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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-08-26

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 Fixer as you probably know in EUrope people drive not very powerful cars, mostly small-size.
00:00 LazyJ More a niche hobby that Fixer was referring too:
00:01 LazyJ One more for perspective:
00:01 LazyJ
00:01 LazyJ The first image of a red truck is far more typical over here in the States.
00:01 Fixer in Europe <2L engine volume is usual thing
00:02 paramat c55's video and it's seriousness sums up MT for me
00:03 rubenwardy lol
00:03 rubenwardy can we feature that?
00:04 LazyJ Heh. Yeah, MT is too geeky which limits it's audience.
00:04 LazyJ But that could change if you identified and targeted specific audiences.
00:04 Fixer rubenwardy: recruite more people into dev
00:05 LazyJ There is more than one thread on the forums trying to promote MT as educational.
00:05 LazyJ That makes the teachers happy and the students cringe; at least that's my guess.
00:06 paramat accordig to c55 MT dev is 'a random bunch of lunatics' involved in 'Minetest chaos development' :]
00:06 rubenwardy well, it can be educational
00:06 rubenwardy just eductional for teaching programming
00:06 LazyJ Possibly more than programming.
00:06 rubenwardy paramat, it's more like a joint dictatorship by all the core devs
00:06 rubenwardy #controversial
00:06 LazyJ Life cycles of different critters is a possibility.
00:07 LazyJ Cause and effect of environmental changes and weather over an accelerated time-table.
00:07 LazyJ Mesecons for circuitry.
00:08 LazyJ Instead of a mapgen of grass and trees, what about a mapgen of a scrap yard and students are to build various components of robots.
00:09 LazyJ Sci-fi robots to get them hooked at a young age, then more realistic, factory robots for the older kids.
00:10 LazyJ If manual labor is to be replaced by automation, someone has to design, install, setup, and maintain the factory robots.
00:10 LazyJ MT has a lot of room (64k^3) to experiment in at various sizes and detail of robotics.
00:11 LazyJ Less tech oriented - aim for the older, adult generations.
00:11 LazyJ Our reflexes aren't fast enough for action games.
00:12 rubenwardy anyone got any ideas for merch / stuff to hand out that isn't going to be mega expensive
00:12 LazyJ MT doesn't have any merchandise, does it?
00:12 rubenwardy no
00:13 LazyJ Take a list of servers (ip/name, port, description) and screenshots to a printshop and run off a bunch of leaflets to hand out.
00:15 LazyJ USB pen drive stuffed with sample worlds with /worldmods loaded with the more prominent MT mods, different mapgen worlds, and other things to tinker with?
00:16 Shara That wouldn't really be cheap sadly.
00:16 rubenwardy basically anything branded you need to buy in bulk, and so you're looking at £50+
00:16 rubenwardy except business cards and leaflets
00:16 LazyJ One other avenue to promote MT as - an art studio or a virtual artists colony for block sculptors.
00:17 LazyJ I don't see MT as a game.
00:17 LazyJ My main singleplayer world and my server are more about stacking blocks artistically.
00:18 LazyJ I see MT as a blank canvas and as a studio to sculpt in. I can't be the only one.
00:18 LazyJ The other part of this is that you don't have to be great at any particular thing.
00:18 LazyJ I tell players that my server is a place to putter.
00:19 LazyJ In a high stress, quota filled world, that can be a relief to some working stiffs like me.
00:19 LazyJ Yes, this is my preferred interpretation of MT, but again, I can't be the only one.
00:20 LazyJ Sokomine has been developing an auto-generated village mod.
00:20 LazyJ paramat did some mapgen experiments with what looked like dungeons stacked as apartment buildings.
00:21 rubenwardy we need to answer the question of why they should consider us over Minecraft
00:21 LazyJ Duane has something similar,... I think.
00:21 rubenwardy and for me that's the Lua scripting, the open source engine, subgames, the friendlier community
00:21 Shara Good thing to focus on is how easy it is to get involved.
00:21 rubenwardy yeah
00:21 Shara Regardless of level of experience.
00:22 rubenwardy show them how we have only 50 open PRs
00:22 LazyJ Add those automatic buildings and roads mods along with cars and other things to make an urban war-zone. But MT would also have to have guns, projectiles, and other war stuff.
