Time |
Nick |
Message |
00:00 |
OldCoder |
Should be Kacey_of_Minetest |
00:00 |
Kaceyofminetest |
and my more descriptive nick |
00:00 |
OldCoder |
Or MTKacey |
00:00 |
OldCoder |
Or if you rap |
00:00 |
OldCoder |
MTKaceyMC |
00:00 |
Kaceyofminetest |
(Kacey_of_minetest wouldnt fit) |
00:00 |
OldCoder |
Ah |
00:00 |
Kaceyofminetest |
actually |
00:01 |
VanessaE joined #minetest |
00:01 |
OldCoder |
Or KC |
00:01 |
OldCoder |
00:01 |
OldCoder |
:P |
00:01 |
kaeza |
Kaceyofcommunistcraft :P |
00:01 |
Kacey_of_Minetes |
darn |
00:01 |
NotReallyNick |
If it wasn't so easy to tell who I really am, I'd have the perfect tagline: "NotReallyNick: All you know about me is that I claim to be an imposter." |
00:01 |
OldCoder |
KaceyofMinetest is fine |
00:02 |
VanessaE |
there, my computer is now about 100dB quieter :) |
00:02 |
kaeza |
NotReallyNick, better register it |
00:02 |
NotReallyNick |
Nice! |
00:02 |
VanessaE |
(replaced bad PSU fan, only two more to go) |
00:02 |
kaeza |
(or group to your account) |
00:03 |
NotReallyNick |
How do I stop people from using a registered name? us_0gb IS registered, yet when I don't use it, Jojoa is able to use my name. |
00:03 |
Menche |
you can ghost them |
00:03 |
Kacey |
/ns ghost <nick> <password> |
00:03 |
VanessaE |
NotReallyNick: you have to turn on protection also. |
00:03 |
kaeza |
NotReallyNick, /msg NickServ ghost us_0gb <password> |
00:03 |
VanessaE |
nonono forget ghosting |
00:03 |
NotReallyNick |
How do I turn on protection? |
00:03 |
NotReallyNick |
Ghosting doesn;t help. |
00:04 |
NotReallyNick |
I need prevention, not after-fixes. |
00:04 |
Menche left #minetest |
00:04 |
VanessaE |
/msg nickserv set ENFORCE |
00:04 |
VanessaE |
I think. |
00:04 |
VanessaE |
/msg nickserv set ENFORCE on |
00:04 |
kaeza |
/msg nickserv set ENFORCE ON |
00:04 |
VanessaE |
that's the one. |
00:04 |
VanessaE |
ninja'd :) |
00:05 |
kaeza |
:P |
00:05 |
mauvebic |
what is ghosting and protection? |
00:05 |
us_0gb joined #minetest |
00:05 |
VanessaE |
protection tells nickserv to change others' nick name from yours if they try to use yours without IDENTIFYing |
00:06 |
VanessaE |
e.g. us_0gb -> Guest547853 |
00:06 |
us_0gb left #minetest |
00:06 |
mauvebic |
not a bad idea |
00:06 |
VanessaE |
for whatever reason, that seems to be turned off by default. |
00:06 |
mauvebic |
but what do i do when i login and it gives me a spare name? |
00:06 |
VanessaE |
other networks I've been on, it's turned on by default. |
00:06 |
VanessaE |
you ghost the offending one and change nick. |
00:07 |
us_0gb |
30 seconds .... |
00:07 |
mauvebic |
i might not remember all that then lol |
00:07 |
us_0gb |
Is there a way to shorten it to 2? |
00:07 |
VanessaE |
us_0gb: now configure your IRC client to sign you in automatically. |
00:07 |
Guest44372 |
It does. |
00:07 |
VanessaE |
no it don't :) |
00:07 |
Guest44372 |
Yeah, it does. |
00:07 |
Kacey |
* us_0gb is now known as Guest44372 |
00:08 |
Guest44372 |
This is my other account, which doesn't have us_0gb's password. |
00:08 |
Kacey |
haha |
00:08 |
kaeza |
group it |
00:08 |
Guest44372 |
My us_0gb account DOES log me in automatically. |
00:08 |
Guest44372 |
No, I want them seperate. |
00:08 |
Kacey |
how do i unidentify? |
00:09 |
Guest44372 |
Send NickServ the word "logout". |
00:09 |
Kacey |
nick us_0gb |
00:09 |
Kacey |
* us_0gb :Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable |
00:09 |
Kacey |
lol |
00:09 |
Guest44372 |
Is there a way to shorten the time limit on an account? People have 30 seconds to make a post as me ... |
00:10 |
NotReallyNick |
One second is sufficient for autologin. |
00:10 |
Kacey |
brb |
00:10 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: MirceaKitsune commited to minetest/minetest: Allow modifying movement speed, jump height and gravity per-player via the Lua API. c5a8448c41 2013-04-04T17:00:59-07:00 http://git.io/i6qsjw |
00:10 |
kaeza |
\o/ |
00:10 |
kaeza |
Taoki, +1000 |
00:11 |
Taoki |
kaeza: Thanks :) |
00:11 |
Exio |
where is my potion mod |
00:11 |
Exio |
00:11 |
* Exio |
looks at kaeza |
00:12 |
kaeza |
hah |
00:12 |
Exio |
NotReallyNick: you can't |
00:12 |
kaeza |
I was thinking about running boots or the Fire Pendant of Agility +5 |
00:12 |
Exio |
i really want mc-like potions, not custom armor now :P |
00:12 |
kaeza |
you know, RPG-ish things :P |
00:13 |
Exio |
as we don't have a "support" in for the armor stuff in the engine |
00:13 |
Exio |
a potion seems more l33t |
00:14 |
Kacey |
QUANTUM SUITS!!!!!!!!! |
00:16 |
Kacey |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClJOVctgkto |
00:16 |
NotReallyNick |
Exio: That really sucks. So people can post as me even with a "protected" name ... |
00:17 |
Exio |
NotReallyNick: do you know what? don't care about trolls or you are going to get mad |
00:17 |
Exio |
i know that feel |
00:17 |
Exio |
as a *real* reader will think that |
00:18 |
Exio |
and see "oh, god, this is a fake 0gb.us" |
00:18 |
Exio |
more than "OMG SEE WHAT HE SAID THATS ..." |
00:19 |
Kacey |
afk dinner |
00:21 |
NotReallyNick |
It's not that I really care too much, it's that there doesn't seem to even be a point in having a registered nick. The registration is pointless. So why have it? |
00:21 |
NotReallyNick |
Not that I even use us_0gb here anymore. |
00:22 |
Exio |
NotReallyNick: the point is for having a "way" to say "i'm X person and i confirm that" |
00:22 |
* NotReallyNick |
wants a new Minetest feature: dots in user names |
00:22 |
Exio |
the point is not "that" |
00:22 |
NotReallyNick |
How do yu confirm it? |
00:22 |
NotReallyNick |
*You |
00:25 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: PilzAdam commited to minetest/minetest: Add a delay to nodeupdate() 76b86c0368 2013-04-04T17:24:39-07:00 http://git.io/ixDb7g |
00:28 |
FreeFull joined #minetest |
00:28 |
arsdragonfly joined #minetest |
00:30 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
00:31 |
Menche joined #minetest |
00:34 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: PilzAdam commited to minetest/minetest: Fix nick completion b0e6806077 2013-04-04T17:31:58-07:00 http://git.io/9Gw-YQ |
00:36 |
ttk2 joined #minetest |
00:37 |
arsdragonfly |
hey guys |
00:37 |
arsdragonfly |
where can i find the changelog for 0.4.6? |
00:37 |
arsdragonfly |
thanks |
00:38 |
PilzAdam |
http://dev.minetest.net/Changelog#0.4.5_.E2.86.92_0.4.6 |
00:39 |
jordan4ibanez |
minetest should be part of this http://internetdefenseleague.org/ |
00:45 |
jordan4ibanez |
"Uploading your video. 1159 minutes remaining." |
00:45 |
PilzAdam |
what video? |
00:45 |
jordan4ibanez |
simply minetest episode 2 |
00:45 |
jordan4ibanez |
it's 4.5 gb |
00:45 |
PilzAdam |
yay! |
00:46 |
VanessaE |
hm. |
00:46 |
VanessaE |
20:44:49: INFO[main]: SourceImageCache::getOrLoad(): No path found for "fire_bas |
00:46 |
VanessaE |
ic_flame_animated.png" |
00:46 |
VanessaE |
what else uses that image except for the fire mod? |
00:46 |
VanessaE |
(I don't have that installed, deliberately) |
00:46 |
jordan4ibanez |
stoves |
00:47 |
jordan4ibanez |
I mean furnaces |
00:47 |
VanessaE |
since when? |
00:47 |
NotReallyNick |
Furnaces use an image in default. |
00:47 |
jordan4ibanez |
Since I said so |
00:47 |
VanessaE |
oh you mean in the formspec? |
00:47 |
VanessaE |
that's animated now? |
00:47 |
PilzAdam |
jordan4ibanez, no |
00:47 |
jordan4ibanez |
Uploading your video. 1858 minutes remaining and no |
00:48 |
NotReallyNick |
The formspec uses an image in default, not an image in fire. |
00:48 |
PilzAdam |
default doesnt use fire_basic_flame.png |
00:48 |
PilzAdam |
VanessaE, do you have admin tools installed? |
00:48 |
VanessaE |
PilzAdam: yep. |
00:49 |
PilzAdam |
Calinou said something about "fakefire" |
00:49 |
VanessaE |
in fact I just updated that today. |
00:49 |
VanessaE |
that would explain it then |
00:49 |
PilzAdam |
oh |
00:49 |
PilzAdam |
Im so good in fixing bugs! |
00:49 |
VanessaE |
perhaps the two fire images should be moved to default then. |
00:49 |
PilzAdam |
no |
00:50 |
VanessaE |
why not? |
00:50 |
PilzAdam |
because they are not needed there |
00:50 |
NotReallyNick |
Fire doesn't belong in default, but admin tools should deliberatly depend on fire if it needs that image. |
00:50 |
VanessaE |
ok |
00:50 |
VanessaE |
NotReallyNick: fuck no! |
00:50 |
PilzAdam |
but he is right |
00:50 |
VanessaE |
no, hell no, fuck no, and no fucking way, in that order. |
00:51 |
VanessaE |
I should not have to leave a destructive mod like fire installed just to have maptools. |
00:51 |
PilzAdam |
or adming tools could just use its own fire texture |
00:51 |
NotReallyNick |
Well, you could edit your copy to both include the image and not depend on fire. |
00:51 |
PilzAdam |
-g |
00:51 |
VanessaE |
better to have maptools include a copy of the image then. |
00:51 |
PilzAdam |
but give it a different name, or it will override fire mods' one |
00:52 |
VanessaE |
yeah |
00:52 |
NotReallyNick |
If it's the same exact image, does it matter if it overrides the default? |
00:52 |
PilzAdam |
well, the one in the fire mod can change |
00:52 |
NotReallyNick |
True enough. |
00:52 |
PilzAdam |
<VanessaE> <PilzAdam> bye |
00:54 |
jordan4ibanez |
The file was corrupteD ! OJKPQWERJEAW! |
00:54 |
jordan4ibanez |
bye pilzadam (late) |
00:55 |
VanessaE |
haha |
00:55 |
NakedFury |
so many changes from 4.5 to 4.6 |
00:55 |
NotReallyNick |
4.5 and 4.6 aren't out yet. |
00:56 |
* VanessaE |
throws a zero at NakedFury |
00:56 |
NakedFury |
wont be bothered to waste time putting a zero when everyone knows what was mentioned |
00:56 |
NotReallyNick |
Try telling your math professor that 0.4 and 4 are the same thing. They won't buy it, as it simply isn't true. |
00:56 |
NakedFury |
it is minetest channel |
00:56 |
Menche |
can i have your time machine? i want a head start on using the 4.6 modding api |
00:57 |
NotReallyNick |
Yeah, me too. |
00:57 |
NotReallyNick |
I want to see what cool features I add too, so I can get a jump start on coding them. |
00:57 |
Menche |
there some secret repository with a super-accelerated development cycle? |
00:58 |
NotReallyNick |
I have a couple ideas in the works too, and would like to know if they will make it in. |
00:58 |
Menche |
does minetest actually become minecraft in the future? |
00:58 |
* NotReallyNick |
gasps |
00:58 |
NotReallyNick |
The horror! |
00:59 |
Menche |
does seem headed that way sometimes... |
00:59 |
VanessaE |
hahah |
00:59 |
VanessaE |
NakedFury: as you can see, it matters if you include the zero :)_ |
01:00 |
NotReallyNick |
Whatever. Hopefully some of us can keep enough non-Minecrafty features in. Although to be honest, one of my new ideas does draw on Minecraft a bit. |
01:00 |
VanessaE |
nothing wrong with importing minecraft features to minetest if they are reasonable and useful. |
01:00 |
Menche |
i don't have a problem with using minecraft features, as long as the primary reason is not because it's from minecraft |
01:00 |
NakedFury |
^ |
01:00 |
NakedFury |
yeah |
01:00 |
NotReallyNick |
THis is both reasonable and useful. Don't worry. |
01:01 |
NotReallyNick |
This isn't to be like Minecraft either. |
01:01 |
jordan4ibanez |
I like the delay in falling sand, you can make traps with that |
01:01 |
NotReallyNick |
Why does lava make obsidian? It should make mese! |
01:01 |
Menche |
and why is obsidian nearly indestructible? |
01:01 |
VanessaE |
NotReallyNick: it makes obsidian, basalt, and pumice in gloopblocks :) |
01:02 |
Menche |
the behavior of lava is nearly identical to mc |
01:02 |
salamanderrake joined #minetest |
01:02 |
NotReallyNick |
If the obsidian isn't horribly hard to break, that sounds great, VanessaE! |
01:02 |
VanessaE |
NotReallyNick: it's default obsidian. |
01:02 |
Kacey |
back |
01:03 |
VanessaE |
pumice and basalt the new ones, and they're not all that hard to break I don't think |
01:03 |
NotReallyNick |
Yeah, Meneche. He denies it, but I'm sure the new lava behaviour was INTENDED to imitate Minecraft. |
01:03 |
Menche |
i really don't see any other reason for making it so similar |
01:04 |
NotReallyNick |
Hard to break basalt is fine, just not heard to break volcanic GLASS. |
01:04 |
NotReallyNick |
*hard |
01:04 |
Menche |
and having flowing / source lava form different blocks doesn't make a whole lot of sense |
01:04 |
VanessaE |
Menche: sure it does. the same happens in real life too |
01:04 |
NotReallyNick |
What do you mean, Menche? |
01:05 |
NotReallyNick |
OH! I misread. |
01:05 |
VanessaE |
except the materials are different. |
01:05 |
NotReallyNick |
I like the hardening lava, as originally written (infinite lava, hardens into cobble and stone). |
01:06 |
mauvebic |
christ allmightly, zimg, ompldr, any working anon uploaders? lol |
01:06 |
mauvebic |
nvm, finally worked lol |
01:06 |
Menche |
that's how it was originally? that makes more sense |
01:06 |
NotReallyNick |
I need to stop arguing this. It isn't going to change now, it's too late. I need to start working on new solutions. |
01:07 |
mauvebic |
http://ompldr.org/vaHpyNQ/screenshot_3619001881.png |
01:07 |
NotReallyNick |
It was that way until Jojoa pulled for glasslike obsidian, and PilzAdam warped it into Minecraft-like obsidian. |
01:08 |
Menche |
anyone have opinions on my suggested change to sticks? |
01:08 |
Menche |
it makes them drop from leaves |
01:08 |
VanessaE |
NotReallyNick: pull requests against gloopblocks welcome if you think you can work the real lava cooling features into it without breaking what it has now |
01:08 |
Menche |
IMHO that makes more sense than breaking wood planks into sticks |
01:09 |
VanessaE |
sticks from leaves is just "okay" |
01:09 |
mauvebic |
twigs :p |
01:09 |
VanessaE |
it would at least give them some use other than for saplings. |
01:10 |
Menche |
also, i find myself not using fences a lot, because i don't want to use up all those wood planks for the sticks |
01:10 |
mauvebic |
maple trees -> syrup (for edges of winter biomes) |
01:10 |
Menche |
when leaves drop them, i have plenty of surplus sticks |
01:10 |
NotReallyNick |
VanessaE: Gloopblocks sounds like it's fine, aside from the finite lava and unbreakably hard obsidian, but those are defined elsewhere. I can't fix what isn't broken. |
01:10 |
NotReallyNick |
Thanks though. |
01:10 |
VanessaE |
NotReallyNick: actually I could have gloopblocks redefine the default obsidian to make it less tough |
01:10 |
VanessaE |
that's quite easy to do. |
01:11 |
VanessaE |
the finite lava, well..that's a different matter :) |
01:11 |
mrtux_ joined #minetest |
01:11 |
NotReallyNick |
Yeah. But it doesn't seem like the RIGHT thing to do. Easy and right aren't the same. |
01:11 |
mauvebic |
what about special tool for obs? |
01:12 |
NotReallyNick |
A fix at the source is better than a patch in a plugin. |
01:12 |
kaeza |
[ 20%] /home/diego/src/minetest/po/ko/minetest.po: warning: Charset "CHARSET" is not a portable encoding name. |
01:12 |
kaeza |
/home/diego/src/minetest/po/ro/minetest.po: warning: Charset "CHARSET" is not a portable encoding name. |
01:12 |
kaeza |
thexyz, ^ |
01:12 |
VanessaE |
NotReallyNick: it's not the "right" thing to do, but it's the only solution there is, really, unless you can get it changed in defaul. |
01:12 |
VanessaE |
default* |
01:12 |
NotReallyNick |
Yeah. I'm working on that. |
01:13 |
* VanessaE |
pokes mrdragons |
01:13 |
VanessaE |
gah! |
01:13 |
* VanessaE |
pokes mrtux, rather |
01:13 |
NotReallyNick |
I have a few other things to work on first. I want to tweak some things with coal and cacti first. Oh yeah, and clay. |
01:13 |
kaeza |
tab completion phail |
01:13 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: nick complete prediction fail :) |
01:13 |
mrtux |
VanessaE: that hurt |
01:13 |
mrtux |
:p |
01:14 |
arsdragonfly |
What was the reason for charcoal to be removed? |
01:15 |
arsdragonfly |
I have to write a mod myself now |
01:15 |
VanessaE |
arsdragonfly: probably because it isn't needed anymore - it's easy to get coal now |
01:15 |
NotReallyNick |
I don't know. But I plan to add it back in, as part of my coal pull. |
01:15 |
mauvebic |
does burning trees give coal? |
01:15 |
NotReallyNick |
No. |
01:15 |
mauvebic |
should |
01:15 |
mauvebic |
played alot of games that do |
01:15 |
VanessaE |
coal is way too common though. |
01:15 |
NotReallyNick |
It should, but they won't go for that. |
01:15 |
mauvebic |
make it less common and add the tree thing to produce new coals in exhausted areas |
01:16 |
NotReallyNick |
No worries, I have a plan for coal. |
01:16 |
mauvebic |
are ores distributed more like vains? i know hmmm is working on it tho not familiar with deets |
01:16 |
NotReallyNick |
Mostly, I need to get a texture made, then I'll be ready to pull request. |
01:16 |
VanessaE |
mauvebic: not by default, but they can be so distributed using the 'sheet' method I think |
01:16 |
mauvebic |
okie doke |
01:16 |
FreeFull joined #minetest |
01:17 |
NotReallyNick |
I hope ores are never distributed as veins. Even distribution makes my tunnel project profitable. |
01:18 |
RealBadAngel |
granite and marble in technic use sheet type |
01:18 |
mauvebic |
well ores are usually found in deposits/veins, not randomlly but equally spread out :p |
01:18 |
mauvebic |
leads to having mines just about anywhere |
01:19 |
NotReallyNick |
Also, land isn't made of cubes. Do you want to make that realistic too? |
01:19 |
RealBadAngel |
hold on, it isnt? |
01:19 |
mauvebic |
meh, if it were up to you the game would be the same its always been |
01:19 |
RealBadAngel |
shit |
01:20 |
NotReallyNick |
Until Minetest no longer takes place in a voxel-based world, I don't see why we need to head toward realism. |
01:20 |
sdzen joined #minetest |
01:20 |
mauvebic |
wouldn't hurt |
01:21 |
jordan4ibanez |
Realismtest |
01:21 |
arsdragonfly |
voxel is just a not-so-good way towards realism |
01:21 |
mauvebic |
fans are usually proud when parents boast these games are somewhat educational, we shouldn't be teaching the wrong lessons |
01:21 |
NotReallyNick |
Uneven distribution WOULD hurt. It would hurt my poor treasury. |
01:21 |
arsdragonfly |
or nothing can be destroyed |
01:21 |
VanessaE |
in that case, let's just make the land out of sponge instead of dirt, jell-o instead of water, and brownies instead of stone |
01:22 |
mauvebic |
and just because the game is made up of blocks doesn't mean the whole thing should be modelled after a fantasy world, otherwise what was the point or playing with gravity and such? |
01:22 |
NotReallyNick |
VanessaE: Yes. Let's do it. |
01:22 |
jordan4ibanez |
WELL! Water is pretty much jello already |
01:22 |
sdzen |
yes |
01:22 |
NotReallyNick |
Gravity is a necessary evil. It makes the game playable. |
01:22 |
* Menche |
can jump a dozen nodes high out of water |
01:23 |
sdzen |
I would like it if we couldn't jump a meter |
01:23 |
mauvebic |
as much as you bitch about pilzadam's changes, you're more set in your ways |
01:23 |
VanessaE |
jordan4ibanez: unless you can swim at 20m/sec through water, it ain't exactly jell-o |
01:23 |
sdzen |
hehe or at least can we change how big the nodes are? |
01:24 |
jordan4ibanez |
I can swim at least 5 times faster than the player can damnit and I'm fat, the water is like Jellur! |
01:24 |
VanessaE |
sdzen: not easily, but if jumping height is an issue, turn gravity up a little. |
01:24 |
sdzen |
cause everytime I think about how large the blocks are compared with me jumping over them like nothing |
01:24 |
NotReallyNick |
Actually, I'm thinking of the wrong thing. Lack of gravity is fine, it's lack of collision detection that is bad. SO permanent noclip is the enemy. |
01:24 |
VanessaE |
jordan4ibanez: you can't swim at 20 meters/second. |
01:24 |
sdzen |
its funny |
01:24 |
jordan4ibanez |
01:24 |
sdzen |
neither can the minetest person |
01:24 |
sdzen |
:) |
01:24 |
VanessaE |
01:25 |
jordan4ibanez |
The minetest person swims at 0.001 ft/s |
01:25 |
sdzen |
cant use feet |
01:25 |
Exio |
what is ft? |
01:25 |
Exio |
is what i think? |
01:25 |
sdzen |
minetest is on the metric system |
01:25 |
jordan4ibanez |
it's when you measure with your feet |
01:25 |
Exio |
if yes, use a PROPER system :) |
01:25 |
VanessaE |
the guness book of world records says the record holder "only" did about 2.29 meters/second. |
01:25 |
Exio |
a logical system if possible |
01:25 |
VanessaE |
Guiness* |
01:25 |
VanessaE |
(whatever) |
01:26 |
mauvebic |
dont mind if do |
01:26 |
NotReallyNick |
Here's a question: How do we know Minetest is on the Metric system? While it should be, how do we know for sure that that is indeed the case? |
01:26 |
* mauvebic |
beers |
01:26 |
jordan4ibanez |
If we make it realistic, it will take an hour to get across a lake, when the player can still jump huge heights |
01:26 |
VanessaE |
NotReallyNick: because it's generally been agreed, plus we know that minecraft is for sure. |
01:26 |
sdzen |
