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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-04-18

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
02:24 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
02:30 kaeza Greetings
02:37 benrob0329 greetings kaeza
02:37 kaeza greetings benrob0329
02:37 kaeza and uhh, brb
02:40 diegom joined #minetest-hub
02:52 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
03:16 benrob0329 So here's my idea for a worldportal implementation:
03:17 benrob0329 drawtype = "worldportal"
03:18 benrob0329 worldportal = { pos, passable = false }
03:18 benrob0329 as for rendering
03:19 benrob0329 1: game locates blocks behind worldportal
03:19 benrob0329 2: game renders visible blocks (up to equivalent view range)
03:19 benrob0329 3: game renders normal terrain, leaving the worldportal block transparent
03:36 octacian joined #minetest-hub
03:36 octacian Night all
03:46 sofar benrob0329: while possible, it would require 2 render passes and it's easier to do reflictive water than do what you want
03:47 benrob0329 sofar: i see
03:47 benrob0329 would render-to-texture be possible?
03:48 sofar anything is possible, but why would you do that?
03:48 benrob0329 for portals, or mirrors
03:49 sofar what you're describing is almost identical to a reflective water surface
03:49 sofar except instead of morriroing the world, you're just rendering a scene far away
03:49 sofar rendering to texture is what reflective water effectively is
03:50 sofar you blend the rendered texture onto the water surface with some opacity level
05:05 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
05:05 benrob03291 joined #minetest-hub
05:05 benrob03291 My internets gone to shit :-(
05:06 VanessaE you have more than one internet?!
05:06 benrob03291 phone
05:07 benrob03291 *Internet's
05:07 VanessaE :)
05:08 benrob03291 But hey, irc works well for having almost no signal
05:09 VanessaE irc's good like that so long as it can ping every so often
05:10 benrob03291 Clients just need to be able to liad the logs, then I wouldn't need to have a constant instance
05:13 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
05:14 benrob0329 That one bar isn't very stable though..
05:15 benrob0329 Huh? Its just not timing the other login out?
05:15 benrob0329 *now
05:15 nerzhul VanessaE, can you re-send me your player archive please ? i destroyed it and i cannot retrieve it for a last test :)
05:15 VanessaE moment.
05:17 VanessaE
05:17 benrob0329 VanessaE: what is daconcepts?
05:18 nerzhul ty
05:18 nerzhul it's dl
05:18 VanessaE benrob0329: digital audio concepts.  a C64 software/hardware group I created back in the 90's.  doesn't have much to do with the c64 anymore though :P
05:19 benrob0329 Heh, does it include a tcp/ip stack for the c64? :-P
05:21 benrob0329 !ping
05:21 ShadowBot pong
05:21 benrob0329 !pong
05:22 benrob0329 Aww
05:23 benrob0329 Are irc messages guaranteed to make it to you? Or can they be dropped if your connection is spotty?
05:37 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
05:38 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
05:50 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
05:51 benrob0329 !ping
05:51 ShadowBot pong
05:51 benrob0329 yay, internets back!
05:51 lumidify joined #minetest-hub
05:53 Calinou hi benrob0329
05:53 benrob0329 Hi Calinou
05:53 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
05:54 Calinou benrob0329: btw, portals and render-to-texture are far from new things, even Duke Nukem 3D used them for giving the illusion of true 3D (in staircases and elevators), and security camera previews
05:55 benrob0329 indeed
05:55 Calinou they're definitely doable, it's just that nobody has the shader knowledge to do it on Minetest
05:55 benrob0329 Its an Irrlicht tutorial actually
05:55 Calinou graphics programmers are scarce
05:55 benrob0329 #13
05:55 Calinou they're scarcer in the open source world
05:55 Calinou they're even scarcer in open source gaming
05:55 Calinou this is the sad truth :(
05:55 benrob0329 Perhaps we need to ask the assistance of the Antarctica devs
05:56 Calinou they don't want to work on other things than SuperTuxKart, IIRC
05:56 Calinou they are not interested in contributing to upstream, or even making their engine usable for other games, IIRC
05:56 benrob0329 I've heard that's a goal, actually
05:57 benrob0329 And they said that "something might be able to be worked out"
05:57 benrob0329 For MT
06:56 Calinou heh, I browsed the old Minetest subreddit (/r/Minetest_c55), this was the first post, about 5 years ago:
06:56 Calinou ah, it's actually celeron55 who submitted it! I just saw that
07:08 Krock joined #minetest-hub
07:18 CWz joined #minetest-hub
07:23 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
07:43 nrzkt joined #minetest-hub
08:07 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
08:28 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
08:28 tenplus1 hi folks
08:35 Jordach hoi
08:35 tenplus1 hi Jordach
08:45 celeron55 Calinou: that was drawn by elrehmann IIRC (the guy who made the logo)
08:45 tenplus1 hi celeron55
08:46 celeron55 morning
08:46 VanessaE good morning.
08:46 Jordach i assume c55 doesn't turn things on, he takes them apart
08:47 tenplus1 hi Vanessa
08:47 VanessaE hi hi
08:54 Shara Morning all
08:54 tenplus1 hi shara
08:55 VanessaE greetz, Shara
09:08 Jordach there's a Krock in here
09:09 * tenplus1 pokes krock
09:09 Krock hi tenplus1, Jordach
09:09 tenplus1 hi Krock
09:11 Shara Hello the Krock
09:11 Shara Jordach: meow
09:52 shivajiva joined #minetest-hub
09:52 tenplus1 hi shiva
09:53 shivajiva Good morning :)
09:54 shivajiva my bouncer still tries to connect to -project, must fix that so I don''t see [474] shivajiva #minetest-project Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned
09:57 red-004 you are also banned on -project?
