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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-02-18

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:01 Vadtec egad those blocks are hard on the eyes
00:01 Uberi nyancat tail :)
00:02 Jordach isp is no longer throttling
00:03 Vadtec thats what happened...a bunch of the -dev libs i had installed before were removed because they were out of date for 12.04...but it didnt bother installing the new versions during upgrade
00:03 Vadtec how brilliant
00:05 sapier Those of you interested in secure mods try out be aware that security needs to be enabled explicitly!
00:05 sapier It's far less invasive than old way of doing it but still will limit mods
00:07 Uberi nice, sapier
00:07 sapier you still won't be able to open /etc/passwd with this version ;-)
00:07 Uberi I can accept this one as a reasonable comprimise between security and functionality
00:07 Vadtec weeeeeeeee compiling with 6 cores ftw
00:08 sapier uberi this doesn't allow more than old one
00:08 Uberi sapier: yes, but backwards compatibility is VERY important
00:08 sapier it's not compatible at all if mods do things not allowed
00:09 Vadtec random though: give blocks UNIX style permissions and drive people nuts :P
00:09 sapier they'll get an error with this version too
00:11 sapier have a look at line 80 to 100 I've almost disabled whole os and io functions ... it'd be far less work to replace those 2 functions remaining ;-P
00:11 sapier vadtec this isn't about map content "security" at all it's about host system security
00:12 sokomine vadtec: we have that with some mods already :-) protected areas on multiplayer servers
00:12 Uberi although if you ask me, it should be the server owner's responsibility to check for mod integrity, rather than hobbling the modders :)
00:13 TwilightSparklee joined #minetest
00:13 sapier you'll reconsider after some mod got your passwords sent to some attackers server
00:14 Uberi you could say that for any program, really
00:14 sapier and uberi there's almost no way any server hoster could review any version of mobf
00:15 sapier uberi you shouldn't install arbitrary programs downloaded either ;-)
00:15 Uberi exactly
00:15 Uberi server owners should not install untrusted mods
00:15 sapier so they should install only simple mods in your opinion?
00:16 Vadtec sokomine: oh, my mistake, but i sitll think unix style perms would be hilarious
00:16 Vadtec for blocks :P
00:16 Uberi sapier: no no, trusted mods
00:17 Uberi to use the program analogy again, I download Firefox, which is not at all simple, and install it because I trust mozilla
00:17 sapier uberi I don't think you are aware what is neccesary to trust any binary data ?
00:17 Vadtec wooooooooooo! got connected to my local server
00:17 Uberi sapier: I'm quite aware, yes
00:17 Uberi Vadtec: congratulations :)
00:17 TwilightSparklee joined #minetest
00:18 Uberi go have fun and play around
00:18 sapier and lots of ppl already got malware because of failing to download from correct page and got protected by virus scanners
00:18 sapier bit there aren't any virus scanners around protecting agains lua mods
00:18 Vadtec Uberi: my goal now would be to implement BuildCraft, Industrial Craft, and RedPower from the mc community
00:18 Uberi Vadtec: no need :)
00:18 Uberi try Mesecons + Technic
00:19 * sokomine drops a few blocks of sand on vadtec :-)
00:19 Uberi sapier: virus scanners are about as effective at binary data as they are at lua mods (read: not very)
00:19 Uberi anyone can write a virus that gets past a scanner
00:19 sapier virus scanners are effective on standard attacks
00:19 sapier lua mods aren't standard attacks so they can't protect at all
00:20 Uberi neither are nonstandard viruses
00:20 sapier true but normal user isn't very likely to be attacked by a special virus
00:20 Vadtec Uberi: checking them out now
00:21 Uberi sapier: I saw a shellcode exploit recently that would serve up a different virus to every user, malware technology is coming a long way :P
00:21 sapier still it's not a big change for modders if they can only write files in world and user folder .. they shouldn't write anywhere else either ;-P
00:21 Uberi but yeah I see your point
00:21 Uberi I'm not complaining, but it's something that I am wondering about
00:22 Vadtec Uberi: so mesecons=red power (sorta), and technic=buildcraft/industrial craft (sorta)
00:22 sapier neither should a mod be allowed to delete any file
00:23 sapier or execute an application
00:23 Uberi sorta, yeah
00:24 Kacey joined #minetest
00:24 mauvebic that should kinda be up to server owners who chose their mods
00:24 Uberi sapier: as a sort of counterexample, I needed to execute mkdir in WE to save schematics
00:24 Uberi but of course the security is configurable
00:24 TwilightSparkl-1 joined #minetest
00:25 sapier you don't need it but I see it's comfortable
00:25 sapier still you'd be fine if you only could mkdir within world or user folder
00:25 Uberi sapier: no no, we do need it because lua has no way of creating folders
00:25 Uberi that's why I'm excited about the file API
00:26 sapier no you don't need it if it can be done by minetest api addition
00:26 Uberi exactly
00:26 Uberi but not a moment before
00:26 sapier there's no reason NOT to add this feature
00:26 Uberi but first the file API needs to be added
00:27 Uberi as well as the ability to do the number of myriad legitimate things that we used that functionality for
00:27 sokomine such a feature would be great, yes. it's annoying if mods have to know which os they run on just to execute the right shell command to get a directory...
00:27 Uberi plus things like the IRC mod must be made possible somehow
00:28 Uberi so that means we need some sort of controlled support for external libs
00:28 Uberi or a network API
00:28 sapier uberi you'll always find a thing you have forgotton this is no excuse for not adding security
00:29 Uberi sapier: it's no excuse for making a whole bunch of existing mods impossible, either, though
00:29 sapier if you wan't security you'll have to disable anything first and enable features as you need them and think about any function you enable
00:29 Vadtec is the list of server commands on the wiki mostly accurate? or should i be looking elsewhere for server commands?
00:29 Uberi Vadtec: try /help
00:29 sapier if you enable everything you'll always forget some function
00:29 Uberi it will list all commands currently installed
00:29 Vadtec Uberi: thanks
00:29 Uberi no problem :)
00:30 sapier a whole bunch? there are at most 3 mods out there that couln't do without this
00:30 sapier most are just to lazy to do it correct
00:30 Vadtec :o i cant use /grant lol
00:30 Vadtec think im about to have to edit a config file
00:30 Uberi sapier: how do you propose we use the IRC mod without network access?
00:31 sapier network access is something inherently dangerous
00:31 Uberi so the IRC mod should be made impossible as a result then?
00:31 VanessaE only if your networking libraries etc are weak
00:32 Uberi yep
00:32 sapier I don't know of any network librarys with capabilitys to verify destination
00:32 VanessaE the problem isn't verifying anything - the problem is exploiting what's at the remote end
00:32 VanessaE if the remote's network stack, server utils, etc. are weak, they can be compromised
00:33 Uberi but why do we need to verify the destination?
00:33 sapier but network is a different problem ... if network support is wanted this library should be added to core and loading enabled per config setting
00:33 VanessaE I agree.
00:33 Uberi any remote code executed is in the sandbox of security, yes?
00:33 VanessaE the engine should have some kind of basic networking library that mods can hook into
00:33 Uberi yes, that's my point
00:33 sapier you don't open up your garage door in dangerous neighbourhood just to let your dog pass whenever he wants
00:33 VanessaE Uberi: dunno, but if your server runs as an unprivileged user, like mine does, what can a hacker possibly do but maybe wipe out files associated with that user?
00:34 VanessaE (which backups exist for)
00:34 Uberi VanessaE: not even that, since we are assuming the hacker's code runs in a sandbox
00:34 Uberi so there is really no risk of allowing network access, technically
00:34 Uberi since you already assume the code is untrusted and possibly malicious
00:34 sapier currently he's able to try all those local exploits available ... and local exploits aren't fixed as fast as remote vulnerabilities
00:35 sapier uberi hackers code isn't running in a sandbox atm
00:35 sapier lua isn't a sandbox at all
00:35 Uberi then that's a sandbox deficiency, is it not?
00:35 Uberi (oh I refer the the secure env as a sandbox, btw)
00:35 sapier no lua just isn't designed to be a sandbox
00:36 sapier what do you mean with "secure env"
00:36 Uberi sapier: the environment in which the patch has disabled all dangerous functionality
00:36 Vadtec i missing something, i set my privs to all in the auth.txt file and restarted the server
00:37 Vadtec the /privs command says i have all privs
00:37 Uberi yes, Vadtec?
00:37 Vadtec but i still cant use fast move
00:37 Vadtec nor does /grant work
00:37 Uberi did you press Shift + J?
00:37 Vadtec no, just j
00:37 sapier ok this should slow down hackers
00:37 Uberi try Shift + J
00:37 Vadtec either one tells me "no fastmove privs"
00:38 Uberi sapier: slow down hackers?
00:38 Uberi if the hackers can get around the sandbox remotely, a mod can do the same thing
00:38 sapier no sandbox is perfect uberi
00:38 Uberi then how do the theoretical malicious hackers get around it?
00:39 Vadtec Uberi: it tells me i dont have the "fast" priv, and /grant Vadtec fast tells me i dont have enough privs to do that
00:39 sapier buffer overflows, fill filesystem ... some things I haven't seen when creating sandbox ... I can't disable raw access functions for example as all those register functions depend on it
00:40 Uberi Vadtec: do you have the server priv?
00:40 Vadtec in auth.txt i set my priv to all
00:41 Uberi hmm, maybe try adding server
00:41 Uberi sapier: I hope you don't mind my playing devil's advocate, but buffer overflows in that code would also leave it vulnerable to buffer overflows in the remote media fetching, right?
00:44 sapier of course
00:45 Uberi as well as a bunch of other networking code in Minetest itself, as a result
00:45 * Jordach has finally worked out blander
00:45 Jordach blender
00:45 Uberi (I know, MT doesn't use curl for most networking stuff, but in theory)
00:45 Vadtec Uberi: i added all,privs,server to my auth and i can do stuff now
00:45 sapier I've added mkdir rmdir and remove support to security patches
00:45 sapier limited to user and world folder of course
00:46 sapier anything else (except of networking) you require uberi?
00:46 Uberi sapier: no no, I didn't need much along those lines, but I did want to share my concerns with you
00:47 sapier yes and I do value your concerns as they are legit I've added this
00:47 Uberi thanks :)
00:47 sapier still if someone asks for execute permission I don't consider this a legit operation for a mod
00:48 Uberi the main purpose is to reduce these hacky workarounds and provide better ways to do them
00:49 sapier execute to do dir operations is a hack so adding this feature was already necessar
00:49 sapier y
00:49 Uberi yeah
00:50 sapier it's os.mkdir and os.rmdir now ... ok I haven't tested it
00:50 Uberi ooh, nice
00:50 Uberi is there also a directory listing method?
00:50 sapier plz try and tell me if it's going to work (it's available with security enabled only)
00:52 * Jordach tries to make a nice model and ends up with a nuke
00:52 MiJyn Jordach, nice! xD
00:52 Uberi Jordach: make that a mod!
00:53 Jordach ...just gave it a wingtip
00:53 Uberi nuke with wingtip!
00:55 Jordach impaling spikes now
00:56 MiJyn haha
00:56 MiJyn ok
00:57 Vadtec is it just my install, or does stuff rendering in the distance not render consitently? like, i can see whats under the water at the edge of the render zone, but the water itself hasnt rendered
00:58 NekoGloop Yup.
00:58 Vadtec NekoGloop: it me or the rendering engine?
00:58 Vadtec lol
00:59 NekoGloop the rendering is borked
00:59 Vadtec kk
01:01 Vadtec awwww, you cant fly under water
01:01 Vadtec lol
01:02 Uberi Vadtec: do you have worldedit yet?
01:02 Vadtec Uberi: nope, im still playing with stock MT
01:03 Uberi ah, well then I might be a little biased, but WE and Mesecons are essential to the MT experience :)
01:04 Vadtec eeep...i just flew through a whole big mountain
01:04 Vadtec what happened to the collision detection lol
01:05 Uberi you have fly mode on
01:05 Uberi do you have noclip?
01:05 Vadtec theres a whole big section of blocks i can just fly through lol
01:05 Vadtec noclip priv? or a mod?
01:05 RealBadAngel noclip is a priv
01:05 RealBadAngel toggled with H
01:06 Vadtec i guess, since i gave my self "all"
01:06 Vadtec but...why can i fly through blocks but not water with novlip?
01:06 Vadtec noclip*
01:06 RealBadAngel answer is 42
01:07 Uberi you can't fly through water? what happens?
01:07 Vadtec when i get to the water i stop and cant pass through it
01:07 Vadtec i just did /revoke Vadtec noclip
01:07 Vadtec and i can still fly through these blocks
01:07 Uberi hmm that is pretty strange
01:07 Vadtec i wonder...
01:08 Vadtec im using mt0.4.4 client
01:08 Vadtec and when i start it, it says it might not be fully compatible with the server im connected to
01:08 Vadtec which i installed that version Jordach linked me earlier
01:09 Vadtec could that be the issue?
01:09 RealBadAngel propably he gave you link to newer build
01:09 Vadtec oh wait!
01:09 RealBadAngel 0.4.4 is latest stable
01:09 Vadtec the wiki says "K" is fly
01:09 Uberi shift K
01:09 Vadtec but when i press it in the client it says "free move"
01:09 Uberi that's basically what fly is
01:10 Vadtec but is that supposed to disable collision detection like that?
01:10 RealBadAngel no
01:10 RealBadAngel collision detection is toggled with noclip priv
01:10 bas080 joined #minetest
01:10 RealBadAngel H on your keyboard
01:10 Vadtec well there is a section about 128x128 in size i can fly through even with noclip turned off
01:11 Vadtec H does nothing for me, and i even revoked noclip for my self
01:11 RealBadAngel what is the build of server?
01:12 Vadtec ummm, sec
01:12 Vadtec RealBadAngel: Jordach linked me this:
01:13 Vadtec 0.4.4-d1
01:13 Vadtec according to the client
01:13 RealBadAngel so you have compiled latest from source and connectin with 0.4.4 stable to it?
01:13 RealBadAngel why?
01:14 Vadtec because the server is on linux and I dont have a cross compile enviro setup atm and my client is on win7
01:14 RealBadAngel hold on a sec
01:14 Uberi Vadtec: try a nightly windows build
01:15 RealBadAngel
01:15 RealBadAngel pick your download from here
01:16 RealBadAngel latest, of course
01:16 VanessaE joined #minetest
01:17 Vadtec <--- i assume is latest?
