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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2018-09-20

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:11 shivajiva teleporting when using a bed gives player laying to all the other clients but it appears to you as though you are standing, is that a known bug?
00:14 paramat not known as far as i remember
00:27 shivajiva
01:23 CRWM17 joined #minetest-hub
01:33 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
01:42 CBugDCoder joined #minetest-hub
02:20 tumeninodes left #minetest-hub
02:50 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
03:36 Fuchs joined #minetest-hub
03:47 Fuchs joined #minetest-hub
05:43 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
06:39 ChimneySwift joined #minetest-hub
06:42 jluc joined #minetest-hub
06:44 azurio5 joined #minetest-hub
07:03 ChimneySwift lol, I can't message on #minetest
07:13 rook10 joined #minetest-hub
07:27 Lucretia12 joined #minetest-hub
08:15 CWz joined #minetest-hub
08:36 IcyDiamond ChimneySwift: it appears to be muted
08:36 IcyDiamond Oh, spam bots attacked
08:40 IcyDiamond Is it just me or does preserve_metadata not work on server
08:41 IcyDiamond It works fine in singleplayer
08:41 IcyDiamond so weird
08:43 IcyDiamond I guess it's time to live debug..
08:45 IcyDiamond Wait what, it sets the stack just fine but when it reaches the player's inventory, the meta is erased
08:45 IcyDiamond Oh, I think it might be a drop_item bug
08:47 IcyDiamond item_drop*, sorry
08:47 nerzhul hi IcyDiamond
08:48 IcyDiamond hey nerzhul
08:49 IcyDiamond I think I need to get rid of item_drop then
08:49 ANAND Are the values in the lua_api.txt definition tables section the defaults or just examples?
08:50 IcyDiamond ANAND: like what?
08:50 ANAND e.g. In object definition table, there's a line "pointable = true"
08:51 IcyDiamond yes, that is the default
08:51 ANAND What I'd like to know is whether all the values of the fields are defaults or just examples?
08:51 ANAND Ah, thanks
08:51 IcyDiamond the comment below the value kind of implies it
08:52 IcyDiamond but yes, they are the defaults
08:52 ANAND Wanted to confirm :)
08:52 IcyDiamond unless the comment below says "Defaults to" and its something else
08:53 ANAND Also, what is the 'weight' field in an entity definition used for?
08:53 ANAND oops, object properties
08:55 IcyDiamond I have no idea
08:57 IcyDiamond I can't see it being used anywhere in the engine either
08:57 IcyDiamond How interesting
08:57 ANAND yea
09:30 ChimneySwift yeah it is, I think they set the wrong flag?
10:11 IcyDiamond ChimneySwift: _
10:11 IcyDiamond ?*
10:13 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
10:39 exposer3 joined #minetest-hub
10:48 ChimneySwift I was replying to a rly old message :p
10:48 ChimneySwift about #minetest being muted
11:23 f91w16 joined #minetest-hub
11:47 fhackdroid16 joined #minetest-hub
12:12 calcul0n joined #minetest-hub
12:17 timdorohin As usual, i have a question (and as usual it may be dumb)
12:17 timdorohin Is there any way to trigger function only once on block when chunk with that block is loaded first time after server start
12:19 timdorohin i know about ABM, but how to implement one-shot ABM?
12:21 timdorohin Well, i had said that i'm dumb -_- (found LBM in lua_api.txt)
12:35 latz18 joined #minetest-hub
14:29 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
14:29 tenplus1 hi folks
14:31 ThomasMonroe o/
14:32 tenplus1 hi thomas :P
14:32 timdorohin tenplus1: o/
14:32 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
14:32 tenplus1 hi tim, hey benrob with the tardis boat :P
14:33 benrob0329 Hey tenplus1 :)
15:03 Andrey01 joined #minetest-hub
15:04 Andrey01 Hi everyone. I just want to know on what popular web-sites i could try to advertise minetest.
15:05 Andrey01 only not reddit, there advertising is useless
15:06 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
15:07 calcul0n joined #minetest-hub
15:09 Mr_Pardison tenplus1: I've got some screenshots to share with you for a problem we are having with the spawn routine of sea dragons. They create some interesting (and sometimes) deadly lag when shooting.
