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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2018-03-21

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:08 Fixer sigh
00:09 Fixer VanessaE: creative-building is in somewhat bad shape, please ban those griefers
00:39 pauloue joined #minetest-hub
00:48 Fixer stratum
01:15 pauloue joined #minetest-hub
02:51 paramat joined #minetest-hub
03:05 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
03:05 AndroBuilder joined #minetest-hub
03:25 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
04:02 sofar joined #minetest-hub
04:02 sofar joined #minetest-hub
04:27 TommyTreasure is there a minetest.conf setting to keep colored text out of game chat?
05:10 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
05:40 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
05:46 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
07:20 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
07:23 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
07:26 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
07:27 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
08:12 CWz joined #minetest-hub
09:48 red-001 joined #minetest-hub
10:36 rubenwardy yes
10:36 rubenwardy strip_colored_text
10:36 rubenwardy you need 0.4.17 however
11:00 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
11:00 tenplus1 hi folks
11:06 tenplus1 Farming Redo updated, added peas, wooden bowl, pea soup
11:16 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
11:19 tenplus1 hi fixer
11:30 Fixer hello
11:32 Fixer "The following words in your search query were ignored because they are too common words: just."
11:32 Fixer okay, fy useless forum
11:32 tenplus1 lol
11:36 tenplus1 wht you hunting for?
12:14 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
12:23 tenplus1 hi lumberJ
12:34 lumberJ hey tenplus1
12:34 tenplus1 o/
12:35 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
12:37 tenplus1 wb raven
12:38 Raven262 thanks ten, also hi
12:39 tenplus1 :P
12:39 Raven262 I managed to get matrix code rain as my desktop background, animated.
12:40 tenplus1 nice one dude :P seen that one before, is pretty kewl
12:41 Raven262 (had to sacrifice plasma, but probably worth it)
12:41 tenplus1 always fun to customize your desktop :)
12:41 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
12:41 tenplus1 hi mister
12:41 Mr_Pardison 'ello tenplus1
12:59 pauloue joined #minetest-hub
13:11 Wayward_One Hi all :)
13:12 tenplus1 hi wayward
13:12 Mr_Pardison hello Wayward_One
13:32 tenplus1 bbl
13:32 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
14:09 Dargod joined #minetest-hub
14:20 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
14:22 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
14:42 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
14:42 tenplus1 hi folks
14:43 ThomasMonroe o/ tenplus1
14:43 tenplus1 hi thomas
14:44 ThomasMonroe how are you? :)
14:44 tenplus1 good ta, tinkering as always :) and you ?
14:45 ThomasMonroe good, I got basic rendering engine code laid down and a sphere rendering
14:45 tenplus1 ooh, writing your own 3d proggy ?
14:45 ThomasMonroe proggy?
14:45 ThomasMonroe
14:46 tenplus1 proggy = program (my lazy way of saying it :)
14:46 ThomasMonroe lol sounds suspiciously like froggy
14:47 tenplus1 heh
14:47 tenplus1 I finally added 'peas' to farming mod, never thought I'd get so many requests for such a simple veg.
14:48 rubenwardy > no mobs
14:48 ThomasMonroe O_o pease!? eww
14:48 rubenwardy 0/100
14:48 ThomasMonroe peas*
14:48 tenplus1 hi ruben
14:49 tenplus1 whassup ?
14:50 rubenwardy nm
14:51 tenplus1 I am however starting to add utensils, added bowl for food crafting recipes (food_bowl group)
14:51 tenplus1 Pam got back to me about using harvestcraft textures and said no, which is fine, just means I gotta crappily draw my own for other utensils and food items :D
14:57 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
14:57 tenplus1 wb
15:24 Fixer rubenwardy: jeez, who wants mobs... people were fine with just rails for 6 years...
15:25 tenplus1 :P
15:32 rubenwardy what are mobs actually missing?
