Time |
Nick |
Message |
00:00 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
sure |
00:01 |
Kacey |
k let me set up the world |
00:01 |
mauvebic |
LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jC1VrN96Yg&list=UUt3Ag7rdgR6mtzOMEhd_v6g&index=9 |
00:02 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
nonono |
00:02 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i cant |
00:02 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
well maybe |
00:02 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i say in 10 minutes |
00:03 |
Kacey |
afk dinner |
00:03 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
kkkkkkkkkkkkk |
00:07 |
Exio |
btw, "building" floating islands with the new generate_ore is pretty funny |
00:07 |
Exio |
you can make "pseudo floating blobs of stone with dirt" with they :P |
00:08 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
mAkE a MOd |
00:08 |
OldCoder joined #minetest |
00:08 |
Kacey |
server is being laggy... |
00:08 |
fortytwo joined #minetest |
00:08 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
floeting blocbs of every blocks. set with half earth grav and jump heaven |
00:09 |
Exio |
ehm wtf you wrote? |
00:10 |
mauvebic |
oh dear lol "Samoa airline introduces pay-by-weight pricing on first international flight to US territory" |
00:10 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
floating blobs of every block |
00:10 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
set gravity to 4.5 |
00:10 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
4.56 |
00:11 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
and then it is jump heaven |
00:15 |
Exio |
Kacey: pls |
00:16 |
Exio |
why VERSION? |
00:16 |
Exio |
(just checked in the status window, i have them blocked) |
00:16 |
Kacey |
lol never got a reply |
00:16 |
Exio |
using weechat-dev |
00:16 |
Exio |
the lastest, should be |
00:17 |
Exio |
WeeChat uptime: 13 days 07:32:15, started on Wed Mar 20 13:44:50 2013 |
00:18 |
Kacey |
uugh i need inventory_warp but download link is not working... |
00:20 |
jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest |
00:20 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
im back |
00:20 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
hehehe |
00:21 |
Exio |
huehuehue* |
00:23 |
jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest |
00:24 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
who is backup coder in minetest-dev |
00:25 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i cant wait for mapgen7 |
00:25 |
Exio |
[Backup.Coder] (~BackupCod unaffiliated/oldcoder) |
00:25 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
biomes will be soo easy to define or so i heard |
00:26 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i mean has he done anything or is he one of those untalking people like moruk or V0id or Weedy_lappy |
00:27 |
Weedy_lappy |
> lurk |
00:27 |
Weedy_lappy |
> me |
00:27 |
Weedy_lappy |
jojoa1997|Tablet: you wot mate |
00:27 |
Exio |
jojoa1997|Tablet: don't random highlight everyone |
00:27 |
Exio |
s/everyone/& who doesn't talk/ |
00:27 |
Weedy_lappy |
00:27 |
Exio |
hahaha |
00:27 |
Weedy_lappy |
:v |
00:27 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
00:27 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
hay i had to make weedy_lappy say something |
00:28 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i always see him/her/it? on |
00:28 |
Exio |
being annoying you can do that stuff easily |
00:28 |
Kacey |
anyone have the link for inventory warp? |
00:28 |
Exio |
if you are busy and you get a random highlight at night where you live |
00:29 |
Exio |
s|and|&/or| |
00:33 |
jordan4ibanez joined #minetest |
00:34 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
jordan |
00:35 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
jordan4ibanez makea squid and skeleton mod for minitest please |
00:35 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
and |
00:35 |
jordan4ibanez |
nu |
00:36 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
well make these mobs http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Mobs |
00:36 |
jordan4ibanez |
no |
00:36 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
jk i am not going to make you |
00:37 |
OldCoder |
Hi |
00:37 |
Exio |
hi OldCoder :) |
00:37 |
NakedFury |
make some completely different monster |
00:37 |
Exio |
called jojoa? |
00:38 |
Exio |
"OH NOES, A JOJOA IS COMING, RUN!!!!!111!!one1!" |
00:38 |
NakedFury |
heck dont even have chickens, have turkeys or duck. duck drop eggs and can be eaten |
00:38 |
mauvebic |
jesus you could freeze your asterisk off outside today |
00:40 |
Exio |
NakedFury: well, the problem for what i "know" is the laggy-ness of them |
00:42 |
* jojoa1997|Tablet |
00:42 |
NakedFury |
I was talking for when that problem is resolved |
00:42 |
Exio |
ah |
00:42 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
00:43 |
NakedFury |
Ducks, Bulls, Rams, mammoths. instead of cows, chickens, pigs, sheep |
00:44 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
but minecraft got all the basic animals |
00:44 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
no fair |
00:46 |
jordan4ibanez |
I think chip from chips challenge should be a mob |
00:46 |
jordan4ibanez |
when he tries to go into a wall he'll make his sound |
00:46 |
jordan4ibanez |
00:50 |
Menche joined #minetest |
00:52 |
rarkenin |
Chips Challenge mobs should be node-based... |
00:52 |
jordan4ibanez |
what's the chance that minetest could be run completely in ram? |
00:53 |
NakedFury |
isnt that minecafts job? to use ram like crazy? |
00:54 |
Exio |
minecraft is slow as hell, but uses less ram than MT |
00:54 |
jordan4ibanez |
well no, but for people like me who have ram to shit upon, could there be a "ram_overload = true" in the conf or something |
00:54 |
jordan4ibanez |
exio: is the data base saved in ram, and then saved onto the hard disk? |
00:55 |
VanessaE |
jordan4ibanez: well my minetest and vanessa_game together are about 150 MB, add in the mondo texture pack I use and the usage of the server, that would need about a 500MB RAMdisk to cover it, plus 8GB of free RAM above that. |
00:55 |
VanessaE |
so yeah, you could run MT entirely from RAM, even with very high settings |
00:55 |
jordan4ibanez |
That would be very cool, I wish it were possible, it would speed it up like crazy |
00:55 |
VanessaE |
well, 1GB RAMdisk including the world files. |
00:56 |
Exio |
jordan4ibanez: mount a ramdisk |
00:56 |
Exio |
copy the stuff "for running mt" to it |
00:56 |
VanessaE |
it IS possible, it's just a matter of how often you opt to sync the RAMdisk to local storage |
00:56 |
Exio |
=> profit |
00:56 |
VanessaE |
and how much time you want to spend loading it from disk to RAM |
00:56 |
jordan4ibanez |
Good idea! |
00:57 |
Exio |
then you make "cron" backups to the disk every 10 minutes or so |
00:57 |
mauvebic |
just watched The Sweeney trailer, cant understand anything with cockney accents lol |
00:57 |
VanessaE |
jordan4ibanez: so for a server + large world + lightweight client with minimal or no texture pack + tons of mods, a 1-2GB RAMdisk and 1-2GB free RAM above that should be plenty. |
00:57 |
Exio |
to copy the data what got modified (but with the map it is going to be... slow?) |
00:57 |
Exio |
VanessaE: :( i don't even have 100 mb free |
00:58 |
Exio |
my system is ..using.. 4100MB of the 3900 it can use |
00:58 |
VanessaE |
Exio: rsync will help to some small degree, but really the whole database is one big file so there's not much you can do but copy the whole thing. |
00:58 |
Exio |
(swap.. :P) |
00:58 |
Exio |
VanessaE: yep, that is why i said "slow?" |
00:58 |
VanessaE |
Exio: download it from RAM back to persistent storage once a night, should take less than 5 mins even if the world is a gig or more. |
01:00 |
rarkenin joined #minetest |
01:00 |
rarkenin joined #minetest |
01:04 |
rarkenin|asleep joined #minetest |
01:06 |
rarkenin|asleep joined #minetest |
01:06 |
us_0gb joined #minetest |
01:11 |
us_0gb left #minetest |
01:15 |
* Kacey |
is going to play some legit build for a while. anyone want to join? |
01:18 |
jordan4ibanez |
nu |
01:22 |
Menche joined #minetest |
01:22 |
Kacey |
hi Menche |
01:23 |
Menche |
hi |
01:23 |
jordan4ibanez |
hi menche |
01:24 |
jordan4ibanez |
menche |
01:24 |
jordan4ibanez |
menche |
01:24 |
jordan4ibanez |
menche |
01:24 |
Menche |
hello |
01:24 |
jordan4ibanez |
hi |
01:25 |
jordan4ibanez |
infinite conversation loop |
01:25 |
Menche |
hello |
01:25 |
jordan4ibanez |
hey |
01:25 |
Menche |
hi |
01:25 |
jordan4ibanez |
howdy |
01:25 |
Menche |
heeey |
01:25 |
Exio |
xD |
01:26 |
jordan4ibanez |
I forgot what to say |
01:26 |
jordan4ibanez |
oh right, hi |
01:26 |
jordan4ibanez |
https://soundcloud.com/jordan-craige/chips2 |
01:26 |
Kacey |
01:26 |
Kacey |
lol sorry |
01:27 |
Menche |
the one that replaced your wool square? |
01:27 |
Menche |
yeah |
01:28 |
Kacey |
have you seen inside? |
01:29 |
Kacey |
!up menche.servegame.com |
01:29 |
MinetestBot |
menche.servegame.com:30000 seems to be down |
01:29 |
Menche |
??? |
01:30 |
jordan4ibanez |
01:30 |
jordan4ibanez |
01:30 |
Menche |
argh, must have crashed |
01:31 |
jordan4ibanez |
01:31 |
notjohnny joined #minetest |
01:31 |
notjohnny |
01:31 |
Menche |
restarted it |
01:31 |
Menche |
it was cgmr |
01:32 |
Kacey |
lol |
01:32 |
Menche |
attempted to index nil |
01:32 |
Kacey |
come check out mah crib |
01:32 |
* Menche |
sees errors related to "nil" a lot |
01:32 |
jordan4ibanez |
I just realised, this is the captcha I got for webchat |
01:32 |
jordan4ibanez |
http://i.imgur.com/7xWaB6o.jpg |
01:32 |
Menche |
what does cgmr stand for anyway |
01:33 |
Kacey |
craft guide mod reloaded |
01:37 |
jordan4ibanez |
http://i.imgur.com/YQyTu0S.gif |
01:37 |
Kacey |
Menche, please get on the server |
01:42 |
feignignorance joined #minetest |
01:54 |
Menche |
was there a mod that allowed admins to set player-specific skins? |
01:54 |
Menche |
i see one that allows players to select from a list at will, but that's not what i want |
02:00 |
Kacey |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=A_cElFausf8&feature=endscreen me explaining to my grandpa |
02:01 |
VanessaE |
Menche: player_textures mod. |
02:01 |
VanessaE |
http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=3587 |
02:02 |
Menche |
that's what i was looking for, thanks :D |
02:02 |
VanessaE |
np |
02:04 |
telek |
Hey, can too many mods cause building to 'rubberband'? |
02:05 |
Menche |
what do you mean? |
02:05 |
NakedFury |
that only happens with lag |
02:05 |
VanessaE |
"too many", no, but mods that cause but lag will |
02:05 |
VanessaE |
-but |
02:06 |
telek |
Meche: What they replied about. |
02:06 |
telek |
Yeah I was getting some really terrible rubberbanding last night with 2 players connected. Any mods or mod interactions I should be looking for? |
02:06 |
VanessaE |
so for example if you leave out things like moretrees ( :( ), snow biomes, landup, etc etc and just stick to simpler stuff like moreblocks, homedecor, carts, etc you'll be fine |
02:07 |
VanessaE |
you could try disabling anti-cheat also |
02:07 |
Exio |
what is "rubberband"? |
02:08 |
Exio |
i can't get anything useful from the translator :P |
02:08 |
NakedFury |
imagine being strapped to a huge rubber band |
02:08 |
NakedFury |
and whenever you try to move you bounce back to starting position |
02:08 |
Menche |
ah |
02:09 |
mauvebic |
these 'failed to emerge player' messages, usually when my wife joins at the exact moment i start the server is the only way to succesfully connect :/ |
02:09 |
Menche |
"player [name] moved too fast, resetting" |
02:09 |
NakedFury |
like that old toy with a pingpong racket and a strapper ball that you bounce |
02:09 |
Menche |
i *think* it's related to anticheat thinking you're going to fast? |
02:09 |
Exio |
i think i got it |
02:10 |
VanessaE |
that's precisely it, Menche |
02:10 |
sdzen joined #minetest |
02:10 |
VanessaE |
Exio: well don't give it to anyone else :) |
02:10 |
VanessaE |
this channel's sick enough as it is :D |
02:11 |
Exio |
hehe |
02:11 |
Menche |
argh, my server can't resolve domain names *again* |
02:11 |
Menche |
i think i broke somethign |
02:11 |
Menche |
*something |
02:12 |
Menche |
had to manually edit /etc/resolv.conf |
02:15 |
VanessaE |
Menche: change your settings in Network Manager if you're running that, point your DNS to something stable like or |
02:15 |
Menche |
i use opendns |
02:15 |
Menche | |
02:16 |
Menche |
i'm using whatever networking daemon debian has by default |
02:16 |
VanessaE |
ok |
02:16 |
Menche |
i'm going to reinstall when debian 7.0 comes out anyway |
02:16 |
VanessaE |
probably not nm then, if you're editing resolv.conf by hand |
02:16 |
Menche |
isn't nm for gnome? |
02:16 |
VanessaE |
well, xubuntu/xfce uses it too |
02:17 |
Menche |
don't have an x11 server installed, just console |
02:17 |
VanessaE |
what DE are you running anyway? |
02:17 |
VanessaE |
oh |
02:17 |
Menche |
^ |
02:17 |
Menche |
on my other computer's i use i3wm |
02:17 |
VanessaE |
in that case... um... |
02:17 |
Menche |
and arch's netcfg |
02:18 |
Menche |
previously used xfce/lxde and wicd |
02:18 |
Exio |
jordan4ibanez: link to that code? |
02:18 |
jordan4ibanez |
let me see if I can find it |
02:19 |
jordan4ibanez |
https://github.com/jachoo/minetest-jachoo/commits/master |
02:19 |
jordan4ibanez |
there were many good things in there |
02:19 |
Menche |
minetest-jachoo? ooooold |
02:19 |
VanessaE |
Menche: it really sounds like you need to consider another distro (and it really *really* surprises me that debian's being such a pain in the ass - it's supposed to be fairly easy to maintain) |
02:20 |
Exio |
i don't have any problems with my debian6 setup |
02:20 |
Menche |
debian is stable and easy to maintain, i was just screwing around |
02:20 |
Exio |
and my gentoo laptop |
02:20 |
jordan4ibanez |
very old, but there were good things |
02:20 |
hmmmm |
http://i.imgur.com/lAw0aCg.jpg |
02:20 |
Menche |
messed something up |
02:20 |
Exio |
see, :P |
02:20 |
Menche |
i *think* it was one of several probably stupid changes i made to /etc/hosts |
02:21 |
Menche |
didn't know what i was doing |
02:21 |
VanessaE |
Menche: well /etc/hosts is easy enough to fix |
02:21 |
jordan4ibanez |
https://github.com/jachoo/minetest-jachoo/commit/e982d5938570602f1959275c867cd894b2744fb8 this is it |
02:21 |
Exio |
VanessaE: most of the problems are normally admin/user-induced :P |
02:22 |
jordan4ibanez |
only the eye level section of the code should be included though |
02:22 |
VanessaE |
jordan4ibanez: we saw already. wrong channel though... |
02:22 |
VanessaE |
perhaps you should have linked to that in -dev |
02:22 |
Menche |
commonly referred to as a "PEBKAC" error |
02:23 |
Menche |
"Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair" |
02:23 |
VanessaE |
hehe |
02:23 |
Menche |
i liked jachoo's teleports; players would keep their velocity when going through |
02:23 |
Menche |
and they were really easy to set up |
02:24 |
Menche |
i would link two teleports, one horizontal and the other vertical, then fall onto the vertical one from a great height |
02:24 |
Menche |
and fly out the horizontal one for a long distance |
02:26 |
us_0gb joined #minetest |
02:27 |
Menche |
hi |
02:27 |
VanessaE |
Menche: make a portal gun mod ;) |
02:28 |
Menche |
is it possible for portals in lua to keep the player's velocity? |
02:28 |
Exio |
save_player_speed;teleport;restore_player_speed? :P |
02:29 |
Menche |
how would it get the player's speed? by the time the player hits the teleport and the abm or whatever sees him, he would have stopped already |
02:30 |
us_0gb left #minetest |
02:30 |
NotReallyNick joined #minetest |
02:30 |
jordan4ibanez |
youtube is taking 5 hours to upload a 2 gb file |
02:31 |
jordan4ibanez |
ubuntu takes 2 minutes and it's 700mb |
02:31 |
jordan4ibanez |
wat. the. mother. duck. |
02:31 |
* Menche |
notices 2 nicknames from the same ip |
02:31 |
Menche |
oh, the one left |
02:31 |
NotReallyNick |
If it's a different file size, it will upload at a different speed. |
02:32 |
NotReallyNick |
Also, I'm not really Nick. I'm 0gb.us. |
02:33 |
jordan4ibanez |
Obviously |
02:33 |
NotReallyNick |
So what's the issue? |
02:34 |
jordan4ibanez |
The issue is imagenary |
02:35 |
NakedFury joined #minetest |
02:36 |
* Menche |
is trying to install mods on his server from another state over a cell data connection |
02:36 |
jordan4ibanez |
Why? |
02:37 |
Menche |
don't have wifi here |
02:37 |
jordan4ibanez |
You're like bear grylls |
02:37 |
Menche |
well, there are some networks that are only wep, but cracking isn't exactly legal |
02:38 |
jordan4ibanez |
It is if you do it on accident |
02:38 |
* Menche |
accidentally sniffs packets for an hour, accidentally cracks the key, and then accidentally connects |
02:39 |
Menche |
oops, hate when that happens |
02:39 |
Menche |
lol |
02:39 |
jordan4ibanez |
lmao, "I swear officer I spilled water on the keyboard and it typed in the password itself! I was trying to connect to the ethernet too!" |
02:40 |
jordan4ibanez |
02:40 |
us_0gb |
I admitted in my nick that I wasn't really Nick! |
02:40 |
NotReallyNick joined #minetest |
02:41 |
us_0gb |
Hmm. NotReallyNick still identifies as 0gb.us. |
02:42 |
NotReallyNick left #minetest |
02:46 |
Exio |
lol, "IsReallyMenche" |
02:46 |
_0gb_us joined #minetest |
02:46 |
Menche |
you can't have 0 as the first character in your name? |
02:46 |
Exio |
you can't |
02:46 |
VanessaE |
Menche: no digits at all. |
02:47 |
Exio |
nicks can't start with number at the start in IRC |
02:47 |
Exio |
it is "reserved" for IDs |
02:47 |
Menche |
us_0gb clearly has a 0 in his |
02:47 |
Exio |
(you can get those nicks when netsplit or similar, like 0ABCDF, but you can't register them) |
02:47 |
Menche |
it just can't be first? |
02:47 |
Exio |
it can't be the first but it is allowed everywhere |
02:48 |
VanessaE |
http://ifunny.mobi/#3q3YHg3c |
02:48 |
VanessaE |
oh this is SO wrong...... |
02:49 |
us_0gb |
Yeah, IRC won't let me use 0gb.us, but it does allow us_0gb. |
02:50 |
us_0gb joined #minetest |
02:50 |
jordan4ibanez |
http://i.imgur.com/khSd9et.jpg if someone gets this, good on you XD |
02:52 |
jordan4ibanez |
I think this is out of my hands now |
02:53 |
us_0gb joined #minetest |
02:53 |
Menche |
you're quitting and rejoining a lot |
02:54 |
us_0gb left #minetest |
02:54 |
Menche |
lol |
02:54 |
Menche |
yay, player_textures works |
02:55 |
us_0gb joined #minetest |
02:57 |
us_0gb joined #minetest |
02:59 |
jordan4ibanez |
it took 3 minutes to upload 1% of the youtube video |
02:59 |
jordan4ibanez |
300 minutes, not exactly 5 hours, but feels like beyond that |
02:59 |
us_0gb joined #minetest |
03:00 |
NotReallyNick joined #minetest |
03:02 |
* NotReallyNick |
tests |
03:02 |
us_0gb left #minetest |
03:02 |
hmmmm |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYaRV6EwI3U |
03:02 |
hmmmm |
some real good music |
03:03 |
NotReallyNick left #minetest |
03:04 |
NotReallyNick joined #minetest |
03:08 |
NotReallyNick joined #minetest |
03:11 |
NotReallyNick |
Are you still here VanessaE? |
03:12 |
jordan4ibanez |
Here, you guys can watch this before I make it public http://youtu.be/TXVl29wCMyQ |
03:13 |
VanessaE |
yeah |
03:17 |
VanessaE |
not for much longer though, what's up? |
03:19 |
TheBonsai_ joined #minetest |
03:21 |
Menche left #minetest |
03:21 |
NotReallyNick |
Can you see that I'm 0gb.us still? |
03:22 |
NotReallyNick |
Sorry, I got called away. |
03:22 |
VanessaE |
* [NotReallyNick] (~us_0gb c-50-137-60-25.hsd1.or.comcast.net): Something other than Nick |
03:22 |
VanessaE |
yup, for the user@ part, |
03:22 |
VanessaE |
but your "real name" field is different not |
03:22 |
VanessaE |
now* |
03:22 |
NotReallyNick |
Hmm. I bet that's taking it from my computer user name then. I'm not sure I can fix it. |
03:23 |
NotReallyNick |
Too bad. |
03:23 |
NotReallyNick |
Thanks, VanessaE! |
03:23 |
VanessaE |
