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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2015-12-20

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:14 sapier can someone please reset my minetest password and send me the new one? automatic email never does reach me. I can write a pull request to validate it's me requesting the password reset if this helps ;-)
00:14 sapier minetest forum ;-)
00:15 jomat sapier: The mail setup of the forum ist badly broken
00:16 jomat no hostname for the outgoing mailserver, wrong spf record…
00:16 VanessaE sapier: see /msg
00:19 sapier thanks VanessaE
00:26 VanessaE sure thing.
00:46 celeron55 wait what
00:46 celeron55 jomat: explain
00:50 jomat celeron55: The IP doesn't have a PTR record, a lot of mail servers will consider mails from this server as spam and therefor reject it
00:50 sapier1 joined #minetest-dev
00:51 celeron55 it didn't have that at any point in time; why is it now that people complain
00:51 celeron55 or did it?
00:52 jomat celeron55: But the worse problem is, that the sfp record says is sending mails only via (which resolves to
00:53 jomat celeron55: I don't know, but I had to remove those two checks from my mail setup to receive the forum mail
00:53 celeron55 it's meant to say that is allowed to send them in addition to the actual host; how is that done then?
00:54 jomat celeron55: -all forbids all other servers
00:55 jomat celeron55: "v=spf1 ip4: -all" should do it
00:59 jomat …
00:59 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
01:01 jomat celeron55:
01:14 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
01:21 est31 joined #minetest-dev
01:37 sapier1 left #minetest-dev
01:48 est31
01:49 est31 when was #2132 approved?
02:31 est31 joined #minetest-dev
02:41 est31 <est31>
02:41 est31 <est31> pushing ^ in 10 minutes
02:41 est31 <est31> this is a "trivial fix" as of the "easy push" rule.
02:42 est31 lets hope it gets in before the launchpad build
02:43 est31 otherwise we get more people with even more pitchforks around this place :)
02:43 est31 well, if it doesnt i just press the button to rebuild
02:44 electrodude512 joined #minetest-dev
02:57 electrodude512 joined #minetest-dev
03:08 est31 okay, had to press the button
03:50 electrod1de512 joined #minetest-dev
03:58 electrodude512 joined #minetest-dev
04:56 killer joined #minetest-dev
05:02 kid_ joined #minetest-dev
05:05 gabo joined #minetest-dev
08:05 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
08:39 Krock joined #minetest-dev
09:40 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
09:43 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
09:46 celeron55 jomat: Can you re-check now
09:47 celeron55 (or maybe wait for 5 minutes first so that things actually update)
09:55 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
10:03 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
10:07 alket joined #minetest-dev
10:13 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
10:28 enesbil joined #minetest-dev
10:35 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
10:49 zupoman joined #minetest-dev
11:15 CraigyDavi joined #minetest-dev
11:24 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
11:33 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
11:36 sapier joined #minetest-dev
11:39 sapier oh I see minetest is now even more unpolite then a year ago. Guess I'll always add an extra blame to all bugs I fix in future too
11:42 sapier actually I wont do that because it's childish ...
11:43 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
11:49 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
11:49 celeron55 sapier: can you test the forum's automatic email now?
11:49 celeron55 i set up the reverse dns and modified the spf to correspond to it
11:50 sapier ok trying
11:53 Fixer any news on that awesome farmap feature?
11:54 celeron55 i think it is appropriate to mention the author of a commit that broke something (it's information that can be useful for quickly seeing how a bug happened), but it's not appropriate to scold people in commit messages
11:54 sapier the author of the bug is shown within the commit so it' in ther double
11:55 sapier imho it childish but if you believe we should establish a blame society well I'm able to adopt bad habits
11:57 celeron55 meh; what i'm saying is that it's up to the person writing the commit message; as you think est31's commit message is not appropriate, you can personally ask him what's up
11:57 celeron55 i'm sure the intention is not that malicious
11:58 sapier hmm ok maybe the empty line made me misinterpret the by sapier to be connected to the error not the commit
11:59 sapier to be honest for mintest I'm used to worst interpretation of some sentences ;-)
12:01 celeron55 Fixer: no news; i do acknowledge i should get back to it altough it's kind of useless to say this; it's good to hear people like it enough to remind me though
12:01 sapier I still will not extra mention the author of a commit because imho it's not necessary at all everyone who wants to know it can find it out ;-)
12:04 sapier but it's that minor I actually never wanted to discuss a lot about it
12:06 sapier celeron any opinion about adding mesh support for items? I think about reremoving the ingot part of it and only support file based meshes what do you think?