00:22 rubenwardy which is where we'll be at in October
00:22 rubenwardy right?
00:22 Shara Show what entry level mod writing looks like. Also show more challenging issue that might interest capable programmers.
00:22 LazyJ As for competing with Minecraft - lost cause in my opinion.
00:22 rubenwardy I'm actually thinking now that polishing off my modding book wouldn't be a bad idea
00:22 LazyJ MC won the battle years ago when MS paid $3 billion for it.
00:23 rubenwardy it's not about competing, LazyJ, but making compelling arguments and showing our best points
00:23 LazyJ Right.
00:23 LazyJ So don't try to compare to Minecraft at all.
00:23 Shara Ehh, I've never played MC and never plan to.
00:23 rubenwardy same
00:23 Shara The moment you are just defining yourself by comparing to something else, you sort of lost anyway
00:23 Calinou hi
00:23 paramat heh yes i call it a 'benign dictatorship'
00:23 rubenwardy hi, Calinou
00:24 Calinou well, I think Minetest would be more successful if there was more polish around it
00:24 Calinou it's *very* important, some open source games are finally starting to work on this
00:24 LazyJ Eh, from some of the dev logs I've read, "benign" is not applicable.
00:24 Calinou make the installation experience easy and straightforward, make settings menus intuitive yet powerful enough, support today's common and less common setups (hiDPI, for example)
00:25 rubenwardy agreed. For that imo, it's better GUIs (death to formspecs), a mod store, and better subgames
00:25 Calinou all this can be done (sometimes quite easily), it just needs someone to start working on these :P
00:25 LazyJ mHmm. Polish - MT could use a face lift.
00:25 Calinou we can have a "first start" dialog as well
00:25 LazyJ So perhaps instead of game mechanics, coders for game aesthetics is a group to target.
00:25 Calinou (asking for username, language, and some important settings)
00:26 LazyJ Also graphic designers.
00:26 LazyJ Translators is another group that could help polish MT's user experience.
00:26 LazyJ Native speakers, not some program's interpretation.
00:27 LazyJ German players have told me on more than a few occasions that Google Translate really butchers the English->Deutsch translation.
00:28 Shara I assumed we had native german speakers at least doing the german translation...
00:28 LazyJ Yeah.
00:28 Shara I mean, we certainly have enough german speakers involved.
00:28 LazyJ My mistake for mixing in-game conversation with interface.
00:29 Shara I actually thought we did fairly well on the language side, all thigns ocnsidered
00:29 LazyJ Hmm... perhaps coders for an in-game translator would be a thing to seek?
00:29 Shara things considered*
00:29 rubenwardy heh
00:30 LazyJ Another language to translate would be the dev's documents into normies' language - complete with relatable examples.
00:30 Shara Weren't things for that added just this week?
00:31 Shara LazyJ: Which documents?
00:31 LazyJ rubenwardy's modding book is a step in the right direction.
00:31 LazyJ Shara - lua_api.txt and minetest.conf.example have given me plenty of frustration and late-nights over the years.
00:31 rubenwardy I'm unsure where to take that book
00:32 rubenwardy like, the level of explaining and dumbing down to do
00:32 Shara LazyJ: That's possible somethign I could look at, but would still need to know what way of presenting things would work for more people
00:32 Shara possibly something* (okay, no more typing standing up while trying to do something else for me tonight)
00:32 rubenwardy Shara, :)
00:33 LazyJ In the past I have asked devs questions about minetest.conf that even they did not understand how what I was asking worked.
00:33 rubenwardy the dev wiki also needs more attention :/
00:33 rubenwardy LazyJ, Minetest is a complex beast with changing develoeprs
00:33 Shara I remember typing /help all before and thinking HUH? (which is why I made some changes there)
00:33 LazyJ May be straying too far from the focus of the freenode get-together coming up.
00:34 Shara Yes. I very much doubt all the documentation can magically be fixed by then.
00:35 LazyJ rubenwardy, I've been through changing developers, aye. So when new devs come on, it would be helpful to have a good material for them to read and comprehend MT better.
00:36 rubenwardy very true, it's quite hard to get into. I've mostly stayed to the edges, tbh
00:36 rubenwardy MapblockMesh.cpp still holds many mysteries to me
00:36 LazyJ Think of college students entering their first job after getting their degrees - school taught them stuff but what the really need to know is unique to each job.
