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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-04-25

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:01 mauvebic joined #minetest
00:01 mauvebic that was the easiest grub restore ever lol
00:01 mauvebic never did it on arch b4 lol
00:02 RealBadAngel ok, all engine work for glasslike_framed is done. now the api doc
00:02 jojoa1997|Tablet RBA screenie please of comparison
00:02 Exio the worst part about coding are the textures, documentation and that stuff
00:03 jojoa1997|Tablet textures are fine
00:04 Exio i suck at making decent textures, documentation, models, designs, colo(u)r, etc
00:04 jojoa1997|Tablet same here
00:05 RealBadAngel jojoa1997|Tablet,
00:05 * jojoa1997|Tablet liky
00:05 RealBadAngel this is new drawtype with several textures applied
00:06 Exio is there any clientside-like prediction?
00:06 RealBadAngel new drawtype uses 2 textures, one for frame, second for faces
00:09 mauvebic what the... system clock gives different times in arch and windows lol
00:11 92AAAHE1B joined #minetest
00:11 dante123 joined #minetest
00:11 92AAAHE1B !up
00:11 MinetestBot is up (0.418ms)
00:20 Kacey huh
00:23 cisoun joined #minetest
00:28 mauvebic i removed the default from grub, though the menu still doesn't appear at startup :/
00:28 Exio timeout?
00:29 mauvebic maybe 5 seconds is too low while monitor looks for inputs?
00:31 mauvebic that was it,  set timeout to 30 seconds and 10 had elapsed from beginning of reboot
01:02 EduardeCalibal joined #minetest
01:02 harrison
01:03 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
01:04 * jojoa1997 from xchat
01:04 jojoa1997 how do i make it not log stuff
01:05 mauvebic ?
01:06 jojoa1997|PC joined #minetest
01:07 Kacey jojoa1997|PC, xchat only works for 30 days with windows
01:08 Kacey hexchat stays free
01:08 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
01:08 jojoa1997|PC this is xchat2
01:08 jojoa1997|PC left #minetest
01:08 Kacey still
01:08 jojoa1997|Tablet this is xchat2
01:09 jojoa1997|Tablet anyways how do i make the cliuent not disconnect when i minimize the client?
01:09 VanessaE xchat ftw :)
01:10 VanessaE yoiu probably didn't minimize, you probably closed it.
01:10 jojoa1997|Tablet wait so how do i not have it do the close client when minimized
01:10 jojoa1997|Tablet i pressed the -
01:10 jojoa1997|Tablet [-]
01:10 VanessaE there's a plugin for it that'll dock it into your panel/system tray
01:10 VanessaE at least, for linux there is
01:11 VanessaE or there used to be..
01:17 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
01:18 jojoa1997 yay it works
01:18 * jojoa1997 feels so relaxed typing only on computer again
01:24 tripod joined #minetest
01:24 Kacey jojoa1997, i used xchat and it stopped working after 30 days xchat2 works the same, just it is an upgrade to xchat
01:25 jojoa1997 meh this is only temporary
01:25 Kacey use hexchat
01:25 jojoa1997 tablet keyboard died
01:26 VanessaE you know, tablets usually DO have an on-screen keyboard too
01:26 jojoa1997 well going cay
01:26 ecube joined #minetest
01:26 jojoa1997 cya
01:27 NakedFury tablets ALWAYS HAVE an on screen keyboard
01:28 Exio if he uses his tablet that much
01:28 Exio i don't see the why not for having a full linux distro in the sd
01:28 Exio (like debian+x11+basic-stuff)
01:29 NakedFury is he apple tablet?
01:29 Exio android
01:31 ryjyd joined #minetest
01:36 * Kacey is considering giving up on xytest
01:38 NakedFury take it easy so you wont consider it
01:39 Kacey nobody seems to like it...
01:41 tripod joined #minetest
01:47 MinetestBot GIT: RealBadAngel commited to minetest/minetest: Add new drawtype GLASSLIKE_FRAMED 625a4c2e66 2013-04-24T18:45:18-07:00
02:00 Kacey night all
02:00 MinetestBot GIT:  commited to minetest/minetest: Improve getFree*ActiveObjectId to reduce common case cpu usage drasticaly e9a4e98cb9 2013-04-24T18:59:09-07:00
02:04 ShadowNinja sfan5|OFF: *ahem* my bot doesn't have the empty author bug, and it doesn't rely on RSS, or github
02:05 kaeza joined #minetest
02:10 kaeza1 joined #minetest
02:19 khonkhortisan I should register as nbsp " "
02:21 mauvebic please, i have enough trouble keeping track of all the multiple aliases/personalities around here :p
02:22 NakedFury you are fine as khonkhortisan
02:22 khonkhortisan me too
02:22 NakedFury we would be like: who the fuck is nbsp man? what the hell does that even mean??
02:22 mauvebic first thoughts went to ntpd lol
02:23 mauvebic (time server daemon )
02:23 khonkhortisan no I mean as what's actually between the quotes " "
02:23 NakedFury ntpd: notepad?
02:23 khonkhortisan a space character that can't be broken for line break
02:23 khonkhortisan it joins the words on either side
02:23 khonkhortisan oh glass got in
02:27 [Asleep] Oh, what? mauvebic wants us to all trade names?
02:28 * khonkhortisan is now known as uɐsıʇɹoɥʞuoɥʞ
02:28 [0gb_us] And nbsp is probably  , the XHTML non-breaking space entity code.
02:29 khonkhortisan it's only 7:29 and the moon is already up in minetest
02:33 onpon joined #minetest
02:38 mauvebic yes please, trade names :p
02:40 EduardeCalibal How I convert userdata to will be possible serialize it?
02:46 tripod joined #minetest
02:46 bas0801 joined #minetest
02:50 khonkhortisan I use a mod to set world time to real time, and the main menu clouds have a light sky.
02:53 [0gb_us] That's an interesting idea.
02:57 * [0gb_us] builds a super-pick, that goes very fast, but breaks after one use
02:58 RealBadAngel this is my copy of common
02:58 RealBadAngel in case somebody wants to try framed glass before the changes are merged
03:00 RealBadAngel ofc only for use with game built with latest changes
03:07 [0gb_us] I'm not sure what to try with framed glass. You've been posting screenshots all the way, so I know what it looks like. It will be a fun change to the game though.
03:10 kaeza joined #minetest
03:12 tripod joined #minetest
03:20 TheBonsai joined #minetest
03:20 Nikondork joined #minetest
03:33 Exio hahahaha
03:33 VanessaE ?
03:34 Exio just using active_block_modifier = 15
03:34 Exio finite_liquids and made stone, dirt, sand, grass and leaves liquids
03:34 VanessaE screenshot? :)
03:34 Exio fly-ed a bit
03:34 khonkhortisan fly-ed -> flied -> flew
03:35 khonkhortisan We are in need of screenies
03:35 kaeza joined #minetest
03:35 Exio i'll upload one
03:36 Exio uploading
03:37 kaeza1 joined #minetest
03:37 VanessaE HURRY!!!!1!!!!1
03:37 VanessaE :)
03:38 Exio VanessaE: fast screenshot of my world after some seconds
03:38 Lykos_pc joined #minetest
03:39 Exio (new generated)
03:39 Exio newly *
03:39 Exio ah, other thing, liquid_update set to 0
03:45 Demon_Fox_ How fast is world generation now?
03:45 Demon_Fox_ It used to take a couple seconds before
03:46 Demon_Fox_ To get stuff loaded
03:46 Demon_Fox_ Like a minute or so
03:47 NakedFury thats a couple of minutes then not a couple of seconds
03:47 Demon_Fox_ I mean to load the first chunk
03:47 Demon_Fox_ and a minute to start loading the landscape
03:55 kaeza joined #minetest
03:57 ssieb joined #minetest
03:59 xming joined #minetest
03:59 VanessaE zzz
04:01 tripod joined #minetest
04:07 Exio it is possible to get item duplication when "torches" drop? (digged the block where they were attached)
04:08 VanessaE not sure
04:09 Exio well, seems i got that
04:18 [0gb_us] Oh, what? It seems desert stone bricks were added at the same time as sand stone bricks, but I missed them.
04:20 VanessaE [0gb_us]: do you like 'em? :)
04:20 VanessaE photoshopped from default stone bricks by me :D
04:27 [0gb_us] Nice.
04:28 Exio photoshopped?
04:28 tripod joined #minetest
04:29 [0gb_us] Yeah, they should give people that complain about the lack of nodes less to complain about. Now we just need some blue nodes.
04:29 Exio pink nodes*
04:29 [0gb_us] VanessaE doesn't use GIMP like the rest of us. Photoshop need Wine, though.
04:30 VanessaE sure I do.
04:30 VanessaE I just call it that because "gimping" sounds weird.
04:30 VanessaE :)
04:30 Exio gimped :D
04:31 [0gb_us] I figured that was the case, actually. I didn't see why you'd Wine Photoshop when you can use GIMP natively.
04:31 khonkhortisan photoshop needs a plugin to make it like gimp
04:31 [0gb_us] Gimping is like limping, I believe.
04:31 [0gb_us] !g gimping
04:31 MinetestBot [0gb_us]:
04:31 [0gb_us] Yeah, I was right.
04:32 khonkhortisan it says that's offensive :)
04:32 khonkhortisan The menu always thinks it's daytime
04:33 [0gb_us] You never know what has been Photoshoped these days. People are getting pretty good at it.
04:35 khonkhortisan Real-life photoshopping*z3*F*2*D*d*
04:35 khonkhortisan and the other images on that page
04:38 OldCoder joined #minetest
04:38 khonkhortisan OldCoder gimps in :P
04:40 OldCoder hi
04:40 OldCoder GIMP is good khonkhortisan :P back
04:42 kaeza hey OldCoder
04:43 kaeza [0gb_us], lol
04:43 kaeza re: xkcd
04:45 alexbobp joined #minetest
04:47 khonkhortisan You read the scrollback?
05:11 rsiska joined #minetest
05:13 ImQ009 joined #minetest
05:32 sfan5 seriously? minecraft gets dyed wood:
05:33 TheLastProject joined #minetest
05:34 VanessaE snote
05:34 VanessaE snore*
05:34 VanessaE I did that months ago.
05:34 VanessaE and in far more colors.
05:34 VanessaE and jordach had cotton pretty well settled then, too
05:35 VanessaE Mojang must be getting desperate for ideas if they're stealing from us now ;)
05:39 sfan5 well, ask Dinnerbone then
06:07 blitz_ joined #minetest
06:08 Matrixiumn joined #minetest
06:22 bookwar joined #minetest
06:54 bookwar left #minetest
07:07 aheinecke joined #minetest
07:34 ImQ009 joined #minetest
07:34 xming joined #minetest
07:42 Fresh_m__ joined #minetest
07:52 emptty joined #minetest
07:56 Leoneof joined #minetest
08:12 monkeycoder joined #minetest
08:40 kaeza
08:42 VanessaE kaeza: for you:
08:42 kaeza VanessaE, :D
08:43 kaeza two gods in one picture: epic
08:45 Nikondork_ joined #minetest
08:48 MinetestBot GIT: celeron55 commited to minetest/minetest: Fix compatibility of RBA's NDT_GLASSLIKE_FRAMED 6b5c7d9e74 2013-04-25T01:40:23-07:00
08:49 [0gb_us] kaeza: My cat is a bit smaller, but she likes boxes too.