09:58 Krock joined #minetest-hub
09:59 shivajiva did you get banned red-004?
09:59 red-004 yes
09:59 * shivajiva shakes your hand
09:59 shivajiva welcome to the club
10:00 Shara Helpful people getting banned there is the main reason I just 'can't' view it as a serious channel anymore
10:00 shivajiva afaik I was the first, not that it's much of a claim to fame
10:01 red-004 who is calculon?
10:03 shivajiva not sure, they have voice on MMSMinetest, new to the scene or someone’s alter ego, you never can tell
10:03 Krock someone who likes to mess up the nick autocomplete to mention cal inou, red-004
10:03 Shara red-004: Someone who won't get voice if they don't contact an op to answer that question
10:04 Krock ..what question?
10:04 Shara (11:01:51 AM) red-004: who is calculon?
10:04 shivajiva even with voice they haven't said anything in my logs
10:05 shivajiva so a lurker atm
10:05 Krock wasn't there a new logger somewhere?
10:05 red-004 or a logger?
10:06 red-004 cheapie, maybe you could add this channel to your logger?
10:08 Krock ^ and add a way to jump to a specific day, perhaps?
10:08 Shara THis channel is already logged
10:08 Krock apparently is once not enough
10:08 Krock *shrug*
10:09 Shara
10:09 Jordach that's a new feature i didn't notice before
10:10 * Jordach noticed soundcloud now does a realtime vinyl scratch when sliding the timer back and forth with the mouse
10:10 tenplus1 lol
10:10 Krock noo. Don't scratch it :(
10:11 Krock must test.
10:11 Jordach hmmmmm, even click playback works like a sampler
10:11 Krock uhm.. no scratch sounds here
10:11 Jordach Krock, read: the waveform display
10:12 Jordach not the timer at the bottom :)
10:13 Krock no matter where I move it back and forth - no special sounds
10:13 Jordach Krock, /me thinks it's a bug in chrome
10:14 Jordach Chriome Version 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit)
10:15 tenplus1 RobbieF: pull added
10:15 tenplus1
10:25 shivajiva I just commented tenplus
10:26 * VanessaE wanders back in, sleepless
10:27 * tenplus1 sips mega coffee
10:36 nrzkt joined #minetest-hub
10:37 tenplus1 wb nr
10:37 tenplus1 *z
10:38 nrzkt ty
11:32 Krock what mods already use hardware coloring?
11:33 tenplus1 Stu's Nike Air factory
11:34 tenplus1 homedecor, castle curtains, dyed wood
11:35 Krock okay, will check out with homedecor. thanks :)
11:35 tenplus1 :P
11:35 tenplus1 bbl
11:40 VanessaE Krock: also blox, bobblocks, plasticbox, unifiedbricks, and stainedglass
11:40 VanessaE and a few others I can't remember right now
11:42 Krock oh, cool :)
11:43 VanessaE they all use Unified Dyes, of course :)
11:44 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
11:45 Krock and the follow-up question: how do I colorize them? :3
11:45 Krock got a wooden shutter and dyes..
11:45 VanessaE place the shutter, punch it while wielding dye
11:45 Krock amazing. thanks :)
11:45 VanessaE if it can be colored with that dye, it will be.  the next shutter you place after that will take on the same color
11:46 Megaf Good day
11:46 VanessaE that auto-coloring mode will cancel if you switch to and place some other colorable node, or if you wield some dye and shift-punch any random node, or if you run out of the dye color you were using.
11:47 Krock works perfectly. nice
11:47 VanessaE :)
11:47 VanessaE morning, Megaf
12:01 * CWz wanders if it's possible to "install" the 7zip without sudofu
12:06 Jordach that's FANCY
12:06 Krock hmm.. how can I have two different colored nodes in my inventory?
12:07 Krock homedecor seems to reset the param2 to 0
12:08 Krock whatever, trying other mods
12:12 VanessaE Krock: Unified Dyes doesn't support colored itemstacks yet
12:12 VanessaE I'll do that soon
12:12 VanessaE (it should be trivial)
12:12 VanessaE once it does, digging a colored node will just...give you the colored node.  shift-dig will split it into neutral + dye.
12:13 Krock oh, then it looks like I've got to write my own code (HAAAAANDS) to test the dropped items' merge functionality for my pull
12:14 VanessaE heh
12:14 VanessaE I think sofar already wrung that out pretty well
12:14 Krock nvm, sofar already has a snippet
12:14 Krock VanessaE, yes but I'm cleaning up the builtin item code
12:15 VanessaE oh ok
12:16 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
12:18 Krock something's going wrong. the wool texture doesn't change
12:18 VanessaE wool isn't colorable
12:18 Krock however, placing works
12:19 Krock VanessaE, sofar's code ...
12:19 VanessaE not by UD anyway
12:19 VanessaE oh ok
12:20 Jordach Wool needs a re-write
12:20 Jordach no, i'm not doing it, bugger off
12:20 VanessaE sofar already did most of it
12:20 Jordach aye
12:21 VanessaE btw, you still need to resurrect your old cotton mod and rewrite it for hardware-coloring :)
12:21 Jordach >resurrect
12:21 Jordach you'll probably see a variant designed for Solar Plains
12:21 VanessaE maybe but I won't be using that project :P
12:21 Jordach it'll have some form of backwards compat
12:21 Jordach (or portage)
12:22 Jordach my stairs re-write does this, but ignores protection mods for the moment
12:54 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
13:08 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
13:17 Wayward_One Hi all
13:21 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
13:22 Jordach Megaf, don't turn it on, take it apart
13:36 paramat joined #minetest-hub
13:42 paramat celeron55 is it possible to shut down -project? it's mostly empty, is dominated by the nuts maintainer of a hostile fork and is no longer relevant to MT. i even see MT newbies going there and having a bad experience
13:44 paramat channel header: "Things are apparently Up in the Air | Decide if you are Here or There .."