no prob |
03:23 |
VanessaE |
and, I'm off to bed. night |
03:30 |
Menche joined #minetest |
03:31 |
NotReallyNick |
Good night. |
03:36 |
jordan4ibanez |
Goodnight |
03:47 |
FreeFull joined #minetest |
04:00 |
xming joined #minetest |
04:31 |
VanessaE |
well that didn't happen. |
04:31 |
* VanessaE |
is back |
04:32 |
ShadowNinja |
huh? |
04:33 |
VanessaE |
couldn't sleep. |
04:33 |
ShadowNinja |
ah |
04:33 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
04:38 |
* NotReallyNick |
is still not Nick |
04:38 |
VanessaE |
who are you then, Jane? Robert? Phillip? ;) |
04:38 |
VanessaE |
(kidding) |
04:39 |
NotReallyNick |
Unfortunately, it is illegal to get whois guard for .us domains. Hint, hint. |
04:40 |
VanessaE |
heh |
04:41 |
NotReallyNick |
It kind of sucks. Anyone who knows anything about DNS has access to my address. |
04:47 |
hmmmm |
(ノ °益°)ノ 彡 |
04:47 |
* VanessaE |
turns the flipped-over air upright again. |
04:47 |
VanessaE |
damn it hmmmm we only have a limited supply. :) |
04:47 |
NotReallyNick |
Hmm? What? |
04:48 |
VanessaE |
NotReallyNick: those symbols he posted are (mostly) japanese "ASCII art" depicting someone flipping something over (usually a table) |
04:49 |
hmmmm |
that's not ASCII art, that's unicode art |
04:49 |
NotReallyNick |
I see. What's with the air supply comment? And how do you set air upright? |
04:49 |
NotReallyNick |
True. ASCII is far too limited for that. |
04:49 |
VanessaE |
hmmmm: you know what I mean :-) |
04:53 |
DMackey joined #minetest |
04:55 |
* VanessaE |
pokes DMackey |
04:56 |
thexyz joined #minetest |
05:01 |
* NotReallyNick |
sings "see you in your dreams, yeah, baby, even if your dreams are nightmares" |
05:01 |
VanessaE |
oh jeez |
05:01 |
NotReallyNick |
It's a song. Papermoon. |
05:02 |
sdzen left #minetest |
05:03 |
kaeza joined #minetest |
05:42 |
webdesigner97 joined #minetest |
05:44 |
TheLastProject joined #minetest |
06:21 |
ShadowNinja |
does anyone know how I can escape a space in the IRC protocol? I want to send a KICK message with spaces in the reason. |
06:22 |
VanessaE |
you don't need to. |
06:22 |
VanessaE |
/kick so_and_so some long and detailed reason here |
06:23 |
VanessaE |
or you're going a level below that? |
06:23 |
ShadowNinja |
I mean sending a raw KICK channel user message to the server |
06:24 |
ShadowNinja |
your client auto-escapes the spaces, but how? |
06:24 |
VanessaE |
the RFC says it's a backslash |
06:24 |
VanessaE |
but even that is used sparing |
06:24 |
VanessaE |
ly |
06:24 |
ShadowNinja |
it doesn't seem to work |
06:25 |
VanessaE |
tried %20? |
06:25 |
kaeza |
ShadowNinja, are you escaping the python string or the actual string itself? |
06:25 |
VanessaE |
looks like the protocol accepts those also |
06:26 |
kaeza |
i.e. are you using "KICK ... :Long\ Reason" or "KICK ... :Long\\ Reason" |
06:26 |
kaeza |
? |
06:26 |
ShadowNinja |
the first |
06:26 |
ShadowNinja |
I see... |
06:29 |
ShadowNinja |
even \\ doesn't work |
06:31 |
VanessaE |
ShadowNinja: the RFC seems to indicate you shouldn't need to escape spaces. |
06:31 |
VanessaE |
for example, |
06:32 |
VanessaE |
QUIT :Gone to have lunch ; Preferred message format. |
06:33 |
VanessaE |
the TOPIC command is similar (TOPIC #channel :some words here) |
06:33 |
ShadowNinja |
sending "long stuff" shows up as "long" |
06:33 |
VanessaE |
wait, maybe because you're leaving out the channel name? |
06:34 |
VanessaE |
KICK #whatever username :some long comment |
06:34 |
VanessaE |
try that? |
06:34 |
VanessaE |
that's what the RFC says in fact. |
06:34 |
VanessaE |
KICK #Finnish John :Speaking English |
06:34 |
VanessaE |
; Command to kick John from #Finnish |
06:34 |
VanessaE |
using "Speaking English" as the |
06:34 |
VanessaE |
reason (comment). |
06:35 |
VanessaE |
eh, stupid spaces. |
06:36 |
ShadowNinja |
phenny.write(['KICK', input.sender, input.nick, "Bad word"]) |
06:36 |
ShadowNinja |
sender is the channel |
06:36 |
VanessaE |
you missed the colon |
06:36 |
VanessaE |
phenny.write(['KICK', input.sender, input.nick, ":Bad word"]) |
06:36 |
ShadowNinja |
tried that too |
06:37 |
VanessaE |
huh. You sure those params are being concat'd with real spaces and not tabs or some other weird char? |
06:37 |
ShadowNinja |
nope, but I assume so, it works anyway, just ignores the second word |
06:39 |
VanessaE |
huh. |
06:40 |
webdesigner97 joined #minetest |
06:40 |
webdesigner97 |
hi |
06:40 |
VanessaE |
hi |
06:40 |
webdesigner97 |
I'm working on cars for my StreetsMod ;) |
06:41 |
VanessaE |
cool |
06:41 |
webdesigner97 |
but it's not easy |
06:41 |
webdesigner97 |
when I press W to move it forward, then ALL cars in the world start moving :/ |
06:42 |
VanessaE |
err..that's a little wrong :) |
06:43 |
webdesigner97 |
yep.... |
06:43 |
webdesigner97 |
no idea how to fix it. for pilzadams boats it works fine, so it should be possible |
06:44 |
VanessaE |
you'll figure it out, maybe just an entity ID issue or so |
06:44 |
webdesigner97 |
yep |
06:45 |
webdesigner97 |
maybe I should give every car a unique ID (whch can be used as licenses plate too :D) |
06:45 |
VanessaE |
heh |
06:45 |
webdesigner97 |
;) |
06:45 |
VanessaE |
as long as one of them is "A113" :) |
06:45 |
webdesigner97 |
? |
06:45 |
* VanessaE |
likes Pixar movies |
06:45 |
webdesigner97 |
:D |
06:46 |
webdesigner97 |
but the cars aren't affected by gravity yet :( |
06:46 |
webdesigner97 |
also no idea... |
06:46 |
VanessaE |
and another of course must read "MESE" :) |
06:46 |
webdesigner97 |
well, they should be random.... But the cars name can be like that |
06:49 |
Sketch2 |
try percent zero zero 1 as the escape character. %001space |
06:49 |
VanessaE |
001?? |
06:50 |
Sketch2 |
http://forum.xchat.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5948 |
06:52 |
webdesigner97 |
gtg. continue work now |
06:53 |
kaeza |
VanessaE, seen the new feature in computers? :) |
06:53 |
ShadowNinja |
Sketch2, VanessaE: fixed, this is the new line: phenny.write(['KICK', input.sender, input.nick], "Bad word") |
06:54 |
Sketch2 |
ah, cool. |
06:54 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: not yet, but I saw you talking about it. |
06:54 |
VanessaE |
ShadowNinja: ahhh |
06:55 |
kaeza |
also, something for dinner http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=80939#p80939 |
06:55 |
VanessaE |
heh |
06:56 |
kaeza |
aaaaaaand it's gone |
06:58 |
ShadowNinja |
VanessaE: still op... |
06:58 |
rsiska joined #minetest |
06:59 |
VanessaE |
(I always forget to stand down from that) |
07:00 |
Matrixiumn joined #minetest |
07:00 |
Doyousketch2 joined #minetest |
07:01 |
Doyousketch2 |
yeah, I'm upgrading my old pc and laptop to 2gig in a few days here too |
07:03 |
Doyousketch2 |
wanna get'em hooked up so I can d\try out this distributed compiling thing |
07:03 |
Doyousketch2 |
so far it eludes me. |
07:03 |
VanessaE |
Distcc Is Your Friend â„¢ |
07:03 |
VanessaE |
:) |
07:04 |
Doyousketch2 |
have the daemon running, and open to the main PC, but the processor doesn't show anything on the system monitor |
07:04 |
VanessaE |
been too long since I last used it actually |
07:04 |
VanessaE |
not since my gentoo days actually |
07:07 |
aheinecke joined #minetest |
07:09 |
Doyousketch2 |
I've done something like it before when rendering 3D scenes, so I know it can be done |
07:10 |
Doyousketch2 |
but I think the guys that made it shipped a newer ver than the readme. 'cuz it's called distcc-pump instead of pump |
07:11 |
Doyousketch2 |
tho I'd imagine the commands are still similar, I feel as if I'm missing something, but I dunno what yet |
07:24 |
VanessaE |
bbl |
07:56 |
ruskie joined #minetest |
07:59 |
NotReallyNick joined #minetest |
08:20 |
proller joined #minetest |
08:26 |
Matrixiumn joined #minetest |
08:38 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
08:57 |
bas080 joined #minetest |
09:20 |
webdesigner97 joined #minetest |
09:20 |
NotReallyNick joined #minetest |
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Taoki joined #minetest |
09:33 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
09:34 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
09:34 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
09:39 |
proller joined #minetest |
09:39 |
markveidemanis |
I decided to compile again |
09:39 |
markveidemanis |
If an update comes out now i will shoot you |
09:39 |
markveidemanis |
:D |
09:41 |
webdesigner97 joined #minetest |
09:41 |
webdesigner97 |
hi |
09:42 |
kaeza |
hi wd |
09:43 |
webdesigner97 |
does anybody have experience with entitys using a mesh? I'm having trouble with the textures... |
09:59 |
Sketch2 |
not having a lotta luck with the distcc thing. I dunno where it's broken, but I been spinning wheels on it forever, so I gave up on that for now. thinking about installing a distributed OS instead |
10:00 |
Sketch2 |
this KestrelHPC looks promising. it's a Debian Beowolf cluster - http://kestrelhpc.sourceforge.net/index.html |
10:09 |
PilzAdam joined #minetest |
10:09 |
Sketch2 |
this looks decent too, but I dunno if either will do Wheezy. I think they're both running on stable, not testing. |
10:09 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
10:10 |
PilzAdam |
Hello everyone! |
10:10 |
Sketch2 |
oh... by this, I meant PelicanHPC - http://pareto.uab.es/mcreel/PelicanHPC/ |
10:11 |
Sketch2 |
how's it goin' |
10:15 |
NotReallyNick |
markveidemanis: I think 0.4.6 come out today, so if you aren't wanting updates after you compile, you might as well wait a bit. |
10:15 |
NotReallyNick |
Hello, PilzAdam. |
10:15 |
PilzAdam |
yes, the plan is to release 0.4.6 today |
10:15 |
PilzAdam |
hi 0gb.us |
10:16 |
NotReallyNick |
Somebody was trying to tell me that was a lie. Though they also said they were going to shut down my server, which they of course can't do in a legal way. |
10:19 |
markveidemanis |
Who can help me with 3 mods i want to run together... |
10:19 |
markveidemanis |
My edited creative mod, inventory plus and creative-survival switcher |
10:21 |
NotReallyNick |
Hmm. I'm not sure how to do that. |
10:21 |
PilzAdam |
I guess the creative-survival switcher mod has to be rewritten to work with inventory plus |
10:22 |
Deivan |
RealBadAngel, you submit a update to the git of the moreores? |
10:23 |
NotReallyNick |
I guess you would need to make the button for the creative inventory not register like a regular page button. Then make it show up based on the creative/survival setting. |
10:23 |
Deivan |
I think the copper is missing in the oredefs deffinition in the new version... |
10:24 |
PilzAdam |
copper is in default now |
10:24 |
NotReallyNick |
Copper has no ore definition, because it isn't an ore. It's a way of life. |
10:24 |
Deivan |
Well, here I have a map full of holes... :-/ |
10:25 |
RadiumCat joined #minetest |
10:25 |
RadiumCat left #minetest |
10:25 |
NotReallyNick |
I'll look for some copper. |
10:26 |
Deivan |
Searching all mods I don't found another deffinition of copper_lump |
10:26 |
Deivan |
:-/ |
10:27 |
NotReallyNick |
Are you looking in common/default/init.lua? |
10:27 |
Deivan |
Moment... |
10:28 |
NotReallyNick |
Okay, I just found and mined copper ore. |
10:29 |
Deivan |
I don't found the common folder, location? |
10:29 |
NotReallyNick |
common/mods/default/init.lua |
10:29 |
Deivan |
Ok, this is my problem... |
10:29 |
Deivan |
I need a new copy of the game. |
10:29 |
NotReallyNick |
Oh, got it. |
10:32 |
Deivan |
Thanks. AFK |
10:32 |
NotReallyNick |
No problem. |
10:35 |
markveidemanis |
http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5399 |
10:35 |
markveidemanis |
last post |
10:36 |
xming joined #minetest |
10:38 |
PilzAdam |
markveidemanis, you can link directly to posts by clicking on the date at the top of the post |
10:38 |
markveidemanis |
Really? |
10:38 |
markveidemanis |
http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=80962#p80962 |
10:38 |
markveidemanis |
I thought i had to get the line from the html code :D |
10:39 |
NotReallyNick |
Okay, good night all. |
10:40 |
NotReallyNick left #minetest |
10:45 |
webdesigner97 joined #minetest |
10:48 |
webdesigner97 |
how can I make a texture like "character.png" for my own mesh? |
10:50 |
NotReallyNick joined #minetest |
10:51 |
NotReallyNick left #minetest |
10:52 |
Deivan |
Then now I have 3 git to obtaion the game, correct? |
10:52 |
Deivan |
obtain... |
10:52 |
PilzAdam |
you can use 2 more |
10:52 |
PilzAdam |
survival and build |
10:52 |
Deivan |
minetest, minetest-game and common. |
10:52 |
Deivan |
Without the build I don't have the make? |
10:53 |
Deivan |
Address, please. :D |
10:53 |
PilzAdam |
https://github.com/minetest |
10:53 |
Deivan |
Already have it. |
10:54 |
Deivan |
Wow... A list. |
10:54 |
Deivan |
Thanks. |
10:55 |
Deivan |
This one is the root: git://github.com/minetest/minetest.git |
10:55 |
Deivan |
I put the git://github.com/minetest/common.git inside the games, correct? |
10:56 |
PilzAdam |
yes |
10:56 |
PilzAdam |
all the other games to |
10:56 |
PilzAdam |
*too |
10:56 |
Deivan |
Ok |
10:56 |
Deivan |
:) |
10:57 |
Deivan |
I have a script to update the game/mods and compile but now is all wrong. :-P |
11:05 |
Deivan |
I need execute the "cmake . -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1" any time or only in the first compilation? |
11:05 |
PilzAdam |
everytime CMakeList.txt changes |
11:06 |
PilzAdam |
(wich is only if a new file is added to src/) |
11:06 |
PilzAdam |
s/only/mostly |
11:06 |
jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest |
11:06 |
Deivan |
Ok, thanks. |
11:07 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
starting on minitest aliases |
11:07 |
Deivan |
I have here now the sequence: "cmake . -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1" "make clean" "make -j2" |
11:07 |
PilzAdam |
why do you make clean? |
11:07 |
Deivan |
To clean the code... |
11:08 |
PilzAdam |
just remove it, its not needed |
11:08 |
Deivan |
When compilling my own programs sometimes strange things happen if I dont clean before. |
11:08 |
Deivan |
And the clean don't is a big problem. |
11:09 |
markveidemanis |
http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=80962#p80962 HELP |
11:09 |
PilzAdam |
make -j2 will only compile changed files if you dont run make clean |
11:09 |
PilzAdam |
wich is a lot faster |
11:09 |
Deivan |
Now the entire process use 2~3 minutes, is a good time. |
11:09 |
Deivan |
42% here... |
11:09 |
PilzAdam |
my average compile time is 10 seconds without make clean and 40 with make clean |
11:10 |
Deivan |
10 seconds? :-o |
11:10 |
Deivan |
49%... |
11:11 |
Deivan |
Ops. 66% |
11:11 |
Deivan |
Many warnings... |
11:11 |
PilzAdam |
just remove this "make clean"; you wont have troubles |
11:11 |
proller joined #minetest |
11:11 |
Deivan |
Is my personal option... |
11:12 |
Deivan |
A bad obj file make all wrong without cause. |
11:13 |
Deivan |
Done... Testing... |
11:13 |
Deivan |
11:15 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
pilzadam grr |
11:17 |
markveidemanis |
Who can help me with an inventory? |
11:20 |
markveidemanis |
Anyone? |
11:20 |
PilzAdam |
markveidemanis, please be more patient |
11:21 |
jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest |
11:21 |
markveidemanis |
haha lol nailed it 1 line |
11:27 |
Deivan |
Ok, the minimal is working, the minetest make some trouble here. |
11:27 |
Deivan |
Errors in the common/mods/default/mapgen.lua:34: attempt to call field 'register_ore' (a nil value) |
11:27 |
Deivan |
I miss some? |
11:28 |
Deivan |
I lost some... |
11:28 |
PilzAdam |
you dont have the latest version of the engine |
11:28 |
Deivan |
Is the one from the git. |
11:28 |
Deivan |
Have another one? |
11:29 |
PilzAdam |
well, if register_ore() is not defined then you dont have the latest version |
11:29 |
Deivan |
I removed the folder, used the git clone and have it. |
11:29 |
Deivan |
From this one |
11:29 |
Deivan |
git://github.com/minetest/minetest.git |
11:30 |
PilzAdam |
strange |
11:30 |
PilzAdam |
bbl |
11:30 |
Deivan |
:-/ |
11:30 |
Deivan |
I try again in some hours. |
11:30 |
Deivan |
Cya. |
11:30 |
Deivan |
11:31 |
Deivan |
I have the data from the terminal: |
11:31 |
Deivan |
Irrlicht Engine version 1.7.3 |
11:31 |
Deivan |
Linux 3.2.0-4-486 #1 Debian 3.2.32-1 i686 |
11:31 |
Deivan |
Using renderer: OpenGL 4.2.11931 |
11:31 |
Deivan |
AMD Radeon HD 6450: ATI Technologies Inc. |
11:31 |
Deivan |
OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better. |
11:31 |
Deivan |
GLSL version: 4.2 |
11:31 |
Deivan |
Many lines... sorry. |
11:40 |
Deivan |
More one thing. In the old version, before I remove all and download from the git again this register_ore is working, I don't know the cause... :-/ |
11:41 |
Deivan |
Anyway the RL is calling. Cya. AFK |
11:55 |
ttk2 joined #minetest |
11:56 |
IceCraft |
I wish you a good morning |
12:00 |
cisoun joined #minetest |
12:12 |
* Sketch2 |
is getting tired of 'puters. |
12:13 |
Sketch2 |
trying to save time by linking 'em, but it's just wasting time trying to link 'em. |
12:14 |
Sketch2 |
this is the one I'm trying at the moment. but I'm gonna do the sleep thing and try again later on tonight. https://github.com/KestrelCluster/KestrelCluster |
12:16 |
Vohveli joined #minetest |
12:17 |
MilanFIN joined #minetest |
12:17 |
bas080 joined #minetest |
12:17 |
MarkTest joined #minetest |
12:18 |
MarkTest |
hello |
12:18 |
bas080 |
Or is it already possible to configure formspec colors? |
12:18 |
MarkTest |
The bold font doesnt work |
12:18 |
bas080 |
Hey MarkTest |
12:18 |
markveidemanis |
Hi |
12:21 |
markveidemanis |
Channel modes on #minetest are: +Ccnt |
12:21 |
markveidemanis |
c filters colour |
12:23 |
jordan4ibanez joined #minetest |
12:23 |
markveidemanis |
jordan4ibanez |
12:24 |
Jeija joined #minetest |
12:24 |
markveidemanis |
Jeija, Jordan4ibanez |
12:25 |
markveidemanis |
http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=80962#p80962 |
12:25 |
jordan4ibanez |
that's not my mod why are you asking me to help? xD |
12:26 |
PilzAdam |
jordan4ibanez, nice youtube series! |
12:26 |
jordan4ibanez |
Thank you! |
12:28 |
jordan4ibanez |
hey this would make a great mod http://youtu.be/OczROmw6wFI |
12:30 |
jordan4ibanez |
stack limit of stackpack to -1 or whatever the limit of itemstacks in minetest is |
12:46 |
jordan4ibanez |
does this commit https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/9ff8012655f13269f33d406f024374c67b650a9a make it so you can use on_rightclick for an item? |
12:47 |
PilzAdam |
no |
12:47 |
PilzAdam |
on_place() is the "on_rightclick" for items |
12:47 |
PilzAdam |
but for some odd reason its not called if pointed_thing.type = "none" |
12:48 |
jordan4ibanez |
oh okay, it appears it was not called because the return returned nil and just basically ran "return" |
12:50 |
PilzAdam |
the commit you linked just fixes a crash when on_rightclick() of nodes returns nil |
12:51 |
rarkenin |
How much network overhead is there with the current packet system? |
12:51 |
rarkenin |
In Wireshark, I checked on a few, it seems... excessive. |
12:55 |
jordan4ibanez |
can on_use be moved to right click so we can dig with tools? |
12:56 |
PilzAdam |
no, we have on_place() for rightclick |
12:56 |
jordan4ibanez |
on_place doesn't work if you're not pointed at a node |
12:57 |
PilzAdam |
yes, that needs to be fixed |
12:59 |
Kacey joined #minetest |
12:59 |
Kacey joined #minetest |
13:00 |
markveidemanis |
Kacey, are you any good with inventory mods? |
13:03 |
Kacey |
nope |
13:03 |
Kacey |
im not very good at mods |
13:04 |
Kacey |
jordan4ibanez, lol i amwatching your new series, needs someone to be your "sidekick" |
13:05 |
TheLastProject joined #minetest |
13:09 |
jordan4ibanez |
lol |
13:12 |
Kacey |
seriously, you said you were lonely |
13:12 |
Kacey |
and nobody is lonely with me on their game |
13:13 |
Infinity_69 joined #minetest |
13:13 |
Infinity_69 |
hi |
13:14 |
Infinity_69 |
i got kicked out of #python :/ |
13:14 |
Infinity_69 |
and i need help... |
13:15 |
Infinity_69 |
thexyz, PilzAdam, VanessaE, i need help with Error fixing... |
