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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-04-25

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:15 octacian paramat: Any good resources on noise parameters for mapgen, specifically decorations?
00:21 paramat have you found 'decoration definition' in lua_api.txt?
00:22 paramat otherwise there may be tips in the 'mapgen questions' thread
00:24 octacian OK, haven't seen either
00:25 octacian So far I haven't been able to get my trees working right. I'm wondering if it has to do with a CONTENT_IGNORE warning...
00:32 paramat no that warning is harmless
00:33 paramat deco def is near the end of lua api.txt
00:33 octacian OK
00:33 octacian Do you mind looking at It's 48 lines of code, registering biome, dirt with grass node, and decoration, but it doesn't seem to work.
00:34 octacian Decoration registration is nearly copied from MTG apple tree
00:39 octacian paramat: ^
00:43 paramat this is a subgame?
00:44 paramat where is 'path' defined?
00:45 octacian Yes.
00:45 octacian paramat: Path is properly defined. No errors are shown in chat. But, just for reference, local path = minetest.get_modpath("tree").."/schematics"
00:45 paramat ok
00:46 paramat how doesn't it work? stone world? what fails?
00:46 octacian Nope, I don't get stone world, just no trees are generated on the grassland
00:46 octacian Maybe it's because of how I named the grassland biome?
00:48 paramat biome name should be ok
00:48 octacian good
00:49 octacian I have no clue when it comes to anything mapgen lol
00:49 paramat did you fly around a bit?
00:49 paramat the noise params can create areas with no trees
00:50 octacian Flew around quite a lot. Covered a few hundred blocks in fact
00:50 paramat ok, no idea then
00:51 octacian Absolutely nothing, just grasslands
00:53 paramat maybe 'get modpath' needs to be inside the deco def, as in mtg?
00:53 paramat wild guess
00:53 octacian Will try
00:54 paramat also maybe try registering your nodes before the biome that uses them
00:54 octacian I actually do, that was just code pasted in from several sources
00:54 paramat wild guess
00:54 octacian Though it's possible that the decoration is being registered before the biome..
00:56 octacian ^ Was it :D
00:56 octacian Now this makes subgame design even harder.. I've been trying to make it so that mods don't all depend on one base mod
00:56 paramat did you set the mapgen aliases for stone and water as in mapgen.lua?
00:56 octacian So maybe what I'll do if have a mapgen mod that depends on all the mods with all needed nodes and biomes
00:56 paramat mgv7?
00:56 octacian Yep
00:57 octacian ..yes to both
00:57 paramat derp
00:57 octacian lol
00:58 octacian Which is theoretically worse, many mods in a subgame depending on one mod, or one mod in a subgame depending on several others?
00:59 behalebabo depends on if you want to extend outside of the subgame, you might have to add mods to the one mod's depends
01:09 cheapie Is there a way to determine (from a mod) whether an item is aliased to another?
01:11 benrob0329 video from earlier is now unlisted, currently working on remaking it in Kdenlive
01:13 cheapie Looks like there is an undocumented minetest.registered_aliases table... this should work.
02:11 cheapie Craft conflict detector tool:
02:11 cheapie (install as a mod, will output a report and then shut down the server)
02:11 cheapie There might be a few bugs still, but it seems to be working.
02:21 octacian_ joined #minetest-hub
02:23 cheapie Presenting the first mt_game bug found with it :)
02:31 paramat useful
02:43 cheapie sofar: What is your comment on that issue supposed to mean? I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to point out there.
02:44 sofar it's what I had to do myself to view the issue
02:44 sofar so, instead of making everyone figure out what file and line you referred to, I included a link so that subsequent bug readers could easier see for themselves
02:45 sofar ya know, it's the internet
02:45 sofar hyperlinks are cool these days ;)
02:46 cheapie Ah, OK.
03:28 paramat joined #minetest-hub
03:55 benrob0329
03:55 benrob0329 ^^A nice setup actually
04:09 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
05:17 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
07:04 CWz joined #minetest-hub
07:43 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
07:52 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
07:52 benrob0329 Hi nerzhul
07:53 nerzhul hi bennoob0329
07:55 benrob0329 (Yes, I'm up way too late, but there was a video to be done)
07:59 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
08:00 tenplus1 hi folks
08:01 benrob0329 Hi ten
08:01 benrob0329 (yes, I'm up late)
08:01 tenplus1 hi ben :)  gotlink, sounds good :D
08:02 benrob0329 Ill need to hop on whilst you and/or Shiji (?) Is on to get setup
08:02 tenplus1 no probs... just lemmie know
08:03 benrob0329 Pretty much just fly (and pointing me to some food :D
08:03 tenplus1 heh
08:03 benrob0329 But I should probably go to sleep, as its 4 in the morning here
08:03 benrob0329 But hey, I got the video redone
08:03 tenplus1 schweet :P  dream well
08:04 benrob0329 Should I call it redone, or remastered?