00:37 LazyJ So a C++11 coder may know their stuff but they are wading into years of code written by numerous devs over the years.
00:38 LazyJ But that is probably getting too far away from the purpose of the get-together.
00:39 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
00:40 LazyJ What, again, is the get-together? What is the purpose of going there? What can realistically be expected to be gained or taken away from the experience and exposure?
00:41 LazyJ I'm asking as a refresher reference in this long chat and to steer the conversation in that direction.
00:46 LazyJ Eh, well... my stomach is encouraging me to head for the kitchen and to attempt to not set fire to food.
01:24 Sokomine_ LazyJ: hmm, yes, i think i agree with you about that "i don't see mt as a game". in many ways it's not. it's a sandbox on two levels to play with - the world can be changed inside the very game, and mods can change the way the world behaves
01:25 Sokomine_ LazyJ: and yes, i see it as a canvas as well. the blocks are the paint we have. survival, gathering blocks...that's the time you think about where and how you want to build next
01:26 LazyJ Heh. Howdy stranger ;)
01:26 LazyJ I didn't even have to bait you with a dried out cookie either. :0)
01:26 * LazyJ takes his box of donuts and goes back to hiding behind the couch.
01:30 Sokomine_ LazyJ: if you're looking for guns and fighting in mt...rnd might be a good address. maikaumine perhaps as well. the server rnd's lab did work quite well with guns and hardcore survival
01:32 LazyJ Sokomine_ - I'm not looking for such things, personally. It was a brainstorm of ideas to setup a restorable world to destroy in combat game play. Something to appeal to the younger generations.
01:33 Sokomine_ LazyJ: google translate did get a bit better over the years, but it's still good for some fun now and then. trying to talk to someone who spoke only brazilian portugese via google translate mostly failed
01:33 Sokomine_ Shara: there's lots of us german players around. it's just read translations and requires retranslations
01:34 LazyJ As for us more, ehm... "seasoned" persons, the idea of an MT server that is like an artist colony or botanical garden for folks interested in creating such things as sculptures or places they've been too, never been too, or homes they would like to have had in real life.
01:35 LazyJ So much of gaming seems focused on kids.
01:35 LazyJ Computers and computer games have been around long enough for the older generations to have played.
01:36 LazyJ And even the silver haired crowd can enjoy Minetest.
01:37 LazyJ I've had retired engineers request Technic and Mesecons on my server. They may not have the physical abilities of their youth but they still have the engineering mind to create things with.
01:37 Sokomine oh. why did i have an underscore again? strange
01:37 LazyJ Dunno. Mysteries of the IRC arcane.
01:38 Sokomine hmpf! where's that cookie hidden? :)
01:38 LazyJ (munch, munch) Whaph goookie?
01:38 Sokomine ah. donuts are safe. not particulary tasty. you can keep them. but beware of more...tasty...sweets you might have had before i did wake up...*veg* :)
01:41 Sokomine hmm. artist colony, botanical garden...perhaps. younger people may not be so much diffrent in that regard. there are those young ones that are capable, respect the creations of other players and contribute to making the server's world nicer in every aspect
01:43 LazyJ The overall idea is to setup an environment where grownups would feel more comfortable socializing and stacking blocks in.
01:43 LazyJ One of the things that has been on my mind, is to change the name of the server.
01:43 LazyJ "LinuxGaming" is a hold over from a different era.
01:43 Sokomine it depends a lot of the attitude of the person. many younger children seem to..require...someone to tell them what to do. perhaps that's just an aspect of beeing a child. they may not have an idea what to do with the canvas unless someone tells them "go build a house to defend against these (imaginary) mobs", or "build a stable for that poor animal over there", or "we need wood! chop down some
01:43 Sokomine trees for the community"
01:44 LazyJ More than a few players have logged in only to argue about OS's.
01:44 Sokomine oh. that's bad :-(
01:44 Sokomine the server as such is a very nice and friendly place. need to visit again soon. just need to get the time..
01:45 LazyJ Some players have mentioned that they aren't very good with computers and thought that they wouldn't do well in a server with "Linux" in its name.
01:46 Sokomine oh
01:46 LazyJ It wouldn't be the first time my server has undergone a name change but it would be the first purposeful one. The current name was more of an evolution.
