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IRC log for #minetest, 2023-09-18

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:51 sfan5 joined #minetest
01:00 smk joined #minetest
01:05 ShadowBot joined #minetest
01:09 gxt joined #minetest
01:17 olliy joined #minetest
01:42 Fusl joined #minetest
01:44 illwieckz joined #minetest
01:59 Lesha_Vel joined #minetest
02:17 sparky4 joined #minetest
02:19 illwieckz joined #minetest
02:55 Trifton joined #minetest
02:57 Trifton joined #minetest
03:01 Trifton joined #minetest
03:16 fluxionary_ joined #minetest
03:37 lissobone hi im back from slumber
03:38 nm0i joined #minetest
03:44 lissobone My fresh brain has realized why it needs two loops.
03:50 nm0i joined #minetest
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest
04:00 sid0 joined #minetest
04:18 hare_hare_yukai hi cursed kid
04:18 hare_hare_yukai rangedweapons has some insane source code btw
04:19 hare_hare_yukai i remember i was trying to do something with guns, i was looking at ctf and rangedweapons
04:20 hare_hare_yukai rangedweapons puts everything in zip archives on a git repo
04:20 hare_hare_yukai indentation was... questionable
04:21 lissobone yeah
04:24 lissobone I don't like how map_id is generated.
04:24 lissobone Changing it won't affect anything, it's for new maps only.
04:25 illwieckz_ joined #minetest
04:26 hare_hare_yukai did you eat kimchi today my fellow asian associate?
04:26 lissobone i ate kimpap yesterday
04:27 hare_hare_yukai did you eat that autism out of your brain too? i hope so
04:27 lissobone i cycled for 2 hours, lost and stranded to the north of my city, and decided to buy one (it was with kimchi and tuna)
04:27 muurkha I hope not, what would computers be like without autism?
04:27 hare_hare_yukai i havent cycled in YEARS
04:27 lissobone That's the very reason my ass muscles ache.
04:28 hare_hare_yukai computers would be completely proprietary and nonfree i can assure you
04:28 muurkha mmm, ass
04:28 hare_hare_yukai thats how strong his autism is
04:28 lissobone i am          very autistic
04:28 muurkha I don't think we'd have computers at all without autism
04:28 hare_hare_yukai that may very well be true
04:34 muurkha I just found the ghost blocks mod today because I was thinking about implementing something similar
04:34 muurkha I haven't tried it yet
04:34 hare_hare_yukai what do ghost blocks do?
04:38 muurkha they look like regular blocks but you can walk through them
04:38 lissobone I once trolled the enemy team in CTF like that.
04:39 lissobone I wormed through a wall in their base and sealed my way with unwalkable cobblestone.
04:39 lissobone They never noticed it.
04:39 hare_hare_yukai what literally register_node and walkable = false ?
04:48 lemonzest joined #minetest
04:49 lissobone local minp = vector.multiply(vector.floor(vector.divide(pos, size)), size)
04:49 lissobone I am in awe.
04:50 lemonzest joined #minetest
04:52 calcul0n joined #minetest
04:55 lissobone This is clever.
04:55 hare_hare_yukai SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEX
05:01 muurkha that's just int(x/y) * y, isn't it?
05:01 muurkha that's how I used to do x % y in BASIC when I didn't know about the modulo operator
05:02 muurkha I mean, x - int(x/y) * y
05:02 muurkha this is just "round down to nearest multiple of size", right?
05:03 hare_hare_yukai pos is { x=int, y=int, z=int }
05:04 hare_hare_yukai vector. functions require tables like that i think
05:04 lissobone Yes, it rounds down to nearest multiple of size.
05:04 lissobone And it's clever.
05:05 hare_hare_yukai oh actually its just (0, 0, 0)
05:05 hare_hare_yukai (x, y, z)
05:05 muurkha you'll love this thing I wrote then:
05:07 hare_hare_yukai hah my browser doesnt even support whats needed to run that
05:07 muurkha sorry :(
05:07 muurkha try a cellphone, they all seem to have great OpenGL ES support
05:08 muurkha can you at least see the source code?
05:08 hare_hare_yukai firefox works actually
05:08 hare_hare_yukai wow, trippy
05:08 hare_hare_yukai i like it
05:08 muurkha :)
05:09 muurkha we should have a 1024-byte shader contest
05:10 muurkha this could be one entry
05:10 hare_hare_yukai i think i know near squat about graphics programming
05:10 doseijin joined #minetest
05:11 muurkha I'm no expert myself, but I've written a few basic 3-D engines
05:12 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> shader contest? sure, it's cool, but is it a Minetest shader?
05:12 muurkha Blockhead256: we can use GLSL shaders in Minetest, right?
05:14 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> I mean yeah, there's references to GLSL in the source code for the dynamic shadows and so on. I'm not sure we have a way to add a custom shader to say, a node or entity though.
05:16 muurkha should we?