VanessaE: I am not speaking of the games mechanics when jumping, I mean the actual size of a minetest block is 1 cubic meter |
01:26 |
sdzen |
ergo |
01:26 |
sdzen |
when you jump a block |
01:26 |
NotReallyNick |
Minecraft is irrelevant. Agreed by who? |
01:26 |
sdzen |
your jumping 3 ft in the air |
01:26 |
Menche |
i think yards are more sensible |
01:27 |
VanessaE |
sdzen: gravity directly affects how high you can jump. |
01:27 |
Menche |
the player is 2 nodes high |
01:27 |
VanessaE |
the player is about 2m high, with eyes at 1.5m |
01:27 |
jordan4ibanez |
the player can jump 1.2 meters high |
01:27 |
mauvebic |
speaking of which, any word if crouch is coming ? |
01:27 |
Menche |
yard node: 6' meter node: 6.5' |
01:27 |
Menche |
that's reeaally tall |
01:27 |
jordan4ibanez |
and jump off of a 35 meter building xD |
01:27 |
sdzen |
yes |
01:27 |
* VanessaE |
is exactly 6 feet tall..... |
01:28 |
sdzen |
and people are terrible jumpers |
01:28 |
Menche |
not 6 feet 6 inches |
01:28 |
mrtux joined #minetest |
01:28 |
VanessaE |
Menche: I am when I have my stilettos on ;) |
01:28 |
jordan4ibanez |
Is there an on_collide for collision detection? |
01:28 |
NotReallyNick |
* Manche thinks VanessaE is REALLY tall |
01:28 |
sdzen |
5' 4" |
01:28 |
sdzen |
:) |
01:28 |
mrtux joined #minetest |
01:28 |
VanessaE |
sdzen: shrimp :) |
01:29 |
sdzen |
and 97 pounds |
01:29 |
Menche |
and the player is 6' 6" |
01:29 |
mauvebic |
5'11" and 125lbs |
01:29 |
jordan4ibanez |
The minetest player is fucking huge |
01:29 |
VanessaE |
6' and 380 pounds :-/ |
01:29 |
mauvebic |
i run mostly on dilithium |
01:29 |
Exio |
well people |
01:29 |
mauvebic |
naw seriously, dont sleep, dont eat much |
01:30 |
mauvebic |
even worse since i cut out the weed, ironically, on 4/20 lol |
01:30 |
Exio |
i have an idea, can you start using a logic system for the stuff? why the hell the convertion is not just a *10 or similar like the metric system? |
01:30 |
Menche |
well the tallest person in recorded history was 8' 11" |
01:30 |
NakedFury |
minetest player could have been made three blocks tall and other possible races 2 or even smaller |
01:30 |
jordan4ibanez |
We should make the player a little shorter to make the world appear bigger |
01:31 |
mauvebic |
yeah cuz a 2 node high clearance means your practically got the POV from the ceiling |
01:31 |
mauvebic |
*you |
01:31 |
NakedFury |
yeah I agree on that |
01:31 |
mauvebic |
and nodebox furniture always appears small even though a cubic meter is bigger for certain items |
01:31 |
NakedFury |
its gonna be a pain if an even smaller player race is added. like gnomes |
01:31 |
Menche |
based on the player's height, i think that yards make more sense |
01:33 |
mauvebic |
"Automated System Developed To Grade Student Essays " because ianno, 2-3 months + sabbaticals aint enough for some teachers lol |
01:40 |
jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest |
01:44 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Pizadam update github |
01:44 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
For minites |
01:46 |
kaeza |
join -> post 2 messages with 2 errors -> part |
01:46 |
kaeza |
bravo jojo |
01:47 |
rarkenin |
I must agree. I need punctuation to function. |
01:48 |
Kacey |
lol |
01:51 |
arsdragonfly |
I need a new font in minetest |
01:51 |
NotReallyNick |
Me as well. |
01:51 |
arsdragonfly |
the default one doesn't support Chinese |
01:51 |
* VanessaE |
hands rarkenin a small bucket of punctuation. Here ya go, leftovers from jojoa ;) |
01:51 |
rarkenin |
Thanks! |
01:51 |
rarkenin |
Anyway, we should use the Ubuntu font. |
01:52 |
NotReallyNick |
Ah, that would be a problem. I don't know how to add fonts though. |
01:52 |
NotReallyNick |
Is the Ubuntu font available to non-Ubuntu systems? |
01:52 |
Menche |
i use the ubuntu font on arch |
01:52 |
arsdragonfly |
Is the Ubuntu one free-to-use? |
01:52 |
Menche |
there's an official package for it in arch |
01:53 |
NotReallyNick |
Does the Ubuntu font include Chinese? |
01:53 |
arsdragonfly |
yes it does |
01:53 |
jordan4ibanez |
Does the ubuntu font cast spells? |
01:53 |
sdzen |
whats its license? |
01:53 |
Menche |
ah, the ttf files in minetest/fonts |
01:54 |
rarkenin |
The Ubuntu font is free to use on any OS. |
01:54 |
Menche |
there a setting for which font to use? |
01:54 |
rarkenin |
Ubuntu Font License. |
01:54 |
sdzen |
now shut up :) |
01:54 |
rarkenin |
It includes most characters that we would want. |
01:54 |
sdzen |
and choose a real license |
01:54 |
sdzen |
:) |
01:54 |
Menche |
font_path |
01:55 |
Doc22 joined #minetest |
01:55 |
sdzen |
(I suppose I have to be a stickler for this since the people that normally whine about licensing seem to be sleeping) |
01:55 |
Menche |
and font_size |
01:55 |
NotReallyNick |
Spells? Why would a font cast a spell? |
01:56 |
Exio |
VanessaE: random thing, i asked for 4gb*2 1600mhz-hyperx-kingston ram today, i should be able to know if i can get it tomorrow :D |
01:57 |
jordan4ibanez |
Because fonts are MAGICAL |
01:57 |
VanessaE |
not bad. How much? |
01:58 |
NotReallyNick |
Magic isn't real. Even today, I proved that a certain magic trick isn't magic, it relies on five bit binary. |
01:59 |
Exio |
if he can get it: 200 ARS / stick (38~ USD / stick) |
01:59 |
Menche |
can't get the font_path setting to work :( |
01:59 |
VanessaE |
well I guess that's okay-ish. |
01:59 |
VanessaE |
a lot more than I paid, you really should look for more resources. |
02:00 |
Menche |
oh, had it disabled :P |
02:00 |
Menche |
suppose setting the font works best when you have font support compiled in |
02:01 |
NotReallyNick |
Yeah, probably. |
02:01 |
Menche |
had to update anyway |
02:03 |
jordan4ibanez |
I think I went ocd overload with editing this episode, it took me an hour to decide if I should use two tracks of music or one |
02:04 |
NotReallyNick |
Yeah, I know what you mean. |
02:08 |
arsdragonfly| joined #minetest |
02:09 |
kaeza |
> Magic isn't real <--- you seriously need to revive your inner child man |
02:09 |
Menche |
yay, got the ubuntu font working in minetest :D |
02:09 |
shadowjay1 joined #minetest |
02:10 |
Menche |
it's kind of difficult, you have to specify the full path to the .ttf file |
02:11 |
Exio |
? |
02:11 |
Menche |
changing the font in minetest |
02:11 |
Exio |
you copy the .ttf to %mthome%/fonts/<name> |
02:11 |
Doc22 |
does anyone know how to make a ttf |
02:11 |
Exio |
you change the value from "fonts/stuff" |
02:11 |
Exio |
to "fonts/<name>" |
02:11 |
Exio |
?? profit |
02:11 |
Doc22 |
or do you need pricey programs |
02:11 |
Exio |
it works for me |
02:11 |
Menche |
i couldn't do that |
02:11 |
Exio |
Doc22: you need l33tness |
02:11 |
Doc22 |
thank you |
02:12 |
Exio |
*for making it read-able* |
02:12 |
Exio |
what |
02:12 |
Menche |
i had to specify the full path to the ttf |
02:12 |
Doc22 |
oh |
02:12 |
Doc22 |
... |
02:12 |
Doc22 |
u trolled me |
02:12 |
Doc22 |
all im getting is a gaming term |
02:13 |
Exio |
Doc22: http://goo.gl/IuUnk |
02:13 |
Doc22 |
never heard of l33tness |
02:13 |
jordan4ibanez |
02:13 |
jordan4ibanez |
Wait a second |
02:14 |
Doc22 |
ive tried that once a long time ago and i got a bunch of crap |
02:14 |
jordan4ibanez |
hold the boop on |
02:14 |
jordan4ibanez |
we can change the font, and font size |
02:14 |
Doc22 |
lol i love lmgtfy |
02:14 |
jordan4ibanez |
and NO ONE made a menu setting for it |
02:14 |
jordan4ibanez |
klndglkadfjhlhr |
02:15 |
Exio |
jordan4ibanez: 99.99% of the things NEED to be changed in the .conf |
02:15 |
Doc22 |
hello jordan |
02:15 |
Exio |
02:15 |
* Menche |
loves the Ubuntu fonts |
02:15 |
jordan4ibanez |
02:15 |
Doc22 |
and no* |
02:15 |
Doc22 |
:3 |
02:15 |
* sdzen |
loves liberation |
02:15 |
Doc22 |
i like ubuntu fonts too |
02:15 |
jordan4ibanez |
There should be menu objects for everything :'( |
02:15 |
Doc22 |
soo smoooth |
02:15 |
Exio |
jordan4ibanez: because nobody coded that, if you want that, code the stuff |
02:15 |
sdzen |
there should be menu objects for menu objects |
02:16 |
jordan4ibanez |
I WILL! When the client side lua coding for the main menu comes in :3 |
02:16 |
sdzen |
wait! |
02:16 |
Doc22 |
make a change |
02:16 |
Doc22 |
then request a puch |
02:16 |
Menche |
it would be a bit of a pain currently, as not all systems will have the fonts in the same place, probably |
02:16 |
Doc22 |
push |
02:16 |
sdzen |
you should be able to edit the conf from the menu |
02:16 |
jordan4ibanez |
Exactly |
02:16 |
jordan4ibanez |
There should be a lua section for the main menu |
02:16 |
jordan4ibanez |
so people can make custom menus |
02:16 |
Exio |
sdzen: i think there should be a "tab" called advanced with a small and shitty integrated editor |
02:17 |
Exio |
jordan4ibanez: code it |
02:17 |
NakedFury |
im all for voting FOR including all menu and configuration things inside the games menu |
02:17 |
jordan4ibanez |
Exio: teach me c++ |
02:17 |
Exio |
if it were easy someone would've coded that |
02:17 |
sdzen |
hehe |
02:17 |
jordan4ibanez |
No: No one thought of it |
02:17 |
* sdzen |
has been thinking it for about a year |
02:17 |
* sdzen |
never told anyone |
02:17 |
NotReallyNick |
Everyone thought of that particular ides though. |
02:17 |
jordan4ibanez |
fak u sdzen |
02:17 |
NotReallyNick |
*idea |
02:18 |
NotReallyNick |
So many people want an in-game settings page. |
02:18 |
NotReallyNick |
It's not that no one thought of it. |
02:19 |
sdzen |
jordan4ibanez: 1.)your mother beat me to it. 2.) you should win the MSPAINT challenge on the forums, your entry was amazing. |
02:19 |
Exio |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/546 |
02:19 |
rarkenin |
Wouldn't it require a ton of lengthy reloading, which we're trying to avoid in thr first place? |
02:19 |
jordan4ibanez |
02:20 |
jordan4ibanez |
I love the in game settings |
02:20 |
sdzen |
how lengthy is restarting the entire game compared with reloading rarkenin |
02:20 |
sdzen |
? |
02:20 |
Exio |
the same time? |
02:20 |
jordan4ibanez |
sdzen, I dare you to ask a hot girl out on a date, and talk about your mother the whole time |
02:20 |
jordan4ibanez |
Exio NO |
02:21 |
rarkenin |
Well, there's the unexplained freeze after getting stuff from the server, but before anything actually renders. |
02:21 |
jordan4ibanez |
sometimes minetest hangs like a bitch |
02:21 |
kaeza |
Menche, use Webdings |
02:21 |
kaeza |
:trollface: |
02:21 |
sdzen |
now if only I didn't fall for the crazy ocd girls :) |
02:21 |
rarkenin |
On the first placenode, it hangs. It also hangs on the first dignode. MEsh update queue error? |
02:21 |
Exio |
jordan4ibanez: http://goo.gl/HhUzP |
02:22 |
sdzen |
who I actually could talk about my mother the whole time and they would find it interesting |
02:22 |
sdzen |
(and I have a reputation of boring people to the brink of insanity) |
02:22 |
jordan4ibanez |
Exio: http://goo.gl/Yhkw1 |
02:23 |
rarkenin |
Good night! |
02:23 |
Exio |
< Location: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=teach+me+it+%20+%20+%20+%20+%20also+your+mother |
02:23 |
Exio |
lol |
02:23 |
NotReallyNick |
Good night. |
02:23 |
sdzen |
good night! |
02:23 |
Exio |
good night |
02:23 |
jordan4ibanez |
Good day. |
02:24 |
sdzen |
jordan4ibanez: is it true rhode islanders taste like chicken? |
02:24 |
sdzen |
or do they have a more gamey taste |
02:24 |
jordan4ibanez |
I could have made a dirty joke right there which would have gotten me kicked, but yes |
02:25 |
jordan4ibanez |
Do you vermonters taste like maple syrup? |
02:25 |
sdzen |
no we taste like milk :P |
02:25 |
sdzen |
and bones |
02:25 |
Crisco joined #minetest |
02:27 |
NotReallyNick |
You cannibals. |
02:28 |
sdzen |
oh don't pretend you haven't wanted a bite as well! |
02:28 |
NotReallyNick |
Yet one more group of people I will never understand. |
02:28 |
NotReallyNick |
No. No, I haven't. |
02:29 |
jordan4ibanez |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/542 |
02:29 |
jordan4ibanez |
02:29 |
sdzen |
lets see... people taste like veal, it solves over population, civic disputes are resolved quickly, it solves the hunger crisis |
02:29 |
jordan4ibanez |
items should be dropped as 1 item each, and when you hold shift you can throw the whole stack |
02:29 |
jordan4ibanez |
wouldn't that make more sense? it's like a DURRRR moment |
02:30 |
NotReallyNick |
Okay. So cannibalism is a good thing. Duly noted. |
02:30 |
jordan4ibanez |
Today I learned sdzen is a zombie |
02:31 |
sdzen |
not a zombie |
02:31 |
sdzen |
an alien |
02:31 |
sdzen |
from planet clair |
02:31 |
sdzen |
claire* |
02:31 |
NotReallyNick |
No, I don't think shift should alter the number of things you drop. That's easy enough to do with the formspec. Hold an item stack and right click outside the formspec to drop a single item fron the stack. |
02:31 |
sdzen |
no one ever dies there |
02:31 |
sdzen |
no one has a head |
02:31 |
sdzen |
all the trees are red |
02:32 |
NotReallyNick |
That sounds like a lovely planet. I would one day like the chance to visit. |
02:32 |
jordan4ibanez |
Well notreallynick, what if you have itemdrop, your friend is next to you, you need to throw a stack of it to him, but that instant? |
02:32 |
NotReallyNick |
If I come, to I get to avoid death too? |
02:32 |
jordan4ibanez |
hmmmmm? |
02:33 |
sdzen |
only if you bring some polish for the guillotine |
02:33 |
sdzen |
its getting rather tarnished |
02:33 |
NotReallyNick |
For starters, item_drop is annoying as heck. If you add that, it's your own responsibility to compensate. So pull to item_drop, not minetest. |
02:33 |
NotReallyNick |
Okay. Polish it is. |
02:34 |
NotReallyNick |
Sounds like a small price to pay for immortality. |
02:34 |
jordan4ibanez |
What? What if you need to give a person 3 of the 99 blocks in your stack and that instant? there are so many scenarios which this will be useful |
02:34 |
sdzen |
NotReallyNick: I think he means dropping a stack, not picking it up, you would still click it like you do now |
02:34 |
NotReallyNick |
Then use the formspec right click three times. |
02:34 |
jordan4ibanez |
what if you need to activate 3 mesecons pistons with a stack of 3 in quick sessesion? |
02:35 |
NotReallyNick |
I know. |
02:35 |
sdzen |
click hard and fast |
02:35 |
jordan4ibanez |
What if you're dropping gold and diamonds down to the people who are in your town square? |
02:35 |
NotReallyNick |
It's as quick from the formspec as it is while holding shift. |
02:35 |
jordan4ibanez |
So many uses which I can think of, it's making my head spin |
02:36 |
NotReallyNick |
And all those uses can be done from the formspec. |
02:36 |
jordan4ibanez |
but, notreallynick, it's not about what can be done, it's about ease of use, and that there is an easier way that can be easily changed in the default game |
02:37 |
NotReallyNick |
What if you are holding shift to avoid falling, and you want to drop the whole stack? |
02:38 |
jordan4ibanez |
then you can press the button fast |
02:38 |
jordan4ibanez |
02:38 |
jordan4ibanez |
you don't have to go into your forumspec to do so |
02:38 |
jordan4ibanez |
what if you are holding shift to avoid falling and need to drop 1 item? |
02:39 |
jordan4ibanez |
without the change? you're fucked! |
02:39 |
NotReallyNick |
That drops 99 entities. Bad idea, you'll overload the area and delete the items. Then the other person has to pick up 99 entities as well. It's all around a bad situation. |
02:39 |
jordan4ibanez |
99 entities don't get deleted, it's 250+ |
02:39 |
jordan4ibanez |
just use tnt and you'll find that out! |
02:40 |
NotReallyNick |
You still have to pick up 99, one at a time. |
02:40 |
sdzen |
and wouldnt it be a stack? |
02:40 |
sdzen |
so only one |
02:40 |
jordan4ibanez |
So what? if you are in a scenario which you need to, you'll do it :P |
02:40 |
NotReallyNick |
Not if you drop 99 one at a time like jordan4ibanez was sugesting. |
02:41 |
NotReallyNick |
And if you are in a situation without the change, you'll do what you need to. |
02:41 |
jordan4ibanez |
I think the positives of my side of the argument outweight the negatives of your side of the argument |
02:41 |
NotReallyNick |
No, the shift thing is just inconsistent. |
02:41 |
RealBadAngel |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-Fv_HtzPLg, i wouldnt be so afraid of amount of items |
02:41 |
NotReallyNick |
How about if it's a config setting, per client? |
02:42 |
RealBadAngel |
this is important only when unloading area, so more cannot be stored just |
02:42 |
NotReallyNick |
RealBadAngel: I'm worried about number you need to pick up as well. It's annoying to pick up 99 items one at a time. |
02:42 |
jordan4ibanez |
It is very consistant |
02:42 |
jordan4ibanez |
cool rba! |
02:43 |
RealBadAngel |
NotReallyNick, use item_drop(pickup) mod then |
02:43 |
NotReallyNick |
item_drop is even worse! |
02:43 |
jordan4ibanez |
Not my version |
02:43 |
kaeza |
jordan4ibanez, +1 |
02:43 |
RealBadAngel |
jordan4ibanez, what your version? |
02:43 |
jordan4ibanez |
want to try it? it has a special timer which allows you to throw down items and not pick them up instantly |
02:44 |
NotReallyNick |
item_drop and hunger are the two most annoying plugins made for the game. |
02:44 |
kaeza |
re: able to drop a single item |
02:44 |
jordan4ibanez |
it also has a detection, if you are higher than the item, you don't pick it up |
02:44 |
jordan4ibanez |
helpful for mining, throwing items into a garbage |
02:44 |
RealBadAngel |
jordan4ibanez, link, link :) |
02:44 |
jordan4ibanez |
okay hang on a sec |
02:45 |
RealBadAngel |
im getting annoyed a bit not being able to throw away anythin ;) |
02:45 |
NotReallyNick |
If it weren't for the item_drop feature built in, I'd probably have technic in my private world. |
02:46 |
RealBadAngel |
its PilzAdam's mod, i included it with technic because of lasers and drills |
02:47 |
RealBadAngel |
it looks way better when beam leaves items on the ground instead adding multiple collects at once into inv |
02:47 |
kaeza |
NotReallyNick, fun fact: you can disable item_drop(pickup) |
02:47 |
NotReallyNick |
The same goes for one of Traxie's plugins. It add cool stuff, but the built in item_drop makes it too annoying to be worth using. item_drop is already a seperate plugin, why does it need to be built into other plugins as well? |
02:48 |
RealBadAngel |
https://github.com/RealBadAngel/technic/blob/master/technic/config.lua |
02:48 |
jordan4ibanez |
https://dl.dropbox.com/s/7neofth4sdao8ke/item_drop.zip?token_hash=AAF0emdgAc8jkLLl2oTcthz8tEB_r6LEldAH1IlSeYj7YA&dl=1 |
02:49 |
RealBadAngel |
jordan4ibanez, thx. btw cannon is cool |
02:49 |
jordan4ibanez |
technic conflicts with item_drop though |
02:49 |
NotReallyNick |
kaeza: Disabling item_drop in these plugins requires remembering to edit the files every time I update. If it was a conf setting, it would be fine, but having a configuration file within the plugin itself is just plain sloppy. |
02:49 |
jordan4ibanez |
and thank you! |
02:49 |
RealBadAngel |
NotReallyNick, check the link above, and set both item_ to false |
02:50 |
VanessaE |
RealBadAngel: he makes a good point, config files should be stored outside the mod. |
02:50 |
kaeza |
NotReallyNick, edit .gitignore, add config.lua, ???, profit |
02:50 |
RealBadAngel |
i will go different way |
02:50 |
RealBadAngel |
mod itself will have configuration GUI. |
02:50 |
NotReallyNick |
RealBadAngel: That config is within the plugin, meaning I have to remember to edit it every time I update. Config files withing the plugin are just sloppy. If it was in minetest.conf, it would be fine. |
02:50 |
RealBadAngel |
as UI plugin |
02:51 |
kaeza |
maybe something like this can be included in default? https://github.com/kaeza/minetest-survival_modpack/blob/master/survival_lib/config.lua |
02:52 |
RealBadAngel |
and the config file will be stored within your world's folder |
02:52 |
NotReallyNick |
Okay, that would be a lot better, with or without the GUI. |
02:52 |
RealBadAngel |
so update will not erase it |
02:52 |
NotReallyNick |
Thank you! |
02:53 |
Exio |
omfg |
02:53 |
VanessaE |
nice |
02:53 |
Exio |
i just had a FPS drop when killing grunts in RE |
02:53 |
Exio |
from 90 FPS to 3 |
02:53 |
Exio |
just a blood-overflow xD |
02:53 |
kaeza |
the gore level is OVER NINE THOUSAND!! |
02:54 |
kaeza |
meh |
02:54 |
Exio |
:D yeah |
02:54 |
Exio |
legs everywhere |
02:54 |
jordan4ibanez |
hey, could gamemodes have .conf files? or is this already something? |
02:54 |
NotReallyNick |
Over 9000 what? Please include a unit of measure. |
02:54 |
jordan4ibanez |
9000ML! |
02:54 |
NotReallyNick |
Yes, they have minetest.conf s in game modes already. |
02:55 |
sdzen |
9000 exobytes |
02:55 |
kaeza |
NotReallyNick, not sure if trolling or asking legit question |
02:56 |
sdzen |
goodbye random creatures of the day |
02:56 |
NotReallyNick |
Without a unit of measure, numbers are meaningless. |
02:56 |
sdzen |
