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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-07-24

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:07 FreeFull But minetest does have creative
00:08 VanessaE FreeFull: install my 64px one :-)
00:10 khonkhortisan I played minecraft demo on a tablet because I was away from my computer, and minetest does have some differences
00:36 FreeFull I like noemoe's rabbit
00:45 vicscandl joined #minetest
01:04 OWNSyouAll joined #minetest
01:07 vicscandl when he can't use my laptop to play MT, my son plays MC on our kindle fire
01:10 vicscandl he tells me that MC is "weaksauce" compared to a vanilla MT server... dropping madblocks on him tonight
01:10 vicscandl 8.75yo kids say the damnedest things i tell you....
01:18 NakedFury any reason for his comparison?
01:20 vicscandl well, the MC is pocket MC vs the real thing
01:21 vicscandl i've never played MC other than that, i prefer MT
01:21 vicscandl this is 100% better than legos and don't fucking hurt cause i can't step on these blocks when going to pee at night.
01:40 VanessaE get UnifiedBricks and coloredwoods :-)
01:40 VanessaE plus blox and bobblocks.  Together, they add LOTS of colored blocks
01:40 NakedFury that must be what he means by painting program
01:40 VanessaE yeah, zzzz
01:41 VanessaE everyone uses it like that - it's just a different set of "colors" is all
01:49 mrdragons joined #minetest
02:00 EtherNet joined #minetest
02:05 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest
02:05 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest
02:05 sciopa joined #minetest
02:07 EtherNet joined #minetest
02:08 apostrophe joined #minetest
02:18 KrayonWork joined #minetest
02:22 cisoun joined #minetest
02:56 vicscandl joined #minetest
02:56 vicscandl joined #minetest
03:08 vicscandl joined #minetest
03:30 GTRsdk joined #minetest
03:39 Joschasa_ joined #minetest
03:55 GTRsdk joined #minetest
04:01 Viking667 joined #minetest
04:01 Viking667 ooooooo wow.
04:01 VanessaE ?
04:02 Viking667 sorry, just trying to get my head around why "Home" keeps firing up quicktune: Selected nothing
04:02 Viking667 ... as I'm using "Home" to do Jump.
04:03 VanessaE odd
04:04 Viking667 not for me. You'll see why in a moment.
04:05 Viking667 I have my mouse in my left hand, and move around in world using my right hand. Stuff reaching across the keyboard to the wasd keys, and they're not even IN the conventional places anyhow. (dvorak keyboard)
04:05 Viking667 so, I use cursor keys to move, and the little keypad above to do stuff like Jump, Crouch, etc etc.
04:06 Viking667 does it make sense now?
04:10 VanessaE *nod*
04:16 Viking667 now, how do I set "Fly" on a single-player world?
04:18 VanessaE /grant singleplayer fly,fast
04:20 Viking667 whew. Now, where on earth do I find more of those commands? /help doesn't seem to show me too many lines at once.
04:23 VanessaE that I can't remember :-)
04:32 Viking667 hm. How do I set the current time?
04:32 Viking667 never mind, found out
04:34 Viking667 ... ambiguous. /time morning, /time evening, /time 06:00, /time 12:00 all do the same thing - reset the moon to the highest point in the sky.
04:34 VanessaE /time 6000
04:34 VanessaE sunrise
04:35 VanessaE sunset
04:35 VanessaE etc.
04:35 vicscandl joined #minetest
04:35 Viking667 oh.
04:35 VanessaE er, /time 1800 = sunset
04:41 cornernote what do we replace minetest.craftitem_eat() with ?
04:42 VanessaE dunno, never used that
04:44 cornernote minetest.register_node("bedrock:bedrock", {  -- triggers an error... Name bedrock:bedrock does not follow naming conventions: "modname:" or ":" prefix required
04:44 cornernote seems odd, it looks right to me
04:45 cornernote ahh, i see.... the folder name has to be the same
04:52 Viking667 what on earth is mese?
04:53 cornernote minetest.item_eat()
05:02 cornernote i just loaded every mod i could find
05:02 cornernote ones that didnt work i fixed
05:04 cornernote ok, done... it created almost 7,000 json files
05:04 cornernote then crashed with Access Violation
05:04 cornernote lol
05:04 Viking667 ugh. messy.
05:05 Viking667 What on earth were you trying to do? create a black hole?
