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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-06-10

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:28 paramat joined #minetest-hub
00:30 VaultyTowers joined #minetest-hub
00:47 VaultyTowers joined #minetest-hub
00:49 benrob0329 Jordach: bad card port?
00:50 benrob0329 /pcie
00:54 Jordach all the sockets did nothing
00:54 Jordach :thinking:
01:18 lumidify_ joined #minetest-hub
01:32 LazyJ joined #minetest-hub
01:57 Miner_48er joined #minetest-hub
03:31 benrob0329 much further down the tubes is Offtopic today?
05:25 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
07:00 CWz joined #minetest-hub
07:15 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
07:48 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
07:57 Krock joined #minetest-hub
08:01 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
08:01 tenplus1 hi folks
08:01 CWz Ello everybody
08:02 tenplus1 hi CWz
08:08 Krock hi tenplus1
08:08 tenplus1 hi krock :P
08:08 * tenplus1 noms porridge :D
08:24 Raven262 Hello tenplus1
08:24 tenplus1 hi raven :P
08:25 Raven262 Sorry for the late response i was busy building...
08:25 Raven262 this
08:25 Raven262
08:25 tenplus1 das ok... am tinkering with mob api :P
08:25 tenplus1 ooh, scarab beetle ?
08:25 Raven262 also previously on raven's builds
08:25 Raven262 Yep
08:26 tenplus1 we have an egyptian theme happening here :PP niec
08:26 Raven262 xD
08:26 Raven262 Its on Lupercus' server
08:29 Raven262 And idea: add scarabs to the mobs_redo xD
08:29 tenplus1 if someone does the model then an egyptian mob pack can be created
08:30 Raven262 xD
08:30 Raven262 I was planing to make a server in that theme
08:31 Raven262 Need to many specific mods for that though
08:31 tenplus1 kewl...  blockmen's pyramid mod with mummy is pretty good
08:33 Raven262 those mummies are always falling into their own lava traps.
08:34 tenplus1 ehehe, sillyl mummy's
08:37 Raven262 lisac and i were playing on our home server with that mod
08:38 Raven262 We were taking pyramids for ourselves and were building houses inside
08:39 Raven262 lisac demolished the roof of his pyramid, i had to dig my pyramid out of the sand
08:39 Raven262 Really nice mod it is.
08:39 tenplus1 yeah :)
08:42 tenplus1 the temple mod does the same only builds Incan temples in new areas as well aspyramids
08:43 Raven262 I didn't see that one, got a link?
08:44 cx384 joined #minetest-hub
08:44 tenplus1 wb cx384
08:44 cx384 hi tenplus1
08:45 tenplus1
08:46 Raven262 Oh nice
08:48 tenplus1 Mobs Redo API updated, now has mob suffocation setting
08:50 Raven262 great, now they will also die when they get stuck in the water, which the most likely will
08:50 tenplus1 nope
08:50 tenplus1 solid nodes only
08:50 Raven262 heh
08:50 * tenplus1 has a check for that :D
08:50 Raven262 xD
08:51 tenplus1 if set, mobs can die in water, lava, fire, damage_per_second nodes and suffocate in solid nodes
08:52 Raven262 They are dumb anyway, it gets them killed even easier
08:52 tenplus1 am gonna improve on teh avoide nodes so they dont walk into lava/water etc
08:53 tenplus1 currently things like chicken and sheep avoid water and lava no prob, and if they fall into water will find land quickly... but... lag slows everything down too much
08:54 Raven262 Yeah lag is the main problem with mobs
08:54 Raven262 Not that they are the cause of much lag if they are not many
08:54 tenplus1 the internal checks are every 1 second...  do_custom is live per tick
08:55 tenplus1 so thankfully 100 mobs dont lag things... but a server with an already bad lag makes them stupid
08:55 Raven262 Is changing movement direction internal check?
08:55 tenplus1 yeah
08:55 tenplus1 every second
08:55 Raven262 so that explains that
08:55 tenplus1 otherwise it would do too much per tick and really lag everything :D
08:55 Raven262 yeah
08:55 tenplus1 so many functions in mobs that I've tried to keep lite
08:56 Raven262 but these calculations are not that complex for computer to handle, why are they so slow?
08:57 tenplus1 they arent...  api has many optimized functions to keep things fast
08:57 tenplus1 but imagine a server running 10 players each in a loaded area with abm's active and say 10 mobs in that loaded area...
08:57 Raven262 Client side mobs would be a good thing
08:58 tenplus1 maybe :P
08:58 Raven262 Or a helper client side mod that would take some calculations on itself
08:58 tenplus1 client side get_node and find_nodes_in_area would be handy
08:58 red-001 ...
