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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-07-26

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:08 octacian joined #minetest-hub
00:19 rubenwardy KaadmY: can you recommend any shader tutorials / tool you found useful?
00:20 KaadmY rubenwardy: not really :D
00:20 rubenwardy :(
00:20 KaadmY Mostly just Stackoverflow and googling
00:20 rubenwardy I'm trying to add dynamic lighting to my game
00:20 KaadmY Point lights?
00:20 rubenwardy yeah
00:21 KaadmY That's like 5 lines
00:21 rubenwardy but needs collisions
00:21 rubenwardy ie: shadows
00:21 KaadmY Shadows are harder
00:21 rubenwardy this is the game btw:
00:21 KaadmY 2d or 3d?
00:21 rubenwardy 2d topdown
00:22 rubenwardy using SFML which is a rendering engine over OpenGL
00:22 rubenwardy so I have GLSL
00:22 KaadmY You could use 2d raytracing for that probably
00:27 rubenwardy do you mean CPU or GPU based?
00:27 KaadmY CPU
00:27 rubenwardy true
00:28 rubenwardy I was thinking I could do that
00:28 rubenwardy use a fill algorithm like Minetest does
00:28 KaadmY 2d grid based raytracing is pretty easy
00:28 KaadmY Is it always grid based, or are there exceptions?
00:28 rubenwardy always grid based
00:29 rubenwardy there are 2 layers, tile and floor
00:29 rubenwardy there also also stacked levels, ie: you can go up stairs
00:29 rubenwardy I'd like the player to be able to carry a touch though, and also have fast explosion / gun fire effects
00:30 rubenwardy those could be non-shadow casting though
00:30 rubenwardy hmm
00:30 KaadmY Those would still be point lights
00:31 rubenwardy I guess updating 2D lighting is more performant than updating 3D, so I should have the problems Minetest has
00:31 rubenwardy *shouldn't
00:43 octacian_ joined #minetest-hub
00:45 paramat joined #minetest-hub
01:30 Miner_48er joined #minetest-hub
01:32 Miner_48er joined #minetest-hub
01:39 lumidify_ joined #minetest-hub
03:11 octacian joined #minetest-hub
04:35 Hijiri is this going to be like space station 13?
04:47 benrob0329 oh gosh, trying to render with your GPU and watch a youtube video....both will suffer
04:52 KaadmY Heh
04:54 benrob0329 maybe i'll take a break tomorrow from blender things and do some coding
04:54 benrob0329 (format t "In Lisp!")
04:55 benrob0329 why? because from what i've seen, lisp is awesome
05:13 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
05:39 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
05:56 KaadmY Is the "official" Minetest page?
05:57 sofar
05:57 sofar is the only official page
06:03 KaadmY No, is that the page for it?
06:03 KaadmY Since rubenwardy mentioned there would be an page "in a few days" on Reddit, that was a month or so a go
06:08 bwarden joined #minetest-hub
06:26 CWz joined #minetest-hub
08:16 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
08:17 tenplus1 hi folks
08:17 Dumbeldor Hi all
08:17 tenplus1 hi Dumbeldor
08:18 tenplus1 Q. if mod security breaks how am I meant to load a file ???
08:36 Dumbeldor I install unity in azure vm... Great great.. :D
09:21 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
09:22 Shara joined #minetest-hub
09:22 tenplus1 hi nrz
09:22 tenplus1 hi shara
09:24 mransom joined #minetest-hub
09:24 wardyruben joined #minetest-hub
10:05 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
10:06 tenplus1 hi fussel
10:06 IhrFussel Can I access ANY player attribute from ANY mod?
10:06 tenplus1 you mean player attributes like speed/gravity etc ?
10:06 tenplus1 yes
10:07 IhrFussel I mean player:get_attribute("modname:attrname")
10:08 IhrFussel Or in other words mod storage
10:08 tenplus1 should work
10:10 IhrFussel Cause on my server there are certain optional jingles players can disable and right now I use a file for each player with a setting and on each jingle event the server checks the file for all online players which likely causes lag ... it would be wayy easier to just have to check the player attribute from any event mod
10:13 tenplus1 bbl
10:13 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
10:21 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
10:26 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
10:37 IhrFussel nerzhul, does mod storage read from/write to memory or file?
10:38 nerzhul it's in memory and periodicaly dump to file
10:38 nerzhul file is loaded at server startup
10:38 IhrFussel Okay so it should be significant faster than reading the file via Lua
10:39 nerzhul yes, but you should not have too many things to store, if you store hundeds of MB in the storage it will be in memory
10:39 nerzhul maybe we should make an evolution and use a database
10:40 nerzhul the world database can be the correct db as it's linked
10:40 IhrFussel AFAIK there is a size limit for each mod storage...I could be wrong though
10:40 nerzhul yeah we have a limit of 10Mb per mod if i remember, you are right
10:40 nerzhul but i'm not sure it's very precise
10:41 IhrFussel Per mod? meaning mod storage data HAS TO start with the modname? Or is it just recommended?