15:33 rubenwardy it really sucks how little artists there are for FOSS games
15:34 tenplus1 they give time and effort when possible
15:34 rubenwardy less than programmers
15:34 rubenwardy purely because FOSS is more of a programmer problem
15:34 rubenwardy not a real person problem
15:34 rubenwardy ;)
15:36 tenplus1 unless you get paid to specifically do a task it's all down to time available... many of us know this :P
15:36 rubenwardy yeah
15:37 rubenwardy I do question why I give all this free labour to chinese app publishers
15:37 tenplus1 chinese app publishers ??? huh
15:38 rubenwardy add ads to Minetest, don't change much, publish 20 copies with different names
15:38 rubenwardy
15:38 rubenwardy although that one changed a bit
15:39 tenplus1 ohhhh, the knock-off clients... gotcha
15:39 rubenwardy I issued a DMCA to them as they don't follow the LGPL license
15:39 rubenwardy although google wants me to take a picture of the code, argh
15:39 rubenwardy have to download  the app again
15:39 rubenwardy hope it's not for each individual one
15:39 tenplus1 I do minetest to relax and for fun mostly, so what happens to my work afterwards is up to the users
15:40 rubenwardy there's two types of work, for me
15:40 rubenwardy 1 is the fun kind, like CTF and random modding
15:40 rubenwardy the other is the time consuming exhausting kind, the engine dev etc
15:41 rubenwardy doing the latter is partly to help the former
15:41 tenplus1 I do with my c++ skills were better, but alas I suck at coding in that area :P
15:41 rubenwardy partly because I like the project
15:42 tenplus1 yeah... mt is a good project to play with :)
15:42 rubenwardy and partly because I'm locked in a basement by Fixer
15:42 tenplus1 aww, hope he feeds you
15:43 rubenwardy occasionally
15:43 * tenplus1 tosses you some donuts n coffee
15:43 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
15:43 tenplus1 hi benrob
15:43 benrob0329 Hi tenplus1
15:51 rubenwardy are there any distros that provide latest stable user software, but backport only OS software?
15:51 rubenwardy Ubuntu does backport-only for all packages on LTS releases
15:51 rubenwardy whereas user software like Minetest and Firefox should be latest stable
15:51 tenplus1 I'm testing ubu 18.04 beta 1 just now on my main desktop and it's rock stable and has all new software
15:52 rubenwardy for like, 1 month
15:52 rubenwardy then it'll be out of date again
15:52 tenplus1 I havent enabled the (dev version switch) for latest packages yet, but I dare say they are all up to date
15:52 tenplus1 but you DO have the choice :)
15:53 rubenwardy right
15:53 rubenwardy the group games project is soul destroying
15:53 rubenwardy a module at my uni
15:53 rubenwardy We're using Unity, ofc
15:53 tenplus1 aww, not playing with godot
15:54 rubenwardy which is incredibly slow with obscure bugs
15:54 rubenwardy coursemates don't care about FOSS
15:54 tenplus1 they should allow you the engine of your choice so long as you can give them the final result they want
15:55 tenplus1 when I was at college they forced me to use pascal and cobol... *shudder*
15:55 rubenwardy they do
15:55 rubenwardy 99% use Unity
15:55 rubenwardy one group is using C++ and Ogre3D
15:55 rubenwardy another group is using Unreal
15:55 tenplus1 so many engines
15:55 tenplus1 which do you like best ?
15:56 rubenwardy personally think that Unity should be banned, it's really not good for programming as a team
15:56 rubenwardy for the coursework that is
15:56 tenplus1 a few pointers to your lecturer is in order
16:00 Fixer rubenwardy: and there is 3rd kind of work: minetest game development, when you already lost hope about 6 years ago
16:00 rubenwardy &probably
16:00 rubenwardy lol
16:00 tenplus1 lol
16:02 tenplus1 do you think minetest would run better using godot over irrlicht ?
16:02 rubenwardy I dislike politics, and Minetest Game is full of it
16:02 rubenwardy no
16:02 tenplus1 too much politics in the world already, keep it out of our fun times :)
16:03 rubenwardy godot isn't very good at 3d
16:03 rubenwardy although it may be better with 3.0.0
16:03 tenplus1 ahhh...
16:03 rubenwardy Calinou's the expert
16:04 rubenwardy I also not sure how much support it offers in terms of low-level mesh creation and rendering
16:04 rubenwardy ie: to do voxel efficiently
16:06 tenplus1 I dare say there's more to optimize in the mt engine itself that will speed things up and have it talk between c++ and lua better
16:06 tenplus1 it's a good challenge
16:06 rubenwardy yeah
16:07 rubenwardy I do wonder how much better the engine would be if we could require knock off apps to buy licenses or royalties or whatever
16:07 rubenwardy like, it's against the whole idea of FOSS and I wouldn't actually want it
16:07 tenplus1 again we're talking chinese knock-offs so they wont care
16:08 rubenwardy they'd legally have to otherwise DCMA. I'm talking about if the engine was proprietary, essentially
16:08 rubenwardy which, as I said, I don't want
16:08 rubenwardy OTOH, you wouldn't have got as many contributors up until now
16:08 rubenwardy I certainly wouldn't contribute to a proprietary engine
16:09 tenplus1 yeah... foss is great and if they'd ask before making a new client we'd be able tobugfix things quicker from players on those alternate clients
16:14 Amaz joined #minetest-hub
16:16 tenplus1 wb amaz
16:17 Amaz ty :)
16:19 benrob0329 rubenwardy: Slackware, or aBSD
16:19 benrob0329 *s BSD
16:20 benrob0329 Dangit
16:20 benrob0329 Fedora seems to have a decent mix of stable and software, it has MT 0.4.16 anyways
16:23 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
16:24 tenplus1 hi mister
16:24 Mr_Pardison wb 2 u 2.
