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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2019-02-21

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Time Nick Message
00:23 rubenwardy
00:27 VanessaE rubenwardy: so get celeron55 to dust off his farmap code and fix it.....
00:28 VanessaE (though that guy's technique looks like it may be better)
00:28 diemartin joined #minetest-hub
00:42 Emerald2 joined #minetest-hub
00:43 Emerald2 joined #minetest-hub
02:28 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
02:30 fluxflux joined #minetest-hub
02:51 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
06:00 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
06:26 FrostRanger joined #minetest-hub
06:26 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
08:16 CWz joined #minetest-hub
08:51 ANAND From a reply to that article: SeaOfMemes has used another technique called bounding box to implement LOD, which is much better suited to voxel games than the technique described in the article
08:51 ANAND Here's an article on their bounding box implementation:
11:26 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
12:10 calcul0n joined #minetest-hub
12:17 entuland joined #minetest-hub
12:21 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
12:21 tenplus1 hi folks :)
12:25 Calinou rubenwardy: 0fps is nice because it uses the GIF I recorded here :P
12:25 tenplus1 hi Calinou
12:26 tenplus1 interestinglink
12:29 tenplus1 how's the performance hit though ?
12:31 Rafi59 joined #minetest-hub
12:32 tenplus1 hi Rafi
12:39 _Xenon joined #minetest-hub
12:39 tenplus1 o/ xenon
12:39 _Xenon Hey tenplus1
12:43 Rafi59 Hi tenplus1
12:44 tenplus1 hrm, seems leafdecay doesn't wanna work with my sakura's... can anyone see anything unusual:
13:25 tenplus1 sofar: you around ?
14:03 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
14:03 tenplus1 hi fussel
14:04 IhrFussel Why does register_on_dignode() TRIGGER when in reality the position is protected??
14:04 IhrFussel I thought the protection check would run BEFORE any node dig callback is called
14:04 tenplus1 the protection is called on_dig
14:04 tenplus1 hold on, lemmie check more
14:05 IhrFussel I have an event on my server that tells players to dig a certain node on the map ... and a player was able to get multiple rewards by digging a protected position
14:06 IhrFussel Great now I need to add protection checks to those callbacks
14:06 tenplus1 minetest.is_protected only returns a true/false value for player and position, the on_dig section is in default it seems
14:06 Hillbilly joined #minetest-hub
14:06 tenplus1 hi Hillbilly
14:09 IhrFussel So on_dignode() gets called before the protection check in default/builtin?
14:09 lumberJ hey tenplus1
14:10 tenplus1 hey lumberj
14:10 tenplus1 as far as I know the node is dug then protection check then returned back to norm if protected
14:10 IhrFussel That sounds inefficient to me
14:10 tenplus1 the special node you have on your server may require a minetest.is_protected() check in there someplace as well
14:10 tenplus1 buckets, beds, doors etc. all use the is_protected check as well
14:10 lumberJ either i'm thick or minetest_mods/simplecrafting_lib's furnace api isn't quite working
14:11 tenplus1 but yeah, inneficient
14:11 tenplus1 never used that mod lumber
14:11 lumberJ both are possiblities actually^ P
14:11 IhrFussel So the engine actually already removed the node from the map and THEN the server remembers to check if the position was even protected and if yes the server readds the missing node
14:12 lumberJ doesn't seem to be used much though it looks like it has a lot of potential for folks that want to get away from the crafting grid way
14:12 tenplus1 checking engine for protection reference
14:14 tenplus1
14:15 scr267 joined #minetest-hub
14:15 tenplus1 hi src
14:16 tenplus1 seems it does a protection check at the start of the dig function and the callbacks only when it's gone
14:16 tenplus1 what version of minetest you running fussel ?
