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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2018-01-09

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:48 Megaf paramat: I know very well when to blame mods
00:48 Megaf reason why I don have any mob nor technic
00:48 Megaf but the thing is, with the same mod set, 0.4.16 got way heavier than 0.4.14
00:49 Megaf and taxing, in clinets and server
00:49 Megaf the good thing is. It looks like theres no memory leaks
00:49 Megaf memory use is high but constant
00:51 Megaf OH MY GAWD!!!
00:51 Megaf And it' s running DEBIAN!
00:51 Megaf !title
00:51 MinetestBot Megaf: $299 Gemini PDA at CES 2018 - YouTube
00:59 paramat yes, it's odd how client memory use rose
01:02 rubenwardy block loading got changed iirc
01:03 rubenwardy there will be a setting to reduce how many blocks are in memory
01:05 paramat try reducing 'client_mapblock_limit', might save half a GB. also maybe the mods you use got heavier?
01:07 paramat hm i remember that block loading was made to act identically in all 3 dimensions, instead of the vertical load range being reduced
01:07 paramat but the mapblock limit parameter will limit that
01:12 paramat and, erm, you often don't know when to blame mods instead of MT and the devs :}
01:28 paramat we have smooth lighting on everything now, that must increase client load especially with lots of nodeboxes present
02:02 tumeninodes joined #minetest-hub
02:03 tumeninodes crazy Ukrainian spam on forum :P
02:04 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
02:14 redblade7 joined #minetest-hub
02:15 redblade7 hi
02:15 redblade7 i havent updated the mods on my server in months, so i'm doing that, and adding some new ones
02:15 redblade7 i want to add skins (real ones, not the dresser)
02:15 redblade7 i was wondering waht the best mod is
02:16 redblade7 i see there's one that makes use of server
02:16 rubenwardy simple skins by 11
02:16 redblade7 a third-party database
02:16 rubenwardy (tenplus1)
02:16 redblade7 but i dont want to cause lag
02:16 rubenwardy no unfortunately :/
02:16 redblade7 the database one does cause lag?
02:16 redblade7 i'd think so
02:17 Shara skins db one?
02:17 redblade7 i'm looking for the one that pizza used to have (where did the new one go?) which integrated into unified_inventory
02:17 redblade7 will the skins db one cause lag from disk i/o?
02:18 redblade7 because that is a real problem i have
02:18 Shara I seperate it from the db part and just picked a bunch of the skins I liked
02:18 redblade7 although i've gotten better improving it
02:18 redblade7 wait...
02:18 Shara You can also reduce the size of most of the skins
02:18 redblade7 i thought that brouguht you to a third-party repository
02:18 Shara There was a place people could upload skins to
02:19 Shara but do you really want hundreds and hundreds of skins?
02:19 Shara Many of them are duplicates of each other with tiny changes
02:20 redblade7 no
02:21 redblade7 i dont want more disk i/o or lag
02:21 redblade7 so
02:21 redblade7 what's the best option?
02:21 redblade7 "pizza 2.0" is apparently gone
02:21 redblade7 but i remember, there was a charizard one
02:22 Shara
02:22 Shara That one maybe
02:22 redblade7 and it integrated into unified_inventory
02:22 redblade7 no, it wasn't that, it was in unified inventory with previews of the skins
02:22 Shara The db one integrates, but unless you want hundreds of skins, you need to adapt it
02:23 redblade7 it might have been this, but it says it's discontinued in favor of the db one
02:23 redblade7
02:25 redblade7 oh ok so skinsdb is like a framework and you download what you want?
02:25 redblade7 into the mods folder?
02:25 Shara Hmm, just checking what I have
02:25 redblade7 i thought it was a catalog
02:25 Shara Apparently I adapted u_skins
02:25 redblade7 which polled a server
02:25 Shara But I re3member removing some part about a db or.. something (this was over two years ago)
02:26 Shara remember*
02:26 redblade7 yep
02:26 Shara and my version still works well
02:26 redblade7 i just dont want to poll hundreds of png files every time players connect
02:26 Shara Will about 300 skins (I deleted the rest)
02:26 redblade7 the jukebox is bad enough
02:26 Shara With*
02:27 redblade7 ok
02:27 Shara I also reduced the texture sizes on all of them
02:28 redblade7 and how does the wardrobe work with it? right now you have 10 skins with the wardrobe from homedecor_Modpack, but they dont save when you log off
02:28 redblade7 i just installed datastorage so it might now
02:29 Shara I guess the wardrobe just works like it always does. They are not connected
02:29 Shara You'd have test
02:30 Shara You can probably test on my server if you want, since both should be there
02:30 Shara (Red Cat)
02:31 redblade7 and does armor replace the skin?
02:32 redblade7 i just added that
02:32 redblade7 even though i dont have pvp, some players wanted it on my damage servers
02:34 redblade7 shara how do i read the books? right clicking isnt working
02:35 Shara You probably don't have interact yet?