13:16 |
Infinity_69 |
count one of you help me? |
13:16 |
Infinity_69 |
could* |
13:16 |
markveidemanis |
I cant help but i can go to #python and say you are moaning :D |
13:17 |
Kacey |
bbl |
13:18 |
markveidemanis |
Go to #python-ops then |
13:19 |
jordan4ibanez |
I said it was lonely because I haven't included any mobs yet :P |
13:19 |
markveidemanis |
Infinity_69: go to #python-ops |
13:19 |
PilzAdam |
jordan4ibanez, try simple mobs if you want a challenge |
13:19 |
Binary1010 joined #minetest |
13:19 |
jordan4ibanez |
I am making something for company :P |
13:19 |
hmmmm joined #minetest |
13:20 |
Infinity_69 |
what extension does a Compiled Python File have? |
13:20 |
Infinity_69 |
:) |
13:20 |
Infinity_69 |
.pyc? |
13:23 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
13:29 |
CobaltDev joined #minetest |
13:32 |
Jeija left #minetest |
13:37 |
jordan4ibanez |
http://i.imgur.com/kn1HcJD.png why did I try to play god |
13:37 |
jordan4ibanez |
13:37 |
jordan4ibanez |
13:37 |
PilzAdam |
the world would be funny if you were god :-) |
13:38 |
jordan4ibanez |
I think it would be chaotic lol |
13:39 |
Kray |
close enough |
13:50 |
jordan4ibanez |
WAIT A SECOND, I know what new collision detection for entities is useful for! |
13:52 |
q66 joined #minetest |
13:57 |
jordan4ibanez |
we can have it so itemstacks use physical detection instead of using the lua collision detection |
13:59 |
rsiska joined #minetest |
14:00 |
jordan4ibanez |
we can have it so carts pushes players out of the way |
14:01 |
PilzAdam |
objects dont collide with players, only with Lua entities |
14:01 |
VanessaE |
morning all |
14:02 |
jordan4ibanez |
Pilzadam they collide with players |
14:02 |
jordan4ibanez |
I'm walking on an entity right now |
14:02 |
PilzAdam |
the player collides with entities, but not the other way round |
14:02 |
jordan4ibanez |
Oh okay |
14:08 |
sfan5 |
jordan4ibanez: http://i.imgur.com/4MjwKcA.jpg |
14:08 |
* CobaltDev |
has just announced that Cobalt 0.1.0 is out, to download it go to http://bit.ly/13RftHk |
14:08 |
CobaltDev |
SYNC = 100% |
14:08 |
jordan4ibanez |
xD |
14:08 |
* CobaltDev |
high-5's sfan5 |
14:08 |
Jousway joined #minetest |
14:09 |
CobaltDev |
Hello :D |
14:09 |
CobaltDev |
btw, im Ragnar/RagnarLaud/EqualsRagnar/Infinity_69 |
14:09 |
sfan5 |
jordan4ibanez: http://i.imgur.com/Xs9lC5U.jpg |
14:09 |
CobaltDev |
http://pythonvolt.bugs3.com/project/cobalt/releases/windows/Cobalt%20Installer.pyc |
14:10 |
CobaltDev |
this works :D |
14:11 |
* CobaltDev |
has announced a new Cobalt to be released in 10 minutes: Cobalt 0.1.5 |
14:11 |
CobaltDev |
Bugs fixed: 1 |
14:11 |
CobaltDev |
Name |
14:11 |
jordan4ibanez |
sfan5 http://i.imgur.com/wVPSU9b.png |
14:11 |
jordan4ibanez |
wtf is cobalt? |
14:11 |
CobaltDev |
Sun Dogg1 |
14:11 |
sfan5 |
wtf? |
14:12 |
CobaltDev |
its a program made in Python |
14:12 |
CobaltDev |
my first actual program |
14:12 |
CobaltDev |
that works... |
14:12 |
CobaltDev |
kinda... |
14:12 |
CobaltDev |
by me :D |
14:12 |
CobaltDev |
has bugs... |
14:12 |
jordan4ibanez |
What does it do? Why would you expect people to download it if you're not saying what it is |
14:13 |
jordan4ibanez |
sfan5 http://i.imgur.com/VwPg1aL.png |
14:13 |
sfan5 |
jordan4ibanez: wtf is dat |
14:13 |
jordan4ibanez |
It's all snoop dog |
14:14 |
jordan4ibanez |
I bet you can't make a snoop dog texture pack sfan5 |
14:14 |
sfan5 |
lets see |
14:14 |
jordan4ibanez |
it has to be 1024x1024 each texture |
14:15 |
CobaltDev |
Found another bug in "Cobalt Installer.pyc": Writes wrong name |
14:15 |
* sfan5 |
thinks about /kick CobaltDev announce that in #whatever_you_want but not in #minetest |
14:16 |
Taoki joined #minetest |
14:16 |
PilzAdam |
sfan5, +1 for kick |
14:16 |
jordan4ibanez |
Wait, cobalt, the game by mojang? XD |
14:16 |
CobaltDev |
what no?! |
14:18 |
CobaltDev |
well, lets just say that its just like the Unity web player and the Ubuntu Unity Desktop |
14:18 |
CobaltDev |
they sound familiar, but arent |
14:18 |
blaze joined #minetest |
14:20 |
PilzAdam |
CobaltDev, can you finish the translation: http://translate.minetest.ru/projects/minetest/core/et/ ? |
14:21 |
CobaltDev |
soon... |
14:21 |
CobaltDev |
:D |
14:22 |
PilzAdam |
0.4.6 will be released in a few hours |
14:22 |
PilzAdam |
it would be better if you translate it before that |
14:22 |
CobaltDev |
o.o |
14:22 |
CobaltDev |
i cant do it in so little time |
14:22 |
VanessaE |
translations would count as features I think. |
14:22 |
roboman2444 joined #minetest |
14:22 |
CobaltDev |
VanessaE, im a programmer :D |
14:23 |
VanessaE |
CobaltDev: so I assumed. |
14:23 |
PilzAdam |
CobaltDev, there are only 37 strings to translate |
14:23 |
CobaltDev |
i know... |
14:23 |
PilzAdam |
that takes 2 minutes |
14:23 |
VanessaE |
and feature freeze is still in place. |
14:23 |
CobaltDev |
rlly? |
14:23 |
PilzAdam |
VanessaE, no, translations will be merged before 0.4.6 |
14:24 |
Deivan |
Already have a portuguese translation? |
14:24 |
VanessaE |
PilzAdam: um, you better talk that over with the other devs..... |
14:24 |
PilzAdam |
Deivan, not 100% done: http://translate.minetest.ru/projects/minetest/core/pt/ |
14:24 |
Deivan |
I don't have problem in help with this one. :D |
14:25 |
PilzAdam |
Deivan, that would be awesome! |
14:26 |
Deivan |
Well, this is Portugal portuguese, little different from here (Brazil) have another one? |
14:26 |
CobaltDev |
VanessaE or PilzAdam how do i DEcompile a pyc file? |
14:26 |
CobaltDev |
i screw the whole installer up... |
14:26 |
PilzAdam |
CobaltDev, thats offtopic, please stop it |
14:26 |
VanessaE |
CobaltDev: no clue, I don' work with python enough to understand it. |
14:27 |
CobaltDev |
o.o |
14:27 |
CobaltDev |
Please |
14:27 |
PilzAdam |
VanessaE, translations arent a feature |
14:27 |
CobaltDev |
PilzAdam, im begging you |
14:27 |
CobaltDev |
o.o |
14:27 |
CobaltDev |
:'o |
14:28 |
Deivan |
Then... Have another translation file to Brazil? Have very small differences like "ficheiro" = "arquivo". |
14:29 |
PilzAdam |
Deivan, new languages can be added after 0.4.6 |
14:29 |
Deivan |
Roger, roger... |
14:29 |
webdesigner97 joined #minetest |
14:31 |
Deivan |
The game still don't working here... I seek the entire code (C and CPP files) and don't found any referente to register_ore... :-/ |
14:31 |
CobaltDev |
whats a kana? |
14:31 |
CobaltDev |
o.o |
14:31 |
PilzAdam |
AFAIK some exotic key |
14:32 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
14:32 |
markveidemanis |
ERROR[main]: WARNING: updateListener: invalid value |
14:32 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
14:32 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
14:32 |
CobaltDev |
Lunja? |
14:32 |
PilzAdam |
markveidemanis, this bug is known |
14:33 |
markveidemanis |
I was building a F**ing house... |
14:33 |
markveidemanis |
Then i was teleported out of the world |
14:33 |
markveidemanis |
What did it do? |
14:34 |
PilzAdam |
CobaltDev, if you dont know the string that copy it and mark it as "fuzzy" |
14:34 |
CobaltDev |
Attn = WHAT DA FUrry |
14:34 |
ttk2 joined #minetest |
14:34 |
Deivan |
I completed the portuguese translation... |
14:34 |
CobaltDev |
CrSel = Alt Gr? |
14:35 |
CobaltDev |
OEF? |
14:36 |
PilzAdam |
Deivan, can you go through the checks/warnings and remove or fix them= |
14:36 |
PilzAdam |
*? |
14:36 |
Deivan |
The page say "100%" |
14:36 |
Deivan |
I will check. |
14:37 |
PilzAdam |
Deivan, http://translate.minetest.ru/projects/minetest/core/pl/translate/?type=allchecks <- "Not translated" |
14:37 |
PilzAdam |
either translate it or remove the warning |
14:37 |
CobaltDev |
whats a Gamespec.? |
14:37 |
kaeza |
core/es/: "There are 180 strings, out of which 100.0% is translated and 0.0% is fuzzy." |
14:37 |
kaeza |
\o/ |
14:37 |
Deivan |
;) |
14:37 |
CobaltDev |
nice +1 |
14:38 |
CobaltDev |
whats a handy cap? |
14:38 |
PilzAdam |
CobaltDev, can you link the string? |
14:38 |
CobaltDev |
ugh. wut? |
14:38 |
Deivan |
Print stacks... Hum... |
14:38 |
CobaltDev |
Show stacks... |
14:38 |
PilzAdam |
<CobaltDev> whats a Gamespec.? <- can you link the string? |
14:38 |
CobaltDev |
it shows the quantity of a stack... |
14:38 |
CobaltDev |
where is it |
14:39 |
CobaltDev |
http://translate.minetest.ru/projects/minetest/core/et/translate/?type=all&pos=177 |
14:39 |
Deivan |
Done |
14:39 |
CobaltDev |
whats a gamespec? |
14:39 |
PilzAdam |
CobaltDev, a gamespec is the ID of the game |
14:39 |
Deivan |
This is polaco? |
14:39 |
CobaltDev |
xD |
14:40 |
CobaltDev |
polaco = Uranus |
14:40 |
PilzAdam |
Deivan, nice |
14:40 |
Deivan |
:-o |
14:40 |
kaeza |
Deivan, estonian IIRC |
14:40 |
CobaltDev |
iirc? |
14:40 |
Deivan |
My translation is wrong... |
14:40 |
Deivan |
-.- |
14:40 |
CobaltDev |
wait, did you actually put in Uranus? |
14:40 |
CobaltDev |
xD |
14:41 |
kaeza |
U ran [from] us? |
14:41 |
CobaltDev |
:'D |
14:41 |
Deivan |
How I undo a translation? |
14:41 |
PilzAdam |
Deivan, just override it |
14:41 |
CobaltDev |
Uranus = Your Anus |
14:41 |
CobaltDev |
xd |
14:42 |
CobaltDev |
done! |
14:42 |
CobaltDev |
only 3.9% is fuzzy. |
14:42 |
PilzAdam |
kaeza, you know spanish, right? |
14:42 |
kaeza |
yep |
14:42 |
* CobaltDev |
translated Minetest into Estonian |
14:42 |
CobaltDev |
Like a Boss! |
14:42 |
PilzAdam |
there are suggestions for spanish, can you check them? |
14:42 |
kaeza |
sure |
14:42 |
CobaltDev |
now i need help! |
14:42 |
Deivan |
I don't know the translation... I "googled it", translated "print stack" to "stosy Drukuj" |
14:43 |
CobaltDev |
how do i DEcompile a pyc program? |
14:43 |
CobaltDev |
Deivan, Print Stacks = Shows the nr of a stack |
14:43 |
thexyz |
i hopen we won't end with obscene language here and there |
14:43 |
CobaltDev |
what? |
14:43 |
CobaltDev |
who |
14:44 |
CobaltDev |
oh, yeah, sure =) |
14:44 |
CobaltDev |
*Cought* Uranus! |
14:44 |
Deivan |
oO |
14:44 |
Deivan |
The git already have a new version of the game? |
14:44 |
Deivan |
I don't found nothing here. :-/ |
14:45 |
Deivan |
PilzAdam, I completed the "polaco" translation to... :-o (But I don't know if is correct) |
14:45 |
kaeza |
Deivan, do you understand spanish? |
14:46 |
Deivan |
Yes, but don't is my main language. |
14:46 |
kaeza |
"Print Stacks" would be something like "Volcar Pila" or "Imprimir Pila" |
14:46 |
Deivan |
I think is "Imprimir Pilha" |
14:46 |
NakedFury joined #minetest |
14:46 |
Deivan |
Momment. |
14:47 |
Deivan |
Pila, is correct. |
14:47 |
Deivan |
"Imprimir Pila" |
14:47 |
kaeza |
I get this using google http://translate.google.com/#en/pt/print%20stacks |
14:47 |
PilzAdam |
CobaltDev, maybe its better to not mark the untranslated strings as "fuzzy" |
14:48 |
Deivan |
Try translate "imprimir pila" to english |
14:48 |
kaeza |
http://translate.google.com/#es/en/imprimir%20pila |
14:48 |
CobaltDev |
ok :/ |
14:48 |
CobaltDev |
kaeza, how do i decompile a pyc (Compiled Python File)? |
14:49 |
CobaltDev |
pyccku xD |
14:49 |
kaeza |
Deivan, maybe "Pilas" (as plural) |
14:49 |
Deivan |
More than one, yes, pilas |
14:49 |
kaeza |
CobaltDev, GIYF |
14:49 |
CobaltDev |
no it isnt! |
14:49 |
CobaltDev |
it isnt helping me :/ |
14:49 |
CobaltDev |
not at all |
14:50 |
PilzAdam |
CobaltDev, could you remove the "fuzzy" flag from the untranslated strings, please? |
14:50 |
kaeza |
Deivan, lol: http://translate.google.com/#pt/en/imprimir%20pila |
14:50 |
CobaltDev |
i dont have time atm... |
14:50 |
Deivan |
You are evil... |
14:50 |
CobaltDev |
:( |
14:50 |
Deivan |
:-P |
14:51 |
CobaltDev |
xD |
14:52 |
kaeza |
lol "Pilha" translates to "Stack", but "Pilhas" translates to "Batteries" XD |
14:52 |
Deivan |
Yes. |
14:52 |
Deivan |
:d |
14:53 |
Deivan |
Pilha is stack and is batterie |
14:54 |
Deivan |
And is when you make pressure in someone to do some. |
14:54 |
jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest |
14:54 |
kaeza |
same as in spanish: "pila" == "baterÃa" |
14:54 |
Deivan |
A slang... |
14:55 |
Deivan |
Maybe, portuguese have the roots in the same place from the spanish. |
14:55 |
kaeza |
PilzAdam, done |
14:55 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
VanessaE someone posted a good question |
14:55 |
PilzAdam |
kaeza, awesome |
14:56 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
PilzAdama i am a quarter way done with aliases |
14:56 |
kaeza |
PilzAdam, actually, lemme check if anything else needs fixing, but for now, all suggestinos were handled accordingly |
14:56 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
someone needs to make a light mesecons for minitest |
14:57 |
Deivan |
If you start a portuguese translation, a second one, please, copy the portuguese from portugal and I correct only the small differences. :) |
15:01 |
Deivan |
How many strings? 180? |
15:02 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
what we need |
15:02 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
in minetest |
15:02 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
java 0.o |
15:02 |
Deivan |
I need a debug for lua. |
15:03 |
Deivan |
Sometimes a lua make a wrong thing and the game need 2 minutes to display the error message, some times I need kill it to restart. :-/ |
15:03 |
kaeza |
oh dear... many fuzzy strings not marked as fuzzy -.- |
15:04 |
Deivan |
Language? |
15:04 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
/join #minetest-dev |
15:04 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
oops |
15:04 |
kaeza |
Deivan, español |
15:04 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i love how minetest has ingame modloader and texture patcher |
15:05 |
Deivan |
Send links and I try help you. |
15:06 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
is it? |
15:06 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
default:sand_stone |
15:06 |
kaeza |
I'm reading the .po file and then searching for the strings badly translated |
15:07 |
kaeza |
easier than using weblate |
15:07 |
Deivan |
I found the file now in the site, I have a program here to help with this type of work. "Lokalize" |
15:08 |
Deivan |
I have a version here to the GNU Debian. |
15:08 |
Deivan |
Is a very small group of strings, easy to translate. :D |
15:10 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
minetest.register_alias(old, new)? |
15:10 |
kaeza |
hrm... I cannot find a proper term for "mip-mapping" |
15:10 |
PilzAdam |
yes |
15:11 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
pok |
15:11 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
ok |
15:11 |
kaeza |
ditto for "shaders" |
15:11 |
PilzAdam |
kaeza, https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mipmap |
15:11 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
minetest.register_alias("default:stone_with_mese", "minitest:stone_with_gold")? |
15:11 |
Matrixiumn joined #minetest |
15:12 |
PilzAdam |
https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shader |
15:12 |
Deivan |
Mese = gold now? oO |
15:12 |
PilzAdam |
jojoa1997|Tablet, yes |
15:12 |
kaeza |
PilzAdam, thanks! "mapas MIP" sounds a bit silly though... |
15:12 |
kaeza |
ah! but "MIP" is an acronym |
15:12 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
yes for minitest |
15:13 |
CobaltDev |
for some reason the python IDLE crashes :/ |
15:13 |
CobaltDev |
guess ill re-install it |
15:13 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i am getting rid of mese |
15:13 |
kaeza |
CobaltDev, use a real IDE |
15:13 |
CobaltDev |
why? |
15:13 |
CobaltDev |
i love IDLE |
15:13 |
CobaltDev |
:D |
15:13 |
kaeza |
not some half-assed Tkinter app |
15:14 |
CobaltDev |
??? |
15:14 |
* CobaltDev |
repairing IDLE |
15:15 |
* CobaltDev |
waiting for IDLE |
15:15 |
* CobaltDev |
didnt fix IDLE, it broke 99.9% |
15:15 |
* CobaltDev |
uninstalling Python 3.3 |
15:17 |
kaeza |
"Capital" == "Caps Lock"? |
15:17 |
Deivan |
Git from the minetest is strange now... |
15:17 |
Deivan |
:-o |
15:17 |
Roukoswarf-M joined #minetest |
15:18 |
* CobaltDev |
is installing Python 3.3 |
15:18 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
also gravel will drop flint |
15:18 |
Deivan |
Flint? |
15:18 |
kaeza |
I'll leave it as that now |
15:18 |
Deivan |
The stone to make fire? |
15:20 |
Deivan |
Kaeza, capital is capital. :D |
15:20 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
yep |
15:20 |
Deivan |
Like a big ship is the capital ship. :D |
15:20 |
kaeza |
"Montevideo" :D |
15:21 |
Deivan |
:-P |
15:21 |
Deivan |
Brasilia. :D |
15:24 |
kaeza |
ok, I hope it's 100% ok now |
15:25 |
kaeza |
more like 99.999999999% but whatever |
15:29 |
Deivan |
Hum... 180 strings... One error is like 0.5%. |
15:29 |
MilanFIN joined #minetest |
15:39 |
CobaltDev joined #minetest |
15:41 |
CobaltDev |
hey! |
15:41 |
CobaltDev |
im back! |
15:41 |
CobaltDev |
i made another program :D |
15:41 |
tripod joined #minetest |
15:41 |
CobaltDev |
its called the EaZ Compiler |
15:42 |
CobaltDev |
you put in the dir, the name of the file and *POOF* compiled1 |
15:49 |
Deivan |
RL is calling... AFK |
15:55 |
blaze joined #minetest |
15:56 |
jordan4ibanez joined #minetest |
15:58 |
Cerise joined #minetest |
15:58 |
Cerise joined #minetest |
15:59 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
16:00 |
jordan4ibanez |
The reason that digging grass in minecraft sounds like cardboard, is because it is cardboard, but c418 badly edited it |
16:10 |
rubenwardy joined #minetest |
16:10 |
rubenwardy |
hi all |
16:10 |
kaeza |
hai ruben |
16:10 |
kaeza |
hai jordan |
16:11 |
cosarara97 joined #minetest |
16:12 |
CobaltDev |
hi kaeza |
16:12 |
CobaltDev |
:D |
16:12 |
CobaltDev |
hi rubenwardy |
16:13 |
CobaltDev |
its me, Ragnar/Infinity_69 |
16:13 |
CobaltDev |
im a developer |
16:13 |
CobaltDev |
made 3 programs(Main, Installer, Uninstaller) and a plugin :D |
16:14 |
CobaltDev |
working on a updater |
16:19 |
* Calinou |
just got kicked from a TF2 server |
16:19 |
Calinou |
hmm nevermind, the admin just kicked everybody |
16:25 |
jordan4ibanez joined #minetest |
16:27 |
jordan4ibanez |
We need a multiban |
16:28 |
jordan4ibanez |
Minetest is going to start getting more popular, and we need a way to handle players to keep them out of servers |
16:28 |
jordan4ibanez |
(if they're horrible) |
16:28 |
Calinou |
global ban lists are a no-no |
16:29 |
Calinou |
please don't imitate red eclipse or minceraft in such things |
16:29 |
Calinou |
on top of that, who should handle them if we make one? |
16:29 |
Exio |
are there "global banlists" in RE? |
16:29 |
jordan4ibanez |
minecraft doesn't do this, and that's the main problem |
16:30 |
Calinou |
you can be gbanned on RE, Exio |
16:30 |
jordan4ibanez |
We could have a strike list or a leaderboard of banned players and they're ips, and the reason they are banned, or even to go as far into the reason they are banned from each server they got banned from |
16:30 |
Calinou |
it's your problem if you don't know how to know whether someone is a griefer or not when giving them interact |
16:30 |
Exio |
Calinou: i don't get how they would work properly as you can change the nick |
16:30 |
Calinou |
or not making a properly made protection system |
16:30 |
Calinou |
Exio: IP |
16:31 |
jordan4ibanez |
Then this: Minetest should have a builtin protection mod for claiming land |
16:31 |
Exio |
Calinou: .. 99.99% of the IPs are dynamic :P |
16:31 |
Calinou |
lol no |
16:31 |
Calinou |
more like 30% |
16:31 |
Calinou |
most ISPs in france give static IPs, especially in the optic fiber world |
16:31 |
Calinou |
mine gives dynamic ones for ADSL only :P |
16:31 |
jordan4ibanez |
A radius from the static spawnpoint, which only people with certain privelages can modify the terrain/hurt other players |
16:32 |
Exio |
ahm |
16:32 |
Exio |
as here in argentina the only IPs what are static are from servers and are expensive/similar :P |
16:33 |
kaeza |
I agree we need a list with "known griefers" that server admins can consult. Of course, it's up to the admin to grant/revoke interact, but at least they are warned. |
16:34 |
Exio |
