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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-09-25

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:06 MrXtreme joined #minetest-hub
00:39 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
01:16 atorian37 joined #minetest-hub
01:58 rdococ_ joined #minetest-hub
02:08 * benrob0329 is happy that things work on his new Void Linux laptop install
02:09 benrob0329 Even OpenGL in the framebuffer :P
03:36 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
04:45 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
05:16 sofar so, I want to make a simple static webpage
05:16 sofar but I don't want to spend more than 5 minutes making it
05:17 sofar and no, I don't want to sign up for an account or install some framework on my PC
05:18 sofar I'm just tempted to <html><head>, it seems faster than trying to learn another framework again
05:40 benrob0329 sofar:
05:41 benrob0329 or if you want to go simpler than that,
06:31 CWz joined #minetest-hub
06:52 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
07:43 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
07:45 Raven262 Hi Calinou, yes.
07:45 Raven262 Wait
07:45 Raven262 That was a few hours ago
07:46 Raven262 No matter, I'm here now :P
07:49 rdococ_ joined #minetest-hub
07:55 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
08:04 paramat joined #minetest-hub
09:31 Krock joined #minetest-hub
09:34 Calinou hi Raven262 :P
09:34 Calinou I went to sleep, I wanted to continue Freedoom coop
09:34 Raven262 :P
09:34 Raven262 Ah
09:34 Raven262 I was already asleep then
09:34 Calinou just ping me when you want to continue
09:34 Calinou maybe KaadmY could play too, although his ping will be high (he's in the US)
09:41 Raven262 Calinou, I've been making a map for Hexen this last few weeks. I just started it and got some 1521 sectors from adding lots of details :D
09:41 Calinou Raven262: I tried Hexen II yesterday (using uHexen2)
09:41 Calinou I got stuck in the 2nd level, it's too mazey already :|
09:43 Raven262 Hexen2 will give you hints, and if you are a normal person like me, you won't get them :P
09:44 Raven262 I had to use a guide to get trough the game
09:44 Raven262 Its seriously hard
09:44 Raven262 Not only for the first time, you know
09:44 Raven262 The puzzles change sometimes depending on which corridor you passed first.
09:46 Raven262 I think i used this one
10:09 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
10:17 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
10:26 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
10:58 Calinou Raven262:
10:58 Calinou Quake 4 with maxed anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering, disabled texture compression, and r_lightScale 4
10:58 Calinou however, I don't know how to remove the FPS cap (I made sure V-Sync is disabled) :P
11:00 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
11:04 Raven262 I haven't been playing Q4, though lisac finished the whole game.
11:04 Raven262 I also didn't know that it has so good graphics when maxed out Oo
11:09 Raven262 btw, Calinou, the start of my map right now
11:09 Calinou yeah, its graphics aren't so bad
11:09 Calinou it was released 12 years ago :P
11:09 Calinou Raven262: this looks pretty nice!
11:10 Calinou I never used GZDoom Builder, I used SLADE a bit
11:10 Raven262 Glad you like it, i did lose a few maps like this one in system reinstalls xD
11:11 Raven262 In my opinion, Slade's map editor is not as good as GZDB
11:11 Raven262 It also doesn't support advanced GZDoom features
11:11 Raven262 Some of them that is
11:30 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
11:36 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
11:38 CalebDavis joined #minetest-hub
12:09 Aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
13:16 Jordach Fixer, don't go for nvidia
13:17 Jordach my RX 480 from launch is about ~12% faster than when it launched
13:58 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
13:59 Fixer Jordach: funnily I see shittons of reports about GSOD on RX480 %)
13:59 Fixer Calinou: bad news
14:00 Fixer Calinou: even with limiter, during minecraft beta play I did alt-tab to gpu-z and got black screen, after that it shows cursor only with black screen on startup and hang, kek
14:00 Fixer only safe mode works
14:01 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
14:01 paramat joined #minetest-hub
14:04 Megaf So I finally got my replacement keyboard fort my macbook pro. Doesn't fit.
14:04 sfan5 >mac
14:07 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
14:07 tenplus1 hi folks
14:07 rubenwardy yo
14:07 tenplus1 hi ruben
14:07 Shara Hi all
14:07 tenplus1 hi shara
14:08 Shara Megaf: last time I tried to order a keyboard, they sent me german layout one instead
14:08 Megaf Shara, it was my mistake this time
14:08 tenplus1 hi Megaf
14:08 Megaf I thought apple would be sensible and use the same key wholes, just different keys
14:08 Shara It's happened twice actually, not my mistake either time. Order number and everything else matched to UK one... it's just not what they sent
14:09 Megaf but they decided to change enter key shape and get rid of the right left key in the uk layout
14:09 Megaf from that image we can see UK and Europe have the same frame
14:09 Megaf stupid Americans, why everything have to be different for America?
14:09 Shara Yes, but not same keys :)
14:09 tenplus1 lol
14:10 Megaf and hi tenplus1
14:10 rubenwardy    O_o
14:10 Shara I don't even notice the y/z switch between german and UK keyboard much, but the punctuation changes kill me :)
14:11 CalebDavis hi ten
14:11 tenplus1 hi caleb
14:12 * Megaf does a /join #ircv3
14:13 * tenplus1 tries to rewrite api with no joy :(
14:17 Megaf by the way, I did want the UK layout
14:17 Megaf because I prefer the UK layout
14:17 Megaf I thought it'd fit
14:18 Jordach Fixer, >mfw RX 480 works for me
14:18 Jordach i get them grey screens on arch with APUs
14:18 Jordach fucking HP
14:18 Jordach trash shittops
14:18 Jordach oh you switched to radeon? GSOD
14:18 Jordach reeeeeee
14:18 tenplus1 lol
14:18 tenplus1 hi Jordach
14:18 Jordach in future i'm buying surface devices only
14:18 Jordach and ONLY surfaces
14:19 Jordach my gen 1 surface works perfectly fine even now
14:19 Fixer Jordach: i've started having GSOD just recently, and display corruption, wonder what is fucked, gpu or psu or both
14:19 Raven262 Hello everyone.
14:19 Fixer Jordach: even shifted screen bug
14:19 Jordach Fixer, i'd post you a GTX 750TI
14:20 Jordach >default libraries in windows 7 (docs photos music and videos)(
14:20 Jordach >technet says the same
14:20 Jordach >answer is wrong
14:20 Jordach :thinking:
14:24 Jordach >a laptop CPU is the same processing power of a desktop
14:24 Jordach >answer requires me to not check "a laptop CPU is not as powerful as a desktop"
14:24 tenplus1 normally yes, but doesnt laptop have slower bus speeds to save power
14:25 tenplus1 not as souped up
14:25 Jordach tenplus1, laptops are generally clocked even slower and may have missing extensions
14:28 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
14:28 tenplus1 hi Grandolf
14:28 Grandolf hi 11 :P
14:33 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
14:33 tenplus1 wb fixer
14:42 tenplus1 ahhaa, love the nyan in teh background
14:46 Krock needs more railways
14:50 tenplus1 :P
14:58 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
15:00 benrob0329 Jordach: my laptop runs fine, even openGL in the framebuffer and WiFi with no issues :P
15:00 tenplus1 hi benrob, what laptop you got ?
