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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-07-21

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:06 rubenwardy left #minetest-hub
00:10 octacian Is it possible to have multiple schematics to be chosen randomly when placing a decoration as with sounds?
00:31 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
00:47 LazyJ joined #minetest-hub
00:51 paramat octacian no, but it's been requested and i might do so if i can work out how to
00:55 octacian paramat: What I'm suggesting is a schematic that might be something like schematic.mts.1, etc...
00:55 octacian I'd really appreciate such a feature myself, as I see no better way to vary the height of my jungle trees
01:08 lumidify_ joined #minetest-hub
01:24 paramat not even y-slice prob?
01:25 octacian I wasn't aware of y-slice. What does it do?
01:26 paramat
01:27 elinor joined #minetest-hub
01:27 paramat you can see y-slice probabilities in the lua schematic tables here
01:28 paramat each y-slice defined has a probability of being included in the schematic on generation, if left out that y-slice is skipped, therefore reducing tree height
01:29 octacian Got it. Nice!
01:29 paramat all non-mgv6 trees use this to vary height
01:30 octacian What is the "spawn by" thing you mentioned? Causes things to spawn by only specific nodes?
01:30 paramat btw lowest y-slice of a schem is 'ypos = 0'
01:30 paramat yes within a 1 node radius
01:31 octacian Nice!
01:31 paramat used for mgv6 papyrus to be next to water
01:31 octacian Out of curiosity, why does saveschems not generate schematics using minetest.after(0, ...) in order to prevent having to depend on the mods from which nodes are used?
01:33 paramat when saveschems is run to genrate the schem files, i think it does need to depend on the mods that contain the necessary nodes
01:33 paramat *generate
01:33 paramat but maybe not
01:34 paramat best to run the node defining mods first though
01:34 octacian If minetest.after(0, ...) is used to call the code to generate schematics, the code is not called until the game has fully loaded, and all nodes are registered
01:34 octacian One way or another (either through depends.txt or aforementioned method) all nodes used must be registered first
01:34 paramat only depends are needed to do that
01:34 octacian Yeah, but it can be annoying to add stuff to a depends.txt file
01:35 paramat coding is annoying :]
01:35 octacian Out of curiosity, is it possible to make a WE-like mod with support for probabilities and y-slices?
01:35 octacian No, it's not :P Coding is fun :PP
01:37 octacian hmm, Seems as though you can.
01:37 octacian Would take some major effort though
01:37 octacian Well, I'm gonna do it xD
01:38 octacian paramat: Is it possible to have a node with a low probability where a different node is used if the node with a low probability isn't used?
01:39 octacian Dunno if that made sense
02:06 tumeninodes left #minetest-hub
02:19 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
02:20 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
02:27 paramat joined #minetest-hub
02:30 paramat a WE-like schem saving mod is needed that supports probabilities, y-slice and per-node force-place (very important)
02:30 paramat needs to be able to set prob for nodes that cannot be punched, like liquids or airlike nodes
02:32 paramat "a node with a low probability where a different node is used if the node with a low probability isn't used?" possible yes but not sure if we would think it justified
02:33 paramat i mean, it's possible to code, the feature is not possible currently
02:41 octacian paramat: Got it
02:41 octacian paramat: My thought was that a formspec could be added with an inventory slot which when items were added to it would allow settings to be changed.
05:27 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
05:30 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
05:30 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
06:11 CWz joined #minetest-hub
06:26 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
08:26 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
08:26 tenplus1 hi folks
08:27 Dumbeldor joined #minetest-hub
08:28 tenplus1 hi Dumbeldor
08:28 Dumbeldor Hi tenplus1, what's up ? :)
08:30 tenplus1 making pannini for breakfast :DDD you ?
08:33 Dumbeldor Haha great :D I work with Microsoft Power bi :'(
08:33 tenplus1 power bi?
08:34 Dumbeldor for make a graph
08:34 tenplus1 ohh
08:35 Dumbeldor It's boring x)
08:36 tenplus1 yeah, doesnt look too exciting in the screenshots :DDD
08:36 Dumbeldor x)
08:38 Dumbeldor Give me a panini please :D
08:39 tenplus1 ehehe, spicy humous with italian ham and herbs :PPP  *nom*  *share*
08:39 Dumbeldor Miam
08:41 * Shara runs in and nicks one
08:41 tenplus1 *panic*
08:41 Shara Thanks, needed that :P
08:41 tenplus1 sudden Shara is sudden
08:42 tenplus1 how's you ?
08:42 Shara :)
08:42 Shara Just about to run into work :(
08:42 tenplus1 aww, no friday off ?
08:45 Shara I wish
08:45 Shara But time to go, see you later
08:45 tenplus1 have fun :P
08:45 Shara Thanks for the breakfast :P
09:03 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
09:03 tenplus1 hi raven
09:03 Raven262 Hi tenplus1
09:03 tenplus1 :P
09:27 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
09:28 tenplus1 hi fussel
09:29 IhrFussel Okay I was wondering why my footstep sounds didn't work anymore on my MERGED the breaking PR I need to find a way to get the last version before that merge again
09:30 tenplus1 ???? huh ????
09:31 IhrFussel "make collisionbox settable" got merged last night
09:31 IhrFussel It breaks all 0.4.X versions ... I hear no footstep sound with my client
09:31 CWz git reset --hard
09:31 IhrFussel I installed via PPA
09:32 tenplus1 it says that it will break client, it's preparing for 0.4.7 / 0.5.0 update.... also hi CWz
09:32 CWz welp.. rip
09:32 CWz 0.4.7?
09:32 tenplus1 this is the dev release where the breakages will start appearing
09:33 tenplus1 havent installed yet to test tho
09:33 CWz anyway git reset --hard 5045bdc6d81445ecf600ff9c268886cada935a7f should fix it for git
09:33 IhrFussel I know that they said it in the forum...but I was following the dev closely to see if the breaking Ps got merged yet...I was just too quick just now with updating
09:33 tenplus1 downgrade to previous dev
09:33 IhrFussel PRs*
09:34 IhrFussel I will have to install my client with git directly now it seems, there is no way to reverse a PPA version
09:35 cx384 joined #minetest-hub
09:35 CWz anyway loggin into an non latest git server will make it look like your floating
09:35 tenplus1 what Os you using ???
