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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2018-06-07

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:20 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
00:30 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
00:30 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
00:40 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-hub
00:50 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
00:51 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
00:55 tumeninodes left #minetest-hub
01:03 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
01:18 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
01:22 ANAND joined #minetest-hub
01:30 paramat joined #minetest-hub
02:06 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
02:09 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
02:14 garywhite Even when I connect using a 0.4.16 client
02:21 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
02:25 Dargod joined #minetest-hub
02:36 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-hub
02:40 AndroBuilder_ joined #minetest-hub
03:36 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
04:19 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
06:51 longerstaff13 morning all
08:23 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
08:24 tenplus1 hi folks
09:31 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
09:31 tenplus1 o/
09:32 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
09:32 ANAND o/ tenplus1
09:32 tenplus1 hi ANAND
09:36 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
10:20 rdococ tenplus1istwelve
10:21 tenplus1 hi rdococ
10:22 tenplus1 am moving all my repo's from github to ... I feel is it a lot better than gitlabs
10:22 longerstaff13 I just walked 4 laps around a field without stopping
10:23 VanessaE but how slow did you go? ;)
10:23 ANAND "walked" :P
10:24 longerstaff13 Took me an hour
10:24 ANAND cool
10:24 rdococ you walked how much? o_O
10:24 VanessaE sounds good, that's more than I could do.
10:24 rdococ what is walking?
10:24 longerstaff13 I went 3 more times than the other students in my class XD
10:25 VanessaE you know, when you go into that bit blue room with the million-watt overhead light?
10:25 VanessaE big*
10:25 longerstaff13 Thry all sat down after the 1st lap... Lazy bones :P
10:25 ANAND rdococ: Put one foot in front of the other. Repeat with other foot. Continue until you are transported to your destination
10:26 tenplus1 yay, cheap teleportation
10:26 ANAND :P
10:26 rdococ ANAND: I tried that, and just bashed my foot on the wall...
10:26 ANAND -_-
10:27 rdococ :D
10:27 ANAND You're utterly unfit to perform the holy act of walking
10:28 VanessaE he doesn't have that bump-and-turn thing you see in some motorized toys ;)
10:28 ANAND lol :P
10:34 rdococ eh, I'll stick to teleportation ;)
10:38 ANAND lotsa lazy folks these days... :P
10:43 * rdococ teleports to ANAND and pokes him
10:44 ANAND :D :P
10:52 longerstaff13 Oh feels good to drink water after all that XD
11:05 tenplus1
11:13 ANAND nice :)
11:13 Amaz Great!
11:13 tenplus1 notabug hosts many big things like libreboot and halycon suite
11:14 tenplus1 and it lets you view things without asking to login all the time (*cough* gitlab)
11:14 ANAND lol
11:15 Amaz I don't know what exactly it is, but there's something about gitlab's interface (even when logged in) which doesn't seem to be quite right...
11:16 tenplus1 yeah, it feels wrong somehow... doesnt fill me with happy thoughts :P
11:16 lisac #notabag
11:16 lisac *#notabug
11:16 lisac there is a freenode channel
11:16 lisac and it has very small number of people there
11:18 lisac Holy shit, a Serbian team has a pro DOTA2 game
11:18 tenplus1 :P
11:18 lisac and it's their first match
11:25 rdococ #aglitchinstead
11:25 longerstaff13 #hehe
11:26 rdococ #fuckbrexit
11:27 longerstaff13 I've not been following the news as thos whole brexit shit doesn't interest me :P
11:27 Krock joined #minetest-hub
11:27 Krock hi tenplus1
11:28 longerstaff13 Meow
11:28 tenplus1 hi dude :P
11:28 Krock hi longerstaff13
11:28 longerstaff13 Hi Krock
11:28 ANAND Ello Krock!
11:28 Krock >> blazing fast >>
11:28 tenplus1 :P
11:28 tenplus1 Krock:
11:28 rdococ << blazing yay
11:29 rdococ
11:29 rdococ #minetestshouldmovetonotabug
11:29 Krock tenplus1, nice. I suggest you to pass the avatar image to waifu2x to enhance it a little
11:29 tenplus1 ?
11:29 rdococ > Krock
11:30 Krock tenplus1, a neural network to upscale and reduce noise of images.
11:31 longerstaff13 #yayforportablechargers
11:31 Krock because the avatar has a quite low resolution - don't know if that's intended, but I doubt it
11:32 tenplus1 that better, reload page
11:32 rdococ a yay
11:33 Krock oh yes. it's sharper now :D
11:33 tenplus1 :P
11:34 Krock I already used that service for several other images, which weren't this kind of artwork, but it worked fine on these too
11:37 rdococ
11:38 tenplus1 ooh nice one
11:38 rdococ Yayâ„¢
11:39 rdococ #twitterisoverrated
11:40 longerstaff13 #soisfacebook
11:40 Krock ##isoverrated
11:41 longerstaff13 Lol
11:41 ThomasMonroe #overratingisoverrated
11:42 rdococ #transistorsareoverratedusevacuumtubesanddekatrons
11:43 tenplus1 lol
11:44 tenplus1 ooh, I like how notabug shows issues in your own repos, assigned to you and created by you on 1 place :) same with pulls... that's handy
11:46 rdococ tenplus1++
11:46 rdococ tenplus2++
11:47 tenplus1 that always annoyed me about github cause I had to check induvidual repos for issues and pulls
11:47 tenplus1 lol rdococ, we have a teneighty on server :P
11:47 rdococ ++yays, and the yayâ„¢++
11:50 rubenwardy GH had pages for showing your prs and issues
11:50 rubenwardy *has
11:51 rdococ > rubenwardy says yay
11:51 tenplus1 double checking
11:51 tenplus1 couldnt find anything that simple, but maybe I missed it
11:51 rubenwardy
11:51 rubenwardy
11:52 rubenwardy There's links at the top of every page
11:52 tenplus1 yeah, that mostly showed pulls or issues I added for other repo's
11:52 tenplus1 never really showed for my own mods
11:52 rubenwardy There's an "assigned" tab
11:53 tenplus1 only for repo's I was a member of, again not my own
11:53 tenplus1 had 1 listed only at the time mobs has 2 issues waiting to view... could only see those when I went into mods rpo itself
11:53 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
11:55 rdococ >><><  yay  ><><<
11:57 longerstaff13 ¶:
11:57 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
11:57 tenplus1 hi Jordach
11:58 rdococ > I do want to say yay
11:58 rdococ I do want to say yay<
11:59 rdococ > Yaaaay! <
12:00 tenplus1 lol, Intel's latest chipset they cheated everyone into thinking it does 5ghz... ahaha
12:01 longerstaff13 Heb
12:01 longerstaff13 Heh*
12:01 longerstaff13 That's good and bad for business XD
12:01 tenplus1 they had a chiller (sub room temp -10c in the background cooling cpu)
12:01 * rdococ yaysâ„¢
12:02 longerstaff13 Lol
12:02 longerstaff13 Yayâ„¢
12:03 Krock tenplus1, with GaAs chips that would be possible but it's expensive..