01:47 LazyJ Orby started it as Wazuland2.
01:47 LazyJ Then he tried to start a gaming clan - "LinuxGaming".
01:48 Sokomine what we need is also a way for players to identify the right server for them. that's one of the problems. servers are diffrent, yet some share a comparable world view
01:48 LazyJ The other game servers died out (Xonotic, Red Eclipse) but the MT server kept going (Miner_48er and I stubbornly kept things going).
01:48 Sokomine :-) i'm glad you did
01:48 LazyJ Over time, the only thing in the LinuxGaming clan was the MT server so that is what it began to be referred to as.
01:50 LazyJ And to finish the transition, when Orby gave up on the server and I took over its financing, the transition hit a snag with the domain name registration.
01:50 LazyJ So to not confuse the regular players and to make it easy to find the server again on the list, I registered "LinuxGaming2".
01:51 LazyJ Ok, story's done. Time for cookies.
01:51 LazyJ And I do have a carton of chocolate, white chocolate chip cookies in the kitchen.
01:52 LazyJ Will need to soften them up in a bowl of ice cream later. :D
02:02 * Sokomine looks at what lazyj does to cookies and ice cream and decides to take both away and eat it before lazyj mixes it up
03:15 Sokomine joined #minetest-hub
03:41 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
03:49 * rubenwardy just closed 59 issues
03:49 rubenwardy according to Github pulse
03:49 rubenwardy it may be lying
04:00 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
04:01 LazyJ Howdy kaeza ;)
04:02 LazyJ Take a peek at #minetest's log of about an hour or so ago.
04:02 kaeza o/ LazyJ
04:02 LazyJ "Errante" is asking about your IRC mod; trouble with Windows.
04:03 LazyJ And a reference to Dropbox. Do you have links to mods or IRC on Dropbox? If so, have you set them to be publicly accessible since Dropbox changed things last spring?
04:04 LazyJ This person is trying to use this for some cryptocurrency interaction or something.
04:04 kaeza I think I had them publicly available
04:04 LazyJ May not lead to anything but more confusion and far flung ideas.
04:06 kaeza I will take a look tomorrow if errante is around
04:07 kaeza the gist of it is that both MT.exe and luasocket.dll should point to lua.dll
04:10 kaeza in any case, I'm about to log off for the night
04:10 kaeza yay sleep
04:10 Natechip joined #minetest-hub
04:11 Natechip joined #minetest-hub
04:11 kaeza good night o/
06:07 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
06:15 CWz joined #minetest-hub
07:22 lisac joined #minetest-hub
07:43 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
07:43 lisac joined #minetest-hub
08:20 calcul0n joined #minetest-hub
08:44 Krock joined #minetest-hub
08:52 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
09:24 lisac joined #minetest-hub
10:34 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
10:34 IhrFussel movement_speed_fast applies to all clients correct? (except for the modified ones that removed that check of course)
11:14 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
11:38 Calinou hi
11:38 Calinou <LazyJ> The other game servers died out (Xonotic, Red Eclipse) but the MT server kept going (Miner_48er and I stubbornly kept things going).
11:38 Calinou I remember the Red Eclipse server, yeah
11:38 Calinou it was quite active sometimes
11:47 Shara Hello all
11:58 Wayward_One hi Shara, hi all
11:58 Shara Hi Wayward_One
12:01 Megaf Do we have  Discord?
12:01 Megaf a Discord
12:01 Shara I don't use it
12:01 Megaf I'm on it because an event I will be joining today...
12:04 Krock ever looked at the ToS/privacy page of Discord? in short it says like: "everything you send is ours. we're allowed to use the content whenever we want"
12:05 Krock IhrFussel, yes. the setting applies to all clients, unless the factor is changed in the physics table
12:06 Megaf Krock, same thing on FaceBook and Instagram
12:06 IhrFussel Krock, thanks...and does 20 mean 20 nodes per second? Or what does the 20 imply exactly?
