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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2018-03-04

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Time Nick Message
01:27 Shara Hmmm....
01:40 paramat nice
01:42 Sokomine looks surprisingly good for such a tiny texture
01:42 Shara Came out better than I expected
01:43 Shara (It is realy just half a firefly painted purple...)
01:47 Wayward_One Looks great!
01:49 paramat i feel each wing being 3*2px (with the lower outer corner missing) might work well too
01:49 Shara Idea would be to have them occasionally show up above a flower
01:50 Shara paramat: maybe, I'm not too sure though. Relative to the flower, I don't know if they should be bigger
01:51 Shara At least with two pixels per wing you represent each part of the wing
01:51 Shara Entending the length might not look right, but I'll hav e aplay around with it at some point
01:52 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
01:54 Shara wondering what use they could have...
02:02 paramat 'looking cute'
02:04 Shara Hehe :D
02:15 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
02:39 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
02:39 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
02:49 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
03:12 Sokomine there are so many nice boxes in inside the box. and turns out they're parcours, deliberately focussing on jumping and making it difficult on purpose :-(
03:43 AndroBuilder joined #minetest-hub
05:21 atorian37 joined #minetest-hub
05:23 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
05:55 sofar Sokomine: if you want boxes without any jumping, you're going to likely have to build them.
08:45 Krock joined #minetest-hub
10:26 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
10:26 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
11:21 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
11:36 lisac hey is it possible to establish a moderated community server for server media?
11:36 lisac which contains most used mods?
11:37 lisac so that client doesn't have to download a copy of the mods every time it joins, if another server is already using that version of that mod
11:37 lisac and somehow restrict people from uploading malware to it, maybe require the mod to be in the mod releases
11:42 * Krock pokes sofar
11:43 Krock lisac, there we go
11:43 lisac ow great
11:43 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
11:44 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
11:44 Krock however, I'm not sure whether the client will fall back to the regular method if a mod isn't on the public remote server (I hope so!)
11:45 Krock "Files that are not present will be fetched the usual way."~minetest.conf.example   sounds good
12:23 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
12:24 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
13:13 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
13:27 atorian37 joined #minetest-hub
13:33 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
13:33 tenplus1 hi folks
13:41 Raven262 Hi ten
13:41 tenplus1 hey Raven :)
13:42 Krock hi tenplus1
13:42 tenplus1 hi Krock :P
13:42 Krock ^^
13:42 * tenplus1 is watching a Minetesdt Skyblock youtube :) quite good
13:43 tenplus1 although it shows all too well the android infinite placement bug (no range)
13:50 tenplus1 infinite range when placing nodes shoudl I say
13:53 Roger9 joined #minetest-hub
13:53 tenplus1 wb roger
13:53 Roger9 hi
13:53 Roger9 Minetesdt
13:54 tenplus1 o/
13:56 tenplus1 am gonna put spawning limits on mobs redo animals, they cant be spawning 200+ nodes high in the world... lol
13:59 tenplus1 any objections ???
14:03 Fixer why not? don't forget floatlands too
14:05 tenplus1 floatlands can be set to any elevation, in which case there's no point to limiting spawning... also hi :)
14:06 tenplus1 also how could things like sheep.cows etc get up into floatlands :) would need new mobs for there
14:07 tenplus1 that's why I was thinking of making floatlands into a new etherael style mod
14:13 tenplus1 Fixer: the default floatlands level is 1280... that's rather high for animals
14:15 Shara I don't see why you'd get cows or sheep up there
14:15 tenplus1 hi Shara
14:16 Shara Hi tenplus1 :)
14:16 tenplus1 and even bee's can only be found at a certain height before air is too thin for them to fly
14:17 Shara You might want to let bees go a bit higher than the others anyway
14:17 tenplus1 I have them maxed at 100
14:17 Shara Hmm
14:17 Shara Seems low
14:17 tenplus1 150 ?
14:20 Shara maybe
14:20 Shara Also, if you didn't see it yet:
14:21 tenplus1 yeah saw it earlier :) looks good
14:21 tenplus1 the net will be in good use :P
14:21 Shara I have quite  afew things in mind
14:21 Shara Need more time
14:22 Shara You should let bees be caught by the net :)
14:23 tenplus1 my limits will be: bee (150), bunny (50), chicken (50), cow (50), kitten (30), penguin (10), rat (10), sheep (60), hogs (40) ... any suggestions ?
14:23 Shara Not sure how it would work with mobs
14:23 Shara those are y limits?
14:23 tenplus1 yeah, height limits
14:24 Shara That's kind of horrible then :(
14:24 tenplus1 how so ?