05:16 hare_hare_yukai i sense this involves having to coooompile
05:17 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> Maybe we should, could be cool. Maybe it would create portability issues with GL vs GLES, or maybe security vulnerabilities
05:17 muurkha hare_hare_yukai: GL implementations are pretty good about compiling shaders at runtime
05:17 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> If my experience with Steam tells me anything, most game engines compile the shaders on the client, it wouldn't require building from source or anything
05:18 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> the only question is whether loading glsl fragments from a mod should maybe need extra permissions. I guess it's not much riskier than loading a static texture or model though, right? (since those can also be vectors for security vulnerabilities)
05:19 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> having actual mirror nodes in Minetest would be cool. Even cooler would be one-way mirrors
05:21 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> there's a trick you can do though, as long as the players can't see around too much. Put the toilet facilities underground or some place. Put a pane of glass in above the sink, and build a mirror image of the room on the other side of the glass so it looks like the reflection of the room. Works better if your players are vampires
05:22 muurkha hahaha
05:23 muurkha I'm not sure how secure GLSL implementations *really* are.  they are sort of *intended* to only give the shader access to things that are explicitly granted to it
05:23 muurkha but that kind of thing breaks pretty often
05:47 lissobone Security is the last thing I think of.
05:48 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> lissobone: Maybe something else like accessibility - bright flashing lights? Performance? Portability?
06:07 v-rob joined #minetest
06:13 hare_hare_yukai lissobone that's right, disable all those spectre mitigations
06:19 lissobone erle: I have added protection.  Testing.
06:25 panwolfram joined #minetest
06:32 lissobone Cool.  I can place the map as a different player (not in the protected area), but not remove it.
06:32 lissobone Gotta, like, restrict placing maps, too.
06:39 lissobone Done, protection works.
06:52 mrkubax10 joined #minetest
06:53 s20 joined #minetest
07:28 erle lissobone neat
07:29 lissobone Ok, so, how do I push now?
07:29 lissobone Emacs can do that, but I seem to be doing something wrong: fatal: could not read Username for '': No such device or address
07:29 erle do you have an account on
07:29 lissobone Well, no, and that appears to be the error.
07:30 erle i think you'd have to make an account, then fork the repo, then add an SSH clone URL as an origin, then push
07:30 erle that okay for you?
07:31 lissobone Looks okay.
07:31 erle honestly i did not think of protection at all
07:31 lissobone Me neither, I just saw it in a TODO.
07:31 lissobone But without protection one can place a map anywhere.  Some may dislike this.
07:32 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> most git forges use https:// URIs for read-only clones (or HTTP basic auth, if the still support that, which e.g. GitHub doesn't), and URIs for read-write over SSH
07:33 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> erle already described the workflow for contributing on git forges
07:34 erle lissobone and worse, without protection people may steal a map from anywhere
07:36 lissobone "Steal"?  I prefer "share".
07:36 erle i don't think that xmaps has a copying facility, or did i add one?
07:36 erle maybe i should
07:36 erle like xmap + map = 2 maps
07:36 erle or, better
07:36 erle clicking a placed map with your own map copies it?
07:40 erle then you could copy placed maps
07:40 lissobone Why not add both?
07:40 erle because it's more code obv
07:41 erle and why have two things to do the same stuff when one of them is more useful?
07:41 erle i think crafting-wise what would be interesting would be zoomed-out maps
07:42 erle lissobone when you make a PR please keep concerns separate, it should ideally only affect one feature/thing
07:42 erle thanks!
07:46 erle lissobone thank you for contributing!
07:47 lissobone I have made an account, and now I think I need to specify directly where to push.
07:49 erle 1. fork the repo in the web interface
07:49 erle 2. look for the ssh clone url
07:49 erle 3. git remote rm origin
07:49 erle 4. git remote add origin $CLONE_URL
07:49 erle 5. git push
07:50 erle it must be the ssh clone url of your own repo obv
07:55 erle > having actual mirror nodes in Minetest would be cool. Even cooler would be one-way mirrors
07:55 erle Blockhead256 you do not need shaders for that though
07:56 erle > I guess it's not much riskier than loading a static texture or model though, right? (since those can also be vectors for security vulnerabilities)
07:56 erle loading code is always riskier than loading static data
07:56 muurkha that's not true
07:56 erle okay, i was simplifying it too much
07:56 muurkha lots of historical CVEs in PNG and JPEG decoders
07:57 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> at some point the code-data distinction blurs anyway
07:57 muurkha see, that's what Meredith keeps saying we should stop doing ;)
07:57 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> `git remote set-url origin $CLONE_URL`, no need to remove and re-add
07:58 erle loading code/data in a format which can not be fully verified by a deterministic pushdown-automaton (except for calc-regular languages) means that no amount of testing is leading to getting it right
07:58 erle muurkha satisfied?
07:58 erle also i am pretty sure that PNG is context-sensitive because it has checksums
07:59 muurkha Blockhead256: I just vi .git/config, didn't know about remote set-url
07:59 lissobone Well, I have forked it.  Through the web interface.
07:59 lissobone And I have the ssh url.
08:00 muurkha erle: I don't know, I suppose that's true but I'm not sure it really cuts to the core of the matter
08:00 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> you can learn a lot of shortcuts with `git help`. Or you can learn long-cuts like fetching and merging separately instead of pulling..
08:00 erle i think non-RLE TGA can *almost* be verified by a regular expression. it is calc-regular because you need to figure out how many bytes the payload should contain. so in practice, it would be a regular expression plus one length check afterwards.
