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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-07-20

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 VanessaE Exio4: think gravitational acceleration :)
00:00 Slain 60 x60 = 360 seconds = 1 minute, thus 1 fps = bad
00:00 VanessaE 9m/s²
00:00 Slain ?
00:00 VanessaE (or whatever it was)
00:01 PilzAdam 9.81 m/s²
00:01 pitriss left #minetest
00:01 pehjota 9.81 m/s²
00:01 VanessaE close enough.
00:01 pehjota john_minetest: Ha :)
00:02 PilzAdam VanessaE, not "close enough"
00:02 PilzAdam 10 is "close enough"
00:03 VanessaE hey, gimme a break, I was within 10 percent :P
00:03 kahrl pi² m/s² is nice and clean
00:04 Exio4 what is that pi^2 or ^3?
00:04 Exio4 can't see here, :(
00:04 Slain 2
00:04 PilzAdam pi^2 == (tau/2)^2
00:05 Exio4 Slain: k
00:06 Exio4
00:07 PilzAdam how every author of that article is just dead...
00:18 DanDuncombe How am I doing so far (only done some stuff)?
00:21 Taoki joined #minetest
00:23 JamesTait joined #minetest
00:29 PilzAdam bye
00:32 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest
00:32 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest
00:37 iqualfragile joined #minetest
00:43 Exio4 lol
00:44 Peacock then what is #philosophy for?
00:44 VanessaE for talking about games, what else
00:44 Peacock hm, makes sense
00:48 khonkhortisan infinity, zero, and negative infinity are all the same when you add them to themselves
00:51 Peacock curiosity, why does map end around 30K?
00:54 Peacock ok so its a technical limit for the db
00:54 Peacock was wondering if it was some random constant or something
00:55 Peacock still, 2.7e+13 nodes isn't bad
01:07 kahrl Peacock: it's less about the size of the DB than about the representation of coordinates
01:08 Peacock the only thing i find confusing is some people say it's infinite
01:08 kahrl node coordinates are represented as v3s16, a 3 component vector of signed 16-bit integers
01:09 Peacock ahh, 16bit = approximately 30k?
01:09 kahrl yup
01:09 kahrl well I agree, "infinite world" is misleading
01:09 Peacock well more like the terrain generation is infinite
01:16 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
01:17 Kacey joined #minetest
01:28 jemadux joined #minetest
01:30 * arsdragonfly found that his 9-year-old rig was flashed a wrong BIOS at the very beginning
01:59 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
02:00 * VanessaE pokes RealBadAngel
02:01 RealBadAngel hi
02:03 Kacey hi RBA
02:07 Naked hi
02:16 OldCoder joined #minetest
02:19 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
02:19 hdastwb alright; why does technic define node breakers and constructors, since they should be identical to the pipeworks ones and pipeworks is a dependency?
02:21 VanessaE hdastwb: they just need to be removed entirely from technic
02:21 VanessaE which is the plan.
02:21 VanessaE RealBadAngel: ^^^^^^
02:23 RealBadAngel hdastwb, because i wrote them, but then agreed to move them to pipeworks
02:23 RealBadAngel they were part of technic not the pipeworks
02:24 RealBadAngel VanessaE, hold on, we were talking bout nodebreakers and deployers, why he is asking about constructors?
02:24 VanessaE constructors, I don't know for sure
02:25 hdastwb I meant deployers
02:25 VanessaE the other two is obvious :-)
02:25 VanessaE are*\
02:25 hdastwb malapropism
02:25 RealBadAngel hehe
02:25 RealBadAngel if theyre still exist in technic i will remove them
02:25 hdastwb alright
02:26 VanessaE I wonder, could a constructor also be adapted to accept items from a tube?  might be useful.
02:26 RealBadAngel propably yes
02:27 hdastwb One feature that I'm looking forward to is pipeworks integration for electric furnaces and grinders
02:28 RealBadAngel then check mv machines
02:28 VanessaE those would also be useful, but like a constructor, best left as part of technic
02:28 RealBadAngel idea is that basic stuff doesnt support tubes
02:28 hdastwb hmm
02:28 VanessaE agreed
02:28 RealBadAngel you have to upgrade your machines to use tubes
02:29 RealBadAngel and btw, default chest and default furnace using tubes is a mistake when working together with technic
02:29 VanessaE RealBadAngel: easy enough to add a check to disable loading of compat.lua
02:30 RealBadAngel i was about to write it too
02:30 RealBadAngel but that was also an answer to hdastwb question
02:30 RealBadAngel technic chests and machines do support tubes
02:32 hdastwb okay; I've only tested with the LV ones so far; I must have assumed none of them worked from that…
02:32 BackupCoder joined #minetest
02:33 RealBadAngel mv and hv do, chests from silver up
02:34 mrtux joined #minetest
02:34 hdastwb are there mv/hv grinders in the works?
02:34 RealBadAngel i merged mv grinder yesterday
02:35 * ShadowNinja found where that ASCII art is printed. :-)
02:35 ShadowNinja "// ASCII art for the win!"
02:38 hdastwb it looks like I won't need to add the tube routing stuff to node breakers and deployers; should I add it to everything else, though?
02:39 RealBadAngel you propably should ask nore about it
02:39 VanessaE hdastwb: imho, maybe you can work on the node defs thing I mentioned
02:40 hdastwb that was a part of the pull request; it's the connect_sides table
02:41 RealBadAngel hdastwb, you could do the same with mesecons wires and technic power cables
02:41 hdastwb That would be neat; I'll look into that
02:42 RealBadAngel i think one routine for both of them
02:42 hdastwb we could also probably use the 6d facedirs to define only one piston node rather than the three that mesecons has right now…
02:42 RealBadAngel i was thinkin already to drop old look of power cables and make them more mesecons like
02:42 VanessaE hdastwb: I meant this function:
02:43 VanessaE that one needs to be rewritten to only register unique shapes rather than all 64 possible variations
02:43 VanessaE unless I'm misreading it :)
02:43 RealBadAngel but for that cables shall be able to climb up the walls and ceilings
02:43 hdastwb oh yeah, that one
02:43 hdastwb I thought you meant the thing where the tube connections are defined in node defs…
02:44 VanessaE oh, nah - that's good
02:48 hdastwb I think the nodeside function that I defined in tube_autoroute should be fairly versatile; it might be worth it to try to get something like that into the API
02:48 hdastwb …though I'm still waiting on any news from the other functions I've proposed for the API
02:48 VanessaE you mean for upstream minetest?
02:49 hdastwb yep
02:49 VanessaE have you mentioned it in -dev?  (I don't recall seeing it there)
02:49 VanessaE the powers-that-be will see it easier there.
02:50 hdastwb I did:
02:51 VanessaE oh ok
02:52 kahrl I would merge it, but... 6d facedir is currently fucked up and I don't know how it's supposed to work and thus I can't test it
02:53 VanessaE fucked up how?
02:53 kahrl I tried using the screwdriver and didn't get how it is supposed to work
02:53 kahrl and of course there's the texture rotation issue
02:53 kahrl and vertex colors
02:54 RealBadAngel if you dont understand it, it doesnt mean it is fucked up
02:54 RealBadAngel im not talkin bout issues
02:54 VanessaE there does need to be a register_node option for setting textures not to be rotated, yes
02:54 VanessaE vertex colors?
02:54 kahrl
02:55 RealBadAngel light problem
02:55 VanessaE oh yes
02:55 RealBadAngel and theres no such thing like texture rotation isssue
02:55 RealBadAngel its made as it should be made
02:55 hdastwb do we have some sort of callback for when people use screwdrivers?
02:55 VanessaE RealBadAngel: think stairs and slabs - there needs to be a way to NOT make textures rotate when the model does.
02:56 RealBadAngel take a cube in hand mark textures and rotate it
02:56 RealBadAngel you will see facedir rotates textures as it should
02:56 RealBadAngel we have tested it this way
02:56 VanessaE RealBadAngel: indeed it does, you're absolutely right - but there needs to be an option that causes them not to rotate at all
02:57 VanessaE (though I've mostly solved that issue in stairsplus already)
02:58 kahrl can somebody point me to documentation for the screwdriver then?
02:58 kahrl it seems to behave weird
02:58 RealBadAngel it explain what it does
02:58 kahrl not really
02:58 RealBadAngel lemme explain you the rules really quick
02:58 hdastwb Modes 1 and 2 are easy to understand; I've never used any of the other ones since I haven't really needed them
02:59 RealBadAngel just forget old facedir
02:59 RealBadAngel not the front is important
02:59 VanessaE kahrl: also of note, please look at the 6d facedir prediction code in homedecor's lighting.  I think this would be of great use upstream also.
02:59 RealBadAngel the top of the node
02:59 VanessaE (I used substantially the same code in moreblocks)
02:59 RealBadAngel in old facedir top points X+ axis
03:00 RealBadAngel and rotates around it
03:00 kahrl not Y+?
03:00 RealBadAngel ooops
03:00 VanessaE Y+ I would hope
03:00 RealBadAngel right, y+
03:00 RealBadAngel and thats new facedir 0-3 values
03:01 RealBadAngel now let top point y-, which would mean node is upside down
03:02 VanessaE at this rate, we'll need to draft new terms to refer to the various sides of a node in its nominal orientation :P
03:02 VanessaE e.g. dorsal/ventral, port/starboard, anterior/posterior
03:03 RealBadAngel in short, facedir consist of two values, axisdir - which says which axis top of the node points, and rotation
03:03 kahrl right, that part makes sense
03:03 hdastwb I just used top, bottom, left, right, front, and back…
03:03 kahrl what I don't get is why does for example mode 2 sometimes rotate by 180 degrees and sometimes by 90 degrees?
03:04 RealBadAngel impossible
03:04 RealBadAngel try to rotate somethin like mesecons lever or button
03:05 kahrl only minetest_game installed here, i'm using a chest
03:05 RealBadAngel too many very same faces to see it properly
03:06 hdastwb I did all of my testing with furnaces
03:06 kahrl it's visible if I look at the front face
03:06 RealBadAngel lemme find the test node for scewdriver
03:07 arsdragonfly !up 30000
03:07 MinetestBot is up (423ms)
03:07 hdastwb but I have noticed that the screwdriver follows a 90-180-90-180 pattern even with a button on a tree in technic_game
03:08 RealBadAngel
03:08 kahrl now I may have messed something up when I changed texture rotation in the texture atlas removal patch
03:08 kahrl though I remember it happen before that
03:08 RealBadAngel theres test node, both regular and nodebox
03:09 RealBadAngel maybe i shall re-check if it still workin properly
03:09 Someguy123 joined #minetest
03:11 RealBadAngel you can also ask khonkortisan for file to print the very same cube and rotate it IRL :)
03:12 rojo joined #minetest
03:14 hdastwb it seems to be 90-90-90-90 along the axis and 90-180-90-180 everywhere else; I think it's just how the facedirs are distributed
03:16 RealBadAngel about mode 2
03:16 RealBadAngel mode 2 is not direct use of built in order of rotation
03:17 RealBadAngel its about keepin front in front and rotate it
03:17 VanessaE thexyz: is there some reason that one can't move the first post of a thread over to some other thread?
03:17 RealBadAngel which is not the original 6d facedir way
03:17 RealBadAngel ^ and was forced by Vanessae ;)
03:17 VanessaE :P
03:18 RealBadAngel mode 2 is a conversion table in screwdriver mod
03:18 RealBadAngel and it may be slightly fucked up indeed :)
03:20 RealBadAngel well, its not really the table, it looks for next occurance of front face in facedir rotation table
03:20 RealBadAngel instead such table should be made for mode 2 and sorted manually, then used
03:23 kahrl hmm, is there a reason screwdriver uses the look direction instead of pointed_thing?
