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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-09-27

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:06 NekoGloop Meow~!
00:08 OldCoder Meow indeed
00:08 Octupus Roof
00:09 OldCoder Rough
00:09 OldCoder NekoGloop, You should see what they're doing with lava
00:09 Octupus :D
00:09 OldCoder There is some sort of worldedit glitch
00:10 Octupus it glitched so it doesnt flow
00:10 NekoGloop Ofc
00:10 NekoGloop Placing or removing a node will make it flow
00:10 OldCoder Octupus, ^
00:10 Octupus ?
00:11 OldCoder NekoGloop, comment further?
00:11 NekoGloop Force updating of the lava
00:11 NekoGloop Then it will flow
00:11 OldCoder Octupus, ?
00:12 Octupus :3
00:20 Octupus lol we are taking pic infront of lava
00:20 Octupus it loks like a bird XD
00:26 pfaff joined #minetest
00:26 Test____ joined #minetest
00:27 __PythonMine__ hi
00:27 MiJyn hi
00:28 Octupus hello
00:28 __PythonMine__ how do i install minetesst?
00:30 OldCoder __PythonMine__, Do you mean server or client? What is your OS?
00:31 __PythonMine__ i dont know... do you mean os as in which version of windows?
00:31 OldCoder Yes
00:31 OldCoder Or Linux
00:31 __PythonMine__ xp
00:31 OldCoder O.K.
00:32 OldCoder Do you wish to run a server or just play the game?
00:32 __PythonMine__ just play it
00:32 OldCoder One minute please
00:32 __PythonMine__ i have an old computer
00:32 OldCoder Might work
00:32 OldCoder How old?
00:32 NekoGloop Get the one found on the download part of the main website
00:32 OldCoder https://github.com/downloads/celeron55/minetest/minetest-0.4.3-win32.zip
00:32 OldCoder Download that ZIP file
00:33 NekoGloop That as well
00:33 __PythonMine__ i dont know, i got it last year, but i think the other person told me the cpu had something to do with 32
00:33 __PythonMine__ ok
00:33 OldCoder Download the ZIP file
00:33 __PythonMine__ ok
00:33 OldCoder Unpack it somewhere. Indicate when done.
00:34 __PythonMine__ winzip or windows wizard for extracting?
00:34 OldCoder Whatever can handle the ZIP file
00:34 OldCoder p7zip is good too
00:35 __PythonMine__ i dont know which
00:35 __PythonMine__ just windows one then?
00:35 OldCoder Try what you wish
00:35 NakedFury winzip is fine
00:35 OldCoder Should be fine
00:35 __PythonMine__ ok
00:36 __PythonMine__ my friend told me about mods
00:36 NakedFury extract the folder any place, desktop is fine then open folder go to the bin folder and inside is the executable
00:36 __PythonMine__ what are they?
00:36 NekoGloop Mods are mods
00:36 NekoGloop Not important at this point
00:36 __PythonMine__ ok
00:36 NakedFury try playing the game to see if it runs fine
00:36 NakedFury without hiccups
00:36 OldCoder Standalone mode I assume
00:36 NekoGloop (Found in the \bin folder
00:37 NakedFury I guess for next versions there should be a shortcut to the exe included in the root file so its easier to access
00:37 __PythonMine__ thanks, it works!!!!
00:38 __PythonMine__ wooot
00:38 NakedFury no lag or problems?
00:38 __PythonMine__ wats fps?
00:39 Octupus XD
00:39 NakedFury frames per second
00:39 __PythonMine__ oh
00:39 __PythonMine__ i get 50
00:39 __PythonMine__ is dat good?
00:39 MiJyn should be :)
00:39 NakedFury yep
00:39 MiJyn better than mine lol
00:39 MiJyn usually around 30
00:39 MiJyn xD
00:39 __PythonMine__ good
00:39 NakedFury actually anything higher than 30 I think is much better
00:40 __PythonMine__ fun game!
00:40 __PythonMine__ so wats that mods?
00:40 MiJyn you mean, what are mods?
00:40 __PythonMine__ ya
00:41 MiJyn they MODify the game
00:41 __PythonMine__ o
00:41 NakedFury add ons
00:41 Octupus MiJyn being a helper :)
00:41 NakedFury modifications, tweaks, etc
00:41 NakedFury some add new ores or blocks
00:41 NakedFury other tools
00:41 __PythonMine__ how do i get them?
00:42 NakedFury forums
00:42 MiJyn Octupus, what do you mean?
00:42 Octupus nothing
00:42 __PythonMine__ i guess mod releases?
00:42 __PythonMine__ lots
00:42 NekoGloop Or modding general
00:43 NekoGloop Mod releases are more "finished" mods though
00:43 __PythonMine__ o
00:44 __PythonMine__ wats a mob?
00:44 NekoGloop A monster
00:44 NekoGloop Or animal
00:44 NekoGloop Also a lot of lag
00:44 __PythonMine__ o
00:44 __PythonMine__ i don't want dat
00:44 Octupus are kittens suppose to play with hair?
00:45 NekoGloop Yes
00:45 NekoGloop :3
00:45 Octupus :D
00:45 __PythonMine__ can i make my own mobs?
00:45 __PythonMine__ mods
00:45 NekoGloop Yes
00:46 NekoGloop Incredibly easy to do so as well.
00:46 NekoGloop I made my first mod the first day i was here...
00:46 NekoGloop Although it isnt that good, just adds random blocks
00:46 __PythonMine__ o
00:46 __PythonMine__ in python?
00:46 NekoGloop No
00:47 NekoGloop In lua
00:47 __PythonMine__ aww
00:47 Octupus i like perl
00:47 Octupus easy as pie
00:47 NekoGloop Lua can call python, but to make minetest reflect anything, lua code must be used
00:47 __PythonMine__ o
00:47 __PythonMine__ i wanna make a landmine!
00:48 NekoGloop ... I thought that name sounded familiar.
00:48 __PythonMine__ wat do you mean?
00:48 NekoGloop Heh.
00:48 NakedFury the name smells badly of landmine but im not judging
00:48 MiJyn NekoGloop, I'm talking to landmine now
00:49 MiJyn pythonmine is not landmine
00:49 NekoGloop Who's to say he cant log in with two nicks?
00:49 NekoGloop I've done that.
00:49 __PythonMine__ wat are you talking about?
00:49 NakedFury guess its the word mine in a nickname
00:49 NakedFury a nasty bugger we cant get rid of
00:49 MiJyn Neko, I doubt he would lie to me (especially since he told the truth the first time every single time I asked)
00:50 Octupus so is every1 with the wrd land or mine accusingly being landmine?
00:50 __PythonMine__ i coud change my name to __Python__ if u guys are so upset over it
00:50 __PythonMine__ or to
00:51 __LandMine__ :DDD
00:51 __LandMine__ is dat it?
00:51 Octupus LANDMINE oooooooooooooooooooooo
00:51 __LandMine__ wat?
00:51 NakedFury you can get banned with tthat name
00:51 __LandMine__ u guys seemed to hate watever dat was
00:51 __LandMine__ so i wanted to make a joke
00:51 Octupus (shunns) _LandMine_
00:52 MiJyn __LandMine__, you know, there is a person named LandMine who has wreaked havoc on minetest
00:52 __Python__ okie doke
00:53 Octupus bye gtg
00:54 MiJyn See ya Octupus!
00:54 Octupus later
00:54 __Python__ Yeah, yeah... I hope!
00:55 __Python__ sorry, i meant to say dat to skype
00:55 __Python__ stupid window
00:55 NekoGloop Lol
00:55 NakedFury dammit another huge ass world of tanks update
00:56 __Python__ btw, wats all dis hate about LandMine?
00:57 NekoGloop He griefs servers, and has recently decided to attack the computers running them as well.
00:58 __Python__ how?
00:59 __Python__ and y?
01:00 NekoGloop Unknown
01:00 __LandMine__ haha
01:00 __LandMine__ hmm
01:00 __LandMine__ i wonder
01:02 NakedFury lack of motherly or fatherly love
01:03 cornernote [WIP] = work in progress, should not be moved to releases yet
01:04 __LandMine__ wrong @NakedFury
01:05 NekoGloop And how would you know?
01:05 T_A_N_K hey redcrab, you should run a dwarf server
01:05 __LandMine__ i doubt it
01:06 NakedFury well I dont care so I make up reasons and think they are 100%
01:06 T_A_N_K that dwarf game mode is freakin insane
01:06 pfaff joined #minetest
01:07 NakedFury what game mode?
01:07 cornernote dwarves
01:07 T_A_N_K http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3003
01:07 cornernote i played it the other day, looked cool
01:07 NakedFury are you shorter?
01:07 T_A_N_K it's freakin rediculous
01:08 cornernote what do u like about it ?
01:08 T_A_N_K i tried to do a let's play today on it with face cam but i didn't have enough time
01:08 NekoGloop Ooh, facecam of T_A_N_K
01:08 NekoGloop Do want :3
01:08 T_A_N_K the textures, the sounds, the mob sounds, the way everything is encorperated with eachother, it's perfect! especially that particle effect
01:09 T_A_N_K this is kind of how i wanted fancy game mode to be, but this blows it out of the water
01:10 T_A_N_K yep, i think if i do a facecam it'd be weird though lol
01:11 T_A_N_K cornernote, where is this games section?