01:17 Vadtec derp
01:17 Vadtec ignore me
01:17 Vadtec didnt read far enough
01:18 * Vadtec gives himself a durka durka badge for the day
01:20 * VanessaE kicks her computer for being stupid
01:20 RealBadAngel watch it, it can kick you back ;)
01:20 Vadtec or it might format itself
01:20 Vadtec however, HITTING a computer is perfectly safe
01:21 Vadtec they just do what they are told when they get hit
01:21 Uberi yeah it'll open the CD tray and shoot out CDs like razor blades
01:22 RealBadAngel and let the mouse bite you
01:22 VanessaE in that case I'll go to the store and buy a shotgun. :-)
01:22 Vadtec when i run that nightly build i get "the ordinal 55 could not be located in the DLL zlib1.dll"
01:22 Vadtec and then it exits when i click ok
01:23 RealBadAngel ? funny, broken build? try next one to latest
01:24 RealBadAngel
01:24 RealBadAngel or try this one
01:25 VanessaE also, I'm gonna shoot the moron who decided that file:///blahblah/blah/blah%20foo%2cbar%20and%20baz was a smart way to handle LOCAL filee
01:25 VanessaE files*
01:25 Vadtec same error from 2nd to latest, lemme try that other link then
01:26 Vadtec if i had a decent compiler for win id just do that lol
01:27 Uberi left #minetest
01:29 Vadtec RealBadAngel: that last link worked (started)
01:29 Vadtec lemme check out the collision detection
01:29 Vadtec MUCH better :P
01:30 Vadtec so i guess the current nightly is busted lol
01:30 RealBadAngel propably some libraries not included
01:30 RealBadAngel
01:31 Vadtec ah
01:31 * Vadtec bookmarks
01:31 RealBadAngel go level up
01:31 RealBadAngel there are 3 topics with windows builds
01:32 Vadtec i just need to get something like cygwin or my cross compile envrio setup again
01:32 Vadtec then i can build on my own
01:32 RealBadAngel better compile on linux
01:32 Vadtec but damn cross compile is a bitch to keep current
01:34 mrtux I just compiled Minetest on my arch linux computer
01:35 mrtux and when I ran it and connected to a server
01:35 mrtux the display started screwing up
01:35 mrtux and minetest segfaulted.
01:35 mrtux Do I need the propietary nvidia drivers?
01:36 RealBadAngel you should try them
01:36 mrtux okay.
01:37 mrtux I guess you would think it would work as my graphics card is old.
01:40 brandy joined #minetest
01:41 telek mrtux: Actually the nvidia open source drivers are better with 2 year old cards and worse with both newer and older cards I believe.
01:41 mrtux I have a Nvidia GeForce FX 5200.
01:42 mrtux on the arch wiki it says:
01:42 mrtux For GeForce 5 FX series cards [NV30-NV38], install nvidia-173xx package, available in the AUR.
01:42 mrtux should be what I need I think.
01:44 telek Yeah
01:44 mrtux okay
01:44 mrtux thanks.
01:44 telek Beats ATI anyhow.
01:44 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
01:44 mrtux yeah
01:44 telek If the open source drivers don't work you're SOL because the FGLRX drivers only run on whatever 5 kernel minors they were compiled during (if that)
01:45 telek And only that particular xorg revision.
01:45 mrtux alright.
01:52 Vadtec is there a complete list of items in stock MT somewhere? looking on the wiki im only finding partial lists
01:52 Vadtec and a lot of mod stuff it seems
01:55 Vadtec wow caves in MT are...big...and dangerous
01:55 Vadtec glad i can fly lol
02:02 Vadtec so does anyone have the list of items?
02:03 Vadtec
02:03 Vadtec a lot of those arent working
02:03 Vadtec like "pick_steel"
02:04 hmmmm joined #minetest
02:04 VanessaE you have to prepend them with 'default".
02:04 VanessaE default:pick_mese and so on
02:04 Vadtec oh, even if you arent using mods i guess
02:05 VanessaE yup
02:05 VanessaE because default IS a mod.
02:05 sokomine the invasion of npc...
02:05 Vadtec VanessaE: ah, gotcha
02:07 Vadtec i really like the cave algo in MT
02:07 Vadtec it makes for some realistic caves and such
02:09 RealBadAngel Vadtec, install this mod
02:09 sokomine they might be realistic. i think they're a bit big...
02:09 RealBadAngel read the post about install
02:09 Vadtec RealBadAngel: yer a godsend, i was looking for a mod just like that lol
02:09 RealBadAngel then click on craft, then item to the lelft
02:10 sokomine optimal for players who want to live underground...else...huge and a distraction from mining
02:10 RealBadAngel it will tell you item name
02:10 VanessaE RealBadAngel: that reminds me:  you need to allow for someone to move an item from their inventory into the crafting result slot when in Craft Guide mode
02:11 VanessaE so they don't have to find and select it from the creative inventory
02:11 Vadtec sokomine: as someone who enjoys playing dwarven chacaters in D&D and games...hehe, i dont mind caves
02:12 Vadtec so...MT isnt braindead stupid about mods like MC is right? basically just drop them in the mods dir and reload your client and they work without a bunch of BS...
02:15 Vadtec RealBadAngel: question, since im running a server, do I need to put that mod on the server?
02:15 Vadtec or my client?
02:15 RealBadAngel server
02:15 Vadtec and still delete the /creative folder
02:16 RealBadAngel /games/minetest_game/mods/creative
02:17 Vadtec right
02:18 Vadtec wow thats nice
02:18 Vadtec specially since it can be loaded from the server
02:19 Vadtec being able to load mods from the server is damn handy imo
02:19 Vadtec makes it so much easier to ensure consistent clients
02:20 VanessaE they don't load from the server, as such
02:20 VanessaE just the images/sounds/models
02:20 VanessaE the code still runs on the server.
02:20 RealBadAngel VanessaE, updated UI in technic with that feature
02:20 VanessaE RealBadAngel: thanks
02:21 RealBadAngel it work only in creative of course ;)
02:22 VanessaE right
02:22 Vadtec VanessaE: so...all mods could technically be run from the server? or are there still mods that would be client side?
02:22 VanessaE they always run from the server
02:22 Vadtec oh sweet
02:22 VanessaE there are no client-side mods.
02:23 sokomine vadtec: then you'll surely enjoy those large caves :-)
02:23 RealBadAngel even single player game means that server is launched on local
02:23 VanessaE when you're in single player mode, you're technically running a server + client at the same time, the game just doesn't make a big deal of it
02:23 Vadtec right, i get that
02:23 Vadtec but i wasnt aware the client is nothing more than a GUI per se
02:23 Vadtec and that mods are running on the server itself
02:23 VanessaE though there has been a lot of talk lately about making client-side mods possible, not sure what the progress is on that front.
02:24 Vadtec i for one hope it doesnt happen
02:24 Vadtec for a myriad of reasons
02:24 RealBadAngel those could be good for gfx mods
02:24 sokomine hm, maybe you could call some ways of cheating "mods" on the client side (i.e. flying without that priv)
02:24 Vadtec foremost being the ease of making sure your clients have everything necessary to connect to your server
02:24 Vadtec and that there are no version conflicts etc
02:25 RealBadAngel or for mods like ambience
02:25 VanessaE oh nonono I think the idea behind client-side mods would be, for example, particles
02:25 VanessaE things that only you need to see/hear
02:25 * sokomine nods to vanessa
02:25 VanessaE ambiance is another good example of something that ought to be client-side
02:25 Vadtec im going to use mc as an example...there was a server I played on that ran buildcraft and industrial craft...if the mc client didnt match EXACTLY what the server had, you couldnt even connect
02:26 Vadtec ok, ambiance etc i agree with
02:26 sokomine true. would save downloading their data (which is annoying especially if you don't want to hear anything and have speakers off)
02:26 Vadtec but as for functionality, that all needs to be server side
02:27 sokomine vadtec: sounds more trouble than in mt. in mt, you ought to have a version of client roughly suitable to the server as far as version goes. even that is not very strict anymore
02:27 RealBadAngel but on the other hand when using music player on a server it was fun
02:27 VanessaE Vadtec: the difference between that and MT is that MT doesn't do versioning by mod content
02:27 RealBadAngel when i was getting close to players house that listened to some music, it was getting louder
02:28 RealBadAngel pretty neat
02:28 Vadtec VanessaE: i was referrign to the fact that you had server side libs and client side libs that had to match *exactly* in order for you to even connect
02:28 Vadtec if the server updated and you didnt, you were screwed
02:28 VanessaE right, see that doesn't happen with MT
02:28 VanessaE and won't.
02:28 VanessaE because we don't mix up the concept of client-side vs. server-side.
02:28 Vadtec and never mind all the mod conflicts n crap like that
02:29 Vadtec i may have to fully learn LUA now
02:29 RealBadAngel if you want to do so just read other mods
02:29 VanessaE do it.  you'll be glad you did.
02:29 Vadtec if thats all it takes to make mods for MT (in a nutshell) Ill finally have a reason to add it to my list of langs i know
02:30 VanessaE yup, that's all it takes - Lua and knowledge of the minetest modding API
02:30 Vadtec though the old school coder in me really wants to dive back into C/C++ land and have fun there
02:30 VanessaE skills in texturing and audio mastering are helpful though
02:30 RealBadAngel sure, i went same way
02:30 Vadtec or maybe not...ive been in Python land for a very long time now, i dont know if i can tolerate C++ any more lol
02:30 RealBadAngel lotsa fun coding for the engine
02:31 sokomine i do have a question about spawning (if there is already a good function for that): i have an area (maybe 10x10 nodes width) with a house in it and want to spawn an npc there. what i need is a way to locate a space in that area that has (from bottom to top) ground to stand on, air, air (basicly: space for the npc to exist)
02:31 Vadtec i suppose if i wanted to try and kill my self i could try to do a python interface lol
02:32 RealBadAngel look for ground node in given radius
02:32 RealBadAngel take its pos and check 2 nodes above if its air
02:34 sokomine ground may vary depending on what the house is build of. so maybe i ought to take just a random position, check that and either go up or down. hm. roofs might be problematic
02:34 Vadtec RealBadAngel: maybe im being trying to craft a chest using your mod, but when I click craft, i dont get anything, and dragging it doesnt seem to work either
02:35 RealBadAngel craft is name of tab
02:35 sokomine you usually craft a chest by filling your crafting grid with wooden planks - except for the middle slot. that one remains empty. if you want a locked chest, put a steel_ingot there
02:35 RealBadAngel press this button to show crafting grids
02:35 VanessaE RealBadAngel: change "Craft" to "Crafting"
02:35 sokomine that's the same way as in mc
02:35 VanessaE to say "Craft" does sort of imply an action rather than a capability
02:36 Vadtec sokomine: i get
02:36 sokomine many receipes are at least similar
02:36 sokomine ok :-)
02:36 Vadtec RealBadAngel: yeah, thats the confusion, i thought Craft meant it would make the item
02:36 Vadtec not that it was a tab
02:36 sokomine you do pull that thing with the mouse into your inventory. guess that counts as "craft" :-)
02:36 RealBadAngel i will change that in the future, need to make bar there instead of buttons
02:36 sokomine ah, crafting guide. ok
02:37 Vadtec the thing is, when i click on the chest in the list on the left, it takes me to the crafting guide
02:37 Vadtec or is this mod just a guide and doesnt do it for you
02:38 Vadtec i guess its intended functionality isnt clear to me
02:38 Vadtec i liken it to CraftBook for MC
02:38 MiJyn we all like cheap golf clubs on minetest forums, don't we?
02:38 MiJyn :P
02:39 MiJyn wait, they aren'
02:39 MiJyn *aren't cheap.... dang.... oh well, I like having pro's golf clubs :P
02:39 sokomine maybe someone wants to build a mod for a golf course :-)
02:40 MiJyn haha hmm, that'd actaully be a cool idea!
02:40 MiJyn *actually
02:41 RealBadAngel if you are in surrival mode clickin an item in list shows you crafting
02:41 Vadtec RealBadAngel: pretty sure im not in survival as there are no mobs :P
02:41 RealBadAngel when you are in creative it places full stack of it into your inventory
02:42 Vadtec weird
02:42 Vadtec how do i know which mode im in?
02:42 NekoGloop there ARE no mobs.
02:42 RealBadAngel youre in surrival mode, mobs are added by mods too
02:43 Vadtec ok...someone take my head, place it between a door and a door frame...and get all these misconceptions about MT because ive played MC out of my head
02:43 Vadtec please
02:43 VanessaE NekoGloop: only remember that there is no MOB, it is only you that attacks players.
02:43 VanessaE no, that doesn't work does it.
02:43 VanessaE :)
02:45 Vadtec hmmmmmm, i think i found a bug with the client im using...if you open a chest, you cant move with WASD until you move the mouse
02:45 VanessaE old bug.
02:45 VanessaE everyone has that issue.
02:45 Vadtec well at least i found it :P i wouldnt be a good programmer if i didnt
02:46 VanessaE it happens almost anywhere that a formspec is used
02:46 VanessaE chests, furnaces, etc
02:46 ShadowNinja bigger bug, sometimes the chest gets replaced by what you are holding
02:46 ShadowNinja as if it were buildable to
02:47 VanessaE yeah I've seen that happen with other nodes also on rare occasion
02:48 telek Oh another issue with the current physics code.
02:48 telek Jumping out of water gives you superspeed moving forward?
02:48 VanessaE this apparently is intentional, but a little buggy in my opinion
02:48 telek Also e keeps making foot noises when you're already touching the 'bottom' of a pool of water.
02:49 telek Same here.
02:49 VanessaE I ain't a fricken DOLPHIN damn it :-)
02:49 telek :)
02:49 telek That actually would be a BENEFIT of the code if you could recreate normal behavior in it.
02:49 telek Allow multiple player 'races' with different physics for different types of materials.
02:50 Vadtec so, mod question (for my own reference) does MT handle mods creating items? is there some sort of conflict resolution to handle random mods adding random items?
02:50 telek Like humans who're slower on stone than dwarves, elves who're faster on grass/in forests, etc.
02:50 telek Vadtec: First come first served I believe.
02:51 telek Well for recipes, I think it'll throw errors on duplicate item definitions.
02:51 Vadtec so its still possible for items to collide
02:51 sokomine every item has a name in the form modname:itemname
02:52 Vadtec so items arent really numbered, but instead are referred to by name
02:52 sokomine accidental collusion would thus only occour if two mods bear the same name
02:52 Vadtec ergo, no conflicts unless two mods are named the same with the same items
02:52 sokomine right. there's no numbering. only naming
02:52 Vadtec very nice
02:53 Vadtec numbering should be an internal thing only, not something the mod user has to deal with
02:53 sokomine if you remove a mod from your server, your world will contain unknown items. if you add that mod back, the unknown items will become known again
02:54 Vadtec that could lead to some interesting things lol
02:54 sokomine that's about the only situation where modnames are overloaded (to keep compatibilty with older versions). that's very intentional then to keep things working :-)
02:54 Vadtec make a massive bridge....get all yer people on it...restart server sans bridge evil :P
02:56 VanessaE wouldn't do anything.