14:17 IhrFussel ... register_on_dignode() gets definitely called on protected nodes
14:17 IhrFussel That's what I know
14:18 tenplus1 so weird, going by the code it shouldn't get that far... I dont get it
14:20 tenplus1 you could add an after_dig() function to the node to check for protection and if none found give player the award
14:20 tenplus1 would help :)
14:22 IhrFussel I cannot do that cause then I would have to add that to lots of nodes... what I basically do is checking in register_on_dignode() against a list of allowed nodes
14:22 tenplus1 we may need a dev to check this is suppose to happen
14:22 tenplus1 might be a bug
14:26 tenplus1 then again, it may be fixed in 5.0dev
14:31 scr267a joined #minetest-hub
14:34 calcul0n joined #minetest-hub
14:34 tenplus1 o/ calcul0n
14:43 lumberJ submitted an issue re the issue with simplecrafting_lib. hopefully there is some useful info there so someone smarter than me can quickly spot the problem :D
14:43 tenplus1 link me to the issue page
14:45 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
14:45 tenplus1 hi twoelk
14:45 twoelk o/
14:46 lumberJ tenplus1:
14:46 tenplus1 thanks :D
14:46 lumberJ thank you for taking a look, and being subtle about asserting you are smarter than me ;)
14:47 tenplus1 I'm not smart, just a different set of eyes
14:47 twoelk seen you have been playing with pink trees ;-P
14:47 tenplus1 a few players on server requested Sakura's to be added, took ages to do the textures, but now leafdecay isnt working for them... pah!
14:47 lumberJ i kid. thanks for taking a peek though
14:48 twoelk didn't the red trees mod have some?
14:48 lumberJ tenplus1 are you reworking sakura from redtrees or something completely different?
14:48 tenplus1 did they ? havent looked at that mod
14:48 tenplus1 I just added from scratch because I was asked by a few players in forum
14:48 lumberJ i have extracted it and am reworking it. leaf_decay was broke there too.
14:49 lumberJ if i recall, you just need to make a leaf_decay = 1 group
14:49 twoelk I think I saw a version by Gael somewhere in my archives
14:49 lumberJ and then there is some registration method in default
14:49 tenplus1
14:49 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
14:49 tenplus1 wn fussel
14:50 tenplus1 added the group, just seems to be flakey... works fine with ethereals birch tree's, but sakura's dont seem to decay:
14:51 lumberJ let me see if i can find my implementation
14:59 twoelk hmm, seems all redtree code got deleted :(  someone should readd a cleaned version
15:00 tenplus1 what else did it add ?
15:01 lumberJ i may have an original in one of my backups. i pretty much only downloaded it to rework the sakura
15:01 tenplus1 do you have a github page ?
15:02 lumberJ tenplus1, your implementation looks right as far as i can tell
15:02 lumberJ not sure why it wouldn't work
15:02 lumberJ unless the radius is off or something like that
15:02 tenplus1 yet when I chop all the wood it doesnt do a thing...  hrmmmm...  *deep thought*
15:03 lumberJ if you are asking me, i do have a github, but i haven't put anything recent on it--have become a bit of a code hermit :P
15:04 tenplus1 lol, I store everythign there just-in-case :P
15:04 tenplus1 my 3rd backup
15:05 lumberJ i don't have backups in 3 places, so i'm not too worried. a fire would be about the only thing that might do me in
15:05 * twoelk studies his copy of redtrees searching for code not belonging there
15:05 lumberJ but if that happens minetest mods would probably be the least of my worries
15:05 tenplus1 very true
15:05 lumberJ how are you likeing notabug?
15:05 lumberJ do you miss any features from github?
15:06 tenplus1 love it :) very fast, simple layout, does everything I ask :D
15:07 twoelk does it read your mind yet :D
15:07 tenplus1 only when I sleep :D
15:10 twoelk duh, no attachements in forum pm?