12:04 tenplus1 indeed... amd threadripper 2 shows intel up though ... waaaay better
12:04 Krock and most likely also toxic due to the Arsenide
12:13 * rdococ farts arsenide
12:15 tenplus1 erk, that's one toxic burrito
12:17 rdococ Yay computers are pretty big because yay blobs still have to use vacuum tubes and dekatrons, as modern technology explodes when you get close
12:23 longerstaff13 XD
12:23 rdococ > * longerstaff13 iPeesâ„¢ all over the yayâ„¢
12:24 rdococ ewww
12:24 rdococ :P
12:24 longerstaff13 Hehe
12:24 * rdococ iYaysâ„¢
12:24 rdococ the Pear uPhoneâ„¢
12:24 Shara rdococ: please don't make me start growling about offtopic.
12:24 * rdococ hides from Shara
12:25 longerstaff13 Hi Shara
12:25 Shara Hi longerstaff13
12:26 longerstaff13 rdococ: let's use #minetest-chat for that eh :P
12:26 tenplus1 o/ Shara
12:27 Shara What longerstaff13 said, please. :)
12:27 longerstaff13 :P
12:27 Shara Hi 11, how's it going?
12:28 tenplus1 not bad, moved all my git repo's to :)
12:28 longerstaff13 Hehe, I'm not the only one who calls him 11 I see
12:28 Shara Ugh... it's going to get annoying with everyone using different places for MT repos
12:28 tenplus1 tbh I prefer notabug to github, it feels better, faster and is easier to check thigns
12:29 longerstaff13 Why is everyone moving from github anyway? I know Microshit is acquiring it, but github has been the base for the stuff for years right?
12:29 tenplus1
12:29 Shara Everyone is freaking out and reacting quickly instead of planning carefully it seems
12:29 longerstaff13 Hmm
12:30 Shara Personally I won't move a thing of my own until I know what MT itself is doing
12:30 tenplus1 am not freaking out as such, just found a better site I like more
12:30 longerstaff13 Good plan
12:30 Shara tenplus1: well, you make it harder for everyone else then
12:30 longerstaff13 I may disappear in a second as I am at college right now and class is starting soon
12:31 * tenplus1 cancels class
12:31 longerstaff13 Yay!
12:32 Shara Ten, can you cancel my exams tomorrow too please?
12:32 tenplus1 8done*
12:33 tenplus1 everyone got 100%
12:33 Shara :)
12:33 * longerstaff13 eats the exams - no more exams
12:33 longerstaff13 :D
12:34 longerstaff13 Gotta go, bye o/
12:34 tenplus1 have fun
12:34 longerstaff13 I'll try
12:37 rdococ > yay
12:38 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
12:38 tenplus1 o/ fixer
12:40 entuland joined #minetest-hub
12:41 tenplus1 hi entuland
12:41 entuland hey there tenplus1
12:49 rdococ I want a quantum computer for my birthday
12:50 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
12:50 * tenplus1 rustles up a 5 qubit system and isntalls Zork III
12:50 tenplus1 hi aerozoic
12:50 aerozoic hey tenplus1, guess what!
12:50 rdococ Yay blob computers are fun
12:50 rdococ aerozoic: Yay!
12:50 tenplus1 ???
12:50 rdococ blobs
12:50 aerozoic I'm on Xubuntu now XD
12:50 tenplus1 ooh sweet :) 18.04 ?
12:50 rdococ :O
12:51 aerozoic yep
12:51 tenplus1 nice one, welcome to the club :d
12:51 aerozoic lol thx. I wish it was under better circumstances but oh well. It works!
12:52 Krock oh nice, another club member :)
12:52 tenplus1 you having any issues with it ?
12:53 aerozoic Nope. Having issues with this new laptop though. Apparently "cherry trail" chipsets are not linux friendly.
12:53 tenplus1 what make/model is your lappy ?
12:54 aerozoic Xubuntu was the only distro i could get wifi to work XD
12:54 tenplus1 has a newer kernel so better driver support :)
12:55 tenplus1 how much memory does your laptop have ?#
12:55 aerozoic Its a Direkt-tek 14-1
12:57 tenplus1 ahh walmart speciak :P
12:58 tenplus1 you can install powertop and increase battery life
12:59 aerozoic lol yeah, cheapest lappy i could find
12:59 tenplus1 heh, so long as it works :) it's all good...  and looks a decent spec
12:59 aerozoic The small HD will be a challenge
12:59 CWz_ joined #minetest-hub
12:59 tenplus1 hi CWz
13:00 tenplus1 control panel will let you up the dpi and font size to compensate :d
13:01 aerozoic HD = hard drive
13:01 Krock aerozoic, cheapest lappies are those which were mid-range few years ago and now sold because the people upgraded to a newer model
13:01 Krock s/HD/HDD/
13:02 Krock any drive is "hard" (liquid data storage, anyone?), Hard Disk Drive is what you meant, I guess :D
13:02 aerozoic technically this thing doesn't even have a HDD.
13:02 aerozoic If i understand correctly, it's just a chip on the MB
13:03 tenplus1 yeah, same as my Acer Cloudbook... 32gb nand chip
13:03 Krock so a cheap embedded SSD?
