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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-07-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
01:02 octacian red-001: You know, formspecs wouldn't be so bad if all the units were the same
01:04 octacian Although something using a method system like meta might be nice
01:05 Lupercus joined #minetest-hub
01:19 Lupercus left #minetest-hub
01:57 lumidify_ joined #minetest-hub
02:26 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
02:26 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
02:33 Sokomine why does autorun no longer work for me?
03:07 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
03:28 paramat joined #minetest-hub
03:29 paramat Sokomine it's been renamed, use 'keymap_autoforward = '
03:31 paramat
03:32 KaadmY TBH I've never used autorun, don't see a need for it really
04:17 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
05:08 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
06:11 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
06:15 CWz joined #minetest-hub
06:19 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
06:29 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
06:47 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
07:17 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
08:18 Krock joined #minetest-hub
08:24 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
08:26 nore joined #minetest-hub
09:06 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
09:06 tenplus1 hi folks
09:07 VanessaE hi
09:07 tenplus1 hi Vanessa
09:22 Krock hi tenplus1
09:22 tenplus1 hi krock :P
09:26 tenplus1 Q. rather than display text message for mobs api, how about a noentry particle showing you cannot do something ???
09:46 Krock heh, you could give the player 1 HP and then remove it again to cause a red screen. sadly, only works for damage enabled servers
09:46 tenplus1 lol
10:26 CWz what is the wya of getting of the horse without killing it
10:26 tenplus1 right click horse to dismount
10:28 tenplus1 same as boats :D
10:29 CWz horse randomly died
10:29 tenplus1 when riding ? or walking around ?
10:29 CWz riding
10:30 CWz funny
10:30 tenplus1 walking on water or lava damages horse... also monsters will attack horse to get to you
10:30 tenplus1 if you are using old api then riding has collision damage enabled... ride too fast and hit something hurts horsey
10:31 CWz lol
10:33 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
10:33 tenplus1 hi nrz
10:33 tenplus1 CWz: ar you using latest api ?
10:34 CWz now i am
10:34 tenplus1 kewl :P
10:34 CWz would have been funny seeing everyone on my server rage at their dead horses
10:36 tenplus1 no good...
10:46 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
10:46 tenplus1 hi sniper
10:47 tenplus1 o.O
10:47 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
11:02 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
11:03 tenplus1 hi Fixer
11:51 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
11:51 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
11:51 tenplus1 wb thomas
11:52 ThomasMonroe thanks
12:22 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
12:23 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
12:23 tenplus1 hi DS, hi Megaf
12:25 DS-minetest hi
12:59 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
13:01 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
13:03 RobbieF joined #minetest-hub
13:04 tenplus1 hi robbie
13:06 RobbieF tenplus1 - been a while! How you been?
13:06 tenplus1 good thanks, and you ?
13:06 ThomasMonroe hi RobbieF
13:06 RobbieF Hi ThomasMonroe
13:07 RobbieF doing very well thanks tenplus1
13:07 tenplus1 glad to hear...
13:07 RobbieF just back from a long weekend.
13:07 tenplus1 nice, anywhere good ?
13:07 RobbieF nice to get an extra day off
13:07 RobbieF neah didn't go anywhere.
13:07 RobbieF Just a holiday from work
13:07 tenplus1 I hear ya :PP lol
13:07 RobbieF Even then I was busy...
13:07 RobbieF but a change in scenery... and slept in!  :D
13:08 tenplus1 mobs api has been updated with some new features if interested :P
13:08 RobbieF Always interested!
13:08 ThomasMonroe the most i sleep in is an hour
13:08 RobbieF :D
13:08 RobbieF stable?
13:08 RobbieF well, I'm usually up at 5:30
13:08 tenplus1 yea
13:08 RobbieF so sleeping till 8am was something else  :D
13:08 ThomasMonroe me 6:20
13:08 tenplus1 mostly fixes but some particle effects for rune etc
13:08 ThomasMonroe i get you there
13:08 ThomasMonroe how does the rune work anyways?