03:24 RealBadAngel pointed thing doesnt say which face im pointing
03:24 kahrl it does
03:24 kahrl pointed.above - pointed.under
03:25 RealBadAngel no
03:25 VanessaE kahrl: no, those only indicate the node you're pointing at.
03:25 RealBadAngel up, down, left, right, top, bottom
03:25 kahrl what?
03:25 RealBadAngel those are the faces i mean
03:25 VanessaE you can estimate what face you're pointing at by also comparing against your current look dir and look yaw, though
03:26 VanessaE RealBadAngel: you forgot A B A B Start
03:26 VanessaE ;)
03:26 RealBadAngel more, node can be already rotated
03:26 RealBadAngel and i do want to know exactly which face im pointin at
03:27 VanessaE kahrl: I think it would be beneficial to add something like pointed_thing.under.face (gives a number 0-5, in order of how textures are specificed in a node def)
03:28 VanessaE but that can only happen after the pointing-at-thin-objects glitch is fixed
03:28 VanessaE (sometimes, pointing at an object that's thin enough, e.g. less than ~4 pixels, points at the object behind it instead)
03:29 kahrl all of this can be computed from pointed.under and pointed.above
03:29 RealBadAngel wanna bet?
03:30 hdastwb I think you also need the current facedir…
03:30 RealBadAngel turn your chest upside down
03:30 RealBadAngel point the bottom of the node
03:30 VanessaE actually it *can* be computed from all four variables but it would be a bitch to do so I think
03:30 RealBadAngel and now say which face im pointing at/
03:30 RealBadAngel ?
03:31 VanessaE RealBadAngel: in my particular idea, the function should return 1 because you're pointing at the Y- side.
03:31 kahrl eh, whatever
03:32 RealBadAngel so it does, it returns axis dir
03:33 RealBadAngel then simple lookup in facedir table for this axis dir tells us that theres top face there
03:33 tjbarber_ joined #minetest
03:34 kahrl I'm just saying that sometimes even though the client detects a pointed face and reports it to the server in pointed_thing, screwdriver ignores it for some reason
03:35 RealBadAngel built in fuctions shall be fixed to support 6d facedir
03:35 RealBadAngel in fact there are commits about it
03:36 RealBadAngel before theyre not merged screwdriver will ignore built in stuff
03:36 kahrl can you test #834? if it works merge it
03:37 RealBadAngel i will when i finish the current one
03:37 RealBadAngel i need to fix save/load breath issue just
03:38 hdastwb In the topic of screwdrivers, is there some callback that can be used to update tube routing or prevent griefing when they are used?
03:38 RealBadAngel i hunted down the reason why it was not saved, patched server.cpp for it, i need do the same to client.cpp
03:38 VanessaE hdastwb: hmm..I recognize that code! gee, I wonder :)
03:39 hdastwb I came on to Menche's server one day to find the tables and chairs at the spawn upside-down and one of my shops sideways…
03:40 Renoki joined #minetest
03:40 VanessaE yeah, that happens on my server occasionally alos
03:40 VanessaE also*
03:40 RealBadAngel hmm, add to tube something like on_rotate ?
03:41 hdastwb buckets and screwdrivers are griefers' best friends
03:41 VanessaE RealBadAngel: I think a more generic solution would be better
03:42 VanessaE otherwise every mod out there has to watch for the screwdriver.
03:42 VanessaE more like screwdriver should always execute some function that say node_ownership can hook into and reroute.
03:42 RealBadAngel flag allow_screwdriver = false/true?
03:42 kahrl perhaps a generic node protection interface should be defined
03:42 VanessaE (e.g. let the protection mods handle it)
03:43 VanessaE kahrl: agreed.
03:43 hdastwb kahrl: YES!!
03:43 kahrl a function that builtin defines to be empty and mods override
03:43 khonkhortisan I don't think I saved that facedir printout
03:44 kahrl can someone who knows all the different node protection approaches make a proposal for such an interface?
03:44 khonkhortisan quaternion
03:44 khonkhortisan no gimbal locks whatsoever
03:44 khonkhortisan oh, protection I read that as projection
03:45 hdastwb Is engine support for protection on the table? It would be cool if the client also had some idea about protection, and it might even reduce the strain on the server a bit.
03:46 kahrl hdastwb: maybe, but it seems tough to support all the different approaches
03:46 VanessaE RealBadAngel: ooo new error:  screwdriver doesn't just rotate the flat lighting - it rotates the normalmap lighting also
03:47 hdastwb the two that I know the most about are protection and node_ownership; it seems like one could generalize each of those by providing multiple overlapping rectangular-prismic regions
03:47 RealBadAngel youre wrong a bit
03:48 VanessaE or rather, *facedir* rotates the normalmap lighting.
03:48 RealBadAngel it doesnt touch the lights at all ;)
03:49 VanessaE hdastwb: I would say those two alone would cover 99% of users, yeah
03:49 VanessaE RealBadAngel: well the facedir rotates the flat lighting and the bumpmap lighting. :P
03:50 ch98 joined #minetest
03:50 RealBadAngel well, it may look like so
03:50 RealBadAngel i had somewhere solution for it, need to find and push it
03:51 RealBadAngel it was a simple change of order in code
03:51 VanessaE that's what I thought too
03:51 RealBadAngel cut/paste nothin more
03:52 RealBadAngel because now light applies to texture then it is rotated, while it should be done rotate then apply light
04:49 Someguy123 joined #minetest
04:59 tjbarber_ joined #minetest
05:09 jemadux joined #minetest
05:10 ch98 left #minetest
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05:50 bas080 joined #minetest
05:55 OldCoder joined #minetest
05:55 OldCoder joined #minetest
06:02 arsdrag66 joined #minetest
06:14 PenguinDad joined #minetest
06:21 Doc22 joined #minetest
06:22 Someguy123 joined #minetest
06:22 Mad3ngineerAKAdo argh
06:22 Mad3ngineerAKAdo too long
06:23 Mad3ngineerAKAdo Mad3ngineer/doc22
06:23 Mad3ngineerdoc22 lol
06:23 Mad3ngineerdoc22 oh well
06:23 Mad3ngineerdoc22 its been a while
06:23 Mad3ngineerdoc22 whatever
06:29 sfan5 !op
06:31 OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest
06:34 EdB joined #minetest
06:36 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
06:40 sfan5 "Error running link command: Segmentation fault" perfect!
06:44 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
06:46 rsiska joined #minetest
06:53 Someguy123 joined #minetest
06:56 Lynxx joined #minetest
06:56 Lynxx ello
06:56 sfan5 ello
06:57 Lynxx how's evrything? :D
06:57 sfan5 evrything is good
06:59 Lynxx ._. hmm can someone explain how the wieldhand works i don't understand how the texture swraps around it....
07:00 Lynxx been triying to figure it out all day all i got is a headache xD
07:02 sfan5 !server players:most
07:02 MinetestBot sfan5: | | Clients: 6/32, 15 | Version: 0.4.6 | ping: 0.202
07:02 sfan5 !server ping:least
07:02 MinetestBot sfan5: Minetest❤Ru | | Clients: 1/100, 4 | Version: 0.4.7 | ping: 0.097
07:06 ecube joined #minetest
07:10 MasterBot joined #minetest
07:10 Miner_48er joined #minetest
07:11 MasterBot Hello Everyone ~!-"~!
07:29 Someguy123 joined #minetest
07:36 PenguinDad Is the compressor the counterpart to the grinder?
07:46 iqualfragile joined #minetest
07:50 bas0801 joined #minetest
07:51 LazyJ joined #minetest
07:54 thexyz VanessaE: ask punbb devs, I have no idea
07:56 iqualfragile what was the question
08:01 iqualfragile and why exactly are the voxels addressed using 16 bit integers instead of 32 bit integers?
08:06 Calinou joined #minetest
08:15 Someguy123 joined #minetest
08:31 loggingbot_ joined #minetest
08:31 Topic for #minetest is now | NEWS: Minetest 0.4.7 released | RULES: be patient, respect other users, here and in other channels | CORE DEVS: #minetest-dev | SERVERS: | IRC LOGS: | WIKI:
08:31 MinetestBot joined #minetest
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08:38 OldCoder joined #minetest
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08:47 sfan5 !op
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08:49 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
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08:49 ]DMackey[ joined #minetest
08:51 sfan5 7JTAADQ8B, RealBadAngel: are you both RBA?
08:52 OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest
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08:55 Guest57391 joined #minetest
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09:07 blaze1 joined #minetest
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09:10 daswort joined #minetest
09:10 Calinou "git pull"ing minetest repo does nothing
09:10 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
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09:25 dachary joined #minetest
09:29 bas080 joined #minetest
09:29 minetestn00b joined #minetest
09:30 minetestn00b Um
09:31 minetestn00b I', having problem with minetest
09:31 Megaf_ joined #minetest
09:31 minetestn00b my granpa's pile of shit computer is like all laggy
09:31 minetestn00b i turned all the extrasettings off
09:32 minetestn00b and still lag
09:32 minetestn00b specs:
09:32 minetestn00b intel celeron 3.06 ghz single core cpu
09:32 MasterBot joined #minetest
09:32 MasterBot Hello
09:32 minetestn00b some shitty sound card
09:32 minetestn00b and and some idk old graphics card
09:33 minetestn00b hello
09:33 minetestn00b the same lag wont occur on minecraft
09:34 minetestn00b i can even play crysis on lowest settings on this thing with some lag
09:34 minetestn00b but minetest is getting like 1fps
09:35 minetestn00b oh wait
09:35 minetestn00b fixed it
09:35 minetestn00b the version 0.47 gave me lag
09:36 minetestn00b 0.46 is rock stable
09:36 Calinou ._.
09:55 q66 joined #minetest
10:15 Jordach joined #minetest
10:16 Someguy123 joined #minetest
10:29 bas080
10:30 bas080 Not relly minetest relevant, or is it?
10:31 bas080 All the fomo's are pressing it
10:32 Jordach this wieldhang.png needs to be default!
10:33 around joined #minetest
10:35 Jordach around, nickspam
10:37 Jordach joined #minetest
10:42 Someguy123 joined #minetest
10:44 Jordach MinetestBot!
10:44 MinetestBot Jordach!
10:44 Jordach sfan5, ^
10:45 Unspecified joined #minetest
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10:53 Calinou joined #minetest
11:07 Unspecified joined #minetest
11:13 PilzAdam joined #minetest
11:14 FreeFull_ joined #minetest
11:14 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
11:15 Jordach <- got bored
11:17 Jordach just a quick thing to cure boredom
11:21 FreeFull_ You can do better than that
11:21 Jordach but of course
11:24 Calinou if you don't need karma, no need to make it good, FreeFull
11:26 PilzAdam oO someone actually uses pilztest?
11:30 Calinou why did you close it? :P
11:34 Jordach PilzAdam, merge samII
11:34 Jordach it's at 40 votes for yes
11:35 Unspecified joined #minetest
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12:34 sfan5 scanned my router with nmap: "TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=0 (Trivial joke)"
12:35 sfan5 Security by Deutsche Telekom(tm)
12:48 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
12:50 VanessaE joined #minetest
12:56 DanDuncombe joined #minetest
12:56 DanDuncombe Ok guys, I have finished my camo mod wiki. Please give feedback and tell me what you think.
12:57 DanDuncombe john_minetest Lol funny pic
13:01 DanDuncombe Thanks
13:08 iqualfragile joined #minetest
13:08 PilzAdam TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=204 (Good luck!)
13:08 DanDuncombe Okay, pictures of what, not every crafting recipe
13:08 PilzAdam dlink, john_minetest, sfan5, ^
13:08 NekoGloop joined #minetest
13:08 sfan5 lol
13:09 DanDuncombe So: screenies to show each section's different items/nodes maybe.