13:46 paramat i think minebest already has it's own IRC channel
13:46 Krock OC owns that channel. All we can do is to remove all links to it.. but that's an overreact
13:56 Megaf Jordach, did see they banned his new channel?
13:56 paramat ok, it needs to be renamed then
14:02 paramat also i don't know why so many of us are still in -project, we can monitor it in logs. it should not be supported through our presence
14:05 celeron55 #-project has never been officially supported; it's not listed on websites or anything and OC owns it
14:06 celeron55 i guess i should leave it
14:17 paramat ok
14:18 nrzkt joined #minetest-hub
14:23 Wayward_One nice, successfully compiled minetest for windows with wsl
14:29 Krock o/
14:30 Fixer Wayward_One: now try with msys2/wingw64
14:31 Krock afterwards, try MSVC
14:31 Krock (where the real pain starts)
14:31 Wayward_One heh
14:38 cheapie Heh, I just noticed that this channel has modes +cmnt. It's a cement channel! :P
14:39 octacian joined #minetest-hub
14:39 Krock ^^
14:39 Krock cheapie, a cheap(ie) and solid channel
15:37 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
15:37 tenplus1 hi folks
15:38 benrob0329 Hi tenplus1
15:38 tenplus1 hi ben
15:39 Wayward_One Hello tenplus1
15:39 tenplus1 hi wayward :)
15:40 octacian Krock: your modsearch seems to be messing up. A bunch of my mods including digicompute are listed as WIP Games
15:40 tenplus1 hi octacian
15:41 Krock octacian, ouch. will look at it
15:41 octacian tenplus1: hey!
15:42 * tenplus1 still wants a [game] tab on menu to download and use separate games
15:42 octacian Does the builtin API for HTTP requests support downloads of that size?
15:43 tenplus1 we did have a working mod tab with downloads before... some of those got rather large
15:43 Krock cURL can deal with everything
15:43 * benrob0329 is thinking about making a minetest launcher for C coding experience
15:44 benrob0329 Would everyone be opposed to a GTK launcher?
15:44 octacian Well, I'd like to see both
15:44 tenplus1 the ability to download and play [game] setups in menu itself would be an amazing step for mt's future
15:45 Krock octacian, ugly little typo :/
15:45 benrob0329 Being able to publish to a modstore would be awesome
15:45 octacian However, we need a place to get the mods from. Could rely on something like Krock's modsearch or wait until someone finishes a mod DB/store, but the first would probably be best for now
15:45 benrob0329 Github
15:46 benrob0329 Most mods are there anyways
15:46 octacian benrob0329: Sounds like an interesting idea. I had begun work on a launcher using Electron, but haven't had time to do much and plus, Electron apps seem to start at 30MB
15:46 octacian benrob0329: Nope, I wouldn't rely on GitHub at all.
15:46 benrob0329 it would make updating easy
15:46 tenplus1 +1
15:46 octacian Some people don't put their mods on github, some simply attach them or host them on their own instance of something like Gitlab
15:47 benrob0329 Well, Gitlab would work too
15:47 octacian Yes, it would, but it would mean that many mods would be unavailable due to the wide range of URLs on which GitLab instances are hosted
15:48 tenplus1 how about a list of mods with multi links available pointing straight to the download itself... that way you can download and even have a backup link
15:48 octacian Krock: thanks for fixing!
15:48 benrob0329 All you need to publish is a git link and name, minetest would read the readme.txt/md
15:49 octacian I was thinking it would just read the forum post
15:50 Fixer what the actual fuck
15:50 benrob0329 but then everyone has to format there posts in a very specific way
15:50 benrob0329 And rewrite them, possibly taking out vital information
15:50 tenplus1 o.O what an ugly build
15:51 benrob0329 Fixer: O_O
15:51 tenplus1 crap, is that on Xanadu ?
15:51 tenplus1 *phew* nope, wrong fire texture
15:52 benrob0329 tenplus1: texture packs
15:53 tenplus1 damn, good point :P
15:53 octacian benrob0329: I'm not sure that they do, Krock's modsearch seems to get it right all the time without specific formatting
15:54 benrob0329 Alright, fair enough
15:55 benrob0329 octacian: I thought about election, but then I realised it would end up being larger than minetest itself :P
15:56 benrob0329 But my hope is that maybe in the future I can also have it download eg voxelands as well
16:02 benrob0329 *opens up forum*
16:02 Jordach *shitposts everywhere*
16:02 tenplus1 lol
16:03 benrob0329 General Discussion -> Last Post: ABJ
16:03 benrob0329 Nope, nope, nopenopeno
16:03 red-005 lol
16:10 octacian benrob0329: I wouldn't worry about Voxelands myself, it's quite out of date and buggy engine-wise.
16:11 octacian Plus, don't mods and subgames work differently? Does Voxelands even support mods and subgames?
16:11 paramat it does not
16:12 octacian Thought so.
16:14 octacian The only thing I prefer about Voxelands to MT is the fact that some things seem more dynamic
16:14 tenplus1 like wut ?
16:15 benrob0329 Nothing, its very laggy and awkward
16:15 benrob0329 octacian: good point
16:15 octacian Well, there's the skin creator and the health HUD which gets darker with lower health
16:16 tenplus1 ahh
16:16 benrob0329 True, and clothing is pretty cool
16:16 benrob0329 Space, mobs are buggy though
16:16 tenplus1 I like the new dye'd leather armor mod that's out now :P all the colours!!!
16:17 benrob0329 For stu's 3d_armor?
16:17 tenplus1 yeah... although having so many colours for the same armor is decorative only...
