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IRC log for #minetest, 2021-01-14

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:48 milkt_ joined #minetest
01:04 milkt joined #minetest
01:08 MDude joined #minetest
01:49 awell joined #minetest
02:17 milkt joined #minetest
02:21 beanzilla joined #minetest
02:32 milkt joined #minetest
03:01 minduser00 joined #minetest
03:31 erlehmann joined #minetest
03:46 musiclover joined #minetest
03:55 Wuzzy joined #minetest
03:59 awell left #minetest
04:05 milkt joined #minetest
04:38 musiclover left #minetest
04:39 musiclover joined #minetest
04:45 Conradish006 joined #minetest
05:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest
05:11 Bombo joined #minetest
05:32 milkt joined #minetest
06:01 MrSmurf joined #minetest
06:02 Flabb joined #minetest
06:51 TomTom joined #minetest
07:09 illwieckz joined #minetest
07:13 ML-Ashy21 joined #minetest
08:00 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
08:14 hydraglyph joined #minetest
08:16 AspireMint joined #minetest
08:54 AspireMint Hello, is there any fn which is called when mapchunk/mapblock is sent to player? There is fn when chunk is generated, but can not find any when chunk/block is loaded again.
09:18 esgidire joined #minetest
09:20 tezcatli joined #minetest
09:20 esgidire left #minetest
09:22 tezcatli joined #minetest
09:32 calcul0n_ joined #minetest
09:48 FeXoR joined #minetest
09:56 submariner joined #minetest
10:22 BuckarooBanzai AspireMint: no such thing yet, what yre you trying to accomplish?
10:24 AspireMint im trying to do some statistics, which mapblocks are most used etc.
10:25 BuckarooBanzai used as in loaded or in placed/digged?
10:25 AspireMint loaded
10:26 BuckarooBanzai alternatively to check if they (could be) loaded you could just add some globalstep logic and flag the mapblocks around the player every second or so
10:28 AspireMint Yes, but thats not accurate :-( DB trigger can do it, i guess, but... better if there is lua fn.
10:29 BuckarooBanzai to further complicate things: a mapblock can be cached for a while outside the database, or could even be loaded by a machine (mesecons, etc)
10:30 BuckarooBanzai are you trying to do a kind of "hotspot" map or is it about unused parts of the map?
10:32 AspireMint unused parts
10:34 BuckarooBanzai is your map too big?
10:34 AspireMint minetest.on_load_area would be helpful grrr
10:34 AspireMint it doesnt even exist yet x)
10:34 AspireMint but will be huge
10:35 BuckarooBanzai this function will be called quite a lot, i'm not sure thats good for performance (c++ to lua call)
10:36 AspireMint but not as often as globalstep or other abms, and server isnt always full of people walking at speed of light through map x)
10:38 BuckarooBanzai if you have a view-range of 10 mapblocks (the default i think) it would result in 1000+ calls just for one player
10:38 BuckarooBanzai i'm not saying it is a bad idea but it has some performance issues if done improperly...
10:40 AspireMint ooops, i think we are talking about different thing. I meant mapblock as bulk of nosed that is sent by server to player. Mapblock is not node.
10:41 AspireMint from allmighty api.lua:  "A 'mapblock' (often abbreviated to 'block') is 16x16x16 nodes and is the
10:41 AspireMint fundamental region of a world that is stored in the world database, sent to
10:41 AspireMint clients and handled by many parts of the engine.
10:41 AspireMint 'mapblock' is preferred terminology to 'block' to help avoid confusion with
10:41 AspireMint 'node', however 'block' often appears in the API."
10:42 BuckarooBanzai well, i'm talking about the 16x16x16 node "blocks"
10:42 BuckarooBanzai node < mapblock < chunk
10:42 AspireMint uhh but why 1000+ calls?
10:43 BuckarooBanzai view-range of 10 mapblocks has (at least) 10^3 mapblocks in it, if not more
10:43 BuckarooBanzai there are some view-cone calulcations/culling but the amount sounds right...