12:10 celeron55 i don't like the style (which should be obvious from my prior statements about stylistic things); however, i think that the most useful comments about new features like this can be heard from modders
12:11 celeron55 as it doesn't change anything by itself and just gives a new tool to them
12:12 celeron55 i don't know how to best get modder feedback to these; we really should have a standard way of doing it
12:12 sapier I agree
12:14 sapier as of mobs perspective I could save a couple of mob item images but that's not really a big improvement. Well ... maybe it would if i didn't already have those images. Yet I believe most obvious improvement would be for simple geometric items like ingots.
12:15 celeron55 it enables a new style for games to use for items, but the question is if anyone actually wants to use it
12:15 celeron55 or if they have a need for some changes before being able to use it
12:17 sapier true
12:17 sapier well it's there ppl can try it ... guess as usuall noone will do it ;-)
12:17 celeron55 i do agree that the ingot default specialization is kind of weird and even if people would ask, zero other specializations like that would be added
12:18 celeron55 personally i am not comfortable with the extra effort and skills model making requires compared to using minetest with just textures and simple nodeboxes
12:19 celeron55 it makes the whole process kind of unclean
12:19 celeron55 that has been the case for a long time already
12:20 sapier well I could have a look if we can remove cubemesh too to get a really clean interface but I believe that's not gonna be that simple
12:21 celeron55 cubes are a sane specialization because the base world consists of cubes
12:21 celeron55 there's nothing else the base world consists of, however; certainly not of ingots
12:22 celeron55 i think ideally minetest could be used for making models for itself
12:23 celeron55 even texturing them
12:23 sapier true as of this perspective but in inventory cubes are quite special
12:26 Anchakor joined #minetest-dev
12:26 turtleman_ joined #minetest-dev
12:26 sapier celeron I did not get a mail from forum by now
12:28 celeron55 i think i fixed the two issues related to it that jomat mentioned here
12:28 celeron55 not sure why it would still be broken
12:28 sapier pushing in a few minutes to get rid of some minor issues
12:29 celeron55 i'm quite the noob in these email configuration things though
12:30 sapier strange, as vanessae did reset my password I don't need it atm but as I'm using a quite large email provider I'd not be surprised if other ppl have same issues
12:30 celeron55 given those two problems, i am not surprised either
12:30 celeron55 but now that i fixed those, i would expect it to work
12:30 sapier maybe it's about encryption? german mail providers did enforce some of them this year and oldest mail from forum I have is about a year old
12:31 sapier stop last mail is from 4th june 2015 so half a year not a year
12:44 celeron55 check your spam filters; maybe they learned that mail is never good and now they're stuck filtering it always out
12:48 sapier already did my provider spamfilter is set to mark only and local one to deliver to folder
12:51 sapier do you have any way to check if the mail is rejected by my provider?
12:53 sapier well just forget about it guess it's something as strange as the fact I never have commited anything to minetest (as of contributors list) ;)
12:59 sapier anyone here willing to do a merge all those minor fixes session? I can't do it on my own as of two agreers rule
13:02 sapier talking about  #3468 #3467 #3466 #3448 #3443 #3358 #3326 #3325 #3277 #3211  ...
13:08 sapier wow celeron the mail arrived!