without time, we are meaningless |
02:56 |
NotReallyNick |
But we have time. |
02:56 |
sdzen |
without us units of measure are meaningless |
02:56 |
Exio |
exiobytes? :D |
02:57 |
sdzen |
and time doesn't actually exist |
02:57 |
sdzen |
look it up |
02:57 |
kaeza |
NotReallyNick, http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/its-over-9000 |
02:57 |
jordan4ibanez |
realbadangel, if I give you the cannon mod for you to include in technic, you should give me credit. :P |
02:57 |
sdzen |
time is mathematically impossible |
02:57 |
NotReallyNick |
kaeza: Memes are no excuse for meaningless statements. |
02:58 |
kaeza |
NotReallyNick, lacking humor is no excuse to be an asshole |
02:58 |
* NotReallyNick |
's game is royally messed up |
02:58 |
NotReallyNick |
I don't lack hummor. |
02:58 |
NotReallyNick |
Also, I don't think I'm being an ass hole. |
02:59 |
jordan4ibanez |
WELL you're acting like one! Lighten up! |
02:59 |
NotReallyNick |
I'm not acting like one. |
02:59 |
NotReallyNick |
Also, I'm about as loose as I can be, considering the due date of the homework I'm working on. |
03:00 |
jordan4ibanez |
Then don't Internet mad. |
03:00 |
RealBadAngel |
jordan4ibanez, theres plenty of space inside technic modpack, youre welcome :) |
03:00 |
* RealBadAngel |
is off to work |
03:01 |
NotReallyNick |
I'm not mad in any way, I've just never liked memes. Memes tend to make little to no sense, and are almost never actually funny. |
03:02 |
jordan4ibanez |
http://i.imgur.com/OnNDBr2.gif |
03:02 |
* NotReallyNick |
needs to fix his minetest.conf |
03:02 |
jordan4ibanez |
peace realbadangel |
03:04 |
* NotReallyNick |
considers 9000 mL of gore to be more than he can stomach |
03:04 |
jordan4ibanez |
http://i.imgur.com/MDRw2.gif |
03:05 |
Exio |
NotReallyNick: the funny thing of the memes is the "nonsense" of them |
03:05 |
jordan4ibanez |
This is how I feel when new users post shit http://i.imgur.com/qUrIF.gif |
03:06 |
Exio |
i'm going to sleep, good night |
03:07 |
kaeza |
nite Exio |
03:07 |
Exio |
:P |
03:08 |
NotReallyNick joined #minetest |
03:09 |
NotReallyNick |
enable_fog = false |
03:09 |
NotReallyNick |
show_debug = true |
03:09 |
NotReallyNick |
There we go. Perfect! |
03:10 |
jordan4ibanez |
why didn't you just hit f5 and f2 |
03:10 |
NotReallyNick |
I get tired of hitting F2 and F5 EVERY time I log in. |
03:11 |
NotReallyNick |
There should really be a setting in minetest.conf that does that automatically. Oh wait, there is. |
03:12 |
bas080 joined #minetest |
03:12 |
NotReallyNick |
I agree with whoever set it up that fog should be on by default. But if I'm going to disable it every time I log in, it might as well disable itself. |
03:13 |
NotReallyNick |
Most users do better with fog though, I imagine. |
03:13 |
NotReallyNick |
It hides the jagged edges of the world. |
03:14 |
Menche |
what's the difference between disabling fog and enabling full viewing range? |
03:14 |
NotReallyNick |
Disabling fog still has a veiw limit. Full range does not. |
03:14 |
NotReallyNick |
*view |
03:15 |
NotReallyNick |
So with full range, your FPS takes a huge hit. |
03:15 |
NotReallyNick |
With fog disabled, it looks better and is easier on your machine than fog on. |
03:15 |
Menche |
oh, so distant blocks still aren't displayed, but aren't fogged out |
03:15 |
NotReallyNick |
Correct. |
03:15 |
kaeza |
Menche, /teleport -30000,0,0 then /teleport 30000,0,0 |
03:16 |
kaeza |
turn on full range and you can see from one edge of the world to the other |
03:18 |
NotReallyNick |
It looks like with the new setup, I only need to set four setting from minetest.conf on my laptop. Everything else is set from the GUI, set from the game's minetest.conf, or not needing to be set. |
03:19 |
TheBonsai_ joined #minetest |
03:20 |
NotReallyNick |
I like these jungle trees. I just have to find a jungle sapling in my server world now. |
03:20 |
kaeza1 joined #minetest |
03:20 |
sokomine |
where is the list of servers one connected to stored? |
03:20 |
NotReallyNick |
I spwan in a jungle on my local world. |
03:20 |
NotReallyNick |
I'll look. Hold on. |
03:21 |
NotReallyNick |
minetest/client/serverlist/favoriteservers.txt |
03:22 |
NotReallyNick |
Does anyone know where in the code a "random" seed is chosen? |
03:23 |
kaeza |
jordan4ibanez, http://cheezburger.com/7204465408 |
03:24 |
jordan4ibanez |
kaeza http://i.imgur.com/vuI5f.gif |
03:24 |
kaeza |
lol |
03:25 |
frogcrush joined #minetest |
03:25 |
sokomine |
aah. thank you |
03:27 |
VanessaE |
damn how I wish nodes could have simple vector models |
03:27 |
jordan4ibanez |
How does the new video intro style feel? |
03:27 |
jordan4ibanez |
http://youtu.be/FG1QLcf7cew |
03:29 |
NotReallyNick |
VanessaE: I was going to add jungle grass to top cactus after it grows to its max height. Does that sound like a good idea, or am I just nuts as usual? |
03:30 |
arsdragonfly| |
Hey guys how can I set my font path? |
03:31 |
NotReallyNick |
Sorry, I don't know. |
03:31 |
VanessaE |
my junglegrass mod does that already :) |
03:31 |
VanessaE |
(or it's supposed to....) |
03:31 |
arsdragonfly| |
The example in minetest.conf.example seems to be broken |
03:31 |
NotReallyNick |
Yeah, but I'm trying to add it to default. Though I guess that answers the question. If you already do it, you must not think its nuts. |
03:32 |
arsdragonfly| |
or what's the global variable of minetest directory v |
03:32 |
arsdragonfly| |
*? |
03:32 |
Menche |
arsdragonfly|: is freetype support compiled in? |
03:32 |
arsdragonfly| |
yes |
03:32 |
Menche |
and, the font_path needs the complete path to the ttf file |
03:32 |
Menche |
mine was in /usr/share/fonts/TTF |
03:33 |
arsdragonfly| |
the example just says /fonts/*** |
03:33 |
Menche |
fonts/[whatever] didn't work for me |
03:33 |
sokomine |
why does it grow on cactus? does it do so rl? |
03:33 |
Menche |
in 0.3.x, junglegrass grew on top of cactus |
03:33 |
arsdragonfly| |
can i add a varible before that? |
03:33 |
NotReallyNick |
That's where I got the idea, Menche. |
03:33 |
Menche |
i don't know, i have it set to the full path and it works |
03:34 |
sokomine |
there is an alternate font vanessae supplied some time ago. i always forget how it was named :-( |
03:34 |
arsdragonfly| |
a global variable which stands for the minetest directory |
03:34 |
VanessaE |
http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4436 |
03:34 |
VanessaE |
sokomine: ^^ |
03:35 |
VanessaE |
fontlucida.png and fontdejavusansmono.png |
03:35 |
Menche |
VanessaE: that's for the old irrlicht font maps |
03:35 |
VanessaE |
Menche: yup, which I still use because ttf support has no shadowing behind the text |
03:35 |
Menche |
the new freetype fonts are completely different |
03:35 |
VanessaE |
(it works in 0.4.6) |
03:36 |
jordan4ibanez |
minetest.net's banner is slightly lighter, very pleasing to the eye |
03:37 |
Menche |
my font_path is set to /usr/share/fonts/TTF/Ubuntu-R.ttf |
03:37 |
* NotReallyNick |
likes seeing his server at the top of the server list, and would see it there more often if the servers were alphabetized by address |
03:40 |
* Menche |
doesn't get why his server isn't on the list |
03:41 |
NotReallyNick |
Have you set the right settings in minetest.conf? |
03:42 |
NotReallyNick |
server_announce = true |
03:42 |
sokomine |
hmm. how do i use the new build/survival versions? |
03:42 |
sokomine |
and - where does the server list come from? havn't seen it in any of my builds yet |
03:42 |
NotReallyNick |
Start a new world, and chose build or survival as the game mode. |
03:42 |
Menche |
the relevant section from my config file: http://pastebin.com/m4i18hqU |
03:43 |
NotReallyNick |
The server list is busted in Windows. ☺ |
03:43 |
Menche |
any idea? |
03:43 |
NotReallyNick |
Menche: Did you compile it with cURL? |
03:43 |
Menche |
yes |
03:43 |
sokomine |
oh. the server-list is windows-only? sounds strange |
03:43 |
NotReallyNick |
No idea then .... That should work ..... |
03:44 |
NotReallyNick |
No, the server list is Linux only. |
03:44 |
mauvebic |
is there a mod that uses the new particle spawner? |
03:44 |
NotReallyNick |
I don't know. |
03:44 |
NotReallyNick |
sokomine: So you are on Linux? |
03:45 |
mauvebic |
hmm, guess ill be one of the first then :P 5 documentaries later and titanic is coming along nice :-) |
03:45 |
Menche |
debian has libcurl3 and libcurl4, and openssl and gnutls versions |
03:46 |
arsdragonfly joined #minetest |
03:46 |
NotReallyNick |
sokomine: If you are on Linux, don't use the official build. It's buggy. Compile it yourself. |
03:46 |
Menche |
which does minetest need? |
03:46 |
NotReallyNick |
I'll check. Hold on. |
03:46 |
NotReallyNick |
libcurl4-openssl-dev |
03:47 |
VanessaE |
sokomine: amd64 ubuntu by chance? :) |
03:47 |
Menche |
and that's the one i have |
03:47 |
sokomine |
hmm. where do i find the server list? the "official" one i mean (not the local one - that could be copied thanks to notreallynick) |
03:47 |
Menche |
servers.minetest.net |
03:47 |
NotReallyNick |
http://servers.minetest.net/ |
03:48 |
NotReallyNick |
VanessaE: Is there an error in AMD64 Ubuntu Minetest? |
03:48 |
sokomine |
vanessae: ...not without switching kernel etc. to 64 bit, no. the cpu could do it. i really need to buy an ssd.... |
03:48 |
VanessaE |
NotReallyNick: not that I know of; I was going to suggest trying my build is all. |
03:48 |
NotReallyNick |
Oh, got it. Good, because my laptop is AMD64 Ubuntu. |
03:48 |
sokomine |
mauvebic: how about the weather mod? that creates rain and snow? doesn't that use the new particles? |
03:48 |
VanessaE |
sokomine: if you have an amd64-capable computer, you should run the amd64 build of Ubuntu. it works perfectly fine now. |
03:49 |
VanessaE |
(I use 12.04) |
03:49 |
Menche |
how many people are providing builds? |
03:49 |
Menche |
i think at least 3 |
03:49 |
arsdragonfly1 joined #minetest |
03:49 |
Menche |
not including the official ones |
03:49 |
NotReallyNick |
I'm told 12.10 isn't very popular. |
03:49 |
sokomine |
notreallynick: i just compiled the newest version from https://github.com/minetest |
03:49 |
mauvebic |
hmm, what happen to doc lua api.txt? cant find it :/ lol |
03:49 |
VanessaE |
pilzadam, thexyz, sfan5, me, one or two others also |
03:49 |
NotReallyNick |
Okay. I don't know why it won't show up then. |
03:49 |
mauvebic |
weather uses particle spawner? ill check that out cuz its not documented in the pages im finding |
03:49 |
VanessaE |
http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=81560#p81560 |
03:49 |
VanessaE |
here's mine, built it just now. |
03:49 |
arsdragonfly1 left #minetest |
03:50 |
arsdragonfly1 joined #minetest |
03:50 |
sokomine |
aah. so the serverlist is not inbuild but has to be downloaded from minetest.net? |
03:50 |
VanessaE |
sokomine: yep |
03:50 |
arsdragonfly joined #minetest |
03:51 |
NotReallyNick |
Yeah, but downloaded by the game itself, so it's an in-game list. |
03:51 |
sokomine |
no, i run debian 32 bit |
03:51 |
NotReallyNick |
I can't get Minetest running well on Debian. |
03:51 |
Menche |
go to the multiplayer tab and select "show public" |
03:52 |
sokomine |
and how do you make the game download the list? |
03:52 |
NotReallyNick |
Although RealBadAngel uses Debian, and has no issues with Minetest. |
03:52 |
Menche |
my minetest server runs fine on debian |
03:52 |
NotReallyNick |
My server runs fine on Debian, but not the client. Also not the server's NIC. |
03:52 |
Menche |
sokomine, it downloads it when you click "show public" |
03:52 |
sokomine |
er...perhaps i'm blind :( can't find a "show public" there? |
03:52 |
Menche |
on the multiplayer tab? |
03:53 |
Menche |
should say either "show public" or "show favorites" |
03:53 |
NotReallyNick |
I don't think it shows up if not compiled with cURL. |
03:53 |
NotReallyNick |
Did you compile with cURL? |
03:53 |
sokomine |
it does run well on debian. the only real trouble is identifying all the packages you need to compile and run it. once you've got those installed it works fine (apart from crashes here and there, but that seems to happen to all people now and then) |
03:54 |
NotReallyNick |
Install libcurl4-openssl-dev. |
03:54 |
sokomine |
hmm. maybe i missed curl? |
03:54 |
NotReallyNick |
Then compile Minetest again. |
03:54 |
jordan4ibanez |
The most beautiful song ever http://youtu.be/uiPJHbsYuq8 |
03:54 |
sokomine |
fine, thanks. building will work relatively fast |
03:54 |
Menche |
when you run cmake, one of the lines of output should be "-- CURL_INCLUDE_DIR = /usr/include/curl" |
03:55 |
Menche |
and "-- cURL support enabled" |
03:56 |
sokomine |
i didn't watch the cmake output that closely |
03:56 |
Menche |
heey, mine finally decided to announce to the server list |
03:56 |
NotReallyNick |
Try "sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev". |
03:56 |
Menche |
lets see if it actually shows up |
03:56 |
* sokomine |
congratulates the server :-) |
03:56 |
NotReallyNick |
Menche: Yay! |
03:56 |
Menche |
yep, it's up :D |
03:57 |
NotReallyNick |
Yep, I see it. |
03:57 |
Menche |
and at the very bottom... |
03:57 |
sokomine |
already working on that in the background |
03:57 |
arsdragonfly |
Does the Show Public and Show Favourite buttons show up if i build minetest without cURL? |
03:57 |
NotReallyNick |
I don't think so. |
03:58 |
Hwkiller left #minetest |
03:58 |
sokomine |
without curl, i see only "Favorites:" and the list where every server i connect to is stored |
03:58 |
Menche |
my client seems to freeze for a second or two as it downloads the list |
03:58 |
NotReallyNick |
Yeah, it does that. |
03:58 |
NotReallyNick |
I'm the first in your world through the list! |
03:59 |
NotReallyNick |
Nice sideway lilipads. |
03:59 |
NotReallyNick |
*sideways |
03:59 |
NotReallyNick |
*lily pads |
03:59 |
sokomine |
compiling.... |
04:00 |
xming joined #minetest |
04:01 |
* NotReallyNick |
found a ton of dropped vines |
04:01 |
Menche |
yeah, i was experimenting with making them decay |
04:01 |
Menche |
got the wrong node name |
04:01 |
Menche |
i'll have to look at the vines mod closer |
04:02 |
arsdragonfly |
compiling... |
04:02 |
NotReallyNick |
You should update plant life too, if you haven't already. |
04:03 |
Menche |
ssh connection is laaaaggggyyy |
04:04 |
* Menche |
is on a cell data connection |
04:04 |
NotReallyNick |
I know, it is for me too, even within the same LAN network. |
04:04 |
* Menche |
isn't even going to try joining the server |
04:04 |
NotReallyNick |
Oh, I'm not on a phone though. |
04:04 |
Menche |
when i connect my phone to my computer, it creates a new network interface |
04:04 |
Menche |
so i can use the cell data from my laptop |
04:05 |
Menche |
was sorta surprised that Apple made something that works OOTB on linux |
04:06 |
Menche |
was expecting some silly proprietary interface |
04:06 |
NotReallyNick |
Why? Apple actually follows standards. |
04:06 |
Menche |
like their usb cables? |
04:07 |
NotReallyNick |
What's different with their USB cabbles? |
04:07 |
Menche |
that's not really standard, plus they just changed it so you need to buy new ones :P |
04:07 |
NotReallyNick |
*cables |
04:07 |
Menche |
the end that goes into the phone |
04:09 |
Menche |
wooo, my server just jumped up 4 spots on the list :D |
04:09 |
Menche |
how is the list ordered anyway? |
04:09 |
NotReallyNick |
It's sorted based on number of curent players. |
04:09 |
FreeFull joined #minetest |
04:10 |
Menche |
so, if i keep a bunch of bots on all the time... |
04:10 |
NotReallyNick |
Exactly. |
04:10 |
Menche |
or, easier, hack it to report the wrong number |
04:10 |
NotReallyNick |
rarkenin was discussing that earlier. |
04:10 |
Menche |
meh, have better things to do with my time |
04:11 |
NotReallyNick |
Me too. |
04:11 |
Menche |
than fudge the server list |
04:11 |
NotReallyNick |
I'm just happy to be ON the list, myself. |
04:11 |
Menche |
i have *no* idea why it wasn't working for me earlier |
04:12 |
mauvebic |
cant find any documentation on particlespawner :/ |
04:12 |
NotReallyNick |
I hate it when there is no apparent change, but the problem goes away. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT FIXED IT! |
04:12 |
VanessaE |
heh |
04:13 |
NotReallyNick |
If I don't know what the problem was, how can I prevent it or fix it nex time? |
04:13 |
Menche |
i am 90% sure nothing was changed from the last time i restarted it |
04:14 |
Menche |
could it have caught servers.minetest.net at the wrong time? |
04:14 |
mauvebic |
ok found some stuff in the pull comments |
04:15 |
Menche |
i notice i have the 3rd worst ping of any of the servers |
04:16 |
NotReallyNick |
Aw. I have the worst. |
04:16 |
VanessaE |
no, looks like I do now |
04:16 |
Menche |
which just means that we're far away from russia |
04:16 |
VanessaE |
no I don't. |
04:17 |
Menche |
it appears to be hosted from minetest.ru? |
04:17 |
VanessaE |
dunno |
04:18 |
NotReallyNick |
Menche: Do you have some sort of free stuff place I could drop all these vines off at? |
04:18 |
Menche |
wait, the IP looks like it's in germany |
04:18 |
Menche |
NotReallyNick, they aren't really useful for much, you could just pulverize |
04:18 |
Menche |
but i guess you could drop them in the chest behind the city hall desk if you must keep them |
04:19 |
Menche |
they are certainly plenty renewable too, i have 2 full stacks |
04:19 |
NotReallyNick |
If no one has a use for them though .... Although I never /pulverize. I'll make a chest somewhere and hide it. |
04:20 |
Menche |
they can be used to craft ropeboxes |
04:20 |
Menche |
i think that's the only use |
04:20 |
kaeza |
offtopic: anyone knows if there's a tool to batch-copy files from a directory to another preserving relative paths? |
04:20 |
NotReallyNick |
Oh, awesom. They're those vines. |
04:20 |
NotReallyNick |
*Awesome |
04:20 |
NotReallyNick |
Yeah. |
04:20 |
NotReallyNick |
cp -r will do it, I think. |
04:21 |
kaeza |
err...move rather |
04:21 |
Menche |
mv? |
04:21 |
NotReallyNick |
mv |
04:21 |
kaeza |
mv will overwrite the dirs no? |
04:21 |
kaeza |
hmm |
04:22 |
NotReallyNick |
Oh, I think I get what you mean. I don't think mv deletes anything, it will merge the two directories. I think. |
04:22 |
kaeza |
ah that's exactly what I wanted! |
04:22 |
kaeza |
thanks :) |
04:22 |
NotReallyNick |
04:23 |
NotReallyNick |
Or look it up. |
04:23 |
* Menche |
would verify on a less importand dir, of course |
04:23 |
Menche |
yes |
04:23 |
kaeza |
too late :P |
04:23 |
kaeza |
I already merged |
04:23 |
Menche |
important* |
04:23 |
* NotReallyNick |
is done gathering vines for now |
04:24 |
NotReallyNick |
Let me rephrase: |
04:24 |
* NotReallyNick |
is not really going to gather any more vines today |
04:24 |
Menche |
is there a way to let something decay *without* dumping it's drops on the ground? |
04:25 |
NotReallyNick |
Is the drop different than the node itself? |
04:25 |
Menche |
yes |
04:25 |
NotReallyNick |
Hold on. I;ll write you something. |
04:26 |
NotReallyNick |
Actually, I sort of assumed something. |
04:26 |
NotReallyNick |
Are you wanting it similar to leaf decay? |
04:27 |
Menche |
yeah |
04:27 |
sokomine |
menche: connected to your server but framerate is extremly low. perhaps i forgot to deactivate shaders.... |
04:27 |
Menche |
i'll look at the leaves code, they don't drop leaves when they decay |
04:28 |
kaeza |
umm no |
04:28 |
kaeza |
mv didn't work |
04:28 |
kaeza |
# man mv |
04:28 |
NotReallyNick |
Menche: copy the leaf decay function, but remove lines 76 - 86. |
04:29 |
Menche |
i need a custom leafdecay function? |
04:29 |
Menche |
so how does it decide whether or not to drop something? |
04:30 |
kaeza |
hrm... |
04:30 |
NotReallyNick |
It drops it if it isn't the nod itself, but if you remove those lines, it drops nothing every time. |
04:30 |
Menche |
default:leaves doesn't have a 'rarity' option |
04:30 |
kaeza |
I think I will have to write a shell script myself |
04:31 |
NotReallyNick |
Pastebin your custom code, and I'll tell you what lines to delete. |
04:32 |
Menche |
or i could just have them drop themselves |
04:32 |
NotReallyNick |
That would work. |
04:32 |
Menche |
and make a 'vines' group to use for ropebox crafting |
04:32 |
NotReallyNick |
But then when people dig them, they'll get the nod itself. |
04:32 |
NotReallyNick |
Okay. |
04:32 |
NotReallyNick |
*node |
04:32 |
Menche |
so then they could be used for decoration also |
04:32 |
Menche |
or a ladder alternative |
04:33 |
NotReallyNick |
I would actually prefer placable vines, but wasn't sure you would. |
04:33 |
Menche |
yeah, the plain craftitem is pretty useless |
04:33 |
Menche |
you only need so many ropeboxes, and it's only 2 vines |
04:35 |
Menche |
of course, they would need to be close to a tree trunk to be used for decor |
04:35 |
NotReallyNick |
True. Just like using leaves for decor. |
04:36 |
Menche |