10:50 IhrFussel The mod storage data is sorted alphabetically I guess
10:59 nerzhul per mod yes
11:00 nerzhul you can get your mod storage instance at mod loading only and it's secured, each mod can only access to its mod storage
11:00 nerzhul if you want to "hack" you can share your mod storage reference object by adding a getter called by another mod
11:02 IhrFussel Wait so I CANNOT access the storage from another mod without "hacking"?
11:03 IhrFussel Why didn't you at least make reading other mod storage data possible? writing should be secure but not reading
11:04 nerzhul storage is for your omd private data
11:04 nerzhul mod*
11:04 nerzhul if you want to share your storage with other mod, you should define a getter function to access to the local mod reference for mod storage
11:04 nerzhul the problem is lua itself
11:05 nerzhul at startup you can know which mod does the call, at runtime you cannot know which mod calls
11:06 IhrFussel nerzhul, what you say doesn't seem to be true
11:06 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
11:06 IhrFussel I defined "own_commands:sound" in own_commands mod but I CAN read own_commands:sound from my auto_privs mod
11:06 nerzhul it is
11:07 nerzhul it's because your don't set it lcoal
11:07 nerzhul local*
11:07 nerzhul but yes you can do it like this
11:07 IhrFussel How would I set the attribute local?
11:07 nerzhul users should really use local to make it private and add a getter function if needed, permitting to isolate properly each mod data it's one goal of mod storage, pervent multiple mods writing to same namespace and have data collisions
11:08 nerzhul local store = minetest.get_mod_storage()
11:09 IhrFussel I'm talking about the extended player attributes...I thought those were mod it's something different?
11:10 IhrFussel It is "a way to store mod data" or not?
11:12 nerzhul it's different
11:12 nerzhul player attributes are stored into player database
11:12 nerzhul and are in memory
11:12 nerzhul mod storage is stored in files and is in memory
11:12 nerzhul one is for mod global things, other permits t ostore player extended attributes
11:13 IhrFussel But I don't use the DB for player files (yet) so player attributes are at the top of the player file
11:14 IhrFussel Ok so extended player attributes are accessible by ANY mod...correct?
11:14 nerzhul yes it's exact
11:14 nerzhul yes
11:14 IhrFussel And can ANY mod overwrite the attributes of other mods?
11:32 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
11:34 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
11:38 Jordach had kittens jumping all over me this morning
11:38 Jordach whats sleep
11:43 ThomasMonroe the thing you get without the kittens
11:54 Jordach POGCHAMP
11:55 Jordach new techmoan
11:56 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
11:56 ThomasMonroe hey DS
11:57 DS-minetest hey
11:57 Raven262 Hmm, if my mod depends on the other mod, and my mod registers an ore that is spawned on other mod's blob ore, which does have the priority, the other mod's blob ore or my scatter?
12:11 lisac joined #minetest-hub
12:23 RobbieF joined #minetest-hub
12:56 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
12:56 tenplus1 hi folks
12:57 Raven262 Hi ten
12:57 tenplus1 o/ raven :P
12:58 Raven262 A question
12:58 Raven262 Hmm, if my mod depends on the other mod, and my mod registers an ore that is spawned on other mod's blob ore, which does have the priority, the other mod's blob ore or my scatter?
12:58 Raven262 copied from when you werent here
12:58 tenplus1 if each mod relies on each otehr it'll cause issue sooner or later
12:58 Raven262 they don't
12:59 Raven262 its for my amber mod, trying to add sedimental amber to mud
12:59 tenplus1 ah
13:00 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
13:01 tenplus1 you could do a minetest.after(0,function())  and inside that check for the other mod and change what you need without a dependency
13:01 tenplus1 hi fixer
13:01 Fixer hi
13:05 Raven262 well i probably will, thanks, tenplus1.
13:06 tenplus1 if you override a node you dont need a dependency... you only need those for global variables and functions in use from the other mod :D
13:06 tenplus1 the rest can be done with minetest.after:P
13:11 Raven262 minetest.after will make some lag, right?
13:12 tenplus1 not at all... if you are only calling it once to set or override something it's totally fine :D
13:19 Raven262 Nice
13:23 tenplus1 the good thing is that minetest.after(0,function)))  waits until every mod is loaded before doing it's thing :)
13:24 tenplus1 so I use it in lucky blocks to wait until they've all loaded and show how many LB's in total there are :D
13:29 Raven262 lol
13:29 Raven262 Well, i don't know if i need a solution that is as radical as this one.
13:29 tenplus1 :P
13:41 CWz want a minetest.before function
13:42 tenplus1 eheheh, hi CWz
13:42 CWz Ello
13:42 tenplus1 minetest.last_week()
13:56 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
13:56 tenplus1 wb DS
13:58 DS-minetest thx
14:00 tenplus1 Mobs Redo API updated with animation tweaks
14:08 ThomasMonroe hey tenplus1 MM-Survival finally has a forum topic
14:08 tenplus1 sweet :P
14:08 tenplus1 hi btw thomas
14:08 ThomasMonroe hi
14:08 ThomasMonroe you want the link?
