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IRC log for #minetest, 2019-12-12

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Time Nick Message
00:18 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
00:43 xerox123 joined #minetest
01:04 Ben62 joined #minetest
01:14 riff-IRC joined #minetest
01:24 swegbun joined #minetest
01:28 milkt joined #minetest
02:04 Miner_48er joined #minetest
02:15 nephele joined #minetest
02:29 swift110 joined #minetest
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02:31 swegbun joined #minetest
02:52 scr267_ joined #minetest
02:58 rcmaehl joined #minetest
03:50 Blo0D joined #minetest
04:14 Kimapr_ joined #minetest
04:17 Kimapr joined #minetest
04:33 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
05:12 ssieb joined #minetest
05:15 Sketch2 joined #minetest
06:00 TomTom joined #minetest
06:20 Norore joined #minetest
07:21 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
07:34 pyrollo joined #minetest
07:38 aheinecke joined #minetest
07:40 CWz joined #minetest
07:47 supahati joined #minetest
07:51 Flabb joined #minetest
08:38 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
08:42 Scarecrow joined #minetest
08:54 proller joined #minetest
08:56 Hirato_ joined #minetest
09:38 proller joined #minetest
09:51 realzies joined #minetest
09:51 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
10:07 proller joined #minetest
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11:12 AntumDeluge joined #minetest
11:26 Fixer joined #minetest
11:30 tuedel joined #minetest
11:40 jluc_ joined #minetest
12:12 Andrey01 joined #minetest
12:19 Kimapr joined #minetest
12:24 riff-IRC joined #minetest
12:39 BurningPrincess joined #minetest
12:39 BurningPrincess Would  there be any way to generate Ethreal bomies in sky ilslands?
12:40 BurningPrincess *Would  there be any way to generate Ethreal bomies in sky ilslands with normal biomes on the grond?
12:41 anon987321 joined #minetest
12:48 HDMI_STECKDOSE joined #minetest
13:06 tomraceror joined #minetest
13:13 Kimapr joined #minetest
13:42 HDMI_STECKDOSE joined #minetest
13:48 jluc joined #minetest
13:52 CrazyDave joined #minetest
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14:32 kurtzmusch joined #minetest
14:34 BrunoMine joined #minetest
14:49 majochup joined #minetest
14:56 dabbill joined #minetest
15:50 Calinou joined #minetest
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16:00 pipo left #minetest
16:17 BurningPrincess joined #minetest
16:18 scr267 joined #minetest
16:25 Wuzzy joined #minetest
16:43 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
16:45 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
17:21 Krock joined #minetest
17:40 HDMI_STECKDOSE joined #minetest
17:47 behalebabo joined #minetest
17:48 archfan7411 joined #minetest
18:04 Andrey01 Is 'on_activate' called only one time for each mob when the object has been instantiated or ever again?
18:05 tomraceror joined #minetest
18:23 scr267 joined #minetest
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19:11 fluxflux joined #minetest
19:24 Volgaar joined #minetest
19:31 AndDT joined #minetest
19:44 FreeFull joined #minetest
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20:23 testman joined #minetest
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20:50 proller joined #minetest
20:51 TomTom joined #minetest
20:58 fluxflux hello folks, got a weird problem. i've got a player, that whenever they go near their in-game house, gets teleported outside map boundaries, which crashes their client. this is irrespective of how they go home: /home, travelnets, or just walking. nothing similar happens to other players, even in the same area. nothing interesting shows up in the logs. we've got a lot of mods, but this isn't expected behavior from any of them. anyone ever seen
20:58 fluxflux anything like this?
21:01 fluxflux the player has a 5.0.1 client, the server is 5.1
21:04 Norore joined #minetest
21:09 Krock mod error probably
21:09 Krock some weird position division
21:13 fluxflux know any mods that teleport a player if they're near something? i'm trying to track down every usage of "set_pos" but so far, nothing seems relevant
21:34 Wuzzy how do you track down every usage of set_pos?
