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IRC log for #minetest, 2020-05-29

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:05 oil_boi I like option 3 :D
00:06 oil_boi Though if we had a way to essentially create a new texture with the data from the combined images stored in memory as a single file instead of a giant string it would be pretty much the perfect temp solution
00:10 oil_boi I can't find a feature request for it, so I guess I will create oen
00:10 oil_boi one**
00:12 macc24 joined #minetest
00:18 Bloom joined #minetest
00:20 Bloom MinetestBot seen longerstaff13
00:20 Bloom MinetestBot, seen longerstaff13
00:20 Bloom Hm guess not an cmd
00:30 leo_rockway oil_boi: I'm watching the armor video. I'm pretty sure if you dig the block where an enemy arrow impacted it still hits you if you stand in front of it.
00:30 oil_boi Oh it hits you even if you walk into it when it's stuck, I need to modify it to only do it when moving
00:30 leo_rockway oh, gotcha
00:30 leo_rockway oh, yeah, I see that in the video.
00:35 oil_boi I will certainly fix it tomorrow, but for now, I must sleep, see ya!
00:49 Rafi59 joined #minetest
00:51 ANAND joined #minetest
00:55 fluxflux joined #minetest
01:00 lisac joined #minetest
01:12 nephele_ joined #minetest
01:21 Verticen joined #minetest
01:27 Warr1024 oil_boi: probably the easiest and best overall process would be to open a PR to add a [png:<base64> texture mod.  PNG has very good compression for this kind of data, and base64 should be a minimal expansion that would still keep the value "stringy" rather than "binary"...ey
01:57 leo_rockway joined #minetest
02:59 Miner_48er joined #minetest
03:14 sagax joined #minetest
04:39 Hawk777 joined #minetest
05:13 jonadab joined #minetest
05:27 calcul0n joined #minetest
06:05 frabbit joined #minetest
06:08 frabbit left #minetest
06:09 ANAND joined #minetest
06:14 olliy joined #minetest
06:17 leo_rockway joined #minetest
06:39 erlehmann joined #minetest
06:43 Verticen !tell oil_boi Alpha 0.05 looks great! You're making incredible progress. I know that you've got 22i for models, but if you need another source of models let me know. I don't know balls about programming for Minetest, but I'm pretty much a master of blender. Anyway, keep up the good work
06:43 MinetestBot Verticen: I'll pass that on when oil_boi is around
07:37 NetherEran joined #minetest
07:49 Flabb joined #minetest
07:52 Edgy1 joined #minetest
08:00 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
08:07 gorilla joined #minetest
08:07 sec^nd joined #minetest
08:07 Miniontoby joined #minetest
08:08 Miniontoby hey
08:13 Miniontoby anyone online???
08:13 Miniontoby I want to talk
08:14 Miniontoby I am a webdev and I need an new idea and it can be something for minetest
08:16 Miniontoby rubenwardy: did you add the translating to the app???
08:16 imi joined #minetest
08:16 imi hi
08:17 imi or should I say
08:17 Miniontoby hey
08:17 imi Thi
08:17 Miniontoby I am a webdev and I need an new idea and it can be something for minetest
08:17 Miniontoby I see it is added
08:17 Miniontoby thnx rubenwardy
08:22 Miniontoby How to use an translating in minetestmods4android app from rubenwardy
08:23 Miniontoby does anyone knows?
08:27 Miniontoby How to use an translating in minetestmods4android app from rubenwardy?
08:28 deltanedas joined #minetest
08:35 hoodedice joined #minetest
08:35 hoodedice sfan5!
08:35 hoodedice MinetestBot!
08:35 MinetestBot hoodedice!
08:35 hoodedice sfan5 need help with worldedit pls
08:38 hoodedice what would be a good way to copy paste a particular section of a building in a flipped patter
08:38 hoodedice pattern
08:39 hoodedice suppose I have [ as my saved worldedit schematic
08:39 hoodedice I want a pattern like [  ]  [  ]  [  ]
08:44 hoodedice I'm an idiot, if I save the schematic as [  ] that will make my life easier :facepalm:
08:44 Jhalman joined #minetest
08:52 SwissalpS joined #minetest
08:56 epoch joined #minetest
09:01 Jhalman-101 joined #minetest
09:01 Miniontoby How to use an translating in minetestmods4android app from rubenwardy?
09:02 Jhalman-101 joined #minetest
09:05 Jhalman joined #minetest
09:50 imi how do I enable client side commands (the "." key)?
09:51 lmat texmex: I created two beacons one block space between them.
09:51 lmat texmex: I got a mese crystal and right-clicked one, then with the resulting key, right clicked the other.
09:51 lmat Now, how do I use it?
09:52 sfan5 imi: you need enable_client_modding = true in your settings and also need to enable the particular client mod
09:52 lmat joined #minetest
09:53 texmex lmat: just stand on it for a few seconds. Again, note that the connections doesn’t become symmetrical automatically. Only if it’s lit up it’s activatwd.
09:53 lmat Sorry, had a problem with my IRC client and had to exit.