15:01 benrob0329 rubenwardy: soo..ircv3 is basically Matrix?
15:02 benrob0329 :P
15:02 rubenwardy it's the next version of IRC so will probably work better
15:02 rubenwardy because IRC has no reliability problems at all
15:02 benrob0329 tenplus1: HP something something idr, I'll have to go look
15:03 tenplus1 heh
15:03 benrob0329 rubenwardy: unless you're on a phone
15:03 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
15:04 benrob0329 hasn't gone down in a while, and when it does its to update things
15:04 benrob0329 And you could run you're own homeserver, since its federated
15:04 benrob0329 *your
15:06 benrob0329 Also, HTML based formatting is bae
15:17 benrob0329 (Offtopic)
15:17 benrob0329 Jordach: ^^
15:20 rdococ hj
15:20 rdococ hm
15:20 tenplus1 hi rdococ
15:20 rdococ is there software I can install to prevent Microsoft from collecting information about computer usage?
15:20 tenplus1 for win10 ?
15:20 rdococ win8.1
15:21 tenplus1
15:22 rubenwardy rdococ: yeah,
15:22 rdococ wait, what the heck just opened that Microsoft tab saying "Microsoft Network Monitor"?
15:23 rdococ rubenwardy, this is my parent's computer, I don't want to mess with it too much (even though she'd probably let me :P)
15:24 tenplus1 if you wanna stop spying completely install Xubuntu
15:24 rdococ anyway, when I get my computer back I plan on immediately installing a linux distribution anyway
15:24 Megaf meh, disabling vsync and fps limiter makes my laptop able to fry an egg
15:24 Megaf I will be selling my cooktop tomorrow, no need for it anymore
15:24 Megaf lol
15:24 rdococ lol
15:24 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
15:25 tenplus1 hi twoelk
15:25 twoelk o/
15:26 benrob0329 rdococ: don't use Windows, that's how :P
15:26 rdococ rubenwardy, this is my parent's computer, I don't want to mess with it too much (even though she'd probably let me :P)
15:26 rdococ benrob0329*
15:26 rubenwardy O_o
15:26 benrob0329 Lol
15:27 rdococ anyway, I like the idea of metaphorically poking a middle finger at Microsoft by using their crap without being spied on
15:27 benrob0329 While still probably being spied on?
15:27 tenplus1 you can get tools to disable much of the tracking, but... I wouldnt trust them not to re-enable it
15:28 benrob0329 Plus, strange tools
15:28 tenplus1 yup
15:28 * benrob0329 is rather happy with Void Linux, at least atm
15:29 twoelk rdococ head over to and built your own stuff on a portable device that can run when plugged into any windows computer leaving as little trace as possible
15:29 benrob0329 I like Runit as my init system, simple and really friggen fast
15:30 tenplus1 looks interesting
15:30 benrob0329 They weren't joking when they put the run in runit
15:30 benrob0329 I'll post a video of my laptop booting
15:32 Fixer Jordach: you say AMD, but... my first ati card also kinda half-died of gpu/mem errors, this one has potential to be a second...
15:32 Fixer I have spare ATI X800GTO card with even old school video out output.
15:32 Fixer hope it works
15:32 Fixer but first i need to try drivers thing
15:33 twoelk I have several dif/me runs mt under a portableapps hood at work
15:33 twoelk ?
15:33 rdococ lol, I have found myself in regedit.exe
15:33 Fixer lololol
15:33 tenplus1 *shudder*
15:33 * twoelk runs mt under a portableapps hood at work
15:34 Fixer someone suggest old method of cooking videocard in oven, thats too hardcore for me
15:34 Fixer too spooky
15:34 Krock twoelk, usually that's not necessary for a RUN_IN_PLACE build
15:35 rdococ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows, and I'm setting CEIPEnable to 0
15:35 rdococ from its original value of 1
15:35 twoelk Krock, I do take it a little further :-P
15:35 benrob0329 rdococ: /me hides in his config files
15:35 Krock but that only changes a bit of it, rdococ.
15:36 rdococ meh.
15:37 rdococ Krock: the customer experience thing was already off, it seems... idk why it was 1 then
15:37 rdococ unless changing that dword did turn it off (or at least caused the control panel to display it as off)
15:37 * Krock tries wine regedit.exe
15:38 * tenplus1 got "Oddworld: Abes Oddyssey" free from steam, $0.00 :) works well in wine :D
15:39 rdococ Krock, o_O
15:39 Krock rdococ, there's actually a registry from Wine to make programs run properly
15:39 rdococ Krock: I would have guessed so.
15:39 Krock then why o_0
15:40 Krock s/0/O/
15:41 twoelk one could also try a portable or live version of reactos to bypass ms - providing the target software runs on it
15:41 Krock reactos is the operating system around wine.. kina
15:43 atorian37 joined #minetest-hub
15:44 twoelk not quite but they do share common code
15:44 rdococ heh, maybe I should dualboot linux and reactos
15:45 tenplus1 back laters
15:45 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
15:48 rdococ lol, let's tripleboot
15:48 rdococ linux, reactos, and something else
15:49 twoelk freedos?
15:49 Krock BSD?
15:49 twoelk lets raise TOS from the dead
15:49 benrob0329 LibreBSD, they disliked OpenBSD's lack of hardware support and forked
15:50 Krock what? TempleOS is dead?
15:50 rdococ linux, reactos and OpenBSD :P
15:50 twoelk is plan8 or was it 9 still alive?
15:51 * Jordach cracks out the modtracker
15:53 * rdococ gives Jordach an integer between 2 and 3
15:54 benrob0329 Jordach: OOOooo
15:54 bwarden joined #minetest-hub
15:54 * benrob0329 mentions mod music support in Minetest, then hides
15:55 rdococ benrob0329: here comes the ghost! OOOOooooOOOOoooh!
15:57 * Jordach sends commands to re-process the audio data into audacity
15:57 Jordach there, output from modformat
15:57 Jordach and time period correct 11k sampling
16:12 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
16:13 Fixer with driver uninstalled back to normal windows mode
16:13 Fixer will try fresh install of older one
16:50 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
16:50 tenplus1 hi folks
16:52 rdococ evaluating to eleven
16:53 tenplus1 o/
16:57 Calinou heh, I was playing Unreal 1 on my ultrabook
16:58 Calinou 1920×1080, everything maxed, 4× MSAA, 16× AF, constant 60 FPS
16:58 Krock hi tenplus1
16:58 Calinou (except when particles are spawned right in front of the player)
16:58 tenplus1 hi krock
16:58 tenplus1 so far away particles dont slow things down cal ?
17:03 Calinou tenplus1: no, they don't, it's a fillrate limitation
17:03 Calinou IGPs have low fillrates compared to dedicated GPUs
17:03 tenplus1 ohhh
17:04 shivajiva Hi tenplus
17:05 tenplus1 hi shiva
17:07 rdococ YaY
17:08 rdococ EW EW EW, for I used a dejavu font (I think) and it displays here as comic sans
17:08 tenplus1 lolol
17:11 * rdococ tries out random tools on Firefox Nightly
17:11 tenplus1 what's it up to now ?