14:09 tenplus1 yes plz... am in forums just now :D
14:09 ThomasMonroe
14:09 ThomasMonroe me too XD
14:10 tenplus1 looks, good... will have to connect for a wander about :D
14:10 ThomasMonroe XD
14:10 ThomasMonroe lisac and Raven262 are there rn
14:11 Raven262 Just don't cut the trees, Its a trap!
14:12 ThomasMonroe XD
14:12 ThomasMonroe the problem is the 3dfornature mod
14:12 tenplus1 problem ?
14:12 ThomasMonroe we need to remove it
14:13 Raven262 No leaf decay
14:13 ThomasMonroe ^
14:16 tenplus1 the original (0ld) 3dfornature mod or the new ?
14:16 IhrFussel Before I write my next server mod I need clarification: Can one mod MODIFY the extended player attribute of ANOTHER mod?
14:17 ThomasMonroe hmm tenplus1, i think its the new, but im not sure
14:18 tenplus1 can you link me to the mod you used plz ?
14:19 IhrFussel Example: mod1 does player:set_attribute("mod1:test","1") ... can mod2 now do player:set_attribute("mod1:test","2") ?
14:19 ThomasMonroe idk the link ten, you'd have to talk to sc3k
14:20 tenplus1 fussel, am hoping you can read attributes from any mod for any mod so long as you get the name right...
14:20 IhrFussel Yes read but I mean (over)write another mod's attribute
14:20 tenplus1 yes... so long as the namne it right
14:22 tenplus1 set_attribute(attribute, value)...  it can only store an attribute for each player of the same name, so I'd imagine you can read and write them all inside any mod so long as the name is right
14:28 tenplus1 3d_forniture mod is 5 years old already
14:28 tenplus1 it hasnt been updated and was merged into homedecor
14:29 tenplus1 it replaces/overwrites some of the default nodes like papyrus and tree so their functions are broken
14:44 tenplus1 ThomasMonroe:
14:49 ThomasMonroe kk
14:51 tenplus1 just updated again, now uses 0.4.15 commands and override functions :) trees will have leafdecay again
14:53 Raven262 Hey, there was a positive side effect of no leafdecay
14:53 Raven262 i never knew that 2 stack of leaves will burn a stack of cobble
14:53 tenplus1 lol, so many floating tree;s around... messy messy
14:53 tenplus1 yeah, I used leaves and saplings to cook stuff all the time when underground and saved wood for tools ;D
14:55 Raven262 Well, if have no cactus, coal is my usual cooking fuel.
14:55 calcul0n you can also make oil extract with leaves, i think it's a better fuel
14:56 calcul0n if you have homedecor
14:56 Raven262 Yea, they don't have homedecor there
14:56 calcul0n ho, i didn't know you could use cactus too :)
14:56 tenplus1 heh, was wondering there, thought they put it in default for a moment calcul0n... also hi )
14:56 Raven262 I didn't know fuel extract burns?
14:56 calcul0n hello :p
14:57 Raven262 Cactus is regenerated, so basically you can have unlimited fuel.
14:57 Raven262 And fits nice if you have a desert hideout
14:57 Raven262 Preferably a giant pyramid
14:57 calcul0n yes, this is cool
14:57 tenplus1 hrm... I never used cactus yet in furnaces...  although cooking it to cactus green would be useful :D
14:58 Raven262 lol
14:58 * CWz had a thought has come to his head
14:59 CWz restraining order mod
14:59 CWz perfect for pvp enabled server
14:59 tenplus1 ehehe, cant come within 'n' blocks of another player
15:00 tenplus1 wait... ThomasMonroe... you are running 3d_forniture AND homedecor at the same time... they both have the same nodes
15:01 Raven262 He doesn't have homedecor afaik
15:01 ThomasMonroe yes i had sc3k remove it, that action was pending anyways
15:01 tenplus1 am on server just now and I see homedecor, homedecor_3d_extras
15:01 Raven262 lol i dind't se it at all
15:01 Raven262 *didn't see
15:01 Raven262 odd
15:03 Raven262 Hey, there is oil extract too
15:03 Raven262 i'll use that for burning from now
15:08 ThomasMonroe i just use coal XD
15:11 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
15:14 IhrFussel Can someone tell me what ethanol does in the "farming" mod and where/how to use it?
15:15 tenplus1 it's used as a fuel in furnace
15:15 tenplus1 and lasts a veeeery long time D
15:15 tenplus1 same with hemp oil... can be used as fuel
16:20 paramat joined #minetest-hub
16:20 tenplus1 hi paramat
16:20 paramat :O so fast
16:20 tenplus1 :P
16:21 octacian_ joined #minetest-hub
16:23 Raven262 nice autogreet script, tenplus1 . xD
16:23 tenplus1 :PPPPPP
16:23 ThomasMonroe :P
16:23 tenplus1 I dont hitnk Pidgin can even run scripts :D
16:23 tenplus1 *think
16:28 Raven262 heh hexchat ftw
16:28 tenplus1 hexchat is good, I dont like having many chat programs open at once though if one can handle them all for me :D
16:28 Raven262 Ah
16:29 Raven262 So you don't use only irc?