09:53 lmat texmex: One is red one is blue.
09:53 lmat I teleported from the blue to the red.
09:53 lmat it's cool.
09:54 texmex Everything is in the docs iirc. Red means that there is a connection but the power is insufficient.
09:55 lmat texmex: Oh, it requires power even if they're connected via mese crystal?
09:55 lmat drat
09:55 lmat I moved one of them. They're both still blue on top, but they don't work anymore.
09:57 lmat I'm wanting a teleporter mod just like this, except that the teleporters only work in pairs and doesn't require power to use ^_^ Know of anything?
09:59 texmex Then telemosaic is not for you. Check Content DB
10:00 lmat texmex: okay, thanks. Telemosiac looks very cool for online server play!
10:02 Beton joined #minetest
10:04 texmex lmat: Yeah. I suppose telemosaic can be extended to support this type of behavior but I haven’t got the time.
10:05 lmat seems reasonable
10:05 lmat texmex: Understandable!
10:10 lmat Oh yeah, this is perfect.
10:11 NetherEran joined #minetest
10:13 Beton joined #minetest
10:18 NetherEran joined #minetest
10:20 fluxflux_ joined #minetest
10:29 imi sfan5: you are one of the core developers, aren't you?
10:29 sfan5 yes
10:31 imi sfan5: ok, then check this, I have reached this point: -- core.settings is nil here. do you have any idea how do I fix this?
10:32 proller joined #minetest
10:33 deltanedas joined #minetest
10:34 sfan5 I believe CSM doesn't have access to settings
10:35 imi ok then I'm going to come up with a was to grant that access
10:36 imi *way
10:38 sfan5 would be easier to write a method that just returns this particular setting
10:40 imi ok
11:12 Fixer joined #minetest
11:23 absurb joined #minetest
11:35 BillyS joined #minetest
11:42 imi sfan5: is there any minetest coding standard I can adhere to?
11:42 sfan5
11:46 BillyS joined #minetest
11:51 Out`Of`Control hi
11:53 deltanedas joined #minetest
11:54 Out`Of`Control how delete user from new auth system?
12:02 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
12:07 hoodedice
12:08 hoodedice while this is "correct" the shadow on the ground looks awful
12:08 hoodedice
12:08 NetherEran crafting       eg_health_hunger   eg_prospector       inventory_populator
12:08 NetherEran eg_airplanes   eg_inventory       eg_slabs            light
12:11 sfan5 what kind of huge thing are you building
12:11 hoodedice issa bridge
12:12 hoodedice sfan5 have a solution for the lighting?
12:13 hoodedice if no solution I think I'll make a dirt_with_grass that always has a specific light value (if the api supports it)
12:14 sfan5 or maybe make the cobblestone let through sunlight?
12:15 hoodedice hrm, no, because there's going to be more structures on the cobble bridge (and cobble is just being used to "block out" the concept I'm going for)
12:15 sfan5 another option is to light up the area by editing the map data (worldedit could even do that if it had a command)
12:15 sfan5 if you place glowing nodes there the artifical light will be warmer than sunlight or something like that
12:16 hoodedice I see
12:19 Out`Of`Control i use sqlite3 authentication backend.
12:21 sfan5 Out`Of`Control: write a mod to call this function
12:25 rubenwardy !tell Miniomtoby I removed minetest mods from the play store a week ago because it was broken, when I fix it I'll release an update with all the translations
12:25 MinetestBot rubenwardy: yeah, yeah
12:26 sfan5 rubenwardy: you typo'ed the nick
12:27 Out`Of`Control sfan5: thanks. I can't exicute it without writing a mod?
12:27 sfan5 unless you happen to have worledit or another mod that allows you to run Lua code at hand, no
12:27 Out`Of`Control yes i have worldedit!
12:28 rubenwardy Argh, mobile
12:29 Out`Of`Control no tab!
12:29 imi sfan5: ok, how do I send my code to you for review, etc? I've just tried to git push a new branch and it failed
12:29 imi I don't have any experience with pull requests and github
12:29 sfan5 you can fork the minetest/minetest repo on github and then push the changes to yourname/minetest
12:33 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
12:35 Emerald2 Recommend this forum thread:;t=14262
12:39 sfan5 hoodedice: here's a mod that does the light thing with worldedit
12:40 sfan5 you'd use //setlight 0 15 to get an area that has no shadow
12:40 hoodedice thanks m8
12:41 hoodedice also another bug
12:41 hoodedice
12:42 hoodedice sometimes I get inside this fog like thing
12:42 hoodedice I can't see it when outside of it, and it is not a cloud
12:42 sfan5 only clouds do that
12:42 hoodedice but see
12:42 hoodedice
12:43 hoodedice no cloud ^
12:43 hoodedice
12:43 hoodedice how cloud??? ^
12:43 sfan5 might be a bug with offset calculation idk
12:44 sfan5 300 is pretty close(?) to the default cloud height
12:44 hoodedice I believe it was 125 actually
12:44 hoodedice lemme check
12:45 hoodedice either way, the way I set new clouds height is by adding `height = 700` to set_clouds in weather/init.lua
12:46 BillyS joined #minetest
12:48 hoodedice brb
12:49 whodeadeyes joined #minetest
12:54 galex-713 joined #minetest
12:58 imi ok I think my pull request is ready:
12:58 imi I'll be AFK for the next ~60 minutes
13:04 oil_boi joined #minetest
13:05 MinetestBot oil_boi: May-29 06:42 UTC <Verticen> Alpha 0.05 looks great! You're making incredible progress. I know that you've got 22i for models, but if you need another source of models let me know. I don't know balls about programming for Minetest, but I'm pretty much a master of blender. Anyway, keep up the good work
13:05 BillyS_ joined #minetest
13:05 oil_boi !minetestbot
13:08 oil_boi !tell Verticen :D
13:08 MinetestBot oil_boi: I'll pass that on when Verticen is around
13:11 oil_boi !tell Verticen Thanks man! I'll keep that in Mind :) Also I will!