08:04 tenplus1 remastered :) always sounds better
08:04 benrob0329 True, ty and goodnight :-)
08:04 tenplus1 laters dude :P
08:29 CWz Ello
08:29 tenplus1 hi CWz
08:48 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
08:48 tenplus1 hi Jordach
08:57 Jordach
08:58 tenplus1 lol
09:02 nerzhul lol >
09:25 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
09:25 tenplus1 hi Megaf
09:26 Megaf Hello onety one
09:26 tenplus1 :P
09:27 tenplus1 Lucky Blocks updated to 0.5 :
09:35 shivajiva Hello good people!
09:35 tenplus1 hi shiva :P
09:35 shivajiva no Grandolf or halt watching today lol
09:37 * tenplus1 hides just incase
09:37 Amaz Oh, I'd guess they'll be here later :P
09:37 tenplus1 hi amaz
09:37 shivajiva new blocks and tnt radius huh :)
09:37 Amaz Hi :)
09:37 shivajiva :)
09:38 tenplus1 yup, explosions needed a little lovin'...  it's better when you see combustables go on fire :P also 12 new blocks
09:38 tenplus1 and a message when you get the random teleport block so players know what's happened :D
09:39 shivajiva lol good idea or you will get bugfix requests
09:40 tenplus1 coral, mese post, flint and other new items are in there now as well :D
09:40 tenplus1 hemp too for farming redo :D
09:40 shivajiva like...something wrong with that mod, it keeps teleporting me to random locations
09:41 tenplus1 might redo the api to make it simpler still
09:41 tenplus1 no-one else seems to be adding lucky blocks to their mods
09:43 shivajiva that was a nice vid TPS did of xanadu, maybe you can get that featured in the next
09:44 tenplus1 yeah, was hoping they woudl have a peek at the Lucky Block Arena... bonny was on-hand to regenerate blocks for them
09:44 shivajiva I noted the chat stream stated it had been reset
09:46 tenplus1 tehcnically they are still in Xanadu cause they havent found the stargate back to TPS Domes :PPPPPPP so who knows
09:46 tenplus1 *cough* stargate at spawn in one of the towers :D
09:48 shivajiva hehe
09:51 shivajiva btw is the 1/2 node jump intentional in knockback?
09:52 tenplus1 you get punched slightly upwards, yes... I can disable that part if needed
09:52 shivajiva no just checking it was intentional
09:54 shivajiva heh be funny if it put you out flat on your back over a certain value
09:54 tenplus1 lol
09:56 tenplus1 it still needs work tho... not 100% happy with knockback
09:57 shivajiva I'm going to build it with the pr change for skyblocks and see how it performs
09:57 shivajiva see if it's stable
09:58 tenplus1 kewl
09:58 shivajiva just waiting for it to get quiet
10:00 shivajiva a few days running on a live server will help prove if it's acceptable
10:01 tenplus1 players do seem to like it, they've always wanted player effects added...
10:02 shivajiva it's the little things that add up to a richer experience
10:03 tenplus1 exactly...   sounds... particles... little effects.... :)
10:03 tenplus1 the attention to detail...
10:03 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
10:04 tenplus1 hi Fixer
10:04 shivajiva Hi Fixer o/
10:39 Jordach tenplus1, how about parrying mob projectiles like DM fireballs, at the cost of doing 10% of your tools health
10:39 tenplus1 sounds good...  am thinking of a way players can craft the staff of fire to shoot fireballs, and yeah 10 shots would be enough :D
10:39 tenplus1 it's super Op
10:40 Jordach not reflecting, just stopping them
10:40 tenplus1 hrm, would need an api on player hp change to check what they are holding... gotcha
10:41 Jordach no
10:41 Jordach give the projectile a hitbox
10:41 Jordach which can be hit with a pickaxe, fist etc
10:41 Jordach (using a fist will hurt, but not as much as a direct hit)
10:41 tenplus1 hrm... will have to think about this one a bit more...
10:42 tenplus1 good idea tho
10:42 Jordach faster moving ones like arrows will be harder to deal with
10:44 tenplus1 will check velocity and damage to calculate how much it hurts player or wears down tool..