13:08 RobbieF Great thanks tenplus1 I'll give it a pull
13:08 RobbieF not familiar with rune
13:09 tenplus1 also protection redo updated with new features
13:09 tenplus1 protection rune lets you protect tamed animal so that no-one can kill it inside a protected area
13:09 RobbieF updated
13:09 RobbieF :)
13:09 RobbieF I have a script that updates all mob-related mods
13:09 RobbieF that way it gets the new versions of mobs at the same time as updates to the API, in case the mobs were also changed
13:10 ThomasMonroe oh RobbieF, i have become an owner of MM-Survival, so if you want to do a video on there just let me know
13:10 RobbieF oh that's cool tenplus1
13:10 RobbieF thanks ThomasMonroe. I don't think we'll be doing any server features for a while.
13:10 tenplus1 and in protector redo, the placement tool lets you place above and below now with new checks
13:10 ThomasMonroe ok np
13:10 RobbieF We will be getting back to TPS-Domes soon.
13:10 ThomasMonroe nice
13:10 tenplus1 sounds like you are super busy of late rob
13:10 ThomasMonroe its kind of annoying trying to start out on that server
13:11 ThomasMonroe but fun though
13:11 ThomasMonroe welp i gtg have a good 4th of July cyall later
13:11 tenplus1 cya thomas
13:12 RobbieF tenplus1 well, yes. Very busy. We're doing all kinds of things... this week we're at a virtual reality conference in toronto.
13:13 RobbieF so Henry did the shoot, now I'm doing the editing.
13:13 tenplus1 ooh nice one... did you get to play with the vr particle setup ?
13:13 RobbieF tenplus1 wait till you see all the crazy stuff Henry got to try!
13:13 RobbieF fully immersive
13:13 tenplus1 I look forward to it :))) seen many new gadgets and techniques for 3d/vr gaming :PPP
13:14 RobbieF it's really getting awesome
13:14 RobbieF and consumer-ready
13:14 tenplus1 one question, did you see the Euclideon setup ????
13:15 RobbieF Is that something that was at VRTO?
13:15 tenplus1 the 3d atom setup which is far more detailed than current 3d graphics
13:16 RobbieF I didn't get to go, myself. I am just the editor... the guy who gets up at 5:30am and starts producing video sent to him via dropbox  :D
13:16 RobbieF no, never seen it.
13:16 tenplus1 aww, hehehe... youtube it sometime unless you see it in the editing ?DD
13:18 tenplus1
13:18 tenplus1
13:21 RobbieF at work
13:21 RobbieF wish I could
13:21 tenplus1 ehehe
13:22 octacian joined #minetest-hub
13:22 octacian joined #minetest-hub
13:22 RobbieF I wish Minetest had Equirectangular view
13:22 tenplus1 hi octacian
13:22 RobbieF if it did, I could really, really promote the heck out of it in the VR space
13:22 tenplus1 ? what's that ?
13:22 octacian morning tenplus1 :D
13:22 RobbieF Equirectangular = 360 video on a flat 3840x1920 image
13:22 tenplus1 ooh, I get you
13:23 RobbieF We would then be able to shoot The Pixel Shadow in 360
13:23 RobbieF That's my dream
13:23 tenplus1 looks awesome going by the google pics
13:23 RobbieF Our nature channel is going 360
13:23 RobbieF you'll be able to look all around
13:23 RobbieF and a new game show is in the works also shot in 360
13:23 tenplus1 wonder how easy it would be to implement
13:24 tenplus1 or hoe hard :DDD
13:24 tenplus1 *how
13:25 RobbieF No clue. Can't be "over the top" hard since it's already a 3D rendering... just would need to make it show all sides at once in equirectangular format.
13:25 RobbieF would be neat to be able to look behind you.
13:26 tenplus1 is that how minecraft vr works ?
13:26 RobbieF Not exactly, no... that's realtime VR (still only "generates" what you see)
13:27 RobbieF what this is is generating EVERYTHING all at the same time. So it generates behind you at the same time as in front and to the sides.
13:27 RobbieF it's video as opposed to realtime
13:27 tenplus1 so doing it the equi way is less stress on gpu and lets you view all sides using sensors on vr headset :)
13:27 RobbieF It's how 360 video on YouTube works, for example.
13:27 RobbieF correct.
