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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2018-08-15

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:04 rubenwardy paramat: popey is in #minetest
00:05 rubenwardy I met him at too
00:09 paramat cool
00:55 * paramat is haunted by a spooky apple
01:10 ANAND_ joined #minetest-hub
01:18 pauloue joined #minetest-hub
01:49 paramat joined #minetest-hub
01:53 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
02:51 strugee joined #minetest-hub
06:02 dp323 joined #minetest-hub
06:25 ANAND joined #minetest-hub
06:35 danzilio21 joined #minetest-hub
06:48 CWz joined #minetest-hub
07:05 wizonesolutions6 joined #minetest-hub
07:38 biberao1 joined #minetest-hub
08:19 BuckarooBanzai left #minetest-hub
08:20 BuckarooBanzai joined #minetest-hub
08:20 BuckarooBanzai left #minetest-hub
08:22 BuckarooBanzai joined #minetest-hub
08:34 longerstaff13-m joined #minetest-hub
08:45 Krock joined #minetest-hub
08:54 stephen8724 joined #minetest-hub
09:31 Sousapro0 joined #minetest-hub
10:05 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
10:41 dindon22 joined #minetest-hub
10:53 theWhisper_ joined #minetest-hub
10:56 Janusz18 joined #minetest-hub
11:05 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
11:32 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
11:42 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
11:48 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
12:21 atorian37 joined #minetest-hub
12:23 xerox123 joined #minetest-hub
12:23 longerstaff13 joined #minetest-hub
12:24 xerox123_ joined #minetest-hub
12:27 AndroBuilder joined #minetest-hub
12:52 Krock joined #minetest-hub
12:58 rubenwardy
13:28 Corvus_ joined #minetest-hub
13:29 lisac_ joined #minetest-hub
13:30 sn0wmonster5 joined #minetest-hub
14:07 zzzADC18 joined #minetest-hub
14:13 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
14:13 tenplus1 hi Krock
14:13 tenplus1 hey folks
14:13 Krock hi tenplus1
14:13 tenplus1 ehehe
14:14 Mr_Pardison_ hai 11
14:15 tenplus1 hi mister o/
14:15 tenplus1 si I take it there's definitely an issue with aliases ?
14:15 twoelk o/
14:15 tenplus1 hey twoelk
14:17 twoelk should probably do some exploring on xanadu again - seems I'm missing some plants in my collection  :-D
14:18 tenplus1 ehehe, farming had an update, as did mobs and bows
14:21 Tourist joined #minetest-hub
14:21 paramat joined #minetest-hub
14:21 tenplus1 o/ paramat
14:21 aerozoic wazup tenplus1!
14:21 twoelk fooled around with csm-position logging yesterday, plus having verbose debug and save-to-local-map active - gave my little client a little too much to munch on I guess
14:22 tenplus1 hi aerozoic
14:22 twoelk hope my slow client didn't show impact on the server
14:22 tenplus1 client would have done most of the processing if it were a CSM mod
14:23 tenplus1 my issue lately is the aliases not working properly
14:23 * aerozoic just got ubuntu server installed on the laptop.
14:23 tenplus1 when I did farming redo compatibility with farming_plus nodes and items it worked fine, now on 0.4.16 and 0.4.17 they dont work 100% and I'm seeing unknown nodes
14:24 twoelk nothing simple like naming style changed?
14:24 tenplus1 nothing that simple, things like items in inventory change ok but the node assigned to the item doesnt
14:25 tenplus1 if it works for one, it should work for the other
14:30 ANAND Hiya tenplus1. VanessaE was trying to reach you for the past two days :)
14:30 VanessaE I already reached him :P
14:31 tenplus1 hi ANAND :)
14:31 tenplus1 hey Vanessa
14:31 VanessaE hi8
14:31 VanessaE hi
14:31 ANAND oh lol, nvm :P
14:31 tenplus1 paramat: do you know if anything has changed with aliases in the 0.4.16 and over versions ???
14:33 aerozoic Anybody have any good references for self-hosting for beginners?
14:33 tenplus1 am sure there's a guide or two on forums
14:34 paramat no alias changes as far as i remember
14:37 tenplus1 dunno if you read the logs, but what worked ok before has problems now with setting aliases
14:37 tenplus1 working ok for items in inventory, but the node assigned to it comes up unknown
14:37 tenplus1 but... some work fine which just makes it plain weird
14:44 lisac_ lol
14:44 tenplus1 hi lisac
14:44 lisac hey tenplus1 :)
14:53 VanessaE tenplus1: you should file an issue on github to track this
14:54 Krock lisac: seems very secure
14:54 tenplus1 am going over every alias first to be totally sure it's not the mod...
