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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-09-13

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:03 MuadTralk joined #minetest
00:03 MuadTralk left #minetest
00:06 M13Coder joined #minetest
00:13 hmmmmmm joined #minetest
00:14 VanessaE a few more m's this time eh?
00:14 VanessaE perhaps an actual name might be in order :)
00:18 khonkhortisan tapping a button that is stuck on doesn't make it unpress
00:19 VanessaE tap it harder, like with an admin pick.  that'll learn it ;)
00:43 NekoGloop joined #minetest
00:43 * VanessaE pokes NekoGloop
00:43 NekoGloop Heh
00:43 VanessaE random highlight is random
00:43 NekoGloop Someone else wanted the ipad
00:44 NekoGloop I got it back :3
00:44 CIA-59 minetest: perttu.ahola * r2844 /branches/stable-0.4/src/inventory.cpp: Remove "Unknown inventory identifier" deserialization errors, because they can break forward compatibility
00:44 CIA-59 minetest: perttu.ahola * r2845 /branches/stable-0.4/ (src/clientserver.h CMakeLists.txt): Version 0.4.3-rc0; increase PROTOCOL_VERSION due to backwards-incompatible InventoryList width field
00:44 CIA-59 minetest: perttu.ahola * r2846 /branches/stable-0.4/src/guiKeyChangeMenu.cpp: Add aux1_descends to key change menu
00:44 CIA-59 minetest: matthew.i * r2847 /branches/stable-0.4/src/ (guiMainMenu.cpp guiMainMenu.h subgame.h util/string.h):
00:44 CIA-59 minetest: Enforce stricter world names using a blacklist
00:44 CIA-59 minetest: Blacklisted characters are: / \
00:44 CIA-59 minetest: matthew.i * r2848 /branches/stable-0.4/src/guiMainMenu.cpp: Prevent world creation if the world already exists
00:44 CIA-59 minetest: perttu.ahola * r2849 /branches/stable-0.4/CMakeLists.txt: Version 0.4.3
00:44 CIA-59 minetest: perttu.ahola * r2850 /branches/meta_set_nodedef: Version 0.4.3
00:44 CIA-59 minetest: perttu.ahola * r2851 /branches/meta_set_nodedef/ (8 files in 3 dirs): Add meta:set_nodedef() and supporting code
00:44 CIA-59 minetest: perttu.ahola * r2852 /branches/meta_set_nodedef/games/minimal/mods/experimental/init.lua: Print out __nodedef data
00:44 CIA-59 minetest: perttu.ahola * r2853 /branches/meta_set_nodedef/ (7 files in 3 dirs): Store special node definitions in MapBlock and get them via Map
00:44 CIA-59 minetest: perttu.ahola * r2854 /branches/meta_set_nodedef/src/ (test.cpp util/pointer.h): Fix and test SharedPtr and HybridPtr
00:44 CIA-59 minetest: perttu.ahola * r2855 /branches/meta_set_nodedef/src/ (6 files): Add ContentFeatures based methods to MapNode
00:44 CIA-59 minetest: perttu.ahola * r2856 /branches/meta_set_nodedef/ (src/scriptapi.cpp doc/lua_api.txt): EnvRef:get_nodedef()
00:44 CIA-59 minetest: perttu.ahola * r2857 /branches/meta_set_nodedef/src/ (map.h util/pointer.h map.cpp): Some node lighting and add/remove code
00:44 * VanessaE clobbers CIA-59 with an evil sword
00:44 NekoGloop Holy shit
00:45 NekoGloop LOL EVIL SWORD
00:45 NekoGloop HELL YEAWH
00:45 CIA-59 minetest: perttu.ahola * r2861 /branches/meta_set_nodedef/doc/lua_api.txt: Update lua_api.txt
00:45 CIA-59 minetest: perttu.ahola * r2862 /branches/meta_set_nodedef/games/minimal/mods/experimental/init.lua: Something
00:45 CIA-59 minetest: perttu.ahola * r2863 /tags/0.4.3: Version 0.4.3
00:45 NekoGloop Oh and i am seeking better textures for my evil stuff, they arent evil enough.
00:46 M13Coder crap hes here too
00:46 VanessaE isn't is kinda customary to spew those commit messages at the time they're actually made? :)
00:48 NekoGloop Meow.
00:50 MuadTralk joined #minetest
00:50 M13Coder crap CIA-59 is herr o___o
00:51 M13Coder here*
00:51 NekoGloop Its a version control bot
00:52 M13Coder what?
00:52 NekoGloop ...
01:04 MuadTralk1 joined #minetest
01:07 Basstard` joined #minetest
01:07 Basstard` Done yet?
01:08 VanessaE with?
01:08 M13Coder what
01:10 Basstard` Minetest
01:14 REckonman joined #minetest
01:17 NekoGloop Meow.
01:18 M13Coder wolf
01:18 M13Coder bark bark
01:18 M13Coder cat=food
01:20 REckonman left #minetest
01:20 * NekoGloop smirks
01:20 NekoGloop No dog has a mouth large enough to eat me
01:20 MuadTralk1 joined #minetest
01:22 OldCoder <NekoGloop> No dog has a mouth large enough to eat me
01:22 NekoGloop What?
01:22 OldCoder Wander into the middle of a conversation
01:22 OldCoder And wonder what you missed :-)
01:22 * OldCoder scrolls up
01:22 NekoGloop xD
01:22 OldCoder It's just an interesting line out of context
01:22 * OldCoder laughs
01:22 OldCoder I see
01:22 M13Coder :)
01:26 Basstard` This was the first thing I saw when I checked back in a channel, had no idea what they were talking about: "10 cm is MORE than enough for me to faint on the spot."
01:27 NekoGloop Knowing you, you did know. Or at least thought you did.
01:30 Basstard` I found out that they were talking about spiders, in ##hardware.
01:30 NekoGloop xD
01:34 NakedFury I would not faint but even the tiny tiny spiders may cause me to scream and exit the room. Im a man but still spiders just scare me
01:35 MuadTralk spiders are creepy icky little things
01:35 MuadTralk I freak out at them
01:35 NekoGloop Well you arent alone xD
01:47 NakedFury also to small lizards, snakes, almost any disgusting insect(cockroaches I kill but they freak me out), but spiders are at the top of the list
01:52 Basstard` Spider cockroach.
01:52 NekoGloop There probably is some hybrid
01:54 M13Coder bye see ya guys later
01:54 M13Coder left #minetest
02:26 cy1 acklp my world is not go
02:26 cy1 oh, the derp port
02:26 cy1 yesh, is working fine
02:29 cy1 anyone want a world where stack size is 999?
02:30 NekoGloop I want a world where max stack size is 65535
02:31 NekoGloop Like in junk jack
02:31 cy1 yeah, but that would be good if clients could display stack in hex
02:31 cy1 ffff
02:31 cy1 it looks kind of ugly in decimal though.
02:32 cy1 how about a world without backporting, or re-digging?
02:32 NekoGloop It would be FFFF which many people would add a few U's to :D
02:32 cy1 ehehe
02:32 NekoGloop World without backporting and redigging!
02:32 NekoGloop Where do i sign up?!
02:32 cy1 6989
02:33 cy1 stopping the redigging is as simple as "disable_anticheat = true" in minetest.conf
02:33 cy1 makes the server do a _lot_ less processing too.