13:10 mrtux joined #minetest
13:10 DanDuncombe Can I host my pics on Github itself?
13:10 PilzAdam DanDuncombe, you know how annyoing it is that you write _above_ quotes in the forum?
13:10 DanDuncombe PilzAdam sorry, no, should I do the quote then write my stuff afterwards?
13:10 VanessaE DanDuncombe: you can, but it's not recommended.
13:11 VanessaE (to host direct image links on github)
13:11 PilzAdam DanDuncombe, just do what EVERYONE else does
13:11 DanDuncombe So... PilzAdam and VannessaE disagree?
13:11 DanDuncombe Wait no got confused sorry
13:11 VanessaE as for top-posting, PilzAdam will get no disagreement from me there.
13:12 DanDuncombe Sorry, VannessaE, you made the post '(to host direct image links on github)' after I thought you disagreed with PilzAdam by saying what he said was not recommended
13:12 VanessaE it's okay
13:13 VanessaE now you can see why IRC chatting is considered somewhat async :-)
13:13 DanDuncombe Does github have a maximum number of repos that you can make?
13:13 VanessaE dunno
13:13 PilzAdam no
13:14 PilzAdam only private ones, but you have to pay for them anyway
13:14 DanDuncombe Thanks guys :)
13:14 FreeFull joined #minetest
13:14 DanDuncombe What did you think of my camo mod wiki?
13:14 Calinou where is it?
13:15 DanDuncombe
13:16 Candlehead joined #minetest
13:19 DanDuncombe Also, can please be moved to mod release?
13:20 VanessaE "License: See readme"  bzzt
13:20 VanessaE declare the license in your post.
13:21 DanDuncombe There are 2 licenses for different parts
13:21 VanessaE you must declare them in the post.
13:22 VanessaE otherwise it seems fine
13:23 DanDuncombe Added licenses
13:24 VanessaE works for me.
13:24 VanessaE moved.
13:24 DanDuncombe Thanks!
13:26 DanDuncombe Could you maybe add it to your server (without traps maybe) because the camo netting, camo (green) and camo (yellow) sections are great for decoration.
13:26 VanessaE no thanks
13:26 VanessaE people were abusing traps in bobblocks before
13:26 VanessaE I had to disable them
13:27 DanDuncombe Never Mind :)
13:27 MasterBot Dan, make one way glass
13:30 DanDuncombe To make 1 way glass would only texturing 1 side of the node and have the others as glass work?
13:33 khor joined #minetest
13:40 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
13:41 tjbarber joined #minetest
13:42 tjbarber joined #minetest
13:43 jemadux joined #minetest
13:43 jemadux joined #minetest
13:46 iqualfragile joined #minetest
13:47 BlockMen joined #minetest
13:47 BlockMen hi
13:47 BlockMen is there a build that includes already?
13:50 MasterBot joined #minetest
13:50 MasterBot Hi
13:55 DanDuncombe joined #minetest
13:55 DanDuncombe Is there any way of giving a node with drawtype= "glasslike" different textures on each face? It only seems to work for drawtype= "normal"...
13:56 VanessaE you don't really need glasslike for most things, even glass :P
13:56 DanDuncombe It's just when I place my node, I get a hole throught he world where it touches other nodes.
13:56 VanessaE oh right
13:56 VanessaE ok you *do* need glasslike
13:57 VanessaE in which're kinda screwed :P
13:57 DanDuncombe Could I get around it by making the node a tiny bit smaller than normal so it doesn't actually touch them?
13:57 VanessaE you could do that with a nodebox, sure
13:58 ttt joined #minetest
13:58 VanessaE but then you'll get this really tiny gap between neighboring blocks
13:58 VanessaE but nodeboxes stand out in another way - they are lit wrong
13:58 VanessaE (at least, in "smooth lighting" mode)
14:01 DanDuncombe What is the largest a node can be without quite being as big as a normal node? (ie nodebox table)
14:02 VanessaE it's pretty close to floating point, but limited in accuracy to about +/- 0.002 or so
14:02 VanessaE so you can get to within about +/- 0.497 or so (a node is +/- 0.5)
14:02 VanessaE but that gives you a *really* tiny gap, so you might be able to get away with it
14:03 BlockMen left #minetest
14:03 kahrl what's wrong with using a nodebox as large as a normal node?
14:03 DanDuncombe I tried that but I still get a world hole. I am basically trying to make one-way-glass (in this case 5 faces are dirt, 1 face is glass)
14:03 VanessaE kahrl: he wants to force all six faces to be displayed.
14:04 kahrl I think nodebox does that
14:04 kahrl it may have changed
14:04 VanessaE hrm, I could swear I've tried it before and failed
14:04 VanessaE but maybe not.  no matter.
14:04 DanDuncombe P{
14:04 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
14:04 VanessaE DanDuncombe: try {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5} for your nodebox dimensions.
14:04 VanessaE see if it works per kahrl's belief - it might.
14:05 kahrl in fact drawtype == 'nodebox', node_box.type == 'regular' should work
14:05 VanessaE if not, try values in the +/- 0.495 to +/- 0.498 range (make them all the same, whatever they are)
14:05 VanessaE type = regular?
14:05 VanessaE I didn't know it could be anything but "fixed"
14:06 kahrl 'regular' is the default
14:06 VanessaE what's the difference?
14:06 kahrl regular is just hardcoded {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}
14:06 kahrl might be a little bit faster, maybe not
14:06 VanessaE ahhhhh
14:06 VanessaE ok
14:07 VanessaE well have fun Dan :-)
14:07 * VanessaE is off to take a nap...hopefully
14:07 DanDuncombe Wel.People will have to cope with world holes then :)
14:08 StarBlessed joined #minetest
14:12 pandaro joined #minetest
14:21 DanDuncombe I have found a hacky way of making my one-way-glass. By making it a tubular node.
14:23 MasterBot joined #minetest
14:23 MasterBot I have a mod request
14:23 MasterBot;id=24_len
14:24 MasterBot i have spent ages formatting it and it got a score of 76 in readability via a text analyzer
14:33 Final joined #minetest
14:33 jemadux joined #minetest
14:34 iqualfragile joined #minetest
14:36 nalkri My client has decided it hates me, it just goes all white and does nothing(the Title bar says "Not Responding") on Windows 8; the last line in the log window is Resizing Window <800 600>
14:36 nalkri Any ideas?
14:37 PilzAdam can you pastebin the full debug.txt as described here: ?
14:37 nalkri Sure, sorry, one sec
14:38 nalkri Erm, it just loaded
14:38 nalkri Thanks for trying to help PilzAdam, I'll report it properly if it breaks again :)
14:39 PilzAdam maybe I have remotely fixed it with my mind? ;-)
14:39 nalkri I have backache, could you point your mind at it a sec?
14:39 PilzAdam is it binary based?
14:40 nalkri Unknown, more research into physics needed
14:40 khonkhortisan nalkri, it doesn't go white.
14:40 nalkri khonkhortisan: yes it did
14:40 khonkhortisan That's windows placing white over it.
14:40 khonkhortisan If you run it on a different os, it won't do that.
14:41 nalkri Oh, now it's frozen again :/
14:41 * nalkri goes in search of logs
14:41 khonkhortisan On mine, I can drag other windows over an unresponsive one, and it will create copies of the higher window
14:42 PilzAdam I noticed that too, window's window manager seems to be pretty bad
14:43 nalkri WM is one of the major failings of Windows IMO
14:50 khonkhortisan Depending on how I click on the titlebar on a window on my computer, I can raise it, lower it, or maximize it horizontally or vertically or both. On Windows, I can raise it, or maximize it. I have to search the internet to find that Alt-Esc lowers the window.
14:52 nalkri title... bar?
14:52 nalkri Waste of screen area :p
14:56 pehjota khonkhortisan: You forgot shade and stick (always show on visible workspace). :)
14:57 nalkri Shade is silly, there shouldn't be a bar to roll into
14:57 nalkri And you don't need sticky, you need tags and groups :þ
14:57 MasterBot how much Bandwith does minetest use a day?
14:57 Calinou joined #minetest
14:58 PilzAdam MasterBot, nothing if you dont use it
14:58 Yepoleb hi Calinou
14:58 MasterBot just a connection
14:58 MasterBot someone standing still all day
14:58 PilzAdam not much
14:58 khonkhortisan I have stick as a button, and I turned off shade again
15:05 DanDuncombe is messaging someone the /msg <nickname>
15:05 Calinou DanDuncombe: /msg nick message
15:05 DanDuncombe Thanks
15:05 PilzAdam /msg nick message
15:05 PilzAdam just for the lulz
15:08 Calinou DanDuncombe: on your camouflage wiki, try not to use "I"
15:08 Calinou a wiki should be impersonal
15:10 PilzAdam ragequit
15:11 DanDuncombe joined #minetest
15:11 PilzAdam ragejoin
15:11 DanDuncombe I didn't mean to leave
15:11 FreeFull joined #minetest
15:17 Naked joined #minetest
15:18 SpeedProg joined #minetest
15:20 Yepoleb what are the advantages of irrlicht over ogre?
15:21 MasterBot no people asking what ogre is
15:23 rsiska joined #minetest
15:24 Yepoleb ?
15:25 PilzAdam Yepoleb, builting GUI
15:25 PilzAdam -g
15:32 Calinou Yepoleb: easier compilation
15:32 * Calinou runs and asks for karma
15:34 Yepoleb thanks for your answers
15:34 PilzAdam plain opengl would be best
15:36 Calinou there is no such thing, PilzAdam
15:37 Calinou you need to be able to create a window, manage input, sound and all that
15:37 Calinou OpenGL is not DirectX
15:38 hmmmm joined #minetest
15:40 PilzAdam john_minetest, epic
15:41 Calinou >desura
15:41 Calinou inb4 desura dev is in that story
15:43 TheZenKitteh joined #minetest
15:44 iqualfragile joined #minetest
15:51 Kacey joined #minetest
15:51 Kacey joined #minetest
15:54 Jordach joined #minetest
15:55 DanDuncombe Jordach: DO you think red decorative camouflage is an idea for the mod?
15:55 Jordach depends
15:55 Jordach the only red colour i'd use is one that matches desert stone
15:56 DanDuncombe Well, I have yellow camo for desert sand camo, the red would be really red camo, wouldn't really blend in much but looks cool.
15:57 Jordach !g define camouflage
15:57 MinetestBot Jordach:
15:57 Jordach !title
15:57 MinetestBot Jordach: Camouflage | Define Camouflage at
15:58 * Jordach wonders if another !title opens dictionary dawt com
15:58 DanDuncombe It is just for looks really (Red Camo)
16:00 DanDuncombe This is my trial red camo texture
16:01 Jordach PilzAdam, please merge SamII
16:02 Jordach > 38 people want it
16:02 PilzAdam nono
16:02 GassyBritish joined #minetest
16:02 GassyBritish joined #minetest
16:02 GassyBritish Hello
16:02 DanDuncombe Helo
16:02 PilzAdam >38 people think its better
16:02 GassyBritish Anyone here play Mta?
16:02 DanDuncombe I think it's better
16:02 DanDuncombe Whats MTA?
16:02 GassyBritish Multi Theft Auto
16:02 DanDuncombe Nope
16:02 GassyBritish Anyone here play Xbox?
16:02 Jordach PilzAdam, please for gods sakes, they prefer the look of it
16:03 Jordach <- XxJordachxX
16:03 Jordach logged in right now
16:03 GassyBritish I took apart my Xbox the other day and fixed it.
16:04 MasterBot not at the same time thoug
16:04 sfan5 !title
16:04 MinetestBot sfan5: Document isn't HTML
16:05 DanDuncombe If you place a node bigger than default size will it overwrite adjacent nodes?
