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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2018-03-06

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:07 Megaf MinetestBot!
00:07 MinetestBot Megaf!
00:32 Calinou MinetestBot?
00:33 Calinou was worth trying, I guess
00:35 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
01:28 Megaf hah
01:28 Megaf yep, id make more sense a ? I guess
01:28 Megaf if you are checking for lag and/or connectivity
01:36 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
01:36 Megaf Hi Fussel
02:24 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
03:17 twoelk|2 joined #minetest-hub
04:01 AndroBuilder_ joined #minetest-hub
04:09 sofar NathanS21: geesh, lol
04:09 sofar NathanS21: did you ever make an ITB video?
04:09 NathanS21 :)
04:10 NathanS21 Not as an inside the box video, just used some footage from the server in another video
04:10 NathanS21 Let me get the link
04:10 sofar love to see it
04:11 NathanS21
04:11 NathanS21 This is an early revision, will be updated a few times I'm sure.
04:14 sofar IC, it's pretty good, simple and to the point
04:14 sofar maybe too much of the same of the cathedral at the end
04:14 sofar could show some shots of more spawns :)
04:15 NathanS21 I'll take that into consideration.
04:15 NathanS21 Always looking for feedback on the course, not that much of it is made yet.
04:15 sofar or even just some regular landscape
05:22 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
07:53 CWz joined #minetest-hub
10:09 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
10:38 atorian37 joined #minetest-hub
12:47 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
13:02 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
13:32 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
15:00 benrob0329 NathanS21: 1:20 you need some cinematic mode for that shot :P
15:29 NathanS21 benrob0329 I'm fairly certain I used cinematic mode.
15:30 benrob0329 NathanS21: then you need to turn cinematic mode up :-)
15:30 benrob0329 It really does help
15:30 NathanS21 Turn it up? I didn't know I could do that.
15:31 benrob0329 Search smoothing in adv settings
15:31 benrob0329 There is one option for normal camera, and one for cinematic mode
15:31 NathanS21 okay, thanks.
15:32 NathanS21 I didn't know about that. Will have to record some new clips. :)
15:33 benrob0329 I didn't either until recently, and then I used the heck out of it :D
15:48 Megaf !server Megaf
15:48 MinetestBot Megaf: Megaf Server v4 | | Clients: 1/20, 0/1 | Version: 0.4.17-dev / MegafXploreNext | Ping: 12ms
15:58 Fixer Car Mechanic Simulator 2018
15:58 Fixer hmmm
15:58 Fixer this meme is not dead
15:59 Megaf !server Megaf
15:59 MinetestBot Megaf: Megaf Server v4 | | Clients: 2/20, 0/2 | Version: 0.4.17-dev / MegafXploreNext | Ping: 11ms
16:15 ircSparky if in "input:read("*l")", "*l" means the rest of the line, what would I want for just the next string?
16:15 ircSparky *s dosnt work
16:15 ircSparky *n is for number afaik
16:17 benrob0329 ircSparky: strings include numbers
16:17 ircSparky but do numbers include strings?
16:17 benrob0329 So your best bet it probably to read the whole thing in, and :match() it
16:17 ircSparky ok
16:17 benrob0329 No, numbers do not include strings (periods aside)
16:21 ircSparky how would I use it exactly? this is what I got
16:21 ircSparky local name, classname = string.match(input:read("*l"), "(%s) (%s)")
16:22 ircSparky in the file: "Elkien archer"
16:25 ircSparky this dosnt work
16:26 benrob0329 ircSparky: match("%d+?(%s+)%d?") Might work
16:27 benrob0329 Match and digit multiple times optionally (return char multiple times) match a digit optionally
16:27 benrob0329 *a digit
16:28 benrob0329 You really should go read the docs :P
16:28 ircSparky where are they?
16:28 ircSparky I couldnt find them after a quick google
16:28 ircSparky maybe too quick :P
16:30 benrob0329
16:30 benrob0329 No wait, I know
16:31 benrob0329 ircSparky: "%D+"
16:31 benrob0329 Match any non digit character as many times as possible
16:31 benrob0329 Dirp, should have said that from the start
16:31 ircSparky ok
16:32 benrob0329 Even better if you need to do it over a file, you can iterate over gmatch
16:32 Fixer "Forza Motorsport 7 is a 96.5GB download" lol
16:33 Calinou remember when games were 96.5 MB?
16:34 ircSparky remember when games were 96.5 kb?
16:34 Fixer I MEMBER
16:34 Fixer i was the one who accidently deleted
16:34 Fixer ._____________________________.
