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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-05-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:02 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
00:29 VanessaE :(
00:31 Calinou je suis explosion
00:31 Calinou nous somme tous concert
00:31 Calinou (sommes*)
00:39 rubenwardy :'(
00:39 garywhite they just said 19 on CBS Special Report
00:40 ruben_ joined #minetest-hub
00:40 shivajiva BBC are reporting it as 19
00:44 shivajiva The cause of the blast is unknown but North West Counter Terrorism unit is treating it as a possible terrorist incident, sources have told the BBC.
00:45 Calinou inb4 surveillance law
00:47 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
00:50 benrob0329 ;-(
01:00 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
01:03 * Megaf sneaks in
01:05 * Megaf waves
01:10 benrob0329 Hi Megaf
01:11 Megaf Hi there. Hows things?
01:11 benrob0329 Good, you?
01:20 Megaf Doing se
01:20 Megaf Well
01:21 Megaf I guess, finishing a book soon
01:21 Megaf Little sad the book is coming to an end. I was quite enjoying reading it
01:22 behalebabo an informed citizenry isn't great for profit margins. Corporations want to be accountable to stockholders, not an informed citizenry.
01:22 behalebabo arg
01:22 behalebabo sorry, pasted wrong
01:24 Megaf No worries
02:32 Miner_48er joined #minetest-hub
04:08 lumidify joined #minetest-hub
04:54 LazyJ joined #minetest-hub
05:03 Zeno` joined #minetest-hub
05:03 LazyJ Any devs up and about at this hour?
05:03 lumidify joined #minetest-hub
05:04 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
05:05 LazyJ Minetest engine commit 39f4a2f - [CSM] Add send_chat_message and run_server_chatcommand API functions
05:06 LazyJ I'm concerned by this commit. If the client is compiled *without* the rate limiter, not only is there the potetial for the CSM to be used to spam the chat, it could also be used to issue chat commands in an infinite loop causing the server to try to comply with each one or, with some commands, check to see if the privs allow it. How negatively would this impact the server?
05:07 lumidify joined #minetest-hub
05:20 blue-001 isn't the function rate limited already?
05:21 LazyJ If that limit is only client side, then what is to prevent a hacked client being made with that limiter removed?
05:21 blue-001 ofc
05:21 blue-001 but it was just as easy to just add the function yourself
05:22 nerzhul yes ofc, but it's better to have this limit in core than in Lua for regular clients
05:22 nerzhul it was why i accepted the PR, without this limit it was not reasonable
05:23 nerzhul a thing we will never allow is to control player via mods
05:23 LazyJ So it is possible to create a hacked client that does *not* have this limit?
05:23 nerzhul yes, but server has a limit too
05:23 nerzhul both are identical
05:23 nerzhul (by default)
05:24 LazyJ So the server can refuse or ignore a barage of commands?
05:24 nerzhul this limit client side prevent to send unneeded packets, server will drop if too many chat commands
05:24 blue-001 since the server limit can be changed a way to transfer that information to the client should be added
05:24 nerzhul blue-001, too late for this
05:24 LazyJ How much will dealing with a barage affect the server?
05:25 nerzhul red-001, can you open an issue for adding a sync on that limit ?
05:25 red-001 sure
05:26 nerzhul oh manchester killed :(
05:26 LazyJ Yeah. Bad day.
05:28 red-001 and it just started
05:28 nerzhul yeah
05:28 nerzhul red-001, in which country do you live ?
05:29 red-001 as perviously stated Ireland
05:29 nerzhul oh :) the paradise for gafa :p
05:29 red-001 lol
05:31 LazyJ Somewhere I have an old cassette tape of the Chieftains with special guest, Roger Daltry.
05:32 LazyJ Didn't have such worldly worries as terrorism back then.
05:33 LazyJ Well, not on the scale like what we have today. :|
06:20 VanessaE morning all.
06:20 nerzhul hi
06:20 VanessaE hi
06:57 CWz joined #minetest-hub
07:31 Zeno` joined #minetest-hub
07:32 VanessaE it's all Zeno`'s fault anyway
07:32 VanessaE oh hi Zeno`  ;)
07:32 Zeno` always my fault
07:32 VanessaE well, we gotta blame *somebody*
07:33 VanessaE (mind you, I never said what was your fault ;) )
07:49 Shara Morning all
07:50 CWz hey VanessaE. Shara and Zeno`
07:50 Zeno` hi CWz
07:50 Zeno` hi Shara
07:50 VanessaE hey CWz, Shara
07:52 VanessaE [on] <--- because [off] is so...negative :)
07:53 Shara Now I don't know if I should run screaming or smile!
07:54 VanessaE haha
07:54 VanessaE smile.  you're on candid...logging bot. ;)
07:55 Shara :D
07:56 Shara That's not easy at this time of morning!
07:57 VanessaE <insert reference to the WIle E. Coyote "smile... a little more..." scene from "Back in Action">
08:00 shivajiva Hi folks
08:03 Shara Hi shivajiva
08:03 VanessaE hi
08:06 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
08:07 Shara Hi nerzhul
08:07 nerzhul hi Shara
08:22 Amaz Hi all :)
08:22 Shara Hi Amaz :)
08:24 shivajiva Hello Amaz
08:25 Calinou hi Amaz
08:50 wayward1[m] joined #minetest-hub
09:43 lisac joined #minetest-hub
10:12 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
10:15 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
10:56 Fixer "net neutrility no more in USA"
10:56 Fixer what a "great" time to live
11:00 sfan5 america has been made great again as you can see
11:06 shivajiva Branson has been trying to do this for years in the UK, no doubt we will follow suit
11:08 shivajiva freedom is an illusion just like fairness, I hope they choke on their profits
12:02 hfranqui joined #minetest-hub
12:15 wayward1[m] joined #minetest-hub
12:15 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
12:27 RobbieF joined #minetest-hub
12:37 NathanS21 joined #minetest-hub
12:40 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
12:41 sfan5 good morning
12:42 Zeno` guten morgen
12:45 Zeno` oh wait
12:45 Zeno` you're right
12:45 Zeno` my bad
12:46 sfan5 Di 23. Mai 14:46:41 CEST 2017
12:47 sfan5 can't get something wrong when you paste the time from /usr/bin/date
13:00 Sokomine 14:42 <+Zeno`> [off] it is kind of... probabt 2:42AM    :-)
13:00 Zeno` yeah yeah I added wrong hehehe
13:01 Zeno` anyway it's not. It's 3PM
13:01 Fuchs and one minute.
13:01 Zeno` oh yeah
13:02 Fuchs can't forget these minutes.
13:02 * Fuchs waves up to Germany
13:02 Zeno` just a second while I think
13:02 Zeno` maybe it's 3:02PM :p
13:03 Fuchs we don't use PM here
13:03 Zeno` stop picking on me! LOL
13:03 Fuchs aw, sorry
13:03 * Zeno` cries and then accepts Fuchs' apology
13:04 CWz Zeno-sama!
13:04 Zeno` Cwz-err-thingy!
13:05 Zeno` Sokomine, I apologise again for moving your position in the credits
13:05 Zeno` I seriously feel bad :/
13:05 Zeno` (even though it's not committed yet)
13:06 Zeno` But I have to try and be fair even though it often makes me feel bad
13:07 Zeno` Editing /that/ file is the worst file to edit in the project
13:07 Zeno` In some ways I'd rather introduce a memory leak
13:07 nore Hmm I'd say Sokomine is still active, even if she is not committing...
13:08 Zeno` nore, I'm open to changing it back
13:08 nore But yeah, credits are the worst to update, I agree
13:08 nore hmm, I don't know what the other core devs and Sokomine herself think about it
13:09 Zeno` I think Sokomine is ok with it
13:09 Zeno` but, yeah, I will change it back if a majority of other devs want it changed back
13:09 nore Sokomine: please provide input on what you would like best, and what *you* consider fair :)
13:10 Zeno` personally I don't care who is listed. I just looked at the logs :)
13:11 Sokomine pm...what a strange construct. we do have digital clocks now :-)
13:11 nore Yeah, pm is strange
13:11 Zeno` CWz he has doxed me?
13:11 Sokomine Zeno`: er. that's no problem. i really didn't contribute much. no need for you to worry!
13:12 * nore will be happy to come back to France where there is no am/pm
13:12 Zeno` nore ^... your call
13:12 * Sokomine nods to nore
13:12 nore Sokomine: well if you consider that is fair, then I don't have anything to say :p
13:13 Zeno` If I had it my way I'd combine active and previous contributors
13:13 Sokomine active in mod development - and if need and opportunity come maybe in the engine development as well. but currently not in the engine. wouldn't be fair to list me there
13:13 Zeno` because, really, who cares if the contribution was 1, 2, 4 or 5 years ago?
13:14 Zeno` But if I did that I'd remove email addresses of contributors
13:14 Sokomine that's right, zeno. might just be a very long list
13:15 Sokomine most players will probably never read it anyway or just by accident. any people that want to contribute are better off if they can identify active core developpers more easily
13:15 Zeno` yeah it would be :)
13:15 Zeno` Sokomine, oh I know they don't read it
13:15 Zeno` any server I join using
13:16 Zeno` any server I join using "Zeno" as my nick nobody even believes I'm a dev LOL
13:16 Shara Because people fake devs so much :)
13:16 Zeno` at the end of the day it's meaningless (really)
13:17 Zeno` I dunno if I know you, Shara. Pleased to meet you
13:17 Shara If they were all real, poor c55 must hate me for all the times I've banned him by now :)
13:17 DS-minetest hah
13:17 ircSparky the other day I had "notch" come to my server
13:17 Zeno` ircSparky, that must have been an honour
13:17 ircSparky (he actually admitted he was jk though)
13:18 ircSparky he said he was going to arrest herobrine and grief his house
13:18 Shara Lately, Robbie and I have banned a whole horde of Shadowy Ninjas as well.