16:05 pehjota MTA to me is Mail Transport Agent…
16:06 MasterBot no
16:06 GassyBritish I added you Jordach
16:06 Zacketh joined #minetest
16:07 Jordach Blue7oxic?
16:07 GassyBritish Yep
16:07 sfan5 DanDuncombe: how exactly do you make a node bigger than default size
16:07 sfan5 ?
16:07 Jordach :D
16:07 GassyBritish Anyways guys I'm going to go play MTA DayZ
16:07 Jordach GassyBritish, i have MC30
16:07 Jordach 360*
16:08 DanDuncombe sfan5 You have a nodebox with size bigger than -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 of course
16:08 sfan5 DanDuncombe: it won't overwrite it will just render the nodebox, which node renders last wins
16:09 Jordach fatality?
16:09 DanDuncombe Okay, thanks
16:11 Jordach theres no kitten to pet in #minetest anymore
16:11 Jordach we should have the periodic table of minetest irc'ers
16:11 Jordach i'm a J
16:11 Jordach john_minetest = JM
16:11 DanDuncombe I'm DD
16:12 DanDuncombe Gassy British would be GB
16:12 DanDuncombe NekoGloop would be NG
16:12 DanDuncombe PilzAdam would be PA
16:12 * Jordach and Gassy play the same games on XBL
16:12 DanDuncombe VannessaE would be VE
16:12 DanDuncombe MasterBot would be MB
16:12 MasterBot joined #minetest
16:12 MasterBot Hi
16:12 Jordach DanDuncombe, careful
16:13 DanDuncombe Careful?
16:13 Jordach i hear ShadowBot's flood protector ticking
16:13 DanDuncombe Oh,sorry.I get it :)
16:13 sfan5 !kick MasterBot change yer nickname!
16:13 MasterBot was kicked by MinetestBot: change yer nickname!
16:14 Jordach !op?
16:14 sfan5 !op?
16:14 sfan5 it should work, but it doesn't
16:14 * Jordach doesnt know when it decides to work
16:14 Jordach joined #minetest
16:14 sfan5 try
16:14 Jordach !op
16:14 Jordach just id'd
16:14 sfan5 goddamnit
16:15 NO_MORE_NICKS joined #minetest
16:15 * DanDuncombe asks if red camo would blend in with water
16:15 Jordach DanDuncombe, red is the inverse of blue </fact>
16:15 sfan5 !ban *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:15 PilzAdam !mute NO_MORE_NICKS
16:15 sfan5 !kick NO_MORE_NICKS
16:15 PilzAdam oh, well
16:15 * DanDuncombe thinks it will blend in fine then
16:15 sfan5 !unmute NO_MORE_NICKS
16:15 sfan5 !kick NO_MORE_NICKS stop it, markveidemanis
16:15 NO_MORE_NICKS was kicked by MinetestBot: stop it, markveidemanis
16:16 DanDuncombe What did he do to be kicked so many times?
16:16 Jordach !title
16:17 MinetestBot Jordach: Can't connect to
16:18 Jordach we finally worked out why MinetestBot doesnt op me
16:18 DanDuncombe Why?
16:18 StarBlessed Jordach: Sorry bro.  Huge failure server side.  Ive been working my A$$ off trying to get it rebuilt
16:18 Jordach StarBlessed, thanks, pehjota beeped me
16:18 PilzAdam hey StarBlessed
16:18 sfan5 DanDuncombe: because I'm endlessy stupid
16:18 StarBlessed Hi PilzAdam :)
16:18 sfan5 (in writing things right)
16:18 Jordach hey star
16:19 StarBlessed Hi Jordach :D
16:19 Jordach StarBlessed, happy to hear the fix is on it's way
16:20 NoneNone joined #minetest
16:20 NoneNone You can shut up now
16:20 Elench joined #minetest
16:20 NoneNone What the fuck did i do?
16:20 StarBlessed Diaspora is up and running  Search Engine is just about done Viewskew is a being done now  Mail server is completed  Im still working on the rest.
16:20 sfan5 pasting links here
16:20 NoneNone Tell me instead of being pparanoid
16:20 StarBlessed Mediagoblin is next after that
16:21 sfan5 !ban *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:21 sfan5 !kick NoneNone
16:21 sfan5 !kick NoneNone ...
16:21 NoneNone was kicked by MinetestBot: ...
16:21 * StarBlessed grins
16:21 Jordach StarBlessed, i'm switching my mail to your service soon
16:21 Jordach ->
16:22 StarBlessed Ok, just let me know, Ill hook you up with an account.  It'll be <username>
16:22 Jordach
16:22 Jordach cheers
16:22 PilzAdam is better
16:22 StarBlessed I'd say keep your gmail, and just forward everything over to your viewskew account
16:22 * Jordach should setup mail forwarding, but only for certain addresses
16:22 StarBlessed LOL @ PilzAdam :)
16:22 StarBlessed Are you handing out free email accounts PilzAdam ?
16:23 PilzAdam not really
16:23 Jordach StarBlessed, if i find a way to make some sort of cloud document editor (nudges google docs), then i can ditch google drive
16:23 sfan5 StarBlessed: if you really want an mail account ask thexyz
16:23 StarBlessed Nice Jordach.  There are a couple of good ones out there.
16:24 * sfan5 's got one
16:24 Jordach and suppprt LO 4.0 odf
16:24 Jordach StarBlessed, we also need a pastebin
16:24 PilzAdam you need to be core dev to get an email
16:24 StarBlessed Thanks sfan5.  Im ok.  Ive got waaaaaay too many as it is.  I think keeping with my ViewSkew one is fine.  Especially for business ;)
16:24 StarBlessed Jordach: Working on that too ;)
16:24 Jordach sweet
16:24 Jordach then i no longer need
16:25 sfan5 StarBlessed: /me suggests Knoxious open pastebin
16:25 sfan5 PilzAdam: really, when did we agree on that?
16:25 Jordach StarBlessed, at least i wont have no NSA spies
16:25 StarBlessed LOL!  True dat
16:25 PilzAdam sfan5, when thexyz has set up
16:26 Jordach StarBlessed, then i can then move my music to viewskew too
16:26 StarBlessed My servers (while not 100% bullet proof), are as close to fort knox as I can make em
16:26 sfan5 PilzAdam: yeah..
16:26 StarBlessed You want to post your music?
16:26 Jordach StarBlessed, CloudFlare ;)
16:26 StarBlessed LOL!  You can do that on opencloud.
16:26 sfan5 StarBlessed: I suggest using an OS thats not Windumb, Mac OS X or Linux
16:26 DanDuncombe I have made 4 official releases of my camo mod in one day... This is getting a bit stupid
16:26 Jordach FreeBSD
16:26 sfan5 (makes it even more secure)
16:26 sfan5 also not FreeBSD
16:27 StarBlessed sfan5: I use Linux all round.
16:27 Calinou how 'bout NetBSD
16:27 * Calinou runs
16:27 Calinou DanDuncombe: use a rolling release system
16:27 sfan5 Calinou: how 'bout a pony
16:27 Calinou just don't care about version numbers and upload changes as you make them
16:27 Calinou like I do for my mods
16:27 DanDuncombe Calinou: what is a 'rolling release system'?
16:27 StarBlessed Im using Xen 6.1 as a host.  and Debian 7.1 for all the servers.
16:27 Jordach i prefer Debian 6...
16:29 Jordach </lovabletroll>
16:30 DanDuncombe Calinou: should I just update the Github for itand maybe post a comment saying 'update'
16:30 Jordach
16:31 Calinou DanDuncombe: yes, use proper commit messages :p
16:31 Calinou DanDuncombe: rolling release = you never use version numbers and stuff like that
16:31 DanDuncombe So just... update. update. update. update. update. update. update. update. update. update.
16:33 Calinou well, yeah
16:33 Calinou people cloning the git repo can use "git pull"
16:33 DanDuncombe Yep.
16:33 Calinou and people who are too lazy to use it can just redownload the .zip
16:34 Jordach I am more lazy; once downloaded -- i use it until it breals
16:34 Jordach breaks*
16:34 DanDuncombe Jordach: Thing is, I have more than doubled the number of nodes in my mod so you would be missing out on loads.
16:35 * Jordach can say the same for moreblocks
16:35 Jordach i used a super old versio
16:35 DanDuncombe Why though?
16:35 Jordach n before circular saw came in
16:35 Jordach DanDuncombe, i dont know
16:35 DanDuncombe WHY?
16:35 DanDuncombe K
16:36 Jordach i hate having to update mods everyday
16:36 Jordach unless an update is mandatory; i wont update
16:36 DanDuncombe By mandatory do you mean it won't work, full stop,without it?
16:36 Jordach !g define mandatory
16:36 MinetestBot Jordach:
16:36 Jordach DanDuncombe, read
16:37 Jordach unless im forced to update, then no, i wont
16:37 DanDuncombe So yeah 'obligatory'
16:38 Jordach mhm
16:38 DanDuncombe It's just,my camo mod, if you still use the first version you are missing out on: landmines, more camo netting, red/green/yellow camo blocks/stairs etc, one way glass.
16:39 Jordach MINE TURTLE
16:39 Jordach why dont we have this
16:39 DanDuncombe Do you mean mining turtles?
16:39 Jordach nope
16:39 Jordach !g mine turtle
16:39 MinetestBot Jordach:
16:40 DanDuncombe Weird.
16:41 DanDuncombe A very experimental mining turtle mod:
16:42 Jordach DanDuncombe, mine turtle > mining turtle
16:43 * Calinou puts a secondary mine on Jordach's head
16:43 Calinou Jordach looks at DanDuncombe
16:43 Calinou *mine explode*
16:44 OldCoder joined #minetest
16:44 * Jordach regenerates lost body parts
16:44 * DanDuncombe respawns
16:44 * Jordach eats fish and chips
16:49 Peacock joined #minetest
16:51 Kacey bbl possibly
16:51 Jordach PilzAdam,
16:53 Jordach it begins.
16:53 NekoGloop joined #minetest
16:54 PilzAdam you seem to create new skins for upstream every few weeks, I guess Ill just wait for Sam IV
16:54 Jordach Sam 4
16:54 Jordach lol
16:54 Jordach PilzAdam, an artist has his likes dislijes
16:54 Jordach likes*
16:54 Jordach dis**
16:54 Jordach Sam I was thrown together in an hour or so
16:55 Jordach Sam II was made in 29 mins
16:55 Jordach see the difference
16:55 PilzAdam and Sam I was patched
16:55 * Jordach takes Sam I outback and silently ends his misery
16:55 Jordach goodbye, coke sniffer
16:56 Calinou >implying Sam I sniffed coke
16:56 MinetestBot joined #minetest
16:57 Jordach git pull
16:57 Jordach Calinou, he had a beard, other shit which basically made him male
16:57 Jordach Sam II was designed to fit better
16:58 Jordach not to mention Sam I used noise and not shading
16:58 Jordach Sam I (P) had shading + noise
16:58 Jordach which made it sort of better and worse
16:59 thexyz sfan5: why did you kick MasterBot?
17:00 Jordach !voice
17:00 Jordach sfan5, ^
17:00 Jordach now we need markv here to spam
17:00 Jordach let's see how i handle this
17:02 Jordach joined #minetest
17:03 Jordach joined #minetest
17:03 thexyz this ban list is irritating
17:03 Jordach !voice
17:03 thexyz why is "anal" in nickname banned?