02:35 Shara Read the signs
02:35 redblade7 oh ok it was the sign behind them
02:35 Shara Hehe
02:36 redblade7 i'd think it would be in all those books with "how to gain privs" the last
02:36 Shara Spawn area is a bit more complicated than the norm.... stops a lot of would-be troublemakers
02:36 redblade7 not mine, mine is simple, with some roads and travelnets, and people who were lucky enough to build around them :)
02:37 redblade7 although on my creative server, i just built a new spawn area
02:37 redblade7 after 2 years, since it got too crowded and people were complaining (they apparently weren't creative enough to use the travelnets)
02:37 Shara Yes.. had that problem
02:37 Shara That's why spawn is now underground and has multiple ways out
02:39 Shara Players must show they can read, follow some simple instructions, and have a little patience.
02:39 redblade7 i just have a wall with rules
02:39 redblade7 and news
02:39 redblade7 but
02:39 greeter joined #minetest-hub
02:40 redblade7 is there a way to see what i look like while looking at skins?
02:40 redblade7 like i forget what they call ti in fps games
02:42 Shara Hmm, probably not very well
02:42 paramat joined #minetest-hub
02:42 Shara I mean, you can change view, but the inventory window will clock the view anyway
02:42 Shara block*
02:42 Shara Hi paramat
02:44 rubenwardy hey paramat
02:45 paramat hi, i have a version of simple skins ..
02:45 paramat see
02:46 paramat shifts the formspec and removes tint so you can view the skin
02:46 paramat ^ redblade7
02:46 Shara He wanted something with UI, which I think doesn't work with simple skins
02:47 paramat uses the same file format as simple skins by tenplus1 so you can just move them into my version
02:47 paramat yes my version doesn't work with UI, but i think simple skins might
02:48 paramat oops no
02:48 paramat it works with 'inventory plus'
02:49 redblade7 i use vanessae's unified_inventory
02:49 Shara I'm still amazed uskins runs as well as it does on RC.
02:49 VanessaE RBA's *
02:49 VanessaE UI isn't mine.
02:49 redblade7 you forked it though
02:49 redblade7 i use your fork
02:49 VanessaE meh
02:50 redblade7 did you fork technic too? or is that abandoned
02:50 VanessaE all my updates went to upstream long ago....both
02:50 redblade7 i'll deal with skins later
02:50 paramat anyway my skins mod is the simplest and most lightweight
02:52 paramat
02:52 Shara I just can't get used to it being shifted to the left like that
02:52 paramat heh
02:53 Shara I completely get why you're doing it that way
02:53 Shara Just can't get used to it :P
02:53 paramat maybe no other mod has ever shifted the formspec before, makes it look weird to some people :)
02:54 Shara I don't know why you close things you are still working on though
02:54 Shara There's plenty of PRs that just get left open for ages anyway
02:55 tumeninodes impulsivity ;)
02:55 Shara heehehe
02:55 Shara It's just more difficult to see what's being worked on
02:56 tumeninodes this is why, if there is something in paramat's repo you like... better fork it quick
02:57 Shara Then I'd need to fork basically everything he does
02:57 tumeninodes exactically
03:04 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
03:05 benrob0329 o/
03:05 benrob0329 o/
03:05 benrob0329 o/
03:05 benrob0329 o/
03:05 benrob0329 o/
03:05 benrob0329 o/
03:05 benrob0329 o/
03:05 benrob0329 o/
03:05 benrob0329 o/
03:05 benrob0329 o/
03:05 benrob0329 o/
03:05 benrob0329 was kicked by rubenwardy: benrob0329
03:05 rubenwardy \o/
03:05 tumeninodes wth?
03:05 rubenwardy \o/
03:06 tumeninodes \o/ does the wave with rubenwardy
03:06 Shara Who broke benrob?
03:06 tumeninodes looks like benrob has the hiccups
03:07 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
03:07 tumeninodes either that or the tardis finally made him snap
03:07 benrob0329 ok, I think we're good now
03:07 benrob0329 *hic*
03:07 tumeninodes heh... you k dude?
03:08 benrob0329 yeah, dunno why hexchat decided to do..that
03:08 tumeninodes because hexchat is evil
03:08 benrob0329 I didn't have my faulty script loaded
03:10 rubenwardy never happened to me
03:11 benrob0329 *shrugs*
03:12 paramat i closed it due to the 1 month neglect rule, being too hard on myself, reopening
03:12 paramat after all it's not really neglected
03:12 Shara :)
03:13 Shara Anyway, good night.
03:13 tumeninodes night Shara
03:16 rubenwardy that shouldn't apply as strictly to MTG, para
03:16 rubenwardy paramat,
03:16 rubenwardy there's like 10 PRs
03:24 redblade7 joined #minetest-hub
04:11 Hijiri why is armor_monoid second on As far as I know only one large mod depends on it
04:12 Hijiri and it's a soft depends
04:12 Hijiri maybe it is possible they were looking for armor and installed it on accident?