08:49 kaeza lol enums
08:50 kaeza [0gb_us], that's the joke ;)
08:50 MinetestBot GIT: celeron55 commited to minetest/minetest: Fix compatibility of RBA's NDT_GLASSLIKE_FRAMED bc3072b35e 2013-04-25T01:51:28-07:00
08:51 kaeza
08:52 VanessaE heh
09:00 Issa joined #minetest
09:11 Jousway joined #minetest
09:16 celeron55 20:53:23 < bas080> Would it be hard to make a minetest server url that includes  ip and port and when opened it opens a minetest client. Just  like when i open an rss it opens gpodder.
09:16 celeron55 that is OS dependent
09:17 celeron55 but yeah, minetest doesn't have handling for such an address; it'd require a wrapper script as of now
09:17 * ShadowBot wakes up
09:18 celeron55 otoh, did anyone know MT can open worlds if you associate *.mt with it and click such in a world directory 8)
09:18 celeron55 +?
09:19 monkeycoder joined #minetest
09:24 LunaVorax joined #minetest
09:26 [0gb_us] No, I didn't know that. That's cool!
09:36 kaeza
09:36 celeron55 (you need to associate "minetest --world <parameter>" though)
09:36 kaeza :D
09:36 Brndn joined #minetest
09:43 VanessaE ping
09:43 kaeza polo
09:43 VanessaE kaeza: can you explain this one?
09:43 VanessaE I've seen it once or twice and I'm completely stymied.
09:44 kaeza VanessaE, bad one
09:44 VanessaE wtf is the viewer supposed to see?
09:45 kaeza apparently, the guy was going to do a "bomb"
09:45 kaeza (or whatever you call that)
09:45 VanessaE guy?
09:46 jin_xi lurk moar...
09:46 VanessaE fuck, the link didn't go to the right image.
09:46 jin_xi oh. thought you had problems reading le fffffffuuuuuuuuu
09:46 VanessaE naw
09:47 VanessaE and of course now I already lost it
09:47 VanessaE it was a picture of a woman on the beach, jumping.  Some bushes and her shadow near the bottom, ocean surf in the background.
09:47 * [0gb_us] messed up his commit again ....
09:48 kaeza VanessaE, did it say "when you see it..."
09:48 kaeza ?
09:48 VanessaE yeah
09:48 kaeza lol
09:48 kaeza I know which one
09:49 kaeza it's the position of the bush
09:49 PilzAdam joined #minetest
09:49 kaeza no need to explain where it ended up in the shadow ;)
09:49 VanessaE er, ok
09:50 [0gb_us] Hey, PilzAdam.
09:50 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
09:50 VanessaE if that's what it was meant to imply, mega-lame joke.
09:50 VanessaE hey PilzAdam
09:51 VanessaE me -->
09:55 kaeza LOL
09:59 VanessaE
09:59 VanessaE I don't get it.
10:00 proller joined #minetest
10:00 VanessaE (and I've seen a similar one before, too, different Teletubbie though)
10:04 Issa joined #minetest
10:04 kaeza
10:04 VanessaE heh
10:05 kaeza VanessaE, have you seen "The Ring"
10:05 kaeza ?
10:05 VanessaE the ring?
10:05 kaeza a movie
10:05 VanessaE lord of the rings, maybe. that's it.
10:05 kaeza nonono
10:06 kaeza
10:07 Issa movies sucks the rings
10:07 VanessaE not familiar with it.  but, I'm not into horror flicks
10:07 VanessaE (I get nightmares :(  )
10:09 kaeza aww you miss a lot of fun :P
10:09 kaeza (though I seriously think The Ring sucks)
10:09 kaeza Ratings: 7,1/10
10:09 kaeza yeah, right
10:10 kaeza I'd give it a 4 at most
10:10 Issa no now i m looking spartacus
10:10 Issa the series
10:10 Issa this is a best seris after game of throne
10:10 Issa the best of the centuries
10:10 kaeza never seen Game of Thrones
10:11 VanessaE no see, I prefer science fiction, fantasy, that sort of stuff
10:11 * kaeza pust an I, Robot DVD on VanessaE's head
10:11 VanessaE Star Trek, Contact, Sorcerer's Apprentice, etc.
10:11 kaeza :3
10:11 VanessaE DVD?  BITE YOUR TONGUE!
10:11 VanessaE Blu-Ray or GTFO
10:11 kaeza hehe
10:12 kaeza Blu-Ray here is expensive as hell
10:12 kaeza it's not widespread yet
10:12 [0gb_us] My computer won't read Blu-Ray. It reads DVDs though.
10:13 VanessaE ok, think I'll go try to sleep now.
10:14 [0gb_us] Good night.
10:14 VanessaE night
10:14 kaeza night V
10:14 VanessaE oh, also.. PilzAdam:  flowers mod has been moderately retooled to get ready for your patch to common.
10:14 VanessaE out-->
10:15 PilzAdam VanessaE, ok, Ill remove the cotton aliases then
10:23 PilzAdam VanessaE,
10:23 kaeza
10:24 Issa night
10:25 Issa Hello PilzAdam
10:25 PilzAdam hi
10:25 Issa why u dont' add directly on the game, monsters, animales, moving plants ?
10:25 Issa sesons
10:26 Issa like winter summer ... ?
10:26 Issa i really like u game
10:28 PilzAdam VanessaE, also benchmarked the ABM, it takes 0 ms 99% of the time and highest value was 1 ms
10:28 PilzAdam it runs about ~ 100 times / minute
10:51 bas080 joined #minetest
10:53 Leoneof joined #minetest
10:55 Leoneof joined #minetest
11:00 Calinou joined #minetest
11:01 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
11:03 webdesigner97 joined #minetest
11:04 jojoa1997|Tablet lol
11:04 jojoa1997|Tablet i just got an amail saying
11:05 jojoa1997|Tablet "Suprise your mom with a nexus 7 tablet + ..."
11:05 jojoa1997|Tablet funny thing is she bought me and her and my sister one
11:10 Calinou ö_ö
11:10 Calinou jojoa1997|Tablet: better, I get ads about my mobo and my case... which I already have
11:10 Calinou on some hardware sites, when adblock fails to block them
11:20 tripod joined #minetest
11:21 vals_ joined #minetest
11:21 whirm1 joined #minetest
11:22 noah_ joined #minetest
11:25 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
11:28 morrolan_ joined #minetest
11:29 KikaRz joined #minetest
11:29 KikaRz t
11:29 KikaRz Cool, my car has overheated
11:29 KikaRz Reason: no Water.
11:29 KikaRz Oh, another cool thing... net split
11:31 TheLastProject joined #minetest
11:31 TheBonsai joined #minetest
11:45 kaeza1 joined #minetest
11:54 Calinou lol, how did you forgot that
12:05 bas080 joined #minetest
12:12 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
12:13 q66 joined #minetest
12:19 Kacey joined #minetest
12:19 Kacey joined #minetest
12:26 EduardeCalibal PilzAdam, this function do the userdata to table function.
12:26 EduardeCalibal Then I get the meta from the node, use this function and store all results.
12:26 EduardeCalibal When I read it and try give back meta to nodes the game crash.
12:27 EduardeCalibal I get the string and use the meta:from_table(string)
12:27 PilzAdam how do you store the table in a file?
12:28 EduardeCalibal The storage don't is the problem.  The error occur if I convert and convert back without write to a file.
12:29 PilzAdam you cant pass a table to meta:from_table()
12:29 EduardeCalibal I serialize and deserialize...
12:29 EduardeCalibal No?
12:29 PilzAdam you need to deserialize the string before passing it to from_table()
12:29 EduardeCalibal I will test, thanks.
12:31 EduardeCalibal Now is working but I lost the entire metadata...
12:31 EduardeCalibal Maybe a wrong var...  Hum..
12:32 EduardeCalibal In a direct copy, without conversion is working, but without serialize.
12:32 EduardeCalibal Like meta.from_table(nome:get_meta():to_table())
12:32 EduardeCalibal But if a convert with my code the game is crashing...
12:32 EduardeCalibal And using the serialize don't is working.
12:33 PilzAdam to save it, you just call: savestring = minetest.serialize(meta:to_table())
12:34 PilzAdam and to load it, you do: meta:from_table(minetest.deserialize(savestring))
12:34 EduardeCalibal I will test in this form.  Moment.
12:36 EduardeCalibal 09:50:19: ERROR[main]: ServerError: LuaError: error: ...s/minetest/git/minetest/bin/../builtin/serialize.lua:136: Can't serialize data of type userdata
12:36 EduardeCalibal I already tested in this format and don't work before...
12:36 EduardeCalibal Is the motivation of my function.
12:36 PilzAdam can you show me the code?
12:36 EduardeCalibal Exactly what you wrote...
12:37 EduardeCalibal savestring = minetest.serialzie(meta:to_table()
12:37 EduardeCalibal And after i try put back in a node.
12:37 EduardeCalibal Is a chest.
12:37 EduardeCalibal The chest have userdata inside.
12:37 EduardeCalibal In the storage.
12:38 PilzAdam userdata means that its a c++ object
12:38 EduardeCalibal I know.
12:38 EduardeCalibal I converted this data to table.
12:39 EduardeCalibal And when I try convert back the from_table don't like my data...  I think he need userdata.
12:39 EduardeCalibal How I create new userdata from a table?
12:39 PilzAdam you do something wrong. meta:to_table() returns a Lua table, it is 100% serializeable with minetest.serialize()
12:40 EduardeCalibal Yes, but the userdata is a type without suport to conversion no?
12:41 PilzAdam can you show me your code?
12:41 EduardeCalibal Yes...
12:41 EduardeCalibal Moment.
12:43 ttk2 joined #minetest
12:43 EduardeCalibal This is the second function
12:43 EduardeCalibal
12:43 EduardeCalibal This is the convertion function
12:43 EduardeCalibal Have one more, to put the data back.
12:44 EduardeCalibal This one:
12:44 EduardeCalibal Ok, is the entire code...  I am testing your ideas then some is out of the place now.
12:45 PilzAdam ehm
12:45 PilzAdam why do you have so much code?
12:46 EduardeCalibal I don't understanding your question...
12:46 PilzAdam
12:46 EduardeCalibal Is a test function...  Some of the code will be commented before will be removed.
12:46 PilzAdam you just need these 18 lines
12:47 EduardeCalibal This function don't conver my problem...
12:47 PilzAdam then you can do: save(meta:to_table(), "filename.txt")
12:47 EduardeCalibal My conde don't is to write...
12:47 PilzAdam and: meta:from_table(load("filename.txt))
12:47 EduardeCalibal Is to copy a entire area.
12:48 PilzAdam I just need the section of your code where the error occurs
12:49 EduardeCalibal This is the section...
12:49 PilzAdam I cant find it in the massive amount of code
12:49 EduardeCalibal My problem is very small.
12:49 PilzAdam you also have wrong indentation
12:49 EduardeCalibal Is a test code...  Is a big mess.
12:49 EduardeCalibal I need copy a meta from a chest and add to another chest
12:50 EduardeCalibal With the entire content.