16:17 benrob0329 Yes, but cool
16:18 nrzkt Voxelands doesn't have lua and is a game, minetest is an engine, it's a little bit different, i prefer the voxeland idea to have more and more to core
16:19 benrob0329 Yes, but voxelands doesnt have much development as far as improving the engine
16:20 benrob0329 Tbh, someone should probably remake voxelands in lua just to show that it can be done, and done well
16:24 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
16:25 tenplus1 hi gary
16:26 octacian benrob0329: Well, voxelands isn't supposed to be an engine but a game
16:27 Shara Hi garywhite
16:27 benrob0329 octacian: yes, but the engine which the game is based on is crap (no offense, but forking minetest 3 was probably a bad idea)
16:27 Krock octacian, re-retched the first 10 pages of the WIP mods again. Problem's solved
16:27 * garywhite nods "Hi"
16:27 Krock hi garywhite
16:28 benrob0329 Hi garywhite
16:31 octacian Krock: good. THanks!
16:31 octacian benrob0329: Yeah, I agree. Voxelands was forked a long time ago though, wasn't it?
16:32 Krock octacian, I think you should use the mod search more often to notice these bugs :3
16:32 benrob0329 Yes, right at the time .4 was coming out
16:32 Krock but they still backport some fixes, it's increible
16:32 Krock +d
16:33 octacian lol
16:35 octacian Yep, IMO voxelands is.. unplayable. It's nice in some ways, but, I mean, I just got a segmentation fault for no apparent reason
16:36 octacian So apparently mobs are bugged out in latest release. Fish anyways, whenever one spawns there seems to be a segmentation fault.
16:36 tenplus1 which mods mod does it use ? or is it built in ?
16:36 octacian tenplus1: Voxelands doesn't support mods or Lua
16:37 tenplus1 damn
16:45 benrob0329 Perhaps we should make Voxelands-NG
16:45 benrob0329 Made for Minetest 0.4.16
16:45 benrob0329 (In Lua)
16:45 tenplus1 we DO need a proper mt-game that plays all on it's own... and a new minimal game with just nodes for servers to build on
16:46 Sokomine do we have any image modifiers to turn a colored picture into a black and white one?
16:47 Sokomine and: hi :-)
16:47 Fixer ohhh, wonderful mountain in v7
16:47 benrob0329 tenplus1: doed mobs_redo have swimming mods?
16:48 Sokomine tenplus1: hmm. we mostly need a way for new players to easily identify and install subgames
16:48 Sokomine benrob0329: i've seen a diving/swimming penguin. i think that was mobsredo. npc also tend to swim (like players)
16:48 benrob0329 I mean likr fish
16:49 Krock Fixer, not as wonderful as mt meru
16:49 Sokomine afaik there are water critters that are based on mobs_redo and that live in water
16:49 benrob0329 brb
16:49 tenplus1 ben, the penguin swims when in water and walks on land...  but you'll find many swimmihg mobs in forums :)
16:50 Fixer Krock: i've climbed 2000 high mt meru by myself without cheats
16:50 Krock Fixer, also without sneak?
16:50 Fixer Krock: with sneak ofc
16:51 Krock hehe :3
16:51 Fixer Krock: sneak ladder all the way
16:51 tenplus1 lol
16:53 Fixer Krock: without sneak that will be nightmare
16:54 paramat i'm ashamed to say i haven't even climbed a mt. meru even though i created it
16:54 Krock indeed, you'd have to build a Stairway To Heaven
16:54 * tenplus1 used tp potions :P a lot faster
16:54 Krock or trampolines.. maybe :3
16:54 Krock *trumpolines
16:55 tenplus1 do those come with wall blocks :P
16:57 Krock yes, the irony behind the trumpolines is that you can use them to jump over walls
16:57 Krock but only works for non-muslims and non-mexicans, for sure
16:58 tenplus1 ehehe
16:59 Fixer i've climbed it legit way on ESM server (rip)
17:00 Fixer
17:01 tenplus1 oof, sheer drop
17:01 tenplus1 would be perfect for parachute item :P
17:03 octacian_ joined #minetest-hub
17:05 Fixer
17:05 Krock either 1D.jpg was shot before 8V.jpg or you glitched to get down easily
17:06 Fixer creative mode
17:06 Krock > 90 fps
17:06 Calinou hi
17:06 Fixer just digged down
17:06 * Calinou is playing Heretic (the first one)
17:06 tenplus1 sweet
17:06 Calinou it gets very mazey, even in the first episode, though
17:06 Krock hello Calinou. Any chance to have your bedrock mod download link fixed somewhen?
17:06 tenplus1 +100 for bedrock
17:06 Calinou Krock: hmm, maybe, I should put old mods on GitHub
17:06 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
17:06 tenplus1 hi nrz
17:07 Calinou Dropbox took down public links, that's why
17:07 Krock your carbone mods on the forums are largely broken
17:07 Fixer
17:08 Fixer excellent place
17:14 Jordach I LIKE IT
17:14 garywhite Someone just had an interesting idea in #minetest, what if we were to make a page on the Wiki with all the crafting recipes, if they're not there already?
17:16 Jordach some of us have jobs
17:18 Krock garywhite, start writing a Lua script to create these previews
17:19 garywhite I don't know Lua, & I'm just saying as a possibility
17:19 Fixer even better
17:21 benrob0329 Back
17:21 Krock wheeeeeeeee
17:21 Krock *splat*
17:22 benrob0329 Everybody do the flop!