13:27 RobbieF and it's pre-recorded
13:27 tenplus1 w00t! we need 'dis :P
13:28 RobbieF eg., for a video
13:28 RobbieF you can "play it back" in vr space
13:28 tenplus1 then we coudl watch any youtube vid for minetest and look all over :D
13:28 RobbieF Exactly.
13:28 RobbieF if it was recorded in equirectangular.
13:28 RobbieF Imagine if the pixel shadow could do this.
13:30 RobbieF tenplus1 check it out:
13:30 RobbieF drag your mouse on the video
13:31 tenplus1 sweeeeeet...... gal in background nomming :P aha
13:33 RobbieF :D
13:34 RobbieF so that is shot in equirectangular
13:34 tenplus1 I like it :D
13:35 RobbieF loads of potential for something like MT
13:35 tenplus1 I agree... would be nice to see it added in the 3d modes...
13:37 RobbieF how to make that happen?  :)
13:37 RobbieF I would be happy to give help from a technical standpoint.
13:38 RobbieF No idea how to do it from a programming standpoint though
13:38 RobbieF but could help with the "video" aspects.
13:38 tenplus1 add an issue in minetest git page and from there it will get notices
13:38 RobbieF NathanS21 is also getting very well versed in 360 video (he was Executive Producer on that Category5 episode).
13:38 tenplus1 *noticed
13:38 RobbieF hmm, okay.
13:38 RobbieF Will gather some thoughts first... make it a good writeup.
13:39 tenplus1 a few links of examples in initial text and what it can bring and who knows :) might make it for 0.5.0
13:39 RobbieF Sure.
13:39 RobbieF Oooh that'd be something else.
13:43 Calinou hi
13:43 tenplus1 hi Cal
13:43 lisac joined #minetest-hub
13:43 tenplus1 hi lisac
13:48 lisac Hi tenplus1
13:51 texmex joined #minetest-hub
13:58 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
13:58 tenplus1 wb
13:58 DS-minetest thx
14:04 RobbieF tenplus1 issues appear read-only. How do I add the feature request?
14:05 tenplus1 if you have a git account log in, go to  click Issues, new issue and go for it :D
14:06 texmex joined #minetest-hub
14:07 RobbieF I am logged in
14:07 RobbieF there is no button for new issue
14:07 RobbieF just options to sort
14:08 tenplus1 hrm, am logged in and on same page and I see bright green "New Issue" button on right side
14:08 RobbieF tenplus1:
14:09 tenplus1
14:11 RobbieF oh I see.
14:11 tenplus1 :P
14:11 RobbieF I was on the user "minetest" not the program.  :D
14:11 RobbieF n00b
14:11 RobbieF lol
14:11 tenplus1 ehehe
14:14 DS-minetest it's a organization, not a user
14:15 tenplus1 yup :P
14:16 RobbieF
14:16 RobbieF LOL semantics. I love it.
14:16 tenplus1 <-- Vic-20
14:16 RobbieF it is a Github user from my perspective
14:17 tenplus1 added thumbs up :D
14:17 RobbieF thanks tenplus1
14:18 RobbieF is the writeup okay?
14:18 tenplus1 looks good, detailed which devs will like :D
14:18 RobbieF k thanks
14:22 tenplus1 I dare say yo would need a damn good spec setup to run in vr :P
14:23 RobbieF indeed. but that's how things are going.
14:23 RobbieF GPU driven
14:24 tenplus1 that's why I liked the new eclidion 3d atmos, can use cpu and have gfx better than most 3d cards :D
14:24 tenplus1 *atoms
14:27 RobbieF very neat!
14:27 RobbieF oh you'll enjoy tomorrow's show
14:29 tenplus1 I look forward to it :D
14:39 tenplus1 Xanadu updated with latest mobs api and protector redo
14:54 CWz hmm the tool was always an easy griefing/trolling tool as it doesn't check if the guy standing on the protector owns it
14:56 tenplus1 even though it places the new protection outside of the protected area :P where it's fair game... ehehe
15:01 tenplus1 should I have it check for owner ?
15:05 Shara I thought it did check whether the one using the tool can place one at the new location or not though...
15:06 Shara outside the protected areas... trolls are going to place them anyway, no matter how.
