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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-08-15

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 izua indeed
00:00 vicscandl my first c++ was writing a collision detection system for non visible 3d ojbects back in the 90's prior to any good 3d libs being built...
00:00 vicscandl talk about a pita
00:01 izua now you lost me
00:01 NekoGloop ... So.
00:01 NekoGloop minetest.get_craft_result() Parameters?
00:02 NekoGloop more specifically: an explanation of the second one
00:02 izua what i did was mostly generate a maze, and some random shapes in it. collision detection was done by check the current position + speed would create a sign change when substracted from a few surfaces, for a given number of frames
00:03 izua nothing fancy, but it worked for all sorts of shapes (and not really useful for a minecraft-like world, where collision detection is a breeze :D)
00:03 NekoGloop noone has a reply?
00:11 NekoGloop aaanoyone?
00:11 izua saschaheylik_: where's the makefile
00:11 NekoGloop must be someone here who knows something about lua
00:11 izua downloaded your git
00:11 mrtux joined #minetest
00:16 saschaheylik_ cmake generates it
00:16 saschaheylik_ run "cmake ."
00:17 saschaheylik_ NekoGloop: what?
00:17 NekoGloop "minetest.get_craft_result() Parameters?"
00:19 izua dude, couldn't you have looked it up by now in the code? o_O
00:19 saschaheylik_ NekoGloop: none, i think
00:19 saschaheylik_ izua: just did
00:19 saschaheylik_ static int l_get_craft_result(lua_State *L)
00:19 saschaheylik_ that lua state is handled internally
00:19 saschaheylik_ apperantly.
00:19 NekoGloop for furnaces
00:20 saschaheylik_ so no parameters for you?
00:20 NekoGloop look at furnace code
00:20 saschaheylik_ uh
00:20 saschaheylik_ ok gotta find it
00:20 izua hmph
00:20 izua if(WIN32)
00:20 NekoGloop Just trying to understand it
00:20 izua let me guess, WIN32 is not declared on x64
00:20 saschaheylik_ yes it is
00:20 saschaheylik_ WIN32 is windows in general
00:20 saschaheylik_ afaik
00:21 saschaheylik_ is this an irrlicht thing?
00:21 NekoGloop if NekoGloop.boredom >= 70 then minetest.entity_destroy(NekoGloop)
00:21 izua neah, cl compiler not found
00:21 izua i was hoping to run into missing dependencies
00:22 saschaheylik_ cl compiler?
00:22 saschaheylik_ you would probably miss irrlicht
00:22 izua your c compiler "cl" was not found
00:23 saschaheylik_ then you have an environment variable set to "cl"
00:23 saschaheylik_ and dont have cl
00:23 saschaheylik_ i guess
00:23 saschaheylik_ i wish someone who is used to doing this on windows would help you instead of me
00:23 saschaheylik_ wait i could start my win7 vm
00:24 NakedFury I always download sfan5s compiled version
00:24 saschaheylik_ as a developer that doesnt help
00:24 NakedFury I know but if he gets online you could ask him
00:25 saschaheylik_ i could, yes
00:27 NekoGloop May I have a Periodic Table for my Alchemy mod?
00:27 NekoGloop I need a reference point.
00:27 NakedFury yeah here\
00:27 NekoGloop Waiting for someone other than a troll to respond
00:28 saschaheylik_ seriously, google "periodic table" and click "images"
00:28 NakedFury
00:28 saschaheylik_ NakedFury: dont make it too easy
00:29 NekoGloop lol
00:31 NekoGloop ugh
00:31 NekoGloop What's carbon?
00:31 saschaheylik_ seriously?
00:32 NekoGloop Just want the letter thing
00:32 saschaheylik_ c..
00:32 NakedFury use google dont ask us to search for you
00:32 saschaheylik_ well its a C
00:32 saschaheylik_ :P
00:32 NekoGloop Thank you, rare non-troll on #minetest
00:33 saschaheylik_ if anyone is trolling its you but i appreciate it
00:34 NekoGloop how am I trolling?
00:34 saschaheylik_ lets stay on topic alright?
00:34 NekoGloop ok
00:34 NekoGloop what was the topic?
00:34 saschaheylik_ well.. minetest.
00:34 NekoGloop lol
00:35 saschaheylik_ and you asked about carbon for a mod or something?
00:35 saschaheylik_ that sorta thing
00:35 NekoGloop yessir
00:35 saschaheylik_ no holy wars and random insults
00:35 NekoGloop Coal would make sense being made into carbon, right?
00:35 saschaheylik_ i think coal pretty much is carbon
00:36 NekoGloop Coal is like what, 80~100% carbon, right?
00:36 NekoGloop How many carbon should I get from one coal?
00:36 saschaheylik_ same amount if it basically is 100% carbon
00:37 saschaheylik_ and since there are no 0.8 cubes
00:37 NekoGloop well technically you're getting carbon molecules... how many would you say make sense?
00:37 saschaheylik_ in reality there are different carbon compounds, not single carbon atoms
00:38 saschaheylik_ how many molecules? :P
00:38 NekoGloop well reality != minetest
00:38 saschaheylik_ true.. the graphics are not that good yet
00:38 NekoGloop Let's go with 4 per coal, make sense?
00:38 saschaheylik_ not really
00:38 NekoGloop Why not?
00:38 saschaheylik_ if 1 stacksize of coal
00:38 saschaheylik_ is 1 kilogram of coal
00:39 NekoGloop hell no
00:39 saschaheylik_ and 1 kilogram of coal is next to 100% carbon
00:39 saschaheylik_ then it is equal to 1 stacksize carbon
00:39 NekoGloop ok
00:39 saschaheylik_ makes sense?
00:39 NekoGloop but I'm still making it be 4, because I feel that it makes more sense
00:41 saschaheylik_ how?
00:42 saschaheylik_ you could use it to make pencils. 1 stacksize carbon + 1 stick = 1 pencil
00:42 NekoGloop sure.
00:43 NekoGloop maybe some sign mod could require a pencil to write on a sign
00:43 saschaheylik_ what about a graffiti  pen that can write on any surface in the game xD
00:43 saschaheylik_ and sprac cans
00:44 saschaheylik_ spray cans
00:44 saschaheylik_ of course that could lead to peole putting graffiti everywhere
00:44 saschaheylik_ but to balance that, police and grafitti cleaner
00:44 saschaheylik_ in ancient egypt.
00:44 saschaheylik_ lol
00:45 saschaheylik_ ok maybe just the pencil and papyrus
00:45 saschaheylik_ xD
00:45 NekoGloop lol
00:45 NekoGloop signs should require a piece of paper
00:45 NekoGloop random point :P
00:46 NekoGloop W W W
00:46 NekoGloop W P W
00:46 NekoGloop - S -
00:47 NekoGloop Sign that makes sense ^
00:48 ray8888 joined #minetest
00:48 ray8888 left #minetest
00:48 saschaheylik_ wouldnt that get wet?
00:48 saschaheylik_ real signs would be made from wood and paint
00:49 saschaheylik_ and maybe the letters carved into it
00:49 NekoGloop lol
00:49 NekoGloop wouldnt the wood get wet too?
00:49 saschaheylik_ yes but would it lose the cravings?
00:49 saschaheylik_ or the paint
00:50 saschaheylik_ i mean waterproof paint ofc
00:50 NekoGloop idk
00:50 NekoGloop would need too have rain first ;)
00:50 * NekoGloop points at whoever was making the rain mod
00:51 saschaheylik_ you could make such a black paint from distilled alcohol, resin and powdered coal mixed and cooked until desired consistency
00:52 NekoGloop any idea how to make a new craft type?
00:52 NekoGloop example: "extraction"
00:52 saschaheylik_ i havent looked into the lue parts of minetest yet, sorry
00:52 saschaheylik_ oh you mean
00:52 saschaheylik_ the 3d crafting feature(s) ?
00:53 NekoGloop well could you tell me if such a command exists?
00:53 saschaheylik_ a command?
00:53 NekoGloop No i mean like "shapeless" and "cooking" and "fuel"
00:53 NekoGloop Er...
00:53 NekoGloop example: minetest.register_crafttype
00:53 NekoGloop (i've tried that though)
00:54 vicscandl joined #minetest
00:55 vicscandl meh
00:55 saschaheylik_ NekoGloop: probably not
00:55 saschaheylik_ vicscandl: yo
00:55 NekoGloop vicsandl: is it possible to define a new craft type from lua?
00:56 saschaheylik_ define craft type
00:56 saschaheylik_ recipe?
00:56 NekoGloop no
00:56 Keegan_ joined #minetest
00:56 saschaheylik_ what do you mean by crafttype
00:56 vicscandl NekoGloop: totally, check this howto:
00:56 NekoGloop the thing you put in field "type" for recipe's meta
00:56 NekoGloop lol nice
00:57 NekoGloop I swear, that is the only video that gets linked around here
00:57 NekoGloop (aside from my own)
00:57 saschaheylik_ your own video?
00:57 vicscandl naw
00:57 Keegan_ Hello
00:57 NekoGloop no i mean my own links
00:58 NekoGloop Seriously, is it possible?
00:59 Keegan_ does anyone know how mesecons works?
00:59 NekoGloop Or should I give up on trying and wait till rba figures it out?
00:59 NekoGloop Keegan_: I'm sure Jeija does
00:59 Keegan_ hes not here
00:59 NekoGloop well then ask your question
00:59 NekoGloop instead of asking to ask your question
01:00 Keegan_ can you remove some mesecons or would it wreck the mod?
01:00 NekoGloop ?
01:00 NekoGloop You mean remove some of the modules?
01:00 NekoGloop (inside the modpack)?
01:01 Keegan_ yes
01:01 NekoGloop that's kinda why they're in modules >.>
01:01 Keegan_ oh ok
01:02 NekoGloop just dont remove the wires ;)
01:03 saschaheylik_ alright, human limitations strike again
01:03 saschaheylik_ good night
01:03 NekoGloop lol
01:03 Keegan_ night
01:03 NekoGloop g'night ;)
01:04 Keegan_ wats delayer? do i need that and wat is t?
01:04 NekoGloop it delays a signal >.>
01:04 NekoGloop mainly for timed events or music
01:05 Keegan_ i dont need that?
01:05 NekoGloop unless you want timed events or music >.>
01:05 NekoGloop STOP ASKING ME
01:05 Keegan_ meow
01:06 NekoGloop That's my line
01:06 vicscandl joined #minetest
01:06 vicscandl meh, stupid cable company
01:06 Keegan_ what about
01:06 NekoGloop lol
01:06 Keegan_ jk
01:07 NekoGloop ... hm
01:07 NekoGloop vicsandl: want to assist with my alchemy mod?
01:07 vicscandl NekoGloop: no
01:07 NekoGloop why not?
01:07 vicscandl frying bigger fish
01:07 NekoGloop lol
01:08 NekoGloop I might want some ;)
01:08 NekoGloop keep some of the fish for the kitty cat :3
01:08 vicscandl i'm gonna be like jesus, everyone gets some
01:08 vicscandl your cat == football
01:08 * NekoGloop is the cat :P
01:08 * vicscandl kicks NekoGloop thru the goalposts.
01:09 * NekoGloop dies
01:09 * vicscandl cheers!
01:09 * NekoGloop resurrects as zombie neko
01:09 * vicscandl passes around a can of whatever to you...
01:09 Keegan_ whats alias?
01:09 vicscandl don't fux, i dikumud
01:09 ZombieNekoGloop Braaaaaaainsssssss....
01:10 * ZombieNekoGloop latches onto vicsandl
01:10 * ZombieNekoGloop rattles his head a bit
01:10 * ZombieNekoGloop goes away
01:10 ZombieNekoGloop Braaaaaaaainsssssss....
01:10 Keegan_ whats alias? for mesecons
01:10 ZombieNekoGloop it's aliases >.>
01:10 * vicscandl frees his soul from your grasp and begins a transwarp terror spell in your honor...
01:11 vicscandl meh
01:11 vicscandl back to stupid codefix
01:11 * NekoGloop meant that ZombieNekoGloop did not find brains in your skull ;)
01:11 Bad_Command joined #minetest
01:11 Bad_Command joined #minetest
01:11 Keegan_ in mine
01:12 vicscandl not one of my changes has broken the codebase; one has marked improvement, other two are just blah
01:12 NekoGloop lol
01:12 vicscandl NekoGloop: i ate them when a zombie myself, and via myth, have eaten them to become a stronger self
01:13 NekoGloop lol
01:13 vicscandl it worked
01:13 vicscandl you are fucked
01:13 NekoGloop How does one check what's in a furnace as the cooking item?
01:13 vicscandl after rubbing the genie lamp, i made a wish that made this impossible to other; yer uberfuxed
01:14 * vicscandl drops his ircmic on the stage and steps down to a dull roar from the crowd...
01:18 Gizmokid2005 joined #minetest
01:19 MiJyn joined #minetest
01:20 NekoGloop someone help me pick apart the funrace abm?
01:20 MiJyn joined #minetest
01:20 vicscandl really nek?
01:20 vicscandl what you want; i totally did that for my mod
01:21 NekoGloop well then point me to your mod so I can pick it apart ;)
01:21 vicscandl but you are pulling me from c++ code
01:21 NekoGloop Well It's important
01:21 vicscandl unfinished; i branched to doing }}real{{ work
01:21 vicscandl whats your issue? i have quite a few with it and the api
01:22 Keegan_ i made a fridge
01:22 NekoGloop How does one check what's in a furnace?
01:22 vicscandl ok
01:22 vicscandl so there is the inventory shit
01:23 NekoGloop specifically the "src" area
01:23 vicscandl you will need to pull meta:get_inventory, and then define
01:23 vicscandl meh
01:23 NekoGloop how do I check what item is in there?
01:23 vicscandl let me give you my code; hold for git
01:27 _2cool4me4_ joined #minetest
01:27 NekoGloop wb _2cool4me4_
01:27 _2cool4me4_ Thanks
01:29 NekoGloop :P
01:29 _2cool4me4_ Anything interesting tonight?
01:29 NekoGloop I'm working on an alchemy mod :P
01:29 Keegan_ yea me
01:29 NekoGloop (and failing at having a custom craftype)
01:29 NekoGloop crafttype*
01:30 _2cool4me4_ still?
01:30 NekoGloop yup
01:31 NekoGloop I need a recipe for an extractor
01:31 NekoGloop any ideas?
01:31 NekoGloop chemical extractor*
01:31 _2cool4me4_ What does it do?
01:31 NekoGloop Extracts chemicals from items
01:31 NekoGloop Exmaple: Coal > Carbon
01:32 _2cool4me4_ okay
01:32 NekoGloop Was thinking of
01:32 NekoGloop C C C
01:32 NekoGloop C - C
01:32 NekoGloop C B C
01:32 _2cool4me4_ Any dependencies of this mod?
01:32 NekoGloop C = Cobble, B = Bucket
01:33 NekoGloop Trying to have as few dependancies as possible
01:33 _2cool4me4_ Any of them currently?
01:34 NekoGloop not atm
01:34 NekoGloop please dont say animalmaterials, i may have to hurt you
01:34 FreeFull Put a rat in chemical extractor
01:34 FreeFull You get pie
01:34 _2cool4me4_ So is this a very important/valuable item
01:35 NekoGloop lol ya right
01:35 NekoGloop Extractor is basically a special furnace
01:35 _2cool4me4_ So why not make it out of a furnace?
01:35 NekoGloop ... because that sounds funny
01:35 NekoGloop :D
01:35 FreeFull Bucket under furnace
01:36 _2cool4me4_ well, how about...
01:36 _2cool4me4_ Mese-_-Mese
01:36 _2cool4me4_ _-Furnace-_
01:36 _2cool4me4_ Mese-Bucket-mese
01:36 * vicscandl wanders off to cook some dinner...
01:36 _2cool4me4_ very valuable item
01:37 NekoGloop too much mese... but I'll use some mese, that's a good idea
01:37 _2cool4me4_ Well, then All of the above, but replace at least 2 mese with cobble
01:37 NekoGloop Mese Mese Mese
01:37 NekoGloop Cobble Bucket Cobble
01:37 _2cool4me4_ I'll just use the /giveme command anyway
01:38 NekoGloop lol
01:39 _2cool4me4_ Oh, that's it/
01:40 NekoGloop ok, extractor is not creating a luaerror, this is good...