13:03 tenplus1 works just as well though, fast boot :)
13:03 Fixer hi
13:05 Krock yeah but if you buy cheap ones, then they'll have either a low capacity or wear out quickly
13:05 Krock *or they
13:05 tenplus1 not if you treat them well :D
13:06 tenplus1 and running linux is less intensive on the hdd than winblows, so should last longer :D
13:07 tenplus1 aerozoic: install 'powertop' and in a terminal type:  powertop --auto-tune
13:07 tenplus1 and you'll see your battery life jump a few hours extra :D
13:07 aerozoic ok thx :)
13:07 tenplus1 <-- this shows how to do automatically
13:09 Krock but some options aren't that great to disable. I'm using it here too but won't disable the audio chip because each playback will cause a short but loud *BUMP* which is caused by enabling the supply
13:09 Krock and ofc another, inverse *BUMP* for turning it off
13:10 tenplus1 also adding the line:   vm.swappiness = 15     to the end of /etc/sysctl.conf    will stop a lot of unwanted drive access
13:14 aerozoic i found an article the other day that said for SSD's they recommend swappiness be reduced to 1
13:15 tenplus1 depends, how many Gb ram do you have ?
13:15 aerozoic 4gb
13:15 tenplus1 ahh, then yes, setting to 1 is fine :D
13:15 tenplus1 I assumed 2gb or less
13:17 aerozoic why did linux mint xfce have disk monitor taskbar item but xubuntu doesn't?
13:17 tenplus1 personal preference... you can prolly add it to the taskbar from the plugins menu
13:17 aerozoic that's what i mean, it's not there
13:17 tenplus1 hold on, lemmie check somthing
13:19 tenplus1 in synaptic search for 'xfce4' and it'll bring up all the plugins you can install... xfce4-diskperf-plugin is there
13:20 aerozoic oh yeah, i also forgot i have yet to install xfce restricted extras
13:21 aerozoic thanks!
13:21 tenplus1 :P many packages there for the installin'
13:22 aerozoic i don't have synaptic XD
13:22 tenplus1 sudo apt-get install synaptic
13:23 tenplus1 sometimes you need a tool like that over gnome-software
13:24 * rdococ yays,
13:48 longerstaff13 Hi
13:48 tenplus1 o/
13:50 longerstaff13 I have 10 minutes of sitting in the canteen, yay!
13:54 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
13:55 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
13:56 ANAND Been building MT for 5 minutes and it's still at 65% ._.
13:56 rdococ lol
13:56 tenplus1 erk, what version and for what os ?
13:57 ANAND 0.4.17 on Bionic Beaver
13:57 tenplus1
13:57 tenplus1 there ya go
13:58 ANAND I'm building a minetest server
13:58 tenplus1 :PP
13:58 ANAND Just for the heck of it :)
14:01 ANAND ugh, forgot -DBUILD_CLIENT=0 - re-building..... :/
14:02 aerozoic I get to do the same thing in a little bit :)
14:03 ANAND :P
14:03 tenplus1 0.4.17 has issues on some servers tho with the crashing, would still use 0.4.16 for stability just now
14:03 aerozoic longerstaff13, ur 10 minutes are up! :P
14:04 aerozoic aw, 17 is supposed to be stable LOL
14:04 longerstaff13 Meep
14:04 ANAND exactly! XD
14:05 tenplus1 that's what I thought too...  installed on Xanadu and it kept crashing constantly... went back to 0.4.16
14:05 ANAND :OWhat
14:05 aerozoic figures, thx for the warning.
14:05 tenplus1
14:05 ANAND * was the error?
14:05 rdococ fission mailedâ„¢
14:05 rdococ dou yiedâ„¢, oame gverâ„¢
14:05 tenplus1 also bionic 18.04 has latest minetest 0.4.16 in repo :)
14:07 ANAND true
14:08 aerozoic building is more fun :D
14:08 tenplus1 xanadu already uses this and it works really well :)    minetest --server
14:10 Krock but at least don't do the same with Minetest Game, which will work on 0.4.16 too
14:13 rdococ hmm... need unique idea for an RPG
14:14 Krock turn players into fishes and their task is to eat a shark.
14:14 tenplus1 turn players into sharks and have them eat fishy players
14:14 Krock unique: probably. interesting: mah, difficulty: high
14:15 tenplus1 rdococ: check youtube and watch some of the older "yogscast" mc videos, they have many good ideas
14:16 rdococ EwwEâ„¢
14:18 tenplus1 so long as you have a working quest mod then it's possible to have all sorts of amazing adventures in mt
14:19 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
14:19 tenplus1 o/ Jordach
14:20 Jordach hello
14:31 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
14:32 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
14:44 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
14:56 * rdococ playfully attacks tenplus1 for -3 damage, healing him!
14:57 * tenplus1 dons his crystal armor and is invincible
14:57 * rdococ watches as tenplus1 doesn't heal
14:58 tenplus1 heh...  just upgraded to GIMP 2.10.2...  it's a lot nicer :) especially dark themes
14:59 * rdococ plucks the feathers of a phoenix and cooks them in a pot filled with "logical negation potion", causing it to have the opposite effect and kill instead of heal
14:59 ANAND Just use a NOT gate, way simpler :)
14:59 rdococ yay, it's nwod xineohp
14:59 tenplus1 :PP
14:59 rdococ a reversed phoenix down
15:00 tenplus1 aerozoic: pop into terminal and type:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp     to update gimp
15:01 tenplus1 if you have it installed
15:01 ANAND sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade after that, right?
15:02 tumeninodes joined #minetest-hub
15:02 tenplus1 adding ppa updates automatically, it should popup an update in the corner tray :) to let ya know
15:02 tumeninodes pretty good idea that I am watching
15:03 tenplus1 :p
15:03 ANAND Interesting mod
15:05 tumeninodes rubenwardy: when updating my portable for 0.5.0-dev, can't I use make j-4 rather than make j-3 ? as I have 4 cores? noob compiler question :D
15:05 rubenwardy Use cores+1
15:05 rubenwardy So   -j5
15:05 rubenwardy Or minus 1
15:05 rubenwardy I forget
15:07 sfan5 you can even use make -j20 if you desire
15:07 tumeninodes heh I was just gonna say that as a joke
15:07 sfan5 the most common suggestions for the number of jobs are (number of cores + 1) or (number of cores * 2)
15:07 ANAND If your CPU is hyper-threaded, -j(cores*2) would be a good option too
15:07 sfan5 if you increase it beyond that, it will just take more RAM
15:08 tumeninodes amd a8
15:08 tenplus1 amd threadripper 2
15:08 tumeninodes ... showoff
15:08 tenplus1 muhahahahahaha
15:08 ANAND Isn't A8 a 6-core CPU?
