Time |
Nick |
Message |
00:00 |
PilzAdam |
lol |
00:01 |
VanessaE |
theinvsblman: I've pitched your idea to the development channel. let's see if it garners any interest. |
00:02 |
theinvsblman |
btw, is the world infinitely tall? |
00:02 |
VanessaE |
62kb from top to bottom |
00:02 |
VanessaE |
er 62 km |
00:02 |
VanessaE |
water is at the 31km mark from the bottom, y=1 |
00:03 |
theinvsblman |
how about the horizontal size? |
00:03 |
VanessaE |
same. |
00:03 |
VanessaE |
the whole map is roughly 62 x 62 x 62 km. |
00:03 |
VanessaE |
(if you were to generate the entire thing, of course) |
00:04 |
theinvsblman |
well in practice that's infinite |
00:04 |
VanessaE |
nearly so yeah :) |
00:04 |
VanessaE |
but some people have dug down to -31k without much trouble |
00:04 |
theinvsblman |
even on crowded minecraft servers i've never seen anyone go further than 10-20 km |
00:04 |
sapier1 left #minetest |
00:05 |
theinvsblman |
also, is the game logic (blocks, items, etc) written in lua or run natively? |
00:05 |
VanessaE |
most game logic is Lua |
00:05 |
VanessaE |
we have LuaJIT support, so well-written mods perform almost as fast as C++ |
00:06 |
VanessaE |
(if you have compiled against that lib) |
00:06 |
theinvsblman |
nice, i've always wanted to write a minecraft mod but |
00:06 |
theinvsblman |
minecraft is really a programmer's worst nightmare |
00:06 |
VanessaE |
lol |
00:06 |
VanessaE |
so I've heard :) |
00:06 |
theinvsblman |
also, what about the networking? |
00:07 |
VanessaE |
what about it? :) |
00:07 |
theinvsblman |
for example minecraft is so advanced it implements relativistic physics |
00:07 |
theinvsblman |
two events dont have to be simultaneous |
00:07 |
VanessaE |
oh |
00:07 |
theinvsblman |
for different observers |
00:07 |
theinvsblman |
that's how crappy the networking is there |
00:07 |
acerspyro |
Wow, I have no sound and textures are all messed up |
00:07 |
VanessaE |
I'm not sure. there's some prediction in minetest but there's room for improvement |
00:10 |
theinvsblman |
i see that the mods are downloaded automatically from the server |
00:10 |
VanessaE |
no |
00:10 |
VanessaE |
mods run on the server |
00:10 |
PilzAdam |
theinvsblman, it deosnt exactly download the whole mod |
00:10 |
VanessaE |
only the media, models, etc. are downloaded |
00:10 |
PilzAdam |
for security reasons |
00:10 |
VanessaE |
the code runs on the server. |
00:10 |
theinvsblman |
that's still good |
00:14 |
theinvsblman |
well it seems that minetest has much more potential that minecraft |
00:15 |
theinvsblman |
the only thing that bugs me is the simple gui, but i guess it will be done in future |
00:15 |
theinvsblman |
where can i find a wiki or a manual? |
00:16 |
theinvsblman |
i'm interested in learning the game |
00:16 |
theinvsblman |
nvm, didn't notice the link in the topic |
00:16 |
VanessaE |
simple GUI? |
00:17 |
theinvsblman |
well it looks really simple |
00:17 |
theinvsblman |
basically just colored rectangles |
00:18 |
VanessaE |
I'm not sure I understand. can you post a screenshot? |
00:18 |
PilzAdam |
VanessaE, I guess he means the default inventory |
00:18 |
VanessaE |
oh that |
00:18 |
VanessaE |
yeah |
00:18 |
VanessaE |
there ain't much to it :P |
00:18 |
VanessaE |
get the X-GUI mod :) |
00:19 |
VanessaE |
https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4001 |
00:19 |
VanessaE |
assuming it still works |
00:19 |
VanessaE |
it's kinda old |
00:21 |
theinvsblman |
seems like it doesn't |
00:21 |
theinvsblman |
or requires some configuration i'm unaware of |
00:21 |
VanessaE |
bummer |
00:26 |
acerspyro left #minetest |
00:26 |
Exio4 |
VanessaE: seems legit i "just get" +4~7fps with it commented |
00:27 |
Exio4 |
but the FPS meter in the profiler isn't that "exact" as the one in the window |
00:27 |
Evergreen |
theinvsblman: I could make you better hotbar textures, but I can't do anything about the inventory |
00:27 |
Evergreen |
How old is you build of minetest? |
00:27 |
Evergreen |
*yuor |
00:27 |
Evergreen |
*Your |
00:27 |
theinvsblman |
a few hours old |
00:28 |
kaeza joined #minetest |
00:28 |
Exio4 |
probably a xfce4-user-problem |
00:29 |
PilzAdam |
Exio4, with which DE have you tested it? |
00:29 |
Exio4 |
not a DE |
00:29 |
Exio4 |
dwm |
00:29 |
Exio4 |
http://dwm.suckless.org/ |
00:29 |
Evergreen |
Then I think your version supports hotbar textures then |
00:30 |
theinvsblman |
is it possible to change the game's fov? |
00:30 |
VanessaE |
Exio4: either way it's a clear performance improvement for no appreciable loss, since fps could be easily moved into the F5 display. |
00:30 |
Evergreen |
In mods? How exactly? |
00:31 |
PilzAdam |
theinvsblman, yes, in minetest.conf you can change the fov setting |
00:31 |
theinvsblman |
do i have to restart the game for the change to take effect? |
00:31 |
Evergreen |
Oh, that fov. :P |
00:31 |
Exio4 |
you could use /set fov <number> |
00:32 |
theinvsblman |
thanks, i'm used to playing on fov 120 |
00:32 |
Exio4 |
"Quake Pro"? :P |
00:32 |
theinvsblman |
yes |
00:32 |
theinvsblman |
i also play quake 3 with that fov :P |
00:32 |
Exio4 |
i use 110 in MT |
00:33 |
PilzAdam |
fun fact: increasing FOV doesnt make you a better player |
00:33 |
Exio4 |
lol |
00:33 |
theinvsblman |
depends on the person |
00:33 |
Exio4 |
it does in a FPS because you can see moar stuff around! :P |
00:34 |
theinvsblman |
btw. what are the plans for future releases? are you going to clone minecraft or create an original gameplay? |
00:34 |
PilzAdam |
Minetest is mainly an engine for games |
00:34 |
Exio4 |
http://dev.minetest.net/TODO |
00:35 |
PilzAdam |
the games consist basically of a bunch of mods |
00:35 |
PilzAdam |
so its up to the games to define the actual gameplay |
00:36 |
theinvsblman |
interesting |
00:38 |
theinvsblman |
hm, i don't see anything about collision detection in the todo |
00:38 |
Exio4 |
what collision detection "improvement"? |
00:39 |
PilzAdam |
that TODO list is kinda arbitrary |
00:39 |
theinvsblman |
movements gets glitchy when i collide with a low ceiling |
00:39 |
theinvsblman |
it's also glitchy when i collide with block edges |
00:39 |
theinvsblman |
horizontally |
00:41 |
Exio4 |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues |
00:41 |
Exio4 |
:D |
00:41 |
PilzAdam |
if people have good ideas or pull requests then we do that |
00:42 |
Exio4 |
^ |
00:42 |
Exio4 |
minetest doesn't have a "very well defined plan" :/ |
01:20 |
FreeFull joined #minetest |
01:20 |
PilzAdam |
bye |
01:25 |
NekoGloop joined #minetest |
01:26 |
LinuxGuy2020 joined #minetest |
01:26 |
NekoGloop |
mew |
01:27 |
LinuxGuy2020 |
I have a few newbie questions. How do you find your house after you die and end up in timbucktu? After you create a sign, is it possible to edit the text on it yet or is that still being developed or something? |
01:29 |
ShadowNinja |
LinuxGuy2020: You can edit signs. And you can use a mod like sethome tofind your house. |
01:31 |
LinuxGuy2020 |
ok cool thanks |
01:41 |
LinuxGuy2020 left #minetest |
01:48 |
NekoGloop |
Meow |
01:49 |
LinuxGuy2020 joined #minetest |
01:49 |
LinuxGuy2020 |
One thing I really wish I could change is to reverse the function of the mouse wheel. Is this possible? |
01:53 |
Peacock |
? it rolls both ways :P |
01:53 |
Peacock |
or do you mean change the function of the mousewheel? |
01:54 |
LinuxGuy2020 |
Yeah like mouse wheel forward makes the selected item go to the right and wheel backward goes left. |
01:54 |
LinuxGuy2020 |
Seems logical |
01:54 |
LinuxGuy2020 |
up=forward down=back |
01:55 |
Peacock |
if they made a change like that they might as well do invert y axis and invert mouse buttons too |
01:55 |
Peacock |
seems to be different from one voxel game to the next anyhow |
01:55 |
Peacock |
options i mean |
01:56 |
LinuxGuy2020 |
yeah |
01:56 |
* NekoGloop |
bites Peacock |
01:57 |
Peacock |
dont do that, you'll get a potent mix of caffeine, nicotine and alcohol :P |
01:57 |
Peacock |
you'll be climbing the homedecor curtains :P |
01:58 |
LinuxGuy2020 |
How long do torches burn for? Forever? |
01:58 |
Peacock |
yep |
01:58 |
LinuxGuy2020 |
sweet |
01:58 |
Peacock |
i would hope so, theyre not too bright |
01:59 |
Peacock |
rather the range is limited so you need manies |
02:00 |
LinuxGuy2020 |
I kind of came up with my own "trick" to remeber where my house is. Build it at x=0 y=0. Cant forget it. |
02:01 |
Peacock |
well you can still end up walking 30K before finding it :P |
02:02 |
LinuxGuy2020 |
true but at least Ill know exactly where it is. |
02:09 |
Morrolan joined #minetest |
02:12 |
Peacock |
cmon breaking bad, upload already lol |
02:16 |
ShadowNinja |
x=0, z=0 you mean? |
02:16 |
Peacock |
that's spawn |
02:16 |
Peacock |
he's prolly sticking to x=0, y=0 and only remembering Z |
02:17 |
Peacock |
unless he's on a personal map then i assume spawn is open |
02:18 |
ShadowNinja |
But the y is determined by the terrain, unless you dig or build a flying platfork. |
02:18 |
ShadowNinja |
-k+m |
02:19 |
Peacock |
if it's under you can always dig nearby dirt and pile it there |
02:19 |
Peacock |
if its over, dig it lol |
02:22 |
Peacock |
ugh, some reviewer claims CSI miami is better than under the dome |
02:23 |
Peacock |
david caruso had his own little picard maneuver with those glasses lol |
02:39 |
Leoneof joined #minetest |
02:48 |
sdzen joined #minetest |
02:54 |
andersje |
hello hello hello |
02:54 |
andersje |
VanessaE, are you still up? |
02:54 |
VanessaE |
yeah |
02:55 |
andersje |
just pushed v1.5 of stained glass...added non-luminescent stained_glass, made with default:glass, and low-glow stained_glass, made with moreblocks:glow_glass |
02:55 |
VanessaE |
nice |
02:55 |
VanessaE |
that's a shitton of nodes :) |
02:55 |
VanessaE |
Sokomine: ^^^^^^^^ |
02:55 |
andersje |
Metric shitton. |
02:56 |
andersje |
the code is ghetto, but my oldest son really wanted non-luminescent stained glass, so.... |
02:56 |
Peacock |
what is it in imperial shittons? :P |
02:56 |
andersje |
to convert imperial shittons to metric, multiply it by 3, add four, and divide by 2. |
02:57 |
andersje |
so 1 imperial shitton = ((1 * 3 ) + 4) /2) == 3.5 metric shittons. |
02:57 |
Peacock |
lol |
02:58 |
Peacock |
is texture_alpha still glitchy for you? |