04:29 tumeninodes is there a conf setting for autojump? to walk up hills like on the Android build?
04:35 tumeninodes or, is there a conf setting for player step height
04:36 tumeninodes if anyone knows, please pm me, I am off to bed. night all
04:36 tumeninodes left #minetest-hub
04:39 paramat !tell tumeninodes no but you can set the object property 'step height' per player, to 1.1 nodes or whatever
04:39 MinetestBot paramat: I'll pass that on when tumeninodes is around
04:42 Hijiri would it be silly to have a mod with only hydraulic power transmission
04:42 Hijiri like machines might internally have gears and shafts and things but anything that goes between two nodes has to use hydraulic power
04:45 paramat i see no reason why that's silly :)
04:45 paramat looking through the skin database, so many skins have creeper faces on the back =S
04:46 paramat .. and headphones and a hoodie
04:49 paramat .. and a chequered bandana over their mouths
05:18 Megaf :S
05:18 Megaf tug life ^
05:18 Megaf 3:18 AM, can' t sleep
05:19 Megaf maybe I need coffee
05:49 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
06:18 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
07:19 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
07:49 CWz joined #minetest-hub
08:27 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
10:39 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
11:31 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
11:48 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
12:18 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
12:25 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
13:08 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
13:25 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
13:33 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
13:34 IhrFussel I think sauth got a bug...probably? I tried to protect an area for someone and got a crash "Runtime error from mod 'areas' in callback on_chat_message(): unrecognized token: "'rhn'' LIMIT 1;"
13:42 shivajiva what was the command issued pls Fussel
13:42 IhrFussel /set_owner rhn rhn' abode & plant farm
13:43 IhrFussel rhn's*
13:43 shivajiva wondering if ' is causing the crash
13:44 IhrFussel Nope, cause the user was able to protect "rhn's plantation" minutes before
13:44 IhrFussel Maybe the "&"?
13:45 IhrFussel Or it maybe is the ' but only happens if the command has 2 arguments?
13:46 shivajiva the error shows 'rhn"
13:48 IhrFussel Seems like I forgot the s after '
13:48 IhrFussel I actually typed "rhn' abode & plant farm"
13:51 IhrFussel Could that cause it? Cause "rhn's" seems to work fine
13:53 IhrFussel shivajiva, wait...I'm dumb I typed rhn' as NAME
13:53 IhrFussel But sauth should probably check for unallowed chars
13:54 shivajiva okay I'll get that added later
14:18 Fixer wth paramat is doing with this PR?
14:19 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
14:23 Megaf Nice Dolby AD.
14:23 Megaf !title
14:23 MinetestBot Megaf: Creating The Spectacular | Dolby - YouTube
14:29 IhrFussel What's the max speed of boats in MTG? I see no variable for that
14:32 IhrFussel I see a 5 somewhere in the code...maybe that's it?
14:42 Megaf <ACTION> 2018-01-09 13:55:14: [Server] Server: ggggggtggggggg supplied empty password from
14:42 Megaf Those nicks...
14:43 Mr-Pardison hate them.
14:43 Mr-Pardison 2 players on DL that have the nick nnnnnnnn and nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
14:44 Megaf Mr-Pardison: disable logins without passwords
14:44 Megaf you will see a huge drop in logins, but it's worth it
14:44 Mr-Pardison I don't run it.
14:44 Mr-Pardison poke $hara about that.
14:44 Mr-Pardison and I was talking about the nick.
14:45 Shara Passwords are already required
14:45 Shara And.. that. SIlly names have nothing to do with whether passwords are needed
14:45 Mr-Pardison such long name that is just the same.
14:46 Megaf Shara: well, in the one I post the person tried to login with empty password.
14:46 Megaf Thats why I mentioned
14:53 shivajiva name_restrictions can assert pronounceable on new names
14:54 shivajiva i.e. some vowels reqd as well as consonants
14:56 Megaf Folks, how to I reenable sneak?
14:59 IhrFussel Megaf, this?
14:59 shivajiva it's per player in their attribs plus a conf setting from memory
15:00 shivajiva
15:06 Megaf so
15:06 Megaf how do I do it?
15:07 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
15:11 IhrFussel Megaf, just paste my snippet in any register_on_joinplayer() function
15:20 Megaf Linode is amazing. I ask them to downsize my plan, and they do that, but they also convert to a cheaper way of billing, and also give me 2 motnhs credit
15:20 Megaf and free GBs
15:21 Mr-Pardison nice.
15:21 Mr-Pardison now you should have some money for that ice cream you wanted.
15:22 Megaf hah, indeed
15:22 Megaf thou that would go to cover my dedicated for one month...
15:23 Mr-Pardison opportunity cost.