15:10 tenplus1 o.O trying to follow simplecrafting_lib code, it's all over
15:11 lumberJ yeah, its a bit wiggly
15:11 lumberJ the premade formspecs are nice though
15:11 tenplus1 does he actually register the furnace and autocrafter ? I dont see it
15:12 lumberJ no it just provides the backend basically
15:12 lumberJ formspec, processing actual craft
15:12 tenplus1 that's a tad silly, should be a debug function to enable those to play with
15:12 lumberJ you have to use the api to tie in the items to the mod
15:12 lumberJ yeah, that would be nice to have a basic default example of each built in type
15:13 tenplus1 some things seem to get over-complicated
15:13 tenplus1 but hey, if that's how he works :P
15:13 lumberJ agreed, i spent hours trying to debug. finally got to the point where i just couldn't anymore
15:14 tenplus1 this is why Hoppers mod is forked :)
15:14 * tenplus1 prefers his overly simple version
15:15 lumberJ the issues seems to be that the on_timer function tied to the furnace node timer only gets called once if a product is not produced. but i couldn't see any easy way to fix that without rewriting a chunk of how the mod works
15:16 lumberJ it would really be nice to have a better furnace implementation, which this would be...if it worked :P
15:16 tenplus1 yeah, I do like the idea of 2x input, 2x fuel and 4x output with maybe an overspill for buckets/vessels
15:16 tenplus1 then we could properly smelt things
15:17 lumberJ exactly
15:17 tenplus1 the current implementation of my PigIron mod requires intermediate crafting from iron to steel
15:18 tenplus1 archive is empty ?!?!
15:19 entuland joined #minetest-hub
15:19 tenplus1 hi entuland
15:19 twoelk ???? let me try again (stupid ftp)
15:20 twoelk try again
15:20 entuland hello there
15:20 tenplus1 yay, works now
15:21 twoelk phew
15:21 lumberJ hey entuland, was just thinking about you yesterday
15:22 tenplus1 ooh, you have doors added for sakura :D
15:22 twoelk not from me :)
15:23 twoelk I can't remember wether spawning worked in that version correctly though
15:24 lumberJ tenplus, about the leafdecay issue. is it possible you are testing on trees that were placed before you implemented the leafdecay?
15:24 twoelk do doublecheck for wierd code though
15:24 tenplus1 I grow the trees on a test world as I need them, lemmie double check
15:25 twoelk (and weird spelling)
15:26 twoelk <hint> would be nice if a fixed version got published again
15:26 tenplus1 nope, still the same... spelling is ok...
15:28 lumberJ tenplus: have your schemas been updated since implementation?
15:28 tenplus1 I added a new schem for the white flower sakura since mt caches schems and wouldnt do a proper replace feature
15:29 tenplus1 but in digging the sakura_tree node it should run the on_dig function that the leafdecay puts into effect and search for nearby tree, if not found decays the leaves
15:29 entuland what about, lumberJ?
15:29 twoelk sounds like interesting multicolored trees
15:29 lumberJ was thinking about putting your Rhotator mod to use in a game i'm working on
15:30 tenplus1 they appear in the biome all pink, but a 1 in 10 chance of growing a white sakura :D
15:30 entuland that would be very nice of you, lumberJ
15:30 lumberJ nice of you to make the mod :P
15:30 entuland my pleasure, it was mostly a selfish thrust there to be honest :P
15:31 lumberJ tenplus1 you could test it if you manually place the trunks and leaves around them and then cut the trunks
15:31 lumberJ then you would know it was the schemas if that works
15:32 lumberJ i think..unless there is something on the on_place that prevents that
15:32 tenplus1 tried that also :) pink and white leaves
15:32 lumberJ so it also doesn't work for the newer white sakura schema?
15:33 lumberJ thats definitely odd
15:34 twoelk the sakura wants to survive
15:34 twoelk maybe it's a relative of sapient pearwood?
15:35 tenplus1 yup, hardy tree :D
15:35 tenplus1 I'll convert the schem file to a table format, then I can control everything a little more easily :) m,ight help
15:35 lumberJ yeah, i usually prefer to do that even though theres probably a loss loading the mod
15:36 lumberJ but its easier to tweak on the fly
15:36 tenplus1 I store ethereal's tree schems in the global so I can add, place, tweak by replacements...