16:29 tenplus1 I DID use Yahoo but they broke that, Google Chat, Irc
16:29 tenplus1 and the odd AOL account :D
16:31 Raven262 lol
16:33 tenplus1 surprisingly we use to update Xanadu server using yahoo chat, I'd drag & drop a .zip package to Shinji (owner) and he'd unpack into mods folder to update everything :D
16:33 tenplus1 but yahoo screwed up their own chat prog, it sucks now
16:35 ThomasMonroe hey Raven you think oil is way better?, try coal in a homedecor oven XD
16:35 Raven262 oil is better than leaves, undoubtedly is the coal better than both :P
16:36 tenplus1 ethanol beats them both :P
16:36 Raven262 Nyan cat rainbow beats that too
16:37 Raven262 I think
16:37 tenplus1 wait, you can cook those ?
16:37 Raven262 I think
16:37 ThomasMonroe yeah i think i did see that code
16:37 * tenplus1 checks his pbj_pup mod
16:37 Raven262 not sure if they still burn "that long"
16:37 ThomasMonroe true
16:37 ThomasMonroe waste of rainbow though
16:37 tenplus1 burntime = 1 second
16:37 Raven262 #oredetect
16:37 Raven262 heh
16:37 Raven262 i knew it
16:37 tenplus1 for nyan, rainbow and pup
16:37 Raven262 they changed it
16:38 Raven262 well, try lava bucket
16:39 Raven262 60 on lava bucket
16:39 tenplus1 240 on ethanol
16:40 tenplus1 20 on hemp oil
16:40 Raven262 I wonder who got the idea that ethanol burns long
16:42 Krock joined #minetest-hub
16:42 tenplus1 hi Krock
16:42 tenplus1 1/2 litre of ethanol can burn 2-6 hours
16:42 tenplus1 and ethanol is a clean flame that burns hotter
16:43 tenplus1 gotta love wiki
16:43 Raven262 Hmm
16:43 Krock hi tenplus1
16:43 Raven262 Last time i got my floor covered in ethanol
16:43 Raven262 it didn't burn that long
16:43 Krock that's why you should have wooden houses
16:43 Raven262 (I couldn't resist putting it to flames)
16:43 Raven262 Trues
16:43 Raven262 *true
16:43 Raven262 well
16:43 tenplus1 yup... ehe.... is 240 is too long for burn time I could lower to 120
16:44 Raven262 How much does a cobble stack require to cook?
16:44 tenplus1 99 seconds... 1 second per cobble
16:46 Raven262 you can cook 2 stacks of cobble with your ethanol
16:46 Raven262 How do you craft it?
16:46 Raven262 It seems a bit op-ed
16:46 tenplus1 bottle + 4 corn
16:46 Raven262 Yea, its op-ed
16:46 tenplus1 ehehe
16:47 tenplus1 what should I lower it to ?
16:47 Raven262 120 will be sufficient i think
16:47 Raven262 not sure though, corn is very easy to farm
16:47 tenplus1 80 ?
16:48 Krock Maths riddle: You have 2 furnaces: one with 1.5 items per second, with the other you get all 1.2 seconds an item. How long does it take to burn 99 cobble, assuming infinite fuel?
16:48 Raven262 80 will do i think
16:48 tenplus1 :)
16:48 tenplus1 whaddya think Krock, ethanol bottle = 80 burntime instead of 240 :D
16:48 Raven262 nerfed
16:49 Krock tenplus1, uhm.. what's the craft recipe for it?
16:50 tenplus1 glass bottle + 4 corn
16:50 Krock 80 burntime.
16:50 tenplus1 changed :) git updated
16:50 Raven262 66 for the first one, 120 other
16:50 Raven262 Krock ^
16:50 Raven262 i think
16:51 tenplus1 JKmurray had the idea to begin with and I bascially asked to use his ethanol bottle in farming redo :DDDD
16:51 Krock Raven262, huh? you have 99 cobble in total and divide them into optimal stacks to let the furnaces burn them in the shortest time as possible
16:51 Raven262 ah
16:51 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
16:51 * tenplus1 wonders waht happened to JKmurray, his videos were pretty good
16:51 Raven262 Well, it was too simple anyways
16:52 Raven262 simple actually
16:52 Krock :P sounds more complicated than it is
16:52 Raven262 i'll give 2 times more cobble into the first one
16:52 Raven262 so 66 there and 33 to the second one
16:53 Raven262 will burn at approx the same time
16:53 Krock how long will you have to wait for cooking?
16:53 tenplus1 Krock: 66 seconds and 82.5 ?
16:54 Raven262 44 seconds?
16:54 Raven262 about that
16:54 Raven262 lemme see the second one
16:54 Raven262 yep, 39 on the other
16:55 Raven262 so i would say that the best would be to give 64 into the first one and 35 into the second one
16:55 Krock you got it :)
16:55 tenplus1 oh wait, I assumed 99 cobble per furnace
16:55 Raven262 Yay!