10:46 AspireMint oh okay, because i was fast-flying through map in singleplayer and on_generated callback wasnt called so often, thats why i think it should not be problem. You are right, but also there is catch, it is not sent at one moment :-)
10:46 BuckarooBanzai on_generated is called for a chunk of 125 mapblocks ;)
10:47 AspireMint ooooh right x)
10:47 AspireMint haha, okay thanks for info and help, ill do some more testing
10:55 mizux joined #minetest
10:58 Fixer joined #minetest
11:13 MTDiscord <I​hrFussel> Here's an idea but I have no clue how heavy it will be on the server: Add a custom group to every node or at least every node that's used for mapgen and then use a LBM
11:14 MTDiscord <I​hrFussel> In theory this should trigger whenever a player enters a new mapblock then
11:15 MTDiscord <I​hrFussel> New as in either newly generated or not-loaded
11:17 AspireMint thanks, im going to use invisible entity for each mapblock, and create own minetest.on_load_mapblock when entity is loaded. Am i right that entity will despawn when mapblock is unloaded? Or is it still alive in own universe (global variable)?
11:23 Jhalman joined #minetest
11:32 jluc joined #minetest
11:42 v32itas joined #minetest
11:55 Scarecrow joined #minetest
12:28 proller joined #minetest
12:29 submariner joined #minetest
12:31 AspireMint nvm, it despawns...  anyone knows what can be reason entity is not visible (not activated) but is placed to world? minetest.add_entity returns obj (so it is created) but on_activate is not called. Here is screenshot  (spacing - 4 nodes in this case, but also same problem with 16, so its not in amount of entities, it shouldnt be..)
12:33 BuckarooBanzai AspireMint: source?
12:41 AspireMint BuckarooBanzai:
12:42 Guest51491 joined #minetest
12:42 AspireMint lol, ignore that line - chat_send_all, theres bug but still, it is never nil so..
13:03 BuckarooBanzai where is your `on_activate`? it should be called if it is in the entity definition...
13:04 BuckarooBanzai oh, and just a heads-up: if there are too many entities in the mapblock (there is a setting) all of them get removed ;)
13:07 MTDiscord <R​AB> Does anyone know why a client side mod using register_on_connect is throwing an error? Has this command been changed or deprecated? I'll be glad to read a document if anyone can point to something helpful. I was unable to find it using multiple search engines.
13:09 ryzenda typo: "Wheather" should be "Whether"  -- I can't find a way to edit or register an account
13:10 ryzenda only 1 typo:;button=&amp;title=Special%3ASearch
13:11 sfan5 fixed
13:13 AspireMint BuckarooBanzai: sorry, can not edit that file... so here it is: on_activate = function(self, staticdata, dtime_s) if vector.distance(self.object:get_pos(),,-16,0)) < 1 then minetest.after(5, function() minetest.chat_send_all("---> is visible") end) end end
13:14 AspireMint BuckarooBanzai: that xyz i know from debug file, there should be entity. But somehow its missing, also tons of other entities are missing.
13:15 BuckarooBanzai well, they only spawn on mapgen, are you sure it is freshly generated?
13:15 AspireMint static_save = true  , so it is loaded when i restart server
13:16 BuckarooBanzai did you try to move the `chat_send_all` a bit further up? the condition might not be true there
13:16 BuckarooBanzai static_save is true by default iirc
13:17 MTDiscord <R​AB> Does anyone know why a client side mod using register_on_connect is throwing an error? Has this command been changed or deprecated? I'll be glad to read a document if anyone can point to something helpful. I was unable to find it using multiple search engines.
13:19 AspireMint BuckarooBanzai: it is inside of .after fn, so when i log in it will wait and print it on my screen
13:23 AspireMint RAB: what MT version? i can not find any "register_on_connect" function
13:24 I_am_6r1d joined #minetest
13:24 sfan5 yeah that was probably removed
13:43 Flabb joined #minetest
13:54 Kimapr joined #minetest
14:00 FeXoR joined #minetest
14:23 kamdard joined #minetest
14:42 kiwi_6312 joined #minetest
14:44 kiwi_6319 joined #minetest
14:46 kiwi_6344 joined #minetest
14:52 Verticen joined #minetest
15:03 Verticen joined #minetest
15:16 Wuzzy joined #minetest
15:20 I_am_Grid joined #minetest
15:24 hisforever joined #minetest
15:27 hisforever Mabee someone can help I just installed Debin os on my laptop. the software center only has Mt 0.4.19 How can I get the latist MT
15:28 MTDiscord <K​not Abbot>
15:28 MTDiscord <K​not Abbot> read the compiling section
15:29 MTDiscord <J​onathon> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:minetestdevs/stable sudo apt update sudo apt install minetest
15:30 sfan5 I thought PPA don't work on debian?