you can change the nick in, well, what is your WPM? |
16:34 |
kaeza |
Exio, 99% of neb's that come from MC do not change nicks at all |
16:34 |
kaeza |
newb's* |
16:36 |
kaeza |
speaking of which, == you know who? |
16:36 |
VanessaE |
yep. |
16:36 |
NotReallyNick joined #minetest |
16:37 |
VanessaE |
198.144.116.* is already banned |
16:37 |
kaeza |
n user named djduty connected from that IP |
16:37 |
kaeza |
an* |
16:38 |
VanessaE |
in fact that specific IP is also in the list. |
16:40 |
Calinou |
griefing is part of the game, even if it is not allowed |
16:40 |
Calinou |
there are no rules in MT |
16:40 |
VanessaE |
no but there are rules on individual servers. |
16:41 |
CobaltDev |
bye! |
16:41 |
CobaltDev |
g2g |
16:41 |
CobaltDev |
cya tmrrow |
16:41 |
CobaltDev |
if CobaltDevComesBack == tomorrow: |
16:41 |
Calinou |
VanessaE: this doesn't exclude griefing from the game |
16:41 |
CobaltDev |
print('yay') |
16:41 |
CobaltDev |
else: |
16:41 |
jordan4ibanez |
'zactly |
16:41 |
Calinou |
CobaltDev: go learn lua |
16:41 |
VanessaE |
print('good.') |
16:41 |
CobaltDev |
print("I'll be back") |
16:41 |
VanessaE |
fi |
16:41 |
VanessaE |
;-) |
16:41 |
Calinou |
I decompiled your game, looks like shit. |
16:42 |
CobaltDev |
its Python! |
16:42 |
Calinou |
~mojang |
16:42 |
Calinou |
cobalt is lua |
16:42 |
CobaltDev |
game? |
16:42 |
CobaltDev |
no it isnt! |
16:42 |
Calinou |
the game made by mojang |
16:42 |
VanessaE |
s/fi/end/ |
16:42 |
Calinou |
it is |
16:42 |
CobaltDev |
its python |
16:42 |
CobaltDev |
no! |
16:42 |
Calinou |
source |
16:42 |
berome joined #minetest |
16:42 |
kaeza |
VanessaE, fi? that's shell woman! :P |
16:42 |
CobaltDev |
its like Unity web player and Unity Desktop |
16:42 |
CobaltDev |
sound the same, are different |
16:42 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: :P |
16:42 |
CobaltDev |
well anyways bye |
16:42 |
CobaltDev |
Calinou, .pyc = Compiled Python File |
16:42 |
CobaltDev |
:P |
16:43 |
Calinou |
yes but no |
16:43 |
kaeza |
.pyo FTW! |
16:43 |
jordan4ibanez |
I'm not talking about block or player griefing, I'm talking about players exploting glitches in the game to shut down the server, stuff like that |
16:44 |
Calinou |
not our fault if your mods crash |
16:44 |
kaeza |
Calinou, not mods |
16:45 |
VanessaE |
Calinou: I think he means bugs in the engine |
16:45 |
Calinou |
if you find one, tell the devs |
16:45 |
VanessaE |
like that one that crashes servers if an entity falls into the void below -31000 |
16:45 |
kaeza |
the trampoline bug (which I think was fixed) is one such exploit |
16:45 |
Calinou |
and use a restart script |
16:45 |
Calinou |
VanessaE: that's why we need bedrock :P |
16:46 |
VanessaE |
Calinou: I keep pushing for a "hard iron" layer at the bottom. 2m thick, indestructible, textured like a dark, rusty material. |
16:46 |
kaeza |
Calinou, and make it impossible to go beyond bedrock (in general beyond the map limits) with noclip |
16:46 |
jordan4ibanez |
A player gains access to the game, somehow exploits the code, installs a malicious mod, gains access to the server, ddoses it by frying it with a massive overclock, we need some kind of malicious player list |
16:46 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: +1 |
16:46 |
Calinou |
VanessaE: and deals 20dmg/sec if you try to go in :P |
16:46 |
VanessaE |
this shit coulda been done months ago. why wasn't it? |
16:46 |
* rubenwardy |
is listening to the sound track of portal 2 |
16:47 |
Calinou |
jordan4ibanez: most servers cannot be overclocked |
16:47 |
kaeza |
also, ent:setpos() should ignore calls with high values |
16:47 |
Calinou |
you can't change a xeon's CPU freq ratio, and good luck overclocking with BCLK |
16:47 |
kaeza |
rubenwardy, U like game OSTs? |
16:48 |
kaeza |
rubenwardy, listen to "Dogs of War" from "MoH: European Assault" |
16:48 |
jordan4ibanez |
What if it's a home server? We have to say we did something to try to resist malicious players as much as possible, because when people start joining and finding a lot of bugs/hacks in the server/client we need to say there's some kind of list for people to watch out for other wise people will get mad |
16:48 |
Calinou |
anyway, IMO I'd put that "hard iron" block at -30000, and in other directions, the same kind of block but invisible |
16:48 |
Calinou |
to prevent some side effects when you're near the border :P |
16:48 |
VanessaE |
Calinou: why -30000? |
16:49 |
VanessaE |
gonna put a nether world below that? |
16:49 |
Calinou |
some margin to prevent side effects |
16:49 |
VanessaE |
hrm |
16:49 |
jordan4ibanez |
16:49 |
jordan4ibanez |
The nether could be at the point where the mapgen is fucked up, so it looks like your suffering the effects of the nether |
16:52 |
Calinou |
jordan4ibanez: also, CPUs throttle and stop if they reach too high temperatures :P |
16:52 |
jordan4ibanez |
What if the server is running a p4 without thermal protection dummy? |
16:53 |
NotReallyNick |
Calinou: It you're going to block off the bottom, you should block off the other five edges too, as they are equally buggy. |
16:53 |
VanessaE |
even my last machine (Athlon 64 X2) wouldn't fare well in an overheat situation - it would just shut off entirely. |
16:53 |
kaeza |
VanessaE, Nientiendo Wee: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/100008207/screenshot_3503289779.jpg |
16:53 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: nice |
16:53 |
VanessaE |
(though mine is black and not mounted vertically) |
16:55 |
VanessaE |
haven't deployed the latest updates to the server yet, I'm waiting for RealBadAngel to finish his update for technic |
16:55 |
kaeza |
I'm awaiting that too |
16:55 |
* kaeza |
is starting a new hardcore survival server |
16:56 |
Calinou |
inb4 fast |
16:56 |
Calinou |
hardcore with fast priv is a joke |
16:56 |
Calinou |
and without bones too |
16:56 |
kaeza |
Calinou, hunger, thirst, drowning, bones, simple mobs |
16:57 |
Calinou |
inb4 drowning's uber-annoying sounds |
16:57 |
Calinou |
(can people learn how "gain" works?) |
16:57 |
kaeza |
too loud? I can reduce that |
16:58 |
Calinou |
we have zero normalization, that's annoying |
16:58 |
kaeza |
and no, there won't be any fast priv |
16:58 |
kaeza |
survive or gtfo |
16:59 |
meldrian joined #minetest |
17:07 |
kaeza |
small question: if the server knows I'm at, say, (0,0,0), but the client sends "I dug at (1000,1000,1000)", how does the server handle it? |
17:07 |
kaeza |
does it ignore the packet? |
17:08 |
VanessaE |
I think so, problem is it doesn't tell the client to move back to 0,0,0 |
17:08 |
VanessaE |
(or the client doesn't move) |
17:08 |
VanessaE |
I've seen this happen countless times, where the client's actions are being ignored because the server thinks the player is somewhere else |
17:08 |
proller joined #minetest |
17:08 |
kaeza |
I mean about hacked clients. the client may ignore move commands from the server |
17:09 |
VanessaE |
yes but even a hacked client has to be able to receive the map data. |
17:09 |
VanessaE |
can't the server just force-update the apparent map data? |
17:09 |
kaeza |
hmm... |
17:09 |
NotReallyNick |
The apparent map data comes with coordinates though. |
17:10 |
NotReallyNick |
SO the hacked client isn't fooled. |
17:10 |
NotReallyNick |
*So |
17:10 |
VanessaE |
so it can fake the coordinates too. |
17:10 |
VanessaE |
not that it matters, |
17:10 |
NotReallyNick |
I would think so. |
17:10 |
MilanFIN joined #minetest |
17:10 |
VanessaE |
if the server says "no", that's the end of it. |
17:10 |
kaeza |
that seems like a security issue or whatever you call it |
17:11 |
VanessaE |
the server already knows that a player has like a 5-node dig/place radius. if the action happens outside that range, disallow it entirely. |
17:11 |
kaeza |
but does it do that currently? or is planned to fix that? |
17:12 |
VanessaE |
dunno |
17:12 |
VanessaE |
maybe it does it by 'accident'. |
17:13 |
kaeza |
anyway nvm... just asking some silly questions |
17:13 |
kaeza |
It's not like I'm going to look at the server code and fix that thing (if it's not already) |
17:17 |
jordan4ibanez |
I noticed that now I can sometimes walk through blocks |
17:21 |
rarkenin |
What types of shaders are supported in Minetest? GLSL? Or DirectX? |
17:21 |
VanessaE |
17:21 |
rarkenin |
If someone made the framework for setting the shaders that affect nodes, I could make a few shaders for various material types. |
17:22 |
jordan4ibanez |
How about nodeboxes, shadows for nodeboxes would be awesome saucem |
17:22 |
rarkenin |
Yeah, that would be cool. |
17:23 |
VanessaE |
even lighting for nodeboxes (and all flat objects) would be, too |
17:23 |
rarkenin |
But I doubt Minetest will go as far as anything beyond primitive raytracing. |
17:23 |
rarkenin |
Or even only one hop off the surface in question. |
17:23 |
jordan4ibanez |
Are you stupid? XD |
17:24 |
jordan4ibanez |
Someone out there is able to do that, they just haven't tried or haven't found minetest yet |
17:24 |
rarkenin |
One direct hop is enough. |
17:24 |
jordan4ibanez |
this* |
17:24 |
rarkenin |
I suck at C/C++, but I'm pretty good with shader languages. |
17:26 |
jordan4ibanez |
If we get shadow shaders with pilzadam's improved first person then minetest will officially be better than minecraft |
17:29 |
OldCoder joined #minetest |
17:30 |
rarkenin |
I'd love to see shaders that affect nodes, quite a bit. Our steel blocks are too flatly shaded. |
17:30 |
VanessaE |
steel blocks can be better done with textures. |
17:30 |
VanessaE |
shaders are not needed. |
17:31 |
Calinou |
rarkenin: let's have screenspace shaders first |
17:31 |
Calinou |
DoF/blur/HDR and so :P |
17:31 |
VanessaE |
ugh.. |
17:31 |
Calinou |
jordan4ibanez: these are very slow |
17:31 |
cisoun joined #minetest |
17:31 |
Calinou |
inocudom is going to join this channel and say "thou shalt not ignore GT610 owners" |
17:31 |
rarkenin |
Yeah. Shadow implies at least one hop of raytrace. |
17:31 |
Calinou |
just like every other FOSS gamer |
17:32 |
Calinou |
rarkenin: look at how tesseract does shadows, it's not raytracing iirc |
17:32 |
Calinou |
deferred shading and stuff |
17:32 |
rarkenin |
I'm a FOSS gamer, I use 4 660ti's in SLI. |
17:32 |
jordan4ibanez |
Well if I can run the shaders with a bunch of mods in minecraft at above 40fps then shaders in minetest should be no issue |
17:32 |
rarkenin |
Calinou: No, not Z-buffer shadows! :P |
17:32 |
Calinou |
what's your CPU/mobo, rarkenin? |
17:32 |
Calinou |
X79 is overly expensive :D |
17:32 |
rarkenin |
Intel i5, 3rd gen. |
17:32 |
rarkenin |
Motherboard, I don't recall. |
17:33 |
Deivan |
I have a small problem with one of my mods... When I move the player to a unloaded area the player start falling before all blocks will be loaded, how I avoit this problem? |
17:33 |
Calinou |
since when you can do 4-way SLI on B75/H77/Z77? |
17:33 |
VanessaE |
Deivan: activate free move ("fly") and hold the player in position until the land under is generated. |
17:33 |
VanessaE |
then release fly. |
17:33 |
Deivan |
Is a good plan to me. |
17:33 |
Deivan |
:D |
17:33 |
rarkenin |
I don't do 4-way SLI. |
17:34 |
Deivan |
Thanks. |
17:34 |
Deivan |
17:34 |
rarkenin |
I have two of them SLId to each other, the other two are acting independently under pedantic control of Blender. |
17:34 |
Calinou |
ah |
17:34 |
rarkenin |
What GLSL version does Minetest use? |
17:34 |
Calinou |
latest possible? |
17:34 |
Calinou |
like always |
17:35 |
rarkenin |
OK. |
17:36 |
Jeija joined #minetest |
17:38 |
kaeza |
http://cheezburger.com/7245167360 |
17:38 |
sfan5 |
Calinou: no |
17:38 |
sfan5 |
it uses glsl 1.1 |
17:38 |
sfan5 |
(the oldest possible version) |
17:38 |
sfan5 |
and its hardcoded on that |
17:39 |
sfan5 |
*thats hardcoded |
17:39 |
ShadowNinja |
Jeija: LCDs reset if you send something on a different channel |
17:39 |
ShadowNinja |
And the attachment bug is NOT fixed |
17:41 |
rarkenin |
glsl1.1 is just a pain, since the spec changed so much after it... |
17:43 |
Calinou |
can someone fix 3D entities being black, darker or brighter sometimes? |
17:43 |
Calinou |
(lighting is shared between all entities in view) |
17:43 |
Calinou |
:| |
17:44 |
VanessaE |
Calinou: I wish someone would, it's fucking irritating |
17:44 |
sfan5 |
<Calinou> (lighting is shared between all entities in view) <- who made entity lightning? |
17:44 |
Jeija |
ShadowNinja: LCD bug fixed, what attachement bug? |
17:44 |
PilzAdam |
Calinou, c55 once said something to Taoki how to fix it |
17:44 |
PilzAdam |
something like copying the mesh or so IIRC |
17:45 |
Binary1010 joined #minetest |
17:45 |
Taoki |
PilzAdam: The lighting on player models? |
17:45 |
PilzAdam |
yes |
17:45 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
17:45 |
Taoki |
PilzAdam: Yes. I tried fixing it at the time, but we soon found it cannot be fixed |
17:45 |
Taoki |
Only fix is switching to hardware lighting and Irrlicht light entities. Which I really hope will happen someday :) |
17:46 |
Taoki |
PilzAdam: It's because the (rather hacky) lighting system in MineTest changes the color of entities to make them brighter or darker. But models are only loaded once, and color is global to that mesh info |
17:46 |
mauvebic joined #minetest |
17:47 |
MinetestBot joined #minetest |
17:47 |
Taoki |
It's how Irrlicht (and possibly openGL as a whole) handles models. The same model would need to be loaded multiple times in memory so it can be colorized separately to give the feel of lighting changing on it. |
17:47 |
frogcrush joined #minetest |
17:48 |
Taoki |
Even if such was possible however it would be bad. Would mean loading the same mesh into memory multiple times (once for each player instead of once at all) and batch rendering (which improves performance) wouldn't be doable |
17:48 |
Taoki |
The only way to fix it (and the right way) is hardware lighting. If only a way to stop such lights from shining in caves was found though... |
17:48 |
Taoki |
Shaders were partly added for the intent of allowing that in the future. Way too much for me to know how to do it |
17:50 |
Taoki |
Using real Irrlicht lighting would be awesome also because it would allow for pretty directional lighting. It's something MineTest will need to ever raise above the detail level in MineCraft. Such will also allow bump mapping, gloss and shiny surfaces, etc. |
17:51 |
OldCoder joined #minetest |
17:52 |
frogcrush |
Hi, anyone ever get about 5 fps with updated vid drivers? |
17:52 |
mauvebic |
if irrlichts' lighting is better there must be some good reason we dont use it? |
17:52 |
VanessaE |
Taoki: hmmmm is working on a new lighting system I think |
17:53 |
Taoki |
VanessaE: Ohh? Any screenshots? |
17:53 |
Taoki |
Hopefully it's real hardware lighting |
17:53 |
mauvebic |
theres one in screenshots thread in general |
17:53 |
Taoki |
mauvebic: Yes, one reason mainly: Light can't be masked so that the sun doesn't shine in caves for example |
17:53 |
VanessaE |
Taoki: none that show it off yet, just one early one (see the "post your screenshots" thread) where he ran into a weird bug |
17:53 |
Taoki |
ok |
17:53 |
mauvebic |
well the sun shining in caves is kinda moot - at the edge of viewing range everything is white no matter how deep undeground you are :p |
17:54 |
Taoki |
Ahh, this one http://ompldr.org/vaHJnNw |
17:54 |
khonkhortisan_ joined #minetest |
17:54 |
Taoki |
Doesn't look like HW lighting, though the feeling is pretty nice |
17:54 |
Taoki |
Idea however is: Use the current voxel lightmaps as masks for hardware lighting. Not areas where to brighten the color in order to simulate light |
17:56 |
Taoki |
Or well, cut lighting which would also yield in dynamic shadows. Would look beautiful and kill the FPS :P But it would keep light from shining in caves |
17:57 |
jordan4ibanez |
Yes! And we'll be able to use dynamic light in torches, and have carriable torches and flashlights |
17:57 |
jordan4ibanez |
also: should I give the sheep a rear wheel instead of legs? |
17:57 |
Taoki |
I think the current lighting system is one of the biggest issues in MT. And having to use fake light over real hardware light. If only someone with knowledge could fix it... I tried and it's very hard to |
17:57 |
VanessaE |
Taoki: hmmmm is working on it. :) |
17:57 |
mauvebic |
fake light you say? :P all my light fixtures have to place invisible light nodes haha |
17:58 |
Taoki |
VanessaE: Is his work really hardware lighting though? |
17:58 |
mauvebic |
its the only way to achieve a decent amount of lighting with the present setup without placing torches up the wazoo |
17:58 |
VanessaE |
Taoki: I don't know. |
17:58 |
Taoki |
That screenshot didn't look like that |
17:58 |
khonkhortisan_ |
Using some delayers, I made a button that turns on the clear wire,then on the set wire, off set, then off clear. When I connected it to the rest of my circuit, I found out I had to increase the delays just because of the complexity of what it connected to. |
17:58 |
Taoki |
prolly not then, but I don't know what he's working on so |
17:59 |
VanessaE |
well I take that back, the parts he is working on are mostly for trees |
17:59 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
17:59 |
mauvebic |
well whatever he's doing with lighting, its gotta be better than what was there, that hasn't been touched in a long time :p |
17:59 |
VanessaE |
(e.g. what you get with the L-systems, spawn_tree() call) |
17:59 |
mauvebic |
what do lighting and trees have in common? |
18:00 |
VanessaE |
mauvebic: because of the sheer number of nodes that have to be updated when a tree is spawned. |
18:00 |
PilzAdam |
mauvebic, seen the black trees that randomly appear? |
18:00 |
VanessaE |
big trees can be 5000+ nodes. |
18:00 |
mauvebic |
lol thats nothing compared to schems and bins |
18:00 |
VanessaE |
that's a huge load. |
18:00 |
mauvebic |
the default trees were black yeah, i thought that was some funky leaf decay bug lol |
18:01 |
mauvebic |
how am i to guess lol for the longest time i thought the "hand" was actually the end of a wood shovel lol |
18:02 |
mauvebic |
anyways, the lighting problems affect many mods |
18:02 |
mauvebic |
and even the mapgen, random bright and dark spots |
18:03 |
NotReallyNick |
frogcrush: What operating system? |
18:03 |
Taoki |
Yeah. Thre mapgen has to bake mightmaps which only increases world creation more |
18:03 |
frogcrush |
NotReallyNick: Windows 8 |
18:03 |
NotReallyNick |
Well there's your problem, frogcrush. Windows doesn't function. |
18:04 |
frogcrush |
NotReallyNick: Yes, yes, windows sux |
18:04 |
frogcrush |
NotReallyNick: Unless you need it to participate in school classes (stupid GoToMeeting) |
18:04 |
NotReallyNick |
Sorry, I know nothing of gaming on Windows. |
18:05 |
NotReallyNick |
I use Windows to run one application I need for class. But Ubuntu for everything else. |
18:05 |
mauvebic |
theyre both about as bloated lol |
18:05 |
NotReallyNick |
In a week, I get to delete Windows, too. |
18:05 |
frogcrush |
That's what Arch is good for |
18:05 |
frogcrush |
Less bloat |
18:05 |
frogcrush |
Its on my flash drive |
18:05 |
mauvebic |
usually im the one to say that :p |
18:06 |
Taoki |
Ouch... Windows 8. Many things are said not to work there |
18:06 |
frogcrush |
I haven't found anything that hasn't worked |
18:06 |
mauvebic |
crunchbang in the 9.04 days was a good take on debian/buntu |
18:06 |
Taoki |
Win 7 is good though, I recommend it to non-Linux users |
18:06 |
NotReallyNick |
mauvebic: I tried Debian instead, but I get a frame rate of two with all graphics options disabled. |
18:06 |
frogcrush |
Windows 8 is what I recommend, because its easier to use |
18:06 |
mauvebic |
i know, binary drivers on debian suck |
18:06 |
mauvebic |
both of them |
18:06 |
kaeza |
Taoki, that is not true. there's only ONE thing that does not work under Win8 |
18:07 |
kaeza |
Win8 itself :P |
18:07 |
mauvebic |
i know they dont go out of their way to make proprietary work properly so i just dont bother with them, i want an OS, not politics |
18:07 |