15:09 Mr_Pardison
15:09 Mr_Pardison
15:11 tumeninodes joined #minetest-hub
15:11 tenplus1 hi tumeni
15:12 tumeninodes Hey ten
15:12 tenplus1 mister: strange issue, spawning 1 water dragon should only add the main head and 2 additional
15:12 tumeninodes ... so don't shoot them
15:12 tumeninodes !next
15:12 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
15:12 tumeninodes :D
15:12 tenplus1 unless someone has messed with spawning numbers
15:13 Mr_Pardison in the first screenshot that's at least 30 of them.
15:13 Mr_Pardison and there is a point to shooting them from afar. you get what they drop, if they happen to drop something.
15:13 timdorohin Mr_Pardison: Dmobs?
15:14 tenplus1 will give it a peek when I finish stairs tweaking
15:14 tumeninodes most things just drop poop when you shoot them but..., whatever floats your boat I guess
15:15 tumeninodes afk for a bit
15:15 ThomasMonroe lol
15:15 Mr_Pardison timdorohin: yeah but it's a custom edit not publicly available.
15:15 Mr_Pardison these drop valuable items used in getting other items.
15:17 Andrey01 does anybody know most popular web-sites where it`s possible to advertise any publications? (except reddit)
15:19 rubenwardy Sigh
15:19 rubenwardy What's your budget?
15:20 tenplus1 Stairs Redo updated - HOlding sneak while placing will copy rotation from node pointed at to the newly placed stair
15:21 tenplus1 andrey, try
15:21 Shara tenplus1: why MTG doesn't do this...
15:21 Andrey01 thanks, tenplus
15:21 * Shara quietly lights a match and sets MTG stairs mod on fire
15:21 tenplus1 I think mtg relies on where you point on a face as to how it's placed, which is a pain in the ass really
15:22 tenplus1 I've tried to make stairs redo easier to use, and also support for alpha textures
15:22 Shara I've heard a lot of people complain about the placement issue
15:23 Shara If I point at a wall, I want the thing to be against the wall... otherwise I'd point at the ground
15:23 timdorohin Mr_Pardison: well, on my server Dmobs causes lags spikes to about a second or two, so i disabled this mod...
15:23 tenplus1 in default if you point at the wall and place a slab it's still flat.... in Redo it'll place against the wall upright
15:24 Shara timdorohin: dmobs is one of those mods you should just take models from and otherwise totally rewrite (in my opinion anyway)
15:25 Mr_Pardison well, almost time for me to get hopping over to my room and do some serious reading.
15:25 timdorohin Shara: the only good models in dmobs are dragons
15:25 Shara there were some others as well
15:25 Shara fox model was nice, for example
15:26 Mr_Pardison l8rs peeps.
15:26 Shara I lifted th elightning dragon, fox and a few others
15:26 Shara the*
15:26 tenplus1 to be fair the models are quite small, just needs some tweaking to run smoother
15:31 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
15:32 tenplus1 o/ Jordach
15:33 Jordach beep
15:36 timdorohin well, i like the blocky models of minecraft mo'creatures mod much more, but it is closed-source, and i can't into 3d modelling...
15:38 rubenwardy joined #minetest-hub
15:47 weylin7 joined #minetest-hub
15:53 pagios5 joined #minetest-hub
15:54 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
15:54 tenplus1 Stairs Redo updated again, added some more checks when sneak placing :D
15:54 tenplus1 wb bennob
15:58 jluc joined #minetest-hub
15:59 Freddy2001 joined #minetest-hub
16:03 Fixer Tenplus1 Redo updated again, added some more commits when merging commits :D
16:04 tenplus1 commit-ception
16:04 tenplus1 forgot that when I override default placement I had to check for protection :P whoopsie
16:05 tenplus1 working well though, lets you copy rotation from one stair to another just by using sneak :D great for roofs
16:20 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-hub
16:20 tenplus1 o//
16:40 Andrey01 tenplus1, what does it mean when i post on "Only supporters who wire you over 3 Tokens/month will see this post."
16:41 Andrey01 i selected 3 tokens but what is it for?
16:41 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
16:41 tenplus1 your post will appear on the NEW posts and relies on others to repost it for it to live on
16:42 tenplus1 it's how users keep posts alive on the front page, but it will still exist on your profile
16:45 Andrey01 how to understand my post will appear on new posts?
16:46 rubenwardy please don't imply that you're associated with Minetest or your post is official
16:46 tenplus1 ???
16:48 tenplus1 what exactly are you posting andrey ???