21:34 Wuzzy did you also search for setpos?
21:35 Wuzzy I believe that function name is still valid (just deprecated)
21:36 Wuzzy I agree with Krock btw. I also suspect a mod error since you said "we've got a lot of mods"
21:37 Wuzzy fluxflux: have you figured out where exactly the player is teleported to? how do u know the player goes out of map bounds? did you see it?
21:38 Wuzzy maybe the specific coordinates help with debugging ?
21:38 fluxflux Wuzzy: grep (well, ag)
21:38 fluxflux yup, i predict mod error too. and we've got a lot of custom mods. just thought i'd ask in case anyone had seen anything like this before, maybe save myself some trouble
21:39 fluxflux it's teleporting them to 34570,-60,-5250
21:39 Wuzzy well you got my attention. i really want to know why your player "randomly" teleports now ?
21:39 fluxflux it's not so much randomly, it's anytime they get near their main house/base
21:39 Wuzzy is it always this spot?
21:39 fluxflux and it's always to that position
21:39 Wuzzy wow
21:40 Wuzzy list of mods plz
21:40 fluxflux
21:40 SwissalpS what happens to other players going there?
21:40 fluxflux SwissalpS: nothing
21:40 Wuzzy ooff
21:40 Wuzzy thats a lot
21:40 fluxflux neither to admins nor to regular players
21:41 Wuzzy what else have you done to track down this problem
21:41 fluxflux basically, looking in the logs and grepping for set_?pos
21:42 fluxflux and trying to trigger the problem w/ other players
21:42 Wuzzy hmmmmm could it maybe be a rogue CSM? but it would surprise me if those let you teleport
21:42 Wuzzy seems unlikely tbh
21:42 fluxflux possible. we've got basic csms enabled, but they shouldn't be able to set the players position
21:43 Wuzzy "we"`
21:43 Wuzzy ?
21:43 fluxflux well, it's not my server, i'm just an admin there
21:43 fluxflux i can update mods and game configuration, but i don't control the process or game code itself
21:45 Wuzzy ask the player to disable all csms maybe? but seems unlikely. i believe CSMs are restricted
21:45 fluxflux they really should be. i'll ask if the player is even using any (it's a player i trust, so i expect an honest answer)
21:45 Wuzzy i am pretty n00b about CSMs, and ignorant. you should take me serious tbh XD XD ?
21:45 Wuzzy should not*
21:46 fluxflux no worries. i've written some CSMs myself, i'm more or less familiar w/ what they can do
21:46 Wuzzy well maybe its related to some rogue protection mod?
21:46 Wuzzy that teleports you when you do something "illegal"
21:47 Wuzzy but why would it attack that ONE player specifically. THAT is weird
21:47 Wuzzy is there anything special about the player?
21:47 fluxflux possibly. we've got at least 1 mod that can teleport players if they go into restricted areas, but that always logs when it teleports.
21:47 fluxflux and this player is nowhere near the restricted area
21:48 fluxflux nothing special about the player
21:48 ronsor oh teleporting
21:48 ronsor that can be done by patching the client
21:48 fluxflux ronsor: yup, but i don't think that's what's happening here
21:49 Wuzzy ronsor: you suspect a hacked client?
21:49 Wuzzy or a client that is used to troll people by teleporting you to EXACTLY  34570,-60,-5250? ?
21:49 fluxflux i don't. i trust the player, and they said they're running 5.0.1 that they got from brew
21:49 fluxflux (the mac package building tool)
21:49 Wuzzy yeah my money's still on a rogue mod
21:50 Wuzzy and the reason why it targets one player specifically might be due to some internal state (just a guess)
21:50 fluxflux same here. we've got a nether mod, that'll teleport players if they're inside a portal, but this player is far from a portal, and it's not teleporting them anywhere near the nether
21:50 Wuzzy maybe looking into player data files could give some insight
21:51 fluxflux possibly. let me see what i can find in there.
