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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2017-08-18

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:05 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
00:05 troller joined #minetest-dev
00:07 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
02:04 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
02:23 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev
02:32 Lymkwi joined #minetest-dev
02:39 RKINGLEGEND joined #minetest-dev
02:41 RKINGLEGEND_ joined #minetest-dev
02:58 Lunatrius` joined #minetest-dev
03:48 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
04:43 RKINGLEGEND joined #minetest-dev
05:01 Grandolf joined #minetest-dev
05:07 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
05:09 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
05:43 nerzhul i'm pushing one morning modernize patchset
05:44 sofar playing with a 0.4.16dev client on a 0.4.15 server is terribly broken atm
05:45 sofar eye offset is broken, can't walk up steps
05:46 sofar this should not happen in this way - are we really breaking ABI that badly?
05:46 nerzhul yes
05:46 nerzhul it's normal
05:46 sofar it's bad
05:46 nerzhul no we are on 0.5 way
05:46 sofar I can't even run 0.4.16 anymore
05:46 nerzhul it's not 0.4.16
05:46 sofar 2017-08-17 22:45:02: ERROR[Main]: /usr/share/minetest/builtin/init.lua:40: attempt to call field 'setting_get' (a nil value)
05:46 nerzhul it's 0.5.0-dev this should be clarified
05:46 sofar no, vanilla 0.4.16
05:46 sofar I can't run it anymore
05:46 nerzhul for packaged 0.4.16 it works
05:47 sofar I have to delete my -dev builds or git build an old release
05:47 nerzhul very strange
05:47 sofar well the lua files are incompat
05:47 nerzhul for the eye offset we solved (with breakage no choice) the player collision box problem we have since ages
05:48 nerzhul now it's properly settable and modifiable server side, and client side (client side was hardcoded)
05:48 nerzhul if i remember we changed the setting api
05:48 nerzhul use RUN_IN_PLACE
05:48 nerzhul no the shared space sofar
05:48 sofar meh
05:48 nerzhul keep share for stable builds :p
05:48 sofar I'm gonna stop tracking master, sorry
05:49 nerzhul master is not stable for end user usage, it's in a huge development process and we are trying to fix all things which needs a break
05:49 nerzhul also master should always being build with -DRUN_IN_PLACE
05:49 sofar could have forced a protocol mismatch
05:49 sofar but you didn't
05:49 nerzhul protocol was bumped
05:49 nerzhul but not the min version
05:50 sofar exactly
05:50 nerzhul i will open an issue to suggest first to change the version model to a proper model, use next-version-dev instead of previous-version-dev
05:51 nerzhul it's bad for multi branch model and bad for end user to understand it's not the previous version
05:59 nerzhul i like this: "// This is a temporary backwards compatibility fix" date: 03/02/2011
05:59 nerzhul :p
06:03 nerzhul i opened #6266 for a version scheme update vote
06:03 ShadowBot -- Change version model
06:21 nerzhul pushing the last code modernization this morning
06:21 nerzhul i think i'm at 50% work on it
06:41 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
07:55 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
08:37 nerzhul merging #6244 in ~10 minjs
08:37 ShadowBot -- Change README to Markdown format, add LICENSE.txt by rubenwardy
08:43 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
09:34 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
09:36 Krock joined #minetest-dev
09:51 nerzhul hello Krock thanks for the review :)
09:51 nerzhul merging #6265 in ~10 mins
09:51 ShadowBot -- server.cpp: unroll setting when sending mapblocks by nerzhul
09:53 nerzhul and #6269 too
09:53 ShadowBot -- Add missing ctime include by adrido
09:54 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:16 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:57 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:58 paramat joined #minetest-dev
11:01 paramat devs please add your vote #6266
11:01 ShadowBot -- Change version model
11:04 paramat Krock game#1876 updated string recipe (2 vertical cotton returns 2 string), are you +1?
11:04 ShadowBot -- Farming: Make cotton look like cotton, add crafted string item by paramat
11:27 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
11:33 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-dev
11:35 nerzhul paramat, thanks for promoting this important change :)
11:36 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
11:36 CalebDavis joined #minetest-dev
11:38 Krock yes, paramat
11:43 nerzhul paramat, see norm explanation
11:44 paramat ok thanks and thanks
11:52 proller joined #minetest-dev
11:58 paramat to clarify, devs are ok with enabling zoom using a new 'player object property' as in alongside collisionbox and stepheight?