13:11 MinetestBot oil_boi: I'll pass that on when Verticen is around
13:17 BillyS_ joined #minetest
13:17 kamdard joined #minetest
13:25 BillyS joined #minetest
13:26 oil_boi sfan5, oh so using that texture modifier hack I'm doing is as light as the original texture, it's just the initial calculation which is cpu bound?
13:26 oil_boi The skins thing
13:27 sfan5 using combine with individual pixels will be quite inefficient
13:27 sfan5 but once the texture is "built" once it stays yes
13:28 Warr1024 it's also rather limited in that texture names can only be a certain length
13:28 Warr1024 and if you're in the habit of updating them, they'll need to be recalculated, and the texture names themselves involve some rather large packets sent from the server to clients.
13:29 Warr1024 All in all if we could just get the string length down better, e.g. using a [png: modifier, then it'd save work on the network, on the client, and it'd allow for larger, more complex things to be used in the given space.
13:29 Warr1024 I guess I'll file that issue and see where it goes from there...
13:29 sfan5 we already have an issue for that
13:30 sfan5 the issue with png is that the server has no png library or any code to do texture building because it's ... a server
13:31 greeter joined #minetest
13:31 Warr1024 ...and I found the PR for it
13:33 Warr1024 I don't think we should have to care about the fact that the server doesn't provide PNG tools, though, since mods have options to sort this out themselves. For example, in oil_boi's case in the Crafter skins mod, these PNG files are being pulled from HTTP anyway.  It's also possible to farm out to external commands, which also has advantages in
13:33 Warr1024 being able to run optimization tools.
13:33 Warr1024 It's already probably a bad idea to be sending these things really frequently, so taking the time to make a decently optimized image shouldn't break anything that wasn't already broken by the fact that the client will only ever be able to load so many of these into memory...
13:35 sfan5 is the main usecase here building dynamic textures at runtime or pushing new PNG files you already have at runtime?
13:39 Warr1024 In both oil_boi's and my case, it's player skins which we get as already-made PNG files, but not until runtime.
13:40 Jhalman joined #minetest
13:40 Warr1024 What I want is for players to be able to issue a command or something, or a background polling process runs, detects and downloads a new skin, and then updates the skin for the player in-game without having to restart the whole server.
13:41 Warr1024 I've been doing periodic server restarts for skins and telling players basically "skin changes take up to 24 hours, deal with it" but that doesn't necessarily scale well for servers with more going on, and it's not really possible to do a "nightly" restart when your player community is spread across the globe and there's no agreed-upon time when
13:41 Warr1024 it's "night".
13:43 sfan5 a creative workaround would be to use the [combine stuff to until you get to restart the server to have the texture properly available
13:43 Warr1024 I could see this feature being useful for a lot of different kinds of things, though.  For example, fully customizable signs.
13:44 sfan5 the proper solution here is to allow the server to push media files at runtime just like it happens at startup
13:45 Warr1024 Yeah, but that's been in the backlog how many years now?  We probably just need to be realistic and shoot for something achievable if we want to get traction.  Reworking the media transfer thing is pretty ambitious.  Maybe we'll get there someday, but then, maybe having the stopgap will help provide the motivation...
13:46 oil_boi Hmm? My version doesn't only load at runtime haha. If you want to change your skin then you simply git push and then log back into the server and it automatically downloads your new skin
13:46 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
13:47 Warr1024 For example, the [png: thing is something that I could PR for, and probably a number of other contributors could do.  Reworking the media transfer would require not just significant expertise, but it'd be a much larger, much harder to review PR, and require a lot more discussion.  Even if I knew how to do a PR like that, I'd probably avoid wasting
13:47 Warr1024 my time because I'd expect it to get shot down inevitably.
13:47 BillyS joined #minetest
13:48 sfan5 you don't really need to rework media transfer for it...
13:48 oil_boi No need for server restart
13:49 Warr1024 oil_boi: we know what your mod is doing.  What I'm talking about is about all the hoops you're jumping through to do it.