01:16 cornernote its a wish
01:16 cornernote if more community ask for it, it will come true
01:16 T_A_N_K true, true and blue
01:17 cornernote i want a suggestions section too, but would rather a games section 1st
01:17 T_A_N_K i am so compelled to create a script handler that creates a ramdisk, copies minetest to the ramdisk, then copies minetest back into it's original directory when you're done playing lol
01:18 cornernote is it a lot faster ?
01:18 T_A_N_K yes
01:18 T_A_N_K but not everyone has +2 gb of ram
01:18 cornernote maybe my buggest mesecons machine in the universe will run on it
01:19 T_A_N_K buggiest* XD
01:19 cornernote i have 8
01:19 T_A_N_K lol, try it
01:19 cornernote yeah, it is the buggiest too  lol
01:19 cornernote im on windows
01:19 cornernote cant do all that fancy jazz
01:19 T_A_N_K yea you can
01:19 cornernote asking google
01:20 T_A_N_K that gives me a strange idea, someone should modify the craft computer to be able to search on google for things like "define: cheese" and such lmao
01:20 __LandMine__ left #minetest
01:21 NekoGloop XD
01:21 cornernote lua would need to call a binary, curl/wget/etc
01:21 cornernote but could be done pretty easily
01:21 cornernote i was thinking more like flickr
01:21 cornernote with sim_paint
01:21 bas080 left #minetest
01:21 MiJyn I think I should let people know about this
01:22 cornernote or harvesting ogg files for ingame music
01:22 MiJyn LandMine was originally a test by myself on alternate language styles and SSH tunnelling
01:22 MiJyn (and weak passwords)
01:23 MiJyn Of course, my forum account got hijacked (by a "friend")
01:24 cornernote if only formspec supported html
01:24 cornernote html to formspec converter ?  lol
01:24 MiJyn the nick was unregistered
01:25 MiJyn interestingly, I wasn't able to contact my "friend" after
01:26 MiJyn everyone is mad about what "LandMine" did
01:26 MiJyn with reason
01:26 MiJyn but that wasn't me
01:31 MiJyn I finally decided to register LandMine so that this nick will no longer be hijacked. I don't know who the attacker is, but he has seriously caused damage here
01:31 cornernote ramdisk makes it a tad faster, but not really noticable
01:31 T_A_N_K never let me have 20 minutes with cheese http://imgur.com/ymX2d,LDQWW,O5Ug9,OUYvr,p943J,J9KBY,OnDw7,JJjM2,sNcxo,JklSD,u9wmf,meScB,N43Qc,Qrik0,oKKDY,dZ9L3,NatTS,zdf0W,SOswz,YcGa9#0
01:31 cornernote this was with a huge mesecons circuit
01:31 NekoGloop T_A_N_K: SLENDERMAN!!!!!!
01:32 T_A_N_K xD, view the rest of the photos
01:32 NekoGloop Pfft
01:32 MiJyn T_A_N_K, you know who you remind me of? Stephen Walking!
01:32 NekoGloop Ipad comes with an app that does all that
01:33 NekoGloop Lol @ pic 7
01:33 MiJyn VanessaE or sfan5, may I kindly ask you to unban LandMine? "He" (I) will not do what the attacker did
01:35 OldCoder MiJyn, I am PMg as promised
01:35 pfaff joined #minetest
01:36 MiJyn OldCoder, ?
01:36 OldCoder Nothing
01:36 OldCoder Excuse me
01:39 * VanessaE sighs
01:40 NekoGloop MiJyn: registering nicks does just about nothing.
01:40 NekoGloop And this person knows this
01:40 MiJyn NekoGloop, uh, what?
01:40 MiJyn I am LandMine
01:40 MiJyn I didn't register
01:40 MiJyn so I registered now
01:41 MiJyn someone took advantage of it
01:41 MiJyn I witnessed what he did silently
01:41 MiJyn but now, we can know who the real landmine is :)
01:41 NekoGloop Logging in as a registered nick does nothing
01:41 NekoGloop It will only alert you that the nick is registered
01:42 NekoGloop Nothing more
01:42 MiJyn oh
01:42 MiJyn isn't there that "30-second" thingy?
01:42 NekoGloop No
01:42 MiJyn dang
01:42 VanessaE neko, incorrect.
01:42 VanessaE if you use a registered nick without signing in, it'll change your nick for you to Guest and some random number
01:43 NekoGloop Oh?
01:43 VanessaE yep.
01:43 NekoGloop Is this new?
01:43 MiJyn VanessaE, so could you please unban me?
01:43 VanessaE nope, been that way forever.
01:43 NekoGloop I was LAD for about 10 mins at one point (did nothing thoughh)
01:43 VanessaE LAD is probably unregistered.
01:44 NekoGloop No
01:44 NekoGloop I was alerted
01:44 NekoGloop Nothing happened beyond that though
01:45 VanessaE strange, it always used to do that.
01:45 MiJyn forget it, VanessaE is apparently too insulted by what the attacker did... *sighs*
01:45 VanessaE MiJyn: no, I'm just slow tonight.
01:45 MiJyn ok yeah
01:45 MiJyn I get that :)
01:45 VanessaE done.
01:45 MiJyn wait a minute, it's only LandMine
01:46 MiJyn the rest are the attacker
01:46 MiJyn I do not have the IP
01:46 VanessaE that's the entire oh ffs.
01:46 * VanessaE sighs
01:46 MiJyn sorry, I wasn't clear :(
01:46 MiJyn dang it
01:46 MiJyn wow, someone knows a lot of proxies lol
01:47 MiJyn :)
01:47 MiJyn sorry about that :/
01:48 theTroy joined #minetest
01:48 VanessaE there, banlist restored minus the LandMine nick.
01:48 MiJyn thanks! :D
01:48 VanessaE MiJyn: now do you see why I was so careful?
01:49 LandMine yes
01:49 LandMine I see
01:49 LandMine :)
01:49 VanessaE registered?
01:49 MiJyn yes!
01:49 MiJyn try /nick LandMine
01:49 MiJyn see?
01:49 LandMine [09-26 21:49] * You are now known as LandMine
01:49 LandMine [09-26 21:49] -NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
01:50 MiJyn :D
01:50 VanessaE there.
01:50 MiJyn now things should be settled :D
01:51 VanessaE now on a Minetest-related note, I just added support for thexyz's xdoors² mod
01:51 VanessaE to HDX that is.
01:51 hmmmm *kaboom*
01:52 hmmmm you just stepped on a land mine
01:52 hmmmm what is HDX?
01:52 VanessaE my photorealistic texture pack.
01:53 NekoGloop Yes vanessa
01:54 NekoGloop That message is sent
01:54 NekoGloop Then... Nothing.
01:55 VanessaE strange, it used to reset your nick before
02:06 MiJyn ?
02:13 NekoGloop Augh, i've got to try to get some sleep
02:13 NekoGloop Night
02:17 VanessaE bbl
02:21 pfaff joined #minetest
02:33 OldCoder Back
02:38 VanessaE wb
02:39 cornernote hey Vanessa
02:39 cornernote i am looking for some houses/buildings/etc to use with my deploy_building mod
02:39 cornernote do you have any you would like to share ?
02:40 VanessaE you can use my home if you want :-)
02:40 cornernote i already used your 2 huge ones
02:40 VanessaE ok
02:40 cornernote im looking for smaller ones
02:40 cornernote like medium sized i guess
02:40 cornernote from 5x5 upto 15x15 type thing
02:40 VanessaE ah
02:40 VanessaE can't think of anything that tiny :-)
02:41 VanessaE maybe you can get my buildings from oldcoder's skyblock server?
02:41 VanessaE those are smaller
02:41 cornernote if you get bored and want to make something, i'd be happy to include in the deploy mod
02:41 cornernote same with anyone
02:41 VanessaE I'll try to remember that :-)
02:41 cornernote if you have cool buildings, please share them so i can add to my deploy mod
02:42 pfaff joined #minetest
02:42 OldCoder VanessaE, Sure
02:42 OldCoder Is he registered yet?
02:42 cornernote sec, im going to add credits now too so i dont forget
02:42 OldCoder Must be
02:44 cornernote credits added
02:44 cornernote the house i have tho... its bugged i think
02:45 cornernote cos its an old WE format, and it loads upside down
02:45 cornernote so i flipped it
02:45 cornernote but that screwed with all the stairs you used for the roof
02:45 VanessaE odd
02:45 M13 joined #minetest
02:45 cornernote maybe its fixed in later WE
02:45 cornernote i'll try load it now
02:46 M13 i need HELP
02:46 M13 FAST
02:46 M13 cornernote!
02:48 MiJyn ?
02:48 NakedFury could it be possible to add a registration system from a forum to a server and be linked?   like you register in the servers forum(or offcial one) and unless you use that nick and password you can't join the server.
02:57 OldCoder NakedFury, Good idea
02:57 OldCoder I could do that for my servers
02:58 OldCoder But it isn't a sufficient replacement for whitelisting
02:58 OldCoder Easy to register for forums
02:58 NakedFury its a sort of whitelist too
02:58 NakedFury you register at forums but still need to whitelist for the server
02:59 NakedFury just extra annoying steps for bastards
02:59 NakedFury new emails just to grief
03:13 pfaff joined #minetest
03:16 ttk2 joined #minetest
03:22 OldCoder NakedFury, It makes sense and I could actually do this
03:23 OldCoder NakedFury, Presently I have whitelist plus no interact. That might be enough to start. But I'll put up some forums at some point and see how they work out.
