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IRC log for #minetest, 2022-01-30

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 erlehmann i still maintain that adding a function that has a callback AND blocks was the problem here
00:00 erlehmann if the intermediate function had not been there, the breakage would have been obvious
00:01 MTDiscord <luatic> The devs correctly maintain the stance that this is on the modders who didn't use the callback even after the intermediate function forced it upon them
00:01 erlehmann this is not “necessity” in the sense of “there is no possible way to do it different”. i have pointed out that making a dynamic_add_media2 for the 2-argument-form of the function is a much cleaner solution. removing the old function (or keeping it) is easy then too.
00:02 MTDiscord <luatic> And despite the docs clearly telling them to use the callback
00:02 sfan5 this must be the third time you have claimed that keeping the old function is easy
00:02 MTDiscord <luatic> erlehmann: removing the old function might have been easy - with lot's of code duplication though
00:02 MTDiscord <luatic> lots*
00:02 erlehmann sfan5 well there is no way to keep it now
00:02 sfan5 I know you're wrong so for me this is the perfect proof that you have not once looked at the code behind it
00:03 MTDiscord <luatic> the new API uses an entirely different async protocol
00:03 erlehmann sfan5 easy as in “keeping compatibility”, not easy as in “the code does not look like a mess”
00:03 erlehmann i value compatiblity higher than the platonic ideal form, you do the reverse ig
00:04 sfan5 it's not about code looking good
00:04 MTDiscord <luatic> both are important
00:04 sfan5 once again you have not once looked at the implementation
00:04 erlehmann is this about the sending media twice?
00:04 MTDiscord <luatic> that's what v1 had to do due to the hacky protocol, yes
00:04 sfan5 since you are so confident all the time you should find out yourself
00:05 erlehmann give me a minute. also, please less snark. we're all cooking with water here.
00:05 sfan5 I can post less snarky once you fact check your claims before posting
00:06 erlehmann as i said, give me a minute
00:06 sfan5 sure
00:06 erlehmann luatic, can i spinlock in minetest lua?
00:06 MTDiscord <luatic> I find sfan5's argument compelling: and
00:06 erlehmann can i await?
00:07 MTDiscord <luatic> await what?
00:07 erlehmann await an async function
00:07 MTDiscord <luatic> the callback being called? no?
00:07 sfan5 if you build await with coroutines sure
00:07 sfan5 lua does not have that concept out of the box
00:08 MTDiscord <luatic> yes
00:09 sfan5 if you are asking whether you can do a blocking wait until the callback would have been called (for compat) then it's a no
00:09 MTDiscord <luatic> but for MCL5: I believe we should just fix the issue there or make kay27 aware of it; MCL5 is horribly unstable anyways
00:10 MTDiscord <luatic> sfan5: I'm assuming erlehmann is trying to monkeypatch this on the mod side of things
00:11 erlehmann luatic no, i want to figure out *how* it would have been monkeypatched
00:11 erlehmann “MCL5 is horribly unstable anyways” → you had me in the first 3 words
00:12 erlehmann am i correct than with a lag of more than 5s you never get the dynamic media?
00:13 sfan5 not really
00:17 erlehmann sfan5 i have read all the code twice and still don't get the problem with keeping the old thing. i mean i see the wrapper stuff and dynamic_add_media_raw, but … where is the difficulty? it looks to me it is just ugly, but if you are so insistent, then i am probably overloooking something major.
00:17 erlehmann like, it's not even that much code. does it interact with something else?
00:18 erlehmann luatic do you know? you are good with lua after all
00:18 sfan5 are you reading the 5.4 code? it's not in there
00:18 erlehmann i did git log
00:18 erlehmann to see all 3 versions
00:18 erlehmann the 5.3, the 5.4, the 5.5 version
00:18 sfan5 the reason is that if you are talking to a new client then the media fetch is always asynchronous
00:19 sfan5 if you wanted to preserve the blocking behaviour the only way would be to block the entire server until all clients report that they have received the media
00:19 MTDiscord <luatic> so if a v1 server sends dynamic media to a v2 client it fetches async
00:19 sfan5 well no
00:19 sfan5 that wasn't totally accurate, it depends on the protocol version the server agree on
00:20 MTDiscord <luatic> ah good
00:20 sfan5 s/the (server)/the client and \1/
00:20 Wuzzy reminder to all translaters reading htis: you can translate builtin as well now for the first time
00:21 erlehmann how did the old protocol handle this without locking up the server?
