Time |
Nick |
Message |
00:27 |
Kacey joined #minetest |
00:30 |
* Kacey |
has a bone to pick with jo joa1997 |
00:31 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
00:41 |
khonkhortisan joined #minetest |
01:08 |
Kacey |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-wbOlWa-gk i waant one |
01:08 |
NekoGloop |
http://ompldr.org/vaGhwNA/SMBGEscreen4.PNG Checkpoints in said project |
01:16 |
ShadowNinja joined #minetest |
01:19 |
Kacey |
hi ShadowNinja |
01:19 |
ShadowNinja |
hi |
01:19 |
Kacey |
i had to replant alot of stuff |
01:20 |
Kacey |
!up menche.servegame.com |
01:20 |
MinetestBot |
menche.servegame.com:30000 is up (1.375ms) |
01:22 |
MiJyn |
!up google.com |
01:22 |
MinetestBot |
google.com:30000 seems to be down |
01:22 |
MiJyn |
oh no :( |
01:23 |
MiJyn |
ah, I know... |
01:23 |
sapier |
no minetest server at google.com what a pitty |
01:23 |
MiJyn |
!up minetest.google.com |
01:23 |
MinetestBot |
minetest.google.com:30000 seems to be down |
01:23 |
MiJyn |
dang |
01:24 |
MiJyn |
yeah, well, that server was not amazing anyways... I always had to literally search for my nodes :/ |
01:55 |
sapier left #minetest |
02:30 |
Kacey |
http://ompldr.org/vaGhwcg/screenshot_3858520794.png my wheat farm |
02:33 |
Kacey |
is it possible to grow papyrus? |
02:36 |
khonkhortisan |
There must be a mod for it |
02:37 |
khonkhortisan |
I'd expect you to need rows of water through the rows of papyrus |
02:37 |
bas080 |
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/419967/Screenshot%20-%2002172013%20-%2003%3A36%3A29%20AM.png |
02:37 |
khonkhortisan |
chemistry? |
02:37 |
bas080 |
yes |
02:38 |
bas080 |
"actual size" chemistry |
02:38 |
khonkhortisan |
it looks like that only makes one water node |
02:39 |
bas080 |
Or many water molecules |
02:39 |
bas080 |
Not technically speaking |
02:39 |
khonkhortisan |
What does it do if there isn't a node for that chemical? |
02:40 |
bas080 |
it doesn't react |
02:40 |
bas080 |
So you have to know the crafts for the reactions |
02:40 |
bas080 |
But there is also an extractor. |
02:40 |
bas080 |
This can change nodes into chemical crafts. |
02:40 |
bas080 |
That way you can "mine" for chemicals |
02:42 |
khonkhortisan |
moreores is missing some nodes it has items for |
02:42 |
bas080 |
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/419967/Screenshot%20-%2002172013%20-%2003%3A42%3A24%20AM.png <<< example of extractor :P |
02:43 |
bas080 |
the arrow turned around |
02:44 |
Roukoswarf-M joined #minetest |
02:45 |
Kacey |
can you grow papyrus? |
02:46 |
Roukoswarf-M joined #minetest |
02:49 |
sokomine |
kacey: yes. with the right mod. the nature_packs have growing papyrus |
02:49 |
Kacey |
so not by default? |
02:49 |
Kacey |
or with farming/farming_plus |
02:49 |
khonkhortisan |
All you can grow by default is trees |
02:51 |
sokomine |
skyblock has growing papyrus and cactus as well |
02:52 |
thexyz |
oh damn |
02:52 |
Kacey |
uugh so my papyrus farm was in vain? |
02:53 |
thexyz |
TForsman: what's your locale? |
02:54 |
thexyz |
moreover, how do you write decimal fractions in your country? |
02:54 |
sokomine |
depends on the server. if it's yours you can add a mod that let it grow |
02:55 |
thexyz |
I guess the problem is that you use "," as decimal separator |
02:56 |
Menche joined #minetest |
02:56 |
Kacey |
Menche hi |
02:56 |
Menche |
hello |
02:56 |
Kacey |
i have a mod request for you to add |
02:57 |
iqualfragile joined #minetest |
02:57 |
Kacey |
growing_papyrus |
02:57 |
khonkhortisan |
make it need nearby water |
02:57 |
Menche |
is there one that makes cactus grow as well? there used to be |
02:58 |
Menche |
something for VanessaE to add to plantlife? |
02:58 |
Kacey |
farming or something adds cactus growing |
02:58 |
Kacey |
i know because i am growing cactus now |
02:58 |
sokomine |
the same mods that let papyrus grow usually let cactus grow as well |
02:59 |
Menche |
oh so it does grow? |
02:59 |
sokomine |
with a mod, yes |
02:59 |
Kacey |
cactus does grow, yes |
02:59 |
Kacey |
on desert sand |
02:59 |
Menche |
but papyrus doesn't? |
03:00 |
sokomine |
ought to be part of default |
03:00 |
sokomine |
entire landscapes on redcrabs server have been depleted of papyrus :-( |
03:01 |
khonkhortisan |
gameboom has little papyrus, and trees don't regrow either |
03:01 |
Kacey |
see Menche growing_papyrus would help alot |
03:02 |
Roukoswarf-M joined #minetest |
03:02 |
Deivan joined #minetest |
03:03 |
Kacey |
03:07 |
khonkhortisan |
Papyrus curtains and privacy wall and doorways |
03:07 |
Kacey |
koalabear has protected half of city hall |
03:18 |
TheBonsai joined #minetest |
03:24 |
telek |
There's no longer noclipping? |
03:25 |
Menche |
it has to be enabled |
03:25 |
khonkhortisan |
there's a button for it now |
03:25 |
Kacey |
i made papyrus grow ^_^ |
03:25 |
telek |
IS there a hotkey as well? |
03:25 |
khonkhortisan |
You have to leave the server to change the button to noclip |
03:25 |
telek |
And is it server or client-side? |
03:25 |
telek |
Oh |
03:25 |
telek |
So it's a config file option then. |
03:25 |
khonkhortisan |
There's also double-jump to fly |
03:26 |
Menche |
i believe it is h? |
03:26 |
telek |
Ahh ok |
03:26 |
Menche |
yes |
03:26 |
khonkhortisan |
I don't use the default keys, I wouldn't be able to tell you |
03:26 |
Menche |
and requires a priv i believe |
03:26 |
telek |
No there isn't a priv for it :D |
03:26 |
khonkhortisan |
yes, you have to redo /grant singleplayer all |
03:26 |
telek |
Ohh |
03:26 |
telek |
It does have one, that error message is confusing |
03:28 |
khonkhortisan |
privs fast fly worldedit server teleport settime bring interact password loadmod rollback shout basic_privs noclip ban give |
03:29 |
telek |
... |
03:29 |
telek |
There's in-game mod loading now? |
03:29 |
khonkhortisan |
that one might by mine |
03:29 |
Menche |
don't think so |
03:30 |
khonkhortisan |
yeah, that's my attempt at a mod-loading mod |
03:30 |
telek |
Ahh ok :D |
03:30 |
MiJyn |
is it possible to have collision detection? |
03:30 |
MiJyn |
or gravity for nodes? |
03:33 |
telek |
MiJyn: I'm not sure if the former is implemented (I assume you mean for pcs/npcs), and the latter I'm sure isn't implemented, but certainly could bne. |
03:41 |
Roukoswarf joined #minetest |
03:42 |
Roukoswarf-M joined #minetest |
03:45 |
Kacey |
im growing papyrus ^_^ |
03:51 |
sokomine |
how do i get a players position from withhin a chat command? |
03:52 |
Kacey |
now if i could only get junglegrass to grow |
03:53 |
Menche |
i think small junglegrass will grow to larger |
03:53 |
Menche |
but they all drop full-size grass |
03:53 |
Kacey |
i need to force it to spawn almost |
03:54 |
sokomine |
depends on the server i think |
03:55 |
sokomine |
ok...found out hwo |
03:56 |
Kacey |
junglegrass liked to grow on top of cactus earlier... |
03:56 |
sokomine |
it sometimes does. as with papyrus you need a mod that adds it |
03:56 |
* Menche |
misses the old 0.3.x jungles |
03:57 |
Kacey |
no i am growing papyrus now without a mod ^_^ |
03:57 |
* Menche |
would still play 0.3.2, but it won't build with the latest irrlicht |
03:59 |
sokomine |
if you like jungles take bas' jungletree mod or the moretrees from vanessa. those trees are very decorative |
03:59 |
Menche |
the old 0.3 jungles were better :( |
04:01 |
Kacey |
my plan worked ^_^ |
04:04 |
NakedFury joined #minetest |
04:16 |
Gambit1 joined #minetest |
04:17 |
Gambit1 |
hi |
04:21 |
Dogzilla131 joined #minetest |
04:24 |
Dogzilla131 |
Hi all |
04:24 |
Gambit1 |
hi |
04:24 |
Gambit1 |
you |
04:24 |
Gambit1 |
i'm the new gambit |
04:24 |
Gambit1 |
the better one |
04:27 |
Dogzilla131 |
? |
04:38 |
Menche left #minetest |
04:39 |
MiJyn |
telek, I know its implemented for entities, but also for nodes?? |
04:55 |
Kacey joined #minetest |
04:56 |
Kacey |
back |
04:56 |
Kacey |
hi all |
04:58 |
Dogzilla131 |
hi |
04:59 |
Gambit1 |
hi |
04:59 |
Gambit1 |
heya |
05:04 |
Kacey |
why the 1? |
05:04 |
Gambit1 |
cuz |
05:04 |
Gambit1 |
i'm number one |
05:07 |
Vadtec |
i just setup minetest on my local ubuntu 12.04 VPS, and when I connect, the screen gets to "waiting content" "item defs" "node defs" and just hangs |
05:07 |
Vadtec |
from my windows client that is |
05:08 |
Vadtec |
am i missing something? |
05:09 |
Vadtec |
well, i say hangs, it just never downloads anything |
05:10 |
Oblivion1500 joined #minetest |
05:10 |
BackupCoder joined #minetest |
05:12 |
Vadtec |
anyone active? |
05:12 |
Kacey |
no |
05:12 |
Vadtec |
i knew it! |
05:12 |
Gambit1 |
no |
05:13 |
Gambit1 |
i'm working on my texture pack |
05:13 |
Gambit1 |
that's why |
05:13 |
Vadtec |
im trying to figure out why my win client wont connect to my minetest ubuntu vps |
05:13 |
Vadtec |
not having much luck atm |
05:14 |
Vadtec |
i can see my client connect in the server log |
05:14 |
Vadtec |
but thats it |
05:19 |
bas080 |
I'm stuck at a certain place in the chemistry mod. Pls help https://gist.github.com/anonymous/4970296 <<< Line 174 |
05:19 |
bas080 |
Pls help |
05:24 |
Vadtec |
guess no one active atm has any info on my issue, and my google fu is failing me |
05:24 |
* Vadtec |
sighs |
05:24 |
Gambit1 |
me here |
05:24 |
Gambit1 |
but busy with tp |
05:24 |
Gambit1 |
sorry |
05:25 |
Vadtec |
its all good |
05:25 |
Vadtec |
i wont go bash it just yet |
05:25 |
Vadtec |
lol |
05:26 |
Kacey |
print(reaction[1]) |
05:26 |
Kacey |
that the error? |
05:26 |
bas080 |
yes |
05:27 |
Kacey |
what does the error say? |
05:27 |
bas080 |
basic_string::_S_construct null not valid |
05:27 |
Kacey |
print(reaction1) |
05:27 |
Kacey |
try that |
05:28 |
bas080 |
same error |
05:28 |
Kacey |
hmm... |
05:28 |
Kacey |
then delete the line |
05:29 |
bas080 |
then it works perfectly |
05:29 |
Kacey |
lol |
05:29 |
Kacey |
uneeded really |
05:29 |
bas080 |
Well, i don't get errors but functionality is missing |
05:31 |
Kacey |
what is the purpose of that line? |
05:31 |
shirish joined #minetest |
05:31 |
bas080 |
Maybe this can be done easier. I basicly have this register_reaction function in which you can save a "craft" array in a big crafts array. |
05:32 |
bas080 |
The loop with line that gives the error should help checking if the craft is similar to nodes placed in the world |
05:33 |
bas080 |
The reactor node checks ones placed if craft is "similar" to nodes next to node (chemistry:reactor) |
05:34 |
Kacey |
can i have a link to it? |
05:34 |
Kacey |
the whole mod? |
05:34 |
bas080 |
https://gist.github.com/anonymous/4970296 <<< this is complete code |
05:34 |
bas080 |
init.lua |
05:34 |
bas080 |
i can make git develop branch |
05:34 |
bas080 |
on it |
05:35 |
Kacey |
i need the whole mod |
05:37 |
Vadtec |
meh, ive tried everything i know to do at this point...ill revisit this in a few hrs |
05:37 |
Vadtec |
i need sleep |
05:39 |
Kacey |
bas080, make an actual git of this |
05:39 |
bas080 |
https://github.com/bas080/chemistry/tree/development |
05:42 |
Kacey |
now how do i get this to work? |
05:43 |
bas080 |
giveme chemistry:H 20 |
05:43 |
bas080 |
giveme chemistry:O 20 |
05:43 |
bas080 |
and place stuff in this way |
05:43 |
bas080 |
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/419967/Screenshot%20-%2002172013%20-%2003%3A36%3A29%20AM.png |
05:44 |
Kacey |
i have creative |
05:44 |
bas080 |
except make H 2 high |
05:44 |
bas080 |
so you end up with 2x2 of H |
05:44 |
Kacey |
extractor doesnt work yet |
05:44 |
bas080 |
no! |
05:45 |
bas080 |
that is the thing that i'm trying to get started atm |
05:45 |
Kacey |
aah |
05:45 |
bas080 |
the reactor actually |
05:45 |
Kacey |
well yours worked but mine didnt |
05:46 |
bas080 |
But i can't read from the chemistry.reactions table like this > chemistry.reactions[1][1] |