15:23 rubenwardy uh oh
15:23 Megaf Linode is the best VPS host. they are just expensive for what they offer.
15:23 rubenwardy looks like someone isn't sanitising their input to SQL
15:23 Mr-Pardison speaking of opportunity cost, I have econ next.
15:23 Mr-Pardison yay.
15:23 Mr-Pardison ^ partially sarcasm
15:23 Megaf rubenwardy: what you talking about
15:25 rubenwardy <IhrFussel> I think sauth got a bug...probably? I tried to protect an area for someone and got a crash "Runtime error from mod 'areas' in callback on_chat_message(): unrecognized token: "'rhn'' LIMIT 1;"
15:26 shivajiva just checking a fix, the issue is '
15:27 Megaf
15:27 Megaf !title
15:27 MinetestBot Megaf: Linode Blog » Linode turns 14!
15:27 Megaf I have been with Linode for half of their existence
15:27 shivajiva when manually passed in a chat command as part of the name
15:29 shivajiva should area mod sanitise or should sauth catch it :)
15:29 rubenwardy sauth should
15:30 rubenwardy because there maybe more mods with this mistak
15:30 shivajiva that's why I'm testing a fix :P
15:30 rubenwardy excellent
15:30 RobbieF joined #minetest-hub
15:30 rubenwardy thanks for your work on s.*
15:31 shivajiva np :)
15:36 Megaf rubenwardy: sfan5: perhaps you could give a hand here ?
15:37 Megaf I mean
15:37 Megaf
15:37 Megaf !title
15:37 MinetestBot Megaf: decatron nixies crash server on place. · Issue #8 · minetest-mods/nixie_tubes · GitHub
15:42 Megaf there
15:42 Megaf I blame Krock
15:42 Megaf I dont know how to properly name that issue tho
15:43 shivajiva fix tested and pushed to master for sauth
15:44 shivajiva rubenwardy: can you confirm ip6 handling is as expected now for sban?
15:45 Megaf #5327
15:45 ShadowBot -- Fix various problems with sneaking by sfan5
15:45 Megaf That should have never ever been merged
15:45 Megaf for 6 years my players built and played based on sneak behaviour
15:46 Megaf all minigames and parkour they created
15:46 Megaf all hosues and buildings with sneak ladders
15:46 Megaf all fall games where you used sneak to survive
15:46 Megaf IhrFussel: does those line totally disable that merge?
15:47 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
15:47 shivajiva it bypasses the new code and uses the old afaik
15:48 twoelk how long will that work?
15:49 shivajiva until we stop demanding it is included hopefully
15:50 twoelk it depends on the old code kept in source, right?
15:51 shivajiva yes
15:52 Megaf I have no idea what I'm doing. Please review it.
15:53 rubenwardy no need to get overrides
15:53 rubenwardy player:set_physics_override({ new_move = false,  sneak_glitch = true })
15:55 Megaf rubenwardy: so, I just replace all the lines in the function with local player:set_physics_override({ new_move = false,  sneak_glitch = true }) ?
15:55 rubenwardy no need for local
15:55 rubenwardy it's not a variable
15:55 rubenwardy it's a method call
15:55 Megaf function register_on_joinplayer()
15:55 Megaf player:set_physics_override({ new_move = false,  sneak_glitch = true })
15:55 Megaf end
15:55 Megaf that?
15:55 rubenwardy yeah
15:56 rubenwardy put with the correct player callback
15:57 Megaf Again, I have no idea what Im doing
15:57 Megaf I want this to be default and global
15:58 rubenwardy lol
15:58 rubenwardy jesus christ
15:58 rubenwardy I thought that was pseudocode
15:59 IhrFussel minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) -- here player:set...... end)
15:59 rubenwardy ^
16:02 * Megaf just used what IhrFussel said
16:02 Megaf I though it was weird, but you guys know much more than me.. so...
16:05 Megaf
16:05 Megaf !title
16:05 MinetestBot Megaf: Why Is Blue So Rare In Nature? - YouTube
16:07 Megaf IhrFussel: rubenwardy: I DONT KNOW HOW TO CODE. Im very bad at it. All I can do is copy and paste. So please, if you could give me the whole thing to add to init.lua it would be great.
16:07 Megaf I can't even talk/write properly
16:08 rubenwardy
16:17 Megaf is ok the ) after the end?
16:17 rubenwardy yes
16:17 rubenwardy it's a function as a parameter to a function
16:17 rubenwardy it's a function as a parameter to a function call *
16:18 rubenwardy learning modding is beneficial to server hosting, allows you to have custom features and fix buggy mods
16:19 Mr-Pardison rubenwardy: I'm trying to change the activation key for the woodcutter mod. I made a post on here yesterday about it yesterday around this time.
16:19 rubenwardy hmmm
16:20 rubenwardy does it use get_player_controls()?