09:40 tenplus1 k, am installing latest daily build, gonna test out player collisionbox thang :P
09:40 IhrFussel Xubuntu 16.04 64-bit ... I'm using the 1 line script by Calinou now ... so I just need to cd into the minetest directory then and type the git reset command?
09:41 tenplus1 dude, why not just download daily builds from launchpad:
09:41 tenplus1 and it goes back to previous releases
09:41 CWz this one to be exact. "git reset --hard 5045bdc6d81445ecf600ff9c268886cada935a7f"
09:42 CWz and the recompile it
09:43 IhrFussel So "cd minetest/ then git reset --hard [hash]" and then??
09:43 IhrFussel Start from cmake again?
09:43 tenplus1 ok, latest dev still has falling glitch where I can walk through a node and fall into the landscape
09:43 tenplus1 and that's without noclip
09:44 IhrFussel tenplus1, are the footsteps gone for you too though?
09:44 tenplus1 am using singleplayer, but yes
09:45 tenplus1 this is eriously flawed
09:45 tenplus1 *seriously
09:47 IhrFussel It's client side...footsteps won't work on 0.4.X servers either (which is to be expected since it breaks compat)
09:48 IhrFussel But singleplayer at least should work since no 0.4.X stuff is involved
09:48 tenplus1 ok, issue fixed... invisibility potion has compatibility with new client
09:48 tenplus1 checking armor
09:48 tenplus1 I dont fall through earth now
09:48 tenplus1 and eyeline isnt 1 higher than it should be
09:50 tenplus1 k, 3d armor mod has player sunken into the landscape 1 deeper than they should be
09:51 tenplus1 testing on server
09:51 IhrFussel CWz, worked, thanks
09:52 tenplus1 yup, this aint good... mods need to have compatibility with new changes before it's playable on servers
09:52 tenplus1 invisibility mod works ok now, was an easy change... 3d armor needs new model
09:53 IhrFussel So I will stay on this commit now (last one before breakage) until 0.4.17 is released
09:53 tenplus1 +100
09:54 IhrFussel Kinda sad that I will not be able to use useful features that are added between now and release but oh well
09:54 tenplus1 k, back to previous build...  am staying here too fussel...
09:56 tenplus1 no-one will use 0.4.17 for server use unless every client is running the same...
09:56 IhrFussel I'm pretty sure almost nobody will switch to 0.5 at release since most mods seem to be incompatible with it + servers would lose 99% or so players
09:56 tenplus1 and even then all mods needs to be working
09:57 tenplus1 exactly...  once 0.5.0 is out and available for linux/windows/android and the mods are compatible, no-one will update
09:58 IhrFussel Many mods were created by people that aren't even around anymore
09:58 tenplus1 if it changes player model/collisionbox at all then it wont work
09:59 tenplus1 my invisibility potion mod is an easy fix... I removed collisionbox changes and used visual size instead which works fine
09:59 IhrFussel That was only the FIRST breaking PRs...AFAIK there are at least 2 others that will get merged soon
09:59 tenplus1 stu is gonna have to redo his 3d armor model completely for this to work
09:59 tenplus1 which ones ?
10:00 IhrFussel Not sure if the PRs already exist but I read somewhere in IRC log that it's expected to merge more breaking features before 0.5.0 release since the devs see it as "allowance to break everything"
10:01 tenplus1 would be nice to have a minetest-next build that could be installed alongside minetest stable for testing purposes
10:03 IhrFussel I hope no server owner has the auto-git-update still set ... or even worse would be when a server has that auto-update feature and the server owner is nowhere to be found to stop/reset it
10:32 tenplus1 Xanadu is locked on previous build and updated with new TNT/Signs changes
10:32 tenplus1 brb
10:51 tenplus1 damn, earthquake and tsunami warning in greece/turkey...
11:06 CWz shit
11:06 CWz i know someone from greece
11:07 tenplus1 magnitude 6.7 12km from Bitez, turkey
11:07 tenplus1 sadly 2 dead
11:07 tenplus1 200 injured
11:34 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
11:34 tenplus1 hi DS
11:34 tenplus1 o/
11:34 DS-minetest hi
11:35 tenplus1 got a 'lil something for you to try:
11:36 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
11:37 tenplus1 hi thomas
11:38 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
11:38 tenplus1 hi Jordach
11:38 Jordach tenplus1, ayy lmao
11:39 ThomasMonroe hey ten
11:39 Jordach while copying my desktops local music library to my surface
11:39 tenplus1 heyo
11:39 Jordach i got a goddamn high speed going
11:39 Jordach
11:39 tenplus1 sweet
11:42 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
11:43 tenplus1 o/ fixer
11:46 tenplus1 yeah, we definitely need a minetest-next for people to test new features that doesnt interfere with current minetest installs
11:47 Fixer hi
11:52 lisac joined #minetest-hub
11:52 tenplus1 hi lisac
11:52 lisac Hey comrade
11:52 * tenplus1 salutes
11:55 LazyJ joined #minetest-hub
11:55 tenplus1 hi LazyJ
11:56 CWz Hey LazyJ
11:56 LazyJ Howdy tenplus1 and CWz ;)
12:01 tenplus1 do any of you guys use TNT on your servers ? gameplay ?
12:02 Wayward_One hi all :)
12:02 tenplus1 hi wayward
12:04 Raven262 Hello Wayward_One
12:05 LazyJ tenplus1 - TNT, no.
12:05 tenplus1 :P no worries... looking for a few peeps to test my changes
12:08 CWz when playing on server the newest git make you taller and too other it appear sas you are floating off the ground. a ban hazzard
12:08 CWz the compatibilty breaking era has began
12:08 tenplus1 the latest dev is best avoided, it messes with gameplay, older clients and player model mods
12:08 tenplus1 'das why we need minetest-next to test new changes without messing with default game
12:09 LazyJ How are singleplayer worlds affected by the latest dev?