15:31 MTDiscord <J​onathon> not sure, at least the bot here claims it does
15:31 MTDiscord <J​onathon> if it doesn't that needs to be fixed
15:31 sfan5 you could also download a deb package of a development build here;page=1
15:32 sfan5 (download button on the right, you can pick debian-9 or debian-10)
15:38 MTDiscord <K​not Abbot> Oh didn't know there was this option as well, nice.
15:44 Thomas-S joined #minetest
15:44 Thomas-S joined #minetest
15:44 hisforever Thanks sfan5
16:17 Hawk777 joined #minetest
16:22 m42uko joined #minetest
16:23 milkt joined #minetest
16:26 I_am_Grid joined #minetest
16:31 SX joined #minetest
16:34 Kimapr joined #minetest
16:54 Wuzzy joined #minetest
16:54 Wuzzy hey, lets play on A.E.S. server, there are many minigames
17:05 specing 128 or 256?
17:05 MTDiscord <r​ealtechnerd> test
17:15 Elouin joined #minetest
17:18 fleeky_ joined #minetest
17:20 I_am_6r1d joined #minetest
17:29 milkt joined #minetest
17:30 I_am_Grid joined #minetest
17:40 Talkless joined #minetest
18:13 AndDT joined #minetest
18:34 Bombo hi
18:35 Bombo i installed minetest from the play store on my android (10) tablet, but every time i start it i just get 3/4 or so of the screen
18:35 big_caballito[m] ?
18:36 Bombo the touch input is full screen the actual grafics are 3/4, so i can't hit connect or stuff
18:37 big_caballito[m] on amdroid?
18:37 Bombo yes
18:37 big_caballito[m] s/amdroid/android
18:37 Bombo android 10
18:38 Bombo i deleted cache, then data, no change, uninstalled, installed no change
18:38 big_caballito[m] what do you mean by "touch...  is full screen"? the buttons?
18:39 Bombo touch input is not in sync with the gfx
18:40 Bombo so the coordinates where i see e.g. the connect button nothing happens, but if i add like 50 to x and 50 to y axis
18:41 big_caballito[m] ok... now i understand your problem
18:41 big_caballito[m] so
18:41 big_caballito[m] idk, have you looked around in the settings?
18:42 Bombo just the gfx is like 3/4 of the full screen
18:42 Bombo it's hard to hit the settings
18:42 big_caballito[m] this is a little out of my experience, maybe sfan5 can help better? IK he does android stuff
18:42 Bombo and it should be reset after i uninstalled/reinstalled and deled the data+cache i guess
18:43 big_caballito[m] but it wasn't, hmm
18:43 * Bombo asks sfan5
18:44 Bombo the one i found on f-droid doesn't start at all btw
18:44 Bombo i just get the loading bar
18:44 big_caballito[m] can you look at your minetest.conf? i.e. do you have a text editor app?
18:44 big_caballito[m] this is the version from github, right?
18:44 Krock f-droid apks are outdated
18:45 Bombo samsung notes
18:45 Bombo i installed i from google play store
18:45 homthack joined #minetest
18:47 big_caballito[m] I wouldn't trust any from google play, you should try the one from
18:47 Krock net.minetest.minetest is the official one. version 5.3.0
18:47 Krock and that's maintained well
18:48 Krock irrlicht should use the full reported screen size
18:48 Krock but I've also seen reports where it scaled wrongly on retina displays (1/4 of the screen)
18:49 Krock if you would like to tinker with the settings manually, loko out for minetest.conf within the game's working directory (parent directory of "worlds")
18:49 Krock or using the GUI. the settings are named screen_w and screen_h
18:50 Verticen joined #minetest
18:50 sfan5 uhh, no idea
18:52 Krock monte is usually our guy who takes care about Android problems
18:53 big_caballito[m] good to know, lol
19:00 Bombo it's 5.3.0
19:01 Bombo what's a good free conf editor?