05:06 cornernote GameWiki - -
05:07 cornernote trying to see whats in the black hole
05:07 cornernote dozens of ppl make mods, docs/craft guides/etc are all over the place
05:08 cornernote this allows a server admin to harvest their items/crafts, then show them on a public wiki page
05:20 Viking667 hm. Is there such a thing as a work bench?
05:21 cornernote Viking667, in what context?
05:21 cornernote you craft things by pressing I
05:21 cornernote then use the 3x3 grid
05:21 Viking667 well, I'm not in creative mode.
05:22 Viking667 oh, right. yeah. doh
05:22 cornernote eg, get a tree... put it in a slot in the 3x3, you get wood back
05:23 Viking667 so. Pet a tree, put it, and pluck the results, hmm?
05:24 cornernote correct =)
05:25 Viking667 nhm. Now I've got to go find the coal...
05:25 Viking667 and some iron ore.
05:25 cornernote there is also a craft table mod, but its not used by many/any other mods
05:25 Viking667 heh.
05:25 cornernote allows a 4x4 and 5x5 craft table
05:33 MiJyn joined #minetest
05:35 jin_xi joined #minetest
05:40 cornernote joined #minetest
05:43 cornernote wow, i just loaded it again, and it ran!
05:44 cornernote like a zillion mods
05:45 cornernote ahhh, desert mod eats all my dirt
05:47 jin_xi hey, i'm working on a mob for deserts
05:47 jin_xi it's the wobbly cactus guy from smb2
05:52 Japa_werk joined #minetest
05:53 Someguy123 cornernote, why not just a normal wiki
05:53 Someguy123 rather than some crazy hacked-together bootstrap site?
06:00 cornernote SomeGuy, sure, but you have to populate the data, create links, etc
06:00 cornernote with pure php was just a few lines to make the pages work using a simple SQLite3 db
06:01 GTRsdk jin_xi: do you have it working?
06:04 jin_xi not yet. its a test for 3d mobs made out of individual entities
06:05 jin_xi moving around doesn't work so well atm
06:54 cornernote joined #minetest
06:54 cornernote hey, i was wondering if its possible to extract the inventory image as a png ?
07:13 cornernote joined #minetest
07:13 cornernote sorry, i keep dropping out
07:13 cornernote was wondering if there is a way to extract the inventory image to a png ?
07:28 VanessaE dunno
07:28 VanessaE I just use the screenshot key :-)
07:29 VanessaE bbl, bedtime
07:29 cornernote ss * a zillion
07:29 cornernote night
07:33 sfan5 joined #minetest
07:37 Calinou joined #minetest
07:54 cy1 cornernote: check debug.txt and it should show you which file in .minetest/Cache/ is the inventory image.
07:55 cy1 may be a multi-tile image
07:55 cy1 (can inventory do that?)
08:01 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
08:06 Calinou joined #minetest
08:24 sfan5 joined #minetest
08:35 cornernote ahh, cool, i see them in cache
08:37 cornernote they dont seem to be the 3d image tho
08:39 cornernote eg, the nodebox image
08:39 cornernote stairs just look like a square 16x16 or 32x32
08:41 Calinou the inventory cube is neither 16x16 nor 32x32
08:42 Calinou it's some hardcoded 3D render generation
08:44 Viking667 hm. Stairs. I don't think I've seen those yet.
08:45 Viking667 Ohhhh, THAT'S right. I can test Linux's performance on minetest, if it'll run under Linux, that is.
08:46 cornernote what is the new param type to use for light_propagates ?
08:46 Calinou <Viking667> hm. Stairs. I don't think I've seen those yet.
08:47 Calinou opensourcist level 200
08:47 Viking667 's a mod, right?
08:47 Calinou stairs is a mod included in the default game
08:47 Calinou (minetest_game, not minimal)
08:47 Viking667 interesting. I wasn't aware of that.
08:48 Calinou tip: my stairsplus mod adds more types of stairs, upside down stairs/slabs and more:
08:48 cornernote shameless plug
08:48 cornernote =)
08:49 cornernote his mod really is good tho .. should be part of default .. same as moreores
08:52 Viking667 hmmm... Yum's copy of minetest is old.
08:53 Viking667 i.e. 0.3.1
08:53 cornernote what do these things do?  -  {snappy=2,choppy=3,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2}
08:53 cornernote Viking667, what OS are you on ?
08:53 Viking667 Fedora.
08:53 Viking667 well, several, actually. But Fedora is the one I'm currently typing on.