frogcrush |
kaeza: lol |
18:07 |
NotReallyNick |
Taoki: That can be said about any version of Windows, not just 8. |
18:07 |
Calinou |
Taoki: win 8 is faster, has a better task manager, and you can get the win 7 features with ClassicShell |
18:07 |
Calinou |
and it's more up to date |
18:07 |
Calinou |
(more support by microsoft and ISVs) |
18:07 |
frogcrush |
And you can get apps |
18:07 |
frogcrush |
I like playing Dodo Gogo on Windows 8 |
18:08 |
Calinou |
frogcrush: less bloat? even a $300 machine with a celeron can run xubuntu just fine |
18:08 |
Calinou |
RAM is cheap 8) |
18:08 |
Calinou |
(not really these days. but it still is.) |
18:08 |
mauvebic |
our celeron or any celeron? :p |
18:08 |
Calinou |
a more modern one |
18:08 |
mauvebic |
lol |
18:08 |
kaeza |
XD |
18:08 |
Calinou |
the one in this room is 22 years old or so |
18:08 |
frogcrush |
Calinou: idk, my sisters laptop can't run Ubuntu worth a crap, 3GB ram, 1GHz dual core processor |
18:09 |
Calinou |
*cough*which dual core processor*cough* |
18:09 |
Calinou |
in AMD world, "dual core" means "one module", in intel world, "dual core" means 2 real cores (and maybe HT) |
18:09 |
mauvebic |
perhaps we should rename all our moderators after different processors? |
18:09 |
Calinou |
both of them try to create fake cores with varying degrees of success :P |
18:10 |
* Calinou |
renames mauvebic to i7-3970X |
18:10 |
Taoki |
heh. It would be hilarious if sommeone named Intel made a MineCraft-like engine too. Then they'd meet the creator of MineTest :) |
18:10 |
Taoki |
Or AMD |
18:10 |
mauvebic |
i said moderatos :P |
18:10 |
mauvebic |
*moderators |
18:10 |
mauvebic |
moderatos = mexican moderators? |
18:10 |
Calinou |
lol |
18:10 |
Taoki |
c55's right hand should be named "i7" |
18:10 |
* Calinou |
is updating misa's pack |
18:10 |
Calinou |
diamond/bronze tools, jungle sapling, obsidian glass, snow mod updates |
18:11 |
Calinou |
0.4.6 support in advance :) |
18:11 |
mauvebic |
did they pull the snow biomes to default? |
18:11 |
NotReallyNick |
No. |
18:11 |
Calinou |
nope, but I like supporting a lot of mods :P |
18:11 |
Calinou |
oh also I'll add support for weather mod |
18:11 |
mauvebic |
hm, seems natural that it would eventually be |
18:11 |
mauvebic |
jeija got that old weather branch to work? |
18:12 |
ttk2 joined #minetest |
18:13 |
VanessaE |
Calinou: don't forget to add checks to moreores to disable the included ones if the new ones in default are present. |
18:14 |
VanessaE |
PilzAdam: did copper blocks got excluded from default for a particular reason? |
18:14 |
VanessaE |
get* |
18:14 |
PilzAdam |
dunno |
18:15 |
VanessaE |
Calinou: I believe those got deleted from moreores also, yes? |
18:15 |
NotReallyNick |
You're the one that excluded them .. and you don't know? |
18:15 |
VanessaE |
one of you two should probably add them back in :) |
18:16 |
Calinou |
[suggestion] give worlds a random name (eg. World1133, just like guests) when not putting any name |
18:16 |
rsiska joined #minetest |
18:16 |
Calinou |
I'm sick of naming my worlds "lol", "dude", "ttttt" or so to test stuff around |
18:16 |
Calinou |
:< |
18:16 |
PilzAdam |
Ill probalby add them to default |
18:17 |
NotReallyNick |
PilzAdam: Thank you! |
18:17 |
Calinou |
VanessaE: not yet, I'll do that |
18:18 |
mauvebic |
calinou better than the names i came up with lol |
18:18 |
mauvebic |
one of which, became a permanent map for a while lol |
18:18 |
kaeza |
Calinou, +1 for auto naming worlds |
18:19 |
jordan4ibanez |
Horrible idea: shaders, in lua |
18:19 |
Jeija |
never tried to get it to work, mauvebic |
18:19 |
mauvebic |
it already did? |
18:19 |
Jeija |
no, i just never compiled it or anything |
18:19 |
mauvebic |
ah ok so its new |
18:20 |
Jeija |
What is new? |
18:20 |
Exio |
[15:16:43] <Calinou> I'm sick of naming my worlds "lol", "dude", "ttttt" or so to test stuff around |
18:20 |
Exio |
i just have like 15 random worlds |
18:20 |
Exio |
with names like asdfqwerty |
18:21 |
mauvebic |
well the weather mod, is it based on something or written from scratch? i saw the screen but dont remember the details |
18:21 |
Jeija |
It's written from scratch, based on my particlespawners; has nothing to do with the weather branch apart from the textures |
18:22 |
mauvebic |
ah cool, always better from scratch :-) |
18:22 |
mauvebic |
especially with all the changes in api since weather branch lol |
18:24 |
jordan4ibanez |
jeija: You should have your weather branch alias mapgen air to weather block, and spawn particles accordingly |
18:24 |
Calinou |
'dinner, bye :) |
18:24 |
Calinou |
misa pack update will be up soon |
18:24 |
Calinou |
(about 15 minutes) |
18:24 |
Jeija |
Wut? Why should I do something like that? It would just totally lag everyting. I made ParticleSpawners, I know what I'm doing ;) |
18:25 |
Calinou |
snow ABM == slow, very |
18:25 |
Calinou |
even on my PC |
18:25 |
khonkhortisan_ |
there's already a mod that uses rain nodes, and it's horribly slow |
18:25 |
mauvebic |
i know :P but weve all seen some pretty crazy ideas on here too lol never hurts to ask |
18:25 |
Jeija |
I know, snow ABM is a problem; but I already use neighbor air |
18:26 |
mauvebic |
snow abm? |
18:26 |
pandaro joined #minetest |
18:26 |
Doc22 joined #minetest |
18:26 |
mauvebic |
snow biomes or weather? |
18:26 |
kaeza |
what's up Doc? |
18:26 |
Jeija |
The ABM for spawning snow covers when it snows |
18:26 |
mauvebic |
kk |
18:26 |
Doc22 |
hey Kaeza |
18:26 |
Doc22 |
not much |
18:27 |
kaeza |
haven't seen you around in octuteam lately |
18:27 |
mauvebic |
though i could see where it might get confusing: if you have snow biomes installed, and its snowing in other biomes, then technically wouldn't the whole map turn to snow biome? |
18:27 |
khonkhortisan_ |
there could be another weather type called hail where it's fewer larger snow particles that instantly create snow cover on impact |
18:27 |
Doc22 |
ik kaeza |
18:27 |
Doc22 |
i havent had time |
18:27 |
Doc22 |
my life is getting cramped |
18:27 |
Doc22 |
plus, I'm on and off with things |
18:27 |
mauvebic |
well if someone comes up with a decent volcano mod you'd have lava springs/rain :p |
18:27 |
kaeza |
oh :( |
18:27 |
Doc22 |
so one month interest in this |
18:27 |
Doc22 |
then another thing |
18:27 |
Doc22 |
then another |
18:27 |
khonkhortisan_ |
lava rain! |
18:27 |
Doc22 |
then this again |
18:28 |
Doc22 |
im kinda feeling like it so when i have time |
18:28 |
khonkhortisan_ |
oh, oops |
18:28 |
Doc22 |
i really have to get my game done |
18:28 |
Doc22 |
im going to be in public school this year |
18:28 |
khonkhortisan |
I already had one of these open |
18:28 |
Doc22 |
so i will have hardly any time |
18:28 |
Doc22 |
i need to finish my game, fast... |
18:29 |
kaeza |
that's good |
18:29 |
Doc22 |
my goal is first release |
18:29 |
Doc22 |
so how is it going kaeza :D |
18:29 |
kaeza |
just annoying the fine people of this channel as always :D |
18:29 |
Doc22 |
lol |
18:29 |
Doc22 |
working on anything? |
18:30 |
Doc22 |
mods? |
18:30 |
khonkhortisan |
Is there a mod that removes everything that's unregistered? |
18:30 |
kaeza |
some updates to my long lost mods |
18:30 |
Doc22 |
hmm |
18:30 |
Doc22 |
sounds cool |
18:30 |
mauvebic |
"Father who killed six of his kids by setting house on fire described as loving dad" ---> segfault |
18:30 |
kaeza |
and getting inspiration to work again on my game |
18:30 |
Doc22 |
and khonkhortisan there is but i dont remember the name been too long |
18:30 |
Doc22 |
i think that it is world cleaner or something liek that |
18:31 |
Doc22 |
and kaeza what is your game? |
18:31 |
Doc22 |
any web sites or anything |
18:32 |
khonkhortisan |
"clean" makes me type in the node names, I'm looking for something that can figure that out on its own |
18:32 |
mauvebic |
ugh, how can i get phone calls on the cell saying i won a free cruise? i thought cellphone telemarketing was illegal |
18:33 |
khonkhortisan |
maybe it's cell phone lottery instead |
18:33 |
mauvebic |
have a hard time believing participating in a survey entitles me to a cruise lol |
18:34 |
mauvebic |
and with all the stories lately, avoid cruise ships like the plague lol |
18:34 |
jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest |
18:34 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: minetest-services commited to minetest/minetest: Merge remote branch 'origin/master' 82709549ff 2013-04-03T11:32:13-07:00 http://git.io/lCQfoQ |
18:34 |
khonkhortisan |
evacuation isn't fast enough either |
18:34 |
rarkenin|Away |
Yeah, but the "cruise" is a leaky rowboat in the middle of a puddle on some random road. |
18:34 |
VanessaE |
Calinou: you forgot to include aliases in moreblocks for those stairsplus nodes. |
18:34 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
yay halfway through aliases |
18:35 |
mauvebic |
or a refurbished Lusitania lol |
18:35 |
VanessaE |
(e.g. technic concrete) |
18:35 |
mauvebic |
modern roads has concrete too |
18:35 |
mauvebic |
another thing that makes sense in default |
18:35 |
mauvebic |
what is concrete but sand and stone and water after all |
18:38 |
NotReallyNick |
Concrete is modern, but the Minetest world really isn't. Concrete wouldn't fit in. |
18:39 |
VanessaE |
NotReallyNick: my map seems to be reasonably "modern". |
18:39 |
Jousway joined #minetest |
18:39 |
NotReallyNick |
Your map is very modern. But it's also nowhere near default. He said it would make sense to add it to default. |
18:40 |
NotReallyNick |
I'm not against adding concrete, I'm just against bad logic. |
18:40 |
VanessaE |
true, true. |
18:40 |
VanessaE |
to be fair, |
18:41 |
sfan5 |
i accidently applied the water shader to terrain: http://i.imgur.com/7Mf9SlI.png |
18:41 |
VanessaE |
the explored the idea of concrete in The Flintstones movie ;-) |
18:41 |
Doc22 |
hey vanessae long time no see :) |
18:41 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
what does it do different |
18:41 |
VanessaE |
hey doc |
18:41 |
VanessaE |
0gb: if that isn't the antithesis of "modern", I don't know what else is ;) |
18:41 |
mauvebic |
lol what mods do you run again? |
18:41 |
mauvebic |
concrete wasnt invented recently, asphalt is the more modern equiv. |
18:41 |
mauvebic |
and it makes sense to add something to default when several mods define their own versions of the same material |
18:41 |
mauvebic |
leading to multiple entries in the inventory of the same bloody thing lol |
18:41 |
mauvebic |
well youre logic is not to change anything at all so i doubt anyone's still listening to you :p |
18:42 |
NotReallyNick |
I can't tell the difference with all that fog in the way. |
18:42 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i think concrete should not be added |
18:42 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
until we get a smelting or mixing machine added to default |
18:42 |
jordan4ibanez |
the fak sfan5 |
18:42 |
NotReallyNick |
No. As I said, I'm not against adding concrete. I'm just against it being added "because concrete is modern". |
18:42 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
we need more machines in default |
18:43 |
VanessaE |
why? concrete has existed since at least 300 BCE. |
18:43 |
VanessaE |
possibly as far back as 800 BCE. |
18:43 |
jordan4ibanez |
add the water shader to sand, except don't make it animated, so we can have wavey deserts |
18:43 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
yeah but we need a machine to mix it |
18:43 |
sfan5 |
jordan4ibanez: i was working on a path to use all shaders in the client/shaders dir and not just the hardcoded test_shader_(1|2) ones |
18:43 |
NotReallyNick |
Adding concrete is fine, and if the logic is "because a lot of people use it", that's way better than "because it is modern". |
18:43 |
jordan4ibanez |
Oh nice |
18:43 |
VanessaE |
jojoa1997|Tablet: wrong again. the guy who did the remodeling on my house here mixed it in a wheelbarrow. |
18:44 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
a machine |
18:44 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
in minetest we mix with our hands |
18:44 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
also vanessae |
18:44 |
VanessaE |
he used a shovel and wheelbarrow. |
18:44 |
NotReallyNick |
In short mauvebic, I'm NOT against adding things. |
18:44 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i think handmade stuff is better quality |
18:44 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
we use hands and hands |
18:44 |
VanessaE |
heh, the driveway repair he did with it was definitely not higher quality than could have been achieved with a machine. |
18:45 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i mean made by hand |
18:45 |
NotReallyNick |
mauvebic: Besides obsidian, what have I been against adding? |
18:45 |
rubenwardy |
jordan4ibanez: someone made a website that is a blacklist |
18:45 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
not placed |
18:45 |
jordan4ibanez |
Why is there no links to it anywhere |
18:45 |
jordan4ibanez |
is/are |
18:46 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
checking minecraft to see if i should remove desert sand |
18:46 |
NotReallyNick |
Desert sand is not in Minecraft. |
18:46 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
thought so |
18:46 |
kaeza joined #minetest |
18:46 |
jordan4ibanez |
Hey wait |
18:46 |
jordan4ibanez |
items don't stop when they're on top of an entity |
18:47 |
Doc22 |
in my game im going to aim for some epicly epic terrain gen |
18:47 |
jordan4ibanez |
You can make a bowling alley using entities now |
18:47 |
Doc22 |
not neccesarily realistic |
18:47 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i like minecrafts creative and survival inventoery |
18:47 |
Doc22 |
but ima play around with it and make some cool mountains |
18:47 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
pilzadam ping |
18:47 |
PilzAdam |
pong |
18:47 |
NotReallyNick |
Is the name ping thing not case sensitive? |
18:47 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
how have you progressed on the armor |
18:48 |
Doc22 |
it isnt case sensitive |
18:48 |
rubenwardy |
kaeza: nice wii |
18:48 |
PilzAdam |
NotReallyNick, that is client based |
18:48 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
notreallynick test |
18:48 |
NotReallyNick |
Ah. I see. |
18:48 |
Doc22 |
well assuming your using qwirc |
18:48 |
PilzAdam |
jojoa1997|Tablet, not started yet |
18:48 |
kaeza |
rubenwardy, wee* |
18:48 |
kaeza |
:P |
18:48 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
pilzadam |
18:48 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
you ned to make a chisel tool |
18:48 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
wait nvm |
18:49 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
not in minecraft |
18:49 |
NotReallyNick |
Jojoa, I don't get pinged for things happening in the current tab, so that test was void. Thanks for trying though. |
18:49 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
you need to make some buildings that spawn like dessert and jungle temples |
18:49 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
and light redstone |
18:49 |
mauvebic |
i didnt say concrete was modern, i said modern roads used it, read properly pls |
18:49 |
mauvebic |
that back tarry crap they lay on roads now is the modern cheap stuff |
18:49 |
mauvebic |
concrete makes more sense then obsidian for starters lol |
18:49 |
mauvebic |
you build more things with concrete |
18:49 |
mauvebic |
lol for the longest time people complained the game was imcomplete and didn't change, i can see why when everything is an eternal debate lol |
18:49 |
mauvebic |
what the? lol http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5414 |
18:50 |
Exio |
did you get lag or that was me |
18:50 |
NotReallyNick |
Fisrt, just about everything makes more sense than obsidian. That's not a high bar. |
18:50 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
uh i didnt know i built on any mapo |
18:50 |
jordan4ibanez |
neked sheep does not approve of you http://i.imgur.com/Nzjqppw.png |
18:51 |
NotReallyNick |
Second, "used for modern roads" is still about the same as adding it because it is modern. |
18:51 |
Doc22 |
pilzadam in the big trees mod, how did they get the trees to generate over several chunks |
18:51 |
Doc22 |
wouldnt it give an error |
18:51 |
Doc22 |
because it generates into ungenerated chunk? |
18:51 |
PilzAdam |
I think it loads mapblocks |
18:52 |
Doc22 |
so it generates the mapblocks that it needs? |
18:52 |
PilzAdam |
just a guess |
18:52 |
Doc22 |
ok |
18:52 |
Doc22 |
who made that mod again? |
18:53 |
PilzAdam |
VanessaE |
18:53 |
Doc22 |
ok |
18:53 |
Exio |
moretrees? :P |
18:53 |
Doc22 |
nununu the one with huuuge giant trees |
18:53 |
VanessaE |
moretrees. |
18:53 |
Doc22 |
hmm |
18:53 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Pilzadam http://minecraft-ids.grahamedgecombe.com |
18:53 |
Doc22 |
ok then |
18:54 |
Doc22 |
I just see the problems that could occur if I tried making somethign liek this |
18:54 |
PilzAdam |
jojoa1997|Tablet, hm.. I think I just give you access to my MiniTest repo |
18:54 |
Doc22 |
typos... |
18:54 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Also pilzadam for Minitest please look at the cart and rails in minecraft |
18:54 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Ok |
18:54 |
Doc22 |
because say a tree generates in chunk a |
18:55 |
PilzAdam |
jojoa1997|Tablet, just dont mess it up |
18:55 |
Doc22 |
and needs to load chunk b |
18:55 |
Doc22 |
to continue |
18:55 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Though you would need to do the carts stuff |
18:55 |
rubenwardy |
(7:30:43 PM) mauvebic: "Father who killed six of his kids by setting ... |
18:55 |
rubenwardy |
I saw that on the news... |
18:55 |
mauvebic |
ugh, speaking of rails, i have to do diagonals today lol |
18:55 |
Doc22 |
then chunk b needs to load |
18:55 |
Doc22 |
c |
18:55 |
Doc22 |
which needs to load d |
18:55 |
Doc22 |
etc |
18:55 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
I won't add my request till aliases doen |
18:55 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Doen |
18:55 |
khonkhortisan |
diagonal rails? |
18:55 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Done |
18:55 |
mauvebic |
rubenwardy yeah and more more they are getting off scott-free on mental health defense, its sickening, shoplifters do more hard time |
18:56 |
khonkhortisan |
I made diagonal rails |
18:56 |
mauvebic |
i meant in nodebox |
18:56 |
PilzAdam |
wtf is wrong with this guy? http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=81087#p81087 |
18:56 |
khonkhortisan |
diagonal vertically? |
18:56 |
mauvebic |
http://www.zimg.eu/i/3930269302 |
18:57 |
Doc22 |
lol |
18:57 |
Doc22 |
what a big city |
18:57 |
mauvebic |
PilzAdam didnt know you were building there |
18:57 |
PilzAdam |
me neither |
18:57 |
mauvebic |
:p |
18:57 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
I didn't know I was either |
18:57 |
khonkhortisan |
I'm not a builder |
18:57 |
proller joined #minetest |
18:57 |
mauvebic |
haha |
18:57 |
mauvebic |
885 posts and absolutely nothing of substance said so far |
18:57 |
Doc22 |
and what he says about c55 |
18:57 |
Doc22 |
lol |
18:57 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Celeron55 are you beta testing likwid's link map |
18:57 |
rubenwardy |
jordan4ibanez: I have no idea where it is |
18:58 |
mauvebic |
c55 doesnt even play minetest anymore does he? |
18:58 |
mauvebic |
or so i read somewhere on the forums |
18:58 |
Jousway joined #minetest |
18:58 |
khonkhortisan |
he's still on the other channel |
18:59 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=81092#p81092 |
18:59 |
rubenwardy |
Kaeza: the real name is "Wii" I assume you have added a spoof one |
18:59 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
What channel |
18:59 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
He does but rarely I think |
18:59 |