08:59 Raven262 red-001, hello
08:59 tenplus1 would take a load of eachmob's calculation
08:59 tenplus1 hi red
09:01 Krock joined #minetest-hub
09:01 tenplus1 wb Krock
09:01 Krock ty
09:02 Raven262 Hello Krock
09:02 Krock hi red-001
09:02 Raven262 Read seems away
09:02 Raven262 *red
09:02 Raven262 heh
09:02 Raven262 he must have been covered by the shadow of capitalism
09:08 tenplus1 lol
09:38 cx384 How can I overwrite the player inventory callbacks?
09:38 tenplus1 for chests ?
09:38 cx384 for the player inventory
09:39 tenplus1 ah
09:39 cx384 I want a function which is called on moving something in the player inv.
09:42 cx384 The player inv is not a detached inv right?
09:45 Shara Morning all
09:45 tenplus1 hi Shara
09:45 cx384 hi
09:46 tenplus1 cx384:
09:46 DS-minetest hi Shara
09:46 Raven262 Hello Shara
09:47 cx384 Thank you tenplus1.
09:50 tenplus1 Shara: got horseshoes working on horses... steel, bronze, mese, diamond... each with different speed.jump.stopping effects
09:50 Shara Nice
09:51 Shara What happens to the horseshoes if the horse dies?
09:51 tenplus1 for now it dies with horse :)
09:52 Shara hehehehe
09:54 tenplus1 trying to draw horseshoes now in gimp
09:54 Shara :)
09:55 Shara I wouldn't mind accessories for dragons and bats if you ever get bored :P
09:55 tenplus1 it's just a single craftitem that changes mob settings :) easy to apply...
10:04 tenplus1 just need good recipes now
10:05 Shara Hmm, I want something that prevents darkness damage.
10:06 tenplus1 armor ?
10:06 DS-minetest torch?
10:06 DS-minetest flashlight?
10:06 tenplus1 walking light mod
10:06 Shara Light sources already prevent it.
10:07 Shara And admin armour stops any damage, but that's no good for players
10:08 Shara Not sure how to get armour that would only stop this.
10:08 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
10:08 red-001 hi IhrFussel
10:08 tenplus1 hi fussel
10:08 * red-001 was faster then 11
10:08 Shara Hello IhrFussel
10:09 IhrFussel Hi there red-001, tenplus1, Shara + the others =) ... tenplus1 is there a way to define a custom on_step callback per entity in Mobs Redo?
10:09 tenplus1 yes, do_custom does just that
10:10 tenplus1 api.txt gives you all the info on mob definition
10:10 IhrFussel Okay will look into that..cause simply adding on_step = function()..... in the entity definition didn't work
10:13 IhrFussel tenplus1, oh so do_custom is just another name for on_step?
10:16 tenplus1 on_step has its own mob functions it has to do... so do_custom was made for additional one's...
10:17 IhrFussel I see thanks :)
10:22 tenplus1 Mob_Horse updated with horseshoe upgrades when riding (speed, jump, breaking)
10:24 tenplus1 just need better textures now
10:40 tenplus1 Shara: horses drop shoes when they die, or when they are changed now
10:44 Dargod joined #minetest-hub
10:44 tenplus1 hi Dargod
10:51 IhrFussel Is it normal that the max_lag jumps to ~ 5 sometimes when it generates map terrain?
10:51 tenplus1 depends on mods active I suppose...
10:53 IhrFussel Well I have a command /random that tp the player to any location and below me was just water but the whole game freezed for ~ 5 secs
10:53 IhrFussel froze*
10:53 tenplus1 what mods do you have running ?
10:55 IhrFussel Almost 150, but I never experienced such a large lag spike before with the same amount of mods
10:55 tenplus1 eek o.O 150
10:57 tenplus1 how many of those are decorative or mapgen specific ?
10:58 IhrFussel I just checked ... 153 to be precise
10:58 IhrFussel Most are just simple nodes
10:59 tenplus1 what server name ?
10:59 IhrFussel IhrFussel's Server
11:00 tenplus1 checking mods
11:02 tenplus1 biomes_lib and moretrees will cause lag straight off the bat
11:02 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
11:02 IhrFussel We can exclude all kinds of entity mods since there was only water below me, no mobs ... there were also no trees nearby
11:02 tenplus1 doesnt ahve to be... biome_lib checks newly generated areas for land every time to see if saplings are around or something needs changed
11:02 Shara biomes_lib and moretrees were responsible for almost all my problems in the end...