08:53 cornernote compiling from source using linux was soooo easy
08:53 Viking667 no doubt.
08:54 Viking667 but as it is, i've still got to install the prerequisites
08:54 Japa_werk joined #minetest
08:54 cornernote latest source has a huge fix that lets you load a lot more mods at once, and tons of other fixes
08:54 cornernote if you can, you should compile
08:54 Viking667 roger. is that in 0.4.1?
08:54 cornernote no, it wasnt included in 0.4.1 :(
08:55 Calinou <Viking667> well, several, actually. But Fedora is the one I'm currently typing on.
08:55 Calinou fedora, lol
08:55 Calinou <Viking667> hmmm... Yum's copy of minetest is old.
08:55 Viking667 now that IS interesting.
08:55 Calinou that's normal
08:55 Calinou cornernote> his mod really is good tho .. should be part of default .. same as moreores
08:55 Calinou <celeron55> NO
08:55 cornernote lol
08:55 Calinou <26Viking667> roger. is that in 0.4.1?
08:55 Calinou (color fail)
08:55 cornernote well, thats why we have mods i guess
08:56 Calinou ^ that'll be problematic; lots of servers will run on git, people with 0.4.1 will not be able to connect
08:56 Calinou even if protocol checking is disabled
08:56 Viking667 heh.
08:56 cornernote someone will release new binaries
08:56 Viking667 It seems I haven't got the source... but that's on the way down
08:56 cornernote heck, i have windows ones compiled... use mine
08:57 cornernote takes 10 mins to compile now, sound and all
09:00 Viking667 Ooookay. Let's go for the source, now I've got the prerequisites.
09:00 Viking667 Do I point at the github, or grab tarball?
09:04 vicscandl joined #minetest
09:04 vicscandl joined #minetest
09:06 cornernote you can git clone it, or download the tarball
09:06 cornernote if you dont plan to edit the source then just get the tarball
09:07 Viking667 I ... may need the source.
09:07 cornernote you will get it in the tarball
09:07 cornernote thats ALL you get =)
09:11 Viking667 mrm. Editable sources. I may need to post back fixes
09:14 cornernote then clone
09:15 cornernote you get the same thing
09:15 cornernote the only difference is you cant commit back unless you clone
09:15 Viking667 right.
09:15 cornernote well, its harder for c55 to get other peoples changes
09:16 cornernote you can do a lot with mods, without needing to change the minetest "engine"
09:17 cornernote have a look through the forum to see what people are doing with mods... theres some really cool stuff going on
09:17 Viking667 roger.
09:17 Viking667 ... but at least let me get the stuff clone.
09:18 cornernote sure, if you are already familiare with git, etc.. go for it
09:19 cornernote tarball is easier for most people... i did a build on linux (my 1st compile of minetest ever) and it took ~20mins, including all the downloads and stuff
09:19 cornernote was like 4 or 5 commands and it was done
09:19 alpha_one_x86 joined #minetest
09:19 alpha_one_x86 Hello, I had profiling minetest to know where is slow here
09:20 alpha_one_x86 I can send the file?
09:20 jin_xi maybe paste it somewhere
09:21 Viking667 Yeah, well I'm not exactly sure how long it took to grab pre-requisites. Wouldn't have taken more than about two minutes for each.
09:24 brobostigon good morning everyone.
09:25 Viking667 hm. Can (or should) I simply copy gamedata from my Windows installation into the local Linux directory?
09:25 alpha_one_x86
09:25 jin_xi morning
09:26 cornernote Viking667, yeah that will work.. or you can grab the latest from c55's github
09:26 jin_xi alpha_one: 403
09:26 cornernote its called minetest-game or minetest_game
09:26 Viking667 right.  git clone minetest_game, right?
09:26 khor joined #minetest
09:27 alpha_one_x86 fixed
09:27 Viking667 ... up a directory from where minetest got cloned to?
09:27 Viking667 i.e. I've got /home/me/src/minetest, do I also need /home/me/src/minetest_game  ?
09:27 darkrose clone it into games/.
09:28 Viking667 uh. Right.
09:28 cornernote ok, took HOURS ... but i loaded every mod i could find... then loaded the game to extract everything
09:28 Viking667 done.
09:28 cornernote
09:29 cornernote now i just need to get the 3d inventory image
09:29 cornernote any tips on that darkrose ?