13:09 sapier snailmail
13:09 Krock ran a thousand times around the world
13:10 sapier My server got it at 13:53 ... according to send date it's been sent at 12:50
13:11 sapier more then an hour from russia to germany ... don't know how many agencys had to parse it prior delivering it
13:13 celeron55 the server is in the netherlands
13:13 sapier even more strange ;-)
13:13 celeron55 maybe there are like ten thousand NSA boxes along the way
13:13 celeron55 one for every 100 meters
13:14 sapier according to the email header it's been recieved by my email provider at 13:50
13:14 sapier from someone called ""
13:14 celeron55 yeah it's the reverse dns name of my VPS
13:15 celeron55 i think i'll try to keep an eye on this; but as long as the mail arrives, it's much better than before when it never did at all
13:15 sapier hmm it's been sent encrypted "esmtps" ... there shouldn't be a way for nsa boxes to do mim :-)
13:16 sapier true an hour is strange for email but not a big deal for recovering passwords
13:16 celeron55 yeah it seems it's using TLS at least for my test message
13:17 sapier the interesting thing is the send timestamp is exactly 1 hour off the actual send time
13:17 sapier I mean really exactly down to seconds
13:18 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
13:18 celeron55 the date on that server at the moment is Sun Dec 20 15:18:13 EET 2015
13:18 celeron55 so that is right
13:18 sapier EET?
13:18 sapier in netherlands?
13:19 celeron55 it's finnish time because i live by finnish time
13:19 sapier I see in this case the send time may even be correct
13:20 sapier it's 13:22 for you true?
13:20 sapier wait other way round 15:23
13:21 sapier actually doesn't matter :-)
13:33 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
13:37 sapier updated to not contain a special itemtype ingot as this can be done via file based mesh too
13:38 zat joined #minetest-dev
13:45 celeron55 you should update the title too :P
13:45 sapier the removal is marked as optional thus the title is stil (kind of) valid ... and just in case no I'm not gonna update the branch name ;)
13:46 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
14:10 sapier anyone else to agree to merge
14:22 sapier celeron this is quite helpfull for what I can read only minor issues are open ?
14:35 DogePony joined #minetest-dev
14:38 celeron55 well it's a blocking issue, but not that difficult to fix
14:38 celeron55 i just have a queue of things to do and that's not the first one on it
14:39 sapier I see
14:39 sapier just remove the wip flag once you've done it
15:02 alket joined #minetest-dev
15:14 zat joined #minetest-dev
15:39 est31 joined #minetest-dev
15:39 est31 sapier, noted, wont include commiter names anymore.
15:42 est31 sapier, not time right now for PR merging session, later this evening I have
15:42 est31 but before merging
15:43 est31 I'd first merge what's piled up in weblate
15:43 est31 perhaps I sit down this evening and merge all the translation stuff.
15:43 est31 its time again :)
16:04 `PenguinDad` joined #minetest-dev
16:04 younishd joined #minetest-dev
16:13 Player2 joined #minetest-dev
16:43 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
16:44 realbadangel__ joined #minetest-dev
17:17 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
17:28 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
17:45 behalebabo joined #minetest-dev
17:49 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
18:15 RealBadAngel plantlike (and all the otheres) with overriding normal map:
18:17 RealBadAngel this is single normalmap for all the nodes, 1024px, imho it looks quite nice
18:20 sapier interesting looks like toilet tiles used here in germany used som decades ago ;-)
18:21 RealBadAngel lol
18:21 RealBadAngel thats texture pack stuff, you can make them look like lego bricks for example
18:24 Fixer_ joined #minetest-dev
18:26 Krock Lol, true. sapier :)
18:35 sapier core.global_exists doesn't seem to work it's still triggering a warning?!
18:37 sapier ahh misunderstood how to use it ... guess it can't be done in a  more straight forward way?
19:06 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
19:19 amadin joined #minetest-dev
19:26 amadin_ joined #minetest-dev
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19:40 amadin joined #minetest-dev
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19:43 amadin joined #minetest-dev
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19:45 amadin joined #minetest-dev
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19:48 amadin9 joined #minetest-dev
19:48 amadin9 left #minetest-dev
19:49 amadin2 joined #minetest-dev
19:50 amadin2 Hi all
19:52 amadin2 How to add different textures to cart: outside and inside.