12:50 PilzAdam from the error messag you posted above it seems like you call minetest.serialze(meta) somwhere
12:50 PilzAdam *message
12:51 EduardeCalibal I used the serialize when you requested, but I removed from the code afther the error.
12:53 EduardeCalibal My code need 3 stages, meta -> table -> file and after, file -> table -> meta
12:53 EduardeCalibal The file is optional but the meta userdata need be converted to a table.
12:54 PilzAdam meta:to_table() converts the c++ object to a Lua table
12:54 EduardeCalibal Ok, this is working.
12:54 EduardeCalibal But when I try convert back the game crash
12:55 EduardeCalibal But if I convert this data don't crash
12:55 EduardeCalibal If I do the convertion and convert back without storage it the code is working.
12:56 PilzAdam then the problem is in the "storage" (whatever you mean by that)
12:56 EduardeCalibal Yes.
12:56 EduardeCalibal I converted with the first function
12:56 EduardeCalibal The userdata.
12:56 EduardeCalibal But when I do this convertion some is lost.
12:58 EduardeCalibal I will split my function in two versions, one working in the current game and a second one to test the storage function.
12:58 EduardeCalibal Anyway I have some RL work now.  Cya.
12:58 EduardeCalibal And thanks. :D
12:58 EduardeCalibal AFK
13:02 celeron55 umm
13:03 NakedFury joined #minetest
13:03 celeron55 sfan5|OFF would know much about this
13:06 celeron55 i recall something about meta:to_table not being directly usable
13:06 celeron55 aren't the inventory items in the inventory of it in ItemStack format? that would be userdata
13:07 celeron55 they should probably be made to be in the lua table format
13:09 celeron55 that'd be then something like meta:to_table({fully_serializable: true}) to preserve compatibility
13:09 PilzAdam
13:09 PilzAdam you need something like this to convert ItemStacks in the table to strings
13:11 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
13:11 iqualfragile joined #minetest
13:15 Kacey bbl
13:15 onpon4 joined #minetest
13:20 hmmmm joined #minetest
13:38 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
13:39 ImQ009 joined #minetest
13:39 iqualfragile joined #minetest
13:41 mr0wl joined #minetest
13:45 Pest joined #minetest
13:57 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
13:58 arsdragonfly|pho joined #minetest
13:58 iqualfragile joined #minetest
13:59 MinetestBot joined #minetest
13:59 * ShadowBot sleeps
13:59 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
13:59 sfan5 celeron55: about what?
14:01 sfan5 ShadowNinja: how does it work then?
14:04 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
14:04 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
14:04 sfan5 this is just stupid(part of github rss feed): <author>       <name></name>
14:12 PilzAdam flowers!
14:12 jojoa1997|Tablet From where
14:12 jojoa1997|Tablet Minitest?
14:12 ShadowNinja sfan5: It uses git clone/pull and checks anything that has been pulled
14:13 iqualfragile joined #minetest
14:13 sfan5 oh, thats also a possibility
14:13 PilzAdam jojoa1997|Tablet, no
14:13 jojoa1997|Tablet Ok
14:14 PilzAdam
14:14 jojoa1997|Tablet Pilzadam make them craft dyes
14:15 PilzAdam are you able to read?
14:15 jojoa1997|Tablet I can't get to the add part
14:16 iqualfragile how do i enable mapgen v7 or is it allready enabled by default?
14:16 sfan5 MinetestBot: reload rssnotify
14:16 MinetestBot sfan5: <module 'rssnotify' from '/home/stefan/mtbot/modules/'> (version: 2013-04-25 14:16:24)
14:16 sfan5 iqualfragile: mg v7 only generates stone
14:17 Exio and dirt/grass
14:17 jojoa1997|Tablet Oh cool
14:17 jojoa1997|Tablet How do I enable
14:17 Exio jojoa1997|Tablet: uh?
14:17 jojoa1997|Tablet Mg7
14:18 Exio you may get corrupted maps in the future - or better saying, maps what will be messed up
14:18 Exio it is in dev, it may have big changes
14:18 Exio if you still want
14:19 PilzAdam <Exio> and dirt/grass <- nope
14:19 Exio PilzAdam: nope? hm
14:19 PilzAdam it generates only ston
14:19 PilzAdam +e
14:20 kahrl joined #minetest
14:20 Exio did you define the biomes and stuff?
14:20 Exio in lua
14:20 kaeza joined #minetest
14:20 PilzAdam it doesnt have a interface for defining biomes yet
14:20 kahrl oh man I just created a new world and slightly shocked myself
14:21 kahrl didn't expect any music to start playing
14:21 kahrl forgot I still had my doomhud mod installed that plays the music from the first doom level
14:21 kaeza kahrl, :D
14:21 kaeza link?
14:22 Exio hm PilzAdam
14:23 kahrl it's nothing special but:
14:23 kahrl can't distribute the texture and music I think
14:25 kaeza ah I thought it was a working hud :(
14:25 kahrl sorry
14:26 kaeza lol no problem
14:26 kaeza I'm going to make an FPS pack later
14:26 Exio PilzAdam:
14:26 kaeza based on firearms mod and some other stuff
14:26 kahrl that would be awesome
14:27 Exio you'll have quake3 back
14:27 PilzAdam Exio, what is that?
14:27 Exio unplayable with more than 100ms of lag
14:27 Exio PilzAdam: a paste of hmmmm - works for me
14:28 kaeza Exio, I get around 400ms in AC :(
14:28 Exio can you still play it or the movement is lagged?
14:28 Exio or is the *
14:28 kaeza Exio, *ahem* remember when I pwned you and socramazibi
14:28 kaeza :P
14:29 Exio exactly, you can still play with 400ms
14:29 Exio now install RE >:D
14:29 PilzAdam Exio, nice
14:29 kaeza lol nope
14:29 kaeza you know that would take half my monthly bandwidth
14:30 Exio half? a bit more you mean!
14:30 kaeza 4GB/mo - 1.5 from RE
14:31 Exio 1.5? isn't RE "only" 500?
14:31 kaeza umm maybe
14:31 kaeza anyway, I seriously need to change to a better plan lol
14:34 onpon4 joined #minetest
14:36 kaeza onpon4, thanks for the list about the foods
14:36 onpon4 kaeza: Sure
14:36 kaeza I'll add it in a bit
14:42 john_minetest joined #minetest
14:43 Leoneof joined #minetest
14:44 [0gb_us] PilzAdam: Pull request to flowers.
14:46 PilzAdam what?
14:46 PilzAdam why are you doing this?
14:46 [0gb_us] Removing wool and dye from depends.txt. Your changes make dependence unneeded.
14:47 PilzAdam why do do a pull request against minetest/common then?
14:47 mr0wl joined #minetest
14:47 [0gb_us] What? Drats. I tried to pull against PilzAdam/common.
14:47 [0gb_us] I wonder what whent wrong ....
14:47 [0gb_us] *went
14:48 PilzAdam just tell me if you want to change something, you dont have to pull request it
14:48 [0gb_us] Okay. Please remove wool and dye from depends.txt then. Thanks!
14:49 PilzAdam already done :-)
14:49 [0gb_us] Thanks!
14:49 PilzAdam pushed to my branch
14:50 PilzAdam already removed useless cotton textures
14:50 PilzAdam [0gb_us], was it intentional that grass and flowers perlin noise have the same seeddiff?
14:51 [0gb_us] I don't know how to properly use seeddif, so yeah, I reused it because that one is known to work.
14:51 [0gb_us] If you have a better way, that would be great.
14:51 Exio PilzAdam: it is me or the dirt_with_snow doesn't have "snow" on the left? (like with_with_grass)
14:52 Exio oh damn
14:52 Exio saw why
14:52 PilzAdam wut?
14:52 Exio 256x tp
14:54 emptty joined #minetest
15:18 Nikondork_ joined #minetest
15:18 jin_xi so, flowers, wool and dyes coming to vanilla game?
15:20 emptty joined #minetest
15:22 NakedFury this is what we need: cotton plants
15:22 NakedFury then when we add animales we can have wool
15:22 LunaVorax joined #minetest
15:24 [0gb_us] No, it sounds like PilzAdam is adding farming to get wool, not animals. Personally, I prefer farming for wool, because livestock is lame.
15:24 NakedFury so invent a wool shrub to get wool?
15:24 kaeza [0gb_us], livestock would be cool too
15:24 * [0gb_us] disagrees, but respects kaeza's thoughts on the matter
15:25 kaeza but until fast mobs can be made, this won't be done anyway
15:25 kaeza (I mean, mobs in default game)
15:25 NakedFury because you can add all the farming in the world and wool will never be possible without inventing some kind of plant that produces it or sucking it up and adding animals for wool
15:26 kaeza the default game needs more life
15:26 [0gb_us] PilzAdam is adding cotton farming to get wool. He said that in Minetest, wool and cotton are the same thing, so it would be fine.
15:26 kaeza flowers will surely add a bit
15:28 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
15:28 NakedFury for all the bitching to stop copying all minecraft stuff we copied wool blocks instead of just making it more original with cotton blocks
15:28 kaeza offtopic:
15:31 jojoa1997|Tablet :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
15:33 sfan5 jojoa1997|Tablet: :DDDDDD
15:33 jojoa1997|Tablet :DO)DO)DO)DO)
15:35 [0gb_us] I know, right? What's up with the multi-mouth emoticons people send?
15:36 * [0gb_us] mutters "weirdos ..."
15:36 jojoa1997|Tablet :DD:DD:DD:DD:DD:
15:38 jojoa1997_Tablet joined #minetest
15:41 khonkhortisan ö   óó   öö
15:42 jojoa1997_Tablet ~~~~~~~~````````~~~~~~~~~
15:44 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
15:44 Calinou joined #minetest
15:46 webdesigner97 joined #minetest
15:48 rubenwardy joined #minetest
15:48 khonkhortisan I just found out I can type ö́ from my keyboard
15:48 whirm1 joined #minetest
15:49 Calinou altgr+M = ö
15:49 Calinou alternate french FTW
16:02 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:05 Calinou µ_µ
16:05 rubenwardy I have just fixed the cmakelist for the node box generator that allows it to get Irrlicht in the same way as Minetest:
16:05 rubenwardy so you can just install irrlicht by apt-get, and then just build the project.
16:06 rubenwardy I nicked some scripts from minetest which they nicked from someone else
16:06 khonkhortisan I don't have anything on altgr+M
16:07 [0gb_us] rubenwardy: Nice! And what you built helps define node boxes?
16:08 rubenwardy yeah, it is an editor
16:08 rubenwardy
16:08 Calinou now you look stupid when taking a piece of paper and drawing a square with X/Z axis on it :P
16:10 * [0gb_us] thinks z should be the elevation coordinate
16:13 khonkhortisan That would be a big change
16:13 Calinou Y uses MC as vertical, is that why you want that? :P
16:13 Calinou Y being vertical is normal, it works like that in real world
16:14 kaeza [13:13:46] <Calinou> Y uses MC as vertical <-- wut
16:14 Calinou MC uses Y as vertical*
16:14 [0gb_us] I thought x and y were the horizontal in almost everything but Minetest. So that's wrong then?
16:14 khonkhortisan If I draw an xy graph, then I glue a pencil to it, the pencil is Z and vertical unless I tape the graph to the wall.