02:33 NekoGloop xD
02:34 NekoGloop I wonder if singleplayer would do that as welll...
02:34 cy1 the anti-speedhax are hardcoded in though, so it takes an #if 0 in the code
02:35 NekoGloop What?
02:35 NekoGloop disable_anticheat fail xD
02:35 cy1 you can't just edit minetest.conf you have to recompile.
02:36 NekoGloop I never compiled ^^"
02:36 cy1 anticheat is what replays every dig and place interaction every player makes on the server... so you get to watch yourself digging slowly :p
02:36 cy1 antispeedhax is what backports you when you're running around.
02:39 cy1 I plan to replace both eventually with a database to track player statistics in an easy to summarize way, so admins can tell who's griefing without having to skim that debug.txt, and not bother trying to force people not to cheat.
02:39 cy1 Taking them out is easier than putting that database in though. xD
02:40 cy1 Any server getting griefed can just turn off interact, and rollback to a backup (mine is backed up hourly), ban the griefer etc.
02:40 NekoGloop Yup
02:40 cy1 any server that doesn't is Doing It Wrong IMO
02:42 NekoGloop My server doesnt! (my, singleplayer, server, that is.
02:42 cy1 Come to my server! We have bananas!
02:42 NekoGloop )*
02:44 NekoGloop Meow.
02:48 cy1 Seriously someone besides me and khonkhortisan would be nice. 3 people could start a city even maybe.
02:48 NekoGloop I want to but i'm not at my computer ^^"
02:48 cy1 well, just keep it in mind then!
02:48 cy1 and if you see a good city spot on my server, lemme know
02:48 NekoGloop Btw: khonkhortisan: had you given any thought to what i said last night?
02:49 NekoGloop cy1: I'll just stick a sign there saying BUILD HERE!!!
02:56 cy1 yeah IRC's a wee bit more reliable I'd say
02:57 NekoGloop xD
02:57 NekoGloop Ruin my fun, why dontcha?
02:57 cy1 "Oh you left a sign. Too bad I delete logs daily."
02:57 cy1 "I'm sure it's somewhere between -31000 and 31000!
02:57 cy1 "
02:58 NekoGloop xD
02:59 NekoGloop No, i placed it at -31001,-31001,-31001 just to piss you off. :D
02:59 NekoGloop Besides i can just log out next to the sign then when i log in again i'll be right there.
03:02 NekoGloop Aaaugh, i'm bored!
03:02 cy1 oh no!
03:03 NekoGloop </tobuscusanimation>
03:04 NekoGloop You win internets if you get the reference
03:41 wowiamdiamonds joined #minetest
03:44 cy1 Huh, Tobuscus is the Halo Reach guy.
03:44 NekoGloop No he's the diamond sword dude
03:46 cy1 Well I found this
03:46 cy1 and it's... totally in the same style
03:46 NekoGloop I was quoting the beginning of that very thing xD
03:47 cy1 as
03:48 NekoGloop You do not appear to have adobe flash installed
03:48 NekoGloop No shit i'm on an ipad
03:49 cy1 eh, it's on youtube but they make you sign in because it's too scary
03:49 NekoGloop Youtube app bypasses that
03:56 servvs joined #minetest
04:13 NekoGloop ... This is unproductive
04:33 neko259 joined #minetest
05:20 celeron55 wtf was that bot doing?
05:20 celeron55 i've not done a single commit in _days
05:20 celeron55 _
05:20 VanessaE celeron55: not the first time it's done that either
05:21 VanessaE also, good morning.
05:38 TLP|AFK joined #minetest
06:03 summonermw2 left #minetest
06:08 VanessaE bbl
06:11 cy1 humm... how do you get the nearest nodes to a player on a regular basis...
06:17 RealBadAngel morning all
06:22 RealBadAngel cy1 specific nodes?
06:22 RealBadAngel pointed? or what?
06:22 cy1 in the area
06:22 cy1 I guess however ABMs do it...
06:23 RealBadAngel there was such function i think, lemme search
06:23 RealBadAngel - find_node_near(pos, radius, nodenames) -> pos or nil
06:23 RealBadAngel ^ nodenames: eg. {"ignore", "group:tree"} or "default:dirt"
06:23 RealBadAngel - find_nodes_in_area(minp, maxp, nodenames) -> list of positions
06:23 RealBadAngel ^ nodenames: eg. {"ignore", "group:tree"} or "default:dirt"
06:24 cy1 hm... might work
06:25 RealBadAngel gosh its still raining outside
06:25 RealBadAngel 2nd day
06:44 Fresh_me_ joined #minetest
07:01 NakedFury joined #minetest
07:17 * VanessaE is back
07:17 RealBadAngel hi VanessaE
07:17 VanessaE hey hey
07:18 RealBadAngel ive added mesecons to dependencies right now
07:19 VanessaE How to Induce Insomnia - Lesson 1:  Don't drink enough fluid, so you feel dehydrated.  2: Try to do something useful with the time derived from (1) - Bathe your cats.
07:19 RealBadAngel hehehe
07:20 RealBadAngel here you could feel overhydrated today
07:20 RealBadAngel its still raining
07:20 VanessaE heh
07:21 RealBadAngel but at least i slept well
07:21 VanessaE good :)
07:23 RealBadAngel have to go shoppnin to make some breakfast but when i look outside....
07:23 VanessaE fuck it :D
07:23 RealBadAngel damn rain
07:23 VanessaE why go out on such a miserable day - just stay home, suck down some ramen noodles and bury yourself in code or something :)
07:24 RealBadAngel i gonna code all day today
07:24 RealBadAngel but even coders need breakfasts lol
07:24 VanessaE I just had mine, sorta
07:24 VanessaE peanut butter and jam
07:25 RealBadAngel tell me more, faster i will become more hungry ;)
07:26 VanessaE heh
07:26 VanessaE that's all there is to tell
07:29 RealBadAngel oke, im goin out
07:29 RealBadAngel ill be back
07:41 RealBadAngel so, im back
07:41 VanessaE that was quick
07:44 RealBadAngel shop is not so far from here
07:44 RealBadAngel like a minute on bike
07:45 RealBadAngel grabed some tomatoes from garden and makin sandwiches now
07:45 VanessaE yum
07:47 RealBadAngel own vegetables are best
07:48 RealBadAngel always fresh and without any chemicals
07:50 RealBadAngel ive added node breaker to the main tree
07:50 RealBadAngel so you can play with it if you want
07:50 Calinou joined #minetest
07:50 VanessaE cool
07:51 RealBadAngel hi Calinou
07:51 Calinou hi :)
07:52 VanessaE hi cal
07:52 RealBadAngel ive got a question for ya
07:52 RealBadAngel ive made at least alloy furnace, so bronze is now smelted
07:53 RealBadAngel out of copper and tin
07:53 RealBadAngel but have still there that craft recipe
07:53 RealBadAngel got any idea how to solve it?
07:55 * Calinou is trying out arch in virtualbox
07:55 RealBadAngel dont try to hide ;)
07:56 Calinou arch wiki security question: "date -u +%W`uname`|sha256sum|sed 's/\W//g"
07:56 Calinou derp
07:57 * Calinou has 2 VMs booted at once
07:57 Calinou uses more RAM than minecraft
07:57 RealBadAngel heheh
07:58 Calinou wtf? I just get ">" when doing that command
07:58 RealBadAngel so?