19:52 Calinou you need to make it a mesh, rather than a nodebox
19:53 RealBadAngel make a mesh in blender, uv map it and export to .obj
19:54 amadin2 so i can't do it with cart.x?
19:54 sapier or even better export to b3d which is way more small then obj
19:54 sapier for what I remember there is a .x importer for blender, not sure how got it does work
19:56 amadin2 .obj is too large i see
19:56 RealBadAngel amadin, no matter the format, be it x, obj or b3d
19:56 amadin2 size no matter the format?
19:56 RealBadAngel you have to make a model in an external app
19:57 RealBadAngel irrlicht can read dozens of formats
19:57 amadin2 i undestand i have blender install but i nethe use it
19:57 RealBadAngel pick your fav one and use it
19:57 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
20:00 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
20:02 amadin2 sapier can you put name or link for importer?
20:02 amadin2 because i nether use blender before
20:03 amadin2 never i mean
20:03 Calinou amadin2, -> #blender
20:03 Calinou this is a development channel for Minetest :)
20:03 sapier or just juse google ;-)
20:04 sapier I don't have the link here but I guess google will tell you what you need to knoe
20:04 sapier know
20:04 amadin2 ok i will try
20:05 RealBadAngel obj import/export is native
20:05 RealBadAngel
20:06 RealBadAngel i believe that this plugin is built-in
20:07 Calinou it is, and .x support just has to be enabled in add-ons
20:07 Calinou .b3d requires a plugin though
20:07 Calinou RealBadAngel, you should patch Irrlicht to support .iqm :)
20:07 Calinou great format, just needs more engines to support it
20:07 RealBadAngel never heard bout it
20:07 sapier true Calinou you need to download b3d exporter and there ain't an importer for what I know
20:08 sapier but size reduction of factor 10 on some animated models is a big benefit of b3d
20:09 RealBadAngel size of the file when loading is not that important
20:09 Calinou RealBadAngel,
20:09 Calinou (disregard the ugly page)
20:09 RealBadAngel at the end all take same amount of mem loaded
20:09 sapier but it's huge difference on connecting to a server ;-)
20:10 Calinou servers should all use remote_media…
20:10 sapier well I should have 10 billon euros on my account too ;-)
20:11 Calinou it's easy to set it up, takes 10 minutes
20:12 sapier yet it's another independent system to maintain thus duplicating maintenance
20:12 Calinou if it's failing, it doesn't prevent connection to server
20:12 sapier so you wont even notice ... why add it at all? ;-)
20:13 sapier AND doesn't do any difference to the fact that downloading 100mb takes more time then 10 ;-)
20:23 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
20:33 Calinou it's ~10 times faster to use remote_media than not
20:34 sapier hasn't been that fast when I last tried it
20:34 sapier but to be honest I don't care but I won't setup a remote_media server to play singleplayer or on local lan for sure ;-)
20:35 Calinou you don't need it on LAN
20:36 Krock 5/7 times a ;-) smiley
20:37 Krock You're a nice and happy person, sapier :-)
20:38 sapier sounds to me like all those fancy new web 2.0 stuff ... you don't have to do any updates or security fixes as long as you're willing to put all your personal data to cloud ... if you want to install it yourself it's just crazy ... of course you can do it but it's like 1000 times more complex then installing a regular application
20:39 sapier has anyone of you ever tried to install docker manually without using a provided ass is appliance?
20:39 sapier or jenkins? ... things like that ;)
20:43 Megaf joined #minetest-dev
20:56 DFeniks joined #minetest-dev
21:21 zupoman joined #minetest-dev
21:21 zupoman joined #minetest-dev
21:57 PenguinDad joined #minetest-dev
21:59 Fixer enabling shaders causes 2x FPS drop on my win7 setup, and shaders are enabled by default in MT, so people get slow MT by default
22:00 zupoman joined #minetest-dev
22:00 zupoman joined #minetest-dev
22:17 Soni joined #minetest-dev
22:37 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
22:39 est31 joined #minetest-dev
22:43 Soni joined #minetest-dev
22:50 Taoki Hi. Does object:get_properties().collisionbox no longer work in latest GIT? Apparently this is seen as null...