13:18 Zeno` I once banned Krock
13:18 Zeno` (except it really was Krock)
13:18 Shara I have had that experience too :D
13:20 VanessaE good morning all.
13:20 VanessaE (again)
13:20 ircSparky I haven't banned Krock
13:20 Shara Hi Vanessa
13:20 ircSparky I guess im not a *real* server owner...
13:20 ircSparky xD
13:20 ircSparky morning
13:21 DS-minetest good morning VanessaE
13:21 Zeno` Fuchs, can I ask something?
13:21 VanessaE so what's news?
13:22 VanessaE (besides that.)
13:22 Shara ircSparky: not real in what way?
13:22 Zeno` Fuchs, I recently read a book about the first transatlantic crossing. The leader of the expedition was named someone Fuchs
13:22 ircSparky you arent a real server oener unless you ban Krock at some point
13:22 Zeno` any relation?
13:22 Shara :D
13:22 ircSparky :P
13:23 Shara I only considered banning him.
13:23 VanessaE oh, well then I guess I'm also not a real server owner.  to my knowledge, I've never banned Krock either ;)
13:23 Zeno` actually the book was written by Fuchs as well
13:28 Fuchs Zeno`: sure, sorry, was busy elsewhere,
13:28 Fuchs Zeno`: no, Fuchs is a common last name
13:28 Fuchs it means fox
13:29 Fuchs and whether it is my last name is not something I disclose :)
13:29 Zeno` ah ok
13:29 Zeno` well, it was an ok book
13:30 Zeno` Fuchs, do you mind if I call you Fox Mulder?
13:30 Zeno` lol, just kidding
13:30 Fuchs oh, feel free to, David Duchovny is super sexy
13:31 Fuchs bit older than I am
13:31 Fuchs but sexy
13:31 VanessaE Fuchs: you know, I meant to ask you how you got your name.  now it makes sense :)
13:31 Zeno` :-o
13:33 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
13:35 stormchaser3000_ joined #minetest-hub
13:36 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
13:36 Calinou hi
13:36 Calinou there's a Minetest screenshot on this site :D
13:37 * stormchaser3000_ noticed that :D
13:37 Calinou (Phoronix talked about that distro, so that's how I know about it)
13:37 Fixer that one gnomers are doing?
13:37 stormchaser3000_ a minetest screenshot on a GNU/Linux distro website :D
13:38 DS-minetest it's an old mt version
13:38 Calinou says you need to purchase support for proprietary media formats
13:38 Calinou yeah, looks old
13:38 Calinou but still, this distro is 2commercial5me :)
13:38 Calinou (probably 2commercial5anyone, actually)
13:42 twoelk are there numbers how many connect to servers with clients running on endlessOS?
13:49 Calinou not sure if the master server registers the exact distro used
13:49 Calinou it registers requests per-OS, sfan5 sometimes publishes stats
13:49 Calinou (we have lots of Android and iOS, as you can expect)
13:49 Calinou sfan5: what's the link to the stats by the way? I forgot
13:50 sfan5 serverlist_status_*.txt in here
13:50 Calinou also that's only for the master server, ie. individual servers don't get any OS/version info
13:50 sfan5 s/status/stats/
13:51 Calinou heh, looking at the 4 stat dumps, nice to see IPv6 increasing steadily
13:54 octacian joined #minetest-hub
13:59 Jordach >At a meeting in Vietnam, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said that the United States will not be returning to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement.
13:59 Jordach PogFuckingChamp
14:00 sfan5 made great again ✔
14:01 shivajiva anybody know who hfranqui is?
14:02 shivajiva given the statement about invading freenode via vpn I see no reason to entertain users in this channel that don't ask for voice and identify
14:02 Fixer sfan5: where do you get all those unicode symbols, do you have some sort of plugin for irc, with handy search?
14:03 Shara shivajiva: have to agree, sadly. I do feel identifying when asked isn't too much to ask.
14:03 Jordach Fixer, 乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚
14:04 Shara Though we should always give some time for an answer before doing anything
14:04 Zeno` yo
14:04 Zeno` I come from the land down under
14:04 sfan5 Fixer: i just have a list of a few in my auto-replace list
14:04 * Zeno` hands Shara a vegemite sandwich
14:04 Shara Cheers
14:04 Zeno` you make me nervous
14:05 Shara Though I think VanessaE stole all my doughnuts, and I'd much rather some of them
14:05 Zeno` you better run. you'd better take cover
14:05 VanessaE nono
14:05 Shara no?
14:05 VanessaE I only ate the éclair :)
14:05 Shara Guuuuuuuhhhhhh! :(
14:05 Zeno` I met a man in Brussels
14:05 * VanessaE falls over laughing
14:06 VanessaE Zeno`: was he about 1.8m tall and well-built?
14:06 Zeno` he was 6 foot tall and full of muscles, yes
14:06 VanessaE well you can keep the impending sandwich :P
14:06 Zeno` lol
14:06 hfranqui left #minetest-hub
14:07 Fixer 1.8m is not tall
14:07 Fixer for man
14:07 Fixer tall here is like 2m
14:07 Fuchs depends, it certainly is above average for quite most countries
14:07 VanessaE Fixer: song lyrics
14:07 VanessaE the man was explicitly 6 feet tall, or about 1.8m :)
14:08 CWz Zeno-sama-senpi?
14:08 Zeno` I didn't take much note of the man, I just ate the sandwich
14:09 Zeno` but he did have muscles
14:09 VanessaE haha
14:14 Jordach OldCoder (~OldCoder@unaffiliated/oldcoder) has quit (K-Lined)
14:16 benrob0329 (Offtopic)
14:17 VanessaE [off[ probably, but use an anon proxy
14:18 WhoAreYou joined #minetest-hub
14:18 Jordach kappa
14:19 Calinou Jordach: :non_potable_water:
14:19 Jordach we can shitpost in voice without anything being remembered Kappa
14:27 Jordach
14:27 VanessaE haha
14:29 Jordach
14:30 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
14:45 twoelk sad things a'happening these days :-(
14:46 benrob0329 Anyways, what's everyone up to?
14:46 Sokomine trying to get mobs into my citybuilder world
14:48 * twoelk is still dreaming of a functioning farmer-backer driven mob economy
14:48 shivajiva looking at the Jails mod with a view to adding a timeframe element
14:49 benrob0329 (Kek)
14:54 Sokomine farmer-backer?
14:55 Calinou benrob0329: working on a Symfony thing
14:57 Zeno` gute wurst is all I have to say
14:57 Zeno` nom nom nom
14:59 * Zeno` eats Thüringer Rostbratwurst
15:00 Zeno` all other bratwurst are inferior
15:00 twoelk not my favorite
15:00 Zeno` *gasp* what are you saying, twoelk?!
15:01 twoelk but then I'm not a fan of bratwurst alltogether
15:01 twoelk excluding dishes and situations that simply can't go without
15:01 Zeno` blasphemist!
15:02 Zeno` Do you like kransky?
15:02 Fixer fuck you, now I want to it
15:02 Fixer stop that
15:02 Fixer (afk)
15:03 Sokomine hm. you make me hungry...
15:03 Zeno` or chorizo?
15:03 * Sokomine considers getting a bratwurst
15:03 Zeno` Sokomine, let's cook it together!
15:03 Fuchs I had a lovely Bratwurst earlier, with baked potatoes and vegetables. And then icecream
15:04 twoelk ? rather Matjes, Bismarkhering, or Sprotten for me  :-D
15:04 Zeno` Fuchs, stop teasing
15:05 Fuchs go eat, then
15:05 Zeno` err I might have to. LOL
15:05 VanessaE mmmmm bratwurst
15:05 VanessaE gimme
15:09 Sokomine cook? it belongs on a barbeque (or however they're called in english)
15:10 Sokomine fuchs: deliscious :-)
15:10 Fuchs barbecue, and I think you can also do Bratwurst decently enough in a frying pan if you are good at it
15:10 Fuchs reminds me to buy a barbecue for my new apartment
15:10 * Sokomine hands VanessaE a bratwurst from a local imbiss
15:11 Sokomine no. doing them in a frying pan does not taste well
15:12 Zeno` Sokomine, none for me?
15:13 VanessaE we'd just nuke them
15:13 VanessaE we're lazy like that :)
15:13 Zeno` no no no, they must be grilled (on coals)
15:14 Zeno` Sokomine, VanessaE won't appreciate it. Can I have hers?
15:14 Fuchs actually cervelat is a very common thing here, and these you roast over an open fire, by poking a wooden stick through them
15:14 VanessaE oh I wouldn't mind it grilled :)
15:15 Zeno` Fuchs, are you deliberately trying to make me hungry?