02:56 VanessaE the bridge would just turn into unknown blocks.
02:56 Vadtec oh
02:56 Vadtec well...not as fun then
02:57 Vadtec i guess id have to load another mod that made those blocks into air then lol
02:58 sokomine too much work. just change the walkable-property of the node your bridge is made out of
02:58 Vadtec heh
02:59 Vadtec the fact that i can add mods to the server and my kids can use them without me having to maintain their clients is gonna be golden
03:00 Vadtec i have an old dell lappy thats like a 1.6Ghz with 1.5-2G of ram
03:00 Vadtec would that be enough to run MT (client) on?
03:00 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
03:00 jojoa1997 olcoder
03:01 ShadowNinja Vadec: yes
03:01 ShadowNinja and server
03:01 Vadtec sweet! now both my kids can have a lappy to play MT on...they have had to share the one good lappy i have lol
03:01 ShadowNinja mt is designed to use little resources
03:02 Vadtec of course, its not written in java with its moronic garbage collector that doesnt work
03:02 Vadtec well
03:02 ShadowNinja a better computer will give you nicer graphics though
03:02 Vadtec rephrase, its moronic garbage collector that java programmers dont know how to use properly
03:03 ShadowNinja I personaly use a i5 with 2.5 or so ghz and builtin grphics
03:03 ShadowNinja graphics*
03:03 Vadtec i have my lenovo lappy thats an i5 3.2ghz with 4g of ram and a fairly decent GPU
03:04 Vadtec and then that old dell lappy
03:04 ShadowNinja then you should have no trouble
03:04 Vadtec my kids are gonna love this
03:04 Vadtec do you take screen shots in MT? print screen like normal?
03:05 ShadowNinja f12
03:05 Vadtec ah
03:05 Vadtec the landscaping in MT is so much better than MC
03:05 ShadowNinja new mapgen v6
03:06 ShadowNinja v7 comming soon...
03:06 Vadtec i can only hope v7 is even more kick ass
03:07 Vadtec maybe i can get volcanos and/or meteor craters in v8 :P
03:07 ShadowNinja do you have mt runnibg now?
03:07 ShadowNinja running*
03:07 Vadtec yeah
03:07 NekoGloop joined #minetest
03:08 Vadtec screwing around with stock MT for now
03:08 Vadtec was gonna get more familiar with it
03:09 Vadtec then look at some of the mods people have mentioned today
03:09 ShadowNinja want to try a server?
03:09 Vadtec sure
03:10 Vadtec man...i really LIKE the idea that i can connect to any server i want and dont have to dick around with the client trying to get it to work
03:10 ShadowNinja try
03:10 VanessaE aw y u no point him to my server? :-(
03:11 NekoGloop Because your server is later than last stable.
03:11 ShadowNinja I was thinking survival
03:11 VanessaE heh true
03:11 RealBadAngel hes not using stable
03:11 ShadowNinja I would recomend latest git
03:11 Vadtec im using whatever RealBadAngel linked me to
03:11 Vadtec but i have the latest stable on my machine
03:11 Vadtec if thats what id need
03:12 VanessaE I don't think my server works with stable :-)
03:12 RealBadAngel hes using latest builds
03:12 ShadowNinja go to forums > general disucission > sfan5/xyz/PilzAdams builds
03:13 NekoGloop He'd need to be using a proper os, ShadowNinja.
03:13 ShadowNinja he has latest?
03:13 Vadtec lol
03:13 Vadtec well said NekoGloop
03:13 Vadtec i have minetest-0.4.4-win32 from the MT website
03:13 Vadtec and minetest-2013.02.16-8d920dd09b from RealBadAngel
03:13 NekoGloop Ah, he is using a proper os.
03:14 RealBadAngel NekoGloop, he has linux too :P
03:14 ShadowNinja well that will do, you just won't be able to use locked chests
03:14 Vadtec RealBadAngel: only as a VPS on this win7 box sadly
03:14 NekoGloop Burn.
03:14 Vadtec but i bet mt would still run decently even via the VPS window
03:14 hmmmm Windows is a defective product, don't see why anybody would use it.  They'd have to be stupid to.
03:14 hmmmm ;-)
03:15 ShadowNinja comming on?
03:15 Vadtec hmmmm: one word: Skyrim
03:15 hmmmm That was sorta targeted at Neko
03:15 Vadtec ShadowNinja: which version do i need to use? 0.4.4-win32?
03:15 ShadowNinja that will work
03:15 Vadtec hmmmm: lol, well my reason still stands :P
03:16 ShadowNinja you can get locked chests working if you upgrade though
03:16 NekoGloop hmmmm: I only want to be able to play every computer game in the history of ever.
03:16 VanessaE hmmmm: that emerge patch you had me try definitely helped - I've since ended up back in upstream master, and of course the map loader barfs periodically.
03:16 telek VanessaE: Does the conifer mod interfere with your moretrees mod?
03:16 TorpedoSkyline joined #minetest
03:16 VanessaE telek: no, but if you have moretrees, you don't need conifers.  Moretrees will fill in for it.
03:17 VanessaE at least it'll define the nodes etc. anyway
03:17 Vadtec ShadowNinja: locked chests arent important right now, learning MT is
03:17 telek Oh cool.
03:17 Vadtec :P
03:17 hmmmm vanessa, i'm not done with the emerge stuff yet.
03:17 VanessaE note that moretrees uses a bunch of aliases, so it'll convert conifers trees to moretrees naming convention.
03:17 VanessaE hmmmm:  I know, no rush.  Just pointing out that your code definitely worked well.
03:17 telek Yeah that's fine :)
03:18 VanessaE telek: ditto for bas080's jungle trees mod.  moretrees covers that one also, though I need to radically increase the number of generated jungle trees.
03:18 Nikondork_ joined #minetest
03:18 hmmmm have a paper to write and other work to do, but i just need to finish up the thread priority stuff and i should be good
03:19 telek Sweet VanessaE, helps consolidate possible points of failure :)
03:19 hmmmm i'm not sure if it'll work on Linux right out of the box, i keep hearing about problems with NPTL
03:19 VanessaE wow I'm so spoiled.  I just had to resort to using my secondary (spinning rust) drive to process a bunch of large files because my SSD hasn't enough free space and G*D IS IT SLOW by comparison :-)
03:20 TheBonsai joined #minetest
03:21 telek VanessaE: Yep, yep they are :D
03:21 telek Flipside though is unlike SSDs they've got the potential to last longer (or shorter) with as many 'write cycle' issues.
03:21 VanessaE eh not really
03:21 telek s/with/without/
03:22 VanessaE in practice, an SSD will last you for years and years
03:25 roboman2444 joined #minetest
03:26 telek I don't remember what size, but I'd heard maybe 120-240gig was good for like ~14 terabytes of write cycles (I think total, not per cell)
03:26 telek I could burn through that in a year or two given enough compiles, swapping, etc.
03:26 NekoGloop An ssd is what, precisely?
03:27 hmmmm i've heard a lot about SSDs failing prematurely
03:27 telek Is the unified_inventory in Calinou's modpack the same as the one RBA just released?
03:27 telek Solid State Drive.
03:27 telek Flash memory like in your cell phone, or the bios for your computer.
03:27 hmmmm it's incredible how something that by all logic would be more reliable, isn't
03:27 Menche joined #minetest
03:28 telek It's realiable as a pseudo read-only material
03:28 hmmmm i didn't get an SSD for my new computer even though i could've gotten a 128gb samsung 830 for $80
03:28 VanessaE I've been using an OCZ Vertex2 60GB one for a while.  it works well
03:28 telek But flash due to it's mechanics has a limited number of writes before you basically break down the silicon gates inside of it.
03:29 hmmmm haha OCZ
03:29 hmmmm OCZ has poor reliability from what i've seen
03:30 RealBadAngel telek, what modpack?
03:30 VanessaE hmmmm: seems to work fine for me.
03:30 jojoa1997 left #minetest
03:31 VanessaE of course, I got mine before the reliability issues started :-)
03:31 telek RBA D'oh :D
03:32 telek It's your technic modpack, I mixed it up because I was updating calinou's at the same time and forgot which dir I'd seen it in :D
03:32 RealBadAngel only modpack UI is in is technic
03:32 RealBadAngel hehe
03:32 RealBadAngel i pushed to technic some Nore's frames related code
03:34 telek The crash related to unloaded nodes is gone right?
03:34 VanessaE yeah
03:34 telek I had that happened with like every mod I had installed.
03:34 telek Was driving me nuts since it's strictly a runtime issue, so it doesn't happen until somebody goes somewhere to trigger it/times it right.
03:35 telek Really need a better in-game way to verify version numbers for mods.
03:35 telek Or maybe just standardize on git and have a way for the server to just iterate through mod dirs and do git fetch during reboots.
03:36 telek Does the visible player armor support custom skins itself, or is it strictly default skin?
03:37 VanessaE default only
03:37 VanessaE and even then, it's a custom skin
03:37 VanessaE :(
03:37 VanessaE it has visible weilded item support
03:37 VanessaE but since I use player_textures, well, it ain't a-gonna work :(
03:39 Menche talking about the armor mod? the wielded item support didn't always update for me
03:41 telek Yeah
03:42 telek I may wait on it.
03:45 NekoGloop joined #minetest
03:45 Vadtec after seeing ShadowNinja's server, i may never go back to MC again
03:46 Vadtec so many cool features, and all i had to do was connect
03:46 Vadtec *gasm*
03:47 VanessaE now try mine :D
03:47 VanessaE over 2400 defined items/nodes, creative mode
03:48 VanessaE </brag>
03:48 Vadtec you know how to give a geek a heart attack
03:48 Vadtec lol
03:48 Vadtec i think ShadowNinja pinged lol
03:48 Vadtec HA
03:48 Vadtec see
03:48 VanessaE heh
03:49 Vadtec is there a minimap mod for MT?
03:49 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
03:49 VanessaE kinda-sorta but not really
03:49 Vadtec i used Rei's Minimap in MC
03:49 Vadtec wb ShadowNinja
03:49 VanessaE that's one that we haven't really figured out yet
03:49 Menche i think there is one
03:49 VanessaE Pilzadam wrote one that uses minetestmapper,
03:49 VanessaE but it only updates when you tell it to, outside of the game
03:49 Menche isn't pure lua and needs linux?
03:50 VanessaE Menche: correct.
03:50 VanessaE if I understand correctly.
03:50 telek How's the 'landup' mod?
03:50 VanessaE either way it isn't a realtime map.
03:50 VanessaE telek: never used it, but it looks nice.  However, it probably won't be needed anymore soon
03:50 Menche i imagine it would be awkward for a really large
03:50 * telek nods.
03:50 Menche *map
03:51 VanessaE hmmmm: do any of those mapgen tweaks in map_meta.txt affect the terrain the way landup does?
03:55 hmmmm what's landup?
03:55 NekoGloop Once we FINALLY have a 0.4.5 </onlythemillionthtimei'vesaidthis>
03:55 VanessaE
03:55 VanessaE hmmmm: ^^
03:57 hmmmm yes it does
03:59 hmmmm eek
03:59 VanessaE which part? ;-)
03:59 hmmmm omg
04:00 hmmmm it must take forever to generate with that
04:00 VanessaE the "Each 80x80x80 surface chunk [...] may crash the game."  part? ;-)
04:00 hmmmm that i did not even see
04:00 hmmmm and all of this is taking place while it's holding an envlock
04:00 VanessaE yup
04:00 hmmmm which means the server thread doesn't progress at all
04:00 hmmmm the entire game is basically at a screeching halt
04:00 Menche joined #minetest
04:01 * Menche pulled the plug out of a computer that didn't have a battery :P
04:01 hmmmm while this does super slow math operations on top of already super slow lua
04:01 VanessaE oops haha
04:01 VanessaE hmmmm: think you can replicate the effects of this mod in C++?
04:01 hmmmm easily, with two lines of configuration
04:01 VanessaE impressive
04:03 hmmmm ah nevermind
04:03 hmmmm it streches things
04:03 VanessaE *nod*
04:03 hmmmm you can get the land look like the mod but you can't get the strech effect that it does
04:04 VanessaE well I expect the stretch is more of a side effect than a primary feature
04:04 hmmmm no it's a feature
04:04 hmmmm see the "copy up" part
04:04 VanessaE *re-reads*
04:05 Menche adjusting the water height in constants.h kind of stretches the land. sorta hackish but can make impressive maps.
04:05 Menche the sea level ends up lower
04:05 hmmmm adjusting water height in constants.h does nothing anymore, since the constant WATER_LEVEL is unused
04:05 Menche oh, haven't checked for a while
04:06 VanessaE hmmmm:  well, now you have some ideas for mapgenv7  ;)
04:06 hmmmm not really
04:06 hmmmm this isn't too good
04:07 VanessaE frankly I do like the mountain ranges idea, though the way its implemented looks  simplistic
04:07 hmmmm that's because it is..
04:07 hmmmm i'm doing mountain ranges, yes.  but i'm doing it the right way
04:08 hmmmm i have some ideas but i don't know if they'll work out until i try
04:09 NakedFury damn looking at that screenshot makes me realize I want big mountains and ranges like that
04:10 NakedFury his shot of the top down worlds looks great but also makes me realize we also need bigger biomes
04:10 Vadtec VanessaE: mind if i check out your server?
04:10 VanessaE Vadtec: no, go right ahead.  Bear in mind it'll take a while to load.
04:10 Vadtec whats its addy?
04:11 VanessaE
04:11 mr0wl joined #minetest
04:11 Vadtec i wonder how MT would look in 1080p on my 42" LED....
04:11 VanessaE probably quite beautiful :-)
04:11 Vadtec with the right texpack of course
04:12 VanessaE HDX all the way baby :-)
04:14 Vadtec is it mese as in geese, or mese as in mess-e or mese as in mess-ay ?
04:14 VanessaE as in geese.