17:12 rdococ idk if these are new tools, or if they've been there for several versions, but there is a WebIDE
17:13 rdococ I'll be honest, it looks like a web-based application creator
17:13 rdococ which is probably what it is, lol
17:14 Dargod hi all
17:14 tenplus1 hi Dargod
17:14 Dargod mt server 0.5.0 version is not compatible with previous versions of clients (0.4.x)?
17:15 tenplus1 nope... player models dont work properly between them...
17:15 rdococ (or maybe it's just to help test compatibility among devices, idk)
17:16 Dargod ohh, it seems like you have to stay on older versions (
17:16 rdococ yes
17:17 rdococ 0.5.0 is incompatible with 0.4.x, though I wish they had a compatibility mode which used the old system
17:17 tenplus1 for now...  when 0.5.0 is released I'll be updating Xanadu and all my mods to comply to new standard...  also urging players to do same
17:17 rdococ yeah
17:19 tenplus1 am hoping 0.5.0 will be the new base everone builds from
17:21 rdococ hm, is there any good software for developing an online GUI?
17:22 tenplus1
17:22 rdococ haha, layou tit
17:23 tenplus1 :P
17:24 rdococ layoutit seems really cool
17:24 tenplus1 :) so long as it works... ehe
17:26 rdococ yay for betas!
17:27 rdococ I'm working on how to modify the contents of the navbar at the moment, hm
17:30 tenplus1 only web editor I ever used was the old netscape one... :)
17:31 rdococ yeah, but how would I edit the navbar?
17:31 tenplus1 are you just inserting links ?
17:35 twoelk hmmmm, the cat left the office - the mice consider doing some mt server hopping
17:36 rdococ lol
17:36 rdococ tenplus1, no, I'm not doing much of anything atm
17:36 rdococ wait
17:36 rdococ what do you mean?
17:36 tenplus1 navigation bars, I was wondering if you are adding links to click...
17:37 rdococ no, I'm using the navbar component
17:37 tenplus1 oh
17:37 rdococ (in layoutit, that is)
17:37 rdococ editing the contents of links seems to be easy enough, I was talking about the navbar component
17:38 paramat it's a good idea for servers to update to 0.5.0 because it's likely some unofficial mobile apps will not be updating to remain compatible (multicraft won't for example), so it may help reduce unofficial app players
17:38 tenplus1 hi paramat, and yeah, agree'd
17:38 rdococ true
17:39 paramat also of course 0.5.0 allows you to enforce the CSM 'flavour' restrictions
17:40 tenplus1 damn right, that's soooo getting disabled :P
17:40 Shara paramat: the apps issue is a mixed one though. I'm likely to lose some long term quite good players by updating, as well as losing some of the bad ones...
17:41 tenplus1 any android players can install the official mt 0.5.0 release, ios on the other hand will hve to wait for a build to become available
17:41 Shara and the moment it does, we're back to where we started anyway
17:41 rdococ my mother won't let me have a phone, because all she considers is calling
17:42 rdococ hm, what android tablet do you suggest?
17:43 paramat yes for players to be happy to transfer to the official app the controls need improving
17:43 Shara I'm guessing no updates on that?
17:44 paramat so assuming we manage that, updating to 0.5.0 could be a good opportunity to encourage players to switch to the official app
17:44 Shara I'm all for getting them to switch as you know
17:45 rdococ Shara, paramat: I may be getting an android tablet for my birthday, which one should I choose?
17:45 tenplus1 whats the budget ?
17:46 Shara rdococ: I barely use tablets ever, toerh than for reading.
17:46 Shara So I can't really say
17:46 paramat Shara, i added a post in the forum, emailed multicraft's admin, not much yet, will try to find a contributor willing to add joystick
17:46 Shara other*
17:46 Calinou tenplus1: heh, TrackMania Nations Forever runs ok on my laptop
17:46 rdococ £100 would be okay, £500 maybe not... hm
17:46 Calinou but with low shaders and shadows, else it's too slow
17:46 Calinou (1080p, 4× MSAA, 16× AF as usual)
17:46 rdococ tenplus1: between £100 and £250
17:46 tenplus1 amazon fire hd is pretty good and cheaper than 150 for a good spec
17:47 Calinou this makes the grass and water pretty ugly, but it works :)
17:47 Calinou (and doesn't look too jagged)
17:47 paramat i'm clueless about tablets, my mobile phone is 9 years old and has physical buttons :)
17:47 tenplus1 lol, my mobile is 60 quid and works fine :)
17:47 Shara paramat: Yay, I'm not the only one!
17:48 rdococ tenplus1, hm, which size do you suggest?
17:48 tenplus1 as big as you can afford... screen size is important if you wanna cut out eye strain, especially when web browsing and gaming
17:49 rdococ true, although are there any RAM differences?
17:49 rdococ I'd like to maximize on RAM and total clock speed (clock speed per core x number of cores, I would guess).
17:49 rdococ and I wouldn't mind sacrificing a little bit of screen size and disk space for that.
17:49 tenplus1 99quid for 16gb kindle hd
17:49 tenplus1
17:50 tenplus1 99 for 32gb black with alexa
17:50 rdococ yes, but I'm guessing 16gb and 32gb refers to disk space
17:51 tenplus1 yeah... they are mostly 8" in size tho
17:51 rdococ but are there differences in RAM?
17:51 rdococ 2 GB of RAM doesn't seem very much.
17:52 tenplus1 my laptop has 2gb and I can do everything I need :)
17:52 rdococ hm, interesting
17:52 tenplus1 all depends what you run
17:52 rdococ Fire HD 8 only has 1.5 GB of RAM
17:52 rdococ I plan to run the official Android client for Minetest, along with IRC
17:52 rdococ s/IRC/an IRC client/
17:53 rdococ I've decided I want the fire HD 10, because it has basically more of everything :P
17:54 tenplus1
17:54 rdococ ooh, that's cheaper...
17:54 tenplus1 look around and you'll find many brands with different specs :)
17:54 tenplus1 google reviews to see what buyers think and you might find a gem
17:55 rdococ well, I'm looking to max out on RAM, clock speed and number of cores for a better mobile gaming experience
17:55 rdococ although gaming is probably better left to the PC, lol
17:55 rdococ then again, I bet there's probably a tablet with better specs than these laptops
17:55 tenplus1 true, but you can still get some good games on tablet
17:56 tenplus1 hell my net-top is an atom 1.8 with nvidia mobile gfx, most phones are aleadt better than that :D
17:56 rdococ the HD 10 seems to have specs very similar to my laptop (not my mother's, which is 0.2 GHz faster per core).
17:57 rdococ and while it has a shorter battery life than 8, it has a longer battery life than 7
17:57 rdococ lol, is there a Fire HD 9?