15:08 ANAND Thread-ripper! :O
15:09 tenplus1 tr2 has 32 cores :DD
15:09 ANAND ._.
15:09 tumeninodes A8 is quad core
15:09 tenplus1 heh, if only... I have an atom 2 core 1.8 ht
15:09 ANAND XD
15:10 tumeninodes than you rubenwardy and sfan5
15:11 tumeninodes I have my AMD Athlon64 3300+ powerhouse I could fire up but, I don;t want to drain the grid
15:11 ANAND lol :P
15:12 tumeninodes 512Gb ram....
15:12 tumeninodes oh wait.... 512Mb dang
15:12 tenplus1 ehehe
15:12 tenplus1 is compiling with -j? the same as using  num_emerge_threads = ?
15:13 benrob0329 'scuse me, just a lone Intel user walking through :P
15:13 ANAND Ur not alone :)
15:13 tenplus1 hi benrob :P
15:13 * tumeninodes gives judgmental stare
15:13 * tenplus1 has intel atom
15:13 * ANAND has Intel Pentium
15:14 tumeninodes just know, that you're all wrong
15:14 shivajiva lol
15:14 roben1430 joined #minetest-hub
15:14 tenplus1 hi roben
15:14 ANAND tumeninodes: What do you mean? :)
15:14 roben1430 🤔
15:15 shivajiva AMD fanboy in da house!
15:15 tumeninodes ... you know what I mean
15:15 ANAND I don't :/
15:16 tumeninodes I know, that's why i say that. It stuns and confuses the opposition
15:16 tenplus1 hi shiva
15:16 shivajiva hiya tenplus ;)
15:16 ANAND Ah... Makes a ton of sense ;)
15:17 tumeninodes not really but that's how I do
15:17 ANAND lol
15:18 roben1430 Clearly ARM is superior
15:18 ANAND Nope sorry
15:18 tumeninodes I didn't check the repo yet, did anyone fix that builtin issue yet? or do I have do the manual labours today : /
15:18 ANAND 8086 rules! 8D
15:18 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
15:18 roben1430 Actually ARM is most likely the next major architecture
15:19 tumeninodes Sparc!
15:19 shivajiva I think we need competition and a diverse marketplace to suit all budgets, after 486 I jumped to AMD based on means but for stability back then you couldn't beat intel so eventually I came back
15:19 roben1430 Apple will likely move to it with their next Macbook line
15:20 roben1430 Or, some near-future linr
15:20 tumeninodes you all know Sparc is pretty powerful right? They just can;t compete in the $ market being unable to lower their cost
15:20 roben1430 Not that moving to ARM is an issue for Linux/BSD
15:22 tenplus1 latest arm chip runs 3ghz and is being made for windows desktop
15:22 sfan5 it's an issue for linux/bsd?
15:22 sfan5 it might be an issue for windows, but certainly not for linux
15:22 roben1430 sfan5: I said not an issue
15:22 tumeninodes old but still :P
15:22 tenplus1 very true, linux can run on pretty much every platform
15:23 sfan5 roben1430: oh sorry, the "not" was hard to spot
15:23 roben1430 Both Linux and almost evert BSD kernel runs on ARM, and has for years
15:23 roben1430 Its hardly a transition
15:24 tumeninodes sneaky little nots
15:24 roben1430 Many applications have even been ported, due to things like the raspberry Pi
15:25 roben1430 I love how people were amazed when VLC ran on ARM based Windows
15:25 rubenwardy arm don't make chips
15:26 tenplus1 vlc is pretty good, I like mpv tho
15:26 rubenwardy Re: tenplus1 latest arm chip runs 3ghz
15:26 roben1430 Tbh I have yet to find a video player I'm completely happy with
15:26 tenplus1 mpv is just a window with on-screen controls, no gui :) simplez
15:27 roben1430 But no DVD menus either
15:27 tenplus1 on-screen or keyboard controlled
15:28 tenplus1 rubenwardy: the arm cortex a76 runs up to 3ghz using 7nm process and is 35% faster than 175
15:28 tenplus1
15:28 tenplus1 my next desktop just might be arm :D
15:29 roben1430 How does ARM do for GPUs though
15:29 roben1430 Will it be compatible with existing PCIe things or will we move completely to SoaC
15:29 rubenwardy arm design instruction sets
15:30 tenplus1 depends on board and company making it... mali-760 in most phones and it's fast enough to do 4k
15:30 rubenwardy Ie: architecture
15:30 sfan5 GPUs are not architecture-specific, vendors "just" need to port their drivers
15:30 tenplus1 mali-t880 is latest and as 16 core gfx
15:30 rubenwardy Hence why it's up to 3ghz, and they don't give a specific value
15:30 roben1430 sfan5: isnt PCIe a CPU thing, not a motherboard thing?
15:30 tenplus1
15:31 Krock PCIe is still for data exchange. how the data is processed is up to the cards
15:31 sfan5 I don't know whether you can call PCI-e a "cpu thing" or a "motherboard thing"
15:31 roben1430 tenplus1: fast enough to do 4k just means it has multimedia capabilities, not necessarily gaming or rendering
15:31 sfan5 but I can tell you that there are arm boards with pcie support, so it's certainly doable
15:32 tenplus1 true, consider tho that many phones have hd display and 3d gaming works well on 760... so 880 will be a lot smoother :D  would need to test it tho
15:32 roben1430
15:33 roben1430 Looks like the architecture supports it anyways
15:33 sfan5 about graphics: the graphics hardware mobile SoCs usually come with are no match for desktop graphics
15:33 sfan5 the drivers are terrible too
15:33 roben1430 sfan5: exactly
15:33 sfan5 a notable exception is nvidia hardware, their drivers are on-par with what they provide on desktop
15:34 roben1430 So..working but a pita?
15:34 sfan5 that's still much better than the average driver for other ARM gfx hw
15:35 roben1430 ~~AMD save us~~
15:36 sfan5 since their drivers are in the kernel now, maybe it would just work OOTB
15:36 tenplus1 hopefully
15:36 roben1430 Isnt it still unstable?