15:07 Shara Unless they use it to protect above and abuse that way maybe? I suppose that would be annoying
15:08 tenplus1 hi Shara
15:09 Shara (and hi as well :P)
15:09 tenplus1 ehe
15:33 * VanessaE wanders in, yawns loudly, and flops down on the channel sofa
15:33 VanessaE good morning
15:33 tenplus1 hi Vanessa
15:34 * tenplus1 shares maple & bbq chips with all
15:34 Stone-Talus joined #minetest-hub
15:34 tenplus1 hi talus
15:35 Stone-Talus left #minetest-hub
15:37 RobbieF G'day VanessaE
15:37 VanessaE hi
15:37 RobbieF Maple BBQ? How very Canadian of you TenPlus1  ;)
15:37 tenplus1 ish tasty *nom*
15:39 Shara VanessaE: wait, this channel has a sofa now??
15:39 VanessaE every channel has a sofa and coffee table :)
15:39 Shara Why did you hide this from me!?
15:39 Shara Wasn't the business with the eclair enough already!! :(
15:39 VanessaE where the hell do you think we put the plate of donuts?  on the coffee table of coursre :)
15:39 VanessaE course*
15:40 * Fuchs ponders creating sofaserv
15:40 * tenplus1 hides donuts
15:40 Shara Ahhhh!
15:40 * Shara glares at 11
15:40 VanessaE haha
15:44 * tenplus1 stands perfectly still...
15:46 tenplus1 om
15:46 tenplus1 nom
15:46 tenplus1 nom
15:48 * Shara will not stop glaring!
15:48 * tenplus1 runs
15:48 Shara Wise :)
15:48 tenplus1 :pPpPpP
15:48 Shara :P
15:50 * Shara renames the coffee table to "doughnut table" and will guard it carefully from now on :P
15:50 * VanessaT goes up to coffee table
15:50 VanessaE hah!
15:50 Shara Hah!!
15:50 VanessaT o.O
15:50 RobbieF What'd I do wrong here?  :D  I just did a push, and my local copy of uploaded.
15:51 VanessaT abort!!!!
15:51 RobbieF Do I need to include a path or something?
15:52 TenPlus1 dunno robbie, never actually made a .gitignore file as yet :P
15:53 Shara me neither
15:53 Shara maybe someone who has a clue can teach us all at the same time :D
15:55 Krock uhm.. we have a great .gitignore example in Minetest's repo:
15:56 Krock using the exclamation mark you can add exceptions to the already ignored directories
15:56 TenPlus1 ooh, *click*
15:58 RobbieF thanks
15:58 Krock !next
15:58 ShadowBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
15:59 TenPlus1 ehehe
16:02 RobbieF lol
16:06 JordachL joined #minetest-hub
16:06 TenPlus1 hi Jordach
16:07 lisac !nexdt
16:07 lisac !next
16:07 ShadowBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
16:07 lisac :(
16:15 cx384 joined #minetest-hub
16:15 TenPlus1 hi cx384
16:15 cx384 Hiya! TenPlus1
16:21 VanessaE bbl
17:03 TenPlus1 ?
17:07 * Krock corrects his chair position by 4 cm
17:07 TenPlus1 ahh precision
17:15 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
17:15 TenPlus1 hi nrz
17:15 nerzhul hi
17:27 Krock o/ nerzhul
17:28 cx384 hi nerzhul
17:29 Raven262 Hello ner'zhul
17:31 TenPlus1 hi raven
17:31 Raven262 Hello TenPlus1
17:33 RobbieF tenplus1
17:33 TenPlus1 ?
17:33 RobbieF okay - upgraded to .16
17:33 RobbieF now: ERROR[Main]: Subgame [] could not be found.
17:33 RobbieF seen?
17:33 KaadmY Why is `add_callbacks` a global function?
17:33 TenPlus1 not seen that one
17:33 KaadmY Is that a Lua or Minetest function?
17:34 KaadmY Oh nevermind
17:34 RobbieF Hm, I may have figured it out...
17:34 RobbieF testing
17:34 TenPlus1 kewl :)
17:36 Krock RobbieF, perhaps a wrong minetest.conf setting?
17:45 octacian_ joined #minetest-hub
17:47 KaadmY Does an itemstack's `color` meta field transfer to nodes too?