on the "decaying apples" thread, someone mentioned using param2 to store if the node was placed or generated |
04:36 |
Menche |
maybe could use that so placed vines don't decay |
04:36 |
NotReallyNick |
Yeah. PilzAdam said that. |
04:36 |
Menche |
and while i'm at it i could make normal leaves like that too |
04:37 |
NotReallyNick |
Okay. That would be nice. |
04:37 |
* Menche |
remembers houses built of leaves back in the 0.3.x days |
04:38 |
Menche |
now if my ssh connections wouldn't time out all the time |
04:40 |
Menche left #minetest |
04:40 |
* NotReallyNick |
finally understands why water rots leaves in Minetest |
04:43 |
VanessaE |
leaves rot near water? |
04:43 |
VanessaE |
I never noticed that before.... |
04:44 |
NotReallyNick |
Leaves need air or water to rot. If enclosed in, for example, glass, they do not rot. |
04:44 |
VanessaE |
oh you mean leaf decay. |
04:44 |
NotReallyNick |
Yeah. |
04:44 |
VanessaE |
my leaf decay code just looks for proximity of leaves to their respective trunks |
04:45 |
NotReallyNick |
So unlike the default, it doesn't check for air? |
04:45 |
VanessaE |
nope. |
04:45 |
VanessaE |
didn't seem to be any reason to do otherwise. |
04:46 |
NotReallyNick |
Yeah, you're probably right. |
04:46 |
NotReallyNick |
Why does moretrees have a custom leaf decay? |
04:47 |
VanessaE |
because default leaf decay sucks :) |
04:47 |
VanessaE |
plus default leaf decay doesn't cover moretrees' leaves |
04:47 |
NotReallyNick |
In what way? I don't know much about leaf decay. |
04:47 |
VanessaE |
it's slow |
04:47 |
arsdragonfly left #minetest |
04:47 |
NotReallyNick |
Also, it uses group:leaves, so it COULD cover moretrees if you let it. |
04:47 |
VanessaE |
(as in it's a CPU hog) |
04:48 |
NotReallyNick |
And group:tree. |
04:48 |
VanessaE |
exactly. |
04:48 |
VanessaE |
I wanted each leaf type to be directly associated with their respective trunks |
04:48 |
NotReallyNick |
I'm not saying you should use the default, just that not covering moretrees is an invalid argument. |
04:48 |
NotReallyNick |
OH! That makes sense. |
04:49 |
VanessaE |
why should sequoia leaves be able to survive next to a pine :-) |
04:49 |
NotReallyNick |
True enough. |
04:49 |
bas080 joined #minetest |
04:53 |
kaeza1 joined #minetest |
04:54 |
arsdragonfly joined #minetest |
05:23 |
FreeFull joined #minetest |
05:34 |
TheLastProject joined #minetest |
05:35 |
ecube joined #minetest |
05:43 |
Dystopian joined #minetest |
05:53 |
mauvebic |
bizarre, why does 0.4.6 change the map flags from map meta? |
05:59 |
webdesigner97 joined #minetest |
06:02 |
nyuszika7h_ joined #minetest |
06:08 |
FreeFull joined #minetest |
06:12 |
* mauvebic |
starts bonfire |
06:21 |
* kaeza |
brings marshmallows |
06:23 |
* VanessaE |
grabs a box of graham crackers and chocolate |
06:23 |
mauvebic |
i may have noticed a bug |
06:23 |
VanessaE |
oh G*d, not a bug! |
06:23 |
NotReallyNick |
In? |
06:23 |
VanessaE |
say it ain't so! |
06:23 |
mauvebic |
lol |
06:24 |
VanessaE |
:) |
06:24 |
mauvebic |
well i compiled 046 with drun=1, |
06:24 |
mauvebic |
copied the map and game of mine |
06:24 |
VanessaE |
I saw that. |
06:24 |
mauvebic |
and the map_meta.txt was completely overwritten :S |
06:24 |
VanessaE |
it happens on my map too |
06:24 |
mauvebic |
just once or ? |
06:24 |
VanessaE |
oh, well not the map_meta.txt part, but the part of invisible light sources |
06:25 |
mauvebic |
good thing i tested :P suddenly found myself with new chunks of vanilla-style map |
06:25 |
mauvebic |
is it because i was missing the two lines that the whole file was overwritten? |
06:25 |
NotReallyNick |
What does your map usually look like? |
06:25 |
mauvebic |
flat |
06:25 |
mauvebic |
seed was changed too |
06:25 |
NotReallyNick |
Ah, got it. |
06:25 |
VanessaE |
mauvebic: now, that said |
06:26 |
VanessaE |
when the majority of the mapgen rework got committed, my map broke too |
06:26 |
VanessaE |
chunks being generated that were definitely not from the seed I'd been using before. |
06:26 |
VanessaE |
so since the rest of the map was kinda crappy, I used that as an excuse to re-format my world |
06:26 |
VanessaE |
(and copy everything over structure by structure) |
06:26 |
mauvebic |
my wife would kill me |
06:26 |
mauvebic |
i spawn ships, she legit-builds lol |
06:27 |
VanessaE |
heh |
06:27 |
VanessaE |
oh NOW it's legit building versus what you do ;) |
06:27 |
mauvebic |
well she does houses and stuff and how many meshes of those are laying around lol |
06:27 |
NotReallyNick |
☺ |
06:27 |
VanessaE |
you coulda bit my head off the other day when I asked how much of your recent structures were spawned via worldedit ;) |
06:27 |
mauvebic |
none cuz i dont use worldedit :p |
06:27 |
VanessaE |
s/the other day/a while back/ |
06:28 |
mauvebic |
though using worledit to fill a wall area is still legit in my books |
06:28 |
mauvebic |
binvox took the un-legit to a new level lol |
06:28 |
VanessaE |
heh |
06:28 |
VanessaE |
I never said it wasn't legit ;) |
06:28 |
mauvebic |
buuut... how do i maintain my seed and flags? |
06:28 |
VanessaE |
I guess restore map_meta.txt from a backup |
06:29 |
VanessaE |
or let it get re-written and then plug in the old data |
06:29 |
mauvebic |
do you think it was overwritten because it was missing two mgv6_ lines? |
06:29 |
VanessaE |
I dunno |
06:29 |
VanessaE |
wish hmmmm were here, he'd know |
06:29 |
mauvebic |
lemme try something, ill copy the apple_trees and humidty lines over to the map, THEN copy it to new minetest and start that up, see what happens |
06:30 |
VanessaE |
worth a try |
06:30 |
NotReallyNick |
Hmmmm. If only there where some way to get hmmmm's attention .... |
06:30 |
VanessaE |
NotReallyNick: he's not in channel. |
06:30 |
VanessaE |
[04-05 01:51] * hmmmm has quit (Remote host closed the connection) |
06:30 |
mauvebic |
the compiler cursed at me too :( |
06:30 |
NotReallyNick |
Hmmmm. So it doesn't work across channels? Too bad. |
06:31 |
VanessaE |
nope |
06:31 |
VanessaE |
and he's not -dev either. |
06:31 |
NotReallyNick |
It was a joke. Of course it wouldn't work .... |
06:31 |
VanessaE |
he probably went off to bed. |
06:31 |
NotReallyNick |
Yeah. |
06:35 |
mauvebic |
thats it |
06:35 |
mauvebic |
the file got overwritten because of the missing lines |
06:35 |
VanessaE |
you better file a bug report on it then |
06:35 |
VanessaE |
this'll hit others too |
06:35 |
VanessaE |
and I bet you dollars to donuts that's what happened on my old map, too |
06:35 |
mauvebic |
seed is same, flags are the same |
06:36 |
mauvebic |
because ofthe missing lines i bet the client thought the file was corrupt or something and just wrote a new one |
06:36 |
NotReallyNick |
Hmmmm. Good thing I manually added a 0.4.6 map_meta.txt in order to add dungeons and jungles .... |
06:36 |
mauvebic |
ill start by updating my post before it frightens anyone lol |
06:40 |
mauvebic |
do i copy paste this into github or link to the post? http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=81583#p81583\ |
06:40 |
VanessaE |
copy&paste |
06:40 |
VanessaE |
in case your post gets moved or whatever. |
06:41 |
mauvebic |
true day, anounce is in general, but bugs is in bugs :/ lol |
06:41 |
mauvebic |
*true dat |
06:43 |
mauvebic |
no one else posted on issue on it? i dont wanna dp |
06:43 |
VanessaE |
dunno, better check |
06:48 |
mauvebic |
apart from that and the lighting, new clients pretty fast |
06:49 |
mauvebic |
spawned another titanic in no time |
06:49 |
VanessaE |
yep, it moves like a rocket compared to 0.4.4 and prior |
06:49 |
VanessaE |
you should see how it performs with luajit :-) |
06:49 |
mauvebic |
i thought that was in? |
06:49 |
VanessaE |
not yet. |
06:50 |
mauvebic |
because it doesnt support the next version lua? |
06:50 |
VanessaE |
nope, there's no reason not to use it. |
06:50 |
VanessaE |
my builds and thus my server have it |
06:50 |
VanessaE |
zero problems. |
06:50 |
mauvebic |
well theres a newer version lua than what minetest or luajit uses |
06:51 |
VanessaE |
that's not really of a concern here |
06:51 |
VanessaE |
we're consistent with 5.1 which is what LuaJIT uses anyway (plus a few extras) |
06:51 |
mauvebic |
well i only mention since new lua supports bitwise operators, though thats useless to 99% of people here lol |
06:52 |
ImQ009 joined #minetest |
06:53 |
mauvebic |
i think once people get into the bitwise stuff they figure why not cpp lol |
06:53 |
arsdragonfly |
I'd like to know if there is anything like Gettext in Lua ;-( |
06:53 |
mauvebic |
like to load meta string into formspec elements? |
06:54 |
BackupCoder joined #minetest |
06:54 |
kaeza |
arsdragonfly, you may like this: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4929 |
06:57 |
webdesigner97 joined #minetest |
07:00 |
arsdragonfly |
lol Thanks it looks really cool |
07:00 |
arsdragonfly |
hope it'll be included by the master branch |
07:01 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: so, what's the next thing to do for homedecor? :-) |
07:01 |
VanessaE |
(your i18n post reminded me) |
07:01 |
arsdragonfly |
and support non-ASCII characters |
07:01 |
kaeza |
VanessaE, have any plans? |
07:01 |
mauvebic |
stripper poles for the study? |
07:01 |
kaeza |
arsdragonfly, AFAIK, it works with non-ASCII chars |
07:01 |
VanessaE |
mauvebic: there's already a round, brass pole :) |
07:01 |
mauvebic |
lol |
07:01 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: nothing concrete. Maybe add some random item here or there perhaps. |
07:02 |
kaeza |
a /concrete/ post? |
07:02 |
kaeza |
:D |
07:02 |
VanessaE |
mauvebic: but because of the lighting bug withnodeboxes, it looks more like it's made of mese than brass. |
07:02 |
kaeza |
punpunpun |
07:02 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: nope, RealBadAngel already has that covered in Technic :) |
07:02 |
arsdragonfly |
kaeza,i'll try it out then |
07:02 |
mauvebic |
so thats a bug where the lighting is uneven all around nodeboxes? |
07:02 |
kaeza |
arsdragonfly, where are you from if I may ask? |
07:02 |
mauvebic |
i noticed with light_propagate on or off the lighting was effed |
07:03 |
VanessaE |
mauvebic: lighting on nodeboxes doesn't follow the "smooth lighting" flag. it's all flatly lit. |
07:03 |
arsdragonfly |
kaeza, I'm from China |
07:03 |
mauvebic |
i got rid of my wallpappers due to that lol |
07:03 |
VanessaE |
which also causes the engine to screw up the contrast and brightness of the textures. |
07:03 |
kaeza |
arsdragonfly, can you translate some strings from english to chinese? |
07:04 |
mauvebic |
i thought they spoke mandarin? |
07:04 |
mauvebic |
or is it cantonese? |
07:04 |
VanessaE |
mauvebic: I believe both dialects are in use in China. |
07:04 |
arsdragonfly |
kaeza, lol i've translated all the core strings in Weblate |
07:04 |
kaeza |
cool :) maybe you can translate some mods too? |
07:05 |
kaeza |
At least homedecor, moreblocks, moreores, and maptools support translation |
07:05 |
mauvebic |
reminds me of when people ask "do you speak mexican?" lol |
07:05 |
arsdragonfly |
kaeza, yes maybe |
07:05 |
NotReallyNick |
Well, do you? |
07:05 |
mauvebic |
speaking canadian is easy, its english + a six pack |
07:05 |
kaeza |
no, mauvebic speaks canadian |
07:06 |
mauvebic |
lol true |
07:06 |
kaeza |
lol |
07:06 |
VanessaE |
"english plus a six-pack" |
07:06 |
VanessaE |
hah |
07:06 |
arsdragonfly |
but the community here in China is just around 60 ppl now |
07:06 |
mauvebic |
minetest community or weblate? |
07:06 |
arsdragonfly |
minetest community |
07:06 |
mauvebic |
not bad |
07:07 |
arsdragonfly |
less than 1/1000 of that of minecraft :( |
07:07 |
mauvebic |
prolly all of 2-3 canucks here lol |
07:07 |
kaeza |
that I know of, I'm the unly uruguayan in here |
07:07 |
kaeza |
only* |
07:07 |
mauvebic |
anyone that comes over to my place goes "oh you play minecraft" lol |
07:08 |
arsdragonfly |
lol so this IRC channel will be on 24/7 right ? |
07:08 |
mauvebic |
yep |
07:08 |
kaeza |
hah no I play communistcraft :) |
07:08 |
mauvebic |
and we all keep odd hours despite our timezones lol |
07:08 |
mauvebic |
example, me and vanessae should technically be sleeping at this hour lol |
07:09 |
VanessaE |
sleep? what's that? |
07:09 |
mauvebic |
im guessing were both insomniacs |
07:09 |
VanessaE |
;) |
07:09 |
kaeza |
04:08 here |
07:09 |
VanessaE |
you guess correctly, in my case. |
07:09 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: impossible, unless you live in the atlantic ocean ;-) |
07:09 |
VanessaE |
(seriously, what's east of Easterm tz?) |
07:09 |
mauvebic |
lately its getting pretty bad, to bed at 6am, up at 11 lol |
07:09 |
mauvebic |
am |
07:09 |
kaeza |
GMT-3 |
07:10 |
mauvebic |
heres' hoping we got a few west coast users for during the day here lol |
07:10 |
VanessaE |
oh wait, you're in Uruguay or so, right? |
07:10 |
kaeza |
<kaeza> that I know of, I'm the unly uruguayan in here |
07:10 |
kaeza |
;) |
07:10 |
VanessaE |
duh :) |
07:10 |
VanessaE |
I missed that :) |
07:10 |
mauvebic |
-3? if EST is -5, then, shouldn't it be earlier there? |
07:11 |
VanessaE |
mauvebic: insomnia doesn't always imply lack of fatigue ;) |
07:11 |
VanessaE |
mauvebic: -4 is one hour later than -5 |
07:11 |
VanessaE |
because GMT is east of us :) |
07:11 |
mauvebic |
timezones confuse the eff out of me lol cant we all live on globaltime |
07:12 |
mauvebic |
ianno we still got DST here |
07:12 |
kaeza |
arsdragonfly, copy this file, translate the strings (put them after the '=' sign) and save as "ch.txt". Then send it to either VanessaE or me: https://github.com/VanessaE/homedecor/blob/master/locale/template.txt |
07:12 |
VanessaE |
arsdragonfly: or make it a pull request against that ^^^^ |
07:12 |
kaeza |
or that ;) |
07:13 |
arsdragonfly |
VanessaE: great |
07:13 |
mauvebic |
yay smooth update, in there like swimwear |
07:13 |
arsdragonfly |
and i'll have to learn to use git then |
07:13 |
mauvebic |
good luck with that lol |
07:13 |
kaeza |
then it's prolly better to just copy the file :P |
07:14 |
kaeza |
anyway, if you have homedecor installed, you should already have that file on your pc |
07:14 |
mauvebic |
i cant find the /common folder thats been spoken of |
07:15 |
VanessaE |
in games. |
07:16 |
VanessaE |
minetest/games/common |
07:16 |
SmugLeaf joined #minetest |
07:17 |
mauvebic |
im guessing that was in a seperate repo lol |
07:18 |
mauvebic |
well i dont seem to be missing anything anyhow |
07:18 |
kaeza |
https://github.com/minetest/common/ |
07:18 |
mauvebic |
my game has a tweaked default |
07:18 |
kaeza |
ah |
07:19 |
mauvebic |
in fact, added a smokegen tonight for the plumes |
07:19 |
mauvebic |
did you know, 1 of the 4 plumes on the titanic was a fake? |
07:19 |
kaeza |
then you will have to delete "default" from the "common_mods =" line in "game.conf" (if there is such line) |
07:20 |
mauvebic |
plumes or smokestacks? same thing i think |
07:20 |
kaeza |
and put your customized default in mauvegame/mods/default |
07:20 |
mauvebic |
ee if my game.conf doesnt have that line than i imagine it doesn't load any of the commons at all? |
07:21 |
kaeza |
ah yes |
07:21 |
mauvebic |
okay better that way no conflicts |
07:21 |
kaeza |
hmm... probably would be best to download minetest_game again, and do as I said with that dir |
07:22 |
mauvebic |
eventually yeah i made this game a few decimal places ago lol |
07:22 |
mauvebic |
funnels! not plumes |
07:22 |
mauvebic |
lol plumes is what comes out |
07:23 |
kaeza |
sorry, my english is not very good looking |
07:23 |
mauvebic |
naw it was my english that was off lol |
07:23 |
mauvebic |
its funny, they could afford a fake funnel, but they wouldn't spring for extra lifeboats lol |
07:24 |
kaeza |
it's because the ship was supposedly "invincible" |
07:24 |
kaeza |
or some crap like that |
07:24 |
mauvebic |
though, they made the Brittanic twice as solid and it only sunk several times faster lol |
07:24 |
mauvebic |
when i research a construction project i go all-out lol |
07:25 |
mauvebic |
i could use the same mesh for the brittanic and olympic, the former being a medical ship |
07:27 |
mauvebic |
though the story of the Lusitania is even more tragic: they used the passengers as cover to transport munitiions, then the admiralty *let* the germans torpedo it, to draw the americans into ww1 |
07:27 |
* mauvebic |
is a suppository of information |
07:28 |
VanessaE |
because all your info comes out of your ass? ;) |
07:29 |
mauvebic |
i would have thought its because people thought i was a pain in the ... lol |
07:29 |
VanessaE |
hehe |
07:29 |
mauvebic |
naw it all comes from reputable sources, wikipedia lol |
07:29 |
kaeza |
Microwaves! |
07:30 |
mauvebic |
microwaves? |
07:30 |
kaeza |
...too simple |
07:30 |
mauvebic |
ah homedecor |
07:30 |
mauvebic |
espresso machine? |
07:30 |
mauvebic |
or coffemaker |
07:30 |
kaeza |
hmm |
07:30 |
mauvebic |
could always check out the online catalogues of places like walmart, that always gives me ideas lol |
07:31 |
kaeza |
http://www.whenwasitinvented.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Coffee-Maker.jpg ? |
07:31 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: yes, homedecor needs a microwave oven |
07:31 |
VanessaE |
coffee maker? meh. |
07:31 |
VanessaE |
if you wanna add it, go for it |
07:31 |
VanessaE |
I want to add my projector at some point, but I'm too lazy :D |
07:31 |
mauvebic |
i would have gone w/ espresso, you can get away with charging 6$ |
07:32 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: think you can make it actually operate? e.g. cook stuff, only things from the food and farming mods maybe? :) |
07:32 |
mauvebic |
give it an inv slot |
07:33 |
mauvebic |
put a routine to register oven recipes |
07:33 |
mauvebic |
and bam, miniapi |
07:33 |
kaeza |
VanessaE, oven copypasta! |
07:33 |
kaeza |
:D |
07:33 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: go for it :) |
07:33 |
VanessaE |
but make it cook faster than the oven |
07:34 |
mauvebic |
if craftings' to get more interesting, we need to add different ways of doing it |
07:34 |
VanessaE |
(maybe 25% faster than the oven, which if I had any sense at all, would have been maybe 25% faster than a stone furnace) |
07:34 |
mauvebic |
you still can |
07:34 |
mauvebic |
not set in *stone* lol :P |
07:34 |
VanessaE |
yep I know |
07:35 |
VanessaE |
again, too lazy :) |
07:35 |
mauvebic |
microwaves though are more like 1/4 of the time |
07:35 |
mauvebic |
but they take more juice |
07:35 |
mauvebic |
dunno ifyou need to hook up appliances before using /em |
07:36 |
VanessaE |
more juice? hah! 1kW versus about 2kW for an oven. |
07:36 |
VanessaE |
naw, homedecor appliances don't require a wiring infrastructure |
07:36 |
mauvebic |
cuz wires are impractical for now |
07:37 |
mauvebic |
thought about that too: what if you had junction boxes (breakers or fuses) that control outlets within a certain range? |
07:37 |
VanessaE |
that's a thought, except that the outlets themselves still take a node space. |
07:37 |
VanessaE |
can't use entities because we all know how unreliable those are |
07:37 |
mauvebic |
theyd just disapear |
07:37 |
mauvebic |
on clear |
07:38 |
VanessaE |
exactly |
07:38 |
mauvebic |
well in a room big enough, a signlike outlet wouldn't take too much room |
07:38 |
mauvebic |
mesecons has wireless too though? |
07:39 |
VanessaE |
I don't think so, no |
07:39 |
VanessaE |
not for a long while now |
07:39 |
VanessaE |
besides, mesecons is TTL |
07:39 |
mauvebic |
TTL? |
07:39 |
mauvebic |
i know TLC is the learning channel |
07:40 |
VanessaE |
I wouldn't wanna act like I'm pulling 2kW 240 VAC through a wire designed for 3.3v/0.01mA :-) |
07:40 |
mauvebic |
ah ok mesecons is electronics not electricity |
07:41 |
mauvebic |
sucks because for once i really do need pistons, |
07:41 |
VanessaE |
TTl - Transistor to Transistor Logic. aka 2.5v and up = "high", and less than 1.2v = "low". |
07:41 |
VanessaE |
(with nominal voltages of 5v or 3.3v, and 0v/ground respectively. |
07:41 |
mauvebic |
hmm yeah thats not really suitable for wiring buildings/civic stuff |
07:42 |
VanessaE |
no. definitely not :-) |
07:42 |
mauvebic |
might as well just make a custom piston for the steam engine in the boat |
07:42 |
VanessaE |
Technic, however, is well-suited to the idea. |
07:43 |
VanessaE |
with its high-power energy-based system |
07:43 |
VanessaE |
energy is actually measured out across the wires |
07:43 |
mauvebic |
im not quite sure what technic is focused on though, its kinda like my mods lol |
07:43 |
mauvebic |
prolly less random |
07:44 |
mauvebic |
i know it has wires too and that they work with mesecons |
07:44 |
mauvebic |
tools and stargates |
07:45 |
mauvebic |
ok yeah just checked it depends on a few big ticket items |
07:45 |
NotReallyNick |
Yeah, for sure. |
07:46 |
NotReallyNick |
I can't run mesecons or pipeworks on my server, I don't have enough resources. |