13:49 Warr1024 For one thing, since the server doesn't have PNG generation, I suppose that means it probably also doesn't have PNG decode, so if I have to read in a PNG file and convert it to [combine: that's quite a lot of extra dependencies I have to pull in.
13:50 sfan5 Warr1024: unrelated but have you been able to confirm that upright_sprite no longer crashes?
13:50 Warr1024 I haven't been able to confirm yet.  Since most of my players are on 5.2-, I had to change the mod code to simply never use upright_sprite to keep them from crashing out.  That would make it hard to test a heisenbug like that at scale...
13:51 sfan5 I see
13:54 Warr1024 Mods can read/write files inside the worldpath, right?  Does that include worldmods, i.e. can I write a mod that can examine files inside worldmods to see if a given file is present?
13:54 Warr1024 (and if I AM able to do that, would I expect that to be considered a "bug" eventually and removed later?)
13:55 sfan5 read sure
13:55 sfan5 writing within the world folder is allowed but shouldn't be inside worldmods
13:56 Warr1024 okay, that's fine.  Being able to write/append (i.e. to create a stub worldmod if one doesn't exist) would be ideal, but that's really minor.
13:56 oil_boi I'm pretty sure to include dynamic media like I'm hacking in we'd have to change like 3000 lines of code at least
13:58 Warr1024 Yeah, from what I understand, the client can't accept media after it's initialized, and there is probably a reason for that beyond just being lazy.  Multiple layers would have to be notified of the new media, and the client would need to ensure it's reliably received the media before it can actually load and use it.
13:59 Warr1024 [png: would be a little shitty, but it'd require only a new texture mod with a small block of code (the worst aspect of it being the decode and hook into the PNG lib), and wouldn't really change the protocol or anything much.  It wouldn't be an ideal "solution" but it'd be a lot cleaner than the [combine workaround, which must expand a PNG image to
13:59 Warr1024 like 50x its original size.
13:59 sfan5 an initial implementation could push the media to the client without regard for caching or letting the client figure out where to get it
13:59 sfan5 regarding synchronization my idea is to let the modder specify a fallback texture that is rendered until the actual texture is loaded
14:00 sfan5 (though that wouldn't be necessary if the server just pushed the texture)
14:00 Warr1024 Has anyone started messing around with the media transfer idea?  I've seen on and off discussion, but I wonder if there's any code out there already...
14:00 sfan5 not that I know of
14:00 Warr1024 right now, how does media transfer work?  Server alerts client of existence of media, then client has to pull it?
14:01 Warr1024 If it involves a new packet type of server media push then it might work alright.  If we need to involve the client's pull process then that would be more complex...
14:01 Warr1024 though obviously if we do active server push then curl media just isn't an option for these (which I'm guessing isn't a deal-breaker, hopefully)
14:01 sfan5 the server tells the client the filenames and hashes, the client decides which ones it needs to pull and requests them directly from the server OR downloads them on its on from remote_media
14:02 oil_boi Completely random: But if you could make the client download server steps like the media then people wouldn't need to port forward their routers bwomp bwomp
14:02 oil_boi Oh wait no, my brain hdd hasn't warmed up yet
14:03 Warr1024 you should switch to brain ssd ... but I guess brains are mostly liquid, so maybe that wouldn't work so well.
14:03 nephele ssds fail too quickly :D
14:04 oil_boi If only I understood networking, you can communicate with server without ports open, but you can't communicate server to client without them open
14:04 Warr1024 Eh, if I were to make a [png: modifier and submit it as a PR, could it get merged?  It looks like the only reason #9767 didn't get merged yet was because of the format...
14:04 ShadowBot -- Compact image-generation texture modifier by appgurueu
14:05 Warr1024 hmm...
14:05 sfan5 my issue with such a modifier is that you cannot ever remove the terrible hack it is again
14:06 ANAND joined #minetest
14:06 sfan5 I'm sure that concern can be addressed somehow
14:06 sfan5 ..because it's not like I don't see the need for it
14:08 nephele passing around modified texture names to create new textures seems really wierd
14:08 nephele would be nice to create them in advance instead and get a ressource handle or something, would allow for much better caching too maybe :3
14:09 oil_boi Steps: Dynamic loading textures, caching them. Server and client can create and understand new items and nodes while server loop is running....Profit
14:10 oil_boi Dynamic loading media*
14:11 oil_boi Or if you want to get really crazy, dynamic loading mods
14:13 brendantcc joined #minetest
14:18 oil_boi I can see that getting to the point where someone can literally create a mod which opens a chrome or firefox page on the server computer and can render it into the game using screenshots hahaha
14:20 nephele not that far fetched, there exist "terminal browsers" that basically open firefox offscreen
14:20 nephele oil_boi, for that stuff though, i would rather have explicit video and audio streams to use than just downloading textures to display ;)
14:21 nephele could certainly implement voice chat too over such a side channel
14:21 texmex oil_boi: I think sorcerykid experimented with dynamically loaded mods iirc…
14:26 texmex Yes, audio streams would be great. I want a SSM that sends music scores to a (SS)CSM that plays it. MIDI or other. Since the introduction of sound pitching I suppose a Lua-based sample based tracker player can be implemented…
14:27 oil_boi Hmm, interesting
14:29 BillyS joined #minetest
14:32 NetherEran joined #minetest
14:33 galex-713 joined #minetest
14:45 rubenwardy !tell Miniontoby I removed minetest mods from the play store a week ago because it was broken, when I fix it I'll release an update with all the translations
14:45 MinetestBot rubenwardy: I'll pass that on when Miniontoby is around
14:55 ANAND joined #minetest
14:55 Verticen joined #minetest
14:56 MinetestBot Verticen: May-29 13:08 UTC <oil_boi> :D
14:56 MinetestBot Verticen: May-29 13:11 UTC <oil_boi> Thanks man! I'll keep that in Mind :) Also I will!