01:40 _2cool4me4_ yet
01:41 _2cool4me4_ Are you laughing or crying that sounds like laughin
01:41 NekoGloop attempt to index local 'cooked', a nil value
01:42 _2cool4me4_ You obvously can't do that
01:43 NekoGloop >.>
01:43 NekoGloop I didnt do it the code did :D
01:43 _2cool4me4_ I'm helpful!
01:43 _2cool4me4_ BURN ALL THE TREES
01:44 NekoGloop lol
01:44 _2cool4me4_ I love lava sources
01:45 _2cool4me4_ Uh-oh, trees causing lag
01:45 NekoGloop so do i
01:45 NekoGloop and i love turning off fire mod as well ;)
01:45 _2cool4me4_ But I like burning trees...
01:45 NekoGloop lol
01:46 _2cool4me4_ And I'm glad I get sound on this soundcard
01:47 NekoGloop ... wow, extractor is working like a little ugly chest right now.
01:47 _2cool4me4_ Aww
01:48 NekoGloop it isnt extracting >.>
01:48 _2cool4me4_ noes!
01:48 _2cool4me4_ Do you have lotsa print commands in the code?
01:48 NekoGloop of course not
01:49 NekoGloop how do I check the value of a list?
01:49 _2cool4me4_ Beats me, I don't know lua very well
01:49 NekoGloop VanessaE, you lurkin'?
01:49 _2cool4me4_ VanessaE:
01:49 NekoGloop ?
01:50 _2cool4me4_ That notifies on some clients
01:50 NekoGloop lol
01:50 _2cool4me4_ Some clients notify people when you say their name like that...
01:50 NekoGloop i know
01:50 NekoGloop apparently she's afk
01:50 _2cool4me4_ THEN DONT LOL AT MEEEEE
01:51 NekoGloop she does that a lot, I'm not surprised
01:51 NekoGloop LOL
01:51 NekoGloop LOL
01:51 * _2cool4me4_ begins crying
01:51 NekoGloop LOL
01:51 * NekoGloop hugs :D
01:51 * _2cool4me4_ gets creeped out
01:51 NekoGloop D:
01:51 * NekoGloop stops hugs
01:52 * NekoGloop pats head :3
01:52 _2cool4me4_ Yay!
01:52 NekoGloop :P
01:52 _2cool4me4_ Derp
01:52 NekoGloop Aaaaaanyway
01:53 _2cool4me4_ I should learn lua...
01:53 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: You lurkin'?
01:53 NekoGloop Yes you should
01:54 NekoGloop Anyone who is any good at lua: Help?
01:55 _2cool4me4_ We're the only ones here, man
01:55 NekoGloop Uhm...
01:55 NekoGloop Need I point out the 20+ lurkers?
01:55 _2cool4me4_ Derp! ERROR: suspiciosly large amount of objects?
01:56 NekoGloop ikr
01:56 NekoGloop STALKERS LOL
01:56 _2cool4me4_ I don't even know what it deleted...
01:56 vicscandl meepo
01:56 NekoGloop oh that was a real error?
01:57 _2cool4me4_ yep
01:57 NekoGloop lol
01:57 _2cool4me4_ Now if only I could find what it deleted...
01:58 NekoGloop lol
01:58 NekoGloop what mods you got?
01:58 NekoGloop mobs?
01:58 _2cool4me4_ no
01:59 NekoGloop what mods you got?
01:59 _2cool4me4_ mesecons, carts, oil (never found a deposit yet)
02:01 NekoGloop placed any carts yet?
02:01 _2cool4me4_ once, it's deleted now
02:01 NekoGloop mesecons and oil just add nodes, carts adds the cart entity.
02:02 _2cool4me4_ and your point?
02:02 NekoGloop that lua hates you too :D
02:02 _2cool4me4_ Yeah
02:03 _2cool4me4_ Lua is not a very liking entity
02:03 NekoGloop Well, so much for alchemy.
02:03 _2cool4me4_ It would prefer if I  1: print: "goodbye world"
02:03 NekoGloop Guess I wait until rba releases his next update :D
02:03 _2cool4me4_ wat
02:03 NekoGloop btw that's print("goodbye world")
02:04 _2cool4me4_ oh, shut up
02:04 NekoGloop rba is going to do a similar thing to what I'm trying to do
02:04 NekoGloop he's more likely to get it done though :D
02:04 _2cool4me4_ ok
02:04 RealBadAngel and that is?
02:04 _2cool4me4_ ITS RBA
02:04 * _2cool4me4_ runs
02:04 NekoGloop Extra furnace-type nodes
02:04 RealBadAngel just finished codin tool workshop
02:04 NekoGloop I'm trying to do an alchemy mod
02:05 RealBadAngel so made a pause
02:05 NekoGloop lol
02:05 NekoGloop How do you define a crafttype?
02:05 RealBadAngel of what? tool?
02:05 NekoGloop No
02:05 RealBadAngel aaaa
02:05 NekoGloop like.... augh I hate repeating myself
02:06 NekoGloop For this field: type = ""
02:06 NekoGloop I want a new type to be defined
02:06 NekoGloop but idk how
02:06 NekoGloop I thought you might know
02:07 RealBadAngel just used typical ones by now
02:07 NekoGloop how do you plan to make alloy furnaces?
02:07 RealBadAngel quite simple
02:07 NekoGloop Do explain
02:07 RealBadAngel inventories and check on them
02:08 RealBadAngel if i do have needed components in inv
02:08 _2cool4me4_ It's simple, you just derp the herp and then jerp the nerp
02:08 RealBadAngel i do remove them, put alloy in dst
02:08 RealBadAngel no crafting at all
02:09 RealBadAngel make 1x2 input inventory
02:09 _2cool4me4_ joined #minetest
02:09 _2cool4me4_ I just wanted to see wht the quit message would be
02:09 RealBadAngel check if you have that what you need to create an alloy in those two slots
02:09 RealBadAngel and proceed
02:09 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: Could you help me with a similar thing?
02:10 NekoGloop Trying to make a chemical extractor for alchemy... its not working...
02:10 _2cool4me4_ well, I'll just gtg then
02:10 RealBadAngel you can just take a look on my alloy furnace then
02:10 RealBadAngel when its done
02:10 RealBadAngel and use the code
02:10 NekoGloop >.>
02:11 RealBadAngel i will upload now the workshop
02:11 NekoGloop So it's a race then?
02:11 RealBadAngel and start on the alloy thing
02:11 RealBadAngel lol
02:11 NekoGloop Only one question: How do I check what exactly is in an inventory slot?
02:11 RealBadAngel wait
02:12 RealBadAngel if inv:is_empty("dst") == false then
02:12 RealBadAngel srcstack = inv:get_stack("dst", 1)
02:12 RealBadAngel src_item=srcstack:to_table()
02:12 RealBadAngel if src_item["name"]== "technic:battery" then
02:12 RealBadAngel check if inventory is not empty
02:13 RealBadAngel get 1st field of it
02:13 RealBadAngel dump itemstack to table
02:13 RealBadAngel and check the name
02:13 RealBadAngel voila
02:13 NekoGloop oh get_stack
02:14 sdzen joined #minetest
02:14 RealBadAngel so now, just perform that on 2 fields
02:14 RealBadAngel compare names
02:14 RealBadAngel and go on
02:15 NekoGloop Well my extractor is just a specized furnace
02:15 RealBadAngel hi sdzen
02:15 sdzen ello
02:15 NekoGloop I just need to make it only work for the correct things, and only have those work in it
02:15 RealBadAngel so make it this way
02:16 RealBadAngel check the names
02:16 RealBadAngel so you could easily control what can be used in it and what cant
02:17 RealBadAngel if you will rely on craft list you will end like folks could be possible to put some strange things into your extractor
02:17 NekoGloop i know
02:18 RealBadAngel with check on the names you decide what can be processed
02:18 RealBadAngel for example i did the same in tool workshop
02:18 NekoGloop could you please just update that?
02:19 RealBadAngel in a few minutes, just need to add power usage (the cost) of repairin tools
02:19 RealBadAngel and will upload it then
02:19 NekoGloop ok
02:19 RealBadAngel so, brb
02:24 vicscandl mmmmmmm fresh soup
02:24 NekoGloop lol
02:24 NekoGloop ramen?
02:24 vicscandl oh, hell no; i'm not < 25
02:24 NekoGloop lol
02:25 vicscandl charro bean soup: pinto beans, chorizo, ham, bacon, bell peppers, jalapeno, onion, celery, carrots
02:25 vicscandl some shit
02:26 NekoGloop lol
02:26 khonkhortisan should I make a mithril block house?
02:26 NekoGloop yes,
02:26 NekoGloop and make sure you put a sign that says:
02:26 NekoGloop "I used /giveme to make this house!"
02:26 vicscandl ahahhaah
02:27 khonkhortisan I already have two blocks from my private mine that just broke the mithril barrier even though there's a public mine at 20k
02:27 NekoGloop lol
02:27 NekoGloop what server
02:27 khonkhortisan gameboom
02:27 NekoGloop oh
02:28 NekoGloop THAT one
02:28 khonkhortisan yeah.
02:33 NekoGloop er...
02:33 NekoGloop why is it so hard to do this thing >.>
02:35 RealBadAngel ok, uploaded update
02:35 RealBadAngel check the tool_workshop.lua
02:36 vicscandl VanessaE:
02:36 vicscandl VanessaE: you around?
02:37 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: You'll probably be mad but I made even more tools!
02:38 NekoGloop Medium and Large tools that are crafted on a 4x4 and 5x5 respectively.
02:40 NekoGloop I'm working on hammers, however the biggest problem is how do I craft them?
02:40 RealBadAngel lololol
02:40 leo_rockway ore ore stick
02:40 leo_rockway ore ore stick
02:40 leo_rockway - - stick
02:40 NekoGloop Need 3x3, would appreciate 4x4 and 5x5 ;)
02:40 khonkhortisan I would have gone with one row of ores
02:41 khonkhortisan that depends on how you're doing the other tools at that size
02:41 RealBadAngel wonder if my workshop will be able to fix them hehehe
02:41 NekoGloop M S M
02:41 leo_rockway o s o | o s o | - s -
02:41 NekoGloop M S M
02:41 khonkhortisan the same way?
02:41 NekoGloop S
02:41 leo_rockway that works too
02:41 vicscandl apparently have fixed some of the memory leaks, as shutdown is not taking as long... working on bootup now... narrowed down to 2 system calls
02:41 leo_rockway khonkhortisan: yup
02:41 khonkhortisan that's a sledgehammer
02:41 khonkhortisan lol
02:41 leo_rockway erm.. NekoGloop ^
02:41 NekoGloop M S M
02:41 NekoGloop M S M
02:41 NekoGloop - S -
02:41 leo_rockway a
02:41 leo_rockway o.o
02:42 NekoGloop M = Material
02:42 leo_rockway c-c-c-combo breaker!
02:42 NekoGloop S = Stick
02:42 khonkhortisan copy the whole thing and paste it together
02:42 leo_rockway or use pipe to separate lines like I did
02:42 leo_rockway M S M | M S M | - S -
02:43 khonkhortisan I use | to write all the recipes as wallpaper to my house
02:44 vicscandl i used to write on the walls; they took away my crayons. :(
02:44 khonkhortisan they didn't even give me any crayons
02:45 NekoGloop lol
02:45 NekoGloop gnawed a finger off did you?
02:45 khonkhortisan can't even update bones to always appear
02:45 khonkhortisan actually the crayons are in the garage the dog likes to eat them
02:46 vicscandl crayons > library paste
02:47 vicscandl meh; i gotta take my nightly walk for exercise.
02:47 vicscandl stupid doctors
02:47 RealBadAngel neko: seen the code already?
02:47 NekoGloop yus
02:47 NekoGloop adapting it to a furnace now
02:48 RealBadAngel now im coding the grinder
02:48 RealBadAngel alloy one will make as next
02:48 NekoGloop grinder?
02:48 NekoGloop you mean... that thing that starts with an m?
02:48 khonkhortisan gotta turn everything into gravel somehow
02:48 NekoGloop lol
02:49 RealBadAngel macerator, thought grinder would be a better name
02:49 NekoGloop cobble in the grinder could become gravel.
02:49 RealBadAngel stone -> sand
02:49 NekoGloop but cobble?
02:49 keegan joined #minetest
02:49 RealBadAngel can be gravel
02:49 keegan hello
02:49 leo_rockway mece -> gummy bears
02:49 RealBadAngel good idea
02:49 RealBadAngel taken
02:49 vicscandl c++ modulus still '%' ???
02:49 keegan hello
02:49 leo_rockway mese*
02:49 vicscandl or is it part of mathlib
02:50 vicscandl meh
02:50 vicscandl nm
02:50 RealBadAngel desert stone -> desert sand
02:50 keegan is there a way to talk on your server without being ingame?
02:52 NekoGloop Mese -> Mese dust
02:52 RealBadAngel @leo mese -> nyan cats
02:52 keegan is there a way to talk on your server without being ingame?
02:52 RealBadAngel hehehehe
02:52 NekoGloop Mese dust can be crafted to nyancats
02:52 vicscandl keegan: no
02:52 vicscandl keegan: there is a mod you can work on
02:52 NekoGloop lol
02:53 keegan thats too hard and dont know what to do
02:53 vicscandl no shit?
02:53 keegan ill be lost ike a puppy
02:53 vicscandl bummer
02:53 NekoGloop not to mention its impossible ;)
02:53 RealBadAngel what do you guys think? macerator or grinder? which one is better?
02:54 NekoGloop grinder
02:54 vicscandl meserator
02:54 NekoGloop Oh I know!
02:54 RealBadAngel lol
02:54 NekoGloop Grind something from the farm mod, get seeds back ;)
02:54 vicscandl mortar/grindstone/stone mill
02:54 RealBadAngel main use tho will be to grind ore lumps to dust
02:55 NekoGloop lol ok
02:55 vicscandl ore processor
02:55 vicscandl ore furnace
02:55 NekoGloop Grinder
02:55 NekoGloop Grinder
02:55 NekoGloop Grinder
02:55 NekoGloop :D
02:55 vicscandl your mom
02:55 NekoGloop what about her?
02:56 RealBadAngel fucktastic node converter ;)
02:56 vicscandl you know that rolex she gave you; well its fake, i "sold" it to her last night.
02:56 * NekoGloop smacks vicsandl
02:56 RealBadAngel better?
02:56 NekoGloop GRINDER
02:56 NekoGloop GRINDER
02:56 NekoGloop GRINDER
02:56 keegan your mom
02:56 NekoGloop but I am motherless
02:56 vicscandl hahaah now i got keegs in on it
02:56 keegan your dad'
02:56 RealBadAngel mom put in grinder -> bones
02:56 RealBadAngel dad too
02:57 NekoGloop but I am fatherless
02:57 keegan you grandma
02:57 vicscandl NekoGloop: get over it; just cause she is dead gives you no excuse. you exist, a female was involved. fuck off.
02:57 NekoGloop but I am grandmotherless
02:57 NekoGloop but I am not human
02:57 keegan your brain
02:57 vicscandl NekoGloop: um, whatever grandma's boy
02:57 RealBadAngel currently no recipe for brain ;)
02:58 NekoGloop lol
02:58 keegan your brain NekoGloop
02:58 NekoGloop but I have no brain
02:58 keegan u smrter that a rock
02:58 RealBadAngel wait, thaumcraft had Brain-In-A-Jar
02:58 keegan ?
02:59 RealBadAngel vanessa has jars
02:59 RealBadAngel possible :)
02:59 NekoGloop lol
02:59 vicscandl meh; its 20:00 i'll be back in an hour, have to go walk 2 miles
02:59 NekoGloop vanessa has bottles :P
02:59 keegan why
02:59 RealBadAngel so brain in a bottle
02:59 vicscandl keegan: health reasons
02:59 keegan you need wheel chair vicscandl
03:00 keegan ahh
03:00 keegan i see
03:00 keegan bout time he goes
03:00 RealBadAngel hehehe
03:01 RealBadAngel holy shit
03:01 RealBadAngel 5am
03:01 keegan holy what
03:01 RealBadAngel that was a really long codin session :)
03:01 keegan what did youmake?