03:23 NakedFury extra defense even if weak is good. in this case it just makes it extra annoying for people with bad intentions
03:33 T_A_N_K https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhUPVrE5zUo&amp;feature=g-u-u
03:37 OldCoder NakedFury, You are correct. The problem is that inconvenience is a factor for ordinary people as well.
03:37 OldCoder In short, people want to see their online worlds grow
03:37 OldCoder So it is a balancing act
03:37 OldCoder
03:44 NakedFury I understand
04:34 pfaff joined #minetest
04:41 neko259 joined #minetest
05:19 Space joined #minetest
05:19 Space joined #minetest
05:20 SpeedProg joined #minetest
05:20 Space joined #minetest
05:21 Space joined #minetest
05:21 Space joined #minetest
05:21 Calinou joined #minetest
05:25 Calinou we need more Guest80085
05:25 Calinou close to it, Guest60061
05:31 Space_ joined #minetest
05:35 TLP|AFK joined #minetest
05:50 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
06:17 splash joined #minetest
06:44 VanessaE there we go.  Big update to homedecor.
06:51 Calinou http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=44794#p44794 /me facepalms
06:51 Calinou he should just make one topic for all his shematics...
06:51 Calinou they're all statues
06:55 VanessaE heh
06:55 VanessaE forget that shit, look at today's Home Decor update :-)
07:00 NakedFury joined #minetest
07:07 splash joined #minetest
07:16 Jousway joined #minetest
07:16 Calinou http://paste.ubuntu.com/1229911/ < rationale for erroring because of missing }?
07:16 Calinou <_<
07:17 Calinou programming makes me facepalm sometimes
07:17 VanessaE missing commas on lines 16 and 20.
07:18 Calinou nvm, the commas fixed it
07:18 Calinou thought the commas weren't needed most of the time...
07:18 Calinou then, mr. lua, tell me there are missing commas, not }s
07:18 VanessaE this is Lua, it needs commas worse than K&R C needs semicolons :-)
07:31 itsatacoshop247 joined #minetest
07:49 VanessaE well time for bed. Night all.
08:08 cornernote theres 8 game modes floating around the forums
08:19 milleja46 joined #minetest
08:28 pskosinski joined #minetest
09:09 Basstard` OldCoder is now known as Old
09:09 OldCoder ?
09:09 OldCoder Excuse that please
09:09 OldCoder There was some confusion elsewhere
09:10 Basstard` I wonder what confusion
09:18 OldCoder Basstard`, PM
09:18 OldCoder Basstard`, If you wish to know then reply to PM
09:29 cy1 joined #minetest
09:43 OldCoder Zzz
09:52 splash joined #minetest
09:57 RealBadAngel OldCoder, are you here?
10:00 Basstard` He be sleeping.
10:26 splash joined #minetest
10:28 splash left #minetest
10:31 mika_r joined #minetest
10:33 MilanFIN joined #minetest
10:51 pskosinski joined #minetest
11:03 Crisco joined #minetest
11:10 TLP|AFK joined #minetest
11:23 SpeedProg joined #minetest
11:53 Taoki joined #minetest
11:56 q66 joined #minetest
12:01 Taoki joined #minetest
12:08 lucinhas7 joined #minetest
12:52 bas080 joined #minetest
12:55 bas080 Who uses dyes mod?
12:57 cornernote is Temperest here ?
13:02 RealBadAngel built in dyes?
13:02 RealBadAngel hi cornernote, im skyblockin all the time :)
13:02 cornernote hey RBA
13:02 cornernote thats awesome
13:02 cornernote im really glad its popular
13:03 cornernote i remember it was your idea to make that game
13:03 RealBadAngel i told ya, it was good idea
13:03 cornernote well, your idea for me to make it =)
13:03 RealBadAngel yeah :)
13:03 RealBadAngel im glad i pointed it to you
13:03 cornernote i wanna do paint the sheep game next
13:03 RealBadAngel its extremaly entertaining
13:04 cornernote or something involving a chicken launcher
13:04 cornernote lol
13:05 cornernote do you have any screens of skyblock ?
13:05 RealBadAngel can do some
13:05 cornernote i was thinking of doing a lets play skyblock video
13:05 cornernote show people how to dig coal, etc
13:06 RealBadAngel that could be cool
13:06 cornernote my AU skyblock server is a bit of a fail
13:06 cornernote many ppl just joined, seemed to not know what to do, die, after making 3 spawns they leave
13:07 RealBadAngel on oldcoders server world is already developed a bit
13:07 cornernote i was thinking my deploy nodes mod might work well on SB
13:07 cornernote http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3192
13:07 cornernote but probably people prefer to build their own thing
13:08 cornernote at least the players on OC server
13:09 RealBadAngel makin some screenshots, hold on
13:10 cornernote hey, did u see xray mod ?
13:12 RealBadAngel http://realbadangel.pl/skyblock/screenshot1.png
13:12 RealBadAngel not yet, will do that today
13:12 RealBadAngel http://realbadangel.pl/skyblock/screenshot2.png
13:12 RealBadAngel http://realbadangel.pl/skyblock/screenshot3.png
13:12 RealBadAngel http://realbadangel.pl/skyblock/screenshot4.png
13:12 RealBadAngel http://realbadangel.pl/skyblock/screenshot5.png
13:12 RealBadAngel http://realbadangel.pl/skyblock/screenshot6.png
13:13 cornernote look at my version
13:13 cornernote https://github.com/cornernote/minetest-xray
13:14 cornernote i think it works better than InfinityProject's version, and he didnt want to make the nodes convert back to stone.. so i might keep my port on git
13:14 RealBadAngel http://realbadangel.pl/skyblock/screenshot7.png
13:14 cornernote can u put them all in 1 zip ?
13:14 cornernote actually
13:15 cornernote nevermind
13:15 RealBadAngel http://realbadangel.pl/skyblock/skyblock_screenshots.zip
13:15 cornernote thanks
13:15 RealBadAngel uploading, so wait a few minutes
13:15 cornernote kk
13:16 cornernote this is your area ?
13:16 RealBadAngel view around from level 2 block mostly
13:16 cornernote i was wondering what i should do for level 4
13:16 RealBadAngel thats mine, nakedfury and nekogloop
13:16 cornernote at the moment its nothing
13:17 cornernote but i want 10 levels
13:17 cornernote i know thats a lot, but i dont expect everyone to complete it
13:17 RealBadAngel there will be hardcores that will achive it
13:17 RealBadAngel belive me
13:18 RealBadAngel accumulate resources
13:18 RealBadAngel use stairs
13:19 RealBadAngel doors
13:19 RealBadAngel collect 200 of flowers
13:20 RealBadAngel plenty possible goals
13:21 RealBadAngel if you could the same with moreores as you did with iron and coal
13:21 RealBadAngel it could be even possible to include techinc here ;)
13:22 RealBadAngel and that could give dozens of goals then
13:44 bas080 cornernote, i'm checking out your website http://cornernote.net/minetest/gamewiki/
13:44 bas080 Was the content there generated from the file names?
13:45 bas080 The lua files*
13:48 RealBadAngel cornernote, one thought
13:49 RealBadAngel make leaves when fallen dissapear faster
13:49 RealBadAngel when i fall down i can see LOTS of leaves down there
13:49 RealBadAngel prolly it can cause lags to the server
13:58 bas080 cornernote, i love the website! finally an overview! I do wonder how you are planning to keep the games and thus the mods up to date?
14:02 NekoGloop joined #minetest
14:04 NekoGloop Meow.
14:11 bas080 sfan5, may I request a movement of the chess mod to mod releases
14:16 RealBadAngel hi NekoGloop
14:16 RealBadAngel youre not on skyblock yet?
14:16 NekoGloop iPad
14:19 RealBadAngel you will be suprised i think when you log in
14:23 NekoGloop Why?
14:23 RealBadAngel you will c
14:29 Wuzzy joined #minetest
14:36 NekoGloop Meow.
14:38 cosarara97 joined #minetest
14:41 OldCoder I will display some of those screenshots
14:52 Jordach joined #minetest
14:52 * Jordach groans
14:53 RealBadAngel hi Jordach
14:54 Jordach sup
14:54 RealBadAngel skyblocking
14:54 RealBadAngel cmon join
14:55 frogcrush joined #minetest
14:55 OldCoder Restarting servers to fix a mod. You will lock up and must restart client.
14:56 RealBadAngel shut down mine
14:56 OldCoder Done
14:56 OldCoder Wait
14:56 OldCoder Crash
14:56 OldCoder Reviewing
14:57 RealBadAngel k
14:57 OldCoder Problem with dicormod
14:57 OldCoder Will need to be omitted for the moment; hold on
14:58 OldCoder Try now
14:58 OldCoder RealBadAngel
14:59 iqualfragile joined #minetest
14:59 OldCoder Ah
15:00 Calinou joined #minetest
15:00 OldCoder I think I hav it
15:00 OldCoder *have
15:00 iqualfragile g' morning
15:00 OldCoder iqualfragile, hi
15:00 Jordach hello Calinou, just got in from work i see?
15:00 Calinou who said I worked?
15:01 Calinou ERROR FROM LUA
15:01 OldCoder Wait
15:01 Calinou file /home/calinou/.work/.porn_folder/init.lua not found
15:01 Jordach s/.work/.minetest
15:01 iqualfragile tf?
15:01 Calinou du -sh ~/.work/.porn_folder
15:01 Calinou 0B :(
15:01 iqualfragile s/.porn_folder/something_less_strange
15:02 Calinou smaller than landmine's.