15:08 sfan5 Warr1024:
15:36 BillyS joined #minetest
15:37 oil_boi sfan5, testing
15:53 Warr1024 Nice.  That seems like it might take some tricky testing, but it looks a lot smoother than I had expected it to.  I assume that I only ever need to load the media once, and since it's added to the list, any future clients will receive the media on login?
15:55 Warr1024 I wonder whether media already existing in the cache warrants even a warning, since I'd expect mods to want to just naively notify the server of media, and shouldn't have to keep track of what's already been loaded on their end (adding complexity to the mod when the check already exists in the engine)
15:56 Warr1024 I tend to take warnings and log noise from the engine pretty seriously.  If I let those get out of hand then they'll end up biting me.
15:57 oil_boi On Windows 10: The assertion fails, but if I remove the assertion I get runtimeAddMedia(): illegal filename fasf/skin_oilboi.png
15:57 oil_boi fasf being the worldname
15:58 Warr1024 sfan5: I think we'll need a way to detect whether the client can support this feature or not, though, or else I won't be able to use it in production until EOS for versions that DON'T support it...
15:58 Warr1024 A protocol version bump, or some kind of protocol feature flag, or whatever...
15:59 sfan5 backwards compatibility is hard in this case
15:59 oil_boi But Warr1024 we already have that in 5.2, if you look through the server list there are a bunch of servers greyed out
15:59 sfan5 because you can't set object properties that only apply for one client
15:59 sfan5 but there might be some workarounds possible here
16:00 Warr1024 ah, right, I see what you mean
16:00 sfan5 oil_boi: if the assertion fails then something went wrong with the world path
16:00 Warr1024 heh, I'd love to use a trick like "fallback.png^dynamic.png" but if dynamic doesn't load we get a random-color opaque texture instead of all-transparent...
16:02 oil_boi Hm, not sure how to work around that actually
16:02 Warr1024 I guess to keep the experience the same, I'd have to just use [combine hacks again, so maybe this feature will just have to get some testing via early-adopting mods that require the newest version, and mods with long backwards-compat like mine will just have to wait a bit longer ... but if we don't get it in now, it'll be a LOT longer... :-)
16:03 sfan5 oil_boi: try             local temppath = minetest.get_worldpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. "skin_"".png"
16:04 sfan5 Warr1024: with enough messing around I'm sure there's some way to get old clients to ignore extra modifiers
16:04 Warr1024 yeah, but it may be simpler for me to just hold out until I can sunset those versions anyway.
16:04 Warr1024 MT has been making point-releases with at least some regularity.
16:05 oil_boi IT WORKS
16:05 sfan5 the compatibility for this should really be on the mods though (if the engine can't provide it)
16:05 sfan5 you'll simply have to say if you want to use nodecore x.y.z with player skins ALL your players need at least 5.3.0
16:06 rubenwardy DIR_DELIM is needed, you can use `/` on all platforms
16:06 rubenwardy *isn't
16:06 oil_boi Oh really? Let me try that
16:07 Warr1024 that's more-or-less what I'm planning on doing, only it'll be easiest to do that when I'm already requiring all players on 5.3.0.
16:07 Warr1024 I may or may not be able to technologically enforce minimum client versions, but I'll certainly have warnings where appropriate about required versions.
16:07 sfan5 rubenwardy: in this case it is because fs::GetFilenameFromPath on windows only deals with \ and on linux only with /
16:07 sfan5 could be considered a bug
16:07 rubenwardy that's a bug
16:07 rubenwardy yeah
16:07 Warr1024 It'd be really nice if I could just straightforward get client version on the server-side, even in cases when there wasn't a proto version bump...
16:08 rubenwardy Lua intentionally isolates these things from the lua - notice how all lua stdlib stuff works with / or \
16:08 hoodedice joined #minetest
16:08 oil_boi Yeah it's a bug, only works with DIR_DELIM on win
16:08 hoodedice minetest is still alpha :^)
16:08 hoodedice so technically everyone should switch as soon as a new release is out
16:09 oil_boi But, it works :D
16:09 oil_boi "so technically everyone should switch as soon as a new release is out" *Fires up 0.3.1
16:10 oil_boi Man why can't I join any servers??