15:37 tumeninodes hey, wait a second... when I update 0.5.0-dev, that doesn;t automagically update MTG? :/
15:37 sfan5 amdgpu? not that i know of
15:37 tenplus1 if you compile yourself, no... gotta get the latest minetest_game as well
15:37 tumeninodes dagnabbit
15:38 roben1430 sfan5: the AMD drivers in the kernel, I thought they weren't in a release yet
15:38 tumeninodes i was wondering why player is not sunk into the snow
15:40 sfan5 roben1430: it's in the kernel since about 2 years afaik
15:41 tenplus1 amd open source drivers seem to run better than binary blob
15:41 tenplus1 according to phoronix
15:41 tenplus1 wish the same could be said for nvidia
15:41 sfan5 better than fglrx? that's not surprise
15:41 sfan5 s/not/no/
15:43 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
15:43 roben1430 If only I could have had a look into the future and bought an amd card
15:44 roben1430 Then again I would have built a quieter and smaller computer at that point as well...
15:45 tenplus1 +100 on small and quiet
15:59 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
16:01 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
16:03 tenplus1 wb
16:17 longerstaff13 o/
16:17 tenplus1 o//
16:18 longerstaff13 o///
16:18 longerstaff13 lol
16:18 tumeninodes ok, now I have current MTG :) silly me
16:18 rdococ hm... thinking of alternatives to electricity for alien species
16:19 rubenwardy Man, I want this computer
16:19 tenplus1 ?
16:19 longerstaff13 ?
16:19 rdococ there are mechanical turing machinesâ„¢
16:19 * tumeninodes wonders what an alien's electric bill looks like
16:19 longerstaff13 tumeninodes: most probably £1,000 :P
16:20 rdococ depends on if they have electricity
16:21 rdococ they could have entirely mechanical minicomputers
16:21 tenplus1 or organic
16:21 rdococ ooh, aliens could selectively breed a species of organic computer
16:22 tenplus1 1 kid to become a doctor, the other to run household apps :D
16:22 rdococ wat
16:22 rdococ alien slavery
16:22 tenplus1 to them it's normal :P
16:23 rdococ aliens would selectively breed "lesser" aliens for obedience and intelligence
16:24 rdococ that sounds really messed up to us but normal for them
16:24 tenplus1 yeah, population control built into their civilization
16:25 tumeninodes rubenwardy, this is what my eye is on for next machine
16:25 rdococ then the alien slaves become intelligent enough to escape and fight back, but don't as they became too obedient
16:26 tumeninodes would probably still get avg 50/52 fps with MTG :D
16:26 tenplus1 tumeninodes: looks good, amd ryzen :P nice
16:26 tumeninodes oh yehhhhhhh
16:26 rdococ then there's an anti-slave rebellious group of aliens that breed slaves for disobedience so they may eventually rebel
16:27 tumeninodes this depends on how bad the judge feels for me due to my accident though ; )
16:27 tumeninodes been practicing my <sad face>
16:27 rdococ life happensâ„¢
16:27 tenplus1 lol
16:27 rdococ capitalism happensâ„¢
16:27 rdococ other things happen tooâ„¢
16:28 tumeninodes of course I don;t call accidents "accidents"..., I call the "stupids"
16:28 tumeninodes *m
16:28 rdococ you did a stupid?
16:28 tumeninodes noooo, someone else did
16:29 tumeninodes I just happened to be in the path of stupid
16:29 tumeninodes though I do have stupids... A LOT
16:29 * tenplus1 does a stupid and gets a new amd system too :D
16:29 tumeninodes hahaha
16:30 tumeninodes when it's a small stupid, I am very forgiving... but  a huge stupid that cause serious injury..., no
16:31 tumeninodes og course I could be over-prospecting too
16:31 rdococ "oops, I accidentally broke your leg or something"
16:31 tumeninodes awesome, you may now buy me a new PC
16:31 rdococ can I have your old one?
16:32 tumeninodes no, too much porn on it :D
16:32 rdococ can I have your porn?
16:32 tumeninodes hahahaha
16:32 tenplus1 ehehe
16:32 rdococ lol, the moment para - mat sees this...
16:32 tenplus1 we're all getting kicked
16:32 tenplus1 o.O
16:33 tenplus1 am para-noid now
16:33 rdococ lol
16:33 tumeninodes it's all anime though, kinda sick
16:33 tenplus1 hentai even
16:33 tumeninodes I won;t get kicked..., my pc also has MT/MTG on it so...., <safety net>
16:34 tumeninodes thinking of starting a new dating website/app, via using MTG
16:34 rdococ wat
16:35 tenplus1 er... bad idea
16:35 tenplus1 might get paired with an oerkki
16:35 tumeninodes nah it'll be UGE!
16:35 rdococ ooh, a reddit-like "social media" website in minetest would be cool
16:36 rdococ ANAND: we're talking about mt now though
16:36 tumeninodes dude, I'm always "off"
16:36 ANAND Totally...
16:36 rdococ well, I definitely haven't been turned on...
16:36 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
16:36 * tumeninodes is not plugged in
16:37 tenplus1 learning from 0.4.17 and lack of binaries, how easy would it be to have minetest-next for 0.5x dev for testers to quickly and easily use ????
16:37 rdococ minetest-previous: 0.3.3
16:37 tenplus1 kinda like opera-next so you can run it alongside the stable version and test it all out
16:37 garywhite I have someone who is asking me how they update MT from 0.4.15 to 0.4.17 on Ubuntu?
16:37 tenplus1 then when it's finally released it becomes "minetest" stable
16:38 rdococ I run the latest -dev alongsite the 0.4.17 build
16:38 Krock garywhite, PPAs do it
16:38 tumeninodes tenplus1, why not just set up as I do, it's sleazy.... woops I mean easy
16:38 tenplus1 gary, 16.04 repos and above have minetest 0.4.16 already in there
16:38 tenplus1 dont do 0.4.17 until that crash bug is sorted
16:38 garywhite Right
16:38 rdococ the same bug from 0.5.0-dev?
16:39 tumeninodes so keep 0.4.16 as .minetest, then use 0.5.0-dev in minetest
16:39 Krock tenplus1, easy. I currently got 0.5.0-dev and 0.4.17 running both as RUN_IN_PLACE, whereas the mod, game and client directories are symlnked
16:39 tenplus1
16:39 ANAND Krock: I have the exact same setup :D
16:39 tenplus1 Krock: wihtout having to compile each and every new version that comes out...