08:01 muurkha erle: a lot of CVEs in libjpeg weren't just "it fails to halt"
08:01 erle the halting problem is merely the most obvious problem here
08:01 lissobone So, I have the url: ssh://
08:01 muurkha it's easy to write parsers for calc-regular languages that have buffer overflows in them
08:01 erle did you read “the seven turrets of babel”? i would assume so, but if not, section III (i think) contains lots of examples of what can go wrong that is not the halitng problem.
08:02 lissobone Next step is to git remote add origin?
08:02 muurkha I don't think I have
08:02 erle muurkha one second
08:02 erle it's one of my favourite papers
08:03 erle The Seven Turrets of Babel: A Taxonomy of LangSec Errors and How to Expunge Them, Falcon Darkstar Momot, Sergey Bratus, Sven M. Hallberg, Meredith L. Patterson
08:04 erle when i work with someone new on programming stuff, i often tell them to read first “Security Applications of Formal Language Theory”, then “The Seven Turrets of Babel”
08:04 erle from my entirely unscientific observations it has the same effect as pestering a junior dev about mistakes for about 3 months
08:04 muurkha heh
08:05 erle which means it has the best effort-to-result ratio by far of all texts about programming i know
08:05 muurkha have you looked at Hammer?
08:05 erle no, but i know it exists. i don't write many parsers.
08:06 erle i mean maybe the effort-to-result ratio of john regehrs musings about undefined behaviour is good too, but it is entirely limited to C and C++
08:06 erle whereas the babel thing is universal and gives people a taxonomy of mistakes they can make plus easily understandable examples
08:06 erle afterwards people often say “yes i have seen that situation, in my own code!”
08:07 erle muurkha do you think i should look at hammer?
08:10 erle Blockhead256 i suggest to read both “Security Applications of Formal Language Theory” and “The Seven Turrets of Babel” so we can shortcut that argument about shaders
08:12 Alnotz joined #minetest
08:12 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> yeah I'm not about to argue over that, I can recall a bit about chomsky hierarchy so obviously code which is a language higher up the hierarchy is going to be harder to secure than data which is lower on the hierarchy
08:13 erle yeah but at some point ”harder to secure” becomes “impossible to secure”
08:14 erle or impossible to do other useful stuff with
08:14 erle e.g. perl can not be parsed
08:14 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> In the context of Minetest I think given how much uncertainty there is of ever getting server-sent CSM, the same uncertainty can just be levelled at shaders, so I don't see it happening
08:14 erle IIRC every perl syntax highlighting is necessarily wrong unless it executes the entire perl program up to that point
08:14 erle because you can redefine symbols at runtime or something weird like that, i don't remember the details
08:15 erle no static code analysis for the perl clan!
08:15 erle no parser generators for perl too i guess
08:17 erle Blockhead256 i think server-sent CSM is a fantasy by people that have not looked too much at what CSMs are actually used for mostly.
08:17 erle the “cheat client” dragonfire uses CSMs like browsers use extensions. i.e. the user decides to install them on the client and the server can not do anything, including detecting if a CSM is used.
08:18 erle that latter capability would lead to ”you can not join this server without using a CSM” obviously
08:18 erle the browser-extension or emacs-elisp model works very well in cheat clients.
08:18 erle the only thing that is missing is menu and contentDB support for CSMs i think
08:19 muurkha erle: I do think Hammer is pretty cool
08:19 erle i think lizzy made a CSM database called cheatdb at some point
08:19 erle
08:20 muurkha Perl cannot be parsed, but Amazon running your Perl on their EC2 server doesn't allow you to mail yourself free books
08:20 muurkha so I don't think it's impossible to secure
08:20 erle yet
08:21 erle i'm pretty sure i have a GPU that is able to commit sudoku when someone sends it a bad shader
08:21 erle i once won a CTF in the midst of summer in a very hot tent … and a 3D animation played. then my computer turned off.
08:22 erle i feared i was hacked … but no, the website had overheated my computer through use of 3D effects!
08:22 muurkha haha
08:23 erle well “won” is wrong here.
08:23 erle i “passed”
08:23 erle i.e. all challenges done
08:23 erle of the “kids” track :P
08:23 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> that ellipsis got mangled by the Matrix bridge :(
08:23 erle muurkha do you know something like hammer but for lua parsers?
08:24 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> I think a shader competition for Minetest could be cool, but I think it would have to be on a modified engine where you can define custom shaders for a node
08:24 erle muurkha i am not sure if JPEG can be validated in a regular way, but i do know that i can generate JPEG thumbnails by looking for specific bytes and just cutting of the file afterwards (if it contains multiple scans), i.e. with a shell script
08:24 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> coolest node wins
08:25 muurkha erle: you can totally use Hammer from LuaJIT
08:25 erle hmmmmm
08:25 erle wdym?
08:26 erle like, parse stuff from lua?
08:26 erle Blockhead256 i have no idea why people would care … after all, bump mapping and parallax occlusion effects were removed from the engine when it turns out they were buggy, only to never return.
08:26 muurkha right, invoke the Hammer combinators via LuaJIT's FFI to build up your grammar
08:26 erle well they were removed from minetest first
08:26 muurkha erle: aw, that's too bad
08:26 erle muurkha FFI means i can't put it on cdb and have it work right?