11:03 tenplus1 mesecons running in anotehr players area will slow down generation also
11:03 IhrFussel But I was the only player online when the lag the only candidate seems to be moretrees
11:04 tenplus1 you have technic and rainbow ore generation active as well as nether...
11:04 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
11:04 tenplus1 hi fixer
11:05 VaultyTowers the technic mod is severly lacking
11:05 tenplus1 technic and nether both use voxelmanip for generation
11:06 IhrFussel I don't have technic just technic_armor ... and I thought ore generation check only happens when the player is inside the generation limits
11:07 tenplus1 yes but it still adds checks to see if you are on the right level/biome etc
11:08 Jordach anyone seen Zeno
11:08 tenplus1 hi Jordach, not today
11:09 VaultyTowers Minetest is so small compared to the MC mods
11:09 * Shara goes on a Zeno hunt
11:09 Jordach tenplus1, roommates soundblaster z card (sp 1506)
11:09 tenplus1 lol
11:09 Jordach didn't work in his tower
11:09 Jordach works in mine :D
11:09 tenplus1 conflict with other hardware ?
11:10 Jordach no idea
11:10 VaultyTowers Immersive engineering, Applied Energistics, Minefactory reloaded, Thermal Expansion so many good components
11:10 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
11:10 Jordach tenplus1,
11:10 tenplus1 hi nrz
11:10 Jordach it's got line out and everything
11:12 tenplus1 what issue does he have when it's connected ?
11:13 Jordach windows and linux doesn't detect it, neither does the bios
11:14 cx384 joined #minetest-hub
11:14 tenplus1 disable fast boot...
11:14 tenplus1 in bios, can help
11:15 Jordach i've got that enabled on this tower of mine
11:15 tenplus1 for some bios it stops certain checks or goes through them too fast before card initialized
11:15 nerzhul hi tenplus1
11:15 Jordach
11:16 tenplus1 o/
11:16 tenplus1 also make sure pci-e is used if available instead of x1
11:16 Jordach tenplus1, all my slots are pci-e
11:16 tenplus1 on your friends pc
11:17 Jordach he doesn't need it lmao
11:17 tenplus1 lolol, it's officially yours now :D
11:17 Jordach sound was wobbling like fucking crazy
11:17 Jordach found out it was the driver turning stereo into 5.1
11:18 tenplus1 coffee time :DDDDD
11:18 Jordach i then calibrated winamps pre-amp to match spotify to line level
11:18 Jordach (spotify is sort of line-level, used two tracks and my tape deck's VU meters)
11:21 * tenplus1 is jelly...  I have Intel NM10 audio controller with 2.0 speakers :) ehehe
11:21 Jordach having a tape deck is still handy
11:21 Jordach those VU meters pay themselves off
11:23 Jordach my roommate just realised why i have a fully analog chain
11:23 Jordach it's straight forward and doesn't give issues unlike digital sources
11:23 tenplus1 :P nothing wrong with analogue in some things
11:24 Jordach tenplus1, every stage, even the sound card is analog out
11:26 tenplus1 mob_horse final update... drops saddle and shoes when it dies, or shoes if new one's applied :D
11:26 VaultyTowers joined #minetest-hub
11:26 tenplus1 hi vaulty
11:27 Shara tenplus1: now make the horses look decent so I can add them to DL :P
11:27 tenplus1 ehehehehe, am not that great at mob textures, only node/item images
11:28 nerzhul BSD devs are crazy :p
11:28 tenplus1 ?
11:29 Jordach this looks like a legit shitpost
11:31 nerzhul :)
11:31 Jordach judging by issues
11:31 Jordach it's a shitpost
11:33 sfan5 a fine shitpost
11:53 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
11:53 tenplus1 hi DS-minetest
11:53 DS-minetest hi tenplus1
11:56 * tenplus1 thinks of uses for caverealms crystals
11:57 * Shara needs to finish CRL sometime soon...
11:58 tenplus1 got some players asking what they're for :P
11:58 DS-minetest tenplus1: they can already be used to build
11:58 DS-minetest what about glowing dye?
11:59 DS-minetest or mix the crystals with water and you have a glowing liquid
12:00 Shara Then they'd just ask what the glowing liquid is for
12:00 tenplus1 lolol
12:00 Shara tenplus1: did you add stairs/slabs to your version of CRL yet?
12:00 tenplus1 nope
12:01 Shara It really needs this for the building materials, but got a headache last time I tried looking at it.