00:21 Wuzzy builtin is responsible for things like chatcommands and server messages
00:21 sfan5 the old way was synchronous
00:21 sfan5 old clients do not get asked to fetch the media, they just get it thrown at them
00:22 MTDiscord <luatic> ^
00:23 MTDiscord <luatic> thrown over two channels
00:23 sfan5 (which means the synchronization is implicitly provided by the reliable packet queue)
00:23 erlehmann sfan5 i get it, it is not easy. only the form of the API is easy.
00:24 erlehmann sfan5 you win!
00:24 Jason232 joined #minetest
00:24 erlehmann sfan5 any other APIs that have the same blocking → non-blocking transition?
00:24 sfan5 not that I know of
00:24 sfan5 there is probably less than 5 blocking APIs
00:32 Alias2 joined #minetest
00:40 erlehmann sfan5 luatic thanks for the explanations
00:46 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
01:26 Alias joined #minetest
01:30 v-rob joined #minetest
01:37 Toothless joined #minetest
01:41 rubenwardy Made a thing:
01:41 rubenwardy erlehmann ^
01:41 Toothless I
01:45 erlehmann rubenwardy, awww
01:45 Toothless Impressive addon Mate!
01:50 asdflkj_sh joined #minetest
02:01 erlehmann joined #minetest
02:18 jordan4ibanez That's awesome!
02:18 rubenwardy thanks all
03:14 v-rob joined #minetest
03:20 Jason232_ joined #minetest
03:26 jadzia joined #minetest
03:28 queria^clone joined #minetest
03:34 queria^clone joined #minetest
04:02 MTDiscord <MisterE> @rubenwardy maybe ver2 has a proximity sensor and is painted?
04:02 MTDiscord <MisterE> Anyhow, wow
04:02 rubenwardy I plan to learn how to paint them
04:04 MTDiscord <MNH48> > <Wuzzy> reminder to all translaters reading htis: you can translate builtin as well now for the first time
04:04 MTDiscord <MNH48> Wuzzy: did it get added to weblate yet? since that's where translators get notified of new strings and to translate new stuff
04:10 MTDiscord <MisterE> you might be able to start a minetest store with a refined version of that and some t-shirts, etc. I think some people would buy such things, and it could help with development and hosting
04:11 MTDiscord <MisterE> I mean, I might even buy a minetest tshirt sometime. Not a promise, but its something I might consider
04:12 MTDiscord <MisterE> you can ofc use a proxy service to handle the sales
04:25 Noclip[m] joined #minetest
04:58 freshreplicant[m joined #minetest
04:58 wsor4035 joined #minetest
04:58 rogerm[m] joined #minetest
04:58 programmerjake joined #minetest
04:58 unexploredtest[m joined #minetest
04:58 zehka[m] joined #minetest
04:58 tochigi joined #minetest
04:58 craigevil[m] joined #minetest
04:58 omichalek[m]1 joined #minetest
04:58 lunearity[m]1 joined #minetest
04:58 mister-e[m] joined #minetest
04:58 mugli[m] joined #minetest
04:58 Amo[m] joined #minetest
04:58 _Zaizen_[m] joined #minetest
04:58 gemmaro[m] joined #minetest
04:58 queria[m] joined #minetest
05:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest
05:34 delta23 joined #minetest
05:43 MTDiscord <MisterE> what would people think if a minetest release party for 5.5? Like, IDK, a temp server loaded with some cool mods, especially fireworks and other things. Or maybe a live server could host it.
05:43 Noclip[m] joined #minetest
05:43 wsor4035 joined #minetest
05:43 MTDiscord <MisterE> *think of
05:45 MTDiscord <Jonathon> could be cool maybe?
05:45 MTDiscord <Jonathon> like why come?