14:24 Shara Because huge chunks of the map are above those heights
14:24 Shara I agree with things not spawning at 200+ like you first said
14:25 celeron55 it's interesting how a few flying pixels can look so much like a butterfly
14:25 tenplus1 hi celeron
14:25 Shara Hehe, hi celeron55 :)
14:25 tenplus1 am thinking penguins for instance live NEAR water, so a limit of 20 is more than enough
14:25 celeron55 hi
14:26 Shara Was surprised how well it came it out too. I didn't even consider the butterflies for MTG to begin because I thought they'd need more pixels than 16*16 allows
14:26 tenplus1 for animated butterflies textures could be made to have them 32px or 64px and still animate :)
14:26 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
14:27 tenplus1 hi lumberJ
14:27 Shara I'm probably going to do a really big texture for it at some point just to see how it looks
14:27 celeron55 that's just unnecessary, lol
14:27 Shara But fun :P
14:27 tenplus1 the option is there for anyone who wants to mess with the texture though :) I like it
14:28 lumberJ hey Tenplus1, all
14:28 Shara tenplus1: I tend to build at quite high locations when I still find any time to play. They usually have animals, and that makes it nice
14:29 tenplus1 how high ?
14:29 Shara Often around 150-200
14:29 Shara Which is why I'd be fine without animals at 200+... you only really get mountains going beyond that
14:29 Shara But certainly around 150 you can get nice fairly flat areas
14:30 tenplus1 so 200 limit for animals, 50 for penguins
14:30 Shara The penguins are the specific thing I don't want a limit on :P
14:30 tenplus1 lol, so unrealistic finding a penguin 200 meters up a mountainside... it doesnt happen
14:31 Shara Even though the mountain in question a glacier into which I placed pools of water specifically for them?
14:31 Shara is a*
14:33 Shara Add a check that they must be near water or something if you really want to, but please don't mess up something that's been perfectly valid up until now
14:33 Fixer new minetest trend, mobs as decor :) easiest way not to develop proper mobs (trollface)
14:33 Shara Hehehe
14:35 tenplus1 200 is max limit for mobs,
14:35 Shara 200 should be good :)
14:36 tenplus1 I was going to change things like cows and sheep to spawn only on grassy blocks near actual grass_1 to grass_5... so they wouldnt spawn in huge open areas of built land
14:36 Shara Hmm, do they not currently only spawn on grass?
14:36 tenplus1 they spawn on dirt_with_grass, yes... which is pretty much anywhere
14:37 Shara But grass (the plant) spreads pretty much everywhere too
14:37 tenplus1 I want dirt_with_grass near grass_1, grass_2 etc. so actual plantlike grass needs to be present
14:37 Shara No objections, just not sure how much difference that would make
14:37 tenplus1 this stops them spawning on stripped areas where the player is building on
14:38 Shara I'd only object to a change that means you can't set up a suitable environment for that animal to spawn anymore
14:38 tenplus1 only difference would be the chance value being changed... gotta get that right since it'd go from 1000's of grass blocks down to a few hundred near actual grass
14:38 Shara But if you make a field for cows somewhere, yuo could add grass
14:41 Shara I'm currently wishing there was a sideways plantlike...I'd love to try dragonflies
14:48 tenplus1 hrm, currently sheep spawn in dirt_with_grass with a 1 in 15000 chance...  since plantlike grass is spread out I'd have to lower it to around 1 in 200
14:54 Shara Not sure
14:55 celeron55 just go on a walk to count through 15000 dirt_with_grass and note how many plantlike grass there's on them? easy!
14:57 tenplus1 grass coverage is 5%... so 5% of 15000 would be 750
14:57 tenplus1 :)
14:58 srifqi joined #minetest-hub
14:58 tenplus1 hi srifqi
14:58 srifqi hi tenplus1
14:59 srifqi Anybody has ever compiling Minetest for Android?
14:59 tenplus1 Wayward has
14:59 tenplus1 he has a forum page with android builds for download
15:01 srifqi He doesn't describe how he did it.
15:01 srifqi I got stuck in "checking whether the C compiler works... no".
15:02 paramat joined #minetest-hub
15:02 tenplus1 o/ paramat
15:02 srifqi Maybe I should wait until #6796 merged?
15:02 ShadowBot -- Android build fixes for c++11 by stujones11
15:02 srifqi \o paramat
15:03 Wayward_One recently i've been using stu's branch there
15:03 srifqi Okay, I'll try.
15:04 tenplus1 hi wayward
15:04 Wayward_One hello :)
15:04 Wayward_One and the instructions are here, but a little old
15:05 srifqi I followed that and then stuck as I described before.