07:46 |
mauvebic |
calinoumods + mesecons + pipeworks (inc tubes) + plantlife = how much ram? |
07:47 |
VanessaE |
mauvebic: nothing much. your map uses more RAM than the mods. |
07:47 |
mauvebic |
the old map maybe |
07:47 |
VanessaE |
NotReallyNick: pipeworks should run fine on your machine |
07:47 |
mauvebic |
havent touched it in weeks |
07:47 |
VanessaE |
mesecons m |
07:47 |
VanessaE |
ight be |
07:47 |
VanessaE |
mesecons might be too heavy though |
07:47 |
NotReallyNick |
VanessaE: When I use pipeworks, I get huge lag. |
07:47 |
mauvebic |
minetest running right now: 7% of 3 gigs |
07:48 |
NotReallyNick |
That's pipeworks WITHOUT mesecons. |
07:48 |
VanessaE |
strange, it never causes lag for me... |
07:48 |
mauvebic |
and my old map is much laggier on OC's setup for some reason |
07:49 |
mauvebic |
that might be mod conflicts from other stuff installed |
07:50 |
VanessaE |
my server is using 145MB of RAM at present |
07:50 |
Leoneof joined #minetest |
07:50 |
VanessaE |
my client, on the other hand, weighs in at a heafty 7.2GB |
07:50 |
VanessaE |
hefty* |
07:50 |
mauvebic |
the whole shebang runs on 210mb here |
07:51 |
mauvebic |
(7% of 3000mb) |
07:53 |
mauvebic |
which aint bad with 1K + nodes a map editor, mesh spawner and ltrees |
07:53 |
mauvebic |
crops, doors, animated stuff, and tons of nodeboxes |
07:56 |
aheinecke_ joined #minetest |
07:57 |
mauvebic |
xfce4-panel thought takes up 60% of ram, go figure |
07:58 |
mauvebic |
its prolly written in JS lol |
08:08 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
08:08 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
08:08 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
08:12 |
kaeza |
what is the curl name for apt-get? |
08:12 |
VanessaE |
libcurl4-openssl-dev |
08:13 |
kaeza |
thanks! no wonder I didn't see the public server list :P |
08:13 |
kaeza |
waiting 30 mins for MT to build -.- |
08:14 |
mauvebic |
30? |
08:14 |
mauvebic |
my P4 took 15 |
08:15 |
NotReallyNick |
"P4"? |
08:15 |
kaeza |
try to stop for 5 minutes while trying to test something and those 5 mins feel like two whole hours |
08:16 |
kaeza |
Pentium 4 |
08:16 |
mauvebic |
^ |
08:16 |
mauvebic |
or, Ye Olde Pentiume 4 |
08:16 |
kaeza |
hehe |
08:17 |
mauvebic |
worth now 11 pence 3 farthings |
08:17 |
mauvebic |
damn thing underclocks itself because of heat threshold lol |
08:19 |
pandaro joined #minetest |
08:19 |
markveidemanis |
HI |
08:19 |
pandaro |
hi |
08:20 |
markveidemanis |
Come on my server:D its survival |
08:20 |
aheinecke_ joined #minetest |
08:20 |
kaeza |
ugh... the client downloads the public server list every time you switch to MP tab >.< |
08:20 |
NotReallyNick |
I tried to come on earlier, but it was down. |
08:21 |
mauvebic |
doesnt it have to refresh? |
08:21 |
NotReallyNick |
kaeza: Yes. Yes it does. |
08:21 |
kaeza |
it'd be better if it had a "Refresh" button in there |
08:21 |
markveidemanis |
IP: |
08:21 |
markveidemanis |
Can i ask somoene: |
08:22 |
kaeza |
ah no |
08:22 |
markveidemanis |
When you see an ip of complex numbers, how do you enter it into minetest? |
08:22 |
markveidemanis |
conf file or manually |
08:22 |
NotReallyNick |
By typing it. |
08:22 |
mauvebic |
lol |
08:22 |
markveidemanis |
k |
08:22 |
NotReallyNick |
Manually. |
08:22 |
kaeza |
it just locks up while populating the list |
08:23 |
markveidemanis |
Im making a subdomain |
08:24 |
mauvebic |
locks up... doest it end up working or ? |
08:24 |
markveidemanis |
!up TEST |
08:24 |
markveidemanis |
!up markmt.strangled.net |
08:25 |
markveidemanis |
Well thats the IP i just set up |
08:25 |
NotReallyNick |
That's not an IP address, it's a domain name. |
08:25 |
markveidemanis |
subdonamin |
08:25 |
markveidemanis |
Well, join please! |
08:26 |
NotReallyNick |
A sub domain is a subclass of domain, so it's still a domain name, but not an IP address. |
08:26 |
NotReallyNick |
I was going to join earlier, but it was down. But now I'm busy doing homework. Sorry. |
08:26 |
markveidemanis |
ok... |
08:27 |
markveidemanis |
Who else can join? |
08:32 |
sfan5 |
!up |
08:32 |
MinetestBot | is up (0.324ms) |
08:33 |
sfan5 |
markveidemanis: you forgot that MinetestBot ignores you |
08:33 |
sfan5 |
!up markmt.strangled.net |
08:33 |
MinetestBot |
markmt.strangled.net:30000 is up (0.392ms) |
08:33 |
markveidemanis |
thanks |
08:33 |
markveidemanis |
Who wants to build an adventure map with me? |
08:38 |
LunaVorax joined #minetest |
08:39 |
aheinecke_ joined #minetest |
08:53 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
08:57 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
08:58 |
pandaro |
I just tried "set_physics_override (speed, jump, gravity)." Well guys, I have no words. Maybe it's time to start talking about what minetest (communistcraft) and has instead minecraft does not have. |
08:58 |
pandaro |
sorry for confusion |
08:59 |
Calinou |
hi |
08:59 |
Calinou |
wtf, my pc just randomly rebooted |
08:59 |
Calinou |
while I was away :< |
09:00 |
mauvebic |
its a random safety feature |
09:00 |
mauvebic |
:P |
09:00 |
mauvebic |
you sure the power didnt go out? |
09:00 |
Calinou |
and it randomly sucks |
09:00 |
Calinou |
no? |
09:00 |
mauvebic |
meh, sometimes just one breaker resets here lol |
09:01 |
mauvebic |
havent had a random reboot in a while tho |
09:01 |
mauvebic |
minetest, vlc, sometimes chrome close by themselves |
09:03 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
09:03 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
09:03 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
09:11 |
markveidemanis |
Who here is really creative and has made a map before? |
09:17 |
MinetestBot joined #minetest |
09:20 |
sfan5 |
http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/6981445_700b.jpg |
09:21 |
markveidemanis |
09:24 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
09:25 |
mauvebic |
sexy |
09:26 |
mauvebic |
even the iranians are sitting down to talks lol |
09:26 |
webdesigner97 joined #minetest |
09:27 |
ImQ009 joined #minetest |
09:34 |
markveidemanis |
09:34 |
markveidemanis |
updatelistener thing |
09:36 |
whirm1 joined #minetest |
09:38 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
09:40 |
Calinou_ joined #minetest |
09:42 |
Exio |
Calinou_: did you try with other CPU |
09:42 |
Exio |
err, Calinou |
09:42 |
Calinou |
... |
09:42 |
Exio |
06:43:35 up 18 days, 19:33, 3 users, load average: 1.09, 2.62, 2.91 |
09:42 |
Exio |
>:D |
09:42 |
Calinou |
not only I received 1×8GB of RAM instead of 2×4 today, my RAM sucks |
09:43 |
Calinou |
can't compile minetest without a freeze |
09:43 |
Exio |
ha |
09:43 |
Exio |
i should be buying with 2*4 ram today |
09:44 |
Calinou |
fuc yea, i'll have to send stuff again |
09:44 |
Exio |
i hope i can get 1600mhz ram with HyperX |
09:44 |
Calinou |
btw, heatsinks on ram are totally useless |
09:45 |
Exio |
overclock the RAM to 8GHz! |
09:46 |
Exio |
(suddenly, nuke-RAM mode enabled) |
09:46 |
* Calinou |
starts compiling MT with 1 thread only |
09:47 |
tripod joined #minetest |
09:49 |
Exio |
ehm, don't you have your old ram somewhere? |
09:52 |
Calinou |
finished |
09:52 |
Calinou |
Exio: who said I used my new acer-syndrom RAM? |
09:52 |
troller joined #minetest |
09:52 |
Exio |
ehm |
09:52 |
Exio |
wtf then? |
09:53 |
Exio |
you can't use your old ram? |
09:53 |
Calinou |
I'm using my old RAM right now. |
09:53 |
Exio |
and with it you can't use 8~ threads? |
09:53 |
Calinou |
nope |
09:53 |
Exio |
why not? |
09:53 |
Calinou |
freezes, even after undoing the overclocking |
09:53 |
Exio |
hm.. i have stock fans |
09:53 |
Calinou |
and? |
09:54 |
Exio |
and overclock this up to 4GHz and AMD... |
09:54 |
Calinou |
my CPU isn't overheating |
09:54 |
Exio |
i still don't get what happens with the stuff :P |
09:55 |
Calinou |
bad RAM can cause freezes |
09:55 |
Exio |
i got that, but can't you just underclock it and have it usable? |
09:56 |
Exio |
grr, bbl |
09:56 |
ImQ009 |
Calinou, I'd check the PSU |
09:57 |
LunaVorax joined #minetest |
10:00 |
Calinou |
ImQ009: no u |
10:03 |
VanessaE |
Calinou: I presume you've already done memtest86? |
10:04 |
Calinou |
no |
10:04 |
kaeza |
https://github.com/VanessaE/homedecor/pull/14 |
10:04 |
Calinou |
I'm going to replace my RAM soon, so why should I bother? |
10:04 |
VanessaE |
because bad RAM will also lead to corrupt files. |
10:04 |
Calinou |
but I need to wait another 15 days |
10:04 |
VanessaE |
and you don't need that. |
10:04 |
* Calinou |
doesn't care |
10:05 |
ImQ009 |
Calinou, Retarded answer to a serious statement. Couldn't expect anymore from you as always I can see :P |
10:05 |
VanessaE |
Calinou: I mean personal files, minetest maps, music, OS files, ... |
10:05 |
Calinou |
anyway, going to backup my stuff on the SSD I currently don't use |
10:06 |
markveidemanis |
Who wants to go bungee jumping |
10:06 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: check the front/front_active images, something looks off about those |
10:07 |
VanessaE |
(one appears to be larger than the other) |
10:07 |
markveidemanis |
Wanna hear the second part of my joke? |
10:07 |
VanessaE |
markveidemanis: that joke is a real stretch.. |
10:07 |
VanessaE |
*rimshot* |
10:07 |
markveidemanis |
Who wants to go bungee jomping: |
10:08 |
markveidemanis |
Not me, i came into this world with a broken rubber and i'm not going out the same way |
10:08 |
markveidemanis |
:D |
10:08 |
VanessaE |
markveidemanis: old joke. |
10:08 |
markveidemanis |
Know it? |
10:08 |
VanessaE |
seen it on iFunny some days ago. |
10:09 |
markveidemanis |
The welsh have found a new use for sheep! |
10:09 |
markveidemanis |
10:09 |
Calinou |
lunch, bye |
10:10 |
VanessaE |
aw he wasted the opportunity to write "excess food" there |
10:10 |
kaeza |
VanessaE, done. check again |
10:11 |
VanessaE |
much better :) |
10:11 |
kaeza |
thanks :) |
10:11 |
VanessaE |
merged |
10:11 |
kaeza |
for now it acts the same as the oven |
10:11 |
kaeza |
I'll add support for food-only later |
10:11 |
VanessaE |
right |
10:11 |
VanessaE |
we'll work on that another time |
10:13 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: let's add a variant of this that fits under a counter |
10:13 |
VanessaE |
and also tune the selection box to match the nodebox |
10:14 |
VanessaE |
hm, there's only one output slot. |
10:14 |
kaeza |
only one? |
10:14 |
kaeza |
hrm |
10:14 |
VanessaE |
*nod* |
10:14 |
kaeza |
derp |
10:14 |
kaeza |
changed one def but not the other |
10:14 |
VanessaE |
and it destroys items that aren't cookable |
10:14 |
kaeza |
fixed |
10:15 |
kaeza |
that's new |
10:15 |
kaeza |
does that happen with the oven too? |
10:15 |
VanessaE |
leave it to me to find obscure corner cases ;) |
10:15 |
VanessaE |
um |
10:15 |
kaeza |
I just copy-pasted the oven code |
10:16 |
kaeza |
I guess I'll update both to latest furnace code |
10:16 |
Taoki joined #minetest |
10:16 |
VanessaE |
nope, it doesn't. |
10:16 |
VanessaE |
lemme check the oven too |
10:17 |
VanessaE |
hm |
10:17 |
VanessaE |
oven does |
10:17 |
VanessaE |
furnace doesn't. |
10:17 |
VanessaE |
I wonder what I broke? :-/ |
10:18 |
kaeza |
the furnace has been updated |
10:18 |
VanessaE |
ah |
10:18 |
VanessaE |
maybe the one I based the oven on had that same bug |
10:18 |
kaeza |
maybe |
10:18 |
kaeza |
I'll update that |
10:18 |
VanessaE |
oh, thanks |
10:20 |
kaeza |
ah! I didn't notice the problem with the selectionbox because of my patch |
10:20 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
10:21 |
kaeza |
also, any sensible recipe for the MW? |
10:22 |
VanessaE |
lemme think a sec |
10:23 |
VanessaE |
S S S |
10:23 |
VanessaE |
S G Si |
10:23 |
VanessaE |
S S MC |
10:23 |
VanessaE |
S = Steel ingot, Si = silicon lump, G = glass, MC = Mese crystal |
10:24 |
VanessaE |
yield 2 |
10:25 |
kaeza |
seems good |
10:32 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
10:35 |
Weedy_lappy joined #minetest |
10:37 |
kaeza |
VanessaE, what did you put in the oven that shouldn't have burned? |
10:38 |
kaeza |
err... which item did you test? |
10:38 |
VanessaE |
I started cooking some cobble, and when the top slot was empty, I stuck in a tree trunk |
10:38 |
VanessaE |
then tried a glass table top |
10:38 |
VanessaE |
both of which I know can't be cooked into anything |
10:39 |
kaeza |
that seems to be fixed now |
10:39 |
VanessaE |
oh good |
10:39 |
kaeza |
I can't cook an oven in an oven :P |
10:40 |
VanessaE |
heh |
10:40 |
kaeza |
<insert obligatory "yo dawg" joke here> |
10:40 |
Leoneof joined #minetest |
10:41 |
VanessaE |
http://ifunny.mobi/#5vbX8y8J |
10:41 |
VanessaE |
speaking of 'yo dawg' moments. |
10:42 |
cosarara971 joined #minetest |
10:42 |
pandaro joined #minetest |
10:42 |
kaeza |
hah |
10:43 |
PilzAdam joined #minetest |
10:43 |
VanessaE |
aw shit, everyone hide |
10:50 |
PilzAdam |
Hello everyone! |
10:50 |
VanessaE |
hey |
10:54 |
proller joined #minetest |
10:54 |
VanessaE |
ok, I'm off to bed now |
10:55 |
VanessaE |
night all, or something |
10:56 |
FreeFull |
VanessaE: Yeah, I stuck some tree trunk in hoping to make coal, and watched it disappear |
10:56 |
FreeFull |
Connecting to a server doesn't seem to add it to favourites |
10:57 |
kaeza joined #minetest |
10:57 |
kaeza |
https://github.com/VanessaE/homedecor/pull/15 |
10:58 |
Exio |
hi |
10:59 |
kaeza |
hi |
11:03 |
Exio |
bbl :P |
11:07 |
jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest |
11:08 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i love the new modding api |
11:08 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
now we can edit gravity |
11:20 |
jojoa1997_Tablet joined #minetest |
11:22 |
jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest |
11:27 |
arsdragonfly joined #minetest |
11:29 |
jojoa1997_Tablet joined #minetest |
11:29 |
ImQ009 joined #minetest |
11:34 |
pandaro |
jojoa:you're working on player classes? |
11:39 |
FreeFull |
jojoa1997_Tablet: Gravity changes? Cool |
11:39 |
FreeFull |
Now it should be possible to replicate that tunnel in forest temple from Ocarina of Time |
11:42 |
jojoa1997_Tablet |
dero no |
11:42 |
jojoa1997_Tablet |
pandero no |
11:45 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
anyone own minecraft |
11:46 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
11:46 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Calinou you have minecraft |
11:46 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
? |
11:46 |
Calinou |
yes, since like 2.5 years ago |
11:46 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
can you send me a download of the textures |
11:47 |
Jordach joined #minetest |
11:47 |
Jordach joined #minetest |
11:47 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
just the textures folder |
11:47 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
the one with iitems aand bbloockks diireccttorries |
11:47 |
Calinou |
no. |
11:47 |
Calinou |
http://assets.minecraft.net/1_5_1/minecraft.jar |
11:47 |
Calinou |
^ get them from here |
11:47 |
Calinou |
(open the .jar with 7-zip or such) |
11:47 |
Jordach |
jojoa1997|Tablet, Calinou, what are you fighting about? |
11:47 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
school web filter |
11:48 |
Jordach |
jojoa1997|Tablet, what file sharing sites can you access? |
11:48 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i need a download of just the textures folder in minecraft.jar |
11:48 |
Calinou |
Jordach: fun fact: with my single channel 8gb RAM, it looks like my RAM bandwidth (read speed) is the same |
11:48 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i am not on pc so i cant get textures |
11:48 |
Jordach |
or even, i can email it to you |
11:48 |
Calinou |
no idea how to test write speed |
11:48 |
Jordach |
Calinou, MemtestX86 |
11:48 |
Calinou |
I have better things to do |
11:48 |
Jordach |
Calinou, yeah |
11:49 |
Jordach |
i suppose you do# |
11:49 |
Jordach |
-# |
11:49 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
jordach you have mincraft? |
11:49 |
Jordach |
jojoa1997|Tablet, used to play it |
11:49 |
tripod |
i bet white supremisits love Bioshock infinte. |
11:49 |
tripod |
11:49 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
do you have current version |
11:49 |
Jordach |
jojoa1997|Tablet, nope. |
11:49 |
Jordach |
1.4.x here the last time I plated |
11:49 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
grrrr |
11:49 |
Jordach |
played* |
11:50 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i need that texture folder |
11:50 |
Jordach |
jojoa1997|Tablet, hold onb |
11:50 |
Jordach |
hold on* |
11:50 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
jordach the one with seperate texture files |
11:50 |
Jordach |
again: HOLD ON. |
11:52 |
cosarara971 joined #minetest |
11:53 |
* Jordach |
is grabbing the packages |
11:53 |
Jordach |
yup, MC doesnt work for me :P |
11:53 |
Jordach |
even though it works on windows fine |
11:54 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
what does "is_ground_content = true" mean? |
11:54 |
kaeza |
hai Jordach |
11:54 |
Jordach |
kaeza, hey# |
11:54 |
Jordach |
-# |
11:55 |
kaeza |
computers hazSnapple Piepad now ^_^ |
11:55 |
kaeza |
*haz Snapple |
11:56 |
Calinou |
jojoa1997|Tablet: nothing right now |
11:56 |
Calinou |
I've removed it from moreblocks definitions personally, no impact |
11:56 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
gourps = {cracky=1, level=2.5}? |
11:56 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
that right |
11:59 |
shirish joined #minetest |
12:00 |
Calinou |
you can only use 1, 2 or 3 as group level |
12:02 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
12:02 |
Calinou |
cool, there's simplemobs on gameboom :) |
12:03 |
Calinou |
first time I see a server using it |
12:03 |
xming joined #minetest |
12:06 |
Jordach |
Calinou, or that gameboom wants AI griefers ! |
12:06 |
xming joined #minetest |
12:10 |
PilzAdam |
Calinou, jojoa1997|Tablet, is_ground_content will be moved as a flag for the cave generator; nodes with it will be removed by it |
12:11 |
PilzAdam |
s/moved/used |
12:15 |
Calinou |
will it be true by default? |
12:15 |
Calinou |
imo it should, more logical |
12:15 |
PilzAdam |
no |
12:20 |
Calinou |
lol, I'm jumping on a rat on gameboom |
12:22 |
jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest |
12:23 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Can someone make a mod that when you place a special block it will generate ore like join mapgen.lua |
12:23 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
But you choose the different types like scatter sheet or the third ine |
12:23 |
PilzAdam |
not possible |
12:25 |
jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest |
12:25 |
kaeza |
http://ifunny.mobi/#CaYua0js |
12:25 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Curse you school filter |
12:28 |
BlockMen joined #minetest |
12:28 |
BlockMen |
hi everyone |
12:30 |
T_X joined #minetest |
12:30 |
BlockMen |
PilzAdam, where can i find the default tree def? the example in the lua-api is just a too large apple tree |
12:30 |
PilzAdam |
the default trees dont use the L-System# |
12:30 |
PilzAdam |
-# |
12:30 |
Leoneof joined #minetest |
12:31 |
BlockMen |
can i transform the default to L-System? |
12:31 |
BlockMen |
or spawn the default trees shomehow? |
12:31 |
BlockMen |
*somehow |
12:32 |
PilzAdam |
in my farming mod I ported the algorithm for the default trees to Lua |
12:33 |
* Jordach |
waits for VPS to compile 0.4.6 |
12:34 |
BlockMen |
PilzAdam, so there is no way to spawn the default tree without converting to lua and use L-System? |
12:34 |
JesseH2 joined #minetest |
12:34 |
JesseH2 |
.______. why is #minecraft so strict D: |
12:34 |
PilzAdam |
BlockMen, the API has no function for it |
12:35 |
BlockMen |
hmm, it should have next release |
12:35 |
BlockMen |
and then i will use you farming:generate_tree |
12:39 |
Leoneof joined #minetest |
12:40 |
rarkenin_ joined #minetest |
12:40 |
BlockMen |
PilzAdam, for what is underground in your function? |
12:40 |
JesseH2 left #minetest |
12:40 |
PilzAdam |
the block that the sapling grows on IIRC |
12:42 |
BlockMen |
but why using a for loop for that? |
12:48 |
shirish joined #minetest |
12:50 |
BlockMen |
PilzAdam, your code works fine |
12:51 |
PilzAdam |
:D |
12:51 |
BlockMen |
and with wich chance are default trees apple trees? |
12:51 |
BlockMen |
*which |
12:52 |
PilzAdam |
on mapgen its perlin noise based (AFAIK) and the growing ABM is in content_abm.cpp |
12:53 |
BlockMen |
ok, thx |
12:53 |
q66 joined #minetest |
12:56 |
BlockMen |
PilzAdam, i'm not good at c++, but does this "bool is_apple_tree = myrand() % 4 == 0;" mean chance = 4%? |
12:56 |
ttk2 joined #minetest |
12:56 |
PilzAdam |
no, 25% |
12:56 |
PilzAdam |
% in c++ is modulo |
12:57 |
Kacey joined #minetest |
12:57 |
Kacey joined #minetest |
12:57 |
BlockMen |
ah, ok |
12:57 |
BlockMen |