03:02 RealBadAngel tool workshop
03:02 RealBadAngel and lotsa fixes
03:02 RealBadAngel and almost prepared api for adding machines
03:02 RealBadAngel in fact its already easy to add another ones
03:03 keegan you finish electricity?
03:03 RealBadAngel its far from being finished
03:03 keegan why
03:03 RealBadAngel because many things will come
03:04 RealBadAngel higher voltages, better storage, another sources
03:04 RealBadAngel shitload of stuff
03:04 RealBadAngel but the basics are done already
03:04 vicscandl RealBadAngel: it on github?
03:05 keegan make thewires kill or shock you
03:05 RealBadAngel no, i do keep it on my own server
03:05 RealBadAngel never used github before
03:05 vicscandl k
03:06 vicscandl going for walk, be back in a bit
03:06 keegan ok have fun
03:06 RealBadAngel will have to try the github tho
03:06 vicscandl RealBadAngel: its good pewp
03:06 RealBadAngel i know. i will go there for sure
03:12 leo_rockway RealBadAngel: I think a grinder would be good for the farming mod. Right now you craft flour from wheat...
03:12 leo_rockway it would be better if a grinder was involved
03:13 RealBadAngel more logical
03:13 leo_rockway mhm
03:13 RealBadAngel same is for crafting bronze with copper and tin
03:13 RealBadAngel alloy furnace should do that
03:14 leo_rockway yes
03:14 RealBadAngel alloy is not you make it with bare hands
03:15 RealBadAngel when grinder will be done i will provide way to add recipes to it
03:15 RealBadAngel same for alloy furnaces
03:16 leo_rockway great
03:16 RealBadAngel so any other mod will be able to use them
03:17 sdzen joined #minetest
03:17 keegan hey sdzen
03:17 sdzen ello
03:18 * vicscandl waves...
03:18 ecube ).(
03:20 vicscandl hrm, where the hell is VanessaE
03:20 vicscandl i'm prob like about 2 hours off of her showing up...
03:20 keegan i thouht yu were walking
03:21 vicscandl naw; i chose to stay home and look at code instead of following orders
03:21 keegan ok
03:21 * vicscandl hears "breakin the law/judas" playing in the background....
03:24 RealBadAngel @viscandl: wait for my update
03:24 vicscandl RealBadAngel: k, thx.
03:24 RealBadAngel almost done music player in game
03:25 vicscandl RealBadAngel: will it read amiga mod files tho?
03:25 vicscandl heheeh
03:25 RealBadAngel actually amiga mods converted to ogg
03:25 RealBadAngel but you can put in mods directory anythin you wish
03:26 vicscandl i'm working on the sudden monsterous lag in mapgen and some interesting memory leaks...
03:26 vicscandl amongst other things...
03:26 vicscandl not an "official development" yet...
03:27 vicscandl but i have inked quite a few more cycles than a standard install
03:27 leo_rockway vicscandl: I can test any code, if you need anybody else to test.
03:27 RealBadAngel optimizin is good
03:27 keegan is there mobs,?
03:27 vicscandl leo_rockway: hehehe
03:28 vicscandl leo_rockway: i'm fixing things that are probably beyond what you expect
03:28 keegan is there mobs yet??
03:28 leo_rockway vicscandl: I'm not supposed to understand it.
03:28 vicscandl leo_rockway: and if you can't run two concurent servers in a vm boxen, well....yer fucked for helping me...
03:29 leo_rockway vicscandl: I could... VirtualBox, QEMU?
03:29 RealBadAngel look for such thing: why the game shuts itself, after a few runs with modified mod
03:29 RealBadAngel i mean, im alterin the code for it
03:29 RealBadAngel exit to menu
03:29 RealBadAngel run again
03:29 vicscandl leo_rockway: what i'm working on requires you to run two copies of the code with the same mapgen seed
03:29 vicscandl at the same time
03:29 RealBadAngel works, then crashes
03:29 leo_rockway vicscandl: fine, I won't help you!
03:29 RealBadAngel restart needed
03:29 vicscandl and then run a script that automates someone playing the game
03:29 leo_rockway :'-(
03:30 vicscandl and compare the outputs
03:30 vicscandl visually as well as the debug; minor change in one version to the next
03:30 leo_rockway RealBadAngel: I've seen something like that.
03:30 keegan why does my server lag when there is like 5 people on the server?????
03:30 vicscandl so unless you have hardware that can mimic what i'm doing; yea... sorry.
03:30 vicscandl but.....
03:31 vicscandl leo_rockway: thanks for the offer; i'm not bashing
03:31 leo_rockway pooface! =[
03:31 vicscandl meh
03:31 leo_rockway haha
03:31 leo_rockway it's alright
03:31 vicscandl naw; i'm old and have better toys than you.
03:31 vicscandl thats all
03:31 keegan my server lags when there is more than 5 people
03:31 leo_rockway I don't have nice toys :S
03:31 vicscandl leo_rockway: don't feel bad, i've broken my share; patience and an open mind will get you far in life
03:32 vicscandl also; three piles of crap can sometimes make a pile of crap that just works... :)
03:32 leo_rockway I have an open mind, but I don't have a lot of patience.
03:32 vicscandl learn grasshopper...
03:32 leo_rockway I like to tinker, though
03:32 RealBadAngel if keegan.server.players>4 do while 1
03:32 RealBadAngel look for such code ;)
03:32 vicscandl i'm going thru like thousands of lines of code; without pay; because i like too
03:33 vicscandl for the betterment of well, everyone
03:33 leo_rockway thanks, vicscandl
03:33 vicscandl i'm an ass; i'll put honesty first; i'm not a bad person, i just sound so.
03:33 keegan whats that fir RealBadAnglr
03:33 leo_rockway I don't have coding fu. I'm a sysadmin, not a dev.
03:34 vicscandl leo_rockway: been both; still am to an extent; write code all day instead of managing it, but i do that too..
03:34 RealBadAngel it simply checks if on your (keegans) server are more than four player it runs infite loop to lag it to death ;)
03:34 vicscandl RealBadAngel: hahahahaha
03:34 vicscandl keegan: he is joking
03:35 keegan ok
03:35 leo_rockway vicscandl: I can code short script. I can read mods and know what they are doing and even code some mods...
03:35 * vicscandl cracks another cerveza with RealBadAngel...
03:35 leo_rockway but that's pretty much it.
03:35 RealBadAngel heheeh :)
03:35 leo_rockway scripts*
03:35 vicscandl leo_rockway: i'm working on the c++ code that runs this ship
03:35 leo_rockway mhm. I don't speak C, nor C++
03:35 keegan so is there a way to fix it??
03:35 vicscandl keegan: i'm looking
03:36 vicscandl few improvements so far; i'll send them to c55 once i find a bigger improvement
03:39 keegan ok
03:40 RealBadAngel made textures for the music player
03:40 RealBadAngel now the formspec
03:41 keegan i made a fridge.ruby.and lavamese mods
03:42 RealBadAngel i think play/stop shuffle should be enough
03:43 RealBadAngel at least for start
03:44 keegan gonna go to bed but vicscandl just pm me the link to fix it thanks
03:47 vicscandl keegan: hehehehe um, yea... ok
04:03 triplei joined #minetest
04:10 vicscandl pickles on various db based improvements for the future...
04:20 Jeija joined #minetest
04:22 * vicscandl hands Jeija a beverage...
04:23 vicscandl guten tag. :)
04:25 Jeija You want to make me drunk, vicscandl? Voka, why?
04:27 Jeija left #minetest
04:29 vicscandl hahaah
04:29 vicscandl my german is so horible
04:30 vicscandl ok, so who here can compile their own linux version and needs no training on how to test their current version against my new memory tester
04:30 vicscandl er, my new version that might have an improvement to the memory handling. :)
04:31 FreeFull Their own linux version as in the kernel, or the kernel + userland?
04:31 vicscandl meh, as in minetest
04:31 vicscandl sorry
04:31 FreeFull Oh
04:31 vicscandl i'm not able to *currently* get my cpu to spike to 100
04:32 vicscandl any of them
04:32 vicscandl :)
04:32 vicscandl running quadcore amd laptop
04:33 vicscandl guess its time to go to -dev, eh?
04:38 neko259 joined #minetest
04:42 vicscandl hrm, no takers eh?
04:44 RealBadAngel heh, adding new machines once i made power distribution and wires is a piece of cake
04:45 RealBadAngel all is working flawlessly
04:46 RealBadAngel im takin blank machine, add textures, names, define power usage
04:46 RealBadAngel and within abm definition can play with its function
04:48 RealBadAngel in fact, it took more time to make textures for music player than to code it lol
04:51 vicscandl heheh
04:51 RealBadAngel now you can listen to oggs when cookin somethin hehehe
04:52 RealBadAngel will make it so the basic mod distro will have empty oggs
04:53 RealBadAngel so the server will not have to send all that music
04:53 RealBadAngel if u will choose mine music pack u will have to put into mods/media
04:54 RealBadAngel but of course you can put there anything
04:54 RealBadAngel and use music player to play whatever you want to
04:54 vicscandl nice
04:55 vicscandl i'll check it after i'm thru with some c++ changes to improve memory handling...
04:55 vicscandl already think i have an improvement...
04:55 RealBadAngel still puttin final touches to it
04:55 RealBadAngel will upload it when done, later today
04:56 vicscandl no rush; i've got like 2 days of work on this shit to get somewhere
04:56 RealBadAngel now trying to make it look cool and functional at the very same time
04:57 RealBadAngel by now i just have play/stop buttons lol
04:59 RealBadAngel
04:59 RealBadAngel this is how it looks
04:59 RealBadAngel i mean crafting and model
05:00 vicscandl nice, what is that in the middle?
05:00 RealBadAngel diamond
05:00 vicscandl ick
05:01 vicscandl rbaore
05:01 vicscandl hehehe
05:01 RealBadAngel yeah, rarer than mithril
05:01 RealBadAngel used for my technic stuff
05:01 vicscandl sadly, i dropped moding over engine improvement
05:01 vicscandl :(
05:02 RealBadAngel i played mc for a year
05:02 vicscandl i know; watched some of your videos
05:02 RealBadAngel now im in a modding spree
05:02 vicscandl love the pumpkin farm one
05:03 RealBadAngel that was overengineered one lol
05:03 vicscandl dude; that was sick
05:03 vicscandl and HUGE
05:03 RealBadAngel i made just one small piece
05:03 RealBadAngel then .... to the big one :)
05:04 RealBadAngel was producin lotsa pumpkins and melons lol
05:04 vicscandl ... tonights codetunes: ...
05:05 RealBadAngel lets check
05:05 RealBadAngel yeah
05:05 RealBadAngel optimal for coding :)
05:05 vicscandl knew you would like
05:06 vicscandl fucking amiga mod mastermind not liking some psy-trance...
05:06 RealBadAngel its reminds me somehow mortal kombat
05:06 * VanessaE wanders in
05:07 vicscandl european rave scene in the 90's (pre 9/11 obviously) was grand
05:07 RealBadAngel hi vanessa
05:07 vicscandl frikin sweet, she's here
05:07 RealBadAngel click on .pls
05:07 RealBadAngel good piece
05:08 vicscandl hey VanessaE:
05:08 RealBadAngel hehehehe
05:09 vicscandl VanessaE: not many changes to a 4.2-rc1 git pull; i can pastebin a diff... you know how to merge one yet?
05:10 VanessaE I'll look later, still getting up to speed for the morning
05:11 vicscandl hit me later: i can't get it to 100% on any of my 4 cores after changes... goes to 60-80 max, no swap, slight memory improvement
05:11 vicscandl mapload issue is being narrowed to specific nodeblocks at this time. :)
05:12 vicscandl }}{{ yea, i'm actually working on this shit }}{{
05:16 vicscandl RealBadAngel: there is also
05:16 vicscandl been liking the mixset on /0 tho
05:17 MiJyn joined #minetest
05:18 MiJyn joined #minetest
05:20 vicscandl VanessaE: forgot to add that the cpu thing, thats post mapload-lag issue, its still spiking to 100's
05:27 vicscandl hahaha matrix samples!
05:29 VanessaE now let's see about this patch
07:29 vicscandl woot, eurthmics..
07:46 TheLastProject joined #minetest
07:53 jin_xi joined #minetest
07:57 Calinou joined #minetest
08:09 iqualfragile joined #minetest
08:10 iqualfragile joined #minetest
08:23 RealBadAngel ouch, finished somethin at least :)
08:24 * VanessaE mumbles something about pipeworks needing a placement algorithm ;-)
08:24 RealBadAngel have you prepared all 64 nodes needed?
08:24 VanessaE nope :-)
08:24 VanessaE forgot :D
08:24 RealBadAngel hehehe
08:25 RealBadAngel once its done, placin is piece of cake
08:25 RealBadAngel but nodes have to be ready
08:26 RealBadAngel uploadin new video right now, gonna take a while
08:26 RealBadAngel goin to eat a breakfast or somethin
08:26 RealBadAngel will post it when back
08:26 VanessaE breakfast for me:  chicken salad
08:27 VanessaE (really just canned chicken with mayonnaise mixed in to make it easier to digest)
08:29 * vicscandl wanders off to bed, task incomplete...
08:40 TheLastProject joined #minetest
08:48 iqualfragile joined #minetest
08:56 cornernote joined #minetest
08:56 cornernote hi
08:57 cornernote how can i disable the mapgen ?
08:58 RealBadAngel dunno
08:58 RealBadAngel havent messed with it
08:58 RealBadAngel wanna make void world?
08:59 RealBadAngel if so, or somethin similar, check mauvebic's mod
08:59 cornernote yeah, was thinking something like that
09:00 cornernote a void worlk i mean
09:00 RealBadAngel btw, in 3-4minutes i will show you somethin i made tonight
09:00 cornernote ok =)
09:00 RealBadAngel uploadin video on it rite now
09:00 RealBadAngel i tell ya its fuckin cool
09:01 cornernote im thinking of making some kind of mini-game
09:01 RealBadAngel seen such thing for mc
09:01 cornernote an alternative to minetest_game .. but with an objective
09:01 RealBadAngel youtube for "skyblock"
09:01 RealBadAngel pretty awesome idea
09:02 FreeFull There is only one block in the whole world, you spawn on it, and build from it?
09:02 RealBadAngel you start on a skyblock, with a tree, bucket of lava, water
09:02 RealBadAngel a few seeds
09:02 RealBadAngel and thats all
09:02 FreeFull Water is useful for going down
09:03 cornernote where do u get more blocks ?
09:03 RealBadAngel and make cobble
09:03 cornernote tree
09:03 cornernote watching vid now
09:03 cornernote thats a cool idea
09:03 cornernote and very doable with current available mods
09:03 RealBadAngel yeah
09:03 RealBadAngel and pretty entartain i tell ya
09:03 RealBadAngel once fallen.... ouch
09:04 FreeFull The thing is, minetest has deep worlds
09:04 FreeFull So if you fall off, you'll fall for ages
09:04 RealBadAngel check player pos
09:04 RealBadAngel when fallen too deep, kill him
09:05 RealBadAngel oke doke
09:05 RealBadAngel here we go:;
09:06 cornernote haha, nice
09:07 cornernote music player
09:07 FreeFull Hey, I recognise track 1 from the music player
09:08 RealBadAngel all pieces are made by Skaven
09:08 RealBadAngel amiga demoscene
09:09 FreeFull What is the name of the module for track 1 again?
09:09 RealBadAngel no1 is Mercury Rain
09:09 FreeFull The filename
09:09 FreeFull Oh, mercrain.s3m
09:09 RealBadAngel;view=6706
09:09 RealBadAngel here u have all of them
09:09 FreeFull s3m isn't Amiga though, it's PC =P
09:10 RealBadAngel took it from here
09:10 FreeFull Scream Tracker 3
09:10 RealBadAngel Amiga Mod Preservation
09:10 RealBadAngel AMP
09:10 FreeFull
09:10 RealBadAngel how do you like the player?
