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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-07-03

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Time Nick Message
00:03 KaadmY BTW sneak jumping still works for 1.5m tall fences
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01:01 octacian I'm planning on rewriting fstk. While doing so, should I leave the main menu in the save visual state as it currently is, rewrite it to be tabless, make it an option (tabbed or tabless)
01:01 octacian Any thoughts?
01:02 octacian It will be in concept written somewhat like sfinv, however, I plan on using classes
01:07 octacian rubenwardy: ^
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05:33 Hijiri octacian: hopefully not with global variables?
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08:41 tenplus1 hi folks
09:01 tenplus1 Protector Redo updated with new tool
09:28 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
09:28 tenplus1 hi fixer
09:41 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
09:42 tenplus1 hi Darcidride
09:44 Darcidride Hi tenplus1 and everyone
09:46 tenplus1 o/
09:48 Krock joined #minetest-hub
09:48 tenplus1 hi Krock
09:48 Krock hi tenplus1
09:52 tenplus1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B10Xe5Gm5cY
10:00 CWz Yay minetest can be used to crash firefox
10:01 tenplus1 hi CWz...  how'd you mean ?
10:01 CWz copy paste
10:01 tenplus1 ?
10:01 tenplus1 copy from mt to ff ?
10:06 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
10:07 IhrFussel Hello guys...my connection is still very unstable so in case I disconnect a few times, blame my ISP (they pushed a BROKEN update to my router box that causes these issues and don't even know when it will be fixed)
10:08 tenplus1 hi fussel
10:09 tenplus1 they should have bulit-in router pages that let you play arcade classics if the connection to the .net doesnt work :D give you something to do
10:10 IhrFussel hi tenplus1 ... I don't get how such a major bug couldn't be found at the QA testing of the update ... either the router restarts every few hours OR the box loses the sync for a minute and that can happen between 10 - 180 minutes
10:11 tenplus1 is this through the cable or wireless ?
10:11 IhrFussel But the WORST is that the customer service has NO CLUE when a fix will be available...all they say is "We're very sorry, we are on it"
10:12 IhrFussel It's the entire DSL connection
10:12 IhrFussel So LAN and WiFi
10:12 tenplus1 damn... a bug they should have noticed...  someone did a friday job on that one
10:13 IhrFussel It affects 100,000 customers with the same box they told me ... they work on the patch for 1 week now ... how long can it take?!
10:15 tenplus1 it'll end up being somehting stupid as well
10:16 IhrFussel And they also don't offer anything in compensation by the way because "it's not on our side, the router tech people caused this issue"
10:16 IhrFussel our end*
10:17 tenplus1 you *should* get backpay for each day it's down...
10:18 IhrFussel They argue "the internet isn't technically *down* it's just unstable"
10:19 tenplus1 which means they arent providing the service you are paying for...  they cant weedle outta things that easily :P
10:20 IhrFussel They say compensation starts at 24+ hours of NO internet...
10:21 tenplus1 which company is this ?
10:21 IhrFussel Vodafone
10:21 tenplus1 *shudder*
10:22 IhrFussel Not sure how internationally known they are...I just know they are pretty big in Europe
10:24 IhrFussel But all I can do now is be patient and HOPE that my connection stays stable for at least a few hours... Yesterday I couldn't even manage my MT server cause of that...everytime I tried to connect it kicked me after 5 minutes or so again...soo frustrating ._.
10:25 tenplus1 vodaphone is known more for mobile phones rather than internet connections over copper wire lines...
10:27 IhrFussel Yes originally they were a mobile network company only...and they still offer routers with mobile connections mostly (LTE) but I guess they also wanted to make some money from home users as well
10:27 tenplus1 it's the same with Orange and Sky... both started really crappy with internet offerings, but Sky thankfully updated to the new fibre optic lines and fixed that...