16:40 garywhite What about for Ubuntu 12.x?
16:40 * tumeninodes directories are not symlinked :(
16:40 Krock tenplus1, then compile each week
16:40 ANAND I've symlinked mods, games and worlds directories
16:40 tumeninodes tenplus1 hates compiling as do I
16:40 tenplus1 goes back as far as 14.04, ubu 12 is too old
16:41 garywhite That's what I thought
16:41 Krock ANAND, cache, locale, sounds and textures can be symlinked too
16:41 ANAND and settings are read from and written to ~/minetest.conf
16:41 tenplus1 not that I hate compiling, but if things are to be tested by many users then provide a minetest-dev or minetest-next binary for us to play with
16:41 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
16:41 tenplus1 it took me forever to compile mt on my net-top... that puts me right off
16:41 ANAND Krock: cache and locale too?
16:41 tumeninodes I used the 0.4.16 (now 17) from mint repo, then use Calinou's portable build for MT 0.5.0-dev, and just cloned my fork of MTG-dev into that
16:42 ANAND No conflicts between 0.4.17 and 0.5.0-dev?
16:42 tumeninodes so now to update MT is just pull and make -j5
16:42 Krock ANAND, especially cache because the media cache format doesn't change. and translations tend to be added rather than removed
16:42 ANAND Right, thanks
16:42 Krock so 0.5.0-dev translations + cache
16:42 tumeninodes update MTG git pull upstream master and then push origin master
16:43 Krock tenplus1, Celeron D 3.06 GHz, 45 minutes compiling time
16:43 tenplus1 daaaaaamn
16:43 Krock well, that was from scratch. incremental build then brought it down to ~30 mins
16:44 tenplus1 just one of those things that would be nice for testers... save a lot of rigmarole and hassle
16:44 ANAND A great benefit of symlinking is that packages installed using ContentDB can be used across all versions of MT :D
16:44 tenplus1 then i can run minetest to play or minetest-dev/next to test
16:44 tumeninodes ... you would be able to play both
16:45 ANAND Hmm... why not provide 0.5.0-dev as a special package on ContentDB?
16:47 tumeninodes you'd still have to have 0.5.0 MT in a diff directory
16:48 ANAND oh nvm... ContentDB itself is for 0.5.0 only... :|
16:48 tumeninodes ; )
16:49 rdococ ; yay ;
16:49 rdococ I need a name for the aliens I came up with earlier
16:50 ANAND yay-liens
16:50 tumeninodes or... you can just do as I was doing for a while and deleting forks, and local, then refork, and reinstall... constantly
16:50 tumeninodes sofar LOVES that :D
16:51 tumeninodes <yayliens>  :|
16:51 garywhite is anyone else who uses IRCCloud having issues?
16:51 rdococ ANAND: are you sure? the aliens are pretty racist (among their alien equivalent of races, at least)...
16:52 sofar lol
16:52 ANAND That was just a PR, it's up to you to merge 8)
16:52 longerstaff13 garywhite: I moved back to a ZNC and HexChat
16:52 sofar quassel, forever
16:52 rdococ I should make a language for the 'racist aliens' but meh...
16:52 longerstaff13 Client: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU       M 330  @ 2.13GHz (1.04GHz) • Memory: Physical: 3.6 GiB Total (2.0 GiB Free) Swap: 2.0 GiB Total (2.0 GiB Free) • Storage: 35.7 GB / 486.7 GB (451.0 GB Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Radeon HD 5670 @ Intel Corporation Core Processor QuickPath Architecture System Address De
16:52 longerstaff13 coder • Uptime: 2h 22m 1s
16:52 longerstaff13 ;)
16:52 sofar marklar
16:52 rdococ I have no specifics as to the biology of the alien species yet
16:53 tenplus1 they reproduce a-sexually so they are really being racist against themselves as a joke
16:54 rdococ I want to call them "adolphians"...
16:54 tumeninodes have them reproduce by "magic" and call them bibliens
16:54 rdococ lol, bibliens
16:55 rdococ I would make people mad if I called them bibliens, calling them adolphians is bad enough :P
16:56 longerstaff13 yæ-lians
16:56 tumeninodes could call them humans but, I'm sure you want an intelligent species
16:56 rdococ lol
16:57 rdococ humans went to war with the adolphians for obvious reasons
16:58 tumeninodes well, have to go meet with someone who seems to believe in magic, as a matter of fact..., to try to convince them there is no such thing
16:58 rdococ tumeninodes: whozat?
16:58 tumeninodes client
16:58 rdococ so you're a server? :P
16:59 tumeninodes no, I'n obviously insane for having this particular client
16:59 tumeninodes *m
16:59 tumeninodes I feel for her other half hahaha
16:59 tumeninodes see ya folks
17:00 tumeninodes left #minetest-hub
17:14 Calinou
17:14 Calinou hi :)
17:14 tenplus1 hi cal
17:14 Calinou my portable build is really old tum
17:14 Calinou tumeninodes*
17:14 Calinou (they left)
17:15 rdococ idea: space dimension with spheres of black holium that act as black holes
17:16 * Jordach adds in accretion disks
17:16 Jordach ...along with the instakill gamma radiation
17:18 Krock For me is the speaker in that video a bit hard to understand sometimes
17:19 * rdococ uses an accretion disk to store data
17:19 * rdococ watches as the data is swallowed up by the black hole
17:19 * rdococ yays
17:29 BillyS Ah, think I finally found out why some of my clients where crashing. They were using Multicr@p
17:29 tenplus1 ???
17:30 BillyS Some of the players on my server were crashing at wierd times
17:30 BillyS Like when they opened the inventory or a locked chest
17:30 tenplus1 hrm, but shouldnt all the mods be loaded from server-side ?
17:31 rdococ my switch did a bsod (black screen of death)
17:31 tenplus1 nooo, not nintendo
17:31 BillyS rdococ: With windows, you avoid bsod's by changing them violet! :D
17:33 garywhite Instead it's BSOD 2.0: The PSOD (Purple Screen of Death)
17:33 tenplus1 BillyS: does your server run a custom minetest game, or default ?
17:33 BillyS default
17:34 tenplus1 yet when someone opens a chest in multicraft it crashes ?