10:52 tenplus1 ooh, 23 players @ 0.8 lag... not bad
10:52 tenplus1 bbl
10:52 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
11:04 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
11:07 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
11:08 Fixer hi
11:59 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
12:41 RichardTheTurd joined #minetest-hub
12:45 NathanS21 joined #minetest-hub
12:52 Jordach m e o w
12:52 Jordach news just in: sfan5 toggles in CSGO
12:52 Jordach :^)
12:52 sfan5 :^)
12:57 RobbieF joined #minetest-hub
13:05 lumidify joined #minetest-hub
13:11 octacian joined #minetest-hub
13:40 halt_ joined #minetest-hub
13:40 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
13:49 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
14:34 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
14:34 Megaf sup
14:34 * Megaf proceeds to fry his laptop again
14:34 Megaf VanessaE, ^
14:35 Megaf Core 0:       +89.0°C  (high = +105.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
14:35 Megaf Core 1:       +87.0°C  (high = +105.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
14:35 Megaf let it burn :)
14:35 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
14:35 benrob0329 hello
14:36 Megaf Core 0:       +91.0°C  (high = +105.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
14:36 Megaf Core 1:       +90.0°C  (high = +105.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
14:36 Megaf oh, thats hot enough, lets cool this baby down
14:36 Megaf GPU was 93 already
14:37 benrob0329 Heh, my setup never gets much over 70
14:37 benrob0329 #Watercooling
14:37 benrob0329 Although, I could probably overclock more
14:38 Megaf benrob0329, I usually keep the fans totally off
14:38 Megaf disabled
14:38 Megaf thats why the temps got high ;)
14:38 Megaf Core 0:       +64.0°C  (high = +105.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
14:38 Megaf Core 1:       +62.0°C  (high = +105.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
14:39 Megaf already cooling down
14:39 Megaf and I leave the system in the max performance settings. always at max clock of CPU and GPU
14:39 benrob0329 Oh..why? Just get silent fans
14:40 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
14:40 benrob0329 Hi Fixer
14:40 Megaf benrob0329, it is silent, its a laptop
14:40 benrob0329 that laptop aint gonna last very long
14:41 benrob0329 I toasted my old laptop pulling all night renders for a week
14:41 Megaf benrob0329, its been going strong for 7 years
14:42 benrob0329 What brand?
14:42 Megaf and battery still lasts up to 4 hours, with Linux
14:42 Megaf original battery
14:42 benrob0329 But what brand???
14:42 Megaf 7 years of abuse, drops and traffic accidents
14:42 Megaf benrob0329, Apple MacBook Pro 13"Mid 2010 (7,1)
14:43 Megaf ;)
14:43 benrob0329 I knew it!
14:43 benrob0329 Nice
14:43 Megaf supports 16 GB of RAM. Same limit for current gen apples xP
14:43 benrob0329 Linus himself runs linux on a mac you know :-)
14:43 Megaf old apple laptops are the best
14:44 Megaf in terms of quality
14:44 Megaf I mean, not too old, in the 90s there was some bad stuff from apple
14:44 * benrob0329 rerenders video, forgot to un-50% most scenes
14:44 Megaf and I just "upgraded" my Debian from Unstable to Experimental, afraid of rebooting.
14:45 Megaf almost sure something gonna break
14:45 benrob0329 Heh, I run arch :-)
14:45 Megaf yah, same feeling all the time I did pacman -Syu
14:45 Megaf benrob0329, I was an Arch user much before Arch was cool ;)
14:46 benrob0329 ive only had it break once
14:46 benrob0329 And that was a couple years ago
14:46 Megaf just now you meet the darkness, I was born in it
14:46 * Jordach uses windows 10 and never got a windows ME bluescreen
14:47 Megaf I have to admit that I've gotten some Me bluescreens
14:47 benrob0329 Now I run Antergos, 'cause I'm a lazy arch user :P
14:47 Megaf but mostly due to hardware problems
14:47 Megaf old hardware
14:47 Megaf linux would often panic in that same hardware
14:47 Jordach
14:47 Jordach benrob0329, ^
14:47 Megaf lol
14:48 benrob0329 Heh
14:48 Jordach gentoo is the dark souls of Linux
14:48 Jordach arch is the bloodborne
14:48 Megaf Adapter: ISA adapter
14:48 Megaf Core 0:       +54.0°C  (high = +105.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
14:48 Megaf Core 1:       +54.0°C  (high = +105.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
14:48 Megaf temps back to normal
14:48 Megaf for spotifies sake
14:48 Jordach >overheating when streaming
14:48 Megaf Exhaust  :   7476 RPM  (min = 2000 RPM, max = 6200 RPM)
14:48 Jordach when did the last set of computing slaves die off
14:48 Megaf 7.4k RPM, because f**k max RPM
14:49 halt_ joined #minetest-hub
14:49 benrob0329 I've installed normal arch plenty of times, I understand the system (even if I can't remember half of pacmans commands
14:50 Jordach waka waka
14:50 Megaf Linux "You board is telling me it can spins your fan up to 6.2K", Megaf "echo 8000 > /sys/fan_speed", MacBookPro "Fuuuu***k, All I can do is 7.4k", Megaf "That's fine", Linux "LOL"
14:51 benrob0329 Tbh id probably run gentoo if nvidia wasn't such a pain on it
14:51 Jordach >Macbook
14:51 Jordach at least it isn't a surface pro where the magnets fail
14:51 Jordach (yes, they do)
14:51 benrob0329 Hah
14:51 Megaf benrob0329, pacman -S update list, pacman -Ss searchs package, pacman -Syu update system. Is that right? Last time I used that was 10 years ago
14:51 Jordach my roommates surface connectors eventually just failed
14:52 Jordach also, cute kitty
14:52 benrob0329 >…<
14:52 benrob0329 :3
14:52 Jordach
14:52 Megaf ok, lets give fan control back to the kernel
14:52 Megaf # echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_manual
14:53 benrob0329 THE CUTENESS
14:53 benrob0329 ITS.... unbearable...