15:02 Calinou or might be the same size, who knows
15:03 Jordach :D 14.3 GB (15,397,191,680 bytes) and 40,916 Files, 1,295 Folders
15:03 * Jordach has a feck load
15:05 RealBadAngel OldCoder, now everythin looks ok
15:05 OldCoder k
15:05 RealBadAngel no more error messages
15:05 OldCoder try dicormod textures
15:05 RealBadAngel that naked chick propably helped ;)
15:05 * OldCoder shrugs
15:09 Jordach RealBadAngel, no.
15:09 Jordach just no.
15:09 Jordach OldCoder, its fine to shrug
15:09 RealBadAngel jordach: "no" for what? playin skyblock?
15:10 Jordach [16:05:37] <RealBadAngel> that naked chick propably helped ;)
15:10 RealBadAngel thats other case
15:11 RealBadAngel OldCoder tried to fix dicormod textures problem, and found naked chick in textures
15:11 OldCoder RealBadAngel, She has clothes. They simply are not what you would call a large amount. Nor the sort you would wear to a church social.
15:11 OldCoder Unless the church was very very social.
15:11 OldCoder :-)
15:11 RealBadAngel hehehe
15:12 * Jordach loves evil humor and dirty humor
15:12 Jordach porn in MINETEST?
15:12 Jordach :O
15:12 OldCoder It is not porn
15:12 OldCoder It is simply a pleasant young lady
15:12 Jordach [16:12:39] <OldCoder> It is simply a pleasant young lady  - and i dont even use english language like that
15:13 OldCoder She appears to be Russian and in a reflective mood
15:14 MilanFIN joined #minetest
15:14 OldCoder I am not certain that she would make a good texture
15:14 OldCoder For that reason only she has been removed
15:14 Jordach imgur is having maintenance
15:14 Jordach FUCK
15:14 * Jordach uploads image of imgur upgrade on imgur
15:16 Jordach http://i.imgur.com/1bSEC.jpg
15:16 Jordach LOOPING!"
15:16 Jordach I uploaded an image on imgur, which is an image of imgur
15:16 Jordach bas080 - hife is awesome
15:26 hmmmm joined #minetest
15:30 Jordach Calinou, remember me? http://ompldr.org/vZm50OQ/stuff.PNG
15:30 Calinou ?
15:31 Jordach 3d mc chest
15:33 Calinou haha
15:33 Calinou WIM needs to disable texture filtering by default
15:33 Calinou nice antivirus you have there
15:33 Calinou seriously. avast is for frenchies <_<
15:38 thexyz nice theme you have there
15:39 thexyz nice updates you have there
15:39 thexyz nice OS you have there
15:39 Jordach thexyz, go find an os that works for 11 years
15:39 Jordach Calinou avast! is fine
15:39 thexyz Jordach: any os
15:39 thexyz but that doesn't mean you should use that outdated crap
15:40 Jordach thexyz, i mean something that gets updated
15:40 * Jordach points at 2006 for the hell hole vista
15:40 thexyz updated? it isn't supported anymore afaik
15:40 Jordach still has three years on the clock
15:40 thexyz still, any linux distribution
15:40 Jordach nope.
15:40 thexyz it's constantly updated
15:40 Jordach not if you are bsd
15:40 thexyz since release
15:40 Jordach v1 -> latest wi/ou bugs
15:41 thexyz and you don't need to pay for every major release ^^
15:41 Jordach anyways, i dont give two fucks about what i use
15:41 * Jordach torrents#
15:44 * Jordach considers windows 8
15:44 * Jordach does not use metro, inly the desktop mode
15:45 thexyz nobody will ever use it
15:45 thexyz at least with metro interface
15:47 rubenwardy joined #minetest
15:54 rubenwardy left #minetest
15:55 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:09 Calinou thexyz: xp is supported 'til 2014 :P
16:09 Calinou and vista until 2020
16:09 Calinou iirc
16:10 Calinou > uses arch
16:10 Calinou > whines about change
16:10 Calinou thexyz: any logic? :>
16:11 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:12 PilzAdam joined #minetest
16:12 rubenwardy left #minetest
16:12 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:13 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
16:13 rubenwardy hiya
16:13 * Jordach trust this PilzAdam
16:13 Jordach s/trust/trusts
16:14 PilzAdam ?
16:15 Jordach the last PilzAdam that walked in here was from a web irc lient
16:15 Jordach client
16:15 Jordach like the lm
16:15 PilzAdam when was it?
16:15 Jordach "losing machine"
16:15 Jordach cant remember
16:16 thexyz Calinou: i only use arch on my laptop for now
16:16 PilzAdam a few days ago I was in webchat (on windows)
16:16 thexyz and in linux/with FOSS i can choose
16:16 * Jordach points to the OEMS with UEFI
16:16 thexyz for example, i've chosen to use mate instead of gnome3
16:17 thexyz Jordach: then what?
16:17 thexyz grub2 can boot from uefi
16:17 Jordach so?
16:17 Jordach who gives a fuck
16:17 thexyz for example, ubuntu works fine with uefi
16:17 thexyz i don't see logic in "(20:14:45) ***Jordach points to the OEMS with UEFI "
16:18 Jordach heck ill FOSS ya right now; *destroys thexyz's computers, devices and anything that does binary*
16:18 thexyz well
16:18 thexyz foss = free open source SOFTWARE
16:19 Jordach hardware is non free
16:19 Jordach so foss is useless
16:19 thexyz anyway, i don't care about whether it's free/open or not, the main reason is that it's more comfortable for me
16:19 Jordach yes, exactly
16:19 thexyz for example, i use proprietary nvidia blob and don't give a shit ^^
16:19 Jordach ill use photoshop if the school provides such shit
16:20 Jordach (but if they are offering a cheap iPad 3 then heres my money!)
16:21 Calinou <thexyz> grub2 can boot from uefi
16:21 thexyz so when windows will become at least as convenient as 2008-year-linux-distros i maybe would try to use it once again
16:21 Calinou not on all UEFIs; some vendors lock their machines to windows
16:21 thexyz Calinou: any examples?
16:21 Calinou buy an OEM computer from packard bell and see
16:22 Calinou have fun
16:22 Calinou you can't even boot a live CD from there, iirc
16:22 Jordach DELL
16:22 Calinou DELL is funnier, yeah
16:22 Calinou <thexyz> for example, i use proprietary nvidia blob and don't give a shit ^^
16:22 Calinou YAY 50HZ
16:22 Calinou linux+nvidia: you choose, use 3,1GB ram, or be forced to 50hz
16:22 thexyz Calinou: what?
16:23 thexyz CRT era is over
16:23 Calinou ubuntu 11.10 32 bit = computer has 4GB ram, screen works at 60hz
16:23 Calinou xubuntu 12.04 64 bit = computer has 4GB ram and USES THEM, screen only works at 50hz
16:23 Calinou even when forced with nvidia-settings
16:23 Calinou (PAE is terrible)
16:23 Calinou btw, that's an LCD screen which supports 1440*900 60hz just fine
16:24 thexyz did you fill a bug?
16:25 thexyz bugreport*
16:25 Calinou why would I report a bug for something proprietary?
16:25 thexyz why not?
16:25 Calinou reporting it doesn't fix anything, too
16:25 thexyz yes, yes, that's why you don't even try
16:25 thexyz nice logic!
16:25 Calinou it's not like nvidia employees read bug reportsd
16:25 Calinou -d
16:26 thexyz so, i guess, the answer is "no"
16:26 thexyz then why are you whining about it?
16:27 Calinou because drivers are never fixed
16:27 Calinou and these scared guys can't even into opensourcing it
16:27 thexyz again
16:27 thexyz report a bug
16:28 thexyz then (after some time) start to whine if nobody will try to fix it/help you
16:29 thexyz http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=14
16:33 rubenwardy i think the forums should have guest posting disables
16:34 rubenwardy *disabled
16:34 thexyz why?
16:34 rubenwardy so many newbie priv requests
16:34 Calinou they're ok, there is almost no spam
16:35 Calinou just ignore unregistered user requests if you want
16:36 thexyz Calinou: did you test it? http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=44800#p44800
16:36 Calinou thexyz: no, someone said it ran at 1 or 2 FPS
16:36 Calinou raspi is slow
16:36 thexyz yes
16:37 thexyz any chinese mini-pc/tv-pc running android is cheaper & better (at least by hardware)
16:38 Calinou android is meh; they're making an open source OS, which gets locked by vendors and their crapware (similar to unity)
16:38 Calinou you don't even have root access on your OWN phone/tablet, this is stupid, and if you want it = no warranty
16:38 thexyz you can run any linux distros on those mini-pcs (at least on allwinner a10 based ones)
16:38 Calinou things usually go fine, but if you mess up at installing stuff to have root access, you're dead
16:39 thexyz Calinou: there're no phones/tablets i know about which have root(or something similar)-access by default (except some nonames)
16:40 Calinou yes
16:40 Calinou "and if you want it = no warranty" because you're modyfing the OS
16:40 Calinou which cancels warranty 99% of the time
16:41 Jordach lol
16:41 Jordach Calinou, y u like speed?
16:41 hmmmmm joined #minetest
16:42 * Jordach makes Calinou unstable with a 2.5 kernel
16:42 * Calinou switches to BSD kernel and changes hardware
16:42 Jordach actually. there is nothing wrong with bsd
16:43 thexyz Jordach: have you tried it?