12:01 DS-minetest and make with the liquids lamps, eg. with vessels's bottles
12:01 Shara DS-minetest: I'
12:01 Shara I'd rather not add vessels to depends just for that
12:01 DS-minetest yeah, but optional
12:01 DS-minetest just for crafting
12:02 Shara May as well make lamps straight fromt he crystals in that case
12:06 DS-minetest tenplus1: just tell those asking players that it's building material
12:06 tenplus1 lol
12:06 DS-minetest hmm, what about extracting ores out of it?
12:09 Shara Ore is easier to get than the crystal, so why?
12:09 tenplus1 we need specific use from things like crystal or decoration... positions or special items maybe... it's just thinking of something
12:13 Shara CRL needs a couple more plants as well.
12:13 Shara Then we need things worth doing with all the materials
12:13 Shara (plants so people will actually want to try and transport the CRL biomes to the surface)
13:15 CWz joined #minetest-hub
13:15 Stone-Talus joined #minetest-hub
13:29 Stone-Talus joined #minetest-hub
13:44 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
13:47 Wayward_One hi all :)
13:48 tenplus1 hi wayward
13:52 Raven262 Hello Wayward_One
14:00 tenplus1 back laters :D
14:00 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
14:02 red-001 chat6 is pretty awesome
14:29 * DS-minetest thinks, he managed to fly up with sneak
14:32 srifqi joined #minetest-hub
14:50 red-001 wow we reached 50 concurrent users here
14:51 red-001 I remember when this channel only had around dozen concurrent users
14:54 Shara Numbers here grew very fast
14:54 Shara I guess maybe it's stable, or close to stable now
14:55 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
14:55 red-001 well our access list is still a bit smaller then the old channel
14:55 calcul0n joined #minetest-hub
14:55 red-001 70 vs 90
14:57 Shara I don't think I saw 50+ people at once there though
14:57 red-001 true
14:57 red-001 it was usually around 30 people
14:58 Shara And it's not really about quantity anyway
14:58 red-001 it's a lot easier to get voice here
14:59 red-001 maybe
14:59 red-001 I could be wrong
14:59 Shara It was mostly me giving it to people on the other channel too, for quite some time, I think
15:01 Shara But really, I don't care about numbers so long as people are making MT improve somehow :)
15:19 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
15:19 tenplus1 hi folks
15:19 DS-minetest hi tenplus1
15:20 tenplus1 :P
15:21 Krock wb tenplus1
15:21 tenplus1 hey krock
15:21 red-001 so just wondering did Xanadu ban all CSM mods or just ones that affect the server/game balance?
15:21 tenplus1 if I find anyone uusing csm then I will ban
15:23 red-001 Fixer better watch out then with those incriminating screenshots of chat :)
15:23 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
15:23 tenplus1 hi Megaf
15:25 DS-minetest tenplus1: so, if you don't recognize anything, it's ok
15:25 tenplus1 lol
15:26 DS-minetest eg. oredetect doesn't send anything to server
15:26 tenplus1 bit of a cheat way to find ores though, would still want an option to disable csm
15:27 red-001 Well I suppose chat6 is ok then as long as you don't post any screenshots
15:28 DS-minetest yeah, screenshots are dangerous
15:28 red-001 or hide chat before screenshotting
15:28 DS-minetest heh
15:28 Shara For my servers, it's one warning then most likely a ban if the CSM sends anything at all to my servers or (in my opinion) changes game balance somehow.
15:29 DS-minetest those mean server owners hate csm
15:29 red-001 Shara, are you using latest dev?
15:29 Shara Yes DS-minetest. I spend hours every day and my own money to run servers for people who give me nothing and often complain. I am so mean.
15:29 Shara red-001: Not yet.
15:29 DS-minetest lol, right
15:29 Shara Been updated and adjusting mods for the past couple of days.
15:30 Shara updating*
15:30 tenplus1 Updating Xanadu just now with mob changes
15:30 DS-minetest the disallow of csm should be written in server description
15:30 tenplus1 it's in the forum rules and a bright orange sign at spawn
15:31 DS-minetest yeah, but if you see that sign, it's already too late
15:31 Shara DS-minetest: We're not monsters. if a player logs in, sees the sign and logs out to disable things, that's fine
15:31 red-001 but.., what if they take a screenshot first?
15:33 red-001 brb crashing my client with minetest.take_screenshot calls
15:33 DS-minetest where they aver used?
15:33 DS-minetest -a+e*
15:34 red-001 which will hopefully also demostrate why CSM is not ready for server mod sending
15:34 red-001 and hopefully not sure up all my hard drive space
15:34 red-001 s/sure/use
15:36 red-001 minetest.after uses seconds right?
15:37 Amaz Yes, afaik
15:37 tenplus1 hi amaz
15:37 Amaz Hello ten :)
15:37 Shara Yea, seconds
15:37 red-001 it worked!!