17:03 Jordach PilzAnal once turned up
17:03 Jordach was funny
17:03 thexyz you always ban funny things
17:03 thexyz -(
17:03 DanDuncombe How do people exit and rejoin so quickly? I have to type in the captcha
17:03 Jordach not me, VanessaE probably did
17:04 Jordach DanDuncombe, i use a real IRC client
17:04 thexyz s/you/you guys/
17:04 Jordach namely hexchat
17:04 Jordach !g hexchat
17:04 MinetestBot Jordach:
17:05 Jordach reminder: i am always voiced; eg, so that if someone uses my nick, and doesnt login, you can tell it aint me
17:06 PilzAdam !devoice Jordach
17:06 Jordach /nudge PilzAdam
17:06 * Jordach nudges PilzAdam
17:07 PilzAdam noone is voice here
17:07 Jordach noone, who the fuxxor is noone
17:09 thexyz StarBlessed: what did you mean by "as close to fort knox as I can make em"?
17:09 DanDuncombe Any more ideas of stuff to add?
17:10 StarBlessed Locked down, and SSL certs where possible.
17:10 StarBlessed Im still working on finishing up.
17:11 PilzAdam StarBlessed, and of course Jordach shouting out the root password everywhere ;-)
17:11 StarBlessed Yeah...  He doesnt get root again.  LOL
17:13 thexyz StarBlessed: you mean, like, secure?
17:14 StarBlessed Im trying, yes.
17:15 StarBlessed I got d.viewskew an A rating.  I got an A rating for mail.viewskew as well.  Still working on the rest
17:15 thexyz that ssl rating ain't that important
17:16 thexyz well, keep trying
17:16 proller joined #minetest
17:17 thexyz StarBlessed: I'd suggest: 1) remove apache 2) remove PHP 3) perfect forward secrecy
17:17 thexyz also, remove debian and install gentoo hardened
17:19 StarBlessed thexyz: No.  1) I dont have the time for Gentoo.  I used to use it, dont anymore. 2) Apache is the industry standard.  Ill work with it while it is. 3) PHP is still the best opensource platform for dynamic CMS systems with available support.
17:19 StarBlessed By your reckoning, I should just pull down my server all together.
17:19 StarBlessed Perfect secrecy
17:19 Kray nginx is industry standard
17:20 StarBlessed Im sorry.
17:20 StarBlessed No NGINX is a GROWING platform, Apache2 still has the market share.
17:20 Kray nope
17:21 StarBlessed Wanna re think that?
17:21 Kray nope
17:21 thexyz nginx is better, yeah
17:21 thexyz there was also this funny thing
17:22 thexyz
17:23 StarBlessed Kray: You'r results are not comprehensive.
17:23 StarBlessed You're*
17:23 StarBlessed Not only that, there's no historical data
17:23 StarBlessed also NGINX is stated as being used for HIGH VOLUME sites.
17:24 StarBlessed not MOST sites
17:24 Kray high volume sites are "the industry"
17:24 StarBlessed To be honest, if you want to go there, then use lighttpd
17:24 Kray "my kitten websites" are not
17:24 StarBlessed Google and Youtube use a fork of it
17:24 Calinou joined #minetest
17:25 StarBlessed The "Industry Standard" is not based on what you develop on for a large business.  Its the global market share of web servers.  Unfortunately, Apache still is installed on the vast majority of servers.
17:26 Calinou "industry standard" is meaningless
17:26 Calinou if I followed them, I'd be using windows 7
17:26 Calinou and photoshop, and office
17:26 Kray so, I set up huge amount of random web servers with nginx that don'r really do anything
17:26 Kray and nginx is "industry standard"?
17:27 Calinou nginx is generally faster than apache, so why not use it?
17:27 Calinou when you don't need apache's features
17:28 Kray nginx has some pretty hilarious optimizations
17:28 Kray it parses request headers as a state machine
17:28 Kray and first thing it does is to check is the second byte 'E'
17:28 Calinou why is that bad?
17:29 StarBlessed You know what?  Scr3w the whole thing.  Ill use what Im most comfortable with.  You can be as thankless as you please.  Typical argumentative junk.  Feel better now?  you just won an argument on the internet.  Congratulations.  Has your pen1s grown?  Has your ego been stroked?  No one actually asked your opinion in the first place.  Its no wonder people get pi55ed at this place.  Try and be helpful and you get idiots that just ruin everything.
17:29 StarBlessed Well done you.  Here.  Have a cookie.
17:29 Kray after that it only needs to check is the first byte 'G', 'H' or 'D'
17:29 Kray and in this order
17:30 Calinou StarBlessed: tip: putting two spaces between sentences is incorrect :P
17:30 Calinou StarBlessed: we don't have swear filter here, iirc :P
17:30 sfan5 Jordach: try !op now
17:30 StarBlessed Calinou: Putting two spaces between sentences is correct queens english
17:30 Kray but queens english is not industry standard
17:30 Calinou lol
17:30 Calinou it looks worse, IMO
17:30 daswort joined #minetest
17:31 thexyz StarBlessed: you said it's secure
17:32 StarBlessed Fine.  Im outta here.  Fuck you AND your mate.  Ive had enough of this fuckin crowd.  Kray, youre a dick.  Plain and simple.  Calinou :  Dont care.  Fuck you anyway.
17:32 StarBlessed left #minetest
17:32 Kray ok
17:32 thexyz that was too fast
17:32 thexyz why is he mad?
17:33 thexyz inb4 another "shitty community" topic
17:33 * Calinou upgrades their latest xorg supported version to 1.15
17:34 * Calinou builds mini-sentry on minetest forums
17:35 Peacock lol @ arguement. It's like the special olympics in here
17:35 Calinou argumenting gets people nowhere
17:35 Calinou and people still do it 8)
17:36 Peacock and everyone's retarded lol
17:39 Jordach !op,op,op,op
17:40 thexyz why do you !op?
17:40 kahrl oppa Jordach style
17:40 Jordach !op
17:40 Peacock sorry, I think asspie is the PC term now
17:40 Jordach !deop
17:41 Peacock though i don't see the difference
17:43 gin_xi joined #minetest
17:48 DanDuncombe zWhy
17:49 DanDuncombe Why does the skyblock server take so long to load?
17:49 Calinou because it doesn't use remote_media? :P
17:50 DanDuncombe Oh well.
17:50 DanDuncombe Is there a way of seeing how many downloads a mod has on Github?
17:51 PilzAdam yes, your mod has 0 :-p
17:51 DanDuncombe I mean seriously
17:52 Calinou there isn't
17:52 DanDuncombe Oh well.
17:52 DanDuncombe I wonder why
17:52 Jordach Topic Views / Topic Posts = Total Downloads
17:53 Calinou lol
17:54 Jordach it's actually quite accurate
17:56 DanDuncombe Well, it gave me 60 for my instabuild 4.0 mod, whereas mediafire says 98
18:02 PilzAdam
18:02 PilzAdam Calinou, ^
18:03 Calinou \o/ ten dollars richer
18:03 thexyz i was right
18:04 thexyz yay
18:04 thexyz;user_id=5137
18:04 Peacock lol hope it was worth it (winning)
18:05 thexyz now this guy gives his services to community, community starts using them and then he just quits
18:05 thexyz that's quite unreliable
18:05 PilzAdam thexyz, wanna quit too?
18:06 PilzAdam ;-)
18:06 Peacock ? you complained about his services
18:06 Peacock what did you expect? lol
18:06 thexyz I didn't
18:06 thexyz i just whined a bit about "security"
18:06 Peacock well, you shouldn't complain about a free lunch
18:07 Peacock just don't use it lol
18:07 thexyz why shouldn't I complain?
18:07 PilzAdam starblessed tends to see every argument as a personal attack
18:07 Peacock because this happens
18:07 PilzAdam he did it several times now
18:07 thexyz well that's his problem
18:07 thexyz don't complain about minetest bugs then
18:07 Calinou which minetest bugs?
18:08 thexyz you can hurt our developers' feelings
18:08 PilzAdam there are no bugs in Minetest
18:08 thexyz see?
18:08 PilzAdam Calinou, ^^^ something for your signature ;-)
18:08 thexyz that's true assuming you were talking about mobs
18:09 DanDuncombe Do dropped items collide with  nodes?
18:09 DanDuncombe Dammit! stupid question...
18:09 Peacock bugs > security
18:09 Peacock but wtv lol
18:09 PilzAdam "what the vuck"
18:10 Peacock wtv = whatever
18:10 PilzAdam w/e = whatever
18:10 Peacock perhaps where you're from
18:10 Calinou w/e is whatever, usually
18:10 Peacock here people text 'wtv'
18:11 Calinou in soviet russia, wtv texts people
18:12 webdesigner97 joined #minetest
18:12 Peacock in soviet russia, excess flood quits you
18:13 webdesigner97 starblessed blanks out topics
18:13 Peacock is known :p
18:13 Peacock see log ^
18:14 webdesigner97 i tried to follow what happended, but i don't understand...
18:14 PenguinDad joined #minetest
18:14 PilzAdam <PilzAdam> starblessed tends to see every argument as a personal attack
18:15 webdesigner97 ah, ok
18:15 Peacock though what was the point of having the argument lol
18:16 webdesigner97 I really hate it when people create topics on the forum for telling us that they quit -.-
18:17 Peacock sticky thread?
18:17 Peacock 'Arrivals & Departures'
18:17 webdesigner97 why not? lol :D
18:17 thexyz there was no argument
18:18 PilzAdam btw, thexyz, move the topic to offtopic
18:18 sfan5 PilzAdam: moved i
18:18 sfan5 *it
18:22 webdesigner97 but ok, back to minetest. While working on my fireplus mod, I thought that it would be useful if modders could stop ABMs. Maybe minetest.register_abm() could return some kinf of handler (like minetest.sound_play()). Then we could stop an ABM with something like minetest.unregister_abm(handler)
18:22 PilzAdam why not just a flag that stops it in the function?
18:23 celeron56 joined #minetest
18:23 webdesigner97 with a variable?
18:23 PilzAdam yes
18:23 PilzAdam celeron56, change your nick pls
18:24 Jordach or expect kick
18:24 Jordach oh haha
18:24 webdesigner97 should be possible too...
18:25 webdesigner97 the problem is that I want to override the ABMs in the fire mod
18:26 PilzAdam you can simply have  function func1(), say action = func1 in the ABM definition and override func1 in other code then
18:26 PilzBunny left #minetest
18:26 webdesigner97 overriding functions is possible?
18:26 DanDuncombe If I have items inside a node they seem to override the node's selection box. Is there any way of avoiding this?
18:26 PilzAdam of course
18:26 DanDuncombe How?
18:27 PilzAdam
18:27 webdesigner97 wow, didnt know that :D
18:27 PilzAdam DanDuncombe, not everyone here is talking to you :-)
18:27 PenguinDad PilzAdam: I have the book :P
18:28 webdesigner97 lol
18:28 VanessaE|BDSM joined #minetest
18:28 PilzAdam VanessaE|BDSM (~celeron56@
18:29 VanessaE|BDSM you need happy ending? $
18:29 sfan5 BDSM = Bunny deletes shitty Modules ?
18:29 PilzAdam banhammer incoming
18:29 sfan5 !mute VanessaE|BDSM
18:29 VanessaE|BDSM was kicked by thexyz: VanessaE|BDSM
18:30 sfan5 :/
18:30 DanDuncombe Is the unknown item thing an actual item?if so what is it called?
18:30 sfan5 !unmute VanessaE|BDSM*!*@*
18:30 PilzAdam <DanDuncombe> Dammit! stupid question...
18:30 Jordach !ban VanessaE|BDSM
18:30 thexyz guys, can you stop?
18:30 sfan5 Jordach: ...
18:30 sfan5 !unban VanessaE|BDSM
18:30 sfan5 thexyz: yes
18:31 PilzAdam DanDuncombe, thx for this epic quote :D
18:31 DanDuncombe errm...
18:31 sfan5 haha
18:31 webdesigner97 :D
18:31 DanDuncombe what is it?