04:14 Vadtec ty
04:14 Menche thats how i say it
04:14 Vadtec thats what i thought
04:15 Menche actually, I've never said it
04:15 Menche just typed
04:15 Vadtec ill have to know how to say it so my kids know how :P
04:15 Menche thats how i *would* pronounce it if i ever said it
04:18 VanessaE heh
04:25 Menche i really need to make a separate installation of minetest for modding and texturing
04:26 Menche just logged on to my server and have the ugly start of a texture pack
04:26 VanessaE I use something like that - singleplayer on my regular user account for testing, then move the results over to the server running as a non-privileged user for wider testing
04:27 Menche trying jordach's ms paint pallette challenge
04:27 Menche hope i don't go blind from the bright colors
04:29 telek :D
04:29 telek The neko259's nature pack throws an error in the bushes init.lua
04:30 Menche lol, someone on my server put protectors in the spawn building
04:30 Vadtec VanessaE: after seeing your server and ShadowNinja' 99% certain ill never go back to MC
04:30 VanessaE hehe
04:30 Menche ...and someone wrote "colorful" remarks on the announcement signs
04:31 telek Vadtec: With a few exceptions it's certainly possible to not miss features from MC
04:32 Vadtec oh nice....instead of killing me by letting me walking into a chunk that hasnt loaded like MC...MT simply stopped me from entering it
04:32 Vadtec logic FTW
04:32 simion314 joined #minetest
04:33 Menche someone protected an area on my server *only* to place a sign advertising their youtube channel
04:33 telek Lol!
04:33 Menche took out an 8x9x8 (he used 2 protectors) area just for 1 sign
04:34 Vadtec lol
04:34 Menche and i can't dig it because of the protection. worldedit time
04:34 Vadtec so is there a mod that controls access to a server? as in whitelisting
04:35 Menche i "whitelisted" by setting a default password
04:36 ShadowNinja you can also just not grant interact
04:36 Vadtec so there is no way to allow only certain users on the server and not use a "default" password?
04:36 Menche not that i know of
04:37 Menche i suppose you could make a mod that insta-bans when an unknown player logs in
04:37 NekoGloop Or somehow crashes just the client
04:37 Vadtec lol
04:38 NekoGloop We've accidentally done it enough times, let's try to do it now :P
04:38 Menche have an area on the server that has a super-ultra-high-poly animated mesh
04:38 Menche and teleport bad players to it
04:38 Vadtec i like that idea
04:38 NekoGloop The death zone.
04:39 Vadtec tele-->client spazzes then poofs due to no FPS left over
04:39 ShadowNinja lol
04:42 Vadtec im just thinking i wanna try to steal my old MC friends (well, convince really) to come to MT, but there are a few of the players on the old server who need to diaf
04:42 Vadtec so id rather be able to nuke them from the server completely
04:43 Vadtec oh so many goodies
04:43 Vadtec i cant decide which mods to look into first aside from worldedit and protection
04:44 ShadowNinja is preload_item_visuals on?
04:44 NekoGloop <selfpromotion> glooptest </selfpromotion>
04:44 ShadowNinja it slows down login by alot
04:45 Vadtec NekoGloop: forgive me, but, "glooptest" just doesnt leave a good image in my mind about what it does :P
04:45 Vadtec j/k...but you have to admit, the name is kinda scary
04:46 VanessaE there is a way to whitelist by the way.
04:46 VanessaE sort of.
04:46 VanessaE just don't put interact into your default privs
04:46 Muadtralk oh dear god not that way
04:46 NekoGloop Blacklist all the nicks :P
04:46 * Muadtralk knows what VanessaE is thinking
04:47 VanessaE grant interact to whoever, as needed
04:47 Menche they can still log on and troll though
04:47 Muadtralk grant shout to whoever as needed
04:47 Muadtralk :P
04:47 Menche i did it by setting "default_password" to "a;o093da2ofa438;osj3209j9w"
04:47 ShadowNinja don't grant shout either
04:47 Vadtec id rather firewall the IP of and requrie my clients to use a static IP to get in than ban all the nicks
04:47 VanessaE Menche: not if you also withhold shout, fly, fast, and every other one :-)
04:47 VanessaE give no default privs at all, make a mod that grants all of your standards by one command
04:47 Muadtralk if only there was an exist priviliege
04:47 Muadtralk I would revoke it :P
04:48 Menche when someone requested access, i would simply setpassword the player and mail the password to them
04:48 Menche worked fine
04:48 ShadowNinja vanessa, is server back on old emergemanager?
04:48 VanessaE ShadowNinja: sadly, yeah
04:48 VanessaE need me to restart it?
04:48 ShadowNinja noticably slower
04:48 Vadtec chunks arent loading very well on it atm
04:49 VanessaE ok, restarting it now.
04:49 ShadowNinja yes please
04:49 VanessaE done.
04:49 telek The armor mod...
04:49 telek Does the visual weapon part of it work with any weapon, or only 'converted' ones?
04:49 VanessaE dunno
04:50 NekoGloop afaik it should work with w/e you hold
04:50 telek Neato.
04:50 NekoGloop </asifievenknowwtfi'mtalkingabout>
04:50 telek I'm probably going to hold off on it under it supports skins, but that is going to so totally change it for a lotta players.
04:51 NekoGloop It *should* work with skins.
04:51 NekoGloop Dont hold me to that though
04:51 telek Only other major client-side hardcode feature I can think of would be optional mirror support.
04:51 telek According to the forum it doesn't ATM
04:52 telek Although maybe a paperdoll in the inventory would suffice.
04:52 NekoGloop Well it might not "support" but it should "work with" skins
04:53 Vadtec telek: there isnt anything from stock MC that i miss so far...only from mods for MC
04:53 telek Vadtec: Yeah.
04:53 NekoGloop Well, other than prolly peaceful mobs
04:53 NekoGloop Creepers are just no though.
04:53 telek Hehe
04:53 Vadtec im a huge fan of buildcraft, industrial craft, and redpower for MC
04:53 telek technic+mesecons?
04:54 Vadtec havent played with it yet
04:54 ShadowNinja +pipeworks
04:54 NekoGloop Vadtec: As soon as i get off my lazy ass i'm gonna make something primitively like those.
04:54 VanessaE \o/ pipeworks
04:54 Vadtec but neither of those have oil in them, which adds a load of complexity
04:54 NekoGloop (The purpose of the afformentioned glooptest)
04:54 VanessaE don't forget moretrees :D
04:54 Vadtec nor do they have stuff for making nukes :P
04:54 telek Also, although it might be messy to implement.
04:54 Vadtec though there is TNT mod ive heard
04:54 NekoGloop There's an old oil mod, as well as a nuke mod.
04:54 telek We need wrapping worlds.
04:55 Vadtec we need worlds that are as big or bigger than MC worlds
04:55 Vadtec without the idiotic algorithim screw up at the corners/edges
04:55 Menche ~30000x30000x30000?
04:55 telek And also 'portals' IE for vehicles with position independent interiors, so you could actually drive/fly/float around in-world.
04:55 VanessaE Vadtec: we have our own algorithm screwup at the edges - stuff gets "shaky"
04:55 telek Vadtec: We're already bigger, AFAIK. Only issues now are wraparound, and maybe adding a method to transition from one world to another.
04:56 Vadtec Menche: no, 2^32 x some sane height limit x 2^32
04:56 NekoGloop 4 million nodes in all directions
04:57 NekoGloop If i knew a lick of c++ i'd say challenge accepted.
04:57 Vadtec NekoGloop: even i dont think hieght needs to be 4mill
04:57 Vadtec 32k is just fine
04:57 Vadtec :P
04:57 VanessaE 4000000*4000000*256
04:57 VanessaE 4096000000000000
04:57 VanessaE 62000*62000*62000
04:57 VanessaE 238328000000000
04:57 VanessaE meh, MC has us beat on map size by an order of magnitude :(
04:58 Vadtec 4294967296
04:58 Vadtec to be exact
04:58 Vadtec :P
04:58 VanessaE heh, and I went with the 4 million figure, didn't even consider 4+ billion
04:58 VanessaE 4294967296*4294967296*256
04:58 VanessaE 4722366482869645213696
04:58 VanessaE o.O
04:58 Vadtec yup
04:58 NekoGloop Oh derp, i can't count place values
04:59 Vadtec lol
04:59 Vadtec hence the need for MC to load stuff in "chunks"
04:59 ShadowNinja how hard would it be to make the map bigger?
04:59 NekoGloop ShadowNinja: A lot.
04:59 VanessaE ShadowNinja: impossible, probably
04:59 VanessaE at least in the current incarnation
04:59 NekoGloop Not impossible, just difficult
05:00 Vadtec it would require using at least 32bit integers for the mapping coords
05:00 VanessaE *nod*
05:00 NekoGloop Use 256bit integers and be done with it
05:00 Vadtec egad
05:00 ShadowNinja while were at it make it 1024 bit :-)
05:00 Vadtec screw that
05:01 NekoGloop That would solve mauvebic's gripes about the "small map size"
05:01 Vadtec 2^256 = 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639936
05:01 NekoGloop I swear, that guy makes roads the size of my houses.
05:01 Menche its even possible to use 30000*30000 nodes?
05:01 VanessaE I suspect if you went with 64bit signed int that would be plenty
05:01 Vadtec all im asking for is 32bit ints...
05:01 Vadtec dont go overboard people!
05:02 VanessaE mench: technically yes, but in practice, no :-)
05:02 NekoGloop VanessaE: See the giant number above. That enough room yet? ;-)
05:02 ShadowNinja lol, beat THAT mc
05:02 VanessaE 256 bit would be overkill :-)
05:02 Menche how big is a "long long int"?
05:02 VanessaE 64 bit would be just right, given today's machine architecture :-)
05:02 ShadowNinja make it a build option
05:02 VanessaE Menche: depends on the OS I expect.
05:02 Vadtec 2^1024 = 17976931348623159077293051907890247336179769789423065727343008115773267580550096313270847732240753602112011387987139335765878976881441662249284743063947412437776789342486548527630221960124609411945308295208500576883815068234246288147391311054082723716335051068458629823994\
05:02 Vadtec 7245938479716304835356329624224137216
05:02 Vadtec oops
05:02 Vadtec 2^1024 = 179769313486231590772930519078902473361797697894230657273430081157732675805500963132708477322407536021120113879871393357658789768814416622492847430639474124377767893424865485276302219601246094119453082952085005768838150682342462881473913110540827237163350510684586298239947245938479716304835356329624224137216
05:02 NekoGloop Holy shit.
05:03 VanessaE that's putting it mildly. :-)
05:03 NekoGloop I want that many nodes.
05:03 mauvebic more power
05:03 Vadtec keep in mind
05:03 Vadtec thats only in ONE direction
05:03 ShadowNinja we need to invent lightspeed mode
05:03 mauvebic 3 speeds of fast would be cool lol
05:03 Menche how big would the map file be if you actually generated all those?
05:03 NekoGloop After all, it's not like most of it is ever going to actually *generate*
05:03 mauvebic like Shift - + to increase fly speed
05:04 NekoGloop Menche: Over 9000 terrabytes
05:04 Menche someone made a patch to have configurable "fast" speed
05:04 VanessaE Menche: I think I calculated the map would be around 250 terabytes with the current 62000^3 size if you generated the whole thing
05:04 Menche you would press j several times to switch between the speeds
05:04 Vadtec ready for this?
05:04 Vadtec (2^1024)^3 = 58096059953699580628595025333045743706869751763628952366614861522872037309971102257373360445331184072513261577549805174439905295945400471216628856721870324010321116397064404988440498509890516272002447658070418123947296805400241048279765843693815222923612087790447698927432257517380769795688113095791255113330932435195537848163063815801618602002474925684481502425153044495771876041364287385809901725515739341462558303664059150008696437320532
05:04 Vadtec 185668325452911079037228316341385995864066903259597251874471690595408050123102096390117507487600170953607342349457574162729948560133086169585299583046776370191815940885283450612858638982717634572948835466388795543116154464463301992543823400162920570907511755338881619189872955915315366987012922676854655174379157908231548446347802601028917180324953960750418994855138111269773074789690748570437107161501213159220245567592412390131529197109564684063794429
05:04 Vadtec 14941614357107914462567329693696
05:04 VanessaE (based on numbers pulled from a really dark place)
05:04 VanessaE Vadtec: christ in a cartoon!
05:05 NekoGloop Why are we cubing it, again?
05:05 Vadtec x, y, z
05:05 NekoGloop Ah.
05:05 VanessaE that does beg the question, why do we care about Y > +32000?
05:05 ShadowNinja hmmm, a little small
05:05 Vadtec someone asked for it in all three dimensions
05:05 VanessaE is there a point to that?
05:05 Vadtec
05:05 Menche if you can do it in 2 directions, why not make it in all 3?
05:05 NekoGloop VanessaE: So mauv can have his perfect 1:1 scale of everything
05:05 Vadtec like i said, even i think Y should be a sane limit
05:05 mauvebic how high is the atmosphere?
05:05 Menche all of y won't even be generated, so theres no loss
05:05 VanessaE NekoGloop: I know of nothing that is 32k in height
05:06 Menche don't see a point to limiting y
05:06 VanessaE mauvebic: about 120 km or so.
05:06 mauvebic so it needs to be at least that high
05:06 Vadtec mt everest is ~29.6k feet tall
05:06 mauvebic if not to resort to having seperate land/space map lol
05:06 NekoGloop VanessaE: I didn't say he was limiting himself to real structures :P he'll run out eventually
05:06 VanessaE I was *just* looking that up heh
05:06 VanessaE 8.848 meters high
05:06 VanessaE (29029 ft)
05:07 VanessaE 8.848 km high that is
05:07 Menche did someone say something about rendering glitches at the map edge? i'm not seeing any
05:07 Vadtec so, hiehgt limit = mt everts+10km
05:07 Vadtec everst*
05:07 VanessaE Menche: look at anything nodebox-based.
05:07 Vadtec oh ffs
05:07 Vadtec you know what i meant
05:07 VanessaE move around slightly - the edges will get jittery and shaky
05:07 VanessaE Vadtec: yeah pretty much
05:08 NekoGloop Signs are most noticable.
05:08 Menche i didn't notice anything on the sign
05:08 VanessaE yeah, anything that's flat 2d, or look at mesecons wires
05:08 Menche stairs seem fine
05:08 VanessaE those all really exhibit the issue at 30+k
05:09 NekoGloop Try at the very edge of the map
05:09 Menche im at -30777,1,-30,727
05:09 VanessaE try at the + edges then
05:09 Menche gah, drop the last comma there
05:09 Menche ok
05:09 VanessaE it might not affect the negative end
05:10 Menche what's the positive limit?
05:10 NekoGloop A lot.
05:10 NekoGloop Try 30000,1,30000
05:10 Menche 30927
05:10 NekoGloop You should be able to walk from there
05:11 Menche the sign flashes a bit
05:12 ShadowNinja do you know where the glitches start or why?
05:13 Vadtec the why is becaues you are generating a surface that is meant to be spherical on a 2d plane
05:13 Vadtec at least, thats what the algo tries to do
05:13 Menche ?
05:13 Vadtec the where is dependant upon a lot of factors
05:14 Vadtec erm, 3d plane
05:14 Menche meant to be spherical?