09:10 FreeFull the AMP has non-Amiga modules too
09:11 FreeFull The player should display track names
09:11 RealBadAngel its just done, the basic
09:11 RealBadAngel i will add some options, like volume, track name etc
09:14 TheLastProject joined #minetest
09:15 RealBadAngel sfan5: seen my vid?
09:15 jin_xi i just saw it, cool
09:16 jin_xi now you could add fridge for use with beer mod
09:16 RealBadAngel hehhe
09:16 jin_xi cold beer -> double health
09:16 jin_xi then you have mt party
09:16 RealBadAngel are we goin duke nukem direction? ;)
09:17 RealBadAngel if so where are the chicks?
09:17 jin_xi umm
09:17 FreeFull I really like Jazz Belmont (haunted.it_
09:17 FreeFull (
09:18 RealBadAngel i am usin MT as a song player :)
09:18 RealBadAngel its playin the music in the background hehehe
09:18 FreeFull Does minetest have built-in s3m support?
09:19 RealBadAngel no, it has to be converted to ogg
09:19 FreeFull What about looping?
09:19 RealBadAngel can be done
09:19 RealBadAngel loop=1 in table
09:19 jin_xi hmm, can lua send OSC messages? if so a SuperCollider nodeblock would be fun
09:20 jin_xi noteblock
09:20 FreeFull RealBadAngel: And the looppoint is perfect?
09:21 RealBadAngel dunno, havent tried it
09:21 RealBadAngel lemme check
09:22 FreeFull I collect module music
09:23 RealBadAngel ok, started one with loop, we will c
09:25 RealBadAngel i have to write to Skaven if he could allow make some compilation of his mods for minetest
09:27 RealBadAngel and it havent looped
09:27 RealBadAngel checkin why
09:27 FreeFull Let me see if Skaven has a pouet account
09:28 FreeFull Doesn't seem so
09:28 RealBadAngel i got his site and email
09:28 RealBadAngel
09:28 RealBadAngel FC is no longer active tho
09:29 RealBadAngel why the heck 1 is not the same as true? ;)
09:29 FreeFull Because Lua
09:29 RealBadAngel checkin again
09:30 whirm joined #minetest
09:32 q66 joined #minetest
09:34 RealBadAngel i think its loopin
09:34 RealBadAngel missed end/start point even
09:35 RealBadAngel definitely
09:36 RealBadAngel lets try another one
09:37 RealBadAngel adding loop on/off to the formspec right now
09:41 PilzAdam joined #minetest
09:41 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
09:42 whirm hi
09:47 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, what do you think about the rubber trees?
10:03 RealBadAngel seen them, nice
10:03 RealBadAngel watch the vid, pilzadam
10:03 PilzAdam do they fit in your mod?
10:04 RealBadAngel;
10:04 RealBadAngel yeah, definitely. gonna use them
10:05 RealBadAngel @FreeFull: perfect loopin, one tune is playin all the time here
10:05 RealBadAngel shit i made proffesional HiFi lol
10:05 PilzAdam nice vid
10:09 RealBadAngel wonder if theres a way to check if playin of tune has ended
10:09 RealBadAngel so i could make playlists
10:09 PilzAdam in my carts mod i write the lenght of the tracks in seconds in a table and use minetest.after()
10:10 RealBadAngel but i guess it wont be perfect for music
10:10 PilzAdam maybe 5 sec pause between them
10:10 RealBadAngel hmmm, we will c
10:11 PilzAdam try it
10:11 RealBadAngel by now its great it works at all :)
10:11 RealBadAngel by now i think ive learned enough lua to make missing part of chests plan
10:11 RealBadAngel i mean linked chests
10:12 RealBadAngel gonna finish this and have the chests part 100% done
10:13 RealBadAngel API for machines is done
10:13 RealBadAngel its piece of cake to add new ones now
10:14 RealBadAngel in fact when i make public one routine any other mod will be able to add machines that will use my network
10:15 RealBadAngel just to register the machines name
10:31 sfan5 <RealBadAngel> sfan5: seen my vid?
10:31 sfan5 which video?
10:39 RealBadAngel;
10:39 RealBadAngel this one
10:39 RealBadAngel just wrote an email to Skaven
10:39 RealBadAngel wonder if he will answer
10:40 RealBadAngel oh shit i got 1st person who subscribed my youtube channel lol
10:40 RealBadAngel hahahaha
10:41 RealBadAngel wheres the beer, gonna drink for it
10:42 RealBadAngel sfan5: whattya think bout it?
10:43 sfan5 it looks aweseom
10:43 sfan5 *awesome
10:44 RealBadAngel added already loopin the tracks
10:44 RealBadAngel now lookin for a way to check when the track ended
10:44 RealBadAngel to make playlist
10:44 RealBadAngel and some elegant way to show track names
10:44 PilzAdam use my idea it will work
10:45 RealBadAngel but with pauses
10:45 PilzAdam if you set the correct track lenght then not
10:45 RealBadAngel but thats not the best solution at all
10:46 RealBadAngel since you can replace the tunes
10:46 PilzAdam but it is a soulution
10:46 RealBadAngel with anythin
10:46 RealBadAngel and listen to your own music
10:46 RealBadAngel so what then? type in times?
10:46 RealBadAngel not comfy
10:47 RealBadAngel put a trap on handle, gonna check if mt is doin somethin with it
10:47 RealBadAngel on a 2nd thought, nah thats not gonna work
10:48 RealBadAngel its just an id
10:53 izua joined #minetest
10:53 izua joined #minetest
11:00 izua_ joined #minetest
11:00 izua_ joined #minetest
11:12 theTroy joined #minetest
11:30 cornernote im trying to make a skymap world
11:30 cornernote but i cant get the 1st sapling to grow to a tree
11:30 iqualfragile joined #minetest
11:31 cornernote the code to do it is in the c++ right?  so it cant be a mod i broke ?
11:31 PilzAdam yes
11:31 cornernote theres like 1 tree sapling in the whole world
11:44 Calinou joined #minetest
11:46 saschaheylik joined #minetest
11:50 Jeija joined #minetest
12:06 NekoGloop joined #minetest
12:09 NekoGloop anyone here lol
12:10 PilzAdam yes
12:11 NekoGloop ok
12:12 PilzAdam ive added big pumpkins and scarecrows to my farming mod
12:13 Calinou NOOOOOOOOO will have to update misa pack
12:13 Calinou j/k :)
12:13 NekoGloop lol
12:13 PilzAdam Calinou, you can star now:
12:13 PilzAdam start*
12:14 NekoGloop I've successfully made an abm that damages the player
12:14 PilzAdam wich node?
12:15 Calinou is it just me or the forums are dow
12:15 Calinou down*
12:15 PilzAdam not for me
12:15 NekoGloop Cactuses and anything with group {trap}
12:15 cornernote how do you set the worlds spawnpoint ?
12:15 NekoGloop idk
12:16 cornernote found it -
12:16 PilzAdam minetest.setting_set("static_spawnpoint", "0,0,0")
12:17 PilzAdam this edits the minetest.conf
12:17 cornernote nice tip, thanks plizadam
12:18 RealBadAngel nekogloop: ive also done something:;
12:18 cornernote shouldnt it be per world ?
12:19 NekoGloop orly?
12:19 PilzAdam i dont know if its permanent
12:20 NekoGloop Nice rba ;)
12:20 NekoGloop (with tol workshop, i hadnt tryed it myself)
12:21 NekoGloop MUSIC player? omg
12:21 RealBadAngel hehehe
12:21 NekoGloop does it play positionally?
12:21 RealBadAngel yes
12:21 RealBadAngel i do use right now as player
12:21 RealBadAngel i mean the game as a player
12:21 Calinou PilzAdam, you should state that I've made some of the textures in your mod topic ;)
12:22 Calinou i'm not forcing you of course
12:22 PilzAdam k will do
12:22 NekoGloop say "supported by MisaTP"
12:23 PilzAdam Calinou, done
12:23 saschaheylik izua_: did you manage to compile and run mt yet?
12:23 izua_ hello
12:23 saschaheylik hi
12:23 izua_ nah, currently not home
12:24 saschaheylik k
12:24 PilzAdam does anyone read the README files of my mods?
12:24 saschaheylik but did you?
12:24 izua_ will install a linux vm later
12:24 saschaheylik ok
12:24 izua_ no, i went to sleep last night
12:24 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: That does seem like a tool workshop does kinda overpower some tools
12:24 NekoGloop like my evil tools
12:24 RealBadAngel hehehe
12:24 NekoGloop which are powerful but break fast
12:24 NekoGloop i do suppose you need to get back to the tool workshop
12:25 RealBadAngel i can make repair more costly and longer
12:25 NekoGloop nah
12:25 NekoGloop fine as is
12:25 NekoGloop now, my question is did you upload the mod yet?
12:25 NakedFury joined #minetest
12:26 RealBadAngel 0.63 with tool workshop is up
12:26 VanessaE
12:26 RealBadAngel 064 is still in testing
12:26 PilzAdam NekoGloop, many mods combined are overpowered like my item drop mod and timber mod
12:26 VanessaE ^^^ full 8-bit adder with mesecons microcontrollers  :-)
12:26 RealBadAngel wb vanessa
12:26 PilzAdam VanessaE, with microcontrollers its easy
12:27 VanessaE exactly :-)
12:27 PilzAdam i did it some months ago without microcontroller (but only 4-bit)
12:27 NekoGloop VanessaE: Make a lot of mesecons stuffs and cram them all into one world. Upload the world. Profit.
12:27 VanessaE I might do.
12:28 NekoGloop I'm doing so, assuming I can make some things that arent just crap
12:28 ray8888 joined #minetest
12:28 ray8888 left #minetest
12:28 PilzAdam that was a short visit
12:29 NekoGloop no he came online but didnt want to be in the channel
12:29 PilzAdam everyone wants to be in this channel
12:29 PilzAdam its Minetest
12:30 NekoGloop lolno
12:30 Jeija Published the new mesecons website: or
12:30 NekoGloop lol
12:31 VanessaE you guys will like it :-)
12:31 RealBadAngel Jeija: i think i remade your idea of playin music in minetest
12:31 NekoGloop does it link to sfan5's microcontroller code bank?
12:31 sfan5 yes
12:31 RealBadAngel i found your post i made my own implementation
12:31 PilzAdam Jeija, nice
12:31 Jeija RealBadAngel: I was the first one making a music block:
12:32 PilzAdam what do you think?
12:32 RealBadAngel found it already
12:32 RealBadAngel seen mine?
12:32 Jeija Yeah, watched the video. Nice!
12:32 Jeija I like the "power level" display ^^
12:32 * sfan5 too
12:32 RealBadAngel every machine has it
12:33 NekoGloop machines only operate when powered
12:33 RealBadAngel and music player too
12:33 RealBadAngel no power, no music ;)
12:33 NekoGloop how much does it take?
12:33 RealBadAngel not much
12:33 VanessaE RBA: you didn't use Mercury Rain? :'(
12:33 RealBadAngel i did
12:34 RealBadAngel its track 1 on the vid
12:34 RealBadAngel btw ALL of those tracks are made by one men
12:34 VanessaE I didn't even hear it :)
12:34 PilzAdam Jeija, whats the minimum time for after()?
12:34 NekoGloop why does the song that plays first sound like something out of a danmaku I've played?
12:35 Jeija PilzAdam: there is none, you can also use floats 0.01
12:35 Jeija Well, if the number is too small the µC will overheat
12:35 RealBadAngel @VanessaE:;view=6706
12:35 PilzAdam i need a tact for my computer
12:35 PilzAdam so i will use 1/60
12:35 VanessaE Skaven.  I might have known. :-)
12:36 RealBadAngel already wrote him for noncommercial permission
12:36 VanessaE is he still active?
12:37 RealBadAngel as a group member no
12:37 NekoGloop Machines need to be able to have batterys put into them
12:37 RealBadAngel they will
12:37 RealBadAngel small steps... ;)
12:38 PilzAdam its one small step for RealBadAngel but a giant step for Minetest
12:38 PilzAdam can you travel to moon in Minetest?
12:38 RealBadAngel lets generate moon then
12:38 RealBadAngel then why not
12:39 jin_xi +1 very good idea
12:39 jin_xi blocky moon phases
12:39 RealBadAngel make it real high
12:39 jin_xi a supernova every now and then
12:39 RealBadAngel take care of lack of air
12:39 whirm it would be fun that the world was cubic instead of flat
12:40 RealBadAngel and kill the player without suit
12:40 PilzAdam but you cant see the moon when its very high block
12:41 RealBadAngel all minetest needs are ideas
12:41 NekoGloop except how would one define gravity's direction?
12:41 RealBadAngel make jump *3
12:41 Calinou the forums seem to be down
12:41 RealBadAngel and fall down slower
12:41 Calinou PilzAdam, can I have download link of latest farming mod please?
12:41 Calinou thanks
12:41 Calinou also, I read your README file. :P
12:41 Calinou (crafting recipes)
12:41 PilzAdam the released version 2 or dev version 3?
12:42 Calinou dev version
12:42 RealBadAngel @calinou:workin here
12:42 whirm the gravity should always point to the center of the cube :)
12:42 Calinou works
12:42 Calinou doesn't
12:42 RealBadAngel ah so
12:42 Calinou :/
12:42 Calinou different domains
12:42 PilzAdam
12:42 PilzAdam see changelog.txt
12:42 RealBadAngel make somethin like moon spawn point
12:43 RealBadAngel and calucate vectors pointing spawn point
12:43 Calinou "Posts: 999" \o/
12:43 PilzAdam Jeija, you should add carts to mesecon extentions
12:43 NekoGloop Anyone want me to release my medium and large tools mod?
12:43 PilzAdam nope
12:43 RealBadAngel lol
12:43 NekoGloop Why not?
12:43 Calinou feel free to do so
12:43 PilzAdam just a joke
12:43 Calinou maybe some people will use it :p
12:43 NekoGloop Well if noone's gonna use it then what's the point of releasing it?
12:44 RealBadAngel doing even more stupid mod, means you learn
12:44 RealBadAngel and will come with more ideas
12:44 RealBadAngel i dont mean copy/paste ones
12:44 NekoGloop good cuz I'm not copying and pasting
12:45 RealBadAngel yeah
12:45 RealBadAngel and thats the point
12:45 PilzAdam Calinou, c55's blog seems to be down
12:45 NekoGloop now if only alchemy could stop being stupid
12:45 RealBadAngel work on it
12:45 NekoGloop I am
12:45 NekoGloop gonna hafta rewrite the entire abm
12:45 RealBadAngel you should have hear how many "fucks" were flyin around when i started to learn lua
12:47 PilzAdam Ive learned lua by making my own mesecons (never released it) and now its easy for me to write a cart mod :p
12:47 NekoGloop lol
12:47 NekoGloop I'm gonna actually do this another way entirely
12:47 RealBadAngel exactly, thats exactly what i mean
12:47 RealBadAngel with time we all are able to make more complex and better stuff
12:47 PilzAdam gtg
12:47 PilzAdam bye
12:47 NekoGloop no i mean without using an abm
12:48 NekoGloop because I dunno how to do abms effectively
12:48 RealBadAngel READ mods that use them
12:48 NekoGloop I tryed :P
12:48 RealBadAngel try harder
12:48 NekoGloop still make no sense to me
12:49 RealBadAngel what exactly makes no sense?
12:49 NekoGloop well Extractor is basically a specialized furnace, remember?
12:49 RealBadAngel yes
12:49 NekoGloop the furnace abm is so horribly made...
12:49 RealBadAngel so drop it
12:49 RealBadAngel no need for furnace code
12:49 NekoGloop could probably be condensed into about 15 lines of code >.>
12:50 RealBadAngel i almost rewrite whole furnace
12:50 NekoGloop Well now I'm gonna make the extractor be a craftitem
12:50 RealBadAngel dropped 50% of original code
12:50 NekoGloop lol that 50% was for fuel ;)
12:50 RealBadAngel it was drunk's one piece of code
12:50 RealBadAngel damn
12:50 RealBadAngel i do power usage in 2 lines
12:51 NekoGloop is it possible to make a node be unplaceable?