02:58 |
VanessaE |
yes, it is but not so much as to make it unuseable. |
02:58 |
Peacock |
like different sections turning dark or not appearing in/under water? |
02:58 |
Peacock |
ahh, pooh :( |
02:58 |
Peacock |
i made glass roads that hang one node above the water, and still the glitchyness :/ |
03:01 |
sdzen |
better then my alpha glitches :) my minetest client insists on flickering anything with an alpha value ridiculously |
03:03 |
Peacock |
sounds like even more fun :p |
03:04 |
Peacock |
is 0.4.8 out yet? been gone a few days |
03:04 |
VanessaE |
notyet |
03:04 |
sdzen |
I am very surprised it isnt 0.4.9 by now |
03:05 |
andersje |
so....do massive numbers of potential nodes slow the game down a lot? |
03:05 |
sdzen |
we should have had a new release quite a while ago |
03:05 |
Peacock |
has RBA returned from the Isle of Elba? |
03:23 |
LinuxGuy2020 left #minetest |
03:25 |
VanessaE |
isle of elba? |
03:25 |
VanessaE |
what? |
03:25 |
Peacock |
napolean referrence :P |
03:28 |
kaeza |
nah RBA is not napoleon, PA is :P |
03:30 |
Peacock |
PulseAudio was defeated at waterloo? :p |
03:40 |
sdzen |
explains why pavucontrol isnt working |
03:40 |
sdzen |
at least its better then me blaming celtic dancing for it |
03:46 |
Vargos joined #minetest |
03:48 |
Peacock |
i dont mind pavucontrol i just wish i had a sound icon (tray) lol |
04:18 |
pehjota joined #minetest |
04:36 |
OldCoder |
VanessaE, Sokomine My worlds are back as of tomorrow night. Actually they are up now but may need to be restarted and checked for damage. |
04:36 |
OldCoder |
If they work for a while, time to look into merging LevelDB. Kaeza said a few people would help. Or deciding to wait for official upstream. |
04:39 |
khor joined #minetest |
04:40 |
Pest joined #minetest |
04:41 |
VanessaE |
cool |
05:47 |
Ritchie joined #minetest |
05:57 |
youlysses joined #minetest |
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meldrian joined #minetest |
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nore joined #minetest |
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TheLastProject joined #minetest |
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dhbiker joined #minetest |
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rsiska joined #minetest |
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aheinecke joined #minetest |
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dhbiker joined #minetest |
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OldCoder joined #minetest |
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OldCoder joined #minetest |
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neko259 joined #minetest |
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Calinou joined #minetest |
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jin_xi joined #minetest |
08:09 |
sfan5 |
hi everyone |
08:10 |
Calinou |
hi |
08:14 |
kaeza joined #minetest |
08:34 |
john_minetest joined #minetest |
08:35 |
Calinou |
anypony* |
08:50 |
smoke_fumus joined #minetest |
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q66 joined #minetest |
09:14 |
whirm joined #minetest |
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ungali joined #minetest |
09:31 |
DanDuncombe joined #minetest |
09:31 |
DanDuncombe |
VanessaE, you wanted to talk? |
09:32 |
VanessaE |
there we go |
09:32 |
VanessaE |
yeah, just didn't wanna clutter the server chaty |
09:32 |
DanDuncombe |
Private chat? |
09:32 |
VanessaE |
chat* |
09:32 |
Calinou |
hi VanessaE, can I have interact on your survival server please? (if I don't have it) |
09:33 |
Calinou |
thanks in advance |
09:33 |
VanessaE |
you already have it :P |
09:33 |
Calinou |
ah |
09:33 |
Calinou |
you're sharing the auth.txt file between servers, right? |
09:34 |
VanessaE |
nope |
09:35 |
VanessaE |
I copied it over, removed fly and noclip |
09:35 |
VanessaE |
(since survival shoudn't have those :) ) |
09:37 |
meldrian |
Is there a working version of skyblock für minetest? |
09:38 |
meldrian |
i checked out some of the forums topic |
09:38 |
Calinou |
lots of them |
09:38 |
Calinou |
look at the Maps section |
09:42 |
meldrian |
sometimes to good stuff is simply to easy to find |
09:42 |
meldrian |
thx |
09:43 |
DanDuncombe left #minetest |
09:53 |
nyuszika7h joined #minetest |
09:58 |
PenguinDad joined #minetest |
10:06 |
nyuszika7h joined #minetest |
10:20 |
jojoa1997 joined #minetest |
10:26 |
theinvsblman joined #minetest |
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iqualfragile joined #minetest |
10:31 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: xyzz commited to minetest/minetest: Remove "po/du". "du" is invalid language code (fixes #881). d470842e8e 2013-08-26T03:30:17-07:00 http://git.io/oJEAEg |
10:36 |
Mossmanikin joined #minetest |
10:37 |
Mossmanikin |
Hi, just wanted to check this channel out :) |
10:39 |
proller joined #minetest |
10:43 |
Zeg9 joined #minetest |
10:43 |
Zeg9 |
Hi there |
10:43 |
Zeg9 |
is it a wanted behavior that the attachment pos is ignored, at least for players? |
10:43 |
PenguinDad |
hi Zeg9 |
10:44 |
Mossmanikin |
Hi Zeg & Penguin |
10:46 |
Mossmanikin |
@ Zeg9: what do you mean? |
10:46 |
Zeg9 |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L1555 |
10:46 |
Zeg9 |
When I attach a player to an entity, it seems to ignore the "position" argument |
10:46 |
Aki__ joined #minetest |
10:47 |
* Zeg9 |
is making an issue on gh |
10:47 |
Mossmanikin |
Ok, can't answer that question :D |
10:48 |
Aki__ |
Hiya. Is there a working version of Mob Frameworld (mobf) out there? I'm using minetest 0.4.7 on Ubuntu 12.04. |
10:48 |
Aki__ |
The versions I have tried have all resulted in crashes |
10:49 |
Mossmanikin |
Hi Aki |
10:49 |
sfan5 |
!g mobf minetest |
10:49 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=629 |
10:49 |
sfan5 |
Aki__: you've tries 2.1.2? |
10:49 |
sfan5 |
also: what minetest version? |
10:49 |
sfan5 |
*which |
10:49 |
sfan5 |
*tried |
10:49 |
PenguinDad |
At the moment there isn't a good version 0.4.7 |
10:50 |
Aki__ |
Thanks sfan5. I've been to that link before and I tried 2.1.2. 2.1.2 causes a crash when I go anywhere near a vombie. I then tried 2.1.83 (which I found on GIThub) and that crashed the entire game when trying to generate a new world |
10:50 |
Aki__ |
sfan5: I'm using minetest 0.4.7 |
10:51 |
sfan5 |
0.4.7 stable or git? |
10:51 |
sfan5 |
-> have you used the official 0.4.7 download? |
10:51 |
Aki__ |
sfan5: I'm using 0.4.7 which is located here: https://code.launchpad.net/~minetestdevs/+archive/stable/+packages |
10:52 |
sfan5 |
oh.. you're not using windows.. |
10:52 |
Aki__ |
I found that link via the Download page on the minetest website |
10:52 |
Aki__ |
I'm using Ubuntu |
10:52 |
Aki__ |
( <3 Ubuntu! ) |
10:53 |
PenguinDad |
the vombie problem has to do with #887 |
10:53 |
Aki__ |
I really like minetest, but I only want to play it if there are monsters like in minecraft. |
10:53 |
theinvsblman |
do mods work in singleplayer (latest build)? |
10:53 |
sfan5 |
theinvsblman: yes |
10:53 |
PenguinDad |
at the moment it's better to use simple mobs |
10:54 |
sfan5 |
Aki__: could you pastebin the error message? |
10:54 |
theinvsblman |
hm, looks like i'm doing something wrong |
10:54 |
Mossmanikin |
@ Aki: you know the command "/mobf_settings"? |
10:54 |
theinvsblman |
i put them in ~/.minetest/mods, they are listed in the mod menu but nothing changes in-game |
10:54 |
PenguinDad |
theinvsblman: RUN_IN_PLACE? |
10:54 |
Aki__ |
sfan5: I can pastebin the message I get with 2.1.2 (the vombie crash), but I can't for 2.1.83 because it crashes the entire game to desktop. |
10:55 |
theinvsblman |
10:55 |
Aki__ |
Mossmanikin: I'm not aware of that command. |
10:55 |
sfan5 |
Aki__: pastebin the error from 2.1.2 |
10:55 |
Mossmanikin |
You can use it ingame |
10:56 |
Zeg9 |
Aki__: "it crashes the entire game to desktop" <- see ~/.minetest/debug.txt |
10:56 |
PenguinDad |
I run minetest everytime from a terminal :) |
10:57 |
Zeg9 |
bbl |
10:58 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
10:58 |
Mossmanikin |
Hi Calinou |
10:58 |
Calinou |
hi |
10:59 |
Aki__ |
Zeg9: thanks |
11:02 |
Aki__ |
sfan5: http://pastebin.com/ZitsaaAF |
11:02 |
neko259 joined #minetest |
11:03 |
sfan5 |
Aki__: you should report that bug in the mobf thread |
11:04 |
Mossmanikin |
Hi neko |
11:04 |
sfan5 |
Aki__: could you paste the 2.1.2 error too? |
11:04 |
Aki__ |
sfan5: this is the crash from mobf 2.1.2: http://pastebin.com/CnJEt79K |
11:04 |
Aki__ |
I just made it happen again |
11:04 |
Aki__ |
I'm pretty sure it occurs from looking at a vombie |
11:05 |
Aki__ |
With the 2.1.2 crashyou can actually play during the day, but then during the night if you go outside and look at a vombie it causes that crash. If you stay inside away from the vombies then you can make it through the night. Are my vombies trying to escape from the gameworld? :O |
11:06 |
kahrl |
Aki__, open builtin/deprecated.lua and make this change: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/392689e7ba9980efcea87ca6cb9fcfa64330d009 |
11:06 |
sfan5 |
hm |
11:07 |
Aki__ |
kahrl: which mobf is this a fix for? 2.1.2? |
11:07 |
kahrl |
I don't know about mobf versions |
11:08 |
kahrl |
any that still use the old "minetest.env:" syntax |
11:09 |
sfan5 |
maybe we should release 0.4.8 now? |
11:09 |
sfan5 |
then we don't have to tell anyone to apply this change to get it working |
11:11 |
iqualfragile joined #minetest |
11:12 |
Mossmanikin |
Hi iqualfragile |
11:12 |
sfan5 |
Mossmanikin: he just quit and instantly rejoined, thats not a reason to say hello |
11:13 |
Aki__ |
sfan5: I only tried minetest for the first time yesterday. It's a really impressive game, but the lack of mobs and then the crashing that occurs when I install mobf (which is linked from the home page as a "popular" mod) taints the experience. I'm geeky so I've persisted with this, but I imagine you loose a lot of novice users through this. |
11:13 |
Mossmanikin |
Allright then :D Just wanted to be nice... |
11:13 |
Aki__ |
... I'm not putting the project down though. It's awesome! |
11:14 |
sfan5 |
Aki__: 0.4.8 is supposed to be released soon(tm), the bug is already fixed in the unstable/git version |
11:15 |