14:53 * Megaf was going to joke with the word pu**y but changed his mind
14:54 benrob0329 Oh no I can handle gross/unpleasant things fine
14:55 Megaf not appropriate for the channel
14:56 benrob0329 you said it, not me
14:57 Megaf guys and girls, we have a chat channel, called, wait for it. drums.... #Minetest-Chat
14:57 Megaf because we are offtopicing too much here..
14:57 benrob0329 There is also -offtopic
14:58 Jordach minetesters shitpost irregardless of channel
14:58 * Jordach starts blasting NWA
14:59 Megaf ands theres #minetest-offtopic too. Im in both of them
14:59 Megaf so is red-001 and halt_
14:59 Megaf and benrob0329 :)
14:59 benrob0329 We should choose one, and block the other saying to join the former
15:00 Megaf nope
15:00 benrob0329 No?
15:00 Megaf Chat was created by me and OffTopic by red-001, both were born the same day, Chat is around 5 minutes older
15:00 Megaf no war intended
15:00 Megaf (Yes, war! Let the hate flow!)
15:01 benrob0329 Lol
15:01 Megaf Jordach, at #Minetest-Chat we love blender and old walkmans
15:02 Megaf and cats!
15:02 benrob0329 And Doctor Who :P
15:02 Jordach ,
15:03 sfan5 todays absence of matrix users is presented to you by freenode staff:
15:04 Megaf awesome
15:04 benrob0329
15:04 benrob0329 EST31 HOw could you?
15:06 octacian joined #minetest-hub
15:06 benrob0329 Hi octacian
15:06 octacian hey benrob0329
15:17 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
15:20 Megaf Fixer, now you are allowed to speak, you have been granted the gift of speech
15:20 Megaf you have returned from the deep timed out
15:23 Megaf_ joined #minetest-hub
15:23 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
15:23 Megaf_ 16:20:06<Megaf> Fixer, now you are allowed to speak, you have been granted the gift of speech
15:23 Megaf_ 16:20:32<Megaf> you have returned from the deep timed out
15:23 Megaf_ 16:22:38<Megaf> and to the time out I go
15:23 Megaf_ 16:22:59* Disconnected ()
15:24 Megaf and to the time out I go
15:27 Megaf_ joined #minetest-hub
15:39 cx384 joined #minetest-hub
15:45 Fixer had numerous poweroutages and my UPS battery needs replacement
15:45 Megaf_ Im having internet outages, no UPS for that
15:50 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
15:51 benrob0329 80% rendered on the Remastered video \o/
15:52 benrob0329 (It would be done had I not forgotten to up the resolution scale to 100%)
15:53 Krock joined #minetest-hub
15:53 benrob0329 Hi Krock
15:53 Krock hello
15:53 Krock hi benrob0329 :)
15:54 benrob0329 its a bit weird to say thar you've remastered one of your own videos
15:56 Krock which video are you remastering?
15:56 Megaf_ Ok, Im gonna play Flight Gear, multiplayer
16:09 benrob0329 Krock: Moonrealm - Updated
16:09 benrob0329 Had a lot of rendering issues with Flowblade, so I remade it in bkender
16:10 benrob0329 To be uploaded, was rendering last I checked
16:10 benrob0329 Megaf_: never played multiplayer, need a joystick with yaw
16:13 Krock will come back from death in a few minutes. shooting down this PC first
16:20 Megaf_ benrob0329, I use the mouse..