08:26 muurkha erle: definitely not
08:27 muurkha you might look at Pylon and the related Bridge tools, ggg
08:27 erle i should stop asking questions with negations
08:27 erle what does ”ggg” mean?
08:27 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> I'm sure bump mapping will come back when it's ready, we've had all those other graphics effects like the dynamic shadows and bloom. When it does come back, I expect it will actually support real bump maps not just edge detection
08:27 muurkha something grammar
08:27 muurkha I forget what the supposed expansion is
08:28 erle Blockhead256 dynamic shadows have been in irrlicht forever and i repeatedly mentioned that they can be used and that was ignored.
08:28 erle granted, those are doom-3-style shadows
08:28 erle but they have *crisp* edges
08:28 erle not like the blurry mess that you get with an undersampled shadow map
08:28 erle also i believe you get correct self-shadowing for free. no colored shadows though.
08:29 erle it's a trade-off. crisp edges or colored shadows. i prefer crisp edges a lot.
08:29 erle (also they are more performant i think)
08:29 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> crisp edges I think has a worse aesthetic for leaves, which are a common visual feature
08:30 erle (in that irrlicht shadow volumes work on a potato PC and minetests shadow maps stuff … not)
08:31 erle well, yeah. some people prefer this, others prefer that. but what i wanted to say is that an easily accessible library feature was ignored for *years*. which leads me to the conclusion that no one really wanted shadows that much.
08:33 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> there's a big disconnect between what the people want and what the devs do, otherwise we'd have the big changes like larger worlds by now. I take it the core devs just accepted what work was done rather than object. I'm not saying it's not a missed opportunity to have not used irrlicht's shadows. Do you have a screenshot of those?
08:33 erle you literally only have to turn on the stencil buffer handling and call addShadowVolumeSceneNode() on a mesh
08:34 erle oh, there is setShadowColor() too
08:34 erle but i guess it's only a single color for each shadow
08:34 erle oh no, it's globally for all shadows
08:35 erle Blockhead256 i have a screenshot of those, even a comic, haha
08:35 erle Blockhead256 ;)
08:35 lissobone yayyyy i pushed it
08:36 erle Blockhead256 alternatively, look here. the screenshot is a bit lame, but it shows dynamic shadows and multiple lights i think
08:37 erle let's see if i have that thing still compile
08:40 erle Blockhead256 i made a screenshot, one moment please
08:42 erle Blockhead256 here: smooth dynamic shadows with OpenGL 1.4 on Intel 945GM
08:42 erle note that the dwarf has *multiple* shadows
08:42 erle i think these are the doom3 shadows
08:42 erle on the same hardware, minetest shadow maps make the hardware grind to a halt
08:43 erle oh also the water is waving despite me having a potato GPU here but i guess that's beside the point
08:44 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> it's an interesting thought, but I just don't think those shadows have the same appeal as the shadow maps. They're quite aliased. Should we have it in there for the lower spec hardware? Maybe, but I think I know what implementation is going to win a popularity contest (and it's not the one that's going to win a benchmark)
08:45 erle wdym ”quite aliased”?
08:46 erle they are as aliased as the entire scene is
08:46 erle like look at the boundaries between the walls
08:46 erle this is a tech demo
08:46 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> opposite of "anti-aliased". The helmet's shadow is quite jagged
08:46 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> Minetest has kind of decided in some ways that it's not going to run on older hardware and operating systems forever, like how they have moved forward several C++ versions
08:46 erle yes, you might have noticed that *every* hard edge in that scene is jagged
08:46 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> ok true the whole scene has no AA. Irrlicht obviously has AA, it's in MInetest
08:47 erle yeah
08:47 erle it's a tech demo
08:47 erle but my argument was not about shadow maps vs shadow volumes here, more like “as long as irrlicht was not gutted, every version of minetest (at least since 2013, probably earlier) could have had this with a 20 line patch or so and no one ever did it”
08:48 erle you need to setup lights too so that the sun works i guess
08:49 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> with dynamic shadows, all the torches are light sources too.. they don't seem to cast shadows though, just remove them..
08:49 erle at least to me “we need a new rendering infrastructure so that we can have better effects” is less believable when you are not using the existing effects
08:49 erle oh, i think that would actually be easy with this thing
08:49 erle irrlicht has a light manager, where you can, for example, cast shadows only for the 8 nearest lights or so
08:50 erle because no one is going to care if a torch far away casts no shadow
08:51 erle
08:54 erle Blockhead256 if you want a render-to-texture thing for mirrors or cameras, you can probably either start with the PRs from kilbith (the male model) or
08:54 erle portals!
08:55 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> 8 sounds kinda few. Imagine an underground hall lined with lights and a render distance of 200. Does minetest use a single "scene node"?
08:55 erle Blockhead256 read the linked text fully please
08:55 erle 8 is the minimum *guaranteed* by the hardware
08:56 erle there is lots of trickery employed to support more
08:56 erle Blockhead256 if you want to truly enjoy these examples, download irrlicht and compile them. it helps a lot to appreciate what is possible.