Mossmanikin |
@ Aki: did you try https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7027? |
11:15 |
Calinou |
lol, I got a Minegeld by cutting a tree |
11:16 |
Mossmanikin |
gz :D |
11:16 |
sapier joined #minetest |
11:17 |
Mossmanikin |
Hi sapier |
11:17 |
sapier |
hello |
11:17 |
Aki__ |
Mossmanikin: nope but it looks good ^-^ |
11:18 |
theinvsblman |
what is RUN_IN_PLACE for? |
11:19 |
Calinou |
theinvsblman: it puts user data in the directory where you compiled minetest, instead of ~/.minetest |
11:19 |
theinvsblman |
ok, thanks |
11:19 |
Mossmanikin |
Aki: if you want to get rid of some mobs, type "/mobf_settings" and there will appear a window where you can disable them |
11:19 |
theinvsblman |
how do i make the server load mods from ~/.minetest? |
11:20 |
theinvsblman |
or is it not supposed to happen? |
11:20 |
PilzAdam joined #minetest |
11:20 |
theinvsblman |
(local server) |
11:20 |
Mossmanikin |
Hi Adam |
11:20 |
PilzAdam |
Hello everyone! |
11:20 |
Calinou |
._. |
11:21 |
Calinou |
axes are useless |
11:21 |
Mossmanikin |
I guess one can tell I'm new to the IRC thing by my saying "Hi" to everyone :D |
11:21 |
Calinou |
and shovel barely useful |
11:22 |
sfan5 |
sapier: Aki__ was having a problem with mobf 2.1.83 http://pastebin.com/ZitsaaAF |
11:29 |
Mossmanikin |
Calinou: your stoneage mod at least partially solves this |
11:30 |
Calinou |
I didn't make it |
11:30 |
krofek_ joined #minetest |
11:30 |
Mossmanikin |
Calinou: damn, sorry, the stoneage mod |
11:31 |
Evergreen joined #minetest |
11:31 |
Mossmanikin |
Hi 2 the 2 of U |
11:32 |
Evergreen |
Hello Mossmanikin |
11:33 |
Mossmanikin |
Evergreen: felt like checking this channel out |
11:35 |
Semilevel joined #minetest |
11:35 |
iqualfragile |
hi Mossmanikin |
11:36 |
Mossmanikin |
Hi Semilevel |
11:36 |
Semilevel |
Hello |
11:38 |
Jordach joined #minetest |
11:38 |
Evergreen |
Hi Jordach |
11:38 |
Jordach |
Evergreen: i just got out of bed, it's 12:38 PM here |
11:38 |
Zeg9 |
Hey Evergreen, Jordach |
11:39 |
Evergreen |
It's been a while Zeg9. :P |
11:39 |
Jordach |
hey Zeg9 |
11:39 |
* Jordach |
thinks we should all eat our Zeggies |
11:39 |
* Jordach |
also thinks Zeggie as a short name for Zeg9 |
11:40 |
Zeg9 |
wut? |
11:40 |
Mossmanikin |
Hi Jordach :D |
11:40 |
Jordach |
huh |
11:40 |
Jordach |
don't scare me, i haven't hada chance to check the nick's yet |
11:41 |
Jordach |
+<0x20> -<0x20> |
11:41 |
Jordach |
just moving the spaces about |
11:42 |
Aki__ |
kahrl: that fix you linked me has worked. |
11:42 |
damir__ joined #minetest |
11:42 |
Mossmanikin |
Hi damir |
11:42 |
Aki__ |
kahrl: good news: mobf 2.1.2 is no longer crashing when I see vombies. Bad news: I just got chased around the map by a vombie ^-^ |
11:43 |
Mossmanikin |
Aki: :D |
11:43 |
damir__ |
hello Mossmanikin |
11:43 |
Evergreen |
Jordach: I just call him Zeg. :P |
11:43 |
Jordach |
haha |
11:44 |
Mossmanikin |
Jordach: Whattaf...? :D |
11:44 |
* Evergreen |
is going to go get some breakfast, afk |
11:45 |
Zeg9 |
Hey |
11:46 |
* Zeg9 |
understands why nobody made an elevator mod yet... |
11:47 |
Jordach |
Zeg9: travelnet has elevators |
11:47 |
Zeg9 |
Yep but I was trying to make one that actually moves |
11:48 |
Jordach |
you place the elevator nodes in-line with each other and choose the floor you go to |
11:53 |
Mossmanikin |
Zeg9: I'd love to see some elevators like in Unreal I |
11:53 |
sapier |
sfan5 thanks |
11:55 |
Calinou |
elevator is possible downwards only |
11:55 |
Calinou |
if you want to use an entity |
11:55 |
Calinou |
err, nevermind |
11:55 |
Calinou |
just attach player to entity |
11:55 |
Calinou |
but then you can't move freely on elevator |
11:55 |
Aki__ |
what's the coolest new features coming up in 0.4.8? Other than that bug fix I was just given? |
11:55 |
Calinou |
http://dev.minetest.net/Changelog |
11:55 |
PenguinDad |
Drowning |
11:55 |
Calinou |
quite a lot of stuff |
11:56 |
Aki__ |
PenguinDad: I didn't know you couldn't drown. |
11:57 |
* Evergreen |
is back |
11:57 |
Evergreen |
No, you couldn't drown previously |
11:57 |
sapier |
I guess modstore is coolest new feature ;-) |
11:57 |
sapier |
but shaders are close |
11:57 |
Jordach |
holy shit |
11:57 |
Aki__ |
" Added support for bumpmapping (RealBadAngel)" Thanks realbadangel! |
11:57 |
Calinou |
texture pack selection is great too |
11:57 |
Calinou |
Aki__: fake bumpmapping, but still |
11:57 |
* Jordach |
just found the original source to the Sam I skin |
11:57 |
Calinou |
parallax mapping is planned |
11:58 |
Aki__ |
sapier: what's a modstore? |
11:58 |
sapier |
yes but the one adding texture pack selection forgot to add a download button |
11:58 |
Evergreen |
Also, luavoxelmanipulator was added |
11:58 |
Zeg9 |
Calinou, that would work if the attachment position argument was *not* ignored |
11:58 |
sapier |
you will be able to search and install mods from within minetest as of 0.4.8 |
11:58 |
Evergreen |
Which allows for much faster setting of large amunts of nodes |
11:58 |
Evergreen |
like in worldedit |
12:00 |
Zeg9 |
where is gone that texture pack selection thing |
12:00 |
Zeg9 |
was it merged? |
12:00 |
sapier |
yes |
12:00 |
theinvsblman left #minetest |
12:00 |
Zeg9 |
can't find it in the menu |
12:00 |
Jordach |
http://i.imgur.com/Nm57vKD.png |
12:01 |
Calinou |
-1 for hiding extensions |
12:01 |
* Calinou |
doesn't see Jordach's porn folder there |
12:01 |
Aki__ |
I think I'm going to wait for 0.4.8 before getting into this game. Will the Ubuntu repository linked to from the minetest download page be updated with the new version? |
12:01 |
Zeg9 |
"New Folder (2)" |
12:01 |
Jordach |
Calinou: from every OS install i kept the last stuff i kept |
12:02 |
sapier |
zeg9 no idea whats wrong for you I can see it even without any texture pack installed |
12:02 |
Jordach |
12:03 |
* Jordach |
found 2x 1.3.1 MC server worlds |
12:03 |
PilzAdam |
\o/ "DVD RW Drive (F:) Install Linux" |
12:03 |
Zeg9 |
sapier, forget this, the git was messed up again |
12:03 |
milleja46 joined #minetest |
12:03 |
Mossmanikin |
k, folks, I really need some sleep, have fun ;) |
12:04 |
Zeg9 |
Bye |
12:04 |
* Jordach |
found MinetestBot's first skin |
12:04 |
Jordach |
fun fact: it doesn't have the bow |
12:05 |
Jordach |
fun fact: i once wrote bash to convert texture pacs |
12:05 |
Jordach |
packs* |
12:05 |
sapier |
jordach you too? |
12:05 |
Jordach |
sapier: yes, |
12:05 |
Jordach |
12:05 |
sapier |
I guess almost everyone did this ;-) |
12:05 |
Jordach |
i even found the Red Eclipse Map i made |
12:06 |
Jordach |
fun fact: you know my MC4MT was accidentially binned on my PC? |
12:07 |
Jordach |
i found it, hidden away from xubuntu -> vista transfer |
12:08 |
Calinou |
sapier: I converted packs by hand |
12:10 |
sapier |
you poor one ;-) |
12:11 |
* Jordach |
has dug back to March 2012 |
12:12 |
* Jordach |
found snow mod 1.2 |
12:13 |
Jordach |
brb |
12:15 |
* Jordach |
is cleaning the Sam I texture |
12:16 |
theinvsblman joined #minetest |
12:18 |
Jordach |
cleaned: http://i.imgur.com/xaBJuNB.png |
12:18 |
Jordach |
built from it's true source file |
12:19 |
Calinou |
its* |
12:20 |
PenguinDad |
The rules of writing are like magic spells. |
12:24 |
Jordach |
completely bollocks |
12:34 |
theinvsblman |
does hud_change work on all types of hud elements? |
12:35 |
PilzAdam |
theinvsblman, on all elements that are added via Lua, yes |
12:37 |
theinvsblman |
weird, for me it works only on statbars |
12:37 |
theinvsblman |
i'm trying to change the text property of an image |
12:40 |
Zeg9 |
Is mauvebic's teleporters mod available somewhere? |
12:41 |
Jordach |
Zeg9: ask Peacock |
12:43 |
Evergreen |
Does anyone like my Github avatar? I made it myself (like every other banner/avatar I have ever used) |
12:44 |
Calinou |
what's your account name |
12:44 |
Evergreen |
4Evergreen4 |
12:44 |
Evergreen |
Because Evergreen was taken |
12:44 |
PenguinDad |
Evergreen: it's better than the old one |
12:44 |
Evergreen |
The pixel art one? |
12:44 |
Calinou |
heh |
12:45 |
Evergreen |
It wasn't that hard to make, the tree was actually the hardest part |
12:46 |
Evergreen |
Well, I'm gonna be gone for a couple hours, so cya guys later |
12:47 |
* Jordach |
looks at the template human model again |
12:47 |
Jordach |
jesus fuck; how did that HAPPEN. |
12:47 |
* Jordach |
sees a ton of z-fightinh |
12:50 |
Jordach |
http://i.imgur.com/OJep8qG.png |
12:53 |
Zeg9 |
john_minetest: ServerExtented is ok anyway, modules can be disabled |
12:56 |
Zeitgeist_ joined #minetest |
12:58 |
PenguinDad |
!tw 371979417276661760 |
12:58 |
MinetestBot |
Site Maintenance August 31st 2013: https://github.com/blog/1603-site-maintenance-august-31st-2013 (@github) |
12:59 |
Jordach |
!tw github |
12:59 |
MinetestBot |
Site Maintenance August 31st 2013: https://github.com/blog/1603-site-maintenance-august-31st-2013 (@github) |
12:59 |
Jordach |
just use github :P |
13:00 |
PenguinDad |
Jordach: i like to use the IDs :P |
13:00 |
* Jordach |
puts a kitten on PenguinDad's head |
13:06 |
andersje |
zeg9: are you going to update the teleporters mod? |
13:12 |
* Jordach |
isn't a fan of repairing UV |
13:21 |
* Jordach |
pokes Calinou |
13:22 |
krofek_ joined #minetest |
13:23 |
Zeg9 joined #minetest |
13:26 |
Vadtec joined #minetest |
13:27 |
VadtecWk joined #minetest |
13:32 |
Semilevel joined #minetest |
13:33 |
proller joined #minetest |
13:35 |
krofek__ joined #minetest |
13:35 |
* Jordach |
finally fixed the annoying z-fighting |
13:35 |
Calinou |
? |
13:35 |
Jordach |
[13:50:57] <Jordach> http://i.imgur.com/OJep8qG.png |
13:38 |
john_minetest joined #minetest |
13:38 |
Calinou |
offset the arms a bit? |
13:38 |
Calinou |
z-fighting happens for a reason |
13:38 |
Jordach |
Calinou: it was the elbow's uv being wrong, it also started face tearing |
13:39 |
Jordach |
(where the UV gets stretched by deform too far) |
13:40 |
TheLastProject joined #minetest |
13:44 |
theinvsblman |
is it possible to change player physics using lua only? |
13:44 |
PenguinDad |
yes |
13:44 |
theinvsblman |
to what extent? |
13:44 |
Jordach |
every last bit |
13:45 |
andersje |
VanessaE: I wasn't trying to make work for you with the dyes thing -- I'd have been happy to rewrite that. |
13:45 |
theinvsblman |