15:15 Fuchs
15:15 Fuchs now I am
15:15 Zeno` I wish I didn't click that link :`(
15:15 Fuchs (in unrelated sidenotes, I don't recommend otherwise, it's a tabloid, a terrible one, but that's the best picture I found)
15:16 * Zeno` cries
15:17 shivajiva hope that was macadamia nut ice cream Fuchs :P
15:17 Zeno` I want to eat it :(
15:17 Fuchs shivajiva: no, my stomach currently doesn't react well to cream based icecream, so it was a popscicle (we also call that icecream)
15:18 nerzhul oops
15:18 shivajiva lol
15:18 Zeno` you could probably eat grenata, Fuchs
15:19 Fuchs oh, yes, sorry, is off-topic chatter actually okay in here?
15:19 Fuchs if not: apologies
15:19 Calinou depends if paramat is around or not :P
15:19 Zeno` I don't think there is a topic here lol
15:19 Fuchs Please keep offtopic discussions short (under 50 lines).    *counts*   *disappears*  have a nice evening :)
15:19 Zeno` I won't ban you anyway. Mainly because I'm not an op
15:20 * Zeno` looks at shivajiva
15:20 Fuchs technically I could ban myself, but that would be a bit frowned upon from various sides, and that's understandable :)
15:20 Zeno` err Shara
15:20 Zeno` Shara, make me an op!
15:20 shivajiva Fuchs: you can add a zero to the end of that for yourself :)
15:21 Shara Zeno, if I make you op, you'll probably do something crazy :)
15:21 Fuchs I'd rather not have special treatment
15:21 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
15:21 Fuchs Shara: sorry for the off-topic banter
15:21 Zeno` Shara, obviously I would but you'll do it anyway
15:21 Shara Fuchs: It's fine, really. And not special treatment.
15:22 Zeno` Shara, because you love me
15:22 VanessaE Fuchs: we go offtopic here a lot.
15:22 Shara It's more of a loose rule so we can legitimately stop things going too far.
15:22 Fuchs ah, okay :)
15:22 * Zeno` flutters his eyes
15:22 Shara Zeno, this is just to shut you up.
15:22 Shara :P
15:23 Zeno` \o/
15:23 VanessaE Fuchs: *sigh* see your /msgs :-/
15:23 Fuchs already did
15:23 VanessaE ok.
15:23 * Zeno` does the dance of the funky chicken
15:28 * Sokomine hands a curry bratwurst with pommes to Zeno` as well
15:28 Sokomine nuke them?
15:28 lisac joined #minetest-hub
15:28 Sokomine that's right. grilled on coals is the right way to produce them
15:29 Zeno` Sokomine, THANKS!
15:30 Sokomine Fuchs: no problem :-) but: do you play mt as well? :-)
15:31 Fuchs Sokomine: so far not, I came here in staff capacity, sorry. I might give it a go, given I just recently found minecraft and rather like it
15:31 Fuchs Sokomine: it's definitely on my list though, probably going to install it this weekend to have a look :)
15:31 Fuchs (I rarely play on computers, I prefer consoles)
15:32 Sokomine ah :-) then you really ought to try mt. it runs better under linux and on machines with not so good graphics than mc and is easy to mod :-)
15:32 Sokomine (so a bit ontopic. can't hurt to advertise a bit :))
15:32 Sokomine oh. hm. the wasd-movement is probably taken from console games or the like
15:33 Zeno` wasd is pretty, well, standard
15:33 Sokomine it's not so easy for me. but it works well in this kind of game
15:33 Zeno` has been since first wolfenstein
15:33 Sokomine but the most fun is to build something anyway :-)
15:34 Fuchs Sokomine: yeah, I've already seen that portage has it, so I'll go install it on my "big" laptop later on
15:34 Zeno` true
15:34 Fuchs the small one has an Intel somethingsomething GPU and is probably less fun
15:34 Zeno` but also true is that you can change those keys lol
15:35 Zeno` on my keyboard the A and S key are completely blank (the letters have been worn off them)
15:35 Zeno` left shift is blank and so is left ctrl
15:36 Zeno` Q is almost worn out as well as C
15:36 VanessaE left shift and left ctrl on mine actually have the black parts worn off, showing the clear underlay (lighted keys)
15:37 VanessaE at least on the edges
15:37 Zeno` D is only half worn off... I guess I don't move to the right as much
15:38 Fuchs and then I'll code and do a pull request for foxes, because every game needs foxes *nods*
15:38 Zeno` we have foxes
15:38 Zeno` (they are a mod though)
15:39 Zeno` pretty common mod, though
15:40 benrob0329 Calinou: a Symfony thing?
15:40 benrob0329 >Blender composing is being slow
15:41 benrob0329 *checks opencl*
15:41 benrob0329 OMGOSH ITS INSTANT
15:42 Sokomine Fuchs: i'm running mt on a machine with a celeron g1610 and its internal gpu. works pretty fine. even runs on my old and rather cheap smartphone to some degree (less view range there9
15:42 Fuchs then I might install it on the smaller kubuntu machine, at least that will be faster than compiling the whole thing on gentoo
15:42 benrob0329 I ran MT on a dying Pentium laptop
15:43 benrob0329 60 fps, without recording
15:43 benrob0329 20 max whilst recording
15:43 red-001 I used to run and compile mt on a pentium D
15:43 benrob0329 Granted, I think I might have killed the thing leaving it up for a week rendering...
15:44 Fuchs yeah, seems to run reasonably well
15:44 Sokomine hm. my k and l keys are pretty worn off.  also m and n for unkown reasons. v and b also
15:44 Fuchs even when enabling stuff like the weaving leaves and grass and whatnot
15:44 Fuchs okay, where would I get the foxes mod? :p
15:45 benrob0329 More animals for Mobs redo?
15:45 * twoelk keeps running minetest on hardware the devs tell him is too old, but it works anyways - sort of
15:46 benrob0329 Well, one of the devs themselves is running too old of hardware :PP *cough* Krock *cough*
15:46 Sokomine krock even ran a server on an old notebook for a long time
15:47 * Fuchs eyes Zeno`
15:48 * Zeno` eyes Fuchs
15:48 Fuchs Zeno`: which mod did you talk about? For the foxes?
15:49 Shara dmobs has foxes.
15:49 red-001 are there foxes in mobs_redo?
15:49 Fuchs right, dmobs   *goes search*
15:49 Shara Not sure how well that mod runs though. The version on Dark lands is highly edited
16:03 Krock joined #minetest-hub
16:03 Krock joined #minetest-hub
16:06 red-001 hi Krock
16:08 Sokomine Fuchs: you can find mods under   forum search does not work well
16:08 Fuchs Sokomine: yes, already found and installed it, and reported my first "bug" to Zeno` :p
16:09 Sokomine :-)
16:13 Fixer *shrug*
16:14 Fixer "now I want to eat" corrected my message, also, done it already, very fine
16:15 Fixer tea time!
16:17 Krock hi red-001, Fixer, Sokomine, Fuchs, <your name could be here>
16:17 Fixer hi
16:18 Fixer i wonder if I should make water related table of bugs
16:19 Fixer oh
16:19 Fixer i forgot my minetest anniversary
16:19 Fixer 6 years
16:21 Calinou benrob0329: the famous PHP framework,
16:21 Fixer (my oldest minetest related screenshot), made 19.05.2011
16:22 Fixer in this 6 years I finally seen some important bugs fixed, and carts merged
16:22 Fixer especially in last releases
16:22 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
16:22 Zeno` yeah he did :)
16:22 Zeno` Bug is fixed in next release hehehe
16:22 Sokomine hi krock :-)
16:23 Sokomine congratulations, fixer :-)
16:23 Fixer Zeno`: that screenshot also has link to bugreporting, try to guess
16:23 Fixer it is hard to believe time flies so fast
16:23 Sokomine fixer: indeed
16:24 red-001 I still find it funny how your name is Fixer and you seem to be really good at finding bugs instead
16:24 Fixer that was random name
16:24 Fixer i hate bugs
16:24 red-001 do you work in QA or something lol?
16:24 Fixer no
16:24 Zeno` red-001, are you ok with how how I presented your name in the credits?
16:25 red-001 seems good
16:25 Fixer Zeno`: so what is the bug on that screenshot?
16:25 Zeno` what screenshot?
16:25 Fixer Zeno`:
16:26 Zeno` oh, all the debug info at the top
16:26 Zeno` it's not really a bug, just annoying
16:27 Fixer wrong, good luck guessing it, the bug is: Server crash when you exceed world limit
16:27 Calinou Fixer: ah, you made that one
16:27 Calinou Fixer: you were HaiR?
16:27 Fixer Calinou: no
16:27 Fixer Calinou: i was Fixer
16:27 Fixer Zeno`: I started minetest with world border related crashes, it is 2017 - still world related crashing
16:28 Fixer celeron also was on that server
16:28 Zeno` ok, well I'll fix it. I misunderstood what the screenshot was
16:29 Fixer Calinou: also, I did walked 30000 nodes manually, by using rock on my keyboard, some person made a huge road to end of the world
16:29 Calinou yeah
16:29 Fixer i wonder who was that person
16:29 Calinou I saw this screenshot just after joining
16:29 Calinou in 2 months, I celebrate my 6th Minetest birthday :)
16:29 Calinou (2011-07-06 is when I first compiled the game on a Ubuntu 10.04 laptop
16:29 Zeno` email me how to reproduce and it will be fixed tomorrow
16:30 Calinou I was wondering why my FPS was low for almost 2 months – turned out that "wanted_fps = 100" slowed down the game a lot for no reason
16:30 Calinou (default was 30)
16:30 Fixer Zeno`: that crash was fixed in 2011 iirc, another was fixed in 2016... and some remains related to 200 000
16:31 Fixer also, I think I added that END thing on top
16:31 Zeno` That doesn't tell me how to reproduce it
16:31 Fixer fancied it
16:31 Zeno` I don't want to know what happens, I want to know how to make it happen
16:32 benrob0329 Minetest should probablu use relative coords (aka the map gets "snapped" back to center) that way we can make the maps bigget
16:32 benrob0329 *bigget
16:32 benrob0329 *bigget
16:32 benrob0329 I'm done
16:32 benrob0329 Mobile keyboards suck
16:32 Fixer Zeno`: this one is last world border related bug I remember
16:32 Fixer Zeno`: other more easier bugs were fixed already
16:32 Sokomine fixer: was it probably the road-server? but that came later afaik...