16:35 Krock joined #minetest-hub
16:35 Krock o/
16:36 Mr_Pardison \o
16:37 Fixer thats why I don't play new large games
16:37 Fixer no space
16:38 Fixer and even HDDs is still expensive :/
16:38 Fixer are*
16:39 Fixer largest ones I have is arma2, stalker lost alpha, ms fsx
16:40 Fixer below 16gb
16:40 Fixer anyway there is great selection of great games that even fit into 1gb hdd space
16:55 benrob0329 Fixer: Flight Gear :P
16:56 Fixer FlightGear is 6GB
16:56 benrob0329 Fixer: not the base
16:56 Fixer base is about 1,5 gb or so
16:56 benrob0329 Use terrasync to only download the terrain you need
17:00 Fixer i have 4 squares of terrain to fly
17:04 Fixer
17:09 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
17:26 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
17:26 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
17:27 Darcidride_ joined #minetest-hub
17:41 Krock Fixer, I wish cool programs would still play such music
17:47 paramat joined #minetest-hub
18:03 CWz joined #minetest-hub
18:04 RobbieF joined #minetest-hub
18:04 RobbieF left #minetest-hub
18:07 RichardTheTurd joined #minetest-hub
18:16 corvus_ joined #minetest-hub
18:17 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
18:41 Darcidride_ joined #minetest-hub
18:52 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
19:39 Mr-Pardison joined #minetest-hub
20:10 rubenwardy "This game is under development, and as of now, the game does not really
20:10 rubenwardy differ from Minecraft except for having a lot less features. Still, playing
20:10 rubenwardy is quite fun already, especially for people who have not been able to
20:10 rubenwardy experience Minecraft."
20:10 rubenwardy This game is under development, and as of now, the game does not really
20:10 rubenwardy differ from Minecraft except for having a lot less features. Still, playing
20:10 rubenwardy is quite fun already, especially for people who have not been able to
20:10 rubenwardy experience Minecraft.
20:11 rubenwardy
20:13 CWz "Excellent"
20:13 CWz Excellent
20:20 CWz the pictures are outdated though
20:21 Mr-Pardison definitely.
20:27 paramat heheh
20:31 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
20:34 * Fixer house time
20:34 Calinou >Maintainer: akien
20:34 Calinou hey wait, I know that guy :P
20:34 * Mr-Pardison stays right where they are
20:34 Calinou (he's a lead Godot contributor and will probably be hired soon as full-time project manager)
20:35 Fixer .___.
20:35 Fixer Calinou: he is you
20:35 Calinou
20:35 Calinou
20:35 Calinou
20:35 Calinou I made those screenshots :)
20:35 Calinou (in mid-2012)
20:36 Mr-Pardison reminds me of minimal.
20:36 Fixer rubenwardy: minetest busted! it is minecraft clone!111
20:37 Mr-Pardison ^ when u forget to press and hold shift
21:33 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
21:40 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
22:13 Fixer lol, maikerumine vapes
22:16 Fixer damn, lg2 still on 0.4.14, insane
22:16 Fixer lazyj is increadibly lazy
22:28 Fixer hmmm
22:28 Fixer proposal, add dangerous gases into the MTG caving
22:31 sofar shivajiva: I apologise, I just had to reply...
22:32 sofar how about a liquid you can breathe?
22:34 Fixer can you eleborate on that?
22:36 Fixer elaborate*
22:42 paramat if i add definable biome 'air' nodes that will be possible
22:45 Fixer
22:45 sofar I'd just think it would be cool to have a breathable node that behaves like a liquid
22:45 sofar random thought
22:45 Fixer yeah
22:46 sofar even more fun if it's flammable
22:46 Fixer yes
22:46 Fixer thats what I wanted
22:46 Fixer you run with torch usually underground
22:46 Fixer so lets make it more dangerous?
22:47 Fixer maybe even generate those dangerous pockets of gas randomly via abm or smth
22:47 Fixer or maybe pregenerate
22:47 Fixer and make it dynamic
22:47 Fixer also, make dead air traps
22:47 Fixer "dead"
22:47 sofar have some caves filled with this liquid. Mining accidents that cause that liquid to spill onto lava cause cascading explosions
22:50 Fixer make mtg fun again
22:57 Fixer amazing channel here
23:09 paramat joined #minetest-hub
23:11 paramat hmm it may be possible to just register a new liquid which doesn't have the 'drowning' parameter but has damage,  and maybe no texture
23:12 Calinou what for?
23:31 paramat for
23:42 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
23:42 Fixer paramat: hmmm, but if it flows, it is mostly 1 block thicc
23:43 Fixer it will be enough for damage though
23:43 Fixer how about making it flammable from torch too? :D
23:43 Fixer if it is a methane gas?
23:46 Fixer hmm
23:54 Wayward_One I love the idea of dangerous cave gas
23:55 Fixer gases
23:55 Fixer you can have multiple kinds of dangerous gases
23:56 Fixer CO gas
23:56 Fixer as dead air
23:56 Fixer CH4 (methane) explosive with torch contact
23:56 Fixer and lava
23:56 Fixer and fire in general
23:57 Fixer and during mining
23:58 Fixer i will create an issue

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