16:48 Andrey01 i advertise minetest there
16:49 Andrey01;editToggle=true
16:49 tenplus1 there;s aklready a Minetest videos channel on
16:49 tenplus1
16:49 Andrey01 and by the way the screenshots are not displayed, only links
16:50 tenplus1 well I cant see anything unless I wire you 3 tokens, and I ain't doing that
16:51 Mr_Pardison so, a site that requires you to wire tokens to someone else in order to view something? I'd rather go with duckduckgo if that's the case/
16:51 tenplus1 itdoesnt work like that mister, I think andrey selected something by mistake
16:51 tenplus1 I can post something and anyone can view it wihtout having to pay a token
16:51 Mr_Pardison I'd rather go with duckduckgo.
16:52 Andrey01 ah, does tokens mean payment?
16:53 tenplus1 yes, it's a way to keep a post alive and on the front page if it's something worthwhile
16:53 Andrey01 can i fix it to do it free?
16:53 tenplus1 delete post and re-add without tokens
16:54 Andrey01 i don`t know how to delete my post
16:55 paramat joined #minetest-hub
16:55 tenplus1 o/ paramat
16:56 Andrey01 how to delete?
16:56 tenplus1 down arrow in corner of post, click and select delete
16:57 cypher15 joined #minetest-hub
16:59 Andrey01 is this?
16:59 tenplus1 top right, look for down arrow
17:02 Andrey01;editToggle=true
17:02 Andrey01 now without tokens
17:03 Andrey01 the images don`t display :\
17:05 Andrey01_ joined #minetest-hub
17:05 tenplus1 did you just paste the link or use the [img[ tags
17:07 rubenwardy Andrey01: minetest is not a game
17:07 Andrey01_ so [img][/img] ? or how?
17:08 timdorohin tenplus1: i have an idea about how to implement fast networks for future technic_redo)
17:08 Andrey01_ rubenwardy, why???
17:08 tenplus1 nice one tim :) do tell ?
17:09 Andrey01_ tenplus, did i correctly write above?
17:11 timdorohin tenplus1: yesterday i played with graphs using love2d engine and measured speed on luajit and got this idea. On my PC (celeron n3050) hundred graphs of hundred nodes each can be traversed under 50 milliseconds even in naive way
17:11 tenplus1 depending on load and mods in use :)
17:12 timdorohin tenplus1: no, i only said about graph algorithm, not about interfacing it with minetest
17:12 tenplus1 ahh
17:12 Andrey01_ did i correctly use [img]<screenshot>[/img] or how do i need to use it?
17:12 tenplus1 getting or placing a node shouldnt be slow since it's all loaded into memory anyhoo
17:16 timdorohin tenplus1: the fun thing with that graph idea is that we calculate and traverse network of any size only once at start (when lbm kicks in) and after modifying it, but chunks can be offloaded while network operates and this will not cause any issues, all machines will work.
17:16 tenplus1 <fingers crossed> :)  look forward to seeing code
17:16 timdorohin *will continue work
17:17 rubenwardy timdorohin: I was planning something like this
17:17 rubenwardy as a separate process
17:17 rubenwardy but it's a bit painful to do
17:17 timdorohin rubenwardy: i was first to say this! it's my idea now :D
17:17 rubenwardy and you wouldn't be able to do anything that modifies blocks (ie: pistons)
17:17 rubenwardy I've also said about it in the channel
17:17 tenplus1 lol, fight!!!
17:18 rubenwardy but yeah, I decided it was rather too painful
17:18 rubenwardy so I'd love to see someone attempt it
17:18 Krock joined #minetest-hub
17:18 timdorohin rubenwardy: technic didn't have pistons
17:18 rubenwardy so please do
17:18 Krock hi tenplus1
17:18 rubenwardy lol
17:18 tenplus1 hey Krock
17:18 Krock mesecons has pistons
17:18 Krock technic has node breaker and builder
17:19 timdorohin Krock: yea, but i'm talking about re-implementing technic networks
17:19 rubenwardy my use for this would be for things like pipeworks style sorting and also logic (ie: a computer network)
17:19 rubenwardy not really played technic
17:19 rubenwardy I should
17:19 rubenwardy hmmm
17:19 tenplus1 technic looks good but damn is it fiddly to play with
17:20 rubenwardy I'd love to see progress on this though
17:20 tenplus1 we really do need a good machine mod
17:20 tenplus1 elepower is fun, basic_machines is easy, mesecons is good but slow
17:20 timdorohin rubenwardy: pipeworks need updates too... we need to actually transport liquid source nodes - otherwise it's hard to implement steampunk techs)))
17:21 Mr_Pardison rubenwardy: if you combine technic, pieworks, mesecons and more_mesecons, it's a lot of fun.