15:36 tenplus1 schem files are weird for now as a file
15:38 * twoelk imagines looking up and seeing lumberJ fluttering around a pink tree and tweaking it on the fly
15:38 lumberJ i wear my fairy costume for that
15:39 tenplus1 hehehe
15:39 twoelk ooh matching the color of the leaves?
15:39 tenplus1 wowser, 291byte schem file to 32kb .lua...  time to edit :DDD
15:43 lumberJ exactly, twoelk. helps me remain unseen
15:45 * twoelk tries to focus his imaginedcamera
15:51 tenplus1 sweet, 36kb down to 1.8kb :)
16:00 twoelk I wonder if it would be interesting to be able to change the color of an allready standing tree - like add expensive fertilizer to pink tree to change leafcolor to white
16:01 tenplus1 magical fertilizer mod :D coloured tree leaves... nice
16:02 twoelk but then the fertilizer would have to check wich leaves nearby punched trunk to effect ... hm
16:02 tenplus1 could check the leafdecay value of the trunk and only work within that radius
16:03 twoelk sounds like fun
16:03 FrostRanger joined #minetest-hub
16:04 tenplus1 yaaaaaay! sakura schem table works perfectly and with leaf replacements :) can delete .mts files
16:04 tenplus1 testing leafdecay
16:05 tenplus1 -.- works perfectly now... da faq is up with schem .mts files
16:09 lumberJ there they go
16:12 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
16:16 tenplus1 Ethereal NG git page updated, now using table schems instead of files, all works well :D
16:23 lumberJ lovely
16:24 tenplus1 :PP
16:25 lumberJ i bet you feel all anxious right now with nothing to fix
16:25 lumberJ what will you break next?
16:26 tenplus1 hehe, will think of something, until another request pops into the forums :D
16:26 tenplus1 andrey01 keeps asking for mobs with heads that move independently... not as easy as it looks
16:27 scr267 joined #minetest-hub
16:27 tenplus1 wb scr267
16:27 scr267 ty tenplus1
16:27 twoelk so only sakura doors missing :D
16:28 lumberJ lol, like heads spinning around like in the exorcist?
16:28 tenplus1 he wants it to be more like minecraft...
16:28 twoelk actually I would love that - it adds a lot
16:29 lumberJ tell him you need some of that microsoft money to make it happen
16:29 tenplus1 we have japanese panels in ethereal, would be nice to make sakura doors to go with them :D
16:29 scr267 tenplus1: I don't remember seeing those... Is that a new addition?
16:29 tenplus1 they';ve been in ethereal for a long time now...
16:29 twoelk would the head have to be an extra entity attached to the body or do we use bones?
16:30 tenplus1 they are called paper walls tho :D
16:30 * twoelk can't remember any mobs using rigged bones in mt
16:30 tenplus1 yeah, each mob would need an animated body and a static head with a different yaw/roll
16:30 scr267 Hum, I'll have to double check that.... I have ethereal on my server
16:31 tenplus1 the playeranim mod does it well for the player, but looks laggy, which is why i'm hesitant  to do it for every single mob
16:32 twoelk no ragdoll code done for irrlicht or in lua we could canibalize?