18:31 PenguinDad :)
18:31 Peacock did someone just offer their "services"? lol
18:31 DanDuncombe why is everyone smiling?
18:32 DanDuncombe :0
18:32 webdesigner97 gtg... see you ;)
18:32 Peacock this place is weird
18:32 PenguinDad Bye
18:32 PenguinDad left #minetest
18:32 thexyz irc logs think that PHP means "pansies hate perl"
18:33 DanDuncombe Is the unknown item thing an actual item?if so what is it called?
18:33 sfan5 :D
18:33 DanDuncombe Is the unknown item thing an actual item?if so what is it called?
18:33 DanDuncombe Please?
18:33 PilzAdam thexyz, IRC logs think that mintest is still at celeron55/minetest
18:33 PilzAdam can you fix that already?
18:33 sfan5 DanDuncombe: it is not an item because the game doesn't know which one it is
18:33 DanDuncombe Okay.
18:34 Gethiox joined #minetest
18:34 thexyz PilzAdam: you should've reported it earlier
18:34 PilzAdam it was reported for months on -dev
18:35 DanDuncombe Random crate mod I just made. To use: punch to open, throw items in, punch to close. To retrieve items, open and punch items.
18:35 MinetestBot GIT: RealBadAngel commited to minetest/minetest: Add set_breath and get_breath to lua API. d19c8b815d 2013-07-20T11:34:11-07:00
18:36 thexyz PilzAdam: to whom?
18:36 thexyz anyway, fixed now
18:36 thexyz I probably was sleeping then
18:36 thexyz sorry
18:37 bobvdiv joined #minetest
18:37 DanDuncombe Woops, just typed this: /giveme default:voal_lump
18:37 thexyz we should make the guy who owns create a redirect
18:38 thexyz we should also redirect to .net
18:39 thexyz ow shit what've they done to it
18:39 MinetestBot GIT: PilzAdam commited to minetest/minetest: Make range of tools configureable cba90d4441 2013-07-20T11:37:59-07:00
18:40 kahrl thexyz: well, move the content to first
18:41 thexyz kahrl: is anything important missing?
18:41 bobvdiv I am trying to reduce cornernote critters mod because my pc aint that great, but I cant figure out how to limit in the config.
18:41 kahrl I don't know but for example
18:42 thexyz oh, well, probably
18:42 MinetestBot GIT: PilzAdam commited to minetest/minetest: Add liquid_range to nodedef 413f0d0353 2013-07-20T11:41:17-07:00
18:43 thexyz I still think we need a separate namespace for each mod
18:43 thexyz yeah, you're right, some pages are missing
18:44 kahrl some historical stuff like
18:45 DanDuncombe Is there any way of making a node take on the textures of whatever you right-click it with?
18:45 MinetestBot GIT: PilzAdam commited to minetest/minetest: Add an option to disable object <-> object collision for Lua entities 8cae659786 2013-07-20T11:43:11-07:00
18:47 DanDuncombe Who like the crate mod I just made :)
18:48 DanDuncombe I bet no-one looked at it :)
18:48 Calinou joined #minetest
18:51 BlockMen joined #minetest
18:52 DanDuncombe
18:53 Calinou
18:53 Calinou come on, we need facedir_fixed_texture
18:54 salamanderrake joined #minetest
18:55 PilzAdam away nicks suck
18:55 Calinou <redroid> DanD|away was silenced with some zombies by Calinou who demanded 1 million^W billion dollars!
19:00 RadiumCat joined #minetest
19:07 Calinou cool, you can now change item range per tool :D
19:08 Calinou RealBadAngel, can you add a facedir_fixed_texture while you're at it? :>
19:10 DanDuncombe|gone How long until support for .x as nodes is possible?
19:10 RealBadAngel Calinou, i will try to post tommorow lighting fix for facedir
19:11 RealBadAngel and will take a look what i can do with textures
19:11 Calinou that is a start, but when I say facedir_fixed_texture, I mean, something that lets the nodes rotate (facedir) but the textures never rotate
19:11 Calinou this is useful for quite a lot of things
19:12 RealBadAngel youre partially right
19:12 RealBadAngel you mean textures rotated old way
19:12 RealBadAngel old facedir also rotated textures
19:13 RealBadAngel check mapblock_mesh.cpp before 6d commit
19:13 Calinou no, not before 6d commit
19:13 Calinou chests still had their textures rotated with facedir
19:13 RealBadAngel wanna bet?
19:14 Calinou by facedir_fixed_texture, I want a facedir that *never* rotates any textures
19:14 Calinou so that you can use it for stairs+ nodes well
19:14 RealBadAngel hmm, i can do that
19:15 RealBadAngel i will add just extra flag to byte that facedir uses
19:15 kahrl param2?
19:15 DanDuncombe How long until support for .x as nodes is possible?
19:15 sfan5 DanDuncombe: stop spammin
19:16 DanDuncombe Sorry but no-one answered it
19:16 RealBadAngel sooner or later, who knows
19:16 sfan5 that doesn't allow you to ask it again
19:17 kahrl RBA, I think the proposal was actually to set it in paramtype2 and not per-node in param2
19:17 DanDuncombe Does it mean we could have nodes with true curves and stuff (hopeful)
19:17 RealBadAngel kahrl, ah yes, indeed
19:18 RealBadAngel so i will make 3 possible texturing ways
19:18 sfan5 DanDuncombe: yes
19:18 DanDuncombe To texture a node which is a 3d model how would you work out the net for the texture to be spread over?
19:18 RealBadAngel full 6d rotation, fixed - no rotation at all, old style - as old facedir
19:19 DanDuncombe Like, Minecraft skins are a net for a texture.
19:19 Calinou DanDuncombe, UV Unwrap
19:19 kahrl is old style facedir needed for anything?
19:19 RealBadAngel you have to texture object in blender for example
19:19 Calinou you make an UV map by marking a seam on the model
19:20 Calinou kahrl, how is the old style facedir?
19:20 RealBadAngel kahrl, the stairs mentioned
19:20 RealBadAngel nodebox can be upside down, but texture box will be the same as full node
19:20 RealBadAngel so textures will fit
19:20 Calinou ah, no flipping?
19:21 DanDuncombe Hoe to mark a seam and do the uv map? I have only ever texture mapped spheres.
19:21 RealBadAngel look on youtube for video explainin it
19:21 RealBadAngel i learned it this way
19:21 RealBadAngel "how to properly map sphere in blender"
19:21 RealBadAngel or something like that
19:22 Calinou mapping a sphere is very easy
19:22 Calinou marking a complex object is complex
19:22 kahrl RealBadAngel: huh, how is that different from current facedir
19:23 RealBadAngel this is 0-3 - old facedir
19:23 DanDuncombe Just realised the window of the doors in my camo mod is slightly shifted to the left... oh well.
19:23 kahrl RealBadAngel: how can it be upside down?
19:24 RealBadAngel hold on
19:25 RealBadAngel
19:25 RealBadAngel 0-3 this is old facedir
19:26 RealBadAngel 20-23 will be node turned upside down
19:26 RealBadAngel entries in table are face,rotation of tile
19:27 MinetestBot GIT: PilzAdam commited to minetest/minetest: Bump protocol version 46d1d70e4c 2013-07-20T12:25:21-07:00
19:27 RealBadAngel now when you have rotated nodebox, for example stairs
19:27 RealBadAngel you can see that textures will be also rotated
19:28 RealBadAngel with old system it was different, we predefined rotated nodebox, but textures were applied like on non-rotated one
19:28 RealBadAngel same as on regular node
19:29 RealBadAngel thats why textures on regular nodes sometimes wont match those on nodes
19:30 RealBadAngel shit, rotated nodes vs regular nodes
19:30 PilzAdam yes
19:30 kahrl RealBadAngel, and why doesn't facedir_fixed_texture solve that problem?
19:31 RealBadAngel because regular node have also some rotations
19:31 PilzAdam yes, sfan5's latest AFAIK
19:31 kahrl err, what rotations?
19:31 sfan5 PilzAdam: now I need to make a new build again
19:31 RealBadAngel define a node that has some irregular texture on each face and see
19:32 PilzAdam sfan5, I can do one too
19:32 kahrl what's an irregular texture?
19:32 RealBadAngel not a box of one colour ;)
19:32 sfan5 PilzAdam: nah, already started my script
19:32 RealBadAngel make a dot somwhere
19:32 RealBadAngel you will see that texture is rotated for each face
19:33 kahrl I just put down a bookshelf and the textures are not rotated
19:34 RealBadAngel are you sure? :)
19:35 Calinou bookshelves aren't facedir
19:35 kahrl 100*(1+epsilon) %
19:35 RealBadAngel read pre-6d mapblock mesh
19:35 kahrl Calinou: we were talking about regular nodes
19:37 RealBadAngel gtg, cya
19:54 pitriss joined #minetest
19:55 pitriss Hi all. Please can anyone help me? I need to explain how I can switch rail-switch with buttons, switches etc..
19:56 Calinou pitriss, which mods do you use?
19:56 nalkri He's on LandRush, so all them
19:56 nalkri o/ pitriss
19:56 pitriss nalkri: Heya:)
19:56 LandMiner joined #minetest
19:57 Calinou put the button/switch next to a t-junction?
19:57 LandMiner wasuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
19:57 nalkri You could use pistons to push them around
19:57 pitriss Calinou: i will try that..:)
19:59 Roukoswarf-M joined #minetest
20:03 Calinou since when do you use windows? :P
20:04 pitriss Calinou: Probably not working or I'm doing something in wrong way:)
20:08 pitriss Calinou: Nope.. I'm using debian for 7 years:D
20:09 pitriss (if that was for me)
20:09 Calinou talking to john_minetest
20:12 neko259 joined #minetest
20:13 Calinou and you say ubuntu is bad? :phoronix rolleyes:
20:14 DabDuncombe joined #minetest
20:15 DanDuncombe Kubuntu is better
20:15 DanDuncombe I can only run Windows for around 2 hours before it crashes and I have to reboot.
20:16 * VanessaE looks at the scrollback log.....  tl;dr
20:16 VanessaE hi all.
20:16 Calinou hi
20:16 VanessaE I see someone decided to make a bunch of noise
20:16 DanDuncombe Really?
20:16 Calinou someone = fglrx user
20:16 DanDuncombe Oh
20:16 Calinou :>
20:17 DanDuncombe Does anyone have any more .we that I could use?
20:17 DanDuncombe Preferably not modded
20:18 Menche joined #minetest
20:18 VanessaE heh
20:18 VanessaE Calinou: no worse than certain nv users ;)
20:19 Calinou >2013 >nv
20:19 Calinou nv is dead since 2010 and never offered any kind of 3D accel :P
20:20 DanDuncombe WHat do you guys and girls think about irradiation of food?
20:21 VanessaE Calinou: nv as in nvidia, not that old-ass driver :)
20:22 * Calinou attempts mixing the "do you like MLP" and "irradiation - good or bad" topics
20:24 * DanDuncombe doesn't want his topic mixed with 'My little pony'
20:26 DanDuncombe How do you change your realname
20:27 DanDuncombe Are there any minetestmapper things Windows can run without external assistance?
20:27 Calinou DanDuncombe, depends on your client
20:27 Calinou for the real name
20:27 DanDuncombe I am just using Mozilla Firefox
20:28 Calinou this isn't an IRC client
20:28 Calinou you're uqing qwebirc
20:28 Calinou so you can't change your real name
20:28 Calinou use a proper IRC client, such as HexChat:
20:29 sfan5 DanDuncombe: your instabuild mod violates the AGPL license of WorldEdit
20:29 sfan5 I may now sue you
20:31 Calinou challenge them to a game of quake
20:33 thexyz john_minetest: gentoo was created for it
20:34 sfan5 john_minetest: from hand?
