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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-09-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
01:41 xerox123 joined #minetest-hub
02:18 Sokomine joined #minetest-hub
02:30 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
03:14 LazyJ joined #minetest-hub
04:13 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
05:12 Calinou :)
05:21 paramat joined #minetest-hub
06:19 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
06:53 lisac joined #minetest-hub
07:00 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
07:39 Dargod joined #minetest-hub
07:43 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
07:54 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
08:11 Krock joined #minetest-hub
08:24 Calinou hi :P
08:24 Dargod joined #minetest-hub
08:24 Calinou the Eclipse website is broken right now, it has tons of publicly-visible "Cannot connect to database" errors
08:25 Calinou (I eventually need to download it, I'll need it for some university classes, which seem to be Eclipse-specific, even though IntelliJ has been the superior IDE for a while now)
08:36 sfan5 read "Red Eclipse" at first and was mildly confused
08:47 paramat joined #minetest-hub
09:00 Raven262 Hi Calinou
09:03 Dargod joined #minetest-hub
09:38 CWz joined #minetest-hub
09:48 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
09:53 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
10:21 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
10:47 lisac Calinou, why not use CMake?
10:51 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
11:08 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
11:32 Calinou lisac: we're doing Java for the OOP course ;)
11:32 Calinou oh also, Java 9 was released two days ago
11:32 Calinou I already updated :P
11:33 Calinou (Oracle JDK is here:
11:33 Calinou (for OpenJDK, it's in Linux distro repositories or PPAs/custom repos)
11:33 Fixer hometown - 68 players o_O o_O o_O
11:34 Fixer help on formspecs needed
11:42 Fixer VanessaE: kaeza signs on VE-S spawn yet again (near nuclear reactor)
11:43 Fixer VanessaE: nevermind, they are empty for some reason
11:49 Darcidride_ joined #minetest-hub
11:49 Fixer VanessaE: not nevermind, needs clearobjects again to display on signs :/
11:51 VanessaE done.
11:55 lisac Calinou, that is better then us doing Pascal
11:55 Fixer VanessaE: ty
12:08 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
12:16 Fixer lisac: turbo pascal
12:17 Fixer damn, shitty internet connection
12:19 Fixer_ joined #minetest-hub
12:34 srifqi joined #minetest-hub
12:37 Aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
12:40 Jordach sfan5, new build pls
12:48 Aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
12:59 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
13:16 srifqi2 joined #minetest-hub
13:28 paramat joined #minetest-hub
13:48 Jordach Krock, got a new build for x64?
13:49 Krock Jordach, no sorry. I've never built for x64. I'd have to check how this buildbot stuff works
13:49 Jordach sfan5 isn't here
13:50 * Krock tries to build
13:52 Krock ah. mingw32 is required >.<
13:55 * Krock puts "Install MinGW for occasional xbuilds" on his ToDoSomeWhen list
14:04 sfan5 Jordach: soonâ„¢
14:10 sfan5 Jordach:
14:11 srifqi joined #minetest-hub
14:12 srifqi paramat, any ideas? Or just fine with that? (# 6399)
14:13 * srifqi realises that he sent in wrong channel. ._.
14:41 paramat see my comment
14:42 paramat but we need to fix those approximate floats
14:46 srifqi Any idea how? I think it's data transfer from C++ to Lua which makes approximate floats. Probably because of different data type?
14:47 paramat no idea yet
14:47 cx384 joined #minetest-hub
14:52 Krock Lua uses doubles, we use floats by default. Seems logical that the additional precision shows up the inaccuracy of floats
15:01 rdococ triples and quadruples!
15:04 rdococ also, can't you configure Lua to use different numerical types?
15:31 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
16:13 Krock sure, there's a define in one header you can modify to any numeric type you want
16:32 rdococ yay! use bignums!
16:32 rdococ (jk, not for minetest at least :P)
16:39 rdococ hm, is there a concept for thread-local variables which are local to each thread, but otherwise global?
16:39 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
16:56 Aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
17:13 rdococ a function needn't necessarily have variables local to the function runtime, it could have its local variables stored in a scope at the function's creation time, but also per thread
17:13 rdococ I think, anyway.
17:14 Krock joined #minetest-hub
17:17 rdococ hi Krock odile.
17:17 Krock hi
17:18 atorian37 joined #minetest-hub
17:27 rdococ I'm working on a concept for a weird programming language.
17:31 Calinou time to register, create a fancy website and write "New expressive, functional, reactive language because there's none right now"
17:31 rdococ lol
17:32 rdococ no, not that kind of weird.