12:51 RealBadAngel could use same for coal
12:51 NekoGloop or to make a craftitem look like a node when in your hand
12:51 RealBadAngel and will with coal generator and other furnaces
12:52 NekoGloop isnt there something that generates a cube graphic?
12:52 NekoGloop how do I do that?
12:52 RealBadAngel in inventory or in hand?
12:52 NekoGloop in hand
12:52 NekoGloop not inventory
12:52 RealBadAngel that has to be node i think
12:53 RealBadAngel for inv you can define inventory cube
12:53 NekoGloop well how do I make a node be unplaceable then?
12:53 RealBadAngel for what you need that in 1st place?
12:53 Calinou left clicking dropped item using hoe no longer crashes the game :D
12:53 RealBadAngel good
12:54 RealBadAngel good news for farmers i mean ;)
12:54 NekoGloop extractor, it's gonna be put into the crafting grid with the item to have its molecules extracted
12:54 NekoGloop but I want it to look like a node when in the player's hand
12:54 NekoGloop and i dont want it to be placeable
12:54 RealBadAngel hmmm
12:55 RealBadAngel in minecraft there were such stuff
12:55 RealBadAngel like portable workbench or philosophers stone
12:55 Calinou LOL the scarecrow is... erm, lol
12:55 NekoGloop well i dont want the node to be placeable...
12:55 RealBadAngel kinda mix of tool and placeable node
12:55 NekoGloop how do I do that?
12:55 Calinou idea: the bottom part of the scarecrow should use farming_scarecrow_wood.png, not default_wood.png
12:56 Calinou better for texture pack customisation
12:56 NekoGloop He left, Calinou
12:56 Calinou ah
12:56 RealBadAngel idk, but i think will dig for an answer
12:56 VanessaE Calinou: btw it's safe to (attempt to) add support for the latest mesecons stuff to misa's pack ;)
12:58 NekoGloop can I make the node return itself to the player inventory upon being placed?
12:58 NekoGloop not the effect I want but is probably more reasonable.
12:59 NekoGloop wb Jeija ;)
13:01 Calinou VanessaE, is the 3D stuff official?
13:01 VanessaE yes
13:03 NekoGloop what function would I use to detect when a node is placed?
13:04 Calinou new version of misa pack is up. it is a "discrete" upgrade though (no new version number)
13:04 Calinou it fixed an huge bug with side grass/ores textures :p
13:04 NekoGloop >discrete
13:04 NekoGloop >IRC annooucement
13:04 NekoGloop dafuq?
13:05 RealBadAngel 2 pixels were missing
13:05 Calinou leaves of rubber trees drop nothing ._.
13:05 RealBadAngel therefore no new number ;)
13:06 Calinou yay, pilzadam removed trampling :)
13:06 NekoGloop anyways
13:06 NekoGloop I'm gonna go do something else not even minetest related now ;)
13:13 VanessaE sfan5: can you update particles mod to account for the new mesecons?
13:13 VanessaE (or is that Jeija's job? ;-) )
13:13 sfan5 no
13:14 sfan5 its my job
13:14 sfan5 i'm fixing temperests stuff right now
13:14 VanessaE ok
13:19 ray8888 joined #minetest
13:19 ray8888 left #minetest
13:20 BartoCH joined #minetest
13:21 Calinou VanessaE, suggestion for flowers: high chance of spawning on wet farmland
13:22 Calinou does not spawn on dry farmland (very rarely)
13:22 Calinou :D
13:22 MilanFIN joined #minetest
13:23 sfan5 Calinou: not(_a)_bad(_idea).png
13:24 cisoun joined #minetest
13:24 VanessaE I could add that.
13:32 Calinou it would allow making some kind of flower farms ;)
13:37 Taoki joined #minetest
13:38 SpeedProg joined #minetest
13:39 NekoGloop and I'm back!
13:39 NekoGloop That was fun
13:39 NekoGloop :D
13:40 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: Did you figure it out?
13:44 NekoGloop VanessaE: Do you know how to check if a note was just placed?
13:44 VanessaE not any random node, no
13:44 VanessaE but there's a function you can use that tells if a node YOU made is placde
13:45 Keegan joined #minetest
13:45 OldCoder Keegan, hello
13:45 VanessaE after_place_node = func(pos, placer),
13:45 Keegan Hello
13:45 VanessaE (does inside the register_node call)
13:45 VanessaE hi keegan
13:46 Keegan My server keeps on crashing
13:46 NekoGloop how to make a node be replaced to the player's inventory immediately after being placed?
13:46 VanessaE no idea
13:46 NekoGloop lol
13:47 VanessaE why not just register the item as a craftitem?
13:47 VanessaE and use part of the item_drop mod to force it back into your inventory on drop
13:47 NekoGloop because i want it to look like a cube in the player's hand
13:47 VanessaE so use wield_image :-)
13:47 NekoGloop ?
13:48 NakedFury open minetest folder>doc>open lua api.lua>read
13:48 NekoGloop Guess what?
13:48 NekoGloop 1) it's lua_api.txt
13:48 NekoGloop 2) I did
13:49 VanessaE neo: try wield_image = minetest.inventorycube(img1, img2, img3)  in your register_craftitem() call
13:49 NekoGloop neko*
13:49 VanessaE (where the img1/2/3 links are png's for the sides of the rendered cube
13:49 VanessaE )
13:50 Calinou ^ probably will show a 3d-ish cube, not a real 3D one
13:50 VanessaE Calinou: that's all he wants anyway
13:50 Calinou if you want something looking as a block but unplaceable, create a node
13:50 Calinou and prevent the user from placing (on_construct)
13:50 Calinou and slap 'em :p
13:50 VanessaE or do that
13:50 VanessaE I'm too tired to think
13:50 VanessaE bbl
13:51 NekoGloop on_construct checks when you right-mouse-click, right?
13:54 Keegan_ joined #minetest
13:54 NekoGloop lo
13:54 NekoGloop lol*
13:54 Keegan_ Help me plz
13:56 NekoGloop how do I grab the position of a node?
13:56 NekoGloop (from register_node)
13:57 Keegan_ will anyone help me?
13:57 NekoGloop nope
13:57 NekoGloop because you arent telling us what you're trying to do
13:57 NekoGloop just pastebin'd some part of your debug.txt
13:57 Keegan_ i just posted a link
13:58 NekoGloop but what are we looking at?
13:58 Keegan_ my server crash  and i think thats the problem
13:59 NekoGloop have you removed any mods (besides mesecons) lately?
13:59 Keegan_ yea sign
14:00 NekoGloop how many signs did you have on the map?
14:00 Keegan_ 4
14:00 NekoGloop idk then
14:00 NekoGloop minetest should just make them unknown objects/nodes
14:01 NekoGloop VanessaE: How do I add something to the player inventory?
14:02 NekoGloop I can make the node be instantly destroyed but it does not go back into the player's inventory.
14:05 sdzen joined #minetest
14:05 Keegan_ hey sdzen
14:05 sdzen greetings im collecting volunteers to repair grieving done to the backstab server
14:05 Jeija minetest.get_inventory( player or something ):- add_item(listname, stack) @ NekoGloop
14:06 Keegan_ ok
14:06 Jeija see the doc, NekoGloop
14:06 NekoGloop does anyone read that thing>
14:06 NekoGloop cuz half of the functions are undocumented.
14:10 NekoGloop 10:04:01: VERBOSE[main]: error_message = ServerError: LuaError: error: ...32\bin\..\mods\minetest\gloopextend\alchemy\init.lua:15: bad argument #-1 to 'get_inventory' (string expected, got nil)
14:10 RealBadAngel sdzen: who did it?
14:10 RealBadAngel ive seen my base and neighbourhood all covered with cobble
14:10 sdzen who knows i wasnt around
14:11 sdzen everyone else saw it before me didnt help didnt notify me
14:11 NekoGloop minetest.get_inventory("current_player"):add_item("main", "alchemy:extractor 1")
14:11 RealBadAngel ah, i told ya server should be whitelisted
14:11 RealBadAngel morons r everywhere
14:11 NekoGloop please tell me why that would error >.>
14:11 sdzen its suppost to be a free server though
14:11 NekoGloop aside from the obvious fact that lua hates me
14:12 RealBadAngel free for players, not morons
14:12 RealBadAngel no matter how hard you will try moron will show up
14:12 NekoGloop Anyone?
14:12 RealBadAngel without secuurity it always ends like this
14:13 RealBadAngel dot
14:13 RealBadAngel before add_item
14:13 RealBadAngel try it
14:14 NekoGloop 10:08:21: VERBOSE[main]: error_message = ServerError: LuaError: error: ...32\bin\..\mods\minetest\gloopextend\alchemy\init.lua:15: bad argument #-1 to 'get_inventory' (string expected, got nil)
14:15 NekoGloop here's the code :P
14:15 NekoGloop I'm definitely not giving a nil value
14:16 NekoGloop and most CERTAINLY am giving it a string.
14:16 RealBadAngel gimme the code
14:16 NekoGloop I did
14:16 NekoGloop
14:17 RealBadAngel on_construct = function(pos)
14:17 RealBadAngel minetest.env:dig_node(pos)
14:17 RealBadAngel minetest.get_inventory("current_player").add_item("main", "alchemy:extractor 1")
14:17 RealBadAngel end,
14:17 RealBadAngel })
14:17 RealBadAngel whats that for?
14:17 saschaheylik wtf is an extractor
14:17 RealBadAngel on_costruct is called when node is placed
14:17 saschaheylik make a distiller
14:18 saschaheylik no such thing as an "extractor"
14:18 RealBadAngel you try to avoid placin it?
14:18 NekoGloop yes rba
14:18 RealBadAngel it will cause glitches
14:18 NekoGloop well then I have another craftitem
14:19 PilzAdam joined #minetest
14:19 NekoGloop which is not able to be 3d in player's hand
14:19 darkrose NekoGloop: read the doc's, you're calling the function wrong
14:19 PilzAdam hi
14:19 NekoGloop I DID READ THE DOCS
14:19 NekoGloop please... just tell me how to do it
14:19 darkrose try reading with your eyes open
14:20 PilzAdam NekoGloop, what function do you mean?
14:20 NekoGloop the one at line 16
14:21 RealBadAngel first of what
14:21 PilzAdam what is supposed to do?
14:21 RealBadAngel get the inventory
14:21 Keegan_ joined #minetest
14:21 NekoGloop yes, I'm getting the inventory.
14:21 NekoGloop Now tell me what i'm doing wrong instead of treating me like a retard
14:23 darkrose
14:24 darkrose also
14:24 RealBadAngel Inventory:
14:24 RealBadAngel minetest.get_inventory(location) -> InvRef
14:24 RealBadAngel ^ location = eg. {type="player", name="celeron55"}
14:24 RealBadAngel {type="node", pos={x=, y=, z=}}
14:24 RealBadAngel {type="detached", name="creative"}
14:25 NekoGloop PARFECT
14:25 NekoGloop :D
14:25 NekoGloop and i didnt use your code ;)
14:27 Keegan_ why does my server lag when theres like 5 people?
14:28 NekoGloop because you're running it on a rock
14:28 bas080 joined #minetest
14:28 NekoGloop get a stone ;)
14:28 Keegan_ thats the same thing
14:28 NekoGloop no its not
14:29 Keegan_ you know how to fix t?
14:29 NekoGloop get a computer instead of a rock?
14:29 Keegan_ haha funny not
14:29 NakedFury you have a weak internet connection or your computer cant handle them
14:30 NekoGloop or your server is like everyone else's and cant support 5 players
14:30 Keegan_ what ghz speed does t have to have?
14:30 NekoGloop 9999
14:33 Keegan_ ?
14:33 Keegan_ ?
14:36 NekoGloop augh
14:36 NekoGloop stupid nekogloop, you cant destroy a node THEN put it in your inventory
14:37 thexyz Keegan_: what's your CPU?
14:37 Keegan_ 1.33 ghz
14:37 Keegan_ 2gb or ram
14:37 Keegan_ of
14:37 thexyz "1.33 ghz" is not a cpu model name
14:37 NakedFury too low
14:38 NekoGloop dammit
14:38 Keegan_ intel atom
14:38 tripod joined #minetest
14:39 NekoGloop intel has made atoms?
14:39 thexyz check your cpu usage
14:39 NekoGloop What other scientific discoveries have I missed?
14:39 Keegan_ its around 50-90%
14:41 Calinou joined #minetest
14:42 NekoGloop wb Calinou :D
14:42 Keegan_ hello
14:42 PilzAdam Calinou, changed textures of pumpkins as you wished
14:43 Calinou k :)
14:43 Calinou some suggestion: add a fourth growing state to pumpkins and cotton for consistency
14:43 Calinou as wheat has 4 growth stages
14:44 PilzAdam nope
14:44 PilzAdam there are differenceses between the plants
14:44 PilzAdam that what i want
14:44 NekoGloop once this farming mod gets farther along I'll download it
14:44 Calinou four textures would allow growth to be more fluid, too - more textures
14:45 PilzAdam also changed: you now can plant saplings everywhere
14:46 Calinou
14:46 Calinou YAY
14:46 Calinou erm
14:46 Calinou you could always plant saplings everywhere... even in air
14:46 NekoGloop minetest.get_inventory({type="player", name=placer}):add_item("main", "alchemy:extractor 1") 10:39:58: ERROR[main]: ServerError: LuaError: error: ...32\bin\..\mods\minetest\gloopextend\alchemy\init.lua:14: bad argument #-1 to 'get_inventory' (string expected, got userdata)
14:47 PilzAdam Calinou, like normal nodes
14:47 Calinou the default saplings can be planted in air/on stone and they will grow
14:47 PilzAdam they grow only on wet soil
14:47 NekoGloop I did that once
14:47 NekoGloop underground tree farm, hewl yeawh
14:48 PilzAdam NekoGloop, name=placer:get_player_name()
14:48 NekoGloop any ideas why my code is not working?
14:48 PilzAdam i had the idea before you asked
14:48 PilzAdam Calinou, and with light
14:48 NekoGloop ... and you ninja'd me
14:49 NekoGloop PilzAdam: now the node just disappears
14:50 PilzAdam add_item("main", ItemStack("[nodename]"))
14:51 PilzAdam you realy should start looking at init.lua
14:51 PilzAdam lua-api.txt i mean
14:51 PilzAdam even I do this a thousand times a day
14:53 NekoGloop Dude, I did that
14:54 ray8888 joined #minetest
14:54 PilzAdam then you have read: add_item(listname, stack)
14:54 ray8888 left #minetest
14:54 PilzAdam and ignored "stack"
14:54 NekoGloop ... what
14:55 PilzAdam it is add_item(listname, stack) and not add_item(listname, nodename)
14:55 PilzAdam you have to be very precise when reading the api
14:56 NekoGloop what's the difference between a stack and an item?
14:57 PilzAdam a stack is this
14:57 PilzAdam and a nodename is just a string ("[modname]:[nodename])
14:59 NekoGloop well ok
15:03 NekoGloop minetest.get_inventory({type="player", name=placer:get_player_name()}):add_item("main", ItemStack("node alchemy:extractor 1")) fails to add the item to the inventory... and only works when the item being defined to be put into the inventory is an unknown item O.o
15:04 NekoGloop any ideas?
15:05 Jeija left #minetest
15:08 Taoki joined #minetest
15:16 RealBadAngel hmmm
15:16 RealBadAngel go back to on_construct
15:19 RealBadAngel wait
15:19 RealBadAngel what is node alchemy:extractor 1
15:19 RealBadAngel use the name
15:19 RealBadAngel alchemy:extractor 1
15:32 mrtux joined #minetest
15:36 vicscandl bleh
15:36 jin_xi bleh?
15:43 tripod penises.
15:43 tripod everywhere
15:50 NekoGloop Sorry, went afk for lunch
15:50 Calinou wb
15:50 * Calinou goes playing assaultcube
15:50 Calinou anyone plays AC here? :D
15:51 NakedFury assassins creed?