16:33 Fixer Sokomine: not sure, possibly or celeron's server
16:33 Fixer I do remember telling celeron mapblock was slow as hell
16:33 Fixer mapblock load*
16:36 Fixer remember mindless walking on that road
16:36 Fixer chunks loaded in front of me
16:37 Fixer i arrived to the end, did something there, server crashed few times as usual, and my memory fails here
16:37 Calinou benrob0329: bigger maps aren't really doable, I think
16:37 Calinou without breaking everything
16:38 Fixer at the time I've also tried infiniminer and MC on their website, stayed with minetest
16:38 Fixer notice how good is this fps!
16:39 Fixer as for ati radeon 9600
16:39 Fixer end of course it is trolling, because I'm facing end of the world
16:40 Fixer automatic range in 0.3 worked in ranges from 35-140 with fps around at 30-70, stuttering appeared in 2011
16:41 Fixer in sense of graphics, z-sorting and stutter is worst parts
16:41 Fixer that exist today in my opinion
16:41 benrob0329 Oohh, I just had an excelent idea for a perma ban
16:42 Fixer i wonder how MC W10 achieves so much performance on huge vranges
16:42 benrob0329 Send the player far outside the map so that their game crashes
16:42 benrob0329 Then, if they rejoin, it'll crash again
16:42 benrob0329 Fixer: kernel level rendering
16:42 Fixer benrob0329: iirc, on Hometown server someone did that
16:44 Hijiri good thing the hackers didn't think of doing that
16:44 Fixer ati related z-buffer fix (rba) and proper water flow (millersman) also makes me very comfy
16:46 Fixer it turns out on ATI videocards MC also had the same problem with z-buffer (texture ripples), but it was fixed in 2011, and in MT somewhere near 2016
16:46 Fixer i'm still amazed why carts were so left out, since we had rails in 2011
16:48 twoelk buggy carts code
16:50 Fixer iirc PilzAdams carts were jittery as hell
16:50 benrob0329 Railnet ftw
16:51 Fixer yet, fork of pilzadam carts by Krock ("optimised?" (c)), was used and it works pretty much
16:51 Fixer i like it
16:51 Fixer very stable most of the time
16:51 Fixer smooth
16:51 Fixer JT 0.4.12 pilzadam cart experience was horrible
16:52 Fixer also, head was at level 3, which was very odd
16:52 Fixer so you needed 3x1 tunnels, but nobody did them
16:52 benrob0329 Fixer:;t=13873
16:53 Fixer benrob0329: as an option, sure, I'm very happy MTG has official carts
16:53 Fixer that can be disabled and replaced by other mods
16:54 benrob0329 Yes, but carts should not be laggy in singleplayer
16:54 Fixer benrob0329: on my PC (core i3+ati6870) I had no problems with new official carts
16:54 benrob0329 (Current carts have a strange "snapping" behavior)
16:54 Fixer hmm
16:54 Fixer possible
16:54 benrob0329 sure, on a long straight track you don't notice
16:54 Fixer if you punch on hilly areas and other trick stuff
16:55 benrob0329 But who the heck makes a long straight track with a MINEcart ?
16:56 Fixer benrob0329: i did a lot of testing of carts in singleplayer, and it was fine most of the time, without jitter or up-down movement, if you also have accelerator-rails, it runs very good
16:56 Fixer there were problems with reversing motion, stacking in ground in certain situations
16:56 Calinou I remember OptiFine forcing 16-bit z-buffer (instead of the default 24-bit) to squeeze an extra bit of performance
16:56 Calinou z-fighting happened pretty often with ladders and vines
16:57 Fixer Calinou: lol, that is too 2000
16:57 red-001 oh Roger Moore died
16:57 benrob0329 Fixer: perhaps they are fine, but I certainly don't like the feel of them
16:58 Fixer benrob0329: cool thing is you can disable them and use other alternatives
16:58 Krock Fixer, well, most of the cart's execution speed is gained by only updating the velocity/acceleration each node instead a few hundred times a second
16:58 benrob0329 This is true
16:58 Fixer thats why good modular minetest_game should not be ashamed of including actual stuff to make complete game, if it is modular enough - you can make parts replacable/moddable
16:58 Krock and if updating - only the stuff that has actually be changed
16:59 benrob0329 ^^ like git.
17:00 Fixer Krock: your descriptino of boost_carts is funny, it is optimised (?)
17:01 Fixer i would it does
17:01 Fixer i would say it does*
17:01 Krock Fixer, that's not limited to the speed, but also to the functionally overall. when I wrote this it had some annoying glitches, like driving through walls or skipping nodes
17:02 Krock so, might be a bit outdated already but I like to keep it this way
17:02 Fixer Krock: to have more AdamPilz feel
17:03 Fixer btw, there are new formspec typing related bugs I posted, another hydra
17:05 Krock trying to fix the selectionbox when pointing through water..
17:05 paramat joined #minetest-hub
17:06 Calinou out of curiosity, does anyone know how to reduce sound latency in WINE games?
17:06 Calinou it's quite high for me
17:06 Calinou native games don't have this issue
17:07 Krock hmm.. already tried fiddling with the sound output device yet in your settings?
17:07 Fixer Calinou: last time I tried WINE somewhere in 2004 with CS i had no problems with sound, but later... Lennart arrived
17:07 Calinou yeah, this is PulseAudio
17:08 Fixer Calinou: THIS IS SPARTA!
17:08 Hijiri Calinou: I don't know, but I remember playing Osu! on WINE
17:08 Fixer i mean pulseaudio
17:08 Calinou I lowered s_mixahead in Quake Live to 0.1, the lowest stable value here
17:08 Calinou (default is 0.2… which is even worse)
17:08 Hijiri but maybe I just had a really high delay set
17:08 Calinou tried 0.05, had no sound since it was too short
17:08 Fixer Calinou: fannily I had very small mouse lag :D
17:08 Fixer funnily*
17:09 Fixer XFree time
17:09 Fixer and it is 2017... wayland is not mainstream
17:10 Fixer yet
17:11 Fixer Calinou: it seems PA was improved noticeably
17:11 Fixer Calinou: from comments I've read
17:11 Fixer Calinou: at first it was *RAGING*
17:11 Fixer Calinou: everyone was disabling it like plague
17:11 Fixer luckily I was on Windows XP at the time
17:12 rubywarden joined #minetest-hub
17:12 Fixer I was reading those forums full of rage and hate to Lennart, SystemD, PulseAudio, 1000 posts on single topics on sysvinit vs systemd, that was perfect read
17:12 rubenwardy__ left #minetest-hub
17:13 Fixer it overshadowed even Gentoo
17:13 Fixer Gentoo as a distro for guys who like process of compilation itself to gain few percents of speed and too warm their house
17:14 Fixer and this leads me to >>> Calinou
17:14 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
17:14 Fixer Calinou: i wonder if minetest will have flatpak/whatever for distribution
17:14 Fixer Calinou: automated build, newest
17:14 Fixer Calinou: debug symbols available, and other perks
17:14 rubenwardy urrr
17:14 Calinou Fixer: debug builds available to end users are useless
17:14 Fixer Calinou: nerzhul has some autobuilding facilities
17:14 Calinou (more or less)
17:15 Calinou also, AppImage > Flatpak still
17:15 Fixer Calinou: except me %)
17:15 Calinou at least for most use cases
17:15 Fixer Calinou: AppImage is backed by someone?
17:15 Fixer rubenwardy: wanna look at formspecs? %)
17:15 Calinou Fixer: yes
17:15 Fixer Calinou: who?
17:15 benrob0329 Appimage doesn't require a thing to be installed
17:15 Calinou Fixer: okay…
17:16 Calinou AppImage is Torvalds, Lunduke, Shuttleworth-approved
17:16 Calinou is this not enough for you?
17:16 benrob0329 And its like a docker image, in the sense that everything needed is in it
17:16 Fixer Calinou: okay-okay, but does debian stable support it?
17:16 Calinou yes, depending if the AppImage is built on an old enough distro
17:16 Calinou typically you use Ubuntu 14.04 to build AppImages today, so they also work on Debian 8
17:16 Calinou (not Debian 7, though)
17:16 Calinou (unless you build on Debian 7…)
17:17 benrob0329 I thought appimages were distro independent
17:17 Calinou no desktop user really uses a < 2014 distro
17:17 Calinou benrob0329: they are, but to an extent
17:17 Calinou the older the distro you build from, the more compatible it is
17:17 Calinou but you can't build all software this way, due to many softwares requiring recent libraries
17:17 Calinou (Doomsday requires Ubuntu 16.04!)
17:17 Fixer Calinou: wait, shuttle-t supports appimage? is not they have Snap?
17:17 Calinou he does.