07:58 Calinou I'll hop in their channel and ask :P
07:59 VanessaE unmatched quotes
07:59 RealBadAngel and they will ban you propably for bein lame
07:59 VanessaE put another ' before the final "
07:59 RealBadAngel they always do so :)
07:59 Calinou got it
08:00 Calinou works :3
08:00 RealBadAngel so, can you now answer my question? :)
08:07 VanessaE what question?
08:07 RealBadAngel theres bronze crafting recipe in moreores
08:08 RealBadAngel and ive made smelting recipe to get the bronze (imho a bit more sensible)
08:08 Calinou you need 3 copper and 1 tin now to get bronze
08:08 Calinou shapeless recipe
08:08 RealBadAngel yes
08:08 Calinou brb: making this recipe give 2 bronze instead of one
08:08 Calinou more logical :p
08:08 RealBadAngel but moreores just craft it
08:09 Calinou erm, it gives 3 ingots already
08:09 Calinou nevermind
08:09 RealBadAngel and i smelt it to get bronze
08:09 Calinou and it needs 2 copper/1 tin
08:09 cy1 why more copper?
08:10 RealBadAngel 3:1 is good ratio, dont change it
08:10 cy1 "good"
08:10 cy1 who uses bronze anyway? :p
08:10 RealBadAngel i do
08:11 cy1 orange blocks
08:11 RealBadAngel i think my mod is "best customer" for moreores
08:11 cy1 oh, huh
08:11 cy1 what mod?
08:11 RealBadAngel technic
08:12 cy1 technic needs copper cable though, not bronze
08:12 Calinou it is 2/1 right now
08:12 Calinou and gives 3 bronze
08:12 Calinou logical, you lose nothing
08:12 RealBadAngel look again
08:12 cy1 except ur soul
08:13 RealBadAngel im using all of it, more or less
08:13 cy1 what good is bronze?
08:13 cy1 it's softer than iron
08:13 cy1 less conductive than copper
08:13 RealBadAngel pipes
08:13 cy1 it's terrible all the way around
08:13 Basstard` cy1: You just gave two good reasons.
08:14 cy1 besides using it to make a tuba why would you
08:14 RealBadAngel Calinou, youre avoiding my question?
08:14 Calinou what question?
08:15 RealBadAngel my mod has alloy furnace
08:15 RealBadAngel to produce alloys, including bronze. which IS an alloy
08:15 cy1 high carbon steel ftw :x
08:16 RealBadAngel your mod has crafting recipe to make an alloy
08:16 RealBadAngel im askin how to solve that situation
08:17 cy1 how would you make steel from iron without a smelter? - * - imagination - * -
08:17 guest33454583 just override the recipe with one that gives nothing. i think in case of multiple recipes the last one is used
08:17 Calinou RealBadAngel, add something to that recipe, such as stick or cobble? :P
08:18 RealBadAngel im makin stainless steel by cookin iron with some chromium in ratio 3:1
08:18 cy1 haha
08:18 RealBadAngel guest33454583, i will try it
08:19 RealBadAngel cy1: example smelting recipes used in my mod:
08:20 RealBadAngel 3 copper dusts + 1 tin dust -> 4 bronze dusts
08:20 RealBadAngel 3 copper ingots + 1 tin tingot -> 4 bronze ingots
08:20 RealBadAngel 3 iron dusts + 1 chromium dust -> 4 stainless steel dust
08:20 RealBadAngel 2 sand + 2 coal dusts -> 1 silicon waffer
08:20 RealBadAngel 1 silicon wafer + 3 mithril dusts -> 1 doped silicon wafer
08:21 VanessaE eek, mithril's too hard to find for such an expensive resipe
08:21 VanessaE recipe
08:21 RealBadAngel intended to be expensive
08:22 RealBadAngel to make one solar panel you will need 12 mithril
08:22 RealBadAngel grinded to 24 dusts
08:23 VanessaE Calinou: you better increase the prevalence of mithril I guess :)
08:23 Calinou shouldn't be too common
08:24 Calinou it is more a "nice find" than an actual ore anyway
08:24 RealBadAngel makin things easier to get is not improvin gameplay imho
08:24 Calinou mithril tools being slower than mese
08:24 Calinou (at least, pickaxes)
08:24 Calinou but mithril sword is worth it :)
08:25 VanessaE well folks, I think I'm ready to head back to bed :-)
08:25 RealBadAngel Calinou, i think using mithril for chests and solar panels is way better use of it
08:25 Calinou yep
08:26 RealBadAngel look at my recipes
08:26 VanessaE Calinou: suggestion:  let the user place sideways/wall stairs back into the grid to rotate them back to normal stairs
08:26 RealBadAngel all of your ores are used somwhere
08:26 Calinou VanessaE, good idea :P
08:27 VanessaE Calinou: also, let the user put four smooth stone stairs into the grid in a 2x2 arrangement to get four stonesquare stairs.
08:27 VanessaE er, four COBBL#E stairs.
08:27 Calinou yeah
08:27 VanessaE to get four stonesquare staris.
08:27 VanessaE fuck
08:27 Calinou and four smooth stone = four stonebrick stairs
08:27 VanessaE I'm too tired to type
08:27 Calinou same for slabs too
08:27 VanessaE yeah
08:27 Calinou however, I don't want to make moreblocks a dependancy
08:27 Calinou no mod should depend on other mods than the default ones
08:27 VanessaE you don't have to.
08:28 RealBadAngel Calinou, you suggested me something right now?
08:28 VanessaE just check for the presence of moreblocks' init.lua - if not found, don't define the additional recipes.
08:28 Calinou no
08:28 Calinou VanessaE, kay
08:28 RealBadAngel Calinou> no mod should depend on other mods than the default ones
08:29 Calinou that's my philosophy
08:29 VanessaE more blocks and more ores should be imported into minetest_game anyway
08:29 VanessaE they're too useful not to be there.
08:29 RealBadAngel following it i shall "consume" moreores
08:29 VanessaE redcrab:30401 has the latest moreblocks release btw :-)
08:32 VanessaE anyways, I'm off.
08:32 VanessaE night :-)
08:32 RealBadAngel is there a way to unregister crafting recipe?
08:32 RealBadAngel night VanessaE
08:37 RealBadAngel Calionou, heh, i can see you wont let me find a nice and easy solution
08:39 Calinou won't change my recipe
08:39 RealBadAngel ok
08:39 RealBadAngel i will find another way
08:40 RealBadAngel i just thought as im the biggest customer for the moreores i can ask for somethin
08:40 RealBadAngel while not, i will override it just
08:41 RealBadAngel or i will just eat moreores
08:41 RealBadAngel as you already suggested
08:43 RealBadAngel but that would be just stupid
08:43 RealBadAngel i wont do that
08:44 RealBadAngel that rule you said is ok with very basic mods
08:45 RealBadAngel adding something to the world
08:46 RealBadAngel but then comes mods that actualy are using stuff youre added
08:47 RealBadAngel moreores alone is just another dummy mod to produce just more picks because its possible to do so
08:48 RealBadAngel all i ask for is cooperation
08:48 RealBadAngel is that wrong?