16:20 rubenwardy you're unfortunately limited to what it submits
16:21 rubenwardy although as soon as nerzhul finishes his input PR, I'd like to work on cleaning it up even more
16:21 rubenwardy and allowing cross binding
16:21 nerzhul rubenwardy, i need to hurry up then heh
16:21 rubenwardy cross binding meaning using any type of control for an actual
16:21 rubenwardy *action
16:21 rubenwardy XD
16:21 Mr-Pardison let me check.
16:22 rubenwardy this would then lead on to allowing mods to register their own actions
16:22 rubenwardy but maybe not for 0.5.0
16:22 Mr-Pardison
16:22 rubenwardy yeah, it's hard coded to sneak currently
16:22 rubenwardy you could use a different key such as aux1 (E)
16:23 Mr-Pardison so, I would replace sneak with aux1 to change the control?
16:24 rubenwardy yeah
16:24 rubenwardy
16:24 Mr-Pardison thank you for your help with this.
16:40 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
16:52 Megaf Thomas-S: Hi there
16:52 Thomas-S Hello, Megaf!
16:52 Megaf adding now
16:53 Thomas-S Let's hope it won't cause problems :)
16:54 Megaf starting server
16:54 Megaf !server Megaf
16:54 MinetestBot Megaf: Megaf Server V4.17 | | Clients: 0/10, 0/0 | Version: 0.4.17-Megaf / MegafXploreNext | Ping: 13ms
16:54 * Mr-Pardison pulls the starter cord
16:54 Megaf Mr-Pardison: it worked, server is running
16:56 rubenwardy left #minetest-hub
17:08 Megaf hm
17:08 Megaf when I place homedecor:door_bedroom_left its not deducted from my inventory, nor it shows in the server log
17:09 Megaf though when I dig it, it shows as dug and it increases in my inventory
17:17 Megaf is sys4-fr on IRC?
17:17 Megaf and davisonio
17:20 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
17:21 benrob0329 Idea that probably isn't reasonable in any way: make Minetest a library, that games depend on
17:21 benrob0329 Like, Love2D for example
17:21 Megaf It was like that
17:21 Megaf long time ago
17:21 benrob0329 It was a game, long time ago
17:22 Megaf the standard was, all mods should work on minimal
17:22 benrob0329 ...not what i'm talking about
17:22 Megaf and minetest_game was compatible with minimal
17:22 Megaf benrob0329: you mean, full games?
17:22 benrob0329 Thats not a library
17:22 benrob0329 Thats just requiring cross game compatibility
17:22 Megaf anything is a library
17:23 benrob0329 No
17:23 * Megaf showing of his language skills again
17:23 benrob0329 Taking Love2D as one of the few Lua game engines
17:23 Mr-Pardison a big book repository is a library.
17:24 Krock joined #minetest-hub
17:24 benrob0329 Its an installable library that provides games functions and callbacks to plug into, and a cross platform runtime foe packaging
17:25 benrob0329 Minetest on the other hand, is a program with collections of mods and a set UI for everything
17:26 benrob0329 The games aren't what you're shown, its the engine
17:26 benrob0329 Games are written for the engine, rather than the engine for the games
17:27 benrob0329 IMHO, minetest should be a library games require() various components of, and define the mainmenu and distribution separately, ie Love2D
17:27 benrob0329 Rather than a mod-centric game, ie Gmod
17:32 benrob0329 If minetest was a library, a c api could be used instead of hardcoding lua, and other APIs could be written
17:32 benrob0329 Then people could stop complaining about lua
17:36 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
17:41 red-001 that's called adding your code to cmake and making minetest call it
17:46 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
17:47 benrob0329 Also, we should encourage core. rather than minetest. for future compatibility imo
17:49 Krock core is also easier to type
17:49 * benrob0329 should go change his couple mods to do that
17:51 Megaf So you make mods against core instead of MTG?
17:51 benrob0329 But if MT was a library, then games would theoretically be able to further customize the main menu, perhaps using worlds as levels or custom options
17:51 benrob0329 Megaf: not quite
17:51 benrob0329 You made games off core, mods off the game
17:52 benrob0329 Each game could be a different experience
17:53 twoelk I thought mods actually use the running game as library
17:53 Megaf first we have to make server totally hanging on map generation
17:56 twoelk I had been experimenting with combining maps - I really wish it was easier to merge map content at the borders nicely
18:10 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
18:10 tenplus1 hi folks
18:11 Raven262 Hi ten
18:11 tenplus1 hi raven
18:11 RobbieF hi tenplus1
18:11 tenplus1 hey robbie :)
18:11 tenplus1 how's all today ?
18:11 RobbieF I'm well - how about you?
18:12 tenplus1 good thanks, got new pc desk :)
18:12 tenplus1 oh, and for anyone using windows 10 and amd chipset, be careful of windows "spectre" update, it can brick pc
18:12 Raven262 Oo
18:12 Raven262 Okay, not going to reboot to windows anyway.