20:34 * sfan5 failed at producing an initrd from hand
20:34 Calinou that's what she said
20:34 sfan5 "took an existing initrd"
20:34 * Calinou never got arch installed
20:35 sfan5 Calinou: arch is easy to install
20:35 Calinou lol nope
20:35 Calinou it's 2013
20:35 sfan5 john_minetest: no
20:35 Calinou [inception face]
20:35 DanDuncombe sfan5: I got the code from the instacabin mod, not worldedit
20:36 sfan5 john_minetest: umm... Have you tried to install ubuntu into your win partition?
20:36 Calinou do your partitioning by hand :P
20:36 Calinou tip: dual booting is so 2009
20:37 Calinou it is
20:37 Calinou you are free to use another theme or DE
20:39 BlockMen ubuntu sucks :P
20:39 Calinou no u
20:39 nalkri Is there an OS that doesn't suck?
20:39 nalkri I'd like to install that please
20:39 * BlockMen thinks Calinou sucks ubuntu :P
20:42 VanessaE nalkri: they all suck, in different ways.  choose your poison :)
20:43 nalkri VanessaE: that's what I thought, but I wasn't about to turn up the chance of finding one that didn't :)
20:43 nalkri Not that I can talk, I'm on Windows currently
20:43 Yepoleb D:
20:43 Megaf_ /ban to ban but how to unban?
20:44 nalkri With /mode #channel -b <mask>
20:44 Calinou he maybe means in-game
20:45 VanessaE nalkri: well the least sucky, if you don't want to have to play "uber admin" all the time, would probably be Linux Mint (I think it's at v15 now)
20:45 nalkri Oh, I'm a moron, sorry
20:45 nalkri VanessaE: that's an Ubuntu derivative, right/
20:45 Calinou mint has big delays from ubuntu, especially Xfce edition, quite a showstopper for me
20:45 Calinou yes
20:45 VanessaE nalkri: yes
20:45 Calinou this is why I use xubuntu, no delay from ubuntu release
20:45 nalkri I'll avoid it then, for personal reasons
20:45 Calinou inb4 amazon hatred
20:46 Yepoleb i use ubuntu with mint packet sources
20:46 VanessaE nalkri: it's supposed to be Ubuntu without the bullshit, I guess.  If that won't work, try straight debian :)
20:46 Calinou Yepoleb, WTF?
20:46 * pehjota uses Debian testing.
20:46 nalkri Last time I used Ubuntu it had broken and ancient SBCL
20:46 VanessaE (debian sid here)
20:46 Calinou VanessaE, kubuntu, lubuntu and xubuntu are also bullshit-free
20:46 VanessaE Calinou: true
20:46 Calinou SBCL?
20:46 Yepoleb it works perfectly
20:46 nalkri Steele Bank Common Lisp
20:47 Calinou too bad ubuntu isn't rolling release :/ only a few software is, right now
20:47 VanessaE nalkri: if you want bleeding edge, debian unstable pretty much has that
20:47 Calinou it's much easier to manage if well done :P
20:47 Calinou VanessaE, once I ran debian sid in virtualbox, in late 2012, I had... 3.2 kernel
20:47 nalkri VanessaE: I'll probably try Debian next time I play with Linux
20:47 VanessaE (but of course you know the risks of staying that current)
20:47 Calinou debian testing isn't better either, it also had 3.2 kernel at the same time
20:48 Calinou and sid is known to be broken quite often
20:48 VanessaE Calinou: sid has 3.9 now.
20:48 VanessaE of course, I don't update that often, so..
20:48 Calinou it also didn't have xfce 4.10 until ~may 2013
20:48 nalkri Though the next time I try Linux will be with necromancy and Minetest in mind...
20:48 Calinou while xubuntu had xfce 4.10 since... october 2012
20:49 Yepoleb i can't use half of the distros because of uefi
20:50 Yepoleb i tried installing efi grub multiple times and failed
20:50 pehjota Debian unstable is only slightly out-of-date (e.g. Linux 3.2 and Xfce 4.8) once every two years, during a freeze.
20:50 pehjota Oh, Calinou quit.
20:51 Yepoleb is it rolling release?
20:52 pehjota Yepoleb: Debian testing and unstable basically are, yes.  Once every two years, testing freezes and stable is branched from it.
20:53 * ShadowNinja got UEFI GRUB working. :-)
20:53 Yepoleb TELL ME HOW!
20:54 ShadowNinja
20:55 Yepoleb don't you have to update after stable has been released
20:55 Yepoleb i tried that, but it messed up everything
20:56 ShadowNinja I had to manually add a boot line using the UEFI shell.
20:56 Yepoleb HOW?
20:57 ShadowNinja
20:58 Yepoleb thanks
20:58 ShadowNinja You're welcome. :-)
20:59 Yepoleb where should i install grub mbr, if the setup requires it?
21:01 ShadowNinja MBR? I don't know. I used GPT.
21:01 Yepoleb me too, but some distributions want to install it
21:03 ShadowNinja Well I am only running Arch on this computer. I didn't bother with compatability with other OSes.
21:04 Yepoleb would you make me an arch user?
21:04 pehjota Yepoleb: Update Debian testing/unstable after a stable release?  Yeah, just wait a month or two after the release to update.  Lots of things get uploaded right after a release, so just give it time to settle down and stabilize a bit before updating.
21:06 ShadowNinja No... I won't make you one. But if you are interested in it you can read the beginners guide and try it in a VM.
21:09 Yepoleb is there a big difference between arch and manjaro?
21:11 jemadux joined #minetest
21:11 jemadux joined #minetest
21:29 ShadowNinja Yepoleb: IIRC it adds a GUI and it's own repos.
21:29 bas080 joined #minetest
21:37 DanDuncombe joined #minetest
21:44 DanDuncombe joined #minetest
21:55 Peacock im noticing a pattern where griefers sign in as Guest####, is there any way to autobahn these?
21:56 DanDuncombe They should stop Minetest giving people names like GuestXXX aoutomatically
21:56 Peacock I prefer it, griefers are too lazy to chose a name on my server
21:56 Peacock easy to figure out
21:57 VanessaE Peacock: just don't grant interact by default
21:57 VanessaE easiest way to control griefers
21:57 Peacock how boring
21:57 Peacock besides i think creative servers have it on by default?
21:57 VanessaE people can just ask you when they sign on, or on your forum thread, etc.
21:57 VanessaE mine doesn;'t.
21:57 VanessaE -;
21:57 PilzAdam Jordach, I want that with Sam
21:58 Peacock but is it on by default on creative? 'cuz i didn't grant it for nobody and everyone can build fine lol
21:58 Menche did you set default_privs?
21:58 Jordach PilzAdam, you knew i was here?!?!
21:58 Peacock which file?
21:58 Menche add default_prvis to minetest.conf
21:58 PilzAdam Jordach, hm?
21:58 Menche set it to something like "shout, fast"
21:58 Peacock ahh in the conf file, thanks :-)
21:59 Menche and leave out "interact"
21:59 Peacock i was looking at map_meta
21:59 DanDuncombe lol
21:59 Jordach PilzAdam, i was playing the xbox and changed tab to #minetest
22:00 PilzAdam
22:00 PilzAdam ^ I was bored
22:00 DanDuncombe Neat
22:00 Jordach PilzAdam, did you build that
22:00 PilzAdam yes
22:03 pehjota PilzAdam: Are those all furnished?
22:03 PilzAdam not yet
22:04 PilzAdam I thought about some kind of server area, each player gets one hut where a furnace, a chest and some basic materials are
22:04 PilzAdam *server start area
22:06 PilzAdam I wonder if its worth to write a mod that sets players as owner
22:07 mitori joined #minetest
22:07 mitori hey, what's up everybody
22:07 mitori is there anyone out here?
22:08 mitori anybody else? i need some help with MT
22:08 mitori i have this weird bug
22:08 PilzAdam lemme guess
22:08 PilzAdam the map is not saving?
22:08 mitori lol, yes
22:08 mitori have you seen the topic on forums?
22:09 PilzAdam no ;-)
22:09 Menche joined #minetest
22:09 PilzAdam have you checked your debug.txt?
22:09 mitori
22:09 mitori what would I expect to see there?
22:09 PilzAdam ask Menche
22:09 VanessaE I wonder how many of these "map isn't saving" folks either put their minetest folder somewhere where they don't (as a regular user) have write access, or who are trying to run the game directly from the zip or whatever
22:09 Menche ?
22:09 PilzAdam he had a problem with a corrupted file inside the word
22:09 PilzAdam *world
22:09 VanessaE (I assume mitori is not one of those folks)
22:10 PilzAdam VanessaE, does builtin load if you run it from zip?
22:10 mitori i thought i was the dropbox problem
22:10 VanessaE PilzAdam: dunno.
22:10 mitori turned out that i was wrong
22:10 VanessaE I assume windows treats a zip as a virtual fs, so I would guess it would load it
22:11 mitori and i have write access to write everythere. excpet maybe windows folder
22:11 Menche my server has an empty map_meta.txt
22:11 PilzAdam IIRC env_meta.txt or map_meta.txt or something is corrupted, and minetest writes this only to info- or verobsestream
22:11 Menche that is the problem
22:11 mitori but hte thing is
22:11 mitori PilzAdam, it happens in many worlds
22:11 Menche is there anything in the map_meta.txt file?
22:11 mitori in ANY world
22:11 PilzAdam do you have space on your hardrive left?
22:11 Menche it should have the seed and [end_of_params]
22:12 mitori a lot of it.
22:12 john_minetest left #minetest
22:12 PilzAdam check the map_meta.txt of one of the corrupted worlds
22:12 mitori what should be in there?
22:13 Menche seed = (some big number)
22:13 PilzAdam what Menche said
22:13 Menche [end_of_params]
22:13 PilzAdam since 0.4.5 (or similiar) also some mapgenparams, they are not required, though
22:14 Menche the one from my world:
22:15 mitori ok. seems it has fixed it.
22:15 mitori but then
22:15 mitori the question arouses
22:15 PilzAdam I wonder why minetest clears all of them
22:15 mitori why minetest creates corrupted worlds?
22:15 pehjota mitori: Do you happen to know your world's seen (and mapgen parameters, if any)?
22:15 pehjota s/seen/seed/
22:16 mitori i know mapgen params, but not the seed. i just deleted map_meta and it seems to have created a normal one
22:16 Menche you'll get weird massive cliffs where new blocks are generated if the seed is changed
22:16 mitori i know.
22:16 mitori shikata ga nai.
22:18 DanDuncombe joined #minetest
22:18 mitori thanks for help
22:18 Menche does having massive numbers of files in a single directory impact filesystem performance?
22:18 pehjota Menche: It affects calls like open() in that directory.
22:19 Menche specialties mod put 9199 files in my world folder
22:19 Menche 5 for each player
22:20 ShadowNinja rm -rf ~/mods/specialties
22:20 Menche each file contains a single number
22:20 PilzAdam what a stupid mod
22:20 * Menche revokes the modding license of whoever wrote that mod
22:21 Jordach DAFUQ
22:21 Jordach when did the forum go https?
22:21 thexyz ehehe~
22:21 Menche wow, just noticed that
22:22 Menche i guess that's good?
22:22 VanessaE wow, didn't notice that before either
22:22 Menche DanDuncombe: pleeease stop top-posting on the forums. it really breaks up the flow of the conversation.
22:23 ShadowNinja Um... He writes to init.lua...
22:23 DanDuncombe What do you mean top-posting?
22:23 Menche when you reply to someone's post, you put your reply above the quote
22:23 Jordach silly chrome:
22:23 DanDuncombe Og, goddammit. I keep forgetting. Old habits die hard...