16:20 Megaf_ 17:13:09<Krock> will come back from death in a few minutes. shooting down this PC first
16:20 Megaf_ yet another happy windows user
16:21 benrob03291 joined #minetest-hub
16:23 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
16:24 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
16:28 benrob0329 Megaf: but then you need to stop fixing your course to adjust anything
16:41 Krock joined #minetest-hub
16:48 garywhite_ joined #minetest-hub
16:52 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
17:02 benrob0329 Hi garywhite, wb Krock
17:02 garywhite hi benrob
17:05 Krock ty
17:09 Shara Hi everyone
17:11 benrob0329 Hi Shara
17:12 garywhite hi Shara
17:22 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
17:37 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
17:49 Wayward_One hi all
17:52 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
17:52 benrob0329 *sigh* why does Youtube processing have to be so slow?
17:55 benrob0329
17:55 benrob0329 1080p isn't available yet
17:55 benrob0329 But it should be shortly
17:55 Calinou video conversion is a huge task for a CPU
17:56 Calinou it's not really GPU-friendly either
17:56 Calinou (you can do it, but quality will be lower, see Intel Quick Sync)
17:56 Calinou consider that YouTube is also processing those cat videos, YTPs, Let's Plays nobody will watch, and so on, at the same time :P
17:56 benrob0329 True
18:01 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
18:01 tenplus1 hi folks
18:01 benrob0329 Hi ten
18:01 benrob0329
18:01 tenplus1 hi ben
18:01 tenplus1 le click
18:02 tenplus1 ooh, remastered :D
18:02 benrob0329 Indeed
18:02 tenplus1 :)
18:02 benrob0329 No more glitchy renders
18:03 benrob0329 And no sad excuse for a crappy thumbnail
18:03 Calinou hi tenplus1
18:03 tenplus1 hi cal
18:04 tenplus1 what did you change to stop glitches ?
18:04 benrob0329 I redid everything in Blender
18:05 benrob0329 (Also, if you don't feel like rewatching the whole thing, check out the improved outro :D
18:05 tenplus1 "photovoltaic panel" :PPPP
18:05 tenplus1 love the paddles flying across the screen
18:07 tenplus1 wait, can you plant saplings in moon dust ??
18:11 tenplus1 lol, yoshi
18:14 tenplus1 heh, nicely dbne
18:14 tenplus1 *done
18:15 benrob0329 Ty
18:19 tenplus1 I always wondered about skyboxes...
18:20 tenplus1 rather than mt default with colours... is it possible to have a skybox with sun on one end and moon on other and have it scroll through day...
18:20 benrob0329 ~tell paramat Redid moonrealm video:
18:20 ShadowBot benrob0329: O.K.
18:21 benrob0329 tenplus1: or to adjust the colors/light ratio
18:21 tenplus1 if we could scroll a huge image then we could have proper day/night time in the one image...
18:22 tenplus1 and yes, the ability to adjust image as it scrolls would be nice :D
18:22 benrob0329 Like, go from night to night, but with day light levels
18:22 halt_ joined #minetest-hub
18:22 benrob0329 or change the coloring for say an alien planet
18:23 tenplus1 yeh
18:23 tenplus1 many possibilities without adding new images
18:23 bwarden joined #minetest-hub
18:24 tenplus1 hi bwarden
18:28 bwarden left #minetest-hub
18:28 tenplus1 lol
18:28 bwarden joined #minetest-hub
18:31 Krock oh hello tenplus1! :)
18:31 tenplus1 hi Krock
18:31 * tenplus1 is wondering what today's daily build changes actually do :PP
18:31 tenplus1
18:37 benrob0329 Is it just me, or is there only 720p on that video?