btw..wiki[de] is updated |
12:59 |
T_X joined #minetest |
13:02 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: MirceaKitsune commited to minetest/minetest: Dont allow fast move in water or ladder when aux1_descend is true e38d65f8d1 2013-04-05T05:58:35-07:00 http://git.io/GtFlVw |
13:06 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
13:06 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
13:06 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
13:06 |
markveidemanis |
Hi |
13:09 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: commited to minetest/minetest: Install "build" and "survival" games with "make install" 1a5dcfd0c8 2013-04-05T06:03:05-07:00 http://git.io/Zpwk9Q |
13:14 |
NotReallyNick joined #minetest |
13:14 |
jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest |
13:16 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: commited to minetest/minetest: Use the nodebox as selection box if it's not set manually 2fb0e547a0 2013-04-05T06:14:37-07:00 http://git.io/J_ZEfw |
13:18 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: PilzAdam commited to minetest/common: Remove selection_box from stairs and slabs since the engine uses the node_box now 9951ac3152 2013-04-05T06:17:14-07:00 http://git.io/iXmu2g |
13:19 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
There should be a forge in mineytes |
13:19 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
That let's you make tools stronger |
13:21 |
RealBadAngel |
hi all |
13:21 |
hmmmm joined #minetest |
13:22 |
RealBadAngel |
BlockMen, replacement for default trees are beeches |
13:23 |
Taoki |
RealBadAngel: So... gonna be making any low-gravity space ships or jump / running boots mods with the feature I added? Curious if you have plans for that soon, since I think you were the first who asked for support with per-player physics :) |
13:23 |
RealBadAngel |
Taoki, definitely yes. i will try to add some new items this weekend |
13:24 |
Taoki |
nice ^^ |
13:24 |
iqualfragile joined #minetest |
13:24 |
PilzAdam |
anything against this? https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/573 |
13:25 |
RealBadAngel |
heh, im not quite sure if im better developer or modder, because i do develop stuff for better modding, so i use other folks code to get my mods better ;) |
13:25 |
BlockMen |
RealBadAngel, replacement? why replacement? |
13:26 |
RealBadAngel |
just so. no more sticks with some leaves. only trees |
13:26 |
iqualfragile |
http://minetest.net/news.php please update |
13:27 |
RealBadAngel |
BlockMen, have you actually seen beeches ingame? |
13:28 |
PilzAdam |
iqualfragile, you cant get to this site without knowing the URL |
13:28 |
PilzAdam |
so we dont need to update |
13:28 |
PilzAdam |
it isnt used anymore |
13:28 |
RealBadAngel |
http://imgur.com/a/PXyaA#1 |
13:29 |
iqualfragile |
but there are people out there who do not enjoy reading throught the commits of 3 repositories |
13:29 |
iqualfragile |
(i read those anyways so it does not realy matter to me) |
13:29 |
Taoki |
PilzAdam: Nope. Private messaging is a good idea :) |
13:31 |
BlockMen |
RealBadAngel, haven't seen yet |
13:31 |
BlockMen |
and when they relpace default? |
13:34 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: ShadowNinja commited to minetest/minetest: Add private messaging with /msg 1bae82e6c4 2013-04-05T06:25:59-07:00 http://git.io/o99C1Q |
13:34 |
RealBadAngel |
BlockMen, when biomes revolution will start. |
13:35 |
markveidemanis |
Bedrock:done |
13:35 |
markveidemanis |
whoops |
13:35 |
RealBadAngel |
and this is up to hmmmm |
13:36 |
iqualfragile |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/23590a8383f068509265d5724458c7966d71a0e3 well, actualy that was quite usefull for giving players build before they ever join so they can start building right away |
13:36 |
iqualfragile |
maybee add some kind of /forcegrant ? |
13:36 |
RealBadAngel |
we have tree models ready for quite a long time (with some extra not seen before just in case) |
13:37 |
RealBadAngel |
like red desert trees, giant cacti, hell trees etc |
13:37 |
RealBadAngel |
also silverlight tree |
13:38 |
BlockMen |
RealBadAngel, it would be nice to get function to spawn the trees with lua |
13:38 |
RealBadAngel |
ofc you have it |
13:38 |
PilzAdam |
iqualfragile, you cant be sure that the correct player will connect the first time |
13:38 |
RealBadAngel |
just read moretrees code |
13:39 |
iqualfragile |
PilzAdam: i know |
13:39 |
PilzAdam |
and typos in player names are more common than granting player privs before they join |
13:39 |
PilzAdam |
(although we have working nick completion now) |
13:40 |
* Taoki |
is still waiting and hoping for RealBadAngel's big trees mod to be in minetest_game |
13:40 |
PilzAdam |
are you serious? |
13:40 |
PilzAdam |
its way too slow |
13:40 |
BlockMen |
RealBadAngel, you mean "minetest.env:spawn_tree"?? |
13:40 |
PilzAdam |
it has to be done in core mapgen |
13:40 |
iqualfragile |
isnt it in the engine allready? |
13:41 |
PilzAdam |
has anyone benchmarked moretrees? |
13:41 |
PilzAdam |
(the on_generated()) |
13:41 |
PilzAdam |
iqualfragile, no, all the placement is done in Lua with minetest.env_spawn_tree() |
13:42 |
RealBadAngel |
BlockMen, https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L1189 |
13:42 |
Taoki |
PilzAdam: Yeah, I mean the functionality. Didn't know about it being slow |
13:42 |
RealBadAngel |
it is not slow |
13:42 |
Taoki |
I'm also surprised if a big trees mod would be slow. What is there to calculate? |
13:42 |
RealBadAngel |
slow part is lua part |
13:42 |
BlockMen |
[14:32] <PilzAdam> the default trees dont use the L-System# |
13:42 |
RealBadAngel |
all tree generation can be called from engine directly |
13:43 |
PilzAdam |
can someone use os.clock() to benchmark moretrees? |
13:44 |
RealBadAngel |
PilzAdam, ofc it wont be so fast as old tree |
13:44 |
Taoki |
RealBadAngel: Does your latest version of the mod do that? |
13:44 |
arsdragonfly joined #minetest |
13:44 |
RealBadAngel |
big oak, with 3k nodes surely will consume some time |
13:45 |
arsdragonfly |
3k nodes? |
13:45 |
RealBadAngel |
but dont compare shitty hotdog to dinner in restaurant |
13:46 |
RealBadAngel |
arsdragonfly, http://imgur.com/a/PXyaA#3 medium sized oak |
13:51 |
Jordach |
PilzAdam, at what height are floating islands generated at? |
13:51 |
markveidemanis |
http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4698 |
13:51 |
PilzAdam |
500 and upwards |
13:52 |
BlockMen |
hi Jordach |
13:52 |
Jordach |
hello BlockMen |
13:53 |
PilzAdam |
the default on_generated() call takes 0 to 19 ms, while moretrees has 70 to 900 (!) ms |
13:53 |
PilzAdam |
that is definetly too slow |
13:54 |
Matrixiumn joined #minetest |
13:54 |
RealBadAngel |
dont compare please lua stuff to engine only |
13:55 |
RealBadAngel |
your comparisions are just a lie |
13:55 |
RealBadAngel |
of course l-systems will consume more time |
13:55 |
PilzAdam |
I compare Lua to Lua |
13:55 |
RealBadAngel |
but atm most of it is lua interface |
13:56 |
markveidemanis |
how do i revoke a priv with lua |
13:56 |
PilzAdam |
I compare how the default mod uses on_generated() to moretrees |
13:56 |
RealBadAngel |
PilzAdam, i will prepare for you fork with l-system trees in mapgen |
13:56 |
PilzAdam |
just to show that moretrees need to be done in core |
13:56 |
RealBadAngel |
without any lua shit |
13:56 |
RealBadAngel |
then you will be able to compare |
13:57 |
iqualfragile |
markveidemanis: use /revoke |
13:57 |
RealBadAngel |
by now just stop |
13:57 |
PilzAdam |
RealBadAngel, _then_ i would compare Lua to core |
13:57 |
markveidemanis |
with lua |
13:57 |
BlockMen |
PilzAdam, thats why i needed default tree gen |
13:57 |
iqualfragile |
markveidemanis: look at the revoke function in chatcommands.lua |
13:57 |
BlockMen |
*http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=81662#p81662 |
13:58 |
RealBadAngel |
PilzAdam, whatever. I do prefer beauty over leaves on sticks. |
13:59 |
RealBadAngel |
and i think most of us think so |
13:59 |
RealBadAngel |
And dont try to tell mc doesnt have such trees |
13:59 |
RealBadAngel |
it does, even bigger ones |
14:00 |
PilzAdam |
of course it has to be done in a reasonable time |
14:00 |
iqualfragile |
idea: RealBadAngel implements it in c and everybody is happy :D |
14:00 |
PilzAdam |
no |
14:00 |
PilzAdam |
hmmmm already plans to do it in v7 |
14:00 |
iqualfragile |
idea: we wait till mapgen v7 and everybody is happy :D |
14:01 |
RealBadAngel |
l-systems tree generator is part of the engine |
14:01 |
iqualfragile |
i know |
14:01 |
markveidemanis |
ive looked but it wont work :( |
14:01 |
RealBadAngel |
what is slow its lua code to place them |
14:01 |
iqualfragile |
and when hmmmmmmmmm uses it in the future thats great |
14:01 |
RealBadAngel |
without biomes |
14:04 |
markveidemanis |
minetest.set_player_privs(name, {priv1=false}) |
14:04 |
markveidemanis |
minetest.set_player_privs(name, {priv1=true}) |
14:05 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: khonkhortisan commited to minetest/minetest: unkn own block -> unkn own node 1586cdac53 2013-04-05T06:57:39-07:00 http://git.io/h1sbOQ |
14:07 |
jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest |
14:08 |
rarkenin joined #minetest |
14:08 |
markveidemanis |
jojoa how do i revoke privs with lua |
14:08 |
BlockMen |
g2g..bye |
14:08 |
BlockMen left #minetest |
14:12 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Why |
14:12 |
Jordach joined #minetest |
14:12 |
Jordach joined #minetest |
14:12 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Take a look at hungrygames |
14:12 |
Jordach |
there we go |
14:12 |
Jordach |
a nice new 1080p monitor installed! |
14:14 |
Jordach |
14:15 |
moala |
yes? who called me? |
14:15 |
Jordach |
lol |
14:15 |
moala |
Jordach: what can I do for you? |
14:15 |
Jordach |
im just stunned by this 1080p monitor :D |
14:16 |
moala |
don't get too much sunburn! |
14:18 |
kaeza |
hah that gave me a silly idea |
14:20 |
iqualfragile |
ühm… 1080p… thats like the resolution my monitor had about 5 years ago |
14:20 |
iqualfragile |
well… less than that |
14:26 |
tango_ joined #minetest |
14:26 |
proller |
now 1080p even in china mobile phones |
14:31 |
NakedFury joined #minetest |
14:31 |
PilzAdam |
fun fact: burning trees in the furnace is more effective than burning four wood |
14:32 |
markveidemanis |
Help: http://pastie.org/7328156 |
14:32 |
markveidemanis |
revoke on jail, grant on release |
14:33 |
Jordach |
which there is no code for. |
14:38 |
Guest27058 joined #minetest |
14:40 |
kaeza joined #minetest |
14:44 |
frogcrush joined #minetest |
14:46 |
TheLastProject joined #minetest |
14:50 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
14:51 |
* Jordach |
sees Calinou at QuakeNet @ #assaultcube |
14:53 |
Zeg9 joined #minetest |
14:58 |
markveidemanis |
Zeg9 |
14:58 |
Zeg9 |
Hi |
14:58 |
markveidemanis |
Come on my server, i edited some mods and am testing them |
14:59 |
markveidemanis |
markmt.strangled.net i think |
14:59 |
Jordach |
sfan5, wheres minetestbot |
14:59 |
sfan5 |
uhh |
15:00 |
sfan5 |
hello MinetestBot |
15:00 |
MinetestBot |
Hi sfan5! |
15:00 |
sfan5 |
right her |
15:00 |
sfan5 |
+e |
15:00 |
rubenwardy joined #minetest |
15:00 |
rubenwardy |
hi all |
15:04 |
rubenwardy |
qwerty |
15:05 |
rubenwardy |
qwe |
15:05 |
Jordach |
rubenwardy, what are you doing |
15:05 |
rubenwardy |
erm |
15:05 |
rubenwardy |
in chat? |
15:05 |
rubenwardy |
or now? |
15:05 |
Jordach |
<rubenwardy> qwerty |
15:05 |
Jordach |
<rubenwardy> qwe |
15:05 |
rubenwardy |
my brother is being a <> |
15:06 |
Jordach |
15:06 |
rubenwardy left #minetest |
15:06 |
rubenwardy joined #minetest |
15:06 |
rubenwardy |
He is sitting next to me, and he is 10 |
15:06 |
Jordach |
OH |
15:07 |
* Jordach |
then sha's the word |
15:22 |
arsdragonfly| joined #minetest |
15:24 |
mauvebic |
necrochatting lol but whats wrong with l/moretrees? works fast for me |
15:25 |
arsdragonfly- joined #minetest |
15:27 |
markveidemanis |
Today you are the oldest you ever were and the youngest you ever will be |
15:27 |
arsdragonfly joined #minetest |
15:27 |
Jordach |
dafuq |
15:28 |
harrison joined #minetest |
15:28 |
TorpedoSkyline joined #minetest |
15:29 |
mauvebic |
dont look at me lol |
15:29 |
Calinou |
rubenwardy: being a fish |
15:29 |
Calinou |
><> = fish |
15:29 |
mauvebic |
is it odd that the steam engines would be on in drydock? |
15:30 |
arsdragonfly| joined #minetest |
15:31 |
mauvebic |
smoky drydock: http://ompldr.org/vaHp2Mw/screenshot_3648785743.png |
15:31 |
Jousway joined #minetest |
15:35 |
jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest |
15:35 |
whirm1 joined #minetest |
15:39 |
mitori joined #minetest |
15:40 |
mitori |
hello everyone! |
15:40 |
mauvebic |
oy |
15:42 |
Jordach |
mitori, sup |
15:42 |
mitori |
not much, what about you? |
15:42 |
mitori |
is celeron here? |
15:43 |
LunaVorax joined #minetest |
15:43 |
Jordach |
celeron55, mitori wants a word |
15:44 |
mauvebic |
id like a vowel |
15:45 |
mitori |
what for? |
15:45 |
kaeza |
hello mitori |
15:45 |
mitori |
Thanks, Jordach |
15:45 |
mitori |
hi there |
15:47 |
mitori |
how's your modding going? |
15:50 |
Final joined #minetest |
15:52 |
frogcrush joined #minetest |
15:52 |
Jordach |
fine. |
15:52 |
Jordach |
anyways, cant believe how much porting is being done for sphax |
15:54 |
Calinou |
it's not hard |
15:54 |
Calinou |
a matter of mv as of 1.5 |
15:54 |
Calinou |
and a few textures to color yourself |
15:58 |
Jordach |
pretty much |
16:03 |
NakedFury |
grass and leaves must be colored |
16:08 |
Jordach |
i think redcrab should update his server and ignore the bugs that ensue; other server admins do it |
16:09 |
NakedFury |
what version is he using? |
16:09 |
Jordach |
0.4.4 |
16:10 |
Jordach |
ancient. |
16:12 |
Jordach |
also: my gaming headset works in linux |
16:12 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
16:13 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
16:13 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
16:13 |
Jordach |
markveidemanis, you should really be using a real IRC client |
16:17 |
Jordach |
16:17 |
Jordach |
http://jordachscity.tk/map.png |
16:17 |
Jordach |
i've seen those REPEATING DOTS AGAIN |
16:18 |
* Jordach |
hates this bug# |
16:18 |
Jordach |
-# |
16:23 |
Jordach |
is enable_texture_atlas = false correct? |
16:23 |
khonkhortisan |
yes |
16:29 |
khonkhortisan |
ick, the order of tiles is ±Y±X±Z and the order of facedir axes is +Y±Z±X-Y |
16:29 |
Jordach |
RealBadAngel, |
16:29 |
Jordach |
<khonkhortisan> ick, the order of tiles is ±Y±X±Z and the order of facedir axes is +Y±Z±X-Y |
16:33 |
Jordach |
mitori, you about? |
16:34 |
mitori |
about what? |
16:34 |
khonkhortisan |
around, here, present |
16:34 |
Leoneof joined #minetest |
16:34 |
Jordach |
i restarted my city world |
16:34 |
Jordach |
the map corrupted itself, (this is why levelDB is NEEDED) |
16:35 |
Jordach |
it now runs on flatland and uses paramat's canyon and ravine mod |
16:37 |
sdzen joined #minetest |
16:37 |
sdzen |
ello peoples |
16:38 |
sdzen |
I have seen people adding static images to the clouds |
16:38 |
sdzen |
how is this done? |
16:38 |
sdzen |
in the main menu screen |
16:38 |
PilzAdam |
with menusplash and menulogo |
16:40 |
sdzen |
menu splash? |
16:40 |
sdzen |
new .png? |
16:40 |
mitori |
i'm so-so :D |
16:40 |
sdzen |
wait.... 0.4.6? |
16:41 |
* sdzen |
has just looked at the topic |
16:41 |
PilzAdam |
yes, this is only for 0.4.6 |
16:41 |
PilzAdam |
and you just add menusplash.png and menulogo.png to some texture folder (AFAIK) |
16:42 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
16:42 |
khonkhortisan |
What's the right thing to do if a function is run with an out-of-range number? Nothing? Pick the last case? Print an error? Purposely cause a crash? |
16:43 |
sdzen |
print an error |
16:43 |
PilzAdam |
depends |
16:43 |
khonkhortisan |
k |
16:43 |
khonkhortisan |
? |
16:43 |
PilzAdam |
you can assert(0) to crash the server |
16:44 |
sdzen |
if its a malignant thing then yes crash it |
16:44 |
khonkhortisan |
it's a function to rotate the facedir on an axis, and I have if 1 elseif 2 elseif 3 and I have to decide what to do with any other numbers |
16:45 |
sdzen |
just print an error |
16:46 |
celeron55 |
use lua's error function |
16:46 |
celeron55 |
it'll print an error and quit |
16:46 |
khonkhortisan |
that works |
16:47 |
celeron55 |
not completely failing in such a case is the reason why for example php is prone to very buggy shit |
16:47 |
sdzen |
if its just rotating something, I wouldn't want it to quit |
16:47 |
celeron55 |
sdzen: it's a programmer error, programmer errors should be made imemdiately visible to programmer |
16:47 |
celeron55 |
in some way |
16:47 |
Jordach |
khonkhortisan, make a random facedir if it goes over |
16:47 |
celeron55 |
some error going by is not really such |
16:48 |
khonkhortisan |
the error shows up just like a syntax error, I like it |
16:50 |
celeron55 |
in some cases it makes sense to just print an error, but if you always do it like that, it results in bugs that are a combination of multiple odd behaviors and then it's a pain |
16:52 |
celeron55 |
logging something is always much better than silently ignoring it though; that's like the root of all evil |
16:55 |
mitori |
celeron55 you there? |
16:56 |
khonkhortisan |
probably didn't leave in the last four minutes |
16:56 |
* khonkhortisan |
runs off and errorifies his code |
17:03 |
OldCoder joined #minetest |
17:05 |
Jordach |
huh |
17:05 |
Jordach |
hey OldCoder |
17:15 |
harrison joined #minetest |
17:20 |
rubenwardy1 joined #minetest |
17:24 |
khonkhortisan |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/107 can be closed |
17:25 |
OldCoder |
Jordach, Hello |
17:26 |
Jordach |
hello OldCoder |
17:28 |
khonkhortisan |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/594 was not closed |
17:32 |
rubenwardy joined #minetest |
17:33 |
FreeFull |
I still can't figure out how to add a server to favorites |
17:33 |
Jordach |
FreeFull, anytime you join a server from the multiplayer tab, it automagically adds it to the list |
17:34 |
rubenwardy |
It is broken |
17:34 |
rubenwardy |
on windows |
17:34 |
FreeFull |
Jordach: It doesn't do that for me, and I'm on Linux |
17:34 |
khonkhortisan |
Adding too many ip-only favorite servers makes it difficult to actually use them, as there's no way to add owners' names to them. |
17:35 |
Jordach |
FreeFull, modify /minetest/client/favoriteserver.txt and add this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5680480/ |
17:35 |
Jordach |
FreeFull, what minetest version are you using |
17:37 |
FreeFull |
0.4.6 |
17:37 |
FreeFull |
Jordach: I'm using a system-wide install, not a local install |
17:37 |
Jordach |
FreeFull, works for me as run in place |
17:38 |
webdesigner97 joined #minetest |
17:38 |
Menche joined #minetest |
17:39 |
rubenwardy1 joined #minetest |
17:39 |
rubenwardy1 left #minetest |
17:40 |
FreeFull |
Jordach: My client is in /usr/bin |
17:42 |
rubenwardy joined #minetest |
17:44 |
FreeFull |
Where would the favoriteserver.txt go? ~/.minetest/ ? |
17:50 |
Calinou |
hello, system-wide isntall user :P |
17:51 |
mauvebic |
particlespawner uses the same id's over and over :P |
17:52 |
mauvebic |
storing them in meta, and restarting the map, caused all sorts of confusion lol |
17:52 |
mauvebic |
ie punch a smokestack to turn it on, another one turns off instead |
17:53 |
mauvebic |
was hoping to avoid using a table indexed by pos |
17:54 |
mauvebic |
is there any chance of randomizing id's? |
17:54 |
mauvebic |
or making the id, a hash of the pos |
17:54 |
mauvebic |
ugh, jeija's not even here lol |
17:59 |
blaze joined #minetest |
18:10 |
MilanFIN joined #minetest |
18:14 |
markveidemanis |
I will be hosting a TheWalls map on my server tell me if you want to join |
18:15 |
markveidemanis |
i need 3 players |
18:22 |
VanessaE |
PilzAdam: I already benchmarked moretrees. |
18:22 |
VanessaE |
http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=3898 |
18:22 |
q66 joined #minetest |
18:22 |
VanessaE |
scroll to "Benchmarks", which were done with only plantlife and moretrees as the mods using that code. |
18:23 |
VanessaE |
(/me skips the rest of the scrollback. tl;dr) |
18:26 |
* Calinou |
is going to benchmark it :> |
18:26 |
VanessaE |
have fun |
18:26 |
VanessaE |
:) |
18:26 |
cisoun joined #minetest |
18:26 |
Calinou |
btw, I got my new RAM, but I'm in single channel now :| |
18:26 |
VanessaE |
ick |
18:26 |
Calinou |
there is no impact on real world performance |
18:27 |
VanessaE |
well, dual-channel is about 50% faster on my system |
18:27 |
Calinou |
I never use ramdisks :P |
18:27 |
VanessaE |
(as measured by the time required to test the RAM) |
18:27 |
PilzAdam |
VanessaE, you should benchmark the default on_generated() to have something to compare with |