15:38 Shara Hi Amaz :)
15:38 red-001 now lets set the time to something lower
15:39 red-001 lets try 5 fps
15:39 Amaz Hello Shara :)
15:39 red-001 minetest is already barely working now
15:39 KaadmY joined #minetest-hub
15:39 red-001 it seems that taking a screenshot freezes rendering
15:39 tenplus1 hi KaadmY
15:40 Raven262 Yes, thats called a screenshot, red-001
15:40 tenplus1 Shara: horseshoes work well, and new stairs are nice :D
15:40 Shara :D
15:40 Calinou hi
15:40 tenplus1 hi Cal
15:40 Raven262 Hello Calinou
15:41 Shara I'm really surprised what some people have built on DL... one player built a palace for me. I'm just amazed anyone could get all those materials there. :D
15:41 red-001 oh lol it already generated 250 mb of data
15:41 Shara So I guess they'll be happy for new stairs to play with
15:41 tenplus1 ehehe
15:43 NathanS21 joined #minetest-hub
15:43 tenplus1 hi nathan
15:43 NathanS21 hi tenplus1
15:44 dtscode joined #minetest-hub
15:44 red-001 Raven262, whats craigs channel called again?
15:44 tenplus1 ooh, evil bonny is going mental... she is building up to kill me
15:44 red-001 I accidently parted
15:44 Raven262 davisonio-minetest , red-001
15:56 red-001
15:56 red-001 !title
15:56 ShadowBot - A neat way to make minetest unplayable and use up all your hard drive space
15:58 Amaz red, what about this: for i = 1,1000000 do minetest.take_screenshot() end
15:58 Amaz :P
15:58 Amaz Or even: while true do minetest.take_screenshot() end :P
16:00 red-001 well it wouldn't work better
16:00 red-001 it seems that calls get dropped
16:01 Amaz Awww, that's sad :P
16:08 Fixer red-001: i'm already banned on xanadu anyway, i had no problems with csm_chat6 in other places
16:09 tenplus1 :P
16:12 Calinou
16:12 Calinou (re)working on a Godot console you can integrate in your own projects
16:12 Calinou porting it to 3.0
16:16 KaadmY Hullo tenplus1
16:16 tenplus1 :P
16:17 DS-minetest the lags have to appear on random times
16:17 DS-minetest then the player will wonder more
16:20 red-001 anyway take_screenshot will definately have to be limited to player suplied mods
16:49 Krock Calinou, looks good :)
16:50 VanessaE red-001: if it were up to me, that call wouldn't even exist at all, or at least not in a form that could actually save an image
16:54 red-001 yeah tbh I'm not even sure what it's usecase is
16:55 NathanS21 Could it be used to take a timelapse
16:56 NathanS21 if you were building something, you could have a second machine log on and be stationary and just take a picture ever X often.
16:56 tenplus1 good point...
16:56 NathanS21 of course that could already be done outside of minetest just as easily.
16:56 NathanS21 but more options are always good.
17:09 VanessaE NathanS21: if you want to make a video, make a *video* then
17:10 VanessaE don't try to build one out of thousands of screenshots.
17:10 NathanS21 I meant like one a minute or something
17:10 Megaf Hello onety one
17:10 Megaf Hi everybody
17:10 tenplus1 hi Megaf
17:10 Megaf hows things?
17:10 NathanS21 so the resulting video from the images is very fast.
17:10 VanessaE NathanS21: still better to make a video.
17:11 NathanS21 I've done images with scrot on Linux, and its always worked well
17:11 tenplus1 scrot rocks!
17:11 NathanS21 simple script and then I just put them together with my video editor, or ffmpeg
17:11 red-001 so like a long term timelapse?
17:11 NathanS21 ya
17:11 tenplus1 btw nathan, I replied to the artic life thread about attacking at nighttime only... added so many new flags/settings of late
17:11 NathanS21 for a few hours or something
17:11 red-001 well I could adapt my code for that
17:12 NathanS21 cool, tenplus1, will check it out and update. Have to update several of my mods for 0.4.16 anyways.
17:12 red-001 make it take a screenshot like every 20 or 30 sconds
17:12 NathanS21 or have it configureable by the player, would be best
17:12 NathanS21 but not sure how easy to implement.
17:13 * NathanS21 must go make lunch, but shall return.