17:57 rdococ but I will keep looking around
17:57 tenplus1 :P
17:58 twoelk might be usefull if you can attach things to the tablet - like an external keyboard for example
17:58 tenplus1 bluetooth keyuboard works fine, same with mouse
17:58 rdococ huh, I've found something with 3 GB of RAM
17:59 twoelk some cheap tablets hardly connect to anything except wifi
17:59 rdococ but I'm not sure it's quadcore
18:00 rdococ hm, how about the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0?
18:00 rdococ it's quadcore with 3 GB of RAM
18:00 tenplus1 not bad
18:00 rdococ it gives multiple clock speeds, though, which is confusing
18:00 rdococ I'm looking at and comparing the tablets
18:01 tenplus1 bottom numberis what it runs normally which should increase under use (when needed) to the higher number
18:01 rdococ ahh
18:01 rdococ 1.3 to 1.9 then
18:01 paramat (eww the idea of touching a screen with fingers, doesn't seem right)
18:01 tenplus1 saves power
18:01 rdococ wow, that's faster than my laptop
18:01 rdococ my laptop, which is currently under repair somewhere, is 1.0 to 1.8 GHz per core out of 4 cores
18:02 rdococ but it does have one more GB of RAM
18:02 rdococ though I think the monitor's 8''
18:02 Shara I just can't imagine wanting to play MT on a tablet :P
18:03 * tenplus1 prefers an actual laptop to a tablet...
18:03 rdococ eh, true
18:03 rdococ but I still want a tablet nevertheless, and one that's not a crapple tablet
18:03 Calinou :D got ECWolf running on my phone
18:03 tenplus1 Acer Aspire Cloudbook 12 has great battery life, 2gb memory, 30gb ssd, 14" screen and no moving parts
18:03 rdococ ECWolf?
18:03 Calinou constant 60 FPS, but only 640×400
18:03 Calinou rdococ: Wolfenstein 3D source port
18:03 rdococ Calinou, ah
18:03 rdococ tenplus1, don't the majority of tablets use an SSD?
18:04 rdococ after all, I find it odd to think that a tablet could make HDD noises
18:04 rdococ s/that a tablet could/of a tablet that does/
18:04 tenplus1 tablets tend to have built in slow memory storage... laptops use mmc or m2
18:04 Krock what kind of tablet doesn't use flash memory!?
18:04 rdococ but then again, there's probably at least one
18:04 * twoelk installed the expensive spider-app on the last tablet he had access to :-(
18:04 rdococ spider-app??
18:05 Krock the windows game?
18:05 twoelk wrecked the screen
18:05 rdococ I can't believe, though, that I've seen the specs for a tablet faster than my laptop.
18:05 rdococ actually, my laptop's quite slow, I can believe that :P
18:06 rdococ also, the battery life is nuts
18:06 rdococ holy nuts it's £400
18:06 rdococ and cheaper on amazon, lol
18:06 rdococ £300 on amazon... hm
18:07 rdococ wait, holy crap, if amazon is to be believed then I'm looking at the page for an octo-core tablet
18:07 rdococ
18:08 tenplus1 ooh
18:08 rdococ holy crud on a stick
18:08 rdococ holy banana cheese chicken balls
18:08 tenplus1 >
18:08 rdococ an octa-core tablet
18:08 tenplus1 ?
18:09 tenplus1 isnt it 4-core low speed, 4-core hi speed, 8 core total ?
18:09 rdococ ah
18:09 rdococ well, that's not bad either.
18:10 rdococ I'm guessing here, but seeing as the low speed cores are probably 1.3GHz, and the high speed ones are likely to be 1.9GHz, it's still going to be much faster than my laptop - heck, maybe even my mother's
18:10 tenplus1 sweet
18:13 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
18:13 tenplus1 wb fixer
18:13 Fixer ty
18:14 lisac joined #minetest-hub
18:14 tenplus1 hi lisac
18:15 lisac hey tenplus1
18:15 rdococ hm, I'm also considering replacing the Android OS with a GNU/Linux distro
18:15 sfan5 good luck with that on a tablet
18:16 rdococ I don't need good luck, usually I stumble my way through ;)
18:16 tenplus1 heh
18:16 sfan5 rdococ: no, it's literally impossible to install gnu/linux on most tablets
18:16 rdococ sfan5: why is that?
18:17 sfan5 because tablets are not computers
18:17 rdococ yes, I understand that tablets have a different architecture
18:17 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
18:17 tenplus1 hi sniper
18:17 rdococ (although I don't get why they do, I mean, don't we have the technology to basically merge them now?)
18:17 Megaf
18:17 Megaf :D
18:18 sofar most commonly because the device vendors add firmware that prevents unauthorized operatings systems from booting
18:18 rdococ it makes no sense to me to carry around a degenerate version of a computer when I could carry around an actual computer
18:18 sfan5 no bios, no standardized bootloader, no standardized hardware interfaces
18:18 sofar and they also don't release their drivers so linux doesn't even run
18:18 tenplus1 agree'd...  laptops are always better
18:18 rdococ ah
18:18 rdococ well, at least Android isn't iOS ;)
18:19 rdococ and I believe it's open source
18:19 sniper570 tenplus1: Yo mann! ಠ‿↼
18:19 tenplus1
18:19 Shara Hi sniper570 :)
18:19 sniper570 Shara! (◠‿◠✿)
18:19 twoelk does any gnu/linux have the required drivers for the exact touchscreen you target?
18:21 rdococ well, it's a Samsung Galaxy Tab S2
18:22 sfan5 twoelk: because none of that is defined by a widely-used standard in the ARM world, chances are linux won't even run without patches
18:22 rdococ is there even a non-ARM tablet?
18:23 tenplus1 ubuntu runs on most arm boards, just needs tinkerng
18:23 sfan5 non-ARM tablets exist yes
18:23 twoelk as in: it clutters when you use it?
18:23 sfan5 tenplus1: of course it does, because someone else did the porting work beforehand
18:23 tenplus1 :P
18:23 sfan5 you can't just take some sort of generic ubuntu image and install it on an ARM device
18:24 twoelk you probably can - if you need a brick ;-P
18:25 rdococ lol
18:34 tenplus1 creative leak >>??
18:35 Krock tenplus1, don't worry. It's patched in a recent MTG/creative version
18:35 tenplus1 *phew*
18:36 Krock CWz, affects servers with a 0.4.16 or older creative mod which origins in MTG
18:36 CWz is 0.4.17 okay?
18:37 tenplus1 wait, is there a 0.4.17 ?
18:37 paramat only in name
18:38 tenplus1 I thought next release was 0.5.0
18:38 CWz question is is the latest minetest game compatible with 0.4.16
18:38 paramat looks like we might release a 0.4 bugfix version soon
18:39 paramat CWz not with 0.4.16 stable engine no
18:39 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
18:39 tenplus1 hi nrz
18:39 paramat due to player vertical offset and maybe more
18:40 paramat you often need to use the exact corresponding version of MTG, the 2 are closely synced
18:41 * CWz wonder why unified inventory hasn't been included as the default inventory
18:41 paramat MT engine has hit 7000 commits
18:41 CWz good
18:41 CWz next we must get 9001
18:42 tenplus1 no way CWz, unified inventory is too heavy
18:42 CWz Really?