10:29 IhrFussel I pay $20/month 16 Mbit/s ... it's enough for me but not exactly cheap
10:30 * tenplus1 is with Virgin Media... 50mb cable internet @ 26.40pm
10:30 tenplus1 not cheap but thankfully stable, and if they screw up and I lose usage I get compensated
10:32 IhrFussel That is 50% cheaper than mine..I'd definitely call it cheap
10:32 IhrFussel More than 50% even
10:32 tenplus1 26.40 GBP
10:32 IhrFussel Yes but 16 vs 50
10:32 IhrFussel Ohh
10:32 tenplus1 ehe
10:33 IhrFussel That would be 30€ ... so still a bit cheaper
10:34 tenplus1 I wonder who will be the first country to offer free internet to all of it's residents... since everything is pretty much on the .net now it's definitely needed
10:34 tenplus1 that way they would save a ton of cash by not having to send paper confirmations or letters to folk and rely on email
10:34 IhrFussel The only provider I see that could do that one day would be Telecom..at least here in Germany Telecom owns ALL lines
10:36 IhrFussel But before that happens they would need to find another source of income
10:36 IhrFussel Well...they could offer basic internet for free and premium (faster) for money for example
10:36 tenplus1 that parts easy... offer 10mb lines to every person by default... free... anything above 10mb will be paid :D
10:37 tenplus1 10mb is all you need for basic browsing and sd youtube vids :P
10:37 IhrFussel Some villages here still only have 1 Mbit/s or less
10:37 tenplus1 orange and other bt connected internet providers usually offer 10mb but only provide 6-8mb
10:38 IhrFussel That's why Vodafone offers LTE/4G routers for them
10:39 tenplus1 Tony Blair was suppose to get everyone in britain online and with an email address when he was prime minister... that didnt happen :PP
10:39 IhrFussel Well I mostly do get my 14-15 Mbit/s down and 2-3 Mbit/s up when the connection is stable ... so that's something I guess
10:40 IhrFussel Politicians always lie to get better votes
10:41 IhrFussel Sometimes they promise something they couldn't even control
10:42 tenplus1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JITpUxtji4s
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11:36 tenplus1 hi thomas
11:37 ThomasMonroe hi tenplus1
11:44 tenplus1 quick visit :P
11:45 red-001 indeed
11:45 tenplus1 hi red
11:46 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
11:50 tenplus1 for anyone that uses Protector Redo, the placement tool checks around player for a protection block and places a new one at 2x radius in direction you face :D
11:57 CWz does it work vertically too?
11:57 tenplus1 no, vertically only...
11:57 CWz you mean horizontally
11:58 tenplus1 ahaha yeah
11:58 tenplus1 my bad...
11:58 CWz why not vertically?
11:58 tenplus1 I didnt want players going nuts and protecting huuuuuge areas of map
11:58 CWz um players already do that
11:58 red-001 ^
11:58 tenplus1 very true
11:58 tenplus1 but this makes it too easy
11:59 CWz most players don't know how to add people to the protectors
11:59 IhrFussel Actually It would be prefered if players protected vertically instead
12:00 tenplus1 if they take the time to read instructions they would :PPPPP
12:00 CWz or walk without swinging their arms so i don't think that's too much of an issue
12:00 tenplus1 so having the tool place verticvally is important ?
12:00 CWz kind of
12:00 CWz most player seems to build tall rather than wide
12:00 tenplus1 k, will work on that shortly and add
12:01 CWz better add diagonal too for good measure
12:01 IhrFussel I already know what I do one day when most big map areas are claimed: Create HUGE mid air lands to build on at 3,000 or so
12:02 tenplus1 xandu mk2 only protected the 4 main roads and anyone could build alongside them which was easier
12:02 tenplus1 now it seems too much is protected
12:02 CWz hmm, that's becouse there is no limit to how much protectors one may own
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12:03 tenplus1 wb
12:04 ThomasMonroe thanks
12:05 IhrFussel CWz, you cannot limit it...they can store them in chests and how would you check each owned chest?
12:06 tenplus1 that's why I made the recipe more expensive
12:07 lisac Hi tenplus1
12:07 tenplus1 hi lisac
12:08 CWz more expesive than before
12:08 JordachL joined #minetest-hub
12:08 tenplus1 hi Jordach
12:08 tenplus1 before the recipe use to give 4x protectors... now it only gives 1
12:08 CWz The horror!!
12:09 tenplus1 how about I make it an iron block ?
12:09 IhrFussel The only way to really LIMIT the owned items would be to add EACH node that can hold items to a file and implement a command that fetches each meta pos for the item...that would be extremely cumbersome + you would have to adjust it if you add a new meta node like homedecor cabinets/fridges
12:11 tenplus1 that woudl just be overcomplicating things
12:11 tenplus1 if possible I'd rather have a progression in the game before players could craft protection blocks... ideas welcome
12:11 tenplus1 brb
12:13 IhrFussel Require them to have placed/dug X nodes already? Or sent X messages? But those would be server side, nothing the mod can control
12:14 IhrFussel Or store the account creation time and compare
12:16 NathanS21 joined #minetest-hub
12:16 tenplus1 hi nathan
12:17 NathanS21 hi tneplus1
12:17 tenplus1 I'm trying not to record too much for the use of protection, am looking more for a simple way to limit how many a player uses and increasing recipe costs seems the way to go...