18:13 RobbieF oh nice tenplus1
18:13 RobbieF tenplus1 MS halted the update on AMD systems because of it
18:13 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
18:13 tenplus1 hi nerzhul
18:13 benrob0329 Lol, professionalism amiright
18:13 RobbieF lol
18:13 tenplus1 RobbieF: yeah but already downloaded updates waiting to GO will still bork things
18:13 tenplus1 hi benrob
18:13 * sofar unable to comment due to company restrictions
18:13 RobbieF "Oh, but our processors aren't susceptible!" - professionalism?  :D
18:13 tenplus1 hi sofar
18:14 RobbieF tenplus1 too true
18:14 sofar sup
18:14 tenplus1 friend of mine lost his desktop to this... had 23 updates cached and ready to rock once he booted up... then after reboot his pc was no more
18:15 benrob0329 Continuing from my "MT should be a library" thing from earlier
18:15 sofar I've had a windows 10 system that has been unable to update for more than a year now
18:15 sofar not that I care
18:15 sofar it's always running linux anyway
18:15 tenplus1 better safe that sorry sofar...  clients pc keeps crashing desktop cause of updated radeon drivers, so updates arent always so hot
18:15 red-001 now here is a real question, is saying "no comment" a comment?
18:16 tenplus1 hi red
18:16 red-001 hi 11
18:16 benrob0329 We need to stop treating games as just a collection of mods. Minetest isn't fun, Minetest is an engine.
18:16 benrob0329 The games are fun, and we need to put them first.
18:17 tenplus1 minetest home page should have [mods] [textures] and [games] ready to vbiew
18:17 benrob0329 Not all games are alike, mods are game specific :-)
18:18 benrob0329 Textures too
18:18 tenplus1 yeah, textures can change the whole feel of a game
18:19 tenplus1 speaking of which, those melon textures were half assed by myself sofar
18:19 benrob0329 If a mod/texture pack works across multiple games, there should be a cross-posting feature in the forums
18:19 nerzhul benrob0329, and Minetest is not just an engine, this should stop, minetest is a game framework :)
18:19 nerzhul core side strong features should be there
18:19 sofar tenplus1: lol
18:19 sofar tenplus1: I just thought they looked familiar... that's why I asked
18:19 benrob0329 nerzhul: a framework is just a high level engine :-)
18:20 tenplus1 they were based on painterly, but redrawn and slapped together in gimp
18:20 benrob0329 Requiring me to unpack a game to a specific directory for it to even show up is stupid
18:22 benrob0329 The average person does not care about what engine a game uses, they care about what the game is.
18:22 tenplus1 true
18:24 benrob0329 Games should stand on their own, but right now all people see is Minetest, not Carbone, not Solar Planes, not InsideTheBox. They see Minetest, and some mod collections for it.
18:24 tenplus1 need to advertise the GAME with a subline of "built with Minetest Engine"
18:24 benrob0329 Exactly
18:25 benrob0329 Games stand alone, minetest works in the background
18:25 benrob0329 Mods should be written because the game is good, not because the game is bad.
18:30 benrob0329 carbone.mtg, voxelands.mtg, insidethebox.mtg
18:31 benrob0329 Clicking a game file would open them in minetest, with a custom menu and dedicated mods/worlds folders.
18:32 benrob0329 Games could include worlds for ex levels, and the menu could restrict multiplayer or worlds for progress
18:32 benrob0329 *eg
18:32 benrob0329 Heck, multiplayer could choose completely different worlds and be like Portal2 and its campaign
18:33 tenplus1 interesting idea
18:34 benrob0329 Very much inspired by Love2D (which has been use for decent commercial games!)
18:35 tenplus1 +1
18:37 benrob0329 It would be a huge breaking change though, so chances are it will never happen
18:38 tenplus1 :P
18:39 benrob0329 If modpacks suck, then let's stop treating games like they're modpacks
18:57 benrob0329 Alright, bbl folks o/
19:12 Fixer hi
19:13 tenplus1 o/ Fixer
19:16 Mr-Pardison \o Fixer
19:17 tenplus1 hi Mr-Pardison
19:17 Fixer
19:17 Fixer tenplus1 \o/ Mr-Pardison
19:18 Mr-Pardison 'ello tenplus1
19:18 Mr-Pardison g2g now.
19:18 Mr-Pardison will c y'all in a bit.,
19:24 Fixer "How much did Intel pay M$ to brick AMD systems?" :D:D:D Slashdot
19:25 tenplus1 was thinking the same dude
19:25 tenplus1 "if we're going down the toilet we may as well take amd with us" kinda thing
19:25 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
19:25 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
19:26 tenplus1 hi aerozoic
19:26 aerozoic hey wazup tenplus1
19:26 * tenplus1 drinks hot chocolate :P
19:27 aerozoic tenplus1, after updating all the mods on my server last week, i realized how many GREAT mods you've made, so thanks!