16:55 tenplus1 ahahahaha
16:55 Krock 42s in furnace #1, 42.67s in #2
16:56 Krock so the time you have to wait is 42.67s
16:56 tenplus1 nciely done raven :D
16:56 ThomasMonroe is anyone connected with mesecons developement on here?
16:56 Raven262 I would never like to have to implement this in the actual game xD
16:57 tenplus1 you found a bug thomas ?
16:57 Krock hehe.. inb4 you'd see a PR in technic "Split stacks among furnaces with optimal burn time"
16:57 Raven262 Those technic devs sure are crazy
16:57 ThomasMonroe when an item frame is pushed or pulled by a piston, the item drops out
16:57 ThomasMonroe but the item frame still has it inside
16:58 ThomasMonroe so you essentially have an unlimited supply of the item inside if the frame
16:58 ThomasMonroe of*
16:58 tenplus1 if minetest.get_modpath("mesecons_mvps") then
16:58 tenplus1 mesecon.register_mvps_stopper("itemframes:frame")
16:58 tenplus1 mesecon.register_mvps_stopper("itemframes:pedestal")
16:58 tenplus1 end
16:59 IhrFussel What's the chance of a race condition when accessing the same extended atrribute from 2 mods at the same time? Or is that not possible?
16:59 tenplus1 I added that to my itemframes mod so they cannot be moved at all
16:59 ThomasMonroe where in the mod?
16:59 ThomasMonroe beginning?
16:59 ThomasMonroe or end
16:59 tenplus1 at the very end of the init.lua file in itemframes...  also I add    mesecons_mvps?    to the end of depends.txt
16:59 ThomasMonroe ok
16:59 ThomasMonroe thanks
17:00 tenplus1 :P
17:01 ThomasMonroe well i have to go for today
17:02 tenplus1 have fun :)
17:03 ThomasMonroe i will, elementary Cellular automaton is fun to play with
17:03 ThomasMonroe XD
17:03 tenplus1 wish mesecons played nice on servers tho
17:03 ThomasMonroe XD
17:05 soupfly joined #minetest-hub
17:06 tenplus1 super fly :PPP
17:07 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
17:07 tenplus1 wb nrz
17:11 IhrFussel nerzhul, hey is there a chance for a race condition with extended attributes?
17:11 Shara Hello all
17:11 tenplus1 hi shara
17:11 Shara Hi 11
17:13 Raven262 Hi Shara
17:14 nerzhul IhrFussel, i don't think
17:14 Shara Hi Raven
17:14 tenplus1 Mobs Redo API updated with animation tweaks
17:15 Raven262 Animation tweaks you say?
17:15 Raven262 What could that be
17:15 tenplus1 yarrrrr
17:15 tenplus1 when mob spawns it sets default animation to "stand" instead of blank...  if mob attacks with "run" animation it checks to see if "run" exists first, if not it uses "walk"... also riding mob animation fixes
17:16 Raven262 Finally, no more of those stupid spawn positions xD
17:17 tenplus1 yeah, we had a skeleton doing the YMCA before this fix
17:17 Raven262 xD
17:18 tenplus1 certain mod packs when attacking would SLIDE up to player cause no "run" animation was set... ehehe... it fixes that too
17:19 Raven262 i witnessed that^
17:19 tenplus1 evil bonny on xanadu did that... :P ehe...
17:20 tenplus1 the Void Mirror block is pretty kewl btw... 1 player has it so far and they use it to sneak peeks at players through walls :D
17:20 Raven262 xD
17:20 Raven262 Epic
17:23 tenplus1 Shara: do you use the latest 3d_armor mod on your server ?
17:25 Shara Not the latest
17:27 tenplus1 gonna have to update to latest eventually :) the tweaked one I use is past it's best
17:28 Shara TIme
17:28 Shara And the absolute lack of it
17:28 tenplus1 ehe
17:29 Shara More concerned with making time to fix the mods that have messed up lighting/alpha/whatever issues on RC
17:29 Shara Since I still didn't manage all of that
17:30 tenplus1 how'd the swamp water turn out ?
17:31 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
17:31 tenplus1 hi ssieb
17:31 ssieb hi
17:31 Shara tenplus1: I redid the textures completely, but there is still something weird with the source one somehow... it goes invisible from certain angles
17:31 tenplus1 weird!
17:37 Raven262 Shara, you should check the code, I doubt that texture can cause this bug.
17:38 Raven262 I know of nodes "disappearing" when allfaces is in use, might be something to do with that, if the code is alright.
17:40 Raven262 Ah i know what might cause the problem
17:40 Raven262 Does your texture have alpha channel in use?
17:40 Shara I don't have time to look at it again right now.
17:40 tenplus1 any water textures tend to use alpha channels
17:40 Raven262 Okay
17:41 Raven262 Actually, they don't
17:41 Shara But I previously copied the water code from default and there was still something wrong
17:41 Raven262 They shouldn't
17:41 Raven262 the default water doesn't use texture's alpha channel
17:41 Raven262 its alpha is inside node definition
17:42 Raven262 and it doesn't have use_texture_alpha
17:42 Shara I would like to not need an alternative texture at all, but created a texture with much more contrast and brightness made it show again
17:42 Shara and that made*
17:42 Shara Like suddenly the original texture was simply too dark and/or low contrast to work
17:43 Raven262 You can always use ^colorize or ^bright
17:43 Shara Not ethat it displayed perfectly before 0.4.16
17:43 Shara Note*
17:45 KaadmY Instead of `^[bright` we should have something like `^[hurt`
17:45 KaadmY Then the client can configure that to be red/green/white/whatever
17:47 Krock why not simply use ^[colorize for this?