05:15 Vadtec the algo itself is trying to generate a sphere like the earth
05:15 Vadtec basically
05:15 VanessaE seriously?
05:15 Vadtec its trying to unwrap the eather
05:15 Vadtec earth*
05:15 Menche you sure?
05:15 Vadtec and lay it out flat
05:15 ShadowNinja Vadtec: would you like me to give you a tour of redcrabs server now?
05:15 Vadtec ShadowNinja: in a few mins, dealing with a server thats misbehaving atm
05:16 ShadowNinja and I doubt that is the reason, it isn't trying to make it sherical
05:16 Vadtec Menche: that may not be the exact aproach the algo takes
05:16 ShadowNinja spherical*
05:16 Vadtec but that is effectively what it is trying to do
05:16 Vadtec and that causes generation errors the further from zero you go
05:16 Menche its just a giant cube of blocks
05:16 ShadowNinja afaik it just tries to render a cube
05:16 NekoGloop The problem isn't generation
05:16 Menche i doubt minetest knows that the irl earth is round
05:16 NekoGloop It's rendering.
05:16 Vadtec but it wants to simulate a sphere of blocks
05:17 Menche i doubt that
05:18 Vadtec mmmm, i could be off the mark, but nearly every map algo ive ever looked at basically tries to peel the sphere and lay it out flat without gaps
05:18 Vadtec and i personally havent seen an algo do it any other way that works for shit
05:18 Vadtec but hey, if im wrong, ill fully admit it
05:18 ShadowNinja minetest just tries to make a cube
05:18 ShadowNinja it thinks the earth is flat
05:18 Menche i haven't really looked at the mapgen code, i thought it was just a massive cube full of smaller cubes
05:18 Vadtec then there shouldnt be any errors at the edges
05:19 VanessaE Vadtec: if you think you can improve on this we certainly would welcome a patch.  After you see it happen once, you sorta fixate on it :-)
05:19 ShadowNinja and who wants a lightspeed option?
05:19 NekoGloop Vadtec: The problem is the renderer
05:20 VanessaE ShadowNinja: we already have that.  it's called /teleport
05:20 VanessaE ;-)
05:20 Vadtec NekoGloop: i dont see how the renderer can be the problem, its only rendering what its told to
05:20 Vadtec unless rendering is part of the algo overall
05:21 ShadowNinja anyone have any other ideas?
05:21 Vadtec which would be a poor separation of logic and data
05:22 Vadtec ShadowNinja: whats that server?
05:24 neko259 joined #minetest
05:24 ShadowNinja
05:25 NekoGloop Hello neko! :3
05:26 Vadtec yeah gave me a protocol version error
05:26 Vadtec using 0.4.4-win32 cleint
05:26 Vadtec client
05:27 Vadtec ffs....typos ><
05:27 NekoGloop Use the latest
05:27 VanessaE redcrab might need latest git
05:27 * Vadtec sighs lol
05:28 ShadowNinja port 30401
05:29 ShadowNinja 30000 is the 0.3 server
05:29 Vadtec that might make a diff lol
05:29 Vadtec made a big diff lol
05:30 VanessaE haha
05:31 Kacey joined #minetest
05:32 Menche jordach's texture contest doesn't allow for very many shades of brown
05:32 Kacey VanessaE?
05:32 VanessaE hi
05:32 Menche can't make a good dirt texture
05:32 Kacey is there a craft for an autocrafter?
05:32 VanessaE dunno, ask Nore :-)
05:32 VanessaE he wrote that part
05:32 Menche the color "#808000" shouldn't exist
05:32 Kacey uugh
05:32 Menche its hideous
05:33 Kacey i need to know...
05:33 Menche search the lua files for the phrase "register_craft"
05:34 Kacey im using github to browse the lua
05:34 Menche try ctrl-f
05:35 Menche on firefox at least that opens search
05:35 Muadtralk left #minetest
05:37 Kacey what does "nil" mean exactly?
05:37 Menche "nil" is a special value that represents the absence of any other value
05:37 VanessaE essentially, "not set"
05:37 NekoGloop Absolute nothingness.
05:37 Menche any unused variable has a value of "nil"
05:38 Menche setting a variable to "nil" unsets it
05:38 VanessaE nil is more zero than zero :-)
05:38 NekoGloop Oh wait, ignore still doesn't work on this damn ipad client.
05:38 * Kacey sorta gets it
05:39 NekoGloop nil is what brains the above person has
05:39 NekoGloop ;-)
05:39 bas080 joined #minetest
05:39 NekoGloop Ello bas
05:39 khonkhortisan zero is as much nil as MAX_INT is infinity
05:39 VanessaE hibas
05:40 Menche does singleplayer really have to bind a socket? I can't have multiple singleplayer games at once?
05:41 VanessaE ok time for me to go to bed
05:41 VanessaE night all
05:42 Kacey night v
05:48 Kacey Menche, could you check your pipeworks version to see if there is a crafting
05:49 Menche for what?
05:51 Kacey autocrafter
05:52 Menche can't find any recipe
05:52 Kacey your craft guide is almost no help for me...
05:52 Menche yeah, it doesn't show a ton of recipes
05:52 Menche should i just switch back to default? its also a bit slow to load the first time
05:54 Kacey ya
05:54 babyface1031 joined #minetest
05:54 * Menche nukes unifiedinventory
05:55 Kacey lol
05:57 Kacey restart coming?
05:57 Menche ok
05:57 Menche should be back up now
06:00 Kacey would it be possible to make creative mode a priv via mod?
06:01 Menche not sure how player inventories are handled
06:04 mauvebic you can show two different inventories depending on privs
06:05 ShadowNinja I have a mod for that
06:05 Menche what about the near insta-mining of creative mode?
06:05 ShadowNinja I havn't pull requested it yet
06:06 ShadowNinja nope, couldn't get that to work as it's global
06:06 Kacey that would require a core rewrite
06:07 Roukoswarf joined #minetest
06:07 mauvebic you can make tools that require privs to work too
06:07 mauvebic basically you can stick the priv function anywhere you want
06:07 mauvebic priv is either true or false, like any other conditional
06:08 mauvebic example, you need paysage priv to access the tab in the inventory AND shoot the gun, so no chance of accidental use or griefer use
06:08 Kacey if priv("creative") = true then creative_mode = true
06:09 Kacey would that work?
06:09 ShadowNinja maybe I can add a priv check to weildhand
06:09 mauvebic nope
06:09 mauvebic youd be setting it globally for everyone
06:09 mauvebic when the formspec is set for the first time (see inventory) thats where you check the player privs and choose either a standard inventory or a creative one
06:09 Kacey what about a tab in unified inv?
06:09 telek Hey is /teleport internal to minetest?
06:09 ShadowNinja yes, delete instantly if you have the privs
06:10 ShadowNinja telek: yes
06:10 mauvebic half my tabs need certain privs to be accessible
06:10 telek Does '/teleport target to_name' actually work?
06:10 ShadowNinja yes
06:10 mauvebic for a button to work there has to be a receiving function, thats where you check ur privs
06:10 Kacey with bring privs and teleport privs yes
06:10 Menche i think teleport is in builtin/chatcommands.lua ?
06:10 telek Ohhh
06:10 telek Okay, it's the bring privs I'm missing then
06:11 telek The error messages need to check for that and return something better than 'those players can't be found'
06:11 mauvebic means theyre not signed in
06:11 mauvebic possible typo otherwise
06:11 Menche you should be able to teleport offline players
06:11 telek It also can mean you don't have bring privileges.
06:11 telek I added bring and it worked fine.
06:11 * Kacey wants to try his hand at a mod
06:11 telek So it's a missing conditional and error message.
06:12 mauvebic prolly just doesnt bother to check why it didnt work lol
06:12 mauvebic might be in debug tho lol
06:13 telek Hrmm
06:14 Vadtec as much as id love to stay up and screw around with this, i gotta get to sleep
06:15 Vadtec lest i be worthless at work tomorrow
06:15 * Kacey doesn't know where to start
06:15 mauvebic well mod experiment worth a shot: creative inv with creative priv in standard game
06:15 * Kacey needs a mod idea
06:16 Vadtec Kacey: TBMs! (tunnel boring machines)
06:16 Kacey aah nc crafting and other hard to obtain blocks crafting
06:16 Kacey Vadtec, im just starting lol
06:16 mauvebic technic and a few other mods have tunneling drills/lasers methinks
06:16 Vadtec but a full blown TBM would be so kick ass
06:16 Vadtec :P
06:16 mauvebic hell even set my gun to air and makes tunnel
06:17 mauvebic how much more full blown does a mining dril have to be?
06:17 Vadtec i want levers, and conveyors, and a big drill head that spins!
06:18 mauvebic sounds liek carts and pneumatic tube
06:18 mauvebic *s
06:18 Vadtec :P
06:18 Vadtec im sleep deprived and saw a chance for a fun mod
06:18 Vadtec go figure
06:18 Menche a tunneling building sized thing like this?
06:19 Vadtec yup!
06:20 Vadtec and after that, a road leveler/paver
06:20 Vadtec :P
06:20 Menche could just somehow track all the nodes of the TBM, and remove/add them to move them forward
06:20 Menche to get fancy, convert them to entities and animate them like sand/gravel, and have the player attached to an operator's chair
06:21 Vadtec see... Menche gets the idea!
06:22 Kacey lag to high heaven with it though
06:22 mauvebic not exactly the direction im goin in lol
06:22 Menche huge hunks of falling sand don't really lag that much, the TBM wouldn't be too big
06:22 Menche and it would be mostly hollow
06:22 mauvebic lag and again automation of processes that could be skipped by playin' creative lol
06:22 Kacey aand then landmine gets one
06:23 Menche lol
06:23 Kacey or worldedit and /giveme
06:23 Menche remember whan Max got worldedit on the server i was hosting for someone?
06:23 mauvebic well, if the holes dig themselves, the resoruces move themselves, and craft themselves, dont kid yourself into thinking youre playing "legit" lol
06:23 Menche never seen so much lava...
06:24 Kacey on your server?
06:24 Menche one i was hosting alongside the old one
06:24 Kacey no where do you see all the lava?
06:24 Vadtec g'night peeps, and thanks for all the great info
06:25 Menche think several 50x50x100 blocks of lava up in the air
06:25 Menche and then flowing of course
06:25 bas080 joined #minetest
06:29 monkeycoder joined #minetest
06:30 Menche left #minetest
06:32 mauvebic jesus Vincent D'Onofrio is young and skinny in Thirteenth Floor lol
06:32 mauvebic and with god awful bleached hair ('99) lol
06:33 * Kacey has no idea what type of mod to make
06:33 Kacey perhaps an extension to pipeworks...
06:34 mauvebic have fun lol
06:35 Kacey VanessaE's finally has (somewhat) an api
06:37 mauvebic version still dates to jan 31st
06:37 Kacey ?
06:39 mauvebic dont see anything new
06:39 mauvebic unless github is more uptodate
06:40 Kacey Nore made a slight api while making pipeworks lol
06:42 mauvebic he didn't "make" pipeworks lol, vanessa started it, RBA added to it, then i got pipes to work, the nore got tubes to work :p
06:42 Kacey well Nore made an api anyway
06:43 mauvebic everyone makes APIs now :P the only question is weather anybody but the author ends up using any of them :p
06:43 Kacey lol
06:43 mauvebic the typical response to an API is for 2 more to appear lol
06:44 mauvebic and then a month or two of debate over which should be default, by which time nothing's changed and people are more entrenched lol
06:44 mauvebic you could train programmers and shrinks here lol
06:51 telek joined #minetest
06:51 telek Looks like it's still breakingon 'worldmods/technic/unified_inventory/api.lua:117: attempt to call method 'get_player_name' (a nil value)'
06:51 mauvebic bizarre
06:52 mauvebic its like no player object was passed
06:53 mauvebic did you add anything to unified?
06:54 Kacey lag is off the charts on my own server lol
06:54 mauvebic what version?
06:55 telek mauvebic: No, it's the latest one in technic.
06:55 telek And I just updated both minetest server and the minetest_game directory, just to make sure
06:55 mauvebic line 119, lemme check github
06:56 telek I've been running into this for a month or more now.
06:56 mauvebic when does it happen?
06:56 mauvebic on 'i' or one of the buttons?
06:56 telek Player client crash I believe.
06:56 telek I've heard just movement.
06:57 telek Basically if a client doesn't cleanly disconnect, either crash, drop, or other internet failure, it throws that rather than cleaning up properly.
06:57 mauvebic weird, this should only happen when the formspec is called
06:57 mauvebic and theres a catch for player nil, so why the function isn't returning a name is sortof mystery
06:58 telek Is it something that another mod could be overriding?
06:58 mauvebic got any mods that depend on unified?
06:58 mauvebic might be depending on older version
06:58 telek I'm not sure.
06:58 telek I gotta get going, but I'll update you tomorrow or tues when I have a chance to check.
06:59 mauvebic or update RBA, he'll be able to fix it
07:00 mauvebic i have a seperate fork but you wont find it useful, though not getting that error so might be worth comparing
07:09 Kacey where is chromium located?
07:10 mauvebic Alt F2 'chromium' should do it
07:10 markveidemanis joined #minetest
07:11 Kacey i need to install a plugin for it...
07:11 markveidemanis I have been away a week, recommend me a mod
07:23 TheLastProject joined #minetest
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09:04 rubenwardy joined #minetest
09:04 rubenwardy hi all
09:09 berome joined #minetest
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10:03 rubenwardy are you all asleep?
10:04 MinetestBot GIT: xyzz commited to celeron55/minetest: Set numeric locale for Lua 214a8b4597 2013-02-18T01:58:55-08:00
10:05 thexyz TForsman: as you're the only one who experienced an issue with locale, can you please compile Minetest with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug and test that all unittests pass?
10:05 celeron55 just --enable-unittests
10:05 celeron55 no need for a different build type 8)
10:05 thexyz oh
10:06 celeron55 (the result is seen as the game either succeeeding or failing to start)
10:06 TForsman with the fix or without the fix?  (asume with the fix)
10:07 rubenwardy with the fix
10:08 TForsman will recompile it with --enable-unittests
10:08 thexyz you don't have to recompile
10:08 thexyz just run minetest --info --enable-unittests
10:08 TForsman ahh
10:10 * rubenwardy is eating pork sausage rolls from tesco... or is it horse rolls?
10:11 TForsman seeing right away: 11:06:30: ERROR[main]: Could not set numeric locale to C
10:11 celeron55 rubenwardy: giraffe rolls
10:12 celeron55 TForsman: not related to unit tests
10:12 rubenwardy yumm
10:12 celeron55 but that looks like you have a locale set in your environment that you don't actually have installed
10:12 celeron55 ...umm... maybe
10:12 thexyz TForsman: pastebin >locale -a
10:12 celeron55 that's how it worked when i was testing stuff
10:13 TForsman celeron55: yes, that might be it.