05:46 |
bas080 |
line 174 |
05:47 |
Kacey |
i cant seem to get this to work... |
05:48 |
bas080 |
I have been struggling with this for over an hour |
05:48 |
Kacey |
i cant turn those into a water source |
05:48 |
TorpedoSkyline joined #minetest |
05:48 |
bas080 |
Because the code is flawed. |
05:49 |
Kacey |
aaw :( |
05:49 |
bas080 |
The screenshot was is a mock-up |
05:49 |
Kacey |
lol |
05:49 |
bas080 |
Do you get an error? |
05:49 |
Kacey |
im off to bed night |
05:49 |
bas080 |
Bye Kacey |
05:49 |
bas080 |
Thnx anyways |
05:55 |
bas080 |
i got it working... not sure how. but now it works. |
05:58 |
Gambit1 |
it's called luck |
06:01 |
MiJyn |
bye all |
06:19 |
simion314 joined #minetest |
06:27 |
Oblivion1500 joined #minetest |
06:37 |
Gambit1 left #minetest |
07:12 |
TwilightSparklee joined #minetest |
07:16 |
TForsman |
thexyz: my locale is sv_SE in laptop, if it's that locale you mean. |
07:17 |
TForsman |
thexyz: but using at the moment in ~/.bashrc export LANGUAGE="en_AU:en_GB:en" |
07:23 |
bas080 joined #minetest |
07:26 |
MinetestBot joined #minetest |
07:28 |
SpeedProg joined #minetest |
07:34 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
07:35 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
07:36 |
Oblivion1500 joined #minetest |
07:56 |
sfan5 |
hi MinetestBot |
07:56 |
MinetestBot |
Hello sfan5! |
08:02 |
ecube joined #minetest |
08:39 |
neko259 joined #minetest |
08:44 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
09:02 |
mr0wl joined #minetest |
09:12 |
rsiska joined #minetest |
09:14 |
berome joined #minetest |
09:26 |
blaze joined #minetest |
09:35 |
LunaVorax joined #minetest |
09:36 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
09:38 |
RealBadAngel |
hi Calinou |
09:41 |
Calinou |
hi |
09:41 |
* Calinou |
is backing up his stuff to his external HDD |
09:41 |
Calinou |
yey, TF2 install uses 12GB |
09:42 |
RealBadAngel |
http://i.imgur.com/zLh5rsr.jpg |
09:43 |
RealBadAngel |
take a look, ONE node and screwdriver in action :) |
09:44 |
RealBadAngel |
i finished 6d facedir for meshes about hour ago, now im testing 6d for nodeboxes |
09:46 |
Calinou |
now our engine is more powerful than crysis 4's |
10:11 |
RealBadAngel |
if somebody wanna check new facedir in action: http://realbadangel.pl/facedirtools.zip tools to rotate nodes, and game sources: https://github.com/RealBadAngel/minetest |
10:12 |
RealBadAngel |
github sources doesnt contain nodebox rotations yet, just regular facedir nodes |
10:16 |
berome |
RealBadAngel: hello ; do you mean paramtype2="facedir" won't work when minetest 0.4.5 will be out ? |
10:17 |
RealBadAngel |
of course it will |
10:17 |
berome |
oh sorry :-) |
10:17 |
RealBadAngel |
new one is fully compatible with old one |
10:17 |
berome |
ok nice work |
10:17 |
RealBadAngel |
old facedir is just one case (y+) of new one |
10:20 |
berome |
hmm ? Sorry, I don't really understand. I made a really simple mod around organisation of 6 differents tiles with facedir |
10:20 |
berome |
it aims to help people who start and are not easy with coding |
10:20 |
berome |
that's why I asked you that |
10:23 |
RealBadAngel |
http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=70867 |
10:26 |
RealBadAngel |
read the topic and try the modifications |
10:27 |
berome |
you created one more feature, "on top" of "traditional" facedir, wich stay unchanged; I hope I had it now :-) |
10:28 |
RealBadAngel |
i extended it in fact |
10:29 |
RealBadAngel |
to what it should be from the start |
10:29 |
RealBadAngel |
so no need anymore to create multiple nodes for one object |
10:30 |
berome |
yes I read yesterday improvements of FPS it occurs |
10:33 |
RealBadAngel |
not much but a few FPS here, few there... |
10:39 |
Roukoghost joined #minetest |
10:40 |
berome |
heh, personnaly I used to play on servers around 12 FPS, with little range of view, so 1 FPS is one FPS :-) |
10:46 |
jin_xi joined #minetest |
10:47 |
PilzAdam joined #minetest |
10:48 |
PilzAdam |
Hello everyone! |
10:48 |
berome |
hi ! |
10:52 |
* berome |
need to cook, or to eat will return a nill value ... |
10:53 |
jin_xi |
lol, hi. wow, with 24 facedirs, does that mean i can now hang up paintings upside-down? |
10:55 |
RealBadAngel |
hi |
10:55 |
RealBadAngel |
just try it :) |
10:56 |
RealBadAngel |
im gonna push initial nodebox rotation in a while |
10:56 |
RealBadAngel |
i got rotation code ready, but need to fix old nodebox bug with order of coords |
10:57 |
jin_xi |
nice |
11:40 |
Jordach joined #minetest |
11:40 |
Jordach joined #minetest |
11:40 |
Jordach |
morning all |
11:40 |
Jordach |
hey OldCoder |
11:40 |
Jordach |
(if youre about) |
11:41 |
rsiska joined #minetest |
11:46 |
OldCoder |
11:47 |
OldCoder |
Jordach, I am about... but preoccupied. Will check here periodically. |
11:47 |
Jordach |
oh ok. just wondering if youre alright |
11:47 |
OldCoder |
no |
11:47 |
Jordach |
you've just been quiet thats all |
12:01 |
q66 joined #minetest |
12:05 |
OldCoder |
Jordach, yes |
12:05 |
Jordach |
anyways, i'm working on a challenge |
12:10 |
Jordach |
MS Paint Palette Comp GO! http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=70883#p70883 |
12:10 |
MinetestBot joined #minetest |
12:15 |
mr0wl joined #minetest |
12:18 |
Jeija joined #minetest |
12:19 |
Jordach |
o hai Jeija |
12:20 |
Jeija |
Hi Jordach |
12:21 |
PilzAdam |
Jeija, episode 17.2 is out |
12:24 |
Jordach |
PilzAdam, i have a competition going, feel free to enter! |
12:25 |
RealBadAngel |
ive updated screwdriver in facedirtools |
12:25 |
RealBadAngel |
its much more handy now to rotate nodes |
12:28 |
PilzAdam |
Jordach, actually one texture is also a TP; you should add the rule to support all default textures or so |
12:28 |
Jordach |
PilzAdam, kay |
12:33 |
* Jordach |
pokes VanessaE |
12:44 |
Jeija joined #minetest |
12:47 |
Jeija |
Are there any volunteers for testing the luacontroller in mesecons? |
12:48 |
* sfan5 |
12:49 |
sfan5 |
anyone here who plays minecraft classic? |
12:49 |
Jordach |
yessssssssssssssssss |
12:50 |
sfan5 |
you? |
12:50 |
Jordach |
mhm |
12:50 |
Jordach |
why? |
12:50 |
sfan5 |
because http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=70882#p70882 |
12:50 |
Jeija |
@sfan5 and other testers |
12:50 |
Jeija |
1) Use this branch https://github.com/Jeija/minetest-mod-mesecons/tree/luacontroller |
12:50 |
Jeija |
2) Read this http://mesecons.net/luacontroller/ and try your own things |
12:50 |
Jeija |
3) Tell me your testing results :) |
12:51 |
Jordach |
sfan5, you fuckin genius |
12:51 |
sfan5 |
:D |
12:52 |
Jordach |
sfan5, at least making PVP buildings is a lot easier now |
12:52 |
Jordach |
(mc classic is good too!) |
12:52 |
Jordach |
sfan5, feel free to enter my comp |
12:53 |
sfan5 |
Jordach: my program has a special feature: it converts tnt to doors :D |
12:53 |
Jordach |
o.o |
12:53 |
sfan5 |
Jordach: how do you know that i'm looking at you competiton thread D: |
12:53 |
Jordach |
sfan5, because ctcp sfan5 screenwatch |
12:53 |
Jordach |
:P |
12:54 |
Jordach |
im creating my own pack to show you how colour can be used |
13:00 |
Jeija left #minetest |
13:00 |
Morrolan joined #minetest |
13:01 |
* Jordach |
hates using too much detail with too little colours |
13:07 |
AspireMint joined #minetest |
13:09 |
Jordach |
hey AspireMint |
13:09 |
AspireMint |
Hello :] |
13:10 |
rubenwardy joined #minetest |
13:10 |
RealBadAngel |
https://github.com/RealBadAngel/minetest updated git with 6d rotations for nodeboxes too |
13:10 |
rubenwardy |
hi all |
13:10 |
RealBadAngel |
hi |
13:10 |
Jordach |
RealBadAngel, dont you mean 3d rotations |
13:10 |
RealBadAngel |
no, 6d |
13:10 |
Jordach |
or 6 facedir |
13:11 |
RealBadAngel |
6d facedir in fact :) |
13:11 |
RealBadAngel |
d is not for dimension but for direction |
13:11 |
Jordach |
anyways, im working on a MS Paint Pixel Art pack |
13:11 |
RealBadAngel |
http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4807 |
13:13 |
jin_xi |
ok, i'm gonna try this now |
13:14 |
AspireMint |
People, now i testing own mod, how can i apply calinous stars+ to my mod ? (need mymod_slab) |
13:15 |
AspireMint |
ooops, maybe i know... |
13:16 |
Nore joined #minetest |
13:16 |
Nore |
hi |
13:16 |
Jordach |
hey Nore |
13:17 |
Jordach |
btw, you can make a data bus for a 7 segment display |
13:17 |
Nore |
I made a computer (without microcontrollers) with mesecons... |
13:17 |
Nore |
... but it almost crashes my server |
13:18 |
Jordach |
oops |
13:18 |
Jordach |
Nore, microcontrollers can be used for crossings |
13:18 |
Nore |
I don't know why |
13:18 |
Nore |
yes, if you want a double diode |
13:18 |
Jordach |
if(B)on(D)>off(D); if(A)on(C)>off(C); |
13:18 |
Jordach |
that |
13:18 |
Nore |
but not if you want a two-way thing |
13:18 |
Jordach |
or inverse it |
13:19 |
Jordach |
try byte comparators |
13:19 |
Nore |
use somthing like sbi(B,D)sbi(A,C) |
13:21 |
Nore |
There is documentation on mesecons.net |
13:21 |
Jordach |
Nore, i prefer hard logic, while you prefer a more complicated method |
13:22 |
Nore |
what do you mean? |
13:22 |
Jordach |
you prefer the more difficult route |
13:22 |
Nore |
well, I think microcontrollers are cheaty... |
13:22 |
Jordach |
...and |
13:22 |
Nore |
It's too simple with them |
13:24 |
Nore |
The problem is that when you make a computer, the RAM and the ROM are so big that it divides your FPS by 3 when you look at them :( |
13:24 |
Jordach |
Nore, fill air with nodes then |
13:24 |
Jordach |
the camera "clipping" will hide extra trianges |
13:24 |
Jordach |
triangles |
13:25 |
jin_xi |
RealBadAngel: wow this is very nice |
13:25 |
Nore |
the problem is that most mesecons nodes use nodeboxes |
13:26 |
AspireMint |
"ooops, maybe i know..." - no, still dont know :( |
13:26 |
RealBadAngel |
sure, thats the point |
13:26 |
RealBadAngel |
now it will be possible to place mesecons on walls, ceilings |
13:26 |
RealBadAngel |
without any problem |
13:27 |
harrison joined #minetest |
13:27 |
Jordach |
<jin_xi> RealBadAngel: wow this is very nice (id rather take a present full of shit instead of .flac files...this is also true for the new facedir system-- i like it!) |
13:27 |
rubenwardy |
Any comments? http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=70762 |
13:28 |
* Jordach |
waits |
13:28 |
Nore |
good, you should add a persistant table that is saved in a file on server shutdown |
13:28 |
Jordach |
nice |
13:29 |
* rubenwardy |
is googling "persistant table" |
13:29 |
rubenwardy |
aha |
13:30 |
Nore |
I mean, a table that is saved in a file on shutdown, and restored on restart |
13:30 |
rubenwardy |
ok |
13:30 |
rubenwardy |
I will try |
13:31 |
Nore |
You could try to use minetest.serialize |
13:32 |
Nore |
Another suggestion: |
13:32 |
Nore |
Soft-depend code |
13:32 |
rubenwardy |
Nore: https://github.com/rubenwardy/commonlib/blob/master/mod.lua#L26 |
13:33 |
Nore |
That is, you give a function that is executed only if another mod exists, and after it is loaded |
13:34 |
rubenwardy |
ok then |
13:34 |
rubenwardy |
i see |
13:34 |
Nore |
I don't know if it is possible without changing the source |
13:35 |
NekoGloop joined #minetest |
13:35 |
rubenwardy |
it is possible |
13:36 |
rubenwardy |
http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=2911 |
13:36 |
Nore |
But you have to use minetest.after(0,...) |
13:36 |
Jeija joined #minetest |
13:36 |
PilzAdam |
Jeija, what about loading predefined scripts for Luacontroller? |
13:37 |
PilzAdam |
something like dofile() |
13:37 |
Nore |
Jeija, do you know how to avoid mesecons kill your server when you make something too big? |
13:38 |
Nore |
I made a computer without microcontroller, and my server doesn't like it at all |