18:37 octacian_ joined #minetest-hub
18:37 tenplus1 hi octacian
18:37 tenplus1 ben, I have full 1080p on mines... maybe flash player only uses 720
18:37 benrob0329 Hi octacian
18:37 * tenplus1 uses html5 video
18:37 tenplus1 btw ben,;t=13913
18:38 benrob0329 Its probably jusr the mobile app
18:38 benrob0329 I should play on a marssurvive server :P
18:38 tenplus1 ehehe, that looks good also
18:45 * CWz has returned from a parallel universe
18:45 tenplus1 ooh, did you brng back prezzies
18:46 benrob0329 CWz: don't tell me you ripped a whole through time and space to do it
18:46 benrob0329 *hole
18:52 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
18:52 tenplus1 wb kaeza
18:55 bwarden joined #minetest-hub
18:55 kaeza left #minetest-hub
18:57 Megaf wb tenplus1
18:57 tenplus1 hi Megaf
19:00 Calinou everyone is using HTML5 video now, Flash is deprecated on YouTube
19:00 Calinou
19:01 tenplus1 tbh flash should never be used anymore... the odd game but that's all I use it for
19:01 benrob0329 Unless you need to add annotations
19:01 benrob0329 or music
19:01 Calinou hmm, annotations work for me in HTML5
19:01 benrob0329 to play, yes
19:01 benrob0329 To make, afaik no
19:02 Calinou ah, maybe
19:02 benrob0329 But they've been replaced with outro screens
19:02 benrob0329 Which work on mobile
19:02 Megaf -- The C compiler identification is GNU 7.0.1
19:02 Megaf -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 7.0.1
19:03 Megaf Anyone else using this wild thing?
19:03 benrob0329 Gcc 7? Not sure
19:03 benrob0329 Its really knew, ik that much
19:03 tenplus1 eheheheh
19:03 benrob0329 *new
19:04 Calinou not yet, I'm still on 6.x
19:07 Fixer The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.9.1
19:07 Fixer guess the distro
19:07 tenplus1 fedor/a
19:13 benrob0329 tenplus1: what..the hell...did I just watch
19:13 tenplus1 the original samurai jack series snippet using TF2 characters over original audio :P
19:15 tenplus1 the series was amazing back in the day on Cartoon Network and the NEW series is still as good :P
19:19 paramat joined #minetest-hub
19:19 tenplus1 hi paramat
19:23 benrob0329 Hi paramat
19:31 paramat will watch later
19:31 paramat yeah the photovoltaics don't work yet either
19:32 tenplus1 what is included that they would power ?
19:32 tenplus1 ait generator ?
19:32 tenplus1 *air
19:50 tenplus1 players are reporting that multiple page books, by clicking next page it erases book
19:51 paramat in future they will power an ore furnace and machines for extracting air, glass and silicon from moondust (all realistic)
19:51 paramat via conducting cables
19:51 tenplus1 ooh nice
19:51 Fixer tenplus1: we have multiple pages?
19:52 tenplus1 yeah fix, if you write a loooong book it breaks lines into pages
19:52 tenplus1 seems it's a tad glitchy tho
19:52 paramat maybe even recharge the moonrover
19:55 tenplus1 ok, the < and > arrow in books erases the whole book
19:56 paramat issue please
19:57 tenplus1
20:04 paramat thanks, should be MTG?
20:05 tenplus1 ah crap... sorry... my head isnt working tonight :) sleepy
20:06 paramat me too :]
20:06 tenplus1
20:17 octacian__ joined #minetest-hub
20:18 Calinou
20:18 Calinou just found this
20:18 Calinou basically all of Carmack's .plan files since 1996
20:18 Calinou he wrote the last one in 2010, but frequency decreased a lot after 2002-2003
20:19 Calinou lots of interesting things
20:20 halt_ joined #minetest-hub
20:20 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
20:25 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
20:29 tenplus1 hi ssieb
20:32 VanessaE tenplus1: one of my guys reports there's a recipe conflict for flour, relative to ruben's food mod
20:32 VanessaE at least I think that's the conflict.  care to investigate?
20:33 tenplus1 flour ? isnt that just 4x shapeless wheat ?
20:33 VanessaE Might be, I don't remember for sure
20:37 tenplus1 I dont see any issues at all...  farming redo has dough = 4x shapeless wheat, that same recipe is not used in food mod
20:37 VanessaE odd.
20:37 tenplus1 and it has farming redo checks for compatibility inside food mod...   hrm
20:38 VanessaE maybe it's an item name mixup?
20:38 tenplus1 a bug I do have lately is metadata not writing properly in some instances...   on server I can place hopper or chest and it doesnt create formspec
20:40 tenplus1 on_construct has:  local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) ; local inv = meta:get_inventory() ; inv:set_size("main", 4*4)
20:40 tenplus1 and on rightlclick it shows formspec containing that inventory... works fine singleplayer, glitchy network...
20:42 tenplus1 but my head is fuzzy so I sleep now :) nite all
21:04 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
21:17 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
21:20 benrob0329 brb
21:23 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
21:24 benrob0329 back
21:27 atorian37 joined #minetest-hub
21:32 Nathans21 joined #minetest-hub
22:10 benrob0329 >tries to hop on Xanadu
22:10 benrob0329 21/40 player
22:10 benrob0329 >cannot join, too many players
22:10 benrob0329 *facedesk*
22:15 Jordach [F]
22:15 Jordach benrob0329, holy shite i've been missing out
22:16 Jordach got a proper full size technics dec
22:16 Jordach it's *spotless*
22:20 benrob0329 Jordach: a technics dec?