22:24 Jordach Menche, the only nag i have about mediafire is the space limit :P
22:24 DanDuncombe What is the space limit you have?
22:25 Jordach 50gb free
22:25 Jordach same as
22:25 DanDuncombe 12 gb free is mine
22:25 Menche medafire force-feeds you advertisements before you can download the file, and doesn't provide direct links
22:25 Menche *mediafire
22:25 Menche U1 and dropbox are both free and provide direct links
22:25 Menche you can't wget files from mediafire
22:27 ShadowNinja Menche: It should only make one per player.
22:28 Menche ShadowNinja: it has a lot of files named player_builder, player_miner, player_farmer, etc.
22:28 PilzAdam it should only make one file
22:28 * Menche thinks it should have 1 file containing a lua table, and dofile() it when it loads
22:29 PilzAdam minetest.serialize() and deserialize() basically does that, but in a protected environment
22:29 ShadowNinja
22:30 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
22:30 bas080 joined #minetest
22:30 Peacock mmm, cereal
22:30 Menche maybe it was changed
22:31 Menche github requires flash player?
22:31 Peacock gitporn?
22:31 Menche uh, what?
22:31 PilzAdam Menche, I think so
22:31 Peacock "my, what a *big* API you have there"
22:31 * Menche isn't going to install it
22:31 Peacock j/k
22:31 Yepoleb how do you watch youtube?
22:32 Menche html5
22:32 ShadowNinja Menche: For the SHA-1 copier.
22:32 Peacock the new youtube sucks
22:32 Menche
22:32 Peacock so bloody slow, stops randomly
22:32 Peacock its poop
22:33 Peacock and i can't find the tickbox for disabling hardware accel :/
22:34 Menche lol, my server has a bug that allows players to have unlimited materials;
22:34 Menche someone built a massive wall out of diamond and mese
22:34 Peacock mine gives stacks of 1K lol
22:35 Menche a griefer scattered diamond blocks around the landscape
22:36 Peacock sucks
22:36 Peacock someone tried to lavafill spawn on mine
22:36 Peacock didn't last long lol
22:36 * Menche logs on to server; spawn area still in shambles? yep
22:36 Peacock no protection?
22:36 Menche it has protection, yes
22:37 Peacock pretty useless protection then
22:37 Menche doesn't stop people from tearing up roads and strip-mining beaches
22:37 Peacock why dont you use two realms, and spawn newbs in one of them?
22:38 Menche players named Guest**** get spawned in a lava lake
22:38 * Menche wonders how that could be done
22:38 Peacock my server has no rules, but i reserve the rite to arbitrarily boot people lol
22:39 Peacock pretty soon though ill write something that autokicks people with 'Guest' in their names
22:40 VanessaE my server has rules, AND I reserve the right to arbitrarily boot people :D
22:40 * Menche is seriously considering resetting and starting over
22:41 Menche kinda reluctant, but the spawn area is a *serious* mess
22:41 Peacock i should put 'Anarchy' in my server desc lol
22:41 Peacock how did they grief spawn if you have protection though?
22:41 Menche the area around spawn; they mined most of the sand off the beach, dug up the road, spammed blocks, dug deep trenches in unprotected areas
22:42 Peacock so unless you protect the whole map, they'll always find a way
22:42 Peacock i find if you don't bother, they get less joy out of it
22:42 Peacock it takes me 2 seconds to remove lava from a large area, no sweat off my back
22:43 Menche i use worldedit to remove floods
22:43 Menche (protector mod doesn't seem to protect against buckets)
22:44 Peacock what about removing buckets? or adding a priv for buckets?
22:44 VanessaE just remove buckets
22:44 Menche buckets are useful
22:44 Peacock (if he didn't remove im assuming he wants them in)
22:44 VanessaE creative server?
22:44 Menche no
22:45 Peacock theres a minetest check priv function, you could add that to bucket code so it does nothing if you dont have it
22:45 Menche what is that check priv function? i tried modifying buckets but it didn't work
22:45 Peacock give me a sec
22:46 Peacock if not minetest.check_player_privs(player_name, {bucket=true}) then return end
22:46 Peacock dont forget to define the bucket priv too
22:49 Peacock just got a Guest* on my server... autobahn! (LOL)
22:51 Menche the protocol version was just bumped?
22:51 * Jordach pokes sfan5
22:51 VanessaE yup
22:51 Menche does that mean earlier clients are now incompatible?
22:51 Peacock Does that change anything for 0.46 servers?
22:54 VanessaE Menche: I think so.
22:55 VanessaE can some other folks please try this build on my server:
22:55 VanessaE
22:55 VanessaE tell me if you're able to successfully sign in and play
22:55 VanessaE (or at least sign in and walk around)
22:55 Jordach Good news everybody!
22:56 pehjota If I understand correctly, the server will now accept clients implementing a protocol version between 13 and 21 inclusive?  (So older clients remain compatible.)
22:56 Peacock as long as i can stick with 0.46
22:56 BlockMen left #minetest
22:56 Peacock its the fastest version on my computer
22:57 VanessaE pehjota: protocol-wise it might, but there are other differences that may cause older clients to work
22:57 VanessaE er to not work
22:57 Peacock i downloaded minetest_game today though, and it caused my client to segfault
22:57 VanessaE you have to keep your client and your game in sync
22:58 VanessaE occasionally, too new of a _game will cause the client not to work acceptably
22:58 Peacock yeah, so now i have to find the 0.46 version of minetest_Game lol
22:58 VanessaE just get the latest git release
22:59 VanessaE 0.4.6 is obsolete.
22:59 Peacock of minetest_game?
22:59 Peacock oh
22:59 VanessaE of the engine/client
22:59 Peacock but it's slower :(
22:59 Peacock dont ask me why, it just is for me
22:59 VanessaE maybe the build you chose is slower e.g. directx when you only use opengl, or vice-versa
22:59 Peacock i didnt play with anything pre-compile
23:00 Peacock but paramat's mods seem to work faster in 0.46
23:00 VanessaE 0.4.6*
23:00 VanessaE zero point four point six
23:01 Peacock aaaanyways... as a client v7 is as fast, but as a server v6 is faster :/
23:01 VanessaE ZERO POINT FOUR POINT xxxx
23:01 Peacock punctuation nazi :p
23:01 VanessaE when it comes to version numbers, damn right
23:01 pehjota mgv6?  mgv7?
23:02 VanessaE those are not the same thing.
23:02 VanessaE those are related to the internal version of the map generator
23:02 ecube joined #minetest
23:02 VanessaE just as the protocol is now v21 or somethibng
23:02 * pehjota is just adding to the "v6" and "v7" confusion. ;)
23:03 Jordach every 52 days we increment the protocol version by average
23:04 Peacock you mean they up whether anythings relly changed or not?
23:04 VanessaE only if something important changes
23:05 Peacock so what are the differences between 4.6 and 4.7?
23:05 pehjota s/4.6/0.4.6/ s/4.7/0.4.7/
23:05 VanessaE Peacock: too many changes to summarize
23:06 VanessaE
23:06 VanessaE roughly half of that page is changes since 0.4.6
23:06 * arsdragonfly is monitoring his server on his cell phone
23:07 Peacock dont really see anything worthy of a performance hit
23:07 Peacock in fact, i read that the lua main menu was buggy?
23:07 VanessaE it's still being worked ok
23:07 VanessaE on*
23:07 VanessaE it went in after 0.4.7 came out
23:08 VanessaE and 0.4.8 isn't out yet, so there's still time to tune it
23:08 Peacock is 0.4.8 going to be faster?
23:08 arsdragonfly it's so slow :-P it takes forever to echo when trying to type something in
23:08 Peacock i dont mind skipping a gen
23:08 VanessaE Peacock: there are a few performance improvements ont he horizon, yes
23:08 VanessaE on the*
23:09 Peacock from what i read on the forums most mods haven't even figured out how to properly use voxelman yet
23:09 VanessaE that's brand new
23:09 VanessaE (or nearly so)
23:09 sokomine ah yes, voxelmanip...or rather the schematics...
23:09 * sokomine keeps looking for hmmmm
23:10 Peacock i dont really have performance problems with world editing though
23:11 sokomine it happens when you try to edit larger areas. especially if the areas are not loaded on your server. mostly during mapgen
23:11 sokomine then voxelmanip/place_schematic is very helpful
23:14 Peacock what new features with the next one have?
23:15 Peacock erm *will
23:16 Kacey joined #minetest
23:17 Jordach <- more music
23:20 dzho joined #minetest
23:22 Peacock everyone's either speaking spanish or portuguese on my server
23:23 * Peacock is forever alone
23:23 PilzAdam in 2 years its chinese
23:23 arsdragonfly yet it doesn't support that
23:24 PilzAdam
23:24 PilzAdam we even have a 100% completed chinese translation
23:24 Peacock i wouldn't bet entirely on that
23:24 * arsdragonfly done that all :-)
23:24 Jordach bwong!
23:24 Peacock there was a big 'wtf' when chinese banks stopped lending to eachother a month ago
23:24 arsdragonfly *s
23:24 arsdragonfly *'s
23:24 Jordach who left that gong there ;)
23:25 Peacock china has an ageing population too
23:25 Peacock and the US may be headed for energy self-sufficiency soon
23:26 Peacock i hope thats the case, we won't have to be so involved in the middle east
23:26 PilzAdam China already owns 2/3 of the US
23:27 Peacock yeah but what does that mean if the US keeps printing money in the quantities it does?
23:27 arsdragonfly on the public debt market ?
23:27 PilzAdam yes
23:27 Peacock seems like most western countries are trying to inflate the debt away
23:27 Peacock which is so 80's
23:27 PilzAdam *20s
23:27 Peacock as well
23:28 hdastwb joined #minetest
23:28 Jordach inflation leads to a burst bubble
23:28 arsdragonfly currencies are all ponzi schemes
23:28 Peacock but hey, the UK had enormous debt after ww2, and theyre all right
23:28 PilzAdam "all right"? lol
23:28 Peacock *fiat currencies are ponzi schemes
23:29 PilzAdam the EU is going to restrict their banks
23:29 Peacock well, who has it worse, the brits or the greeks?
23:29 Peacock and who's bailing out the greeks the keep their own banks from tanking?
23:29 PilzAdam the portugese
23:29 Peacock *to keep
23:30 PilzAdam 50% of the under 25 years aged people have no work in portugese
23:30 PilzAdam ehm *Portugal
23:30 Peacock if the rest of europe tanks, the germans wont be impervious (sp)
23:30 Jordach 80% of under 25's here dont have work, as workplaces dont bother hiring
23:31 Peacock thats why theyre looking for free trade deals with US/CDN
23:31 Jordach and they will fire for no reason
23:31 PilzAdam the German economy has grown during the financial crisis
23:31 Jordach this is just a pissing contest with economy
23:31 * Jordach zips up and sods off
23:31 Peacock yeah but the germans are essentially bailing out the greeks because the money is owed to their own banks
23:32 Jordach making the germans more rich
23:32 PilzAdam ^
23:32 PilzAdam the germans actually get profit out of greek
23:32 Jordach 20 years later: China VS Germany
23:32 Jordach USA  and Russia collapse
23:32 Peacock well... out of german taxpayers' pockets and into their bank's pockets, how is that different from the US?
23:33 Peacock at least germany has a convenient scapegoat in Greece lol the US had occupy wall street
23:33 Peacock though i know greece cooked the books to get into EU in the first place, they should have never gotten in otherwise
23:34 Peacock theres something to be said for being able to devaluate your currency to boost trade
23:37 Peacock in short, we all wish we were boomers :p
23:38 VargaD joined #minetest
23:40 Exio4 hi
23:43 Peacock people are building some weird shit on my server lol

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