16:34 tenplus1 irrlicht can do a LOT more than what minetest uses it for :D
16:38 tenplus1 would be so nice to have a physics style engine in there :) so many fancy effects with dropped items and mining
16:55 tenplus1 :P it could possibly be done
16:56 tenplus1 mind you I turn all the effects off for higher fps gain :P
16:57 tenplus1 dynamic lighting would look so nice if someone did minetest videos on youtube tho :D
17:03 tenplus1 time for coffee :P
17:04 * twoelk looks at empty pot and agrees
17:06 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
17:06 tenplus1 *le sip*
17:07 lumberJ alright, next crafting mod on the chopping block: rw's crafting
17:07 tenplus1 heh
17:19 tenplus1 ehehe
17:19 tenplus1 mary poppins style
17:19 Unarelith joined #minetest-hub
17:19 tenplus1 hi Unarelith
17:19 Unarelith hi tenplus1 o/
17:19 tenplus1 :P
17:19 Unarelith :)
17:20 twoelk hm I might suggest an poppinsy umbrella as new tool to my boss - just to watch his face
17:20 tenplus1 would make for a good parachute replacement on server :D
17:21 twoelk only if you add a nice animation
17:21 tenplus1 nuuuuu, more textures to draw :P lol
17:22 * twoelk starts humming old poppinsy tunes
17:23 twoelk <sigh>feed the birds
17:23 scr267 I think I posted this comment in the wrong channel:
17:23 scr267 tenplus1: I just installed the latest version of ethereal.  Looks great! :)
17:23 tenplus1 thanks dude :P
17:23 tenplus1 I still have some biome tweaking to do, but sakura's work now at least :D
17:24 twoelk and the kite song, little lesser known jewells
17:25 tenplus1 spoonful or sugar... mwhehe
17:27 twoelk looooong time ago my mother broke her wooden spoon on my bum - but I let a fire get out of control that burnt a somewhat larger hillside
17:28 tenplus1 eek
17:28 tenplus1 she must have been mad
17:29 twoelk I guess I deserved it - can't remember any pain though, just how bad I felt at burning  my forest playground
17:29 tenplus1 do you still set fires in minetest ? :P
17:30 twoelk who me? couldn't be!
17:30 tenplus1 lolz... was gonna enable fire spreading on server, but woudl need to add water florbs for players to toss at it so they can put it out again
17:31 twoelk fire is a perfect way to freeze a server
17:31 tenplus1 I have a /fire [on|off] command built into Fire Redo :D
17:32 twoelk sounds interesting for some edutest version
17:32 tenplus1 gotta add failsafes where you can...  same with /border command to lock new players out
17:44 Fixer tenplus1: any news on mobs dying in water? ._.
17:44 tenplus1 hi Fixer, mobs_animal and mobs_npc were changed so they no longer drown
17:44 Fixer tenplus1: nice, ty! biggest annoyance fixed
17:45 tenplus1 and special tool attacks added to somemonsters (pick does more damage to stone monsters, axe to tree monsters and shovel for sand)
17:47 tenplus1 bugs ?
17:49 Fixer yeah, he reports tons of bugs, very productive person
17:49 tenplus1 lolol, was wondering :D
17:50 tenplus1 damage groups for damage_per_second is a good idea though, especially if it works for entities also :D
17:50 xerox123 hello ppl o/
17:50 tenplus1 hey xerox :P
17:50 xerox123 pretty average thursday
17:50 xerox123 no school this week so yay
17:51 tenplus1 so a gaming thursday ?
17:54 * tenplus1 toys with upgrading to Plasma 5.15
17:55 xerox123 lie around and do nothing thursday
17:56 tenplus1 :)
17:59 rdococ I can't seem to connect to xeroxirc
18:00 tenplus1 jp's latest craftguide release seems to be a lot faster :) nice
18:00 rdococ jp?
18:01 tenplus1 kilarin
18:01 tenplus1 oops, kilbith :D
18:02 tenplus1
18:13 lumberJ on Plasma these days tenplus1?
18:13 tenplus1 Kubuntu 19.04 is on my main desktop :) it's really good and surprisingly low memory footprint
18:13 tenplus1 smaller than Xubuntu
18:14 lumberJ yeah, they've done a lot to improve it.