17:21 rubenwardy I meant item pipe works
17:21 rubenwardy if you have tanks, you can do fluid pipe works
17:21 rubenwardy but not a havester
17:21 rubenwardy which breaks things a little
17:21 rubenwardy although
17:21 rubenwardy without finite water, havesters sucjh
17:22 Mr_Pardison I've got a pumping station on a server that is set up to provide water for a farm.
17:22 tenplus1 could implement a generic API for machines that could handle power, heat, fluids
17:22 timdorohin tenplus1: well, this is how all popular minecraft industrial mods work now
17:23 tenplus1 :)
17:26 timdorohin maybe we just need to copy results of their years of painful work :)
17:27 tenplus1 we learn through others :D
17:27 Mr_Pardison tru tru
17:29 tenplus1 didnt Black Mirror make an episode on this ?!?!
17:30 sfan5 probably
17:30 tenplus1 o/ sfan
17:31 timdorohin btw, is there any significant performance drop when running server with profiling always on?
17:31 tenplus1 never use it tbh
17:31 tenplus1 lol
17:37 roblabla joined #minetest-hub
17:55 rubenwardy ew flash
17:55 rubenwardy death to flash!
17:55 rubenwardy still better than weblets though
17:55 tenplus1 *shudder*
17:56 xerox123 heh
17:57 rubenwardy "mod" is a silly name
17:57 rubenwardy when included in a game
17:57 rubenwardy can I lie and call them modules
17:57 Jordach rubenwardy: mod is short for module :)
17:57 Jordach shit
17:57 Jordach we're the same person, rubenwardy
17:57 Jordach cue the usual persons conspiracy theorems
17:58 xerox123 listening to 99% invisible
17:58 calcul0n could be a short for moderately well coded stuff
17:58 tenplus1 heh
17:59 calcul0n sometimes :)
18:01 Shara Jordach: we are all the same person. Every single one of us here.
18:01 Shara Well, you know, apart from that one.
18:01 Jordach everyone on IRC are bots, except you
18:02 Jordach beep boop meep
18:02 * tenplus1 hands out conspiracy donuts
18:02 Shara nom nom
18:02 hpj0 joined #minetest-hub
18:03 * Mr_Pardison munches on a conspiracy muffin
18:03 tenplus1 mmm, bitter sweet truth flavour... e.g. salted caramel :D
18:03 Shara yesssss
18:04 Shara I can work with that
18:04 tenplus1 eheheh
18:04 * timdorohin puts on a foil cap
18:04 Mr_Pardison Can you work with chocolate muffins?
18:05 tenplus1 I like Linus cause he IS hard on developers and makes sure no crap happens to the kernel
18:05 timdorohin Jordach: [off] SJW is worse than nazis sometimes
18:06 tenplus1 hrm, I just read something related... lemmie find...
18:09 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
18:09 tenplus1 hi ssieb
18:10 ssieb hi
18:23 tenplus1 hrm... cant find link now
18:24 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
18:24 tenplus1 hi gary
18:24 garywhite hi
18:25 rubenwardy The Contributor Covenant is disgusting tbf
18:25 rubenwardy mainly because of its author
18:26 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-hub
18:26 tenplus1 never read that one ruben
18:28 tenplus1 lol
18:29 rubenwardy CoC have a use in that they can keep SJWs away
18:29 rubenwardy not seen that yet though
18:29 rubenwardy :D
18:31 rubenwardy
18:31 tenplus1 nice n simples
18:34 rubenwardy More seriously, having a friendly community makes things more fun
18:34 tenplus1 yeah, I like the minetest community for that reason :D
18:34 rubenwardy So dealing with toxic people consistently is a good idea
18:35 rubenwardy And also having a statement of expectations/rules
18:44 Fixer we need code of conduct
18:45 Fixer 1) paramat does all the work as usual
18:45 Fixer 2) nobody else is
18:45 Fixer 3) progress
18:45 tenplus1 lol
18:45 Fixer rubenwardy: are you going to #live thing?
18:45 rubenwardy Yes
18:46 Fixer rubenwardy: anything interesting planned?