12:09 CWz in what way does it mess with player model mods?
12:09 tenplus1 you fall through the earth at times LazyJ
12:09 LazyJ Oh, that again.
12:09 tenplus1 3d armor uses it's own player model, which isnt compatible with the new model (yet) so you appear sunken in the ground
12:09 Wayward_One wow, so i git pulled just before the first break lol
12:10 LazyJ When was the last git before the more messy break?
12:10 tenplus1 it begins!!!!
12:10 tenplus1 am using pull on 17th
12:10 CWz A 4 tuna
12:10 tenplus1 working a-ok
12:10 CWz need more tuna
12:10 LazyJ 17th? Good for singleplayer still?
12:11 CWz Commits on Jul 19, 2017  is also good
12:12 CWz if anyone updated today  "git reset --hard 5045bdc6d81445ecf600ff9c268886cada935a7f" should fix that
12:12 CWz hey LazyJ did you hey did ya get my pm?
12:13 LazyJ CWz - Yup. Getting pinged a lot atm.
12:13 CWz how much
12:14 Fixer_ joined #minetest-hub
12:15 CWz Scaleward?
12:17 IhrFussel WHAT? It says "TeTpaAka committed with paramat on 29 May 2015" about the player collision box...the PR is THAT old??
12:18 CWz That's a grandpa commit
12:18 tenplus1 eheh
12:18 * Amaz has been waiting for it for years now :)
12:19 CWz damn it soldiers, don't grandpafy this game!!!
12:19 IhrFussel Really weird to see that one commit from 2015 between the other recent ones that say "X days ago"
12:19 tenplus1 the player model did need looking at sooner or later... the -1 collisionbox was always strange
12:39 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
12:39 tenplus1 hi Darcidride
12:40 RobbieF joined #minetest-hub
12:41 tenplus1 hi RobbieF
12:41 LazyJ What was the problem that the default carts have when anticheat is enabled?
12:41 tenplus1 aniticheat kicks in when player moves too fast, and when inside a cart they move too fast
12:42 LazyJ Any ideas what bit of code to adjust and where?
12:42 tenplus1 personally I turn OFF anticheat...
12:43 LazyJ Either up the anticheat speed limit or slow down the carts but to what extent?
12:43 tenplus1 slowing down carts wont help, then players wont use them if they dont give a speed boost
12:43 CWz antichea is off is invite to hackers to piss around everywhere building lava lag mechines
12:43 DS-minetest aww it would be at so many mods useful if they could disable anticheat speed limitation per player
12:43 LazyJ Given how much trouble recently, I'm keeping anticheat on, even for what little it does.
12:44 * DS-minetest doesn't like anticheat
12:46 tenplus1 I even turn off rollback to speed up server
12:46 VanessaE one thing anti-cheat needs to stop-fricken-doing is resetting my view yaw/pitch
12:46 VanessaE that's irritating as all fuck
12:47 lisac hey maybe if mods could disable anticheat per player?
12:47 emmanuel_ joined #minetest-hub
12:47 lisac ex. carts mod could mark the player as anticheat immune while he is inside a cart
12:47 tenplus1 and then mods appear donig the same for hacked clients
12:48 lisac maybe then change the max speed per player?
12:48 lisac it might still allow hackers to enter carts, then move at a higher speed
12:49 tenplus1 yeah... wonder what it's set to just now
12:49 lisac tenplus1, it is less then running speed
12:49 lisac yet running won't trigger anticheat
12:50 tenplus1 wb fussel
12:51 lisac
12:51 lisac player_max_speed = m_player->movement_speed_fast * m_physics_override_speed;
12:51 lisac so...
12:51 lisac maybe carts could grant fast to the player inside?
12:51 lisac and set him as running?
12:54 RobbieF Hi tenplus1-greetbot! How are ya my friend?
12:54 tenplus1 good thanks, tinkering as always... finished tnt changes
12:55 lisac Hey apparently it skips whole check if isAttached() returns 1
12:56 tenplus1 so it SHOULD work with carts and boats then ?!?!
12:56 IhrFussel Thanks^^
12:56 lisac I wouldn't know
12:56 lisac probably
12:56 lisac if carts set player as attached
12:56 lisac and not just set its position
12:56 tenplus1 carts definitely set player as attached
12:57 tenplus1 as do boats, horses and most vehicles
12:57 lisac player:set_attach(obj, "", {x=0, y=6, z=0}, {x=0, y=0, z=0})
12:57 lisac heh
12:57 lisac maybe it's not anticheat that triggers it?
12:58 lisac I would test this out, but I can't get MT to compile on windows
13:02 lisac tenplus1, Carts also go forward-backward when there is no player inside
13:02 tenplus1 that's true... but player is_attached() when inside a cart or entity...
13:02 tenplus1 so anticheat shoudl eb able to see this
13:04 tenplus1 if not then it is flawed and causing player to jitter on purpose
13:05 lisac tenplus1, I doubt anticheat is causing it
13:05 lisac or carts would go normally without the player inside
13:06 tenplus1 wait, is it just the carts jittering then ???
13:06 lisac yeah
13:06 lisac after some speed, they go forward-backward in multiplayer
13:06 lisac works fine in singleplayer
13:06 tenplus1 ahhh, ok... it's just entity lag...
13:06 tenplus1 that happens on server
13:06 lisac or maybe anticheat is picking up carts as players
13:06 lisac tenplus1, nope. Carts won't move.
13:07 lisac they just go forward-backward in a loop
13:07 lisac after going over player walk speed
13:07 lisac you can join to craigs server, I can show you
13:07 tenplus1 ok, lemmie see
13:08 tenplus1 heh, someone already has TenPlus1 nick it seems
13:09 Raven262 Well thats odd
13:09 Raven262 As far as i remember you didn't yet join
13:09 Raven262 lemme check the ip
13:09 Raven262 Nope TenPlus1 is not in our database
13:43 tenplus1 weird, said I was entering wrong password
13:47 Raven262 Must have been taken a few years before
13:47 tenplus1 heh
13:47 Raven262 we don't have the ip logs from then
13:47 * CWz watches two noobs fight each other on his server while invisable
13:48 tenplus1 ahahaha
13:48 Raven262 lol
13:48 tenplus1 it's fun to do that, just flaot around checking players out
13:48 Raven262 I once had a mass murder case on craig's
13:48 Raven262 on spawn
13:48 tenplus1 erk, that's why pvp protection is on for Xanadu
13:49 Raven262 but, you can't kick people when they did nothing wrong, tenplus1.