12:02 nerzhul it sounds more reasonable than mixing it with hud as it's player not hud
12:03 paramat yeah i agree now
12:05 paramat anyway what i'm considering to do now is to add a new HUD flag for minimap radar mode, as discussed, since it is a special ability very different to basic minimap. any objections?
12:05 paramat Krock rubenwardy sfan5
12:06 sfan5 sounds useful
12:06 paramat so that, in MTG basic minimap is enabled by crafting a simple paper map (as in my PR) then radar will need a much more special item, either magickal or technological
12:07 Krock just get the priv away. I don't care whether it gets added to the HUD or player object properties
12:07 Krock *magical
12:07 Krock ImageMagick is something different, paramat :P
12:09 nerzhul paramat, a hud flag to disable radar only ? i'm okay
12:11 paramat ok thanks
12:15 paramat my plan is to leave the minimap HUD flag as the master enabler, then the new flag becomes a suboption to enable the radar mode
12:15 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
12:15 nerzhul paramat, yes it's good
12:20 Beton joined #minetest-dev
12:20 Beton joined #minetest-dev
12:23 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
12:40 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:41 jas_ if i have to hit ZOOMKEY twice to zoom once, i am going to be ... depressed
12:42 Fixer_ joined #minetest-dev
12:44 jas_ (in quake, it's cg_zoomtoogle, 0 for off, 1 for enabled.  right now, zooming feels amazing, i hope its behavior, besides requiring a map item, does not change.  yes, i'm thinking about lag.  eager to try a pr.)
12:56 jas_ well sorry for that!  it felt identical.
13:00 paramat no change in behaviour with the zoom key, we're working only with the permission to zoom
13:31 CalebDavis joined #minetest-dev
13:33 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-dev
13:35 troller joined #minetest-dev
13:37 antims joined #minetest-dev
13:37 troller joined #minetest-dev
13:38 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-dev
13:59 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
14:07 RobbieF joined #minetest-dev
14:10 troller joined #minetest-dev
14:31 troller joined #minetest-dev
14:57 fireglow[m] joined #minetest-dev
15:27 lisac joined #minetest-dev
15:38 troller joined #minetest-dev
15:48 nerzhul joined #minetest-dev
15:53 paramat #6273 tested and ready for review
15:53 ShadowBot -- Minimap: Add new HUD flag for minimap radar mode by paramat
16:06 nerzhul merging #6267 in ~10 mins
16:06 ShadowBot -- Modernize various files (src/m*) by nerzhul
16:09 paramat ok nice
16:17 paramat #6257 +1 can be merged
16:17 ShadowBot -- Make world creation menu automatically generate a random world name by lisacvuk
16:17 paramat tested
16:34 fwhcat joined #minetest-dev
16:39 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
16:45 troller joined #minetest-dev
16:53 nerzhul i see we have a very old mapsector backend
16:54 nerzhul on each server start we create a old sector it seems to remove it later lol
16:56 Krock with some re-arranging we could load the mapblocks directly and deprecate the mapsectors or am I wrong there?
16:57 nerzhul i don't think
16:57 nerzhul i added and errorstream on m_sectors on servermap and i have an increase on maploading :)
16:58 nerzhul but there is old code yes
16:59 nerzhul i just need to understand why on my map loading i save 6200 mapblocks whereas i only dig 10 nodes
17:01 Krock depending on the active block range, there may be ABMs active
17:01 nerzhul i think yes, but it's very huge, it seems we save unconditionally
17:02 nerzhul no grace timer ? i need to find it
17:02 Krock nevertheless, backtracing what causes this ridiculous amount of saved data would be helpful
17:03 nerzhul seem we have dead code, the sector meta on disk :p
17:04 nerzhul differs_from_disk is always false on mapsector, and meta are into db
17:04 nerzhul celeron55, when sqlite was added ?
17:04 nerzhul it seems it's in 2011 or 2012 no ?
