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IRC log for #minetest, 2019-08-30

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:13 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
00:26 amenji1 joined #minetest
00:39 ANAND joined #minetest
00:43 Miner_48er joined #minetest
01:24 swift110 joined #minetest
01:32 javathunderman joined #minetest
01:33 javathunderman Stupid question, but how do you configure privileges in singleplayer with the auth.sqlite file? used to the old auth.txt privilege handling
01:39 swift110 hey all
02:18 Weedy joined #minetest
02:45 NathanS21 javathunderman you should just be able to grant yourself any privileges you want in singleplayer.
02:46 NathanS21 If you want to do it by modifying the database you'll need a program that can display the contents.
02:46 NathanS21 I use DB Browser for SQLite on linux.
02:48 NathanS21 Open the auth.sqlite file and go the user_privileges table and add new records to add any addition privileges, or delete the records of ones you want to remove.
03:43 amenji1 joined #minetest
05:11 Hawk777 joined #minetest
06:51 bodqhrohro joined #minetest
07:37 ssieb joined #minetest
07:43 Volgaar joined #minetest
08:00 embden joined #minetest
08:16 ANAND joined #minetest
08:18 ANAND_ joined #minetest
08:21 fluxflux javathunderman: I think you can also set auth_backend = text ("text" might not be the right value) in and use the old auth files. i think that'll disappear in the future, but it works currently
08:24 fluxflux (might be auth_backend = files)
08:26 ANAND_ joined #minetest
08:38 CWz_ joined #minetest
08:41 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
09:03 proller joined #minetest
10:21 proller joined #minetest
10:24 dzho joined #minetest
10:25 Sokomine joined #minetest
10:25 lumidify joined #minetest
10:25 __vy joined #minetest
10:25 dabbill joined #minetest
10:25 PjotrOrial joined #minetest
10:26 Rafi59 joined #minetest
10:26 PjotrOrial joined #minetest
10:26 andyo joined #minetest
10:26 Lunatrius joined #minetest
10:27 cheapie joined #minetest
10:27 xerox123_ joined #minetest
10:27 testman joined #minetest
10:28 ccCam joined #minetest
10:28 lisac__ joined #minetest
10:29 Kray joined #minetest
10:29 freelikegnu joined #minetest
10:29 tune joined #minetest
10:29 ChibaPet joined #minetest
10:29 Foz joined #minetest
10:29 tuedel joined #minetest
10:32 Freejack joined #minetest
10:40 embden left #minetest
10:41 proller joined #minetest
10:41 ssieb joined #minetest
10:41 leo_rockw joined #minetest
10:42 Taoki[laptop] joined #minetest
11:07 Enricoo joined #minetest
11:09 riff-IRC joined #minetest
11:09 mensious joined #minetest
11:22 amenji1 joined #minetest
11:24 nolsen joined #minetest
11:48 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
12:10 LazyJ joined #minetest
12:14 proller joined #minetest
12:36 amenji1 joined #minetest
12:46 Cornelia joined #minetest
12:54 galaxie joined #minetest
13:18 Cornelia joined #minetest
13:21 EnricoXL joined #minetest
13:21 proller joined #minetest
13:31 Cornelia joined #minetest
13:38 amenji1 joined #minetest
13:45 Fixer joined #minetest
13:52 Lia joined #minetest
14:06 scr267 Is there a way to get a list of recently joined players?
14:07 scr267 Apart from digging through the DB?
14:10 Player-2 joined #minetest
14:39 scr267_ joined #minetest
14:49 Soo_Slow joined #minetest
15:06 scr267 joined #minetest
15:24 cdde joined #minetest
15:31 Lone_Wolf joined #minetest
15:40 fruitsnack joined #minetest
15:43 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
15:52 puzzlecube joined #minetest
16:23 LMD joined #minetest
16:44 Krock joined #minetest
16:55 proller joined #minetest
17:08 FreeFull joined #minetest
17:10 galaxie joined #minetest
17:41 MinetestBot [git] DS-Minetest -> minetest/minetest: Document luaentity pitch and roll in world format (#8864) f3fd85a (2019-08-30T17:40:32Z)
17:41 MinetestBot [git] shacknetisp -> minetest/minetest: Clarify docs regarding pointed_thing and get_pointed_thing_position (… 99ca72e (2019-08-30T17:40:08Z)
17:51 nepugia joined #minetest
17:52 puzzlecube joined #minetest
18:04 Wuzzy joined #minetest
18:31 Wuzzy joined #minetest
18:33 nepugia VanessaE,
18:40 ssieb joined #minetest
18:56 Volgaar joined #minetest
19:08 fruitsnack hello, I have a few questions regarding minetest world. Is the default maximum size (60k blocks on each axis) is hard-coded?
19:08 fruitsnack Is there way to increase it or it's not supported by the engine
19:12 kurtzmusch hardcoded
19:15 Krock yes and no. you can limit it further
19:15 Krock but increasing is not possible due to integer size limits
19:16 Krock and nobody wants to break existing worlds
19:16 Krock 60k is enough for everybody. you'll run out of drive space before exploring the entire world (including different realms)
19:18 Krock !mod heaven
19:18 MinetestBot Krock: Nyancat's heaven (reworked) [nyanland] by Hybrid Dog -
19:18 Krock !mod moon
19:18 MinetestBot Krock: Moon Flower [moonflower] by MirceaKitsune -
19:18 Krock ok, that one is nice too
19:32 Foz joined #minetest
20:15 puzzlecube joined #minetest
20:17 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
20:43 Foz joined #minetest
20:47 behalebabo joined #minetest
21:35 riff-IRC joined #minetest
21:53 Soni I'm making a DAW. how do I do mixing on the client? how do I do streaming sounds? how do I export the audio?
22:20 behalebabo joined #minetest
22:52 NathanS21 joined #minetest
22:56 proller joined #minetest
23:16 kurtzmusch in minetest.conf theres a property callede name, the tooltip says that when clients connect with this nick they are admin, however it also says that launching a server from the menu this gets overriden... how can i set this without it getting overwriten?
23:19 kurtzmusch nevermind, ignore my question ^
23:39 cdde joined #minetest
23:47 Cornelia joined #minetest

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