16:15 [0gb_us] khonkhortisan: Exactly my thoughts.
16:15 khonkhortisan opengl uses y vertical, blender uses z vertical
16:16 kaeza khonkhortisan, I find Y as vertical more natural
16:16 kaeza since 2D coord system uses Y for vertical
16:16 rubenwardy It is because DirectX uses Z as depth
16:16 kaeza the Z is just an added dimension
16:17 rubenwardy
16:17 rubenwardy kaeza is right
16:17 rubenwardy projection
16:17 kaeza ^ that
16:17 [0gb_us] When you tell someone your coordinates, it seems odd that you leave out the middle coordinate, not the end coordinate. So you tell them (x, z), not (x, y).
16:18 khonkhortisan Yes, I like it when the vertical coordinate is separate
16:18 khonkhortisan (h, h, v)
16:18 markveidemanis joined #minetest
16:19 markveidemanis joined #minetest
16:19 markveidemanis joined #minetest
16:19 khonkhortisan I assume 2d coordinate systems are horizontal
16:19 [0gb_us] Me too.
16:19 [0gb_us] Like a map.
16:20 khonkhortisan so things are going in cardinal directions, instead of U, UE, DE, D, DW, W, UW
16:20 [0gb_us] A vertical map would be useless.
16:20 khonkhortisan UEU up-east-up
16:20 ShadowNinja markveidemanis: get rid of your cloak or use a proper IRC client, you canse five messages when you join
16:20 ShadowNinja cause*
16:20 ChauffeR left #minetest
16:21 khonkhortisan joinweb, quit host, join cloak, quit host, join web
16:21 rubenwardy I think it makes more sense
16:21 khonkhortisan Both ways are used by different programs
16:21 kaeza1 joined #minetest
16:21 rubenwardy I got a big surprise when I first did 3d stuff in maths, I had always though Y was up.
16:21 NakedFury if the plan was to hide ip it fails big fucking time
16:21 rubenwardy My virtual world was turned upside down
16:22 rubenwardy or sideways rather
16:22 rubenwardy :P
16:22 khonkhortisan With four dimensions, it's x y z w
16:22 john_minetest joined #minetest
16:22 rubenwardy w?
16:23 khonkhortisan xyzw can also describe a quaternion
16:31 MinetestBot GIT: kwolekr commited to minetest/minetest: Transform alpha channel as well in shader ddd2b18321 2013-04-25T09:30:01-07:00
16:35 MinetestBot GIT: PilzAdam commited to minetest/minetest: kahrl is back 386108f982 2013-04-25T09:32:49-07:00
16:35 cisoun joined #minetest
16:39 * rubenwardy is going to try to make a mob mod
16:39 PilzAdam simple mobs API?
16:40 rubenwardy no
16:40 rubenwardy scratch
16:41 rubenwardy just for fun
16:41 rubenwardy no promises
16:41 sokomine it would be great if simple mobs and mobf could share the same mob definition (ok, perhaps too much work in relation to the amount of mobs)
16:42 rubenwardy I am making it slightly different so that you can register ai types and plugins
16:43 sokomine ai types? for what?
16:43 rubenwardy Like a class
16:44 rubenwardy hmm, what shall I call it
16:44 rubenwardy ...
16:45 sokomine hm, yes, and what for? i might have missed the beginning of the discussion
16:46 rubenwardy IE: you have a chicken and a sheep, and they both use the animal class
16:46 rubenwardy graze, walk around, do not fly
16:48 sokomine but we do have that already? it's called mobf (or, with less functions, simple mobs)
16:48 [0gb_us]
16:48 [0gb_us]
16:48 PilzAdam rubenwardy, call your new mobs mod YAMM
16:48 PilzAdam Yet Another Mobs Mod
16:48 sokomine :-)
16:48 rubenwardy good ide
16:48 rubenwardy a
16:49 rubenwardy ah [0gb_us]
16:49 sokomine what we could really need - apart from perhaps feedback for sapier - are new models for further animals
16:49 rubenwardy can mobf define ai types with the api?
16:49 NakedFury deer, ram, buffalo, rhinos, etc
16:50 sokomine it does offer diffrent types of behaviour. calling it "ai" might still be a bit exaggerating
16:50 sokomine and it depends a lot at what you consider "ai" in this case
16:50 sokomine mobs can mostly be configured, and there are different movement algorithms. you can also influence their state change
16:51 sokomine for example the version of the trader i'm experimenting with can now sit down on chairs, sleep on beds etc. - the correct stage (=animation model) is only entered when such a furniture object is nearby
16:52 sokomine so what do you consider ai and what should it do? the problem there is that there's not much time/cpu cycles per mob, and there is no guarantee that it will be offered time in time to notice that it's heading off a cliff...
16:53 rubenwardy I am just experimenting ATM
16:53 sokomine well, what is your goal? :-) (at least the immediate one)
16:54 dimeshake left #minetest
16:54 rubenwardy to make an extendible framework
16:54 rubenwardy that is fast
16:54 sokomine oh. mobf is already...
16:54 rubenwardy meh
16:56 sokomine if you keep your animals locked up in a fenced-off area where they can't fall to their death and avoid aggressive mobs it works well - even with very large amounts of mobs
16:56 MinetestBot GIT:  (Sapier at GMX dot net) commited to minetest/minetest: Move player collisionbox to player class 88ffb3f73b 2013-04-25T09:53:50-07:00
16:56 sokomine (and on a slow computer)
16:57 rubenwardy maybe I could make a plugin in network that where you can use components
16:58 sokomine what kind of components are you thinking of?
16:58 rubenwardy "YAMM:sheep",{c={"mob","grazing","avoid"},}
16:58 rubenwardy each component checks for events and then reachs
16:59 rubenwardy *reacts
16:59 sokomine ah, ok. well, the grazing is already covered by a movement pattern. and wolfs do hunt players (they don't hunt sheep to my knowledge; they linger under their tree and wait for unsuspecting players passing by :-))
16:59 john_minetest joined #minetest
16:59 iqualfragile joined #minetest
17:01 sokomine one major problem with all these mobs and interaction and intelligence is that most of the time most of the world isn't active at all
17:02 rubenwardy so prediction
17:04 kahrl I wonder if a middle ground between active and inactive blocks would work
17:04 kahrl half active blocks
17:04 pandaro joined #minetest
17:05 kahrl ABMs would only run rarely there, but mobs' on_step would run
17:06 sokomine maybe
17:06 webdesigner97 joined #minetest
17:06 markveidemanis left #minetest
17:06 sokomine it's hard to tell what would be best there
17:06 sokomine maybe for some purposes an extra master that checks and keeps track on what's going on
17:07 rubenwardy maybe instead of basing it around entities it should be based around tables
17:07 sokomine some further luaapi functions might help a lot as well
17:09 rubenwardy how do you remove entities?
17:12 rubenwardy self.object:remove()
17:15 Matrixiumn joined #minetest
17:24 PilzAdam git reset --hard 4e249fb3fbf75f0359758760d88e22aa5b14533c
17:25 PilzAdam ^ that brings you to the first commit in the minetest repo
17:25 PilzAdam it already has mese and rats
17:27 ssieb joined #minetest
17:31 LunaVorax joined #minetest
17:35 FreeFull joined #minetest
17:38 Jordach joined #minetest
17:39 Jordach rubenwardy, you have a bug with nodebox gen
17:40 ShadowNinja sfan5: My bot uses the public serverlist now, with less code and imports
17:40 ShadowNinja ShadowBot: server
17:40 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: Public Minetestserver | | Clients: 0/7 | Version: 0.4.6 | ping: 0.250
17:40 rubenwardy Jodach: tons
17:40 rubenwardy *Jordach
17:40 rubenwardy Any info?
17:41 Jordach
17:41 rubenwardy just a build bug
17:42 Jordach youre the maintainer, you fix it
17:42 rubenwardy I am
17:42 monkeycoder joined #minetest
17:46 sfan5 ShadowNinja: would you pull for sfan5/minetestbot-modules
17:46 sfan5 ?
17:46 sfan5 *create
17:46 rubenwardy Jordach: I rebuilt in release mode
17:46 Jordach sweet
17:47 PilzAdam Jordach, you are on windows again?
17:47 Jordach PilzAdam, not at home
17:47 rubenwardy brb
17:48 Jordach rubenwardy, still debug
17:50 monkeycoder joined #minetest
17:53 kaeza2 joined #minetest
17:53 MinetestBot GIT: Zeg9 commited to minetest/minetest: Fix serverlist on -DRUN_IN_PLACE=0 (use path_user instead of path_share) c33b993397 2013-04-25T10:49:28-07:00
17:55 kaeza2 IDK why don't they just make a topic instead of spamming other topics:;user_id=5293
17:59 Koren joined #minetest
18:00 Calinou that's spanish people :3
18:00 * Calinou is very far away
18:01 ShadowNinja sfan5: Well I use Limnoria...
18:01 sfan5 hm
18:01 kaeza Calinou, portuguese*
18:02 ShadowNinja You should try it, more complex but much better imo
18:02 sfan5 is JSON, way easier to parse..
18:03 sfan5 !g Limnoria
18:03 MinetestBot sfan5:
18:04 ShadowNinja sfan5: The related code:
18:05 sfan5 Limnoria seems to be nice, but i won't port all the modules to limnoria
18:06 ShadowNinja I have already ported !up and !server, just about everything else is already available in a module
18:07 sfan5 MinetestBot: reload server
18:07 MinetestBot sfan5: <module 'server' from '/home/stefan/mtbot/modules/'> (version: 2013-04-25 18:06:40)
18:07 sfan5 !server
18:07 MinetestBot sfan5: NotObamaland | | Clients: 1/10 | Version: 0.4.6 | ping: 0.338
18:07 sfan5 ok
18:08 sfan5
18:08 ShadowNinja You can also change configuration, capabilities, modules, etc while the bot is running, phenny can only reload modules
18:09 ShadowNinja What is that check at the top of !server for?
18:10 VanessaE hi all
18:10 ShadowNinja Hello VanessaE!
18:10 sfan5 ShadowNinja: antiabuse module
18:11 ShadowNinja Oh! is that !ignore?
18:12 sfan5 yes
18:12 kaeza interesting:
18:12 sfan5 there was also not-too-many-messages-in-2-secs but that confused people
18:12 kaeza I think someone should do something like that on MT
18:13 ShadowNinja Hmmm, Limnoria has a nice clean way of doing that, and you can also ignore per-channel (as ShadowBot is doing right now)
18:13 sfan5 i some guy would merge the lua curl thing, MT global bans would be possible
18:14 harrison;
18:14 harrison mirroreyed aspiedog 4 profit
18:15 ShadowNinja Yes, and much more, the issue is security, it doesn't work terribly well with the security patch I think, but nobody will merge that either so...
18:19 sfan5 MinetestBot: reload rssnotify
18:19 MinetestBot sfan5: <module 'rssnotify' from '/home/stefan/mtbot/modules/'> (version: 2013-04-25 18:19:00)
18:19 Jordach joined #minetest
18:20 ShadowNinja sfan5: Are there other things that you can think of that a Limoria MinetestBot would need? It already has !up, !server, git commit reporting and a bunch of other commands from default plugins (you can see them by PMing it !list and !list <Plugin>).