13:38 |
Jeija |
PilzAdam: I want to have that, but with cURL so that you can share your scripts online, that would be better |
13:38 |
PilzAdam |
isnt that more insecure? |
13:39 |
PilzAdam |
if it were server local only the admin would have full control |
13:39 |
Jeija |
https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/490 I wrote something about security and the submitted scripts need to be approved |
13:39 |
PilzAdam |
you could also allow loops in predefined scripts |
13:39 |
webdesigner97 joined #minetest |
13:40 |
Jeija |
PilzAdam: That sounds like a good idea |
13:41 |
Nore |
Could it be possible not to forbid any keyword, and to kill the program if it is running more than 0.01s ? |
13:42 |
Jeija |
I just don't know how, the problem is that the program runs at the same level as any other lua code, but just in a sandboxed environment |
13:43 |
PilzAdam |
maybe you could even run the predefined scripts at normal mod level |
13:43 |
PilzAdam |
with the whole minetest API etc. |
13:43 |
Nore |
Perhaps with threads, if they exist in Lua |
13:43 |
PilzAdam |
Nore, this is not possible in Lua |
13:44 |
arvislacis joined #minetest |
13:45 |
arvislacis |
Hello, any solution to run minetest well on a netbook? |
13:45 |
NekoGloop |
Get a better laptop? |
13:45 |
Jeija |
PilzAdam: Do you think the cURL for Lua pull could be merged in reasonable time? Would you agree on merging it? |
13:46 |
PilzAdam |
Jeija, would be better to merge it together with sapiers security things |
13:46 |
Jeija |
Definitely, what about them? |
13:46 |
Nore |
Perhaps using coroutines, you could do it, no? |
13:47 |
PilzAdam |
Jeija, need to look into them first |
13:47 |
Nore |
What do you think about the force_load pull? |
13:47 |
Jeija |
ok, PilzAdam |
13:48 |
Nore |
Do you think it will be merged soon? |
13:50 |
Jeija |
Nore: Coroutines sound interesting, I will have a look at them some time |
13:51 |
NekoGloop joined #minetest |
13:52 |
artur99 joined #minetest |
13:52 |
artur99 |
hi |
13:53 |
artur99 |
can i include into init.lua an other file, for example,init2.lua? |
13:53 |
NekoGloop |
yes |
13:53 |
PilzAdam |
artur99, dofile(init2.lua) |
13:53 |
artur99 |
aha |
13:53 |
artur99 |
thanks |
13:53 |
NekoGloop |
PilzAdam: Does that work? |
13:53 |
PilzAdam |
sure |
13:54 |
NekoGloop |
I thought you needed minetest.get_mod_directory (or w/e it's called) |
13:54 |
PilzAdam |
oh, your right |
13:54 |
artur99 |
do i need a ";" after that? |
13:55 |
PilzAdam |
you actually need to pass the complete path to that |
13:55 |
PilzAdam |
i.e. dofile(minetest.get_modpath("your_mod").."/init2.lua") |
13:58 |
artur99 |
i tried dofile(init2.lua), but it dosent works |
14:00 |
* Jordach |
is considering learning German and French |
14:01 |
Jousway joined #minetest |
14:01 |
berome joined #minetest |
14:01 |
Jordach |
hey berome |
14:02 |
berome |
hey Jordach ! |
14:02 |
Jordach |
berome, im running a texture pack competiton |
14:02 |
Gambit joined #minetest |
14:02 |
berome |
with a huge definition ? |
14:03 |
Jordach |
lemme link it |
14:03 |
berome |
yes please :-) |
14:03 |
Jordach |
http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=70883#p70883 |
14:04 |
Taoki joined #minetest |
14:07 |
berome |
ok ! Do you know approximately how many differnets tiles default mod represents ? |
14:08 |
Jordach |
default mod folder has 95 textures |
14:08 |
Jordach |
not counting the player |
14:08 |
berome |
thanks ! That's a work ... |
14:08 |
Jordach |
berome, im making my test pack at 64px |
14:10 |
berome |
that's will be awsome: I'm only running default textures, even on servers |
14:13 |
cisoun joined #minetest |
14:14 |
blaze joined #minetest |
14:14 |
Jordach |
berome, bonus points are awarded for making a default player skin |
14:26 |
sfan5 |
Jordach: you order has been completed http://i.imgur.com/s41tJ5U.png |
14:27 |
Jordach |
heh |
14:29 |
* Jordach |
hears then PC fan again |
14:29 |
* Jordach |
reads the fan speed |
14:29 |
Jordach |
12000PRM |
14:30 |
Jordach |
RPM* |
14:30 |
Jordach |
note: dont run 4 minetests. |
14:39 |
berome |
Jordach: as we have to utilise a precise set of colors, I'm searching a way to share a "palette", especially one with common format between MS Paint and GIMP |
14:40 |
Jordach |
berome, the image i posted can be used |
14:40 |
Jordach |
just right click the palette picture and save it |
14:40 |
Jordach |
(you can colour pick from it) |
14:40 |
berome |
could you post your official set of colours on http://gimpstuff.org/ for example |
14:40 |
berome |
O-o |
14:40 |
berome |
ah yea :-)) |
14:42 |
Jordach |
berome, working |
14:46 |
Jordach |
http://gimpstuff.org/content/show.php?content=157037 |
14:46 |
Jordach |
berome, ^^ |
14:47 |
Gambit joined #minetest |
14:48 |
berome |
yes I'm gonna try both, I'm sure I will succes one method, thanks |
14:48 |
Jordach |
berome, the image is the same |
14:52 |
berome |
yes I will use palette editor in GIMP from that :-) |
14:56 |
babyface1031 joined #minetest |
15:05 |
harrison |
http://code.google.com/p/xenoxolotl-spasim/wiki/HowToBegin |
15:05 |
Jordach |
dafuq |
15:08 |
harrison |
This is most fascinating. Do continue. |
15:09 |
ttk2 joined #minetest |
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shirish joined #minetest |
15:21 |
Matsetes joined #minetest |
15:23 |
troller joined #minetest |
15:28 |
NekoGloop joined #minetest |
15:30 |
Jordach |
hey NekoGloop |
15:31 |
Jordach |
http://imgur.com/a/uVg4w |
15:31 |
NekoGloop |
Someone should make a Super Mario texture pack. |
15:32 |
Jordach |
:P |
15:32 |
Jordach |
lol: |
15:32 |
Jordach |
<topo> ok does anyone actually use capslock on purpose |
15:32 |
NekoGloop |
Mese = ? Block |
15:33 |
Jordach |
NekoGloop, yup |
15:33 |
Jordach |
NekoGloop, go DIY |
15:42 |
meldrian joined #minetest |
15:42 |
webdesigner97 joined #minetest |
15:45 |
Jordach |
ugh. |
15:46 |
Jordach |
emptying recycle bin: 4 hours remaining |
15:46 |
Jordach |
theres about 12gb in there |
15:46 |
hmmmm joined #minetest |
15:47 |
Exio joined #minetest |
15:49 |
sapier joined #minetest |
15:50 |
NekoGloop |
That's why you don't delete your hard drive\ |
15:51 |
Jordach |
NekoGloop, its files from other things i was doing, just finally emptied the bastard |
15:52 |
ShadowNinja joined #minetest |
15:53 |
berome |
Jordach: http://imagebin.org/247064 , now I have all I need, I maybe have a try, even 95, hmm, that's huge :-) |
15:53 |
Jordach |
"A place to slap up your images" LOL |
15:53 |
sapier |
https://github.com/sapier/minetest/commit/5ed9263de3d715b505ff117ab49693198d88fec6 |
15:53 |
berome |
yes it is temporary and quick |
15:54 |
sapier |
I've redone security changeset in a somehow less strict but more efficient way .. still enabling file access isn't done as this is to much of change within lua code. |
15:55 |
sapier |
security now ensures mods not doing a dofile() outside their folder too |
15:55 |
sapier |
and it's disabled by default to avoid additional discussions with ppl thinking they're invulnerable |
15:59 |
NekoGloop |
Mods are now disabled by default |
15:59 |
Jordach |
pfft |
16:03 |
sapier |
what are you talking about NekoGloop???? security is disabled by default |
16:03 |
NekoGloop |
No, better yet, minetest is disabled by default ;-) |
16:03 |
sapier |
so all your wellreviewd mods can read passwords and start dos attacks |
16:05 |
sapier |
I won't discuss this again if you believe everyone is nice and friendly in this world I'm jealous and hope you won't learn it the hard way |
16:05 |
Jordach |
did you mean: the world is a cunt? |
16:06 |
NekoGloop |
Jordach: /nick Google |
16:06 |
Jordach |
already taken |
16:06 |
Jordach |
whois ftw |
16:06 |
NekoGloop |
:P |
16:07 |
simion314 joined #minetest |
16:07 |
sapier |
have a look at those changes I've enablend nearly everything that can be enabled safely ... I've still got problems to do this for IO as security problem is burried to deep within ... there are merely 4 safe functions within this lib: read,write,flush and type |
16:08 |
sapier |
but without open and close those aren't of any use |
16:12 |
VanessaE |
hi all |
16:13 |
rubenwardy joined #minetest |
16:13 |
rubenwardy |
hi all |
16:14 |
sokomine |
hi |
16:14 |
Jordach |
VanessaE, http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=70883#p70883 |
16:14 |
VanessaE |
hey ruben/ |
16:14 |
* NekoGloop |
puts a kitten on VanessaE's head |
16:15 |
* Jordach |
intercepts the kitten and returns it to NekoGloop |
16:21 |
rubenwardy |
Jordach: challenge excepted |
16:21 |
Jordach |
any res. any style. |
16:21 |
Jordach |
GO. |
16:22 |
Jordach |
i draw best at 64px |
16:22 |
Jordach |
hint: bonuses form people who create a character.png |
16:23 |
Jordach |
s/form/to |
16:23 |
rubenwardy |
I am doing a holocusincation texture pack |
16:23 |
rubenwardy |
I can not spell for my life |
16:23 |
Jordach |
hehe |
16:23 |
Jordach |
you could be lazy and make a simple pack |
16:23 |
rubenwardy |
as, seeing things |
16:24 |
Jordach |
rubenwardy, hallucination |
16:25 |
rubenwardy |
thats it |
16:29 |
Jordach |
rubenwardy, my pack is an example |
16:32 |
rubenwardy |
could I use the minimal version of the default mod, lol? |
16:33 |
sfan5 |
<Jordach> hint: bonuses form people who create a character.png |
16:33 |
sfan5 |
http://i.imgur.com/DYAiDLu.png |
16:34 |
Jordach |
sfan5, make a pack by hand and not reduce color |
16:34 |
sfan5 |
its just an experiment |
16:44 |
rubenwardy |
./jordach.lua --joke |
16:44 |
Jordach |
fuck off. |
16:44 |
MinetestBot |
hahahahaha |
16:45 |
rubenwardy |
MinetestBot can speak? |
16:45 |
Jordach |
I knew all along the Pope was horsemeat |
16:45 |
thexyz |
rubenwardy: obviously |
16:45 |
MinetestBot |
rubenwardy: yes |
16:45 |
thexyz |
it cannot |
16:45 |
thexyz |
you're probably drunk |
16:45 |
thexyz |
bots do not speak |
16:45 |
thexyz |
to humans |
16:45 |
rubenwardy |
sfan5 is making it talk :S |
16:45 |
MinetestBot |
they don't? |
16:45 |
Jordach |
rubenwardy, next time youre in tescos, take a carrot and take it to the freezers and say here horsey! |
16:45 |
Jordach |
:P |
16:46 |
rubenwardy |
:O |
16:46 |
rubenwardy |
lol |
16:47 |
Jordach |
or go to the counter and give them a horseshoe and say it was in the burgers |
16:49 |
* rubenwardy |
is wondering when minetest.com was last updated |
16:50 |
rubenwardy |
13 February 2013 09:31:44 apparently |
16:53 |
* rubenwardy |
is going to make a promotional minetest introduction film |
16:54 |
rubenwardy |
(ping: Jordach, VanessaE, PilzAdam, Sfan5, EIR) |
16:54 |
rubenwardy |
E.I.R = Everybody In the Room |
16:56 |
rubenwardy |
I hate it when the room goes quiet |
16:56 |
Jordach |
HM |
16:56 |
Jordach |
hmm |
16:57 |
rubenwardy |
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CxeUQROl3NkSGsLpZ2_U-paaBGLzK-mbr6aZzekwPJ8/edit?usp=sharing |
16:57 |
thexyz |
sfan5: what's the state of android build? |
16:58 |
sfan5 |
i can't get the irrlicht helloworld example running |
16:59 |
sfan5 |
it complains it can't load the library which contains the NativeActivity |
16:59 |
thexyz |
rubenwardy: can minetest really run well with 200mb of memory? |
16:59 |
rubenwardy |
250mb I think |
16:59 |
thexyz |
someone should probably set a VM and test it |
17:00 |
sfan5 |
thexyz: i made a pogram which loads a link library, it can load the lib - android complains about - fine |
17:00 |
ShadowNinja |
mine uses about 300 in multiplayer |
17:00 |
thexyz |
ShadowNinja: that doesn't mean it cannot run with only 200 |
17:01 |
thexyz |
because free memory == wasted memory ^^ |
17:01 |
rubenwardy |
"It currently runs playably on a laptop with Intel 945GM graphics. Though, as for the CPU, dualcore is recommended." |