Doc22 |
lol |
18:59 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
After a year of knowing everything I think it might get boring |
18:59 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Three years |
18:59 |
Doc22 |
i didnt think you guys were building with him... |
19:00 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=81092#p81092 |
19:00 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Look at his comment |
19:00 |
mauvebic |
well, the day people stop making mods is the day everyone tires of the game, but i dont see that happening soon |
19:00 |
rubenwardy |
(7:56:48 PM) mauvebic: http://www.zimg.eu/i/3930269302 |
19:00 |
rubenwardy |
Nice |
19:00 |
mauvebic |
without constant new content it would get boring fast |
19:01 |
NakedFury |
too much fun to stop playing it |
19:01 |
mauvebic |
thanks, missing diagonals and rail merge tho |
19:01 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Pilzadam I will make a list of what needs to be made/changed that I do not have the ability to do |
19:01 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
And I will keep the biome stuff ignored until mapgen7 comes |
19:01 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Though I don't know what would be good things |
19:01 |
Doc22 |
lol |
19:02 |
mauvebic |
90 degree angles on the default rails just looks, well, weird lol |
19:02 |
rubenwardy |
<PilzAdam> wtf is wrong with this guy? ... |
19:02 |
rubenwardy |
on the more positive side, at least it is in the right section |
19:02 |
Doc22 |
he is really not understanding |
19:02 |
Doc22 |
but yeah |
19:02 |
Doc22 |
kinda improvement |
19:02 |
rubenwardy |
I cant what for v7 |
19:03 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Same hete |
19:03 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Here |
19:03 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
And he spots like me but I have MOSTLY credible posts |
19:03 |
mauvebic |
zimg.eu hasn't worked for 3 days now... anyone had any success w/ it? |
19:04 |
Sketch2 |
Iceweasel can't establish a connection to the server at minetest.net..?? |
19:04 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Thexyz I can't connect to minetest.RU it says wrong password |
19:04 |
Doc22 |
you impostor |
19:04 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
19:04 |
Doc22 |
lol |
19:04 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
19:05 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
/nick Doc22 |
19:05 |
PilzAdam |
mauvebic, no |
19:05 |
PilzAdam |
:-) |
19:05 |
PilzAdam |
*:-( |
19:05 |
Doc22 |
huh? |
19:05 |
mauvebic |
ok so its not just me |
19:05 |
Doc22 |
oh |
19:05 |
Doc22 |
i know you are real jojoa |
19:05 |
Doc22 |
i am joking because "thats why you cant get on" |
19:05 |
mauvebic |
keep hearing steve jobs saying "youre uploading it wrong!" lol |
19:05 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
In tried add a before your name |
19:06 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Space |
19:06 |
Doc22 |
hrmm |
19:06 |
mauvebic |
http://ompldr.org/vaHo5Ng/screenshot_3451299199.png |
19:06 |
jojoa1997 |
hello |
19:06 |
Doc22 |
lol |
19:06 |
thexyz |
jojoa1997|Tablet: http://minetest.ru/auth/ |
19:07 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
What |
19:07 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Ft here is nothing there |
19:07 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
Lol |
19:07 |
thexyz |
everything is there |
19:07 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
I joined mineterst-dev |
19:07 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
I get 404 |
19:08 |
thexyz |
login maybe? |
19:08 |
thexyz |
isn't that obvious? |
19:08 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
19:08 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i geti get 404 |
19:10 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
when will tnt get added back into the game |
19:12 |
NotReallyNick |
TNT is too dangerous. |
19:12 |
mauvebic |
prolly never lol enough griefing materials already available :p |
19:12 |
NotReallyNick |
I hope it isn't added. |
19:14 |
NakedFury |
it if gets added give it the shape of dinamite sticks and not a cube/block/node shape |
19:15 |
Exio |
there should be functions for doing the explosions in the core but for be used in mods |
19:16 |
mauvebic |
removing a spherical area of nodes doesn't really require cpp optimization does it? |
19:16 |
rubenwardy |
mauvebic: by "prolly" do you mean "probably" |
19:19 |
mauvebic |
this aint #grammar |
19:19 |
mauvebic |
and i aint english |
19:19 |
mauvebic |
considering how many english people cant spell in their own language, i think im doing pretty good |
19:19 |
VanessaE |
yeah but you're a canuck, we kinda expect good grammar/spelling from you lot :D |
19:20 |
Exio |
mauvebic: the block damage should be "calculated" with the damage_groups or similar of the nodes plus using an option would be easy to do for disabling block damage (but not entity damage) in servers |
19:20 |
NotReallyNick |
mauvebic: Agreed. Native speakers need to get their acts together. |
19:20 |
mauvebic |
im a quebecker first though |
19:20 |
Doc22_ joined #minetest |
19:20 |
rubenwardy |
mauvebic: I was just wondering what you meant |
19:20 |
Doc22_ |
stupid disconnection |
19:21 |
rubenwardy |
at first glance I thought you were mentioning proller_ (the dev) |
19:21 |
mauvebic |
and we get enough of that crap from our own english minority |
19:21 |
mauvebic |
its a touchy subject :p |
19:21 |
mauvebic |
with 40 years of politics backing it up lol |
19:21 |
rubenwardy |
A grand total of 0 people in #grammar |
19:22 |
mauvebic |
naw i dont even know who proller is :p |
19:22 |
kaeza |
rubenwardy, all my computers are spoofs :P |
19:22 |
rubenwardy |
I see |
19:22 |
* VanessaE |
watches /clearobjects feast on RAM. 12GB so far and counting |
19:22 |
rubenwardy |
well, I dont see |
19:22 |
kaeza |
"Snapple PiePad" |
19:22 |
Doc22_ |
:O |
19:22 |
rubenwardy |
but I understant |
19:22 |
rubenwardy |
d |
19:22 |
rubenwardy |
that is cool |
19:22 |
Doc22_ |
thats a crapton of ram |
19:22 |
alex256 joined #minetest |
19:23 |
mauvebic |
in quebec as little as 20 years ago, we were told to speak "white" |
19:23 |
VanessaE |
/clearobjects completed after 13GB was used - which was not freed. |
19:23 |
VanessaE |
holy smokes. |
19:23 |
kaeza |
more of a joke than actual worry of © infringement lol |
19:23 |
Doc22_ |
(>:) FEAST! FEEEAST!!!!) |
19:23 |
Doc22 |
finally |
19:24 |
rubenwardy |
(8:19:29 PM) mauvebic: considering how many english people cant spell in their own language, i think im doing pretty good |
19:24 |
rubenwardy |
mauvebic: every society have their fair share of idiots :D |
19:24 |
kaeza |
hehe |
19:24 |
mauvebic |
lol yeah no kidding euro-french and quebec french have very little in common and we hardly understand eachother either lol |
19:25 |
rubenwardy |
but not in chuck norris' kingdom |
19:26 |
mauvebic |
in fact euro-french seems to employ more anglicismes than the french here lol |
19:26 |
NakedFury joined #minetest |
19:27 |
mauvebic |
'des runnings" => 'espadrilles' qc |
19:27 |
VanessaE |
PilzAdam: oh G*d I hate these powered rails. They can't connect to neighboring regular rails |
19:27 |
VanessaE |
they look horrible on things like rollercoaster inclines/hills |
19:27 |
NakedFury |
they should |
19:27 |
Deivan |
I need force the load of one area of the map... Someone have a idea? |
19:27 |
mauvebic |
lately were getting boatloads of french emigrants here |
19:27 |
VanessaE |
they don't, and I'm at latest git for the engine and carts. |
19:28 |
alex256 |
someone needs to put together a list of names/ips those who grief ...so others could just add them to the ban list of their map before it goes public....|agiet....for intance is adds protection blocks and lava buckets...a real mess to clean up./ |
19:28 |
mauvebic |
a simple hall of shame with a publicly accessible blacklist |
19:29 |
alex256 |
yes! |
19:29 |
alex256 |
their are more people destroying than building.... |
19:29 |
Deivan |
19:30 |
mauvebic |
why do you think i run my server as a sealed off police state? lol |
19:31 |
alex256 |
a mod that allows admins to undo everything a person has done would be awesome...i couldn't imagine the coding it would take though |
19:31 |
mauvebic |
you mean rollback? |
19:31 |
NakedFury |
link server accounts to forum accounts and it gets harder or more troublesome for bastards to mess with your server |
19:31 |
alex256 |
yes but only affecting the one person screwing everything up |
19:31 |
mauvebic |
well, the infrastructure is there with public server lists |
19:32 |
mauvebic |
we just need public blacklists we can update and D/L |
19:32 |
alex256 |
yes i agree |
19:32 |
NotReallyNick |
Linking to forum accounts also requires people HAVE forum accounts though. |
19:32 |
alex256 |
i have one |
19:32 |
mauvebic |
linking to forums is bad idea |
19:32 |
mauvebic |
what happens when forums go down |
19:32 |
NakedFury |
then you cant have new players |
19:32 |
NotReallyNick |
Also, it's centralized. When the forum goes down, no one can log into any Minetest server. |
19:33 |
NakedFury |
same thing that happens to any other multiplayer game when account creation is down |
19:33 |
alex256 |
how bout a git gub black list anyone can download? |
19:33 |
NotReallyNick |
So, it's a bad idea. |
19:33 |
alex256 |
...github |
19:33 |
mauvebic |
how about we just use hosts/ip |
19:33 |
NotReallyNick |
An optional Github blacklist seems fine to me. |
19:33 |
NakedFury |
well find an alternative because just simply creating a new account in less than 1 minute is shit |
19:33 |
NotReallyNick |
Host/IP is also fine. |
19:34 |
mauvebic |
it wont take long to track down all the proxies when the usual suspects go through their lists |
19:34 |
NotReallyNick |
Attacking the game to the forum is even more shitty. |
19:34 |
NotReallyNick |
*Attaching |
19:34 |
alex256 |
agreed |
19:35 |
mauvebic |
though i have a hard enough time connecting without firewalls and proxies i have no clue how others manage to do it lol |
19:37 |
alex256 |
is there a priv for bucket ? |
19:38 |
NotReallyNick |
No. |
19:38 |
alex256 |
lava and water is my biggest issue |
19:38 |
NotReallyNick |
You could add one. |
19:38 |
mauvebic |
you could also remove buckets and rely on givemes |
19:38 |
alex256 |
good idea! |
19:38 |
Doc22 |
ahh, the joy of configuring a dns server |
19:39 |
alex256 |
simple ishould have thought of that |
19:39 |
alex256 |
i still think it should be in the privs |
19:40 |
NotReallyNick |
Add it then. |
19:40 |
alex256 |
hmm i'll have to work on it... |
19:43 |
mauvebic |
lol http://youtu.be/LyDOAQNsTrI |
19:43 |
rubenwardy |
(8:31:03 PM) alex256: a mod that allows admins to undo everything a person has done would be awesome...i couldn't imagine the coding it would take though |
19:43 |
rubenwardy |
Roll back |
19:43 |
rubenwardy |
only does one person |
19:45 |
jordan4ibanez |
Man these sheep are probably going to have the most broken walk cycle ever :P either that or they're going to look like they have a disability |
19:45 |
rubenwardy |
alex256: redcrab's 0.4.4 server has a mod that means that players can not empty buckets on others land, or unprotected land |
19:45 |
mauvebic |
well at a certain point, the tradeoff in overhead isnt worth it when regular backups do the job fine |
19:46 |
mauvebic |
what you need is a script that shuts down, backs up, and restarts the server at regular intervals |
19:46 |
mauvebic |
im sure some people already have that in place |
19:46 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
19:46 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
19:46 |
markveidemanis joined #minetest |
19:46 |
markveidemanis |
Hi |
19:46 |
markveidemanis |
I need someone to test a mod on a server |
19:47 |
VanessaE |
what mod? |
19:47 |
VanessaE |
(and why can't you test it on your own server?) |
19:47 |
mauvebic |
trojans dont work that way :p |
19:48 |
markveidemanis | |
19:48 |
VanessaE |
haha |
19:49 |
mauvebic |
"Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s personal popularity is anemic, as he has a dismal -30 favourable rating" who knew it could be in the negative lol |
19:49 |
IceCraft |
Good Morning/Evening |
19:49 |
markveidemanis |
Plz join |
19:49 |
markveidemanis |
Im testing the gamemode mod |
19:50 |
Exio |
connect multiple clients |
19:50 |
alex256 |
#/undo_all <name> ....that undoes everything <name> has done would be sweet. |
19:51 |
markveidemanis |
/rollback |
19:55 |
rubenwardy |
bye all |
19:56 |
VanessaE |
cya rubenwardy |
19:56 |
rubenwardy |
:P |
19:56 |
rubenwardy left #minetest |
19:57 |
mauvebic |
wow, jim cramer is a real guy |
19:57 |
mauvebic |
i thought he was some moron made up by king of the hill lol |
20:02 |
peterlein joined #minetest |
20:03 |
peterlein left #minetest |
20:06 |
EduardeCalibal joined #minetest |
20:07 |
bas080 joined #minetest |
20:16 |
rsiska joined #minetest |
20:30 |
BackupCoder joined #minetest |
20:31 |
STHGOM joined #minetest |
20:38 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: kwolekr commited to minetest/minetest: Bump version to 0.4.6 37acadc2af 2013-04-03T13:36:25-07:00 http://git.io/wezL8g |
20:41 |
jordan4ibanez |
sheeps lose their wool when you punch them! http://i.imgur.com/3RPc2bL.png |
20:42 |
hmmmm |
those sheep look surprised as fuck |
20:42 |
jordan4ibanez |
I know xD |
20:42 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: PilzAdam commited to minetest/minetest: Update doc/lua-api.txt f85c1165c2 2013-04-03T13:41:18-07:00 http://git.io/7kljwQ |
20:43 |
jordan4ibanez |
When they stand, they kind of jive out |
20:44 |
NotReallyNick |
Version bump .... The time may be drawing near ... |
20:45 |
NotReallyNick |
Oh! Already tagged. |
20:46 |
mauvebic |
OT question, how often do muslim extremists recruit natives in europe? the media is saying all sorts of things here (re cdn connection in algeria) |
20:47 |
NotReallyNick |
No tags on common yet though, so not quite ready to release, probably. |
20:50 |
Jeija left #minetest |
20:56 |
ttk2 joined #minetest |
20:58 |
kaeza |
VanessaE, spam http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=81113#p81113 |
20:58 |
kaeza |
(or flamebait) |
20:59 |
mauvebic |
ugh im sick of all these nonposts lol |
20:59 |
* NotReallyNick |
doesn't trust shortened URIs. |
20:59 |
NotReallyNick |
Let me rephrase: |
20:59 |
mauvebic |
how much you wanna bet its the same guy answering himself |
21:00 |
* NotReallyNick |
doesn't really trust shortened URIs |
21:01 |
NotReallyNick |
My server and laptop are racing to finish compiling Minetest first. |
21:01 |
kaeza |
mauvebic, the link points to minecraft.net |
21:01 |
kaeza |
obvious flamebait |
21:01 |
mauvebic |
i meant likwid == OP |
21:01 |
kaeza |
well... that wouldn't surprise me :P |
21:02 |
kaeza |
after all, that guy is pretty crazy/st00peed |
21:02 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: deleted, banned. |
21:02 |
kaeza |
VanessaE, thanks :) |
21:03 |
NotReallyNick |
And the laptop is winning. The server had a head start, and the laptop caught up. A bad sign for the server. |
21:03 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: several armchair colors in homedecor git now. |
21:03 |
kaeza |
wot |
21:03 |
kaeza |
this I gotta see |
21:03 |
VanessaE |
color-matched to the curtains :-) |
21:03 |
VanessaE |
(except I didn't add white, figured that one wasn't really needed) |
21:03 |
NotReallyNick |
Nice. |
21:04 |
mauvebic |
ugh, we need to implement node painting :p |
21:04 |
mauvebic |
dont have the slightest clue how it would work, but being able to define a node once and use different textures would save alot of IDs |
21:04 |
mauvebic |
though that would likely mean a param3 |
21:05 |
VanessaE |
mauvebic: there are plans in the works for this also. |
21:05 |
mauvebic |
sweet :-) |
21:05 |
Xenux joined #minetest |
21:05 |
proller joined #minetest |
21:06 |
mauvebic |
like with pipes: sometimes i like em clean white, but for other projects (dirty old industrial stuff) a rusted color would do better, but imagine defining several sets for the number of nodes lol |
21:06 |
kaeza |
VanessaE, cool :) |
21:07 |
Doc22 joined #minetest |
21:09 |
jordan4ibanez |
entity interpolation would be nice :3 |
21:13 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: why for you drop "Admiral" machines from computers mod? :( |
21:14 |
kaeza |
VanessaE, I'm remaking them |
21:14 |
VanessaE |
oh ok |
21:14 |
VanessaE |
guess I better back up one version then |
21:14 |
kaeza |
More detailed, and able to turn on/off |
21:15 |
kaeza |
Let me add them |
21:15 |
VanessaE |
ok |
21:17 |
jordan4ibanez |
find_node_near(pos, radius, nodenames) for nodenames, what would I use for walkable? |
21:17 |
VanessaE |
I don't think there's anything for that |
21:18 |
VanessaE |
you have to do it the hard way |
21:23 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
21:27 |
LAD joined #minetest |
21:27 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: Zeg9 commited to minetest/minetest: Fix camera "jumping" when attached and the parent goes too fast c1bf6f9f7a 2013-04-03T14:22:40-07:00 http://git.io/Eu4jrw |
21:29 |
Gambit joined #minetest |
21:32 |
kaeza |
VanessaE, updated. download from github |
21:32 |
VanessaE |
thanks |
21:32 |
kaeza |
They have the ugly old models for now |
21:33 |
kaeza |
I'll update the models later |
21:33 |
kaeza |
np :) |
21:33 |
VanessaE |
heh, they weren't *that* ugly :) |
21:34 |
kaeza |
yeah, but I'll make them a bit more detailed (raise the front of the 128 version) |
21:34 |
kaeza |
and add the Nientiendo GameNode :D |
21:34 |
kaeza |
(NGC) |
21:36 |
VanessaE |
heh |
21:36 |
MinetestBot |
GIT: ShadowNinja commited to minetest/minetest: Check if the address field is empty when hitting enter on the multiplayer tab 2a0badf2d5 2013-04-03T14:33:17-07:00 http://git.io/PSQ3WA |
21:39 |
mauvebic |
lol http://youtu.be/7cfVLFquuNc |
21:49 |
jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest |
21:57 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
0gb ping |
21:58 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
NotReallyNick / 0gb ping |
21:58 |
NotReallyNick |
Hmm? What? I'm awake. |
21:59 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
wil you server version add 0.0.1 to its curent version? |
21:59 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
22:00 |
NotReallyNick |
Why 0.0.1? We are up to 0.4.6, now. Much better than 0.0.1 was, I imagine. |
22:00 |
Jordach-360 joined #minetest |
22:00 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
0.4.5 + 0.0.1 = 0.4.6 |
22:00 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
is it up to date? |
22:00 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
your server? |
22:00 |
Jordach-360 |
hey all |
22:01 |
NotReallyNick |
I'm working on the update, I hit a wall. |
22:01 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
joprdach xbox? |
22:01 |
NotReallyNick |
Hello. |
22:01 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
0gb what the prob |
22:01 |
Jordach-360 |
yes |
22:01 |
NotReallyNick |
The issue is in adding the jungles to the old world. |
22:01 |
us_0gb |
muwhahaha |
22:01 |
NotReallyNick |
It should kick you off that name. |
22:02 |
us_0gb |
wait |
22:02 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
0gb why dont you use that name? |
22:02 |
Jordach-360 |
anyways. my girlfriend is asking if the indev mapgen has sky islands |
22:02 |
PilzAdam |
Jordach-360, yes |
22:02 |
NotReallyNick |
Yes, it does. |
22:02 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
but hwat is the prob of adding jungles what happens |
22:03 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
what how do i add the sky gen |
22:03 |
Jordach-360 |
anyways. thx |
22:03 |
Jordach-360 |
bye |
22:03 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
PilzAdam how do i add sky islands |
22:03 |
PilzAdam |
use indev mapgen |