13:49 Raven262 And whats you satisfaction then?
13:49 Raven262 *your
13:49 tenplus1 they can kill one another outwith spawn and their own protected areas :D
13:49 Raven262 I got killed a few times on Craig's
13:49 Raven262 I happily ban people for it
13:50 tenplus1 heh, I started on Clip's anarchy server, that was a fun time
13:54 lisac joined #minetest-hub
14:05 Amaz joined #minetest-hub
14:28 tenplus1 what's the benefits of using a stair model over nodebox ??
14:30 VanessaE there really isn't one
14:30 VanessaE not for something that simple anyway
14:30 tenplus1 hrm... always wondered about that one...  somehow thought they drew quicker
14:30 VanessaE (well other than if you just don't like nodebox syntax)
14:30 tenplus1 heh... also hi :P
14:30 VanessaE nah, the engine converts them into meshes internally anyway
14:30 VanessaE hi :)
14:31 tenplus1 was considering having the new corner .obj's added to stairs redo, but it works fine as-is
14:31 VanessaE there's already a couple of things like that
14:31 VanessaE there's a proposal to add it to mt_game
14:31 tenplus1 yeah saw that one
14:31 VanessaE and of course moreblocks and I think xdecor have it
14:31 VanessaE there would be a very small advantage to a mesh btw
14:32 VanessaE nodebox stairs would have two more polys than an equivalent mesh (the bottom side of the upper step)
14:32 tenplus1 hrm...  did you hear about the lavalamp not displaying properly in new dev versions ?
14:32 VanessaE no?
14:32 VanessaE I use hardware coloring and texture overlays to get the blue water + colored wax effectr
14:32 VanessaE -r
14:33 VanessaE got a link?
14:33 tenplus1 was in channel...  certain water textures werent showing properly, as were coloured glass
14:33 tenplus1 dunno if it was shaders or not
14:33 VanessaE is it related to that bug I saw with unifiedbricks?
14:33 tenplus1 dunno, what was that bug ?
14:34 LazyJ VanessaE:
14:34 tenplus1 yeah, it's related
14:34 tenplus1 lot of strange issues cropping up
14:34 VanessaE oh interesting
14:34 LazyJ And HomeDecor's plazma lamps may or may not have an issue.
14:34 VanessaE plasma lamps are just plain nodes node, LazyJ
14:34 VanessaE a simple mesh with an animated texture with alpha
14:35 LazyJ In the 0.4.16 clients the plasma lamps are not animated.
14:35 VanessaE nothing fancy
14:35 VanessaE I already fixed that.
14:35 LazyJ Ah.
14:35 tenplus1 ah kewl... is it merged, would like to see soluition :P
14:35 LazyJ I haven't worked my way through updating HomeDecor yet.
14:35 VanessaE tenplus1: yeah, current homedecor has the fix for the cubic plasma lamps
14:35 tenplus1 also thx for adding that pull to signs_lib... :)
14:35 VanessaE yw
14:36 tenplus1 lavalamps were updated 26 days ago... is it that one ?
14:36 tenplus1 or local git ?
14:36 tenplus1 am on minetest-mods
14:37 VanessaE tenplus1: those lava lamps use a texture overlay for blue water and param2 coloring for the "lava"/wax.
14:37 VanessaE that's the most recent chane.
14:37 VanessaE change*
14:38 VanessaE LazyJ is referring to the cube-shapes plasma lamps that used to use the "framed glass" draw type.  That broke in 0.4.16 so I turned them into plain ordinary mesh nodes.
14:38 VanessaE shaped*
14:45 tenplus1 am looking for a run-in-place version of latest dev to test for breakages
14:50 LazyJ Eww... the new wield-hand motion is really buggy after teleporting.
14:51 tenplus1 yup, and at times hand disappears
14:51 LazyJ TravelNet elevator to a floor above and my wield hand looks like it is hyperactively washing the windows. :p
14:51 tenplus1 lol
15:00 LazyJ I gather testing is minimal before merging.
15:00 LazyJ Oy, this is bad.
15:00 tenplus1 any mods that change player model or collisionbox will need to be redone and tested using newer builds
15:01 LazyJ So are the planned breaks only affecting network connectivity and the player model?
15:01 tenplus1 I think so.. but more may squeeze themselves in
15:02 LazyJ What other mod issues will I have to straddle compatibility changes across?
15:02 tenplus1 gotta wait and see...
15:02 LazyJ Heh.
15:02 tenplus1 that's why I want a run_in_place version of latest daily's to test...
15:06 paramat joined #minetest-hub
15:06 tenplus1 hi paramat
15:10 paramat yeah .obj meshnodes avoid drawing internal faces, nodeboxes are converted to meshnodes but keep internal faces, so some advantage, but not essential
15:11 tenplus1 I usually turn off backface culling with stairs anyhoo for those nodeboxes
15:11 tenplus1 does that help ?
15:18 paramat not sure
15:19 tenplus1 when I noclip inside my stairs/corners/slopes it doesnt draw inside... I assume that's good ;DD
15:19 paramat it is
15:20 paramat you mean 'turn on' backface culling? we do that automatically now in MTG
15:20 tenplus1 that's where I got it from :DDDDD
15:29 tenplus1 the less it has to draw the better :P ehehe...
15:30 tenplus1 nom time :) brb
15:30 LazyJ Is there way to search the -dev and -hub archives' website by keywords instead of searching individual days?
15:30 tenplus1 dunno, takes me all my time to search for past pulls
15:32 Amaz You could try something like "keyword" (Seems to work in DuckDuckGo)
15:32 LazyJ Thanks Amaz, will try that route.
15:32 Amaz Although that does just give a list of various days on which the keyword has been mentioned, so it may be of limited use...