19:01 Bombo there are too many
19:01 Bombo first one didn't let me change dirs
19:04 Bombo second one just a viewer lol
19:05 big_caballito[m] I like
19:06 big_caballito[m] pretty sure it can edit text files
19:07 Bombo ok got it
19:08 Bombo there was screen_w=1440 screen_h=900
19:08 Bombo for some reason
19:08 Bombo real is 1920x1200
19:08 Bombo i commented it out and now i get full screen
19:09 big_caballito[m] ?️
19:09 Bombo minetest.conf had screen_w=1440 screen_h=900
19:09 big_caballito[m] !next (even though I barely helped)
19:09 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
19:10 Bombo ;)
19:10 Bombo thx anyways big_caballito[m] ;)
19:10 big_caballito[m] np
19:10 Bombo and Krock :)
19:16 Bombo next prob
19:16 Bombo the password screen doesn't seem to work
19:16 big_caballito[m] uh-oh
19:17 Bombo i try to register a new acount
19:17 Bombo i get the screen to enter the pw after i hit connect
19:17 Bombo i get the virtual keyboard
19:18 Bombo type it in hit ok but the characters won't appear in the input field
19:18 Bombo not even *****
19:21 Bombo well i see a input box with shows *** as i type, (probably local) and in the bg there is a ingame window with an input box and button for registering
19:21 Bombo that is not receiving the pw from my virtual kb i guess
19:22 Bombo is that a known bug?
19:23 sfan5 once you confirm the "foreground" input box it'll appear in the real box
19:37 Bombo yes thats's the issue, it won't
19:37 Bombo after 20 tries i got a pw entered
19:38 Bombo but i tried to register another user now, and same prob, the fg pw doesn't get through to the bg box
19:39 sfan5 huh
19:54 Bombo hm when i tap 3 times into the green pw box it sometimes works
20:03 MTDiscord <K​not Abbot> I don't get it either, I had an issue on the forums about that, but 5.3.0 didn't fix it sadly, I'm only able to type in the username, the password never appears sadly.
20:09 est31 joined #minetest
20:16 fluxflux joined #minetest
20:52 I_am_Grid joined #minetest
21:01 proller joined #minetest
21:04 milkt_ joined #minetest
21:31 Corey[m] joined #minetest
22:16 Kimapr joined #minetest
22:17 daiNoZord joined #minetest
22:24 v32itas joined #minetest
22:25 ibotTom joined #minetest
22:28 Lukwe joined #minetest
22:32 milkt joined #minetest
22:50 Wuzzy joined #minetest
23:10 daiNoZord joined #minetest
23:13 daiNoZord bringing two worlds together - does anyone use the IRC mod?
23:14 systwi joined #minetest
23:28 MTDiscord <J​onathon> according to 40 servers use the irc mod
23:29 daiNoZord aha thanks
23:31 daiNoZord Im having trouble: /home/dai/Desktop/minetest/mods/LuaIRC/luairc/doc
23:32 daiNoZord nope wrong copy
23:34 daiNoZord wont copy
23:35 daiNoZord undefined symbol:lua_gettop
23:36 daiNoZord in usr/lib/x86_64linux-gnu/lua/5.1/socket/
23:40 sfan5 your minetest is very likely *not* using the system-wide lua
23:40 sfan5 the hard part about this is that you need to install the socket library to exactly match the Lua installation used by Minetest
23:40 sfan5 which is most likely your system-wide LuaJIT
23:42 daiNoZord because it's run-in-place? Thats ok its a battle for another day then - I cant edit minetest .conf until i strip my sdd so i cant test it with a global install but this machine wont be my server in the end anyway. Thanks for the tip
23:43 sfan5 no that's irrelevant
23:43 daiNoZord oh right - luajit, luarocks, luasocket all installed - how do i point minetest to them then?
23:44 daiNoZord i only followed the wiki
23:45 sfan5 no no it's not that easy
23:46 sfan5 you might have Lua 5.1 and LuaJIT on your system, both are *separate* Lua installations
23:46 sfan5 if you install luasocket for lua5.1 but Minetest uses luajit, it won't work
23:48 sfan5 maybe the wiki got this right already, but that's something I'd find out first
23:49 daiNoZord i was just looking thru google at "downloading luasocket for luajit" .. not much
23:53 Kimapr joined #minetest

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