17:47 KaadmY Krock: so damage isn't shown as red = blood
17:47 KaadmY So clients can change it globally
17:48 Raven262 You mean, the clients could change the global light colour?
17:48 KaadmY Raven262: wat, no
17:48 Raven262 Ah, i got it wrong
17:49 Raven262 Yes, colorize is basically what you thought of
17:49 KaadmY Raven262: not exactly
17:49 KaadmY It should be custom client-side
17:49 Raven262 bright will just amplify all channels, while colorize will amplify exact one
17:49 KaadmY For example, you can make all damage green if you don't like red blood
17:50 Raven262 This is not related to texture grouping?
17:50 KaadmY Right now mobs and the player model use ^[brightnen
17:51 Raven262 So it *is* still modifying the texture, ok.
17:51 KaadmY Yeah
17:51 Raven262 I never used it out of node def, so i misunderstood.
17:51 KaadmY It'll basically be a find+replace for ^[hurt to ^[colorize;255,0,0 or something
17:57 IhrFussel The extended attribute feature allows for easy coded quest systems I love it
18:05 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
18:06 tenplus1 wb behalebabo
18:06 benrob0329 Hello
18:07 tenplus1 o/
18:07 benrob0329 How is everyone?
18:08 tenplus1 good thx, you ?
18:12 behalebabo hi tenplus1
18:12 tenplus1 :P
18:15 octacian__ joined #minetest-hub
18:20 benrob0329 tenplus1: good, being productive this week :P
18:20 tenplus1 ooh, what you up to :))
18:21 benrob0329 Oh a thing, its private atm but you'll all see it sooner than later :P
18:21 tenplus1 ehehehe
18:25 tenplus1 so the point of MM-Survival is to accumulate ?
18:42 RobbieF left #minetest-hub
18:54 Raven262 Or to assimilate...
18:54 tenplus1 ehehe, got so many ores it's unreal
18:54 tenplus1 and a tiny island house :D
18:55 Raven262 "Exotic Ores" mod, buggy but diverse.
18:55 Raven262 Buggy as in, check it out, some names have lowercase in words, some don't.
18:55 tenplus1 ehehe
18:56 Raven262 One of those
18:56 Raven262 "I can use colorize" mods
18:56 tenplus1 those are fun to play with :)))  *cough* cblock
18:56 Raven262 The point of making mods is not to copy and recolor :(
18:57 tenplus1 if it's original in it's own way then good... if it's a copy of someone else's with no new features then bad :D
18:58 Raven262 Is it original if someone made 7 different colours of steel ores and ingots + tools and blocks and gave them names?
18:58 tenplus1 if they are new ores, then yes it;s good
18:59 tenplus1 I really want more ores... they should have silver and mithril in default game... make it more interesting...
18:59 Raven262 And if the new ores are iron ore recolored in 7 different colors?
18:59 tenplus1 that's fine
18:59 Raven262 Also, if mithrill is to be added, i seriously advise to recolor it to white.
19:00 tenplus1 it's a good placeholder until the day you can make new textures if you want :D
19:00 Raven262 Nah, it looks bad, tenplus1.
19:00 Raven262 It look like someone copied it, and he did
19:00 Raven262 I really think that textures matter in mods.
19:01 tenplus1 the original concept can re-use textures but as it gets updated they tend to add new ones
19:01 Raven262 Some of them, yes.
19:01 Shara tenplus1: what's the use of adding more ores to MTG when there is barely anything to do with the current ones?
19:02 Raven262 Cause we need them!
19:02 Shara >.>
19:02 Raven262 *thinks of an explanation*
19:02 tenplus1 caves are boring, mining can be boring without things to mine for... you get sick of collecting basic ores after a while
19:02 Raven262 that^
19:02 Raven262 Also
19:03 Raven262 All the tools in mtg look the same, just noticed
19:03 Shara So add stuff other than ores underground.
19:03 Raven262 Obsidian blobs would be nice
19:03 Shara Or give the ores real uses
19:03 Shara Or make it so it's not so easy to skip whole tiers of tools
19:04 tenplus1 that's why we need a decent GAME included to give uses to all these nodes/ores etc
19:04 Shara I'm doubting MTG can ever be it, quite honestly.
19:05 Shara I want it to but...
19:05 * Shara hides under a rock, and doesn't even care what colour it is at all
19:05 Shara :P
19:05 Raven262 Its a grey rock, i'm sure.
19:05 Raven262 But anyways, minetest game is not really a survival game itself.
19:06 Raven262 And what you basically want to make, Shara, is a survival game.
19:06 Shara Actually not specifically
19:06 Raven262 But the current point of minetest game is not survival, but building.