22:03 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
? |
22:03 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
is it in 0.4.6 |
22:03 |
PilzAdam |
yes |
22:04 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
ok |
22:04 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
how do i enable them |
22:04 |
PilzAdam |
you can select it minetest.conf |
22:04 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
grr |
22:04 |
PilzAdam |
mg_name = indev |
22:04 |
NotReallyNick |
The jungles and dungeons just don't want to join our old world. I'll make it work though, don't worry. |
22:04 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
you need to add check boxes for mapgen |
22:04 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
notreallynick why |
22:04 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
what happens wrong |
22:05 |
NotReallyNick |
Is indev basically the unstable mapgen packaged in the stable version? |
22:05 |
PilzAdam |
yes |
22:05 |
NotReallyNick |
Why is they don't show up. I'm on it though. |
22:05 |
NotReallyNick |
I made it work yesterday, and I'll make it work today. |
22:05 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
you have to generate new land |
22:06 |
VanessaE |
PilzAdam: the latest carts alongside the latest git with that camera following fix = MUCH nicer. |
22:06 |
VanessaE |
good work. |
22:06 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
carts updated? |
22:06 |
PilzAdam |
jojoa1997|Tablet, no |
22:06 |
NotReallyNick |
Jojoa, even in new land they don't show up. |
22:06 |
PilzAdam |
VanessaE, yes :-) |
22:06 |
VanessaE |
jojoa1997|Tablet: not since you last updated maybe, but my copy was getting pretty old. |
22:09 |
NotReallyNick |
Jungle file acquired. |
22:09 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i love it |
22:09 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
the new tools work correctly |
22:10 |
VanessaE |
PilzAdam: one glitch. hard to explain here, can you come to my server? |
22:10 |
PilzAdam |
VanessaE, if you hold shift while being detached you are teleported back to your starting point |
22:10 |
VanessaE |
nope, that's not it :-) |
22:10 |
VanessaE |
I know about that one. |
22:10 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
tell us |
22:10 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
here |
22:11 |
VanessaE |
it has to do with how pistons, rails, and carts interact. |
22:11 |
PilzAdam |
Ill come to your server |
22:11 |
VanessaE |
ok |
22:11 |
PilzAdam |
in like 19 hours when the media is downloaded >:-( |
22:11 |
VanessaE |
heh |
22:11 |
VanessaE |
there's a recent cache on my server page if it'll help any |
22:11 |
PilzAdam |
why dont you set up a server so one can download it with curl? |
22:12 |
PilzAdam |
link? |
22:12 |
VanessaE |
too lazy to set up cURL. link = http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/VanessaE_Cache.tar.bz2 |
22:14 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
!up 0gb.us |
22:14 |
MinetestBot |
0gb.us:30000 seems to be down |
22:14 |
NotReallyNick |
It's backing up the world, in case of damage. Then starting. |
22:14 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
ok |
22:14 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
cant wait |
22:15 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
has obsidian factory made |
22:15 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
and the diamonds mean faster digging |
22:15 |
NotReallyNick |
I removed the obsidian. |
22:15 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
WHAT \ |
22:15 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
why |
22:15 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
that is bad |
22:15 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
stupid |
22:15 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
why remove it |
22:15 |
NotReallyNick |
Late April fools! Obsidian is still there. |
22:15 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
>_< |
22:15 |
Kacey joined #minetest |
22:15 |
Kacey joined #minetest |
22:16 |
Kacey |
hi all |
22:16 |
NotReallyNick |
Hello, Kacey. |
22:16 |
us_0gb |
i hate you all |
22:16 |
us_0gb |
grrr |
22:16 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
hahaha |
22:16 |
* jojoa1997|Tablet |
has the power |
22:16 |
Kacey |
jordan4ibanez, do you need a sidekick (or want one) for your new series? |
22:16 |
NotReallyNick |
Jojoa, no obsidian factory though. Lava doesn't regenerate. |
22:16 |
jordan4ibanez |
no |
22:16 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
yeah |
22:16 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
shoot |
22:17 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
wait |
22:17 |
Kacey |
why not j4i? |
22:17 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
you are using build game right? |
22:17 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
so renewable lava |
22:17 |
NotReallyNick |
No. I'm using common. |
22:17 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
then add the build mod |
22:17 |
theTroy joined #minetest |
22:18 |
NotReallyNick |
Build has no land claims or warp points. |
22:18 |
NotReallyNick |
Drats. I forgot to turn of particles after updating. |
22:21 |
jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest |
22:21 |
NotReallyNick |
jojoa1997|Tablet: Build has no land claims or warp points. |
22:22 |
NotReallyNick |
Oops. I was too late. |
22:22 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
0gb go to the build game folder |
22:22 |
NotReallyNick |
!up 0gb.us |
22:22 |
MinetestBot |
0gb.us:30000 is up (0.330ms) |
22:22 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
do it |
22:22 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
are you there? |
22:22 |
NotReallyNick |
Oh, I didn't miss you. |
22:22 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
go to |
22:22 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
minetest/games/build/mods |
22:22 |
NotReallyNick |
I don't have the build game on my computer. |
22:23 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
there is your bones mod and a build mod |
22:23 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
oh one sec |
22:23 |
NotReallyNick |
Even if I did, 0gb.us_game gets its node definitions from common. |
22:23 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
https://github.com/minetest |
22:23 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
fine one sec |
22:23 |
NotReallyNick |
I'm trying to get things moved to common. See my pull request there. |
22:25 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
ok but |
22:25 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
can i have link to 0gb_game github |
22:25 |
NotReallyNick |
https://github.com/0gb-us/0gb.us_game |
22:25 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
pilzadam did you add me to minitest github? |
22:25 |
NotReallyNick |
Yes, he did. |
22:26 |
proller |
who can make parachute mod? |
22:26 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
0gb |
22:26 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
can you change mesefix mod to nodefix |
22:26 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i will add my code there |
22:26 |
PilzAdam |
jojoa1997|Tablet, yes |
22:26 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
since there is no other spot |
22:26 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
jojoa1997|tablet |
22:26 |
NotReallyNick |
I can tomorrow. Today I have to finish work that was due yesterday. |
22:27 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
ok |
22:27 |
NotReallyNick |
What code? |
22:27 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
lsvs nodes |
22:28 |
NotReallyNick |
Or did you pull request? |
22:28 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
no |
22:28 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i cant cause github doesnt paste |
22:28 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
wait one sec |
22:29 |
NotReallyNick |
I paste into Github's web interface sometimes. |
22:29 |
kaeza |
22:29 |
VanessaE |
there, roller coaster works again. |
22:29 |
PilzAdam |
22:29 |
NotReallyNick |
kaeza: Why do you not use good spelling and proper grammar? |
22:29 |
VanessaE |
0gb: a silly meme. |
22:29 |
kaeza |
NotReallyNick, because meme? |
22:30 |
VanessaE |
"http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/y-u-no-guy |
22:30 |
VanessaE |
-\" |
22:30 |
NotReallyNick |
I don't understand why that thing is popular. All it is is bad English all around. |
22:30 |
kaeza |
PilzAdam, any other site for hosting videos? :) |
22:31 |
kaeza |
let me guess... google it :) |
22:31 |
PilzAdam |
myvideo.de |
22:31 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: vimeo? |
22:32 |
kaeza |
meh.. |
22:34 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
wtf |
22:34 |
NotReallyNick |
Hmm? |
22:34 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i cant add a pull request |
22:34 |
kaeza |
will stick with YT |
22:34 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
404 |
22:35 |
NotReallyNick |
I get that issue too. Try deleting your 0gb.us_game and redownloading it. Github says 404, but it's not really a 404, it's a different error. |
22:35 |
NotReallyNick |
Or you can do a reverse pull request. Hold on. |
22:35 |
NotReallyNick |
I'll pull request to yor copy. |
22:35 |
NotReallyNick |
*your |
22:35 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
how do i do a reverse pull request |
22:36 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
too latew |
22:36 |
NotReallyNick |
I don't see yours. Did you delete it before I could pull request? |
22:37 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
\yep |
22:37 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
mine was 9 days old |
22:38 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
so i updated by delete and refork |
22:38 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
and i added a pull request |
22:38 |
NotReallyNick |
It was probably from before we removed everything from minetest_game. |
22:39 |
NotReallyNick |
Jojoa: That's a common issue, not a 0gb.us_game issue. Pull request to common, not me. |
22:39 |
ShadowNinja |
kaeza: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/530 |
22:39 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
no i mean a temporary fix for your server |
22:39 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
wait |
22:40 |
PilzAdam |
ShadowNinja, closed |
22:40 |
kaeza |
ShadowNinja, seen that. Thanks! |
22:40 |
rotor112 joined #minetest |
22:40 |
rotor112 |
hi |
22:41 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
0gb please add it |
22:41 |
rotor112 |
default_rail_crossing and default_rail_t_junction are not necessary |
22:41 |
mauvebic |
ugh, havent written a class in ten years lol here goes nothing |
22:41 |
rotor112 |
you can use ^ and transform |
22:41 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
it is temporary until the other code gets added |
22:41 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
you had said we would be using build mod |
22:41 |
NotReallyNick |
That's a common issue, not a 0gb.us_game issue. Get build/build moved to common/build, and we'll talk. |
22:42 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
pilzadam |
22:42 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
can you move builb/build to common |
22:42 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
and 0gb thi is a fix for your game |
22:42 |
NotReallyNick |
I'm already trying. In a pull request. |
22:42 |
rotor112 |
it's 0:42 am in de |
22:42 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
22:42 |
rotor112 |
p.a. is sleeping |
22:42 |
PilzAdam |
jojoa1997|Tablet, of course not |
22:43 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
why not |
22:43 |
NotReallyNick |
Temporary or not, it doesn't belong in 0gb.us_game. |
22:43 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
well neither does redefining mese |
22:43 |
PilzAdam |
jojoa1997|Tablet, because its a game specifc mod and not a common mod |
22:43 |
RealBadAngel |
im the same time zone, and it doesnt mean im sleeping at all ;) |
22:43 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
and pilzadam why not |
22:43 |
NotReallyNick |
He just said why not. |
22:43 |
kaeza |
hello RBA |
22:43 |
rotor112 |
UTC+2 |
22:43 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i thought the point of common was to move all the mods to common not have basic and common |
22:44 |
kaeza |
the stargates are awesome |
22:44 |
rotor112 |
yes |
22:44 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
0gb why not add the tempoorary fix |
22:44 |
* rotor112 |
thinks so, too |
22:44 |
NotReallyNick |
I don't redefine mese, I only remove the mese shards because they do nothing. It's to prevent people from accidentally wasting their mese. |
22:44 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
iit wiiill be goonee when yyouur puull requesssssssst iss addeed |
22:44 |
rotor112 |
default_rail_crossing and default_rail_t_junction are not necessary: you can use ^ and transform |
22:44 |
kaeza |
jojoa1997|Tablet issssssss a creeper! |
22:45 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
0gb you should add my pull request cause |
22:45 |
NotReallyNick |
Temporary fixes are fine, but that sort of code doesn't belong there, it belongs in common, where everyone can use it. |
22:45 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
yours will never make it |
22:45 |
NotReallyNick |
If mine will never make it, then the "temporary" fix isn't temporary, right? More reason NOT to add it. |
22:46 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
who can merge pull requests |
22:47 |
NotReallyNick |
Anyway, I'm trying to get bones and give_initial_stuff moved to common. Those aren't "game specific", so maybe it will work. Who knows. |
22:47 |
PilzAdam |
bye |
22:47 |
NotReallyNick |
Bye. |
22:47 |
kaeza |
bye |
22:47 |
kaeza |
too late :( |
22:47 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
0gb grr |
22:47 |
NotReallyNick |
I'm powerless to help. I'm sorry. |
22:48 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
my fix gives you power |
22:48 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
you just chose to ignore |
22:48 |
rotor112 |
default_rail_crossing and default_rail_t_junction are not necessary: you can use ^ and transform |
22:48 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
cause it is still default |
22:48 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
and |
22:48 |
NotReallyNick |
Your fix is incompatible with the project goals. |
22:48 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
from my memory and the logs somewhere you said you would be using the build game |
22:48 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
so i am bringing build game to you |
22:49 |
rotor112 |
https://github.com/HybridDog/minetest_TPconverter/commit/5320ea08867057c9becbf7661b524994a26dbb43 |
22:49 |
NotReallyNick |
Yes, that was while I was still confused from the game split. |
22:49 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
but i still did what you said |
22:49 |
rotor112 |
I made a mistake at the stonebrick |
22:49 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
so it is compatable |
22:49 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
rarkenin |
22:49 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
didnt 0gb say he was going to use the build game for the server so we can have renewable lava |
22:50 |
NotReallyNick |
No, not compatible. It being in my plan at some point doesn't mean it's compatible. |
22:50 |
Menche joined #minetest |
22:50 |
* VanessaE |
pokes Menche |
22:50 |
rarkenin |
Yes, I am rarkenin. Punctuation would really be helpful so I know if you're asking a question, excited at my presence, etc. |
22:50 |
NotReallyNick |
I did say that, but while I was still trying to get my bearings from the game split. |
22:50 |
rarkenin |
Anyway, ask 0gb.us, AKA NotReallyNick. |
22:51 |
VanessaE |
rarkenin: insert totally unenthusiastic, vague statement here. |
22:51 |
VanessaE |
;) |
22:51 |
NotReallyNick |
0gb.us really isn't Nick. Honest! |
22:51 |
rarkenin |
VanessaE: Sorry, confused. Negative or positive? |
22:51 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
didnt 0gb say he was going to use the build game for the server so we can have renewable lava? |
22:51 |
VanessaE |
rarkenin: neutral. |
22:52 |
NotReallyNick |
jojoa1997|Tablet: I did say that, but while I was still trying to get my bearings from the game split. |
22:52 |
rarkenin |
OK. |
22:52 |
VanessaE |
:D |
22:52 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
what you said at that moment IS THE LAW |
22:52 |
NakedFury joined #minetest |
22:52 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i choose what people say is the law |
22:52 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
naked fury please update your texture pack |
22:53 |
rarkenin |
As admin and moderator, we choose otherwise. :) |
22:53 |
NotReallyNick |
I also said arround that time that I'd not upgrade, and that I would upgrade, but remove obsidian. Should I do those too? |
22:53 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
n |
22:53 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
no |
22:53 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i choose what people say is the law |
22:53 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i choose |
22:53 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
me |
22:53 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
not you |
22:53 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
me |
22:53 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i say that comment is LAW |
22:53 |
NotReallyNick |
Then you are being inconsistent. I can't help you. |
22:53 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
no |
22:54 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i am consistant with my wants |
22:54 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
muwhahaha |
22:54 |
VanessaE |
you're consistent at being inconsistent ;) |
22:54 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
haha i am consistant |
22:54 |
kaeza |
jojoa1997|Tablet, could you please STFU? thanks :) |
22:54 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
what does that mean? |
22:54 |
NotReallyNick |
Okay. Fork it. It' under whatever license Minetest is under. Do whatever you like with the code, and turn it into your perfect game. |
22:55 |
kaeza |
there is only one that can judge us |
22:55 |
kaeza |
he is.... |
22:55 |
kaeza |
Judge Dredd! :D |
22:55 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
0gb april fools |
22:55 |
VanessaE |
haha |
22:55 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i like the challenge of non renewable lava |
22:56 |
NotReallyNick |
Untill we have renewable tools that break obsidian, renewable obsidian may be a bad idea anyway. |
22:56 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
anyways i find a lava cave and boom enough lava for veryone |
22:56 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
renewable stone |
22:57 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
go on server |
22:57 |
NotReallyNick |
Stone is as strong as wood used to be. So it can't break even mese any more, let alone obsidian. |
22:57 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
then what is wood |
22:57 |
Menche |
and obsidian is really a type of glass... |
22:58 |
NotReallyNick |
Wood is even weaker now. |
22:58 |
NotReallyNick |
I KNOW! Obsidian is BRITTLE, not unbreakable ..... |
22:58 |
Menche |
the only other place where obsidian is tough is in Minecraft |
22:58 |
ShadowNinja |
I only need wood to break three stone, but everything else should be faster |
22:58 |
NakedFury |
did someone add more options to weapons streangth and blocks too? |
22:59 |
NotReallyNick |