10:13 rubenwardy celeron55, I am going to make an introduction film for minetest
10:13 rubenwardy the script is here:
10:13 rubenwardy anyone can edit the above script.
10:13 celeron55 so fix your gnu/linux installation; something like enable the appropriate locale in /etc/locale.gen and run locale-gen, or alternatively choose a locale that you have
10:13 FreeFull joined #minetest
10:13 celeron55 or something like that
10:14 TForsman celeron55: locale -a
10:14 celeron55 (assuming you have the similar problem that i did)
10:14 thexyz TForsman: and now >declare | grep "LC\|LANG"
10:14 TForsman locale =
10:15 thexyz odd
10:15 TForsman declare command:
10:15 celeron55 umm... wtf
10:15 TForsman but, i specified my locale
10:15 celeron55 he doesn't have the C locale
10:15 celeron55 literally
10:15 celeron55 oh, it is there
10:15 TForsman in bashrc i use:              export LANGUAGE="en_AU:en_GB:en"
10:16 celeron55 C.UTF-8 doesn't exist though; i wonder if it has something to do with something
10:16 TForsman so, i have usually swedish locale. but now enlgish in everything
10:17 celeron55 umm... can you start a shell and export -n at least that one (to remove it)
10:17 thexyz celeron55: I don't have one too
10:17 thexyz
10:17 celeron55 (and then try minetest)
10:18 thexyz I almost forgot to note
10:18 rubenwardy Should "see your creations in 3d" be in the intro film?
10:18 thexyz font included with minetest by default doesn't support at least chinese symbols
10:19 TForsman brb, re-login, changed default language to only use one locale, not any fallbacks if one is missing
10:20 Matsetes joined #minetest
10:21 celeron55 in any case, as the unit tests don't fail, we can be relatively sure everything works even with such strange locale settings
10:21 AspireMint joined #minetest
10:23 Matsetes Where can I put images for displaying them in the forum?
10:24 thexyz Matsetes:
10:27 Matsetes thexyz: Thanks
10:29 * rubenwardy is recording on 30401 for the intro vid
10:33 TForsman joined #minetest
10:35 TForsman celeron55: removed my other locale. only using system one. so no export language in basrc anymore. Still same issue.
10:36 thexyz is it really an "issue"? does something break?
10:36 TForsman i cant start the game
10:37 TForsman
10:37 thexyz even with the patch to builtin applied?
10:38 TForsman with the fix in: /usr/share/minetest/builtin/builtin.lua   then it works
10:38 TForsman without the locale line, it wont work
10:38 thexyz it's fine then
10:39 thexyz I already committed it
10:39 TForsman ahh, then it's all fine.
10:43 nil_ joined #minetest
11:07 rubenwardy ...
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11:18 TheLastProject joined #minetest
11:28 webdesigner97 joined #minetest
11:44 EduardeCalibal joined #minetest
11:45 rsiska joined #minetest
12:37 MinetestBot joined #minetest
12:58 berome joined #minetest
13:28 babyface1031 joined #minetest
13:53 mr0wl joined #minetest
13:54 Matsetes joined #minetest
14:07 pierreghz joined #minetest
14:10 hmmmm joined #minetest
14:15 berome joined #minetest
14:25 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
14:28 jojoa1997 GOLDFISH
14:31 jojoa1997 who here likes goldfish?
14:44 q66 joined #minetest
14:46 shadowjay1 joined #minetest
14:51 NekoGloop joined #minetest
15:02 VanessaE good morning all
15:03 berome hi VanessaE !
15:04 VanessaE heyu
15:04 VanessaE hey
15:06 shadowjay1 joined #minetest
15:06 NekoGloop Meow :3
15:07 VanessaE meow.
15:09 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
15:09 Final joined #minetest
15:34 Calinou joined #minetest
15:36 MinetestBot joined #minetest
15:49 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
15:51 TheLastProject joined #minetest
16:00 rotor112 joined #minetest
16:01 rotor112 what's the license for this?
16:01 VanessaE that's a reCaptcha image.
16:01 NekoGloop WTFDL: what the fuck dat link
16:02 VanessaE I think the images thereof are public domain
16:02 VanessaE or WTFPL/CC0 whatever is appropriate for your country
16:02 rotor112 ok, thanks
16:03 PilzAdam joined #minetest
16:05 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
16:05 rotor112 hi
16:07 rotor112 I think the irc mod doesn't work now at
16:09 VanessaE morning adam
16:16 rotor112 there's an invisible letter
16:16 rotor112 at king artur's server
16:16 PilzAdam new GetText win32 build with TrueTypeFont support:
16:18 rotor112 this letter and a "r"(at irc) create a new line
16:19 rotor112 so they wrote these signs
16:21 rotor112 you can add a new line at default signs
16:21 rotor112 with minetest
16:21 VanessaE since when?
16:21 VanessaE only PilzAdam/thexyz signs could do that (with "|")
16:22 VanessaE or is someone exploiting a bug?
16:22 rotor112 it's a invisible letter
16:22 PilzAdam VanessaE, what rotor112 is probably talking about is that the infotext in the GUI no has enabled line wrapping
16:22 rotor112 I can't show it here
16:22 VanessaE ah
16:22 VanessaE I forgot about that tweak
16:23 VanessaE PilzAdam: I guess your signs mod (and my forks thereof) will need to be updated to use the new formspec :-)
16:23 rotor112 if you use the irc mod you could read this letter here and a r after it
16:24 rotor112 I found it there
16:24 rotor112 on this server
16:24 NakedFury joined #minetest
16:25 rotor112 then I pressed right click on the rules sign
16:25 PilzAdam what!?!?!
16:25 PilzAdam VanessaE is female!?!?!
16:25 PilzAdam ;-)
16:25 VanessaE yep, when last I checked
16:25 rotor112 was*
16:28 VanessaE zzz
16:29 rotor112 go to this server and read the rule signs
16:29 VanessaE just take a screenshot
16:29 rotor112 ok
16:31 markveidemanis joined #minetest
16:31 markveidemanis joined #minetest
16:31 markveidemanis joined #minetest
16:32 markveidemanis Hi!
16:32 rotor112 hi
16:32 PilzAdam rotor112, the problem is because someone added newlines at the end of each rule sign
16:32 rotor112 I know
16:34 rotor112 (you're on the screenshot, too)
16:35 rotor112 if you use the irc mod you can see this letter here
16:37 rotor112 you can write everything ito the chat
16:38 rotor112 n*
16:39 rotor112
16:39 markveidemanis Who will post on my server toppic
16:39 rotor112 only for example
16:39 markveidemanis also, thexyz screwed up the links
16:39 jrabbit joined #minetest
16:39 thexyz I did.
16:39 markveidemanis <== my link is some spanish bullshit
16:40 jrabbit So anyone know about compiling irrlicht on mac?
16:40 markveidemanis You mised a letter!!
16:40 jrabbit And why ots not in a packagemanager?
16:41 PilzAdam jrabbit, we currently lack a mac maintainer
16:41 jrabbit sure, but why is the engine so hard to build
16:41 jrabbit minetest should be simple to maintain if the engine can be built...
16:41 jrabbit I'd be able to script it actually
16:41 PilzAdam related topic:
16:41 thexyz markveidemanis: I unscrewed it.
16:41 jrabbit I have a mac with a broken screen that could be a build box maybe
16:42 jrabbit automate it slash make it a continious build :D
16:42 PilzAdam jrabbit, would be nice if you could offer some builds
16:42 markveidemanis not unscrewed...
16:42 thexyz markveidemanis: be patient
16:42 rotor112 I would like to have water reflections
16:42 markveidemanis im not showing inpatience in any way
16:42 jrabbit PilzAdam: well if I can figure it out I may make fink packages or homebrew packages for Irrlicht, minetest and super tux
16:43 thexyz markveidemanis: ok, keep it so
16:43 markveidemanis and not even asking to unscrew, just saying its screwed
16:45 jrabbit I'll look at the debian src pkg
16:49 markveidemanis pp
16:49 berome joined #minetest
16:52 jrabbit PilzAdam: do we know how the previous folks were getting irr*?
16:53 PilzAdam have you looked at the forum thread?
16:53 VanessaE markveidemanis: why are you bugging PilzAdam about that?  I thought someone else maintained
16:54 markveidemanis im bugging thexyz, i thought it was his
16:54 jrabbit PilzAdam: its entirely unspecific.
16:54 VanessaE oh wait, misread.
16:54 jrabbit They don't seem to have any issues with dependencies except how to bundle them
16:54 * VanessaE hates her eyes sometimes.
16:54 jrabbit which can be hard
16:54 mauvebic joined #minetest
16:55 PilzAdam jrabbit,
16:55 PilzAdam maybe this helps?
16:55 jrabbit oh actually I may have jsut not compield the right target
16:56 jrabbit xcodebuild on the commandline doesn't tell you which target is default
16:56 * VanessaE grumbles at for having a broken password reset function
16:57 webdesigner97 joined #minetest
16:57 NekoGloop joined #minetest
17:03 markveidemanis I need someone to edit the ServerExtended mod
17:03 Wuzzy joined #minetest
17:03 markveidemanis To only add "god" and "clearinv" commands
17:09 mauvebic lol vanessae, i didnt know you were a member of the easth german swimming team ! :p
17:09 mauvebic *east
17:09 VanessaE eh?
17:10 mauvebic "i was female" :p
17:10 VanessaE bah
17:10 VanessaE "It means you're all crazy to ask silly questions. :-)"
17:10 mauvebic ill never understand why A/S/L matters at all online lol
17:11 khonkhortisan I read that as american sign language. Is that age/sex/language?
17:11 mauvebic all it usually does is invite insults based on age, gender or nationality lol
17:11 jrabbit Can I give up and install minetest on my netbook? Yes yes I can
17:11 mauvebic should work on the netbok?
17:12 mauvebic make sure your graphics are up to date
17:12 jrabbit (netbook runs debian :P)
17:12 jrabbit it'll work fine
17:12 mauvebic im so sorry
17:12 mauvebic wait thats intentional? :p
17:12 jrabbit haha very funny.
17:13 mauvebic debian's a bit sluggish for netbook, you got more than 1 gig of ram at least?
17:13 VanessaE jrabbit: better you should run a server instance on your desktop machine, and let the laptop run only the client half
17:13 jrabbit probably?
17:13 VanessaE that way you can spread the load.
17:13 mauvebic you *can* run a server off a netbook, using crunch/arch/bang with open/flux/blackbox
17:13 mauvebic basically dedicate all your resources to it lol
17:13 Calinou jrabbit: wireless receivers need firmware!
17:13 Jousway joined #minetest
17:14 Calinou (in mesecons)
17:14 jrabbit Huh?
17:14 Calinou /debian troll
17:14 mauvebic which if you have a spare laptop lying around, is perfect
17:14 VanessaE haha
17:14 mauvebic you can't have wireless mesecons in debian, its proprietary! lol :p
17:14 JesseH joined #minetest
17:14 Calinou IMO, if you have limited money, a netbook isn't a solution, better build a cheap desktop that will pwn any low end laptop
17:14 jrabbit fuck my laptops I have servers.
17:14 mauvebic and on debian they have the 'freecons' version lol
17:14 jrabbit :P
17:14 JesseH Calinou, I agree.
17:15 JesseH Netbooks are for those forced to use them.
17:15 mauvebic meh, anyone have any real trouble running a server off the terminal of a laptop?
17:15 jrabbit is this a bad firefox / iceweasel joke?
17:15 Calinou but just save your money and build a good PC :-D
17:15 mauvebic *assuming* you already have said netbook/laptop
17:15 jrabbit finally
17:16 jrabbit its backlight is flakey
17:16 JesseH I have a minetest question: Is there away to get the data from a world, just by logging into a server?
17:16 JesseH away == a way
17:16 mauvebic ill tell you whuat though i was quite glad to have a netbook when i was pulling 14hrs/day for 6 days a week lol
17:16 Calinou you could write a C++ mod to download worlds somehow :P
17:17 JesseH Calinou, I know, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel if it already exists.
17:17 mauvebic c++? prolly wont work long with the new security package lol
17:18 Calinou noone made it
17:19 mauvebic though, with os.execute removed lua-side, theres no use releasing my mesh converting ('unsecure') :p
17:19 mauvebic *converter
17:22 mauvebic the best alt would be using pyGTK to write a frontend
17:22 jrabbit ew gtk :(
17:24 mauvebic not much choice there lol
17:25 jrabbit theres lots of python gui options
17:25 Calinou april fool: I'm going to port GTK3 to windows
17:25 jrabbit 10-20 fps out of the box
17:25 JesseH What's wrong with Lua? :P
17:25 jrabbit Lua's a nice language
17:25 mauvebic nothing wrong with lua :P but meshconverter isnt in lua and os.execute is or is going to be disabled :p
17:26 Calinou jrabbit: 10-20FPS for what?
17:26 jrabbit minetest on thenetbook
17:26 jrabbit need a real mouse/kb though
17:26 Calinou heh, I get similar framerates too on my netbook
17:26 Calinou disable clouds and fog
17:26 jrabbit the touchpad is atrocious on the netbook
17:26 Calinou enable_fog = 0
17:26 jrabbit k
17:26 Calinou enable_clouds = 0
17:26 Calinou ^ put these lines in minetest.conf
17:26 JesseH ahh ok I see mauvebic
17:26 jrabbit wsheres that in ~?
17:27 Calinou ~/.minetest/minetest.conf on a non-portable install
17:27 Calinou in a portable install, in your minetest directory
17:27 jrabbit k
17:28 mauvebic i need more landmark meshes tho
17:31 harrison joined #minetest
17:32 MiJyn celeron55, did you read my PM?
17:34 berome Calinou: and what about farmersh ? Should we set something other than by default about that to improve FPS ?
17:35 VanessaE farmesh is...broken
17:35 berome do not uncomment in minetest.conf so :-)
17:35 mauvebic anyone else have nodeboxes disapear when there are alot of them?
17:35 markveidemanis
17:35 markveidemanis POST!!
17:35 JesseH left #minetest
17:35 VanessaE mauvebic: out of indices.
17:35 VanessaE "rendering artifacts may occur"
17:36 VanessaE I think RBA's fixing that
17:36 q66 joined #minetest
17:36 hmmmm joined #minetest
17:36 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
17:36 yazgoo joined #minetest
17:36 jrabbit can i assign a key to dig?
17:36 VanessaE (apparently he needs to in order for his rotation code to work right, not exactly sure)
17:36 mauvebic someone also mentionned 2D flickering at map edges - i get that everywhere even w/ thin nodeboxes
17:40 markveidemanis Come on my server to play with
17:40 markveidemanis Buildings!!!