15:06 srifqi Still same. Stuck in "checking whether the C compiler works... no".
15:08 srifqi gcc and g++ is at version 7.2.0-8ubuntu3.2.
15:10 xerox123 hello /o
15:10 xerox123 o/* lol
15:11 tenplus1 hi xerox
15:12 srifqi hi xerox123
15:13 srifqi Wayward_One: BTW, I use first section, not sfan5's.
15:15 srifqi Let me try to install clang.
15:17 Wayward_One Sorry, had to leave for work. That's the section I use too
15:17 Wayward_One I believe stu's pr uses clang by default
15:21 Wayward_One Yeah, it does
15:21 tenplus1 Shara: 1 in 750 on grass block near grass plant works but spawns a little too many, might go for 1200
15:22 Shara Okay
15:22 CWz joined #minetest-hub
15:23 tenplus1 hi CWz
15:28 srifqi Wayward_One: Yup. It starts compiling.
15:29 srifqi Now, compile error.
15:32 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
15:33 Wayward_One What's the error?
15:34 Wayward_One srifqi ^
15:35 srifqi "error: unknown type name 'off_t'"
15:35 srifqi "/tmp/ndk-arm-linux-iconv/bin/../sysroot/usr/include/stdio.h:65:9: error: unknown type name 'off_t'"
15:35 IhrFussel #Android
15:36 IhrFussel oops xP
15:36 rubenwardy #android is just shitposting and Samsung hate
15:36 rubenwardy and every so often "which of these cheap chinese phones are the best"
15:37 Wayward_One Hmm.. I don't think I've come across that one before
15:38 celeron55 sounds like the compiler being incompatible with the libc or something completely messed up like that
15:39 srifqi What can I do?
15:40 celeron55 reinstall everything, but correctly this time? 8)
15:40 srifqi :(
15:40 srifqi Guide me, then. :D
15:41 celeron55 i've never set up an ndk toolchain
15:43 celeron55 could also be that your target is set somehow wrong, like for example if off64_t is defined but off_t isn't or whatever... nobody knows except some people that probably don't listen to questions
15:43 IhrFussel rubenwardy, any other IRC channel that could help?
15:43 rubenwardy #android is probably still the right one
15:43 rubenwardy just brace yourself for some offtopic
15:45 tenplus1 Mobs Redo Animals updated, they now spawn on grass near grass plantlike (chances amended to suit)
15:46 Wayward_One You're using the newer ndk, right? 16b I believe it is?
15:48 srifqi
15:48 srifqi Is there newer version?
15:49 srifqi Oh, there is. :O
15:50 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
15:50 srifqi Let me download it.
15:50 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
15:51 srifqi Wayward_One: Should I use this newer version or should I use older?
15:54 Wayward_One the newer one
15:54 srifqi Okay, ETA 40 minutes. (downloading)
15:56 Wayward_One Wait, I found it
15:58 srifqi ... and that means ... ?
16:01 Fixer rubenwardy: missed the part why samsung is so bad
16:04 Wayward_One That means the one you should use is ndk-r16
16:06 srifqi I'm downloading now.
16:07 Wayward_One And then iirc, in the command "
16:07 Wayward_One android-sdk-linux/tools/android update sdk --no-ui -a --filter platform-tool,android-25,build-tools-25.0.1",  the last number should be changed to "25.0.3"
16:08 Wayward_One Gtg now, I'll be back at my build machine in about an hour and half
16:08 srifqi Okay, see you!
16:08 Wayward_One Good luck!
16:10 rubenwardy > endinging
16:11 rubenwardy
16:12 tenplus1 playing sound with offset ?
16:12 tenplus1 didnt even know that was in there :P
16:12 tenplus1 also hi
16:20 tenplus1 I wonder how many other hidden features or un-used features are in the engine that could be trimmed
16:22 Krock endinginging looks like it's ringinging after stopinginging the bellsinginging
16:22 rubenwardy tenplus1: don't say that too loud, Mega_f may hear you
16:22 * tenplus1 has headache now
16:23 tenplus1 lol
16:29 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
16:29 tenplus1 hi benrob
16:29 benrob0329 Hi tenplus1
16:30 benrob0329 MATE + Compiz is nice :P
16:30 benrob0329 Get those wobbly windows in
16:31 Fixer wobbly
16:32 Fixer went back 10 years back
16:32 tenplus1 ehehe, I remember those :) was fun to play around with compiz back then
16:32 tenplus1 had the cube desktop selector also with a kewl background image
16:32 Fixer yes, cube
16:32 Fixer nostalgia
16:33 tenplus1
16:34 Fuchs that's kde plasma and not compiz
16:34 Fuchs (it still has that stupid cube if you want)
16:35 Fixer
16:36 Krock what's the yellowish top?