i'm interested in implementing the CPMA physics in minetest |
13:45 |
theinvsblman |
because just walking is boring :P |
13:45 |
andersje |
feel free, in the future, to just tell me: "rewrite it to use a loop." |
13:46 |
Calinou |
theinvsblman: requires C++ changes |
13:46 |
Calinou |
also, that'd be fun, lol |
13:46 |
theinvsblman |
hm, too bad |
13:46 |
theinvsblman |
but still, going to try doing that |
13:47 |
andersje |
is there an easy way to rebase my git repo to the one I originally forked it from? |
13:53 |
hmmmm joined #minetest |
13:56 |
ShadowNinja |
andersje: git remote add upstream <upstream url> && git pull --rebase upstream master |
13:58 |
theinvsblman |
is there a dot product operator defined for v3f? |
13:58 |
hmmmm |
http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/docu/classirr_1_1core_1_1vector3d.html#a0b247d39047c0e51ff16d0118bb396ab |
14:00 |
theinvsblman |
ok, thanks |
14:02 |
andersje |
thanks :) |
14:02 |
alex_____ joined #minetest |
14:10 |
proller joined #minetest |
14:13 |
john_minetest joined #minetest |
14:13 |
troller joined #minetest |
14:23 |
troller joined #minetest |
14:26 |
proller joined #minetest |
14:43 |
diemartin joined #minetest |
15:05 |
proller joined #minetest |
15:23 |
LazyJ joined #minetest |
15:25 |
Jousway joined #minetest |
15:26 |
Jousway joined #minetest |
15:28 |
Evergreen |
Wait, pumpkins aren't sandwiches |
15:28 |
Evergreen |
:P |
15:42 |
alex_____ joined #minetest |
15:44 |
john_minetest joined #minetest |
15:47 |
VanessaE |
andersje: oh it's no big deal at all. I just noticed a bug, figured I'd tackle it. |
15:47 |
VanessaE |
also, hi :) |
15:48 |
Miner_48er joined #minetest |
15:49 |
john_minetest joined #minetest |
15:52 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
15:52 |
andersje |
np. I'm working on shortening this more, too |
15:53 |
andersje |
i've got some ideas, using your loop approach, to how to get it shorter yet. |
15:53 |
Evergreen |
Hey, does anyone know how to convert a continuous mesecons signal into a 1 tick pulse? |
15:55 |
VanessaE |
sweet |
15:55 |
VanessaE |
evergreen: |
15:55 |
VanessaE |
pastebin coming |
15:55 |
Evergreen |
k |
15:55 |
PilzAdam |
VanessaE, could you draw a backpack texture for pilztest? its a whole node |
15:56 |
Evergreen |
PilzAdam: Could you link me to the pilztest repository again? |
15:57 |
PilzAdam |
https://github.com/PilzAdam/pilztest |
15:57 |
VanessaE |
Evergreen: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6029144/ |
15:57 |
VanessaE |
set the delayer to its lowest setting |
15:58 |
Jordach |
PilzAdam: suggestion: add thirst and hunger |
15:58 |
PilzAdam |
Jordach, hunger is already done |
15:59 |
Jordach |
(you might want to add temparature, too hot = slow death, too cold = you freeze when not doing anything) |
15:59 |
VanessaE |
a backpack? eh.. |
15:59 |
PilzAdam |
and I already though about thirs, Ill probably add that |
15:59 |
* Jordach |
wants death by freezing |
15:59 |
* Jordach |
pokes sfan5 |
16:00 |
* sfan5 |
throws a kitten at Jordach |
16:00 |
Jordach |
sfan5: technic server :P |
16:00 |
PilzAdam |
VanessaE, maybe look at the ugly texture I currently have to get an idea |
16:00 |
sfan5 |
VanessaE: wouldn't that circuit ouput a pulse if the input gets switched off? |
16:00 |
Jordach |
save the logoskyblock server |
16:00 |
sfan5 |
.. |
16:01 |
VanessaE |
sfan5: actually yeah it would, wrong gate on the end |
16:01 |
VanessaE |
guess it needs a NAND |
16:01 |
VanessaE |
not an XOR. |
16:01 |
VanessaE |
it's been forever since I had to make an edge detector. :) |
16:02 |
sfan5 |
Jordach: and now? |
16:03 |
Jordach |
make a technic_game server |
16:03 |
sfan5 |
link? |
16:03 |
Jordach |
(perhaps combine technic with pilztest) |
16:03 |
PenguinDad |
how do i make a node with an equivalent to the creative inventory? |
16:03 |
PilzAdam |
Pilztest is not ready yet, dont use it in a stable server |
16:04 |
VanessaE |
*sigh* I suck |
16:04 |
PenguinDad |
VanessaE: why? |
16:04 |
sfan5 |
Jordach: link? |
16:04 |
PenguinDad |
you mean at formspec? |
16:05 |
nore |
VanessaE: even better: an AND and a NOT (no delayer) |
16:05 |
Jordach |
https://github.com/RealBadAngel/technic_game |
16:05 |
VanessaE |
PenguinDad: because i can't remember how to fricken build one now. |
16:05 |
VanessaE |
16:05 |
VanessaE |
damn it I knew I had it wrong |
16:06 |
VanessaE |
Evergreen: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6029167/ |
16:06 |
Jordach |
sfan5: it uses git submodules :( |
16:09 |
Jordach |
Evergreen: wanna play minetest with the technic_game? |
16:09 |
Evergreen |
Sure, I can't do it now though |
16:09 |
* nore |
wants to try a technic_game server |
16:10 |
sfan5 |
Jordach: heard of "git clone --recursive" ? |
16:13 |
Jordach |
nope.avi |
16:13 |
Jordach |
sfan5: github for windows does that normally |
16:13 |
sfan5 |
any more mods? |
16:13 |
Jordach |
travelnet |
16:14 |
sfan5 |
!g travelnet minetest |
16:14 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4877 |
16:14 |
sfan5 |
others? |
16:15 |
andersje |
is it legit to define a table key with the value "" ? |
16:15 |
Jordach |
and no, we don't need the autodiggers / tree miners / grinders :P |
16:15 |
sfan5 |
andersje: generally? yes |
16:15 |
sfan5 |
Jordach: I was not about to do that :P |
16:15 |
Jordach |
sfan5: blockmen's mines |
16:15 |
sfan5 |
!g mines mod minetest |
16:15 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=6307 |
16:16 |
* sfan5 |
pets MinetestBot |
16:16 |
Jordach |
PilzAdam's beds mod |
16:16 |
Jordach |
and *MAYBE* simple mobs |
16:16 |
diemartin |
andersje, AFAIK only value that may not be used as a table key is nil |
16:17 |
sfan5 |
!g minetest mod beds |
16:17 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Mod_list |
16:17 |
andersje |
thx. |
16:17 |
Jordach |
sfan5: carts too |
16:17 |
sfan5 |
!g minetest mod carts |
16:17 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=2451 |
16:17 |
kaeza |
any other value is perfectly valid |
16:17 |
andersje |
if not defined with "local" are all variables considered to be global? |
16:17 |
kaeza |
yep |
16:17 |
andersje |
cool |
16:17 |
Jordach |
carts: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=2451 beds: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=2625 |
16:18 |
sfan5 |
I hate renaming these folders |
16:18 |
ShadowNinja |
Now I know how MinetestBot got so high on those stats. sfan5 searches for every mod with it. |
16:19 |
sfan5 |
The mod releases rules say the download should contains the mod folder with the right name |
16:19 |
nore |
make a script that renames them automatically ;) |
16:19 |
sfan5 |
ShadowNinja: I don't, I'm just lazy ATM |
16:19 |
sfan5 |
nore: too much work |
16:19 |
sfan5 |
contain* |
16:19 |
kaeza |
sfan5, blame github for appending "-master" :P |
16:19 |
nore |
I have a file with git repos and modnames on my computer |
16:20 |
nore |
and one can update/install a mod with it easily |
16:20 |
sfan5 |
kaeza: github does it like <Owner>-<Name>-<Githash> |
16:20 |
sfan5 |
Jordach: are that all mods we need? |
16:23 |
Jordach |
yup |
16:23 |
kahrl |
it's kind of fun to see the viewing range adjuster in action when you hook the output of an inverter to its input |
16:24 |
ShadowNinja |
16:24 |
PenguinDad |
plol |
16:25 |
Jordach |
sfan5: address:port? |
16:25 |
nore |
1 toggle each server step -> slow... |
16:26 |
PenguinDad |
nore: not if you change dedicated_server_step |
16:27 |
nore |
yes, so you have choice between fast mesecons circuits or slowing the server when you do things like that |
16:28 |
sfan5 |
Jordach: as usual |
16:29 |
Jordach |
opkay |
16:29 |
Jordach |
-p |
16:29 |
nore |
sfan5, is that sfan5.dyndns.org:30000? |
16:29 |
sfan5 |
yes |
16:29 |
* Jordach |
waits for media as usual |
16:29 |
sfan5 |
maybe I should setup and remote_media server |
16:29 |
sfan5 |
I'll do that now |
16:30 |
sfan5 |
minetestserver uses a ton of RAM |
16:30 |
nore |
sfan5, it looks like it does not want to connect |
16:31 |
Jordach |
!up sfan5.duckdns.org 30000 |
16:31 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5.duckdns.org:30000 is up (386ms) |
16:31 |
sfan5 |
nore: try sfan5.duckdns.org |
16:31 |
Jordach |
ninja'd |
16:31 |
sfan5 |
grr |
16:31 |
nore |
much better ;) |
16:32 |
sfan5 |
I know that you don't have interact |
16:32 |
sfan5 |
I'll resolve that problem in a moment |
16:32 |
* Jordach |
is almost there |
16:33 |
* nore |
too |
16:34 |
Jordach |
is there n amounts of ore in the room? |
16:37 |
nore |
!up sfan5.duckdns.org:30000 |
16:37 |
MinetestBot |
nore: Note: Syntax changed please use 'example.org 1337' instead of 'example.org:1337' |
16:37 |
sfan5 |
reconnect! |
16:37 |
nore |
!up sfan5.duckdns.org 30000 |
16:37 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5.duckdns.org:30000 is up (315ms) |
16:37 |
sfan5 |
with remote_media now too |
16:39 |
nore |
Error: Client disconnected again :( |
16:40 |
Jordach |
whoever suggested adding MORETREES was a MORON |
16:42 |
sfan5 |
my computer died :'( |
16:42 |
Jordach |
and that's moretrees |
16:43 |
sfan5 |
not enough ram |
16:43 |
nore |
!up sfan5.duckdns.org 30000 |
16:43 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5.duckdns.org:30000 seems to be down |
16:43 |
nore |
sfan5: disable every tree except rubber |
16:44 |
sfan5 |
how |
16:45 |
nore |
https://github.com/VanessaE/moretrees/blob/master/default_settings.txt |
16:45 |
nore |
https://github.com/VanessaE/moretrees/blob/master/init.lua#L28 |
16:46 |
sfan5 |
you can join the server again |
16:46 |
sfan5 |
brb |
16:47 |
Jordach |
you can remove moretrees |
16:48 |
nore |
not if the server is survival |
16:48 |
nore |
because we can't get rubber else |
16:48 |
Jordach |
and who's idea was it to add moretrees |
16:48 |
Jordach |
also: https://github.com/RealBadAngel/technic/blob/master/technic/rubber.lua#L91 |
16:48 |
nore |
RealBadAngel's, I reckon |
16:49 |
Jordach |
moretrees isnt needed |
16:49 |
nore |
Jordach, old code |
16:49 |
nore |
not executed |
16:49 |
Jordach |
moretrees doesnt even work on older Pentium 4's |
16:50 |
nore |
what do you mean, doesn't work? |
16:50 |
Jordach |
the client just crashes and locks up |
16:50 |
nore |
even with fancy_leaves=false? |
16:51 |
Jordach |
sometimes |
16:52 |