17:34 BillyS Yep
17:35 tenplus1 so weird
17:35 BillyS Yep again
17:35 rdococ Real life crashed yesterday.
17:35 BillyS Also, I have fish spawning all over my world . .
17:35 BillyS Speaking of wierd. :P
17:37 rdococ I sent a bug report, but the devs can't seem to fix it...
17:37 tenplus1 wonder if it's anything to do with the minetest.after(0,2 that shows chest formspec... doesnt necessarily check for player being active or now
17:37 tenplus1
17:53 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
17:54 tenplus1 Krock: you there ?
17:57 rdococ Hmm... should I put 'adolphians' in an extraterrestrial setting or a fantasy setting with dwarves, elves, etc.?
17:57 tenplus1 asteroids
17:59 rdococ if I made them extraterrestrial I'd have to define its other biological characteristics, which is boring
17:59 tenplus1 make them blue blobs
18:00 tenplus1 that bound around like slimes :D
18:00 tenplus1 and if you get too close they explode into goo and cause slowdown for 30 seconds
18:01 tenplus1 rubenwardy: you around ?
18:02 * tenplus1 tries to lure someone with a donut for assistance
18:03 * rdococ eats the donut by throwing his intestines at it
18:03 tenplus1 lol, hoi
18:03 tenplus1 you aint no starfish
18:03 * rdococ then reels his intestines in
18:03 * rdococ is a gross blob, but they're pretty cute
18:03 tenplus1 hehehe
18:04 * tenplus1 plops anime eyes on rdococ
18:04 * rdococ turns into an animyay blob
18:05 tenplus1
18:06 tenplus1 rubenwardy or Krock: is the 0.4.17 crash error caused when the server has logs enabled, according to this:
18:07 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
18:08 garywhite hi Tmanyo
18:23 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
18:30 tumeninodes joined #minetest-hub
18:31 tumeninodes gotta love people who are no-shows for meetings grrrr
18:31 tenplus1 no reason ?
18:31 tumeninodes "oh, I'm sorry, I forgot all about it, can you just arrange your life around me?"
18:32 tenplus1 I dont like ppl being that selfish
18:32 tumeninodes me either... still a min charge though
18:32 tumeninodes which I'm sure will seem unreasonable to them
18:32 tenplus1 lol
18:33 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
18:33 tumeninodes anyway, are you still floating around Calinou
18:33 Calinou yes
18:33 Calinou I said my 0.5-dev build is very out of date
18:34 tumeninodes your portable build still works
18:34 tumeninodes I just update it (at least I hope that's what I've been doing) :P
18:38 Calinou I mean, the one-line script will get the latest version
18:38 Calinou but my AppImage is like 1 year old by now
18:40 tumeninodes oh, yeh I know that. I d/l the appimage a bit back but it was not what I needed
18:40 Krock tenplus1, yes. I just saw you can work around by setting "deprecated_lua_api_handling" to anything but "log" or "error" to avoid the crash
18:41 tumeninodes the one-line script is what I used for the portable, then I just cloned my fork of current MTG into it today, because i had mtg set up wrong
18:43 tenplus1 in the minetest.conf ?    deprecated_lua_api_handling = none   ???
18:43 tumeninodes either way, it makes sense to me and it works, that's all I need to be happy :)
18:43 Fixer s/???/?!?!?!
18:45 tenplus1 although it's set to "legacy" by default, which it is on xanadu ? so I wonder why the crash if it already wasnt set to "log" or "error"
18:45 tumeninodes I very much love player sinking into snow... so much better
18:47 rdococ ~I do want to sa - ay yay
18:47 rdococ I do want to SA AAAA AY yay~
18:49 tumeninodes ssstaahhhhhhp
18:50 nerzhul wow :D
18:51 tenplus1 lolol
18:51 tenplus1 hi nerzhul
18:51 Krock tenplus1, that's quite weird because "legacy" would not cause this error
18:51 nerzhul hi tenplus1
18:52 tumeninodes and that's just daily
18:52 tenplus1 it's a setting we never changed so it has been on default all this time...
18:52 tenplus1 will ask shinji if he can reinstall 0.4.17 and we'll test
18:53 Krock well, it defaults to "log" when the "NDEBUG" was set to compile. i.e. "-DNDEBUG"
18:53 tenplus1 hrmm
18:53 Krock which is actually the case when it's built with GCC
18:54 tumeninodes my internets is acting wonky
18:55 Krock tenplus1, set it manually to "legacy". maybe the docs are wrong
18:55 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
18:56 BillyS minetest is screwing around with me
18:56 tenplus1 whassup billy ?
18:56 BillyS I can't get voxelmanips to work
18:56 tumeninodes BillyS, Minetest doesn;t have screws so, impossibru
18:56 tenplus1 getting any errors
18:56 BillyS Nope
18:57 BillyS But area:index(x, y, z) is returing an id for a water source when there isnt a water source at x y z
18:57 BillyS (area is a VoxelArea)
18:57 tenplus1 weird
18:57 BillyS No kidding
18:59 tenplus1 use pastebin to show your code, maybe someone can debug
18:59 BillyS
18:59 BillyS Sires is re-writing it now
19:00 BillyS Its a function to check if a mob can spawn
19:01 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
19:01 Krock local emin, emax = vm:read_from_map(vector.add(pos1, -1), vector.add(pos2, 1))
19:03 Krock that would ensure that you can iterate over the entire pos1 and pos2 volume
19:05 BillyS Hmm
19:05 Krock and maybe def.spawn_node was invalid (nil, unknown)
19:06 Krock line 16 will cause a crash due to unknown nodes
19:07 tenplus1 is pos1 pos2 used for manually spawning mobs, or is it centred around player ?
19:07 BillyS centered aroung the player
19:07 BillyS *around
19:16 rdococ > I will yay yay
19:16 Krock tenplus1, actually it shouldn't matter because VManip forceloads the mapblocks
19:17 tenplus1 just curious to how position is selected for mob to spawn :P
19:19 tenplus1 always looking for a better way to spawn mobs :D
19:21 BillyS heh
19:21 longerstaff13 BillyS used to look for ways to spawn corium allover the place :P (joking)
19:21 BillyS I did
19:22 longerstaff13 heh
19:26 rdococ > yay <
19:30 tenplus1 nite folks o//
19:30 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
19:37 tumeninodes Is it possible to add in the ability for MT or MTG to read a .lua or something similar to a meta.txt file from a texture folder?