18:46 rubenwardy More merchandise
18:46 sofar he's selling purple hair dye
18:46 tenplus1 o.O
18:46 rubenwardy Hopefully might even bring my book
18:46 rubenwardy In the real
18:46 rubenwardy Yeah, for the sjw movement
18:47 Fixer please recruit some people to develope the minetest
18:47 Fixer jt2 closed? sad
18:52 Fixer btw
18:52 Fixer i was playing on -- server, and guess it? rogue admin destroyes server. ??? Teenagers hosts servers ends up with disasters
18:52 tenplus1 would be nice if luajit used multiple cores when running code
18:53 Fixer they don't even do backups
18:53 Fixer Hometown had loss of world as well, lackily thanks to local saves it was revived
18:54 Fixer he had a backup, but chain of events ended up badly
18:54 tenplus1 lol, rogue admin... we dont even give real privs to admin on Xanadu just incase :D
19:00 Fixer my writing is so bad
19:01 tenplus1 new keyboard ?
19:01 Fixer just bad english
19:02 tenplus1 heh, so long as you're understood it's all good
19:02 paramat joined #minetest-hub
19:02 tenplus1 wb
19:02 timdorohin tenplus1: you can implement your own threads model if you like to
19:03 timdorohin tenplus1: you can look at
19:04 timdorohin but this is very, very ugly hack
19:04 tenplus1 from what I've read the luajit threads still use a single core
19:04 timdorohin tenplus1: there isn't any luajit threadl
19:05 timdorohin coroutines is not threads
19:05 tenplus1 what I was hoping for is a version of luajit that did all the work using multiple cores on a cpu and ran the code more effectively :D
19:05 tenplus1 so we didnt need to do things like threads or ehatever
19:06 ssieb magic! :-P
19:06 timdorohin tenplus1: this will never happens 'cause this is not luajit fault at all
19:06 tenplus1 *wishful thinking*
19:07 ssieb that threads library does real threads
19:07 timdorohin tenplus1: minetest engine need to support multiple lua threads on it's own
19:07 tenplus1 but you have to install the threads library tho
19:08 timdorohin ssieb: yes, but it's hack around.
19:08 timdorohin becouse our luajit isn't standalone, it is integrated into mt engine
19:16 timdorohin ssieb: and you really didn't want to know what happens when you try to send 300x300x300 voxelmanip to spawned thread
19:17 timdorohin ssieb: (because objects transferred through serialization/de-serialization)
19:19 timdorohin joined #minetest-hub
19:23 ssieb timdorohin: that's a good point
19:43 paramat our coc is 'be nice' which is fine for me. i'm wary of coc's because it's just common sense and coc's don't stop bad behaviour
19:43 tenplus1 common sense is a superpower these days it seems :P
19:45 Jordach you mean uncommon sense
19:45 Jordach :P
19:45 tenplus1 heh
19:46 tenplus1 common sense and common curtesy is something that's slowly being lost from generation to generation
19:46 Shara I'm usually happy to get any sense out of people at all
19:46 Jordach until either i spoil you or ruben at wetherspoons that is
19:46 Jordach then neither might make sense :P
19:47 Shara Hehe, looking forward to it :P
19:48 tenplus1 fajitas and sweet potato fries all round :P
19:48 tenplus1 wetherspoons :D
19:49 Jordach Shara: i've gone and booked a cottage in the countryside around bristol
19:50 calcul0n hmm tenplus1> common sense and common curtesy is something that's slowly being lost from generation to generation
19:50 calcul0n iirc it's something Aristotle was already saying :)
19:51 tenplus1 smart guy :D
19:51 calcul0n the thing is it's not worse today, just that people had no internet in the past
19:51 calcul0n so the jerks were less visible :)
19:52 tenplus1 and less able to communicate with one another and form groups
19:52 calcul0n yep
19:53 Calinou on the other hand, some places in the Internet do their job well at keeping abusive people in a corner :P
19:53 tenplus1 :)
19:55 red-001 joined #minetest-hub
19:55 tenplus1 hired
20:01 tenplus1 nite folks o///
20:01 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
20:03 tumeninodes Shara: fay - oh - dale ..... punk
20:03 tumeninodes :D
20:03 Shara :D
20:03 Shara I had to, I'm sorry!
20:03 tumeninodes ya ya
20:04 Shara (f...ail...dale?)