17:01 |
ShadowNinja |
I know |
17:01 |
thexyz |
rubenwardy: isn't that from 0.2-something ages? |
17:02 |
* sokomine |
grabs some food from rubenwardy |
17:03 |
john_minetest joined #minetest |
17:04 |
rubenwardy |
/give sokomine food:soup_chicken |
17:04 |
Kacey joined #minetest |
17:04 |
Kacey |
hi all |
17:05 |
mrtux joined #minetest |
17:05 |
thexyz |
sfan5: oh |
17:06 |
thexyz |
it compiled fine for me last time I tried it |
17:06 |
thexyz |
although all examples were crashing |
17:06 |
thexyz |
(except ones that were not compiled by me) |
17:07 |
sfan5 |
hm |
17:07 |
rubenwardy |
the script for the introduction movie is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CxeUQROl3NkSGsLpZ2_U-paaBGLzK-mbr6aZzekwPJ8/edit?usp=sharing |
17:07 |
rubenwardy |
anyone can edit it |
17:07 |
sokomine |
i don't like chicken or meat. do you have any desserts at hand? |
17:08 |
rubenwardy |
/give sokomine food:cake_chocolate |
17:08 |
* sokomine |
thanks rubenwardy |
17:09 |
* sokomine |
munches the cake |
17:12 |
mrtux joined #minetest |
17:13 |
shadowjay1 joined #minetest |
17:15 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
17:22 |
arvislacs joined #minetest |
17:22 |
arvislacs |
how to make minetest run on netbook? |
17:23 |
bas0801 joined #minetest |
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meldrian joined #minetest |
17:23 |
rubenwardy |
download, click executable |
17:24 |
rubenwardy |
:P |
17:24 |
rubenwardy |
Windows Netbook? |
17:24 |
arvislacs |
:D and what about Linux? |
17:24 |
arvislacs |
Ok, I have installed it and it works for the single player mode but there are problems for multiplayer mode. |
17:24 |
rubenwardy |
http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3837 |
17:24 |
rubenwardy |
^^ I recommend the portable version of this ^^ |
17:25 |
ShadowNinja |
what problems? |
17:25 |
webdesigner97 joined #minetest |
17:25 |
Calinou |
arvislacs: note that old netbooks probably won't run the game well |
17:26 |
Calinou |
recent netbooks are better at it (2011+), though |
17:26 |
arvislacs |
My netbook many times just freeze when trying to join the server.. And I must shut it down, no respond from mouse. |
17:26 |
Calinou |
playing multiplayer is much better for these |
17:26 |
Calinou |
playing fullscreen will give you a few bonus FPS |
17:26 |
Jordach |
<jordach> who do ya fucking think <- rubenwardy |
17:26 |
rubenwardy |
ah |
17:26 |
ShadowNinja |
try disabling preload_item_visuals |
17:26 |
arvislacs |
My Netbook isn't very old but it has low specs - 1,6 Ghz and 1 GB RAM. |
17:27 |
arvislacs |
I already turn off all that features. |
17:27 |
Calinou |
same for me, hehe |
17:27 |
rubenwardy |
It is: <Anonymous User 2>who do ya fucking think |
17:27 |
rubenwardy |
for me |
17:27 |
Calinou |
shit atom @ 1.66ghz, 1GB ram |
17:27 |
Calinou |
but I have a much better desktop: i7-2600K, 12GB RAM and a GTX 570 :P |
17:28 |
ShadowNinja |
you will have to wait a while to download media |
17:28 |
Kacey |
arvislacs, what netbook do you have? |
17:28 |
Kacey |
i have an aspireone and it runs just gine |
17:28 |
Jordach |
rubenwardy, i commented on your comment |
17:29 |
Calinou |
Kacey: an aspire one isn't a netbook, IIRC |
17:29 |
Calinou |
netbooks have 11.6" screens at most and are cheap |
17:29 |
arvislacs |
Kacey, I have Acer Aspire One. |
17:29 |
mauvebic joined #minetest |
17:29 |
Calinou |
not 100% sure if the aspire one has a 11.6" screen and is cheap :P |
17:29 |
arvislacs |
Kacey, same as you :D |
17:29 |
Kacey |
acer aspire one is a netbook |
17:29 |
* Calinou |
has an asus eeepc from 2011 |
17:29 |
Calinou |
oh, ok then |
17:29 |
Kacey |
and Menche also runs an aspire one |
17:29 |
arvislacs |
Aspire one has 10,1 |
17:30 |
arvislacs |
Well, mine has. |
17:30 |
Kacey |
they all do |
17:30 |
Calinou |
have to go already, bai |
17:30 |
Kacey |
i put xubuntu 12.04 on it and it flies lol |
17:31 |
arvislacs |
Kacey: What OS are you running? |
17:31 |
mauvebic |
theyre gonna put lua in the netbsd kernel hehe |
17:31 |
Kacey |
xubuntu 12.04 |
17:31 |
arvislacs |
I am using Bodhi Linux, seems to be faster than Xubuntu. |
17:33 |
arvislacs |
Uses only around 98MB RAM when stand-by and no apps running. |
17:33 |
Oblivion1500 joined #minetest |
17:33 |
arvislacs |
Kacey, using minetest from Ubuntu's PPA? |
17:33 |
thexyz |
I have aspire one too |
17:33 |
thexyz |
fuck, worst laptop ever |
17:34 |
arvislacs |
It is a netbook ;) |
17:34 |
mauvebic |
acer? |
17:34 |
Kacey |
no i compile for myself |
17:34 |
arvislacs |
Why the worst? |
17:34 |
thexyz |
(zg5) |
17:34 |
thexyz |
no idea about other models |
17:34 |
Kacey |
it is actually pretty good if you tune it right |
17:34 |
thexyz |
but this one have damn slow 16gb ssd inside |
17:34 |
Jordach |
Acer Aspire SA80 (2006) FTW |
17:34 |
arvislacs |
That is right, Kacey. ;) Just need to set up lightweight OS. |
17:35 |
mauvebic |
my screens are all acers but when it comes to computers lol - bought 1 acer in the 90's, the store replaced it 4 (four) times lol |
17:36 |
* Kacey |
needs to find a RAM upgrade for the little netbook |
17:36 |
mauvebic |
ram, netbook? might be cheaper to get a new netbook lol |
17:36 |
Kacey |
naw |
17:37 |
Kacey |
it is actually more affordable here than full-sized RAM cards |
17:37 |
mauvebic |
for what a netbook costs, and the tiny price difference between diff models w/ more ram, i would have just bough a decent one from the start |
17:38 |
mauvebic |
opening up laptops to play with parts... never again lol my hands barely fit in a standard tower lol |
17:38 |
* Kacey |
didnt buy his |
17:38 |
Kacey |
there is a door in the back with one screw |
17:38 |
Kacey |
behind the door... RAM |
17:39 |
mauvebic |
i once *tried* to change a hard drive lol |
17:39 |
mauvebic |
toshiba sattelite late 90's model |
17:42 |
rubenwardy |
someone delete this: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4814 |
17:42 |
rubenwardy |
because he made two: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4815 |
17:42 |
rubenwardy |
(ping: vanessae, calinou, sfan5, thexyz) |
17:42 |
thexyz |
pong! |
17:42 |
mauvebic |
5 words, youd think they'd proofread lol |
17:43 |
thexyz |
Calinou isn't even here |
17:43 |
thexyz |
hint: tab key |
17:47 |
ecube joined #minetest |
17:50 |
berome joined #minetest |
17:56 |
Kacey |
how do i craft an auto crafter? |
17:56 |
mauvebic |
it should craft itself |
17:57 |
Jordach |
an auto crafter that crafts an auto crafter, which crafts an auto crafter |
17:58 |
mauvebic |
"a hologram that can program himself, what would i do with such an ability? create a family, raise an army?" lol |
17:58 |
mauvebic |
dynamic builders would actually be cool |
18:02 |
Kacey |
but seriously how do i craft one |
18:02 |
Kacey |
VanessaE, PING |
18:04 |
mauvebic |
i sortof dont get the point of autocrafters, why not giveme? |
18:05 |
mauvebic |
especially if you have carts/tube moving shit from the mines, why kid yourself, its nearly a creative game lol |
18:05 |
TForsman joined #minetest |
18:05 |
Kacey |
im playing on Menche's server |
18:06 |
NekoGloop |
autocrafters: put into pipe networks, needs to have the items given to it |
18:06 |
NekoGloop |
so you could auto-mine stone or something and tell it to make furnaces (for example) |
18:07 |
* Jordach |
can crash a server with a tekkit setup in the minetest pipeworks format |
18:07 |
mauvebic |
thats the point lol if its all automated why waste the cycles at all? go to creative mode lol |
18:07 |
NekoGloop |
Then why waste time playing minetest? |
18:07 |
NekoGloop |
After all, you're just cheating everything in. |
18:08 |
mauvebic |
cheating lol lets see you manage to cheat as good |
18:10 |
mauvebic |
even with 20-30 friends you couldn't build a 10mil node structure in any reasonable amount of time lol |
18:10 |
NekoGloop |
1) why the hell would you |
18:11 |
Jordach |
2) it'd be boring |
18:11 |
mauvebic |
to build something that doesnt look like it comes from a failed 3rd world country? |
18:11 |
thexyz |
everybody plays differently, is that so hard to understand? |
18:12 |
mauvebic |
aparently so |
18:12 |
Jordach |
yu |
18:12 |
Jordach |
yup |
18:12 |
Jordach |
apparenty |
18:12 |
NekoGloop |
Well when they're attempting to impede the way I play, then yes. |
18:12 |
mauvebic |
you dont need help to be discouraged lol |
18:13 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
18:13 |
Calinou |
back |
18:13 |
thexyz |
NekoGloop: it doesn't seem so |
18:14 |
thexyz |
he doesn't make you to go into creative mode |
18:14 |
mauvebic |
naw all i said was if you got tubes/carts + autocrafters you might as well, but im not forcing anyone lol |
18:14 |
rubenwardy |
sokomine: https://github.com/rubenwardy/commonlib/commit/bbbaa8280ad9fbcc7d4a8344d6641e5a043c4a22 |
18:14 |
Nikondork_ joined #minetest |
18:15 |
mauvebic |
people use automated everything and bitch at me for doing the same on a larger scale lol |
18:15 |
mauvebic |
(ironic0 |
18:18 |
ttk2 joined #minetest |
18:19 |
mauvebic |
hehe right now were connecting a bunch of lakes together to make a real scale river around megacity-one :D |
18:20 |
berome |
we done that on Zegaton |
18:21 |
mauvebic |
by hand? jesus gotta any screens? |
18:21 |
mauvebic |
*got |
18:21 |
berome |
looong travel is possible by boat from center of town to... hem, far :-) |
18:21 |
berome |
I havn't for now |
18:21 |
mauvebic |
does it have one of those canal cities i only seen in travel brochures on EU ? (lol) |
18:22 |
berome |
yes by hand with ancestral-trad mese picaxe |
18:22 |
mauvebic |
nice |
18:23 |
berome |
exactly, a long canal, and some connexions beetween sees |
18:23 |
mauvebic |
we had to build retaining walls to develop the sublevels of downtown lol |
18:23 |
Calinou joined #minetest |
18:24 |
mauvebic |
some portions of the underground highway will likely endup underwater too lol |
18:25 |
mauvebic |
though you get a nice view of downtown, the ocean and the oil rig from the top of tokyo tower lol |
18:25 |
NekoGloop |
Please tell me you're not remaking the earth at a 1:1 scale |
18:25 |
mauvebic |
im using real scale where the info is available |
18:25 |
mauvebic |
tokyo tower is 333 nodes/meters high |
18:26 |
NekoGloop |
I will never understand people who feel the need to make ginormous buildings |
18:26 |
rubenwardy |
I doubt the world would fit into a 3721cm^2 map. |
18:26 |
rubenwardy |
(surface area) |
18:26 |
mauvebic |
thats the point, to fill the map lol |
18:26 |
NekoGloop |
Anyway, what's the last successful windows build? |
18:27 |
NekoGloop |
Seeing as there's never going to be a stable version. |
18:27 |
mauvebic |
1) fill surface, 2) buildup 3)??? 4) like coruscant |
18:27 |
mauvebic |
ginormous buildings == more detail |
18:27 |
NekoGloop |
Buildup, Builddown. :) |
18:27 |
mauvebic |
its only pointless if you dont care about detail |
18:28 |
mauvebic |
otherwise small scale tokyo tower would just be 4 stacks of nodes merging into one (wow? i think not lol) |
18:28 |
mauvebic |
building down too |
18:29 |
mauvebic |
though from what i understand from star wars wiki, bottom 50 levels are completely covered |
18:30 |
mauvebic |
now i need to add categories to bookmarks lol too many pages |
18:32 |
mr0wl joined #minetest |
18:35 |
rubenwardy |
added persistent tables to commonlib: https://github.com/rubenwardy/commonlib/commit/bfe25b2ca21dff5d5869239c984951a1305a6045 |
18:35 |
rubenwardy |
uses csv's |
18:37 |
Jordach |
build up, landmine griefs |
18:37 |
thexyz |
rubenwardy: how about overloading some operators? |
18:38 |
rubenwardy |
for example? |
18:38 |
mauvebic |
grief how? lol |
18:38 |
thexyz |
rubenwardy: for vectors |