16:43 Calinou BSD = bullshit distro
16:43 Calinou +s
16:43 Jordach when im pulling 270fps in red eclipse there is something up with torvalds
16:43 thexyz i mean, as main and the only OS
16:43 Calinou so, you have free bullshit distro, open bullshit distro, net bullshit distro, PC-bullshit distro
16:43 thexyz without switching to windows as most *bsdians do
16:44 thexyz s/switching/rebooting
16:44 * Jordach throws no drivers bogged in kernel card for BSD
16:44 Jordach torvalds jams them in there like the hillborough disaster
16:45 Calinou torvalds is busy playing minetest, he cannot do that
16:45 Calinou he is on my server, the guy named LAD
16:45 Calinou he left some bones with no items
16:45 Jordach bullshit
16:45 thexyz Jordach: do you really care about it or have you just read someone's thoughts?
16:46 Jordach no, i respect bsd because it does not try to do everything
16:46 Jordach linux is total chaos on github
16:46 thexyz ok, one last question
16:46 thexyz which OS are you writing those messages from now?
16:46 Jordach alright
16:46 Jordach windows xp
16:46 thexyz well, that explains everything
16:46 Jordach i have schoolwork which needs windows
16:46 thexyz which schoolwork?
16:46 Jordach programming
16:46 Jordach c++
16:47 thexyz umm?
16:47 Jordach in MS C++
16:47 thexyz gcc/g++
16:47 thexyz oh
16:47 Jordach the teacher actually makes sense
16:47 thexyz write a letter to RMS
16:47 Jordach RMS?
16:47 thexyz Richard Matthew Stallman
16:47 Jordach explaon
16:47 Jordach explain
16:47 thexyz "they make me use proprietary software"
16:48 Jordach thexyz, any tool can get the job done
16:48 thexyz "no freedom", etc..
16:48 Jordach any tool can fix things
16:48 Jordach you ju7st need to learn it
16:50 Jordach in my class, there is people who like open source and agree that foss cant do everything
16:50 Jordach some use code::blocks
16:51 thexyz why don't you use it then?
16:51 Jordach because it does not highlight errors
16:51 hmmmmm joined #minetest
16:51 Jordach i like that function because i know where to check, if i did make a mistake
16:52 Jordach PilzAdam http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=44864#p44864 :D
16:52 Jordach dont call me pilz
16:53 Jordach i think thats an airplane line
16:53 PilzAdam this should be in my signature
16:53 Jordach Calinou http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=44800#p44800
16:53 Jordach you spell incorrectly
16:54 Jordach http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=42500#p42500 - whoever posted windows 98 was a troll
16:54 thexyz Jordach: even geany highlights errors
16:54 Calinou Jordach: no?
16:54 Calinou SPF = seconds per frame
16:54 PilzAdam = 1/FPS
16:55 PilzAdam = FPS^-1
16:55 Calinou it's a reference to darkplaces (nexuiz classic/xonotic)
16:55 thexyz oh, nice
16:55 Calinou if you have less than 1FPS, something like "3SPF" shows in red
16:55 thexyz time to tell him that gentoo != "other"
16:55 Calinou people use gentoo?
16:55 Calinou lol'd at "RedHat" anyway
16:55 Calinou and edubuntu
16:56 thexyz Calinou: i use it
16:56 * Jordach spits drink at edubuntu
16:56 thexyz right now
16:56 Jordach edubuntu has porn filters
16:56 PilzAdam is someone here who worked on the german wikipedia article?
16:56 Jordach yes
16:57 Jordach <troll>
16:57 T_A_N_K joined #minetest
16:58 Calinou Jordach: I bet LM uses edubuntu then, he cannot even access his porn folder
16:58 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
16:58 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
16:58 Jordach i remember the time when c++ development secion said n00b free
16:58 * Jordach high fives Calinou
16:59 Jordach Winamp is playing "Dude (Loks Like a Lady) - Aerosmith" I am sure that's Landmine right?
16:59 Jordach s/Loks/Looks
17:03 Calinou haha
17:03 FreeFull joined #minetest
17:04 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest
17:04 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest
17:04 Jordach Calinou, thats how one makes fun of someone
17:06 NakedFury joined #minetest
17:08 neko259 joined #minetest
17:12 cisoun joined #minetest
17:14 Calinou PilzAdam: [suggest] make moreores and gloopores swords able to carve pumpkins in farming mod
17:17 PilzAdam Calinou, i will add it to my TODO list
17:20 RealBadAngel calinou, why your skyblock island is so tiny?
17:21 Calinou haven't been on skyblock server for long
17:22 Calinou RealBadAngel: about technic mod: make low voltage cable let light pass through
17:22 Calinou sunlight_propagates = true
17:22 Calinou ;)
17:22 PilzAdam or paramtype = "light"
17:22 RealBadAngel visit it now
17:23 RealBadAngel i just building highway by your starting island ;)
17:23 RealBadAngel ok, will add this
17:23 T_A_N_K yesterday mijyn admitted to have created landmine
17:25 Calinou PilzAdam: they do not do the same thing
17:25 Calinou paramtype = "light" means: "store light in this block"
17:26 Calinou sunlight_propagates = true means "let sunlight and block light pass through"
17:26 RealBadAngel so i shall make it transparent, right?
17:26 NekoGloop joined #minetest
17:27 Jordach T_A_N_K; WHAT
17:30 khonkhortisan2 joined #minetest
17:30 khonkhortisan2 hi people!
17:30 NekoGloop hi
17:30 PilzAdam sup
17:31 NekoGloop i call BS
17:31 khonkhortisan2 windows security is crap IF you try to block regular user programs
17:31 NekoGloop [13:30] == khonkhortisan2 [188ec2be@gateway/web/freenode/ip.]
17:31 khonkhortisan2 the file explorer blocks access to C:\ so I open word, type in cmd, then type C: and I'm there
17:32 NekoGloop [13:30] == khonkhortisan [~kyle@c-76-121-156-73.hsd1.wa.comcast.net]
17:32 khonkhortisan2 yes, I'm on a hotel computer
17:32 NekoGloop i call BS
17:32 khonkhortisan2 not my normal ip
17:32 khonkhortisan2 and the other me is still logged in I think
17:32 T_A_N_K <MiJyn> LandMine was originally a test by myself on alternate language styles and SSH tunnelling
17:32 T_A_N_K <MiJyn> (and weak passwords)
17:33 khonkhortisan2 khonkhortisan: hi me :)
17:33 Jordach MiJyn, this was your fault
17:34 pskosinski joined #minetest
17:34 Jordach also T_A_N_K, PilzAdam, Calinou, cisoun, sfan5 #grief-minetest
17:34 Calinou lol
17:34 Jordach ive hidden this for some time
17:34 Calinou RealBadAngel: just add sunlight_propagates = true
17:34 Calinou to lv cable
17:34 RealBadAngel ok
17:34 khonkhortisan2 okay, bye.
17:34 BartoCH joined #minetest
17:34 cisoun dafuq
17:35 Jordach MiJyn might have masterminded the whole thing
17:36 Taoki joined #minetest
17:37 pskosinski joined #minetest
17:40 Jordach http://i.imgur.com/wmIcg.png
17:41 Calinou "397k"? wtf is that?
17:41 Calinou btw: avast webrep sucks, use WOT
17:42 hmmmmm joined #minetest
17:42 Jordach Calinou google+ +1 counter
17:43 T_A_N_K client_unload_unused_data_timeout = 60
17:49 RealBadAngel Calinou, http://realbadangel.pl/skyblock/screenshot8.png
17:49 Calinou Jordach: you got +1'd 397k times? or did you +1 397k people?
17:49 RealBadAngel to the left is your shack ;)
17:49 Calinou .pl, lol
17:49 Calinou haha nice
17:50 iqualfragile thats just poland not perl
17:50 iqualfragile btw: looks nice!
17:50 Calinou FFFF
17:50 Calinou cannot connect to develan.com port 30005
17:50 Calinou invalid password
17:51 iqualfragile but you NEED to enable some filtering wich helps against this pixel-chaos of the blocks wich are further away
17:51 Calinou oh, there is a default password
17:51 Calinou iqualfragile: requires C++ :P
17:51 iqualfragile jeah, but just 2-3 lines
17:51 Calinou I know
17:52 Calinou still requires a recompile
17:52 iqualfragile additionaly there is an post on the forums about it
17:52 iqualfragile jup
17:52 iqualfragile but when you are on linux thats a peace of cake
17:52 RealBadAngel calinou: servers are whitelisted now
17:53 RealBadAngel iqualfragile, thats the price for hd textures
17:53 RealBadAngel theyre already blurred
17:53 iqualfragile no, its not, you can easily change that
17:53 iqualfragile i did
17:53 iqualfragile looks great
17:53 Calinou <iqualfragile> but when you are on linux thats a peace of cake
17:54 Calinou and only 1% of the people are on linux :P
17:54 Calinou win8 ain't going to fix that
17:54 RealBadAngel but i shall change engine, right?
17:54 RealBadAngel win8 is shit
17:54 iqualfragile jup, but you just need to copy about 3 lines into the source
17:54 thexyz s/8//g
17:54 iqualfragile +1
17:54 RealBadAngel do you have win build with that?
17:55 iqualfragile nope, but i can send you the modified sources
17:55 * Calinou wonders: if he installs a distro on an external HDD then intall bootloader on the external HDD, do I have any risks of damaging the windows bootloader?