18:21 sfan5 ShadowNinja: ideally ShadowBot would need all functionalities of MinetestBot
18:21 ShadowNinja As far as I know it does, and more
18:22 Jordach PilzAdam, is singlenode mapgen mgv7
18:22 Jordach or is it indev
18:23 ShadowNinja Jordach: singlenode is singlenode, it is its own mapgen
18:23 PilzAdam ^
18:23 rubenwardy Jordach: damn
18:24 cisoun joined #minetest
18:25 VanessaE ...  you DRUNK my battleship! :(
18:26 kaeza VanessaE, don't make me remind you your state last new year :P
18:26 VanessaE :P
18:26 VanessaE yeah yeah
18:26 rubenwardy Jordach: turns out I used the wrong thing to turn it into release, not debug.
18:27 rubenwardy Works now
18:27 rubenwardy 1.0MB to 39KB
18:27 VanessaE kaeza: I know I was more pickled than a cucumber :)
18:27 kaeza haha
18:30 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
18:30 rubenwardy Done:
18:31 rsiska joined #minetest
18:31 proller joined #minetest
18:35 kaeza I knew it!
18:41 rubenwardy sokomine:
18:41 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
18:44 ShadowNinja Why is the access list for #minetest public but the one for #minetest-dev private?
18:44 kaeza john_minetest, lol
18:44 VanessaE haha
18:45 ShadowNinja lol
18:45 rubenwardy huh?
18:45 rubenwardy is it?
18:47 ShadowNinja /msg ChanServ access #minetest list /msg ChanServ access #minetest-dev list The second one says "You are not authorized to perform this operation."
18:47 ShadowNinja The first works properly
18:49 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
18:51 ShadowNinja_ joined #minetest
18:52 Brndn joined #minetest
18:54 sokomine john_minetest: the problem with deactivated npc starts when they're supposed to do more complex actions, execute chains of events. e.g. when i'd like them to carry something from a to b, that wouln't work because the mob would get deactivated halfway inbetween
18:58 meldrian joined #minetest
19:00 drizz joined #minetest
19:00 MinetestBot GIT:  ( commited to minetest/minetest: Tune finite liquids, indev huge caves d83602d98e 2013-04-25T11:59:32-07:00
19:02 ShadowNinja sfan5: Your author "Fix" isn't realy a fix
19:02 Deivan joined #minetest
19:02 sfan5 ShadowNinja: ..
19:03 sfan5 MinetestBot: reload rssnotify
19:03 MinetestBot sfan5: <module 'rssnotify' from '/home/stefan/mtbot/modules/'> (version: 2013-04-25 19:03:29)
19:03 sfan5 ShadowNinja: fixed
19:04 ShadowNinja What was the issue?
19:04 mr0wl joined #minetest
19:04 sfan5 ShadowNinja: the code that set the commiter name to the realname if it isn't found was _before_ the code that uses the email as realname
19:05 sfan5 or explained as code:
19:06 sapier joined #minetest
19:07 ShadowNinja Hmmm, but that still doesn't fix the real issue, that the commiter name is sometimes empty, is that an issue with github?
19:07 khonkhortisan technology requires filial supervision
19:08 sfan5 ShadowNinja: github displays the nickname, but the setting from the commiter is used directly in the rss feed
19:10 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
19:12 ShadowBot joined #minetest
19:13 iqualfragile joined #minetest
19:22 Calinou joined #minetest
19:30 jojoa1997|Tablet Hi all
19:33 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
19:33 ShadowNinja sfan5: ShadowBot can now run commands inside messages, for example ,,hello
19:33 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: Hello!
19:34 sfan5 ShadowNinja: .....interesting
19:34 ShadowNinja MessageParser plugin with a regexp, commands with spaces are run as ,,(up
19:34 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: is up (0.099ms)
19:35 Jordach joined #minetest
19:35 Jordach hey
19:35 ShadowNinja Hello Jordach!
19:35 Calinou hi unaffiliated guy
19:36 ShadowNinja lol
19:36 Jordach ShadowBot, hey
19:36 Jordach anyways
19:36 Calinou unaffiliated master race
19:36 Jordach i had a new stairs idea
19:36 ShadowNinja ShadowBot: lobotomy remove
19:36 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: The operation succeeded.
19:36 ShadowNinja Jordach: do it now
19:36 Jordach ShadowBot, instead of two big huge stairs, have four tiny stairs
19:37 ShadowNinja Well, hey, shadowbot
19:37 ShadowNinja huh?
19:37 Calinou inb4 tinystairs mod
19:38 Jordach Calinou, theyre more useful than the fat and lazy big ones
19:38 ShadowNinja ShadowBot: lobotomy add
19:38 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: The operation succeeded.
19:38 Calinou (don't ask, I won't add that to moreblocks, nothing smaller than 1/8 node)
19:38 StrayBytes joined #minetest
19:38 StrayBytes joined #minetest
19:40 BlockMen joined #minetest
19:40 sfan5 gethostbyname("") fails with unknown host
19:40 BlockMen hi
19:40 Final joined #minetest
19:40 sfan5 ...
19:40 BlockMen does someone know where "minetest.get_dig_params()" is defined?
19:40 sfan5 maybe i should use the _right_ argv index to call gethostbyname
19:41 sfan5 BlockMen: i think scriptapi.cpp
19:41 BlockMen sfan5, thx. will take a look at...
19:42 jojoa1997|Tablet can i make a craftitem look like a node?
19:43 Calinou no
19:43 Calinou the inventory image, maybe minetest.inventorycube("texturename.png") will work
19:43 Calinou for wield item, nope
19:43 BlockMen sfan5, found.
19:43 Calinou hi BlockMen, by the way :P
19:43 jojoa1997|Tablet no i mean when you drop it
19:44 Calinou nope
19:44 jojoa1997|Tablet blockmen maybe have beds have an exit sign in case you want to leave the bed?
19:44 BlockMen lol. also hi
19:44 Jordach Calinou,
19:45 BlockMen jojoa1997, you mean like the "leave bed" button in mc?
19:45 jojoa1997|Tablet yeah
19:45 jojoa1997|Tablet but not like that
19:45 jojoa1997|Tablet just a way to leave the bed
19:45 Calinou jump?
19:45 jojoa1997|Tablet no
19:45 BlockMen Calinou, no. disabled
19:45 Calinou suggestion: when sleeping set move speed to 0 (prevent move)
19:46 jojoa1997|Tablet maybe shift
19:46 Calinou when holding jump key, set it back to 1 and leave bed
19:46 Calinou shift is stupid
19:46 Calinou what if you enter bed while holding shift
19:46 jojoa1997|Tablet i am putting out idesa
19:46 Calinou and what if you want to use a OS-wide shortcut that uses shift, without alttabbing
19:46 BlockMen i dont think that it needs that. the player get "pushed" out of bed after 2 seconds...
19:46 jojoa1997|Tablet i like the way minecraft does it but i dont want to be criticized
19:46 Calinou or just right click it :P
19:46 BlockMen or had you problems like get stuck?
19:47 Calinou "leave bed" button is useless
19:47 jojoa1997|Tablet BlockMen what if you want it to stay night
19:47 Calinou in minecraft, pressing escape will also leave bed
19:47 jojoa1997|Tablet and accidentally click the bed
19:47 jojoa1997|Tablet ok then esc
19:47 BlockMen can we get esc event in lua?
19:49 Calinou jojoa1997|Tablet, btw, did you add hunger to minitest?
19:50 jojoa1997|Tablet no
19:50 jojoa1997|Tablet not yet
19:50 Calinou BlockMen made a hunger mod; it still needs tweaks (eg. don't deplete hunger when not moving)
19:50 jojoa1997|Tablet oh
19:50 jojoa1997|Tablet ok well i will wait for fix
19:51 BlockMen that mod need a LOT of work...
19:51 jojoa1997|Tablet BlockMen does it have a HUD
19:51 Jordach ding ding ding
19:51 Jordach
19:51 Calinou it does
19:51 BlockMen and yes, thats what it is for. to show lua...
19:51 BlockMen *hud
19:51 Calinou BlockMen, a lot of work? it already works, no?
19:52 jojoa1997|Tablet Block
19:52 BlockMen yes, it works in basics. but the positions are not good
19:52 jojoa1997|Tablet BlockMen when you think it is ready pm me
19:52 BlockMen it does not check if you dig, run, etc..
19:52 jojoa1997|Tablet for now i am taking a week break to actually play minecraft
19:52 BlockMen jojoa1997, it maybe never will. idk weather i will continue development
19:52 jojoa1997|Tablet this is my first night ingame(in survival)
19:52 Calinou you can play both at same time, you know :P
19:53 BlockMen *wheather
19:53 Calinou also, singleplayer is booooring
19:53 BlockMen *whether
19:53 BlockMen
19:53 * Calinou plays MC multiplayer since november 27th, 2010
19:53 jojoa1997|Tablet Calinou i get lucky for 30 minutest
19:53 jojoa1997|Tablet minutes
19:53 * Calinou has the game since alpha
19:53 Calinou still waiting for DLCs, so that I can laugh at people who will have to pay for them :3
19:53 jojoa1997|Tablet DLCs?
19:53 Calinou downloadable contents
19:54 jojoa1997|Tablet ?
19:54 Calinou
19:57 jojoa1997|Tablet why wont you have to pay for them?
19:57 BlockMen Jordach, looks good
19:57 Jordach BlockMen, its not fully 1/4 yet
19:57 VanessaE Jordach: protip - /time 12000 before you take a screenshot.
19:58 Jordach oh sod that
19:58 jojoa1997|Tablet Calinou why wont you have to pay for them?
19:59 BlockMen Jordach, it looks like missing 2/16 to top
19:59 Jordach yeah, i saw
19:59 Jordach the nodebox editor isnt that accurate
19:59 Jordach i had a better model on the win 7 laptop
19:59 VanessaE joined #minetest
19:59 jojoa1997|Tablet i cant get the nodebox editor to work
19:59 * Jordach is happy to provide Nodebox models
19:59 BlockMen thats made with rubenwardys nodeboy editor?
19:59 Jordach BlockMen, yes
19:59 Calinou jojoa1997|Tablet, back in alpha, the TOS had a line stating you would get all future updates for free when buying the game in its alpha state
20:00 BlockMen wow, seems cool
20:00 Calinou so if mojang releases a paid DLC for the PC version, they're supposed to give it for free for alpha users
20:00 roboman2444 joined #minetest
20:00 jojoa1997|Tablet yeah but isnt that not an update but an addon that isnt in the main game
20:00 Jordach BlockMen, more stairs anyone?
20:01 jojoa1997|Tablet can anyone make a download of rubenwardy's nodebox editor with all the needed libraries
20:01 jojoa1997|Tablet for Win 7
20:01 Jordach jojoa1997|Tablet, its already compiled
20:01 jojoa1997|Tablet i have the libraries and it doesnt work
20:02 Jordach jojoa1997|Tablet, actually do your own work or GTFO
20:02 BlockMen Jordach, more stairs? why?
20:02 jojoa1997|Tablet Jordach i have spent an hour trying to get ti to work
20:02 Jordach because having half slab sized stairs are shit
20:02 jojoa1997|Tablet i gave up around 10 minutes ago
20:03 Calinou 11 minutes now
20:03 BlockMen Jordach, thats an argument :P
20:04 Jordach jojoa1997|Tablet, i had the same bug as you
20:04 BlockMen ok, why have tools an diggable setting? who would dig tools?