09:30 cornernote how to get the image that appears in your inventory, and save it to an image file
09:30 darkrose give up or learn C++
09:31 cornernote i can do a little C++ , but i just have a simple task and im not sure where to start
09:31 cornernote any chance its something you can help me with ?  ;)
09:32 cornernote maybe something like this...
09:32 cornernote can you screenshot a section of the screen ?
09:33 Viking667 any chance I should be running this standalone instead of installing it under normal home in /usr/local/?
09:33 cornernote i could make a big inventory page with next button, and take screengrabs manually
09:33 cornernote then make a script to grab the region with the thumb
09:33 cornernote i just dont like the manual part
09:34 cornernote rather it be something i code once and run whenever i want
09:34 cornernote also, screengrab wont name them :(
09:34 cornernote or i could try render it in some fancy 3d web thing using the object properties i collected
09:35 cornernote parse the nodebox  ..  lol
09:35 cornernote looking at something like a chair -
09:36 cornernote well, i guess the craft_guide and creative_inventory mods will have to be used to see the inventory image ingame .. cant see an easy way to get the inventory image
09:39 Viking667 how do I "feed" the Cmake process a define? I want to make this a RUN_IN_PLACE when it compiles up.
09:39 Viking667 ... but I'm not familiar with cmake.
09:42 darkrose step 1: read the README, step 2: do what you just read
09:43 Japa_werk step 3: use google.
09:46 Calinou Viking667, cmake . -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1
09:46 Calinou see the readme
09:47 Calinou <alpha_one_x86>
09:47 Calinou aka: don't deal with 403s, use real uploading services
09:47 alpha_one_x86 How I move from my inventory to the bottom bar?
09:47 Viking667 gah. Sorry. Just got to the line.
09:48 Calinou open inventory > move the items using left/right mouse button
09:48 Viking667 Multitasking really isn't my strong point.
09:48 saddy joined #minetest
09:48 Calinou (you can click-reclick or click-hold to move items)
09:48 Calinou opensourcist level 1500
09:48 alpha_one_x86 To the bottom bar (to use it)
09:49 Calinou the "bottom bar" is the "hotbar".
09:49 alpha_one_x86 I have found, it's the top line, hightlight can be usefull
09:49 Calinou it is represented, unlike minecraft, by the TOP row of your inventory
09:50 Calinou not the bottom one
09:52 sfan5 joined #minetest
09:53 Viking667 Yup. Found that out the hard way. Heh.
09:53 alpha_one_x86 The light system it's few buggy (light of the sky not work),  only the ambiante occlusion
09:54 alpha_one_x86 I not found into the wiki the info about the map deph
09:55 alpha_one_x86 I can't create in creative mode, and have not a door
09:59 Viking667 compiled, and it wasn't even ten minutes.
10:02 Viking667 ahhh. But will it run.
10:02 TLP|AFK joined #minetest
10:08 Viking667 well, it works, at least at the front menu.
10:08 saddy joined #minetest
10:09 Viking667 now, KEY_ENTER or KEY_RETURN  ?
10:10 vicscandl joined #minetest
10:10 vicscandl joined #minetest
10:15 alpha_one_x86 How get my position?
10:18 Calinou F5 > shows debug info
10:18 Calinou alpha_one_x86, look at the top left of your screen
10:18 Calinou coordinates show up like this: (X, Y, Z)
10:18 Calinou Y being altitude
10:19 Gizmokid2005 joined #minetest
10:19 Calinou alpha_one_x86, you cannot craft anything in creative mode; I advise not using it and use /give or /giveme instead.
10:19 Calinou to fly/move faster you need the fast/fly privileges: /grant singleplayer all
10:19 Calinou <alpha_one_x86> The light system it's few buggy (light of the sky not work),  only the ambiante occlusion
10:19 Calinou there is a day-night cycle
10:23 alpha_one_x86 Then I'm at -750 for Y
10:23 alpha_one_x86 no, home with sky is obscure at day
10:23 alpha_one_x86 (like cavern)
10:24 alpha_one_x86 I have just put the wall
10:24 Viking667 nice. Sound is even better than under Windows.
10:25 Viking667 Anyhow, time I bailed for the night.