18:15 tenplus1 boots into 280mb memory usage :) I like that... shame about nvidia binaries though taking up so much memory
18:15 tenplus1 sticking with noveau for now
18:15 lumberJ i ran it a little a couple versions back. its not my cup of tea but I still appreciate good work
18:15 lumberJ yeah, next time i hop, i might run noveau for bit just to see how i get on with it
18:16 lumberJ nouveau*
18:16 tenplus1 I like how you can alternate between task bars, start menu's and many theme and settings
18:16 lumberJ lately i've been on an awesomewm kick
18:16 tenplus1 tried that, was fun :) also IceWM for simplicity
18:17 tenplus1 gnome3 sucks though
18:17 lumberJ yeah, not really a gnome fan either. i could see it on a tablet maybe
18:17 lumberJ but not my workflow for a pc
18:19 lumberJ IceWM on antiX?
18:20 tenplus1 IceWM on ubuntu :) is tiny, 128mb desktop and has ncie features built in
18:22 tenplus1 my 18 year old laptop uses it so I have memoryu leftover to run minetest on it :D
18:29 * tenplus1 feels that spreading dirt abm could be expanded to other blocks using {spreadable} group and spreadable_to = {"node1", "node2"}, in definitions
18:33 lumberJ spreading dirt w/ grass you mean? or are you referring to something else?
18:33 tenplus1 yeah, spreading dirt with grass...  the abm could be expanded for more, like mossy cobble in caverealms etc
18:33 tenplus1 instead of running 2 different abms :)
18:33 tenplus1 since 5.0 is already breaking compatibility anyhoo
18:51 twoelk darn, whats the name for purple in mt-code lingo?
18:51 tenplus1 violet ?
18:51 tenplus1 magenta ?
18:52 rubenwardy #551a8b
18:52 tenplus1 lol, hi ruben
18:53 twoelk hm, allready using magenta, lets investigate violet
18:54 twoelk I really though I had all my flower colors covered months ago
18:54 tenplus1 doesnt 5.0 supply allthe dye's using flowers and other items ?
18:55 tenplus1 report it, dont feed the fire
18:56 luk3yx "This post has already been reported.", hehe
18:56 tenplus1 so many trolls about :)
18:58 twoelk indeed game_api.txt lists no purple, so violet it is
18:59 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
18:59 tenplus1 hi ssieb
18:59 ssieb hi
19:07 tenplus1 hrm, a paintball mod would be handy for shooting dye at blocks that can handle paramn colouring, and leaves would be nice also
19:10 twoelk wasn't there some sort of airbrush mod?
19:11 tenplus1 yeah, but it paints 1 block at a time :) paintball could splat a larger area :DD
19:13 tenplus1 am sure there's plenty :) heh
19:14 tenplus1 every few weeks a bundle appear
19:14 luk3yx Same poster as the last one
19:14 twoelk aw, don't punish for beeing a noob - we all started there
19:15 luk3yx twoelk: I don't mean newbies
19:15 luk3yx I meant a racist post
19:15 tenplus1 ouch
19:15 luk3yx
19:16 twoelk then noob might be the wrong category
19:16 tenplus1 tut tut, so reported
19:17 twoelk I wonder how the nubians feel about this soundalike word?
19:17 rubenwardy luk3yx: warned
19:18 tenplus1 nubians sounds like something completely different
19:18 luk3yx Thanks
19:20 * twoelk decides to call it a day and starts shutting down ...
19:20 tenplus1 o/ twoelk
19:20 twoelk left #minetest-hub
19:22 * tenplus1 disappears for food :) laters all o/
19:22 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
19:51 rdococ yawn
19:59 rubenwardy
19:59 rubenwardy I have failed
20:04 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
20:10 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
20:57 Andrey01 joined #minetest-hub
20:58 Andrey01 hi, can anybody help me with blender model please?
20:59 Andrey01 i tried to make vase model, in blender it looks like transparent because it lays out a texture for it, but in minetest it seems not to lay out it
21:01 Andrey01 model: texture:
21:16 Andrey01 can anybody help me?
23:19 diemartin joined #minetest-hub
23:32 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
23:39 xerox123 this whole pitch fly thing makes me feel like you should be able to see your pitch angle in the F5 menu
23:51 FrostRanger joined #minetest-hub
23:52 kaeza joined #minetest-hub

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