15:51 darkrose heh, haven't played that in ages
15:52 NakedFury ok not that game, no dont play that
15:56 NekoGloop Well... its still not working
15:59 PilzAdam ive added weed to my farming mod
16:00 PilzAdam it grows on not used soil
16:00 NekoGloop lol
16:05 cornernote arg i hate lua :S
16:06 NekoGloop dont we all?
16:06 PilzAdam lua is perfect for modding
16:06 cornernote if i do this: homepos[player:get_player_name()] = player:getpos() ... how can i reference it with a literal string:  homepos["cornernote"]
16:06 cornernote its just me, im not used to syntax
16:06 cornernote its nice in theory
16:07 NekoGloop I forgot how to dig a node through lua >.>
16:07 PilzAdam minetest.env:remove_node(pos)
16:07 NekoGloop isnt there an actual dig function?
16:07 cornernote homepos["cornernote"] just crashes the game
16:07 NekoGloop but I will use that
16:08 cornernote i think you can change remove_node() to dig_node()
16:08 PilzAdam minetest.env:dig_node(pos)
16:08 cornernote
16:08 PilzAdam 0.0001s search in lua-api.txt
16:08 NekoGloop well I dont know what to search FOR
16:08 cornernote dig =)
16:09 cornernote just read the whole thing, its all useful
16:09 NakedFury he wont
16:09 NakedFury because he "already did it"
16:09 NekoGloop No, it's not a problem of me reading it
16:09 NekoGloop It's a problem of it making sense
16:09 PilzAdam NekoGloop, the interesting path is under this
16:09 PilzAdam *part
16:13 NekoGloop dont you just hate it when the sounds loop infinitely?
16:13 triplei joined #minetest
16:13 PilzAdam NekoGloop, ?
16:13 NekoGloop too many mods = lag when loading worlds = sounds looping infinitely
16:14 NekoGloop YES
16:14 PilzAdam what sounds?
16:14 NekoGloop IT WORKS
16:14 NekoGloop FINALLY
16:14 NekoGloop PilzAdam: Any sound effects
16:14 PilzAdam windows?
16:14 NekoGloop I'm in windows, yes
16:14 NekoGloop But it's minetest
16:14 PilzAdam ok
16:14 NekoGloop PS: Install OpenAL to get sound ;)
16:15 PilzAdam in linux i get never sound bugs
16:15 NekoGloop in windows I only get them rarely
16:15 NekoGloop like I said, too many mods
16:15 PilzAdam the problem is not Minetest, the problem is windows
16:16 NekoGloop no the problem is minetest
16:16 NekoGloop otherwise other things would be doing the same
16:22 Calinou 2700 users on forum!
16:23 Calinou NakedFury, assault cube not assasin creed :p
16:23 NekoGloop Hmmm...
16:23 NekoGloop Should I make the extractor become "used" after crafting with it?
16:23 NekoGloop And then you need to restore it?
16:25 NekoGloop (e.g. by placing it in the grid with a mese or something)
16:26 Calinou mrtux, can I build on your server please? username Calinou
16:32 * mrtux is away: going somewhere
16:33 NekoGloop lol
16:39 theTroy joined #minetest
16:41 MiJyn joined #minetest
16:44 NekoGloop He coded a Book!
16:44 NekoGloop :D
16:53 NekoGloop Oh so he changed his mind?
16:59 NekoGloop What's mese made out of, I wonder...
17:05 NekoGloop Hmmm...
17:05 leo_rockway PilzAdam: any luck to make the pumpkins throwable?
17:05 leo_rockway pumpkin fight!
17:05 leo_rockway hehe
17:05 NekoGloop Sulphur for mese?
17:05 PilzAdam hmmmmm......
17:05 leo_rockway any chance*
17:05 leo_rockway dunno, just a thought
17:05 * PilzAdam throws a pumpkin at leo_rockway
17:05 leo_rockway >.<
17:05 NekoGloop lol
17:05 leo_rockway I was thinking of pumpkin pie last night, and I saw you mentioned that in the thread
17:05 NekoGloop Mese == Sulphur?
17:06 leo_rockway having jack-o-lanterns everywhere seemed a bit weird
17:06 leo_rockway and since pumpkins take a long time to grow, they should provide something better than glorified torches.
17:07 PilzAdam i have a idea: cake mix + pumpkin = pumpkin cake mix
17:07 NekoGloop ok
17:07 NekoGloop sounds good, your mod :P
17:07 sdzen joined #minetest
17:09 thexyz1 joined #minetest
17:09 izua joined #minetest
17:12 leo_rockway also, MT needs some equivalent to the MC hunger bar. In MC if you stay idle in your house for too long you get hungry, so you are forced to go out
17:12 leo_rockway in MT you can live in a hole and do nothing
17:12 sdzen how about little elve mobs that spawn in your house if your in it too long
17:12 sdzen and mess up your stuff
17:12 NekoGloop lol
17:13 NekoGloop what should I use to repower used extractors?
17:13 sdzen uranium
17:13 NekoGloop lol no
17:13 sdzen thorium
17:14 NekoGloop something in the game >.>
17:14 sdzen lava
17:14 NekoGloop Oooh, lava buckets.
17:14 sdzen no source
17:14 NekoGloop you cant get lava source normally >.>
17:14 sdzen have a recipe that extracts it from the bucket
17:15 NekoGloop lol
17:15 sdzen i used to have a mod that did that
17:15 PilzAdam pumpkin bread added
17:15 sdzen i think the post was deleted
17:15 PilzAdam restores fill hp
17:15 PilzAdam *full
17:16 NekoGloop extractor + lava bucket = lava source, empty bucket replaces lava bucket, used extractor replaces extractor?
17:16 leo_rockway sdzen: yes! crazy elven mobs!
17:16 sdzen and they are near invisible so you cant do much about them
17:18 PilzAdam leo_rockway, 66,666% of the changes in version 3 are about pumpkins
17:18 PilzAdam so they arent so useless as in version 2
17:18 sdzen not %66,6?
17:18 leo_rockway PilzAdam: =]
17:18 sdzen why not the number of the beast
17:19 leo_rockway I've read that in MC you can wear a pumpkin helmet, hehe.
17:19 PilzAdam leo_rockway, yes you can
17:19 NekoGloop 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666656666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
17:19 NekoGloop find the 5 ;)
17:20 PilzAdam found it: 66566
17:20 sdzen found it
17:20 NekoGloop lol
17:20 leo_rockway found it
17:20 NekoGloop need more to hide it in lol
17:20 * NekoGloop goes to find 666 on youtube
17:20 PilzAdam find the equal character
17:21 NekoGloop =
17:21 NekoGloop FOUND IT
17:21 PilzAdam CHEATER!!!!
17:21 NekoGloop YES I AM
17:21 * PilzAdam hits NekoGloop
17:21 * NekoGloop grabs evil sword
17:21 * NekoGloop slices PilzAdam
17:21 * PilzAdam types format c in NekoGloop computer
17:21 NekoGloop lol ya right
17:22 PilzAdam leo_rockway> PilzAdam: =]
17:22 PilzAdam thats the solution
17:22 NekoGloop Should I use mese for recharging extractors?
17:23 sdzen nyan cats
17:23 NekoGloop LOLNO
17:23 NekoGloop this isnt meant to be impossible...
17:24 sdzen then have one nyan cat fuel it forever and have mese barely fuel it
17:24 NekoGloop That's impossible
17:24 NekoGloop The extractor works by being placed in the crafting grid, and is replaced by a used extractor.
17:25 NekoGloop (placed in crafting grid with item to be extracted)
17:25 sdzen its possible
17:25 NekoGloop ?
17:25 NekoGloop do share
17:25 sdzen have nyan cat and used extractor make super extractor
17:26 NekoGloop I cant make an item be persistant in a crafting recipe
17:26 sdzen oh really i thought with replacements your could :P
17:26 PilzAdam Anyone wants to test my farming mod version 3 pre-release?
17:27 NekoGloop with replacements you error if you replace an item with itself
17:27 NekoGloop invalid replacements
17:27 sdzen then make it a second one super extractor 2
17:27 sdzen and they keep alternating
17:27 NekoGloop oh i have an idea
17:27 NekoGloop >.>
17:27 NekoGloop its similar to what you said
17:28 saschaheylik anyone got a not used or prepaid phone i could let facebook send a sms to for an account?
17:28 saschaheylik i'll give you 1$ paypal
17:28 Calinou lol
17:28 PilzAdam lol
17:28 NekoGloop lol
17:28 Calinou lol
17:28 PilzAdam lol
17:28 Calinou lol
17:28 PilzAdam lol
17:28 saschaheylik so?
17:29 NekoGloop you lol-breaker
17:30 NekoGloop;feature=related TOO MANY PEOPLE SINGING >.>
17:31 sdzen needs moar nyan!
17:31 NekoGloop lol
17:31 NekoGloop how do I set it so something cant be stacked?
17:32 NekoGloop nvm
17:32 sdzen max_stack=0
17:32 sdzen i think
17:32 sdzen or 1
17:32 sdzen or idk
17:32 NekoGloop 1 and its stck_max
17:32 NekoGloop stack_max*
17:33 sdzen help fixing is requested
17:33 sdzen please anyone with some decency
17:33 NekoGloop workin here >.>
17:34 sdzen anyone but neko
17:35 NekoGloop I would but I'm busy, sorry >.>
17:35 sdzen I would be busy if me and USA werent the only ones fixing the greiving
17:36 NekoGloop Calinou might help
17:38 PilzAdam Version 3 of my farming mod is released:
17:40 NekoGloop kewl
17:48 NekoGloop;feature=related NOW its too many poeple
17:48 leo_rockway I'll test it tonight!
17:48 Calinou k
17:48 Calinou cool PilzAdam
17:50 Calinou PilzAdam, have to update my pack again :p will do so tomorrow
17:51 NekoGloop lol
17:51 sudoman joined #minetest
17:52 Calinou sdzen, media doesn't download on server :/
17:52 Calinou sdzen, lost all my stuff :/
17:52 Calinou was map reset?
17:52 Calinou looks like :p
17:52 sdzen your on remobo rays
17:53 sdzen 30000
17:54 Calinou oh ok, thought 30000 was down
17:55 NekoGloop how do I set up replacements so it doesnt error?
17:55 PilzAdam replacements = {{"bucket:bucket_water", "bucket:bucket_empty"}}
17:55 NekoGloop oh double {}'s
17:56 NekoGloop THAT kinda thing needs to be in lua_api.txt
17:57 Calinou yep
17:57 TheLastProject joined #minetest
17:59 NekoGloop ok, so I CAN replace an item with itself
18:01 NekoGloop should I make extractors stackable? since now it wont conflict with itself...
18:03 leo_rockway what happened to the grinder? who was going to make that?
18:03 NekoGloop RealBad
18:03 leo_rockway PilzAdam: somebody had plans to make a grinder. I think it would be a good idea to combine wheat with the grinder to make flour.
18:04 NekoGloop Twas RealBadAngel, leo
18:05 PilzAdam i will think about this
18:05 * PilzAdam starts thinking
18:05 NekoGloop he'd have to make the grinder first
18:06 NekoGloop but with how rba is coding it he wont be able to make it without re-defining the grinder.
18:08 BartoCH joined #minetest
18:18 saddy joined #minetest
18:28 Jeija joined #minetest
18:28 NekoGloop ohai Jeija
18:35 neko259 joined #minetest
18:35 NekoGloop the other neko is here ;)
18:36 cornernote_ joined #minetest
18:37 tripod the cooler neko?
18:37 NekoGloop probably :P
18:40 servvs joined #minetest
18:46 NekoGloop_ joined #minetest
18:46 NekoGloop_ Well then
18:47 apostrophe joined #minetest
18:55 _2cool4me4_ joined #minetest
18:55 NekoGloop ohai _2cool4me4_
18:56 _2cool4me4_ hi
18:56 NekoGloop I think I'm taking the wrong approach on alchemy >.>
18:56 NekoGloop might just rename it
18:56 _2cool4me4_ I'm reading this:
18:57 bulletrul joined #minetest
18:57 NekoGloop kewl
18:57 _2cool4me4_ Don't know if I'll finish, though
18:57 NekoGloop what is it?
18:58 _2cool4me4_ The Elements of Computing systems
18:58 NekoGloop Ermm... For what? Mesecons?
18:58 _2cool4me4_ It descrbes the platform that many Minecraft computers are built on
18:58 NekoGloop ah ok
18:58 _2cool4me4_ And is college level reading
18:59 _2cool4me4_ And I'm just starting HS! :p
18:59 NekoGloop I'm not out of MS yet I am coding freakin lua
19:00 _2cool4me4_ I just got out
19:00 _2cool4me4_ Freshman this year... 1 month
19:00 NekoGloop lol
19:00 PilzAdam gtg
19:00 PilzAdam bye
19:00 _2cool4me4_ Didn't notice he was here
19:01 NekoGloop well he helped with alchemy
19:01 NekoGloop about 2-4 hours ago, he gave me the code to make a node be unplaceable ;)
19:03 _2cool4me4_ Oh god, that was simple...
19:03 _2cool4me4_ Sorry, that wasn't to you
19:04 NekoGloop no, the code was simple as well :P
19:05 _2cool4me4_ oh
19:05 NekoGloop was just what I DIDNT do
19:05 NakedFury joined #minetest
19:13 tripod the furies of naked
19:13 tripod wlecome
19:13 bulletrul joined #minetest
19:14 tripod buttroll welcome
19:14 NekoGloop lol
19:16 tripod later buttroll
19:16 bulletrul joined #minetest
19:16 bulletrul left #minetest
19:16 _2cool4me4_ Bad connection
19:18 tripod his butt just hurtin'
19:22 NekoGloop lol
19:23 NekoGloop he -left- #minetest this time, not -quit-
19:42 NekoGloop dammit I froze my image editor >.>
19:42 tripod OH NO
19:42 * tripod hugs Neko
19:42 tripod shit
19:42 * tripod hugs NekoGloop
19:42 _2cool4me4_ o.o
19:42 tripod so you know, my affinty for you
19:42 NekoGloop Dafuq
19:42 NekoGloop Get off of me
19:43 tripod :(
19:43 * NekoGloop extends his claws
19:43 _2cool4me4_ :)
19:43 * tripod gets off on you
19:43 _2cool4me4_ :(
19:44 * NekoGloop cuts the skin on the side of tripod
19:44 _2cool4me4_ BAHAHAHAHAHAAA
19:44 * tripod is a tripod
19:44 * NekoGloop rips tripod's organs out
19:45 * tripod licks NekoGloop's face.
19:45 * tripod pulls out wizard hat and robe.
19:45 _2cool4me4_ Oh derp
19:45 * NekoGloop is really annoyed now
19:45 bulletrul joined #minetest
19:46 bulletrul ok so now im gonna try to use aline
19:46 * tripod softly pokes NekoGloop's nose.
19:46 * NekoGloop smacks tripod with an evil sword
19:46 NekoGloop DIE
19:46 _2cool4me4_ That didn't work, at all
19:47 * tripod embraces the evil sword, and lightly kisses NekoGloop
19:47 _2cool4me4_ *papercut*
19:47 * NekoGloop is really freaked out now....
19:47 * _2cool4me4_ gives tripod a...
19:47 _2cool4me4_ A...
19:47 _2cool4me4_ A!!!
19:47 tripod OHSHI
19:47 _2cool4me4_ Papercut
19:47 tripod A
19:48 * tripod melts after _2cool4me4_ epic papercut technique
19:48 * _2cool4me4_ wins!
19:48 _2cool4me4_ back to reading
19:48 * NekoGloop is happy that tripod is no longer here >.>
19:48 * tripod back to kissing NekoGloop
19:48 * _2cool4me4_ melts tripod
19:48 * _2cool4me4_ takes melted tripod in a bucket
19:48 * NekoGloop *eyetwitch*
19:49 * _2cool4me4_ puts melted tripod in a vat of toxic waste
19:49 _2cool4me4_ there, done
19:49 * tripod had germlock on
19:49 * tripod wins
19:49 * _2cool4me4_ does not see how that causes an automatic win
19:49 bulletrul damn it i need perl
19:49 * NekoGloop gives _2cool4me4_ a lollipop
19:50 * _2cool4me4_ wins!