08:56 erle well, it helped me
08:57 erle and if you want to have shadows for dropped items, i guess you could use the addshadowvolume or how it is called. no one is going to care if the shadow for the dropped item is not colored.
08:57 erle or you fake it and project a circle or cube from above lol (that's actually more work i guess)
09:01 erle Blockhead256 these video are almost as old as minetest is
09:01 erle i like the bug here
09:01 erle > Shadow volume calculated in different thread. With animated meshes there is a problem - when we actually see the shadow, we see the shadow for some previous frame
09:01 erle (obviously that is a problem of the uploader)
09:04 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> ah, and that first one uses a common trick where the shadow framerate is slower than the normal one.. which is fine, as long the shadows don't move too fast or the player doesn't look at them
09:06 erle yeah but i think you don't really need to do that
09:07 erle it's obviuosly good for static meshes though
09:09 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> I agree it seems wasteful to not turn the stencil shadows on
09:09 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> (though it's really not clear just what the reasonable range of hardware support for sources of light is - how much higher it goes than 8 and on what models)
09:10 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> The entity shading that I take for granted now was probably sitting there since the dawn of time too
09:14 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> *what model GPUs
09:56 erle Blockhead256 read the light manager thing, the trick is to turn the lights on and off during rendering
09:56 erle that way you can fake having more lights than the hardware supports
09:57 erle for me (a very uninformed person never writing a game engine, haha) this is also an argument against directly doing the openGL thing. if you have an abstraction between openGL (or vulkan, or whatever) and your programmer, you can employ trickery
10:26 erle i think i lied, i have only written 2d game engine stuff. doesn't take much away from my lack of experience with 3d.
10:27 erle like, tile engine and roguelike stuff
10:33 appguru joined #minetest
11:01 erle lissobone take this donut.lua (put it in the source directory of tga_encoder and run it, see donut.tga for results)
11:07 hare_hare_yukai mfw holding space and w is faster when going up diagonally than with stair blocks
11:10 [MTMatrix] <Blockhead256> in moreblocks there's a 2:1 slope (2 metres vertical per metre horizontal) that you can walk up and it's even faster
11:57 erstazi_ joined #minetest
12:05 erle muurkha any idea what the easiest way is to make this donut rendering solid?
12:43 erle i rendered a donut using donut.lua here <> donut.png here <>
12:43 erle (needs to be in the same directory as tga_encoder to work)
12:44 MTDiscord <luatic> pro tip: call the donut a torus to sound smarter
13:00 Sobinec joined #minetest
13:08 erle luatic give me the cheat code for rendering a solid torus pls
14:24 mrkubax10 joined #minetest
14:49 MTDiscord <luatic> I think I've found memory unsafeties in Minetest
14:51 definitelya joined #minetest
14:52 MTDiscord <scout54> are we supposed to be surprised by this
14:53 erle the donut code is now a tga_encoder demo of how to do 3d rendering :D
14:54 MTDiscord <luatic> erle: bad apple in minetest but it's a b3d
14:54 MTDiscord <luatic>
14:55 MTDiscord <luatic> the dirt nodes in the air were NOT placed by me; the longer i let this run the more random dirt blocks i get in the world, i think something funky is happening with memory there
14:55 MTDiscord <luatic>
14:55 erle as a b3d
14:55 erle is this just having black and white pixels in b3d
14:55 erle and having a cursed animation?
14:56 erle like bringing them to front and back
14:56 MTDiscord <luatic> it has black pixels, a white screen, and a cursed animation that moves pixels in front of / behind the white screen
14:56 MTDiscord <luatic> the animation is of course interpolated, which causes the funny artifacts
14:56 MTDiscord <luatic> i tried it with setting scale from 0 to 1 first, but that didn't quite go as expected
14:56 erle well, as you may have noticed, the donut rendering function is called render_frame()
14:57 erle you can surely make it dance
14:57 erle you are a horribly funny person, with a focus on horribleness obviously
14:57 erle my respects lol
14:57 erle do you have a library to do this kind of shit?
14:57 erle also compile minetest with ubsan and look if it gives you any pointers ig
14:58 MTDiscord <luatic> erle: yeah, modlib is doing most of the heavy lifting here (png reading, b3d writing)
14:59 erle b3d should probably be deprecated to prevent any future crimes lol
14:59 erle have anything else that is funny about b3d?
14:59 erle like funny hacks
15:00 erle also did you try mm3d?
15:00 MTDiscord <luatic> erle: don't think so, normally i'm not a horribly funny person
15:00 erle important: run it with LANG=C, otherwise your locale affects the saves (stupid, isn't it?)
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15:00 MTDiscord <luatic> (to underline just how boring i usually am: last round of code guessing i wrote a boring cli 2048 in rust)
15:01 erle what
15:01 MTDiscord <luatic> erle: i don't normally do modeling / making textures, didn't really try mm3d, but might get back to it if i resume work on some mods
15:02 MTDiscord <luatic> erle:
15:02 erle > girls just wanna have fun
15:02 erle it's only gay if you also girl
15:02 erle checkmate
15:03 erle > Players write code to confuse each other, then try to guess which person wrote which bit of code.