10:29 saddy joined #minetest
10:33 jordach joined #minetest
10:33 vicscandl joined #minetest
10:33 vicscandl joined #minetest
10:35 khor How get my position in version 0.4 ? I see nothing at the top of my screen comparatively at a previous version
10:36 darkrose f5
10:38 jordach good morning
10:43 khor joined #minetest
10:45 jordach VanessaE,
10:49 q66 joined #minetest
10:51 jordach redcrab, more pixel art coming your way
10:59 vicscandl joined #minetest
10:59 vicscandl joined #minetest
11:00 ttk2 joined #minetest
11:08 Gizmokid2005 joined #minetest
11:12 rsiska joined #minetest
11:13 rsiska Any progress on RedCrab 0.4 server? I'm getting home sick :D
11:14 vicscandl joined #minetest
11:14 vicscandl joined #minetest
11:15 jordach rsiska, the server is back up
11:15 jordach 30401 is operational now
11:15 rsiska huzzah! (sorry, can't try it right now to find out by myself)
11:15 jordach there ya go
11:16 jordach i tested yesterday
11:25 vicscandl joined #minetest
11:25 vicscandl joined #minetest
11:32 vicscandl joined #minetest
11:32 vicscandl joined #minetest
11:33 Calinou joined #minetest
11:34 jordach Calinou,
11:34 Calinou nice
11:35 jordach half an hour well spent
11:35 jordach (and about 300 blocks too)
11:36 jordach 672 blocks
11:37 jordach the program i use is a combination between gimp and spritecraft
11:37 jordach (is a java app that converts images into pixel art)
11:37 jordach brb
11:42 jordach Calinou, sucks to be you
11:42 jordach celeron55[…]ot_3059758902.png
11:42 jordach 00:36basically the same as the 11-color wool mod, but adds dark grey, pink, dark green and violet
11:43 jordach wool mod will become part of minetest_game!
11:47 KrayonWork jordach: Did you mean :P
11:47 jordach yes
11:48 vicscandl joined #minetest
11:48 vicscandl joined #minetest
11:56 Japa_werk_ joined #minetest
12:02 Calinou <jordach> wool mod will become part of minetest_game!
12:03 Calinou with silly crafting recipes?
12:04 Calinou ^ basically... minecraft wool colors, but without the light blue
12:05 vicscandl joined #minetest
12:05 vicscandl joined #minetest
12:12 Japa_werk joined #minetest
12:22 Japa_werk_ joined #minetest
12:23 jordach Calinou, it will be using celerons own dyes
12:24 Calinou how will it work?
12:24 jordach <celeron55> basically, if someone wants to make a colorable block or item, it will be colorable with any dye as long as it can be colored with any of basecolor_*, excolor_* or unicolor_*, the colored variations needed being up to the one making it; to fully support all dyes, either 9, 17 or 89 colors
12:25 cornernote and the author needs to make all the images? or there is some kind of built in filter you can use ?
12:25 Calinou filters are bad mkay?
12:25 jordach celeron will probably do something about it
12:25 Calinou "9, 17 or 89"
12:25 Calinou ^ huh
12:26 Calinou jordach, where can I find irc logs?
12:26 Calinou the ones in #minetest-delta 404
12:26 Calinou erm, NVM
12:26 jordach
12:27 jordach and check near the end of yesterday around 2200 hours
12:28 vicscandl joined #minetest
12:29 vicscandl joined #minetest
12:37 jordach Calinou, the wool mod, coded on a broken laptop, had cheap (but lovable) textures, random colour choice and random crafting, is being included in minetest_game
12:40 vicscandl joined #minetest
12:52 SpeedProg joined #minetest
12:54 Calinou :D
12:54 Calinou we need parts of moreblocks in vanilla game
12:54 Calinou > change cobble texture to REAL FUCKING COBBLE
12:54 Calinou > stone bricks, horizontal trees, glow glass (different recipe?), stone squares
12:54 jordach YES
12:55 NakedFury joined #minetest
13:07 jordach Calinou points to his signiture, SELF ADS are bad
13:07 jordach i never pushed wool that mucvh
13:07 jordach much
13:11 jordach metals is FINALLY FIXED
13:12 vicscandl joined #minetest
13:12 vicscandl joined #minetest
13:15 Calinou can someone request an unban of me in #minetest-dev?
13:15 FreeFull Why were you banned?
13:16 Calinou ask celeron55
13:16 Calinou (no real reason, seriously)
13:17 Calinou also, he wanted a changelog, I have one
13:19 vicscandl joined #minetest
13:19 vicscandl joined #minetest
13:21 jin_xi ok, i've done it...
