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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-08-27

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:44 halt_ joined #minetest-hub
00:49 halt_ joined #minetest-hub
00:58 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
01:08 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
01:09 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
03:19 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
06:46 CWz joined #minetest-hub
08:10 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
08:57 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
09:44 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
09:45 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
10:20 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
10:29 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
10:31 Fixer found Open Syobon Action, blew my mind
10:52 Fixer
11:10 lisac joined #minetest-hub
11:20 Shara Hello all
11:23 Raven262 Hi Shara
11:24 Shara Hi Raven262, how goes?
11:24 Raven262 Good i guess, you?
11:24 Shara Not bad thanks
11:25 Shara Just took RC down for backups despite there being 20+ players online. I hate doing it when there's so many :(
11:25 Shara But there never seems to be low players when I'm actually here to do it
11:26 Raven262 Well, can you set it to auto backup somewhere around midnight server time or so?
11:26 Shara There's always players around then
11:26 Raven262 lol
11:26 Shara The players aren't really one time zone only
11:27 Raven262 I would have thought that players from other continents would rather play on their servers rather than these, but ping is not much of a problem for minetest :P
11:28 Shara Yea... EU server, but I have a lot of US players
11:28 Shara And even two of my admin team are in the US to cover when they play
11:29 Raven262 Maybe you can put a giant red message in chat like "Server is going down for backup in 20 minutes", and countdown every 5 minutes
11:29 Shara Eww, no
11:29 Shara Annoying :D
11:29 Raven262 Well, yes, but they would know why they have been disconnected :P
11:29 Shara They know anyway
11:30 Shara A message in chat isn't difficult
11:48 Fixer Holy Fuck, active open source clone of Elite II, i was waiting for this
11:54 Fixer C O M P I L E  T I M E
12:32 paramat joined #minetest-hub
12:55 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
12:56 IhrFussel Why WorldEdit doesn't have a //cube command?
12:57 IhrFussel It has cylinder,pyramid,sphere,dome...but not cube?!
13:03 nore IhrFussel: //set can just do that
13:04 IhrFussel nore, but not in all directions at the same time AFAIK
13:05 nore ah, you want a hollow one?
13:05 IhrFussel No I want a cube that goes 30 nodes in all directions without having to manually measure the length
13:05 nore ah
13:06 nore I think you can use //extend for that maybe
13:12 IhrFussel nore, there doesn't seem to be a //extend
13:14 nore hmm I meant //stack
13:20 IhrFussel Ok will try... do you happen to know if allow_metadata_inventory_put gets called when someone takes an item from the inventory?
13:21 IhrFussel Or is there an extra *inventory_take() callback?
13:23 IhrFussel Nevermind found it
13:30 IhrFussel Lua doesn't accept "func" as function definition I always have to replace it with "function"
13:50 rubenwardy that's just a silly short hand that lua_api.txt uses in its psuedocode
14:14 paramat yes that use of 'func' is bad in docs
14:23 IhrFussel Maybe someone should fix it then cause I've seen mods utilize this "func" ... probably modders who didn't even test run their mod to check if it works
15:13 Bobr joined #minetest-hub
15:37 linux_ joined #minetest-hub
15:50 linux_ joined #minetest-hub
15:54 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
16:11 Krock joined #minetest-hub
16:29 neander joined #minetest-hub
17:13 lisac joined #minetest-hub
18:12 Megaf [12:54:37] <Fixer> C O M P I L E  T I M E
18:12 Megaf best time
18:13 Megaf What's Elite II tho?
18:13 Fixer Megaf: space game from 1993, quite advanced for its time
18:14 rdococ r e s i s t   n o   m o r e
18:16 paramat and elite itself is much older, i played it as a kid
18:17 paramat in the 80's
18:20 Fixer and open source community now has both Elite 1 and 2 analogs
18:20 Fixer OOlite / Pioneer
18:21 Fixer i had ZX spectrum clone but had no Elite :(
18:22 Fixer what is cool about Elite II, it uses Newtonian physics, and you can orbit actual planets, land on spaceports on them, it is challenging
18:23 Fixer I've initially played GLFrontier (Elite II from Amiga port)
18:25 Fixer and it has quite complex planetary systems
18:25 Fixer good luck doing proper orbit
18:26 Fixer I've played Orbiter for a long time, space mechanics are damn weird to grasp at first
18:27 paramat i had elite on the original 48kB ZX spectrum
18:27 Fixer i had 48kb version
18:28 rdococ
18:40 paramat but i had rubber-keys! :D
18:49 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
19:15 Fixer paramat: and I had solid keys
19:15 Fixer paramat: probably better than rubber
19:20 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
19:21 cx384 joined #minetest-hub
19:26 paramat only if they had the keywords printed on them allowing one-key keyword typing for programming
19:34 Calinou hi
19:34 rubenwardy hi Calinou
19:34 rubenwardy improved my book's styling:
19:34 rubenwardy no more wide pages
19:34 Calinou I did some IRC client theming:
19:34 Calinou (edited Dark Monokai theme)
19:34 rubenwardy nice
19:35 rubenwardy which program?
19:35 Calinou (changed sender colors to be more readable on the dark background, removed font overrides)
19:35 Calinou Quassel
19:35 Calinou I made the font larger as well (I used to be on Segoe UI 10 pt, now it's 11 pt)
19:35 Calinou looks better, but there's less lines on screen (still enough IMO)
19:35 rubenwardy I use Hexchat. Theming is painful
19:36 rubenwardy I gave up and downloaded a pre made one which matches my GTK theme
19:36 Calinou Quassel is Qt, and Qt has QSS
19:36 Calinou (Qt CSS)
19:36 Calinou it's like CSS, but with its own properties you can change
19:36 Calinou you set the Fusion style first, which uses themable controls (compared to the native Windows style)
19:37 Calinou (note: on Linux, it won't really work, IIRC)
19:37 Calinou (I tried once, and gave up, it looked really bad with the clashing light controls)
19:37 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
20:14 Fixer Calinou:
20:15 lisac joined #minetest-hub
20:17 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
21:01 lisac rubenwardy, you there?
21:01 rubenwardy yes
21:02 lisac
21:02 rubenwardy looool
21:02 lisac
21:03 lisac :P
21:05 paramat joined #minetest-hub
23:25 Fixer_ joined #minetest-hub
23:47 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-hub

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