17:13 tenplus1 enjoy
17:13 red-001 oh btw it was me that messed up your script for talking about CSM
17:15 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
17:15 tenplus1 wb nrz
17:15 nerzhul ty
17:16 tenplus1
17:19 Stone-Talus joined #minetest-hub
17:36 * red-001 rewrote the mod to use on_global_step directly
17:42 paramat joined #minetest-hub
17:42 tenplus1 hi paramat
17:42 tenplus1 ooh, forgot... my bad
17:42 * tenplus1 hides
17:42 paramat if you typed that it's ok :]
17:42 tenplus1 o.O
17:43 tenplus1 ooh, 'creative' priv has 2 approvals.. can we add it to tonight's build plz :PPPPPPPP
17:43 paramat because it's genuine, i just don't like automatic greetngs
17:43 * tenplus1 types everything, typos and all
17:43 paramat don't you have a greet bot running for most people?
17:44 tenplus1 I typically greet everyone who comes in channel :D
17:44 * VanessaE wanders in and hands tenplus1 a donut
17:44 tenplus1 hi Vanessa
17:44 tenplus1 thx :D  *nom*
17:44 VanessaE :)
17:44 paramat don't pretend you don't have a greet bot :]
17:45 * tenplus1 no likey bots
17:45 tenplus1 this is pre-conditioning from back in my AOL days :PPPP
17:45 VanessaE yeah, back then we called it "etiquette" :P
17:46 tenplus1 yeah :) you made friends and acted nice...
17:46 * paramat doesn't believe you can greet so fast and so consistently to everyone
17:46 * tenplus1 had 86wpm last I was trsted
17:46 tenplus1 er.. tested even
17:46 VanessaE bah, only 86?
17:46 VanessaE I can only do 40 ot 50 on my best day, but there was this one guy I knew back in my BBS'ing days, had a speed of no less than 120
17:46 tenplus1 woulda been faster if not for the errors
17:50 cx384 bye
17:50 tenplus1 laters cx
18:11 paramat meeting in dev now if you want to add your input
18:12 tenplus1 yeah paramat, can you add tonight plz :D
18:13 paramat it has 1 disapproval so i'm waiting for more dev input
18:15 tenplus1 has 2 appriovals and many thumbs up
18:15 paramat btw since you type your greetings, i don't mind them :]
18:16 tenplus1 :P
18:27 paramat but yeah it has almost 3 approvals, it might be merged soon
18:27 tenplus1 good good :) it'll help a lot of servers
18:27 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
18:27 tenplus1 hi kaeza
18:28 kaeza hi tenplus1
18:28 kaeza too late :(
18:28 tenplus1 :P
18:28 kaeza what's up?
18:28 tenplus1 talking pulls for tonight's daily build
18:28 tenplus1 was hoping to get 'creative' priv in
18:28 tenplus1 you ??
18:30 kaeza sort of taking a day off
18:30 tenplus1 ahh, weekend chill :D
18:30 kaeza and in serious need of a hug :'D
18:30 Shara Day off is good. :)
18:39 * cheapie peeks in and hugs kaeza
18:40 tenplus1 hi cheapie
18:40 cheapie Hi :P
18:40 kaeza greetings, cheapie
18:59 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
19:00 tenplus1 wb DS-minetest
19:01 DS-minetest thanks tenplus1
19:02 tenplus1 it's kinda scarey what ppl will do on youtube for followers
19:03 DS-minetest tenplus1: you have an example?
19:04 tenplus1 some guy at 100 followers said he'd shave his head, then at 200 eat hair and at 300 eat shampoo ?!?! whyyyyyyy ????
19:05 DS-minetest because he wants sadists as followers
19:05 tenplus1 lol, sooooo weird...
19:06 red-001
19:06 red-001 test of the auto screenshoter
19:07 tenplus1 heh, kewl :P
19:08 red-001 I will make a forum post/github repo for it later
19:10 red-001 do note it looks better just compression messed it up
19:13 NathanS21 You know what I do on youtube for subscribers?
19:14 NathanS21 make videos. :P
19:14 tenplus1 heh, best thing... something entertaining without going full retard :D
19:14 red-001 well with this you still need some stackoverflow magic to make a video
19:15 red-001 cat *.png | ffmpeg -r 10 -framerate 60 -f image2pipe -i - output3.mp4
19:18 red-001
19:18 red-001 !title
19:18 ShadowBot GitHub - red-001/record: A minetest CSM mod for automatically taking screenshots.
19:22 paramat game 1543 has another +1
19:23 tenplus1 w00t!, thanks ShadowNinja
19:23 tenplus1 it's a 'goin in :)
19:24 paramat yes
19:25 Raven262 checking how many of you see this: 𓆣
19:25 DS-minetest red-001: wouldn't the delays be more consistent if it used minetest.after?
19:26 tenplus1 undefined...  looks like a box
19:26 tenplus1 what was it ?