17:05 Krock each set_node() call from Lua marks the mapblocks as changed
17:05 nerzhul / DEPRECATED? Sectors have no metadata anymore :> 05/02/11
17:05 nerzhul i think this part can be dropped :p
17:06 nerzhul 03/09/11
17:06 nerzhul very very old map
17:06 nerzhul :p
17:06 nerzhul sqlite3 introduce at this date
17:07 nerzhul i will propose a PR to remove that part
17:07 celeron55 you're mixing up a lot of things
17:07 celeron55 don't be so hasty
17:07 nerzhul yes i know
17:07 nerzhul i have multiple branches
17:07 nerzhul i will just add a PR for the metadata part
17:07 celeron55 MapSector doesn't have anything to do with the map format called the "sectors format"
17:08 nerzhul which is disabled since ages
17:08 nerzhul (in the mapsectors on disk)
17:08 celeron55 it contained some data a long time ago but doesn't anymore
17:08 celeron55 i'm not sure if the old format is supposed to be supported still or not
17:09 celeron55 people have proposed removing it for a long time, maybe it has happened or maybe it hasn't
17:09 nerzhul 2011 ? there were no network, no server owner should be concerned
17:09 celeron55 ???
17:09 nerzhul sqlite was added 03 sept 2011
17:09 nerzhul with the migration code from files to sqlite
17:09 celeron55 sqlite was added by a server owner
17:10 celeron55 are you silly
17:10 nerzhul oh ? i thought network was mor erecent than that :)
17:10 paramat joined #minetest-dev
17:11 celeron55 anyway, for 0.5, both MapSector and the format can surely be removed
17:11 nerzhul MapSector c++ objects seems to be used by core, we should be careful
17:11 nerzhul i don't know why they are there, but they are there: p
17:12 celeron55 hmm actually
17:13 nerzhul interesting meta, they add just version = 1 :p
17:13 celeron55 the block lookup optimization in MapSector actually probably still makes block fetching faster
17:13 nerzhul celeron55, i don't see a noticeable usage in callgrind on this part
17:13 celeron55 the map caches the sector pointer that was last fetched, and each sector caches the block that was last fetched
17:14 celeron55 back then it made Map::getNode and stuff faster, i don't see why it wouldn't now
17:14 nerzhul mapblocks are in mapsectors right ?
17:14 celeron55 yes
17:14 nerzhul okay
17:14 nerzhul the only useless part is the disk meta write/read which is empty
17:15 celeron55 essentially the map is stored as a std::map<v2s16, MapSector*> and MapSector has std::map<s16, MapBlock*>
17:16 nerzhul yeah :)
17:17 nerzhul seems removing the useless meta serialization means ServerMapSector and ClientMapSector are useless because they are only MapSectors :p
17:22 celeron55 seems correct
17:26 nerzhul okay tiny PR, easy to test for anyone who wants
17:26 nerzhul #6274
17:26 ShadowBot -- ServerMap saving: cleanups by nerzhul
17:27 paramat a mapsector is a complete vertical column of mapblocks
17:27 nerzhul yeah
17:32 Krock paramat, changing the 0.5*BS part in the itemCAO function doesn't have any effect
17:34 paramat hmm
17:36 nerzhul merging #6257 on ~5mins
17:36 ShadowBot -- Make world creation menu automatically generate a random world name by lisacvuk
17:36 paramat time to merge some mtg stuff, i'll merge game#1823 game#1844 game#1873 game#1876 over the next few mins, will take time due to squashing
17:36 ShadowBot -- TNT explosion custom sound by tenplus1
17:36 ShadowBot -- TNT: add explode_center flag by tenplus1
17:36 ShadowBot -- default.register_fence: Allow setting nodedefs to 'false' by HybridDog
17:36 ShadowBot -- Farming: Make cotton look like cotton, add crafted string item by paramat
17:37 Krock it's GenericCAO
17:38 Krock same thing there
17:38 nerzhul if i remember itemcao is never used
17:38 nerzhul all is genericCAO
17:38 nerzhul (shown in debug stuff when you drop an item and hover)
17:38 nerzhul i should be sure it's never used but maybe we should remove this thing too
17:38 Krock removing the 0.5 BS offset fixes the problem
17:39 nerzhul what is the problem ? the dark textures ?
17:39 Krock yes, wrong light positions
17:39 Krock I guess it was introduced when the player offset was moved to its feet
17:42 Krock so why do we keep itemcao when it's unused?