17:22 * Jordach has a signed poster from TomSka himself
17:22 * Jordach has met him at comiccon
17:22 tenplus1 nice one, funny guy
17:22 * benrob0329 should gp sone year
17:22 * tenplus1 has Xmas card from Jeff Minter
17:23 * Krock is one of these who doesn't know Jeff or Tom
17:23 benrob0329 I shiuld build a dalek to keep my identity hidden :P
17:23 tenplus1
17:23 Fixer
17:24 tenplus1 nice plateus
17:24 tenplus1 is that v7 ?
17:25 Krock could be v6 with tweaked noise
17:25 benrob0329 <dalek> Tom-Skaaaaa, you wil do the flop, or be EX-TERminAAAAtEeD!!! </dalek>
17:25 Fixer
17:25 Fixer v7
17:26 Krock now I see the 3d cliff on the left side. must be v7 (technically also valleys or v5)
17:28 Fixer
17:28 tenplus1 we need more stone types/ore
17:29 Fixer
17:30 Krock Fixer, make a "Minetest dump for you" and publish it on imgur :3
17:31 Fixer nah
17:31 Fixer you can look the seed and explore too
17:31 Calinou <Krock> your carbone mods on the forums are largely broken
17:31 Calinou yes
17:31 Calinou but they aren't maintained anymore anyway
17:31 tenplus1
17:32 Krock too bad :(
17:32 Krock tenplus1, est31 confirmed
17:32 tenplus1 lol
17:33 Fixer v7 has some damn nice seeds, you just needs to search
17:33 tenplus1 I use the seed 'test' which is quite nice
17:33 Krock tenplus1, but honestly - we have the better water. This one looks somewhat... too blue
17:34 Krock when using text, it will just generate a random number
17:34 Jordach Krock, it's not as blue now
17:37 tenplus1 lol, I only posted for the invader :P
17:38 benrob0329 Heh
17:49 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
17:50 benrob0329 Hi Megaf
17:50 tenplus1 hi Megaf
18:03 tenplus1 if I added 2 slots to the furnace to cook items and added a cooking recipe like {"default:copper_ore", "moreores:tin_ore"}, would it work ?
18:04 Krock the furnace code is most likely only written for one slot
18:04 Krock however, you could try your luck :3
18:04 tenplus1 damn...  was thinking of having it smelt ores together into a blend...
18:05 Krock the idea is good. Shouldn't be too hard to implement it into the furnace code
18:05 Krock AFIAK no limitations for the different crafting methods
18:05 tenplus1 *phew*... I really wanna add moreores to default and have a proper tin+copper=bronze mix
18:16 benrob0329 Mitheral in default ftw!
18:16 benrob0329 Granted, mitheral is somewhat useless right now
18:17 Fixer please stop
18:17 Fixer why do we need ores that serve no fucking purpose
18:17 benrob0329 This my statement
18:18 benrob0329 *thus
18:18 Fixer now when there is automation in game included, now this different talk
18:18 benrob0329 Mesecons-ng
18:18 Fixer or whatever
18:18 tenplus1 if we add it, they will come (uses for mithrill) :)))))
18:18 Krock minetest.register_alias("default:steel_ingot", "default:bronze_ingot")  problem solved
18:19 tenplus1 we need to liven up mining, it gets boring with the current ones
18:20 benrob0329 Wiring with connected nodeboxes + set_meta_def
18:20 VanessaE tenplus1: technic has an alloy furnace that does exactly what you ask for
18:21 VanessaE there's a fuel-fired version that perhaps can be adapted for mt_game
18:21 tenplus1 kewl, cause I really dont want technic running just to obtain it :D
18:23 tenplus1 lol Krock, we keepin' bronze :P
18:25 benrob0329 We need an MTG Experimenal subgame, for all the changes that are controversial
18:26 tenplus1 this is why I want the [game] tab so players can download.use different games, and a rating setup
18:27 VanessaE as for the bronze recipe, it should be one copper to seven tin.
18:27 VanessaE (bronze is usually around 12 percent tin)
18:27 tenplus1 depending on usage... can be as much as 50% tin for specific uses...
18:27 benrob0329 I might set up a server with item_drop, railnet, and worldedit just for testing
18:28 tenplus1 railnet looks interesting
18:29 VanessaE hm, bell metal is 4:1
18:29 benrob0329 Item_drop because supposedly its too laggy for default game
18:29 VanessaE speculum metal is 2:1
18:30 VanessaE but that mixture, says here, is very brittle
18:30 benrob0329 and other things can be merged for testing too
18:31 VanessaE of the stuff we have in mt_game, a 4:1 mixture if the lowest I would personally accept (were it my choice) and still be able to call it bronze.
18:31 VanessaE is*
18:31 tenplus1 a shapeless recipe with that in mind would be fine :D
18:32 tenplus1 and having bronze tools the same strength as steel but last twice as long would be great :D
18:32 tenplus1
18:38 Megaf_ joined #minetest-hub
18:38 benrob0329 Hi Megaf_
18:41 Sokomine item_drop? that's something i definitely don't like. just adds load to the server and is in general very annoying
18:42 tenplus1 agreed, I do prefer punching items to pick them up like irl :D
18:42 Sokomine tss :) what's mt got to do with rl? :)
18:42 tenplus1 eheheh
18:43 tenplus1 as for mithril fixer, it seems like another magical item for use in mods...
18:43 Sokomine but in general if i pick up an item rl it doesn't land on the floor first :-)
18:43 tenplus1 mese is overused for thingsl ike that
18:45 Sokomine moreores would be nice to have in mtg
18:45 tenplus1 +100... caves need a little more added to them...
18:47 sofar joined #minetest-hub
18:53 benrob0329 Daang, this Meijer has redone like everything
18:53 tenplus1 ?
18:53 benrob0329 Its a store up in the Michigan/Ohio area
18:54 benrob0329 Sort of like Walmart, but its been around a lot longer
18:54 tenplus1 ooh, I like stores like that :D
18:55 benrob0329 Est 1934 apparently
19:01 tenplus1 the Barrowlands in Glasgow use to be like that, could buy ANYTHING...