16:29 * tenplus1 is drawing utensils in gimp
16:33 pauloue joined #minetest-hub
16:37 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
16:37 tenplus1 hi twoelk
16:42 pauloue joined #minetest-hub
16:50 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
16:50 tenplus1 o/
16:52 Mr_Pardison \o/
16:52 tenplus1 what's a better name, skillet or frying pan ???
16:55 rubenwardy the latter, lol
16:55 tenplus1 frying pan
16:55 tenplus1 kewl
16:56 Mr_Pardison what context?
16:56 tenplus1 am gonna add cooking utensils to the farming redo mod for crafting good items
16:56 tenplus1 e.g.   chopping board + melon = 8x melon slices
16:57 tenplus1 1x orange + juicer = orange juice
16:57 tenplus1 once these are in place food items can be made a lot easier
16:57 rubenwardy sounds a bit excessive for a farming mod
16:57 rubenwardy and also juicer implies modern technology
16:57 tenplus1 been wanting to add these for a while, it really will simplify food crafts
16:59 Mr_Pardison could go either way for the name
16:59 Mr_Pardison frying pan denotes something that you use to fry food in, skillet is more general cooking of food
17:00 tenplus1 ahh, in that case I'll stick with skillet
17:03 * twoelk had to go for a quick errand and waves a greeting as he returns to the kb o/
17:03 tenplus1 o/
17:03 twoelk :-)
17:03 * twoelk reads logs
17:04 twoelk maybe a new mod like kitchenware or cookingutils?
17:05 tenplus1 I was thinking that, but it relies heavily on having food available so adding 6 items to farming seems logical
17:05 twoelk hrm , think of the future - it will expand
17:06 tenplus1 hopefully many food packs will be made that uses the base utensils, yes
17:06 tenplus1 but for now I'm only adding the tools
17:07 twoelk just when I thought I had at least the list complete
17:08 tenplus1 nice :) dont worry it's only 6 items
17:08 tenplus1 will upload changes shortly :) just finished textures... craft recipes now
17:09 twoelk btw, can I copy the first post image from the forum to the wiki?
17:13 tenplus1 yeah, thats fine :)
17:14 rubenwardy kek
17:22 pauloue joined #minetest-hub
17:33 pauloue joined #minetest-hub
17:34 tenplus1 twoelk: Farming Redo git updated, all utensils added
17:35 RichardTheTurd joined #minetest-hub
17:35 tenplus1 hi richard
17:53 Fixer oh, I see a new bullshit hype emerging - raytracing to keep you folks busy
17:54 tenplus1 huh ???
17:54 tenplus1 tiem for coffee, farming redo has many goodies added for anyone interested :)
17:54 Fixer just buy $150 000 worth of videocards to raytrace in realtime! it is new trend, you see, VR will be dead in no time ::))
17:56 Fixer tenplus1: ditch coffee, use tea!
17:56 Fixer also, ubuntu sucks
17:57 tenplus1 what kinda tea ?
17:57 Fixer classic one
17:57 Fixer sometimes it is nice to switch to other stuff, from tea to coffee and back
17:57 sofar the not-messed-up type tea
17:58 tenplus1 lol, hi sofar
17:59 Mr_Pardison the kind that tastes good and doesn't have a bitter aftertaste.