15:03 erle oh this is a fun concept
15:04 erle > open to members of the Esolangs Discord Server
15:04 erle nah, i'll pass
15:05 erle > log in with discord
15:05 erle hahahaha
15:15 fluxionary_ joined #minetest
15:17 erle luatic i want to point out that in my donut thing it works out naturally, because both in 3d space and in 2d space y goes UP hahahaha
15:17 erle otherwise you'd have to mirror the picture
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15:23 MTDiscord <luatic> it does indeed appear to be upside down due to that
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16:19 MinetestBot [git] rollerozxa -> minetest/minetest: Build MkDocs Lua API docs using GitHub CI, deploy to… 5949172 (2023-09-18T16:17:18Z)
16:19 lissobone why not texinfo
16:22 muurkha erle: it looks like you're rendering the donut as a point cloud
16:23 muurkha if you want a it to look solid, you have several different possible options
16:24 jonadab Speaking of donuts, has anyone ever thought about a voxel world with torroidal topology (i.e., coordinates wrap around from max-negative to max-positive and vice versa in all dimensions)?
16:25 muurkha the absolutely easiest is just to render a lot of points or, equivalently, in very low resolution
16:26 jonadab I guess that would be hypertorroidal, with three coords.
16:27 muurkha the next easiest is maybe to render each point as a square.  if the points are spread evenly over the surface, or close enough (I think your torus is close enough) you can just use the farthest point spacing on the surface, divided by the distance, times √2
16:27 muurkha jonadab: that reminds me of the new Greg Egan story
16:28 muurkha jonadab:
16:30 muurkha erle: next easiest is to use a rendering method other than point clouds; the popular alternatives are Whitted-style ray tracing like POVRay, SDF-style raytracing like iquelezles, and polygon scan conversion
16:47 muurkha *iquilezles
16:51 appguru joined #minetest
16:52 muurkha for a torus, the Whitted-style ray-tracing approach, where you find a closed-form solution for the ray-primitive intersection, usually involves invoking a general solver for quartic equations (I did not know this)
16:53 muurkha the quartic equation in question is fairly simple, while a quartics solver is significantly less simple.  but maybe you already have one on your shelf
16:54 muurkha an alternative is to use the closed-form solution in
16:56 muurkha by contrast, the SDF of a torus is pretty simple; in iq gives it in GLSL as length(vec2(length(p.xz)-t.x,p.y)) - t.y
16:56 muurkha where t.x is the major radius of the torus and t.y is its minor diameter
16:57 muurkha that's what I did in
16:57 muurkha which is actually significantly less code than your pointcloud approach
16:57 Sobinec joined #minetest
16:58 muurkha that actually renders a CSG scene composed from three tori: a difference of a union of two tori, and a torus
16:58 jonadab Solving quartics in the general case is a nightmare.
17:00 muurkha it's not that bad, about four pages of code:
17:02 muurkha erle: in I rendered a rotating torus using triangle rasterization.  in JS, not Lua, but maybe it's close enough
17:06 erle muurkha the lots-of-points idea is sadly computationally infeasible in that it takes a long time
17:07 erle or the resolution is bad
17:07 erle either or
17:09 muurkha I wrote that in 02007 before WebGL or actually even Chrome, so it was pretty slow
17:10 muurkha you can usually get by with bad resolution with any of these four algorithms by adding some kind of interpolation/extrapolation
17:10 muurkha if you're drawing a square for each point with a point cloud, for example, fill the square not with a solid color but with a gradient
17:11 muurkha in classic scanline rendering this is called "Gouraud shading", you're probably familiar with it under that name
17:11 muurkha but it can be applied in Whitted-style raytracing, SDF raymarching, and pointcloud rendering too
17:14 muurkha automatic differentiation makes that kind of thing significantly easier to implement
17:17 muurkha jonadab: roughly speaking the quartic solver in that file is about the same amount of code as the polygon rasterizer in JS I linked above.  so on one hand, sure, a quartic solver is the same amount of code as a whole 3-D graphics engine
17:19 muurkha but on the other hand that "whole 3-D graphics engine" was a hack I wrote one night in a hotel in Uruguay when I couldn't sleep
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17:20 muurkha I think it's reasonable to say that solving a quartic in closed form is extremely nonobvious if you set out to figure out how to do it from first principles
17:22 muurkha because arguably the time from when people were solving, loosely defined, equations, to the time when someone finally figured out a closed-form quartic, was probably about 3500 years (02000 BCE to 01545 CE)
17:23 muurkha but you don't have to reinvent the solution, you can look it up in Graphics Gems V or Wikipedia
17:24 muurkha you just have to implement and test it
17:26 muurkha erle: what do you think?
17:28 erle muurkha i think i should stop doing toy stuff and should help figure out this issue:
17:39 MTDiscord <luatic> oh no sfan5 is trolling erle back now
17:39 muurkha I'm not sfan5
17:39 MTDiscord <luatic> indeed you are not
17:39 MTDiscord <luatic> but that issue is by sfan5
17:39 erle luatic yes we now can have a shared “i am looking at this parser in-depth for the first time” experience to bond!
17:40 MTDiscord <luatic> sfan5 fuzzed the TGA loader to demonstrate that there are buffer overflows
17:40 muurkha it looks like a legitimate issue
17:40 MTDiscord <luatic> it is
17:40 erle surely it will be handled as well as the PNG issues in the past :D
17:40 muurkha have you reproduced it?