18:27 |
proller joined #minetest |
18:28 |
VanessaE |
PilzAdam: I might do that at some point, but the code that generates those figures is entirely in plants_lib, so it would need an extra mod to properly benchmark it |
18:29 |
Calinou |
nothing in console, really |
18:29 |
Calinou |
also I'm not using luajit |
18:30 |
Calinou |
the log "looks" normal, it has nothing else than world starting & stuff |
18:30 |
VanessaE |
PilzAdam: that said, I believe hmmmm has already done some benchmarking of the mapgen and has it somewhere in the low double-digit millisecond range now, on average |
18:30 |
PilzAdam |
yes, something from 0 to 19 ms |
18:32 |
rarkenin joined #minetest |
18:32 |
GhostlyDeath joined #minetest |
18:35 |
VanessaE |
PilzAdam: at any rate, I'm not sure I could benchmark on_generated() itself, that would need some C++ code. |
18:35 |
Calinou |
VanessaE: dual-channel brings no improvement for me in read speeds, btw |
18:35 |
PilzAdam |
I mean the on_generate() in the default mod |
18:35 |
Calinou |
does it have any effet on read speeds for you? |
18:35 |
mauvebic |
is using on_generated really that slow? |
18:36 |
Calinou |
PilzAdam: idea: add an "offset" parameter to register_ore, so that we can offset the generated blocks |
18:36 |
Calinou |
would allow generating flowers/cacti/papyrus with C++ |
18:36 |
VanessaE |
Calinou: off, you should be seeing a measurable difference in speed. |
18:36 |
VanessaE |
odd* |
18:36 |
VanessaE |
PilzAdam: Oh! |
18:36 |
Calinou |
13990MB/s in sequential read |
18:36 |
Calinou |
I had the same speed before |
18:37 |
mauvebic |
'cuz for me, i use the sapling, after_place() remove_node(self) minetest.after(0, ... spawntree() ..)) |
18:37 |
Calinou |
(1600mhz C9 vs 1333mhz C9 x 2) |
18:37 |
mauvebic |
and its pretty fast |
18:38 |
mauvebic |
or why not use an abm on grass and let the mapgen do its work? |
18:39 |
markveidemanis |
18:53 |
GhostlyDeath |
Is there a command to tell you your current position? |
18:55 |
RealBadAngel |
you mean lua function to get player pos? |
18:55 |
RealBadAngel |
or you just want to know where you are? |
18:55 |
Jordach joined #minetest |
18:55 |
NakedFury |
if its in the game its one of the F# keys |
18:56 |
RealBadAngel |
f5 |
18:56 |
NakedFury |
yeah. that will show X, Y, and Z coords |
18:57 |
GhostlyDeath |
thanks |
18:59 |
STHGOM joined #minetest |
18:59 |
howdy! |
19:01 |
FreeFull |
Jordach: I put the favoriteserver.txt in ~/.minetest/ and nothing |
19:02 |
GhostlyDeath |
I discovered a giant chasm filled with magma |
19:02 |
Jordach |
FreeFull, system wide installs dont often work :P |
19:03 |
rarkenin joined #minetest |
19:03 |
kaeza |
FreeFull, I think it goes into ~/.minetest/client/servers/favoriteservers.txt or smth like that |
19:04 |
FreeFull |
I don't even have a client subdirectory in ~/.minetest/ right now |
19:04 |
kaeza |
mkdir it? |
19:04 |
whirm1 |
what settings should I modify to get more map chunks per second when on single player? |
19:04 |
Jordach |
19:05 |
kaeza |
FreeFull, $ mkdir -p ~/.minetest/client/serverlist |
19:06 |
FreeFull |
Nope, favorites still empty |
19:06 |
proller joined #minetest |
19:07 |
kaeza |
FreeFull, dunno then. it works ok for me |
19:07 |
who made minetest-7DA0A66? |
19:07 |
FreeFull |
kaeza: Which version do you have? I have 0.4.6 |
19:08 |
kaeza |
0.4.6 pulled 5 seconds ago |
19:11 |
kaeza |
hmm... now that you say it, it does not work in system-wide install |
19:11 |
GhostlyDeath |
Is there a no clip key>? |
19:12 |
GhostlyDeath |
hmm found it |
19:12 |
kaeza |
J |
19:12 |
FreeFull |
Well, that's useless for me then =P |
19:13 |
kaeza |
let me rephrase that |
19:13 |
kaeza |
I just found it does not work in system-wide install |
19:13 |
kaeza |
I usually build run-in-place |
19:15 |
how does minetest handle falls? |
19:16 |
kaeza |
ah well... so good support from #virtualbox. no one gave a shit about a legit question |
19:16 |
how fast you are falling? |
19:17 |
kaeza |
offtopic: is it possible to make a chroot jail to compile stuff for other variant of Linux? |
19:18 |
kaeza |
google is not my friend :( |
19:21 |
GhostlyDeath |
after -30,912, I appear to have hit a wall |
19:21 |
GhostlyDeath |
A wall of nothing, where droppable objects fall through |
19:22 |
whirm1 |
kaeza: another distro? |
19:22 |
kaeza |
whirm1, yeah |
19:22 |
mauvebic |
google does suck lately lol |
19:22 |
whirm1 |
kaeza: yes, you can |
19:23 |
mauvebic |
getting alot of fake results generated from my search |
19:23 |
whirm1 |
kaeza: mount --bind /dev choot/dev ; mount --bind /sys chroot/sys ; mount --bind /proc chroot/proc ; chroot chroot/ |
19:23 |
Jordach |
mauvebic, not porn though! |
19:23 |
kaeza |
mauvebic, they match words like "of" and such but do not match "supercallifragillisticexpialidocious" |
19:24 |
who has heard of google nose beta? |
19:24 |
kaeza |
and their suggestions suck |
19:24 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
19:25 |
kaeza |
whirm1, ...that's not exactly what I had in mind... |
19:25 |
whirm1 |
kaeza: if you want to build for debian/ubuntu 32/64 bit from a debian/ubuntu, you can just use debootstrap to create the chroot, for other distros you will need to look for the equivalent command |
19:25 |
whirm1 |
kaeza: what do you want? |
19:26 |
kaeza |
whirm1, basically I have unpacked the files from the Puppy distro to a dir, and set that dr as root |
19:26 |
kaeza |
dir* |
19:26 |
kaeza |
I only need the libs, compiler, etc |
19:27 |
whirm1 |
then the chroot thing would be what you want, right? |
19:27 |
kaeza |
ah lol |
19:27 |
kaeza |
I misread that |
19:28 |
kaeza |
hrm... |
19:28 |
mauvebic |
sounds complicated lol |
19:28 |
kaeza |
I guess I'll just nuke my Puppy install and upgrade |
19:28 |
Calinou |
scumbag kaeza: nuke puppy, install ubuntu |
19:29 |
kaeza |
Calinou, I'm on Ubuntu :| |
19:29 |
whirm1 |
mauvebic: nah, I have this script: http://paste.debian.net/247620/ , works like a charm :) |
19:29 |
mauvebic |
i have one or two empty partitions to those ends, but i rarely use 'em |
19:29 |
mauvebic |
oh no whirm1 i was referring to what kaeza was trying to do w/ puppy :p |
19:29 |
* Calinou |
had 4 primary partitions on a MBR-formatted HDD |
19:29 |
Calinou |
so pro |
19:29 |
Calinou |
has* |
19:29 |
kaeza |
Win7+Puppy+Ubuntu here |
19:30 |
mauvebic |
your setup sounds even more complex lol |
19:30 |
Jordach |
Calinou, same here |
19:30 |
Jordach |
one of which is used for SWAP FILE |
19:30 |
mauvebic |
just archbang here |
19:30 |
mauvebic |
you guys break your dists' that often? |
19:30 |
whirm1 |
then you don't want to look at mine... |
19:30 |
Jordach |
mauvebic, i dont |
19:31 |
mauvebic |
3 OS's is overkill for me lol |
19:31 |
mauvebic |
i have 3 computers instead XD |
19:31 |
whirm1 |
I keep copying my debian from one machine to the other :D |
19:31 |
mauvebic |
old, tiny, and newbie |
19:31 |
roboman2444 joined #minetest |
19:31 |
Calinou |
first one: P4, 128MB RAM, second one: P4, 256MB RAM, third one: P5, 16GB RAM |
19:31 |
kaeza |
mauvebic, Win for gamin, 'buntu for work, Puppy for nostalgia :'| |
19:31 |
Calinou |
xubuntu for everything here :> |
19:31 |
Jordach |
Calinou, high five |
19:31 |
mauvebic |
most of my favorite games i got to work in wine |
19:32 |
mauvebic |
if you check out the winehq, arch is usually top for all games |
19:32 |
mauvebic |
gold/plat, |
19:32 |
kaeza |
mauvebic, then plz tell me how to make Borderlands + GTA IV run under wine kthxbai |
19:32 |
* Calinou |
is playing trackmania right now, in wine |
19:32 |
Calinou |
runs perfect 8D |
19:32 |
mauvebic |
dont have those games |
19:32 |
Jordach |
anyone play TF2 in wine? |
19:32 |
kaeza |
GTA IV is a fucking resource hog |
19:33 |
mauvebic |
cities XL 2012, Simcity 4K, the sims and sim societies for the female, and |
19:33 |
mauvebic |
homeworld2 |
19:33 |
Calinou |
Jordach: last time I did was in 2011 or so |
19:33 |
mauvebic |
what else |
19:33 |
Calinou |
now I play it native |
19:33 |
Calinou |
in wine, you'll get freezes when entering water |
19:33 |
whirm1 |
Jordach: TF2 is available for linux |
19:33 |
mauvebic |
alot of newer games i played for very brief periods (theyre getting worse like TV) lol |
19:33 |
Calinou |
and random black polygons on weapons/pickups |
19:34 |
kaeza |
mauvebic, Sim Ant :D |
19:34 |
mauvebic |
pretty soon youll need microtransactions to pause the bloody thing so i dont bother anymore lol |
19:35 |
Calinou |
we should add that to minetest |
19:35 |
Calinou |
pay $1 + 1 mese block if you want to pause |
19:35 |
kaeza |
I have BL, GTA4, Warcraft3, Diablo (1, not 3), Doom 3, and CS 1.6 |
19:35 |
mauvebic |
and is it just me, or are graphics evolving much slower than in the 90s? |
19:36 |
proller joined #minetest |
19:36 |
kaeza |
^^^ |
19:36 |
mauvebic |
alot of games *are* old but don't feel it lately |
19:36 |
kaeza |
well, you can see a real transition from say Doom to Quake |
19:36 |
Calinou |
mauvebic: they kinda are |
19:36 |
mauvebic |
meh, either way, im slowly transforming my minetest into a combo simcity/railroad tycoon/star trek game lol |
19:37 |
Calinou |
metro 2033 devs approve |
19:37 |
NakedFury |
the graphics are evolving as fast as the consoles do |
19:37 |
Calinou |
game that can't run at max settings in 1920×1080 with 60 fps or more... on a titan |
19:37 |
kaeza |
but recent games look like made with GM or some shit like that |
19:37 |
kaeza |
they look all similar |
19:37 |
mauvebic |
i was surprised that Cities XL 2012 runs on the P4 and runs decently |
19:37 |
Calinou |
NakedFury: soon, we'll have the PS4, where actually optimized games will land, unlike the PC where there are intentional bottlenecks (conspiracy? :D) |
19:37 |
Calinou |
PS4 = its GPU will have similar perf to a HD 7850 |
19:38 |
mauvebic |
DRM: making games so shitty, pirates (and consumers) dont bother lol |
19:38 |
Calinou |
try to run a game in 1920×1080 at max settings on an HD 7850 |
19:38 |
NakedFury |
the PS4 and Xbox 3 are just severely limited PCs without any ability to customize them and you have to pay extra for online play |
19:38 |
mauvebic |
i hear the new simcity is as bad as sim societies |
19:38 |
NakedFury |
its bad mauvebic |
19:38 |
Calinou |
the new simcity is a simulation of chypre |
19:38 |
Calinou |
or whatever that country is called in english |
19:38 |
Calinou |
:p |
19:38 |
NakedFury |
horrible pathfinding of cars |
19:38 |
Calinou |
go to the bank, get your money, fast |
19:39 |
mauvebic |
Cyprus :P |
19:39 |
mauvebic |
Chypres en francais |
19:39 |
NakedFury |
bugged and glitched to hell. I saw a video of a city without any utilities work out 100% |
19:39 |
NakedFury |
you need online all the time to even play it. maps are very small |
19:40 |
NakedFury |
and other players can go to your city and deploy disasters or delete it |
19:40 |
mauvebic |
what happens when the servers go offline? |
19:40 |
NakedFury |
you are fucked |
19:40 |
NakedFury |
^^ |
19:40 |
NakedFury |
dont waste your time and keep playing sim city 4 or cities xl |
19:40 |
mauvebic |
so theres no use in *buying* a game like that, you dont really own it and cant play it once they decide youre done |
19:40 |
NakedFury |
yep |
19:41 |
mauvebic |
its an excellent time for indie devs to wipe the floor with those big companies lol |
19:41 |
Jordach |
mauvebic, and you wonder why Minecrap done so well |
19:41 |
Calinou |
indie games have shit graphics, just like FOSS games |
19:41 |
Calinou |
I see "tri-sli 680 owner" saying: "lol shit graphics looks like a game from 1999" |
19:42 |
* Jordach |
looks at a few xbox 360 indie games |
19:42 |
mauvebic |
i can deal with shittier graphics much more than i can deal with shitty gameplay |
19:42 |
Calinou |
guess why few people play red eclipse |
19:42 |
NakedFury |
we just need a truly indie city simulator to wipe sim city and maxis and ea out of business |
19:42 |
Calinou |
Jordach: there are no indie games on consoles |
19:42 |
mauvebic |
nodebox texture glitches haven't driven me away from here |
19:42 |
Calinou |
you need to be approved or such to have a game on a console |
19:42 |
Jordach |
Calinou, xbox 360 has them |
19:42 |
Calinou |
without homebrew |
19:42 |
Jordach |
theyre download only |
19:42 |
Calinou |
"homebrew" sounds like notch making speed potions |
19:42 |
jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest |
19:42 |
mauvebic |
maxis as it existed during sc2-3-4 doesnt really exist anymore |
19:42 |
NakedFury |
yeah |
19:43 |
NakedFury |
they died |
19:43 |
NakedFury |
sold their souls. just like DICE |
19:43 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
when your inv is full do items drop when you dig them? |
19:43 |
mauvebic |
well, can you blame them? if you could cash out multi-million style, wouldn't you? |
19:43 |
Jordach |
jojoa1997|Tablet, NAW SHIT |
19:44 |
NakedFury |
no if it meant making real shit games and seeing my fans say shit stuff about me in every forum possible |
19:44 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
what |
19:44 |
* kaeza |
sees c55 selling MT to EA |
19:44 |
mauvebic |
yeah but by then youre in your villa somewhere in the meditarrenean (sp) |
19:44 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i think a good option to add to the game is item_pickup |
19:44 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
not drop but pickup |
19:44 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
and a smaller pickup range |
19:44 |
kaeza |
fuck.no. |
19:44 |
dante123 joined #minetest |
19:44 |
kaeza |
....maybe |
19:45 |
dante123 |
!up minetest.info.tm |
19:45 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
like you stand on top of it |
19:45 |
MinetestBot |
minetest.info.tm:30000 seems to be down |
19:45 |
mauvebic |
i mean thats what the tech bubble was all about, bullshit businesses by people hoping to be bought-out before anyone realized lol |
19:46 |
dante123 |
!up minetest.info.tm |
19:46 |
MinetestBot |
minetest.info.tm:30000 is up (0.261ms) |
19:46 |
mauvebic |
facebook IPO: only the techies saw that coming |
19:46 |
Jordach |
dante123, if you need a permaserver, i can host one for you |
19:46 |
NakedFury |
the problem with EA in this case is that they are blinded by short term cash from all this horrible games they are making while if they thought in the long term and making good games and not whoring them out then it would be even better |
19:46 |
mauvebic |
well theyre not making games for adults |
19:47 |
mauvebic |
they make games for the annoying children who hassle their parents for more items/expansion packs |
19:47 |
NakedFury |
stupid parents |
19:47 |
mauvebic |
microtransactions are just cheap enough that parents will buy the peace |
19:47 |
mauvebic |
older teens/young adults obviously have bills/debts to pay |
19:48 |
dante123 |
Jordach, I may take you up on that offer...at a later time. In a hurry right now but will chat with you later. Thanks. |
19:48 |
mauvebic |
and its no different then say, the last two star trek tv series where they basically rehashed the same stories to sell more gear |
19:51 |
mauvebic |
thats whats fun about minetest though mods aren't written for a little extra scratch |
19:52 |
mauvebic |
in MC they might sell you the toilet and the toilet paper separately lol |
19:52 |
NotReallyNick left #minetest |
19:52 |
mauvebic |
(dont touch the leaves on jordach's server :P) |
19:55 |
mauvebic |
anyone wrote a steam engine? |
19:55 |
kaeza |
yes, Valve |
19:55 |
mauvebic |
no lol |
19:55 |
mauvebic |
minetest steam engine, like coal-powered |
19:55 |
kaeza |
jordan4ibanez had a model |
19:55 |
mauvebic |
i wrote a smokegen for the funnels, but id like it to be relatable to steam engine |
19:56 |
kaeza |
I don't know what he did with it |
19:56 |
mauvebic |
just the model? thats okay |
19:56 |
mauvebic |
i can write some code, (repeated effort = wasted effort) |
19:56 |
kaeza |
IIRC it was a modification of carts mod with a steam engine model |
19:57 |
mauvebic |
i think he did that for my 3d rails lol |
19:57 |
mauvebic |
got a few train models too of varying poly count |
19:57 |
kaeza |
I still have he model around I think |
19:57 |
kaeza |
the* |
19:58 |
mauvebic |
though i wish the collision/selection box would rotate with the bloody entity lol |
19:58 |
kaeza |
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/engine.x |
19:58 |
mauvebic |
anything rectangular shape is borked |
19:58 |
mauvebic |
thanks |
19:58 |
kaeza |
np |
19:59 |
mauvebic |
steam-powered pistons :D |
19:59 |
NakedFury joined #minetest |
19:59 |
mauvebic |
surprised no one wrote a steampunk mod |
19:59 |
mauvebic |
the visual style is nice |
20:00 |
mauvebic |
and its a century or two removed from mesecons and closer to default minetest medieval period |
20:01 |
mauvebic |
Oh forgot: particlespawner fires look NICE, but can you have them as light sources? |
20:01 |
NakedFury |
im back |
20:02 |
NakedFury |
a few weeks ago there was an indie sim city project on kickstarter: civitas. it planned to have modding, extensive terrain editors |
20:02 |
kaeza |
wb NakedFury |
20:02 |
NakedFury |
but the owner took it out |
20:02 |
kaeza |
mauvebic, this is the source blender file if you need it: http://opengameart.org/content/electric-mine-locomotive |
20:03 |
mauvebic |
yeah though 90% of kickstarts never reach their funding goal (says /.) |
20:03 |
kaeza |
whoops |
20:03 |
kaeza |
it's electric, not steam powered |
20:03 |
NakedFury |
the problem I see with trains is that they would have to be bigger than the player to look right |
20:04 |
NakedFury |
and making them 1 block wide seems ridiculous |
20:04 |
mauvebic |
and the visual_scale bug is still there :/ |
20:04 |
mauvebic |
standard gauge is 1.44m wide |
20:05 |
mauvebic |
trains are wider obvs |
20:06 |
mauvebic |
and while attach is nice, its not really enough in this case |
20:06 |
mauvebic |
we need to be able to move in moving structures (be it nodeboxes or meshes) |
20:06 |
NakedFury |
I think for proper train set we would end up needing atleast a minimum of 2 wide. at least 1 for the alley where you can walk inside the train car and the other for seats or storage |
20:07 |
mauvebic |
so technically, if the thing youre standing on is moving, then you should be moving with it, and if youre moving within it, then theres that law on relativity that gets tricky lol |
20:07 |
mauvebic |
i guess this all relates to gravity |
20:08 |
mauvebic |
though thankfully with 3d rails i wouldn't need to follow the track, the train would simple move forward or backwards and the rails themselves would limit the range of motion |
20:09 |
mauvebic |
i setup the titanic next to the railway (supplies) and am gonna build this shipyard: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d3/Britannic_launching_postcard.jpg |
20:10 |
NakedFury |
what we need is that while inside a device that is moving we can move freely without feeling any preassure or having our chaacter move back as if pushed or something |
20:10 |
has john_minetest been on latley? |
20:11 |
mauvebic |
yeah, and not just hand for trains, but elevators and such too |
20:11 |
mauvebic |
planes, ships |
20:11 |
mauvebic |
perhaps node groupings with vel/acc |
20:11 |
proller |
SPAM - http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=69801#p69801 |
20:12 |
NakedFury |
yep. any type of vehicle or moving device |
20:12 |
mauvebic |
though, fat chance of seeing that, most people are already running on fumes with 8,12,18 gigs of ram lol |
20:13 |
mauvebic |
i only need 210mb for the client & server |
20:13 |
kaeza |
spammers gonna spam |
20:13 |
spamspamspamspamspam |
20:13 |
kaeza |
at least this one was less obvious |
20:14 |
what counts as spam here? |
20:15 |
mauvebic |
anything pointless |
20:15 |
like this?: |
20:15 |
lamas taste good |
20:15 |
mauvebic |
yep |
20:15 |
when there nice and crispy |
20:16 |
and basted in jelly beans |
20:16 |
mauvebic |
its a waste of time for the readers and a waste of time for the mods who have to clean it up |
20:16 |
mauvebic |
tho they have a shit-ton more patience than i do lol |
20:16 |
kaeza |
mauvebic, if pointless stuff were spam, this entire channel would've been banned long ago :) |
20:16 |
mauvebic |
we get OT here sometimes but the conversation goes back to MT fast enough |
20:17 |
no lamas on #minetest |
20:17 |
mauvebic |
talking about pointless forum threads/post taking up space and bandwidth |
20:17 |
mauvebic |
dont think xyz gets paid to host the forums |
20:19 |
Wuzzy joined #minetest |
20:19 |
hello |
20:22 |
Jordach |
mauvebic, dont touch the leaves???? |
20:24 |
mauvebic |
TP mod :P |
20:24 |
Jordach |
mauvebic, remember sim city 2000, with the doom orb? |
20:24 |
mauvebic |
doom orb? |
20:26 |
shadowjay1 joined #minetest |
20:26 |
Jordach |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYt_-tC0GOw |
20:26 |
mauvebic |