15:33 LazyJ Present attempt may be too recent for the search bots to have crawled the archives for.
15:47 LazyJ Found what I was looking for - the JSON option for compiling. Now... which is better to use, the system's json or the one bundled with MT?
15:47 octacian LazyJ: Just use whichever works. AFAIK there's no difference really.
15:48 tenplus1 hi octacian
15:48 octacian Hey tenplus1
15:50 LazyJ Heh. The flag isn't mentioned in README.txt.
15:50 LazyJ What other flags are missing?
15:52 octacian Dunno. Not very familiar with the compiler flags in general
15:54 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
15:57 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
15:58 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
16:00 Krock joined #minetest-hub
16:00 tenplus1 hi Krock
16:00 Krock hi tenplus1
16:00 tenplus1 *sips le coffee*
16:01 Krock *writes le code*
16:01 tenplus1 ehehe
16:01 tenplus1 what code ya got today ?
16:02 Krock still the 45 deg rails :<
16:04 paramat i wouldn't bother with diagonal sloping rails, just the ones on the flat
16:04 tenplus1 I think it was the vertical's he was working on so it's a gradual slope and not 90 degree angles
16:05 tenplus1 or did I get that wrong :) ahaha
16:08 Krock it's just that the slope detection requires 4 (or 8) more node lookups and group comparisons
16:08 Krock and the code should be as fast as possible
16:08 Krock also logic >9000
16:09 tenplus1 so placement will be slower but riding the rails will be same
16:09 Krock placement and rendering of new/updated mapblocks
16:13 ThomasMonroe bye guys i gtg for today
16:19 paramat in that case, don't bother with sloping diagonals
16:23 paramat sloping rails are already diagonals anyway in the vertical planes :]
16:23 tenplus1 so long as the carts ride along the rails well enough it's all good :D
16:28 tenplus1 would be nice if entities had an on_despawn function
16:28 tenplus1 carts still has the ghost sound when it disappears
16:48 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
16:55 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
16:56 tenplus1 wb
16:56 DS-minetest thx
16:59 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
17:11 tenplus1 brb
17:11 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
17:36 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
17:42 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
17:43 tenplus1 back... am running native Lubuntu 17.10
17:44 Shara Hello all
17:44 tenplus1 hi Shara :P
17:47 Shara Hi 11, how goes?
17:47 tenplus1 good thx, just upgraded to Lubuntu 17.10 for testing :) how's you ?
17:47 Krock joined #minetest-hub
17:47 tenplus1 wb Krock
17:48 Krock  "what are meshes"  (OpenTTD-like 45deg rails)
17:48 Krock ty
17:49 benrob0329 Niice
17:49 Krock no, it looks awful
17:49 VanessaE konkhoritisan (sp) had a plan for that also
17:49 benrob0329 Looks a little spread out, but that's forgivable
17:49 benrob0329 IMO anyways
17:49 VanessaE if you double up the texture it should look ok
17:49 Krock I have no clue of how meshes work, thus this ugly 32x32px texture
17:50 tenplus1 interesting though :D
17:56 Shara Not bad, just wish I could solve these messed up textures.
17:56 Krock diagonal rails side by side but it doesn't look like you imagine right now:
17:57 Krock :trollface:
17:57 Krock Shara, would need a mesh replacement
17:57 Krock each rail type will have its own "animation" number
17:58 Krock i.e. new drawtype
18:03 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
18:03 Shara I meant the differences in glass and liquid textures
18:04 Krock oh lol
18:05 Krock make both #0000 (ARGB)  ;)
18:05 tumeninodes joined #minetest-hub
18:05 tenplus1 wb tumeninodes
18:05 Shara I am close to giving up on fixing things at this rate
18:05 LazyJ Why do super stacks break down to 99 again when moved to another slot?
18:06 tenplus1 it's built into the inventory management now I think
18:06 Shara Now I have to go and shower a cat >.>
18:06 tumeninodes holy bejesus tenplus1, my screen hadn't even loaded yet :P hi
18:06 tenplus1 use to be able to give yourself 4000 stone... now it splits it between slots
18:06 LazyJ Not a good thing.
18:07 tumeninodes tenplus1, it's a lousy vid
18:07 VanessaE wat
18:07 VanessaE WHO THE...
18:07 VanessaE WHAT
18:08 LazyJ Super stacks had their usefulness when repairing tore up land in survival mode servers.
18:08 Krock thanks for HD but watching in 240p due internet problems :P
18:08 VanessaE oh that's gotta be a bug
18:08 VanessaE please tell me that's a bug
18:08 tenplus1 lazyj, now we have creative priv that lets you place the same block over and over :D
18:09 Wayward_One good luck, Shara :P
18:09 tumeninodes heh I'm garbage with recording
18:09 LazyJ And does the default creative priv conflict with Unified Inventory's creative priv?
18:09 Krock tumeninodes, set the active block range to 3
18:09 tenplus1 ehe, d rops to 6fps on explosion
18:09 tenplus1 but seems to work fine and not go into infinite loop :)) yaay
18:10 tumeninodes krock, will try later
18:10 tumeninodes yeh it worked awesome, although locked up at the very end and I think I heard my lappy crying
18:10 LazyJ So when I give a player a super stack to do repairs with, it floods their inventory. :/
18:10 tenplus1 blowing up so many at once :) heh
18:10 garywhite tumeninodes: I've done similar to that video, but smaller scale
18:10 tenplus1 yeah LazyJ
18:11 tumeninodes draw time jitter hit 1300+%
18:11 tenplus1 hi gary
18:11 tenplus1 did you compare with default tnt ?
18:11 LazyJ Oy... another engine tweak to revert.
18:11 tumeninodes I've done the same in the past with default, do not remember it going so well
18:11 garywhite hi ten
18:12 tenplus1 :PP
18:12 KaadmY Could we get inv:push_item() in addition to inv:add_item() or something?
18:12 tumeninodes take into consideration though, a recording program was running at the same time
18:13 tenplus1 good point... seems to have run okie :) thanks dude
18:13 tenplus1 KaadmY: what does push_item do differently ?
