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IRC log for #minetest-delta, 2012-09-05

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:45 vortexlabs joined #minetest-delta
01:03 Miguel joined #minetest-delta
04:33 neko259 joined #minetest-delta
04:37 KrayonWork joined #minetest-delta
04:51 bookwar joined #minetest-delta
07:39 Calinou joined #minetest-delta
08:02 jyfl987 joined #minetest-delta
08:03 jyfl987 celeron55: is that possible to wrote a minecraft clone based on minetest engine?
08:07 celeron55 there is MiniTest, see the forums
08:09 CiaranG joined #minetest-delta
09:21 bookwar joined #minetest-delta
09:49 SpeedProg joined #minetest-delta
10:22 jyfl987 celeron55: minetest_Game is not a 100% clone , its just a mc like game
10:22 jyfl987 cl
10:23 LunaVorax joined #minetest-delta
10:24 VanessaE jyfl987: there are a couple of attempts already to clone minecraft using minetest as the base
10:25 VanessaE I forget what the names are though
10:25 VanessaE (other than Minitest)
10:26 jyfl987 VanessaE: i beg your memory system works :]
10:27 VanessaE AlwaysCraft, that was the other one
10:27 jyfl987 ok will try
10:27 VanessaE it's old though
10:27 VanessaE still based around 0.4.1 I think
10:27 jyfl987 huh
10:28 jyfl987 so why people lost interesting of cloneing that?
10:28 jyfl987 mc just have about hundered block types
10:29 Anchakor maybe because people who want to play and mod minecraft can play and mod minecraft?
10:30 VanessaE I'd rather play something that's not-quite-minecraft given what I've seen in videos of that game.
10:31 jyfl987 i recently  want to make some bot in mc SMP server, but they dont give a full documents about the protocol
10:32 jyfl987 so the work is so hard
10:32 jyfl987 i want to test group robotic war based on mc like world
10:35 VanessaE make '
10:35 VanessaE make 'em in minetest then :-)
10:37 jyfl987 ok
10:38 jyfl987 for example i want to make farmer robot in minecraft
10:38 jyfl987 but in minetest, there's no farming except tree
10:38 VanessaE start with the Workers mod?
10:38 VanessaE and get the farming and flowers mods
10:38 VanessaE combine the three = win? :-)
10:55 LunaVorax joined #minetest-delta
10:57 saschaheylik joined #minetest-delta
11:05 bookwar joined #minetest-delta
11:49 Taoki joined #minetest-delta
12:03 LunaVorax joined #minetest-delta
12:11 saddy joined #minetest-delta
12:33 bookwar joined #minetest-delta
13:09 saddy joined #minetest-delta
13:10 LunaVorax joined #minetest-delta
13:40 mrtux joined #minetest-delta
13:53 Gilius joined #minetest-delta
13:53 Gilius Hi.. Where i can find a newest version source ?
13:54 Gilius and any tutorial to compilling it on codeblocks/mingw compiller:p
14:22 NakedFury joined #minetest-delta
14:46 saddy1 joined #minetest-delta
14:47 Calinou joined #minetest-delta
14:55 PilzAdam joined #minetest-delta
15:46 rubenwardy joined #minetest-delta
15:49 bookwar joined #minetest-delta
16:14 celeron55 hmm, wrap_oal.dll should be included in the package too to get sound working on everyone i think
16:15 celeron55 i actually received a complaint about this before but forgot it
16:32 bookwar joined #minetest-delta
16:33 krayon joined #minetest-delta
16:37 bookwar joined #minetest-delta
17:29 neko259 joined #minetest-delta
17:30 bookwar joined #minetest-delta
17:36 bookwar joined #minetest-delta
18:28 bookwar joined #minetest-delta
18:39 neko259 joined #minetest-delta
19:07 bookwar joined #minetest-delta
19:08 rubenwardy left #minetest-delta
19:13 saschaheylik joined #minetest-delta
19:23 rath joined #minetest-delta
20:00 MiJyn joined #minetest-delta
20:53 bookwar joined #minetest-delta
21:07 bookwar joined #minetest-delta
22:02 SpeedProg joined #minetest-delta
22:14 cisoun joined #minetest-delta
22:52 LunaVorax joined #minetest-delta

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