08:48 cy1 moreores produces awesome picks
08:49 cy1 and not having modules depend on each other is paranoid and inefficient :<
08:50 RealBadAngel Dependencies:
08:50 RealBadAngel built-in mods:
08:50 RealBadAngel default
08:50 RealBadAngel dye
08:50 RealBadAngel stairs
08:50 RealBadAngel external mods:
08:50 RealBadAngel moreores
08:50 RealBadAngel flowers
08:50 RealBadAngel pipeworks
08:50 RealBadAngel and mesecons joined that list today
08:50 cy1 like how VanessaE basically reinvented the nature mod, poorly
08:50 cy1 I mean, no offense but
08:51 cy1 if it's been done, doing it again is just askin for trouble!
08:51 RealBadAngel i got your point
08:51 cy1 RealBadAngel: I was mostly yelling at Calinou not you
08:53 RealBadAngel yeah yeah. i was "yelling" at Calinou and all i got is he changed recipe for bronze
08:53 cy1 deal w/it
08:53 RealBadAngel i can, but i dont wont be rude
08:53 RealBadAngel i do appreciate his work
08:54 Calinou I didn't
08:54 Calinou it is like this since forever
08:54 RealBadAngel i know
08:54 RealBadAngel but you made very BASIC mod
08:54 RealBadAngel which now im using to build on
08:55 RealBadAngel and in fact just ONE thing in it makes no sence
08:57 Calinou don't want allows in my mods
08:57 Calinou alloys*
08:57 RealBadAngel so, what the heck is bronze then
08:57 RealBadAngel milkshake?
09:00 RealBadAngel be consequent then
10:36 * Basstard` chucks norris
10:36 Keegann joined #minetest
10:37 Keegann hello
10:39 Keegann
11:05 TForsman joined #minetest
11:08 Keegann joined #minetest
11:30 Gizmokid2005 joined #minetest
11:35 [edwtjo] joined #minetest
11:37 \Jan joined #minetest
11:38 stump_ joined #minetest
11:40 toabi_ joined #minetest
11:47 AndrewPH joined #minetest
11:49 SpeedProg joined #minetest
11:49 SpeedProg1 joined #minetest
11:50 SpeedProg joined #minetest
11:51 Jousway joined #minetest
12:06 Calinou joined #minetest
12:07 OldCoder Net Split! Save Yourselves!
12:07 OldCoder :-)
12:08 BartoCH joined #minetest
12:17 BartoCH_ joined #minetest
12:22 CIA-93 joined #minetest
12:26 celeron55_ joined #minetest
12:28 Cerise joined #minetest
12:30 te3_ joined #minetest
12:36 krayon joined #minetest
12:38 NakedFury joined #minetest
12:39 Someguy1234 joined #minetest
12:42 AndrewPH|Alt joined #minetest
12:47 Calinou -christel- [Global Notice] Hi all, not only would it seem that Christmas came early this year, we must also have been much nicer than we thought! We're receiving a steady stream of packets at present and apologise for any inconvenience whilst we try work around the issue! Again, sorry and thank you for using freenode!
12:47 Bad_Command_ joined #minetest
12:47 Calinou freenode staff needs to lrn2troll
12:47 Calinou just say "anony-mouses hate us, because we don't use xfce"
12:54 * Calinou updated his mods on sfan5's repo
12:54 Calinou :)
12:55 tripod_ joined #minetest
12:57 MiJyn_ joined #minetest
12:57 leo_rockw joined #minetest
13:01 Tux-Tn_ joined #minetest
13:03 Jousway joined #minetest
13:04 M13_ joined #minetest
13:04 M13_ Hi
13:07 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest
13:07 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest
13:08 Calinou this guy voted for delete at afd request:
13:08 Calinou SMART
13:08 Calinou ASS
13:08 Calinou DETECTED
13:08 M13_ Lolz
13:08 M13_ ^^^
13:08 M13_ hey Calinou
13:09 Calinou hi
13:09 M13_ havent found a compiler for Windows yet :(
13:09 M13_ it sucks
13:09 M13_ how does celeron do it
13:10 M13_ he uses linux doesnt he
13:10 NakedFury joined #minetest
13:11 celeron55 joined #minetest
13:11 M13_ there
13:11 M13_ he is
13:11 Calinou he compiles windows builds using MSVC (he has winXP in virtualbox)
13:11 M13_ o ok
13:11 Calinou the stable ones only; he compiles nightly builds using minGW from linux
13:11 Calinou they're slower but he doesn't have to boot a VM to compile
13:11 M13_ how do you do that
13:11 Calinou google
13:12 M13_ ok ill see
13:12 M13_ can i do it with Minetest-M13 (Note : it was build on Minetest-c55 0.4-DEV20120122
13:13 Calinou why are you building such an old version?
13:13 Calinou it lacks a shitton of features
13:13 klaxa_ joined #minetest
13:16 M13_ Its got what i need to make it 10 x better
13:16 M13_ and yes it is shit
13:16 Calinou sound? stairs/slabs? day/night cycle?
13:16 M13_ Generating sucks but i fixed that
13:17 Calinou did you change 2 variables to fix it? :P
13:17 M13_ Have stairs and slabs
13:17 M13_ no
13:17 M13_ many
13:17 Calinou did you actually code something? 8)
13:17 M13_ with help from oldcoder
13:18 M13_ hes helping me learn c++
13:18 OldCoder M13_, Hi
13:18 M13_ how do i install mingw
13:18 OldCoder M13_, Site has been updated
13:18 M13_ no package for the newest version
13:18 OldCoder M13_, I have a version that runs under Ubuntu
13:18 OldCoder You can build it and cross-compile
13:19 OldCoder M13_, clear cache and revisit site. Minor changes. I'll try to look at MinGW today or tomorrow.
13:19 M13_ ok
13:20 OldCoder M13_, mail or link me build instructions for MinGW approach
13:20 OldCoder I'll try cross-building it myself
13:20 M13_ o ur going to cross-compile?
13:20 M13_ o ok
13:20 OldCoder I will try
13:20 OldCoder Mail or link the instructions
13:21 M13_ is it works can you install it on my compile
13:21 OldCoder Yes
13:21 M13_ computer*
13:21 OldCoder I will post instructions for everything
13:21 M13_ ok
13:21 OldCoder Everybody should know how to do it
13:21 OldCoder But time is tight enough I can't dig up the getting started. Put what you know in a file and mail me or paste it somewhere
13:22 OldCoder Need to run an errand now though the sun is not yet up
13:22 OldCoder Back in a little while. The site will be updated further in the next few days.
13:22 OldCoder BTW Fixed some of the CSS to make it work better with Chrome
13:23 OldCoder
13:23 M13_ cool thnx
13:24 OldCoder Oh, one more thing. M13_ I don't have time to run forums. mrtux suggests adding modern forums. I'll do that but look for somebody responsible to run them. May take a while.
13:24 OldCoder
13:24 M13_ ok
13:24 NakedFury hello
13:24 M13_ whats wrong with my forums
13:26 celeron55
13:26 celeron55 relevant
13:26 OldCoder No offense intended. mrtux points out that self hosted is better. We can add forums directly to the site and customize. I've done this a lot in the past. You can even have a bames section. M13_ Study whatever C55 and the others can give you about Windows builds. Take responsibility and gather information politely.
13:26 OldCoder
13:26 OldCoder g2g for now
13:26 OldCoder *games section
13:26 OldCoder Damn typos
13:26 OldCoder
13:27 celeron55 that up there is a mingw cross build script and some maybe-not-so-free-to-distribute hard-to-get files
13:28 OldCoder thx; appreciated. Time is short.