12:18 NathanS21 A server could always remove the craft recipe and just give each player that joins a stack of X amount, and then limit them that way, if they wanted too.
12:18 IhrFussel tenplus1, if you look for a way that only suits your server then yes that's the way to go...but there are also other servers (like mine) where resources aren't that hard to get
12:19 NathanS21 yes
12:19 tenplus1 good idea Nathan, although you would end up with players killing each other to obtain more
12:19 NathanS21 hmm, ya, I hadn't thought of that.
12:19 tenplus1 how about increasing the recipe cost ? any ideas ? something that makes player progress in came
12:20 IhrFussel tenplus1, maybe a mod setting that let's the server owner adjust how expensive they should be?
12:21 NathanS21 It could, but then you risk players not being able to get them soon enough and having other players ruin their stuff.
12:22 tenplus1 as it stands it's a steel ingot surrounded by stone... how about making it a mese crystal surrounded by stone
12:22 tenplus1 that way they need to tot up some experience by mining first ?
12:22 NathanS21 Honestly I feel like server owners should set up their own recipes if they wanted.
12:23 NathanS21 I thought it was already mese crystals.
12:23 NathanS21 I guess I don't pay that much attention.
12:23 IhrFussel mese crystals are rarer than rainbow ores (by default, if the server has rainbow)
12:23 tenplus1 nah, simple steel n stone
12:24 IhrFussel Make it gold ingots maybe
12:24 IhrFussel Like lucky blocks
12:24 IhrFussel They use goldblocks I think
12:25 tenplus1 chest surrounded by gold ingots = lucky block
12:25 tenplus1 but yeah, hold is rarer than steel so would have themdigging some more
12:25 IhrFussel Or ingots ... yes sounds good to me, gold is not as easy as steel and not as rare as mese
12:25 tenplus1 what version was gold added to by default ?
12:27 IhrFussel tenplus1, they were definitely in MTG since 2014 at least
12:28 IhrFussel I found a PR from 2014 that improved their textures
12:28 ThomasMonroe you could have a progression on the amount that a block protects
12:29 ThomasMonroe like the steel and stone doesnt protect as much as the mese and stone
12:29 tenplus1 k, will change recipe to gold ingot (or block ?)
12:30 IhrFussel I found another PR from 2013 that mentions them so 100% safe to use ... ingots would be enough IMO
12:30 tenplus1 sweet, changing now... vertical placement is done already
12:31 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
12:31 tenplus1 wb fixer
12:32 tenplus1 k, new recipe added... removing logo recipe, if anyone wants a logo they place protector block into crafting and switch between them
12:34 tenplus1 git updated
12:41 tenplus1 k, looking up/down when using tool can place protector above or below player...  you can stand within 2 blocks of protector to use tool...  recipe now uses gold ingot :) w00t!
12:42 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
12:42 tenplus1 hi DS
12:42 DS-minetest hi tenplus1
12:42 DS-minetest 2 seconds, that was a strong coffee again : )
12:43 tenplus1 heh
12:46 tenplus1 added 4 more lucky blocks to the protector mod also :)
12:46 tenplus1 one of those is a BOOM!
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13:14 tenplus1 wb
13:22 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
14:11 * tenplus1 sings... "it's oh! so quiet...... it's oh! so still.... "
14:12 red-001 hi 11
14:12 tenplus1 ehe, hi again :P
14:34 * Sokomine hands tenplus1 a sill uncooperative acacia tree sapling
14:35 tenplus1 still not growing ??
14:35 tenplus1 hi Sokomine btw :P
14:40 calcul0n joined #minetest-hub
14:41 tenplus1 the new change where it takes light levels of sapling during daytime may be a good idea, then tree's can safely grow at night time
14:41 tenplus1 hi calcul0n
14:41 calcul0n hello
14:50 Sokomine no, it's about letting them grow inside voxelmanip at mapgen time
14:52 tenplus1 didnt vanessa do something like that for moretrees with specific saplings placed as decoration and a dedicated abm to quick gro wthem
15:20 Sokomine hm, yes, but that has other reasons. i do have a handy voxelmanip at hand, and there's even a function to place schematics directly into voxelmanip. it ought to work but doesn't yet
15:21 Sokomine anyway...i'm currently busy storing the list of front doors and paths somehow. lua...does waste a lot of space with the serialization
15:21 tenplus1 doesnt default saplings have an lbm running to re-start the timers for growing ?