19:09 * Sokomine looks hopefully around and wonders if chalk could be added
19:09 tenplus1 that would be kewl...  marble also mebbe
19:09 benrob0329 chalk?
19:10 * Shara glances at Sokomine and prepares a blackboard
19:10 Sokomine yes. chalk. white is a very popular color for houses
19:10 benrob0329 I still don't understand
19:10 benrob0329 Why not just dye things?
19:10 * Sokomine puts some stacks of cobble in front of the blackboard because that's the most common block
19:11 Shara Every time someone mentions chalk I can't help but hear the sound...
19:11 tenplus1
19:11 Sokomine benrob0329: but that's exactly what it's for. some kind of white dye for some materials
19:12 Sokomine currently we only have clay. and that's still rather rare
19:12 benrob0329 so another source of white dye?
19:12 tenplus1 decorative blocks also, medicinal value for potions
19:16 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
19:16 tenplus1 hi kaeza
19:16 kaeza greetings, tenplus1
19:18 benrob0329 Greetinga kaeza
19:21 Shara Hi kaeza
19:22 tenplus1 le nails on chalkboard :D
19:23 Sokomine i'm still after more dyes in general. but chalk and loam are also very common natural ressources
19:23 Sokomine no chance, tenplus1. i usually have sound turned off
19:24 tenplus1 ehehe...
19:28 benrob0329 No sound Sokomine?
19:29 benrob0329 Games just aren't the same without sound...
19:30 Shara Depends on the game... I can't stand MT with sound.
19:30 tenplus1 having sound packs available for realistic sounds would be amazing tho
19:30 benrob0329 having good, immersive sound is good
19:31 Sokomine adventuretest does depend on sound. i sometimes turn sound on there
19:31 tenplus1 yeah... I like using ambiance but it needs more work
19:31 Sokomine although i havn't figured out what the poor mobs there really want :-)
19:31 benrob0329 Good music is good as well
19:33 benrob0329 Tbh, that's one of the best things in MC imo (the little bit I've played)
19:33 tenplus1 mod/xm support would make it a lot easier to add music without the huge file sizes
19:34 benrob0329 True, as well as an ambiant music api
19:35 tenplus1 good idea, should make an api for ambiance sounds...
19:37 benrob0329 I still think it should be in nodedef
19:39 tenplus1 wouldnt that return false positives when nodes used as decoration
19:39 VanessaE that's why you only base a sound effect on whether there's a large horizontal spread of that node.
19:39 benrob0329 ambiant music would be based all nodes in radius
19:40 paramat joined #minetest-hub
19:40 tenplus1 current ambiance detects biomes around player and can be used to set music also
19:40 benrob0329 So yes a building may have different music than the outdoors, this is expected
19:40 tenplus1 wb paramat
19:44 nerzhul is there any debian/ubuntu user here ? i need a tester in ~1h
19:45 tenplus1 <-- lubuntu... what ya testing ?
19:50 rubenwardy joined #minetest-hub
19:50 tenplus1 hi rubenwardy
19:50 benrob0329 Hi rubenwardy
19:51 rubenwardy hi all
19:51 benrob0329 rubenwardy: you make the android mods app, right?
19:51 rubenwardy yes
19:51 benrob0329 How do you detect updates?
19:53 nerzhul tenplus1, a staging package (no dependency added in package)
19:53 rubenwardy what kind of updates?
19:58 paramat i watch MT let's play videos and have noticed so many servers use an ambience mod, and these mods are always irritating, all those sounds from non-existent animals/things, they sound wrong for an abstract MT world. the mistake is adding sounds of a real biome instead of adding sounds of the ultra-simple MT abstraction of the biome. only flowing water and gentle wind in trees is needed
19:58 Shara paramat: that's exactly why I don't like them :)
19:58 Shara (that and generally low sound quality)
19:59 tenplus1 lol, if I added animals for all those sounds the servers would lag like crazy :P imagination citation :PPP
19:59 benrob0329 I nostly want music, fire etc
19:59 tenplus1 fire mod has fire sounds
19:59 Shara I'd like some nice simple music that changes based on biome.
20:00 benrob0329 tenplus1: yes, but there not handled well
20:00 tenplus1 didnt paramat redo fire sounds to work ebtter ?
20:00 Sokomine it's possible that lots of poor sheep have to die because players consider their maeh-sounds too loud. there are proofs of that motive in some youtube videos!
20:00 tenplus1 ambiance uses the old sounds
20:00 Sokomine save the sheep, make them less noisy :)
20:00 tenplus1 nooooo, redo sheep sound way better :D
20:02 benrob0329 fire sound should be based on general clumps, not each node
20:02 benrob0329 Or minetest should have better sound handling
20:02 tenplus1 that's how redo works... 1-8 plays soft fire sound, 9+ larger fire
20:02 benrob0329 Why isn't that in default?
20:03 tenplus1 lol, that's why I initially made fire redo
20:03 tenplus1 but latest fire can disable fire sounds so ambiance can take over
20:04 benrob0329 cheap hack when there is a proper fix..