20:04 Jordach jojoa1997|Tablet, this:
20:05 VanessaE Jordach: it's been my experience that we also need something like a 1/3 stair
20:05 Jordach install x86 is youre 32 bit
20:05 Jordach VanessaE, the 1/4 stairs are good roofing items
20:05 jojoa1997|Tablet The procedure entry point _crtCreateSymbolicLinkW could not be located in the dynamic library MSVCR110.dll
20:05 Jordach jojoa1997|Tablet, install from that fuckin link
20:05 jojoa1997|Tablet oh sorry i wasnt looking at screen
20:05 Calinou VanessaE, buut... we also need 1/5 stairs
20:05 * jojoa1997|Tablet likes his bluetooth keyboard
20:05 VanessaE Calinou: er...
20:06 Calinou and 1/7.. 1/9... >:o
20:06 Jordach and corner variants
20:06 VanessaE no really, 1/3 is about the height of real stairs..
20:06 VanessaE (if you're into modeling real-world buildings in MT)
20:08 * Calinou takes a ruler and sees
20:09 Calinou if one node is one cubic meter, then 1/5 stairs would be more realistic
20:09 Calinou my stairs are about 20cm each, a bit less even :P
20:09 Jordach
20:09 Jordach 1/3 stairs
20:10 VanessaE Jordach: looks good with the default wood.
20:10 Calinou these look good
20:10 khonkhortisan but not on the edge of the top step
20:10 Jordach Calinou, i quickly made that up in less than a minure
20:10 Jordach minute*
20:11 Calinou maybe the default stairs mod should use 1/3 stairs and slabs?
20:11 Jordach <PilzAdam> no
20:11 Calinou k
20:11 VanessaE Calinou: 1/3 and 1/4 stairs in stairsplus.
20:11 VanessaE (=two 6d nodes instead of 8 ;) )
20:11 VanessaE put*
20:11 Jordach if you want the models, ask
20:12 Calinou we would also need 1/3 slabs, then people would also ask for 1/3 panels :P
20:12 Jordach no
20:12 Jordach the user will only ask if they need it
20:12 Calinou LOL?
20:12 Calinou no
20:12 Jordach does vanilla MC have panels?
20:12 Calinou no :P
20:13 Jordach and thats my case
20:13 khonkhortisan stairsplus is missing the half-filled diagonal stair
20:13 khonkhortisan three microblocks on the bottom, one on the top
20:13 Calinou (ir)relevant:;px=MTM1ODg
20:13 VanessaE Calinou: ok, add 1/3 slabs too, but panels/micro?  naw.
20:13 Calinou I thought it would've been named the Sinking Ship, like a reddit user said :>
20:14 khonkhortisan That would be its name if enough people called it that
20:14 VanessaE Calinou: apropos, I'm in the middle of an upgrade to Raring Ringtail :)
20:14 VanessaE (13.04 that is)
20:14 Jordach nah 12.04 is better
20:14 Calinou you're currently downloading off servers whose upload bandwidth is congested? :3
20:14 Calinou Jordach, you're on 12.10
20:14 Calinou and /me is on 12.10 too
20:14 Calinou I let the early adopters do the QA for me :>
20:14 VanessaE Calinou: yep, and I was getting 2MB/sec.  download is already done now.
20:14 Calinou 2MB/s O_o
20:15 VanessaE yup.
20:15 VanessaE I don't fuck around :D
20:15 Calinou my ISP promised again optic fiber
20:15 VanessaE I get this over cablemodem (!)
20:15 Calinou I replied to them, "hey, let's play a game of half life 3"
20:15 jojoa1997|Tablet jordach same thing happens with nodebox gen
20:15 Jordach jojoa1997|Tablet, which one did you go for
20:15 Jordach arm and x64 are not 32 bit
20:15 jojoa1997|Tablet X86
20:16 Jordach its pointless ctcping you
20:16 jojoa1997|Tablet oh duh
20:16 Jordach youre using blandroid
20:16 Calinou ARM has both 64 bit and 32 bit
20:16 Calinou lol blandroid
20:16 Calinou I'd call it adroid :P
20:16 Calinou Jordach, saying "ARM is x64" is totally incorrect btw :P
20:16 Calinou 64 bit != x64
20:16 jojoa1997|Tablet i am on my windows computer
20:16 Jordach Calinou, as in, architecture
20:17 jojoa1997|Tablet i have 64
20:17 VanessaE Calinou: have you thought up a better way to switch between wall/regular objects?
20:17 Calinou cool story
20:17 Jordach x64
20:17 BlockMen finally. i found a way to make inventory twaek usable for costum tools
20:17 jojoa1997|Tablet what is CTCP
20:17 BlockMen :D
20:17 Jordach jojoa1997|Tablet, download x64
20:18 Calinou VanessaE, can't /st force placement of all nodes the same way?
20:18 VanessaE Calinou: sure it can, I just opted to allow for an exception with slabs because it seemed obvious
20:18 VanessaE but if you wanna change it so that they also respect /st explicitly, go for it
20:18 VanessaE but.
20:19 Calinou maybe, it should work on all nodes :P
20:19 VanessaE I think what we should do is make it so that /st simply turns on wall detection or not
20:19 Calinou or /st cycles between normal/ceiling/wall
20:19 Calinou and automatic
20:20 jojoa1997|Tablet jordach same problem
20:20 VanessaE so if /st toggles to "off", then all objects are placed as floor/ceiling only, but when on, pointing at a wall places a wall variant (floor/ceiling still place floor/ceiling variants)
20:20 jojoa1997|Tablet do i place libraries in the file with the exe
20:20 VanessaE ok, your idea is better
20:20 VanessaE floor, ceiling, wall, auto
20:21 VanessaE /st with no param cycles, or /st {wall|floor|ceiling|auto}
20:21 jojoa1997|Tablet and Jordach i used the right installer
20:21 Calinou now to actually implement that, /me sucks at coding
20:21 VanessaE default to auto
20:21 Renoki joined #minetest
20:21 VanessaE I'll see if I can hash something out later.
20:22 Calinou where is the /st command defined, currently, and what does it do?
20:25 VanessaE it switches between placing ceiling/floor stairs/panels and placing wall ones.
20:25 VanessaE slabs always place on floor/wall/ceiling automatically, microblocks on floor or ceiling I think is what i did there.
20:26 Calinou ah, k
20:26 VanessaE and I think I defined it in moreblocks/stairsplus.lua
20:26 shadowjay1 joined #minetest
20:27 VanessaE what I *wanted* to do was let the user switch modes by wielding a stairsplus item and punching with it - that works, but then there's no way to execute the regular digging code.
20:27 VanessaE so I left that out.
20:28 VanessaE (I used the on_use callback originally)
20:29 VanessaE brb, finishing this update.
20:30 VanessaE joined #minetest
20:35 Calinou count the bugs, VanessaE, for every 10 bugs found, a new node added to stairs+
20:35 VanessaE eh?
20:36 khonkhortisan one stair per every 100 lines
20:37 jojoa1997|Tablet 50000 lines!
20:39 PilzAdam VanessaE, you wanna look at / test the flower branch before I push it?
20:40 VanessaE PilzAdam: decided to go ahead and keep the extra code in flowers/mapgen.lua then?
20:40 PilzAdam hm?
20:41 PilzAdam ah, I benchmarked it:
20:41 PilzAdam its simply not worth to add it to default in some way
20:41 VanessaE oh ok
20:41 VanessaE I misunderstood.
20:42 VanessaE go ahead and merge it. I've already retooled my flowers mod
20:42 VanessaE I just have to delete a couple seconds and it'll blend in.
20:42 VanessaE oh also
20:42 VanessaE credit Ironzorg too.
20:42 PilzAdam so "Copyright (C) 2012 VanessaE, Ironzorg"?
20:43 VanessaE his name first, "Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Ironzorg, VanessaE"
20:46 NakedFury we gonna copyright mods now?
20:46 MinetestBot GIT: 0gb-us commited to minetest/common: Add flowers 34a590ae0f 2013-04-25T13:44:22-07:00
20:46 salamanderrake joined #minetest
20:46 VanessaE NakedFury: all code is copyrighted by default.  what matters is the license (WTFPL)
20:48 PilzAdam VanessaE, so, where do we include flowers?
20:49 PilzAdam definetly in build, but how about survival?
20:49 VanessaE yes
20:49 VanessaE in both cases, people will want them for something
20:49 VanessaE perhaps some mod will make potions out of flowers
20:49 PilzAdam yea, they are pretty nice for decoration
20:51 VanessaE brb
20:51 VanessaE joined #minetest
20:52 MinetestBot GIT: PilzAdam commited to minetest/build: Include flowers mod from common c3e219cff4 2013-04-25T13:51:56-07:00
20:52 VanessaE there we go.  My system's now updated to 13.04
20:52 VanessaE and just in time to make a new build I gues ;)
20:52 VanessaE guess ;)
20:53 sapier lol I just removed unity in favour of xfce after unsuccessfully trying to add a second screen
20:53 MinetestBot GIT: PilzAdam commited to minetest/survival: Include flowers mod from common 3acee4cb4c 2013-04-25T13:53:10-07:00
20:53 BlockMen :)
20:53 sapier after switching to xfce it worked instantly
20:54 Traxie21 joined #minetest
20:56 PilzAdam what? 13.04 is out?
20:56 VanessaE yep.
20:57 sapier 13.04 is 9months support only am I right?
20:57 VanessaE yeah
20:58 * PilzAdam never done a distro update
20:58 VanessaE but it'll be 6 months and then 13.10 will be out, then 14.04 after that, which is good for 5 years or some such
20:58 sapier I think I'll stay at 12.04 at least for my laptop ... but maybe I switch to wheezy
20:58 VanessaE PilzAdam: went pretty seamlessly for me just now.  12.04 -> 12.10 -> 13.04 -> update my video driver, done.
20:58 Exio sapier: switch to wheezy - or testing
20:58 VanessaE three reboots and a few clicks and that was it.
20:58 [0gb_us] joined #minetest
20:59 sapier ubuntu is filled with crapware almost same extent as any sold laptop with windows on it is
20:59 VanessaE Exio: so which ones are those two?  I forget...  Debian old, rusty, or broken? :-)
20:59 VanessaE sapier: I run Xubuntu anyway.
20:59 * PilzAdam hits the update button
20:59 PilzAdam ah, now I get the "Update availible" notification
20:59 VanessaE PilzAdam: OH SHIT! NO!!!!!!!!
20:59 VanessaE ;)
21:00 Exio VanessaE: say whatever you want,as you are using it with shit on the top
21:00 Exio er, i mean ubuntu on the top
21:00 PilzAdam Ill upgrade tomorow
21:00 Exio :)
21:00 sapier xubuntu is filled with ubuntus crapware too ... It feels like windows comared to my clean wheezy desktop
21:00 VanessaE PilzAdam: one note:  Update Manager and Jockey both got combined into "Software Updates"
21:00 PilzAdam I guess its not a good idea to start at 23:00 with a distro upgrade :-)
21:00 PilzAdam VanessaE, one note: I use Kubuntu
21:00 VanessaE PilzAdam: if you have a fast machine and 'net connection, it should take you less than an hour
21:01 VanessaE PilzAdam:  oh ok, I guess jockey-kde still works?