18:13 KaadmY tenplus1: doesn't split the stack
18:13 tenplus1 ahh, good idea
18:13 KaadmY It's really annoying having /giveme split stacks into the max_stack
18:13 tumeninodes np. I'll do more because I want to show how great the sound was too
18:14 tenplus1 sounds should be tweaked also so that every player on server wont hear explosion :PP eheh
18:14 tumeninodes you mean outside of a certain radius right? because players close enough should
18:15 tumeninodes oh, nvm I just re read that :P
18:15 tenplus1 yeah...   sound radius is boom_radius * 20 with a max of 120 nodes distance
18:16 tumeninodes it was fun though..., up until I had to hard reboot and fsck
18:16 tenplus1 what happened to hd ?
18:17 tumeninodes lock up for far longer than i had patience for... so I nailed the pwr button
18:17 tenplus1 when exploding ???
18:18 tumeninodes after the explosions... the redraw had a tough time keeping up
18:18 tenplus1 ouch... run minetest from terminal and if it locks up CTRL+C force closes minetest
18:18 tenplus1 saves your HDD
18:19 tumeninodes definitely good to know I never thought about that
18:19 tenplus1 ehehe
18:19 tenplus1 I have an intel atom so feel the lag and redraw and use CTRL+C to shutdown minetest
18:20 tumeninodes for some reason since I upgraded to Mint 18.1 I seem to run into initramfs here n there
18:20 tenplus1 mint is a bit of a larger desktop manager...
18:21 tumeninodes you mean has?
18:21 tenplus1 yes :P
18:21 tenplus1 am using latest Lubuntu 17.10 as of today with LXDE
18:22 tumeninodes LXDE is nice
18:22 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
18:22 tenplus1 wb thomas
18:22 garywhite wb Tre
18:22 tumeninodes I'm kinda stuck on cinnamon, I like it, it's a little basic, and a little fancy
18:23 tenplus1 ehe, it's good we have the choice :)
18:23 tumeninodes yep choice is a big deal
18:23 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
18:27 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
18:27 tenplus1 hi ka
18:27 tenplus1 hi kaeza
18:28 ThomasMonroe thanks ten, gary
18:28 * tenplus1 cleans his kb again... sticky
18:28 kaeza greetings, tenplus1
18:32 tenplus1 ooh ooooooh... am getting smooth 1080p playback now... omg omg omg
18:33 benrob0329 Noice
18:34 benrob0329 1080p60 is da beeest
18:34 tenplus1 was always jittery as hell before...    17.10 seems to have a few benefits with new kernel so far :D
18:34 * Shara creeps back in
18:35 tenplus1 CREEEEEPER!!!
18:35 * Shara does not explode
18:35 tenplus1 *phew*
18:35 Shara THough maybe I will if I can't fix this
18:36 Amaz Maybe ten will want you to later to test the tnt :P
18:36 Shara Hehehe
18:36 tenplus1 new tnt changes and signs_lib update is live on Xanadu
18:42 * benrob0329 thinks about making a new skin, and then realises he doesn't have any ideas for one
18:43 * benrob0329 also thinks about removing his old videos from the face of the earth
18:43 tenplus1 lol, whyyy
18:45 tumeninodes hi kaeza, Shara, KaadmY, benrob, and anyone I missed :D
18:45 KaadmY :P
18:45 tumeninodes benrob, nooo I like your vids
18:45 benrob0329 tenplus1: imagine pure, liquid cringe
18:45 kaeza greetings, tumeninodes
18:45 KaadmY Liquid cringe
18:45 KaadmY Interesting
18:45 benrob0329 Then pour that over your keyboard and youll get one of my old videos
18:46 tumeninodes sounds like a T-Rex song
18:46 benrob0329 I mean, I sound like im twelve in the really early ones (and I wasn't 12 either..)
18:47 tumeninodes hahaha. Is that MY voice?
18:47 tenplus1 lol
18:48 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-hub
18:48 tenplus1 hi bigfoot
18:48 tumeninodes you could hire James Earl Jones to voiceover I think he needs the work
18:48 tumeninodes hi bigfoor
18:48 tumeninodes ? *t
18:50 bigfoot547 Hi tumeninodes and tenplus1
18:50 benrob0329 tumeninodes: nowadays I have better equipment, so everything should sound much better
18:50 benrob0329 Actually, I need to make a video with my new audio setup
18:51 tenplus1 kewl :P
18:52 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
18:52 tenplus1 wb nrz
18:52 nerzhul hi tenplus1
18:53 tumeninodes hi nerzhul, I have a question
18:53 * tenplus1 checks out movie trailers in glorious HD
18:54 nerzhul yes?
18:54 tumeninodes this is out of my league but am just wondering. Why could the 0.4.xx series be kept as is, with the .17 release for bug fixes
18:55 tumeninodes and create an entirely new repo for 0.5.0
18:55 tumeninodes as an entirely separate entity so it would not break 0.4.xx builds
18:57 nerzhul new repo = bad design from non git users because they don't understand git.
18:57 nerzhul we have already 2 branches for this.
18:57 nerzhul new repo = fork
18:58 tumeninodes ahhh, ok that makes sense
18:58 tumeninodes thank you
18:58 Krock <nerzhul> new repo = bad design from non git users because they don't understand git.
18:59 Krock heh, directly spoken but somewhat true ;)
18:59 tumeninodes heh, I don't get git :P
18:59 Krock git gud
18:59 tumeninodes thpltpltplt
18:59 paramat we've been considering a 0.4.17 branch with some backported bugfixes
19:00 tumeninodes I think it would definitely be welcomed
19:00 Krock but we've already diverged right now.. so when will this 0.4.17 branch idea become a real thing?
19:01 tumeninodes btw hi krock and paramat
19:01 tumeninodes afk
19:02 benrob0329 I think a 0.4xx branch is about as bad of an idea as a 0.3xx branch
19:02 Krock or didn't the settable collision box already break the compat?