17:48 KaadmY So for example having color=#ff0000 on stone will place a block of red stone
17:48 TenPlus1 #ff0000 is indeed red :P
17:48 KaadmY Well yes :P
17:48 Krock somewhat red, yes
17:48 KaadmY But will placed items copy their parent itemstack's color?
17:49 KaadmY Bright red in fact :P
17:49 TenPlus1 hopefully, yes...  I havent studied the new hardware colouring yet
17:49 Krock real bright red would be pink
17:49 TenPlus1 best option is to check unified dye's and colourd wood for code
17:50 KaadmY I haven't looked at that mod yet, but it's probably an on_place callback for each tintable node
17:50 Krock I've seen some PRs for that lying around but myself, I have no clue how to use this whole color-story
17:50 KaadmY Which seems inefficient
17:50 Krock yes, u_dyes uses on_place to set the meta afterwards
17:50 KaadmY :|
17:51 Krock even the wrench from technic is not like that. However, it preserves the meta
17:51 Krock or moment *looks up*
17:52 RobbieF mod_markers is failing  :(
17:52 Krock well, great. technic is no longer in minetest-technic
17:52 RobbieF invalid key to 'next'
17:53 Krock RobbieF, needs an issue on github :P
17:54 TenPlus1 mod markers ?
17:54 KaadmY So it's a bad idea to typo `undersample = 4` to become `undersample =  54`
17:55 Krock nah, makes Minetest somewhat retro
17:56 KaadmY :P
17:56 KaadmY Like 12x8 res
17:56 Krock but I'm not getting a performance benefit by doing so - only seems to be a thing for tastes
17:56 Calinou undersampling can go above 4?
17:56 Calinou I thought it was 4 at most
17:56 KaadmY Calinou: nope
17:56 Krock not limited by code
17:56 KaadmY It's a resolution divider
17:56 Calinou also, 1920x1080 performs quite better than 3840x2160 with undersampling = 2 for me
17:56 KaadmY Yeah
17:57 KaadmY My GPU is heavily fill rate limited
17:57 Calinou (even on Windows)
17:57 KaadmY So undersample = 4 gives me like 20x FPS
17:57 Krock well... 1280x1024 here. Not much profit
17:58 Calinou try undersampling = 2000
17:58 Calinou :D
17:58 Krock drawtime fixed to 16 ms, no matter how high I set the value
17:59 Krock *sets to 1000*
17:59 Krock still 16 ms
17:59 KaadmY Hm
17:59 KaadmY I have a pretty shitty GPU too, so..
17:59 KaadmY Hm I just tried to enable 4x AA
18:00 KaadmY Like half the framerate but no actual AA
18:00 Krock profit!
18:00 KaadmY Oh wait nevermind :P
18:00 KaadmY I also changed leaf rendering
18:00 Krock don't forget making them wave
18:00 TenPlus1 lol
18:00 KaadmY Waving leaves are pretty ugly IMO though :P
18:01 KaadmY Ditto with waving water
18:01 TenPlus1 I turn all effects off inc. clouds and outlines
18:01 KaadmY Since they both have tons of mesh intersection issues
18:03 KaadmY Also is arm inertia in 0.4.16 stable?
18:03 DS-minetest ><KaadmY> Does an itemstack's `color` meta field transfer to nodes too?
18:03 DS-minetest no
18:03 KaadmY DS-minetest: thanks
18:03 Krock TenPlus1, node outlining too? Isn't it quite hard to see the selected node then?
18:03 TenPlus1 not at all, the tiny crosshair in the middle of the screen tells me where to point at all times :PPP
18:04 KaadmY Custom crosshairs <3
18:04 DS-minetest KaadmY: you have to make the paramtype2 to a color one and give the node a palette, the itemstack will have a "palette_index" field
18:04 KaadmY Yeah, okay
18:06 cx384 joined #minetest-hub
18:08 Krock well, when trying to dig a node near the range limit, a selection box might be really helpful :P
18:10 Fixer Calinou: downsample to 320*256px
18:10 Fixer or whatever it was in doom
18:10 TenPlus1 hah, that'd be crazy n fun :D
18:10 Krock doom on the apple watch
18:10 TenPlus1 some dude had doom running on the tiny screen on his hp printer :P
18:11 KaadmY Oh wow I just found out that you can type full words into text lists
18:11 KaadmY In formspces
18:11 KaadmY I thought it was only single characters
18:12 Krock TenPlus1, same for a minecraft player.. was only _slightly_ fake
18:13 TenPlus1 lol
18:15 * KaadmY yawns
18:15 RobbieF tenplus1 it's a protection mod?