17:17 Calinou read the site :)
17:18 Fixer this part annoys me, would they rather choose one and make it awesome? %)
17:18 Fixer now we have three...
17:18 Calinou three what?
17:18 Fixer appimage, flatpak, snap
17:18 benrob0329 Appimage doesn't require extra stuff, correct?
17:19 Calinou competition is good, software monocultures are never a good thing.
17:19 Calinou see OpenSSL
17:19 Calinou benrob0329: yes. no root required to use them, too
17:19 Calinou (this is big)
17:19 Fixer Calinou: okay, but do the have GUI?
17:19 Calinou GUI for what?
17:19 benrob0329 then its better
17:19 Fixer Calinou: for whole installing process
17:19 Calinou AppImages do not need to be installed
17:19 benrob0329 Flat ans snap both need extra things
17:19 Calinou they are portable applications
17:19 Fixer Calinou: say I'm noob, I DLed Minetest appimage...
17:19 Calinou you can move them to /usr/local/bin though, if you want them to be in your PATH
17:19 Calinou you do need to make them executable though, first.
17:19 benrob0329 you'd click on it/execute it like a binary
17:19 Calinou unfortunately, it's going to stay like this for a while
17:20 Calinou *except* if you put your AppImage in a .tar but this is not recommended
17:20 Calinou (users need to extract it then)
17:21 Calinou consider that many distros are pretty hostile to the idea of AppImages and such
17:21 Calinou (namely, Debian)
17:21 sfan5 red-001: why do you have so many alt accounts
17:21 sfan5 or nicks
17:21 red-001 not sure tbh
17:21 benrob0329 Because he can?
17:21 Fuchs red-001: sorry :)
17:22 Fixer Calinou: hmm, to run AppImage I need to simply run it?
17:22 Fuchs red-001: that looked quite alt-ish, obviously removed now
17:22 red-001 Fuchs, it's ok I'm removing the account from my znc anyway
17:22 sfan5 benrob0329: that's not a reason
17:22 Calinou Fixer: chmod +x then run it
17:22 red-001 it was planning to reuse it for something else
17:22 benrob0329 Is it wrong to have an alt or two?
17:22 Calinou (you can do this from the permissions GUI of your file manager, right click -> properties -> permissions)
17:22 red-001 I*
17:22 Fixer Calinou: okay, this is pretty simple
17:22 Calinou it's up to you to tell users how to make it executable
17:23 Fixer Calinou: and it will work on any distro?
17:23 red-001 just can't figure out how to list users
17:23 paramat forum offtopic was wiped, nice =D
17:23 Calinou yes
17:23 benrob0329 paramat: really? Its about time
17:23 Calinou if you build on Ubuntu 14.04, you support: any Ubuntu released since then, Debian 8/9 and sid, any non-EOL Fedora, Arch Linux and derivatives…
17:23 Calinou so pretty much everyone
17:23 Calinou remember to test your AppImage on actual distros!
17:23 Fixer Calinou: OpenSUSE? Manjaro?
17:23 Fixer oh
17:23 Calinou use virtual machines or chroots/systemd-nspawns
17:24 Calinou yes, will work on openSUSE and Manjaro
17:24 Calinou fortunately, the AppImage lead developer created something to quickly test software in distros
17:24 Calinou you give it a distro ISO, an AppImage, and it runs it in the distro in a chroot IIRC
17:25 Fixer last time i've looked into flatpak, it was bunch of strange commands to install and run
17:25 Fixer Calinou: nice
17:25 Calinou yes, that's the problem with Flatpak
17:25 Calinou Flatpak has more advanced sandboxing capabilities
17:25 Calinou but AppImage can be run in Firejail, too
17:26 benrob0329 celeron55: lol, nice one with the nokia swat
17:26 Fixer wat?
17:26 garywhite my first phone was a nokia
17:26 Fixer mine too (iirc)
17:27 Fixer 32XX one ofc
17:27 benrob0329 The shitposter himself wants the pists back
17:27 benrob0329 *posts
17:27 Calinou shotpister
17:27 benrob0329 XD
17:27 Fixer you have not seen real shitposting
17:27 benrob0329 ShotGlassPisser
17:28 Fixer i've seen fields... fields... of text for hundread of pages about ------on
17:28 Fixer never looking back
17:28 benrob0329 Fixer: I admin a shitposting channel (a few of them, actually) I think.I've seen real shitposting
17:29 Fixer Calinou: seems user friendly, here is friendliness of flatpak:
17:29 Calinou for a certain definition of "user friendly", yeah
17:29 Fixer gentoo user friendly
17:30 Fixer btw
17:30 Fixer you would not believe what got me into linux
17:30 Krock a cat
17:30 Calinou my 1 TB SSD only has 87 GB left right now :'(
17:30 Calinou it's getting worse, downloading a game
17:31 Fixer I've read a PC -related magazine, it had that nice article about KDE 2, i was interested, it was intriguing
17:31 Krock Calinou, create a 1 GiB ramdrive and move part by part in there. You might need to restart your computer in order to do a lossy compression on this drive's contents
17:31 Fixer released in 2000
17:32 Fixer it looked nicer on paper than this
17:32 Fixer windows was boring at the time
17:32 benrob0329 KDE: Copying Windows since 1997
17:32 Fixer so i bought a disk with linux that mailed to me :}
17:33 Fixer because dialup
17:33 Fixer nobody in their mind will DL 700mb over dialup
17:33 benrob0329 My grandparents had dialup until just recently
17:33 benrob0329 it'd never finish
17:33 Fixer later I also bought DEBIAN on 15 CDs or smth
17:34 Krock ReactOS: Copying Windows since 1996
17:34 benrob0329 Your computer woukd die from anxiety
17:34 Wayward_One hi all :)
17:34 benrob0329 Hi Wayward_One
17:34 Fixer benrob0329: just recently? when?
17:34 benrob0329 Like a few months ago
17:34 Fixer lol
17:34 Fixer benrob0329: better use mobile in this case
17:35 Fixer tbh I liked debian from the start
17:35 Fixer it feel very well made distro
17:35 Fixer organised
17:35 Fixer good tools
17:35 Fixer good docs
17:35 Fixer lots of packages
17:35 benrob0329 rusty, crusty, and broken.
17:35 Fixer huge downside is dinosaur-era software
17:35 Fixer so i was on testing
17:35 benrob0329 Those are words I will use for the rest of ny lofe thanks to Calinou
17:35 Fixer sometimes on unstable
17:36 benrob0329 Gentoo ftw, its stable but not old
17:37 Calinou "rusty, stale and broken" it is :P
17:37 Fixer benrob0329: debian has backports now
17:37 Fixer which is improvement
17:37 benrob0329 Calinou: ahh
17:37 Fixer also appimages
17:37 Calinou backports only apply to a few select packages
17:37 paramat i was hoping offtopic was removed completely so kids would play elsewhere
17:37 Calinou and they can themselves be out of date… lol
17:37 benrob0329 Backports is asking for trouble
17:37 benrob0329 paramat: best to keep them off irc
17:38 Fixer Calinou: there are two sides of the coin, it is Debian|Arch
17:38 * Shara thinks the kids should just go and play on (someone else's) MT servers.
17:38 Calinou there is a middle ground, like Fedora, Manjaro, etc
17:38 benrob0329 And then there are those on the edge of the coin
17:38 Fixer Shara: noooooOOoOO****
17:38 Calinou or even Debian testing outside of freeze periods
17:38 Fixer Calinou: lol, fedora
17:38 Shara Fixer: Yesssss!
17:39 Calinou Fedora is a pretty good distro
17:39 Calinou I used it back in F22-F23
17:39 benrob0329 Hometown is full of roleplay last I checked
17:39 Calinou with Xfce
17:39 Shara benrob0329: is it allowed there?
17:39 benrob0329 Shara: it would appear so
17:39 * Shara will stay away
17:40 benrob0329 Multiple mods on, I was told deal with it or find another server
17:40 Shara You're welcome on mine :)
17:40 benrob0329 ik, and will probably hop on one of theese days
17:40 Fixer Calinou: interestingly there were two big polls about used distros across years on one site: | ubuntu, debian, arch, gentoo | fedora, mint, suse
17:40 Fixer ubuntu+debian+arch is majority
17:41 Fixer RPM based is 15% at most
17:41 benrob0329 Manjaro is gaining the ranks
17:41 red-001 wow offtopic just got worse after being wiped
17:41 benrob0329 Lol
17:41 Fixer red-001: moved to this channel?
17:41 sfan5 heh what did you expect
17:41 red-001 the shit posters are rushing to get first post
17:42 benrob0329 You know, Xscreensaver really doesn't get the credit it deserves
17:42 benrob0329 Sure, the lock screen may be a bit ugly
17:43 benrob0329 But some of these screensavers are actually really cool
17:43 Fixer benrob0329: and I remember some epic bugs related to it
17:43 Fixer epic vulnerability ones
17:43 benrob0329 I think 99% of those got fixed
17:44 benrob0329 The lock screen just needs a noce flat style
17:44 Fixer yep
17:44 Fixer
17:45 Fixer "In some cases, xscreensaver did not properly grab the keyboard when
17:45 Fixer reading the password for unlocking the screen, so that the password
17:45 Fixer was typed into the currently active application window."
17:45 Fixer ^___^
17:45 CWz is it possible for games to lag despite low ping?