21:51 Wuzzy mods might save extra files in the world directory too
21:51 fluxflux i've looked through all the mod serialized data but found nothing interesting
21:51 Wuzzy and there's also mod storage but i dont understand how i could read this data outside of minetest
21:53 Wuzzy ask the player to join under a different name, then go to the magic position and see what happens
21:53 fluxflux mod_storage is easy to read, it's just "serialized" lua. you just execute it.
21:53 Wuzzy (the player should go, obv)
21:53 Wuzzy ah
21:54 fluxflux nothing interesting in player metadata
21:54 Wuzzy you found it?
21:54 fluxflux player metadata?
21:54 Wuzzy yes
21:55 Wuzzy oh man
21:55 Wuzzy strange
21:55 fluxflux it's in players.sqlite
21:56 Wuzzy hmmm what might be special about that coordinates you told me
21:56 fluxflux no idea. it's outside the map.
21:56 Wuzzy maybe chunk border? too lazy to calculate right now
21:57 Wuzzy hmm but that doesnt explain anything
21:57 fluxflux hm. found something interesting. their base contains the node that is 1/10th of all three x,y,z values
21:57 fluxflux which is a travelnet.
21:58 fluxflux i'll start w/ that
21:58 Wuzzy huh
21:58 Wuzzy wow. could travelnet autoteleport you?
21:59 fluxflux i feel very strongly this is likely
21:59 fluxflux i know that they have a timer that will teleport you to a destination travelnet a fraction of a second after it tries to teleport you the first time
21:59 Calinou <Wuzzy> or a client that is used to troll people by teleporting you to EXACTLY  34570,-60,-5250? ?
22:00 fluxflux i feel like that's messed up somehow
22:00 Calinou that reminds me how Notch in Minecraft always drops an apple when dying
22:00 Calinou he's the only player with infinite food ability :P
22:00 fluxflux and we did just have a crash due to travelnets yesterday (error parsing some formspec data)
22:00 Wuzzy now we're getting somewhere
22:01 Wuzzy maybe the travelnode goes bonkers as soon its loaded
22:01 Wuzzy i.e. the chunk
22:01 Wuzzy on_timer or something like that
22:01 Wuzzy fluxflux: btw note that set_pos itself does not write anythin into console
22:02 fluxflux fluxflux: i know, wish i could make it though w/out recompiling the engine
22:02 Wuzzy you dont have to
22:03 Wuzzy you could write a minetest.log after every set_pos. at least in travelnet mod only
22:03 Wuzzy but serly. set_pos REALLY ought to be logged by default, i absolutely agree
22:03 Wuzzy missing feature ?
22:03 Wuzzy either that or its on a different debug log level
22:04 Wuzzy fluxflux: okay I think it seems very likely that its related to travelnet
22:04 Wuzzy and esp. the crash
22:04 Wuzzy so maybe what happened is that minetest saved bad data right before the crash
22:04 Fusl joined #minetest
22:05 fluxflux oh, travelnet is using move_to, not set_pos. interesting.
22:05 Wuzzy aaaaaaaahrhrhhrghhgghghghgg nooooooo
22:05 Wuzzy how could i forget about move_to? ?
22:05 Wuzzy fluxflux: here's what i suggest: destroy the rogue travelnet box and ask the player to rebuild it
22:06 Wuzzy but better write down coordinates before
22:07 fluxflux sounds reasonable.
22:08 Wuzzy hmmm wait
22:08 Wuzzy can you look at the travelnet's metadata?
22:08 Wuzzy so that it can be used as a bugreport to travelnet
22:09 Wuzzy hmmm but it might be shut down as WONTFIX because it happened after a crash ?