17:42 nerzhul i'm not sure
17:43 nerzhul and it's complicated to find how it's instancied due to the factory model :(
17:44 nerzhul okay i find where it's called
17:44 nerzhul ClientEnvironment::addActiveObject
17:44 nerzhul it depend on what server send
17:47 nerzhul gob_cmd_update_infant
17:47 nerzhul a SAO with ACTIVEOBJECT_TYPE_ITEM
17:47 Krock defined in activeobjcet.h
17:48 nerzhul no SAO has this type
17:48 nerzhul and SAO refuse to create a such object
17:48 nerzhul serverobject.cpp L45
17:48 nerzhul / These are 0.3 entity types, return without error.
17:48 nerzhul if (ACTIVEOBJECT_TYPE_ITEM <= type && type <= ACTIVEOBJECT_TYPE_MOBV2) {
17:48 nerzhul return NULL;
17:48 nerzhul }
17:49 nerzhul then ItemCAO will never trigger a SAO creation => no packet sent => no ItemCAO created
17:49 nerzhul class can be safely removed
17:49 nerzhul s/ItemSAO/ServerEnvironment/
17:50 nerzhul do you want to do the PR Krock ?
17:51 nerzhul (if you do it, if you can remove u16 id unused param in ServerActiveObject::create can be nice :D
17:52 Krock as it belongs to the protocol too, I can bundle this cleanup with the other planned particlespawner fix
17:52 nerzhul it's not protocol related :p
17:52 nerzhul the only removal is remove ItemCAO class and references
17:52 Krock s/protocol/network
17:52 nerzhul i don't think anybody will connect on a MT 0.3 server ? :p
17:52 nerzhul (and protocol doesn't permit it)
17:53 Krock it's deprecated for a long time, so removing it as soon as possible
17:53 nerzhul yeah, it makes clear that item CAO are not ItemCAO class for PR owners :p
17:57 paramat merged 3 of those, one conflicted with another
17:58 paramat genericCAO ok. the issue isn't player offset, it's because the light sample point is inside the node above
18:00 paramat 0.4f * BS above should be ok
18:02 nerzhul hardcoding various entity size with a such offset is not good i think, you want to fix what ? the player ?
18:02 paramat #6268
18:02 ShadowBot -- Objects very dark
18:44 H4mlet joined #minetest-dev
19:06 troller btw mapsector was completely removed in freeminer
19:07 troller and block saving optimized
19:07 nerzhul what do you mean by block saving optimized ? the current problem with block saving (except it can be saved 10 times per second) it the comprssion
19:08 troller just dont save not changed blocks
19:09 troller + optional skip saving generated and not changed blocks
19:09 troller = 10x less base size
19:09 nerzhul it's already the case in minetest, the block is saved only if modified flag is set :)
19:10 nerzhul base size is not very important, the compression do the trick :p but it can be an idea
19:10 troller i remember some bugs fixed in this place
19:11 troller in worlds with 5 years history compression does nothing
19:30 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-dev
19:47 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
20:45 RobbieF left #minetest-dev
20:46 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
21:04 Fixer nerzhul: you sure? o_O
21:04 Fixer nerzhul: then why just simply walking I get world sizes up to 200 mb and more... i have not modified anything...
21:26 Wuzzy hi. i want to ask some stuff about warnings in the log I get from stock MTG 0.4.16
21:26 Wuzzy "WARNING[Main]: NodeDefManager: Ignoring CONTENT_IGNORE redefinition"
21:26 Wuzzy "WARNING[Main]: BanManager: creating /home/wuzzy/.minetest/worlds/xxd/ipban.txt"
21:27 Krock hello. that's your fault. more precise: you're trying to use set_node with an unknown node or ignore
21:27 Wuzzy and "WARNING[Main]: /!\ You are using old player file backend. This backend is deprecated and will be removed in next release /!\"
21:27 Wuzzy !!!stock Minetest Game!!!
21:27 Wuzzy no additional mods
21:27 Krock and the backend will be converted automatically, I think
21:27 Wuzzy this warning does not make sense. i thought default is SQLite3, and I use default
21:28 Fixer Wuzzy: old player file backend is just playerfiles in *.txt format, in future they will reside in database
21:28 Wuzzy why is this warning appearing?
21:28 Krock a warning is supposed to warn the user.. seems logical
21:28 Wuzzy ok
21:28 Fixer Wuzzy: you can already use database for playerfiles
21:28 Fixer just not by default
21:28 Wuzzy but the CONTENT_IGNORE warning seems more serious
21:29 Fixer calling it deprecated is a little bit confusing since it is not yet deprecated, but will be on next version
21:29 Wuzzy oka
21:29 Wuzzy why is this CONTENT_IGNORE happening?