19:26 Raven262 Scarab
19:26 Raven262 Hieroglyph
19:26 red-001 DS-minetest, no
19:26 tenplus1 is it in the symbol or unicode fonts ?
19:26 Raven262 unicode
19:26 DS-minetest a box with |0 1 3|\n|1 A 3|
19:26 red-001 minetest.after uses the on_step internally
19:26 Raven262 yep
19:27 tenplus1 weird, I have unicode fonts installed... shoudl appear
19:27 VanessaE Raven262: I see a box reading [013 1A3]
19:27 Raven262 yes, should be a scarab if your font supports it
19:27 VanessaE I'm only up to unicode 7.0 here
19:27 red-001 this makes more sense since it removes the extra code that minetest.after uses
19:28 Raven262 𓆣
19:28 Raven262 I can now type it from my keyboard, nice
19:28 red-001 but I can't see it
19:28 DS-minetest and what does minetest.after do if it's used with values smaller than 0.1?
19:29 Raven262 I'm thinking on making a minetest mod that adds some basic hieroglyphs
19:29 Raven262 𓆣
19:29 Raven262 xD
19:29 red-001 DS-minetest, why is that an important number?
19:30 paramat [013 1A3] for me
19:31 Raven262 Why am I the only one who sees these?
19:31 VanessaE maybe if he had made it read [00A 113] it would be funny :)
19:31 DS-minetest red-001: umm i thought, globalstep's delta time is ~0.1 seconds
19:31 VanessaE Raven262: you have a new enough unicode font installed somewhere, newer than what we have
19:32 red-001 well then we can assume it carries out the job on next global step
19:32 Raven262 I just installed linux mint, I didn't add anything to it
19:32 tenplus1 cinnamon or xfce ?
19:32 VanessaE then it comes with mint :P
19:32 Raven262 cinnamon
19:32 Raven262 But its so cool, I can type scarabs around xD
19:34 tenplus1 would be nice if the font you have active fill in it's missing characrters/unicode with a default one
19:36 Raven262 I tried posting a scarab on the forum, got this:
19:39 red-001 alright made a forum post
19:39 * red-001 wonders will another CSM mod ever become more popular then oredetect
19:40 DS-minetest lol
19:40 red-001 well you know what they say "all publicity is good publicity"
19:41 * DS-minetest planned to make a waypoints mod and started already some weeks ago
19:41 Raven262 ð“‚€
19:42 VanessaE DS-minetest: unified inventory :P
19:42 DS-minetest 013080
19:42 DS-minetest VanessaE: client side
19:42 red-001
19:42 red-001 !title
19:42 ShadowBot [ClientMod] Automatically take screenshots [record] - Minetest Forums
19:43 red-001 wow you people click links fast
19:44 Raven262 Oh yes
19:44 * Raven262 uses refresh
19:44 Raven262 oh yes.
19:46 red-001 Raven262, you taking a timelaspe?
19:46 Raven262 Not right now xD
19:46 Raven262 I thought to
19:46 Raven262 ...
19:47 Raven262 Can i specify to which dir the screenshots will be stored?
19:48 red-001 Raven262, cd to that dir
19:48 red-001 and then start minetest
19:49 DS-minetest you can configure in config
19:49 Raven262 Ok i'll try
19:49 red-001 oh lol
19:50 red-001 I didn't know that
19:50 red-001 I just did cd movie
19:50 red-001 ../bin/minetest
19:53 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
19:53 IhrFussel Hello guys
19:53 tenplus1 wb fussekl
19:53 tenplus1 * -k
19:56 red-001 hi IhrFussel
19:57 Raven262 red-001, one also requires ffmpeg program to run the command you posted.
19:57 red-001 "and have ffmpeg installed"
19:57 Raven262 Ah.
19:57 Raven262 I see.
19:59 IhrFussel Sometimes I have the craziest ideas for commands...I added a "Catch Me" command now xP
20:00 tenplus1 catch me ??
20:00 IhrFussel Yes one player sends /catch NAME the other one sends /cok and then the server tracks their pos...when they match player A got player B
20:00 tenplus1 what's it do ?
20:00 red-001 IhrFussel, talking about crazy did you see my new CSM mod?
20:01 tenplus1 lol red
20:01 tenplus1 also what exactly does it do with the match ??? why ???
20:02 DS-minetest in the past there was no command needed to ride another player
20:02 tenplus1 kinda like a game of TAG ?
20:02 IhrFussel Look...the server stores both player names and on global step it checks their pos...if the pos matches it means player B was caught by player A
20:03 IhrFussel Yes tag
20:03 tenplus1 lol
20:04 IhrFussel So should I call it "Tag!"? I thought "Catch Me" sounds better
20:05 IhrFussel red-001, I didn't download any CSM yet...what's it about?