21:01 PilzAdam yes, but I cant go to sleep when something breaks
21:01 VanessaE heh
21:01 Exio sleeping
21:01 Calinou VanessaE, upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 took me 5 hours to DL and install, to end with apt-get update unusable (because I left PPAs there)
21:01 Exio what is that?
21:01 Calinou I was still a linux newbie back then
21:01 Calinou but still
21:01 Calinou 5 wastes hours
21:01 PilzAdam Exio, its that thing for n00bs
21:01 Calinou I ordered a CD through shipit and used it
21:01 Calinou :P
21:02 Calinou sapier, ubuntu crapware? you can remove it just fine, I don't use plymouth, blueman, printer applet...
21:02 VanessaE Calinou: jeez :)
21:02 Exio lol pacman
21:02 sapier I don't want to waste hours to clean a fresh installed system ... that feels like windows
21:03 kaeza PilzAdam, what's the license for your font in signs mod?
21:03 kaeza wtfpl?
21:03 Exio rolling releases are, arch isn't unless you want to try some stuff for 10 minutes and so
21:03 PilzAdam kaeza, probably not
21:03 * PilzAdam doesnt care; forked from thexyz's mod
21:04 PilzAdam blame him when something is wrong :-)
21:04 Calinou sapier, it is worse to have to complete an incomplete system
21:04 Calinou john_minetest, +1 for rolling releases though.
21:04 Jousway joined #minetest
21:05 Exio Calinou: you'll end with a system what is lighter and you will know what you are using
21:05 sapier imho ubuntu has become crap when they added amazon support ... and don't tell you can read soruce code to find all the other backdoors they might have added
21:06 kaeza PilzAdam, I found the original site, but does not say anything about licenses >.<
21:06 khonkhortisan This is your eye test for today:
21:06 kaeza erhm... actually... it says "Freeware"
21:07 kaeza it also says "you can do whatever you want" O.o
21:07 sapier wow doxygen on ubuntu "657mb" ... I wonder what depenencys they added
21:07 PilzAdam khonkhortisan, how do I know if I passed?
21:07 BlockMen gd n8t everyone
21:07 BlockMen left #minetest
21:07 sapier the windows version is hmm 10mb?
21:07 PilzAdam khonkhortisan, I see yellow squares on green ground, is that right?
21:08 khonkhortisan Cross your eyes enough that two red circles overlap into one. It should be a checkerboard pattern of circles that are far, and circles that are close.
21:08 khonkhortisan I see red circles on gray ground
21:08 toiletexplosion joined #minetest
21:08 themaskedlua_ joined #minetest
21:08 khonkhortisan yay!
21:08 PilzAdam I would call a doctor if I were you
21:09 Exio lol
21:09 khonkhortisan bugs bunny made that joke
21:09 VanessaE PilzAdam: new builds posted.
21:09 Taoki joined #minetest
21:10 kaeza you know what? screw this font. I'll make my own font with blackjack and hookers!
21:10 VanessaE kaeza: and integrate it into homedecor? ;)
21:10 kaeza VanessaE, new HUD in firearms :P
21:10 kaeza I only need the numbers
21:10 PilzAdam VanessaE, I dont really care
21:11 VanessaE :P
21:11 PilzAdam going to sleep; bye
21:11 Traxie21 joined #minetest
21:11 kaeza wow 3 seconds between saying "bye" and leaving
21:11 kaeza that's a new record Adam!
21:12 Calinou hi Traxie21... weren't you leaving?
21:12 Traxie21 Tonight, yes
21:12 sapier left #minetest
21:13 Calinou <PilzAdam> khonkhortisan, I see yellow squares on green ground, is that right? => too much pillz
21:13 Traxie21 Adding a quick kindle-restart script to my server so I can restart it when I hvae internet access
21:13 khonkhortisan heh
21:14 khonkhortisan So at least one other person here can see stereograms
21:15 khonkhortisan That isn't very easy to see. The first thing I see is a circle on the left, then some other edges.
21:15 Calinou ^ too much pillz again
21:15 * Calinou feels like he is watching an ad about maple syrup or something
21:16 khonkhortisan You're only missing out on a heightmap
21:17 TB`oFF|Vibe-X joined #minetest
21:19 VanessaE and...plantlife modpack updated, now with an abridged flowers called flowers_plus
21:19 VanessaE (since the main ones are in common/default now)
21:19 VanessaE er, common/flowers.
21:20 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
21:20 khonkhortisan this one has a sloping height
21:21 VanessaE khonkhortisan: not bad, but maybe a larger sample?
21:22 VanessaE (for everyone else, that ^^^ is a cross-your-eyes random-dot stereogram)
21:22 khonkhortisan what do you mean by sample?
21:22 khonkhortisan er, higher resolution?
21:22 VanessaE nevermind
21:23 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest
21:23 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest
21:25 dante123 joined #minetest
21:25 dante123 !up
21:25 MinetestBot is up (0.452ms)
21:25 Calinou cross-eye? "for those who cannot afford red-cyan glasses but can afford eye strain"
21:25 Calinou --xonotic
21:26 zsoltisawesome joined #minetest
21:26 Calinou look at that image from far away VanessaE, you'll see linus torvalds :3
21:26 khonkhortisan The eye strain is if you're too close
21:26 VanessaE haha
21:26 Calinou zsoltisawesome, DAT NAME.
21:26 Calinou "WswPlayer"
21:27 Calinou I wonder how good he would be at warsow :p
21:27 zsoltisawesome huh?
21:27 zsoltisawesome lol
21:27 zsoltisawesome i suck at it
21:27 Calinou hi anyway :) and bye, good night everyone.
21:28 zsoltisawesome goodnight!
21:29 roboman2444 joined #minetest
21:29 zsoltisawesome /disconnect
21:29 zsoltisawesome ouch
21:29 AshleyWaffle joined #minetest
21:33 Traxie21 left #minetest
21:43 kaeza SOON:
21:45 ShadowNinja kaeza: Neat! But the crosshair isn't centered quite properly, is that intentional?
21:45 kaeza maybe
21:45 jojoa1997|Tablet YES!!
21:45 jojoa1997|Tablet i got tnt mod to work good
21:45 VanessaE kanic
21:45 VanessaE kaeza: nice
21:46 VanessaE kaeza: coming soon, QuakeTest? ;)
21:46 kaeza ammo counter not working yet; just for display ;)
21:46 kaeza but each weapon has own crosshair
21:47 kaeza
21:48 kaeza it also reverts back to default crosshair when no weapon is held
21:49 kaeza now to make the ammo thingy work
21:49 ShadowNinja Will it use images for the number displays?
21:49 kaeza they are images :)
21:49 kaeza a 5x3 font
21:49 kaeza err... 3x5
21:50 ShadowNinja Can you specify the size of text on the hud? (I haven't played with it much)
21:51 kaeza not really :/
21:51 kaeza the scale param is used for something else
21:52 kaeza and too much overkill to try to add multiple fonts to HUD code
21:53 ShadowNinja hmmmm: feature request! It will also be less confusing as scale will actualy be used for scale. This would probably work best with freetype support enabled.
21:54 Gambit joined #minetest
21:54 kaeza ShadowNinja, err
21:55 kaeza scale is used to scale elements
21:55 kaeza but does not work for text items yet
21:55 VanessaE ShadowNinja: ew, fuck freetype.
21:56 Exio wtf kaeza
21:56 ShadowNinja VanessaE: You prefer a big image with the characters tiled?
21:56 VanessaE it disables the ability to use bitmap fonts, and I presume the login status is still broken too.
21:57 kaeza Exio, wtf "wtf kaeza" ?
21:58 Exio 30/150
21:58 Exio seems... legit
21:59 Exio client-side prediction for that stuff would be nice
21:59 Exio well
21:59 Exio i take the last commits
22:00 Exio as a bye to my pink crosshair
22:00 kaeza <kaeza> ammo counter not working yet; just for display ;)
22:00 ssieb Just wondering if I understand correctly.  Flowers are in common and used by build and survival but not minetest_game?
22:01 VanessaE ssieb: yeah
22:02 ssieb ok, but I guess it would be easy for me to add it to the list
22:02 ssieb why wasn't it added there too?
22:02 VanessaE yeah, just copy it to your regular mods folder if you need to
22:02 VanessaE dunno
22:05 khonkhortisan kaeza, I see you have black outlines on your crosshairs. Any luck getting outlines in vanilla?
22:06 kaeza khonkhortisan, you can just disable default crosshair and use an image
22:06 kaeza (preferably done by default mod)
22:06 khonkhortisan But I want the default crosshair with outlines :)
22:07 Exio kaeza: i still think the C++ way would be beterr
22:07 Exio better*
22:07 kaeza just make a cross in a painting program and outline it :)
22:07 kaeza Exio, erhm... what?
22:08 kaeza go code client-side prediction then
22:08 Exio prediction of what?
22:08 khonkhortisan Can a crosshair image be colored?
22:08 Kacey joined #minetest
22:09 Exio
22:09 kaeza khonkhortisan, it's just an overlaid texture
22:09 Exio alpha and colorize support - defined by the client
22:10 Exio i really don't like the thing of lots of things being managed in the server - and "only" it
22:10 jojoa1997|Tablet will water ever push players?
22:11 Exio if you code it
22:11 Exio :D
22:11 khonkhortisan I think it still gets the flow direction wrong
22:12 kaeza khonkhortisan, is this crosshair better?
22:12 khonkhortisan looks like the node gun
22:12 Exio lol
22:12 kaeza :D
22:13 jojoa1997|Tablet kaeza maybe get zooming and use real crosshairs
22:14 jojoa1997|Tablet and kaeza maybe you should magically put C++ coding in my head
22:14 kaeza khonkhortisan, you can also do this:
22:15 khonkhortisan Take a screenshot of the default crosshair. From the center, it goes 10 pixels up and left, but only 9 pixels right and down, even though minetest says to draw it equally
22:15 jojoa1997|Tablet muwhaha
22:15 [0gb_us] joined #minetest
22:15 drizz joined #minetest
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22:15 Exio ffffff
22:15 jojoa1997|Tablet kaeza BOOK
22:15 * jojoa1997|Tablet gtg DINNER
22:15 khonkhortisan "The crosshair has been disabled by your administrator"
22:16 * kaeza has an idea
22:17 Exio what idea kaeza?
22:17 kaeza 1) get an screenshot of the windows "critical error" dialog, 2) add it in the center of the screen, 3)..., 4) profit
22:17 kaeza 3) ??? *
22:17 Exio write an ads mod
22:18 hmmmm setting the font size won't work without freetype.
22:18 hmmmm kaeza, by the way, just an aside:  the convention in Lua API is to return nil on failure, true on success
22:18 hmmmm hud_change_builtin() had some sort of three-state return value that could be nil, true, or false
22:19 khonkhortisan anything not nil is success
22:19 kaeza hmmmm, you are going to rewrite it anyway, so meh
22:20 hmmmm well yeah
22:20 hmmmm i just wanted to point that out for future reference
22:20 Exio ah
22:20 hmmmm 'cause wouldn't that be considered a bug
22:20 Exio is there anything why isn{t the mouse?sens option in upstream?