17:55 iqualfragile later, im going to eat now
17:55 iqualfragile no
17:55 iqualfragile no risk
17:55 RealBadAngel mail or want ftp?
17:56 thexyz Calinou: that depends
17:57 thexyz your question is incorrect
17:57 thexyz yes, you have risks of damaging windows bootloader
17:57 thexyz and erasing everything
17:57 thexyz if you do dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda
17:57 Lumpio- I think the windows bootloader is so limited you're better off without it.
18:01 Calinou thexyz: why would I even use dd?
18:01 Calinou Lumpio-: GRUB can only do chained bootloading for windows. you MUST keep bootmgr
18:01 thexyz i mean, grub itself does nothing harmful
18:01 Lumpio- I didn't keep bootmgr
18:02 Lumpio- Infact the last time I didn't have a bootmgr in the first place.
18:02 thexyz but if you type sda instead of sdb that's your problems
18:05 Calinou /type/
18:06 * Calinou doesn't install arch
18:06 Calinou :>
18:06 Calinou better use GUI partioners
18:06 thexyz then if you click wrong button same thing may happen
18:06 thexyz btw, how are you going to install grub from gui?
18:08 Calinou because it tells you to install a bootloader?
18:08 Calinou and you can choose where to install it
18:09 MiJyn <Jordach> MiJyn, this was your fault
18:09 MiJyn Jordach, what is?
18:10 Jordach LandMine
18:10 Jordach clen up this whole thing
18:10 MiJyn LandMine...?
18:10 MiJyn Oh
18:10 MiJyn Sorry
18:10 MiJyn I can't
18:10 Jordach why
18:10 MiJyn It's  not me
18:10 Jordach if you know THAT person
18:10 MiJyn I was forced to cover for Alicia
18:10 Jordach why
18:10 Calinou nice GF name you have there
18:10 MiJyn Because if not, I lose my job
18:10 MiJyn haha, that's NOT a GF (quite the opposite in fact)
18:11 Jordach MiJyn, you can stop all of this
18:11 Jordach throw the truth
18:11 MiJyn Jordach, yeah, and risk losing my job
18:11 NekoGloop a gun, bullet, and some gunpowder can settle this as well
18:11 MiJyn I started LandMine
18:11 MiJyn but I am no loger "him"
18:11 MiJyn It's not me anymore
18:12 MiJyn so now, bye-bye
18:12 MiJyn I'm sorry about Alicia's mess
18:12 MiJyn it's not my fault
18:12 Jordach you can fix this
18:12 MiJyn hack?
18:12 MiJyn yeah right
18:13 MiJyn I can't stop anyone
18:13 MiJyn I just unbanned LandMine and registered it so that she will not get in for a while
18:13 MiJyn (under LandMine)
18:13 MiJyn but this is the problem
18:13 MiJyn some random weirdo decided to use LandMine
18:14 MiJyn and start swearing/insulting etc...
18:14 MiJyn trolling
18:14 MiJyn that's the word
18:14 MiJyn and I'm not sure who (s)he is
18:14 Jordach MiJyn, you still capable of client hacls
18:14 MiJyn Alicia is _probably_ not going to get in anymore
18:14 Jordach hacks*
18:14 MiJyn but I can't stop that weirdo
18:14 MiJyn Jordach, anyone can
18:14 Jordach me and OldCoder have something
18:14 * Calinou facepalms for creepy pasta
18:14 MiJyn you were the one enraged at C55 first of all
18:15 Calinou herobrine: minetest edition
18:15 MiJyn you wanted to start #grief-minetest
18:15 MiJyn not me
18:15 MiJyn I joined in
18:15 MiJyn (happily)
18:16 MiJyn I guess it was somewhat my fault of this channel going wrong (or rather, my internet connections fault of letting c55 get in as OP)
18:19 hmmmm joined #minetest
18:21 splash joined #minetest
18:21 cornernote joined #minetest
18:22 MiJyn netsplit? :P
18:23 PilzAdam gtg
18:23 PilzAdam bye
18:24 splash left #minetest
18:27 RealBadAngel wb cornernote
18:27 RealBadAngel got an error msg for ya
18:28 MiJyn yay! :P
18:33 hmmmmmm joined #minetest
18:36 neko259 joined #minetest
18:42 T_A_N_K how does this sound? http://youtu.be/t25SRUukzLg
18:45 MiJyn yours?
18:47 T_A_N_K i found it on the side of the road
18:48 MiJyn ah
18:49 T_A_N_K jk
18:51 T_A_N_K instead of the fix for a double slab placed onto another double slab makes it a whole node, why not make it a doubleslab?
18:59 mito551 joined #minetest
19:00 mito551 hello everyone
19:00 mito551 bas080, are you here?
19:02 Jordach WHAT THE FUCK IS THIShttp://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3214
19:02 Jordach http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3214
19:04 Jordach mito551, are you the author of dwarves?
19:04 mito551 yes
19:04 Jordach i love your game
19:04 MiJyn good for whoever this LandMine controller is
19:05 Jordach its briliant, bar the textures
19:05 Jordach something does not add uop
19:05 mito551 thank you :)
19:05 mito551 -- [23:05] <Jordach> its briliant, bar the textures [23:05] <Jordach> something does not add uop
19:06 mito551 excuse me?
19:06 Jordach im thinking of something else
19:06 Jordach (i speak thoughts)
19:06 MiJyn what doesn't?
19:07 Jordach your pms MiJyn are not found at 19:44pm
19:07 Jordach and there is a two minute gap
19:07 Jordach enough time to post that
19:07 MiJyn ?
19:08 Jordach http://paste.ubuntu.com/1230989/
19:08 Jordach notice the post time of the landmine topic
19:08 Jordach 19:44
19:08 Jordach (gmt+0)
19:08 Jordach it also does not add up even further
19:09 Jordach that message i can type at full speed in around three minutes
19:09 Jordach 120 keys permin
19:10 MiJyn Jordach, wow
19:10 MiJyn you are fast
19:10 MiJyn I am slow
19:10 MiJyn like...
19:10 MiJyn really slow
19:11 MiJyn maybe 50... maybe...
19:11 Jordach i timed your key speed
19:11 MiJyn 50WPM
19:11 MiJyn 50 words per minute
19:11 MiJyn or 40
19:11 Jordach my fingers are fast, but at the rate of responces, im guessing *you could* be that poster
19:12 MiJyn ?
19:12 MiJyn I don't talk like that
19:12 MiJyn and I don't have any webspace under that journaling website
19:13 Jordach people can act differently online and only want you to see what they want to see
19:15 Mikeonline joined #minetest
19:15 Mikeonline hi
19:15 Jordach sup Mikeonline
19:16 TForsman joined #minetest
19:17 frogcrush joined #minetest
19:18 frogcrush Hai all, is there a way to stop blocks in the distance from dissapearing? Something like viewing distance?
19:19 sfan5 + and - keys
19:19 sfan5 or r
19:19 RealBadAngel and superglue
19:19 Jordach sfan5, the auto rendering distance
19:19 frogcrush Yes
19:19 RealBadAngel :)
19:19 Jordach ive seen that bug out
19:19 Jordach at draw distance 5
19:19 VanessaE joined #minetest
19:19 Jordach nothing is shown and hai VanessaE
19:20 VanessaE hey
19:20 RealBadAngel hi VanessaE
19:20 NekoGloop Meow.
19:20 RealBadAngel woof
19:20 frogcrush I have it set to 1085 now and its good :) thanks
19:20 NekoGloop 1085?!
19:20 VanessaE hi all
19:20 NekoGloop why the hell dont you just press R
19:20 frogcrush Is that bad?
19:20 RealBadAngel as hell
19:21 frogcrush What about 2005?
19:21 frogcrush Is bigger better?
19:21 NekoGloop what supercomputer are you using?!
19:22 frogcrush lol the one my homeschool bought me
19:22 NekoGloop oh wait, NASA wants their computer back.
19:22 NekoGloop better return it
19:22 NekoGloop :D
19:22 frogcrush lol
19:22 RealBadAngel they took mine already
19:23 frogcrush 3045 and 40-50 FPS
19:23 NekoGloop stealing NASA's computers for minetest/minecraft is not a good thing to do
19:23 RealBadAngel told just for a weekend to take care of that mars mission
19:23 frogcrush lol
19:23 Jordach played minetest instead
19:23 NekoGloop frogcrush: i get that FPS with no graphics options enabled, and 5 render distance
19:24 frogcrush Wow
19:24 frogcrush That would be my computers before this
19:24 NekoGloop ok, so you didnt take NASA's computer
19:24 RealBadAngel they took mine
19:24 NekoGloop stop making the TARDIS fetch you computers
19:25 NekoGloop i made a tree.... and forgot why i wanted it...
19:25 RealBadAngel lol
19:25 NekoGloop oh right
19:25 NekoGloop i needed fuel
19:25 RealBadAngel propably you wanted to sit down in a shadow
19:25 NekoGloop to make stone
19:25 RealBadAngel and take a beer
19:25 frogcrush 6005, 45 FPS. celeron5 has done a good job
19:26 frogcrush lol
19:26 NekoGloop frogcrush: you dont have any mods installed, do you?