13:28 * OldCoder heads for the door
13:28 M13_ ok thnx and what are the commands to cross-compile
13:28 OldCoder ^ celeron55
13:28 celeron55 M13_: rm -rf /
13:28 OldCoder M13_, he has provided some info
13:28 OldCoder But don't do
13:28 OldCoder that last part :p
13:28 OldCoder Thank him politely please
13:28 celeron55 8D
13:28 OldCoder Except for the rm -rf
13:28 M13_ Thank you celeron
13:29 M13_ bye bye
13:29 celeron55 sfan5 uses uses mingw regularly for cross compiling too, i think
13:29 celeron55 he has something roughly similar
13:29 M13_ Celeron
13:30 M13_ will this work with minetest 0.4_DEV_20120122
13:30 celeron55 dunno
13:30 celeron55 and it'll require much tweaking for your uses
13:31 M13_ ok
13:31 M13_ can i use the to build it
13:33 Calinou celeron55, I bet if OldCoder didn't say that, he would do it :p
13:35 M13_ aha working
13:35 M13_ working...
13:35 celeron55
13:35 NakedFury YouTube First Look: iPhone 5 [User: JimmyKimmelLive] [Views: 302] [244] [1] [Time: 00:01:41]
13:36 M13_ i need packages
13:36 M13_ irrlicht
13:37 celeron55 uncomment the wget line in
13:37 M13_ ok
13:38 M13_ ALL
13:38 Someguy1234 joined #minetest
13:38 M13_ thnx
13:39 Someguy123 joined #minetest
13:40 M13_ do i put my source in the folder and type in term (  ./ <source name>  )?
13:44 celeron55 M13_: don't /msg me, i won't answer, ever
13:44 celeron55 i have no idea how you haven
13:44 celeron55 't figured out that already, but apparently in need to say it
13:44 celeron55 -n
13:44 M13_ ok srry
13:45 M13_ just wondering
13:46 celeron55 M13_: it doesn't have any way to supply a source like that as-is, you need to modify the git clonings in there to copyings and so
13:47 celeron55 or just manually do all that it does
13:47 MilanFIN joined #minetest
13:48 M13_ i just copied my source into
13:48 NekoGloop joined #minetest
13:49 celeron55 ...that might work
13:49 NekoGloop What, me logging in? ;)
13:49 celeron55 it didn't work, try again
13:49 NekoGloop xD
13:50 M13_ lolz it didnt
13:50 NekoGloop I have no idea what is going on here
13:50 M13_ im going to make it download my source from my site
13:52 M13_ that worked :)
14:12 TLP|AFK joined #minetest
14:28 * NakedFury hola
14:29 NekoGloop Hole
14:30 NekoGloop xD fail
14:35 frogcrush joined #minetest
14:43 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
14:52 Calinou HOLO
14:52 Calinou he only lives once
14:53 NekoGloop XD
14:53 NekoGloop Hi realbadangel
14:53 RealBadAngel hi neko
14:53 NekoGloop I assume you still havent gotten it working? :P
14:55 RealBadAngel what?
14:55 NekoGloop Tubes
14:56 RealBadAngel im coding all the day
14:56 Calinou someone advertisted his MC server on IRC:
14:56 Calinou 24/8
14:56 Calinou what's the name of the 8th day?
14:56 NekoGloop It's called derp
14:56 Calinou :}
14:57 iqualfragile joined #minetest
14:59 iqualfragile1 joined #minetest
15:21 PilzAdam joined #minetest
15:21 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
15:21 iqualfragile1 Hallo PilzAdam
15:22 PilzAdam sup
15:26 NekoGloop Ceiling
15:34 NekoGloop I have an idea for a mesecons machine
15:34 NekoGloop Tripwires
15:35 PilzAdam a machine or a new node?
15:36 NekoGloop Well you place the tripwire on the ground...
15:37 PilzAdam so pressure plates?
15:37 NekoGloop Two special nodes would be at either end...
15:37 NekoGloop Those nodes would give of a mesecon signal
15:37 NekoGloop (instead of the tripwire itself
15:37 VanessaE IR laser transmitter/receiver nodes sound nice
15:37 VanessaE also, hi
15:37 PilzAdam hi VanessaE
15:37 ttk2 joined #minetest
15:38 MiJyn joined #minetest
15:38 NekoGloop Yeah, that would work as well
15:39 NekoGloop However the player is not allowed to see the tripwire
15:39 Jeija joined #minetest
15:39 VanessaE HA!  there's the man of the hour now
15:39 PilzAdam Hallo Jeija
15:39 NekoGloop xD
15:40 Jeija Hi everyone! "there's the man of the hour now" > wut?
15:40 cisoun joined #minetest
15:40 NekoGloop You, we were talking about a mesecon idea i had
15:40 VanessaE [09-13 11:34] <NekoGloop> I have an idea for a mesecons machine
15:40 PilzAdam <NekoGloop> I have an idea for a mesecons machine
15:40 VanessaE [09-13 11:34] <NekoGloop> Tripwires
15:40 PilzAdam <NekoGloop> Tripwires
15:40 VanessaE [09-13 11:37] <PilzAdam> so pressure plates?
15:40 VanessaE [09-13 11:37] <NekoGloop> Two special nodes would be at either end...
15:40 VanessaE [09-13 11:37] <NekoGloop> Those nodes would give of a mesecon signal
15:40 VanessaE [09-13 11:37] <NekoGloop> (instead of the tripwire itself
15:40 VanessaE [09-13 11:37] <VanessaE> IR laser transmitter/receiver nodes sound nice
15:40 PilzAdam lol
15:40 NekoGloop Omg hl spam away
15:40 VanessaE Ninja'd :)
15:41 PilzAdam
15:41 Jeija So it's about a light barrier?
15:41 Jordach joined #minetest
15:41 PilzAdam hi Jordach
15:42 Jordach sup PilzAdam
15:42 VanessaE Jeija: an 'electric eye' as they used to call it
15:42 Jeija = light barrier, right?
15:42 Jordach celeron55, WHY THE FRIGG did you use a short signed variable for v3s16
15:42 VanessaE like those door sensors in a convenience store that chime when you walk through the open door
15:42 VanessaE yeah basically
15:42 PilzAdam Jeija, the current pressure plates are somehow slow, can you use a globalstep timer to check for players?
15:43 NekoGloop Jeija: You know those laser tripwires they use in movies and the like?
15:43 Jeija We need one thing: on_collision for nodes and entities, that would be awesome
15:43 PilzAdam +1
15:44 NekoGloop Globalstep?
15:44 VanessaE +1
15:44 Jeija (the grass steps must have been worked somehow ?!?)
15:44 Jeija I mean the footsteps
15:44 NekoGloop I had to remove item_drop because of globalstep
15:44 NekoGloop Jeija: look at skyblock, it does it somehow
15:45 * Jordach knows a lot of C++
15:45 * PilzAdam knows a lot of java
15:46 * NekoGloop wants a cup of java (not really)
15:50 summonermw2 joined #minetest
15:53 Calinou joined #minetest
15:54 \Jan
15:54 thexyz new iphone is crap
15:54 thexyz like previous ones
15:54 Calinou +1
15:55 * PilzAdam doesnt like apple(s)
15:55 PilzAdam hi Calinou
15:55 \Jan I'm waiting for the nano version:
15:55 PilzAdam Calinou,
15:55 Calinou lol
15:58 NekoGloop English wikipedians are assholes
15:58 \Jan Rude
15:58 Jordach [16:58:15] <NekoGloop> English wikipedians are assholes: either that or they do not know about open source
15:59 PilzAdam the german wikipedians are better
15:59 \Jan Or that the wikipedia page creation rules are sort of like "if only a few people know about it we don't really care"
15:59 VanessaE so who can fix the article?