14:55 furiousDingo13 joined #minetest-hub
14:55 Krock if the alias are broken in 0.4.17, then they're also broken in previous 0.4.x releases
14:55 tenplus1 that's the thing Krock, it worked ok before, and aliases havent been altered for the nodes in question
14:55 Krock neither has the engine code
14:56 tenplus1 which is why this is so weird
14:56 Krock nodes seem to be converted as soon the mapblock saves
14:56 Krock i.e. take the aliased node name
14:56 Krock s/node/item/
14:58 tenplus1 e.g.  farming:big_pumpkin has been aliased to farming:pumpkin...  I can give myself each item which works, but the node is unknown instead of being a pumpkin
14:58 tenplus1 but, farming:weed is aliased to farming:grass_2... and that works ?!?!?!!
15:01 VanessaE I noticed that btw but for me, the "weed" looks like jungle grass.
15:02 tenplus1 VanessaE: could you grab the latest farming redo and test compatibility again, see if it looks any better for you
15:02 VanessaE what'
15:02 VanessaE what's changed?
15:02 tenplus1 the only thing I cant get it to replace is the big pumpkin, that's still not changing
15:02 tenplus1 I just uploaded latest compatibility.lua file to git
15:03 VanessaE oh ok
15:03 VanessaE I'll grab it.
15:07 tenplus1 thanks :)
15:11 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
15:11 tenplus1 wb mister
15:11 VanessaE ok, it's live, lemme go look
15:11 Mr_Pardison ty.
15:13 tenplus1 last update and I'm done...
15:13 tenplus1 shaved a whole 1kb off compatibility.lua :) lol
15:14 VanessaE tenplus1..
15:14 tenplus1 ?
15:14 VanessaE did you just alias them all to air?
15:15 tenplus1 nuuuu, all crops and items should be accounted for
15:15 tenplus1 big pumpkin side/top/corner has been aliased to air, but the middle should give a jackolantern
15:15 VanessaE oh wait, there they are.
15:15 tenplus1 o.O had me worried there
15:16 VanessaE yeah, it seems to be all good, but imho you should import banana leaves and use them instead of aliasing them to default leaves
15:17 tenplus1 are banana leaves used for anything ?
15:17 tenplus1 if ethereal is active it will alias to banana leaves, but I dont wanna include too many nodes in only farming
15:18 VanessaE they're not, but my server still has lots of cruft leftover from farming_plus, which used to have a banana tree
15:18 VanessaE (default tree trunk, custom leaves, plus the bananas)
15:18 tenplus1 k, hold on... will add leaves
15:18 VanessaE thanks
15:19 VanessaE I should add banana trees to Moretrees at some point.
15:20 VanessaE (I'll use Ethereal node names for backwards compat, if I do)
15:20 VanessaE meanwhile,
15:20 VanessaE
15:22 tenplus1 git updated, banana leaves added
15:22 VanessaE ok, I'll grab it in a bit.
15:41 VanessaE
15:41 VanessaE :)
15:41 tenplus1 sweet :P
15:50 Krock LED marquee? The screenshot tells something else
15:51 Krock ^ the screenshot on GitLab
15:51 tenplus1 'tis a kewl mod, mc doesnt have anything like that
15:52 VanessaE oh, did I forget to update that one?
15:53 Krock no, the nixie tubes look just right
15:53 * VanessaE fixes
15:55 VanessaE there.
16:11 nug700 joined #minetest-hub
16:17 BillyS How the heck do area mods work?
16:17 BillyS I've been poking through for half an hour and can't find out a thing about it
16:17 Krock with Lua code and a heck lot of black magic
16:17 tenplus1 lolol
16:17 tenplus1 hi billy
16:17 BillyS Great. How do I use the black magic?
16:17 BillyS hi tenplus
16:18 tenplus1 what you trying to do ?
16:18 BillyS My server just got griefed by some n00b
16:18 BillyS I'm trying to write a version of a protection mod that blocks lava places
16:18 * Krock gives BillyS the exchange_shop mod no a silver tray
16:18 Krock BillyS: overwrite on_place of lava_source
16:18 BillyS I could just override lava sources
16:18 Krock ninja'd
16:18 BillyS Hmm
16:19 BillyS To remove the node, I suppose?
16:19 Krock
16:19 Krock no, to not even place the node
16:19 Krock prevent it before it happens
16:20 tenplus1 good idea
16:20 Krock alternatively extend item_place by a node name check
16:20 Krock also patch buckets
16:20 Krock and patch whatever else may place nodes
16:20 BillyS Hmmm
16:21 BillyS m'kay thx
16:24 Krock !next
16:24 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
16:25 BillyS heh
16:41 twoelk wasn|t there a mod like in unternull that let an admin restrict bucket and liquids usage with certain rules?