I know "brittle" and "unbreakable" sound similar if you say them out loud, but still ... there is a difference. |
22:59 |
NotReallyNick |
Menche: Yeah, it's a Minecraft cloning decision. |
22:59 |
kaeza |
NakedFury, grab my firearms and blast the sucking nodes to hell with the rocket launcher |
23:00 |
kaeza |
fuck damage calculation :) |
23:00 |
ShadowNinja |
we should make it cracky level 3 |
23:00 |
* jojoa1997|Tablet |
grabs tnt mod |
23:00 |
TorpedoSkyline joined #minetest |
23:00 |
NakedFury |
add more levels to those cracky or squishy or whatever |
23:00 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
rarkenin |
23:01 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
update client please |
23:01 |
rarkenin |
What? |
23:01 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
my protocol version doesnt match |
23:01 |
ShadowNinja |
he gave you your hacked client? |
23:02 |
NotReallyNick |
jojoa1997|Tablet: I disabled anticheat because it was bothering everyone. But if you use your hacked client to use fast, I'll turn it back on. You've been warned. |
23:02 |
rarkenin joined #minetest |
23:02 |
rarkenin joined #minetest |
23:02 |
ShadowNinja |
oh, right you use windows |
23:02 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
nono |
23:02 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i like the night vision |
23:02 |
troller joined #minetest |
23:02 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i dont use fast |
23:02 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
too easy on a survival server |
23:03 |
NotReallyNick |
I don't care if you use a hacked client to fly or see in the dark, or whatever. Just no fast/teleport. |
23:03 |
NakedFury |
I like how you add difficulty to survival when there is nothing to survive from |
23:03 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
from others |
23:03 |
ShadowNinja |
lava and other players :-) |
23:03 |
NakedFury |
players dont count |
23:04 |
NakedFury |
not when you have -0% chance of hiding |
23:04 |
ShadowNinja |
oh, and fall damage, 90% of my deaths are that |
23:04 |
NakedFury |
that always on player names on top ruin that |
23:04 |
ShadowNinja |
there is a setting for that |
23:04 |
NakedFury |
we need to remove players name. and add dialog bubbles when a close character talks |
23:05 |
NakedFury |
you can remove it? when did I miss that |
23:05 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
tyay |
23:05 |
NotReallyNick |
I don't like the dialog bubbles thing. It should be configurable to be enabled or disabled. |
23:05 |
ShadowNinja |
infinite_player_send_distance = False or something like that |
23:06 |
NotReallyNick |
You only can remove it for distant platers, not all players. |
23:06 |
NakedFury |
ok but still remove the visible names on top of characters |
23:06 |
ShadowNinja |
I like those |
23:06 |
NotReallyNick |
It only removes the visible names for distant players. |
23:06 |
NakedFury |
that breaks ANY chance of player combat or survival in the game |
23:06 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
same |
23:06 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
then add a setting |
23:06 |
jordan4ibanez joined #minetest |
23:06 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
for only seeing same team |
23:06 |
neganexus joined #minetest |
23:06 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
or add if shift then hide na,e |
23:07 |
ShadowNinja |
teams would be nice |
23:07 |
NakedFury |
bubble chat dialog would be useful for roleplay servers where you see the dialog bubble on top of the chatting player only if you are close enough, say 20 nodes from him |
23:07 |
kaeza |
Player names should be drawn like other objects in the game, not as an "overlay". also, maybe make them show only when pointing at player |
23:07 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
no |
23:07 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
then you cant know who people are |
23:07 |
jordan4ibanez |
is the force_load commit in yet? |
23:07 |
Menche |
simplest way would be to put the name on an entity, then attach the entity to the player |
23:07 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
0gb can i have noclip |
23:07 |
NakedFury |
if shown by pointing at character then it has be incredibly close and direct line of sight |
23:08 |
neganexus |
Is it just me or is minetest.net down? |
23:08 |
kaeza |
neganexus, yes |
23:08 |
jordan4ibanez |
it is down |
23:08 |
jordan4ibanez |
forum.minetest.net |
23:08 |
NotReallyNick |
No one gets noclip, not even us moderators. Rarkenin only phases through things because he hacked his client. |
23:09 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
oh |
23:09 |
neganexus |
Sorry to ruin another conversation, I was just wondering. Thanks |
23:09 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i thought you had it |
23:09 |
NakedFury |
we need those hacked clients to find ways to counter them |
23:09 |
NakedFury |
down with fucking cheaters |
23:09 |
NotReallyNick |
Yeah, minetest.net is down. |
23:09 |
kaeza |
^ |
23:09 |
NotReallyNick |
NakedFury: I agree. |
23:09 |
jordan4ibanez |
Everyone must wear a diaper before they view my next mod I'm releasing |
23:10 |
Menche |
could examining the logs of a server where hacked clients are used give a clue to how the hack works? |
23:10 |
NotReallyNick |
jordan4ibanez: Then I will not view it. |
23:10 |
Menche |
or is enough info logged? |
23:10 |
kaeza |
jordan4ibanez, and maybe release it as non -ND? |
23:10 |
NotReallyNick |
Menche: We know how they work already. |
23:10 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
nakedfury can you update your pack |
23:10 |
Menche |
is it fixable then? |
23:10 |
NotReallyNick |
At least some of them just don't check priveleges. |
23:11 |
NotReallyNick |
I don't know if it's fixable. |
23:11 |
NotReallyNick |
It would require a lot more server side checks. In other words add more to anticheat. |
23:13 |
NakedFury |
Im all for Pro-anticheat features |
23:14 |
NotReallyNick |
Me too. But we first need to fix the current anticheat to not pester non-cheating players, before we try to expand it. |
23:15 |
NakedFury |
can this clients even play in a protected server? where they need priviledges to do anything? |
23:15 |
NotReallyNick |
They can't build or dig, if that's what you mean. |
23:15 |
NotReallyNick |
That's all server side. |
23:16 |
Menche |
so they can't hack in "interact"? |
23:16 |
NotReallyNick |
Correct. |
23:16 |
NakedFury |
so for now all we can do is ban hackers and wait for them to come back with a new name and beg to let them play? |
23:16 |
NotReallyNick |
Fly, noclip, and fast are the only client-side privileges, so the only ones they can hack in. |
23:17 |
NakedFury |
could those be moved server side? |
23:17 |
NakedFury |
would that stop them? |
23:17 |
NotReallyNick |
I don't think banning is the answer. Then people just try to hide their hacked clients. |
23:17 |
ShadowNinja |
fast is already prevented |
23:17 |
EduardeCalibal |
I have a fail here: |
23:17 |
EduardeCalibal |
19:57:45: ERROR[main]: ServerError: LuaError: error: ...t/minetest/bin/../games/common/mods/default/init.lua:2450: attempt to call field 'cool_lava_flowing' (a nil value) |
23:18 |
NotReallyNick |
I don't think they can be moved server-side without moving the whole client server side. |
23:19 |
ShadowNinja |
fly and noclip would be possible but would require a lot more load on the server |
23:19 |
NotReallyNick |
The same goes for night vision hacks, but I don't really mind those. I turn my monitor's brightness up and get the same effect without hacking. |
23:19 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
it would make too much lag |
23:19 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
well i cant |
23:20 |
NotReallyNick |
Like I said, I don;t mind night vision hacks. I mind fast and noclip hacks. |
23:20 |
NotReallyNick |
I don't even mind fly hacks, to be honest. |
23:20 |
ShadowNinja |
night vision is imposible to stop without a custom os or something |
23:20 |
rarkenin |
Or if Minetest sent rendered images to clients, which would be insanely slow and make me quit within seconds. |
23:21 |
NotReallyNick |
That's what I meant by moving the client server-side. Only images and sound would be sent to the "client". |
23:21 |
VanessaE |
ShadowNinja: it may not be impossible to stop, but there's a way to make it a real pain in the ass for such folks: cut the display down to like 2 or 3 shades of grey in the dark regions. Only ramp it up to full colors where there's light. |
23:21 |
rarkenin |
Ah, OK. |
23:22 |
VanessaE |
do this at the server side when the lighting of a given node is updated for day/night transitions |
23:22 |
rarkenin |
VanessaE: That doesn't help against my modifications. Any light sent to Irrlicht is forced to 255. |
23:22 |
VanessaE |
well maybe that would do much good I guess. |
23:22 |
EduardeCalibal |
I don't see how use all translations in the game, have a option to it in some place? |
23:22 |
VanessaE |
rarkenin: yeah but what good does it do to see dark grey lit up to light grey if there are no details to see? :) |
23:23 |
kaeza |
EduardeCalibal, what OS? |
23:23 |
EduardeCalibal |
GNU Linux |
23:23 |
kaeza |
try this: |
23:23 |
rarkenin |
What do you mean? I can easily descern nodes. |
23:23 |
kaeza |
LANG=pt bin/minetest |
23:23 |
Menche |
to use languages, i think you have to enable gettext |
23:23 |
jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest |
23:23 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
sweet |
23:23 |
VanessaE |
well I guess. |
23:23 |
Menche |
23:24 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
a mese block gives you a full set of mese tools |
23:24 |
EduardeCalibal |
Not now... But thanks. :D |
23:24 |
NotReallyNick |
VanessaE: You don't need to see what type of node it it, just WHERE it is. |
23:24 |
VanessaE |
well that's true.. |
23:24 |
EduardeCalibal |
I have a bug with old text in the air... |
23:24 |
EduardeCalibal |
-.- |
23:24 |
EduardeCalibal |
From some type of sign mode. |
23:24 |
VanessaE |
then suppose the server sends you nothing but dark nodes ;-) |
23:24 |
VanessaE |
all 1 or 2 colors. :D |
23:24 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
almost there |
23:24 |
NotReallyNick |
Also, that sort of thing would make client texture packs impossible, I think. |
23:24 |
Menche |
on one of my monitors, i can see in the dark really well; on another monitor, i can see nothing in the dark |
23:25 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
will 3d signs be added |
23:25 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
menche same here but |
23:25 |
NotReallyNick |
Menche: Same here. |
23:25 |
rarkenin |
Same here, before I modified everything. |
23:25 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
my bigscreen tv is the dark one |
23:25 |
VanessaE |
3d signs are part of homedecor, jojoa1997, for whatever its worth |
23:25 |
NakedFury |
minetest nights are almost zero visibility nights |
23:25 |
kaeza |
VanessaE, rendering is client-side; only the "shapes" are sent by the server; the client is free to do what it wants with the "shape" |
23:25 |
Menche |
so a lot of that has to do with the client's computer's contrast and monitor |
23:25 |
VanessaE |
kaeza: hrm, good point |
23:25 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
vanessae it would be a good option to add to default |
23:25 |
kaeza |
that means lighting hacks are truly impossible to avoid |
23:26 |
VanessaE |
jojoa1997|Tablet: no. pilzadam's code is buggy. |
23:26 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
also my tv is angled so i see the screen lightest way possible |
23:26 |
VanessaE |
unless you're talking minItest again and not minetest/common |
23:26 |
NotReallyNick |
By 3D sins, do you mean the signs with no infotext that you have to squint at to read? |
23:26 |
VanessaE |
(in which case I don't give two shits what you guys do with minItest) |
23:26 |
NotReallyNick |
*signs |
23:26 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i mean the nodebox ones |
23:26 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
that also show the words |
23:26 |
EduardeCalibal |
Putz... My game crash after load any time... -.- |
23:26 |
ShadowNinja |
rarkenin: where did you put the code to change the light to be always 255, I know hmmmm was thinking of something like that, but he was doing it with the mapgen |
23:27 |
NotReallyNick |
So yes. Those are a pain to read, the default signs are better. |
23:27 |
rarkenin |
I was just doing it in light.cpp |
23:27 |
Menche |
the signs that show the words are nice, but you have to punch them to update sometimes |
23:27 |
VanessaE |
NotReallyNick: just make a bigger font then. |
23:27 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
but still it shows |
23:27 |
kaeza |
VanessaE, that's also partly how the famous "wall hacks" on FPS shooters used to work |
23:27 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
and same happens to me with regulr signs |
23:27 |
Menche |
i think they use entities? |
23:27 |
VanessaE |
Menche: yes |
23:28 |
NotReallyNick |
VanessaE: With a bigger font, nothing will fit on the sign. |
23:28 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
hehehe |
23:28 |
Menche |
ah, so the server "eats" the text entity when that block is unloaded |
23:28 |
Menche |
and you have to punch it to get it back |
23:28 |
VanessaE |
NotReallyNick: make the sign bigger ;) |
23:28 |
VanessaE |
really though, the problem is not the mod. |
23:29 |
Menche |
the text on the sign is nice, but the huge amounts of text you can have on the current signs is also nice |
23:29 |
Menche |
i like the multiline signs |
23:29 |
NotReallyNick |
VanessaE: So .. a mult-node sign? Why not stick with the current signs, which actually work? |
23:29 |
VanessaE |
the problem is the rendering engine being brain dead stupid at handling distance scaling. mipmap+aniso helps, but the engine still only uses nearest neighbor |
23:29 |
Menche |
and anisotropic doesn't work on all clients |
23:29 |
Menche |
on my laptop it's just fine, on my netbook it blurs everything |
23:30 |
Menche |
i though bilinear got enabled at first |
23:30 |
Menche |
*thought |
23:30 |
VanessaE |
on my machine, aniso blurs everything, but I only use it with high-rez textures. |
23:30 |
VanessaE |
well, blurs things in the distance, bilinear blurs further. |
23:31 |
rarkenin |
I don't like *linear filtering. |
23:31 |
rarkenin |
I do use anisotropic and shaders. |
23:31 |
Menche |
anything below 128x looks horrible with *linear |
23:31 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
everything is blurred for me but i like it |
23:31 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
and i like low res blur |
23:32 |
Menche |
mipmap+aniso is what i use |
23:32 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i use all |
23:32 |
Menche |
and fsaa |
23:33 |
Menche |
fsaa makes the selectionbox much smoother |
23:33 |
rarkenin |
I think nodes should be able to define their own shaders. |
23:34 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
what do shaders do? |
23:34 |
Menche |
grr, no menu option for fsaa, only in minetest.conf |
23:35 |
Menche |
jojoa1997|Tablet: something to do with lighting |
23:35 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
what fsaa do? |
23:35 |
Menche |
smooths the selectionbox |
23:35 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
what do i put in cof |
23:35 |
Menche |
also there's a difference on the horizon with fsaa |
23:35 |
Menche |
fsaa = 8 |
23:35 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
what 4 or 16 do? |
23:36 |
Menche |
yeah |
23:36 |
Menche |
4 isn't as noticable, 16 blurs everything |
23:36 |
Menche |
i think 8 is the best |
23:36 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
23:36 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i got to 5 digits on 0gb.us's server |
23:36 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
monument time |
23:38 |
NotReallyNick |
Digits? |
23:38 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
10000,0,10000 |
23:39 |
theTroy joined #minetest |
23:39 |
NotReallyNick |
I don't see why you all build so rediculously far away, but have fun! Did you see any jungles along the way? |
23:39 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i was 300 nodes away |
23:40 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
so not yet |
23:40 |
NakedFury |
in a server so other undesirables dont mess with our stuff |
23:40 |
NakedFury |
on my single game I build near spawn or where I find a cool place |
23:40 |
Menche |
IMO, if you build far away to avoid griefing, you may as well play singleplayer |
23:40 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i still havent found a good spot and |
23:40 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i have TONS of papyrus and clay |
23:41 |
NakedFury |
unless its a combat server and you want a secret hq and safe spot |
23:41 |
NotReallyNick |
If you find one, would you mind picking my up a sapling please? I only need one. Don't go looking for them for me, just if you happen to see one. |
23:41 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
find what |
23:41 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
and what are you saying |
23:41 |
Menche |
jungle sapling? |
23:41 |
NotReallyNick |
No one has found my base yet, even as close to the spawn area as it is. |
23:41 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
oh |
23:41 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
i have |
23:41 |
NotReallyNick |
Yeah, a jungle sapling. |
23:42 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
but i will not tell others |
23:42 |
NotReallyNick |
You found my base? where? |
23:42 |
NotReallyNick |
*Where? |
23:42 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
im not telling du secret |
23:42 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
and also i am not going there |
23:42 |
NotReallyNick |
PM it. I don't think what you found was my base. |
23:43 |
NotReallyNick |
The room behind the wall isn't my base. |
23:43 |
* Menche |
has the sudden urge to go on 0gb.us' server and scour the spawn area looking for it |
23:43 |
* NotReallyNick |
welcomes the challenge |
23:44 |
ShadowNinja |
lol, that didn't work: http://ubuntuone.com/0Pbj57vg8eYiWIePqOPADn |
23:44 |
NotReallyNick |
By the way, the slightly hidden thing under 7.5,7.5 is not my base, Menche. |
23:44 |
Menche |
??? |
23:44 |
Menche |
i haven't been on your server yet |
23:44 |
kaeza |
ShadowNinja, wat |
23:44 |
Menche |
ShadowNinja: what were you trying to do there? |
23:45 |
ShadowNinja |
make everything full light, I see the issue now |
23:45 |
kaeza |
custom skies? |
23:45 |
kaeza |
ah |
23:47 |
ShadowNinja |
why does changing a few charachters suddenly require a complete recompile? |
23:48 |
hmmmm |
rarkenin, there is a Mapgen method called setLighting() that you can use |
23:49 |
ShadowNinja |
hmm, now the ground is lit but the sky is brown |
23:50 |
hmmmm |
shadowninja, because you changed a header file that everything uses |
23:51 |
ShadowNinja |
yep, I guesed |
23:51 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
23:51 |
NotReallyNick |
Papyrus is no longer rare. Nothing to shout about. |
23:52 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
yes it is when you find it naturally |
23:53 |
ShadowNinja |
it works properly now |
23:53 |
Kacey |
get a piece and you have a farm now |
23:58 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
rarkenin |
23:58 |
jojoa1997|Tablet |
ypou should move to florida it is hot water 3/4 of the year |
23:59 |
NakedFury |
the other 1/4 is when you would actually want the hot water like in winter right? |
23:59 |
rarkenin |
Jojoa1997: I don't like hot weather. I can stand cold weather better. |
23:59 |
rarkenin |
And I have a heated inground pool anyway. |
23:59 |
rarkenin |
And a large school one in which I regularly practice. |