22:21 Jordach
22:21 Jordach i've rewired my entire audio setup too
22:21 benrob0329 ohhh
22:21 benrob0329 noice
22:22 Jordach auto-reverse decks are shit at everything
22:22 Jordach i got one that plays one side only
22:23 Jordach the amp is on top as it's far smaller than the deck itself
22:24 Jordach it used to have a 5cd changer and a dual well deck, but i removed those since i don't need them any more
22:24 garywhite Jordach: My dad has, like, 4 different pieces of equipment in the stereo cabinet...I think there's a Kenwood record player, an Panasonic input controller for the stereo speakers, a Panasonic accompanying EQ/volume controller, a Panasonic dual cassette deck, & a Sony 5-CD changer, all hooked up in one cabinet to 2 stereo speakers
22:24 Jordach garywhite, hint: Panasonic / National is also known as Technics
22:25 garywhite I don't know that, the only piece of AV equipment I use regularly is a Sony CD/cassette boombox in my bedroom
22:25 Jordach garywhite, well, the higher end stuff from Panasonic is called Technics
22:27 * benrob0329 uses his computer an headphones most of the time
22:27 garywhite Believe me, this stuff is not higher-end, it may have been about 20 years ago, but not nwo
22:27 garywhite now*
22:27 Jordach garywhite, they;re still better than modern shit
22:28 Jordach those analog devices are worth far more than the digital shit they pump out now
22:28 Jordach sub penny ADCs literally make it sound like ass
22:28 benrob0329 Nooo, my expencive XLR interface that totally doesnt wig out once in a while is way better than your analog crap
22:29 garywhite I use a CD player to play music when I fall asleep, & on average this digital crap lasts maybe 2 years of daily use
22:29 Jordach black. plastic. crap.
22:29 Jordach the tiny tape deck that's in my desk failed spectacularily (released 2003)
22:29 benrob0329 funny story: i found my pc speakers by the garbage
22:30 benrob0329 they dont sound half bad tbh
22:30 Jordach benrob0329, i can;t stand my own fucking phones audio output with FLAC
22:30 Jordach it sounds tooo un-natural
22:30 benrob0329 oh yeah, phone speakers are crap
22:30 Jordach i meant headphones
22:31 Jordach and it's a mid-end DAC
22:31 benrob0329 way too tinny and sometimes even noisy
22:31 benrob0329 huh, well i cant argue there either
22:32 Jordach i use a sound blaster E3 (pre NFC update)
22:32 Jordach as a USB audio output
22:32 Jordach may get a proper audigy card
22:32 Jordach (using Line Out directly)
22:33 benrob0329 getting a good motherboard with good sound helps
22:33 Jordach well
22:33 Jordach that doesn't really work that way
22:33 Jordach some PCI-E GPUs introduce heavy noise into the mobo
22:33 Jordach (XFX RX480 reference does)
22:33 benrob0329 fair enough
22:34 benrob0329 (i use the audio out on my xlr interface anyways so that i can hear myself whilst recording)
22:35 benrob0329 oh, but my laptop's sound output is crap
22:35 benrob0329 ssd makes too much noise
22:36 Jordach i'll likely either get some overkill pro USB3.1 external soundblaster card
22:36 Jordach (Creative SB X-Fi)
22:36 Fixer uuuuck, where is crash when i need it? (in debug)
22:37 benrob0329 ill probably upgrade to a better xlr interface at some point, one that doesnt freak out and send/recieve distorted audio
22:40 Jordach
22:40 benrob0329 no xlr :-(
22:41 Jordach Line is still better
22:41 benrob0329 heh
22:41 * Jordach is serious
22:41 benrob0329 line doesnt power the mic
22:41 Jordach isn't that the point of an AMP
22:42 benrob0329 yes, thats what xlr is for
22:42 Jordach go grab a tube amo
22:42 Jordach enjoy yourself
22:42 benrob0329 (its still analog, just powered analog)
22:42 benrob0329 no, the MIC needs power
22:43 benrob0329 not an audio boost
22:45 * Jordach looks at unbalanced headphone/line sockets
22:45 * Jordach walks away
22:46 benrob0329 how do you capture the audio of a line out, without a line out?