22:50 Taoki I figure it might be a bug? My Creatures mod seems to crash because of it, which it didn't before.
22:56 sapier taoki which version?
22:56 Taoki sapier: Latest GIT master
22:56 sapier b4eb?
22:56 Taoki b4eb?
22:56 sapier commit hash starting with b4eb?
22:56 Taoki ah, hold on
22:57 Taoki 5755c9a43980930ba97fe7db56d3e0509a3e2d77
22:58 Taoki Clearly a bug though... the collision box is always seen as nil
22:58 sapier true but I wonder where it's originated from
22:59 Taoki It didn't do this about two weeks or a month ago... sadly that's not a lot to go by, lots of commits since :(
23:00 est31 Taoki, what was the last working commit that you tested
23:00 Taoki est31: I didn't note it down, sorry
23:00 Taoki I only know it was about 3 weeks ago
23:00 est31 Taoki, git reflog usually shows it
23:00 Taoki ok
23:01 Taoki Seems to output kind of a mess. Also I pulled several times since and didn't test.
23:01 Taoki Like yesterday for instance. I didn't test because of another crash, but that was fixed today.
23:02 est31 sapier, you working on it?
23:02 est31 if yes, I do the translation stuff, if no, I look at the bug
23:03 sapier I'm debugging it right now if it's always nil it shouldn't be hard to find
23:03 est31 okay
23:03 * est31 reviewing translations
23:03 Taoki Could you duplicate the bug for now? So I know for sure it's not some isolated circumstance in my mod, that could make testing harder
23:06 Taoki BTW: It doesn't SEEM (I might be wrong) to happen for players. Only for objects / mobs. I believe this because the function that runs into this does math on the player's collisionbox first, but there are no complaints there... next it's on the collisionbox of a mob and there it crashes because it's nil.
23:08 sapier hmm seems I've missed to add the facedir property to the lua push thingy too
23:10 sapier well I think I found it
23:10 sapier whole properties consist of nametag_color = {} only ;-)
23:12 est31 blockmen
23:12 est31 or 9eee3c3f465c071bb9908749cf48be3c131a1bdf
23:12 sapier but I don't see what he did wrong in there
23:13 est31 (me polite xD )
23:14 est31 lua_newtable(L);
23:15 est31 src/script/common/c_content.cpp
23:15 est31 i guess thats it
23:15 est31 but i cant test it
23:15 sapier I try
23:15 sapier I'm gonna add the missing facedir property when changing this too
23:16 Taoki I'll test it once it's on GIT
23:16 est31 facedir?
23:16 est31 and missing in what sense
23:16 sapier The new property I added is missing
23:16 est31 aha
23:17 est31 when did you add it
23:17 sapier missing as of not pushed
23:17 sapier you already did a fix for it est31 ;-)
23:17 sapier ok seems to work without the newtable
23:18 est31 you mean automatic_face_movement_max_rotation_per_sec?
23:18 sapier yes
23:18 est31 ok
23:18 est31 yeah, that makes sense to get pushed
23:23 sapier taoki should work again
23:23 sapier hmm beeing si written with only one e is it?
23:24 est31 being yes
23:24 sapier rewriting history
23:24 est31 its still within the ten minutes frame
23:25 Taoki sapier: Confirming it works well now. Thanks!
23:25 sapier taoki you might have to do a hard clone as I just have rewritten history
23:29 Taoki RealBadAngel: I still seem to get the FPS hiccups with the new parallax mapping code. It's understandable if that can't be improved any further... just letting you know since I tested.
23:40 sapier example of digging time calculation in lua_api.txt is quite suboptimal
23:41 est31 btw seen hybriddogs comment?
23:42 est31 he wants the facedir param you added documented in lua_api.txt
23:42 est31 makes sense
23:42 sapier true
23:42 sapier I'll update docs tomorrow
23:45 sapier I can't understand the digging time example ... guess I have to read code again

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