17:59 tenplus1 earl grey is nice
17:59 sofar all tea is bitter, you just get used to it if you don't put junk in it
17:59 sofar earl gray is messed up tea
17:59 tenplus1 lol
18:00 sofar "my tea isn't flowery enough"... add flower oils -> earl grey
18:01 tenplus1 always prefered coffee over tea... the latter is bitter unless I add sugar/milk
18:01 Darcidride_ joined #minetest-hub
18:01 tenplus1 hi Darcidride_
18:02 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
18:02 tenplus1 o/ ssieb
18:03 Fixer I only add sugar to coffee
18:05 Fixer "Creators Update took 82 minutes on average to install" hah
18:05 tenplus1 why is windows so crappy when it comes to updates
18:06 Fixer eh, I really need stop using this shit
18:06 Fixer at least i'm on 7
18:06 Fixer tenplus1: at times I had to force reboot my 7 after waiting close to hour to install some relatively small update
18:07 Fixer their logs are criptic AF
18:08 tenplus1 I wonder how much things will change when windows core os comes out
18:08 Fixer also, that feel when Debian with tons of software takes 5GB of space and empty /windows dir sitting at 30GB
18:09 Fixer don't hold your breath :) prepare for worst
18:09 tenplus1 I tried w10 lite edition, was still huge at 18gb
18:10 Fixer lol
18:10 Fixer lite
18:10 Fixer remember lite Windows XP?
18:10 Mr_Pardison with windows, there is no such thing as lite
18:11 tenplus1 I have WinXP performance edition... 192mb iso and runs really well
18:11 Fixer past XP version are dissapointing very much
18:11 Fixer in terms of UI response, HDD response
18:11 Fixer tenplus1: there are even 50mb winxp isos...
18:11 tenplus1 oof, I wonder what's left of it... ehehe
18:12 Fixer i've used 100mb XP iso for VM to run old game
18:12 Fixer it worked
18:12 Fixer now that's impressive
18:13 tenplus1 that's the only reason I had the 192mb XP, for games that wont play ball with wine :P
18:13 Fixer some games won't run past XP unfortunately
18:14 Mr_Pardison they run towards it.
18:14 Fixer "DDoS Attacks Are $10 per Hour on the Dark Web" this is worrying
18:14 tenplus1 wow, so cheap :D
18:15 Fixer it is like kid-cheap
18:16 * tenplus1 wonders how much pocket money was spend upsetting services
18:31 Mr-Pardison joined #minetest-hub
18:38 Mr-Pardison what's the difference between 0.4.16 32-bit MSVC and MinGW ?
18:50 twoelk that's a secret kept by your personell windows installation
18:52 tenplus1 ?
18:53 Mr-Pardison they wiped all the data from the computer I'm using and I had to re-install MT.
18:53 tenplus1 with the update ? damn
18:54 twoelk no backups?
18:54 Mr-Pardison no this is a school computer.
18:55 twoelk :-(
18:58 * twoelk has a feeling tenplus1 counts to six in some other math than Euklid postulated
18:58 * tenplus1 thinks waht this means :P
19:01 * twoelk is running his gitpull script to update his local versions of tenplus1 mods
19:02 tenplus1 btw, if anyone can do better textures for the utensils please lemmie know
19:02 twoelk eh? why does tps-mbs need username and password?
19:03 twoelk *tps-mobs
19:03 tenplus1 isnt it a private repo
19:05 twoelk hm, 30 files changed since last pull which is only a few days back
19:05 twoelk in farming redo that is
19:05 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-hub
19:07 tenplus1 hi Gael-de-Sailly
19:07 tenplus1 yup, been doing some work on farming lately :)
19:12 Mr-Pardison can you turn off chat on the android version and if so, how?
19:14 Fixer Mr-Pardison: pick any
19:22 Roger9_ hi
19:23 tenplus1 hi roger
19:23 Mr-Pardison hello Roger9_
19:27 Roger9_ do I need to recompile Minetest if I change some shader code?
19:29 rubenwardy no
19:29 rubenwardy only if you change C++, C, or CMake
19:29 rubenwardy or if you're compiling for Android
19:30 Roger9_ where are they kept?
19:30 ThomasMonroe client/shaders
19:32 Roger9_ ah
19:35 rubenwardy kek
19:35 Mr-Pardison oh that.
19:36 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
19:36 Mr-Pardison person from DL was saying that earlier.
19:36 Mr-Pardison they got their shout priv revoked and then they pretty much rage quit.
19:36 Mr-Pardison TommyTreasure: ^
19:37 Roger9_ I'm trying to think of some trivial changes I could make to the shader to improve it, but then I realized that if those trivial improvements could be made they would have already
19:43 Roger9_ I'm going to experiment with the fog system, because I think I can make it appear more natural
19:43 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
19:44 Roger9_ what is the fogShadingParameter in the nodes_shader/opengl_fragment.glsl?
19:44 Roger9_ nevermind, found it
19:52 Roger9_ rubenwardy: I keep changing the shader code but I don't see any changes
19:54 sfan5 are you restarting the game afterwards?