17:45 Fixer CWz: minetest? yes
17:45 Fixer CWz: server lag itself
17:45 Fixer there is server lag and network lag
17:46 Fixer you can see ping in minetest in F5 graph iirc
17:46 Fixer udp rtt
17:46 Fixer in seconds
17:46 Fixer my usual lag is 200ms
17:47 Fixer on USA servers
17:47 benrob0329 Fixer: the author talks about that very problem on his website
17:47 Fixer benrob0329: what author, on what website?
17:47 benrob0329 Moment
17:47 benrob0329 Also, those bug repirts were from 2007
17:49 Fixer i've just discovered i was running minetest this whole time in background
17:49 benrob0329 talks about some security stuff
17:49 CWz_ joined #minetest-hub
17:50 Fixer "If you are not running xscreensaver on Linux, then it is safe to assume that your screen does not lock. Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action. Four times is Official GNOME Policy. "
17:51 Fixer and GNOME again...
17:51 Fixer i hope bug was fixed
17:52 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
17:53 Calinou <benrob0329> But some of these screensavers are actually really cool
17:53 Calinou I heard they can be as a replacement for drugs
17:54 Calinou some are just so trippy :D
17:54 Calinou at our networking class, the computers have xscreensaver enabled and have a random screensaver on each start
17:54 benrob0329 Flying toasters :PP
17:54 benrob0329 And Time vortexes, apparently
17:55 Calinou the ant, too
17:55 Calinou with a flashlight on its head
17:56 Fixer Calinou: windows ditched screensavers iirc, since they don't save much power
17:56 Calinou yep, the ydid
17:56 Calinou they actually use power!
17:56 Calinou since the GPU has to render it
17:56 Calinou screensavers are useless with LCDs anyway
17:56 Fixer nah
17:56 Fixer early Windows rendered even 3d ones on stuff like TNT VANTA
17:57 Calinou …or CPU
17:57 Calinou same thing, both use power
17:57 Fixer or cpu
17:58 Fixer a lot of people liked those screensavers
17:58 Fixer Calinou: screensavers were on DOS too
17:58 Calinou remember the 3D maze screensaver in Windows 95?
17:58 Calinou "Wolfenstein 3D in permanent demo mode and no enemies"
17:58 Calinou "and with optional trippy textures"
17:59 CWz we need a linux alternative
17:59 Calinou inb4 GNU FreeMaze
17:59 Fixer Calinou: YES
17:59 Calinou Fixer: I was like 5 or 6 when I first saw that screensaver
18:00 CWz i recall watching for hours
18:00 Fixer i already played and listened music on W95
18:00 twoelk I had a garden as screensaver - that was really nice - with flower seed updates now and then
18:00 CWz maybe not hours but
18:00 Fixer after that went to DOS
18:00 Fixer and back to 98
18:00 CWz we need minetest for dos
18:01 Fixer iirc
18:01 Fixer and that was not a winamp!
18:01 twoelk and I remember Spock investigating elements of my screen with a tricorder and raising an eyebrow now and then :-P
18:01 Calinou lol'd hard at the new offtopic sections :D
18:01 CWz back in the days of real player
18:02 twoelk hm - what would a minetest themed screensaver look like?
18:02 benrob0329 CWz: make one for Xscreensaver
18:02 Calinou lol,;t=17676
18:02 Calinou he just edited "!" to a GIF
18:02 Fixer twoelk: moving blocks
18:02 Calinou I refreshed and a GIF appeared
18:02 Calinou (don't click on his website link, too, I guess)
18:03 * Wayward_One is ecstatic
18:03 twoelk ah, yeah, maybe some server spawn timelapse
18:03 Fixer amount of influence of square pants on meme culture is immense
18:03 Calinou and dabbing
18:03 benrob0329 And weed
18:04 Wayward_One lol
18:04 benrob0329 Remember when early versions of farming_redo had "weed" ?
18:05 benrob0329 you'd go gardening and come back with 3 stacks of "weed"
18:05 Fixer i'm still confused about weed
18:05 Krock benrob0329, what? was it removed?
18:05 Fixer Liberty land has weed
18:05 Krock weed is amazing
18:05 benrob0329 Krock: no, it was corrected to "weeds"
18:06 Krock aww man :(
18:06 Fixer weed that polluts cropped land
18:06 Fixer weeds*
18:06 Fixer fuck it
18:06 benrob0329 It would be interesting to have such a mod though
18:06 Fixer weeds that pollute the cropland*
18:06 Fixer no drugs
18:07 benrob0329 Tripping Balls [weed]
18:07 twoelk there was some weedy mod somewhere
18:07 cheapie benrob0329: Heh, I used to have a "Legitimate Business" building on one server that had those growing in the basement, and then one of Sokomine's NPC traders selling it behind the 1MG store :P
18:08 benrob0329 LOL
18:08 Fixer when i think about weed, Wuzzy comes to mind, and Weedy
18:08 twoelk although player-effects of the drugged type might be fun having for many purposes
18:08 Fixer weed is featured in CDDA basements (if you know what i mean)
18:09 cheapie player:set_physics_override({speed=-1}) is fun, although not quite right for this.
18:09 Krock cheapie, negative gravity.
18:10 cheapie Because of certain assumptions(?) made by the movement code, a negative speed produces all sorts of strange stuff when you try to move.
18:10 twoelk psychodelic coloring of the view aught to be fun
18:10 benrob0329 Negative colors
18:10 benrob0329 Amd randome FOVs
18:10 benrob0329 *random
18:11 twoelk being able to sway the view has been often requested
18:11 Fixer nice feature indeed
18:12 Fixer i would like to see UrbanTerror like physics in minetest, it is quite amazing in game
18:12 Fixer as a mod
18:12 benrob0329 Set speed to INF
18:12 benrob0329 Or -INF
18:12 Fixer UrT jump maps blow my mind
18:13 benrob0329 someone should make a mod that allows you to change player physics from a nice formspec
18:14 twoelk seems to need changes in core
18:15 Calinou Fixer: I started playing UrT again after 3 years of inactivity, the gameplay still holds up well
18:15 Calinou proprietary though :( and the graphics are even more dated now
18:15 Calinou development is pretty sporadic too
18:15 benrob0329 We need a kickstarter
18:15 benrob0329 "Port Minetest Physics to Bullet"
18:15 Calinou heh
18:16 Calinou Bullet is nice but it's huge
18:16 Calinou relevant Kickstarter:
18:16 benrob0329 So? Its used by most games/engines
18:16 Calinou started yesterday, filled its goal yesterday
18:16 benrob0329 There is also Newton
18:16 Calinou now it has €12,200 right now
18:16 Hijiri does bullet come for support for networked physics prediction etc?
18:16 Calinou Hijiri: pretty sure you have to do that yourself, I don't think it makes assumption on your networking model
18:17 Calinou networked + predicted physics range from "hard" to "impossible", too
18:17 Calinou for example, the Source engine does not predict rigid bodies at all
18:17 benrob0329 Source engine games handel fairly well
18:17 benrob0329 *handle
18:17 Calinou Source netcode is ok, but for some reason I find id Tech 3 netcode better
18:17 Calinou ie. more lag-tolerant
18:18 Calinou it does not come with hitscan unlagging though… but mods like OpenArena have added it
18:18 Calinou making the game feel good to play even with 150 ms ping
18:18 Hijiri then on the other hand you have japanese netcode
18:18 Hijiri that assumes everyone is playing in japan
18:18 benrob0329 funnily enough the only source engine game I play regularly is Gmod
18:19 Calinou even CS:GO is not *that* lag/packet loss-tolerant, I find
18:19 Calinou which is a bit sad to see, but I figure they don't want to give laggers an advantage
18:20 Calinou if your netcode is nice, it does give laggers an advantage eventually
18:20 benrob0329 Gmod handles mods much better unfortunately  :-(
18:20 benrob0329 Not that source is a good engine
18:20 benrob0329 I mean it is, but its not
18:21 Calinou Source is ultimately a very monkey-patched fancy QuakeWorld mod…
18:21 Calinou DarkPlaces is only slightly worse than that
18:21 Calinou Source at least did not keep QuakeC, and moved most things to C++, and broke Quake compatibility
18:22 benrob0329 Calinou: how would Godot handle a Gmod style game?
18:22 Calinou DarkPlaces has a fancy renderer, but it's still QuakeC (with a new compiler though since 2013, gmqcc)
18:22 Calinou (you can run Quake inside Xonotic!)
18:22 Calinou
18:22 Calinou this is one of the servers in the Xonotic server list
18:23 Calinou you join, and almost all of the game (except the font, as you can see) turns into Quake
18:23 Calinou benrob0329: anyway, Godot doesn't have modding support right now
18:23 Calinou it is unlikely to happen soon, sadly
18:23 Calinou by modding support, I mean, the ability to load sandboxed code and assets
18:23 benrob0329 I see
18:23 Calinou we have an issue about it,
18:24 benrob0329 I mean, Gdscript would be perfect
18:24 Calinou this does sadden me a bit, I miss highly moddable engines like the aforementioned Quake-based engines
18:24 Calinou (they are not *that* secure but have a bit of security at least)
18:24 benrob0329 I might try to focus on Urho3D then
18:24 benrob0329 but thats way down on the list
18:28 Dumbeldor Oh shit Calinou, you advertise godotengine everywhere :D
18:30 benrob0329 I don't see why he shouldn't :P
18:34 Calinou I just find that Godot is best engine :P
18:36 nerzhul slow like a turtle :p
18:37 benrob0329 Slow and steady wins the race :PP
18:46 Dumbeldor +1 nerzhul  xD
19:08 lisac Calinou, While I found Godot to be fully-featured and easy to use, it has incredibly low performance on my system :(
19:08 lisac Client: HexChat 2.12.4 • OS: ArchLinux • CPU: AMD A8-7600 Radeon R7, 10 Compute Cores 4C+6G (1.40GHz) • Memory: Physical: 5.6 GiB Total (4.5 GiB Free) Swap: 7.9 GiB Total (7.9 GiB Free) • Storage: 722.6 GB / 1.1 TB (363.2 GB Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Kaveri [Radeon R7 Graphics] @ Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 15h • Uptime: 4h 1m 3s
19:08 lisac I also had a power outage today. Lost my 4 month uptime.