19:28 tenplus1 :)
19:28 tenplus1 glad ya like 'em
19:28 Fixer hmm
19:29 tenplus1 oh yeah, wine mod has been updated with it's own api :)
19:32 Megaf 17:26 -*- tenplus1 drinks hot chocolate :P
19:32 Megaf :+1+
19:32 Megaf I mean
19:32 tenplus1 ehehe, hi Megaf
19:32 Megaf :+1:
19:33 Megaf gotta go, cya
19:33 tenplus1 laters
19:36 * Mr_Pardison wants some hot chocolate....
19:36 tenplus1 ehe
19:58 Fixer VanessaE: have you looked if spectre patches caused any performance changes on your minetest servers?
20:00 tenplus1 *shudder*
20:02 tenplus1 did the kernel update with the supposed fixes on ubuntu and it seems to be running well enough, no speed decreases
20:07 Krock joined #minetest-hub
20:08 tenplus1 wb Krock
20:10 RobbieF left #minetest-hub
20:18 Krock o/ tenplus1. ty
20:18 Mr-Pardison considering making this into a fork:
20:19 Mr-Pardison only thing is that it interferes with fast running when using it.
20:19 tenplus1 aw
20:20 tenplus1 I like the idea of a cutting machine that cuts down leaves/trees and replants saplings :Sd
20:20 Mr-Pardison and TommyTreasure just found a conflict with it.
20:20 Mr-Pardison so, puttign the fork on hold.
20:21 Mr-Pardison digtron.
20:21 Mr-Pardison just build it tall enough.
20:26 TommyTreasure sure, blame it on me!  lol
20:26 tenplus1 ehehe, hi tommy
20:27 TommyTreasure hi tenplus1, and do i have a bunch of mob questions for you later on
20:27 tenplus1 I found it easier to add the super axe... cuts down a tree so fast but heavy on the diamonds
20:27 tenplus1 no worries
20:27 Mr-Pardison so, looking at the player controls, I see that there are things called LMB and RMB. What are those and are they vital controls?
20:27 tenplus1 left mouse button and right mouse button I assume
20:28 * Mr-Pardison whacks himself with a frying pan
20:28 Mr-Pardison my overtaxed brain missed that.
20:28 tenplus1 :P
20:28 TommyTreasure here's an abstract idea.  how about if it was disabled unless full range view was active?
20:28 Mr-Pardison Might just have to put in a new player control given that all the ones that are listed are already used.
20:29 tenplus1 doesnt 0.5 have new player controls being added ? or is that still in discussion ?!?!
20:29 Mr-Pardison huh.
20:30 TommyTreasure wouldn't that make the mod dependent on client version?
20:30 tenplus1 I just remember it being discussed...  custom controls and functions
20:30 Shara New... controls...?
20:30 tenplus1 hi shara
20:30 tenplus1 lemmie find the issue.pull
20:31 Mr-Pardison If 0.5 had more player controls (especially ones that are not vital and could be allocated to something else), that would be nice.
20:31 Shara There might have been something about being able to set them to things more easily
20:31 Shara Not sure though
20:32 tenplus1 trying to remember where I read about it... a function like minetest.register_key("key combination", on_press = function, on_release = function)
20:34 tenplus1 also I like the idea of a player being able to crawl on the ground, 1 high clearance :PP
20:34 Shara Yea, that part I want
20:34 * Shara wants a mod to grow/shrink players
20:35 tenplus1 ehehe, that coudl be done by potion :D
20:35 Shara Yup
20:36 tenplus1 or we could punish bad players by shrinking them little by little :DDDD
20:36 Shara Alice in Wonderland type of thing
20:36 TommyTreasure i kinda of remember a crawl key on one of the early tomb raider games
20:36 tenplus1 *drink me* potions
20:36 Shara Yup
20:36 Amaz And rabbit holes leading to magical realms... :)
20:36 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
20:36 tenplus1 ooh, good idea amaz :P
20:36 Shara Would be a really nice mod
20:36 * tenplus1 likes alice in wonderland
20:36 Shara And possibly could even fit with my subgame idea
20:37 Fixer I did pretty simple "/emergeblocks (0,0,0) (-1000,-1000,-1000)" benchmark, it seems 14% slower since first time I've tested it
20:37 Shara WHich I need to actually do some work on, but jobs and study and server things keep happening
20:37 tenplus1 busy start to the year shara
20:38 Shara Seems like
20:41 rubenwardy joined #minetest-hub
20:41 tenplus1 hi ruben
20:42 rubenwardy yo
20:43 Fixer VanessaE: have you installed meltdown fixes on your server?
20:45 tenplus1 ooh, Threadripper version 2 is coming out :) niiiiice
20:49 * tenplus1 wishes for his genie to make mt-engine truly multi-core :P
20:49 Fixer tenplus1: just one more year and you will be happy
20:50 Fixer official moto of minetest, actually of open source in general
20:50 tenplus1 ooh, you know something ?