19:03 nerzhul stable-0.4 is the backporting branch
19:03 nerzhul i opened a project when we discussed it to list commits to cherry pick/merge
19:03 Krock ah that one. the commit history looked quite ugly last time I checked
19:04 nerzhul it's not up to date but don't hesitate to improve that
19:04 benrob0329 BTW im completely free next week AFAIK
19:04 benrob0329 So any video requests are welcome :PP
19:04 VanessaE I hope 0.4.17 is coming soon though
19:04 Krock benrob0329, free as in free speech and free beer?
19:04 benrob0329 Krock: free as in time :P
19:05 nerzhul nice clion 2017.2 added some good suggestions on STL containers, like use emplace_back instead of push_back
19:05 Krock VanessaE, like our forumers.. one week before releasing 0.4.16 there was already a topic for 0.4.18 IIRC
19:06 tenplus1 gonna need to fix 3d_armor before anyone moves to 0.4.17/18 with new collisionbox changes
19:06 Krock they can't wait but it's nonsense to release without actual changes
19:07 nerzhul no collision box changes in 0.4.17
19:07 nerzhul it's for 0.5
19:08 tenplus1 nrz, didn't the last build contain player collisionbox changes ?
19:08 benrob0329 Idea: keep 0.4 branch stable, call it 0.4-GIT
19:08 nerzhul builds are on master => 0.5
19:08 tenplus1 ah okie
19:09 nerzhul benrob seems you have ridiculous suggestion, branch is a git branch.
19:10 benrob0329 nerzhul: right
19:11 benrob0329 So in other words, keep the .4 branch stable and occasionaly do a build from it for those who cant themselves
19:12 Krock no, call it 0.4-VCS-CVS-SVN because we can
19:12 tenplus1 and have a minetest-next build for 0.5 for testing and mod updates
19:25 TOTALLY_TM well i gtg for today cyall laters
19:31 nerzhul tenplus1 exact
19:34 rubenwardy joined #minetest-hub
19:34 tenplus1 wb ruben
19:34 rubenwardy weird
19:34 rubenwardy silly bouncer
19:36 LazyJ Krock, when I tried your PR for the super stacks it still exhibited the same behavior - moving a super stack from one inventory slot to another split the stack into a 99 stack. Before I was able to move the entire super stack from one slot to another slot.
19:37 rubenwardy so, [offtopic], I made a mistake when copying music, and now my some of the albums I have have duplicated songs -   One song called   1 Songname.ext   and the other  1 - Songname.ext
19:37 rubenwardy what tools should I use?
19:37 LazyJ The moving of the super stack from one slot to another is so I can keep the super stacks at the bottom of my inventory rows and then move them up to the hot bar when repairing the landscape.
19:37 rubenwardy hmmm, just found find -regex
19:38 LazyJ That's the use case for super stacks for me - "filling pot holes" in the landscape after players have strip mined it or when doing renovations/restorations.
19:39 tenplus1 do you have creative priv?
19:39 LazyJ The deleteblocks command causes more damage and clean-up work than it is worth. Particularly when used in worlds older than the last mapgen change to how the map seed is interpreted.
19:39 LazyJ tenplus1, I have all the the privs.
19:40 tenplus1 then a single dirt should allow you to place it continously
19:40 LazyJ That only works for the creative priv.
19:41 tenplus1 thats what I mean... is it your server ? or are you admin ?
19:41 LazyJ The other use case is when players are *not* given the creative priv but given super stacks of varying size as either rewards or when they are helping to repair the land.
19:42 LazyJ tenplus1, I'm testing locally.
19:42 Krock aaagh.. this stack limit drives me grazy
19:42 Krock s/g/c/
19:43 LazyJ On my server I was able to do this prior but had not updated my client until this morning.
19:44 LazyJ I don't want to grant the creative priv and then take it away from players.
19:45 LazyJ Privs like creative are reserved as an incentive for long-term good behavior and above-and-beyond community service in the server.
19:46 LazyJ But there are times when gifts are granted or anonymously left in the form of a super stack.
19:46 LazyJ Parents also appreciate when their very young ones are given a large stack of harmless blocks to spam with.
19:47 LazyJ Give the kiddo a few hundred saplings and a double of that in bonemeal and let them go on a forest planting spree.
19:48 LazyJ Good for the server and keeps the kid happily occupied while Mom and Dad build with less hassle.
19:49 LazyJ Ok, that rant is mostly worked out of my system.
19:50 tenplus1 eheheh
19:52 tenplus1 I think we all have some issues with the latest build
19:56 tenplus1 nite folks :)
19:56 tenplus1 o/
19:56 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
20:17 Krock
20:23 tumeninodes is baaack. Krock, too funny
20:24 bigfoot547 xD
20:24 Krock took me way to long to cut the sound :3
20:24 tumeninodes worth it though, it's perfect
20:26 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
20:27 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
20:27 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
20:29 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
20:30 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
20:32 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
20:32 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
20:33 Krock wtf man
20:33 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
20:33 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
20:34 tumeninodes rubenwardy: (offtopic music) have you tried dupguru?
20:35 rubenwardy tumeninodes, yes, doesn't install:   E: The repository ' zesty Release' does not have a Release file.
20:38 tumeninodes :( bummer
20:39 tumeninodes seem to be losing quite a few old good tools these day :/
20:41 Fuchs rubenwardy: just use fdupes if it is a copy
20:41 Fuchs that will work
20:43 rubenwardy I'll do that
20:43 rubenwardy although I've already done most of them with this script:
20:43 Fuchs note that fdupes is CLI only, if you'd prefer a GUI there are others
20:43 rubenwardy nah, I don't mind CLI
20:43 Fuchs then fdupes should do :)
20:46 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
20:46 rubenwardy done
20:46 rubenwardy although it may have deleted some from albums which they should be in
20:47 rubenwardy like, the same song being in greatest hits and another album I own
20:47 rubenwardy oh well
20:47 tumeninodes doh!
20:47 rubenwardy huh
20:47 rubenwardy just checked one album, and it didn't - the sigs must be slightly different
20:48 rubenwardy ah! it's because I ripped them from a CD, so the analogue to digital is likely to be slightly different
20:48 rubenwardy Thanks Fuchs
20:48 Fuchs rubenwardy: oh, okay, then you need something better. Do the files have tags?