19:50 * NekoGloop lol's
19:50 * tripod is jelly
19:50 _2cool4me4_ NOES
19:50 * _2cool4me4_ melts again
19:50 bulletrul brb
19:50 * NekoGloop is going to imagine tripod being a girl...
19:50 _2cool4me4_ Don't see how that is brb
19:51 * tripod is a girl
19:51 * _2cool4me4_ is a bit creeped out by that
19:51 * _2cool4me4_ is no longer creeped out
19:51 * tripod a girl with a small penis.
19:51 * tripod waits.
19:51 * _2cool4me4_ is now very creeped out
19:51 * tripod cries
19:51 * _2cool4me4_ melts
19:51 * NekoGloop was creeped out before >.>
19:51 * tripod throws _2cool4me4_ into a vat of toxic waste
19:52 * tripod wins
19:52 * tripod gets lollipop of NekoGloop
19:52 * tripod wins
19:52 * _2cool4me4_ refuses to be put in the vat
19:52 tripod WOOT
19:52 tripod how
19:52 _2cool4me4_ My brain
19:52 tripod you are melted!
19:52 tripod is melted.
19:52 * _2cool4me4_ refuses your reality and substitutes his own
19:52 tripod lol
19:53 * NekoGloop smashes the fourth-wall to bits
19:53 * NekoGloop let slenderman through
19:53 * _2cool4me4_ melts tripod and throws him into the vat before he can object
19:53 NekoGloop OHSHI
19:54 NekoGloop :D
19:54 _2cool4me4_ NOOOOOOOO NOT NEKO
19:54 tripod here are pics to uncreep out NekoGloop and _2cool4me4_ here is my trout pout
19:54 * _2cool4me4_ slaps tripod with a 4r8a9inbow trout
19:55 tripod hubby on right
19:55 _2cool4me4_ BAHAHA
19:55 NekoGloop I have a feeling that's slenderman because I brought him up :P
19:55 * _2cool4me4_ slaps NekoGloop with a big red brick
19:55 * _2cool4me4_ slaps NekoGloop with a big red brick
19:55 * tripod eats red brick
19:55 * _2cool4me4_ slaps tripod with a 4r8a9inbow trout
19:55 * _2cool4me4_ slaps tripod with a big red brick
19:55 * _2cool4me4_ slaps tripod with a 4r8a9inbow trout
19:55 * _2cool4me4_ slaps tripod with a big red brick
19:55 * NekoGloop uninstalls default mod
19:55 * tripod slaps _2cool4me4_ with Ubuntu
19:55 NekoGloop YAY~
19:55 * tripod slaps _2cool4me4_ with Ubuntu
19:56 _2cool4me4_ Yes!
19:57 NekoGloop NO MOAR DEFAULT MOD :D
19:57 tripod YAY
19:57 NekoGloop funny part is minetest can load without default mod, assuming you also removed everything with a dependancy on it.
19:58 _2cool4me4_ that was pointless
19:58 NekoGloop lotsa unknown blocks :D
19:58 NekoGloop What was?
19:58 tripod that
19:58 NekoGloop LOOK BEHIND YOU
19:58 NekoGloop ITS SLENDERMAN!!!
20:00 _2cool4me4_ EVER
20:00 NekoGloop lol
20:00 _2cool4me4_ SEE IT
20:00 _2cool4me4_
20:00 * NekoGloop expects "You Get Nothing!"
20:01 * NekoGloop is also expecting a Jeff the Killer screamer
20:01 _2cool4me4_ WATCH IT
20:01 NekoGloop Neverrrrrr
20:01 _2cool4me4_ NAO
20:01 _2cool4me4_ It's not a screamer
20:01 _2cool4me4_ promise
20:01 NekoGloop lol ya right
20:01 _2cool4me4_ I pinky promise
20:01 NekoGloop Hey tripod, click his link
20:01 _2cool4me4_ *touches with pinky
20:02 * NekoGloop shoves the claw on his pinky into 2cool's gut
20:02 _2cool4me4_ see? i'm not screaming
20:02 NekoGloop lol
20:02 _2cool4me4_ Now watch the video
20:03 NekoGloop Nope
20:03 _2cool4me4_ plox?
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 * tripod penis
20:04 * tripod penis
20:04 * tripod penis
20:04 * tripod penis
20:04 * tripod penis
20:04 _2cool4me4_ derp
20:04 * tripod penis
20:04 _2cool4me4_ no
20:04 * tripod hi-5's herself
20:04 tripod BOOYAH
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 _2cool4me4_
20:04 tripod copy it all
20:05 tripod and paste it
20:05 tripod ha.
20:05 NekoGloop K-Lined lol
20:05 tripod i was n-lined the day
20:08 sdzen joined #minetest
20:10 NekoGloop lol
20:15 NekoGloop y u all leave? lol
20:16 saschaheylik joined #minetest
20:16 NekoGloop hello saschaheylik :3
20:16 saschaheylik hai :D
20:16 tripod HAI TRIPOD!
20:17 saschaheylik yo tripod
20:17 tripod yoyoyo
20:17 NekoGloop alchemy is working!
20:17 saschaheylik nice
20:18 saschaheylik got a video?
20:18 NekoGloop nope
20:18 NekoGloop have no way to get one lol
20:18 saschaheylik uh fraps?
20:18 NekoGloop lolno
20:18 saschaheylik or on linux there are a couple apps
20:18 saschaheylik why not
20:18 NekoGloop < windows
20:18 saschaheylik on windows get fraps
20:18 saschaheylik its free
20:18 saschaheylik as trial at least
20:18 saschaheylik but whatever
20:19 saschaheylik trial is fine
20:19 saschaheylik for now
20:19 NekoGloop ok fine >.>
20:19 tripod linuix only has two options
20:19 saschaheylik lo
20:19 saschaheylik l
20:19 saschaheylik cheer up bro
20:19 NekoGloop I'll get fracks
20:19 NekoGloop fraps*
20:19 tripod for opengl you have yukon and glc
20:19 tripod which are fraps
20:19 tripod windows
20:19 tripod just use fraps
20:19 tripod for screencapping
20:19 tripod just use ffmpeg
20:19 saschaheylik NP: Linking Park - In Remains
20:20 tripod .np
20:20 tripod damn
20:20 tripod i dont want to do a /media
20:20 tripod and spam "amarok"
20:20 tripod everyone will troll me
20:20 saschaheylik whats wrong with amarok?
20:20 tripod nothing imo
20:20 saschaheylik lol
20:20 tripod im usually on ncmpcpp
20:20 sdzen joined #minetest
20:21 * tripod is listening to again by YUI on Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OP Single - again [Amarok]
20:21 tripod :D
20:25 iqualfragile joined #minetest
20:26 servvs joined #minetest
20:27 bulletrul joined #minetest
20:32 TForsman joined #minetest
20:36 bulletrul how to use alien
20:41 NekoGloop joined #minetest
20:46 vicscandl yawn
20:49 bulletrul gonna try to use alien
20:50 bulletrul maybe it will work ?
20:51 bulletrul so now your screming at the top your lungs hoping for someone to come hoping theyll bring a gun to inflict all the pain i cased upon you upon you
20:51 bulletrul -askylitdrive
20:52 bulletrul 8-)
20:52 * vicscandl inflicts pain on you with the /ignore command
20:52 bulletrul vicscandl: lol its a song
20:53 * bulletrul waites for the download to finish and listning to music
20:53 * vicscandl likes the chatbot so i can review that he thinks i can still hear him...
20:53 * NekoGloop hates fraps
20:54 * bulletrul lols
20:54 * bulletrul eats tacos
20:55 * bulletrul hates the me command and blows his brains out
20:57 theTroy joined #minetest
20:59 bulletrul aliens not working guys ;(
21:00 saschaheylik them bitches lazy
21:00 vicscandl saschaheylik: what bitches be thoes? we are all lazy by design
21:00 saschaheylik le martians
21:00 vicscandl yea, we just landed another fucking rover on their planet, right?
21:01 vicscandl i'd be pissed if the americans showed up on *my* planet too
21:01 saschaheylik or maybe they did?
21:01 * vicscandl is american, btw.
21:01 saschaheylik american != illuminati elite
21:01 vicscandl i wanna see annon hack nasa and drive a rover over a cliff...
21:02 vicscandl not really, but that, to me, would be funny
21:02 saschaheylik lol
21:02 saschaheylik guess they have other things on their mind right now
21:02 bulletrul laughs but gets pissed of im white btw
21:02 bulletrul
21:02 bulletrul on this video
21:02 vicscandl saschaheylik: yea, lots of activity in aus right now
21:03 saschaheylik really?
21:03 vicscandl yea, kinda was a weekend thing tho...
21:03 saschaheylik im only informed on us stuff
21:03 vicscandl and so am i
21:03 vicscandl :)
21:03 saschaheylik and eu
21:04 saschaheylik so whats happening in aus?
21:04 vicscandl meh, same as everywhere...
21:05 vicscandl i'd rather not discuss it here, as its one of thoes topics that is not needed here.
21:05 saschaheylik right
21:05 vicscandl besides, i got like a 5-10% cpu improvement and a bit less memory useage last night.. so ha!
21:05 saschaheylik nice
21:06 saschaheylik so how large is the core team now including me?
21:06 vicscandl not sure; i'm not part of the "core team"
21:06 saschaheylik oh
21:06 NekoGloop Who wants to make a video for me on my alchemy mod?
21:07 NekoGloop (since fraps and camstudio refuse to work for me)
21:07 saschaheylik you could ask someone entirely new to mt.
21:07 saschaheylik that would also promote the game
21:07 NekoGloop (and also because i'm lazy)
21:07 saschaheylik 2 flys with one cal. 50 bullet
21:07 saschaheylik ask your mom
21:08 * vicscandl is sick of your mom.
21:08 * vicscandl has moved on to your sister too...
21:08 vicscandl cause ugly bitches need cock too...
21:08 saschaheylik "your bitch"
21:08 NekoGloop lol
21:08 vicscandl hahahah
21:09 saschaheylik so how is your bitch NekoGloop
21:09 saschaheylik is she sore yet?
21:09 NekoGloop ?
21:09 saschaheylik haha
21:09 vicscandl i'm waiting for c55 to show the fuck up somewhere so i can discuss all the problems i've found with the source...
21:09 NekoGloop go to #minetest-dev
21:09 vicscandl homeslice is mia apparently
21:09 Weedy joined #minetest
21:09 Weedy joined #minetest
21:09 saschaheylik we can go over it now and condense it a bit for celeron
21:09 vicscandl NekoGloop: no, really?
21:09 vicscandl meh
21:10 saschaheylik NekoGloop: go yourself
21:10 vicscandl saschaheylik: my change, its 3 lines of code.
21:10 saschaheylik but yes thats where cel hangs
21:10 saschaheylik wow
21:10 saschaheylik epic
21:10 vicscandl exactly
21:10 NekoGloop_ joined #minetest
21:10 NekoGloop_ ... ok then
21:10 saschaheylik NEKO
21:10 saschaheylik WHAT UP MAN
21:10 NekoGloop_ WAT
21:10 saschaheylik BROMANCE
21:10 NekoGloop_ WTF
21:11 saschaheylik TROLOLOLOL
21:11 NekoGloop_ lol
21:11 saschaheylik *derp*
21:11 * NekoGloop_ kicks sas
21:11 saschaheylik no you didnt
21:11 saschaheylik liar
21:11 NekoGloop_ oh yes i did
21:11 saschaheylik then you suck at kicking
21:11 NekoGloop_ I could kick a bit higher
21:11 saschaheylik now lets move to -dev
21:12 vicscandl i'm waiting for a c55 responce
21:12 saschaheylik come on
21:12 saschaheylik hes there
21:12 saschaheylik go to #minetest-dev
21:12 saschaheylik NOW
21:12 saschaheylik type /join #minetest-dev
21:12 saschaheylik ...
21:12 vicscandl been there for a while now
21:13 vicscandl nearing 2 days
21:13 saschaheylik oh there
21:13 servvs joined #minetest
21:13 NekoGloop_ wow i havent ping'd out yet
21:13 NekoGloop_ LOL
21:13 saschaheylik now u have
21:15 bas080 joined #minetest
21:16 vicscandl bas080: btw, thanks for the rope/vines mod... one of my son's favorites
21:16 bas080 Thank you for letting me know :)
21:17 vicscandl i forgot to include it in my recent update of the server, and he was irate
21:17 * mrtux is back (gone 04:44:42)
21:17 bas080 hahaha, do you mod also?
21:17 NekoGloop I'm making an alchemy mod
21:18 vicscandl yes, but i'm contributing my time to knocking down the cpu/memory issues with the c++ code
21:18 NekoGloop more like a science mod but meh
21:18 vicscandl NekoGloop: hahahha
21:18 vicscandl
21:18 jin_xi vicscandl: i think if you post something concrete you will get a response fron c55 sooner
21:18 vicscandl jin_xi: its more code concepts than actual change...
21:19 vicscandl things like declaring variables within loops and shit... just shit you don't do
21:19 bas080 vicscandl, much appreciated!
21:19 bas080 i have a crappy laptop
21:20 vicscandl jin_xi: like i said, i'm getting a 5-10% decrease in cpu cycles from a 3 line code change.
21:20 NekoGloop Right now I have 3 machines for the usage and creation the molecule craftitems
21:20 Jeija left #minetest
21:20 jin_xi then post that change?
21:20 vicscandl NekoGloop: i stopped working on it and started working on the c++ side of things...
21:21 vicscandl jin_xi: not till i get a few more knocked out and figure out why there is such a timestoppage at the beginning of the meshloop
21:21 bas080 NekoGloop, i like science. Is your mod based om some scientific "facts"
21:21 vicscandl jin_xi: Vanessa has a copy of the change
21:22 bas080 or will it be
21:23 vicscandl jin_xi: c55 have anything against people just pushing out to his repo... he (so far) has failed to respond in irc
21:24 saschaheylik what the hell is mese?
21:25 jin_xi vicscandl: he often responds to concrete stuff
21:25 NekoGloop Extractor(takes molecules out of other items), Fission Chamber(allows you to break molecules into hydrogen), and Fusion Chamber(a way to reconstitute hydrogen & other atoms)
21:25 jin_xi vicscandl: did you read -dev backlog? you'll see
21:25 NekoGloop molecules*
21:25 bas080 Is anybody willing to contribute 3d pieces for a chess mod. It will be much appreciated by many
21:26 vicscandl NekoGloop: hahaah i have a biohydrogen reactor that produces hydrogen molecules when fueled with vanessa's seaweed (algae)
21:26 jin_xi bas080: sounds like a job for tonyka
21:26 NekoGloop lol
21:27 vicscandl NekoGloop: had not finished the code when i decided to look at the c++, now i prob won't mod
21:27 NekoGloop Eh... this type of thing is probably redundant anyway
21:27 NekoGloop Another scrapped mod idea for NekoGloop
21:29 NekoGloop So... anyone want medium/large tools mod?
21:30 bas080 jin_xi, he already has interesting 3d models indeed. His bathroom models are really detailed. I'll ask him when i get the chance.
21:31 bas080 NekoGloop, you are full of ideas!
21:31 NekoGloop Of course I am
21:31 NekoGloop I know that
21:31 NekoGloop Just how many of them are usable?
21:33 bas080 That is a good question
21:33 NekoGloop Yup.
21:33 NekoGloop For example, I want no lag
21:34 NekoGloop even if I knew C++, that's probably impossible
21:34 vicscandl NekoGloop: hahahah good luck
21:34 vicscandl NekoGloop: no lag
21:34 saschaheylik how about we call minetest godcraft
21:35 vicscandl why not just /youBuild/
21:35 cy1 blockoland
21:35 saschaheylik is taken
21:35 saschaheylik blockoland sounds weird
21:36 cy1 <3
21:36 saschaheylik blockland is taken
21:36 cy1 Where are people playing btw?