13:21 jin_xi cactusguy, a 3d mob
13:22 Calinou inb4 "mob block"
13:28 jin_xi if you're interested.
13:29 jin_xi he moves around randomly every now and then or if you hit him.
13:30 vicscandl joined #minetest
13:30 vicscandl joined #minetest
13:31 Calinou ah, an entity
13:32 ttk2 joined #minetest
13:35 cisoun joined #minetest
13:37 vicscandl joined #minetest
13:37 vicscandl joined #minetest
13:37 vicscandl yawn
13:37 Calinou nway
13:38 vicscandl yep, just about
13:46 * jordach is going to hate this image upload
13:46 jordach 13 images
13:46 * jordach summons his bassy headphones
13:53 * jordach is not distracted by the jokes on imgur
13:53 * jordach is now though
13:54 vicscandl joined #minetest
13:54 jordach vicscandl, please clost the channel tab
13:54 jordach s/clost/close
13:56 vicscandl sorry yall...
13:56 vicscandl out
13:56 vicscandl left #minetest
13:57 vicscandl joined #minetest
14:00 jordach great
14:00 jordach ubuntu 1204 lts is finally going at 300 kbs rather than 4
14:00 jordach (5 days it said)
14:01 vicscandl joined #minetest
14:04 lollo64it joined #minetest
14:11 jordach VanessaE, NEW MOD GET
14:17 jordach ive already made an implementation of an in game mod downloader
14:18 jordach (downloads zip, extracts, installs, shuts server down)
14:18 cornernote wow, nice
14:18 jordach currently weights around 1-2 mb
14:18 jordach zip de-compression
14:18 cornernote how does it get the meta info/url ?
14:18 jordach (im using a local server)
14:19 jordach so it reads the files contained
14:19 cornernote and do you have to reload the game for the new mod to work ?
14:19 jordach yes
14:19 jordach thats the admin bit#
14:19 cornernote damn
14:19 jordach i cant release it since its huge and slow
14:19 cornernote i think we need a standard way of releasing mods
14:19 jordach de-compressing (with a single thread) takes 3-4 mins
14:20 cornernote eg, everyone who releases a mod must use github .. or whatever.. but something standard
14:20 jordach metals has a prototype file sitting there
14:20 cornernote and a standard lisence for releases
14:20 jordach init.lua~
14:20 Japa_werk joined #minetest
14:20 jordach it reads the first three lines (which are comments)
14:20 cornernote i have 1000 mods, all with diff licenses, cant release some of them, even for free
14:21 jordach i build my mods for free
14:21 jordach SHIT
14:21 jordach forgot license
14:21 cornernote lol
14:21 cornernote see!
14:21 vicscandl free your code...
14:21 cornernote there should be some kind of template
14:21 cornernote even if its based on dwtfyw
14:21 vicscandl ((kidding))
14:22 jordach its wtfpl as a license
14:22 Japa_werk__ joined #minetest
14:22 jordach vicscandl, my code is always free, then why would i give it to the forums
14:22 vicscandl jordach: i do like the wtfpl tho, mad funny
14:23 vicscandl damn the neighbors internet is lagging today
14:25 jordach vicscandl, if you lived next to me, then that would be funy
14:25 jordach because i eat tonnes of bandwidth
14:28 jordach VanessaE, what happened to the misterious mod move request post?
14:44 cisoun joined #minetest
14:46 jordach hi cisoun
14:47 vicscandl <-- southern california
14:50 cisoun sup
14:51 jin_xi entity based animated 3d mob
14:53 jin_xi it takes a while for them to spawn
14:56 jordach okay imgur
14:56 jordach do your worst
15:03 cisoun joined #minetest
15:06 MiJyn joined #minetest
15:14 blaze joined #minetest
15:17 Calinou joined #minetest
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16:15 triplei joined #minetest
16:24 SpeedProg joined #minetest
16:29 Gizmokid2005 joined #minetest
16:35 Calinou
16:35 Calinou O_o
16:35 Calinou it's still active... very slowly
16:43 mauvebic joined #minetest
16:47 afkael joined #minetest
16:50 VanessaE afternoon all
16:51 jordach hi VanessaE
16:52 VanessaE hi
17:00 Taoki[laptop] joined #minetest
17:02 MilanFIN joined #minetest
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17:37 Calinou
17:37 Calinou lol
17:48 MiJyn <Calinou>
17:48 MiJyn That's why I "dislike" (but stronger) c55
17:49 jordach MiJyn, its funny though
17:49 MiJyn yes, but very mean
17:49 jordach im also evil
17:49 jordach (humor wise)
17:50 MiJyn I would have much more reason saying that about him than him saying that about darkrose
17:51 darkrose oh stfu, it was funny
17:52 MiJyn idc what you took of it darkrose, I'm saying that c55 needs to look at the mirror a bit more, and see how terrible he is as a programmer
17:55 darkrose meh, MiJyn > /dev/null
17:57 jordach void MiJyn
17:57 jordach void mijyn()
17:57 jordach int darkrose
17:57 jordach using namespace std
17:58 NakedFury what did that fix?