05:46 MTDiscord <MisterE> just to celebrate the release
06:01 riff-IRC joined #minetest
06:04 v-rob joined #minetest
06:21 Jason232 joined #minetest
07:19 specing_ joined #minetest
07:32 v-rob joined #minetest
07:52 Markow joined #minetest
08:09 Jason232_ joined #minetest
08:13 definitelya joined #minetest
08:44 olliy joined #minetest
08:47 calcul0n joined #minetest
09:57 ___nick___ joined #minetest
10:01 Talkless joined #minetest
10:39 Sven_vB joined #minetest
11:10 Jason232 joined #minetest
11:26 proller joined #minetest
11:51 Fixer joined #minetest
12:02 jvalleroy joined #minetest
12:06 jvalleroy joined #minetest
12:12 HuguesRoss joined #minetest
12:12 JordanL2 joined #minetest
12:12 ___nick___ joined #minetest
12:15 ___nick___ joined #minetest
12:30 sfan5 @MNH48 builtin is not in weblate, the current workflow is editing the translation files by hand and sending a PR
12:49 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetest: Raise max mapgen limit constant to align with mapblock size a9bccb9 (2022-01-30T12:49:26Z)
12:49 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetest: Get rid of empty test file f69eead (2022-01-30T12:49:26Z)
12:52 MinetestBot [git] rollerozxa -> minetest/minetest: Fix Minetest logo when installed system-wide 172acce (2022-01-30T12:49:52Z)
12:52 MinetestBot [git] Wuzzy2 -> minetest/minetest: Update builtin translation templates 777fb61 (2022-01-30T12:50:07Z)
12:52 MinetestBot [git] Wuzzy2 -> minetest/minetest: Update German builtin translation 9d3135a (2022-01-30T12:50:07Z)
12:56 appguru joined #minetest
12:56 MinetestBot [git] An0n3m0us -> minetest/minetest_game: Add trapdoor/door model specification (#2371) 172b62f (2022-01-30T12:54:37Z)
12:57 sfan5 I wonder if the feature freeze isn't meant to apply to MTG too
12:57 sfan5 not that it matters
13:39 erlehmann why would it?
13:40 erlehmann i mean isn't mtg frozen anyway
13:48 sfan5 the frozen state MTG is in means "no new features", the feature freeze is "only bugfixes"
14:10 Jason232_ joined #minetest
14:11 ___nick___ joined #minetest
14:20 MinetestBot [git] baytuch -> minetest/minetest_game: Update Ukranian (uk) translation cc3e7be (2022-01-30T14:20:14Z)
14:37 ___nick___ joined #minetest
14:38 grouinos joined #minetest
14:48 Taoki joined #minetest
15:10 Yad joined #minetest
15:16 Wuzzy joined #minetest
15:44 kamdard joined #minetest
16:15 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
16:56 tech_exorcist joined #minetest
17:33 Hawk777 joined #minetest
17:40 SOMBRIO joined #minetest
17:47 SOMBRIO Hello! building a integration with a js library, think its better to build a js app to integrate with. is there something like a worlds website project could leverage? I remember using minetesthosting and think they provide something like it with wordpress or joomla
17:59 MTDiscord <luatic> What kind of integration do you want to build?
18:15 SOMBRIO the js library provides third-party authentication which I want to link with game accounts. player needs to log in on a website using a third-party auth and then link its thirdparty account to the game account
18:16 SOMBRIO like linking a facebook account to the game account
18:18 sfan5 in most cases you will need sqlite3 to interact with the game's authentication database, you can then create and change accounts
18:32 SOMBRIO would authenticate web user based on game account and ask for thirdparty auth then provide a "session code" to insert in-game. A mod then would validate it with a rpc call to the api server
18:33 est31 joined #minetest
18:40 Jason232 joined #minetest
18:48 erlehmann luatic can you come on irc real quick?
18:48 v-rob joined #minetest
18:49 appguru joined #minetest
18:49 appguru erlehmann: what's the matter?