22:09 fluxflux problem w/ bug reports to travelnet, is that sokomine is really busy
22:10 fluxflux travelnet's persistent metadata looks sane. i'm wondering if something's in the node metadata though
22:10 Wuzzy thats what i meant
22:10 Wuzzy (besides, note meta is also persistent)
22:12 Sokomine Fusl: are you using basic machines? that mod has player movers and is highly configurable
22:15 Sokomine but travelnets are passive. they don't just teleport people around without interaction
22:15 fluxflux yeah, peresistent wasn't the word i wanted to use. nothing interesting in the separate metadata file that travelnet maintains. also nothing interesting in the node metadata for that travelnet
22:15 fluxflux Sokomine: isn't there some mechanism to trigger a teleportation if the mod detects that the player isn't at the expected destination?
22:16 fluxflux people have told me that, but honestly i'm not seeing it in the code.
22:17 Sokomine the seperate metadata file that travelnet maintains contains the positions of the travelnet stations. the mod needs to know where it can teleport players to
22:17 Sokomine not really...there's some adjustment of look direction, but that's about it
22:17 proller joined #minetest
22:18 fluxflux hm. i know there's behavior, where if i'm on a laggy server and use a travelnet and run away from it immediately, i get tp-ed back to it a second time
22:18 Sokomine also, a right-click on the node in front of the travelnet happens in some cases in order to open potential doors
22:18 fluxflux er, run away from the destination net
22:18 Sokomine fluxflux: that's just server lag
22:18 fluxflux but why's the teleport & sound triggered twice?
22:18 Sokomine or rather, inconsistency between your client and server
22:19 fluxflux i don't see that w/ any other mod that does teleporting
22:19 Wuzzy fluxflux: because of line 863 in travelnet init.lua?
22:20 Wuzzy the check for "ignore" condition becomes true
22:20 Wuzzy fluxflux: have you figured out why the crash heppened btw?
22:21 Wuzzy if you do a get_node on the position, the travelnet would return an ignore. and the travelnet just returns the player back and forth. the code is a bit silly
22:22 Wuzzy fluxflux: what puzzles me the most is why this code is called in the first place. apparently you can only trigger a teleport by clicking on some button. this is the only way to teleport in travelnet
22:22 Wuzzy so why tf does travelnet auto-teleport the player anyway oO
22:22 Sokomine the player only gets sent back if there is *another* node there and not ignore
22:23 Sokomine it doesn't autoteleport
22:23 * Sokomine nods to wuzzy
22:23 Wuzzy did you not read what fluxflux said?
22:23 Wuzzy <fluxflux> hello folks, got a weird problem. i've got a player, that whenever they go near their in-game house, gets teleported outside map boundaries, which crashes their client. this is irrespective of how they go home: /home, travelnets, or just walking. nothing similar happens to other players, even in the same area. nothing interesting shows up in the logs. we've got a lot of mods, but this isn't expected behavior from any of them.
22:23 Wuzzy anyone ever seen
22:24 Sokomine if it's related to any travelnet usage at all - did you check nodes in front of the travelnets? if they do something fancy on right-click that may lead to effects
22:24 Wuzzy thats a good argument
22:24 Sokomine yes. i asked if basic_machines is installed. that mod could be used in such a way afaik. perhaps others as well. some mods have player detectors and teleports
22:25 Wuzzy fluxflux so as a quick fix i would first just remove the suspect travelnet and just look at where it was placed if there is anything special going on there
22:25 fluxflux (sorry was AFK, back now)
22:26 fluxflux Sokomine: the crash was resolved by luk3yx in this commit:
22:26 fluxflux not sure what triggered it originally
22:26 Wuzzy probably empty string
22:27 Wuzzy or just badly formatted text field
22:27 fluxflux it's possible that the trigger the player is getting to teleport outside the map isn't coming from the travelnet mod code; i only know this travelnet is definitely implicated somehow
22:27 fluxflux we don't have basic_machines
22:28 Wuzzy is there anything special near the travelnet node?