17:40 MTDiscord <luatic> the motivation behind it may be more interesting though ;)
17:40 erle (i.e. “can wait until after release”)
17:40 erle nah, TGA is so easy it will probably be easy to fix
17:41 muurkha it seems like a good reminder that parsers for even extremely simple input languages can easily have exploitable vulns
17:41 erle muurkha i am pretty sure everything in irrlicht that does input-handling is similar. it's spaghet
17:41 erle i think i once fuzzed b3d
17:42 erle also sfan5 fixed the issue i found with ”my tiny image file claims to be larger than your entire screen”
17:42 erle (where you just go into the parts of the file with x and y values with a hex editor and do a little trolling)
17:43 erle the issue is legit and i'll see what i can do
17:43 muurkha you can repro?
17:43 muurkha I haven't tried it myself
17:43 erle no, but would sfan5 ever lie to me? :D
17:43 erle i did not try yet, but asked for test case minimization
17:44 erle and i'll dissect the first example by hand
17:44 erle to figure out what this is
17:45 muurkha I don't think he would lie to you, no
17:46 erle the handler for the ECF_A1R5G5B5 is really fucking weird anyway
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17:51 MTDiscord <luatic> looking at the reader, it seems to lack checks in various places; it's rather naive
17:53 MTDiscord <luatic> for example there is no overflow check for s32 imageSize =  header.ImageHeight * header.ImageWidth * bytesPerPixel;
17:53 MTDiscord <luatic> no validation of pixel depth before using its value to calculate bytesPerPixel
17:54 erle luatic all irrlicht code is like that
17:54 erle written before LANGSEC was a thing
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17:54 erle i'd suggest to throw a bunch of assertions all over the place
17:54 erle this is what i do in tga_encoder
17:54 erle (btw, the rest of the engine should also be littered with assertions)
17:54 MTDiscord <luatic> yeah, parsers should be littered with assertions
17:54 Alnotz joined #minetest
17:55 erle luatic, actually they should not, they should just be correct lol
17:55 erle “if i were a programmer, i would just simply not program bugs. it's that easy!”
17:58 MTDiscord <luatic> erle: I don't use assertions solely to assert program consistency (i.e. that I haven't made an error).
17:58 MTDiscord <luatic> In my pure Lua PNG reader, I use assertions to assert that the input is valid. It's just syntactic sugar for a conditional throw in the end.
18:00 erle read 7 turrets of babel if you have not
18:00 erle but yeah i do the same when i am in a hurry or lazy
18:00 erle (i.e. proof of concept code or tga_encoder lol)
18:01 erle the problem is that you mix business logic and validation that way
18:01 erle which is shitty to untangle if you do anything *else* than quit
18:01 erle and shitty to backtrack from if your business logic has already done a business
18:03 MTDiscord <luatic> I think I can mix it and still be safe for the most part. I'm not sure separation is worthwhile.
18:04 MTDiscord <luatic> A well written recursive descent parser implicitly ensures that the input matches a context-free grammar.
18:04 erle luatic muurkha i have a theory
18:04 erle “I think I can mix it and still be safe for the most part. I'm not sure separation is worthwhile.” → try it, you safe a lot of work by separating it
18:04 erle funnily, almost everyone's instinct is that it is more work
18:05 erle but once you validated the input, you can write code that only ever has to work for the happy path
18:05 erle which is a real time-saver
18:05 qqq joined #minetest
18:05 erle context-sensitivity in the palette entries makes sense: you can not sensibly refer to more colors than you have
18:06 muurkha luatic: I think it's pretty appealing to generate your parser with a parser generator that also generates a proof witness for something like PVS
18:07 muurkha but there's not a lot of parser generators out there done like that
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18:47 erle muurkha luatic i may have solved the case!
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18:57 erle luatic it seems to me the underlying issue is a naive colormap converter. can you maybe figure out if a synthesized PNG image with illegal colormap entries can also trigger this thing?
19:00 MTDiscord <luatic> erle: in libpng i trust
19:00 erle i think you misunderstand
19:00 erle i did not ask you for your religios beliefs
19:00 erle but for some real practical heresy
19:01 MTDiscord <luatic> this heresy is so shrimple that there must have been a heretic who found it already
19:01 MTDiscord <luatic> libpng is not some random code some jon contributed to irrlicht because he felt like it
19:02 erle i take this as “no one will ever find a vulnerability in established code ever”
19:02 MTDiscord <luatic> erle: not a vulnerability as simple as this, no
19:02 erle i suggest you look at the things that afl fuzz found
19:02 erle software was a mistake
19:02 MTDiscord <luatic> indeed
19:02 MTDiscord <luatic> use modlib's png reader
19:02 erle i mean in general
19:02 MTDiscord <luatic> yes
19:02 MTDiscord <luatic> we're unable to produce bug-free code
19:03 erle no we are able, but unwilling
19:03 erle it is a) not fun b) not profitable
19:03 MTDiscord <luatic> even the guys who worked on the Space Shuttle code still had a few bugs creep in
19:03 MTDiscord <luatic> (but remarkably few!)