16:37 tenplus1 space for another desktop :P heh...
16:41 benrob0329 But Compiz is still alive and kicking, albeit probably not as popular nowadays
16:42 tenplus1 it's used for unity and still has all the plugins available for use :P
16:42 benrob0329 Itd be very usable by itself with some plugins
16:42 benrob0329 It even has a plugin to add tiling, take that i3 :P
16:43 tenplus1 lol, linux desktops were full of eye candy, hell even Kubuntu/KDE/Neon looks amazing
16:43 benrob0329 KDE has trouble with screen tearing though
16:43 benrob0329 Compiz does fine :P
16:43 tenplus1 even with vsync on ?
16:44 benrob0329 Yup
16:44 tenplus1 what gfx driver ?
16:44 benrob0329 Nvidia
16:45 benrob0329 My neon desktop can't seem to cope, while my laptop stopped having issues once I switch to compiz (GPU compositing rather than CPU)
16:45 tenplus1 strange, prolly a setting somewhere to stop tearing
16:45 benrob0329 There is, it doesn't work
16:46 tenplus1 'full screen repaint' ?
16:46 tenplus1 under compositing settings
16:46 benrob0329 Still tears somehow, I honestly think its broken
16:46 tenplus1 buuuuuu
16:47 celeron55 it's linux and graphics, what do you expect!
16:47 tenplus1 heh, works on some, not on others...
16:47 benrob0329 Which wouldn't surprise me since I can make konsole crash by switching workspaces and/or focus too fast
16:47 tenplus1 ooh, you tried Enlightenment desktop yet ???  so many fancy effects and cpu.gpu selection
16:48 benrob0329 I dont really like how close to Gnome it is tbh
16:48 benrob0329 I've also heard its not configurable
16:48 tenplus1 what isnt ? enlightenment ?
16:48 benrob0329 Ohh
16:48 tenplus1 it's amazingly configurable
16:48 tenplus1 and very lite
16:48 benrob0329 I was thinking Elementary
16:49 tenplus1 ehehe
16:49 benrob0329 Yes I have tried Enlightenment
16:49 benrob0329 Was somewhat unstable last I looked
16:49 benrob0329 Might have to try it again
16:49 benrob0329 celeron55 posted something on it too...
16:51 benrob0329 Ooh, EFL has Python bindings
16:53 Fixer gnome sucks
16:53 Fixer xfce fan
16:55 tumeninodes joined #minetest-hub
16:55 tumeninodes by the time you've done all this, the day is over and you've created nothing :P
16:56 rubenwardy I feel like that should be not
16:57 tumeninodes heh
16:58 tumeninodes good name for a startup though "britco"
16:58 tenplus1 hi tumeni
16:58 tumeninodes hey tenplus1
17:16 Calinou Enlightenment: "we spent 20 years developing something, now use it" :P
17:18 Calinou I knew someone who was an EFL fan
17:18 benrob0329 Calinou: hey, they probably have the best terminal emulator to date
17:19 benrob0329 So perhaps those 20 years were well spent
17:19 paramat joined #minetest-hub
17:19 tenplus1 o/
17:19 IhrFussel rubenwardy, #Android didn't help at all... the topic turned into "why are you so stupid and bought a phone with such an old Android version in the first place?"
17:19 rubenwardy lol
17:20 IhrFussel Ignoring the fact that 12% still use 4.4
17:21 rubenwardy that is quite old tbh
17:21 rubenwardy :D
17:21 Calinou 4.4 is really, really old
17:21 Calinou 5.0 was released in late 2014, over 3 years ago
17:21 Roger9 hi
17:21 * rubenwardy is on 7.0
17:21 Calinou 7.0 too
17:21 Calinou (the S7 edge is probably not going to get a 8.0 upgrade by the looks of it)
17:21 Calinou (#ThankSamsung)
17:21 rubenwardy awww
17:21 * rubenwardy has a S7E
17:22 IhrFussel I bought my phone in 2015 with 4.4.2 and it's not my fault that the manufacturer decided to ship it with that version
17:22 Roger9 I have 7.0 on a Galaxy Tab S2...