18:38 |
thexyz |
sum would be useful |
18:38 |
thexyz |
point + vector |
18:38 |
thexyz |
dunno if it's possible |
18:38 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
18:38 |
thexyz |
http://www.lua.org/pil/13.html |
18:39 |
rubenwardy |
https://github.com/rubenwardy/commonlib#contained-functions |
18:39 |
rubenwardy |
all functions in commonlib |
18:39 |
thexyz |
I'd prefer + though |
18:39 |
thexyz |
why is toCSV/fromCSV here? |
18:39 |
thexyz |
how's that different from serialize/unserialize? |
18:40 |
rubenwardy |
dont know what serialization is |
18:40 |
thexyz |
too bad |
18:40 |
rubenwardy |
"Sokomine wrote: Good thing! Could you include common functions to store and retrieve data (tables) as well?" |
18:41 |
rubenwardy |
a ha: http://lua-users.org/wiki/TableSerialization |
18:42 |
thexyz |
how about something like >_("default:dirt").on("create", function(me) { _(me).set("default:dirt_with_grass") }) |
18:42 |
rubenwardy |
a jQuery type thing |
18:43 |
thexyz |
sure |
18:43 |
thexyz |
oh, : instead of . |
18:44 |
thexyz |
I'm actually thinking about implementing it right now =( |
18:50 |
Jordach |
cant tell if recovering tab in incognito is bug or feature |
18:50 |
Jordach |
not* |
18:51 |
rubenwardy |
using serialization now: https://github.com/rubenwardy/commonlib/commit/3dd63c47ea451ba6cf3ba98a73bbf49a4d4fe05a |
18:51 |
jojoa1997 joined #minetest |
18:52 |
thexyz |
wait, wait |
18:52 |
thexyz |
rubenwardy: i mean, serialization is already implemented |
18:53 |
rubenwardy |
is it? how? |
18:53 |
thexyz |
http://dev.minetest.net/serialize |
18:53 |
thexyz |
also unserialize |
18:54 |
thexyz |
ok, I'll probably try to implement my idea with jquery-like syntax |
18:54 |
thexyz |
let's see how far could that one lead |
18:54 |
rubenwardy |
will it be a development to commonlib? |
18:55 |
thexyz |
it'll be My Very Own one |
18:56 |
rubenwardy |
meh |
18:56 |
rubenwardy |
why do people not like contribution? |
18:56 |
NekoGloop |
because they're all assholes? |
18:58 |
rubenwardy |
I might try to do that as well |
18:58 |
* berome |
like contribuing and using contributions |
18:58 |
thexyz |
I don't like that idea |
18:58 |
thexyz |
and those things are not related at all, I guess |
18:59 |
rubenwardy |
You dont like the idea of contributing? |
19:00 |
thexyz |
the idea of commonlib |
19:00 |
thexyz |
I love the idea of contributing, it's amazing |
19:00 |
rubenwardy |
What is wrong with commonlib? |
19:01 |
rubenwardy |
name/type of content/... |
19:01 |
rubenwardy |
I actually started commonlib to be a jQuery thing eventually |
19:01 |
thexyz |
it looks bloated |
19:01 |
rubenwardy |
it is in modules :P |
19:01 |
thexyz |
oh, well, then there will be two things |
19:02 |
thexyz |
jquery-like things |
19:02 |
sapier1 joined #minetest |
19:02 |
thexyz |
(when I finish mine) |
19:04 |
rubenwardy |
I wont do jQuery stuff |
19:04 |
rubenwardy |
commonlib has gone in the wrong direction for it |
19:04 |
thexyz |
ok |
19:04 |
rubenwardy |
I will help you with yours, if it is needed |
19:05 |
thexyz |
so, the first step is to design it |
19:05 |
thexyz |
I' |
19:05 |
thexyz |
fuck |
19:06 |
thexyz |
well, the first thing is to think a name for it |
19:06 |
rubenwardy |
jMT ? |
19:06 |
rubenwardy |
what does the j stand for? |
19:07 |
thexyz |
javascript? |
19:07 |
rubenwardy |
oh |
19:07 |
rubenwardy |
yeah |
19:07 |
rubenwardy |
mtQuery? |
19:07 |
rubenwardy |
nah |
19:08 |
thexyz |
as I'll probably use _ |
19:08 |
thexyz |
how about "stress"? |
19:09 |
rubenwardy |
sounds good |
19:09 |
rubenwardy |
well |
19:09 |
rubenwardy |
sounds stress-y |
19:09 |
thexyz |
(like in "to stress") |
19:11 |
TheLastProject joined #minetest |
19:12 |
mauvebic |
i tend to come up with names at the end, and theres no guessing where my blood/alcohol content is by then lol |
19:12 |
mauvebic |
same goes for cryptic error messages lol |
19:13 |
NekoGloop |
ERROR: Hai I'm drunk, want a pizza? |
19:14 |
mauvebic |
or using an english to klingon translator lol |
19:14 |
NekoGloop |
ERROR: Go home minetest, you're drunk |
19:15 |
mauvebic |
that should read : Go home cavegen, you're drunk |
19:15 |
mauvebic |
lol |
19:16 |
mauvebic |
though yesterday it was a tree ontop of the senate bld :/ |
19:17 |
NekoGloop |
Seems legit |
19:17 |
NekoGloop |
Nature will destroy all the buildings |
19:18 |
rubenwardy |
seperated vector.lua into modules: https://github.com/rubenwardy/commonlib/commit/75bfadade61c800994bbec5ec0d8c58097147e01 |
19:18 |
mauvebic |
for some reason the mapgen reminds me of that mexican landscape contractor we hired lol |
19:18 |
mauvebic |
big bay window = let stick a giant tree in front of it lol |
19:18 |
mauvebic |
good firewood tho |
19:20 |
NekoGloop |
mauvebic: The world is too depressing, here have a tree |
19:20 |
mauvebic |
wish we had more cat NPC's to put the gravel biomes to use lol |
19:20 |
NakedFury joined #minetest |
19:20 |
rubenwardy |
more? |
19:20 |
mauvebic |
any* |
19:21 |
NekoGloop |
What makes you think that cats would be in the gravel biomes .-. |
19:21 |
rubenwardy |
well, they need to pee |
19:21 |
mauvebic |
ill put a live feed of my cat's litterbox and show ya lol |
19:21 |
* khonkhortisan |
jumps in and agrees |
19:22 |
NekoGloop |
gravel =/= litter box |
19:22 |
khonkhortisan |
I think you meant to say "≠" |
19:22 |
rubenwardy |
I am making an introduction video for minetest |
19:22 |
rubenwardy |
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CxeUQROl3NkSGsLpZ2_U-paaBGLzK-mbr6aZzekwPJ8/edit?usp=sharing |
19:22 |
NekoGloop |
Fine then |
19:22 |
mauvebic |
meh, some litter are like big chunks, others are almost like fine sand (why pregnant woman cant do litter) |
19:22 |
NekoGloop |
gravel ~= litter_box |
19:23 |
khonkhortisan |
^ lua |
19:23 |
mauvebic |
cats will even use potted plants (for some reason) |
19:23 |
khonkhortisan |
c++ != |
19:23 |
NekoGloop |
the dirt. |
19:23 |
khonkhortisan |
it's the closest they can get to outside |
19:24 |
mauvebic |
no i mean when they have a perfectly clean litterbox |
19:24 |
khonkhortisan |
then plant something in the litterbox and they might use it |
19:24 |
mauvebic |
the best part is when she comes get me after using it everytime lol |
19:24 |
thexyz |
rubenwardy: http://dev.minetest.net/User:Xyz/stress |
19:24 |
thexyz |
something like this maybe? |
19:28 |
mauvebic |
he's dead jim |
19:38 |
sfan5 |
phew! all textures finished |
19:38 |
sfan5 |
^ Jordach |
19:43 |
Matsetes |
Hi! |
19:44 |
Matsetes |
I'm new to mesecon, is it possible to open door with it? |
19:44 |
PilzAdam |
yes |
19:44 |
rarkenin joined #minetest |
19:44 |
rarkenin |
!up 0gb.us |
19:44 |
MinetestBot |
0gb.us:30000 seems to be down |
19:47 |
Matsetes |
PilzAdam: And how? |
19:58 |
sfan5 |
Matsetes: http://imgur.com/a/l3VvH |
20:00 |
khonkhortisan |
Mesecons can make simple computers |
20:00 |
khonkhortisan |
You can put a pressure plate on each side of a door |
20:02 |
Matsetes |
Does it work with all tipe of door? Also from the home furniture mod? |
20:02 |
Matsetes |
SOrry Homedecor |
20:03 |
sfan5 |
Matsetes: it only works with the default doors |
20:04 |
Matsetes |
Is there a simple way to make it run also with the homedecor ones? |
20:04 |
Matsetes |
I mean adding a little bit of lines in the mod? |
20:04 |
PilzAdam |
yes |
20:05 |
Matsetes |
PilzAdam: Where? |
20:06 |
Matsetes |
PilzAdam: is it possible that is in the mesecons_compatibility/init.lua file? |
20:06 |
PilzAdam |
well I dont know the code of homedecor, but something like this: https://github.com/PilzAdam/carts/blob/master/init.lua#L478 |
20:07 |
mauvebic |
could use some kind of indoor electricity part for homedecor |
20:09 |
Matsetes |
PilzAdam: Ok, I'll do the best to understand |
20:10 |
Matsetes |
PilzAdam: it would be useful if I can find the function to open the door |
20:11 |
PilzAdam |
Matsetes, you have to add it in this file: https://github.com/VanessaE/homedecor/blob/master/door_nodes.lua |
20:11 |
PilzAdam |
there is the function homedecor_flip_door |
20:12 |
Matsetes |
Ok, so I have only to call that function when power is on... |
20:12 |
PilzAdam |
or ask VanessaE to implement it |
20:13 |
Matsetes |
I can try to implement it and suggest it to VanessaE |
20:13 |
Matsetes |
So I can learn and VanessaE has less work to do |
20:17 |
TwilightSparklee joined #minetest |
20:17 |
mauvebic |
dont see vanessa on much during the day, still keeping EU hours? |
20:21 |
jojoa1997 joined #minetest |
20:23 |
thexyz |
https://github.com/xyzz/minetest-stress |
20:23 |
thexyz |
oh, he's gone |
20:23 |
thexyz |
enjoy working example then https://github.com/xyzz/minetest-stress/blob/master/examples/simple/init.lua |
20:23 |
thexyz |
that's the only thing that works ^^ |
20:25 |
khonkhortisan |
When computers get powerful enough, we will be able to bucket real water |
20:27 |
troller |
khonkhortisan, right now you can try https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/482 |
20:28 |
Matsetes |
I tried this |
20:29 |
Matsetes |
mesecons = { |
20:29 |
Matsetes |
effector = { |
20:29 |
Matsetes |
action_on = function(pos, node) |
20:29 |
Matsetes |
homedecor_flip_door(pos, node, player, name, side) |
20:29 |
Matsetes |
end, |
20:29 |
Matsetes |
action_off = function(pos, node) |
20:29 |
Matsetes |
homedecor_flip_door(pos, node, player, name, side) |
20:29 |
Matsetes |
end, |
20:29 |
Matsetes |
}, |
20:29 |
Matsetes |
} |
20:29 |
Matsetes |
But nothing changed |
20:29 |
PilzAdam |
Matsetes, use a pastebin |
20:29 |
mauvebic |
mesecons is in your homedecor dependencies.txt? |
20:29 |
thexyz |
oh, I know, PilzAdam may be interested! https://github.com/xyzz/minetest-stress |
20:30 |
PilzAdam |
mauvebic, no need to |
20:30 |
Matsetes |
http://pastebin.com/PyGqq6aV |
20:30 |
PilzAdam |
thexyz, why? |
20:30 |
thexyz |
PilzAdam: no? |
20:30 |
PilzAdam |
I mean, why do you do this? |
20:31 |
thexyz |
to simplify everything |
20:31 |
mauvebic |
you could be missing values for player, name or side |
20:31 |
PilzAdam |
use "nil" for player |
20:32 |
sfan5 |
thexyz: thats good |
20:32 |
SpeedProg1 joined #minetest |
20:33 |
PilzAdam |
thexyz, isnt Lua simple enough? |
20:33 |
thexyz |
lua is |
20:33 |
thexyz |
but minetest api isn't |
20:33 |
mauvebic |
i find javascript style slightly more confusing (even if i used it lol) |
20:33 |
thexyz |
write less, do more? |
20:34 |
Matsetes |
PilzAdam: perhaps the function homedecor_flip_door has to be written before the mesecon function? |
20:34 |
PilzAdam |
no |
20:34 |
PilzAdam |
see on_rightclick() for reference |
20:35 |
mauvebic |
im all for writing less :-) though that leads to people complaining its 'unreadable' |
20:35 |
PilzAdam |
"unreadable" was the first thin I thought when seeing the example |
20:36 |
telek |
Has there been a moreores update since dec? |
20:36 |
mauvebic |
i wouldn't say that example was unreadable, its simply a different way to do the same thing, though i dont see much economy here (lines/space taken) |
20:36 |
telek |
Players finally started generating new nodes and moreores crashed my server. |
20:37 |
thexyz |
PilzAdam: how so? |
20:37 |
mauvebic |
the concept would have to be expanded to see if it saves time/space for complex tasks |
20:37 |
PilzAdam |
just think of larger code |
20:37 |
thexyz |
and? |
20:38 |
PilzAdam |
well, dunno, maybe Im just used to the minetest API |
20:38 |
thexyz |
see comparison at http://dev.minetest.net/User:Xyz/stress#Something |
20:39 |
mauvebic |
'me' should be 'self', more in line with the rest of api |
20:40 |
Matsetes |
I cannot open also the default doors... There is something strange |
20:40 |
thexyz |
mauvebic: you are free to write anything you want there |