19:03 erle as far as i know, the apollo guidance computer was bug free?
19:09 luk3yx joined #minetest
19:09 rubenwardy didn't they need to consistantly reset the computer to land in Apollo 11, as there was a bug
19:09 rubenwardy faulty alarms
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19:14 muurkha the AGC was definitely not bug-free
19:14 muurkha but there has been bug-free software: seL4, CompCert, Integer BASIC
19:18 muurkha erle: congratulations!
19:19 muurkha libpng has had a lot of CVEs in it in the past and will probably have more in the future
19:34 erle muurkha luatic please extrapolate your onions
19:44 Izaya joined #minetest
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20:34 erle rubenwardy is there a better way for mods to contain nothing but a font than this?
20:34 erle the issue here being that people need to exit the world
20:35 erle i ask because since unicode_text there is now the situation that the in-game font might not be able to render stuff that can be shown on a sign
20:35 rubenwardy No, as font media isn't supported yet
20:35 erle so i am thinking about providing a unifont + unifont CSUR mod
20:36 erle well, if it is supported, i bet it will lead to a lot of funny exploits, unless it is strictly limited to stupid formats like hex or bdf
20:36 erle i mean possibly even then haha
20:37 muurkha pixel fonts could be supported a lot more safely than TrueType
20:37 erle that's what i said
20:38 erle (essentially)
20:38 erle i think ttf contains programs muurkha?
20:38 muurkha kind of
20:38 muurkha but being a pixel font is no guarantee of safety, as we've seen in the above TGA bug :)
20:38 erle pixel font rendering was removed though. it lead to a dependency on xml parsing!
20:38 erle the code path in that TGA bug is more-than-fishy
20:39 erle i think i kinda get why many game engines just accept 24 bit or 32 bit tgas
20:39 erle and don't bother with palette or RLE shenanigans, but just apply le zip
20:40 muurkha yeah, it probably does a fine job
20:40 muurkha especially if you Paeth-predict the TGA first
20:40 erle well then you can just use png (with all the associated baggage)
20:41 muurkha that would be similar in some ways, yes
20:41 muurkha but not in others
20:43 erle i wonder why the checksums in PNG
20:43 erle it makes it harder to fuzz
20:43 erle and what are you gonna do, except stopping?
20:44 muurkha the checksums in PNG are because a clear error message is a better way to handle data transmission or storage errors than producing incorrect ouptut
20:44 erle yeah but why have it per chunk
20:44 erle like you could have put it at the end
20:45 muurkha in theory you could retry the download earlier, but I don't know if anything ever did that
20:45 erle especially iEND or how it is called always has the same checksum
20:45 muurkha can you hack some special-purpose checksum-calculation logic into your fuzzer?  or is it not format-aware enough?
20:46 erle you probably can, do you know afl?
20:46 muurkha not really, only by reputation
20:46 erle it has this funny visualization tool
20:46 erle one sec pls
20:46 muurkha also you could hack libpng to disable the checksum checking, and then if you get a crash in the fuzzer, you can probably fix up the checksums by hand and get something that crashes real libpng
20:48 erle muurkha
20:48 erle afl will show you where it has difficulties (suspected checksum)
20:48 erle and yeah, hacking the libpng is prob the idea
20:50 erle at work many years ago i used afl just for one thing: to find bugs in code that dealt with exif data
20:50 erle like, load a jpeg, examine the exif data
20:50 erle turns out there are a lot of ways that can go wrong!
21:06 MTDiscord <luatic> heh
21:07 MTDiscord <luatic> anyways yeah i assume the checksums (and also all the other overhead) make more sense if you think of png chunks as packets to be sent over a network
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21:29 muurkha or a modem
21:53 erle luatic muurkha but that layer already has checksums, or not?
22:30 muurkha sometimes
22:31 muurkha a bit flipped in my on-disk copy of Firefox once, it would segfault when opening certain web pages
22:31 muurkha I was excited when I tracked it down in GDB, I thought I had found a potentially exploitable vulnerability
22:32 muurkha well, I had, but only in my copy of Firefox.  debsums showed me it was corrupted.  reinstalling the .deb fixed it
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22:32 muurkha the disk didn't have checksums at all (it was a 1-bit error, literally any common checksum would have caught it, even a parity bit)
22:33 muurkha also TCP checksums are pretty weak; if your network cable is introducing a lot of packet errors, TCP can paper over it with retransmissions
22:34 muurkha but one out of every 65536 randomly corrupted packets will pass TCP's checksum, and potentially a lot more than that with certain patterns of bit errors
22:36 muurkha if 20% of your packets arrive corrupted (and have to be retransmitted) and you're using 1500-byte TCP segments, you'll have an undetected transmission error once every 490 megabytes
22:36 muurkha that undoubtedly sounded like an inconceivably large number when they were designing it in 01978
22:37 muurkha PNG doesn't have automatic retransmission, so checksums at the PNG layer are much less likely to silently hide data corruption that way
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22:50 erle i once had a bit flip and it changed the case of a letter
22:50 erle this tought me something about ASCII design haha
22:51 erle it was in a config file
23:06 muurkha heh
23:48 sys4 joined #minetest

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