Jordach |
im getting close to lock ups |
16:52 |
Jordach |
just by looking at a few moretrees |
16:52 |
nore |
and what happens if you replace trees with dirt? |
16:53 |
Jordach |
(and why aren't you using the inbuilt rubber trees, moretrees is just too big for small computers) |
16:53 |
ShadowNinja |
Running two servers and two clients on the same machine == very bad idea. |
16:53 |
ShadowNinja |
It desconnected me from my bouncer... |
16:53 |
nore |
if fancy_leaves=false, there should be no differences |
16:58 |
nore |
is the server survival? |
17:11 |
Jordach |
ShadowNinja: moretrees needs to leave technic_game |
17:12 |
Jordach |
my computer case is VERY WARM |
17:13 |
ShadowNinja |
Jordach: It should be removed from the depencencies for technic, not sure about technic_game. But you can just rm it if the dependency is removed. |
17:13 |
Jordach |
ShadowNinja: there is code in master -- that spawns a rubber tree |
17:13 |
Jordach |
https://github.com/RealBadAngel/technic/blob/master/technic/rubber.lua#L91 <- that is it |
17:13 |
ShadowNinja |
Jordach: Yes, I know. |
17:16 |
sfan5 |
Jordach: "if technic.config:getBool("enable_rubber_tree_generation") then" |
17:16 |
nore |
sfan5, the code is not even executed, IIRC |
17:16 |
Jordach |
but there's no mention of said config |
17:17 |
sfan5 |
I'll just add a dofile for rubber.lua and replace the if with "if true then" |
17:17 |
sfan5 |
luaerror :/ |
17:18 |
sfan5 |
derp |
17:18 |
sfan5 |
forgot you comment in lua using -- not # |
17:18 |
nore |
sfan5, you should create a new world instead of using the old one |
17:18 |
sfan5 |
it works! |
17:18 |
sfan5 |
also that |
17:18 |
sfan5 |
done |
17:19 |
nore |
sfan5, did you see a rubber tree? |
17:19 |
sfan5 |
not yet |
17:20 |
sfan5 |
the server is up BTW |
17:24 |
iqualfragile joined #minetest |
17:27 |
thexyz |
sfan5: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7033 |
17:28 |
sfan5 |
mhm |
17:29 |
Miner_48er joined #minetest |
17:40 |
Calinou |
what does it do? |
17:43 |
iqualfragile joined #minetest |
17:44 |
khor joined #minetest |
17:45 |
andersje |
I'm trying to wrap my head around tables in lua...when I do this, I expect the first value of 'k' to be "first" rather than 1: http://pastebin.com/nFyCjsxd |
17:45 |
andersje |
so...can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? |
17:46 |
sfan5 |
andersje: you have a table that contains a table that contains "first" and "firstval" |
17:46 |
andersje |
I wanted a table of tables... |
17:46 |
andersje |
an associate array as it were |
17:47 |
andersje |
:s/associate/associative/ |
17:47 |
andersje |
do I have to define it like: |
17:47 |
andersje |
faketable.first="blah" ? |
17:48 |
sfan5 |
andersje: this should work http://pastebin.com/8YFqnis3 |
17:48 |
andersje |
awesome, thank you |
17:50 |
andersje |
first line in that example didn't work for me, but enclosing keynames with brackets did, thanks! |
18:03 |
Mati^1 joined #minetest |
18:11 |
VanessaE joined #minetest |
18:16 |
thefamilygrog66 joined #minetest |
18:17 |
thefamilygrog66 |
howdy folks |
18:18 |
Calinou |
hi |
18:19 |
Jordach |
sfan5: im connecting with a directx client (for some reason ambiance really wants to drop my fps) |
18:19 |
Calinou |
Direct3D, not DirectX |
18:19 |
alex_____ joined #minetest |
18:19 |
PenguinDad |
hi thefamilygrog66 |
18:19 |
thefamilygrog66 |
hello PenguinDad |
18:20 |
thefamilygrog66 |
Can anyone answer this question? |
18:20 |
thefamilygrog66 |
https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=107576#p107576 |
18:21 |
Final joined #minetest |
18:21 |
sfan5 |
!title |
18:21 |
MinetestBot |
sfan5: [Mod] Head of Steve [1.0] [stevehead] (Page 1) — Modding General — Minetest Forums |
18:24 |
sfan5 |
thefamilygrog66: you may not use their textures |
18:24 |
andersje |
hola, thefamilygrog66 |
18:24 |
sfan5 |
http://minecraft.net/terms |
18:24 |
* Jordach |
screams FUCK as Jordach joins a server with HDX enabled |
18:25 |
andersje |
rough day? |
18:28 |
andersje |
is light a linear progression from 0 -> 15 ? |
18:28 |
sfan5 |
Jordach: I found 4 uranium |
18:28 |
alex_____ joined #minetest |
18:28 |
* andersje |
thinks a bit |
18:29 |
andersje |
what's the light level for moonlight? |
18:31 |
thefamilygrog66 |
sfan5: I didn't take the textures from Minecraft though, but from an online skin creator (Skincraft). Does that still count? |
18:31 |
sfan5 |
8 uranium now |
18:31 |
sfan5 |
thefamilygrog66: the texture you used is the "old" steve head texture |
18:32 |
sfan5 |
I don't know if you can use it |
18:32 |
thefamilygrog66 |
Not sure how Skincraft get around that. |
18:39 |
Wuzzy joined #minetest |
18:40 |
kaeza |
andersje, small note: when dealing with non-numeric keys, you cannot depend on the order of the key-value pairs |
18:46 |
* john_minetest |
is messsing around with his system |
18:58 |
hmmmm |
everyone, download and seed this: |
18:58 |
hmmmm |
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f8a942ccff260f7b9035bbf3b8af5c3013e21097&dn=Paraborn+Leaks&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.publicbt.com%3A80&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.istole.it%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.ccc.de%3A80&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337 |
18:59 |
kaeza |
:I |
19:00 |
PenguinDad |
my provider doesn't allow p2p :P |
19:00 |
hmmmm |
leaked super secret NSA software for cracking SSL. oh, by the way, SSL is completely useless. i recommend using TLS 1.0 with RC4, or TLS 1.1, 1.2 with AES |
19:00 |
thexyz |
will I get in jail for that? |
19:00 |
PenguinDad |
https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=107611#p107611 |
19:00 |
hmmmm |
thexyz, no. not only is downloading files not illegal, but you're from russia |
19:01 |
hmmmm |
for an overview of what this is (well part of it, anyway) check out this (official company literature): http://www.scribd.com/doc/162984271/SSL-Locksmith |
19:02 |
sfan5 |
hmmmm: you recommend RC4? isn't that broken? |
19:02 |
thexyz |
everything is broken |
19:02 |
thexyz |
more or less |
19:02 |
hmmmm |
yeah, ^ |
19:02 |
sfan5 |
heh |
19:02 |
thexyz |
rc4 is less broken and more widely supported |
19:03 |
andersje |
kaeza: thanks, I'm used to perl %hashes, so I don't need things to show up in a specific order |
19:03 |
hmmmm |
there's a problem with other ciphers in TLS 1.0 |
19:03 |
hmmmm |
so it's commonly recommended to use RC4 with that specific protocol version |
19:05 |
NekoGloop joined #minetest |
19:07 |
sapier joined #minetest |
19:07 |
thexyz |
hmmmm: okay, what does this software do? |
19:07 |
hmmmm |
i'm still downloading it myself so i'm not completely sure on all the details, but it allows you to MITM all SSL traffic, create bogus certificates, and so on |
19:08 |
sfan5 |
derp |
19:08 |
sfan5 |
I set Readme.txt file dl priority to high |
19:08 |
sfan5 |
other files are already at 8% but... |
19:08 |
thexyz |
well it obviously can only create self signed certificates so what's the problem? |
19:09 |
* thexyz |
switches back to downloading chinese cartoons |
19:09 |
hmmmm |
well, okay :p |
19:09 |
hmmmm |
like i said, we'll see the full details soon hopefully |
19:09 |
* sfan5 |
should really use ktorrent instead of transmission |
19:10 |
thexyz |
I think this tool http://intercepter.nerf.ru/ can do more |
19:10 |
thexyz |
SSH MiTM <3 |
19:10 |
bas080 joined #minetest |
19:10 |
sfan5 |
"Works on Windows NT(2K\XP\2k3\Vista\7\8)." no linux? |
19:11 |
thexyz |
yeah, I think it's closed source |
19:12 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
19:12 |
hoodedice joined #minetest |
19:13 |
hoodedice |
So... |
19:13 |
thexyz |
sfan5: no, wait, there is linux support, read blog |
19:13 |
thexyz |
john_minetest: how do you compile movies? |
19:14 |
hoodedice |
The last time I tried to make a game |
19:14 |
sfan5 |
haha |
19:14 |
hoodedice |
http://i.imgur.com/2zctYcA.png |
19:14 |
Calinou |
illegal moviesù |
19:14 |
Calinou |
^ |
19:14 |
Calinou |
same |
19:14 |
hoodedice |
cmake movie |
19:14 |
hoodedice |
Sorry |
19:14 |
hoodedice |
sudo cmake movie |
19:14 |
sfan5 |
cmake . -DMOVIE=1 |
19:15 |
PenguinDad |
and then make movie -j6 |
19:15 |
svuorela |
urgh. |
19:15 |
svuorela |
do not build in source dir with cmake. |
19:15 |
svuorela |
mkdir build; cd build ; cmake .. -DMOVIE=1 |
19:15 |
sfan5 |
../configure --enable-movie |
19:16 |
sfan5 |
john_minetest: nah, we don't want to clutter the source directory with compiled things |
19:16 |
Calinou |
hacker conferences aka. people with tinted hair conferences |
19:16 |
hmmmm |
in order for that 'interceptor' SSL MITM to work, you need to first do an ARP poisoning, DNS or over ICMP or DHCP attack |
19:17 |
hoodedice |
Can i aske stupid question? hw do i leanr c+= |
19:17 |
hoodedice |
? |
19:17 |
hmmmm |
dunno, maybe Locksmith does something similar |
19:17 |
Calinou |
hoodedice: if that isn't sarcasm, usually you don't learn C++ as first language |
19:17 |
sfan5 |
arp poisioning is easy with Scapy |
19:17 |
Calinou |
there are tons of guides or books |
19:17 |
sfan5 |
hoodedice: try C first |
19:17 |
Calinou |
most C++ guides require to know C anyway |
19:17 |
hoodedice |
okay |
19:18 |
* andersje |
nods. |
19:18 |
thexyz |
hmmmm: dunno, I'm not really good with that stuff |
19:18 |
andersje |
yeah, start with lua or python for now. |
19:18 |
andersje |
once you're coding stuff in that, you can break into the hairy stuff like C/C++ |
19:18 |
hoodedice |
hmm k |
19:19 |
kahrl |
I'd recommend starting with assembly |
19:19 |
sfan5 |
^ |
19:19 |
PenguinDad |
:D |
19:19 |
sfan5 |
hello world is easy (on linux) |
19:19 |
hoodedice |
Indeed |
19:20 |
hoodedice |
01010100010101110 |
19:20 |
kahrl |
if you start with the high level languages you don't really get an idea what's going on |
19:20 |
hoodedice |
hmm |
19:21 |
andersje |
o_O |
19:21 |
andersje |
the problem with assembly is that it takes you a damn long time to get anything done |
19:21 |
andersje |
a lot of people lose interest before they've figured out how to get anything going. |
19:21 |
andersje |
I've typically used perl/shell as a gateway drug to programming |
19:22 |
andersje |
low-level stuff becomes more interesting when it solves a specific need. |
19:22 |