17:59 jordach void NakedFury
17:59 MiJyn NF, nothing, just a few bugfixes
18:00 NakedFury if username = NakedFury give fly fast else do nothing. that needs to be added
18:00 MiJyn void darkrose(std::string line) {DEVNULL << line << std::endl;};
18:04 khonkhortisan username always = NakedFury but username not always == NakedFury
18:04 khonkhortisan and you can't give fly and fast at the same time
18:04 khonkhortisan and it's grant not give :)
18:05 NakedFury new special code just for me
18:05 rsiska joined #minetest
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18:06 rsiska jordach:  red crab down again, huh? :D
18:07 jordach rsiska, dunno
18:07 jordach was earlier
18:07 jordach redcrab, 30401 is dead again
18:08 VanessaE jordach: works for me?
18:08 jordach hmm
18:10 rsiska that's strange
18:10 VanessaE I just ran from my home out on the north side over to the spawn via the shortest road route
18:36 saschaheylik joined #minetest
18:41 * jordach now smells of pepperoni pizza
18:42 * darkrose grabs a slice of jordach
18:43 jordach go ahead darkrose, two left
18:43 jordach (its a 12 inch)
18:51 VanessaE I should revise the unifieddyes recipes (not the colors) to require the player to craft glass bottles to put the dyes into
18:51 VanessaE (won't affect any mods that depend on it, just adds a step on my end)
18:52 jordach and adds a ton more BS to a already BS mod
18:52 jordach you said you will only have around 11 colours
18:52 jordach YOU LIED
18:52 VanessaE wha?
18:53 jordach you said before about unified dyes will have about 11 colouyrs
18:53 jordach colours*
18:53 VanessaE I changed my mind. :-)
18:53 VanessaE and besides, no one says you have to use all 89 colors :-)
18:54 jordach and if you had not, no one would have moaned about this in -dev last night
18:54 VanessaE ha!
18:54 rsiska joined #minetest
18:55 NakedFury do you mix colors to create new colors?
18:55 NakedFury like blue and red to purple?
18:56 VanessaE yes
18:58 VanessaE (did anyone read the spec? :( )
18:58 jordach ya
18:58 jordach i skimmed it
19:09 VanessaE gone.
19:10 jordach :D
19:10 jordach wow
19:10 jordach im baking in this room
19:10 jordach (and no i cant open the window because the arms are broken)
19:13 jordach VanessaE, i release my metals mod today
19:13 jordach (fixed my bug
19:13 jordach well cactuz_pl did)
19:26 ttk2 joined #minetest
19:44 Jeija joined #minetest
20:03 MiJyn thanks to whoever did this!!
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20:21 VanessaE can smelting recipe use a stack of items as its input?
20:27 jordach no
20:27 jordach one = one slot
20:28 jordach MiJyn, o hai xfce
20:30 jordach funny
20:33 VanessaE damn :-/
20:40 SpeedProg joined #minetest
20:43 jordach im so bored
20:43 jordach what ta do
20:45 MiJyn joined #minetest
20:49 GTRsdk joined #minetest
21:14 khonkhortisan upright torches point NE, while upside-down torches point SE.
21:14 darkrose joined #minetest
21:16 MiJyn joined #minetest
21:19 jordach joined #minetest
21:19 khonkhortisan pong!
21:20 jordach ping!
21:20 khonkhortisan error: ping on wrong channel
21:20 khonkhortisan hey someone's here
21:20 jordach ikr
21:20 khonkhortisan does this look a little odd?