15:59 * PilzAdam not
15:59 PilzAdam im working on the german one
16:00 Calinou language wikipedians are often better
16:00 \Jan Because there are about a dozen people a week trying to make a page about their local shop / grandfather / dog
16:00 Calinou less GUFs
16:00 Jordach [17:00:00] <Calinou> language wikipedians are often better language specific?
16:00 \Jan Someone gets 1,000 hits on their youtube video and now they think they're popular and need to have a wikipedia page about them
16:00 \Jan ┐('~`;)┌
16:01 Calinou yes, language specific
16:01 \Jan So english wikipedia is quite strict about that
16:01 Jordach i almost have i give to fucks about my just shows that i do my videos well
16:01 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:02 \Jan I haven't done anything on wikipedia in forever; I wonder if I still have my permissions or whatever
16:02 Calinou you do; accounts are not removed for inactivity
16:02 Calinou and anyway you can edit without an account
16:03 \Jan I thought permissions got removed for inactivity though
16:03 Calinou never
16:03 Calinou why would they do that
16:03 \Jan ┐('~`;)┌
16:04 NekoGloop Admins lose admin if they are inactive
16:04 hmmmm joined #minetest
16:04 NekoGloop Maybe you're confusing that?
16:09 * Jordach has to use MSVC++
16:09 Calinou read: not banning someone every day
16:14 frogcrush Anyone know HTML/CSS?
16:14 NekoGloop Nope
16:15 celeron55 enough to have made
16:18 thexyz frogcrush: why do you ask this question in #minetest>
16:19 frogcrush B/c everywhere else I asked I got laughed at ;)
16:19 OldCoder frogcrush, Hi
16:19 OldCoder frogcrush, What do you need?
16:20 rubenwardy i do
16:20 frogcrush OldCoder: I am trying to make the center part of my page white against a dark-coloured background
16:20 OldCoder BTW I trust you do not actually crush frogs. They are hoppy little friends. Paste your code to a paste site.
16:21 rubenwardy use a div with a white style for center page
16:21 OldCoder ^ Yes
16:21 frogcrush OldCoder: Never. I made the u/n when I was twelve for RuneScape :D
16:21 VanessaE nested tables. :)
16:21 OldCoder I was going to add the div
16:21 OldCoder VanessaE is also correct
16:21 OldCoder frogcrush, show us your code
16:21 VanessaE (for those of us whose HTML skills are still stuck in the late 90's :)  )
16:21 rubenwardy <div style="background-color:#FFFFFF;   --positioning code--">
16:21 OldCoder VanessaE, have you visited this site:
16:22 OldCoder
16:22 OldCoder :D
16:22 VanessaE CSS is useless for a lot of stuff people keep trying to shoehorn into it
16:22 frogcrush
16:22 rubenwardy lol
16:22 OldCoder Indeed
16:23 binarymutant joined #minetest
16:23 VanessaE <table width="100%" bgcolor="#808080"><tr><td><table width="90%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><tr><td> your content here </table></table>
16:23 VanessaE simple.
16:24 rubenwardy <body bgcolor="#000000">
16:24 VanessaE (with proper indenting it makes perfect sense)
16:24 OldCoder frogcrush, would you like to try the tables approach VanessaE has proposed?
16:24 OldCoder Tables are fine IMHO
16:24 VanessaE well yeah, <body> is better for the overall background color.
16:24 frogcrush Just trying :)
16:24 OldCoder Give Up. Use Tables. Do It.
16:24 VanessaE so reduce the 100% to 98% or something.
16:24 OldCoder Dooooooo eeeeeeeeeeet
16:24 rubenwardy tables are good...
16:25 OldCoder Yes
16:25 rubenwardy <3
16:25 thexyz no
16:25 frogcrush It just still won;'t fill the entire height of the browser window ;/
16:25 thexyz tables are good only when you need tables
16:25 thexyz if you need to fill entire height google for "css sticky footer"
16:26 frogcrush Oh, I tried that :D
16:26 frogcrush This is why I stick to XAML *sigh*
16:26 * NekoGloop flips a table in the general direction of oldcoder
16:26 * OldCoder ducks
16:26 OldCoder Quack
16:27 NekoGloop xD
16:27 NekoGloop Meow.
16:27 rubenwardy <elbat>
16:27 rubenwardy "table" flipped
16:27 OldCoder frogcrush, Reviewing, then
16:30 OldCoder frogcrush, the table approach should work but I will probably comment on divs in 15 to 30 minutes
16:32 thexyz 2012, people still use tables
16:32 thexyz i mean, use them in the wrong way
16:32 VanessaE bbl
16:32 frogcrush Perhaps its something else in the code? Here is the full files:
16:33 frogcrush Who doesn't use tables?
16:33 OldCoder frogcrush, I don't propose to debug your code; but I'll comment on the original question
16:33 OldCoder frogcrush, people do use tables. There is some debate about them.
16:34 frogcrush Now I feel like that one guy who was bugging c55 about the old builds :D
16:34 thexyz tables are not good at all for designing websites
16:34 thexyz too much useless shit
16:35 OldCoder frogcrush, relax and pull up a lilypad
16:35 khonkhortisan A flowing layout is better, but I haven't done one yet
16:35 thexyz and i thought nobody uses it
16:37 celeron55 i don't use tables, except a bit for when i am lazy
16:37 celeron55 -for
16:38 celeron55 they make me cry but if i have 5 minutes to change a complex layout, it's only going to happen with horrible tables
16:38 OldCoder How do you do three column layouts simply without tables?
16:38 khonkhortisan if you just go by the rule that tables are for tablular data you'll be fine
16:38 celeron55 OldCoder: inline blocks
16:38 khonkhortisan css
16:38 OldCoder k
16:39 celeron55 or floating elements, but inline blocks are the best way
16:39 celeron55 or, well
16:39 celeron55 depends on the details
16:39 OldCoder frogcrush, code coming shortly
16:39 celeron55 there could be more ways too, but you didn't tell how you'd exactly want it to behave
16:40 NekoGloop Meow.
16:40 celeron55 also i am not an expert web designer
16:40 OldCoder celeron55, what works works
16:40 OldCoder What is an "expert" but a practicing theorist?