18:43 tenplus1 prefer sfinv or even inventory plus
18:43 CWz never had issue with heaviness with UI
18:43 tenplus1 I feel it here... my net-top isnt too powerful...
18:44 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
18:47 Shara I still favour UI over any of the others
18:47 Hijiri I prefer sfinv for the tabs
18:48 tenplus1 hi Hijiri
18:48 Shara Hi Hijiri
18:48 Hijiri hi eleven, shara
18:48 Shara sfinv feels like it could get there but it's just... not yet. At least not last time I tried looking at it
18:49 Shara not enough things per page for servers with lots of items
18:52 tenplus1 would be nice if we could merge a crafting guide in with the creative list
18:52 * twoelk muses if bookmarks, favorites or even creating own categories in an creative inventory or crafting guide would be possable ingame
18:53 Shara Yes, actually having an integrated crafting guide is nice.
18:58 tenplus1 just gotta convert bags and skins mod to use sfinv
18:58 tenplus1 maybe a good homepos button as well
18:59 twoelk switching between bags could be easier
19:00 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
19:01 tenplus1 what sounds better, having a tab in inventory to switch between skins, or having player craft a wardrobe block to do same ?
19:03 Dargod tab better
19:03 tenplus1 :) thx
19:04 Shara Tab any day
19:04 Dargod I have long dreamed of such a tab for simple_skins
19:04 tenplus1 same here... it's trying to make one that still has proper transparency for viewing skin changes...
19:04 tenplus1 that's the issue
19:05 tenplus1 might work on it tomorrow...  was trying to redo mobs api.txt file today and messed it up :P ehehehe
19:06 tenplus1 does this read any better:
19:07 Krock nice
19:08 Fixer installed ATI X800GTO, seems to work
19:09 Fixer my ATI HD6870 very probably dead, needs repair/opening
19:09 tenplus1 drivers working ok ?
19:09 Fixer should, kinda
19:11 Fixer OGL 1.1, fuuuck
19:11 tenplus1 what ? 1.1... how old is the gfx cart ?
19:11 tenplus1 *card
19:12 Krock most likely broken driver or hardware
19:12 Fixer thats ms driver
19:12 tenplus1 what Os you running it on ?
19:12 Fixer it is dx9.0b/opengl2.0 card
19:12 Krock ms driver explains it
19:13 Dargod tenplus1, I think it's better to implement thumbnails of skins instead of transparency
19:13 tenplus1 if you boot from linux flash drive using 4.13 kernel check what ogl you get then
19:13 Fixer tenplus1: dl vista driver for it (on w7)
19:13 tenplus1 nope... the whole reason for simple skins was a list of skins... I didnt like the thumbs for each skin, so wasteful
19:14 Fixer need to check few SATA cables, feels slow as fuck
19:14 Shara Wasteful or not, thumbnails are much much more convenient
19:14 Krock May͟be͜ ̛it̡'s ́slow͝ W͢in͝d̡o͏ws
19:15 tenplus1 more visual yes, but wasteful in files...  I like to lighten the load on clients
19:16 Fixer installing
19:16 Shara not just more visual, more convenient outright
19:16 Fixer poster for s.t.a.l.k.e.r
19:16 Fixer feels old
19:16 Dargod tenplus1, maybe use raws of skins? but only front part
19:16 Fixer 2005 redistr...
19:17 tenplus1 that would be a lot of editing and resizing... it annoyed me the 1st time around when I redid zeg's skin mod, that's why simple skins was born
19:17 Shara Ten, it's about not needing to select every single skin on the list to know what they are. I never have the patience for it
19:18 Fixer new ATI HD5970...
19:18 Fixer such new
19:18 tenplus1 once you find one you like it tends to be over and done with... unless you chose a personal skin which is set as custom to player
19:18 paramat such low res preview images will be very small files anyway
19:18 Fixer Krock: it has composite output I believe o_o
19:18 Shara Even doing it once per server is annoying.
19:19 Fixer Krock: i can finally record videos to my VCR
19:19 Fixer probably
19:19 Shara These days I rarely bother unless the admin will just add my custom one
19:19 Shara So I get stuck looking like a man :)
19:19 tenplus1 lol
19:19 Fixer restart
19:19 Shara One that often seems to have a dirty face for some reasons
19:19 tenplus1 is there any way to insert an entity into an inventory ? for preview purposes ?
19:19 * Shara hates the default skin
19:20 benrob0329 Some skin mods (specifically the ones that sync with the skin database) have previews
19:20 benrob0329 We just dont have a nice way of updating those with a media server
19:20 tenplus1 which sucks...
19:20 Shara The one I use on RC has nice previews. I've forgotten which it even was though, and it was horrible in it's default form too
19:21 Shara its*
19:21 Shara Plus I think that only works in UI
19:22 benrob0329 We really need a custom media server which supports live updates
19:22 Krock Fixer, heh, nice :)
19:23 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
19:23 tenplus1 hi thomas
19:24 Shara benrob0329: you mean to let players just add whatever skins they like?
19:25 twoelk ever seen the skin chooser on JT2 ?
19:25 Shara Not sure. It's just I'd worry what certain players would upload...
19:25 ThomasMonroe hey ten
19:25 benrob0329 Shara: no, just one that can sync on-demand
19:26 tenplus1 agree'd, which is why we have a set list of 75 skins and the ability to add custom skins if veto'd by admin
19:26 benrob0329 Without restarting everything
19:26 * twoelk wishes sorcerykid would publish more code
19:26 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
19:26 Shara benrob0329: To be honest, if giving players a decent selection anyway, I don't really see the need
19:27 tenplus1 and most of the time you dont even see the skin you've chosed because of 3d_armor
19:28 benrob0329 Shara: lets say that another player adds a skin (even if it is vetted) do you want to have to restart the server?
19:28 benrob0329 Or would you rather people just have to rejoin to see it,
19:28 Shara benrob0329: I simply don't care to let a player add a skin
19:28 benrob0329 What if you add a skin?
19:28 twoelk hehe, we could use some clothes that go over the armor
19:28 Shara I simply don't care enough about skins or add new ones often enough to worry about whether I need to restart
19:28 benrob0329 What if literally anything in the media changes
19:29 Shara Usually if I am changing media, it means I just changed code as well
19:29 Shara I don't generally change textures unless something actually breaks
19:30 Fixer OpenGL 2.1
19:30 tenplus1 getting better :
19:31 Fixer very good fps in minetest
19:33 tenplus1 kewl
19:35 tenplus1 I do like the idea of player clothing as well as armor, then they can dress to suit themselves... maybe have different heads only since that's what you see most of a player
19:36 Fixer 40 fps in mc beta 1.7.3
19:36 Fixer this is slooow
19:36 tenplus1 :P
19:36 Fixer with hd6870 that will smth like 120+
19:37 twoelk maybe some sort of heraldic mod might be useful
19:37 benrob0329 But the question is, can Minetest run in the framebuffer?
19:37 twoelk it could add motives to shields, armor, flags whatever
19:37 tenplus1 huh?