20:41 |
thexyz |
only order matters |
20:41 |
mauvebic |
ah okay cool :-) could this run ingame while its running? |
20:42 |
mauvebic |
sortof like a live api |
20:43 |
thexyz |
mauvebic: hm? |
20:43 |
thexyz |
in game console? |
20:43 |
Jordach |
Matsetes, right click them |
20:44 |
Matsetes |
Jordach: I have left click for opening them |
20:44 |
mauvebic |
well its not new idea though so hard to explain, but be able to write stress code and execute all from ingame? (dunno if you wrote a wrapper/interpreter) |
20:45 |
mauvebic |
could have like little custom programs in game |
20:46 |
thexyz |
it's uses regular lua syntax |
20:46 |
thexyz |
-'s |
20:46 |
thexyz |
interpreter would be too slow |
20:46 |
sfan5 |
yeah |
20:47 |
mauvebic |
yeah it would have to be as/simple/simpler than sql :/ |
20:54 |
babyface1031 joined #minetest |
20:59 |
monkeyco_ joined #minetest |
20:59 |
babyface1031 |
can anyone help with this error http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4817 |
21:02 |
Matsetes |
Is it possible that I cannot open doors with mesecons? |
21:04 |
thexyz |
babyface1031: what's your pc specs? |
21:05 |
Penguin_ joined #minetest |
21:05 |
Penguin_ |
hi |
21:06 |
babyface1031 |
thexyz: it is Penguin_ error |
21:06 |
Penguin_ |
yeh |
21:06 |
babyface1031 |
they wanted to know your pc specs |
21:08 |
Penguin_ |
atm I have to use my notebook whoaanother error FIXME:Meshbuffer ran out of indices |
21:09 |
PilzAdam |
bye |
21:13 |
TheLastProject joined #minetest |
21:21 |
berome joined #minetest |
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pierreghz joined #minetest |
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Muadtralk joined #minetest |
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Dogzilla131 joined #minetest |
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Wuzzy joined #minetest |
21:55 |
MiJyn joined #minetest |
21:55 |
MiJyn joined #minetest |
22:00 |
sokomine |
hm. does anyone have an idea why forking of a git repository on github doesn't work for me? that button just generates a general error page |
22:00 |
Jordach |
sokomine, F5 |
22:01 |
Muadtralk |
git clone ..... |
22:01 |
sokomine |
hm |
22:02 |
sokomine |
nothing yet...still error message |
22:03 |
Uberi joined #minetest |
22:04 |
sokomine |
perhaps a javascript problem. i hate js |
22:09 |
Jordach |
and i hate c# |
22:09 |
Jordach |
(lazy bastards.) |
22:09 |
sapier |
is anyone here really understanding lua stack concept? |
22:09 |
Uberi |
and I hate racists and tapirs |
22:09 |
Jordach |
classy. |
22:09 |
Uberi |
those animals freak me out |
22:10 |
jin_xi |
tapirs are cool |
22:10 |
Uberi |
sapier: lua stack? |
22:10 |
Uberi |
you mean the frame stack or the param stack? |
22:11 |
sapier |
frame stack as visible from c++ |
22:12 |
sapier |
I try to understand what iolib is doing to add reference functions for file references |
22:13 |
Uberi |
ah the security patch, I assume? |
22:14 |
sapier |
yes but as I expected io is quite lots of work ... hope this is worth the effort |
22:14 |
sokomine |
what do tapirs do to you? |
22:14 |
sapier |
and I'm starting to get angry to need to do is just because some ppl can't accept a minor change in interface |
22:18 |
Uberi |
sokomine: they are creepy! |
22:19 |
sokomine |
i can't tell. never met one (maybe in a zoo but i don't remember) |
22:19 |
sapier |
hmm I don't really have an idea about tapirs but I do already like them ;-P |
22:20 |
Uberi |
sokomine: you probably repressed the memory of them or something because they're so horrifying |
22:20 |
sokomine |
who knows :-) |
22:20 |
mr0wl joined #minetest |
22:26 |
Muadtralk |
whats the change? |
22:27 |
Muadtralk |
in interface? |
22:31 |
sapier |
the change would be that io. functions are removed completely |
22:31 |
Uberi |
as well as the system modules |
22:31 |
Uberi |
or anything that can cause harm to the host, really |
22:31 |
sapier |
with latest version some of those functions can be preserved |
22:32 |
sapier |
its just the io module doing very strange things to stack in order to get io:close overloaded |
22:32 |
Muadtralk |
that sounds good? |
22:32 |
sapier |
don't cherish to fast there are lot of unsafe functions disabled |
22:33 |
sapier |
thus some things can't be done anymore |
22:33 |
Uberi |
like what? |
22:33 |
mauvebic |
why do they put vibrating trumpets in every movie now? |
22:33 |
sapier |
execute applications |
22:33 |
Uberi |
does this make the IRC mod unusable, sapier? |
22:33 |
sapier |
delete random files |
22:34 |
sapier |
delete random folders |
22:34 |
Uberi |
I assume it would also be possible if Jeija's curl patch was merged |
22:34 |
sapier |
don't know what irc mod is doing but I'd expect it to not work |
22:34 |
Uberi |
sapier: uses luasockets lib |
22:35 |
Uberi |
and implements the basic RFC IRC protocol |
22:35 |
sapier |
nope won't work loading of external libs is disabled |
22:35 |
sapier |
dofile is limited to files in mod folder too |
22:35 |
harrison_ joined #minetest |
22:35 |
Uberi |
sapier: as well as subfolders, right? |
22:36 |
Uberi |
oh and I had an idea today: we can store data with the world save using a detached inv with itemstack metadata! |
22:36 |
sapier |
with current v2 version subfolders would work |
22:37 |
sapier |
if I get this damn close in io done you could even use io functionality again for files within user and world folder but atm it's not working. |
22:44 |
MiJyn |
is there any reason that minetest is still using lua5.1? |
22:44 |
MiJyn |
instead of 5.2? |
22:45 |
sapier |
because noone did update |
22:45 |
MiJyn |
and is there any reason why minetest uses its own lua? |
22:45 |
Muadtralk |
we are lazy ass rat bastards |
22:45 |
mauvebic |
guessing no one asked for it lol |
22:45 |
Uberi |
nobody got around to it, I guess |
22:45 |
MiJyn |
instead of using the system lua? |
22:45 |
MiJyn |
ok |
22:45 |
Uberi |
MiJyn: it has to implement the MT API after all |
22:45 |
MiJyn |
can I make a pull request? :P |
22:45 |
Muadtralk |
can you breathe? |
22:45 |
sapier |
mt api is done within scriptapi.cpp |
22:45 |
MiJyn |
because lua 5.2 has the goto statement (which I really need for my mod) |
22:45 |
mauvebic |
if it used system lua, im guessing i could install luasqlite from the package the manager? |
22:46 |
Uberi |
MiJyn: why do you need it? |
22:46 |
mauvebic |
goto? |
22:46 |
MiJyn |
Muadtralk, yeah, I meant like... does anyone have anything against 5.2 |
22:46 |
Uberi |
I can help you write it in tail-recursive form if you want |
22:46 |
sapier |
<<*punches mujyn for bad coding style |
22:46 |
MiJyn |
mauvebic, yeah, it would really de-obfuscate my code |
22:46 |
MiJyn |
instead of copying and pasting stuff |
22:46 |
MiJyn |
I could just use a goto |
22:46 |
Uberi |
sapier: sic the velociraptors! |
22:46 |
MiJyn |
like this: |
22:46 |
mauvebic |
way to make me feel old, lol goto |
22:46 |
MiJyn |
while true do |
22:46 |
sapier |
mijyn DONT use goto |
22:46 |
MiJyn |
-- blah blah blah |
22:46 |
sapier |
its bad bad bad bad |
22:47 |
MiJyn |
if blah then goto continue end |
22:47 |
MiJyn |
-- blah blah blah |
22:47 |
MiJyn |
::continue:: |
22:47 |
MiJyn |
done |
22:47 |
Uberi |
it will literally give you AIDS |
22:47 |
MiJyn |
see my point? |
22:47 |
Muadtralk |
sapier but theres nothing against an update yes? |
22:47 |
mauvebic |
while, for, recursive functions are better |
22:47 |
sapier |
no but not to get goto ;-P |
22:47 |
Muadtralk |
well of course not |
22:47 |
MiJyn |
ok, wait |
22:47 |
MiJyn |
will show you |
22:47 |
Muadtralk |
but to stay up to speed yes |
22:47 |
Uberi |
MiJyn: you can paste your code at pasteall.org if you like |
22:47 |
MiJyn |
http://stackoverflow.com/a/12929685/999400 |
22:48 |
MiJyn |
see why? |
22:48 |
sapier |
no mijyn there's no excuse for using goto its deprecated due to resulting in unreadable code for decades |
22:48 |
sapier |
no programmer having at least a little bit experience would use it |
22:48 |
MiJyn |
sapier, oh really? It looks so much more readable to me than not using it (in certain cases) |
22:48 |
MiJyn |
I honestly think that it can be used well |
22:49 |
MiJyn |
I mean, very useful if used well |
22:49 |
sapier |
no there's no use for goto at all |
22:49 |
MiJyn |
I don't want to get into an argument about that |
22:49 |
Jordach |
MiJyn, sapier: https://github.com/Jordach/HomeWork/blob/master/gotomenu.cpp |
22:49 |
MiJyn |
yes there is |
22:49 |
Muadtralk |
22:49 |
mauvebic |
i dont think it was ever meant to be used in this context, gotos were for jumping to another line number |
22:49 |
Muadtralk |
to war! |
22:49 |
Uberi |
MiJyn: technically no, since computation theory tells us tail recursion and goto are equivalent |
22:49 |
sapier |
while(something) |
22:49 |
sapier |
show menu |
22:49 |
Uberi |
but in practice, goto has uses |
22:49 |
MiJyn |
Jordach, yeah, that looks more readable than a while loop, in fact (not joking) |
22:49 |
sapier |
if blabla |
22:50 |
sapier |
continue |
22:50 |
MiJyn |
sapier, wait... no continue statement in lua |
22:50 |
sapier |
endwhile |
22:50 |
Uberi |
ever do any ASM without goto? :P |
22:50 |
sapier |
hmm |
22:50 |
Uberi |
MiJyn: what? of course there's continue |
22:50 |
MiJyn |
Uberi, nope |
22:50 |
MiJyn |
check it yourself |
22:50 |
MiJyn |
that's why I want goto |
22:50 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
22:50 |
MiJyn |
it'd just make it sooo much easier to read |
22:50 |
Uberi |
MiJyn: I remember using it in WorldEdit earlier today |
22:50 |
sapier |
if (not done) and (something) then |
22:50 |
sapier |
end |
22:50 |
MiJyn |
Uberi, google it |
22:50 |
MiJyn |
google: lua continue |
22:50 |
sapier |
done is set to true instead of continue |
22:50 |
Uberi |
OK, brb |
22:50 |
Jordach |
can we stop the fighting |
22:50 |
Jordach |
22:51 |
* sokomine |
is still puzzled why github won't fork |
22:51 |
Jordach |
if he wants goto, he can has goto |
22:51 |
MiJyn |
Jordach, good idea... every time I talk, there's a fight :/ |
22:51 |
Uberi |
oh man, you're kidding me |
22:51 |
MiJyn |
Uberi, see my point? |
22:51 |
sapier |
I can't stop you from using it but I strongly encourage everyone not to do it |
22:51 |
Jordach |
SILENCE. Jordach has spoken. |
22:51 |
sapier |
goto is bad and will ever be |
22:51 |
MiJyn |
ANYWAYS, no one has anything against upgrading to lua 5.2? |
22:51 |
Uberi |
nope |
22:51 |
MiJyn |
sapier, that's your opinion :) |
22:51 |
sapier |
if you're willing to fix scriptapi.cpp too no problem |
22:51 |
Uberi |
well I speak for myself, anyways |
22:52 |
MiJyn |
Uberi, see this: http://stackoverflow.com/a/12929685/999400 |
22:52 |
Uberi |
Lua needs a continue statement, as well |
22:52 |
Jordach |
Agree to DISAgree |
22:52 |
Muadtralk |
CATS: all your irrelevence are belong to us |
22:52 |
MiJyn |
Muadtralk, or potatoes |
22:52 |
Jordach |
ffs |
22:52 |
MiJyn |
Jordach, good idea :P |
22:52 |
Muadtralk |
just upgrade and stop badging someone on their stupid choices |
22:52 |
Muadtralk |
understand? |
22:52 |
Jordach |
./mode #minetest +q #minetest |
22:52 |
MiJyn |
Jordach haha |
22:53 |
MiJyn |
Muadtralk, thanks :) |
22:53 |
sapier |
http://www.u.arizona.edu/~rubinson/copyright_violations/Go_To_Considered_Harmful.html |
22:53 |
Muadtralk |
I say it to both of you! |
22:53 |
Muadtralk |
its a matter of preference |
22:53 |
MiJyn |
yes it totally is |
22:53 |
Uberi |
sapier: well sure, but it's essential in ASM |
22:53 |
Muadtralk |
so leave it that way |
22:53 |
MiJyn |
I'm really old-school :P |
22:53 |
sapier |
if you don't believe me believe dijkstra |
22:53 |
Uberi |
it's actually better than when we used to use LDA into PC |
22:53 |
MiJyn |