20:04 tumeninodes Would love to hear some comments on those names
20:04 tumeninodes wow..., Shara's a comedian today.... :P
20:05 tumeninodes took me 3 attempts to spell comedian..., just so you know
20:05 sfan5_ joined #minetest-hub
20:06 tumeninodes my Gaelic is rusty... 0_0
20:07 tumeninodes sfan5's teleporter is acting up again
20:11 * rdococ teleports
20:15 tumeninodes hmmm, seems I may be wrong about the word faodail. Don't we have anyone who speaks a bit of Scottish Gaelic around here?
20:23 tumeninodes We could rename MTG to rikki :D
20:26 tumeninodes option 2 on the list will do
20:29 Fixer please, OpenVoxel
20:29 Fixer no more finnish words
20:30 Fixer name should be extremaly rememberaeble
20:32 tumeninodes .... b o r i n g
20:32 tumeninodes :D
20:32 ThomasMonroe what about Japanese words?
20:33 ThomasMonroe Burikko means Block
20:33 VanessaE what?  are we doing THIS again?
20:33 ThomasMonroe xD
20:33 paramat finnish words for MTG name is my preference. after all 'mese' and 'oerkki' are finnish derived
20:33 tumeninodes Kowareta
20:33 VanessaE paramat: ok, rename it back to mesetint :P
20:34 tumeninodes Vanessa, it is on the todo for 5.0.0
20:34 VanessaE wat
20:34 paramat for example cube-land becomes 'kuutiomaata' (not a serious suggestion)
20:34 paramat it's not
20:35 Fixer nobody will remember that, I"m deadly serious
20:35 ThomasMonroe well tbh you'd remove the double letters
20:35 ThomasMonroe xD
20:35 ThomasMonroe Kutiomata
20:35 paramat better than 'librecraft'
20:35 Fixer OpenCraft
20:35 paramat lol
20:35 timdorohin ah, stupid questions again: can same node have different textures (based on meta?)
20:35 VanessaE no
20:35 tumeninodes remember, the shorter it is..., the less typing when coding ; )
20:35 ThomasMonroe BlockSmith?
20:36 paramat i won't allow any obvious name
20:36 Fixer and that is bad
20:36 paramat no it's good
20:36 VanessaE ThomasMonroe: BlockSmith ain't so bad..
20:36 ThomasMonroe it's taken unfortuately -_-
20:36 VanessaE NodeSmith? :)
20:36 ThomasMonroe just getting your gears turning ;)
20:37 tumeninodes Punchy
20:37 ThomasMonroe is..that..even a word tumeninodes?
20:37 VanessaE yeah, it id
20:37 VanessaE is
20:38 VanessaE it mean's "a bit off in the head"
20:38 VanessaE loopy, drunk
20:38 ThomasMonroe It just..idk sounds weird in this context xD
20:38 timdorohin i.e. can i make block that can change it's texture to mimic other block without registering N different nodes?
20:38 Fixer NodeNode
20:38 Fixer VoxelVoxel
20:38 VanessaE timdorohin: no
20:38 VanessaE timdorohin: one node, one set of max 6 textures
20:40 VanessaE timdorohin: I propsed an idea a while back to use the upper few bits as an index into a texture list, though, similar in principle to hardware coloring.
20:40 VanessaE er, the upper few bits of param2 as...
20:41 VanessaE my idea was rejected, no apparent practical use :-/
20:41 timdorohin VanessaE: :p
20:41 timdorohin VanessaE: as usual, great ideas are rejected
20:42 * tumeninodes was rejected once
20:42 tumeninodes ... once
20:42 VanessaE one could even extend my idea to be a table of tables instead of a table of strings. each entry being max 6 items, they being for each of the node's 6 sides.
20:44 ThomasMonroe That's what I get confused about..people have great ideas, but noone except for them see the benifits xD
20:45 tumeninodes that's exactly how "options" was created
20:45 ThomasMonroe ikr
20:46 ThomasMonroe I mean people, given tools, *will* find ways to use them.
20:46 VanessaE true enough.
20:46 paramat it's actually usually much better to just use extra nodes instead of fancy complex engine features. multiple nodes just 'seems' messy at first, actually, it's usually the best way
20:46 tumeninodes ... or hurt themselves
20:46 ThomasMonroe tumeninodes, lol true, but that's still a use though
20:46 tumeninodes ha
20:47 VanessaE oh, speaking of tools:  <brag> </brag>  (yeah, brag for all of 108 lines  ;) )
20:48 VanessaE paramat: the problem is, we only have 32768 possible node IDs.