19:38 benrob0329 I mean, the FB has OpenGL support, and there is a mouse server you can start
19:39 benrob0329 I think its called gmp
19:39 Fixer release date: 2004
19:39 CalebDavis joined #minetest-hub
19:39 Fixer r e t r o
19:39 tenplus1 I wonder if mt would run any faster using wayland instead of xorg
19:39 tenplus1 hi caleb
19:39 CalebDavis thx ten
19:41 benrob0329
19:41 Shara twoelk: I'm sure I saw a mod that already does that
19:42 Krock benrob0329, gmp is the hashing library we use in Minetest
19:44 Grandolf hi
19:44 tenplus1 o/
19:44 Shara Hi Grandolf
19:44 Grandolf this is the codeblock to a node that should remove the item you punch with and give you an item in return
19:45 Grandolf the issue is, it isnt takeing the item
19:45 Krock free items! isn't that great?
19:46 Grandolf the sound is playing, the chat message is sending, and the item is dropping
19:46 twoelk I think my nephew showed me a mod in minecraft once where he proudly presented the patern he had designed ingame and had applied it to all his flags, armor and placable shields
19:46 Krock apart from that, there's a facedir to dir function
19:47 Krock Grandolf, what if you modify the "main" inventory of the player, with the wielded index?
19:47 Grandolf not sure how to, i copyed this code from homedecor soda machine :P
19:47 tenplus1 Grandolf: check this:
19:48 benrob0329 Krock: its called GPM, General Purpose Mouse
19:48 benrob0329 And its used to provide mouse support in the virtual console
19:49 tenplus1 this is how I take saddles from player when riding horses
19:49 Grandolf ty
19:49 Krock Grandolf, setWieldedItem in C++ should do its job just fine. Now it could be an issue with take_item
19:50 tenplus1 take_item(1)
19:50 Amaz Grandolf: You need to add the line "puncher:set_wielded_item(wielditem)" at line 15
19:51 tenplus1 hi amaz
19:51 Amaz Oh
19:51 Krock tenplus1, it defaults to 1 if no argument is given
19:51 Amaz You do that
19:51 Amaz Hi ten :)
19:51 tenplus1 so long as you return itemstack it should update items taken
20:01 Amaz Grandolf: Don't know if you've figured it out, but this code seems to work:
20:02 tenplus1 ehe,w as missing return itemstack :D
20:02 Amaz I don't know why your code didn't work...
20:02 * Jordach screams
20:03 Jordach >uninstalled fucking onedrive months ago
20:03 Amaz ten, but it used clicker:set_wielded_item(), which should, in theory, negate the need for return itemstack...
20:03 Jordach >onedrive is somehow /Documents/ library
20:03 Jordach hello GPM
20:03 tenplus1 you gotta return itemstack for that one item take to take effect
20:03 tenplus1 or update it manually
20:05 Amaz Ahhh
20:05 tenplus1 :)
20:05 Grandolf ty
20:05 Amaz np :)
20:08 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
20:09 tenplus1 wb Jordach
20:13 Jordach >regedits onedrive to OBLIVION
20:13 Jordach including modifying userspace
20:13 tenplus1 ehehe... wouldnt trust microsoft with my files
20:14 benrob0329 I wouldn't trust Microsoft with my hardware either, oh wait I don't
20:14 Jordach it mirrored 15GB of already existing files to make it use 30GB
20:14 Jordach wat
20:14 Jordach wat
20:14 Jordach wat
20:15 tenplus1 ?
20:15 Jordach onedrive instead of symlinking
20:15 Jordach it copied them instead
20:15 Jordach even though mklink /j exists
20:15 Jordach since NT4
20:16 benrob0329 Windows supports symlinking (of some sort) now?
20:16 Jordach has since 2000
20:16 Jordach and by extension ME
20:16 benrob0329 Dang, its finally becoming a modern Operating System
20:16 tenplus1 lol
20:16 Jordach benrob0329, it has been since 2000 lmao
20:16 Jordach it's the 16bit era to blame for the shortfalls
20:17 Jordach since they ended up being standard
20:17 benrob0329 Jordach: We've had workspaces since the 90s, and your just now getting them lmao
20:17 Jordach if only OS/2 became standard
20:17 Jordach IBM pls
20:17 tenplus1 running bbLean on WinXP gave me workspaces to play with...
20:18 Miner_48er joined #minetest-hub
20:18 tenplus1 hi miner
20:18 benrob0329 If only PISOX became standard..oh wait
20:19 Miner_48er hi
20:19 paramat joined #minetest-hub
20:20 tenplus1 wb
20:23 Jordach beep boop beep boop
20:24 Jordach nerzhul, sorry for all the shit i give you :)
20:24 tenplus1
20:26 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
20:28 Fixer it feels like mc is more GPU dependant and minetest is CPU one
20:28 tenplus1 yeah... if only we could get minetestserver to use gpu for calc
20:39 tenplus1 nite folks...
20:39 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
20:40 benrob0329 Windows: Haha, you can never replace me!
20:40 benrob0329 *nix: You Underestimate My Power
20:44 Jordach benrob0329, but Nix has no high ground in business
20:45 Jordach benrob0329,;t=13392&amp;p=295207#p295207
20:54 benrob0329 Jordach: yes we do, we're on all your servers
20:54 benrob0329 IoT devices
20:54 Jordach *installs Win CE
20:55 benrob0329 Windows may have the desktop market, but Nix has most everything else
20:55 benrob0329 Phones, Servers, IoT
20:56 benrob0329 With our share on desktop slowly growing
20:58 Jordach >IoT
20:58 Jordach you mean overpriced tat that's a bitcoin miner
20:59 benrob0329 Lol, asking if my old avatar is CC
20:59 Jordach benrob0329, click the image and look at the corner
20:59 benrob0329 Jordach: not as overpriced as Mac though XD
20:59 Jordach benrob0329, but buying a mac is actually sensible
20:59 garywhite Nix?
20:59 nerzhul Jordach, ?
21:00 garywhite Nix = Linux?
21:00 Jordach nerzhul, for all the complaints i give, thank you for your work
21:00 benrob0329 *nix, Unix-Like, Linux BSD etc
21:00 garywhite oh
21:00 nerzhul Jordach, i think i didn't read them, it's fine then :p
21:00 Jordach nerzhul, i complain because i care
21:00 benrob0329 Jordach: Apple can't even get proper OpenGL drivers
21:01 Jordach benrob0329, OpenGL is old shit
21:01 Jordach go write a vulkan driver
21:01 benrob0329 They exist, but not on Mac :^)
21:01 benrob0329 Apple is pushing Metal, and no one cares lol
21:02 garywhite Only reason Nix has a hold on mobile is cause of Android, otherwise Windows & iOS would be dominant
21:02 Jordach benrob0329, and with apple you get fucking privacy
21:02 benrob0329 garywhite: iOS is based on Mac
21:02 benrob0329 Mac is an official Unix
21:03 garywhite ik
21:03 benrob0329 So we still have the mobile market
21:03 benrob0329 Even without Android, which is a silly thing to say because we do have Android
21:04 benrob0329 Jordach: do you though? How can you be sure if you can't know what goes on inside?