15:23 Sokomine afaik they have in newer versions, yes
15:23 tenplus1 which version of minetstd are you running ?
15:23 Sokomine doesn't help me much. it does not look good if there're only saplings. and letting them grow immediately afterwards isn't good either. ought to work with place_schematic inside the voxelmanip
15:23 Sokomine latest one
15:25 paramat joined #minetest-hub
15:25 tenplus1 hi paramat
15:25 paramat yes place schem in vm is the thing to do
15:27 paramat saplings take 40-80mins to grow, but if that timer expires at night the timer is restarted with a short time, so keeps trying until there is enough light to grow, so at the following morning
15:28 paramat btw dirt-with-snow is no longer a 'soil' so will not grow a sapling
15:28 tenplus1 paramat: werent you going to sort timer so that it only gives light levels during day... cause trees do grow at night
15:28 paramat considered but unsure now
15:28 paramat because what if a server has stopped time to have constant night, stuff should not grow
15:29 tenplus1 good point, but would that be the norm
15:29 paramat no indeed
15:29 Sokomine hm, that's impractical. there may sometimes be snow there. but that's not the current issue
15:30 paramat there is discussion about sapling times, they could be shortened due to the night-delay issue
15:30 tenplus1 snow is solid so not typically soil... although easily dug up and placed as dirt for saplong
15:31 paramat yes, break up the frozen soil first
15:32 paramat https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1755
15:32 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
15:33 tenplus1 hi twoelk
15:33 twoelk hi
15:34 paramat related https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=276694#p276694
15:36 tumeninodes joined #minetest-hub
15:36 tenplus1 hi tumeninodes
15:37 KaadmY Hi *
15:37 twoelk tenplus1, do you know this version? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=horRWtbAJoI
15:37 tumeninodes hi tenplus1 and KaadmY
15:37 twoelk or the original german version? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zmhvJpTELc
15:37 Sokomine what's the video about, twoelk?
15:38 tumeninodes hi twoelk
15:38 tumeninodes and hi Sokomine
15:38 twoelk Und jetzt ist es still, sung by Harry Winter in 1948
15:38 twoelk hi tumeni
15:42 Sokomine ah
15:48 paramat KaadmY there's no biome API way to place decorations under a 'place on' node, yet, but i plan to add that
15:55 tumeninodes thplthtpltthplt <--- is how I spell a raspberry
15:56 tumeninodes I am beginning to greatly dislike stairs, and think MTG can just do without them altogether :P
15:57 tenplus1 lol
15:58 tumeninodes "What do you mean copy-paste is not an "official" language?!" will be on my grave
15:59 tenplus1 ehe... how's the pull coming along ?
15:59 tumeninodes hopefully, as of now, the only issue I have left is with proper indenting.
15:59 tumeninodes -_-
16:00 tumeninodes ^that is as close as I can describe the face I made to that question :)
16:00 Sokomine paramat: do i have to take care to make calls to minetest.place_schematic_on_vmanip only *after* i've written my data back?
16:01 tumeninodes tenplus1, lots n lots o'errors
16:02 Sokomine hmm. might be :/
16:05 tumeninodes like I said, it is all straightened out now, aside from proper indenting (I hope). But I am unsure how I update it in the PR, once I upload the new code to my test branch
16:08 tenplus1 tabs be important
16:09 tumeninodes yeh, and I think I overdid em :P
16:09 tenplus1 ehehe... so long as it's readable
16:09 tenplus1 you should see my code, very spaced out :D
16:10 tumeninodes it's..., casual.
16:10 tumeninodes :D
16:11 tumeninodes it is also difficult for me to list materials in the current manner. For my own stuff, I tend to separate by material, then use ABC order for each section
16:12 tumeninodes seeing e.i. "stonebrick" before "stone_block" makes me twitch
16:12 tumeninodes *i.e.