kahrl |
it'll make you appreciate the syntactic sugar of high level languages |
19:23 |
andersje |
i'm starting my kids programming with python and lua |
19:23 |
hoodedice |
I don't think I can do this |
19:23 |
hoodedice |
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f3/Motorola_6800_Assembly_Language.png |
19:23 |
hoodedice |
I'll start with lua |
19:23 |
hoodedice |
I had a head-start anyway |
19:23 |
andersje |
yeah, find a mod you like, add something to it. |
19:23 |
hoodedice |
http://i.imgur.com/2zctYcA.png |
19:23 |
hoodedice |
Modding right |
19:23 |
hoodedice |
The art part gets me down |
19:24 |
andersje |
there's all sorts of stuff you can do w/o art skills |
19:24 |
andersje |
code different behaviors for stuff. like a block that moves on its own ;) |
19:24 |
hoodedice |
=) |
19:26 |
Peacock joined #minetest |
19:26 |
andersje |
you can start with little things...like altering existing recipes to work with different items |
19:27 |
andersje |
or give different quantities |
19:27 |
Peacock |
ugh, just tried to watch a norwegian horror "Cold Prey" (english) - best nap ever |
19:27 |
otak joined #minetest |
19:32 |
proller joined #minetest |
19:33 |
hoodedice |
cool |
19:33 |
hoodedice |
later |
19:34 |
thexyz |
start with learning algorithms |
19:34 |
thexyz |
learn the difference between o() and O() |
19:35 |
thexyz |
and other fun stuff |
19:35 |
thexyz |
then it won't matter what language you're writing in |
19:37 |
Peacock |
there was a pull for that stuff, no need to get into again though :p |
19:40 |
thefamilygrog66 |
Have you seen "Trollhunter" yet, Peacock? |
19:40 |
Peacock |
!g Trollhunter |
19:40 |
MinetestBot |
Peacock: http://www.trollhunterfilm.com/ |
19:40 |
Peacock |
poop i wanted the imdb link lol |
19:40 |
Peacock |
checking out |
19:41 |
thefamilygrog66 |
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1740707/ |
19:41 |
thefamilygrog66 |
It's the only Norwegian flick I've watched recently |
19:41 |
PenguinDad |
there should be !imdb |
19:41 |
Peacock |
aside i saw (the) Emperor recently and loved that |
19:42 |
Peacock |
trollhunter looks pretty bad (from the trailer) too much like a bad remake of cloverfield, which wasn't that good either :p |
19:43 |
Calinou |
cloverfield: tripods are too mainstream |
19:43 |
PenguinDad |
wow Currently online: 38 guests, 11 registered users |
19:43 |
Peacock |
online on what? |
19:44 |
PenguinDad |
Minetest Forum |
19:44 |
PilzAdam |
sfan5, https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=107599#p107599 thanks! I was searching for a black image for weeks now! |
19:44 |
marcusb joined #minetest |
19:44 |
NekoGloop joined #minetest |
19:44 |
Peacock |
4:1 unregistered users, not bad :p |
19:45 |
thexyz |
PilzAdam: it's not exactly black |
19:46 |
Peacock |
even on LED screen i cant see jack in that pic lol |
19:46 |
thefamilygrog66 |
Peacock, it's a bit campy, but better than I thought it was going to be. Also, huge TROLLS! |
19:46 |
sfan5 |
PilzAdam: its not block |
19:46 |
sfan5 |
*black |
19:46 |
Peacock |
well yeah thats why i say bad remake of cloverfield (or godzilla, even that sucked) |
19:47 |
Peacock |
sfan's gots blocks on the brains :p |
19:47 |
sfan5 |
you can even see the stone texture in the dark |
19:47 |
Peacock |
sfan gimp up the brightness/contrast :-) |
19:48 |
thefamilygrog66 |
Aside from being found footage involving huge monsters, it isn't like Cloverfield at all. But I understand if that's not your thing, too. |
19:49 |
* Calinou |
can't see anything in light level 0 on his desktop |
19:49 |
Calinou |
and I barely see at night :( |
19:49 |
Peacock |
i am a bit picky with horrors yeah :p |
19:49 |
PilzAdam |
sfan5, you used moreores in that screenshot |
19:49 |
PilzAdam |
there is tin |
19:50 |
thefamilygrog66 |
What are some of your faves, recent or otherwise, Peacock? |
19:50 |
sfan5 |
s/moreores/technic_game/ |
19:50 |
* Calinou |
dislikes horror movies |
19:50 |
Peacock |
hmm, off the top of my head, favorite is Shining |
19:50 |
thefamilygrog66 |
Tis a great one. |
19:51 |
Peacock |
though it would probably suck without jack Nicholson |
19:51 |
Peacock |
same goes for Batman (89) |
19:51 |
thefamilygrog66 |
Yep. |
19:52 |
PilzAdam |
sfan5, https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=107615#p107615 |
19:52 |
Peacock |
oddly enough, i always found the villains in batman more interesting than batman himself lol |
19:52 |
thefamilygrog66 |
Maybe because they always have cardboard actors playing the batman? |
19:52 |
Peacock |
probably because too many actors played batman over the years |
19:53 |
Peacock |
val kilmer was really bad lol |
19:53 |
jojoa1997 joined #minetest |
19:53 |
Peacock |
though nicholson's joker was way better than ledger's (the part killed him lol) |
19:53 |
thefamilygrog66 |
Yeah, I find it funny people complaining about Affleck, given who's played him previously... |
19:54 |
jojoa1997 |
is it possible to make an entity that has an animated texture |
19:55 |
Peacock |
jojoa try splicing code from water textures to entities see if it works |
19:55 |
PilzAdam |
Peacock, that doesnt work |
19:55 |
Peacock |
maybe nodebox + animated texture use that for entity |
19:55 |
PilzAdam |
jojoa1997, try changing the texture in on_step() |
19:55 |
jojoa1997 |
thing is the water code uses special_textures while the entity uses texture |
19:56 |
jojoa1997 |
oh ok |
19:56 |
jojoa1997 |
wait no |
19:56 |
jojoa1997 |
i want to use the texture setup like it is with regualr nodes(like water_animated.png) |
19:57 |
kaeza |
[16:15:16] <svuorela> do not build in source dir with cmake. <--- +1 |
19:57 |
Peacock |
with entities you can do: textures = {"mod:nodename"}, |
19:57 |
jojoa1997 |
but will it animate it |
19:57 |
Peacock |
try it out, then youll know :P |
19:58 |
dhbiker |
john_minetest: kernel ? |
19:58 |
* Calinou |
never compiled a kernel |
19:58 |
Calinou |
linux kernel, dhbiker |
19:58 |
dhbiker |
i know |
19:58 |
jojoa1997 |
animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=0.8} |
19:58 |
dhbiker |
i compile it too Calinou ... using gentoo |
19:58 |
jojoa1997 |
oh wait nvm forget that question |
19:58 |
Peacock |
simple experiment, make an entity using textures = {"default:water_source"}, see if its animated |
19:59 |
PenguinDad |
PilzAdam: which texture pack? |
19:59 |
dhbiker |
ah. |
19:59 |
dhbiker |
what distro john_minetest ? |
19:59 |
dhbiker |
meh |
19:59 |
PilzAdam |
PenguinDad, hm? |
20:00 |
Peacock |
more i read about gentoo the more i stayed away :P sounds like a pain |
20:00 |
dhbiker |
john_minetest: it happens. don't give up. |
20:00 |
* Calinou |
failed so hard installing arch linux |
20:00 |
Peacock |
calinou try archbang, much simpler |
20:00 |
dhbiker |
Peacock: it's not... it's nice actueally |
20:00 |
Calinou |
noone uses that |
20:00 |
dhbiker |
-e |
20:00 |
Calinou |
I don't want to join an empty IRC channel for help |
20:00 |
Calinou |
or not |
20:00 |
Peacock |
archbang is arch with packages on top, like ubuntu is debian with more shit |
20:00 |
Calinou |
else I would be able to install it |
20:01 |
Calinou |
Peacock: ubuntu isn't supported in #debian, but they are big enough |
20:01 |
PenguinDad |
PilzAdam: http://mg.viewskew.com/mgoblin_media/media_entries/350/DarkCave.png |
20:01 |
Peacock |
its relative |
20:01 |
Peacock |
if you dont mind using a debian deriv, then an arch deriv shouldn't be much different :p |
20:01 |
PilzAdam |
PenguinDad, I think thats default, ask sfan5, its his screenshot |
20:01 |
Evergreen |
andersje: Thank you for starring my trash can mod. :P |
20:02 |
Calinou |
john_minetest: people there are quited bad iirc |
20:02 |
Calinou |
-d |
20:02 |
Peacock |
i prefer archbang cuz i get a working desktop/DE out of the box, though i dont use it anymore |
20:02 |
Peacock |
switched to #1 |
20:02 |
Calinou |
but still, it's not stable and too hard for me |
20:02 |
Peacock |
*#! |
20:02 |
Calinou |
when I can install xubuntu in ~20 minutes by clicking a few buttons, why not do it |
20:02 |
sfan5 |
umm |
20:02 |
Peacock |
archbang takes about as long :P if not less |
20:02 |
sfan5 |
where did the hentai gifs on http://mg.viewskew.com/ come from? |
20:03 |
Peacock |
ab has a graphical installer, cant vouch for arch tho |
20:03 |
jojoa1997 |
doesn work |
20:04 |
PenguinDad |
sfan5: only nyan cat knows it |
20:04 |
Peacock |
then go with pilzadam's idea |
20:04 |
Calinou |
sfan5: ;-; |
20:05 |
Peacock |
john_minetest i can get by with the terminal, but don't ask me to install a whole system with it lol |
20:05 |
sfan5 |
Calinou: exactly |
20:05 |
Calinou |
john_minetest> They hide that it is so easy to do it without one. |
20:05 |
Calinou |
it isn't |
20:05 |
Peacock |
if you have a free weekend |
20:06 |
Calinou |
you need a free weekend to read the manual throughly |
20:06 |
Calinou |
:P |
20:06 |
Peacock |
well yeah i got other shit to do, like my wife, the job, etc. |
20:06 |
Peacock |
:P |
20:07 |
Peacock |
ive never had a problem with dualboot |
20:07 |
Calinou |
I don't dualboot |
20:07 |
Peacock |
i had to do some manual editing under arch, but thats the only exception |
20:07 |
Calinou |
john_minetest: it is pretty tricky to do withhout X |
20:08 |
Calinou |
if you're in virtualbox then it is easy of course |
20:08 |
Calinou |
or have another PC at hand |
20:08 |
Calinou |
cfdisk is insanely hard to use compared to gparted |
20:08 |
Calinou |
on top of that it's MBR only |
20:08 |
Calinou |
and they make you use a separate program for GPT |
20:08 |
Peacock |
i'd think ubuntu would be the easiest for setting up dualboot, how does one screw that up? |
20:09 |
Peacock |
AB's GUI installer isn't in a full desktop, its rather small resolution vga thing, but still, you find your way around |
20:09 |
Peacock |
ext2? |
20:09 |
PenguinDad |
ext2? |
20:09 |
* Peacock |
looks shiftily |
20:09 |
Calinou |
ext5 |
20:10 |
PenguinDad |
Btrfs :P |
20:10 |
Peacock |
i can understand ext3, even though i use ext4 lol |
20:10 |
Calinou |
it's 2013, not using an hardware driver is not acceptable, Peacock |
20:10 |
Calinou |
console looks uglier |
20:10 |
Calinou |
it doens't look like that when you install, sadly :P |
20:10 |
Peacock |
"my wife left me for a man running proprietary software, so i permabanned her from IRL" - Hans Reiser :p |