19:26 frogcrush Prolly not
19:26 NekoGloop there's the answer
19:26 frogcrush I don't know any good ones ;)
19:26 NekoGloop gloopores
19:26 NekoGloop mesecons
19:26 RealBadAngel lol
19:26 NekoGloop moreores
19:26 NekoGloop technic
19:26 frogcrush k will try
19:27 NekoGloop stairsplus
19:27 RealBadAngel frogcrush, there are many good mods
19:27 RealBadAngel just look in the forums
19:27 * VanessaE has made several :-)
19:27 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&amp;v=mPrM8caa1Cs&amp;NR=1
19:27 RealBadAngel yeah, she did
19:28 RealBadAngel some of them are now the law and order
19:28 RealBadAngel i mean built in ;)
19:28 NekoGloop XD
19:28 NekoGloop animated torches and vessels
19:28 NekoGloop one's pretty much entirely useless
19:28 NekoGloop one is useless on its own
19:29 RealBadAngel hehehe
19:29 VanessaE :P
19:29 RealBadAngel gloopish as always
19:29 NekoGloop I am assessing facts
19:30 RealBadAngel wanna facts?
19:30 frogcrush is there a teleport mod?
19:30 RealBadAngel shut up and dance
19:30 RealBadAngel thats a fact ;)
19:30 NekoGloop frogcrush: chatcommand /teleport is in by default
19:31 NekoGloop however there are teleporter mods
19:31 frogcrush I meant something like portals or stones
19:31 NekoGloop that add nodes which teleport you
19:31 Jordach OldCoder, i am sending you some info
19:31 frogcrush For little kids
19:31 NekoGloop yes there are ones that do that
19:31 OldCoder Jordach, O.K.
19:31 RealBadAngel i would love to see here some portals like star gates
19:32 RealBadAngel that could be fun
19:32 NekoGloop there are; they dont work though
19:32 RealBadAngel in minecraft one guy used the fact of nether
19:32 RealBadAngel == two maps
19:32 RealBadAngel and made portals
19:33 RealBadAngel you can define the properties of the world
19:33 RealBadAngel build a gate, and go there
19:33 NekoGloop a nether being made in MT with same mechanics wouldnt be hard; however C++ would need editing.
19:34 RealBadAngel so on multiplayer server
19:34 RealBadAngel there can be dozens of worlds
19:34 RealBadAngel and all players can travel
19:34 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: eventually I'll link a korean vocaloid and you'll say "I dont want your Japanese shit" and I'll say "it isnt japanese", completely truthfully
19:34 RealBadAngel hold on
19:34 RealBadAngel i will show you somethin
19:36 NekoGloop i need a stack of iron lumps XD
19:38 frogcrush That would be cool
19:38 NekoGloop ?
19:38 RealBadAngel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQy8SOuHY4k
19:38 RealBadAngel watch this
19:38 NekoGloop sure, in 0:20
19:38 NekoGloop (ad)
19:41 RealBadAngel watch the idea of MystCraft
19:41 RealBadAngel and multiverse
19:43 iqualfragile nexus looks fun
19:44 NekoGloop you've made a nexus before XD
19:44 NekoGloop (that was at RealBadAngel btw)
19:44 RealBadAngel after mystcraft
19:45 NekoGloop hopefully, we'll be able to eventually customize mapgen.
19:46 NekoGloop (in an effective manner)
19:46 RealBadAngel at 4:50 author starts to explain how definin new world works
19:47 NekoGloop those glyphs
19:47 RealBadAngel its after another game
19:47 RealBadAngel whole idea
19:47 NekoGloop you pick them, new world is generated accordingly
19:47 RealBadAngel its Myst
19:48 RealBadAngel yes
19:48 RealBadAngel youre definin this way how mapgen should work
19:48 RealBadAngel and generate new world for ya
19:49 RealBadAngel they mention "stable ages" here
19:49 RealBadAngel for example theres a symbol "dense ores"
19:49 RealBadAngel so ores are everywhere
19:49 RealBadAngel but world is then corrupted
19:49 NekoGloop cool
19:49 RealBadAngel it collapsing with time
19:49 NekoGloop also, inventory is glitching XD
19:50 RealBadAngel that videos are made with all alpha versions of mods
19:51 NekoGloop i know
19:51 RealBadAngel before public could touch it
19:51 NekoGloop "cutting edge"
19:51 RealBadAngel bleedin even ;)
19:52 RealBadAngel but actually this idea is great
19:52 RealBadAngel i mean differnt worlds
19:52 NekoGloop hm...
19:52 RealBadAngel i was playin with it
19:52 NekoGloop as for different worlds, as i said, c++ would need rewritin
19:52 RealBadAngel so i had cave worlds
19:52 RealBadAngel floatin islands
19:52 Jordach NekoGloop - it would only need separate .sqlite files
19:53 RealBadAngel sekvoia forests
19:53 NekoGloop Jordach: and be able to read them
19:53 RealBadAngel then i made stargates
19:53 Jordach know how a cd player changes track
19:53 RealBadAngel and that was fuckin cool
19:53 Jordach same thing in theory
19:54 RealBadAngel Jordach, yes
19:54 RealBadAngel just separate files (worlds)
19:54 NekoGloop exactly
19:54 Jordach thats my thought
19:54 NekoGloop all we need is for C++ to be able to read these
19:55 RealBadAngel mc had nether
19:55 RealBadAngel so for them it was easy
19:55 RealBadAngel we have to make such mechanism 1st
19:55 NekoGloop precisly
19:56 RealBadAngel but then
19:56 RealBadAngel imagine 50 players on the server
19:56 RealBadAngel each one havin own world
19:56 Jordach that would thrash the drive
19:56 Xenux joined #minetest
19:56 RealBadAngel and all are able to visit each other
19:57 RealBadAngel not really
19:57 pskosinski joined #minetest
19:57 Jordach RealBadAngel, that amount of I/O would damage a disk
19:57 RealBadAngel wrong
19:57 RealBadAngel io stays the same
19:57 RealBadAngel just different table
19:58 RealBadAngel youre not able to play all the worlds at the same time
19:58 RealBadAngel so
19:58 NekoGloop look at the skyblock :#
19:58 NekoGloop :3*
19:58 frogcrush Did the E button change in 0.4.3?
19:58 Jordach its shift now
19:58 RealBadAngel think and tell me whats the difference, which blocks server loaded to serve to the player?
19:58 NekoGloop frogcrush: go in settings, press "E descends" (or whatever)
19:58 RealBadAngel table matters?
19:59 NekoGloop Jordach: that's buggy
19:59 frogcrush thx
19:59 NekoGloop I'm on a tower of iron ore
19:59 NekoGloop :D
19:59 RealBadAngel thats just some blocks
19:59 NekoGloop no i mean in skyblock
19:59 NekoGloop xD
20:00 RealBadAngel and game really dont give a fuck from which table
20:00 NekoGloop make the alternate worlds be limited in size, to about 512x512x512?
20:00 RealBadAngel NekoGloop, rly? with it i can enable far view and enjoy 60fps
20:00 NekoGloop )?
20:00 NekoGloop ?*
20:01 RealBadAngel yes, with skyblock :P
20:01 T_A_N_K https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFGho3z4XmM
20:01 NekoGloop yeah i know
20:01 RealBadAngel but listen
20:01 NekoGloop far view only really slows down when loading water
20:01 NekoGloop due to transparency
20:01 RealBadAngel server loads area around the player
20:01 RealBadAngel each one player
20:01 RealBadAngel and serve there
20:02 RealBadAngel now point me why not different sources?
20:02 RealBadAngel for each playr
20:02 Muadtralk joined #minetest
20:03 RealBadAngel hi sdzen
20:06 RealBadAngel from the servers point of view it doesnt matter which world file it reads
20:10 roboman2444 joined #minetest
20:10 Muadtralk left #minetest
20:14 frogcrush Is there an infinite light shortcut/mod?
20:14 VanessaE infinite light?
20:14 frogcrush where you don't need torches
20:14 VanessaE not as far as I know, but you can /time 6000 as needed
20:14 VanessaE and you can tweak your minetest.conf to disable day/night cycles
20:14 VanessaE but that won't do any good underground
20:14 frogcrush lol exactly
20:25 bas080 left #minetest
20:27 roboman2444 joined #minetest
20:32 Mikeonline joined #minetest
20:32 Mikeonline joined #minetest
20:37 jordach joined #minetest
20:37 MiJyn hi
20:38 jordach oldcoder, im here :-)
20:38 VanessaE hi MiJyn, wb jordach
20:39 MiJyn hi VanessaE
20:39 jordach hi vanessa
20:39 LAD joined #minetest
20:48 NekoGloop Meow
20:48 OldCoder Meow back. Good kitty.
20:48 MiJyn woof
20:48 OldCoder Heh
20:49 * jordach roars
20:50 NekoGloop rawr
20:50 ecube rawr to you too
20:51 jordach hey ecube
20:51 MiJyn hi ecube
20:51 NekoGloop meow~ :3
20:52 NekoGloop i think i now own the highest node in skyblock server
20:52 NekoGloop no i do not XD
20:53 NekoGloop VanessaE's level 4 is higher still
20:53 VanessaE heh
20:54 NekoGloop oh no no no no no no no
20:54 NekoGloop level 2 sphere regenerated
20:54 NekoGloop dafuq?
20:54 VanessaE they all do periodically >:-(
20:55 NekoGloop must be hell for your village
20:55 NekoGloop i've built my house next to one of them
20:55 NekoGloop fortunatly i can just walk around them damn thing
20:55 VanessaE UI was careful to design around them
20:55 VanessaE but yeah they're a pain in the ass.