16:13 paramat Sokomine yes there's a correct order to it
16:13 tumeninodes hi paramat (meany) :P
16:13 Sokomine ah. i've cached the sapling position now. but making those _on_vmanip calls after writing back the vmanip data doesn't seem to have an effect either
16:15 twoelk tumeninodes: on graves that's not called -copy an' past- but rather traditional phrasing - although if you was referring to the content - this might prove an interesting feat
16:15 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
16:16 paramat Sokomine i think you place the schem after vm:set_data(data) and before vm:calc_lighting() and vm:write_to_map(data), but i'm unsure
16:17 Sokomine i'll try
16:17 paramat i have done this myself but forgot the method
16:18 Sokomine hmm. doesn't seem to have an effect. if even you don't know - who might now?
16:18 Sokomine i know that problem :-) happens to me often as well. grep is your friend :-)
16:18 tenplus1 which mod are you placing saplings using voxelmanip with ?
16:21 paramat https://github.com/slemonide/roomgen/blob/master/init.lua uses it
16:22 Sokomine ah! some seem to have cooperated
16:22 Sokomine thanks. i'll check
16:22 paramat and i know that mod works
16:24 paramat and yes after set data but before lighting calulations / write to map
16:24 tenplus1 vm is a pain in the butt... lol
16:25 paramat not for me :]
16:25 tenplus1 ehehe, you are a mapgen master dude...
16:25 Sokomine looks good now. the ones on the fields did grow. the ones inside the village not yet. but that's most likely my own error. i just didn't check the ones on the field yet
16:26 texmex joined #minetest-hub
16:27 twoelk trees don't like growing near houses?
16:28 tumeninodes ?near houses? they do for me
16:28 Sokomine they ought to feel happy there. they're the only "inhabitants" of some empty plots :-)
16:38 tumeninodes ok, dumb question time. I am ready to upload my reworked stairs init.lua to a new branch of my fork of MTG repo. I want to be clear to do this right.
16:38 tumeninodes I then commit the changes to my repo, but I want to look it over well before I do a PR.., correct?
16:39 tumeninodes when I did this the first time, I thought I was doing a PR only to my own fork but it went to MTG master..., so my original PR was actually done via mistake :P
16:40 tumeninodes afk for 15 approx 15 min
16:49 VanessaE [07-03 10:52] <tenplus1> didnt vanessa do something like that for moretrees with specific saplings placed as decoration and a dedicated abm to quick grow them
16:49 VanessaE They do use a fast-grow ABM, but they not a "decoration" in the official sense, just normal nodes added to the map like any other plant that plantlife/biome_lib would do.
16:50 tenplus1 hi Vanessa
16:50 VanessaE also hi :)
16:50 Sokomine yes, the moretrees trees are very diffrent in that way
16:50 tenplus1 ohhh
16:50 Sokomine and: hi :-)
17:01 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
17:02 tenplus1 hi nrz
17:26 paramat joined #minetest-hub
17:26 tenplus1 wb p
17:29 red-001 Is this déjà vu?
17:29 red-001 or does Fixer just say that every so often
17:29 * Sokomine stares at fixer and wonders if he needs get fixing :-)
17:29 tenplus1 OMG!  imma gonna cry: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&amp;t=9917&amp;view=unread#p281313
17:31 tumeninodes But you're cryin', you're cryin' now <--- goes too Fixer
17:33 tenplus1 lol
17:35 Fixer text in caps is MTG motto
17:35 Sokomine maybe i ought to use something more reproducive than random for tree placement...you can now see them wander at mapgen time :-)
17:36 VanessaE tenplus1: oh G*d....just tell him no way
17:36 VanessaE oh, old post
17:36 tenplus1 ehehe
17:38 VanessaE well tell him no anyway :P
17:39 tenplus1 no to what ?
17:39 VanessaE he's always requesting weird, esoteric stuff :P
17:39 VanessaE to Andrey01 asking for stuff
17:39 VanessaE it's like the guy doesn't know how to install a mod :P
17:39 tenplus1 heh
17:39 tenplus1 lately I've been getting tons of issue and requests for mob api...
17:45 tumeninodes ok, someone help the dumb guy :P I made a new branch in my MTG repo fork..., committed (looks ok to my unskilled eyes, am now at "compare & pull request"
17:45 tumeninodes I want to do this right so I dont mess things up and make some devs very unhappy
17:46 tumeninodes do I close the original PR, and then compare & PR this rework?