17:22 Calinou really, it looks like ARM vendors do everything they can to be hated by everyone
17:22 Roger9 I wonder if there is a word for "the feeling of happiness some people get when other people hate them"
17:23 IhrFussel Now I bought one with 7.0 but I would still like to have my old one fixed so that I can sell it for some bucks
17:24 IhrFussel But there seems to be no solution other than "flash a new rom" which is completely out of my knowledge range
17:25 benrob0329 IhrFussel: look at the LineageOS docs
17:25 benrob0329 There are per device installation instructions
17:26 Calinou flashing a custom ROM is not that hard
17:27 Calinou the real problem is that many devices have poor support for custom ROMs due to unfriendly OEMs
17:27 Calinou (a small community for the device doesn't help)
17:28 * tenplus1 has a Lenovo B vibe which he wants LineageOS on
17:28 rubenwardy is LineageOS the new Cyanogen?
17:28 Calinou yeah
17:28 rubenwardy given than Cyanogen died
17:28 rubenwardy *that
17:31 * benrob0329 has a Galaxy s5 with LineageOS on it
17:31 paramat that's enough offtopic
17:32 paramat OS/phone talk -> #minetest-chat
17:40 tenplus1 xanadu has been updated with new mob animal changes if anyone wants to check it out
17:54 tenplus1 back laters, nom time :P
17:55 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
18:23 * Wayward_One returns
18:24 Fixer don't bother with android, it is clf
18:24 Fixer assume it is vulnerable to everything
18:24 Fixer i stay on 2.2 on ~6 old smartphone and don't bother
18:27 Fixer Calinou: 3 years is not old, you way too hip, you are probably one of those guys who call Sandy Bridge CPUs - vintage ;p
18:28 Fixer calls*
18:28 Fixer i have rooted tablet with 4.4, totally fine with it for now
18:29 Fixer apart from that god damn firefox, after last update it has problems yet again
18:32 Fixer smartphone hype will be ending soon anyway
18:33 Fixer matured market, declining in developed nations, bitchery of manufacturers, removal of features, weird design choices, they are powerful enough, no need for more cores or ram or camera megapixels
18:34 Fixer developing markets save the day, but thats not for too long
18:34 rubenwardy please sssh
18:34 Fixer there will be same story as with PCs pretty much, peak and looooong slow decline, with negative effects etc
18:34 rubenwardy I really don't care of your old man view of technology
18:35 Fixer no, it is current market
18:35 Fixer you don't need to update your phone anymore pretty much
18:35 Fixer it is good enough, you just wait until battery dies, then replace it if lucky
18:35 Fixer it is just like PC market
18:35 Wayward_One <para-mat> OS/phone talk -> #minetest-chat
18:36 rubenwardy ^
18:36 Fixer i'm sticking to old because I don't use much of new features, others have different needs, yet market is full pretty much
18:36 Fixer i agree anyway
18:37 Fixer just don't buy apple :p :p :p
18:37 Fixer now this room will be quite
18:39 Fixer sofar: weird flashback from my brain: agricola style game starting, mining basic materials, living of that era, then progression, rocketry, mining asteroids for advanced materials, nuclear age on Earth, prosperity, mobs = some random dudes with swords
18:40 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
18:42 Wayward_One srifqi, any progress so far?
18:53 rubenwardy lisac: malware can't be sent over media servers
18:53 rubenwardy as code isn't currently sent
18:53 rubenwardy minus libpng bugs
18:53 rubenwardy also, Minetest's cache is based on hash, not URL
18:54 rubenwardy meaning that it doesn't actually matter if each server has a different media server as the textures will still be cached and shared
18:54 rubenwardy so it's mostly pointless to have a shared one, except for the fact you don't need to set it up yourself and the fact it's on a separate machine
19:12 lumidify joined #minetest-hub
19:20 bwarden joined #minetest-hub
19:49 tumeninodes anyone ever seen this repo?
19:49 tumeninodes !title
19:49 MinetestBot tumeninodes: GitHub - loinesg/voxelized-shadows: Research project evaluating Voxelized Shadows for rendering high quality precomputed shadows in real time, with lo[...]
20:01 Fixer damn i miss ETS2
20:02 Fixer that naming is even worse than minetest
20:49 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
21:25 paramat joined #minetest-hub
22:08 srifqi joined #minetest-hub
22:10 srifqi Wayward_One: Has finished downloading. Now re-make.
22:10 Wayward_One Okay
22:10 srifqi "svn: E160013: '/p/irrlicht/code/!svn/rvr/4974/branches/ogl-es/source/Irrlicht/CGUIProfiler.h' path not found"
22:12 srifqi My connection?
22:16 srifqi Gotta go, probably next time. See you!
22:22 Wayward_One Nuts, turned around for a second..
22:45 tumeninodes left #minetest-hub
23:07 twoelk joined #minetest-hub

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