12:07 Krock thanks god I don't use any of them
12:07 Krock 20 is m/s, so yes, 1 node length per second
12:08 Krock the setting description should give you the same information, unless it's documented incompletely
12:08 sfan5 Krock: that part of their tos is just a disclaimer so people can't sue them when they upload pictures to discord and then complain that they distributed them to other users
12:08 sfan5 there are certainly parts of the ToS that aren't good privacy-wise, this part isn't one of them
12:09 IhrFussel Krock, do you mean conf.example? No it only says #    type: float
12:09 IhrFussel # movement_speed_fast = 20
12:10 Krock but discord can't own content when it underlies a copyright or restricted license. in this case, the poster of the content should be sued instead
12:11 lisac joined #minetest-hub
12:12 Krock IhrFussel, I see. poor documentation
12:12 sfan5 it's not about content ownership, it's about right to (re-)distribution, storage and potential derivative works
12:26 Krock at least the "modify and publish everything royalty-free" seems to be limited to people who use Discord
12:27 Krock so the content use and distribution is kept in limits
12:51 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
12:54 Calinou <Krock> ever looked at the ToS/privacy page of Discord? in short it says like: "everything you send is ours. we're allowed to use the content whenever we want"
12:54 Calinou yeah
12:54 Calinou they changed their terms recently, some people were afraid
12:54 Calinou like, IRC bridges could become forbidden
14:12 Krock Old news but still facepalm worthy:;seid=auto
14:19 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
14:44 Megaf Krock, your beloved Microsoft owns double click
14:45 Krock beloved? are you talking about this little M$ paint, Comic Sans, Papyrus and Windows XP section?
14:45 Megaf This is the patent;Sect2=HITOFF&amp;d=PALL&amp;p=1&amp;u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.htm&amp;r=1&amp;f=G&amp;l=50&amp;s1=6727830.PN.&amp;OS=PN/6727830&amp;RS=PN/6727830
14:45 Megaf here is the news
14:46 Krock this means they also own triple-click
15:13 Calinou talking about fonts:
15:34 unk joined #minetest-hub
15:56 lisac joined #minetest-hub
16:03 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
16:04 Krock Calinou, all I can tell about this font is, that it looks similar to Segoe UI
16:04 Krock designed to be easy readable. Not a font expert here
16:07 rubenwardy Shara, my modding book is 57  A4 pages in print format
16:07 rubenwardy *sides
16:09 Krock did you really test that? ^
16:09 Krock Hint: Minimize the amount of paper required by setting the font size to 2. Profit!
16:12 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
16:27 rubenwardy here's the PDF:
16:27 rubenwardy a few formatting errors :(
16:28 rubenwardy for some reason that print media type works on some pages, but not others
16:29 rubenwardy the ones that render probably also have a border around them, which is annoying
16:35 Krock is /minetest_modding_book/ supposed to throw "403 Forbidden" right now? wanted to check whether really no monospaced font is used for the code examples
16:36 rubenwardy no, I'm just trying to fix that
16:37 rubenwardy I give up
16:37 rubenwardy it's working now, Krock
16:37 rubenwardy my server reads from the hard drive first then from github pages
16:37 rubenwardy I created a minetest_modding_book folder so I could upload the book.pdf file without adding it to the git repo
16:37 rubenwardy and that broke the index for some reason
16:38 rubenwardy even though it works perfectly fine for other pages
16:39 rubenwardy PDF is now here:
16:39 Krock this is what you get with Ctrl + P -> Into file
16:40 rubenwardy yeah, but I'm not going to do that for every page
16:40 rubenwardy this is the script used:
16:40 Krock no possibility to concat automatically?
16:41 rubenwardy seems that wkhtmltopdf sucks
16:42 Krock such that use webkit or gecko to render the pages should produce better output
16:46 rubenwardy oooh
16:46 rubenwardy chrome has a headless mode!
16:53 rubenwardy woo, it works! Just need to concatenate now
16:58 rubenwardy done:
16:58 rubenwardy although it's added headers and footers :/
17:04 Krock looks much better :)
17:19 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
17:20 Megaf My one line get and build minetest
17:20 Megaf git clone --depth=1 && git clone --depth=1 minetest/games/minetest_game && mkdir minetest/build/debian && cd minetest/build/debian && cmake ../../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-march=native -Ofast" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-march=native -Ofast" -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-march=native -Ofast" && make -j 2
17:24 Krock ~~~> Forum?