18:16 TenPlus1 oh is that the one sokomine made for areas mod ?
18:18 TenPlus1 you getting an error from the mod ?
18:18 RobbieF not sure origin (could check if you like) but yes
18:18 TenPlus1 okie
18:18 RobbieF 2017-07-04 14:18:21: ERROR[Main]: ModError: Failed to load and run script from /home/robbie/.minetest/mods/markers/init.lua:
18:18 RobbieF 2017-07-04 14:18:21: ERROR[Main]: invalid key to 'next'
18:18 RobbieF 2017-07-04 14:18:21: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback:
18:19 Krock ...where's the line number in this error?
18:20 Krock there's also no "next" in init.lua
18:22 TenPlus1 this may sound silly but add    default    to the depends.txt file and see if it work
18:22 RobbieF k
18:28 KaadmY ^ same thing I'm getting in Pixture BTW
18:30 KaadmY
18:30 KaadmY What function's giving you that error RobbieF ?
18:30 Calinou Krock: fps_max = 0
18:30 Calinou to disable FPS cap
18:31 Calinou (you can do this with /set -n in singleplayer)
18:31 Calinou ^ we really need a way to set a setting during gameplay other than in singleplayer
18:31 KaadmY yeah
18:31 TenPlus1 robbie, you got this in minetest.conf:   mod_profiling = false
18:31 KaadmY Maybe /localset?
18:31 Calinou it would be a client-side command
18:32 KaadmY TenPlus1: mod profiling doesn't fix it
18:32 KaadmY See linked issue
18:32 TenPlus1 for robbie's marker issue
18:32 KaadmY I'm getting the same issue though
18:33 KaadmY I can't seem to disable fps_max either
18:33 TenPlus1 in your case it's the 'crafting' mod
18:33 KaadmY TenPlus1: same issue though
18:34 KaadmY Same error also through a builtin function
18:34 TenPlus1 it's an error I've never encountered on Xanadu even with all the updating to latest devs
18:37 KaadmY TenPlus1: are you on Linux?
18:38 TenPlus1 yep
18:38 KaadmY Hm
18:38 KaadmY Ditto :|
18:38 KaadmY Using LuaJIT 5.1
18:38 KaadmY Don't think I've updated it too recently
18:38 TenPlus1 the server uses Lubuntu 16.04 64-bit using luajit 5.1 and latest mt dev
18:38 KaadmY Isn't dev kinda unstable right now?
18:38 TenPlus1 nope
18:39 Krock dev is quite stable right now
18:39 TenPlus1 only issue we get is that damned serialize.h error and that's been happening for over a year now
18:39 KaadmY dev = git master, I assume?
18:39 TenPlus1 latest in launchpad :)
18:39 TenPlus1 daily builds typically
18:40 TenPlus1 you tried disabling security also: secure.enable_security = false
18:41 KaadmY Haven't yet
18:42 Krock dev = git master @ HEAD, yes.
18:44 KaadmY Same thing with disable mod security
18:44 KaadmY Isn't it off by default anyway?
18:44 TenPlus1 no idea :P
18:44 TenPlus1 too many things change
18:45 Krock on by default
18:45 KaadmY Hm okay
18:45 KaadmY What does it do exactly?
18:45 KaadmY Blacklist specific functions?
18:45 Krock prevents mods from doing rm -rf /*
18:46 KaadmY :P
18:46 KaadmY ^
18:46 TenPlus1 only other settings I tend to change are: send_pre_v25_init = true   and   detailed_profiling = false   but those shouldnt affect thigns that much
18:48 RobbieF same failure tenplus1
18:49 TenPlus1 if you disable area_markers mod does it come up same error but for a different mod ??