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17:48 tenplus1 wb thomas
17:50 Sokomine usually you just add new commits to the PR as long as they're in the same branch
17:50 tumeninodes DOH
17:50 tumeninodes thank you Sokomine. Now I gotta go clean out my paint gun
17:51 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
17:51 tenplus1 hi raven
17:51 ThomasMonroe thanks tenplus1
17:54 Raven262 Hello tenplus1
17:55 tenplus1 o/
17:58 Shara Hello everyone
17:58 tenplus1 hi Shara
17:58 Shara Hi 11 :)
17:59 tumeninodes hi Shara
18:00 Shara Hi tumeninodes
18:00 tenplus1 adding sfx to mobs api for rune protection and net/lasso
18:00 Shara Ohhh, nice
18:00 tenplus1 I dont wanna add too many effects tho, just enough for audio visual displays
18:05 tumeninodes hmmm, is there a way to delete a branch for a repo ? :/ taking a break, getting too confused :P
18:06 Shara move off it and do git branch -d <name>
18:07 tumeninodes sadly, I use github directly (no cmd line), don;t throw things at me, OW! :P
18:08 garywhite hello all
18:08 Shara via github... I think there is just a button?
18:08 tenplus1 hi gary
18:09 tumeninodes I saw protection options but not a "delete this thing" button
18:09 Shara click Branches and branch there should have trash can icon
18:09 ThomasMonroe hey garywhite
18:09 Shara To the right of the branch name
18:14 tenplus1 Mobs Redo API updated with new particles and sound for rune and net/lasso
18:14 tumeninodes ohhhhhh... nope, don;t see one. thank you anyway
18:14 tenplus1 Shara, earlier I updated protector redo, the placement tool can place above and below now, and you only need stand near a protector, not on top
18:14 Shara Hmm, it's there for me
18:14 tumeninodes nvm duh.... found it
18:15 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
18:15 Shara :P
18:15 tenplus1 hi behalebabo
18:15 Shara tenplus1: above and below just based on look direction still?
18:15 tenplus1 yeh, look up or down
18:16 behalebabo hi
18:16 Shara awesome
18:16 Shara hi behalebabo
18:16 ThomasMonroe welp im gonna go for a bit, cya either later or tomorrow(maybe), probly wednesday though
18:16 Shara also hi gary :P
18:17 ThomasMonroe left #minetest-hub
18:17 tenplus1 coudl someone maybe try out mobs changes and lemmie know what they think/feel
18:20 Shara I would need to wake up a bit more
18:20 Shara Finally moved RC onto 0.4.16 last night and still in recovery :P
18:20 tenplus1 lol, that bad huh ?
18:21 Shara Ohhhh yes :P
18:21 Shara Got there though
18:21 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
18:22 Shara Used it as a chance to fix all kinds of little things.
18:22 tenplus1 wb fussel
18:22 tenplus1 what was your biggest issue shara ?
18:22 Shara Other than my own general cluelessness, you mean? :P
18:23 tenplus1 lol, not at all :P  did you have to change any mods to get them to work ?
18:23 Shara Since I run custom versions of almost any mod that isn't yours... a couple
18:23 Shara Though weirdly, the one I couldn't work out what was up with was carpets
18:24 tenplus1 did you get it in the end ?
18:24 Shara It suddenly decided it won't stand for nyan/rainbow carpets anymore, despite me still using a version of MTG that includes nyans
18:24 tenplus1 damn
18:24 Shara Trying to work up the courage to look at it again
18:24 tenplus1 I had to niclude my pbj_pup mod to get those active again
18:25 Shara well, I didn't update MTG, so it shouldn't be an issue. The full nodes are there as normal.
18:25 Shara But I'll work it out when I feel awake :P
18:26 Shara Ikk... just got told xpanes is broken. So I need to update that one.
18:54 tenplus1 it's a mod I dont have running on server
18:56 tumeninodes blechk, PR's suck. Will never do another one..., I am no coder and have absolutely no business doing it
18:57 KaadmY Can LBMs be run every time a block is loaded?
18:57 tenplus1 yes
18:57 KaadmY The docs say it should work but I remember otherwise
18:57 KaadmY Was it added after LBMs were introduced?
18:59 tenplus1 am sure it has always run when block has loaded...