19:06 Raven262 That is why it is easy to master it.
19:06 Shara According to who?
19:07 Raven262 Everyone?
19:07 Shara No.
19:07 Raven262 No?
19:07 paramat 'caves are boring' 1 or 2 new ores won't change that
19:07 Shara It's not a building game according to me. :P
19:07 Raven262 Well, it is.
19:07 Shara It has way too limited a node set for that
19:07 Raven262 It is not at all hard to survive in the minetest_game world
19:08 Shara If it's not a survival game, it wouldn't have those hearts on the screen at all.
19:08 KaadmY It its current state, I would call Minetest a sandbox biolerplate
19:08 Raven262 It has basically zero survival elements
19:08 KaadmY boilerplate*
19:08 Shara KaadmY: Yup
19:08 Raven262 Your only enemy is gravity
19:08 paramat once i add underground decorations then underground will become more interesting
19:08 KaadmY Raven262: and drowning
19:08 KaadmY And lava
19:08 Raven262 That too
19:08 Raven262 Those two are hard to get killed by
19:09 Shara MTG is basically a template that can be expanded on, and not much else, as it stands
19:09 KaadmY I'm just waiting for underwater plants and underhanging decorations to be stable
19:09 Raven262 "A base for mods"
19:10 Shara It's not even that really.
19:10 KaadmY Also, is there a way for subgames/mods to have per-world metadata?
19:10 KaadmY Without adding extra files
19:10 paramat it's not up to core devs to write a new subgame, we're already overwhelmed with engine work and MTG
19:11 Shara paramat: I don't think anyone is expecting you to.
19:11 Raven262 MTG is there to show what *can* be done in the engine.
19:11 Raven262 I get it now.
19:11 tenplus1 devs do a good job in fixing bugs and adding new features for the modders to play with
19:11 paramat indeed MTG is a mod base, it's not a complete building game
19:11 Shara Cut off keys from doors (and a couple of other things) and I will consider it a modbase again
19:12 Raven262 Hey, keys are there also to show what can be done in the engine.
19:13 Shara They shouldn't be part of the base you are building from though, since then you are locked into to doing it that way unless you change the base
19:13 Shara -to*
19:13 Shara And if you have to remove chunks of the base, it's not a base anymore. It's something else
19:13 Raven262 True
19:13 tenplus1 keys in their current form are annoying
19:13 paramat there's some support for separating keys
19:14 Shara paramat: there has been a fair bit of support for quite some time
19:14 paramat rubenwardy ^ ?
19:14 KaadmY Why can't MTG be renamed to minimal?
19:14 KaadmY Since it basically is
19:14 paramat it isn't
19:14 paramat and we have minimal
19:14 KaadmY (Why does minimal use 0.3 textures anyway)
19:15 paramat because no-one can be bothered to work on it hehe
19:15 paramat we only work on it if something breaks :]
19:18 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
19:21 paramat rubenwardy has 3 devs support so go ahead
19:22 tenplus1 +100
19:42 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
19:42 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
19:43 tenplus1 wb tommy
19:48 lisac joined #minetest-hub
19:48 octacian joined #minetest-hub
19:49 tenplus1 wb octacian
19:49 tenplus1 hi lisac
19:49 octacian Thanks tenplus1 :D
19:49 * octacian thinks this will probably be the last day he'll really be here for ~2months
19:50 tenplus1 ooh err, you off somewhere nice ?
19:50 octacian Sorta
19:50 octacian I'll be actually gone for 10days
19:50 tenplus1 postcards all around!!!!!
19:50 octacian But then I plan on taking a break from MT. I spend wayy too much time on it, and want to develop some more useful real-world skills, like WordPress and Python
19:51 tenplus1 ahh, learning new stuff... I hear ya
19:51 octacian Yeah, stuff that's specifically actually quite useful in the real-world xD
19:51 nerzhul wordpress is not a devel language it's a framework for doing news sites or blogs
19:51 tenplus1 :) good luck with all that dude
19:51 nerzhul if you want php use symfony
19:52 lisac Hi tenplus1
19:52 tenplus1 o/
19:52 nerzhul real world is world where your skills have value :)
19:53 octacian nerzhul: Yes, but it has a very comprehensive PHP API to learn
19:53 octacian And along with WP, I OFC plan on improving my PHP knowledge
19:53 octacian Although I've already built an entire DB, so not *too* worried about that xD
19:55 nerzhul wordpress is not a good point to begin with correct PHP code
19:55 nerzhul built an entire DB is not the correct DB under load
19:55 nerzhul it's slight different, and also, NEVER use ORM
19:56 octacian DB wasn't built using WP though, it was built from scratch
19:56 nerzhul polish your DB, talk with it
19:56 octacian ORM?
19:56 nerzhul shit who fetch automagically your objects from database using crazy query to create objects in your language
19:57 nerzhul just do the proper query, optimized, load th e correct data from database
19:57 octacian And yes, I agree, WP isn't the best place to start. However, I already have a *fairly* comprehensive knowledge in PHP and WP site development is good business
19:57 tenplus1 nite folks :P
19:57 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
19:57 octacian That's exactly how my DB functions
19:59 IhrFussel If I define the local var at the start of my init.lua then I can simply use those vars inside a function and then do something after the function modified them...right? Like local var = 0 function blah() var = 1 end print(var) << it will print 1 correct?