16:41 tenplus1 I think tps server has such a mod that requires a priv for buckets
16:41 twoelk or have several admins just constantly reinvented the same wheel?
16:42 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
16:42 tenplus1 hi Jordach
16:42 Jordach bah
16:42 tenplus1 sheepz
16:42 Jordach anyone consistent with android building
16:42 Jordach
16:44 CWz joined #minetest-hub
16:45 tenplus1 hi CWz
16:48 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
16:48 tenplus1 wb
16:49 Jordach nerzhul: irrlicht itself is failing to compile for android under 18.04 Ubuntu
16:49 tenplus1 wai
16:49 * Krock gives BillyS and hopes for a feedback
16:50 * BillyS goes into convulsions over the speed of his internet
16:51 Krock Jordach: is that the current master?
16:51 Jordach urd
16:51 Jordach yes
16:52 Krock stu and srifqi managed to compile it somehow
16:52 * Jordach updates the wiki
16:53 nerzhul Jordach not my problem :)
16:54 Jordach nerzhul: you're the one who builds it officially
16:54 Krock nerzhul: mind giving some instructions?
16:55 nerzhul Jordach and i'm not on ubuntu haha
16:55 nerzhul use archlinux it works
17:08 rubenwardy If you Google it, there's a missing include
17:08 rubenwardy There's supposed to be a patch though
17:09 rubenwardy Are you using the makefile?
17:09 rubenwardy Or winging it
17:19 FrozenFox18 joined #minetest-hub
17:23 Jordach rubenwardy: standard makefile
17:24 rubenwardy ?
17:24 nerzhul all patches are included and + master build fine
17:25 tenplus1 :P
17:26 Jordach this is non 0.4
17:26 rubenwardy Google only support Ubuntu 14.04 for building Android
17:26 rubenwardy (the OS)
17:26 rubenwardy Fun fact
17:27 rubenwardy Windows and macOS aren't supported at all
17:27 rubenwardy It works on Ubuntu 18.04 though
17:27 rubenwardy They just don't recommend it
17:27 Jordach i've got 18.04 installed
17:27 rubenwardy Oh, and a colleague uses arch
17:27 Jordach arch could cure cancer if it had the package
17:28 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
17:28 tenplus1 hi fussel
17:36 Calinou I build Godot export template APKs from Fedora 28 without issues
17:36 Jordach the one MT has is basically built from paperclips
17:36 Jordach and sheer willpower
17:36 tenplus1 hi cal...  what's the actual issue with building minetest in ubuntu 18.04
17:37 Jordach >different line endings
17:41 Calinou I don't know
17:41 tenplus1 is the build command listed in forums so ppl can build it ok ?
17:41 Jordach
17:41 Jordach ffffff
17:41 Calinou I haven't tested it for a while now
17:41 Jordach VM pls
17:41 Jordach Fix many Android build issues
17:42 Jordach thats the one that solves it
17:43 Jordach the ones that built work with 5.0-dev
17:44 BillyS Due to idiots, n00bz, and errors, I'm leaving minetest. I may come back, I'm not sure. At any rate, thanks for the help you guys have given me.
17:44 * Mr_Pardison gives BillyS a big thermos of coffee for the road
17:44 BillyS heh, thanks
17:44 BillyS left #minetest-hub
17:44 tenplus1 o.O what just happened ?
17:45 Jordach ?
17:47 tenplus1 damn, but still... to leave minetest because of some griefers...
17:47 tenplus1 hi sfan... yeah he had areas active, but they got passed it or dropped laval above protected area
17:49 tenplus1 and that's why I disabled lava buckets
17:59 twoelk buckets should really be attached to a privs system by default
17:59 twoelk or at least the placing of dengerous stuff
18:00 Mr_Pardison I agree.
18:00 tenplus1 yeah, have a priv level, 1 for water, 2 for lava etc
18:01 Mr_Pardison priv could be called liquidity since it would allow them to place liquids.
18:02 tenplus1 yeah...
18:03 Mr_Pardison for mesecons (since you can make an endless loop with them that would cause a crash), potential priv name would be logical
18:03 Mr_Pardison *"logical"
18:04 tenplus1 important stuff like that should require a priv
18:06 Mr_Pardison and be granted only to those who are trusted enough not to abuse it.
18:06 twoelk maybe a trusted player level system with a config file an admin could define whatever he deems dangerous nodes on his server
18:07 Calinou I remember being peeved at Minecraft servers that forbid water bucket placement
18:07 Calinou (or even scooping up water at all…)
18:07 Calinou one of them automatically kicked anyone who did so
18:07 * Krock hopes that they'll return soon
18:09 Jordach why not uh have buckets place a special version of liquids with meta attached that can be removed via an abm
18:09 Jordach the meta could explicitly contain the players name to remove any offending nodes
18:09 Calinou what if they mix with standard lava?