19:02 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
19:02 tenplus1 wb darci
19:15 tumeninodes left #minetest-hub
19:25 paramat LBMs usually run only once on first load of a mapblock, but i think there's a parameter for running on every load
19:26 paramat the point of LBMs is they run once only to update things in a world, for example to convert old ABM saplings to timer saplings
19:28 paramat https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L3993 default false
19:49 Sokomine Shara: i have a nice xconnected mod
19:49 Sokomine paramat: thanks for the help with the trees. they cooperate now :-)
19:52 Shara Sokomine: it's weird.. only some nodes broken
19:52 Shara Found bigger issues though maybe...
19:52 tenplus1 ???
19:53 Shara paramat: if setting players to old sneak on join, is that identical to the old code?
19:53 Shara Or is that changed in some way?
19:53 Shara I'm getting reports of subtle differences from players
19:53 tenplus1 how so ?
19:54 Shara Some odd ladder set up a player made and that he swears worked last week no longer does
19:54 Shara But old move is definitely working
19:55 Sokomine old move sounds good :-) now...how to get that on servers? :-)
19:55 paramat "if setting players to old sneak on join, is that identical to the old code?" yes if physics override 'new_move = false'
19:58 Shara paramat: Room two nodes high. Place a bed against the wall. You can walk into the bed
19:58 paramat that selects a big unchanged block of old move code, tested and made the PR myself
19:58 Shara Then you can't leave unless you break the bed
19:58 Shara The player claims before I updated the server using shift allowed him to get off the bed
19:59 Shara I just tested on a 0.4.14 client (don't have a 0.4.15 to hand) and on that I can't get inside the bed to begin with
19:59 paramat might be a separate issue due to changes in player collisionbox / stepheight
19:59 Shara Pasted from server: "You also get stuck when dying and respawning on the bed, of course, which is a bit annoying."
20:00 Shara Yea, but it is kind of bad if you get stuck on the bed after respawn either way
20:01 paramat slight changes in collision behaviour have been reported
20:01 Shara The mods weren't updated on this server either though, I think...
20:02 Shara Nope, nyan is still there
20:02 paramat the walk into bed behavour has been reported, there's an issue somewhere
20:02 Shara Hmm, okay. He claims it's only been since server updated to 0.4.16, but I don't know
20:03 Shara I've noticed the bed issue on spawning before, but never walking into them from the side and then being stuck.
20:05 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
20:07 tenplus1 whi Jordach
20:08 tenplus1 wb :PP
20:09 paramat can't find the issue about it
20:11 tenplus1 nite folks :PP
3 more elements. Show/hide.
20:12 paramat Fixer do you know where the 'walking into bed from a certain direction' issue is?
20:14 Fixer paramat: and going inside it?
20:14 paramat yes
20:15 Fixer paramat: i've seen this with slabs/stairs, not sure for beds
20:15 Shara paramat: testing if direction matters at the moment
20:15 Fixer paramat: example: https://i.imgur.com/5xsk4Di.png (walk forward)
20:18 paramat i seem to remember yuo could walk into a bed corner from a particular direction, however walking into one due to a low ceiling may be a new issue
20:18 Shara I have the bed the player placed which can be walked into by anyone and you get stuc... but when I just placed one facing the exact same way, I cannot walk into it
20:19 Shara It's not the corner. He has one of each type of bed against the wall and you can walk into either of them from any point
20:19 paramat ok
20:19 KaadmY Is there currently a way to zero a player's velocity?
20:20 KaadmY TL;DR this conversation but if you walk while entering a bed you'll keep driffting
20:20 KaadmY Also I think I just thought of an exploit
20:21 paramat simple or fancy bed?
20:21 Shara He has one of each that are doing this
20:22 paramat ok seems worth a new issue, as i don't remember anything similar being reported
20:23 paramat probably engine issue
20:23 Shara Problem is I can't duplicate it
20:23 Shara It's just... those specific beds
20:23 paramat oh ok
20:23 Shara If I can find how to duplicate it, I'll make an issue
20:23 paramat yeah
20:26 KaadmY Aw really
20:27 KaadmY I can't connect to servers I just connected to a minute ago
20:27 KaadmY Did something change with passwords recently? I vaguely remember something like that around 0.4.14 or so?
20:27 sfan5 switch from sha1 to srp
20:27 paramat move code is a mostly clientside thing so check what version your player is on (the one who claims old move option is not identical)
20:29 KaadmY Um
20:29 Shara paramat: I can walk through the beds he placed as well, just like he can
20:29 KaadmY If you reconnect right before you hit the ground while falling really fast, you lose velocity and you take no damage
20:29 Shara But none of us can walk through the ones I place
20:29 Shara The issue is still there if he removes and replaces them
20:30 Shara I've asked him to post an issue if he can work out what's behind it.