20:48 tumeninodes true though, if a game engine is made too complex, it becomes less flexible
20:48 VanessaE and Dreambuilder's already burned through half of that
20:48 tumeninodes for a second Vanessa, I thought you were about to call me a tool :D
20:48 VanessaE if not for hardware coloring, I think DB would *just* exceed the limit.
20:49 VanessaE tumeninodes: well, if the shoe fits ;)
20:49 ThomasMonroe Well, multitude of features does not equal complexity.
20:49 tumeninodes har har.
20:49 ThomasMonroe if complexity is to be avoided, generalize the idea.
20:50 tumeninodes features can easily become, limitations
20:50 ThomasMonroe xD I about wrote genderalize.
20:50 tumeninodes fascist
20:50 rdococ what would it mean to genderalize something?
20:51 ThomasMonroe I have no idea
20:51 tumeninodes "all men are stupid" <----- like that
20:51 tumeninodes :P
20:52 ThomasMonroe assign one out of the 83+ gender categories to a particular item or situation
20:52 ThomasMonroe ^ possible definition
20:52 rdococ 83+ gender categories?
20:52 VanessaE troll.......
20:52 rdococ I know, but I don't usually get along with people that use "hurr durr 63 genders!!!" as a joke
20:53 ThomasMonroe *63* excuse me
20:53 tumeninodes I find just letting other be what they be, be the best way to be
20:53 tumeninodes ; )
20:53 ThomasMonroe same xD
20:53 tumeninodes ok, refocus
20:53 * ThomasMonroe focuses
20:53 ThomasMonroe wait..
20:54 ThomasMonroe on what?
20:54 ThomasMonroe :P
20:54 tumeninodes on topic
20:54 ThomasMonroe oh yeah, you mean VE calling you a tool..sure I could focus on that...I think
20:55 VanessaE I was joking :)
20:55 ThomasMonroe lol ik :P
20:55 rdococ how fast does tumeninodes mine blocks?
20:55 tumeninodes Vanessa, does gitlab support screenies? Would be nice to see some visuals
20:55 ThomasMonroe enough to have tu meni nodes
20:56 tumeninodes what the hell just happened? 0_o
20:56 VanessaE tumeninodes: no idea, but here:
20:56 * tumeninodes downloads simple_streetlights
20:57 rdococ tu meni nodes spoil the mapblock
20:57 ThomasMonroe tu meni nodes lag my computer x
20:57 ThomasMonroe xD*
20:58 tumeninodes I know where you all live.... just sayin
20:58 tumeninodes :D
20:58 VanessaE tumeninodes: right click as if to place the tool item and it spawns a street lamp as pictured, after first checking if there's room to build it, and permission to do so, and if in survival mode, if there's enough materials in your inv.
20:58 rdococ the real question is, are they tomarto nodes or tomaytoe nodes?
20:59 tumeninodes ohhhhh, that's pretty cool
20:59 tumeninodes afk brb (I have to go cry) xD
20:59 VanessaE tumeninodes: you will need ilights at least, for the lights themselves, and gloopblocks for the steel fence postss (else, you can use default wood)
21:00 VanessaE or homedecor if you want brass and wrought iron poles.
21:00 tumeninodes awww, why so much depends? wait, is this part of the modpack?
21:01 VanessaE why so many: because default light stones are fugly :P  and no one mod provides all the pieces.  i
21:01 VanessaE it'll be in the next Dreambuilder build, whenever that is :P
21:01 tumeninodes gotcha
21:01 paramat lol 'only 32768' yeah =)
21:02 VanessaE paramat: "only" applies when "just register more nodes" is the argument :P
21:02 tumeninodes ok, brb
21:03 VanessaE paramat: now, if you guys would stop with the "but mah map size" argument and just go to u32 node ID's, the argument would be moot :P
21:04 Jordach to be totally honest
21:04 VanessaE (or "but muh net bandwidth", whichever you choose :P )
21:04 Jordach we need to target a uh
21:04 Jordach laptop / desktop from a time period from like 2011-13
21:04 Shara VanessaE: but mah map size!
21:04 Shara :P
21:05 paramat anyway Vanessa, that road network screenshot you posted, is it all hand-built?