21:04 Jordach benrob0329, they've refused the US government
21:04 Jordach google and other android devs drop their trousers
21:05 benrob0329 For a publicity stunt, yes they did
21:05 benrob0329 And it was broken anyways
21:05 benrob0329 Jordach: Google is shite, I wont deny that
21:05 Jordach benrob0329, and there's no other options
21:05 benrob0329 But iOS is locked down beyond reason, and I dont like that either
21:05 Jordach other than Apple
21:06 benrob0329 In reality, I should make my own phone and sell it
21:06 * Jordach looks at Canonical and Mozilla
21:06 benrob0329 Base it off of some custom DE and make a lot of money doing it right
21:07 benrob0329 But I probably won't, because why would I do something smart like that,
21:07 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
21:08 benrob0329 Hell, you don't even need Xorg if its all custom Apps
21:08 benrob0329 Use proper FrameBuffer drivers and you have full OpenGL support
21:11 garywhite Firefox OS FTW
21:11 Jordach >HTMLag
21:12 Jordach my snapdragon phone can't even handle modern bullshit
21:12 benrob0329 Jordach:
21:12 Jordach ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
21:12 benrob0329 This is as modern as it gets
21:14 benrob0329 The web is largely over-engineered imo, a blog or the like shouldnt slow down my phone, which isnt that old, to a crawl
21:15 benrob0329 Heck, github's code preview will do that on large files
21:15 Jordach JS is fucking trash and shouldn't be used
21:16 Jordach PHP is stable as anything now
21:16 benrob0329 PHP is worse than a little JS
21:16 benrob0329 JS may be bad, but PHP has been causing problems for far longer
21:16 Jordach and yet server performance outranks all devices
21:17 benrob0329 Note, a little
21:17 benrob0329 Not a lot, not like most websites
21:17 Jordach not overkill
21:17 Jordach but enough for current functionality
21:17 Jordach FB was made with fucking PHP and it runs smooth af using
21:17 Calinou the web isn't that overengineered, just look at the complex things that you do in a web browser every day
21:17 benrob0329 Enough for the things static pages can't do
21:18 benrob0329 Look how slow my phone is when trying to read an article
21:18 benrob0329 isn't this so advanced?
21:18 Calinou lots of static pages load really quickly for me
21:18 Calinou mobile is a lost cause
21:18 Calinou slow networks, slow browsers (Firefox)
21:18 benrob0329 Instead of making it easier to use the web for what it was made for, we've made it better for making desktop applications!
21:18 Calinou even on 4G, loading speeds will be acceptable at best
21:19 Jordach benrob0329, microsoft barked up that tree in the 90s
21:19 Jordach active desktop and activex
21:19 Calinou well, thank Qt for being terrible in 2017
21:19 Calinou or pretty bad, at least
21:19 Calinou it can make really nice things (Telegram Desktop) but it's a nightmare to develop
21:19 benrob0329 Modern Web browsers have built in video player, and CSS has freaking animations built in
21:20 benrob0329 You don't need to slow down everything for basic functionality
21:21 benrob0329 I don't need infinite scroll, I need to be able to scroll in the first place
21:24 Calinou fun fact: infinite scroll has been done mostly for commercial reasons :-)
21:24 benrob0329 You know, at the end of the day basic HTML + CSS works the best, everywhere
21:24 Calinou Facebook and the like love infinite scroll, because they make you stay on their site longer
21:24 Calinou so, you view more ads
21:24 Calinou and they help with addiction :P
21:24 Calinou benrob0329: CSS animations are a very good thing if used right
21:24 Calinou lots of sites use them wrong, but lots of sites also use them right
21:25 Calinou also, look at this CSS framework,
21:25 Calinou it looks really nice, but does not require any JavaScript
21:25 benrob0329 The entire MF Website series is fully readable on my phone, and it loads faster than Chrome itself
21:25 Calinou some advanced features require writing your own JavaScript implementation, but jQuery is not required
21:25 Calinou (jQuery is slow!)
21:28 Fixer Calinou: my videocard have died it seems
21:28 Calinou #PrayForVideocard
21:30 Fixer Calinou: installed Ati X800GTO for now
21:30 Fixer it is older than octacian*
21:34 Fixer Calinou: died during testing when switching to gpu-z, black screen, after that boot hangs with black screen and a cursor, safe mode works, removing driver - 2dworks, installing again - hang with black screen. probably RIP
21:35 Fixer tried pluging it into PCI-E 1x, still hang, checked cables, still hang
21:35 Fixer will try to test on other PC but i'm pretty sure it wanted to die
22:23 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
22:27 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
22:32 Calinou maybe the Source engine developers made Minetest
22:32 Fixer granted, hd6870 used AF 2x by default iirc, but card from 2004 is totally playable, holy shit
22:32 Fixer fuckign same fps, holy shiyt
22:32 Fixer yet minecraft took huge hit in fps
22:33 Calinou maybe Minetest isn't good at AMD
22:33 Calinou many old games play much better on NVIDIA
22:33 Fixer Calinou: it is still AMD card
22:33 Calinou pretty much every arena FPS player uses NVIDIA
22:33 Calinou especially QuakeWorld
22:33 Calinou (and Intel CPUs)
22:34 Fixer Calinou: also, quite funny CS 1.6 and CSS run with same fps, and CS 1.6 has much worse input lag, wth
22:34 Fixer Source games performance and look is impressive by todays standards
22:34 Fixer it gives nice optimal picture and high fps too
22:34 Calinou depends, the older Source games don't look that good due to low-res lightmaps
22:35 Calinou (like, the lightmap resolution is the same as in classic Quake, more or less)
22:35 Calinou CS:GO fixed this with the real-time directional light
22:35 Fixer Calinou: like CS:Source, looks totally good for me and fps is above 60
22:35 Calinou if you want to try a good-looking, old Source game, try Half-Life 2 Update or Black Mesa
22:35 Calinou the former is a small mod for Half-Life 2, improving shaders and increasing lightmap resolutions
22:35 Fixer i have black mesa, will try
22:35 Calinou the latter is a remake of Half-Life 1 in Source
22:36 Fixer Calinou: nvidia or ati in 2017?
22:36 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
22:36 Fixer smth around 180usd
22:36 Calinou I'm not sure, but if you want to play old games, NVIDIA will be a better choice
22:37 Megaf $ uname -a
22:37 Megaf Linux aluminium 4.13.0-trunk-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.13.2-1~exp1 (2017-09-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux
22:37 Megaf Debian Experimental is quite bleeding edge indeed
22:37 Megaf Hi all
22:37 Calinou hi Megaf :)
22:37 Megaf Calinou, git checkout 0.4.14 doesnt work
22:37 Megaf I'd like to checkout 0.4.14 and 0.4.16
22:37 Megaf those are tags
22:39 Calinou what error message do you get?
22:39 Fixer Calinou: i don't playing anything that comes in 10-20-30gb install file, no disk space and slow internet for DL that
22:39 Fixer play*
22:39 Calinou Fixer: then you probably want NVIDIA
22:39 Calinou old/quirky games will often work better there
22:39 Calinou and be smoother
22:40 Megaf error: pathspec '0.4.14' did not match any file(s) known to git.