17:24 ShadowBot Krock: Error: Spurious ">".  You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
17:24 Megaf build type release and standard flags = 8~10 FPS
17:25 Megaf will compile with Ofast and see if theres any difference
17:27 rubenwardy Krock, there's a node library that gives me more control over the headless exporter
17:27 rubenwardy so I can set format, margins, and header/footer
17:27 rubenwardy and also remove the border :D
17:27 Krock oh, that's nice :)
17:39 twoelk any plans to add a sfinv section to the modding book anytime soon or did I simply miss it?
17:42 rubenwardy that's near the top of my list :)
17:43 rubenwardy updated:
17:49 nerzhul rubenwardy, can you answer on 6319 please ?. sofar nore sfan5 too
18:09 lisac ~~~
18:09 lisac ShadowBot, greetings!
18:10 lisac You've given me 3 commands within the last 10 seconds; I'm now ignoring you for 5 minutes.
18:10 lisac I feel so sad to be ignored by a bot :(
18:17 Calinou <Krock> Calinou, all I can tell about this font is, that it looks similar to Segoe UI
18:17 Calinou yep
18:17 Calinou it has some glyphs from Roboto (it's a WIP)
18:42 garywhite hello
18:46 Corvus_ joined #minetest-hub
18:49 Krock hi garywhite
19:22 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
19:22 tenplus1 hi folks
19:22 Krock hi tenplus1
19:22 tenplus1 hey krock, how's the day ?
19:23 Krock one does not simply rebase a branch using a merge commit
19:23 Krock oh, sadly the day is almost gone...
19:23 tenplus1 lol, sounds difficult already
19:23 tenplus1 :P
19:24 Krock Can't stop listening to the 80s Dr. Who intro - this amazing bassline :)
19:24 tenplus1 ehe yeah...  didn't Orbital remake it at one point in the 90's
19:29 tenplus1 hi raven
19:29 Raven262 Hi tenplus1
19:29 tenplus1 Krock: did your builtin_item changes get added to the game ?
19:30 Krock yes, they did.
19:30 Shara Hello :)
19:31 tenplus1 ncie one :) gotta add the water pushing effects to it later
19:31 tenplus1 hi Shara :P
19:31 unk hi Shara
19:31 tenplus1 hi unk
19:31 unk hi tenplus1
19:31 Shara How's it going?
19:31 tenplus1 moi ?
19:32 Shara Yesss!
19:32 tenplus1 ehehe, am soooo tired, but okie :)  hows you ?
19:36 Shara Sleepy, but good
19:36 tenplus1 long day ?
19:36 Shara FInally had a sort of lazy day (apart from lugging shopping bags back home :P)
19:36 tenplus1 heh, gotta buy foody
19:47 tenplus1
19:48 Krock ILLUMINATI
19:48 Shara Ekk!
19:48 tenplus1 ;P
19:48 Shara tenplus1: I arrived at the shop just in time for them to put out the reduced price doughnuts :D
19:49 tenplus1 ooh, cheap donuts :) w00t!
19:49 rubenwardy winning
19:49 Shara Going to have a doughnut night!
19:49 tenplus1 hi ruben
19:49 tenplus1 donut night sounds like fun, and a movie :D
19:49 Shara They had eton mess cookies as well :D
19:50 Shara So good noms
19:50 * tenplus1 watched a really bad b-movie called "Attack of the Killer Donuts"
19:50 Shara Hi rubenwardy
19:50 rubenwardy hey
19:50 Shara hehehe
19:50 Shara I'd prefer to spend my time on real good movies :P
19:50 tenplus1 I had to see how bad it was
19:51 rubenwardy the worse movie I've even seen was "Quantum Apocalypse"
19:52 tenplus1 rock star scientists ?!?! lol
20:12 tenplus1
20:21 Calinou hi
20:21 tenplus1 hi Cal
20:21 tenplus1 ,-- says rebase is needed but all checks passed
20:21 tenplus1 ?!?!?!?!
20:23 Calinou "Tried to merge again, even with 3-way merge, but did not apply."
20:23 Calinou the paramat has spoken :P
20:23 tenplus1 what does that mean ?!
20:26 tenplus1 nite folks
20:26 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
20:27 rdococ yay
20:33 Fixer ?!?!?!?
20:50 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
21:03 twoelk|2 joined #minetest-hub
21:33 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
21:39 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
22:19 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-hub
22:31 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
23:07 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
23:48 Guest62217 joined #minetest-hub
23:49 Guest62217 joined #minetest-hub

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