despite the shitty graphics its still a pretty complex game |
20:27 |
mauvebic |
wasnt crazy about a million plus water pumps |
20:27 |
mauvebic |
though i miss the dams |
20:28 |
NakedFury |
I miss Maxis |
20:29 |
mauvebic |
though dams aren't much more possible in MT, all water sources are at the same level |
20:33 |
NakedFury |
generate high lvl water sources for rivers, waterfalls, and lakes |
20:33 |
GhostlyDeath |
I should create a Nuclear Bomb mod heh |
20:33 |
GhostlyDeath |
Destroys everything within 5,000 radius |
20:33 |
mauvebic |
uhm, i cant even tell the diff between SC4K and the the new simcity lol |
20:34 |
mauvebic |
(graphics-wise) |
20:34 |
ShadowNinja |
PilzAdam: I tried nick completion and it only worked for my player nick |
20:35 |
GhostlyDeath |
Is there a base tutorial for the development of mods? |
20:36 |
PilzAdam |
ShadowNinja, do you have latest version? |
20:37 |
ShadowNinja |
yes, at least on the client, the server is stable |
20:40 |
ShadowNinja |
PilzAdam: it seems your commit was all client-side, does the server version matter? |
20:40 |
PilzAdam |
nope |
20:40 |
PilzAdam |
its client side |
20:44 |
mauvebic |
ugh, MC steam engines are fugly |
20:45 |
ShadowNinja |
PilzAdam: it is working on my server, seems it does require latest server |
20:45 |
sdzen joined #minetest |
20:47 |
proller |
GhostlyDeath, http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=638 but you cant destroy 5000r in few days |
20:49 |
Menche left #minetest |
20:49 |
join #RC |
20:49 |
sry |
20:49 |
just seeing what channels there are |
21:03 |
kaeza |
bbl |
21:03 |
Jeija joined #minetest |
21:04 |
byebye |
21:05 |
Kacey joined #minetest |
21:11 |
Kacey |
goddamnit teamviewer |
21:16 |
NotReallyNick joined #minetest |
21:17 |
Kacey |
(~us_0gb c-50-137-60-25.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #minetest |
21:18 |
NotReallyNick |
Yes, I joined. What of it? Am I not allowed here any more? |
21:18 |
* NotReallyNick |
sadly turns to leave |
21:19 |
Kacey |
lol no it still says us_0gb |
21:19 |
Jordach |
NotReallyNick, why are you using that nick?# |
21:20 |
NotReallyNick |
I think that is attached to my computer account name or something. |
21:20 |
Jordach |
./nick us_0gb |
21:20 |
NotReallyNick |
So I'd have to log in as a different user on my computer to fix that. |
21:20 |
NotReallyNick |
Nah, you don't want to be us_0gb. |
21:22 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
21:25 |
Weedy_lappy joined #minetest |
21:25 |
Weedy_lappy joined #minetest |
21:27 |
us_0gb joined #minetest |
21:27 |
us_0gb |
Kacey: What did it say when I joined? |
21:27 |
us_0gb |
I don't see what you see from my client. |
21:28 |
NakedFury |
* us_0gb (~us_0gb c-50-137-60-25.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #minetest |
21:29 |
us_0gb |
Still us_0gb? Okay. This makes no sense ..... |
21:30 |
us_0gb |
On this computer, underscores are no allowed, so I'm us0gb. |
21:30 |
us_0gb |
*not |
21:30 |
us_0gb left #minetest |
21:41 |
Jeija left #minetest |
21:44 |
Gambit joined #minetest |
21:47 |
paxcoder joined #minetest |
21:47 |
paxcoder |
PilzAdam, what's the sytax to checkout 0.4.6 again? |
21:47 |
GhostlyDeath |
oops |
21:47 |
GhostlyDeath |
Started a forest fire |
21:47 |
PilzAdam |
paxcoder, from git? |
21:47 |
paxcoder |
ye |
21:47 |
PilzAdam |
git checkout 0.4.6 |
21:48 |
paxcoder |
PilzAdam, git checkout 0.4.5 https://github.com/minetest/minetest.git ? |
21:49 |
paxcoder |
*.6 |
21:49 |
PilzAdam |
have you set up the upstream repo as a remote in your local repo? |
21:50 |
paxcoder |
sec |
21:51 |
paxcoder |
wait cloning -_- |
21:52 |
NotReallyNick |
Yay! Someone updated the link on the homepage to point to https://github.com/minetest, not https://github.com/minetest/minetest. |
21:53 |
ttk2 joined #minetest |
21:53 |
paxcoder |
NotReallyNick, don't you mean the other way around? |
21:53 |
NotReallyNick |
No. They switch to the shorter address. |
21:54 |
NotReallyNick |
Which is easier for navigation. |
21:54 |
paxcoder |
minetest_game, right? |
21:55 |
NotReallyNick |
I often want to go to minetest/common, but following the old link, I'd end up at minetest/minetest, then go to minetest, then go to minetest/common. |
21:55 |
NotReallyNick |
No, not minetest_game. |
21:56 |
NotReallyNick |
The link used to point to the engine, now it points to the whole Minetest project. |
21:56 |
paxcoder |
k |
22:00 |
rsiska joined #minetest |
22:00 |
Jordach |
NotReallyNick, http://irc.minetest.ru/minetest-dev/2013-04-05#i_2990052 |
22:01 |
Jordach |
NotReallyNick, you can thank me later |
22:02 |
* Jordach |
pokes VanessaE |
22:03 |
NotReallyNick |
Well then, thank you Jordach! When the game was still in celeron55's personal repository, it made sense to link to the engine, but with the separate repository we have no, it makes a lot more sense to link to the whole project. |
22:03 |
NotReallyNick |
*now |
22:03 |
sapier1 joined #minetest |
22:03 |
Jordach |
separate repositories* |
22:03 |
Jordach |
not repository |
22:03 |
Jordach |
there are 5 repos |
22:03 |
Jordach |
22:04 |
NotReallyNick |
Okay. The repository isn't the right word, because I don't mean plural. |
22:04 |
NotReallyNick |
Account, maybe? |
22:04 |
NotReallyNick |
*then |
22:05 |
Jordach |
NotReallyNick, more like organisation |
22:05 |
Jordach |
we really need a proper minetest help desk |
22:05 |
NotReallyNick |
Okay. So celeron55 is an organization? |
22:06 |
sdzen |
see wiki |
22:06 |
sdzen |
:P |
22:06 |
Jordach |
NotReallyNick, https://github.com/minetest is an organisation |
22:06 |
Jordach |
https://github.com/celeronxyz is not |
22:06 |
Jordach |
the minetest group has several people in it, while celeronxyz is only celeronxyz |
22:07 |
NotReallyNick |
In any cast, the minetest stuff was removed from "/celeron55/" to "/minetest/". Whatever word I'm looing for covers both "/celeron55/" AND "/minetest/". |
22:07 |
NotReallyNick |
*case |
22:07 |
Jordach |
looking for* |
22:07 |
Jordach |
looing for sounds like your in need |
22:07 |
NotReallyNick |
Yeah, that too. |
22:07 |
Jordach |
no ctcp time? honestly |
22:08 |
NotReallyNick |
Also, *Minetest, for the one that isn't a directory name. |
22:08 |
Jordach |
NotReallyNick, im rather lazy, so deal with it |
22:08 |
* Jordach |
puts on shades |
22:08 |
NotReallyNick |
Deal with what? I was correctiong my OWN lack of capitalization. |
22:08 |
Jordach |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?hl=en-GB&v=Rp6-wG5LLqE&gl=GB |
22:09 |
Jordach |
^ thats the tune to me putting on shades |
22:09 |
NotReallyNick |
I see. |
22:09 |
NotReallyNick |
I didn't realize putting on shades required a tune. I'll keep that in mind for next time I put some on. |
22:10 |
Jordach |
NotReallyNick, it just adds emphasis |
22:10 |
NotReallyNick |
Ah. Good to know. |
22:10 |
Jordach |
anyways, time for a full image update |
22:11 |
* Jordach |
is updating Minetest forum graphic |
22:11 |
NotReallyNick |
Oh, nice. |
22:12 |
NotReallyNick |
Give is a red banner at the top. Possibly with a star. |
22:12 |
ShadowNinja |
VanessaE: can you please make the xsigns in homedecor use the infotext, it is very usefull on long signs |
22:12 |
Jordach |
ShadowNinja, tell me about it |
22:13 |
NotReallyNick |
Definitely. The lack of infotext is difficult, even on short text, let alone long text. |
22:14 |
Jordach |
http://i.imgur.com/4zyl5ta.png |
22:14 |
* Jordach |
needs to crop this bastard |
22:14 |
NotReallyNick |
Is that you? |
22:14 |
Jordach |
yes and yes |
22:14 |
NotReallyNick |
So ... you call yourself a bastard? |
22:14 |
Jordach |
as in, image file |
22:15 |
* NotReallyNick |
giggles |
22:15 |
NotReallyNick |
I guess that image never really did have a father. |
22:16 |
Jordach |
NotReallyNick, good reference |
22:16 |
* Jordach |
knows that Austin Powers joke |
22:17 |
* NotReallyNick |
has never seen Austin Powers, and did not intentionally reference it |
22:17 |
Matrixiumn joined #minetest |
22:17 |
proller joined #minetest |
22:18 |
Jordach |
NotReallyNick, ever seen Iron Man? |
22:18 |
ShadowNinja |
hmmmm, PilzAdam: Can you please pull this, I think everyone was okay with it: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/578 |
22:19 |
NotReallyNick |
Jordach: No, I don't watch movies. |
22:19 |
Jordach |
:(# |
22:19 |
Jordach |
-# |
22:19 |
iqualfragile joined #minetest |
22:19 |
Jordach |
i just noticed how much my tache looks like Tony Stark |
22:19 |
iqualfragile |
http://howfarisittomars.com/ wow, its far to mars |
22:19 |
NotReallyNick |
Aw. I didn't mean to hit your chin that hard. Or at all. |
22:22 |
Jordach |
iqualfragile, thats the most smooth html5 anim ever |
22:22 |
iqualfragile |
yeah, ruskie would enjoy it |
22:22 |
Jordach |
NotReallyNick, http://forum.minetest.net/profile.php?section=about&id=332 |
22:23 |
Jordach |
NotReallyNick, the other week, my beard was 7cm long |
22:23 |
* NotReallyNick |
forgot that his cheesebread was in the oven, and now it is black |
22:23 |
Jordach |
NotReallyNick, go order a subway |
22:24 |
NotReallyNick |
Too expensive. |
22:24 |
NotReallyNick |
What am I looking for on your profile? |
22:25 |
Jordach |
new image |
22:25 |
* Jordach |
used to be black and white |
22:25 |
Jordach |
this: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=81752#p81752 |
22:26 |
NotReallyNick |
Ah, okay. I don't look at profiles often, so I didn't see the old image. Or at least, I don't remember the old image. |
22:27 |
NotReallyNick |
Hmm. That's an interesting proposal. |
22:27 |
NotReallyNick |
Is there a way to respawn still? |
22:27 |
Jordach |
yes |
22:27 |
Jordach |
through esc. menu |
22:28 |
Jordach |
i just spotted a bad ass user: Cheesus |
22:29 |
Jordach |
and one of my WINNING! posts: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=81764#p81764 |
22:29 |
Jordach |
(winning as in, best reply yet.) |
22:31 |
NotReallyNick |
Hmm. Why does fire burn away torches? The fire on the torches themselves never burns them away. |
22:32 |
NotReallyNick |
Add two "m"s to that. My bad. |
22:32 |
Jordach |
hmmm. |
22:32 |
Jordach |
hmmmm. |
22:34 |
* NotReallyNick |
prepares to issue a post containing the names of everyone in the room |
22:34 |
* Jordach |
facepalms |
22:34 |
Jordach |
huh, we passed the 100 users mark in here |
22:34 |
NotReallyNick |
Yay! I'll get a lot of peoples' attention when I do that then. |
22:35 |
* Jordach |
hugs Gambit |
22:35 |
* NotReallyNick |
IS Gambit |
22:35 |
Gambit |
"I'm not the Gambit from the minetest forums" |
22:35 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: PilzAdam commited to minetest/minetest: Only enqueue falling nodes if they really want to fall 97f0bb0342 2013-04-05T13:33:11-07:00 http://git.io/x0gJfw |
22:36 |
Jordach |
Gambit, not that |
22:36 |
mauvebic |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/605 duplicate? |
22:36 |
Gambit |
lol okay |
22:36 |
paxcoder |
PilzAdam, thanks btw |
22:36 |
Jordach |
Gambit, whos that i see idling in that other game |
22:37 |
PilzAdam |
paxcoder, hm? |
22:37 |
paxcoder |
PilzAdam, i checked out .6 |
22:37 |
Gambit |
Jordach: hmmm? |
22:37 |
PilzAdam |
oh yea |
22:37 |
Jordach |
look in your other channel |
22:37 |
Jordach |
:P |
22:37 |
PilzAdam |
paxcoder, the tags for the version are also set in the other repos |
22:37 |
Jordach |
there, now check |
22:37 |
NotReallyGambit |
Gambit: You missed an "m". |
22:38 |
paxcoder |
PilzAdam, yeah, i figured (did it for minetest_game) |
22:38 |
paxcoder |
thanks |
22:38 |
PilzAdam |
you should also do for survival, build and common |
22:38 |
mauvebic |
any fixes for map_meta.txt being rewritten? |
22:38 |
PilzAdam |
(if you have these= |
22:38 |
PilzAdam |
*) |
22:38 |
sapier1 |
can someone tell me what staticize is? |
22:38 |
ShadowNinja |
PilzAdam: did you see what I wrote |
22:38 |
* VanessaE |
pokes Jordach |
22:39 |
NotRealy01234567 |
I get eight characters. Perfect. |
22:39 |
ShadowNinja |
+? |
22:39 |
Gambit |
Jordach: I'm so confused |
22:39 |
PilzAdam |
ShadowNinja, hm? |
22:39 |
VanessaE |
ShadowNinja: re: signs info text...I have no idea how to do that; pull requests welcome. |
22:39 |
Jordach |
hey VanessaE |
22:39 |
ShadowNinja |
PilzAdam: Can you please pull this, I think everyone was okay with it: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/578 |
22:39 |
Jordach |
Gambit, dinnerbone |
22:39 |
Jordach |
*wink* |
22:39 |
NotReallyPilzAda |
Oops, I missed an "l", so I only get seven. Not enough. |
22:39 |
PilzAdam |
ShadowNinja, hmmmm wasnt sure about it IIRC |
22:41 |
mauvebic |
^ annoying |
22:41 |
NotReallyJordach |
What is? |
22:41 |
mauvebic |
pick a name and stick with it :p |
22:41 |
Gambit |
You need a #minetest-dev :P |
22:41 |
NotReallyJordach |
Nah. One name is too few. |
22:42 |
Gambit |
from which you can boot the children |
22:42 |
VanessaE |
we have such. |
22:42 |
mauvebic |
no reason not to boot them here too :p |
22:42 |
mauvebic |
some kids are mature beyond their years, and some adults never matured :p |
22:43 |
NotReallyJordach |
True enough. |
22:43 |
sdzen |
ello |
22:43 |
* sdzen |
might be a child |
22:43 |
Kacey |
i am theyoungest on irc ^_^ |
22:43 |
sdzen |
I don't remember anymore :) |
22:43 |
Kacey |
the youngest* |
22:43 |
* Jordach |
has greatest intelligence |
22:43 |
* Jordach |
just shit at english |
22:44 |
* NotReallyJordach |
is not really Jordach |
22:44 |
* Kacey |
speak english good |
22:44 |
Jordach |
NotReallyJordach, naw shit |
22:44 |
* NotReallyJordach |
is an imposter! |
22:44 |
Matrixiumn joined #minetest |
22:45 |
sdzen |
quel âge êtes-vous? |
22:45 |
Jordach |
VanessaE, let /kick do the talking |
22:45 |
sdzen |
sapier! |
22:45 |
* NotReally0gb_us |
giggles |
22:45 |
VanessaE |
now I'm all confused. |
22:45 |
sdzen |
I have something to tell you! |
22:45 |
Jordach |
VanessaE, look at the not really ** list and kick em |
22:45 |
NotReally0gb_us |
What? No! |
22:46 |
mauvebic |
jesus |
22:46 |
VanessaE |
"_ |
22:46 |
Jordach |
and everyone goes to normal |
22:46 |
VanessaE |
:) |
22:46 |
paxcoder |
'There is no any "cmake clean".' *facepalm* |
22:46 |
Deivan joined #minetest |
22:46 |
NotReallyNick |
My usual nick contains "NotReally". |
22:46 |
sapier |
:-) I thought I was in stealth mode now ;-) |
22:46 |
frogcrus1 joined #minetest |
22:46 |
sapier |
what do you wanna tell me sdzen? |
22:46 |
VanessaE |
0gb: bah, just use us_0gb like usual |
22:46 |
sokomine |
hi :-) |
22:46 |
paxcoder |
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu |
22:46 |
NotReallyKacey |
*trollface* |
22:46 |
VanessaE |
hey soko |
22:47 |
NotReallyNick |
VanessaE: us_0gb is in the wrong order. |
22:47 |
sdzen |
http://pastebin.com/NjmgAwJm |
22:47 |
VanessaE |
paxcoder: rm CMakeCache.txt |
22:47 |
sdzen |
this |
22:47 |
VanessaE |
I think. |
22:47 |
VanessaE |
0gb: so start with a _ |
22:47 |
VanessaE |
_0gb_us |
22:47 |
VanessaE |
afaik that is allowed |
22:47 |
sapier |
wich version? |
22:47 |
NotReallyNick |
VanessaE: Besides, my name is pretty meaningless without the dot. |
22:47 |
sdzen |
I don't remember |
22:47 |
sdzen |
not very old though |
22:47 |
paxcoder |
VanessaE, yay! thanks |
22:47 |
sapier |
stable or developmentß |
22:47 |
sdzen |
hmmm |
22:48 |
sdzen |
I think development |
22:48 |
sdzen |
foreign keyboard settings sapier? |
22:48 |
VanessaE |
NotReallyNick: so use _0gb_dot_us ;-) |
22:48 |
sdzen |
the ß |
22:49 |
ShadowNinja |
VanessaE: https://github.com/VanessaE/homedecor/pull/16 |
22:49 |
* Jordach |
goes to register nicks |
22:49 |
sapier |
no just same key and missed shift by sime milliseconds ;-) ... at least to me it's not foreign ;-) |
22:49 |
NotReallyNick |
It's equally meaningless if you spell out the dot. It's a domain name, after all. |
22:49 |
sdzen |
true |
22:50 |
sapier |
line 135 doesn't contain anything that can be nil in current dev version ... difficult to find out what went wrong in your version sdzen |
22:51 |
ShadowNinja |
Jordach: -970299? |
22:51 |
VanessaE |
ShadowNinja: merged. |
22:51 |
Jordach |
my only complaint with linux is that when i switch from caps lock quickly, the next letter is a capital |
22:51 |
Jordach |
VanessaE, i just grabbed a new user image |
22:51 |
NotReallyNick |
I don't have that issue on Ubuntu. |
22:51 |
Jordach |
NotReallyNick, i use xubuntu |
22:51 |
VanessaE |
Jordach: um..cool? |
22:52 |
NotReallyNick |
Hmm. i don't know then. |
22:52 |
Jordach |
im up late and bored |
22:52 |
sapier |
hmm maybe some lines later .... thx sdzen at least I've fixed another bug near that line ;-) |
22:52 |
* Jordach |
only woke up about 12:40PM |
22:53 |
VanessaE |
ShadowNinja: you may want to add something to translate "|" into a line break; can infotext display multiple lines? |
22:54 |
Jordach |
yes |
22:54 |
Jordach |
doesnt mesecons use multilines for digilings |
22:54 |
Jordach |
digilines |
22:54 |
NotReallyNick |
Infotext displays multiple lines, but I don't think it uses \n. |
22:54 |
VanessaE |
Jordach: dunno, never used digilines. |
22:54 |
NotReallyNick |
Me neither. |
22:55 |
NotReallyNick |
I remember when mesecons alone where the hot thing. |
22:55 |
Jordach |
NotReallyNick, i remember the day when it came out |
22:55 |
* Jordach |
was THERE |
22:55 |
* NotReallyNick |
was not really there |
22:55 |
Jordach |
clever, |
22:55 |
ShadowNinja |
VanessaE: I think so, one minute |
22:55 |
Jordach |
ShadowNinja, 24/12/11 |
22:55 |
Jordach |
is the first post |
22:56 |
GhostlyDeath joined #minetest |
22:56 |
GhostlyDeath joined #minetest |
22:57 |
NotReallyNick |
That's okay though. In my server world, I use just the stuff from common, and in my private world, I have mesecons, but I almost never build with them. SO I guess I don't need to keep tabs on mesecons. |
22:57 |
NotReallyNick |
*So |
22:57 |
PilzAdam |
http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=2022#p2022 <-- n00b spotted :-) |
22:58 |
Jordach |
and f5 |
22:58 |
PilzAdam |
this is my first post: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=2451 |
22:59 |
Matrixiumn joined #minetest |
23:00 |
Jordach |
hehe# |
23:02 |
Jordach |
if i never cleaned my gmail inbox, it would have 3000+ from github. |
23:02 |
mauvebic |
ugh, should have laid floor tiles before the lights lol |
23:03 |
NotReallyNick |
I had to disable emails from Github. I never check my email, and I check the notifications on Github daily. |
23:05 |
ShadowNinja |
VanessaE: https://github.com/VanessaE/homedecor/pull/17 |
23:05 |
VanessaE |
merged |
23:06 |
NotReallyNick |
Yay! |
23:06 |
* NotReallyNick |
likes working signs |
23:06 |
NotReallyNick |
Or should that be: |
23:07 |
* NotReallyNick |
does really like working signs |
23:07 |
NotReallyNick |
I'm still getting used to this name and its style of speech. |
23:09 |
NotReallyNick |
VanessaE: Didn't you merge some functionality into pipeworks to make it move liquids on its own? |
23:10 |
VanessaE |
NotReallyNick: mauvebic wrote that |
23:10 |
NotReallyNick |
Yes, but is it in standard pipeworks now? |
23:10 |
VanessaE |
it can make liquids at the pump appear at the output of a pipe, but the nodes aren |
23:10 |
VanessaE |
aren't actually moved. |
23:11 |
VanessaE |
so far it only works with water (still waiting for mauvebic to rewrite his latest code to fit my code style so he can pull-request it :) ) |
23:11 |
NotReallyNick |
So it isn't in yet? Okay. |
23:11 |
VanessaE |
no |
23:13 |
NotReallyNick |
You sure do have a lot of content. It makes me feel kind of silly, I only have one thing. |
23:14 |
VanessaE |
I have a few contributors to thank for some of it :-) |
23:14 |
NotReallyNick |
Nice. |
23:14 |
NotReallyNick |
Oh, how good are you at using advanced Github features? |
23:16 |
VanessaE |
I suck at it :) |
23:17 |
NotReallyNick |
Okay, thanks anyway then. ☺ |
23:17 |
Taoki |
BTW. I found out a new method of trolling in MineTest which just happened to me on a server. Trolls can dig holes in stone. If a new player falls in them without either a pickaxe or nodes to put under themselves, and there's no command to teleport to spawn or otherwise, you're stuck there |
23:18 |
NotReallyNick |
True. Which is part of why I added a /die command to my server. |
23:18 |
VanessaE |
which is why I have a /spawn command, and set/go home commands, and no interact by default |
23:18 |
NotReallyNick |
That, and so people don't get trapped in THEIR OWN holes. |
23:19 |
Taoki |
This one doesn't seem to have die either |
23:19 |
NotReallyNick |
The set/go home only helps if that is set in a safe place. Your /spawn command is perfect for escapes though. |
23:20 |
NotReallyNick |
Also, the fact that you give players fly by default. |
23:21 |
NotReallyNick joined #minetest |
23:26 |
ShadowNinja |
hmm, chanserv seems to be down |
23:30 |
PilzAdam |
ShadowNinja, the people on #freenode say its a netsplit |
23:31 |
ShadowNinja |
yep, saw |
23:39 |
Jordach |
i dont often get mad, but when i do, its a infinite barrage |