17:41 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
17:41 markveidemanis Come on my server jojoa1997 :D
17:41 jojoa1997 sorry i am really busy i just cam on to ask RBA something
17:41 markveidemanis New VPS New VPS...
17:42 markveidemanis ok
17:42 jojoa1997 RealBadAngel: is it possibel that you could make a crafting guide for inventory_plus but it is like the one in unified inventory
17:43 VanessaE meh, inventory_plus is outdated :-)
17:44 jojoa1997 no
17:44 mauvebic who maintains it?
17:44 VanessaE cornernote I think?
17:44 VanessaE maintained
17:45 jojoa1997 nope
17:45 mauvebic oh well, go w/ unified, its the updated version
17:45 jojoa1997 inventory plus is the basis for other mods
17:45 Matsetes Hi!
17:45 jojoa1997 i cant have armor and other stuff with unified
17:45 markveidemanis Hi
17:45 VanessaE jojoa1997: blame the person who made the armor mod :-)
17:45 jojoa1997 i say it is stinting modding possibilites
17:45 mauvebic or write the addon yourself? :p
17:45 Matsetes Is there a way to use a button to keep a light on with mesecon?
17:45 jojoa1997 inventory plus came first
17:46 Calinou berome: farmesh is off by default and borked :P
17:46 mauvebic and  the maintainers' gone, so dont expect new updates for that lol
17:46 jojoa1997 i have not seen a single mod that uses unified
17:46 VanessaE Matsetes: use a microcontroller or a pair of AND gates to make a latch
17:46 monkeycoder joined #minetest
17:47 VanessaE Matsetes: google for "R-S Latch"
17:47 jojoa1997 there is no need for updates mauvebic
17:47 jojoa1997 there is nothing to add
17:48 mauvebic allrighty then
17:48 berome Calinou: VanessaE: yes thanks :-)
17:50 jojoa1997 Calinou: will there be any updates to moreores
17:51 mauvebic huh, back up :
17:52 jojoa1997 i am not trying if you guys only say it isnt possible
17:54 Matsetes VanessaE: I remember a video... Is there a video to show that?
17:54 jojoa1997 show what
17:54 VanessaE dunno
17:55 VanessaE
17:55 VanessaE here, that's a basic R-S latch
17:55 VanessaE
17:55 VanessaE this one's even simpler
17:55 VanessaE the first takes a clocking signal, this one doesn't.\
17:56 VanessaE mesecons gates work just like the real thing, so use two NAND gates wired as in that second image and you should have what you want.
17:57 * jojoa1997 sigh
17:57 jojoa1997 why did Cornernote have to get himslef/herself banned
17:57 mauvebic vegan
17:58 mauvebic with all that entails lol
17:58 mauvebic i think he snapped lol
17:59 jojoa1997 why doesnt someone continue his mods?
17:59 mauvebic they were
17:59 mauvebic and then you said you didn't need em
18:00 mauvebic youd rather stick with the unmaintained version ;p
18:00 jojoa1997 they weren't updated
18:00 mauvebic dunno what exactly it is you want
18:00 jojoa1997 wait did he update them on github
18:01 jojoa1997 i just want a crafting guide for inventory plus
18:01 neko259 joined #minetest
18:01 mauvebic we told yas, inventory plus not maintained
18:01 mauvebic unified inventory is
18:01 mauvebic so you can post requests on inventory plus thread, don't hold your breath for updates
18:02 markveidemanis jojoa, join #mtmt
18:02 jojoa1997 unified cant work with the other 10-20 mods out there
18:03 VanessaE 10-20?  more likely 2-3
18:03 jojoa1997 more than that
18:03 VanessaE I have 55 mods on my server, including unified inventory via technic
18:03 VanessaE (jeez!_
18:05 mauvebic not much point in carrying on this convo - he wont switch, and no one'\s updating invplus lol
18:05 Calinou jojoa1997: there are updates from time to time
18:05 jojoa1997 ok
18:05 VanessaE I've only ever seen a couple of mods that demanded inventory_plus, and each time I come across one, I see where the author has decided not to support/require it after a certain point.
18:05 VanessaE all of cornernote's mods are dead afaic.
18:05 jojoa1997 well i will switch over to unified if it can support those mods
18:06 VanessaE RealBadAngel: *poke*
18:06 mauvebic this about armor?
18:07 jojoa1997 no
18:08 jojoa1997 armor,armorplus,bookmarks 0gb,inven warp 0gb, specialties, worldedit gui
18:08 jojoa1997 and more is what i have that needs inven+
18:08 VanessaE so bug the authors of those mods to drop their support of inventory plus
18:09 mauvebic i got most of those in mine though not the same base mods
18:09 VanessaE it is outdated, unsupported, unmaintained.
18:09 jojoa1997 cn you tell me how to make them support unified inventory
18:10 mauvebic ask them not us :p
18:10 mauvebic we can only relay messages
18:10 mauvebic authors like it better come from users
18:10 mauvebic *coming
18:10 VanessaE ask RealBadAngel to add the necessary support to Unified Inventory so it can do whatever it is Inventory Plus does, then ask the authors of those other mods to allow for UI support in lieu of IP.
18:10 mauvebic wtf is up with my tenses today lol
18:10 jojoa1997 "they" are not updating them anymore
18:10 jojoa1997 anyways
18:10 khonkhortisan they don't like being called tense
18:10 jojoa1997 unified inven cant support other mods
18:11 mauvebic vanessae last i heard rba was updating unified so i can merge my fork back, so it should be able to support alot of things
18:11 VanessaE nice
18:11 VanessaE jojoa1997: "can't", or just "doesn't, yet"?
18:12 mauvebic the main points is being able to setup a menu easily, add pages/tabs easily, adjust the size of the inventory itself, etc.
18:12 mauvebic ideally my fork and the original should be able to run off the same cade
18:12 mauvebic *code
18:12 mauvebic wtf lol
18:12 VanessaE nice
18:13 VanessaE now all you gotta do is add something to UI that'll stand in for IP and satisfy the dependencies thereof :-)
18:13 mauvebic yeah, i wanna see the default creative replaced, so unified needs to be universal lol
18:13 jojoa1997 i have one request then to RBA
18:13 mauvebic IP?
18:13 VanessaE default creative is, frankly, horrible compared to UI
18:13 VanessaE IP, Inventory Plus.  UI, Unified Inventory
18:13 mauvebic im guessing thats not intellectual property
18:13 mauvebic ah ok lol
18:14 VanessaE just trying to reduce my typing.
18:14 jojoa1997 RealBadAngel please make the creative inventory work like the default one
18:14 VanessaE jojoa1997: nOOOOOOOOOooooOOOoooOOoooOOooOOooOooOoooOOOO
18:14 mauvebic default creative served us well when we didn't have this many nodes
18:14 jojoa1997 why not?
18:14 mauvebic by now, search is mandatory
18:14 khonkhortisan pages for one
18:14 VanessaE because default creative inventory is shit
18:14 VanessaE (sorry PilzAdam)
18:14 jojoa1997 nononono
18:14 khonkhortisan and tabs
18:14 VanessaE with lots of mods and no search, it's hopeless to try to use it
18:14 jojoa1997 i mean the only need one node and infinite palces
18:14 Nikondork_ joined #minetest
18:14 jojoa1997 that thing
18:15 mauvebic heck, default creative = 14 pages to flip through lol
18:15 mauvebic prolly more now for me lol
18:15 khonkhortisan instead of 99 nodes?
18:15 jojoa1997 keep the search
18:15 jojoa1997 yeah
18:15 khonkhortisan I have unified and default fighting with each other
18:15 mauvebic youre sposed to yank 1 of em out
18:15 VanessaE khonkhortisan: you have to delete the default one.
18:15 khonkhortisan okay
18:16 mauvebic or write a function to determine which one to serve to who
18:17 mauvebic newer unified should support permission based stuff too
18:17 Oblivion1500 joined #minetest
18:18 markveidemanis Hi!
18:19 jojoa1997 back
18:20 xming hmm, a bit lost here, should I use unified inventory or craft guide? (that is if I want a guide for crafting)
18:20 VanessaE Unified Inventory
18:21 khonkhortisan craft guide should be part of the inventory instead of a separate node menu
18:21 jojoa1997 what is farming plus dependent on
18:21 VanessaE famring
18:21 mauvebic thats not how it was written tho :p
18:21 VanessaE farming*
18:21 jojoa1997 i have that?
18:22 VanessaE dunno
18:22 jojoa1997 i have everything
18:22 jojoa1997 i mean why doesnt it work
18:22 jojoa1997 i have all the dependencies
18:22 VanessaE ever since that damn mod config menu got added, the engine/server/whatever doesn't bother to fucking TELL you which mods are missing anymore
18:22 VanessaE fucking STUPID change
18:22 mauvebic lol
18:23 mauvebic who's?
18:23 jojoa1997 what happened to set time in unified inven
18:23 LunaVorax joined #minetest
18:23 khonkhortisan time setting isn't really for a public server
18:23 mauvebic that could use a priv lock
18:23 jojoa1997 wit does
18:24 mauvebic in my fork - you cant access any of the tabs without the appropriate priv - the only thing i havent done yet is actually hide the buttons when they dont have privs
18:24 sokomine how about bags and the diffrent versions of inventory? i have them sometimes mixed and use the trader from mobf to reset it
18:24 Oblivion1500 joined #minetest
18:26 mauvebic dont use bags :/ i use clear
18:26 mauvebic cant you just expand the player inventory?
18:27 mauvebic if not expand then you can fake it with an additional detached
18:27 sokomine the bags are a good mod
18:27 sokomine and yes, they use detached inventorys to my knowledge
18:27 mauvebic but is the player inv static to 32 slots?
18:28 mauvebic 'bags' could be a tab in unified with like another 32 slot inventory
18:29 mauvebic tho if you got more crap than you know what to do with, you might consider some sort of trading mod lol
18:31 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
18:31 jojoa1997 VanessaE could u make papyrus grow naturally in plantlib
18:31 VanessaE jojoa1997: I could, but there are other mods that do that
18:32 khonkhortisan I git blame Jeija for drop = "mesecons_extrawires:insulated_off",
18:32 jojoa1997 what are they?
18:34 VanessaE I don't remember off the top of my head
18:34 jojoa1997 does anyone know the recipe for trapglass
18:35 jojoa1997 like on your server anessae
18:36 VanessaE note sure off the top of my head
18:37 NekoGloop not*
18:37 VanessaE note*
18:37 VanessaE not*
18:42 markveidemanis hi
18:42 markveidemanis post on my topic!
18:42 markveidemanis
18:43 VanessaE meh.
18:45 markveidemanis No join, just post
18:45 sokomine mauvebic: sapiers mobf has a trader. i've given it a bit more to trade :-) the bags problem is something diffrent
18:45 VanessaE people will post when they want to.
18:46 markveidemanis Who has been on the gameboom server?
18:46 khonkhortisan me, but not lately
18:46 markveidemanis who is common on the gameboom server
18:46 markveidemanis like..
18:47 markveidemanis darkrose,Emmet124,Zourent,Bad_Command,Alphamale,DerakuTenshi
18:47 markveidemanis Ghostshell..
18:47 markveidemanis The list goes on
18:47 markveidemanis Those are good people, they know what they are doing
18:47 VanessaE I thought gameboom was dead?
18:47 markveidemanis And where are they now?
18:47 markveidemanis it is
18:47 khonkhortisan it's still up I think
18:47 khonkhortisan oh
18:47 markveidemanis But it's people are not...
18:48 markveidemanis it's up, but dead
18:48 roboman2444 joined #minetest
18:48 markveidemanis Mapgen bug, no bother to get new map...
18:48 khonkhortisan bones were making me actually lose stuff
18:49 markveidemanis Thats the point :D
18:49 markveidemanis What is LevelDB
18:49 khonkhortisan no, I ran to my bones and they disappeared right in front of me
18:49 markveidemanis as opposed to sqlite3
18:49 khonkhortisan or never appeared
18:49 markveidemanis oh,
18:49 markveidemanis Thats the mapgen
18:52 markveidemanis So join now plz
18:52 markveidemanis if you are like the people i listed, or know them, join now
18:52 markveidemanis or ARE them
19:08 VanessaE leveldb versus sqlite is the database engine used to store your map.
19:08 VanessaE it is not related to the map generator.
19:08 VanessaE sqlite bugs out with files > 4GB, leveldb does not.
19:08 VanessaE some have said leveldb is also a tad fastet to access than sqlite.
19:12 MiJyn is it possible to force minetest to load a certain area of a map from lua?
19:12 VanessaE no
19:12 MiJyn dang
19:13 MiJyn heh, well, new issue to file :P
19:13 VanessaE already been discussed
19:13 VanessaE nothing has been decided as far as I know.
19:14 MiJyn oh
19:15 MiJyn would be so awesome for my mod ^^
19:17 JesseH joined #minetest
19:17 * JesseH needs a good server to play on.
19:17 VanessaE try mine.
19:17 JesseH PM me ip, or whatever :P
19:17 Traxie21 joined #minetest
19:17 VanessaE  creative mode, tons of mods, slow as hell :-)
19:17 VanessaE hey traxie.
19:18 JesseH slow as hell lol
19:18 JesseH I've seen that before playing minetest
19:19 * MiJyn wonders where he could have _possibly_ seen that... *cough*minecr*ft*cough*
19:19 JesseH Been reading over the API a little bit, and I am probably going to host my own server sooner or later with my mods.
19:19 MiJyn cool!
19:20 JesseH I can't compare minetest of minecraft, because minetest hasn't been developed as much as minecraft.
19:20 MiJyn ah ok
19:20 MiJyn yeah
19:20 Traxie21 how does one use minetest.env:find_nodes_in_area?
19:21 Traxie21 ohi Vanessa!
19:21 JesseH one moment Traxie21
19:21 Traxie21 I know how, but it dosnt seem to work
19:21 Traxie21 print(dump(minetest.env:find_nodes_in_area({x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+1}, {x=pos.x-1, y=0, z=pos.z-1}, {"default:dirt"})))
19:21 MiJyn oh
19:21 VanessaE traxie, you give it a minimum and maximum position as corners of the rectilinear region to search, and a list of node names to search for.  it returns a list of positions for that node if any
19:22 Traxie21 Yeah
19:22 MiJyn I just made my own function... works fine for me :P
19:22 Traxie21 With the code above, it ALWAYS returns {}
19:22 JesseH I couldn't find that in the documentation D:
19:22 Traxie21 never has anything in it
19:22 VanessaE maybe because your box corners are not sorted.