22:47 benrob0329 (watched a bit of the video)
22:47 Jordach line out/in is expected to be both the same input output voltage and ohmage
22:47 Jordach if you push headphone sockets to their limit, that's a standard line level
22:47 benrob0329 ok, not quite what i meant
22:48 benrob0329 i mean how did this guy capture the audio without a cable
22:48 Jordach he did use a cable, the video isn't a representation of such
22:48 benrob0329 ah
22:48 benrob0329 true
22:49 Jordach the description has flac files straight from the CD player and DC2
22:49 * benrob0329 rotates headphone cable to alternate bend
22:51 Megaf Good night everybody
22:51 garywhite gn Megaf
22:51 benrob0329 gnight
22:51 Jordach here's a modern walkman (chinese black plastic crap) vs the same DC2
22:51 Jordach
22:51 benrob0329 i already know Chinese plastic crap is going to get slaughtered
22:52 Jordach you'd be impressed in person
22:52 benrob0329 probably, youtube ruins everything
22:52 Jordach he has provided downloadable flac files in the description
22:53 benrob0329 if i ever visit the UK, ill have to see this walkman collection :-)
22:54 * Megaf finds the quality of that thing scary
22:54 Megaf Jordach, thats incredible
22:54 Megaf it almost sounds like the vinyl
22:54 Jordach you're welcome to test my DD9, by the end of the year it'll be sent off to Doctor Walkman for it's Super DD9 upgrade
22:54 benrob0329 dolby c + chrome tape does wonders
22:54 Jordach (new caps, new belts, new ICs, restored motors, calibration)
22:54 Jordach benrob0329, remember, that's a line out
22:54 Jordach his sound card has a line in socket
22:57 Fixer why do you need to digitize a casette in the first place, if you have vinyl/cd/whatever version
22:58 benrob0329 because cassettes dont last forever
22:58 benrob0329 FLACs will last as long as you dont loose the data, no matter how many times you play it
22:59 * benrob0329 has a 1950s tabletop radio he should fix
23:00 Jordach benrob0329, yet businesses use magnetic tape for archival
23:00 Jordach :thinking:
23:00 Megaf Jordach, just finished watching the whole video, and subscribed to the channel
23:00 rubenwardy joined #minetest-hub
23:01 Jordach benrob0329, here's doctor walkman's DD9 repair steps;postcount=54
23:01 Jordach (i don't even want to know that method)
23:01 rubenwardy lol, found a security vulnerability in books
23:02 Jordach
23:02 Jordach benrob0329, heres a sample from my DD9 in FLAC
23:03 garywhite Does anyone know what date 0.4.15 was released? I'm updating the server's version of MT by updating the listing (I posted 0.4.14 back in December)
23:03 rubenwardy Latest version: 0.4.15 (2016-12-22)
23:03 Jordach
23:03 benrob0329 brb
23:04 garywhite Heh, I uploaded 0.4.14 2 weeks before 0.4.15 came out
23:05 benrob0329 back
23:05 Jordach enjoy the FLAC, benrob0329, Megaf
23:05 Jordach no filtering used at all
23:05 Jordach (only the correct bias eq preset type 1 tape)
23:06 benrob0329 oh my gosh, theres 240 htz monitors now
23:07 garywhite OK, Minetest 0.4.15 is now uploaded to It should be live for people who get it from there by the end of the week
23:07 benrob0329 Jordach: sounds pretty dang good for tape, noticed a bit of noise now and again but that could be the song too
23:07 Jordach benrob0329, that's for you to decide
23:08 Jordach (the tape label used a late sony ES deck, notably one of the best made)
23:08 Fixer FUUUCK YES
23:08 benrob0329 ?
23:08 Fixer no wait
23:09 Fixer looks like mt crashed, but no output from gdb yet
23:09 Fixer oh no
23:09 Fixer just 0 fps
23:12 benrob0329 Jordach: do you watch LGR?
23:12 Jordach maaaybe
23:12 Jordach i had an out of body experience watching nostalgia nerd the other week
23:12 benrob0329
23:12 benrob0329 ummm...oookk then
23:12 Jordach benrob0329, i was like, wait wtf
23:12 benrob0329 thats a new one
23:12 Jordach i recognise that place
23:13 Jordach it ticked over that i lived in that city as he does
23:13 Jordach same one (Norwich, Norfolk)
23:13 Jordach i saw the starbucks then saw the intu chapelfields
23:13 benrob0329 huh, interesting
23:13 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
23:13 Jordach i moved out last year, it's like, why do i know this place
23:15 Fixer no luck today with backtrace :(
23:16 Fixer debug minetest eat 3 gb of ram...
23:17 Fixer eats*
23:38 halt_ joined #minetest-hub

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