LDA? |
22:54 |
Jordach |
MiJyn, fix yer sig: http://i.imgur.com/SXyLy1H.png |
22:54 |
Uberi |
(which I still do to get tiny performance gains in low end microcontrollers) |
22:54 |
mauvebic |
how can one be old school at 12 yrs? |
22:54 |
Jordach |
mauvebic, true. |
22:54 |
mr0wl |
hey |
22:54 |
MiJyn |
Jordach, have an issue with that? :P jk |
22:54 |
MiJyn |
mr0wl, hi |
22:54 |
Jordach |
MiJyn, yes i do actually. |
22:54 |
mr0wl |
Are there any plans to release Minetest on Steam once it matures? |
22:54 |
Jordach |
waste of UNICODE. |
22:54 |
sapier |
mijyn goto was oldschool before you've even been born ;-) |
22:54 |
Jordach |
mr0wl, nope. |
22:55 |
Uberi |
mr0wl: I truly truly doubt that |
22:55 |
MiJyn |
mauvebic, old-school as in: I like old-school stuff, instead of the new-school stuff (and I'm 14, not 12) |
22:55 |
mr0wl |
Why not, I think it would get good exposure? |
22:55 |
Jordach |
because Steam will be the death of Minetest since they dont allow MODDING. |
22:55 |
Uberi |
Jordach: they don't? |
22:55 |
Jordach |
some games they dont# |
22:55 |
Uberi |
I'm pretty sure there's even a modding interface in there |
22:55 |
Uberi |
saw it for skyrim, at least |
22:55 |
Muadtralk |
actually jordach Mijyns signature looks cool on mine |
22:55 |
sapier |
ok mijyn I assume i did bad things in that age too |
22:55 |
Jordach |
Uberi, unless the game has a menu for it, it wont happen |
22:56 |
MiJyn |
mr0wl, true, but it would completely ruin minetest, as then it would be highly focused on the end-user, and people would forget about the developer's end |
22:56 |
mr0wl |
Really, what's Garry's Mod then? |
22:56 |
mauvebic |
14's still young enough to not even be newschool yet :P |
22:56 |
Uberi |
but the user is more important |
22:56 |
Jordach |
mr0wl, thats programmed into the game with menus |
22:56 |
MiJyn |
sapier, ugh, come on... there are so many articles for and against goto... it's controversial, no right or wrong, can we just leave it at that? |
22:56 |
mauvebic |
though its better to pick up good habits while young |
22:56 |
sapier |
it's not newschool it's understanding principles of computer science ... you may just not have had enough time to learn it |
22:56 |
Uberi |
nobody cares about the modding API if the game doesn't even start |
22:56 |
MiJyn |
Uberi, haha, but the game DOES start :P |
22:57 |
Uberi |
yes, I was speaking in hypotheticals :) |
22:57 |
sapier |
it's not controversial it'a a function for ppl going easy way accepting problems |
22:57 |
Muadtralk |
ahem |
22:57 |
Muadtralk |
plaease argue elseware |
22:57 |
MiJyn |
mr0wl, umm, what game is Garry's Mod for? I thought it was a standalone game (despite its name) |
22:57 |
Muadtralk |
s/plaease/please |
22:57 |
Jordach |
perhaps in #lua |
22:57 |
Muadtralk |
yes! |
22:57 |
Muadtralk |
do it there |
22:57 |
MiJyn |
yeah |
22:58 |
Jordach |
goto #lua. Jordach has spoken. |
22:58 |
MiJyn |
haha |
22:58 |
sapier |
noone having computer science education would use goto it if there was any other way ;-) and there is another way in 99.99999% cases |
22:58 |
Jordach |
sapier, i had to since while is a cunt to use with C++ |
22:58 |
Uberi |
sapier: in compsci, goto is no different from any other structure |
22:59 |
Jordach |
sapier, https://github.com/Jordach/HomeWork |
22:59 |
Jordach |
this is what i've coded |
22:59 |
MiJyn |
Jordach, C++, well, I think that goto is not really acceptable, but C, yeah, totally (it NEEDS goto), and Lua, well, if there is no continue statement, then yeah, it needs it |
22:59 |
sapier |
goto is merely a asembler instruction being used in high level language it's a ripe in abstraction level |
22:59 |
MiJyn |
acceptable as in: you NEED it (doesn't mean you shouldn't use it) |
22:59 |
Uberi |
it just means load literal into EIP |
23:00 |
Jordach |
ffs |
23:00 |
Jordach |
23:00 |
MiJyn |
ffs? |
23:00 |
mr0wl |
MiJyn: It's some game based on Source engine. |
23:00 |
* Muadtralk |
smacks Uberi sapier and MiJyn |
23:00 |
Jordach |
for fuck sakes. |
23:00 |
Uberi |
there's nothing wrong with it except from an engineering standpoint |
23:00 |
sapier |
mijyn you haven't shown a situation where you need it you only have shown a situation where YOU didn't have a better idea |
23:00 |
mr0wl |
I thought it allowed for modifications. |
23:00 |
Uberi |
in which it has a tendency to make ugly, messy code (from personal experience) |
23:00 |
MiJyn |
mr0wl, oh, well, yeah, but the Source engine is made by valve, so I'm not surprised that they'd allow it :P |
23:00 |
Muadtralk |
goto #notinminetestirc |
23:01 |
ray8888 joined #minetest |
23:01 |
Uberi |
#minetestandgotodiscussion |
23:01 |
Jordach |
uhg. |
23:01 |
Jordach |
ugh. |
23:01 |
sapier |
code with goto tends to turn into spaghetti code very soon |
23:01 |
* Jordach |
calls VanessaE |
23:01 |
Uberi |
this is the new channel topic m'kay? |
23:01 |
MiJyn |
I got an idea: Let's just forget about it, and let's just upgrade lua to 5.2 so that I can use my goto happily, sounds like a plan? |
23:01 |
Jordach |
sapier, read this: https://github.com/Jordach/HomeWork/blob/master/average.cpp |
23:01 |
Uberi |
go for it MiJyn |
23:01 |
Uberi |
link me to the pull when you're done :) |
23:02 |
MiJyn |
ok |
23:02 |
sapier |
jordach and where is need for goto in this example? |
23:02 |
Jordach |
as you can see, GOOD examples of the goto statement |
23:02 |
Jordach |
sapier, loops can ALSO get messy |
23:02 |
ray8888 left #minetest |
23:02 |
MiJyn |
sapier, you never NEED goto, same as you don't NEED for, same as you don't NEED a do..while (you just need a basic while loop) |
23:02 |
MiJyn |
but it's cleaner |
23:02 |
MiJyn |
sometimes using one is cleaner |
23:02 |
Uberi |
Jordach: line 15-20 could be int x = ArrayCount * ArrayCount |
23:02 |
MiJyn |
than using another |
23:03 |
MiJyn |
I agree that goto is almost NEVER clean, but it can sometimes be |
23:03 |
sapier |
jordach thats waht while is for ... ok I've told you ... you won't believe me so see your self as you get more experience |
23:03 |
MiJyn |
once in a very small while |
23:03 |
Uberi |
MiJyn: and you don't need while either, since all iteration can be written as tail recursion! |
23:03 |
Muadtralk |
hello hello? |
23:03 |
Muadtralk |
get out of #minetest |
23:03 |
Muadtralk |
no! |
23:03 |
Muadtralk |
now!* |
23:03 |
MiJyn |
Uberi, no, function recursion is NOT good |
23:03 |
MiJyn |
Muadtralk, ok haha |
23:04 |
Uberi |
MiJyn: yes, but you don't "need" while either, is what I'm trying to say |
23:04 |
sapier |
function recursion is dangerous but sometimes best way to do it |
23:04 |
Jordach |
Uberi == man of OOP, MiJyn == man of GOTO cleaner, Sapier == man of loops, Jordach == man of clean code |
23:04 |
Uberi |
OOP master race! |
23:04 |
MiJyn |
haha |
23:04 |
MiJyn |
yeap |
23:04 |
Uberi |
kill the unbelievers! |
23:04 |
sapier |
jordach your code istn't clean imho it's missshaped |
23:04 |
Jordach |
bull. |
23:05 |
Uberi |
cow. |
23:05 |
sapier |
still I'm trying to find out how to handle that damn lua stack |
23:05 |
jin_xi |
Tapir |
23:05 |
Jordach |
if C++ noobs cant read the teachers example, but can read mine, then you've a problem |
23:05 |
Uberi |
what were we talking about again |
23:05 |
sapier |
jordach you've just proven me right ;-) |
23:06 |
MiJyn |
change of topic, is there any required changes to do to the lua subdirectory? Or can I just unzip the lua source tarball and send a pull request? |
23:06 |
Jordach |
MiJyn, probably |
23:06 |
Muadtralk |
23:06 |
MiJyn |
Jordach, ok, then what do I do? |
23:06 |
MiJyn |
Muadtralk, I think we've stopped :) |
23:06 |
sapier |
is lua code already cmake? |
23:06 |
MiJyn |
sapier, gonna see |
23:06 |
Uberi |
MiJyn: no no no |
23:07 |
Uberi |
MiJyn: it's a prereq to building |
23:07 |
Muadtralk |
okay :) |
23:07 |
sapier |
if it's cmake it's most likely going to work that simple |
23:07 |
MiJyn |
ok |
23:07 |
MiJyn |
I'm gonna see |
23:07 |
Jordach |
at least we can no goto the next problem :) |
23:07 |
Jordach |
now* |
23:07 |
Roukoghost joined #minetest |
23:07 |
jojoa1997 joined #minetest |
23:08 |
Muadtralk |
next manner of business |
23:08 |
Uberi |
hey does anyone want to fix the throwing mod to have a draw-back time? |
23:08 |
Jordach |
no. |
23:08 |
Uberi |
if not then I'll do it |
23:08 |
Muadtralk |
has anyone fixed the little bugs in the movement? |
23:08 |
Jordach |
Uberi, you can if you want. |
23:08 |
Muadtralk |
you know the fly off a ladder thing? |
23:08 |
Uberi |
that's pretty cool, I can think of some awesome player cannons using that |
23:09 |
* Jordach |
should get around to repairing MC4MT |
23:09 |
* NekoGloop |
puts a kitten on Muadtralk's head |
23:10 |
* Uberi |
radios a satellite orbiting overhead, dropping 250 tons of kittens at terminal velocity on NekoGloop's head |
23:10 |
* Roukoswarf |
shoots a kitten off of each head |
23:10 |
* Jordach |
activates the space junk laser to remove the incoming kittens |
23:10 |
Jordach |
pew pew oew |
23:10 |
Jordach |
pew |
23:10 |
Jordach |
** |
23:10 |
MiJyn |
what's with you guys and kittens? |
23:10 |
MiJyn |
xD |
23:10 |
Roukoswarf |
!Roukoswarf |
23:11 |
Jordach |
because: the internet is made from cats |
23:11 |
* Muadtralk |
pulls out bass cannon (bye bye Roukoswarf) |
23:11 |
* Uberi |
activates the MRV kitten warhead |
23:11 |
* sokomine |
jumps up and points to her github-problem. why can't i fork sapiers animals_modpack? |
23:11 |
NekoGloop |
ceiling cat is watching... |
23:11 |
Jordach |
23:11 |
* sokomine |
grabs a kitten |
23:11 |
Roukoswarf |
uh, is phrik dead? |
23:11 |
Uberi |
sokomine: what is the issue? |
23:11 |
Jordach |
sokomine == girl?! |
23:11 |
Roukoswarf |
phrik isnt here... omg |
23:11 |
Uberi |
Roukoswarf: dunno, but you'd better make sure |
23:11 |
sokomine |
i get a 404 error page when clicking on the fork link |
23:11 |
Jordach |
* [phrik] (~archbot archlinux/bot/phrik): phrik |
23:12 |
Dogzilla131 |
Yes, like nyan cat :D |
23:12 |
Uberi |
sokomine: go contact GH support, they usually respond within the day |
23:12 |
sokomine |
https://github.com/sapier/animals_modpack/fork |
23:12 |
Roukoswarf |
woops, man, fail, i thought this was archlinux |
23:12 |
sokomine |
might be a javascript problem... |
23:12 |
Jordach |
sokomine, i can grant you push access if you want |
23:12 |
Roukoswarf |
disregard the above ramble |
23:12 |
Uberi |
sokomine: POST to https://github.com/sapier/animals_modpack/fork_select |
23:13 |
Vadtec |
im trying to run a minetest server on my ubuntu 12.04 VPS on my local machine |
23:13 |
NekoGloop |
Jordach: Um... yeah. |
23:13 |
Vadtec |
i cannot get a client to connect to it |
23:13 |
sokomine |
basicly i want to send a few lines (less than this talking took) to sapier so that his trader can do something i want |
23:13 |
Uberi |
or actually it works with just GET, and displays a nice webpage |
23:13 |
Jordach |
Vadtec, is port 30000 open? |
23:13 |
Uberi |
very nice work, GH team |
23:13 |
Vadtec |
it gets to a black screen that says "waiting content" |
23:13 |
Vadtec |
but it never downloads any content |
23:13 |
Uberi |
Vadtec: wait for a while |
23:13 |
Jordach |
sokomine, do you want push access or not? |
23:13 |
Uberi |
sometimes it can take a few minutes if you have a slow connection/lots of mods |
23:13 |
Vadtec |
Jordach: yes, its open |
23:14 |
sokomine |
uberi: great! that's it! :-) |
23:14 |
Uberi |
awesome |
23:14 |
Vadtec |
Uberi: its stock minetest on the same physical hardwre |
23:14 |
Uberi |
Vadtec: firewall? |
23:14 |
Vadtec |
Uberi: no |
23:14 |
Uberi |
IPS? |
23:15 |
Uberi |
wait wait |
23:15 |
Uberi |
how are you starting the server? |
23:15 |
sokomine |