19:09 cheapie Did someone say uptime?
19:09 cheapie cheapie@tim:~$ ssh -C uptime
19:09 cheapie 19:09:04 up 301 days, 19:03,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
19:10 Calinou lisac: we don't really have anyone in the team who's knowledgeable about optimization… such people are rare
19:10 VanessaE bleh, only has 173 uptime :P
19:10 Calinou and often work in commercial gamedev companies already
19:11 Calinou 21:10:58 up 34 days,  7:50,  1 user,  load average: 0,22, 0,33, 0,32
19:11 Calinou my VPS uptime ^
19:11 Calinou also, boo, SSH as root…
19:11 lisac cheapie, are you using a system which doesn't have a shutdown feature? :D
19:11 Calinou I hope you have fail2ban at least :P
19:11 cheapie It's set up to not allow passwords for root, at least.
19:11 VanessaE Calinou: ssh key-only auth :)
19:11 Calinou right
19:11 VanessaE lisac: maybe he uses k-splice :)
19:12 VanessaE (or k-exec)
19:12 cheapie No, I don't have anything fancy set up there.
19:12 cheapie I'll probably reboot it once it hits a year.
19:12 VanessaE why? :)
19:13 cheapie Dunno, I haven't thought about why yet :P
19:13 VanessaE heh
19:13 Calinou uptime funk :D
19:13 Calinou (people at SUSE made a parody)
19:14 cheapie I did get into this conversation recently:
19:15 Calinou what distro do your servers run, cheapie/VanessaE?
19:15 Calinou mine is on Ubuntu 16.04 since I moved hosts back in March
19:15 VanessaE Calinou: debian
19:15 Calinou works pretty well, is systemd-based
19:15 Calinou Debian 9 still isn't released, and I'd rather not use testing on a server
19:17 cheapie Debian here too.
19:18 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
19:18 tenplus1 hi folks
19:18 Amaz Hi ten :)
19:18 tenplus1 hi amaz :P
19:18 Raven262 Hello tenplus1
19:19 Raven262 Hello Amaz
19:19 Raven262 *Ave Amaz
19:19 Raven262 :O
19:19 tenplus1 hi raven
19:19 cheapie tenplus1: Got any uptime to show off? :P
19:19 tenplus1 hi cheapie, I think longest uptime without issue was 84hrs
19:20 cheapie [14:09:17] <cheapie>  19:09:04 up 301 days, 19:03,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
19:20 tenplus1 lol, how many mods you running ? :PPP
19:20 cheapie We weren't discussing MT in particular, it's not like this is... wait, never mind :P
19:21 tenplus1 only error we get now is the serialize.h and I've sanitized every entity we have running.. cant figure where it's coming from
19:21 tenplus1 oh you mean pc uptime.. lol... I always turn it off before bed :D
19:22 cheapie My main box is at 17 days, and my home servers are up to 59. That 301 is my VPS.
19:22 lisac cheapie, That's cheating
19:22 lisac I had 4months on my PC
19:23 tenplus1 I think Shinji (Xanadu owner) has had server running constantly since mk.3 was installed... so since april last year :D
19:23 Raven262 I would also have big uptime if my pc didn't go lagging as hell every time i leave it up more than 8 hours :P
19:23 tenplus1 hi lisac
19:23 cheapie Whatever, at least my VPS is beating VanessaE's dedicated server :P
19:23 lisac Hi tenplus1.
19:23 lisac Raven262, Install Arch.
19:24 lisac Arch>That Mint thing you are using
19:24 VanessaE heh
19:24 red-001 hey Fuchs since OC got k-lined could you lift my ban on #minetest-project or is that not something you are allowed to do?
19:24 tenplus1 pfft... Xanadu runs on Lubuntu 16.04 LTS ... stable as a rock
19:24 VanessaE well it doesn't help that every 6-12 months I up- or down-grade the hardware :P
19:24 Raven262 Nothing > Lisac's pc.
19:24 red-001 Raven262, lol
19:24 * lisac > Opeth - Harvest.mp3  - [ Blackwater Park #3 ] - [ 00:03 / 06:01 ]
19:24 cheapie I've been considering downgrading mine, now that they have a cheaper plan than the one I'm on.
19:25 lisac cheapie, What are you using it for? MT?
19:25 tenplus1 hrm, isnt the /clear_chat_queue a bit long winded... cant we just type /clear
19:25 cheapie lisac: Nope, just for ZNC + a website.
19:25 lisac hm okay.
19:25 lisac tenplus1, Or /c
19:25 cheapie It's Linode's $10/month plan.
19:25 tenplus1 or even /cls
19:26 lisac or maybe allow binding chatcommands to keys
19:26 tenplus1 heheheh
19:26 red-001 lisac, c55 was working on something like that iirc
19:26 lisac hey DOTA2 got a performance patch today.
19:26 lisac red-001, I'll google for it
19:27 lisac Shouldn't that be CSM?
19:28 lisac #3856
19:28 lisac oh wait this is not -dev
19:28 red-001 lol
19:30 * Wayward_One peeks in
19:31 tenplus1 hi wayward
19:32 tenplus1 *coff coff*
19:33 Wayward_One Hello ten :)
19:33 Raven262 lisac, our internet connection is dying for some reason.
19:33 lisac No idea why, Raven. Maybe because we are both updating DOTA?
19:33 Raven262 Nah.
19:36 tenplus1
19:43 Calinou my VPS specs: 8 cores, 15 GB of RAM (yes, 15, not 16), 60 GB SSD, 100 Mb/s unmetered bandwidth at least (often more, in practice)
19:43 Calinou all this on KVM
19:43 octacian_ joined #minetest-hub
19:43 Calinou (no OpenVZ, yay)
19:43 tenplus1 hi Cal... hi octacian
19:43 Raven262 How 15? xD
19:44 Calinou I don't know why the provider made it be 15 GB of RAM instead of 16 GB, but it's plenty for me anyway
19:44 Calinou I use 3.6 GB right now with all my game servers running
19:44 Raven262 lol
19:44 lisac Client: HexChat 2.12.4 • OS: ArchLinux • CPU: AMD A8-7600 Radeon R7, 10 Compute Cores 4C+6G (1.40GHz) • Memory: Physical: 5.6 GiB Total (4.1 GiB Free) Swap: 7.9 GiB Total (7.9 GiB Free) • Storage: 723.0 GB / 1.1 TB (362.8 GB Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Kaveri [Radeon R7 Graphics] @ Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 15h • Uptime: 4h 37m 1s
19:44 lisac what's the use of 15GB?
19:44 Calinou (and netdata taking 400 MB for itself, due to having set 24-hour history instead of the 1-hour default)
19:44 Calinou ^ it'd take less RAM if I enabled kernel deduplication, haven't done that yet
19:44 Calinou lisac: game servers can be quite RAM-heavy :P
19:44 lisac lol, but 15G?
19:45 Calinou my server sits at 4.5%-5% of global CPU usage right now
19:45 lisac have you ever used even 10GB? :D
19:45 Calinou nope
19:45 lisac lol
19:45 Raven262 well, make -j usually does the thing.
19:46 Raven262 lisac did that at least.
19:46 lisac :(
19:46 Raven262 thats when he learned the difference between -j4 and -j 4
19:47 lisac At least I learned it, Raven.
19:48 Raven262 Heh.
19:48 * Raven262 never had to test it himself.
19:50 Raven262 Cause learning from other people's mistakes is usually easier.
19:50 Raven262 Testing.
19:50 Raven262 Tis works?
19:51 Raven262 Good, i wasn't disconnected for too long.
19:52 Shara lisac: I once had a test server using 13GB RAM
19:53 Shara Or possibly more. The machine had 16GB and almost maxed out between MT and one other thing that only used a little
19:54 tenplus1 hi shara
19:54 Shara Hi ten :P
19:55 Raven262 Hello Shara
19:55 Shara Hi Raven262 :)
20:03 benrob0329 Hi tenplus
20:04 benrob0329 1
20:05 Fuchs red-001: we don't lift bans set by other operators, no. You can ask any operator from that channel though
20:06 tenplus1 hi benrob
20:08 red-001 Fuchs, oh ok
20:08 red-001 I don't mind much
20:11 Jordach Minetest cloak wen
20:11 red-001 hey whoever is in charge of the regulars list could I be listed as a minetest contributer?
20:11 red-001 it's more accurate then mod writer in any case
20:13 red-001 my mods aren't really mention worthy
20:13 * tenplus1 opens #minetest-donut
20:13 red-001 tenplus1, you lier you didn't join the channel
20:13 * tenplus1 eated it
20:16 celeron55 red-001: will change the listing at some point
20:17 Fuchs however, as at least for now he is not welcome on the network, I doubt this is going to happen
20:18 benrob0329 octacian_: perhaps adding a hammer for tool repair would help with the workbench PR
20:19 octacian joined #minetest-hub
20:19 tenplus1 wb octacian
20:19 Shara I wonder if I am the only one who hates tool repair....