18:49 RobbieF
18:49 RobbieF will check but can't run it without markers; people's builds will be unprotected?
18:49 Sokomine without markers as such ought to be no problem. they're just the gui for advanced_areas
18:49 TenPlus1 markers mark an area for areas mod to protect... am sure disabling markers will only disable them alone
18:50 Sokomine don't deinstall the areas mod (whichever you use). the gui (my markers mod) can be temporally disabled
18:50 RobbieF hmm okay thanks!
18:50 RobbieF sokomine have you seen this?
18:50 RobbieF didn't know you were here-cheers
18:50 Sokomine er, what?
18:50 Sokomine just came in and saw my markers mod mentionned
18:50 RobbieF tenplus1 having disabled markers, the server loads
18:51 RobbieF sokomine: upgraded to .16. Server won't load if markers is enabled.
18:51 TenPlus1 the error you pasted doesnt say there's anything actually wrong with markers tho
18:51 RobbieF ERROR[Main]: ModError: Failed to load and run script from /home/robbie/.minetest/mods/markers/init.lua:
18:51 RobbieF ERROR[Main]: invalid key to 'next'
18:51 TenPlus1 just failure to load init.lua
18:51 Sokomine ah. yes
18:51 Sokomine upgrade my *replacer* mod
18:51 RobbieF ?
18:51 TenPlus1 what's the invalid key and 'next' all about
18:51 RobbieF oh
18:51 RobbieF there's something not in depends which it depends?
18:52 Sokomine no idea. ask red. he may know. we ran accross that bug yesterday
18:52 RobbieF lol
18:52 RobbieF I don't have replacer
18:52 Sokomine no, not really. that "invalid key" and "next" is a strage bug or whatever
18:52 Sokomine hm. then i'll have to check. moment
18:53 RobbieF thanks
18:54 TenPlus1  <-- search for 'next' has explanation of error
18:55 Sokomine RobbieF: same error, diffrent mod. update markers. it's a small change and ought to run again afterwards
18:55 RobbieF markers is up to date
18:55 RobbieF oh
18:55 RobbieF unless you JUST changed it
18:55 Sokomine @all: my markers and replacer mod need small updates for newer versions of mt. update if you update your version and get any error messages
18:56 Sokomine i *just* changed it :-)
18:56 RobbieF hehe
18:56 RobbieF k
18:56 RobbieF thanks - checking
18:56 Sokomine thanks for reporting
18:56 TenPlus1 you commented out tool capabilities ???
18:56 RobbieF I didn't even mean to! I was just all "AH, why my server broked?"
18:57 Sokomine TenPlus1: exactly. those tools (replacer, inspector, land claim register) are not used for digging in any way. they're just tools for rightclick-functionality. somehow newer versions of mt have trouble with that tool capabilities definition
18:57 TenPlus1 ahh, good to know :)
18:58 RobbieF worked  :D
18:58 Sokomine when trying to figure out why my replacer didn't work anymore (but other tools did) i subsequently commented out diffrent things. it was obviously the tool_capabilities setting. as that's not needed there i left it commented out. red said something about that issue but i didn't get entirely what he meant by it
18:58 TenPlus1 w00t!
18:58 RobbieF thanks team awesome.
19:11 Stone-Talus joined #minetest-hub
19:12 Stone-Talus left #minetest-hub
19:15 TenPlus1 Mobs Redo API updated (on_replace function added)
19:52 TenPlus1 which version was minetest.formspec_escape() added into ?
20:07 TenPlus1 nite folks
20:07 TenPlus1 left #minetest-hub
20:20 Krock !tell TenPlus1 ~0.4.10
20:20 ShadowBot Krock: O.K.
20:36 Fixer !tell tenplus1 protredo feat request: protect simple wooden trapdoors from flip
20:36 ShadowBot Fixer: O.K.
20:41 Krock protedo frat tequest:
21:21 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
21:38 RobbieF Thanks again for all your help, awesome peeps. I'm off. Have a great night.
21:39 RobbieF left #minetest-hub
22:15 octacian__ joined #minetest-hub
22:30 XtremeHacker joined #minetest-hub
22:41 LazyJ joined #minetest-hub
23:07 KaadmY What's the footer image used for in the menu/ directory?

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