hm. push access..thanks for the offer, but right now i don't need it yet. besides...sapier's there and can have a look at? havn't done much with git and forks yet |
23:15 |
Vadtec |
nohup minetest --server & <---- from the wiki |
23:15 |
Vadtec |
i can see in the logs where my client connects |
23:15 |
Vadtec |
but thats as far as it gets |
23:16 |
MiJyn |
I have another question: Does anyone have anything against using LuaJIT? |
23:16 |
Vadtec |
this is a windows client btw, on win7 |
23:16 |
Uberi |
MiJyn: ask around in #minetest-dev |
23:16 |
MiJyn |
Uberi, I can't |
23:17 |
Uberi |
hmm? |
23:17 |
MiJyn |
c55 banned me, because I asked a question |
23:17 |
MiJyn |
a reasonable one, but he didn't like it |
23:17 |
Uberi |
:/ |
23:17 |
MiJyn |
yeah :( |
23:17 |
Jordach |
MiJyn, hes not so much a grouch anymore |
23:17 |
MiJyn |
ok |
23:17 |
Jordach |
i'll see about it |
23:18 |
Uberi |
well maybe ask to be unbanned? you can also search through the IRC logs |
23:18 |
Vadtec |
is there a way to get more debug output from minetest |
23:18 |
sapier |
just don't have another opinion than c55 an you'll be fine Mijyn |
23:18 |
Uberi |
step 1) be correct |
23:18 |
Uberi |
step 2) don't be wrong |
23:19 |
MiJyn |
sapier, yeah |
23:19 |
MiJyn |
Uberi, yeah |
23:19 |
Jordach |
hmmmm, good work on slowly fixing emergethread |
23:19 |
Muadtralk |
step 3) celeron55 is always right, (even when he is dead wrong) |
23:19 |
jojoa1997 joined #minetest |
23:19 |
Jordach |
step 4) if c55 thinks goto's are fine in lua, scream |
23:19 |
Vadtec |
ive had the client sitting here this entire time and it still hasnt downloaded any content from the server |
23:20 |
Jordach |
Vadtec, is there any content in games/minetest_game? |
23:20 |
Vadtec |
Jordach: on the server or client side? |
23:20 |
Jordach |
server. |
23:20 |
Jordach |
all content comes from the server |
23:20 |
Jordach |
except local texture packs |
23:20 |
hmmmm |
slowly? |
23:20 |
Vadtec |
i installed mintest via apt |
23:21 |
jojoa1997 joined #minetest |
23:21 |
Vadtec |
would that be in my local .minetest folder |
23:21 |
Jordach |
Vadtec, yes |
23:21 |
Vadtec |
or a system wide location? |
23:21 |
monkeycoder joined #minetest |
23:21 |
sokomine |
vadtec: even more debug info? there's an awful lot of debug information already... |
23:21 |
Jordach |
Vadtec, try hosting from the windows machine |
23:21 |
Uberi |
Vadtec: are you sure there's no firewall? |
23:21 |
Uberi |
not even iptables? |
23:21 |
Vadtec |
Jordach: under my .minetest all i have is: backups/ debug.txt worlds/ |
23:21 |
sokomine |
vadtec: depending on modules it may take a while. what does the client show? |
23:22 |
MiJyn |
there, sent him a few very long messages |
23:22 |
Jordach |
Vadtec, well then, that explainsit then |
23:22 |
MiJyn |
I hope I said it well :3 |
23:22 |
sokomine |
apt...that's probably an antique version then. compile the newest |
23:22 |
Jordach |
you need: minetest/games/minetest_game/mods/mods here |
23:22 |
Vadtec |
Uberi: trust me, its not my network, i do my own routing and firewalling, im extremely intiment with my network |
23:22 |
Uberi |
hmm, OK |
23:22 |
Vadtec |
Jordach: i was following the wiki last night when i started this, it didnt make it clear there was additional content necessary |
23:23 |
* VanessaE |
pokes Jordach and puts a kitten on his head. |
23:23 |
Vadtec |
Jordach: specifically: http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Setting_up_a_server |
23:23 |
* Jordach |
takes the kitten and pets it |
23:24 |
Vadtec |
makes no mention about a games folder whatsoever |
23:24 |
Jordach |
Vadtec, the wiki is old and getting out of date for server admins |
23:24 |
Vadtec |
Jordach: i gather that now |
23:24 |
Jordach |
Vadtec, https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/archive/master.zip |
23:24 |
Jordach |
download that |
23:25 |
Uberi |
as well as minetest_game |
23:25 |
Jordach |
and do this: https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/blob/master/README.txt#L82 |
23:25 |
VanessaE |
sorry to have been afk for so long today. had to deal with some issues locally. |
23:25 |
Jordach |
oh god |
23:25 |
Jordach |
hexchat reports that i am -0.1 seconds ahead of the server |
23:26 |
VanessaE |
if I *ever* meet the moron who designed the fuel level sensing and reporting system used in my car, I will have him or her drawn and quartered, keel-hauled, shot, stabbed, burned at the stake, and then really REALLY hurt. |
23:26 |
Jordach |
..and given landmine |
23:26 |
Jordach |
:D |
23:26 |
mr0wl joined #minetest |
23:27 |
Uberi |
no that's considered cruel and unusual punishment Jordach |
23:27 |
Jordach |
VanessaE, oh god, ECU's are a bitch |
23:27 |
Vadtec |
Jordach: ok, give me a bit to DL everything and get stuff put in the right place |
23:27 |
VanessaE |
yeah |
23:27 |
Jordach |
mines modified and bypassed. |
23:27 |
Jordach |
so my car is EMP proof |
23:27 |
Uberi |
:O |
23:27 |
Jordach |
(i use a older Ford Engine) |
23:27 |
VanessaE |
well this stupid thing can't decide if it wants to report the actual fuel level, or a bit below, or in this last case a bit *above* the real level |
23:28 |
VanessaE |
so the fucking thing ran out of gas on the way into my driveway last time I drove it. |
23:28 |
VanessaE |
had to get a neighbor to take me to the nearest gas station and bring some back |
23:28 |
Jordach |
VanessaE, 1) does the car drive? yes: it dont need fuel. no: it either needs a fix or fuel. |
23:28 |
VanessaE |
it drove fine up until I parked it |
23:28 |
Uberi |
at least you weren't in the middle of the Mojave Desert |
23:28 |
VanessaE |
yeah really |
23:29 |
Jordach |
im sure stuck in traffic counts as stuck |
23:30 |
Jordach |
or marooned |
23:31 |
Jordach |
ugh, 11pm here and my speed is still 40kb |
23:31 |
Jordach |
what is this socery |
23:31 |
Jordach |
okay, it doubled |
23:33 |
Vadtec |
well how nice, github is giving my wget a 503 error |
23:33 |
sapier |
github seems to be very very buggy atm |
23:34 |
Vadtec |
yup |
23:34 |
sokomine |
ah, down for maintenance |
23:34 |
Uberi |
oh I must have missed that broadcast |
23:34 |
ttk2 joined #minetest |
23:34 |
sokomine |
maybe i ought to use pastebin.... |
23:34 |
sokomine |
or write the lines here. would be less than my complaining already took :) |
23:34 |
sapier |
:-) maybe |
23:35 |
Uberi |
pastebin! |
23:35 |
sapier |
ok now they're down completely |
23:36 |
Vadtec |
i think they are having routing issue |
23:36 |
Vadtec |
the website is up for me |
23:36 |
sapier |
nope I get a page "down for mainenance back shortly" |
23:36 |
Vadtec |
but downloads are still bouncing around |
23:37 |
sokomine |
ok, so at least downloads work? |
23:37 |
sapier |
maybe some mirrors or proxys still contain data |
23:37 |
Vadtec |
nah, downloads are busted atm |
23:37 |
Vadtec |
their load balancing script is acting like it cant find any mirrors |
23:38 |
Vadtec |
guess ill go make me something to eat then try again |
23:40 |
Vadtec |
wow Jordach, i havent seen a CTCP TIME in a very very long time on IRC :P |
23:40 |
Jordach |
Vadtec, ctcp version too |
23:41 |
Jordach |
i either considered it was late night or lunchtime where you were |
23:41 |
Vadtec |
nope, early evening for me |
23:41 |
Vadtec |
1741 |
23:41 |
Jordach |
until ctcp time told me otherwise |
23:42 |
Vadtec |
github seems to be working again |
23:42 |
Uberi |
lovely |
23:42 |
sokomine |
vadtec: newer versions than the old precompiled one will certainly be better :-) and if you're running a server don't forget to add some mods. there are a lot of nice ones out there (depending on what the server is mostly for) |
23:42 |
Vadtec |
sokomine: mostly for my kids |
23:43 |
Jordach |
Vadtec, if you have kids, then i suggest creative mode |
23:43 |
sokomine |
kids usually like very colorful blocks. try giving them the bobblocks mod. maybe animals as well |
23:43 |
Uberi |
and make sure to install mesecons |
23:43 |
Jordach |
Uberi, i've been working on something |
23:43 |
Uberi |
oh? do tell |
23:43 |
Vadtec |
actually, my kids want stuff that blows up |
23:43 |
Jordach |
nuke mod then |
23:43 |
Uberi |
TNT mod! |
23:44 |
Uberi |
or that |
23:44 |
Vadtec |
they actually mentioned TNT mod today |
23:44 |
Jordach |
Uberi, databus + display |
23:44 |
Vadtec |
and showed me a vid on youtube about it |
23:44 |
Uberi |
Jordach: oh the byte adder right? |
23:44 |
Uberi |
Jordach: are you using digilines? |
23:44 |
Jordach |
no |
23:45 |
Uberi |
any reason in particular? |
23:45 |
Jordach |
my isp knows how to throttle late at night |
23:46 |
Jordach |
Uberi, http://imgur.com/a/lW3NU |
23:46 |
Jordach |
simplest 7 segment display |
23:46 |
Uberi |
are you sure about that? :P |
23:46 |
Jordach |
Uberi, no digilines |
23:47 |
Uberi |
one moment Jordach |
23:47 |
Jordach |
main mesecons mod only |
23:48 |
Uberi |
Jordach: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=56252#p56252 main mesecons mod only |
23:48 |
Vadtec |
Jordach: do i need to enable sound on the server, or will that disable sound on the client side as well? |
23:48 |
Uberi |
7 seg + builtin decoding unit |
23:48 |
Jordach |
Uberi, i scrapped the two byte calc and wanted to make a decent display |
23:48 |
Jordach |
clients choose if they want sound |
23:48 |
Vadtec |
im getting compile errors related to openal |
23:48 |
Uberi |
6x6x5 dimensions |
23:48 |
Uberi |
Jordach: aw you should have started that earlier and entered it in the contest |
23:48 |
Uberi |
that was one of the challenges |
23:48 |
Jordach |
sudo apt-get install openal-dev |
23:49 |
Jordach |
Vadtec, ^^ |
23:49 |
Vadtec |
Jordach: nah, as in, i recently upgraded that VPS to 12.04 and i think i have soem lib conflicts now |
23:49 |
Vadtec |
cba to clear them up |
23:50 |
Jordach |
re-install the ubuntu os then |
23:51 |
Vadtec |
Jordach: i would cept this VPS controls my home network, didnt feel like doing that this weekend |
23:51 |
Vadtec |
but next weekend i will |
23:51 |
Vadtec |
cause that will piss me right off |
23:51 |
Vadtec |
specially if any of my contract programs fail to compile when im working on them |
23:51 |
mr0wl |
any of you guys on reddit? |
23:52 |
Uberi |
not too often |
23:52 |
Jordach |
nope. calinou is |
23:53 |
Jordach |
watching this remaining MB counter is like watching paint dry |
23:53 |
NekoGloop |
I don't have an account but I go on for shits and giggles occasionally. |
23:53 |
Jordach |
i just stay away in general |
23:53 |
NekoGloop |
Jordach: STILL waiting for the recycle bin?! |
23:54 |
Jordach |
NekoGloop, its done |
23:54 |
Jordach |
:P |
23:54 |
Vadtec |
this is about to rage me...now im getting stupid opengl errors.... |
23:54 |
Vadtec |
someone please shoot this VPS for me |
23:54 |
* Jordach |
gets LM to hack Vadtec's VPS |
23:54 |
Uberi |
using the dx or gl backends? |
23:54 |
Jordach |
Jordach == problem solver |
23:54 |
Vadtec |
gl |
23:55 |
Uberi |
try dx, maybe |
23:55 |
Jordach |
Uberi, hes using linux |
23:55 |
Uberi |
oh right |
23:55 |
Jordach |
"i recently upgraded that VPS to 12.04 and i think i have soem lib conflicts now" |
23:55 |
Uberi |
mesa/gallium drivers? |
23:56 |
Jordach |
Uberi, nouveau? |
23:56 |
Vadtec |
Uberi: putting the mesa stuff on it now |
23:56 |
Uberi |
I dunno, I was asking |
23:57 |
Vadtec |
this isnt the first time ive had opengl issues >< |
23:57 |
Vadtec |
i have to many libs that implement it installed |
23:57 |
Vadtec |
and i never know which one i ahve active at the same time |
23:58 |
Vadtec |
what i should really do is buy a rackmount and have isolated dev environs for all the programming i do |
23:58 |
* Uberi |
made an SMG that places blocks at 20rpm: http://i.imgur.com/4YDZsKw.png |