16:40 OldCoder ^ Obi Wan
16:40 frogcrush Nice quote
16:40 celeron55 well, more like experienced and professional
16:41 OldCoder Hmm
16:41 celeron55 i am inexperienced and amateur
16:41 * OldCoder shrugs
16:41 OldCoder Do a second site
16:41 OldCoder Then you will be experienced
16:41 OldCoder Sell it
16:41 OldCoder Then you will be professional
16:41 celeron55 well, to me, being professional means it'll pay the bills
16:41 celeron55 not just selling one thing
16:41 OldCoder Professional means being paid
16:42 OldCoder Webdev can pay the bills
16:42 OldCoder Easier if you live in India
16:42 * OldCoder is distracted and asks forgiveness for this
16:42 OldCoder They will promise an Instagram clone for $150
16:42 celeron55 it can, but until you've lived by web developing for a month, i don't call you a web dev professional
16:42 OldCoder Fair enough
16:42 OldCoder <--- Not a webdev professional
16:42 OldCoder Wait
16:43 OldCoder <--- Webdev professional
16:43 OldCoder Made enough for a month last month
16:43 OldCoder Probably not this month though
16:43 OldCoder Can't compete with the Indians
16:43 OldCoder For Pete's Sake... I signed up one Indian friend at Elance
16:43 OldCoder He is working for $2.00 per hour
16:43 OldCoder And goes :D :D :D about that
16:44 celeron55 well, prices of stuff vary a lot around the world
16:44 OldCoder Oh, yes; especially rent
16:44 celeron55 and food
16:44 OldCoder Friends in Scotland say come and live here
16:44 celeron55 and those tend to be the ones where people spend the most money
16:44 OldCoder $1,000 per month is colossal
16:44 OldCoder Yes
16:45 cisoun Be an engineer.
16:45 OldCoder As I have been
16:45 OldCoder Since before everybody in this chat was born
16:45 OldCoder It is all webdev now
16:45 ReckonMan joined #minetest
16:45 OldCoder ReckonMan, wb
16:45 cisoun Engineer in computer science ?
16:45 ReckonMan ty :)
16:46 OldCoder cisoun, Yes. Mathematics too. Double major.
16:46 cisoun damn
16:46 OldCoder It has been a long strange trip
16:46 cisoun A good engineer earn 8000 - 12000$ / month here.
16:47 OldCoder Where is "here" ?
16:47 OldCoder <--- Is actually sort of good
16:49 Jordach oh god im coding C++
16:50 NekoGloop xD
16:50 OldCoder Jordach, Indeed
16:50 OldCoder Jordach BTW is doing C++ puzzles from school and the code is fine
16:56 cisoun OldCoder: sorry, Switzerland
16:56 OldCoder Hi
16:56 OldCoder cisoun, thx
16:56 cisoun But that's normal, our money is very strong.
16:56 OldCoder Yes
16:56 cisoun That's why french worker come here.
16:57 cisoun hehe
16:58 OldCoder Indeed
16:58 OldCoder frogcrush, screenshot coming up
16:58 OldCoder shortly
16:58 Jordach [17:57:02] <cisoun> That's why french worker come here. : was it Calinou?
16:58 NekoGloop I thought french people came for the wine?
16:58 frogcrush :D
16:58 cisoun I don't think so. /o\
16:58 Jordach maybe the choc
16:59 cisoun fondue
16:59 Jordach >.>
16:59 cisoun Wine's good here too actually. The good thing to do today is to buy wine from countries where the weather's very hot. Argentina, Australia, ...
17:00 Calinou ROBLOCHON
17:00 Calinou the typo of the damned
17:00 cisoun hahaha
17:06 * PilzAdam is back (you may ask yourself: "Was he away?"; the anser is "Yes")
17:07 BartoCH_ cisoun, let me remind you that you were the last area to join Switzerland if i am not wrong ;-)
17:07 OldCoder
17:07 OldCoder frogcrush:
17:07 OldCoder Code for that will be posted in a couple of minutes
17:07 * NekoGloop is back (Fasten your seatbelts, this is gonna be a bumpy ride!)
17:07 OldCoder ls
17:07 khonkhortisan NekoGloop, no I haven't
17:07 OldCoder Oops
17:08 cisoun BartoCH_: what do you mean "the last area" ?
17:08 OldCoder This is not my xterm :-)
17:08 BartoCH_ Jura, am i right? :-)
17:08 NekoGloop khonkhortisan: ... Wut?
17:08 cisoun #epicmealtime
17:08 frogcrush BACON!
17:08 khonkhortisan something you said yesterday
17:08 BartoCH_ OldCoder, cd /bar && more beer
17:08 OldCoder Sure
17:09 OldCoder frogcrush, see the screenshot linked above and the code is:
17:09 OldCoder
17:09 OldCoder Done
17:09 OldCoder
17:10 frogcrush Thanks, trying
17:10 cisoun The "style" tag must be included in the "head" tag.
17:10 OldCoder cisoun, is correct
17:11 FreeFull joined #minetest
17:11 OldCoder BUG!
17:11 OldCoder <--- ashamed
17:12 OldCoder frogcrush, corrected code is at:
17:12 frogcrush OK, thanks :)
17:14 cisoun BartoCH_: Neuchâtel (Le Locle precisely)
17:15 * frogcrush wishes HTML was as easy as XAML
17:15 * Jordach wishes c++ had a easy to use 12hr clock
17:15 * PilzAdam wishes something, too
17:16 * NekoGloop wishes nothing
17:16 frogcrush It doesnt?
17:16 NekoGloop Beat that.
17:16 * frogcrush will stick with C#
17:16 Jordach bleh
17:16 * PilzAdam wil stick with java
17:17 Jordach use something know, c++
17:17 * frogcrush smacks PilzAdam
17:17 PilzAdam use something protable,.. you know java
17:17 PilzAdam *portable
17:17 khonkhortisan robocode is in java
17:17 frogcrush C# runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, UNIX
17:18 frogcrush OldCoder: Thanks for the code. I really appreciate it
17:18 OldCoder Hey
17:19 OldCoder Sure
17:19 * OldCoder nows
17:19 * OldCoder bows
17:19 frogcrush Plus, C# runs web apps, and Silverlight, and on iPhone and Android, plus Windows Phone, and Xbox
17:19 OldCoder Damn typos
17:19 frogcrush Agreed.
17:19 PilzAdam java has applets ;-)
17:19 frogcrush With a bunch of security holes :D
17:20 PilzAdam thats makes it interesting
17:20 frogcrush
17:20 khonkhortisan um why aren't there any specifications? What if I wanted to write a compiler?
17:20 frogcrush lol yes, interesting
17:20 frogcrush There are specs somewhere
17:21 frogcrush .NET 4.5 is still in beta
17:21 BartoCH_ cisoun, ha, j'étais pourtant proche ! :-P pardon pour la confusion
17:21 OldCoder Jordach, see PM. I think your school is wrong.
17:21 cisoun BartoCH_: ;)
17:21 BartoCH_ cisoun, de ce côté, Vaud
17:21 cisoun Salut voisin. o/
17:21 frogcrush
17:21 BartoCH_ viens boir un verre !
17:21 BartoCH_ :P
17:21 BartoCH_ boire*
17:28 cisoun Je veux bien. 8 )
17:30 khonkhortisan how do I recalculate the light?
17:30 frogcrush left #minetest
17:30 VanessaE magic. :)
17:30 * VanessaE is back
17:30 OldCoder wb
17:31 PilzAdam wb
17:31 VanessaE hrm, did I stumble into #minetest-fr or something? :)
17:31 OldCoder Well, we helped a frog crusher who did not actually crush frogs
17:33 Basstard` Orange crush?
17:33 OldCoder Green Frogs Crush
17:33 OldCoder Frog Juice one assumes
17:35 VanessaE there's a place here that sells, I kid you not, "frog jam"
17:35 VanessaE (in addition to "traffic jam" and "toe jam")
17:36 VanessaE (and "bear jelly")
17:36 Basstard` Does it taste like frog?