20:12 |
Peacock |
well if the guy couldn't be bothered to get rid of books detailing how to commit murder, i wouldn't trust his filesystem either :p |
20:12 |
jojoa1997 |
how woul;d i change the texture on_step |
20:13 |
Calinou |
ext4 is standard |
20:13 |
Peacock |
cd /home/princess/pron *wrong keyboard* :P |
20:13 |
thexyz |
john_minetest: w-w-wait, you're not using GPT in 2013? |
20:14 |
thexyz |
Calinou: sadly, ntfs is standard |
20:14 |
thexyz |
or what do they have now |
20:14 |
dhbiker |
thexyz: MBR |
20:14 |
thexyz |
john_minetest: partition table |
20:14 |
thexyz |
dhbiker: GPT |
20:15 |
dhbiker |
don't they use MBR still in windows 8 = |
20:15 |
dhbiker |
? |
20:15 |
thexyz |
I have no idea |
20:15 |
dhbiker |
i *think* they still do |
20:15 |
thexyz |
also, why did you reply to me with MBR? |
20:15 |
Calinou |
they use GPT on preinstalls |
20:15 |
Calinou |
you need to use GPT for UEFI |
20:15 |
dhbiker |
ah. |
20:15 |
Calinou |
MBR only allows 4 primary partitions ,can't align |
20:15 |
PenguinDad |
I think UEFI requires GPT |
20:15 |
Calinou |
have fun using it on a SSD |
20:15 |
dhbiker |
haha |
20:16 |
Peacock |
thank god i havent had to put up with uefi yet, slashdot articles and all lol |
20:16 |
Peacock |
sounds like a pita |
20:17 |
thexyz |
Calinou: wait, what's the problem with ssd and mbr? https://gist.github.com/xyzz/d2d1977369d878b9cf35 |
20:18 |
Peacock |
40gb? |
20:18 |
Peacock |
where was it made, Mesopotamia? :p |
20:18 |
Peacock |
im just kidding :P ive had much worse |
20:18 |
Calinou |
well, gparted doesn't propose aligning with MBR |
20:19 |
Calinou |
still, MBR is a 20 year old thing |
20:19 |
Peacock |
very 1st computer: http://www.technology-props.co.uk/images/toshiba_3100e.jpg |
20:19 |
Calinou |
GPT is much more modern, so why not use it |
20:19 |
FreeFull |
john_minetest: I thought reiserfs wasn't maintained much since the whole thing that happened with reiser |
20:19 |
FreeFull |
Also, I read that it was prone to fragmentation and corruption, although I might be misremembering |
20:19 |
Calinou |
it's modern |
20:20 |
FreeFull |
August 25th 1991 was when Linus talked about it on Usenet |
20:20 |
thexyz |
john_minetest: I have 7 partitions |
20:20 |
FreeFull |
john_minetest: So it's more of a 22 year old thing now |
20:20 |
* Calinou |
has 3 partitions |
20:20 |
Calinou |
22 years old now, yes |
20:20 |
Peacock |
22 yrs, the computer or the user? |
20:20 |
andersje |
7 partitions? are you using LVM? |
20:21 |
* andersje |
nods. |
20:21 |
thexyz |
required-by-uefi-7mb-dummy partition, /boot, swap, /var, /usr/portage, /tmp, /home |
20:21 |
andersje |
back when I was running RS/6000s with 300mb disks...I needed to partition to keep bad things from happening. |
20:21 |
andersje |
now I get by with simpler schemes |
20:21 |
thexyz |
(/ is on SSD) |
20:21 |
andersje |
separate /var is always good for servers |
20:22 |
sfan5 |
this looks surprisingly good! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30267315/Minetest/minetest-icon2-2048x2048.png |
20:22 |
FreeFull |
I have everything on a single / |
20:22 |
thexyz |
it's just good in general |
20:22 |
Calinou |
7MB? wasn't it 250MB? |
20:22 |
thexyz |
since my root is on ssd, I don't want /var and /usr/portage to be here |
20:22 |
Calinou |
I don't boot on UEFI mode anyhway |
20:22 |
Calinou |
FreeFull: having a separate /home makes it way easier to reinstall a distro |
20:23 |
thexyz |
Calinou: I think it can be any size down to 1MB or something |
20:23 |
FreeFull |
thexyz: Or the swap partition |
20:23 |
Calinou |
sfan5: brace yourselves, flat design! |
20:23 |
thexyz |
that's just for grub |
20:23 |
FreeFull |
Calinou: I managed to reinstall without a separate /home |
20:23 |
thexyz |
I think I don't need it now |
20:23 |
FreeFull |
What I did is delete everything but /home and then install normally |
20:23 |
andersje |
though, tbh, my primary server doesn't have a separate /var anymore |
20:23 |
sfan5 |
:D |
20:23 |
andersje |
http://pastebin.com/4745PQTb |
20:23 |
Calinou |
how did you draw it? |
20:23 |
andersje |
that's because it runs VMs which run all the services. |
20:24 |
andersje |
so the SMTP server will only ever crash itself. ditto with the webserver |
20:25 |
Peacock |
i only partition for /, /home and /tmp lol |
20:26 |
sfan5 |
Calinou: I used inkscape and set the border colors of the individual objects to their main color |
20:26 |
andersje |
who, me? |
20:26 |
andersje |
nah, didn't need it. |
20:26 |
sfan5 |
Calinou: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30267315/Minetest/minetest-icon2.svg |
20:27 |
Peacock |
boot doesnt really need a seperate partition? |
20:27 |
Peacock |
i mean i keep the boot flag on / |
20:27 |
Peacock |
and boot is in / |
20:28 |
Peacock |
i read somewhere that i needed a seperate boot partition for some case, but i dont remember either of the details :/ |
20:28 |
Calinou |
/boot is in a separate partition for the same reason people put 1 water source for 1 farmland block on Minecraft |
20:29 |
Calinou |
while you can have 1 water source for 80 farmland blocks |
20:30 |
* sfan5 |
never had a seperate /boot |
20:30 |
andersje |
nah, /boot does not need to be separate. |
20:30 |
andersje |
for the most part |
20:30 |
Peacock |
i think it had something to do with either windows or uefi |
20:30 |
andersje |
Peacock: giant disks is one of those reasons |
20:30 |
Peacock |
or grub2? |
20:30 |
andersje |
there used to be limitations to lilo, that it couldn't see certain huge drives |
20:31 |
Calinou |
GPT is needed for 3 or 4TB disks if you want to use a partition larger than 2.2TB |
20:31 |
andersje |
long ago, it couldn't see raid'd drives |
20:31 |
Peacock |
well the p4 with 1tb disk runs fine without /boot partition |
20:31 |
Calinou |
lol, I always used grub 2 |
20:31 |
* andersje |
nods |
20:31 |
Calinou |
but I hide it anyway |
20:31 |
Calinou |
faster boot |
20:31 |
andersje |
the machine I posted the link to is an i7-2600, with > 4tb of disk attached. |
20:31 |
andersje |
but / is < 150gb |
20:31 |
Peacock |
grub2 is faster, but i was so used to configuring grub1 that i never bothered lol |
20:33 |
Calinou |
probably faster |
20:33 |
Peacock |
wouldn't know, i try to avoid the more obscure stuff since the mainstream stuff is buggy enough at times lol |
20:33 |
Calinou |
it's not like 0.5 seconds matter to you |
20:33 |
* Calinou |
boots in 21s POST included |
20:33 |
dhbiker |
that slow ? :P |
20:34 |
Peacock |
i boot in less than 10 seconds on both new and old p4 |
20:34 |
Calinou |
slow? |
20:34 |
Calinou |
that's because I have an actual mobo |
20:34 |
Calinou |
not a castrated laptop mobo |
20:35 |
Calinou |
dhbiker: 21s is the moment I press button to login screen |
20:35 |
dhbiker |
my post is long ffs |
20:35 |
iqualfragile |
my post is fucking long |
20:35 |
ShadowNinja |
Calinou: I know someone who has a server that boots in 1.5s. |
20:35 |
iqualfragile |
but afterwards i need 6 secs |
20:35 |
dhbiker |
Calinou: i was joking :D |
20:35 |
Calinou |
some server mobos take 15 minutes to boot |
20:35 |
dhbiker |
iqualfragile: same here :| |
20:35 |
iqualfragile |
from grub to login-screen |
20:35 |
Calinou |
or, well, several minutes |
20:35 |
Calinou |
john_minetest: lightdm is great |
20:35 |
bas080 |
is it possible to confine a nodbox texture to one nodebox? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/419967/Screenshots/screenshot_3159732597.png |
20:35 |
Calinou |
simple and pretty |
20:35 |
iqualfragile |
kdm :D |
20:35 |
ShadowNinja |
bas080: No. |
20:35 |
dhbiker |
ligtdm! |
20:35 |
bas080 |
:( |
20:35 |
Calinou |
another reason why I don't use arch |
20:35 |
Calinou |
I have to set up such stuff _by hand_ |
20:35 |
bas080 |
thnx ShadowNinja! |
20:36 |
ShadowNinja |
YW. |
20:36 |
dhbiker |
what do you use Calinou ? |
20:36 |
Peacock |
one reason i dont use ubuntu: i have to remove so much crap by hand, see, relative :p |
20:36 |
iqualfragile |
Calinou: wtf? no, you dont |
20:36 |
iqualfragile |
it quite much works out of the box most times |
20:36 |
ShadowNinja |
Although RBA said it would be easy to add after 6d facedir. |
20:37 |
Calinou |
xubuntu 13.04 |
20:37 |
dhbiker |
john_minetest: gentoo setup is easy as pie... it just needs time :P |
20:37 |
Calinou |
I do remove a decent amount of software, yes |
20:37 |
dhbiker |
which you can get easily john_minetest |
20:37 |
Calinou |
ristretto, gmusicbrowser, abiword, gnumeric all go away for clementine/eog/libreoffice |
20:37 |
Peacock |
well id rather add a few bits of software than remove a metric shitton of it :P |
20:38 |
Calinou |
it takes like 1 minute to remove them |
20:38 |
dhbiker |
you still have all the crap compiled in packages Calinou |
20:38 |
Calinou |
cool story |
20:38 |
Calinou |
I'm saving poweer |
20:38 |
Calinou |
-e |
20:39 |
dhbiker |
john_minetest: Gentoo is not for beginners xD |
20:39 |
Peacock |
either way i prefer #! to ubu. |
20:39 |
dhbiker |
yeah |
20:40 |
dhbiker |
and they are moving to systemd |
20:40 |
dhbiker |
ew. |
20:40 |
dhbiker |
and it's buggy at times |
20:41 |
andersje |
yeah, I like init, too |
20:41 |
andersje |
beats the old /etc/rc.local method |
20:41 |
sfan5 |
apparently ray8888 decided to blank out some of his topics |
20:41 |
Peacock |
my main beef with arch is they push too many changes without checking, and dont update docs enough lately |
20:42 |
kaeza joined #minetest |
20:42 |
Calinou |
systemd is more modern |
20:42 |
andersje |
tbh, these days, I run debian or ubuntu LTS. Then I just throw more hardware at it if it's not fast enough |
20:42 |
Calinou |
so is upstart :P |
20:43 |
Calinou |
LTS, meh |
20:43 |
Calinou |
you end up with 2 year old software |
20:43 |
Calinou |
john_minetest: vista IS better than xp |
20:43 |
Calinou |
xp is full of security flaws |
20:43 |
Calinou |
it's just general hatred for half of the microsoft OSes |
20:43 |
Calinou |
like, windows 8 |
20:43 |
Calinou |
and was ugly |
20:44 |
andersje |
XP was better than 9x. |
20:44 |
andersje |
Vista was only launched because they couldn't make Longhorn work right |
20:44 |
Peacock |
XP, 7 > vista, 8 |
20:44 |
andersje |
so they had to reimplement a ton of shit. |