20:49 tumeninodes definitely something I'll be using as well eventually
20:49 rubenwardy it's done now, I don't care that much :D
20:49 Fuchs okay :)
20:50 Fuchs otherwise picard or beets would have done the trick, with more or less fiddling
20:50 RobbieF left #minetest-hub
20:50 tumeninodes Fuchs, don't confuse with giving too many options :P
20:51 Fuchs I'm rather sure he can handle it :)
20:51 tumeninodes I meant me :D
20:51 rubenwardy will keep in mind :)
20:51 Fuchs oh, these were meant for rubenwardy
20:51 tumeninodes I know, but I am interested in file organization so... I butted in
20:52 tumeninodes I'm rude like that :)
20:55 benrob0329 CLI is da bomb
20:59 Fuchs depends a bit on the task, e.g. to find image dupes I do prefer a GUI :p
21:00 Fuchs anyway, yes, fdupes for tumeninodes. And since he likes file organization: have a look at unison if you want that across machines. *nods*
21:02 benrob0329 Fuchs: ranger has images in the terminal :P
21:02 Fuchs sounds a bit like an abomination
21:02 benrob0329 Does it w3m style
21:03 benrob0329 Works really well the way its set up
21:04 benrob0329
21:04 Fuchs I think I keep using what I am already using, but thanks :)
21:05 benrob0329 hjkl ALL THE THINGS
21:05 benrob0329 :PP
21:07 rubenwardy My internet's speed is off the dial on
21:07 tumeninodes Fuchs, unison looks nice, especially for my inhouse media server thanks. never saw it before
21:09 tumeninodes is starting to think rubenwardy has been getting his weather, and some of his mbps mistakenly. I need to speak with management!
21:11 Fuchs welcome
21:12 rubenwardy
21:12 tumeninodes been all cloudy rainy days and pokey internet, with slight breaks of ultra humidity here this Summer, so far
21:13 Fuchs we had a nice little hailstorm
21:13 tumeninodes rubenwardy, I hate you... :P
21:13 tumeninodes oh, hail is fun
21:17 Krock rubenwardy, nice specs. here's mine:
21:18 rubenwardy that better than what I had a few years ago
21:18 sofar that's better than the internet I will have next year
21:18 Krock at least 50 km copper cables with some dial up station in the middle
21:19 KaadmY
21:19 Krock (or whatever may explain why these are so slow)
21:19 sofar I might have 20km of distance to the wifi antenna
21:19 Krock signal = 0
21:19 sofar either that or DSL
21:20 sofar and I'd have to dig 100m of cable for that myself
21:21 sofar heck I should consider putting solar-powered access points around my property :)
21:22 tumeninodes
21:22 Krock is B+ between B and C or between A and B?
21:22 Krock weird grades
21:23 tumeninodes better than B closer to A
21:23 rubenwardy A+ A  A-  B+ B B-
21:23 rubenwardy I believe
21:23 Krock 'A'++ = 'B'
21:23 Shara Hmm, does not give me a grade :(
21:23 rubenwardy therefore, A++ = A+ -1
21:23 rubenwardy oops
21:24 rubenwardy A++ = A- -1
21:24 tumeninodes sofar sounds like you will need a ditch-witch
21:24 Shara But anyway:
21:24 Krock either that or a parabolic antenna
21:25 tumeninodes I dislike when service providers require the customer to provide their own cabling from their property
21:25 Krock but there's definitely a wikihow article for this
21:27 sofar from my work location:
21:28 sofar (ping isn't low, that's just http proxies in the way)
21:28 rubenwardy nice
21:29 tumeninodes heh, find a hidden space at work to squat in ; )
21:29 sofar I probably can get more, but I'm maxing out my gig ethernet
21:29 sofar I should try in the lab with 10gig adapters :)
21:29 sofar perks of a fortune 500 company that's a tech giant ;)
21:30 tumeninodes true dat
21:30 KaadmY sofar: o_O
21:31 sofar KaadmY: it's not so shocking if you know where I work...
21:31 tumeninodes sofar, I'm curious, do they do stop and frisk with lab workers there? :P
21:32 KaadmY sofar: so, where do you work? ;)
21:33 sofar tumeninodes: I can't actually comment on security policy details
21:33 tumeninodes I ask because when I did cabling work at Raytheon, some areas (labs) we had to go through checks each time we went in and out of lab areas
21:33 tumeninodes ah ok sorry, understood
21:33 sofar tumeninodes: however, getting into a clean room pretty much requires you to take off almost all outer layers of clothing since kevlar clean room suits are really hot
21:33 sofar I don't work in a clean room though, or a lab
21:33 sofar KaadmY: Intel
21:34 KaadmY Oh
21:34 KaadmY No wonder :D
21:34 sofar my wife had fun working in the intel fabs when she was 8 months pregnant
21:34 tumeninodes I can imagine
21:35 tumeninodes oh gosh!
21:36 rubenwardy I know someone that works at ARM
21:36 tumeninodes I was going to whine about how hard it was to do my job with anti-static accessories but... seems inferior now haha
21:36 rubenwardy they have similar speeds
21:38 tumeninodes I'm off to go burn dinner. night everyone
21:38 bigfoot547 Bye
21:38 tumeninodes left #minetest-hub
21:50 twoelk|2 joined #minetest-hub
21:53 paramat joined #minetest-hub
22:29 Calinou hi, I'm in holiday in Normandy :)
22:31 paramat \O/
23:22 rubenwardy
23:24 rubenwardy !title
23:24 ShadowBot rubenwardy: Upload image to server over SFTP and copy link · GitHub
23:41 Sokomine er. has the bug with wrong eye offset already be reported?
23:42 paramat yes, it's intentional
23:42 paramat
23:42 Sokomine oh?
23:43 Sokomine ah. good that it has been added. still..hmm..might require me to move to an older version
23:44 paramat also mods that provide a player model will be broken, their models will need shifting vertically
23:45 paramat this explains more
23:45 Sokomine might affect armor mods
23:47 paramat yes

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