17:37 PilzAdam SAW: I wanna play a game...
17:37 PilzAdam Me: I cant
17:37 PilzAdam SAW: Why the hell not?!
17:37 PilzAdam Me: Ive got a mac...
17:37 VanessaE (all of which, I'm pretty sure, are unrelated to the objects the names are derived from :-) )
17:42 neko259 joined #minetest
17:42 khonkhortisan my game won't quit until //dig returns
17:42 VanessaE go to the terminal, ctrl-\
17:42 VanessaE (backslash)
17:42 VanessaE that'll kill the server quickly
17:42 VanessaE but not very gracefully
17:49 khonkhortisan it forgets that it dug anything
17:55 VanessaE I did say it wouldn't be graceful
17:55 VanessaE worldedit needs progress displays of some kind
18:00 sfan5 +1
18:01 Jeija left #minetest
18:07 saddy joined #minetest
18:20 NekoGloop joined #minetest
18:22 * VanessaE randomly highlights NekoGloop
18:22 VanessaE ;D
18:22 NekoGloop Nooooo!
18:22 * NekoGloop melts
18:23 Jordach VanessaE, been at this challenge for a while
18:23 Jordach
18:23 Jordach make a trip calc with returning time
18:23 Jordach in a 12hr fashion
18:24 VanessaE fun
18:24 Jordach yep
18:26 Jordach i also have some others too
18:26 Jordach filling buses
18:26 Jordach which returns how many was in the last bus
18:30 NakedFury joined #minetest
18:34 ReckonMan joined #minetest
18:34 saddy joined #minetest
18:39 hmmmm joined #minetest
18:58 VanessaE bbl
19:17 LAD joined #minetest
19:17 LAD reckon u on here??
19:19 LAD hmmm
19:19 LAD he left
19:22 iqualfragile joined #minetest
19:48 roboman2444 joined #minetest
20:15 M13Coder joined #minetest
20:19 M13Coder hello
20:25 M13Coder_ joined #minetest
20:26 M13Coder_ joined #minetest
20:29 mrtux joined #minetest
20:40 * Jordach needs sleep
20:40 M13Coder celeron55 you there?
20:52 ecube Must... turn.. on... timestamping... for... freenode...
20:53 M13Coder :0
20:54 M13Coder QUEIT
21:06 Orby_ joined #minetest
21:06 M13Coder hey Orby
21:09 T_A_N_K joined #minetest
21:09 T_A_N_K joined #minetest
21:10 T_A_N_K has anyone written an economy mod for minetest?
21:10 M13Coder no
21:10 T_A_N_K good, did anyone update the mod api for minetest 0.41?
21:12 M13Coder idk
21:12 VanessaE 0.4.1?
21:12 VanessaE that's old
21:12 VanessaE also ltns.
21:13 T_A_N_K 0.4.1 is the stable no?
21:13 VanessaE 0.4.3
21:15 T_A_N_K give me a crash course, what's new?
21:16 VanessaE too much to list here :-)
21:16 VanessaE really, there's way too much
21:16 T_A_N_K no i mean for modding api
21:16 T_A_N_K i need to know how to get sign information
21:16 VanessaE Not sure what all has changed in the API, but there have been a few new things
21:23 Taoki joined #minetest
21:23 MiJyn hi T_A_N_K
21:24 T_A_N_K hello mijy
21:24 T_A_N_K mijyn
21:24 MiJyn :D
21:27 OWNSyouAll joined #minetest
21:28 T_A_N_K joined #minetest
21:34 T_A_N_K i'm going to go on a mod rampage
21:35 Orby_ joined #minetest
21:35 VanessaE there's lots of mods to look at :-)
21:35 * VanessaE mumbles something about checking out her collection :)
21:46 Taoki joined #minetest
21:48 sciopath joined #minetest
21:59 T_A_N_K i need help, how do you do a BASIC string in lua?
21:59 T_A_N_K there's all this fancy shmancy tutorials, all i want is str("foo" + 23232 + "foofoo") lol
22:04 VanessaE "foo".."bar".."baz"  --> "foobarbaz"
22:04 VanessaE e.g. something = "foo".."bar".."baz"
22:04 T_A_N_K so just str("foo".."test".."test"?
22:04 VanessaE print(something)  -->  "foobarbaz"
22:04 T_A_N_K oh okay thank you
22:09 T_A_N_K are you able to change the font style/color in this game yet?
22:11 VanessaE not that I know of, short of a texture pack maybe
22:14 T_A_N_K now there's a get_player_name worker, is there a get_player_message?
22:19 T_A_N_K bonk!
22:21 VanessaE dunno
22:29 Basstard` I'd like a massage.
22:31 NekoGloop joined #minetest
22:33 NekoGloop hello people
22:34 VanessaE hey neko
22:34 NekoGloop what'd I miss? :3
22:35 VanessaE not much - TANK is back at least :-)
22:35 VanessaE aside from that, nothing
22:35 NekoGloop who dat?
22:35 T_A_N_K hello neko
22:36 NekoGloop hello person i dont know
22:37 T_A_N_K i am jordan4ibanez, or 313hummer on youtube
22:37 NekoGloop aaaah, that awesomesauce person :D
22:39 T_A_N_K yay, man there really needs to be a get_player_message thing called when someone says something
22:40 NekoGloop you appear to have a lot of mods backed up your need to review, re: gloopores, gloopblocks, toolsizes, charcoal... you could just do all my mods in one vid :D
22:41 T_A_N_K maybe i will!
22:41 NekoGloop oh and gates, cactusmod, etc...
22:41 NekoGloop jsut look at the topics i made on the forums xD
22:41 NekoGloop just*
22:42 NekoGloop make sure to download my rendition of cactusmod, not pilzadams'; his is a bit weird...
22:43 NekoGloop huh, only one of my mods is still in modding general xD
22:44 NekoGloop;user_id=2600 here ya go, t_a_n_k
22:44 NekoGloop dont forget to download minetest 0.4.3 as well
22:47 T_A_N_K i'd look neko but the site is overloaded, i saw some of your mods, their pretty dang cool
22:47 NekoGloop site is overloaded?
22:47 T_A_N_K but i need your help, how do i get on_item_use?
22:47 T_A_N_K now it's not!
22:47 NekoGloop on_item_use?
22:48 NekoGloop in a itemdef, define on_use = function(...) ...
22:48 NekoGloop assuming you mean lua.
22:48 T_A_N_K yes i do
22:59 Exio joined #minetest
23:07 LAD joined #minetest
23:25 bas080 joined #minetest
23:26 bas080 Hey people of the planet earth
23:28 OldCoder Hey back
23:31 Basstard` Plan 9?
23:32 T_A_N_K lol
23:36 NekoGloop joined #minetest
23:37 T_A_N_K how would i write from within minetest's directory?
23:37 T_A_N_K like /home/user/  <-BAD  ~/this/is/the/directory <-GOOD
23:40 T_A_N_K yes many times
23:40 T_A_N_K we made blockplanet
23:41 donaldr3 does anyone know how full_punch_interval works? changing it's value doesn't seem to have much of an effect
23:59 bas080 punch intervals work with groups i guess... The length of the node punching is defined in the default init.lua....
23:59 bas080 i think!
23:59 NekoGloop Lol
23:59 bas080 Does that answer your question?
23:59 NekoGloop Hi bas

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