16:10 rubenwardy minetest is not still alpha,
16:10 hoodedice let me go 0.4.3 for the nostalgia
16:10 sfan5 Warr1024: you can always introduce a captcha that relies on dynamic media being pushed ;-)
16:10 rubenwardy this is not documented anywhere
16:10 hoodedice `ah yes, texture atlas warnings`
16:11 rubenwardy texture atlas hasn't existed for years
16:11 rubenwardy oh right
16:11 oil_boi This is so cool, I'll have to add special capes for core devs when this is done :D
16:13 Warr1024 My compat policy is "1 version older than latest release" but it's also "oldest version across each platform," with Android holding me back to 5.0 right now.  There IS one existing cosmetic bug in 5.0 with entity attachments, but I'm just sort of sweeping it under the rug for now.  I have to figure out exactly what that'll mean when android support
16:13 Warr1024 shows up again in 5.3...
16:14 oil_boi It am beautiful
16:14 rubenwardy that red shouty text is red and shouty
16:14 rubenwardy also spelt wrong
16:14 rubenwardy (it's privilege)
16:14 hoodedice
16:14 oil_boi I cannot speel only toip
16:14 Warr1024 Why the hell have we been arguing about this feature for years now when it took sfan5 like an hour to just DO it?
16:14 hoodedice I see how it goes
16:15 hoodedice Warr1024, wait till the comments come in the PR.....
16:15 sfan5 that's a good question
16:15 Warr1024 We only need 2 core dev approvals to merge, right?  And sfan5 is already 1, and ruben doesn't sound opposed...
16:15 rubenwardy it's only part of the feature, generally updating media was the request
16:16 oil_boi Then label it "part 1 of dynamic media loading"
16:16 rubenwardy yeah, this is solid as a feature
16:17 Warr1024 It doesn't necessarily have to close the entire request.  You can still merge this as a useful feature, and then sweep up issues and find out whose it resolves.  My [png: request, for example, was a suggestion, but this could easily be used to accomplish what I really wanted, so I'd close that one as "resolved enough"
16:17 Warr1024 I get the feeling you should be able to find like 3 to 5 issues that you could close with "not exactly what I asked for, but I can make this work just fine" conclusions with this.
16:17 rubenwardy yeah
16:18 hoodedice the brake rail texture is bad in minetest_game
16:18 hoodedice how about using red highlights instead of black?
16:18 sfan5 psst, open an issue
16:19 hoodedice
16:19 hoodedice _guess which of these is the brake rail!!_
16:19 sfan5 mipmapping also works especially bad on rails
16:19 hoodedice issues are for babies, I'll just make a PR later tonight
16:20 hoodedice after I'm done procrastinating by building a small cart track around my bridge pillar ig
16:20 Warr1024 I would approve of the idea of doing this for all media, including models and sounds, but it sounds like that could be added later without much hassle, and just doing images is already enough that I wouldn't want to risk letting this slip...
16:20 sfan5 sounds is potentially a problem because they only get loaded once(?)
16:20 sfan5 ...maybe I should comment this in the PR instead
16:21 Warr1024 yeah, any sort of "why wasn't X done too" considerations are worth having a prominent record of.
16:22 Warr1024 sounds are borderline for me, while models require enough of an investment of time to make that I'm okay with them not being dynamic :-D
16:23 Warr1024 The way it works with texture packs seems good to me.  If a TP artist can predict what a texture will be named then they should be able to texture it, and clients should honor that if possible.  If mod authors want to ensure that textures sent are exactly as original and not overridden, then they should be able to do that via the filename.
16:27 Warr1024 If this thing already works as-is, doesn't send the media in some horribly inefficient format that kills bandwidth, and doesn't introduce any worse-than-cosmetic bugs when used, and doesn't cause any regression when not used, then I'd have nothing to complain about it getting merged as it is already :-D
16:28 Warr1024 I assume there must be some upper bound on the media size, possibly something like 64kib?
16:29 hoodedice is there a quick way to bind the view of the player to the direction the cart is travelling in (or the direction that the player gets into the cart)?
16:29 hoodedice if there isn't no worries, I'm just procrastinating here
16:39 sfan5 Warr1024: the engine throws an error at 64MB
16:39 sfan5 for practical use I'd suggest staying below 1M
16:40 Warr1024 Haha, 1M is my goal for the total size of my entire game, including all the non-media stuff.  I shouldn't have to worry :-)
16:40 sfan5 hoodedice: look at set_look_horizontal
16:41 majochup joined #minetest
16:43 hoodedice thanks step
16:43 hoodedice
16:43 hoodedice <s>this is totally why I built those massive pillars</s>
16:46 whodeadeyes joined #minetest
16:47 sfan5 2020-05-29 18:47:19: WARNING[Server]: Deprecated usage of get_node_group, use get_item_group instead (at ...minetest/bin/../games/Crafter/mods/redstone/init.lua:108)
16:47 sfan5 ^ oil_boi smh
16:51 SwissalpS joined #minetest
16:55 sec^nd joined #minetest
16:56 oil_boi sfan5, is there a way to make the server stop and throw the deprecated call as an error?