20:19 benrob0329 octacian: Having each workbench tool be able to have a small formspec
20:19 octacian benrob0329: That could be a really good idea.
20:20 Shara It means once you have a full set of the best tools, you never need to get the high elvel materials for the again
20:20 Shara level*
20:20 octacian Maybe add tabs to the formspec, one for renaming and one for repair? Or I could combine them
20:20 Shara them*
20:20 benrob0329 octacian: tabs are messy
20:20 octacian Shara: Yes, but they will still be slower so it will still be really usefull
20:21 octacian benrob0329: Yes, that just occurred to me
20:21 Shara Slower?
20:21 octacian The tools will still break nodes slower
20:21 benrob0329 I think having say, the nametag put a rename box up, and a hammer put a repair (possibly costing materials) spec up would be nice
20:21 tenplus1 would prefer a recipe like  (tool + tool ingot) = repaired
20:21 octacian So it's more than worth making new tools
20:22 Shara Complete agreement with Ten
20:22 benrob0329 But too many things need recipes
20:22 tenplus1 that way it's nice n simple to repair and you use actual ingots to do so...
20:22 octacian Maybe tool + tool ingot in the workbench to add some complexity to it?
20:22 Shara Yea
20:22 octacian Because I feel like that is too easy
20:22 benrob0329 hear me out real quick
20:23 Amaz Or maybe even tool, tool material and hammer?
20:23 Shara I just think hitting a diamond tool with a hammer is....well, silly, and also a lazy approach
20:23 tenplus1 yeh
20:23 benrob0329 hammer changes top formspec to repair
20:23 octacian The tool material by itself should be fine.
20:23 benrob0329 and you add materials to repair the tool
20:23 tenplus1 octacian: did you get anywhere with builtin_item changes btw ?
20:24 benrob0329 That way, youd be hammering in say, iron to repair it (doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but not much does in mtg)
20:25 octacian My current thought: When you put in the tool material instead of a nametag, half the tool's wear is restored. Possibly also allow renaming at the same time.
20:25 benrob0329 Combining tools is a bad idea imo
20:25 octacian Yes
20:26 benrob0329 Let the nametag be a nametag
20:26 octacian But using the material to repair the tool seems worthwhile
20:26 RubenBot_ joined #minetest-hub
20:26 benrob0329 yes
20:26 tenplus1 yep... a lot more realistic
20:26 benrob0329 Or hammer + material
20:27 rubenwardy #rubenbot
20:27 rubenwardy urrr
20:27 rubenwardy there was meant to be a /join there
20:27 octacian Yeah. If nametag is inserted then field is shown, otherwise if the material is inserted then a repair button is shown. 1 of the tool material will repair half wear.
20:27 rubenwardy at least I didn't type
20:27 octacian Sound good?
20:27 rubenwardy msg NickServ identify rubenwardy hunter2
20:28 cheapie [15:27:44] <rubenwardy> msg NickServ identify rubenwardy *******
20:28 cheapie Looks good to me! :P
20:28 benrob0329 octacian: seems good to me aswell
20:28 benrob0329 Perhaps other tools could define other formspecs as needed
20:28 octacian I don't think that's needed.
20:29 benrob0329 But it'd be handy for modding, can come later though
20:29 octacian tenplus1: Yes, I'm making some progress. Having an issue with stuff flowing through blocks/walls though. Wouldn't mind a hand with that soon.
20:29 tenplus1 floating through blocks ?
20:30 tenplus1 dropped items should be physical so bounce off things like that
20:30 octacian When pushed by water, items flow through blocks rather than being stopped by the blocks.
20:30 tenplus1 did you remove any checks ?
20:30 RubenBot joined #minetest-hub
20:30 octacian What I've been noticing is that somehow the item is changed to not be physical for a second. But I haven't found any place that does so.
20:31 octacian I don't think I removed any checks.
20:31 benrob0329 octacian: ill try to redo the item animation (ie give it a bit of a bounce) when I get a chanse
20:31 octacian I could put the code in a gist maybe.
20:31 tenplus1 yes plz, would like to see what you changed...
20:31 octacian It's essentially a complete rewrite, based off jordan4ibanez's item_drop and your builtin_item
20:32 octacian So, this one isn't really a PR-worthy item, more of personal project
20:32 benrob0329 Ah
20:32 tenplus1 ahh, I remember you said my own could be cut back by a 100 lines or so :D was curious how
20:32 benrob0329 I still might redo that animation
20:32 benrob0329 But I might do a lot of things
20:33 octacian Those 100 lines are in the water flow functions, and that's where I seem to be having the issue.
20:33 octacian They for one could be made mergable.
20:33 octacian
20:34 octacian Water flow functions at top, called on line 148 and flowing items are supposedly stopped on line 180
20:35 tenplus1 thanks... saved so I can look at it on my next day off :D
20:36 tenplus1 k, I sleepnow :) nite all
20:36 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
20:38 kilbith joined #minetest-hub
20:50 wayward1[m]1 joined #minetest-hub
20:50 wayward1[m]1 left #minetest-hub
20:57 Sokomine joined #minetest-hub
21:02 RobbieF left #minetest-hub
21:25 twoelk left #minetest-hub
21:29 Nathans21 joined #minetest-hub
21:31 rubenwardy est31 posted this earlier, but:
21:31 Wayward_One can an op remove wayward1[m] please? not really sure how to get rid of that one, and it's just hanging around
21:31 rubenwardy quite cool
21:31 rubenwardy Terasology is also a not-for-profit organisation now
21:32 wayward1[m] was kicked by nerzhul: wayward1[m]
21:32 noBotHere was kicked by nerzhul: noBotHere
21:33 rubenwardy noBotHere was red-001 btw (a backup BNC)
21:34 red-001 huh I guess panicbnc also removed auto rejoin I though I had that enabled
21:34 Calinou rubenwardy: I almost applied for GSoC at Terasology
21:35 Calinou ended up not doing so because of my internship, not very high programming skills (:() and because Terasology is meh in the end
21:35 Wayward_One thanks nerzhul :)
21:41 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
21:46 Fixer terasology stutters less but freezes insanely
21:46 paramat joined #minetest-hub
21:46 Fixer also, it feel claustrophobic in some strange way
21:49 benrob0329 Fixer: its the blur
21:49 benrob0329 You feel like your trapped in your own bad eyesight
22:05 * red-001 wonders if rubenwardy is setting up his own znc server
22:06 benrob0329 who needs znc when you have weechat :P
22:07 rubenwardy oh, it crashed
22:07 * Jordach starts singing Southern Nights
22:07 red-001 I still don't know what the deal with weechat is
22:07 red-001 why is it so much better?
22:07 benrob0329 weechat has relaying functionality
22:07 benrob0329 and supports a chrapton of plugins
22:08 benrob0329 so like, i dont have to have a crappy irc client on my phone
22:08 red-001 well thats neat but does it save your messages when you are offline?
22:08 benrob0329 or an alt username for different computer
22:08 red-001 I suppose so
22:08 Jordach Fuchs, Quassel ;)
22:08 benrob0329 my weechat server runs constantly
22:09 benrob0329 on my Rpi2
22:09 red-001 I use a bnc mostly to save messages when my connection breaks
22:09 Jordach Fuchs, no bugs on win64
22:09 benrob0329 which is actually underneeth my desk atm
22:09 RubenBot joined #minetest-hub
22:09 benrob0329 so im SSHed into my pi, using tmux to have a constant weechat session that i can pull up at any moment
22:10 red-001 night
22:10 benrob0329 gnight
22:10 Jordach >tmux
22:10 Jordach use sc*reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*n
22:10 benrob0329 do i care? no.
22:10 nerzhul tmux powa
22:10 nerzhul screen is shit
22:11 Jordach >tfw low quality bait taken
22:11 nerzhul screen is not maintained anymore, tmux is and is powerful than screen
22:11 nerzhul why multiple logging ,
22:11 benrob0329 all i use it for is to keep weechat running inbetween ssh logins
22:11 nore after the emacs/vim religion war, the screen/tmux war
22:11 red-001 stops log manipulation?
22:11 nerzhul nore both emacs and vim are maintained and there is neovim
22:11 benrob0329 nore: the vim/emacs war is never over
22:12 nerzhul screen is just dead and unmaintable
22:12 nore benrob0329: I'm not saying it is over :)
22:12 benrob0329 technically i can pull up logs for anyone, so we have at least 3 loggers
22:12 benrob0329 not that i hand them out to just anyone
22:14 * benrob0329 opens up new blender project
22:14 benrob0329 >adds speaker instead of camera
22:16 * Jordach jaw drops on the floor
22:16 Jordach and i'm leaving it there
22:16 Jordach
22:16 Fixer Quassel has confusing UI, hexchat too, or maybe I need to really start clicking things
22:18 * benrob0329 's jaw drops as well
22:18 benrob0329 how? HOW???
22:19 Fixer Jordach: japanese (tm)
22:20 Jordach FeelsBadMan
22:20 Jordach
22:24 Fixer Jordach: Benny Hill Show
22:53 Fixer need to beg few guys
23:38 Fixer too much spying/telemetry
23:54 rubenwardy paramat,
23:55 rubenwardy can't remember if you're in to village generation

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