20:08 nore ^ that's why ambiance should be client-side :)
20:08 nore (I play without music anyway)
20:09 benrob0329 Good ambiant music is wonderful :-)
20:10 tenplus1 again, another reason we need sound packs that load like texture packs... then client side can handle it's own music/sounds instead of loading from servers
20:11 benrob0329 we'd still need ambiance (even as a cs mod)
20:12 benrob0329 But servers should be able to define ambiance, as its largly servet dependant
20:12 benrob0329 *server
20:12 tenplus1 agreed, that's why am thinking of adding an api
20:12 tenplus1 that way server owners can add anything they like
20:14 benrob0329 Each node should have a few sounds to choose from, and the node most preseant shoukd largly define the music
20:14 paramat yeah i coded the new fire sounds, try coding them before stating they're not well handled, it's actually difficult to do
20:14 tenplus1 I like the count/gain mix, that's good
20:15 tenplus1 you use the same style function I did in ambiance ;)
20:15 paramat fire sound is based on bulk volumes of nodes now
20:16 benrob0329 But if the next one down the list has a track in common woth the previos node, shoose that track
20:16 benrob0329 And if there are.multiples, check the next one down
20:16 benrob0329 And so on
20:16 benrob0329 And if all alse fails, choose one at random
20:16 benrob0329 *else
20:17 benrob0329 (From the condensed list)
20:22 benrob0329 Do we have localplayer objects in csm yet?
20:22 benrob0329 sofar red-005 nor
20:22 benrob0329 *nore ?
20:23 red-005 yes
20:23 red-005 we have a localplayer ref
20:24 red-005 read the docs if you want more info
20:24 benrob0329 non positional sound?
20:24 benrob0329 And node info?
20:36 rubenwardy nonpositional sound isn't a good way to do environmental sounds im
20:36 rubenwardy *imo
20:37 Megaf_ Hi :)
20:37 Megaf_ Jordach, techmoan
20:39 tenplus1 nite folks
20:39 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
20:40 benrob0329 rubenwardy: I wouldn't be doing environmental sound
20:40 benrob0329 I want good in-game music, gosh darnit
20:44 Sokomine joined #minetest-hub
20:46 benrob0329 (Offtopic)
20:48 Megaf_ joined #minetest-hub
21:00 red-005 benrob0329, ?
21:00 red-005 we already had non-positional sound
21:01 benrob0329 Just checking before I jump headfirst into a project
21:01 red-005 I added positional audio some time ago
21:11 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
21:12 Megaf_ good night all
21:20 benrob0329 Ok, so csm mods aren't downloaded from the server yet, but you might not need that to have a server side config
21:21 benrob0329 If global tables are accessable from csm that it
21:22 benrob0329 Because resources are shared across mods, you could just grab the sounds provided by the server
21:23 benrob0329 So mudic could be switched up
21:23 benrob0329 *music
21:23 sofar csm can't currently load csm assets, all assets need to be on the server
21:24 sofar csm can't know anything about server config atm
21:24 benrob0329 Crap
21:24 nerzhul it's more a technical preview atm
21:25 nerzhul i will code channels when i get more time, but i don't think it will be ready before end of feature freeze and we should focus on the current milestone there are many thigns to merge
21:25 benrob0329 Having csm tables would be handy
21:25 nerzhul what is csm tables ?
21:25 benrob0329 Like csm.mod.table = {}
21:26 benrob0329 on the server
21:26 nerzhul it's cleint side modding
21:26 sofar make any table you want
21:26 benrob0329 Said table is then passed to the client
21:26 sofar local _G = {}
21:26 nerzhul no sense to have a lua state synced to client
21:26 nerzhul except make them lag :p
21:26 sofar passing tables to client is impossible
21:26 sofar it could never work
21:26 benrob0329 why impossible?
21:26 nerzhul but with channels you will be able to send events listened by client, but it's not possible yet
21:26 sofar synchronization
21:27 benrob0329 Just declare it on join
21:27 nerzhul because it's two different lua stack and two different processes
21:27 sofar csm channels are a good solution
21:27 nerzhul you cannot have a remote application synchronous it's simple :)
21:27 sofar but you should never send raw tables for no good reason
21:27 benrob0329 it would be for per server config
21:27 sofar the concept of server-client communication for csm is already discussed heavily between nerzhul and me
21:28 sofar we'll make it happen
21:28 sofar yes you could send tables
21:28 sofar but think of it more for the purpose of sending "signals"
21:28 sofar "yo, it's raining dawg"
21:28 nerzhul but it should be handled by client to so somethink, and you can store it to client local table to do something, but it's not the best option to do :p
21:28 sofar "you just died"
21:28 sofar "buddy is online"
21:28 nerzhul yeah, events
21:29 nerzhul somebody knock the door :D
21:29 benrob0329 I mostly would want to know if mod A is loaded, and a few bools possibly
21:29 sofar why do you care if something is loaded?
21:29 sofar just send the message
21:29 sofar if there's nobody to receive it, no processing time is lost
21:29 benrob0329 because it would declare some resources
21:30 sofar ohhh don't do that
21:30 nerzhul i don't think server should know client mods, it's personal to client, you send signals and client will listen to it
21:30 sofar do not send resources over csm messages...
21:30 benrob0329 Nonono
21:30 nerzhul channels are like android in fact
21:30 nerzhul an app send a signal and others apps listen to it
21:30 sofar benrob0329: what "resources" are you talking about?
21:31 benrob0329 the mod on the server would contain resources
21:31 sofar like?
21:31 benrob0329 music
21:31 sofar that's an asset
21:31 sofar already sent
21:31 sofar don't bother
21:31 nerzhul music is sent at client startup
21:31 nerzhul after you can sent event: client_player_sound "misc" and client will do it, why not
21:32 benrob0329 but if the mod isn't loaded, there's no point in having the mod
21:32 Fixer VanessaE: 10 min of walking in newest dreambuilder @
21:32 nerzhul but it already exists
21:32 sofar if csm isn't on a client, it still gets *all* the assets
21:32 benrob0329 right
21:32 sofar so why bother checking?
21:32 sofar if csm isn't loaded on a client, it won't ever "play your csm music"
21:32 benrob0329 because why try to play music that isnt there?