17:32 benrob0329 Calinou: and the compiler will still be written in C, because C actually works
17:32 rdococ lol
17:33 rdococ Calinou, the language isn't even meant for practicality
17:33 benrob0329 Then why does it exist?
17:34 rdococ why does brainfuck exist? why does befunge exist? why does, say, um, Malbolge exist?
17:34 rdococ benrob0329: or you can accept the more pedantic answer of "because I'm designing it".
17:35 rdococ probably won't ever actually implement it, though.
17:35 benrob0329 Brainfuck is at least interesting, but there seem to be a lot of "new better languages" that are about as useful
17:35 rdococ true
17:35 benrob0329 rdococ: could be a fun coding project if I ever get good enough to take on such a task
17:36 rdococ I mean, it doesn't really seem hard to use at the moment. function scopes are messed up, but still usable
17:36 rdococ the concept atm reifies scope, which is kinda interesting
17:37 benrob0329 rdococ: but is it possible to impliment?
17:38 rdococ huh. I've just realized I might not need a callstack.
17:42 rdococ (functions are called with an additional argument, which is the continuation. they call it as a substitute to using a 'return' keyword.)
17:44 benrob0329 rdococ: what about functions that have multiple poesies return values?
17:44 benrob0329 *possible
17:44 rdococ benrob0329: whadya mean?
17:45 benrob0329 If a is true, return b. If b is true, return c.
17:45 rdococ you can call the continuation with arguments, equivalent to passing values to 'return'
17:46 rdococ return b -> k(b);
17:46 Krock return a and b and c
17:46 rdococ return c -> k(c);
17:46 rdococ if (a) { k(b) }; if (b) { k(c) };
17:46 rdococ wait.
17:46 benrob0329 And this is clearer than return why?
17:47 rdococ sorry, this was meant to be clearer than return?
17:47 rdococ I swore I had just said this isn't meant for practicality.
17:47 rdococ aha! <rdococ> Calinou, the language isn't even meant for practicality
17:47 benrob0329 OK, fair enough
17:48 benrob0329 It'll probably become the next JavaScript anyways
17:48 rdococ heh
17:48 rdococ I haven't experienced javascript very much tbh, but it doesn't seem too bad
17:49 rdococ at least if you ignore the whole html thing
17:49 rdococ I mean, .innerHTML as a string? seriously?
17:49 benrob0329 If you have an error, it won't tell you
17:49 rdococ true, but there are developer consoles which do tell you
17:50 rdococ albeit cumbersome ones
17:50 benrob0329 I'll stick to compilers :P
17:51 rdococ heh
17:51 rdococ I like the idea of JIT compilation to intermediate bytecode
17:52 benrob0329 I don't, its more runtimes I have to install
17:53 rdococ um, my specification is becoming sentient: "Specification does not explicitly define whether Placeholder values are to be converted to true, or to false, when converted to a boolean, and specification is now apparently self-aware. Specification has also browsed TVTropes, and would call this lampshade hanging."
17:54 benrob0329 Riiight...good luck with that
17:55 rdococ lol, I just wikipedia'd NaN: "In computing, NaN, standing for not a number, is a numeric data type value". sounds quite self-contradictory, huh.
17:55 benrob0329 Well, technically its not contradictory
17:56 benrob0329 Its a data type signifying that the variable isnt really a number, in a way that other numerical data types can understand (iirc)
17:56 rdococ eh, true.
17:56 rdococ but it's not a data type. it's a value. :P
17:57 rdococ (the data type is still floating point number, it's just a special case.)
18:06 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
18:19 LazyJ joined #minetest-hub
18:29 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
18:53 Hijiri you'll end up with something like a call stack on the heap if you use continuations like that
18:53 Hijiri since the continuations will need to keep references to the previous continuation somehow
19:10 behaleba- joined #minetest-hub
19:11 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
19:11 tenplus1 hi folks
19:13 behalebabo hello
19:17 tenplus1 hi behalebabo
19:20 Jordach i can't compile latest git
19:20 Jordach under debian 8
19:21 tenplus1 hi Jordach, too old a setup ? like < ubuntu 16.04 ?
19:21 Jordach
19:25 Jordach tenplus1, sfan5 ^
19:25 sfan5 yellaz nrz if this issue bothers you
19:25 tenplus1 heh sorry, was trying to make sense of it :PPPPP
19:26 tenplus1 hi sfan
19:26 Jordach sfan5, for all the shit i give nerzhul, i appriciate his work
19:27 Jordach i give you shit because i care about it at the end of it all
19:39 Calinou (why isn't system jsoncpp used by default on Linux, sfan5?)