21:36 saschaheylik idk
21:36 cy1 no I mean, you.
21:36 vicscandl freakydeakieblokiegame
21:36 saschaheylik i could open an additional server if wanted
21:36 saschaheylik cy1: right now, nowhere
21:36 cy1 yeah my server's running but empty
21:36 cy1 but
21:37 cy1 it's finding people to drama with that I like
21:37 vicscandl i play at home with my kid... he don't grief
21:37 cy1 I mean play with
21:37 NekoGloop I want more uses for papyrus
21:37 vicscandl NekoGloop: you can wipe yer ass with it
21:37 cy1 I want paper you can write on...
21:37 NekoGloop isnt there a patch that lets you write on paper?
21:38 saschaheylik NekoGloop: filter paper
21:38 saschaheylik coffee filters
21:38 cy1 NekoGloop: btw the backstab server is terrible. flowing lava doesn't drain away. :/
21:38 NekoGloop Oi, not my server
21:38 NekoGloop Actually, none of them are my servers
21:38 cy1 NekoGloop: Not that I know of... it'd be kind of counter to the game design
21:38 cy1 well yes but you recommended me it, so I wanted to warn you.
21:39 NekoGloop and yes, lava drains
21:39 ttk2 joined #minetest
21:39 cy1 I swear I found a bunch of lava flowing that wasn't draining.
21:39 cy1 all over the place
21:39 NekoGloop lol
21:39 cy1 and a mod had to quench it w/ water
21:39 NekoGloop maybe you found where they got griefed
21:39 cy1 so his sky cube thing had hundreds of cobble that needed digging
21:40 cy1 anyway, so something bad going on there
21:40 cy1 wtf is a spleef stick anyway
21:40 cy1 it doesn't dig so
21:40 cy1 how could it spleef
21:41 * VanessaE looks in
21:41 NekoGloop spleef blocks are special
21:41 NekoGloop they have spleef group
21:41 cy1 ah, huh
21:41 NekoGloop the spleefing arena has these blocks
21:41 cy1 spleefing is dumb anyway
21:42 NekoGloop spleefing is fun
21:42 saschaheylik damn godcraft is taken -.-
21:43 NekoGloop especially when you're the reigning champion like i was for at least 5 days
21:43 saschaheylik every name remotely related to minecraft is taken by a damn minecraft server
21:43 NekoGloop lol
21:43 NekoGloop tfarcenim?
21:44 VanessaE so you're saying minecraft is a farce? ;-)
21:44 bulletrul joined #minetest
21:45 BackupCoder joined #minetest
21:45 OldCoder joined #minetest
21:47 cy1 lame2dspritescraft
21:47 NekoGloop lol
21:47 VanessaE that's minetest ;)
21:47 cy1 we need a solid GL game engine in C :/
21:48 saschaheylik GL game engine?
21:48 saschaheylik .. graphics engine?
21:48 saschaheylik liek ogre rather than irrlicht?
21:48 cy1 No, game engine... yeah
21:48 saschaheylik *like
21:49 cy1 well, ogre or irrlicht
21:49 saschaheylik thats a render engine
21:49 cy1 the closest I can find is that Quake engine.
21:49 saschaheylik nah ogre looks better than quake
21:49 cy1 "looks better"
21:49 saschaheylik irrlicht maybe too
21:49 cy1 C++ sucks :(
21:49 saschaheylik lol
21:49 saschaheylik no
21:50 saschaheylik but whatever
21:50 saschaheylik opinions
21:51 cy1 #include <string> template<class T> class Answer { private: std::string NotActuallyPrivate; public: std::string answer() { return "yes it does"; } };
21:51 cy1 but yeah, opinions
21:54 cy1 In my opinion
21:54 cy1 C++ sucks all the fun out of programming
21:55 cy1 which is entirely the opposite of what game programming should do.
21:57 bas080 cubic + modular = cubilar, mobic, cubilar, bicular <<<some ideas for names. But I learned to like the name "minetest" It's not the name but the content that counts in my opinion
21:58 bas080 cubicular
21:58 NekoGloop how about "letswaittillitsfinished"
22:00 bas080 As a modder i hope it will never be finished. Eventually we'll be playing minetest with google glasses and some weird touch simulating glove
22:01 bulletrul vannESA HOW R U A MOD AND I JOINED WAY B4 U LOL?
22:01 bulletrul jk
22:01 VanessaE ...
22:01 NekoGloop she asked nicely
22:01 VanessaE I didn't ask!
22:01 NekoGloop and gave c55 flowers ;)
22:01 VanessaE someone else volunteered me :-)
22:02 NekoGloop close enough
22:02 bulletrul lol vannessa im just kidding lol
22:02 bas080 Good things happen too good people. :P
22:02 bulletrul anyone else like a skylit drive
22:03 NekoGloop wouldnt know, havent ripped the top off of my car ;)
22:03 Cristiano-CM joined #minetest
22:03 bulletrul xD its a band
22:03 NekoGloop oh lol
22:05 bulletrul on a quest you cant survive ts no suprise
22:05 bas080 I don't listen to hipster music :P
22:05 NekoGloop bas080: want my medium/large tools mod?
22:05 bulletrul lol its more post hardcore aka scremo
22:06 vicscandl bleh, real work sucks
22:06 bas080 vicscandl, i tend to call my procrastanation thinking long and "hard"
22:07 bulletrul
22:07 NekoGloop bas080: Do you?
22:08 bas080 Yes i sometimes do think.
22:08 NekoGloop "bas080: want my medium/large tools mod?"
22:08 NekoGloop Do you?
22:09 bas080 Oww, not really.. i'm more into adding game elements. Things that add goals and achievements to the game
22:09 bas080 and literally games like chess.
22:09 bulletrul what ever happend to jordan4ibanes
22:11 bas080 NekoGloop... have you been working on a mod lately?
22:11 NekoGloop alchemy but I scrapped it
22:11 sdzen what?!
22:11 sdzen why did you scrap it you worked so hard
22:12 bas080 NekoGloop: Are you gonna do that another time? Why did you scrap it?
22:12 NekoGloop because its too complicated
22:12 NekoGloop not only for me but minetest
22:15 bas080 I'm sure you can achieve it all. It just takes patients and trying to think things threw. Just take your time. The nice thing about modding here is that there are no deadlines.
22:15 NekoGloop maybe I'll pick it up again but for now it's a 90-line comment
22:16 NekoGloop excuse me, 274-line comment
22:17 bas080 NekoGloop likes to keep it simple :P
22:17 VanessaE bbl
22:18 NekoGloop lol
22:18 NekoGloop well if I had any support whatsoever from the channel
22:19 bulletrul guesss im gonna play some duke3d and turok dinosour
22:20 NekoGloop Before i decide to release my sized-up tools, should I add moreores and gloopores tools to the mix?
22:24 NekoGloop Aaaaaanyone?
22:25 sdzen optional
22:25 sdzen always optional
22:25 NekoGloop well then I
22:25 NekoGloop will need help for making a config file
22:25 sdzen as in dont add a dependency to the depends txt
22:25 NekoGloop and this enter key is pissing me off
22:29 bas080 alchemy and chemistry are two seperate things. Alchemy is not an exact science. It did however lead to some interesting finds. For example black powder invented by the chinese
22:30 bas080 There are several alchemy experiments which you could replecate in the minetest world.
22:30 bas080 nekogloop please share your comments
22:30 bulletrul joined #minetest
22:30 PilzAdam joined #minetest
22:30 NekoGloop Pastebin, here i come
22:30 NekoGloop Be warned, pastebin servers
22:31 PilzAdam whats up guys?
22:31 NekoGloop
22:31 bas080 HeY PilzAdam, i was near germany. Luxemburg to be exact.
22:31 bas080 Cool
22:32 NekoGloop It's a lot of code that is just daunting to try to look at
22:32 PilzAdam NekoGloop, the whole code is a comment
22:32 khonkhortisan my rail is too long for my double not circuit
22:32 NekoGloop That's because I commented it out
22:32 servvs joined #minetest
22:32 NekoGloop so that I didnt have a lot of random crap in my game
22:34 bas080 Fusion reactions belongs more to the science of physics. Alchemy is more crude which i think fits the minetest world better and it also has a lower learning curve for the players.
22:34 NekoGloop ok fine
22:34 NekoGloop that's why I dont want to work on it :P
22:35 bulletrul joined #minetest
22:35 saschaheylik NekoGloop: haha
22:36 NekoGloop Anyone help me with making moreores/gloopores optional in my mod?
22:36 PilzAdam bas080, you were 373km away from my home
22:37 NekoGloop ...
22:37 bas080 NekoGloop, ok... I understand if you preffer physics or chemistry and if you want it to be educative you should check out your schoolbooks. They break it down real good. I assume you (still) have them.
22:37 NekoGloop I have not obtained them yet ;P
22:38 bulletrul joined #minetest
22:42 bas080 NekoGloop, wikipedia works but it doesn't always break it down.
22:43 saschaheylik yes you do
22:43 NekoGloop nope
22:43 saschaheylik you want to do the med
22:43 saschaheylik *mod
22:43 NekoGloop no i dont
22:44 saschaheylik next time you close your eyes, even for just a split second, you will see yourself wanting to do the mod
22:44 bulletrul i think i gotta find my usb drive im pretty sick of fuduntu
22:44 saschaheylik bulletrul: get arch
22:45 NekoGloop I just blinks
22:45 NekoGloop blinked*
22:45 NekoGloop I dont want to do the mod
22:45 saschaheylik the feeling of wanting to do the mod is getting stronger with every blink and every breath
22:45 bas080 NekoGloop, i hear you, i'm the one preaching about taking your time before you start something. No pressure bud
22:46 bulletrul dont have a very good internet connection
22:50 bulletrul damnit i cant find it gotta keep searcing
22:52 PilzAdam in 20 years, when we transfer our datas wireless over the whole world, we will think back and say: "What a stupid idea, this USB"
22:53 bulletrul brb
22:53 NekoGloop and there will be people who say:
22:53 NekoGloop "This is so retro, it's cool"
22:53 PilzAdam there will be a WEN: Wireless Earth Network
22:53 NekoGloop yup
22:54 PilzAdam sponsored by GOOGLE
22:54 NekoGloop and you have to pay $1000 for each day you want to use it
22:54 PilzAdam no, you have to pay only your privacy
22:55 NekoGloop lol
22:55 leo_rockway when you don't pay for a service, you're the product.
22:55 PilzAdam the dollar will be lost in the war of the USA from 2014-2022
22:56 ray8888 joined #minetest
22:56 PilzAdam this last war war will kill the USA
22:56 ray8888 left #minetest
22:56 ray8888 joined #minetest
22:56 NekoGloop lol
22:56 ray8888 hey
22:57 NekoGloop You stayed this time lol
22:57 ray8888 yup
22:58 NekoGloop "this last war war will kill the USA" stay because you were mentioned?
22:58 * PilzAdam thinks that ray8888 dont stay long and reconnect for 3 times
22:59 * PilzAdam is just thinking about the future, NekoGloop
22:59 NekoGloop never mind
22:59 * PilzAdam likes it to talk in the 3rd person
22:59 * NekoGloop might kick PilzAdam, let's see what he does.
23:00 saschaheylik might?
23:00 ray8888 fight fight fight
23:00 saschaheylik intimidating.
23:00 * NekoGloop kicks ray8888
23:00 * PilzAdam will type "format d" in NekoGloop computer to delete the files that he didnt kill last time
23:00 NekoGloop you didnt delete any last time
23:00 ray8888 hey admin here so wach it
23:01 * PilzAdam thinks: "That you think until now"
23:01 NekoGloop you arent admin -HERE-
23:01 * PilzAdam and pushes the big red "DELETE" button
23:01 PilzAdam damn, the "and" is too much
23:02 * NekoGloop says he cut the wire
23:02 summonermw2 joined #minetest
23:02 * NekoGloop waits for PilzAdam to go all angry-german-kid on his keyboard
23:02 ray8888 well mt and i fixed that cobble
23:02 NekoGloop We heard
23:02 NekoGloop We always hear
23:02 NekoGloop Because we are listening
23:02 NekoGloop You are not safe
23:02 * vicscandl runs off for a few hours...
23:03 NekoGloop We know your secrets
23:03 NekoGloop You were never safe
23:03 * PilzAdam runs behind vicscandl
23:03 cy1 so, is anyone actually playing minetest then?
23:03 ray8888 yes im safe i have guns lots of guns
23:03 NekoGloop I'm testing a mod but no not really
23:03 PilzAdam NekoGloop, wich mod?
23:03 * jin_xi is not currently playing
23:04 NekoGloop workbenchcrafts, my medium/large tools mod
23:04 NekoGloop I figured out how to make the tools actually larger when wielded by the player
23:04 PilzAdam you found someone who wants to use it?
23:04 saschaheylik do we have anything gun-like yet?
23:04 ray8888 ***ray8888 shot a crow
23:04 PilzAdam saschaheylik, throwing mod
23:05 ray8888 gun mod to
23:06 MiJyn joined #minetest
23:06 PilzAdam saschaheylik, its very basic:
23:06 cy1 NekoGloop: so what, they just obscure more of the HUD?
23:06 NekoGloop well they actually obsure none of it
23:06 saschaheylik how good is it?
23:07 NekoGloop people were complaining that they werent actually bigger
23:07 PilzAdam it works
23:08 PilzAdam NekoGloop, make a GIANT tool with one hit just everything disapears
23:08 NekoGloop
23:08 NekoGloop There's actually a limit on how large tools can be rendered
23:09 NekoGloop And yes, I have an wide monitor
23:10 NekoGloop btw: you can see my large stone shovel texture at the bottom
23:10 NekoGloop i know it looks like crap so please dont comment on that
23:11 khonkhortisan hand-held tnt?
23:11 NekoGloop lol no
23:11 * PilzAdam comments on the texture
23:11 orbitaldecay joined #minetest
23:11 NekoGloop that's the large stone sword in my hands. Drawn at 2x scale on X and Y
23:12 PilzAdam whats the maximum?
23:13 NekoGloop well they stop rendering once they hit a certian X
23:13 NekoGloop for pickaxes 2x is too much, it chops off the tip of the pickaxe
23:14 sdzen joined #minetest
23:14 NekoGloop lemme get a pic
23:15 NekoGloop
23:15 NekoGloop that happens to pickaxes
23:16 khonkhortisan I see papyrus!
23:16 NekoGloop of course you do
23:16 NekoGloop my inventory is full atm in that world though
23:17 NekoGloop 3 stacks of papyrus lol
23:19 bas080 I'm gonna punch the hay zzzZZz
23:19 NekoGloop testing 1.75 too see the difference
23:19 NekoGloop to*
23:20 NekoGloop why would you punch the hay?
23:20 NekoGloop what could it have dont to you?
23:21 NekoGloop should I make Z larger as well for the tools?
23:23 NekoGloop btw: these tools arent all I hope to accomplish with this mod
23:27 NekoGloop hm... how many people will use this mod if it has gloopores/moreores compatibility that is optional?
23:28 leo_rockway what mod is this?
23:28 NekoGloop workbenchcrafts
23:28 NekoGloop unreleased
23:29 NekoGloop obvious requirement: workbench mod
23:30 leo_rockway what kind of crafts?
23:31 NekoGloop currently: medium and large tools
23:31 NekoGloop which are both actually larger and more powerful
23:33 leo_rockway I can't say I'm very interested in those atm.
23:34 NekoGloop fine be a party-pooper
23:37 leo_rockway I was being a party pooper without your permission, thank you very much.
23:38 jin_xi this is a pretty poopy party atm anyway
23:38 NekoGloop watch out we got a badass over here @ leo_rockway
23:39 leo_rockway \o/
23:43 NekoGloop lol
23:54 PilzAdam Carts and farming mod is now on GitHub:
23:54 * VanessaE is back
23:57 NekoGloop VanessaE: Want me to eventually put my medium/large tools up for download?
23:57 VanessaE medium/large tools?
23:57 NekoGloop yus, made with workbench mod
23:58 NekoGloop will have moreores/gloopores compatibility (which can be disabled in config.lua) as soon as I get textures finished

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