20:04 XtremeHacker joined #minetest-hub
20:11 paramat joined #minetest-hub
20:24 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-hub
21:06 IhrFussel Is there an API function that gets called when collecting an item from the ground??
21:07 IhrFussel I mean when punching an item to collect it
21:08 calcul0n IhrFussel, yes (for the question about local vars)
21:09 calcul0n and i don't think so for the second one, but i'm not sure
21:09 IhrFussel calcul0n, alright thanks although I forgot to add "blah()" in the example code xP ... that would be bad if that's not possible
21:09 IhrFussel I'm creating a quest system and one type of quests should be "collect X loot from monsters"
21:11 calcul0n hmm, but how would you know they're coming from monsters ?
21:11 IhrFussel Cause only monsters drop them
21:11 calcul0n ho ok
21:12 IhrFussel Like lava orbs in Mobs Redo...AFAIK only Lava Flans drop them
21:13 * Shara would love to see a nice quest system
21:13 calcul0n well, the only way i see is to check player's inventory from times to times, but it won't work if you put some loots in a chest
21:14 elinor joined #minetest-hub
21:14 calcul0n and players would be able to cheat, as i can fill the quest then give all the loots to someone else :)
21:33 NatedaGr8 joined #minetest-hub
21:37 IhrFussel I will skip that quest type for now...the next one is "gathering resources"
21:43 lisac IhrFussel,
21:43 Raven262 ^
21:49 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
22:00 lisac IhrFussel, Are you lost in the depths of tvtropes now?
22:01 Raven262 IhrFussel, not every mob should drop the quest item.
22:01 Qbiq joined #minetest-hub
22:01 lisac yeah make it like the true silver quest
22:02 lisac ~5% droprate
22:02 lisac so that player has to genocide poor murlocks a few times
22:02 Raven262 "Turns out only pristine bear asses will do, even when the woodsman just wants twenty bears dead and doesn't actually want to make anything out of the bear asses."
22:04 Raven262 lisac:
22:04 lisac saw that one
22:04 Raven262 Have to recommend that to ten
22:04 Raven262 for mobs_redo
22:06 lisac Raven262,
22:37 Fixer paramat: is not wooden stuff actually burns in lava?
22:38 Fixer paramat: i've dropped torch in lava sources and within few seconds it burned to smoke
22:38 elinor Flammable items are destroyed in lava.
22:38 paramat erm lava ignites flammable items?
22:39 paramat it should do
22:39 octacian I think flammable stuff should burn instantly in lava, and only after a time in fire
22:39 octacian heh, In my subgame I even make non-flammable stuff burn in lava (but with delay). All but obsidian.
22:40 elinor
22:41 Fixer paramat: dropped torch is flammable and is destroyed in flowing/source lava / I've checked
22:41 Fixer paramat: so lava can safely drop torches too
22:42 paramat i wasn't sure if items burn up
22:42 paramat i remember a PR but unsure if it was merged
22:43 paramat however it's still better to remove it and not drop it, to avoid running the code that burns an item
22:45 Fixer it was merged i think
22:45 paramat yeah see it now
22:46 Fixer dropped stone - does not burn, dropped wooden stuff - burns
22:47 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
22:53 paramat ok thanks, and commented
22:59 Fixer octacian: you totally forgot about that renaming tool PR, are you? :trollface:
22:59 octacian Sorta
22:59 octacian half-AFK
23:19 Fixer gas and diesel cars ban starting in 2040
23:19 Fixer fuuck
23:19 Fixer wonder what comes first
23:20 Fixer nevermind
23:22 Fixer what comes first - affordable aftermarket car in Ukraine or petrol car ban... :(
23:22 Fixer i vote pertrol car ban
23:24 octacian Fixer: Please "Watch your language."
23:25 Fixer octacian: i forgot you are here :)
23:25 octacian Fixer: Ok, regarding PR. I didn't entirely forget about it, I just haven't been able to finish it yet. I hope to soon
23:25 octacian You know, it is technically a rule according to the wiki ;) although ti isn't enforced
23:34 paramat we sort of only make a fuss if it gets excessively used
23:36 paramat anyway yes that headline is my dream come true, never thought i'd see such a plan
23:38 octacian paramat: I know, but I prefer if swearing is avoided in general.
23:49 Fixer I prefer not to swear
23:50 KaadmY +1
23:50 Fixer it is just prices are outrageous and it is hard not to swear if c-ron55 gets cheap aftermarket car yet I'm not allowed to import below Euro5 and should buy this half-national car for 12k usd
23:50 KaadmY I can still f***ing swear though :)
23:53 Fixer "The general life of a car is 10 years."
23:53 Fixer hmmm
23:53 Fixer here avg age of the car is 22 years or so
23:54 Fixer i've seen soviet era junk people driving, it is insane, half-rotten

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