19:54 Roger9_ yes
19:55 sfan5 do you have shaders enabled?
19:55 paramat joined #minetest-hub
19:55 rubenwardy do you get any erros in the console?
19:55 Roger9_ nope... whoops
19:55 rubenwardy loool
19:55 Roger9_ I didn't have shaders enabled, lol
19:56 tenplus1 back in a bit, watching show :P
19:56 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
19:59 Roger9_ it still doesn't seem to be doing anything
20:00 Roger9_ I'm doing a test modification of nodes_shader/opengl_fragment.glsl line 213 by setting clarity to 1.0, which if I've read the code correctly would remove fog and let you see the mapblocks/chunks as they load and unload
20:00 Roger9_ well, not unload per say as when you switch to full rendering distance you can still see them, but you get my point, hopefully
20:03 sofar or you press `r` ?
20:03 sofar or even `f3`
20:04 Roger9_ yes, `r`
20:16 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
20:16 IhrFussel Hello guys
20:17 Fixer hi
20:22 Roger9_ sofar: nothing seems to be changing when I modify the shader code...
20:24 tumeninodes joined #minetest-hub
20:38 Roger9_ nevermind, I figured it out
20:38 Roger9_ yay
20:39 CWz joined #minetest-hub
20:51 twoelk|2 joined #minetest-hub
21:03 CWz_ joined #minetest-hub
21:08 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
21:46 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
22:07 rubenwardy hmmm
22:08 sofar it's a trap
22:08 * Fixer hmmms too
22:10 rubenwardy would show you the UI, but it sucks
22:12 rubenwardy to do list:
22:13 Fixer rubenwardy: it looks so real on screenshot
22:13 sofar you can fix up the UI later anyway
22:13 rubenwardy yeah, focussing on the functionality
22:13 rubenwardy to do list gives idea of what's to do ;)
22:13 rubenwardy done: creating/viewing/editing/approving package meta data
22:14 rubenwardy also creating and approving releases, although no file upload yet
22:14 rubenwardy or github import
22:16 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
22:22 Fixer :D :D :D :D :D+E666
22:27 tumeninodes Fixer, the whole world is going mental. Just read that story shaking my head, wishing I could just go back to 1975
22:28 sofar ahh yes, the age of lead in gasoline and plane hijackings
22:28 tumeninodes yep..., the good ol days
22:28 Fixer lead in food you mean :D
22:29 tumeninodes I used to eat lead paint chips as a child
22:29 tumeninodes probably safer than most of the foods around today
22:30 Fixer not
22:34 Fixer you can store very illegal kinds of porno in a bitcoin blockchain rendering it possibly illegal to use in many countries
22:34 Fixer lol
22:34 Fixer that is unexpected turn
22:37 twoelk bitcoin hype seems to be somewhat over the top now
22:37 tumeninodes the plot thickens
22:43 Fixer videocard card prices are still high
22:43 Fixer very high
22:45 Roger9_ hm
22:45 Roger9_ thinking of how I could apply a fisheye effect with glsl
22:45 ThomasMonroe change the projection matrix
22:46 Roger9_ there's a uniform mat4 called mWorldViewProj
22:46 Roger9_ the 'uniform' suggests I might need to delve into C++ to see how it's handled
22:46 ThomasMonroe you don't have to do that, just ovveride it with another var
22:46 Roger9_ perhaps
22:46 ThomasMonroe and play around with transformations :D
22:47 Roger9_ I wonder what would happen if I removed the transformation - in other words, used the identity matrix
22:47 ThomasMonroe lol
22:47 ThomasMonroe a mess XD
22:48 ThomasMonroe er actually nothing at all I don't think
22:48 Roger9_ nope, actually no change
22:48 Roger9_ other than maybe a change in FOV
22:48 Roger9_ interesting
22:49 Fixer wth is this?
22:50 Roger9_ a two-eyed pacman
22:50 Roger9_ wtf
22:52 Wayward_One An early Picasso
23:09 Roger9_ gl_Position is a vec2 or vec3, right?
23:09 Roger9_ for default_shader/opengl_vertex.glsl
23:11 Roger9_ ah, vec4
23:11 Roger9_ makes sense due to the projection matrix thing
23:13 paramat joined #minetest-hub
23:32 Roger9_ Interesting, mapping all points to the unit sphere caused Minetest to appear to use affine texture mapping.
23:34 Roger9_ I assume this is probably because, by mapping the points to the unit sphere, every surface of every node that extends into 3D space become irregular quads
23:34 Roger9_ Not sure tho
23:38 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-hub

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