16:56 sfan5 deprecated_lua_api_handling = error
16:59 oil_boi jackpot, thanks
17:07 oil_boi What a mysterious server "Crafter Chaos" slightly modified too
17:09 bwarden joined #minetest
17:10 oil_boi So there will be a setting on if a newly downloaded texture can replace the current one?
17:10 rubenwardy that's the difficulty with dynamic media sending
17:11 oil_boi Well no, all you have to do is minetest.runtime_add_media(texture,replace_current)
17:11 oil_boi Then have the code check if the namespace exists
17:12 oil_boi I'm very curious to see if the entire map would change if a mod called stone.png with it enabled, would it reload the texture into the gpu hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm
17:12 rubenwardy I'm talking about the internals, not the API
17:12 rubenwardy I wonder if you could just update the cached texture
17:13 rubenwardy in which case, no pointers will be invalidated
17:13 rubenwardy and the cache will stay
17:13 oil_boi Probably
17:13 rubenwardy oh, you'd have to clear all texture modified textures created from it
17:14 oil_boi A very exciting change nonetheless
17:16 oil_boi You know what
17:16 oil_boi I'm gonna do it
17:16 oil_boi I'm gonna make a c++ change finally
17:21 rubenwardy :O
17:24 fluxflux joined #minetest
17:25 Verticen joined #minetest
17:44 Jhalman joined #minetest
17:44 Conradish06 joined #minetest
17:44 sfan5 oil_boi: do you have an usecase for replacing existing textures?
17:45 oil_boi Log out, change player texture, log back in
17:45 oil_boi Instead of playertexture1.png playertexture2.png
17:46 sfan5 hm
17:47 rubenwardy might also be worth having a way for the server to forget textures, and not send them to new users
17:47 rubenwardy so you don't end up having to download the skins of the 1000 players that joined in the last two months
17:48 rubenwardy what happens if you add the texture and then immediate use it? Is it possible the client will use the texture before it fully loads it, resulting in a dummy texture?
17:48 oil_boi I can picture something really crazy down the line, having a moderator on the server being able to change the server texture pack
17:48 rubenwardy uh oh
17:48 sfan5 rubenwardy: nope not possible
17:48 rubenwardy cool
17:48 sfan5 the network layer guarantees delivery of the media push before the active object messages (if you them in the correct order on the server of course)
17:49 sfan5 it doesn't do that for e.g. hud_add and that'll need to be worked around
17:49 whodeadeyes sfan5: as promised
17:49 whodeadeyes
17:50 whodeadeyes brb
17:51 whodeadeyes joined #minetest
17:52 sfan5 whodeadeyes: maybe make the red a bit darker
17:52 sfan5 it's quite bright
17:52 whodeadeyes will do if I see more people ask for it
17:57 Verticen joined #minetest
18:00 NetherEran joined #minetest
18:14 luvo joined #minetest
18:25 oil_boi_ joined #minetest
18:32 whodeadeyes !seen paramat
18:32 MinetestBot whodeadeyes: paramat was last seen at 2019-12-20 22:22:09 UTC on #minetest
18:32 whodeadeyes doesn't check this channel?
18:32 whodeadeyes either way, good night guys
18:32 Krock but it's just evening
18:32 rubenwardy ~seen paramat
18:32 ShadowBot rubenwardy: I saw paramat in #minetest 22 weeks, 6 days, 20 hours, 10 minutes, and 51 seconds ago saying "anyway, if someone wants it instantly, cheat it in. if you want to appreciate exploration, adventure and challenge, search for it"
18:32 rubenwardy huh
18:33 Krock rubenwardy: he only joins #minetest rarely
18:33 rubenwardy thought it would work on all channels
18:33 Krock > I saw paramat in #minetest 2
18:33 Krock it does not "leak" data frmo other channels
18:33 rubenwardy before I queried
18:33 rubenwardy MinetestBot does
18:34 rubenwardy !title
18:34 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Video) - YouTube
18:34 Krock wow thanks MinetestBot
18:34 Krock instead of title, return the URL to rickroll
18:34 rubenwardy !title
18:34 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Urban Dictionary: no u
18:35 Krock !title
18:35 MinetestBot Krock: Urban Dictionary: no u
18:36 awell joined #minetest
18:37 rubenwardy !title
18:37 MinetestBot rubenwardy: I don't answer to you, fool
18:37 oil_boi_ "but it's just evening" we must update the earth to be flat to remove timezone interference
18:37 rubenwardy see IRC time
18:37 rubenwardy also,
18:37 rubenwardy >implying the earth isn't already flat
18:38 sfan5 the minetest earth certainly is flat
18:39 rubenwardy I think the canonical name for the minetest world isn't earth, it's map.sqlite
18:39 rubenwardy heh
18:39 Krock relevant
18:40 rubenwardy lol
18:44 texmex Come join the Flat map.sqlite Society
18:45 texmex jeija is our nemesis
18:47 luvo a mod could be made to teleport you when you find the end of the world to the other end
18:47 luvo so there you have a round minetest globe
18:50 NetherEran There's a fork somewhere that turns the world into a torus and renders it round
18:55 frabbit joined #minetest
18:57 frabbit weird... cant find the questions i asked here in the logs... o_0
18:57 Krock frabbit: maybe you timed out, or asked them in another channel?