19:38 tumeninodes so that a texture in a tp can overide a node or item on an individual basis? I have mentioned this idea before
19:40 tumeninodes i.e., if I create a tp, and I want to use the default_water_source.png from it but, I also want to change say, the alpha level and length from 2,0 to 3.0, it would be very cool to be able to change those defs from within the tp itself
19:41 tumeninodes and using the very old adage of "MC can do it"..., why can't MT?
19:42 rdococ there are things MT can do that MC can't without hax :P
19:42 rdococ like custom nodes that don't need fiddling around with resource pax
19:42 tumeninodes I have mentioned it is possible to do this, by creating a tp as a mod, and using override but, it would be much nicer to do from within the textures folder itself
19:44 tumeninodes true but that normally relates to engine restrictions but, I don;t thin this would be a restriction, just a matter of being coded into the engine, meaning the feature just isnt there yet, but not impossible
19:45 tumeninodes and creating a tp as a mod is kinda sleazy
19:47 tumeninodes wait, sorry I misread your comment rdococ :P
19:47 tumeninodes I switched MT cant with MC cant
19:48 Fixer wat?
19:48 tumeninodes nvm, I confused myself too
19:49 tumeninodes I thought rdococ said "there are things MT "can't" do, that MC "can" do"
19:50 rdococ MT can do nearly anything because it's open-source and written in C++, so you can modify it to do whatever. case closed. yay.
19:51 tumeninodes I'd just like to see TPs able to utilize meta.txt files, same as MC does. But I don;t know where to start or how to add the feature
19:52 tumeninodes definitely starts in the engine. I could make an issue but unsure how to word it
19:55 tumeninodes there was mention before as well, that being able to use the term "media pack" would be nice, to be able to have a media pack include 3 folders "textures", "models", and "sounds" which would be a nice addition too
20:24 tumeninodes left #minetest-hub
20:28 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
20:38 rubenwardy ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: ServerThread::run Lua: Runtime error from mod 'sauth' in callback can_bypass_userlimit(): ...inetest/minetest_stable/bin/../builtin/game/register.lua:401: assertion failed!
20:38 rubenwardy hmmm
20:39 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
20:45 Krock oh! found a possible cause for the jump issue
20:50 rubenwardy 0.4.17
20:50 Krock was time to recharge it
20:52 rubenwardy there was a bug with my email on crash script
20:52 rubenwardy was passing in $date rather than $DATE resulting in the last 20 lines of logs not being sent :(
21:06 garywhite I hate to say it (and I mean no offense to you guys) but 0.4.17 is like the Windows Vista of MT releases, but the first bad one I've seen since I started out on 0.4.13
21:07 rubenwardy no one tested it well enough
21:07 rubenwardy also, CTF doesn't use any deprecated functions
21:07 rubenwardy so it couldn't catch it
21:11 sofar so the mt media server actually costs me money this month
21:11 Krock how come it doesn't cost otherwise?
21:11 sofar I've exceeded the free bandwidth outbound
21:12 Krock well, that's a success
21:12 sofar cpu usage and all the other metrics fall well within the free tier limits
21:12 sofar yes, it's definitely a success by that metric :)
21:12 sofar it's now serving about 2-3gb a day
21:13 sofar I'm starting to have issues maintaining log files :)
21:14 sofar I've got 6000(!) hits on some media files
21:14 rubenwardy in a month?
21:14 sofar in the past 4 days
21:15 Krock it's hard to believe that so many clients are out there which never cached the media before
21:15 sofar well there's something wrong there
21:15 sofar let me paste some greps:
21:15 Krock ...pastebin?
21:16 sofar I'd never directly paste :P
21:16 Krock who knows? let's select these two lines.. paste. oops.
21:16 sofar
21:16 rubenwardy like the time I pasted a data:image/png link in -chat
21:16 rubenwardy pages and pages
21:17 sofar looks like we may have an issue with our media loader
21:17 sofar it repeatedly asks for the same hash
21:17 Krock you already reported that
21:18 sofar obviously I now remember that
21:18 Krock and I tried to do some investigations but never was able to reproduce it locelly
21:18 Krock *locally
21:20 sofar so, it looks like the dupes happen mostly only once, so caching is working on the client
21:20 sofar failsauce multicraft, I bet
21:21 sofar no, also 0.4.16
21:21 sofar heh, even 0.4.17
21:22 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
21:25 sofar
21:25 sofar I don't see it checking if other files have the same hash
21:26 sofar it just looks at filestatus->received and filestatus->sha1
21:26 sofar so yeah, bad
21:27 sofar first, we should patch the server not to send the same hash to the clients twice
21:28 sofar and second, we should patch clients to not ask the media server twice for the same hash
21:31 paramat joined #minetest-hub
21:32 paramat BillyS maybe your LVM bug is this? #7422
21:32 ShadowBot -- Lua_api.txt: Warn of errors possible with use of VoxelArea:index()/indexp() by paramat
21:43 rubenwardy how can I git clone without asking for a password?
21:43 rubenwardy I want it to just fail if auth is needed
21:44 rubenwardy nvm
21:44 rubenwardy answer:   git clone -c credential.helper='!f() { cat > /dev/null; echo username=; echo password=; }; f'
21:46 sofar git:// ?
21:47 sofar you can have a different fetch and push URL
21:47 rubenwardy git:// didn't work
21:47 rubenwardy although wait
21:47 rubenwardy it just waits forever
22:03 sofar !tell krock :lightbulb: my mtmediasrv daemon needs to filter duplicates, and I don't think it does!
22:03 MinetestBot sofar: I'll pass that on when krock is around
22:21 rubenwardy looool
22:21 rubenwardy just wrote a stack over flow post
22:21 rubenwardy then realised the answer
22:21 rubenwardy rubberducking at its finest
22:22 rubenwardy just so it doesn't go to waste:
22:22 rubenwardy the answer is to use    instead
22:22 rubenwardy ie: username and password are empty
22:34 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
22:39 aerozoic $ make -j <what goes here to auto detect cores?>
22:44 aerozoic found it... $(nproc)
23:40 ANAND joined #minetest-hub
23:55 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
23:56 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub

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