22:28 fluxflux nothing too weird
22:28 fluxflux some doors, a factory a bit farther away
22:28 Wuzzy just anything non-trivial
22:29 Wuzzy Sokomine's on_rightclick guess seems very interesting
22:29 fluxflux there's a nether portal nearby. wonder what'd happen if someone went straight from the travelnet through the portal
22:29 Wuzzy wait what? there is also a locked_travelnet mod!!!
22:30 fluxflux yup, though it doesn't work well
22:30 fluxflux currently there's an easy bypass to the locks
22:30 Sokomine factory? which mod?
22:30 fluxflux terumet, tubelib
22:30 fluxflux (are the factory mods)
22:30 Wuzzy quote locked_travelnet: "A travelnet for PvP-server. Please don't use on servers dedicated to building!"
22:30 fluxflux neither one of those has any facility for teleporting players
22:31 Sokomine Wuzzy: yes. because i believe that players ought to be encouraged to do sightseeing. therefore, locking players away from building sites is not to be desired
22:31 Wuzzy fluxflux: i am fairly certain the teleporting itself is done inside the travelnet code. thats because you said the teleportation happens twice (back and forth)
22:31 fluxflux yeah, i mostly installed this cuz players want to lock access to their private mines
22:32 Sokomine ah, ok. mines are seldom worth looking at
22:32 Wuzzy hmmmm well this just looks VERY suspicious
22:32 fluxflux Sokomine: why are you using move_to instead of set_pos?
22:32 Wuzzy i wonder if you are even allowed to install both travelnet and locked_travelnet alongside
22:32 Sokomine why not? locked_travelnet even depends on travelnet
22:33 fluxflux yeah. the affected travelnet isn't a locked travelnet, btw
22:33 fluxflux so i don't think that mod is relevant
22:33 Wuzzy could be a dependency issue
22:33 Sokomine using it for a mine where you just gather ressources is certainly legal :) but locking away the nice build you've just created isn't :)
22:33 Wuzzy well locked_travelnet does call travelnet api  functions so it could be relevant
22:34 fluxflux Sokomine: yeah, i don't think our players use it for the latter purpose
22:34 Sokomine fluxflux: i think i experimented with it a bit and liked move_to more back then. there was also some way to show the player moving around, but that wasn't so useful in the end
22:34 Sokomine btw, which server? maybe taking a look at things might help
22:34 fluxflux the current API docs say that for players, move_to should be equivalent to set_pos
22:35 fluxflux Sokomine: Blocky Survival
22:35 Wuzzy whats the itemstring of the offending travelnet btw?
22:39 Sokomine joining...not sure if i've been there before
22:39 fluxflux Sokomine: i'm flux and rheo on that server
22:40 fluxflux Wuzzy: itemstring is "travelnet:travelnet"
22:40 Wuzzy ok
22:40 Sokomine 87%...will soon be joining i guess :-)
22:40 fluxflux yeah, server's got a pretty heavy pack of mods
22:40 Wuzzy there must be something that triggers the travelnet teleport
23:00 ssieb joined #minetest
23:00 ssieb joined #minetest
23:02 fluxflux sorry i crashed my client, one sec
23:03 Sokomine sure? i don't seem to get a reply from the server either
23:03 fluxflux i'm wondering if it's something internal to move_to; apparently the docs lie and it isn't the same as set_pos, it's doing some sort of interpolation
23:03 fluxflux maybe it's giving them momentum and shooting them out of the map
23:04 Sokomine never experienced something like that
23:04 fluxflux seems like my stupid script to find player detectors crashed
23:04 fluxflux yay
23:04 Sokomine ah
23:04 Sokomine maybe look in the craftguide how they look like and search manually with noclip
23:05 fluxflux Sokomine: i already did that
23:05 fluxflux i didn't see any mesecons stuff at all at that place
23:06 Sokomine at least that's what i suspect...sadly don't know enough about moremesecons
23:06 Wuzzy what about the teleporter?
23:06 Wuzzy there was one there. the blue block
23:06 Wuzzy moremeseconds:teleporter
23:06 fluxflux Wuzzy: possiby involved. i don't really know how those work.