21:05 VanessaE Jordach: which has 500+ GB storage typically
21:05 Jordach VanessaE: MacBook Air is a decent example of a low powered laptop
21:05 paramat the big network across a landscape
21:05 Jordach then again, VE doesn't own Cities Skylines so MT has to do
21:05 VanessaE paramat: yep, all but the two light poles in the extreme distance, right (those and the ones beyond, out of view, were built with the above-mentioned simple streetlights mod)
21:06 VanessaE or wait, which road network pic?
21:07 paramat erm
21:07 VanessaE (because my last image was just one intersection :) )
21:07 Jordach this one?
21:07 Jordach
21:08 paramat
21:08 Jordach but still, it's 2018 VanessaE and Comic Sans is almost outlawed by the entire internet
21:08 VanessaE paramat: ah.  yes, except for the circular platform left of center, all hand built in that image.
21:08 paramat because i assumed that was partly auto-created by a mod
21:08 paramat wow
21:08 Jordach paramat: not everything is mod made :D
21:09 paramat i like to automate everything, lazy
21:09 VanessaE Jordach's image was only posted in my channel, but most of it, too is hand-built, except for about half the street lamps.
21:12 VanessaE paramat: if you care to look around, that grid (a pre-planned city still under construction, to be used as a new spawn point) is on my "Creative Building" server ( 30008).
21:13 VanessaE Jordach: I'll continue to use Comic Sans for as long as MS TTF Fonts are still in Debian :P
21:15 Fixer nooooo
21:19 VanessaE yesssssssssss
21:25 * timdorohin make technic forcefield remove water nodes
21:25 * timdorohin accidentally blows up nearby reactor
21:25 timdorohin Well, as usual XD
21:25 VanessaE heh
21:31 tumeninodes I prefer to hand build. Makes everything feel much more satisfying when it is finished
21:32 VanessaE I made the streetlights mod because building THOSE by hand is just tedious.
21:32 tumeninodes I have not built anything in quite a while though..., because I get far too hung up on wanting the perfect landscape
21:33 tumeninodes I was thinking about making my own lighting mod use prebuilt fixtures as well, for just the reason you mention
21:34 VanessaE I guess I should add a couple of "default stuff only" street lamps also..
21:35 tumeninodes I understand your method, using deps but..., on the other end, some do not like to have to use 2 other mods, just to use one aspect of another
21:36 tumeninodes I, myself, would not want to have to use ilights, and possibly another, just to be able to have these streetlights
21:36 tumeninodes it's one of those catch 22 situations,
21:37 tumeninodes because it also makes no sense to make repeated nodes & textures in another mod, it just adds confusion and wasted space
21:38 sofar VanessaE:
21:38 VanessaE sofar: ah, thanks.  I'll post there shortly
21:42 paramat joined #minetest-hub
21:44 VanessaE sofar: issue submitted.  apologies if I seem a little "short", I was just trying to be quick :P
21:51 sofar I love short
21:55 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
21:58 timdorohin Is there is a way to remove node metadata (for memory saving, maybe?)
21:59 sofar set_node() again
21:59 sofar or override the node meta with an empty table
22:01 timdorohin sofar: thanks, will use second method
22:07 rubenwardy minetest.get_meta(pos):from_table({})
22:18 VanessaE tumeninodes: there.  git pull, please.
22:44 sofar paramat: HA, that's funny
22:53 sofar rdococ: [off] I don't know what you just pasted, but all I saw was [ c o n t e n t   b l o c k e d ]
22:55 THE_GFR|W joined #minetest-hub
22:56 Jordach this game for minetest is blocked under the grounds of article 13
22:59 tumeninodes VanessaE: thank you :)
22:59 VanessaE yw
23:00 rdococ sofar: [content blocked]
23:00 tumeninodes o....m.....g!!!!!! guyssssss,
23:00 tumeninodes "Blocker"
23:00 tumeninodes that is the new name to replace MTG
23:01 sofar hahahaha
23:06 jerbob9223 joined #minetest-hub
23:06 BillyS joined #minetest-hub
23:07 BillyS YaY
23:07 VanessaE for i in ipairs(users) do th="th"  if i == 1 then th="st" elseif i == 2 then th="nd" elseif i == 3 then th="rd" end print ("For the "" time, "..users[i].." says yay!") end
23:07 BillyS print("Oops, sorry")
23:36 nondem18 joined #minetest-hub
23:49 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
23:49 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
23:52 tumeninodes :P

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