20:06 Raven262 red-001, i have to tell you that your mod is useless xD
20:06 tenplus1 so long as it explains what you have to do that's all it needs :)
20:06 Raven262 At least on my pc
20:06 red-001 Raven262, why so?
20:06 Raven262 My pc can't render the proper amount of frames while capturing screenshots
20:06 red-001 ??
20:07 Raven262 It lags.
20:07 red-001 what did you set delay to ??
20:07 Raven262 0.3
20:07 Raven262 xD
20:07 Raven262 no wait
20:07 red-001 thats why it broke
20:07 Raven262 that was the first time
20:07 Raven262 i tried 0.1
20:07 tenplus1 nite folks :PP
20:07 red-001 use a sane vaule like 10
20:07 Raven262 most of the time 0.1 was nice
20:07 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
20:07 Raven262 I'm not sane, sorry.
20:07 Raven262 10?
20:08 red-001 it's for timelaspes not video recording
20:08 Raven262 Ah
20:08 red-001 Raven262, a screenshot every 10 seconds
20:08 Raven262 Yes i know
20:08 red-001 the default is 20 btw
20:08 Raven262 yeah i saw it
20:08 Raven262 wait, this might work nice
20:08 Raven262 I'll try it
20:10 red-001 Raven262, you saw what happened on craigs server with a low delay
20:13 IhrFussel What's the best wording if I want to say "PvP is toggable via commands" Right now I have "PvP per-player setting" but it sounds odd
20:15 Jordach opt-in PvP
20:15 paramat toggleable or togglable
20:17 IhrFussel Jordach, that sounds actually very nice I think I'll take that
20:18 IhrFussel And thanks for the correction paramat :P
20:19 IhrFussel To have Lua check 2 tables on each punch shouldn't be heavy right? (the tables just contain strings)
20:38 Shara IhrFussel: You are letting players set whether they are open to PVP on a command?
20:39 red-001 /toggle_pvp
20:40 Shara Just wondering how open to abuse that would be.
20:40 red-001 hey does anyone have an idea for what I could timelapse?
20:41 IhrFussel Shara, you can't abuse it...the server checks on each punch if both (puncher and punched player) have it enabled..if not -> error
20:42 Shara No, I mean... I go and kill a player, then turn it off so they can never kill me.
20:42 IhrFussel The commands are /pvpon and /pvpoff though xP
20:42 IhrFussel Well if you need to be AFK you should disable PvP
20:42 Shara I can imagine a certain kind of player only ever turning it on under certain circumstances
20:43 Shara Just curious how it would actually go on a server.
20:44 IhrFussel Before PvP was only enabled in a certain area, but since more and more players asked me if they could have their own PvP Area I decided to just let each player decide on their own everywhere on the's disabled by default
20:47 IhrFussel Shara, I could add some kind of cooldown before you can turn it off again
20:48 Raven262 red-001, is it safe to use convert command to convert mp4 to gif?
20:49 VanessaE (imagemagick can read video streams?)
20:50 Raven262 I read that it may have some memory leaks
20:50 Raven262 But anyway, could i post mp4 on the forums?
20:50 red-001 well I used gifcat
20:50 red-001
20:51 Raven262 I'll try
20:57 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
20:58 Megaf meh, this cable internet is way more unstable than my 3G
20:58 Megaf actually, my 3G is stable
20:59 DS-minetest <red-001> hey does anyone have an idea for what I could timelapse?
20:59 DS-minetest mobs
21:01 Raven262 I can't seem to be able to post gifs from this website to forums, red-001.
21:03 diegom joined #minetest-hub
21:03 red-001 Raven262, link it here
21:04 Raven262 Wait, i'm working on something else, nevermind
21:19 IhrFussel Everything tastes good as long as you use enough pepper xD
21:19 * DS-minetest doesn't like pepper that much…
21:20 IhrFussel DS-minetest, curry?
21:20 DS-minetest idk, they all taste different
21:21 DS-minetest IhrFussel: have you ever eaten cake with pepper?
21:21 DS-minetest if no, try it!
21:22 DS-minetest maybe it's good
21:22 IhrFussel Nope but I ate cheese with nougat
21:22 DS-minetest or yogurt
21:23 DS-minetest mmm, nougat
21:24 DS-minetest IhrFussel: and since then you know, you shall never hide nougat from others in your shoes :D
21:29 IhrFussel I like socks more :P
22:13 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
22:19 paramat joined #minetest-hub

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