20:50 tenplus1 someone mentioned that talking between LUA and C++ is kinda slow, maybe looking into a way to speed that up somewhat would be good also :D
20:52 red-001 ffi
20:52 Mr_Pardison lock them in a room and the only way to get out is to work together.
20:52 tenplus1 lolz
20:53 * red-001 greps logs for Fixer talking about one more year
20:53 compunerd joined #minetest-hub
20:54 rubenwardy
20:54 tenplus1 wb compunerd
20:54 rubenwardy apparently they're roughly the same, and calling a C function is slightly faster
20:55 rubenwardy maybe it's due to copying, and having to call multiple times?
20:55 tenplus1 ahh
20:55 rubenwardy so LVM is faster than set_node because it builds everything and calls once
20:55 rubenwardy rather than making a call per node
20:55 rubenwardy tbh, I'm not sure about this
20:55 rubenwardy need more time so I can improve Minetest whilst getting a degree and looking good to employers
20:56 tenplus1 :) all in a days work
20:56 rubenwardy that benchmark is with a function that has no parameters and returns nothing
20:57 rubenwardy meaning there's zero memory transfer
20:57 rubenwardy well, you know what I mean
21:02 red-001 a lot of the preformence stuff I hear around these parts, tends to start off with "It's well known"
21:03 Mr_Pardison g2g cya
21:03 rubenwardy lol
21:03 rubenwardy yeah, we need more performance gurus
21:04 rubenwardy you can't just guess, as the compile does lots of magic
21:06 tenplus1 nite folks o/
21:06 rubenwardy o/
21:06 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
21:07 Fixer did some compile benchmarks, looks like spectre fix does not affect it much on my pc
21:08 IhrFussel Ubuntu didn't release any fixes yet for 16.04
21:09 IhrFussel Or at least no tested releases...they are available for testing but that's not suited for production servers
21:10 Fixer looooooool
21:24 IhrFussel;item=linux-415-x86pti&amp;num=2
21:24 IhrFussel The IO benchmark is critical
21:25 IhrFussel Wait is that even about Meltdown & Spectre since the article is from Jan 2 o.o
21:34 VanessaE Fixer: My server got a new kernel the other day (cost me 400 days' of uptime) along with all other available updates.  it should be as safe as it can be.
21:48 sofar;item=clear-kpti-retpoline&amp;num=1
21:48 sofar that's probably the article you want
21:49 sofar IhrFussel: ^^
21:53 Fixer VanessaE: what about performance? the same?
22:04 VanessaE I haven't really compared.
22:55 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
23:00 paramat joined #minetest-hub
23:03 Megaf 18:20 <tenplus1> I like the idea of a cutting machine that cuts down leaves/trees and replants saplings :Sd
23:03 Megaf we have that in my server for over 4 years
23:06 Megaf And I have a machine that is able to make anything that needs planks and things that come from plants automatically, at the same time
23:11 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
23:13 Fixer supertuxkart is so much fun
23:15 Calinou better than Rocket League
23:15 Calinou (there's a meme about it)
23:16 benrob0329 both are fun :^)
23:17 benrob0329 and I don't care about either engine when playing :^)))
23:17 paramat Shara in latest MT dev you can now grow/shrink players properly: visual size, collisionbox, eye height and step height are all settable per-player, it's what i've been working on a lot
23:18 benrob0329 paramat: nice
23:35 Shara paramat: Yes, I know that's happening. It's one of the features I've been wanting for a long time to get :)
23:41 VanessaE sofar: *poke*
23:43 * Megaf grabs a glass of red wine and a bowl of ice cream
23:44 Megaf VanessaE: I agree with you, about the rotation thing.
23:45 Megaf oh boy, old player returned to my server out of the blue
23:45 Megaf this is great
23:48 sofar wut
23:48 sofar VanessaE: hmmm?
23:48 VanessaE sofar: I seem to have lost write access to minetest-mods/unified_inventory
23:49 VanessaE (went to merge a PR, found I had no rightsa)
23:49 VanessaE -a
23:49 sofar eww
23:49 sofar no good
23:49 sofar me fix
23:49 VanessaE thanky :)
23:49 Megaf speaking of unified_inventory, how do I add new skins to it?
23:50 sofar nore: did you do anything weird when you migrated stuff out of minetest-technic?
23:51 sofar VanessaE: fixed, weird there were no contributors at all in there
23:51 sofar VanessaE: I think it sent an invite link
23:52 Xio joined #minetest-hub
23:52 sofar meuh, technic is still properly setup
23:52 * Megaf laughs
23:52 Megaf
23:52 Megaf !title
23:52 MinetestBot Megaf: Top 100 Viral Videos of the Year 2017 - YouTube

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