22:20 hmmmm if people assumed that it would only ever return nil on failure but it failed and it didn't return nil
22:21 Exio er, ' and _
22:21 hmmmm somebody has a problem with the mouse sensitivity option
22:21 hmmmm i don't know exio....
22:21 kaeza I said it earlier today, I'm not touching the engine
22:21 Exio who hmmmm?
22:21 hmmmm shrug
22:21 onpon joined #minetest
22:21 hmmmm kaeza, again, you shouldn't be discouraged
22:21 Exio that seems i'm the only who sucks at C++ and Lua :(
22:22 Exio (read the and :P)
22:22 hmmmm i don't mean to step on your work or anything, and usually this doesn't happen...
22:22 hmmmm but that commit was really rushed for some reason
22:22 hmmmm no discussion about it
22:22 kaeza one reason was because the protocol command IDs was wrong (as celeron pointed)
22:23 kaeza but otherwise I admit I missed that return value bug
22:24 hmmmm erm
22:25 hmmmm also just curious, why did you decide to add a client event for this?
22:25 kaeza well, I have no idea if the thing is thread safe or not
22:25 hmmmm i should write something in the wiki about this
22:26 kaeza so I just tried to do what the other HUD stuff did
22:26 hmmmm the client data is processed in the same thread as the game thread
22:26 hmmmm yeah, now that i consider it, i don't understand why the HUD stuff did that either
22:26 hmmmm i should leave that go because it's already been done
22:26 hmmmm shouldn't be inconsistent
22:27 hmmmm anyway a client event is intended to be used for things like displaying a menu or what not
22:27 Kacey seems legit
22:28 kaeza hmmmm, →#-dev ?
22:28 hmmmm meh
22:28 hmmmm too late
22:29 hmmmm oh also one other thing
22:29 hmmmm you _can_ indeed access the local player from within Client::ProcessData()
22:29 hmmmm it's simply getEnv().getLocalPlayer();
22:31 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
22:32 mauvebic joined #minetest
22:45 jojoa1997|Tablet VanessaE ping
22:45 VanessaE pung
22:46 jojoa1997|Tablet is it okay if i add flowers plus to minitest if minecraft has pots
22:46 * jojoa1997|Tablet checking for post now
22:47 VanessaE sure if you want, but it still depends on plants_lib
22:47 jojoa1997|Tablet i already added that
22:47 VanessaE ok
22:48 jojoa1997|Tablet sweet they have lilypads
22:49 jojoa1997|Tablet with minitest i might be adding converted texture packs
22:49 jojoa1997|Tablet also vanessae with your more trees mod does it allow defining trees easily?
22:49 VanessaE yes
22:50 VanessaE it takes about 10 or so lines of code to configure a biome
22:50 VanessaE and about 20 lines of code to define a tree.
22:50 VanessaE plants_lib API and minetest engine API describe the process
22:50 VanessaE (for biomes and tree defs, respectively)
22:51 jojoa1997|Tablet WHAT!?!?!?
22:51 jojoa1997|Tablet minecraft only has tulips and roses
22:52 VanessaE oh well :)
22:52 jojoa1997|Tablet meh whatever i will add correct stuff when i have time
22:53 VanessaE screw minecraft, let's workon making minetest *better*, not "equal".
22:53 jojoa1997|Tablet how come you just dont overlay a pot image with flower images
22:53 mrtux joined #minetest
22:53 jojoa1997|Tablet minItest
22:53 VanessaE minEtest
22:54 VanessaE you work on minItest.
22:54 VanessaE and it's because that's how ironzorg did it.
22:54 VanessaE those are his textures, I saw no reason to change that behavior
22:56 mauvebic joined #minetest
23:21 Kacey
23:23 mauvebic damn allergies - too bad buckets only hold water and lava :/
23:26 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
23:26 NakedFury dammit im suffering Post-No-Sci-fi_series syndrome
23:26 mauvebic what finished?
23:27 mauvebic hannibal has a new episode, not exactly scifi, but pretty much the only thing still airing new stuff atm lol
23:27 mr0wl joined #minetest
23:27 theTroy joined #minetest
23:27 NakedFury what! that already aired? I thought it started in may
23:27 mauvebic just finished dl'ing the 5th episode
23:27 hmmmm hey kaeza
23:27 hmmmm you around?
23:27 hmmmm do you approve of this?
23:27 mauvebic the 4th was sliced up and release as a 22min web series
23:28 NakedFury god what has becomed of me when I axiously await new generic cop shows!!!
23:28 mauvebic "Electronic Arts Slashes Workforce - The game maker says it's making the move to align its workforce closer to mobile " <-- easier to rip people off through phone bills XD
23:28 hmmmm if you wanted to disable the crosshair and the healthbar, but not change the other things, you'd do player:hud_set_flags({crosshair=false, healthbar=false})
23:28 mauvebic ya mean 'law order' ?
23:28 hmmmm and say you wanted to re-enable the healthbar some time later on
23:29 hmmmm then player:hud_set_flags({healthbar=true})
23:29 hmmmm yea? :)
23:29 kaeza hmmmm, checking
23:29 NakedFury mauvebic how do you think space battles will happen? static parked ships shooting each other or ships zipping past at thousands of miles per minute barely having time to shoot each other?
23:30 kaeza hmmmm, will it support a mask as I decribed?
23:30 mauvebic dont ask me, space battles were so expensive growing up, TNG hardly had em lol
23:30 mauvebic talking about game space battles?
23:30 hmmmm if you checked, you'd know the answer is yes
23:30 kaeza otherwise you would need a getter function
23:30 mauvebic apart from Homeworld 1 & 2, they mostly suck in all games lol
23:31 NakedFury well how would you envision them happening. civil war line battles style or moving and zig zaging all over the place with specific windows of opportunity to hit each other
23:31 hmmmm see here
23:31 mauvebic yeah but, space battles on tv, or games? im a little confused lol
23:31 hmmmm any flag that is to not be modified is simply not added to the mask
23:32 NakedFury in real life in a couple of thousands of years maybe
23:32 NakedFury or just simply in games and shows
23:32 mauvebic i doubt there will still be competing (human) nations by the time were good enough to arm space ships lol
23:33 mauvebic and if we ever get that far
23:33 kaeza hmmmm, have you tested it?
23:33 hmmmm yes
23:33 kaeza seems ok to me
23:34 kaeza except for a small thing
23:34 kaeza you need to specify what happens when a field is nil in the docs
23:35 kaeza it's implied, but not very clear
23:35 NakedFury a friend thinks ships will be parked while shooting each other
23:35 hmmmm
23:36 kaeza and lua_api.txt has too much ambiguous stuff in there already
23:36 hmmmm i think that's a result of the documentation being mostly an afterthought
23:36 kaeza that looks better :)
23:37 jojoa1997|Tablet how can i make a node do something within a random radius were the r is random every time?
23:37 kaeza hmmmm, will you push that now?
23:37 MinetestBot GIT: kwolekr commited to minetest/minetest: Generalize hud_builtin_enable into hud_set_flags d3f0ce6224 2013-04-25T16:37:36-07:00
23:37 kaeza too late ;)
23:38 hmmmm hmm
23:38 kaeza hmm?
23:39 hmmmm now if there's any other attributes for a builtin hud that you can think of, we'd add it using that function
23:39 mauvebic <NakedFury> a friend thinks ships will be parked while shooting each other
23:39 hmmmm that isn't necessarily setting visibility
23:39 mauvebic ^ im looking forward to seeing what battles are like in warspace
23:40 hmmmm always need to think of the future when doing something that might break compatibility
23:41 kaeza I hope there are no shortcomings in those changes then
23:41 hmmmm of course not
23:41 NakedFury I like homeworld 2 battles
23:42 mauvebic me too i especially like the STC and BSG packs
23:42 mauvebic though i found the limited map sizes frustrating
23:42 mauvebic they'res not enough space to "take", your basically having running battles
23:42 NakedFury I havent played in a while, but I like Complex mod and I hate the small size of maps too
23:42 hmmmm from this, you only gain code cleanliness, needing to send 1 packet instead of 4, and only needing to call one lua api to do what you wanted
23:42 hmmmm it's a win for everybody
23:43 mauvebic though there was this other game, looked very similar, but you had colonize planets, though the space battles were considerably worse than homeworld which came out ten years earlier lol
23:44 mauvebic Sins of the Solar Empire
23:44 mauvebic my god that sucked lol
23:44 jojoa1997|Tablet PENGUINS!!!
23:44 mauvebic Space Risk would have been more accurate title lol
23:45 Pentium44 joined #minetest
23:45 NakedFury I could never do a lot in Sins. little resources and enemies came in the dozens to my few so very few ships
23:47 NakedFury gonna check out the Hannibal episode
23:47 NakedFury other series im watching: Defiance, Davincis Demons and nothing else
23:47 NakedFury television is dry for future spaceship sci fi
23:48 mauvebic im keeping up with revolution, SVU and hannibal mostly
23:48 mauvebic with limited likes its hardly worth a cable bill lol
23:49 mauvebic rumours that netflix might pick up Jericho for new season(s)
23:49 NakedFury SVU?
23:50 NakedFury why pay cable when episodes are online in 1 hour? but then who watches the show for raising the ratings and not having it cancelled!
23:50 mauvebic aka law & order perverts
23:51 mauvebic i love how that show they always secure 2-3 more confessions than there are suspects lol
23:51 NakedFury yep
23:51 NakedFury and the: tun tun! Fifth street apartment C
23:51 mauvebic dunno if its some subtle joke on how confessions are unreliable lol
23:52 NakedFury I prefer psych, bones, and castle for my cop show fix
23:52 mauvebic dont know any of those lol but i remember L&O going a long way back lol my mother watched the original series from the start lol
23:53 NakedFury psych is for cop show and comedy fix
23:53 NakedFury bones and castle would be more normal serious
23:53 mauvebic comedy? hmm, since frasier went off the air, new comedies just haven't been that funny
23:54 mauvebic especially *hate* those fucking cut-scenes where they talk directly to camera
23:54 mauvebic that started with Parker Lewis Can't Lose
23:54 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest
23:55 NakedFury well the protagonist is a white 30 something male from Santa Barbara USA. since childhood his father, a cop, trained him to look, always look and memorize, like photographic memory or whatever its called. Because of some situation he passes himself as a psychic and his best friend a 30 something shaved head black male from a pharmaceutical job helps him
23:55 NakedFury they goof off a lot
23:56 NakedFury wow no spoilers and a good description of the show
23:56 mauvebic meh, i already have photographic memory and its not all that great when the weird dreams come lol
23:56 NakedFury XD
23:57 NakedFury he uses it and his observant nature plus bluffs to pass as the pshycic, fuck how do I write this word dammit
23:57 mauvebic psychic
23:57 mauvebic i think
23:58 mauvebic neither of us are native enlish and god knows the anglos themselves can't spell so who cares lol
23:58 NakedFury I like spelling the correct words. helps me if I ever decide in some unknown future to become a science fiction english writter
23:59 mauvebic oh god, only if you like not having stable work :p
23:59 mauvebic besides if its anything like BSG, you get to make new (swear) words lol

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