19:22 VanessaE notice you put z-1 after z+1
19:22 MiJyn why don't you just make your own? Mine was only ~20 lines of code
19:22 MiJyn and works fine
19:22 Traxie21 What do you mean Vanessa?
19:22 VanessaE try putting the lower-valued coordinates first
19:23 Traxie21 k
19:23 VanessaE try:   {x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z-1}, {x=pos.x+1, y=0, z=pos.z+1}, {"default:dirt"}
19:23 VanessaE maybe also swap y=pos.y with y=0 -- I dunno what your y coords refer to in this case :-)
19:24 Traxie21 y = pos.y is the y position of a block
19:24 Traxie21 if I set it to zero, it will check at y 0
19:24 VanessaE if pos.y is always greater than 0, then you should put it with the x+1, z+1
19:24 VanessaE and put y=0 with the x-1, z-1 part.
19:25 JesseH left #minetest
19:25 Traxie21 It may not always be greater than zero
19:25 VanessaE hrm
19:25 VanessaE that could be an issue then
19:25 Traxie21 Wait
19:25 Traxie21 Now its printing positions
19:25 Traxie21 Its working :D
19:25 VanessaE ah!
19:25 VanessaE good
19:25 VanessaE now consider the range of Y values
19:26 VanessaE you might need to either do two separate checks, or one check that straddles y=0.
19:26 Traxie21 ok
19:26 Traxie21 Btw, now how to I only make code run when it finds values in that table?
19:26 Traxie21 checking if the table is empty or {} dosnt seem to work...
19:27 VanessaE nodes = minetest.env:find_nodes_in_area(.....)
19:27 VanessaE if nodes then
19:27 VanessaE blah blah
19:27 VanessaE end
19:27 Traxie21 wow
19:27 Traxie21 fast typer
19:27 VanessaE fast copy&paster ;-)
19:28 VanessaE nodes will either be a table or nil, or at least that's how it's *supposed* to work
19:28 Traxie21 yeah
19:28 Traxie21 Its returning {}
19:28 VanessaE so 'if nodes then....' will execute if nodes != nil
19:28 VanessaE odd
19:28 VanessaE well you could always....
19:28 VanessaE if nodes ~= {} and nodes ~= nil then
19:28 VanessaE blah blah
19:28 VanessaE end
19:29 Traxie21 yeah
19:29 RealBadAngel for _,object in ipairs(minetest.env:get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 2)) do
19:29 Traxie21 trying that
19:29 RealBadAngel example for similar function
19:29 Traxie21 Yeah
19:29 Traxie21 I cant use that
19:29 RealBadAngel use ipairs
19:29 Traxie21 I need to check on a horizontal axis only
19:29 VanessaE what are you doing anyway?
19:30 Traxie21 trying to finish my mud mod
19:30 Traxie21 XD
19:30 Traxie21 sand by the ocean needs to become sandmud
19:31 VanessaE use plants_lib for that :-)
19:31 jin_xi VanessaE: its supposed to return a list of positions
19:31 VanessaE it can do the checks you want to do :-_)
19:31 VanessaE jin_xi: or nil, if the node wasn't found.
19:31 Traxie21 I know, but its an extra lib, for something supposedly so simple
19:31 jin_xi VanessaE: nope.jpg
19:32 jin_xi
19:32 VanessaE strange, I coulda sworn it had mentioned returning nil
19:32 jin_xi find node near does that...
19:32 VanessaE well no matter, she's checking for an empty table now too
19:33 Traxie21 wow
19:33 Traxie21 if nodes == nil or nodes == "" or nodes == {} or nodes == "{}"then return false else minetest.env:add_node(pos, {name="mud:sandmud_source"}) return  end
19:33 Traxie21 that still gets through O_O
19:33 VanessaE jeez
19:34 Traxie21 this is the hardest mod I've ever done
19:34 Traxie21 I should stick with textures XD
19:35 Traxie21 Btw, RBA, your technic mod is excellent
19:35 Traxie21 along with pipeworks
19:35 Traxie21 WOOT
19:35 Traxie21 Its done!
19:35 Traxie21 It worked!
19:35 VanessaE \o/
19:35 Traxie21 Testing time
19:36 RealBadAngel thx
19:36 sokomine what will your mod do, traxie?
19:37 Traxie21 make a caustic/erosive mud that can mine when controlled
19:37 Traxie21 But can also be a natural disaster
19:37 sokomine sounds dangerous
19:37 Traxie21 It is
19:37 Traxie21 Fortunately, it can normally only be created with player help
19:37 Traxie21 sandmud is not dangerous
19:37 * sokomine turns fly on and watches from above :-)
19:37 sokomine ah, ok
19:38 Traxie21 Lolyea
19:38 Traxie21 Before this was working, all sand turned into sandmud
19:38 Traxie21 my world was totally wrecked
19:38 MiJyn haha yeah, I imagine...
19:40 sokomine i've got a spawning problem as well. in short: whenever such a nice huge moretrees-tree spawns, i want a function to be called that places a house some distance (5-20 blocks away) from that tree. it's supposed to be a home for lumberjacks
19:40 Traxie21 what happens?
19:40 sokomine of course not for every tree. maybe every 5th or 10th
19:42 VadtecWk joined #minetest
19:42 sokomine the wood of the tree would be of limited help in this case since they strech up so high. also i do not care about a particular surface. just at least 1 tree has to be nearby (the more trees the more chance of a lumberjack home beeing spawned)
19:43 VadtecWk hey all, im running MT off a thumb drive for a local game, and i am getting the following:
19:43 VadtecWk is there any reason everything is red like that?
19:44 VanessaE VadtecWk: turn off shaders.
19:44 MiJyn VanessaE, or maybe he's using a blood texture pack? O_o jk
19:44 VadtecWk VanessaE, woot, that worked
19:45 VanessaE regarding spawning a building...
19:45 VanessaE I'm not entirely sure how to do that in fact.
19:45 VadtecWk my graphics card at home is much better, cause i turned on all the graphics stuff and it worked just fine last night :P
19:46 rsiska joined #minetest
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19:49 sokomine i do have the code that actually puts the house at a given location ready. i just need such locations...
19:49 sokomine if there would be a way to find out that a huge moretrees-tree is about to spawn (or has spawned) at xyz that would be helpful
19:51 Deivan joined #minetest
19:57 VadtecWk i really love the fact that MT uses UDP
19:58 VadtecWk the network admins here filter TCP heavily, and they have tagged MC packets
19:58 VadtecWk and basically killed MC
19:58 VadtecWk but now i can play MT :P
19:58 VadtecWk sneaky sneaky
20:00 rsiska joined #minetest
20:08 FreeFull =P
20:09 jin_xi sokomine: maybe something like that could work? (untested)
20:14 sokomine ah, you suggest overlaying the tree-grow-function, jin_xi? hm. maybe. if it can be done in this case?
20:14 sokomine that would at least be along the lines i was thinking
20:14 VanessaE that might work too
20:15 VanessaE I hadn't even thought of doing that
20:15 VanessaE but you'll have to be very careful about detecting what is being spawned
20:15 VanessaE because this will also affect sapling growth
20:15 sokomine would be easiest for me in this case i think. i could attach a hut to every 5th or 10th tree. what is important is the location of the tree and the type of it
20:16 sokomine in how far?
20:16 PilzAdam bye
20:19 sokomine how do trees grow btw? do they spawn saplings first?
20:20 VanessaE nope, they just grow immediately.
20:20 sokomine ok
20:21 VanessaE the spawning algorithm selects a spot and either calls spawn_tree() directly or calls a function in moretrees to handle it (which also just calls spawn_tree() after doing a couple of tests)
20:22 VanessaE so for example, a palm is spawned directly at the target, while a fir is spawned via a function call, which does a quick random function to decide which model and size to spawn
20:22 BackupCoder joined #minetest
20:22 VanessaE saplings are individually deleted and replaced by whole trees when their time comes
20:22 sokomine hm, yes, the trees are of diffrent sizes and might require diffrent distance
20:22 sokomine hi backupcoder
20:22 VanessaE via plants_lib's growing abm
20:23 sokomine ok. but on mapgen it's immediate growing
20:24 VanessaE yes
20:24 sokomine how about depth? do the trees grow down some way? else i could place the detector-node beneath the tree-to-be and spawn the house a few seconds later somewhere in the area (i'd like to wait a bit due to incoming mud from neighbouring generated areas)
20:24 mr0wl joined #minetest
20:24 VanessaE as soon as a spawn target is chosen, the tree is immediately spawned.
20:25 VanessaE no, they don't.
20:25 VanessaE that's not a bad idea at all in fact
20:25 VanessaE place your special node two spaces below the tree
20:25 sokomine or...well...with an after-function, i could just call it with the position without placing anything
20:25 VanessaE brb, gotta do something
20:25 Matsetes joined #minetest
20:26 VanessaE exactly
20:26 sokomine a general node might not be a bad idea after all for those huge trees. could be useful for other mods as well that want to detect trees. they're more complicated than the typical 4-trunks-upward-and-leaves-version
20:26 VanessaE sokomine: well there's also group:moretrees_trunk
20:27 VanessaE :-)
20:27 sokomine ...which will also occur in my houses since they will use the same wood the tree is made out of...
20:28 sokomine such a root-node could help supply jungletrees with those roots they used to have in bas' mod
20:28 sokomine that's something i miss with the moretrees-version
20:29 VanessaE you mean the + shaped roots?
20:29 sokomine yes, those
20:29 VanessaE that's easy to add, should be a small matter of a quick tweak to the jungletrees model
20:30 VanessaE check tree_models.lua, maybe you can play around with it?
20:35 VanessaE worst case it would require adding some code to the function that is called to spawn a jungle tree (like firs, they are spawned by function call rather that directly) to manually draw the roots
20:38 VanessaE bbiab
20:38 VanessaE gotta run an errand
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20:55 MiJyn does anyone know what causes a chunk to load?
20:55 MiJyn if a player is in it?
20:55 MiJyn if an entity is in it?
20:56 MiJyn I mean, a player/entity moves inside it
20:58 Wuzzy2 joined #minetest
21:07 jin_xi joined #minetest
21:07 Kacey joined #minetest
21:11 Kacey Menche's server crashed...
21:14 * Kacey lagtest
21:14 Kacey hi all
21:20 sdzen joined #minetest
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22:03 ttk2 joined #minetest
22:05 VanessaE MiJyn: generally, if the player is looking at it and it's close enough
22:06 Kacey;feature=endscreen&amp;v=1NyogxL54NE lol
22:17 MiJyn @VanessaE, oh... so I can't even cheat it :/
22:17 VanessaE not yet
22:17 VanessaE there's been talk of making it possible for the client to request blocks, and also of Lua mods doing the same, but no one's decided to make this happen yet
22:22 MiJyn dang
22:23 MiJyn I'll have to make a bot
22:23 MiJyn or something
22:27 proller joined #minetest
22:29 MiJyn are there any tutorials for bot-making?
22:29 MiJyn in lua
22:29 VanessaE nope, not that I know of
22:29 MiJyn ok
22:29 VanessaE no one would EVER compose such a thing - how dare you even suggest it, you hacker ;)
22:30 MiJyn uh whut?
22:30 VanessaE gah, so much for that joke
22:31 MiJyn ok xD
22:31 MiJyn ok, so is it possible to create a new player in lua?
22:32 VanessaE not that I know of.
22:32 VanessaE you're gonna have to do this in an external program or something
22:32 MiJyn oh :/
22:33 MiJyn ok, I guess I'll just wait
22:36 Kacey what is a gpu?
22:37 VanessaE graphics card
22:37 VanessaE namely, the main chip on the card
22:37 VanessaE Graphics Processing Unit
22:37 Gambit joined #minetest
22:39 Menche joined #minetest
22:44 STHGOM joined #minetest
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22:49 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
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22:55 sokomine how can i overload the spawn_tree function? does it work at all? it's in the lua api...
22:55 VanessaE overload it?
22:56 VanessaE you mean overlay it
22:56 VanessaE as in wedge into it?
22:56 xming I was wondering how do those moreblocks/ores mods work when I drop them in a existing world? Will they change existing blocks?
22:56 sokomine xming: only newly generated
22:56 sokomine vanessa: yes
22:57 xming that makes sense
22:57 sokomine jin_xi suggested ... does not seem to work in this case?
22:58 VanessaE I
22:58 VanessaE I'll have to leave you to it, I don't know how to do that
23:01 VanessaE I know, fat lotta help I am today :D
23:05 xming is "Dwarves" a good gametype/collection of mods to start with?
23:08 VanessaE dunno
23:10 xming trying to setup a server without much knowledge in MT
23:10 xming adding mods bit by bit
23:11 xming then noticed (by reading here) that some are outdated/unmaintained
23:11 xming so what's the best practice here for a n00b?
23:12 VanessaE just do what you're doing now
23:12 VanessaE use common sense, try mods out one at a time, see what works for you
23:12 xming and leran by trial & error? :D
23:13 VanessaE watch the forums for mod updates, and yeah learn by trial and error :-)
23:13 xming not very "user friendly" :p
23:14 xming personally I am not scared by it, just lack of time
23:14 xming but I can imaging some newcomer might get scared
23:15 monkeycoder joined #minetest
23:15 FreeFull xming: Named after the X11 server for windows?
23:15 xming there are no plans for central repo, compatibility test, status checks?
23:15 xming FreeFull: nope, I should sue Xming for that
23:16 xming note the capital X
23:16 xming I have been using this nick (xming) on irc since 1991, way before Xming
23:16 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest
23:16 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest
23:17 FreeFull I think Windows 3 did have an X server, although it wasn't Xming
23:18 xming Xming was launched around 2000
23:18 xming IIRC
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23:39 jojoa1997 can anyone tell me the code to make an object go in someone's inventory
23:40 RealBadAngel you mean create new stack and place it inventory?
23:40 jojoa1997 yes
23:40 RealBadAngel hold on a sec
23:41 jojoa1997 i want to use luacontrollers to give me some stuff
23:41 proller joined #minetest
23:44 RealBadAngel local item={}
23:44 RealBadAngel item["name"]="default:cobble"
23:44 RealBadAngel item["count]="10"
23:44 RealBadAngel local itemstack:replace(item)
23:44 RealBadAngel this is how you create new stack
23:44 jojoa1997 thanks you soo much
23:48 MiJyn so with luacontroller, you can give yourself 1000 mese, correct?
23:48 MiJyn no cost to you
23:48 MiJyn only the cost of a luacontroller
23:49 sokomine same with creative?
23:50 MiJyn yeah, but I'm talking about survival
23:54 VanessaE more likely, you'd pop up a 1000-mese entity that you can then pick up
23:54 VanessaE that'd be a little more fair to the other players anyway ;-)

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