18:50 erlehmann query
18:52 Noclip[m] joined #minetest
19:02 tech_exorcist_ joined #minetest
19:05 appguru1 joined #minetest
19:16 MinetestBot [git] -> minetest/minetest: Translated using Weblate (Danish) 17bb271 (2022-01-30T18:51:22Z)
19:16 MinetestBot [git] -> minetest/minetest: Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) 8b9e5b4 (2022-01-30T18:53:29Z)
19:16 MinetestBot [git] mnh48 -> minetest/minetest: Translated using Weblate (Malay) 9205f10 (2022-01-30T18:53:29Z)
19:16 freshreplicant[m joined #minetest
19:16 gemmaro[m] joined #minetest
19:16 MinetestBot [git] daretmavi -> minetest/minetest: Translated using Weblate (Slovak) 39f5b05 (2022-01-30T18:53:29Z)
19:16 wsor4035 joined #minetest
19:16 rogerm[m] joined #minetest
19:16 queria[m] joined #minetest
19:16 _Zaizen_[m] joined #minetest
19:16 programmerjake joined #minetest
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19:16 tochigi joined #minetest
19:16 craigevil[m] joined #minetest
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19:16 lunearity[m]1 joined #minetest
19:16 MinetestBot [git] BreadT -> minetest/minetest: Translated using Weblate (Japanese) f3e23ae (2022-01-30T18:53:29Z)
19:16 mugli[m] joined #minetest
19:16 Amo[m] joined #minetest
19:16 MinetestBot [git] waxtatect -> minetest/minetest: Translated using Weblate (French) fcd06d9 (2022-01-30T18:53:29Z)
19:16 MinetestBot [git] (4 newer commits not shown)
19:18 specing_ joined #minetest
19:31 freshreplicant[m joined #minetest
19:31 queria[m] joined #minetest
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19:31 wsor4035 joined #minetest
19:31 _Zaizen_[m] joined #minetest
19:31 programmerjake joined #minetest
19:31 tochigi joined #minetest
19:31 mister-e[m] joined #minetest
19:31 unexploredtest[m joined #minetest
19:31 craigevil[m] joined #minetest
19:31 Amo[m] joined #minetest
19:31 mugli[m] joined #minetest
19:31 zehka[m] joined #minetest
19:50 v-rob joined #minetest
20:32 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetest: Abort raycasts that go out-of-bounds (#12006) b66477c (2022-01-30T20:31:18Z)
20:32 Noclip[m] joined #minetest
20:35 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetest: Get rid of `basic_debug` last minute 5da204f (2022-01-30T20:32:49Z)
20:35 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetest: Update credits for 5.5.0 release (#12001) 5e4a01f (2022-01-30T20:33:08Z)
21:03 appguru joined #minetest
21:05 Markow joined #minetest
21:53 proller joined #minetest
21:55 Wuzzy Any translators hanging out here?
21:59 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetest: Add another very awful workaround to prevent a crash on Mingw32 484a4b5 (2022-01-30T21:57:44Z)
22:05 lhofhansl joined #minetest
22:08 lhofhansl left #minetest
22:13 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetest: Bump version to 5.5.0 54b805f (2022-01-30T21:58:18Z)
22:13 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetest: Continue with 5.6.0-dev 8c0331d (2022-01-30T21:58:19Z)
22:25 sfan5 !op
22:25 Topic for #minetest is now The official Minetest channel | Latest version: 5.5.0 (2022-01-30) | General, player and modding discussion is on-topic. If in doubt, post here | Responses may take a while, be patient | Rules: | Development: #minetest-dev | Server list: | IRC logs:
22:26 sfan5 Minetest 5.5.0 has just been released! For more information please see;t=27754
22:41 asdflkj_sh joined #minetest
22:42 MinetestBot [git] rubenwardy -> minetest/minetest: Use virtual paths to specify exact mod to enable (#11784) 128f635 (2022-01-30T22:40:53Z)
22:50 sfan5 erlehmann: reading material for you
22:51 erlehmann sfan5, thank
22:56 Oksanaa joined #minetest
23:00 Sven_vB joined #minetest
23:05 fluxionary joined #minetest
23:07 Jason232 joined #minetest
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23:22 gargamel joined #minetest
23:38 gargamel These tree house are great there's lots of dragons up here.
23:45 erlehmann luatic can you explain the table thing to me again? i just don't see how i would do multiple replacement passes easily
23:46 erlehmann luatic i do not get how to write the table thing to be more readable
23:46 erlehmann luatic so if you have any example of this i would like it
23:46 erlehmann same question to wsor

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