20:56 jordach hmm?
20:56 NekoGloop skyblock level spheres
20:56 NekoGloop anyway, more lava for me! :D
20:57 MiJyn xD
20:57 NekoGloop not that i need it
20:57 NekoGloop i have infinite lava & water gens now
20:59 NekoGloop my house is JUST far enough away from the sphere to not be overwrittem
20:59 NekoGloop my wood paneling on my exterior of the house, was not as lucky
21:00 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
21:01 NekoGloop good thing i had no chests/furnaces with stuff in reach of the sphere
21:02 mrtux joined #minetest
21:02 Weedy_la1py joined #minetest
21:02 NakedFury you guys are burning through the challenges too fast
21:03 NakedFury thats never good
21:05 NekoGloop Vanessa's beaten it
21:05 NekoGloop I've not made it to level 3
21:05 NekoGloop how am i burning through them?
21:08 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&amp;NR=1&amp;v=znir_s4Q9BA
21:10 NekoGloop NakedFury: can you spare some glass for me?
21:11 NakedFury no glass, just sand and low coal
21:11 NakedFury need to spend some hours getting coals
21:11 NekoGloop ah, i see
21:11 NekoGloop some sand then?
21:12 NekoGloop I have a lot of wood for fuel
21:13 Taoki joined #minetest
21:13 Crisco joined #minetest
21:14 T_A_N_K caution, science ahead
21:14 NekoGloop oooh, science
21:14 NekoGloop continue :#
21:14 NekoGloop :3*
21:15 NekoGloop NakedFury: nvm, i dont need any
21:15 NekoGloop but, come see what i was working on, if you have a chance.
21:17 Uberi joined #minetest
21:18 Uberi VanessaE: I made a variant of removestone called Trapstone, that reappears upon turning off the signal. do you want to review it or should I commit it directly?
21:19 VanessaE you'll need to rename it, moreblocks has a "trapstone" object
21:19 VanessaE otherwise it seems okay to me to commit it directly
21:19 Uberi ah, thanks
21:19 Mikeonline n8
21:20 Uberi got any good name suggestions? :P
21:20 Mikeonline left #minetest
21:20 jordach ghoststone
21:20 Uberi good one
21:22 pskosinski joined #minetest
21:28 Uberi presenting Ghoststone! https://github.com/Jeija/minetest-mod-mesecons/commit/ecefc937c9be82cb279c7beda6215b96540c41c8 now go make some awesome traps :)
21:29 NekoGloop lol
21:29 NekoGloop simple code, i know just by how it works
21:30 jordach uberi, presure plate above the ghoststone and lava below :-)
21:30 NekoGloop signal is recieved, stone turns into unwalkable, unpointable, invisible version of itself
21:30 NekoGloop jordach: wont work
21:30 jordach :(
21:30 NekoGloop pressure plates cant be passed thru
21:31 Uberi ah well
21:31 NekoGloop a player detector some distance away, could work.
21:31 jordach needs to be changed :-)
21:31 Uberi use an IC as a T-FF
21:31 FreeFull Minetest doesn't have tripwires =P
21:31 FreeFull Or does it
21:31 Uberi FreeFull: it has player detectors though :)
21:31 Uberi which are, frankly, completely invisible if you do it right
21:31 FreeFull I guess player detectors do the job =P
21:31 Uberi (I mean mesecons, not minetest)
21:32 FreeFull Well by minetest I meant minetest + all the mods for it
21:33 Uberi or a player detector in the center of the room, plus a torch underneath leading to a mesecon network
21:33 Uberi directly underneath that is lava >:D
21:33 FreeFull How about lava from the ceiling somehow
21:33 Uberi FreeFull: indeed, I play MT specifically for the mesecons so the distinction is a bit blurred
21:34 cornernote joined #minetest
21:34 Uberi FreeFull: not really possible unless the mesecons also let lava through
21:34 Uberi hi cornernote
21:35 Uberi well I suppose it would be possible if we used some on the walls
21:35 FreeFull Uberi: Could define a custom node meseconsomething-with-lava
21:36 FreeFull A normal node can turn that if there is lava in one of 5 directions, and if there is air below it will make that lava
21:36 Uberi I dunno, seems a bit contrived to me
21:37 Uberi maybe some sort of block that has more general uses?
21:37 jordach lava source + piston. sorted.
21:38 Uberi woo
21:41 jordach mt needs a load chunk from faraway - ram towers would be so much better
21:42 Uberi RAM towers?
21:42 jordach or even a someway of mensecons working without active block send
21:43 Uberi you can build an 8 bit D-FF in 1x1x8
21:44 jordach i hate my 12^2 255 bit register
21:44 jordach huge, fat and slow
21:44 Uberi jordach: using ICs and stackable circuits?
21:44 jordach yep
21:44 Uberi wait 255 bit? O_O
21:45 pskosinski joined #minetest
21:45 jordach its size in blocks x and z is 12^2
21:45 Uberi how on earth did you fit a 255 bit register in 12^2?
21:46 jordach remember, ucscript suports crossways
21:46 jordach so up flows to down, and left through right :-)
21:47 Uberi oh you mean the register stores numbers 0-255?
21:47 jordach yes :-)
21:47 Uberi that'd be an 8 bit register, ya know :)
21:47 jordach but the rom size is one byte
21:48 jordach when i get 16k, ill be happy :-)
21:48 Uberi I have a 3x4 stackable full adder and subtractor now, I love these ICs
21:48 * jordach has scematic prototype.
21:49 Uberi still working on the multiplier, it's getting pretty big now
21:49 jordach no matter the optimisation you do, your irl cpu is the stopper :-)
21:51 Uberi unfortunately
21:51 jordach if mt had in built mesecon support, and far chunk loading, mesecons would win, hands down.
21:52 jordach built in support
21:52 Uberi jordach: I had a feature suggestion once with an API func for loading an arbitrary chunk
21:52 Uberi nothing came of it though
21:52 jordach mm, yes, i know that
21:53 jordach i might add mesecons into my fork
21:53 Uberi do it
21:53 jordach as c++ elements
21:53 Uberi do it now :)
21:53 Uberi :O
21:53 jordach when i work out binary in cpp
21:53 jordach and wil have ucscript
21:54 jordach upto 200 characters in length
21:54 Uberi jordach: how about making a conductor API instead?
21:54 jordach that sounds hard...but ill look into hiding load far chunks in that.
21:55 jordach as well as the mesecons c++
21:55 jordach anyways, i need my sleep. :-)
21:55 jordach night all.
21:56 VanessaE night
21:56 Uberi night
22:15 cosarara97 joined #minetest
22:18 ray8888 joined #minetest
22:19 ray8888 left #minetest
22:22 ray8888 joined #minetest
22:22 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
22:31 NekoGloop joined #minetest
22:32 NekoGloop Meow.
22:33 Uberi Moo. I'm a duck.
22:35 Jordanlw joined #minetest
22:36 ray8888 hey o
22:37 NekoGloop "Moo. I'm a duck." DAFUQ
22:51 Octupus joined #minetest
22:51 Octupus hi
22:52 Uberi hi
22:57 Basstard` Poo. I'm NekoGloop.
22:57 NekoGloop and you are a Basstard`.
23:00 cosarara97 joined #minetest
23:03 Basstard` sup NekoGloop?
23:14 loggingbot joined #minetest
23:14 Topic for #minetest is now Please be patient when asking questions; someone may not be around. | Main website: http://minetest.net | Development channel: #minetest-delta
23:16 roboman2444 joined #minetest
23:19 Octupus i just cleaned out ma cp
23:19 Octupus shud run a little faster :)
23:23 [JJ]Albert joined #minetest
23:35 dignifiedsoldier joined #minetest
23:35 dignifiedsoldier hi errbody
23:36 VanessaE hi
23:36 dignifiedsoldier do u know how i can make a mod that adds plants to the map gen?
23:37 dignifiedsoldier or is there a mod already so i can use it as a base?
23:37 VanessaE my Jungle Grass mod does that.  Also try Flowers, and someone else made "Decorative plants"
23:37 VanessaE those are all pretty easy to understand I think
23:37 dignifiedsoldier ok thanks gonna look them up
23:37 VanessaE there's also the farming mod
23:37 VanessaE (PilzAdam)
23:38 NekoGloop decorative plants arent in mapgen
23:38 dignifiedsoldier awesome its WTFPL
23:39 Uberi VanessaE: does this make junglegrass renewable or is it on_generated only?
23:40 NekoGloop it is made renewable
23:40 NekoGloop trust me, enough spawns in my worlds
23:40 NekoGloop and in mapblocks already generated
23:40 Uberi cool, thanks
23:41 NekoGloop let's see...
23:42 NekoGloop how hard would it be to add a background image to the player inventory?
23:42 NekoGloop actually, scratch that. bad idea.
23:43 NekoGloop how hard would it be to improve the workbench by a shitton?
23:43 Uberi workbench? like the workbench mod?
23:43 NekoGloop yes
23:44 NekoGloop i wanna be able to take as many as possible from the craft-preview
23:44 NekoGloop how hard would this be?
23:45 Uberi hmm, doesn't sound too hard but there might be some edge cases I'm not thinking of
23:45 NekoGloop ok I just realized how much i suck at formspec
23:46 Uberi I tried to use a formspec once way before the player inventory API was in MT
23:46 Uberi it was a nightmare and I couldn't find any documentation whatsoever

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