordach holy shit: it's one of my mods 1st birthdays
21:03 VanessaE anyhow, I had to `git checkout --track remotes/origin/rewrite` to get the rewrite branch, even after a fresh clone.
21:03 Jordach <- happy birthday
21:03 * Peacock buys hookers and blow for jordach's mod
21:03 VanessaE PilzAdam: yep, already figured it out.  it just confused me is all.
21:03 Jordach plol
21:03 PilzAdam VanessaE, e.g. git checkout rewrite
21:04 VanessaE right.
21:04 PilzAdam it would be totally annyoing if you add a new remote and it would directly create local copies of all branches
21:04 VanessaE anyways, I have it, but Dan warns that it's "full of bugs"
21:04 PilzAdam and it would of course conflict in names and stuff
21:05 TheLastProject joined #minetest
21:06 VanessaE I'm just not used to dealing with remote-only branches is all.
21:07 PilzAdam the only thing that you can do with remote branches is check them out
21:07 chlue joined #minetest
21:11 Evergreen joined #minetest
21:15 OldCoder joined #minetest
21:15 OldCoder joined #minetest
21:15 OldCoder Hi
21:15 OldCoder john_minetest, my worlds are back
21:16 OldCoder I need to check for damage
21:16 OldCoder But
21:16 OldCoder Should stay up most of the time and I will update the engine
21:16 OldCoder There is another possibility; Kaeza and others are proposing that I revive Minebest (which was interrupted due to IRL issues) and that we proceed to merge LevelDB there
21:17 ShadowNinja VanessaE: Yes, unfourtunately my server with the highest upteme isn't very powerfull.
21:17 OldCoder john_minetest, Indicate if you can connect to my worlds or not; and if you see damage
21:18 PenguinDad LevelDB in default minetest would be great :)
21:19 VanessaE OldCoder: have you heard?  I have two servers now :-)
21:19 OldCoder VanessaE, john_minetest O.K.
21:19 OldCoder VanessaE, I had not heard. Good luck with them.
21:19 VanessaE seems to work fairly well save for the usual mapgen lag due to big mods like moretrees.
21:22 VanessaE that would help.
21:29 Jordach hello OldCoder
21:41 iqualfragile_ joined #minetest
21:43 thefamilygrog66 I must go now - bring me the head of Steve.
21:43 thefamilygrog66 hahaha
21:43 thefamilygrog66
21:47 bas080 joined #minetest
21:48 OldCoder Jordach, hi
21:49 LazyJ joined #minetest
21:50 bas080
21:50 bas080
21:51 PenguinDad !title
21:51 MinetestBot PenguinDad: [Mod] Inbox [1] [inbox] (Page 1) — Modding General — Minetest Forums
21:52 bas080 PenguinDad, can it also give back the title of a youtube video?
21:52 bas080 it = MinetstBot
21:52 PenguinDad !title
21:52 MinetestBot PenguinDad: Return to Sender- Elvis Presley - YouTube
21:53 PenguinDad ^ bas080 yes
21:53 bas080 ok. good to know!
22:10 Jordach ShadowNinja: technic bug
22:11 Jordach coal generators don't produce power on LV
22:12 OldCoder Repeating announcement (will do so a few times over the next week): 1. My Minetest worlds are back. 2. Report damage to worlds if any. 3. I will update engine after some issues are worked out. kaeza See me when you can.
22:16 thexyz lol
22:17 thexyz fuck those people who blank their posts
22:18 PenguinDad thexyz: ray8888?
22:18 jin_xi huh? what? you deleted it? i get bad link
22:19 thexyz yeah
22:19 thexyz > minetest sucks with the people and they all can go to hell that why my server is off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22:19 thexyz jin_xi: see ^
22:19 * Jordach was going to quote that
22:19 Kosumosushi joined #minetest
22:19 kaeza huh?
22:20 VanessaE what server
22:20 VanessaE ?
22:20 VanessaE remobo?
22:20 PenguinDad ray's server
22:20 VanessaE what a dick.
22:24 PilzAdam yay! 1 non-voxel node less in Pilztest!
22:25 PilzAdam it now has a lamp instead of a torch
22:25 Jordach haha
22:25 Jordach source or bullshit
22:26 PenguinDad Jordach:
22:26 PilzAdam
22:27 jin_xi lol @ voxel-node
22:27 jin_xi you like pixel-sprites?
22:41 Jordach yes, fuck yes
22:41 thexyz
22:41 * Jordach found mese on the technic server
22:43 thexyz !title
22:43 MinetestBot thexyz: This is.. Japan World Cup 3 - YouTube
22:46 Jordach \o/ i just found one of blockmen's mines
22:47 Jordach (the mod, not blockmen's server mine)
22:48 Peacock cause a cavein :P
22:48 Jordach just did with gravel
22:49 Peacock gravel doesn't count :P
22:49 Peacock we need a real cavein mod when the space between Y's gets too big
22:49 Peacock (w/o supports)
22:50 thexyz
22:52 PenguinDad lol
22:54 Peacock minetest for DS lol
22:55 Peacock (id find if cooler to get MT to work on old/obscure platforms lol)
22:55 PenguinDad what about minetest for these hackable toilets :D
22:57 marcusb joined #minetest
22:59 PenguinDad !up 27963
22:59 MinetestBot is up (389ms)
23:11 Jordach thexyz:
23:21 Jordach ShadowNinja: LV water mill isn't generating electricity
23:21 Jordach the buffer stays at 0 yet it's production is 100%
23:22 Leoneof joined #minetest
23:31 kaeza joined #minetest
23:32 octobot joined #minetest
23:34 Miner_48er joined #minetest
23:46 rsiska joined #minetest

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