18:09 Calinou or standard liquids in general
18:09 Jordach or just add nodemeta to the sources
18:10 * twoelk has created several rather large lakes with buckets
18:10 tenplus1 if someone places a source block of water I attach their names so I can see who flooded or griefed
18:11 twoelk oops, you recorded all my lakes on xanadu ?
18:12 tenplus1 eheheh
18:12 twoelk I wonder whether the mapper could process such info
18:12 tenplus1 hover over the source with a bucket and you'll see a name appear :D
18:13 twoelk I have probably long forgotten some of them
18:19 tenplus1 yeah, was easy to fool... make a water source in the middle and remove other two with name...
18:22 * twoelk somehow feels the urge to make a nice lake now ----- and heads for the toilet
18:22 tenplus1 lol
18:40 tenplus1 VanessaE: did new aliases work ok for you ?
18:43 ephemer0l_ joined #minetest-hub
18:43 VanessaE tenplus1: there are more?
18:44 tenplus1 adding the banana leaves was the last change
18:44 VanessaE haven't checked on that yet.
18:44 tenplus1 ah, no probs :)
18:52 CBugDCoder joined #minetest-hub
18:53 tenplus1 hi CBugDCoder
18:53 CBugDCoder hi ten
19:03 H4mlet joined #minetest-hub
19:06 ninsei joined #minetest-hub
19:06 tenplus1 hi H4mlet
19:06 H4mlet hi tenplus1
19:14 tenplus1 lolol
19:40 Alina-malina14 joined #minetest-hub
19:41 H4mlet I'm using minetest.line_of_sight (v0.4.17.1), but it seems to ignore nodes straight above the mobs' pos; I've tried setting stepsize to "2", it didn't worked. E.g.: mob placed into a square building, one window into a wall, if I punch it, it punches back until the wall doesn't block its view, but if I do the same from the roof it keeps punching even if its view is blocked by the roof's nodes.
19:43 l4z4i joined #minetest-hub
19:44 tenplus1 Sprint mod updated, has support for both player_monoids and pova mods
20:10 Fixer_ joined #minetest-hub
20:11 tenplus1 wb
20:12 Fixer_ joined #minetest-hub
20:13 Thomas-S joined #minetest-hub
20:13 Thomas-S joined #minetest-hub
20:13 tenplus1 hi thomas
20:19 paramat joined #minetest-hub
20:20 Thomas-S joined #minetest-hub
20:20 Thomas-S joined #minetest-hub
20:20 IhrFussel "this server lags too much" gosh...just get a better phone
20:20 tenplus1 lol
20:20 IhrFussel I really hate it when player blame the server for "lag" which isn't actual lag but low FPS on their device
20:21 tenplus1 I jsut tell them to type:  /status   and if lag < 0.5 it's all good :D
20:25 Mr_Pardison IhrFussel: Try Lag World. with the amount of mods on it and the ones on there, it can get pretty laggy and not due to frame drop.
20:28 tenplus1 nite folks o//
20:28 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
20:49 Jordach Krock: *sets NDK compile mode to all archs*
20:49 Jordach i've got it compiling and signing perfectly
20:50 Jordach it just happens that my phone has to be ARMv8
20:54 ChimneySwift joined #minetest-hub
21:03 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
21:03 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
21:39 Bobr joined #minetest-hub
21:39 Bobr joined #minetest-hub
21:47 Bobr_ joined #minetest-hub
21:47 Bobr_ joined #minetest-hub
21:50 Shara Mr_Pardison: Can we not play "guess the griefer" without some actual proof? I saw BillyS do a whole bunch of things I personally found childish and hateful as well, but I don't go around saying things were probably his doing without proof.
21:51 Mr_Pardison I'm just paraphrasing what they said.
21:52 Bobr Shara, same
21:52 Shara It wasn't presented that way, and I really don't want to see more of that groups' drama brought here without very good reason.
21:53 Mr_Pardison I didn't intend to nor do I mean to.
21:54 Shara Okay, thank you.
22:03 VanessaE there.
22:03 longerstaff13-m joined #minetest-hub
22:04 bazhang19 joined #minetest-hub
22:08 VanessaE (what, no one's gonna ask "where?" ?  :<  )
22:09 Bobr VanessaE, where?
22:10 VanessaE there ->;t=20651
22:12 rubenwardy
22:16 VanessaE nice
22:19 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
22:24 Fixer *,,,,,*
22:36 Bobr joined #minetest-hub
22:36 Bobr joined #minetest-hub
22:38 Fixer dynamic liquid is so funny
22:40 Fixer fps impact is dramatically small, compared to older times, not sure how? i5? abm optimisations? mod optimisations? Will be nice to have those realistic liquids on actual servers
23:49 paramat joined #minetest-hub

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