19:39 Calinou (since a lot of systems don't build with the bundled jsoncpp)
19:39 tenplus1 o/ Cal
19:39 sfan5 (that's a good question, Calinou)
19:39 Calinou (and modern distros bundle modern jsoncpp versions)
19:39 Calinou :P
19:40 Calinou hi tenplus1 :)
20:06 tenplus1 what else does minetest bundle that tends to come on newer Os'
20:08 Krock ..luajit?
20:08 tenplus1 one of the dependencies when installing on linux is lua5.2 and luajit from repos...
20:08 tenplus1 also hi Krock
20:08 Krock hi tenplus1
20:14 tenplus1 ubuntu repos has Lua 5.3 in there, I wonder how much better it is over .2
20:17 sfan5 minetest can only use lua5.1
20:18 tenplus1 how come ? wouldnt it use the latest available if it were installed ?
20:18 tenplus1 or is it compiled against 5.1
20:18 sfan5 no
20:18 sfan5 minetest will link to either lua5.1 or luajit (which is basically 5.1 with a few select 5.2 features)
20:19 sfan5 supporting 5.2 or 5.3 is extra work
20:19 tenplus1 damn,,, nothing is ever easy with updates
20:19 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
20:19 tenplus1 hi fussel
20:20 IhrFussel Hey...apparently the Shiningmoon server got "hacked" and they banned the admin/moderators and are messing with the server right now
20:20 tenplus1 how'd they ban admin ?
20:20 Shara Hi all
20:21 tenplus1 hi shara
20:21 Shara Kiddy admins doing /grant all again?
20:21 IhrFussel I think they banned the co-admins and use the admin account itself now
20:21 tenplus1 gawd... hope they manage to get it under control
20:21 IhrFussel It's a minetesthosting server
20:22 * Shara was just about to comment on that...
20:22 Shara But I assume the owner, since it seems to be a paid one, has some way to fix that
20:22 IhrFussel + I hope they have backups...they seem to use WE a lot right now
20:22 tenplus1 hope so... no kiddy admin should ever take control of someone's server
20:23 Shara Who's server is is?
20:23 Shara is it*
20:23 Krock "can i plz be mod i can help u"
20:24 tenplus1 does that actually work ?
20:24 Krock 10 mins later: "how do i make pickaxe"
20:24 Shara Hmm, I can't connect to the server at all
20:24 Krock tenplus1, yes if it's a kiddy admin xD
20:24 tenplus1 gawd...
20:25 Shara Sign in under the name of any dev or well known MT person and then ask for privs.... it works
20:25 tenplus1 *shudder*... not on my server...
20:25 Krock tenplus1, pls gimme privs priv im a dev  ;)
20:25 Shara tenplus1: because you're no kiddy admin :)
20:26 tenplus1 lolol
20:26 tenplus1 even the  /limit command we give admin has no effect on owners
20:26 Krock Shara, well, as long it's confirmed over IRC or comparable I don't see a problem. the headdesk part starts when they're too naive and grant it directly
20:27 Shara Krock: I've seen that headdesk part a good few times and have cleaned up the mess for people a couple of times too
20:28 Krock sudo rm -rf /*  cleans up pretty much every mess you can imagine :P
20:28 Shara :P
20:28 tenplus1 lolololol
20:29 tenplus1 nite folks o/
20:29 Shara Night ten
20:29 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
20:29 Krock nite
20:33 IhrFussel It seems to start here;t=16452#p294454
20:35 Krock exactly one newline character in 2000 characters
20:36 * Shara wonders what Dargod has to do with this Shiningmoon mess
20:36 sfan5 >all uppercase forum posts
20:36 sfan5 ???
20:36 * Shara gets a feeling
20:36 Krock sfan5, not all uppercase.. just almost
20:37 Shara Fussel, odds are this was Faker, if you remember him. Dargod is one of the people he often impersonates.
20:37 Krock nvm, seen the post above
20:40 IhrFussel Ok so "Dargod" is someone known on many servers? And the faker probably used his name to get privs on Shiningmoon?
20:40 Shara Dargod is in the channel here right now
20:40 Shara (but almost certainly asleep)
20:41 Shara Faker often tried to get privs on his server, and impersonated Dargod, as well as me, to try and get privs elsewhere
21:02 CWz sounds like jerk player, encountered players like them in the past
21:16 Fuchs joined #minetest-hub
21:27 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
21:37 Fixer grey screen and not responsive pc
21:38 Fixer what a great time
21:59 Aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
22:07 Fuchs joined #minetest-hub
22:24 rdococ I get that you should use override_chatcommand, but does minetest.register_chatcommand error when the command already exists?
22:26 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
22:40 IhrFussel Good night

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