22:40 Fixer Calinou: stuff like GTAIII/GTASA/CS1.6/CSS/DukeNukem/QuakeII/UT2004/OPF/BF2/BF1942/MaxPayne1/2 etc, classics in other words
22:40 Calinou then it's not a valid branch, or you do not have it locally (in case you cloned a forked repository)
22:40 Calinou Fixer: yeah… great games 8)
22:41 Fixer and special mention - Ghost Recon (that first release in 2001), bestest graphics for its time and sound, mmm
22:41 Fixer Calinou: Serious Sam 1/2 ofc
22:42 Fixer MT/MC
22:42 Calinou did you try the first Unreal?
22:42 Fixer Arma2 was slow as fuck even on HD6870
22:42 Calinou the graphics are very good for a 1998 game
22:42 Megaf Calinou, That's because I want a t a g not a branch
22:42 Calinou you want this patch:
22:42 Fixer Calinou: never played it, only Unreal Tournament one
22:42 Calinou it's a singleplayer game, like Quake 2 but better-looking
22:42 Calinou and with alternate fire :P
22:43 Fixer Q2 is just my fav
22:43 Fixer bestest, played it since 1990s
22:43 Fixer also, MOHAA
22:43 Fixer big fav
22:43 Calinou I have a Q2 coop server, by the way
22:44 Fixer i'm at hometown server right now, on my base, amazed at performance
22:44 Fixer of this card
22:44 Fixer minetest appears to be insanely cpu bound
22:44 Miner_48er joined #minetest-hub
22:47 Fixer Calinou: on 2004 MT has better fps than MC, yet on 2011 HD6870 it has much worse one
22:47 Fixer hmmmmmm
22:47 Megaf So folks, I'd like to clone this and this
22:47 Calinou yeah, Minetest has a big CPU bottleneck
22:47 Megaf no idea how tho
22:48 Calinou Megaf:
22:48 Calinou works for me…
22:48 sofar Megaf: clone, or "get a copy"
22:48 Calinou (I was on the "master" branch when I did this)
22:49 Fixer hitting my 100 fps cap on my base on LibertyLand
22:49 sofar Megaf: git clone $(base) ; cd minetest ; git checkout 0.4.14
22:49 Megaf I think know where the problem is
22:49 Megaf stand by
22:50 Fixer Calinou: ETS2 *cough*
22:51 Fixer fuuuuuuuu, ETS2 fail, wont start, RIP
22:52 Megaf sofar, Calinou, it works now, I was using --depth=1 when cloning,
22:52 Megaf I thouigh it would download the tag on demand when checking out
22:52 Megaf but it wontr
22:52 Megaf wont*
22:52 Fixer only 75fps in CS 1.6 how is that even possible...
22:52 sofar git fetch all
22:52 Calinou --depth=1 does not clone non-default branches, and old commits
22:52 sofar right
22:52 Calinou (but you can "git pull", at least)
22:52 Calinou (this used to not be possible!)
22:54 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
22:57 Fixer Calinou: black mesa is much more hard hitting, getting around 24 fps
22:58 Calinou heh, looked at Steam sales, found this:
22:59 Calinou $1.39, pretty nice
22:59 Calinou you can get this mod, to make it look better:
23:07 Fixer CMR2005, solid 60 fps on good settings
23:11 Megaf celeron55, you might find this interesting
23:11 Megaf tho I know you don't like him
23:11 Megaf eevblog
23:11 Megaf "EEVblog #1027 - Implantable NeuroStimulator Teardown"
23:15 Fixer in BF2 - 35-60+ fps, playabl
23:15 Fixer e
23:16 benrob0329 Megaf: I have changed my stance on having a video stack in the kernel
23:16 Megaf why is that?
23:16 benrob0329 We already have OpenGL drivers and render interfaces for the FrameBuffer, which go largely unused
23:17 Megaf Precisely
23:17 benrob0329 They could be expanded upon, the program spawned can be changed from getty
23:18 benrob0329 (I have a program which acts like a display manager, it replaces Getty as the spawned program when you open a TTY)
23:19 Megaf we already have the whole graphical stack in the kernel
23:19 Megaf its just not used
23:19 benrob0329 I use it, to watch YouTube :P
23:19 benrob0329 I actually have MPV configured to change displays if I have my laptop hooked up to hdmi
23:21 Megaf currently Im using opengl for output and vdpau for decoding
23:21 Megaf with this nvidia GPU and proprietary driver
23:21 Megaf on my ATI laptop vdpau output works best
23:21 benrob0329 Megaf: we even have a mouse daemon
23:22 benrob0329 I use vdpau in Xorg, doesn't work for me in FB :-(
23:22 * DI3HARD139 pokes his head in while waiting for MT to load
23:22 DI3HARD139 What I miss?
23:22 Fixer Calinou: interest-ly NFS Most Wanted from 2005 barely runs at it with just 30 fps
23:22 DI3HARD139 Barely runs at what?
23:22 benrob0329 Us wanting MT to run in the FrameBuffer :P
23:22 DI3HARD139 That would be super helpful tbh
23:23 benrob0329 I mean, OpenGL works in jt
23:23 Megaf if we used Qt it'd run on FB
23:23 benrob0329 *it
23:23 benrob0329 SDL supposedly runs in the FB too
23:24 benrob0329 I mean, Libinput, GPM, DRM (the rendering interface), and OpenGL are all in the stack
23:25 benrob0329 No Xorg required
23:31 Fixer mc beta is daaaamn slow under this card
23:31 Fixer even with optifine
23:33 Fixer lets try 1.12.1 with optifine -_-
23:34 Megaf benrob0329, heck, even DOS could run 3D games...
23:34 DI3HARD139 Quick question. What would be the proper install dir for lsqlite3 when installing/building via luarocks?
23:37 Megaf OS?
23:37 DI3HARD139 Ubuntu Server 16.04.3 LTS x64
23:39 Megaf Why do you want to build using luarocks?
23:39 Megaf I dont know how that works...
23:39 Fixer not bad
23:40 sofar DI3HARD139: mine ends up as /usr/lib/lua/5.1/ - but you have to make sure to get luarocks for 5.1
23:40 sofar since most distros are at 5.3
23:41 Fixer 1.12.1 on par with beta or even better
23:42 DI3HARD139 hmm.....
23:42 DI3HARD139 Wonder why it can't find sqlite3.h
23:43 sofar fairly sure luarocks want you to have it provided by an sqlite3-dev package
23:46 DI3HARD139 ah. it was libsqlite3-dev not the sqlite3 and sqlite3-dev packages
23:46 Megaf well, it cant find luajit here either
23:46 Megaf but I no longer care
23:46 Megaf for years MT's cmake fails to find stuff on Debian
23:46 DI3HARD139 and Windows*
23:47 Megaf here I had to install 3 different packages for JPEG and 2 for PNG so it could find them
23:52 benrob0329 I still have yet to understand why everyone wants to use Cmake instead of make

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