23:06 Wuzzy btw to find a node just do minetest.get_node_in_area
23:07 Weedy joined #minetest
23:07 fluxflux Wuzzy: i was using find_nodes_in_area, and i specified too large an area
23:08 Wuzzy ?
23:08 fluxflux trying to get the other admins to reboot the server process. unfortunately i can't.
23:09 BillyS_ joined #minetest
23:09 Sokomine ups? that's bad. no restart mechanism?
23:10 Lone-Star joined #minetest
23:10 testman joined #minetest
23:10 fluxflux there's a restart mechanism, but the process didn't die, it's hung
23:10 Sokomine hm. those blueish teleporters don't seem to teleport very far...only max 50 nodes?
23:10 fluxflux yeah, that's what their code says
23:13 Wuzzy fluxflux: okay heres what i suggest: write a mintest.log after EVERY set_pos/move_to/etc. and output the mod name. that way you should be able to track down which mod did the actual teleport
23:13 fluxflux Wuzzy: yeah, i'm getting to that point
23:13 Wuzzy great
23:13 Wuzzy and once you spotted the rogue mod it should be straight forward
23:14 fluxflux i have half a hope, that rebooting the server will just cause the issue to go away
23:14 fluxflux i just don't like to reboot the server much
23:14 Sokomine hmm. that would be extremly odd
23:14 Wuzzy indeed
23:14 Wuzzy if the bug would go away by rebooting, then something must have gone VERY wrong in minetest...
23:14 fluxflux well, that wouldn't be the first time
23:15 Sokomine hmm. very bothering if that happens frequently...
23:16 Sokomine hope that player logs in again once the server's restarted so that it becomes possible to evaluate how large the area is where the player gets teleported away
23:16 Wuzzy i am talking about this problem specifically
23:17 Wuzzy good point. if its a "magic" number like 16 or 80 ?
23:17 Wuzzy but more importantly would be to trigger that log msgs
23:18 fluxflux i'll get started on adding log messages to all the mods. seems the admins that're able to reboot the process are busy or AFK. might be a little while.
23:18 Lone-Star left #minetest
23:19 fluxflux thanks for your guys' help
23:19 Wuzzy so the server is still not really down, just hanging?
23:19 fluxflux yeah
23:19 Wuzzy can you kill the process?
23:19 fluxflux i cannot.
23:20 Wuzzy how large was the area you wanted to scan? 31000³? ?
23:20 fluxflux i think 40x40x40
23:20 Sokomine not that big...
23:20 Wuzzy hmm that doesnt sound too bad actually
23:20 fluxflux but it was printing out debug info at each step
23:20 Wuzzy so its still printing i suppose?
23:20 Sokomine wouldn't be good to do such a scan every second or so. but once in a while it really ought to be no problem
23:21 fluxflux i'd have thought not, but ... i'm pretty sure that's why it hung
23:21 Wuzzy wait so you scan 40×40×40 nodes EVERY globalstep???
23:21 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
23:21 Wuzzy oops. no wonder why it froze ?
23:22 fluxflux not every step or anything. just once.
23:22 Wuzzy ?
23:22 Wuzzy thats weird. the server should survive 40x40x40
23:22 Wuzzy what you meantwith debug info?
23:22 Wuzzy oh you mean a minetest.log every globalstep?
23:22 fluxflux it was printing some stuff to an in-game console that luk3yx made for us
23:23 fluxflux basically, appending some text to a field in a formspec
23:23 Wuzzy so basically a node?
23:24 fluxflux a node? no nodes involved
23:24 Wuzzy hmm a formspec you say...
23:25 Wuzzy well so this definitely will involve a lot of roundtrips. yeah still no wonder it froze
23:26 Wuzzy anyway feel free to alert me when there's news on this. i want to see how this mystery ends ?
23:28 Wuzzy good bye cu lat0r alligator ?
23:30 benrob0329 joined #minetest

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