21:33 sofar it's not
21:33 sofar the server just sends a message to a client "play this music"
21:33 sofar regardless whether the client *can* or *wants to* or not
21:33 sofar the client will even receive the message
21:33 sofar but it will see that there is no mod receiving the music message
21:34 sofar and discard it
21:34 sofar but, another mod may read it, too
21:34 benrob0329 But why bog the server with constant pos checks and node lookups?
21:34 sofar you wouldn't
21:34 sofar cuz that is wrong design
21:34 sofar you can do csm sounds without the server sending any messages
21:34 sofar that's how footstep sounds work already
21:34 benrob0329 What, you want random music?
21:34 sofar no, music isn't wasteful
21:35 sofar one packet every 3 minutes?
21:35 sofar heck who cares, we send hundreds of packets per minute
21:35 benrob0329 The music should change if you suddently change where your at
21:35 sofar also, music is probably event driven anyway
21:35 nerzhul ambiance don't need for server but is an example of pure CSM usage
21:35 benrob0329 ^^
21:36 benrob0329 But server should define the music
21:36 sofar you're thinking but not thinking far enough
21:46 nerzhul who use a .deb distro here ? tenplus1 is absent
21:47 * sofar anti-deb
21:47 Fixer nerzhul: why asking?
21:48 nerzhul sofar, me too but :)
21:48 Fixer nerzhul: i use debian in vm (console only) for cross-building minetest
21:48 Nathans21 joined #minetest-hub
21:48 nerzhul Fixer, i am finishing to create daily builds on gitlab-ci and i'm finishing the deb pkg for debian 8/9 and ubuntu 14/16/17-04
21:49 nerzhul Fixer,
21:50 nerzhul install this if possible and tell me if install and binary works :)
21:50 nerzhul you should have deps (it's for amd64 arch)
21:50 Fixer nerzhul: i don't have xserver installed
21:51 Fixer nerzhul: no 3d in vbox
21:52 Calinou why not AppImage/Flatpak?
21:52 Calinou upstream distribuition of .deb packages are not very useful for end-user applications these days
21:52 Calinou especially for games
21:52 Calinou they work on a single Debian/Ubuntu version most of the time
21:53 sofar ^^
21:53 sofar minetest-daily flatpak yummmm
21:53 sofar I would. use. so. much.
21:54 nerzhul Fixer, it's client and server and i don't set deps, it's not a problem
21:54 nerzhul nobody uses APpImage and FlatPack it's just business
21:54 nerzhul :p
21:55 nerzhul for AppImage and flatpack it should be uploaded somewhere no ?
21:58 octacian joined #minetest-hub
22:03 octacian joined #minetest-hub
22:03 octacian joined #minetest-hub
22:07 Calinou nerzhul: you can upload them to GitHub releases
22:07 nerzhul it's not a release, then no
22:07 nerzhul also it's a temporary artifact :)
22:08 sofar could make a daily tag and move it
22:08 nerzhul gitlab artifacts are very nice, every day github repo is sync, pipeline build on various docker containers, and a deb is generated for each distro :D
22:08 Fixer nerzhul:
22:08 nerzhul oh Fixer i fixed it in last release, i think i gave you wrong package
22:09 nerzhul yeah, it's in the pipeline, i'm waiting for fedora
22:09 nerzhul
22:11 nerzhul but yes, if needed i can add a last step to pipeline to fetch all artifacts from builders and publish it on github
22:12 Fixer "infinite" map generator.
22:12 nerzhul Fixer, should do the trick :D
22:12 Fixer liiiiiiiiiiie
22:12 nerzhul it's not my description it's in minetest official debian package :p
22:15 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
22:16 Fixer nerzhul:
22:16 nerzhul lol, i just take debian package, it's... anoying :p
22:16 nerzhul okay i'm fixing it to amd64
22:19 Fixer nerzhul: are you sure you know what are you doing? %)
22:19 nerzhul oh i'm not expert in complex debian packages :p
22:36 nerzhul Fixer, i should go but here is the fixed artifact
22:36 nerzhul see you tomorrow
22:36 Fixer kek
22:48 Fixer !tell nerzhul deb does not have minetest_game included, what i get when running minetestserver
22:48 ShadowBot Fixer: O.K.
22:58 Calinou
22:58 Calinou whoa, I realized I made this 9 months ago, back in August 2016
22:58 Calinou I thought I made it later
22:59 nore Calinou: finish it :p
22:59 Calinou if I get bored enough in the next summer holidays, I might
22:59 Calinou although… I don't know anyone who uses it :(
22:59 Calinou I'm overall relatively happy with it, I find it acceptable for once :P
23:00 Calinou not great, that's sure, but I'm not an artist by trade
23:00 nore well, it looks good from the only screenshot I saw, I might try it
23:01 sofar needs more buildings in screenshots :)
23:06 Calinou sofar: yeah, obivously, but I'm no skyscraper builder :P
23:06 Calinou if you can provide a world with many buildings, I'll take screenshots using it
23:08 sofar didn't I post a tropical island conversion once?
23:08 sofar that had some nice buildings on it
23:08 sofar;t=13709&amp;start=25#p215665
23:09 sofar didn't post the converted map, sorry
23:10 Calinou yeah, I'm reminded of mcimport
23:10 * Calinou stars it
23:10 Calinou also mcresconvert :P
23:10 Calinou I'll go sleep, night
23:11 nore should do a mcimport version that produces mineclone maps
23:11 nore night
23:22 paramat 'not an artist by trade' means nothing, artistic talent has nothing to do with being professional, or being an art student
23:23 benrob0329 And "art" is a rather broad range of things
23:55 Calinou most good artists study art or are professionals
23:55 Calinou not all, sure
23:55 Calinou but most :P

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