21:29 sfan5 the banmanager thing should not be a warning at all
21:30 Krock oh, the ignore part could also be builtin, trying to re-register ignore somehow
21:30 Wuzzy damn, IGNORE warning also appears in minimal
21:30 Wuzzy yep
21:31 Wuzzy its definitely builtin. it also happens in the empty subgame
21:38 nerzhul !tell Krock the content_ignore redefinition was always here
21:38 ShadowBot nerzhul: O.K.
21:38 nerzhul for the player backend you should migrate to sqlite, see wiki about database to known how to migrate to sqlite or postgres
21:39 nerzhul sfan5, i agree it should be in infostram
21:39 nerzhul stream*
21:41 Wuzzy nerzhul: weird. i get this warning even for new worlds
21:41 Wuzzy did I manage to screw up my settings? I think i use pretty much default
21:44 nerzhul for the depreciation yes, it's always the default, we don't migrate on 0.4.16
21:52 celeron55 it shouldn't really be a warning because migration will happen automatically in the future and the user doesn't need to do anything at any point if they don't feel like it
21:52 celeron55 but... whatever i guess
21:55 Wuzzy Is this warning good or bad?:
21:55 celeron55 i do agree with wuzzy that there shouldn't be warnings by default when everything is working correctly
21:55 Wuzzy WARNING[Server]: StaticObjectList::remove(): id=1545 not found
21:55 Wuzzy i think some warnings are really cryptic. like, they dont include the information to hunt problems down
21:56 celeron55 it could be bad or not... the static object system isn't always behaving nicely
21:57 Wuzzy could it be a screw-up in Lua scripting?
21:57 celeron55 no, lua isn't responsible for managing those
21:57 celeron55 but lua can do things that trigger bugs or undefined behavior, of course
21:58 Wuzzy ok
22:01 lisac joined #minetest-dev
22:12 paramat joined #minetest-dev
22:24 paramat now fixing the banmanager message
22:25 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-dev
22:26 nerzhul nice
22:27 bigfoot547 Hi nerzhul
22:30 paramat because that's been bothering me too
22:30 paramat #6277
22:30 ShadowBot -- Banmanager: Move 'creating ..' message to infostream by paramat
22:31 paramat there's a PR for the ignore thing
22:31 nerzhul can you fix the spaces too please ?
22:32 paramat yeah
22:32 nerzhul when done, merge, don't wait the CI it's trivial
22:32 paramat yes
22:33 paramat erm what spaces?
22:34 nerzhul between << operator in the log
22:34 nerzhul infostream << "blabh" << "blah"
22:34 paramat ok
22:34 paramat yes good idea
22:44 paramat i think i would prefer to just do the same for the ignore message, a warning appearing is alarming and not a good impression
22:46 paramat but then maybe the warning is important to see, not sure
22:46 celeron55 what exactly is the content_ignore warning about?
22:46 nerzhul the warning is important
22:47 nerzhul not for this node but for other nodes when it happen
22:47 celeron55 it seems reasonable and can happen due to many reasons
22:47 nerzhul it's a node redef
22:47 nerzhul content ignore is defined by core and builtin
22:48 paramat ok
22:48 celeron55 besides, we have no obligation to make good impressions 8)
22:49 celeron55 maybe i should make a PR that adds a "Your computer is about to explode" warning at MT startup
22:50 celeron55 "Sending personal information to Putin..."
22:50 celeron55 now i know what i'll do in my next project
22:51 paramat hehe
22:51 paramat i might make that player backend message less alarming
22:53 celeron55 the player backend message should say something like "You are using the file-based player backend. You can migrate it to sqlite manually, or wait for it to be automatically migrated in a future version"
22:53 paramat yeah
22:54 celeron55 the "/!\ deprecated" stuff is quite useless
22:54 celeron55 how to tell if a message is stupid: it's stupid if it contains an exclamation mark
22:54 paramat will do
22:55 bigfoot547 hah!
22:55 bigfoot547 That makes a lotta things stupid!
22:55 bigfoot547 hehe!
22:55 celeron55 ^ proof
22:56 bigfoot547 yeah!
23:03 proller joined #minetest-dev

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