20:44 |
andersje |
win8 is win7.1 |
20:44 |
andersje |
with a tablet interface |
20:45 |
Calinou |
use classicshell |
20:45 |
Peacock |
its the rule of microsoft, every other version has the suck the sweat of a dead man's balls |
20:45 |
Peacock |
*has to |
20:45 |
Calinou |
dead people don't sweat... |
20:45 |
Peacock |
exactly, its gotta suck pretty hard |
20:46 |
Peacock |
for gaming i quite like win7, even wolfenstein plays better than it does on linux now |
20:47 |
Peacock |
on linux : no sound |
20:47 |
Peacock |
and if i get sound to work, punkbuster kicks me |
20:48 |
Peacock |
as opposed to apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies ? |
20:48 |
Calinou |
yes, and pacman -S xfce lacks pavucontrol and that stuff |
20:48 |
Calinou |
and lightdm |
20:48 |
Calinou |
and... X |
20:48 |
Calinou |
Peacock: WET sucks on linux |
20:48 |
Peacock |
pacman lacks alot of shit without an aur helper |
20:48 |
Calinou |
punkbuster sucks even more |
20:49 |
Calinou |
it can send screenshots of your game by request of admins |
20:49 |
Calinou |
it's very privacy invading :P |
20:49 |
Peacock |
meh, for playing wolfenstein i dont mind |
20:49 |
Peacock |
by now its only old-timers like me who still play it |
20:49 |
Calinou |
yeah, it's dead |
20:49 |
Peacock |
much better than the annoying kids that hang on newer games |
20:50 |
Peacock |
heck id rather play against bots than kids |
20:50 |
Calinou |
heh |
20:50 |
Peacock |
bots are more dynamic |
20:50 |
dhbiker |
20:50 |
PenguinDad |
Not in Germany!!! |
20:50 |
dhbiker |
Your Problem!!! |
20:51 |
Peacock |
meh, that was 60 years ago |
20:51 |
marcusb joined #minetest |
20:51 |
Peacock |
most war games are based off *some* history |
20:51 |
Peacock |
or they're based on predicted future conflicts |
20:52 |
Peacock |
in one of the battlefields they have you fighting the chinese i think |
20:52 |
Peacock |
or the a-rabs |
20:52 |
PilzAdam |
the Chinese army is in Battlefield 2 and will be in 4 |
20:53 |
Peacock |
yeah so i dont see why games based on historical wars should be any different, so long as you keep in mind the game itself is fiction |
20:53 |
Peacock |
the only trouble comes when dumbass kids start getting overly patriotic over a stupid game lol |
20:54 |
Peacock |
(usually because they got their asses handed to them) |
20:55 |
PenguinDad |
I found this game, called Minetest. It's based on Minecraft but has one thing that I like: an easy mod-system! So here's the plan: let's build a mod for Minetest! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9KbgzsoZeE&list=PLOPOrFGdo6wi9bH9b9N5FBjO0JvRrb3jC |
20:55 |
PenguinDad |
^ lol |
20:55 |
Calinou |
plol* |
20:57 |
Peacock |
there are a shitton of games and movies based on a soviet/american war lol |
20:58 |
Peacock |
the latest Red Dawned had to be edited so the "other guy" was the NK rather than chienese lol |
20:58 |
Peacock |
*Red Dawn |
20:58 |
VanessaE |
ShadowNinja: is there some particular reason all of technic's branches, except master, are remote-only and untracked? |
21:01 |
ShadowNinja |
VanessaE: Hmmm? I don't know much about those parts of git. |
21:02 |
VanessaE |
vanessa rainbird:~/Minetest-related/mods/RBAs_mods/technic$ git branch --list --all |
21:02 |
VanessaE |
* master |
21:02 |
VanessaE |
[...] |
21:02 |
VanessaE |
remotes/origin/rewrite |
21:02 |
Jordach |
back |
21:02 |
VanessaE |
wb. |
21:02 |
VanessaE was kicked by ShadowBot: Message flood detected. |
21:02 |
* Jordach |
has been playing Saints Row 4 |
21:02 |
VanessaE joined #minetest |
21:02 |
Peacock |
lol |
21:02 |
kaeza |
lel |
21:02 |
VanessaE |
thy bot ist a might slow :) |
21:02 |
PenguinDad |
xD |
21:03 |
Peacock |
youd think the bot would be smart enough bot to kick ops |
21:03 |
PilzAdam |
VanessaE, checkout the branches, then git creates a local branch (bascially a "copy" of the remote branch) |
21:03 |
Peacock |
*not to |
21:03 |
Jordach |
holy shit: it's one of my mods 1st birthdays |
21:03 |
VanessaE |
anyhow, I had to `git checkout --track remotes/origin/rewrite` to get the rewrite branch, even after a fresh clone. |
21:03 |
Jordach |
https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=39728#p39728 <- happy birthday |
21:03 |
* Peacock |
buys hookers and blow for jordach's mod |
21:03 |
VanessaE |
PilzAdam: yep, already figured it out. it just confused me is all. |
21:03 |
Jordach |
plol |
21:03 |
PilzAdam |
VanessaE, e.g. git checkout rewrite |
21:04 |
VanessaE |
right. |
21:04 |
PilzAdam |
it would be totally annyoing if you add a new remote and it would directly create local copies of all branches |
21:04 |
VanessaE |
anyways, I have it, but Dan warns that it's "full of bugs" |
21:04 |
PilzAdam |
and it would of course conflict in names and stuff |
21:05 |
TheLastProject joined #minetest |
21:06 |
VanessaE |
I'm just not used to dealing with remote-only branches is all. |
21:07 |
PilzAdam |
the only thing that you can do with remote branches is check them out |
21:07 |
chlue joined #minetest |
21:11 |
Evergreen joined #minetest |
21:15 |
OldCoder joined #minetest |
21:15 |
OldCoder joined #minetest |
21:15 |
OldCoder |
Hi |
21:15 |
OldCoder |
john_minetest, my worlds are back |
21:16 |
OldCoder |
I need to check for damage |
21:16 |
OldCoder |
But |
21:16 |
OldCoder |
Should stay up most of the time and I will update the engine |
21:16 |
OldCoder |
There is another possibility; Kaeza and others are proposing that I revive Minebest (which was interrupted due to IRL issues) and that we proceed to merge LevelDB there |
21:17 |
ShadowNinja |
VanessaE: Yes, unfourtunately my server with the highest upteme isn't very powerfull. |
21:17 |
OldCoder |
john_minetest, Indicate if you can connect to my worlds or not; and if you see damage |
21:18 |
PenguinDad |
LevelDB in default minetest would be great :) |
21:19 |
VanessaE |
OldCoder: have you heard? I have two servers now :-) |
21:19 |
OldCoder |
VanessaE, john_minetest O.K. |
21:19 |
OldCoder |
VanessaE, I had not heard. Good luck with them. |
21:19 |
VanessaE |
seems to work fairly well save for the usual mapgen lag due to big mods like moretrees. |
21:22 |
VanessaE |
that would help. |
21:29 |
Jordach |
hello OldCoder |
21:41 |
iqualfragile_ joined #minetest |
21:43 |
thefamilygrog66 |
I must go now - bring me the head of Steve. |
21:43 |
thefamilygrog66 |
hahaha |
21:43 |
thefamilygrog66 |
http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/9898/27n6.png |
21:47 |
bas080 joined #minetest |
21:48 |
OldCoder |
Jordach, hi |
21:49 |
LazyJ joined #minetest |
21:50 |
bas080 |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z54-QHEZN6E |
21:50 |
bas080 |
https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=107636#p107636 |
21:51 |
PenguinDad |
!title |
21:51 |
MinetestBot |
PenguinDad: [Mod] Inbox [1] [inbox] (Page 1) — Modding General — Minetest Forums |
21:52 |
bas080 |
PenguinDad, can it also give back the title of a youtube video? |
21:52 |
bas080 |
it = MinetstBot |
21:52 |
PenguinDad |
!title http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z54-QHEZN6E |
21:52 |
MinetestBot |
PenguinDad: Return to Sender- Elvis Presley - YouTube |
21:53 |
PenguinDad |
^ bas080 yes |
21:53 |
bas080 |
ok. good to know! |
22:10 |
Jordach |
ShadowNinja: technic bug |
22:11 |
Jordach |
coal generators don't produce power on LV |
22:12 |
OldCoder |
Repeating announcement (will do so a few times over the next week): 1. My Minetest worlds are back. 2. Report damage to worlds if any. 3. I will update engine after some issues are worked out. kaeza See me when you can. |
22:16 |
thexyz |
lol https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=107631#p107631 |
22:17 |
thexyz |
fuck those people who blank their posts |
22:18 |
PenguinDad |
thexyz: ray8888? |
22:18 |
jin_xi |
huh? what? you deleted it? i get bad link |
22:19 |
thexyz |
yeah |
22:19 |
thexyz |
> minetest sucks with the people and they all can go to hell that why my server is off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
22:19 |
thexyz |
jin_xi: see ^ |
22:19 |
* Jordach |
was going to quote that |
22:19 |
Kosumosushi joined #minetest |
22:19 |
kaeza |
huh? |
22:20 |
VanessaE |
what server |
22:20 |
VanessaE |
? |
22:20 |
VanessaE |
remobo? |
22:20 |
PenguinDad |
ray's server |
22:20 |
VanessaE |
what a dick. |
22:24 |
PilzAdam |
yay! 1 non-voxel node less in Pilztest! |
22:25 |
PilzAdam |
it now has a lamp instead of a torch |
22:25 |
Jordach |
haha |
22:25 |
Jordach |
source or bullshit |
22:26 |
PenguinDad |
Jordach: https://github.com/PilzAdam/pilztest |
22:26 |
PilzAdam |
https://github.com/PilzAdam/pilztest/commit/7a5873d27f53cbb61e7a181477100cfb9cb15755 |
22:27 |
jin_xi |
lol @ voxel-node |
22:27 |
jin_xi |
you like pixel-sprites? |
22:41 |
Jordach |
yes, fuck yes |
22:41 |
thexyz |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdmsRcsl_xA |
22:41 |
* Jordach |
found mese on the technic server |
22:43 |
thexyz |
!title |
22:43 |
MinetestBot |
thexyz: This is.. Japan World Cup 3 - YouTube |
22:46 |
Jordach |
\o/ i just found one of blockmen's mines |
22:47 |
Jordach |
(the mod, not blockmen's server mine) |
22:48 |
Peacock |
cause a cavein :P |
22:48 |
Jordach |
just did with gravel |
22:49 |
Peacock |
gravel doesn't count :P |
22:49 |
Peacock |
we need a real cavein mod when the space between Y's gets too big |
22:49 |
Peacock |
(w/o supports) |
22:50 |
thexyz |
https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=107642#p107642 |
22:52 |
PenguinDad |
lol |
22:54 |
Peacock |
minetest for DS lol |
22:55 |
Peacock |
(id find if cooler to get MT to work on old/obscure platforms lol) |
22:55 |
PenguinDad |
what about minetest for these hackable toilets :D |
22:57 |
marcusb joined #minetest |
22:59 |
PenguinDad |
!up aviactu.info 27963 |
22:59 |
MinetestBot |
aviactu.info:27963 is up (389ms) |
23:11 |
Jordach |
thexyz: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=107634#p107634 |
23:21 |
Jordach |
ShadowNinja: LV water mill isn't generating electricity |
23:21 |
Jordach |
the buffer stays at 0 yet it's production is 100% |
23:22 |
Leoneof joined #minetest |
23:31 |
kaeza joined #minetest |
23:32 |
octobot joined #minetest |
23:34 |
Miner_48er joined #minetest |
23:46 |
rsiska joined #minetest |