21:22 jordach khonkhortisan, thats a mod of somehting
21:22 VanessaE looks fine to me I guess
21:23 khonkhortisan I don't know who that is. The hard part is not slowing down the server processing everything
21:25 khonkhortisan there really isn't that much dirt in the world
21:25 khonkhortisan you can't build an underground house without a pickaxe
21:26 NakedFury I guess more dirt layers would be okay
21:26 NakedFury as you said at most there are like 5 layers of dirt before we reach stone
21:27 MiJyn too little
21:29 Taoki[laptop] joined #minetest
21:32 NakedFury I want to know if its possible to have the stone and dirt generation code on lua, I ask because I would like to create different layers of different rocks. the only way I would know possible would be to use myjins nether code and modify it
21:34 khonkhortisan you could find every dirt_with_grass and generate under it
21:35 khonkhortisan I just found a slab of dirt in a cave
21:37 roboman2444 joined #minetest
21:49 Fixer joined #minetest
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21:51 matthiaskrgr joined #minetest
21:52 aaronbarger1 do any of you know how to geet build acces on gameboom server
21:52 aaronbarger1 ?
21:52 matthiaskrgr left #minetest
21:53 Taoki[laptop]_1 joined #minetest
21:53 aaronbarger1 do yo know how to get build privs on minetest for the gameboom server
21:54 NakedFury yes
21:54 aaronbarger1 ca you hp me
21:54 aaronbarger1 help
21:54 NakedFury you need to have an account on gameboom network or something
21:55 aaronbarger1 i do but wen siignin it wont let me build
21:55 NakedFury they need to give you access ingame too
21:56 aaronbarger1 ik thats my problem i get n the gam but cant build
21:57 aaronbarger1 i really want privs bc it is a good server
21:59 aaronbarger1 is ther anyone else who can help
21:59 sdzen joined #minetest
22:00 aaronbarger1 do yo know how to get build privs on minetest for the gameboom server
22:02 aaronbarger1 is ther any good servers to go on anyone?
22:03 aaronbarger1 <nakedfury> do you knw any good servers
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22:06 jordach|tablet joined #minetest
22:06 aaronbarger1 joined #minetest
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22:07 NakedFury from the forums
22:08 aaronbarger1 i need help finding a server top lay
22:08 aaronbarger1 play
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23:00 vicscandl meep
23:07 VanessaE jordach|tablet:
23:07 VanessaE hate on me all you want, I don't care :-)
23:07 VanessaE hi vicscandl.
23:11 jin_xi i have updated the wobbly cactus guy.
23:11 jin_xi looks better than ever.
23:11 VanessaE oh?
23:12 jin_xi its smaller and wobbles more regularly. looks like a mob now.
23:12 VanessaE jin_xi: you should pull in that update ^^ and account for the used bottles
23:12 VanessaE cool
23:12 jin_xi next up it making it look at the player somehow.
23:12 VanessaE c55 wants "survival", this is close as dyes needs to get. :-)
23:12 jin_xi i have also thought i could make it split into segments as you hit it.
23:13 VanessaE video or screenshot? :-)
23:13 VanessaE link?  something I can see it with? ;_)
23:14 jin_xi just try it, i put zip links in the forum
23:14 VanessaE I will in just a bit
23:14 jin_xi use a fresh world if you dont want it littered by cacti
23:14 jin_xi your regular one, i mean
23:14 VanessaE right
23:15 jin_xi but wont crash
23:17 triplei joined #minetest
23:17 jin_xi also, entities can be non-cubes, i think, using visual_size
23:18 VanessaE you mean visual_scale?
23:19 jin_xi yep, sorry
23:19 VanessaE that just changes the overall size, but not the shape
23:19 VanessaE unless it takes more than one scale parameter?
23:19 jin_xi it can be a list with both x and y so i figured
23:19 VanessaE ooo
23:19 jin_xi i have thought what mob that would be useful for
23:20 jin_xi so far i have only a jellyfish
23:20 jin_xi maybe its swimming pattern could be done using rectangular tentacles :)
23:20 VanessaE heh
23:20 FreeFull No
23:20 FreeFull Give it a propeller
23:21 jin_xi rotation will only work in 90 degree steps with this method
23:21 jin_xi or animated texture i guess
23:22 jin_xi or maybe a snail which first retracts its eyes, then the rest of its body into the house when you hit it.
23:26 zak_ joined #minetest
23:27 zak_ zak_
23:31 cisoun joined #minetest
23:33 jin_xi bye all
23:33 VanessaE noooooo
23:39 GTRsdk joined #minetest
23:40 EtherNet guys, any good server online?
23:40 EtherNet cause the ones listed on the website don't work

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