18:58 frabbit Krock: probably... (damn isp...)
19:10 texmex luvo: the mod exist, but it’s not pretty being teleported to completely different landscape and biome. Now if the perlin noise of the mapgens were made repeatable, it would be a different story :)
19:13 frabbit left #minetest
19:16 Conradish006 joined #minetest
19:18 Jhalman joined #minetest
19:53 majochup joined #minetest
19:54 NetherEran joined #minetest
20:05 oil_boi_ sfan5 try this silliness
20:06 oil_boi_ I cannot figure out how to import the yaw from the other function to absolute a multiplier away from 0 so the x view bobbing still gets applied but the y stops, so it makes it look like you're not taking huge steps
20:07 oil_boi_ I have also noticed that sometimes the bobbing does not reset properly even in the unmodified state so I will have to study the code more to fix that
20:10 NetherEran joined #minetest
20:16 Verticen joined #minetest
20:44 unaimillan joined #minetest
20:46 unaimillan How to build lua_api.txt doc?
20:46 sfan5 build to receive what?
20:46 MinetestBot [git] Wuzzy2 -> minetest/minetest: Add minetest.is_creative_enabled 65a6a31 (2020-05-29T20:45:40Z)
20:47 unaimillan local static site with documentation
20:48 unaimillan I guess, it's possible to call Doxygen for it, but I don't know how
20:50 sfan5
20:51 unaimillan yep, I'm trying, but what are the dependencies?
20:51 oil_boi_ Which distro
20:51 unaimillan Ubuntu
20:52 oil_boi_
20:52 oil_boi_ cd ~/minetest
20:53 oil_boi_ run these two commands in that directory
20:53 oil_boi_ the executable will be in the ~/minetest/bin directory
20:54 unaimillan but this will build whole MT engine, I'm particularly interested in Doxygen docs
20:54 oil_boi_ oof oof oof my bad
20:55 unaimillan they require "Python-Markdown" and "mkdocs", but idk what are these
20:55 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetest: Clean up CAO nametag handling and remove deprecated AO_CMD 4c8e1c3 (2020-05-29T20:54:50Z)
20:55 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetest: content_cao: Do not expire visuals when not necessary db7c262 (2020-05-29T20:54:50Z)
20:56 MinetestBot [git] MoNTE48 -> minetest/minetest: Add disable_jump check for the player's feet 34862a6 (2020-05-29T20:53:58Z)
20:56 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetest_game: carts: Fix item collection (#2689) e849d54 (2020-05-29T20:54:47Z)
20:56 oil_boi_ unaimillan, looks like apt-get python-markdown mkdocs-doc
20:56 oil_boi_ Oh I'm sorry, just mkdocs
20:57 * oil_boi_ searched the ubuntu repos
20:58 oil_boi_ python-markdown appears to be python html support and mkdocs seems to be a site generator
21:04 bdju joined #minetest
21:04 unaimillan yep, worked, thanks. After all, index.html is laying in <SOURCE_DIR>/public
21:07 unaimillan ?‍♂️
21:07 unaimillan :facepalm:
21:07 unaimillan there exist online version
21:14 who00 joined #minetest
21:19 galex-713 joined #minetest
21:20 oil_boi_ Here's a good question. Is there a builtin print operating for the c++ side of things?
21:21 sfan5 throw stuff into verbosestream, warningstream, errorstream or actionstream
21:23 fruitsnack joined #minetest
21:24 Verticen joined #minetest
22:23 swift110-phone__ joined #minetest
22:32 galex-713 joined #minetest
22:40 sfan5 !tell oil_boi_ I just tried those viewbobbing changes you linked ealier and it might be *a bit* too much bobbing
22:40 MinetestBot sfan5: I'll pass that on when oil_boi_ is around
22:46 skyliner_369 I think there's a mod making standing in torches painful? what mod would that even be?
23:01 Miner_48er joined #minetest
23:17 Verticen that mod sounds dumb tbh
23:22 BillyS joined #minetest
23:47 nephele left #minetest
23:47 iamweasel joined #minetest
23:47 iamweasel hi VanessaE !
23:47 iamweasel hi Sokomine !
23:48 MinetestBot [git] Wuzzy2 -> minetest/minetest: Devtest: Fix missing/incorrect liquid properties (#9955) 51de4ae (2020-05-29T23:46:57Z)
23:49 iamweasel is 10+1 here?
23:49 iamweasel just curious
23:50 iamweasel hi everyone, i use many nicks, but you may know me as 4lister in message boards, i manage 3hightime servers
23:51 iamweasel but mostly, I AM WEASEL!
23:51 iamweasel is swearing allowed in this channel?
23:55 rubenwardy yes, but you may be asked to tone it back if too much
23:55 iamweasel thanks rubenwardy :D

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