21:22 KaadmY Why do LBMs have a unique identified while ABMs don't?
21:22 KaadmY Is the unique identifier required?
21:27 paramat yes to make sure they only run once
21:28 KaadmY Ah
21:28 paramat that's my guess anyway :]
21:29 Shara I have another player claiming shift is not working correctly since server update. Don't understand why people are having issues :(
21:29 KaadmY Yeah that makes sense
21:29 KaadmY LOL I just added an LBM to convert trees to use node timers instead of ABMs in Pixture
21:29 KaadmY And I just checked the MTG code, it's identical :D
21:35 paramat is the 'sneak glitch' physics override set correctly? in old move code that decides whether you can sneak on a 1-node high groove in a wall
21:35 paramat need precise details from these players
21:36 Shara paramat: I have no idea anymore. Controls are old sneak. Boosted jump at ledge works. Sneak ladders apparently don't
21:36 paramat best test these yourself
21:36 Shara (I told you I don't care much about sneak ladders, so I had not tested it before)
21:36 Shara I have tested
21:37 Shara Thought if I was setting the override wrong, I'd get new sneak instead
21:37 paramat ok, this is with server and client both on 0.4.16 stable?
21:38 Shara Server 0.4.16 stable, client doesn't seem to matter
21:39 Shara I tested with both 0.4.14 and 0.4.16 (stable) clients. Sneak ladder won't work in either, but everything else does
21:41 paramat weird. if you open an issue with a screenshot of the ladder and details we'll test. no-one else had reported this problem
21:42 Shara I'm still testing.
21:42 paramat oh and the code you are using to set the override is useful to see too
21:42 paramat ok
21:42 Shara Personally I really don't care, but three player complaints so far
21:43 paramat using the code i posted in the forum thread? https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=264345#p264345
21:45 Shara Mind if I PM? I'm probably doing something stupid and rather not litter channel with my idiocy too much :)
21:46 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
21:47 paramat go ahead
22:19 KaadmY Why isn't zooming eased? :(
22:21 paramat simplicity, and less nauseous
22:22 paramat watching MC videos is painful for me every time they start/stop running
22:24 KaadmY Well there's these things called "options" ;)
22:27 Fixer paramat: you are way too slow
22:27 Fixer for sprinting
22:27 Fixer also, just now playing beta 1.7.3 mc server with people and cancerous chat, has no sprinting
22:36 octacian_ joined #minetest-hub
22:38 Fixer so much cancer
22:38 paramat important sneak news https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=281367#p281367
22:38 Fixer i was expecting beta 1.7.3 people be more polite
22:38 paramat ^ server admin please read
22:39 * Shara wastn't being stupid after all :P
22:39 Shara wasn't*
22:43 Fixer i hope sneak people are chearing now
22:44 Shara Fixer: I've had unhappy players ever since I got home over this issue.
22:44 Fixer Shara: who?
22:44 Shara For the past weeks I've had players avoiding using stable client to dodge new code
22:45 Fixer nerdy
22:45 KaadmY Yay
22:45 Shara Sickleroy, Radier and Jens were the last three tonight.
22:45 Shara Raider*
22:45 Fixer Shara: all PC users?
22:45 Shara I doubt you know them though.
22:45 Shara Raider and Sickleroy, yes, not sure about Jens.
22:46 Shara My servers are mainly targetted at PC users though.
23:29 octacian joined #minetest-hub
23:29 octacian I'm planning on rewriting fstk. While doing so, should I leave the main menu in the save visual state as it currently is, rewrite it to be tabless, make it an option (tabbed or tabless)
23:29 octacian Any thoughts?
23:30 octacian It will be in concept written somewhat like sfinv, however, I plan on using classes instead. (e.g. ui:create_view(...))
23:30 octacian And yes, IK this is a sorta repeat question, however, I'd seriously like some input :P
23:52 garywhite fstk?
23:53 red-001 main menu lib
23:53 garywhite oh
23:53 red-001 handles the formspec generation
23:55 red-001 yes formspecs are such a pain to work with even minetest itself uses a lib to try and help with it
23:55 garywhite OK, I'm just gonna agree, cause I don't know what most of the stuff you're talking about is
23:55 garywhite no offense

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